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Radiological Environ Operating Rept for 1998
Person / Time
Site: Vogtle  Southern Nuclear icon.png
Issue date: 12/31/1998
Shared Package
ML20206D644 List:
NUDOCS 9905040179
Download: ML20206D647 (68)



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TABLE OF CONTENTS Section and/or Title Subsection -

Page List of Figures ii List of Tables iii List of Acronyms iv 1.0 Introduction 1-1 2.0 REMP Description 2-1 3.0 Results Summary 3-1 4.0 Discussion of Results 4-1 4.1 Land Use Census and River Survey 4-6 4.2 Airborne 4-8 4.3 Direct Radiation 4-11 4.4 Milk 4-16 4.5 Vegetation 4-18 4.6 River Water 4-20 4.7 Drinking Water 4-22 4.8 Fish 4-28 4.9 Sediment 4-31 5.0 Interlaboratory Comparison 4

Program (ICP) 5-1 6.0 Conclusions 6-1 I


-f LIST OF FIGURES Figure Number Title Page Figure 2 REMP Stations in the Plant Vicinity 2-10 Figure 2-2 REMP Control Stations for the Plant 2-11 Figure 2-3 REMP Indicator Drinking Water Stations 2-12 Figure 4.2-1 Average Weekly Gross Beta Air Concentration 4-9 Figure 4.3-1 Average Quarterly Exposure from Direct Radiation 4-12 Figure 4.3-2 Average Quarterly Exposure from Direct Radiation at SpecialInterest Areas 4-13 Figure 4.4-1 Average Annual Cs-137 Concentration it. ;iilk 4-16 Figure 4.5-1 Average Annual Cs-137 Concentration in Vegetation 4-19 Figure 4.6-1 Average Annual H-3 Concentration in River Water 4-21 Figure 4.7-1 Average Monthly Gross Beta Concentration in Raw Drinking Water 4-23 Figure 4.7-2 Average Monthly Gross Beta Concentration in Finished Drinking Water 4-24 Figure 4.7-3 Average Annual H-3 Concentration in Raw Drinking Water 4-26 Figure 4.7-4 Average Annual H-3 Concentration in Finished Drinking i

Water 4-27 Figure 4.8-1 Average Annual Cs-137 Concentration in Fish 4-29 Figure 4.9-1 Average Annual Be-7 Concentration in Sediment 4-33 Figure 4.9-2 Average Annual Co-58 Concentration in Sediment 4-34 Figure 4.9-3 Average Annual Co-60 Concentration in Sediment 4-35 Figure 4.9-4 Average Annual Cs-137 Concentration in Sediment 4-36 i


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LIST OF TABLES Table Number Tide-Page Table 2-1 Summary Description of Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program 2-2 Table 2-2 Radiological Environmental Sampling Locations 2-7 Table 3-1 Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program. Annual Summary 3-2 i

Table 4-1 Minimum Detectable Cencentrations (MDC) 4-1 Table 4-2 Reporting Levels (RL) 4-2 Table 4-3 Deviations from Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program 4-4 Ta' ale 4.1-1 Land Use Census Results 4-6 3ble 4.2-1 Average Weekly Gross Beta Air Concentration 4-9 Table 4.3-1 Average Quarterly Exposure from Direct Radiation 4-12 Table 4.3-2 Average Quarterly Exposure from Direct Radiation at Special Interest' Areas 4 14 Table 4.4-1 Average Annual Cs-137 Concentration in Milk 4-17 Table 4.5-1 Average Annual Cs-137 Concentration in Vegetation 4-19 Table 4.6-1 Average Annual H-3 Concentration in River Water 4-21 Table 4.7-1 Average Monthly Gross Beta Concentration in Raw Drinking Water 4-23 i

Table 4.7-2 Average Monthly Gross Beta Concentration in Finished Drinking Water 4-24


Table 4.7-3 Average Annual H-3 Concentration in Raw Drinking I

Water 4-26 Table 4.7-4 Average Annual H-3 Concentration in Finished Drinking Water 4-27 Table 4.8-1 Average Annual Cs-137 Concentration in Fish 4-29 Table 4.9-1 Average Annual Be-7 Concentration in Sediment 4-33 Table 4.9-2 Average Annual Co-58 Concentration in Sediment 4-34 Table 4.9-3 Average Annual Co-60 Concentration in Sediment 4-35 Table 4.9-4 Average Annual Cs-137 Concentration in Sediment 4-36 Table 4.9-5 Additional Sediment Nuclide Concentrations 4-37 Table 5-1 Interlaboratory Comparison Program Results 5-3 i

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I Acronyms presented in alphabetical order.

Acronym -

Definition -

A2LA American Association of Laboratory Accreditation ASTM American Society for Testing and Materials CL Confidence Level EL Georgia Power Company Environmental Laboratory EPA Environmental Protection Agency GPC Georgia Power Company ICP Interlaboratory Comparison Program MDC Minimum Detectable Concentration MDD Minimum Detectable Difference MWe-Megawatts Electric NA Not Applicable NDM No Detectable Measurement (s)

NRC Nuclear Regulatory Commission ODCM Offsite Dose Calculation Manual Po Preoperation PWR Pressurized Water Reactor REMP Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program RL Reporting Level RM River Mile TLD Thermoluminescent Dosimeter -

TS Technical Specification VEGP Alvin W. Vogtle Electric Generating Plant iv L;



The Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program (REMP) is conducted in accordance with Chapter 4 of the Offsite Dose Calculation Manual (ODCM). The REMP activities for 1998 are reported herein in accordance with Technical Specification (TS) 5.6.2 and ODCM 7 l.

The objectives of the REMP are to:

1) Determine the levels of radiation and the concentrations of radioactivity in the environs and;.
2) Assess the radiological impact (if any) to the environment due to the operation of the Alvin W. Vogtle Electric Generating Plant (VEGP).

The assessments include com 3arisons between results of analyses of samales obtained at locations where rac iological levels are not expected to be affectec, by plant operation (control stations) and at locations where radiological levels are more hkely to be affected by plant operation (indicator stations), as well as comparisons between preoperational and operational sample results.

VEGP is owned by Georgia Power Company, (GPC), Oglethorpe Power Corporation (OPC), the Municipal Electric Authonty of Georgia (MEAG), and the City of Dalton, Georgia. It is located on the southwest side of the Savannah River approximately 23 river miles upstream from the intersection of the Savannah River and U.S. Highway 301. The site is in the eastern sector of Burke County, Georgia, and across the river from Barnwell County, South Carolina.

The VEGP site is dir:ctly across the Savannah River from the Department of Energy Savannah River Site.

Unit 1, a Westinghouse Electric Corporation Pressurized Water Reactor (PWR), with a licensed core thermal power of 3565 Megawatts (MWt), received its operating license on January 16,1987 and commercial operation started on May 31, 1987. Unit 2, also a Westinghouse PWR rated for 1232 MWe, received its operating license on February 9,1987 and began commercial operation on May 19,1989.

The preoperational stage of the REMP began with initial sample collections in August of 1981. The transition from the pre-operational to the operational stage of the REMP occurred as Unit I reached initial criticality on March 9,1987.

A description of the REMP is provided in Section 2 of this report. Maps showing the sampling stations are keyed to a table which indicates the direction and distance of each station from a point midway between the two reactors. An annual summary of the results of the analyses of REMP samples is provided in Section 3. A discussion of the results, including assessments of any radiological impacts upon the environment and the results of the land use census and the river i

survey, are provided in Section 4. The results of the Interlaboratory Comparison Program (ICP) are provided in Section 5. Conclusions are provided in Section 6.

1 1-1

2 2.0 REMP DESCRIPTION A summary description of the REMP is provided in Table 2-1.

This table summarizes the program as it meets the requirements outlined in ODCM Table 4-

1. It details the sample types to be collected and the analyses to be performed in order to monitor the airborne, direct radiation, waterborne and ingestion pathways, and also delineates the collection and analysis frequencies. In addition, Table 2-1 references the locations of stations as described in ODCM Section 4.2 and in Table 2-2 of this report. The stations are also depicted on maps in Figures 2-1 through 2-3.

REMP samples are collected by Georgia Power Company's (GPC) Environmental Laboratory (EL) personnel. The same lab performs all the laboratory analyses at their headquarters in Smyrna, Georgia. Since 1988, the EL has been accredited i

by the American Association of Laboratory Accreditation (A2LA) for radiochemistry. Accreditation is based upon internationally accepted criteria for laboratory competence (ISO /IEC Guide 25,1990, General Requirements for the Competence of Calibration and Testing Laboratories).


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l TABLE 2-2 (SHEET 1 cf 3)

RADIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENTAL SAMPLING LOCATIONS Station Station Descriptive Direction' Distance Sample Type Number Type Location (miles)'

1 Indicator Hancock N

1.1 Direct Rad.

Landing Road 2

Indicator River Bank NNE 0.8 Direct Rad.

3 Indicator Discharge Area NE 0.6 Airborne Rad.

3 Indicator River Bank NE 0.7 Direct Rad 4

Indicator River Bank ENE 0.8 Direct Rad.

5 Indicator River Bank E

1.0 Direct Rad.

6 Indicator Plant Wilson ESE 1.1 Direct Rad.

7 Indicator Simulator SE 1.7 Airborne Rad.

Building Direct Rad.

Vegetation 8

Indicator River Road SSE 1.1 Direct Rad.

9 Indicator River Road S

1.1 Direct Rad.

10 Indicator Met Tower SSW 0.9 Airborne Rad.

10 Indicator River Road SSW l.1 Direct Rad.

II Indicator River Road SW l.2 Direct Rad.

12 Indicator River Road WSW l.2 Airborne Rad.

Direct Rad.

13 Indicator River Road W

l.3 Direct Rad.

14 Indicator River Road WNW l.8 Direct Rad.

15 Indicator Hancock NW l.5 Direct Rad.

Landing Road Vegetation 16 Indicator Hancock NNW l.4 Airborne Rad.

Landing Road Direct Rad.

17 Other Sav. River Site N

5.4 Direct Rad.

(SRS), River Road 18 Other SRS, D Area NNE 5.0 Direct Rad.

19 Other SRS, Road NE 4.6 Direct Rad.



20 Other SRS, Road ENE 4.8 Direct Rad.

A.13.1 21 Other SRS, Road E

5.3 Direct Rad.

A.17 i

22 Other River Bank ESE 5.2 L)irect Rad.

23 Other River Road SE 4.6 Direct Rad.

24 Other Chance Road SSE 4.9 Direct Rad.

j 25 Other Chance Rohd S

5.2 Direct Rad.

near Highway 23 l

26 Other Highway 23 SSW 4.6 Direct Rad.

and Ebenezer Church Road 27 Other Highway 23 SW 4.7 Direct Rad.

opposite Boll Weevil Road 28 Other Thomas Road WSW 5.0 Direct Rad.


TABLE 2-2 (SHEET 2 cf 3)


  • Distance Sample Type Number Type Location -


29 Other Claxton-Lively W

5.1 Direct Rad.

Road 30 Other Nathaniel WNW 5.0 Direct Rad.

Howard Road 31 Other River Road at NW 5.0 Direct Rad.

Allen's Chapel Fork 32 Other River Bank NNW 4.7 Direct Rad.

33 Other llunting Cabin SE 3.3 Direct Rad.

35 Other Girard SSE 6.6 Airborne Rad.

Direct Rad.

36 Control GPC WSW 13.9 Airborne Rad.

l Waynesboro Direct Rad.

Op. HQ 37 Control Waynesboro WSW 16.7 Direct Rad Substation Vegetation 43 Other Employee's SW 2.2 Direct Rad.

Rec. Center 47 Control Oak Grove SE 10.4 Direct Rad.

Church 48 Control McBean NW 10.2 Direct Rad.

Cemetery 80 Control Augusta Water NNW 29.0 Drinking 2

Treatment Water Plant 81 Control Sav River N

2.5 Fish' Sediment' 82 Control Sav River (RM NNE 0.8 River Water 151.2) 83 Indicator Sav River (RM ENE 0.8 River Water 150.4)

Sediment' 84 Other Sav River (RM ESE 1.6 River Water 149.5) 85 Indicator Sav River ESE 4.3 Fish' 87 Indicator Beaufort-Jasper SE 76 Drinking 5

County Water Water Treatment Plant 88 Indicator Cherokee Hill SSE 72 Drinkin W ater' g Water Treatment Plant, Port Wentworth, Ga 98 Control W.C. Dixon SE 9.8 Milk Dairy 99 Control Boyceland W

20.9 Milk Dairy 2-8

y l



Direction and distance are determined from a point midway between the two reactors.


The intake for the Augusta Water Treatment Plant is located on the Augusta Canal.

The entrance to the canal is at River Mile (RM) 207 on the Savannah River. The canal effectively parallels the river. The intake to the pumping station is about 4 miles down the canal.


A 5 mile stretch of the river is generally needed to obtain adequate fish samples.

Samples are normally gathered between RM 153 and 158 for upriver collections and between RM 144 and 149.4 for downriver collections.


Sediment is collected at locations with existing or potential recreational value.

Because high water, shifting of the river bottom, or other reasons could cause a suitable location for sediment collections to become unavailable or unsuitable, a stretch of the river between RM 148.5 and 150.5 was designated for downriver collections while a stretch between RM 153 and 154 was designated for upriver collections. In practice, collections are normally made at RM 150.2 for downriver collections and RM 153.3 for upriver collections.


The intake for the Beaufort-Jasper County Water Treatment Plant is located at the end of a canal that begins at RM 39.3 on the Savannah River. This intake is about 16 miles by line of sight down the canal from its beginning on the Savannah River.


The intake for the Cherokee Hill Water Treatment Plant is located on Abercorn Creek which is about one and a quarter creek miles from its mouth on the Savannah River at RM 29.

i 2-9











18 i


.s. %


g 1






A L--


.3 es;'

5 N.

s,s EQ I

14 4

\\ 3

's 9


10 9 7



6. 'tg


2M 2

T3' n


t g.

mm A

i a







i Radp environmentai sampling Lxs&ms i


^ " " " * '

REMP Stations in the Plant Vicinity i


A e

T1.D & Other O


Figure 2-1 l



7 A.'./_ '

7 l

l 1



. L w - Richrnond V

. y 48 (M

90 u.


4, N





W g




i 47 M

4 i

je N

j Radiological Environmental Sampling Locations l

REMP Control Stations 1

in c.=

em uow l

for the Plant no A


t oua e

e e


o o

o Figure 2-2 L


r j










1 I




10 lies p


pi f3 i

4 7

i i


25 l

r4 i

1 Statesboro.

i 87= -


88 x

c. a








l p

p-i s


L S8Vannah l






< x.

L " 4Qg$@8

.1 n.

l Radiological Environmental Sampling Locations i

REMP Indicator Drinking i

inse.w cow room =w Water Stations i

oua e

e e

un a oew o

o o

Figure 2-3 L




In accordance with ODCM, the summarized and tabulated results for all of the regular samples collected for the year at the designated indicator and control stations are presented in Table 3-1. The format of Table 3-1 is similar to Table 3 of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) Branch Technical Position, "An Acceptable Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program", Revision 1, November 1979. Results for samples collected at locations other than indicator or control stations are discussed in Section 4 under the particular sample type.

As indicated in ODCM, the results for naturally occurring radionuclides that are also found in plant effluents must be reported along with man-made radionuclides. The radionuclide Be-7 which occurs abundantly in nature is found i

in the plant's liquid effluent. No other naturally occuning radionuclides are found m any of the plant's other effluent releases. Therefore, the only radionuclides ofinterest in the samples monitoring liquid releases (surface water, fish, and river sediment) are the man-made radionuclides and Be-7. Only man-made radionuclides are ofinterest for the other REMP samples.


l nae' M'e s g)n n

4 no lo o riai


5) t 2

1 6

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a a



- 1 Y

n c


- 2 DD D 7 2. /

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21 NN N 1



21 (

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S s

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i 1




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G2 oA an A

4 v

t o)


it i

O4 a

sin e

9L it s

s 0

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L i

mic oh m otdm f

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i 5




o ai et 2

74 OPC l

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I 1

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cC e

e d

c E



i R

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00 0

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'E V f

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a i 805 5

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r I

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1 AM M


U b



S s

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53633635 5363363 5

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47 byo mip 4

805 33 mip 59 805 3 3

5 9 I

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- 5 56 o

- 5 56 n

oo61 mt 7

n oo61 1

1 r

O youn e ao e

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1 L



I t

D n




A r

e t

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e e

o m

o w

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a b

c d

e f.


4.0 DISCUSSION OF RESULTS Included in this section are evaluations of the laboratory results for the various sample types. Comparisons were made between the difference in mean values for pairs of station groups (e.g., indicator and control stations) and the calculated Minimum Detectable Difference (MDD) between these pairs at the 99%

Confidence Level (CL). The MDD was determined using the standard Student's t-test. A difTerence in the mean values that was less than the MDD was considered to be statistically indiscernible.

The 1998 results were compared with past results, including those obtained during preoperation.

As appropriate, results were compared with their Minimum Detectable Concentrations (MDC) and Reporting Levels (RL) which are listed in Tables 4-1 and 4-2 of this report, respectively. The required MDC's were achieved during laboratory sample analysis. Any anomalous results are explained within this report.

Results of interest are graphed to show historical trends. The data points are tabulated and included in this re mrt. The points plotted and provided in the tables represent mean values of only cetectable results. Periods for which no detectable measurements (NDM) were observed or periods for which values were not applicable (e.g., milk indicator, etc.) are plotted as and listed in the tables as O's.

Table 4-1 Minimum Detectable Concentrations (MDC)

- Analysis-Water Airborne Fish Milk Grass or Sediment l(pCi/I)

Particulate (pCi/kg-(pCi/I)-'

Vegetation -

or Gases wet)



Leafy (pCi/kg) ~


.(pCi/kg -


Gross Beta 4

10 H-3 2000 (a)

Mn-54 15 130 Fe-59 30 260 Co-58 15 130 Co-60 15 130 Zn-65 30 260 Zr-95 30 Nb-95 15 I-131 1(b) 70 1

60 Cs-134 15 50 130 15 60 150 Cs-137 18 60 150 18 80 180 Ba-140 60 60 La-140 15 15 (a) If no drinking water pathway exists, a value of 3000 pCi/l may be used.

(b) If no drinking water pathway exists, a value of 15 pCi/l may be used.


Table 4-2 Reporting Levels (RL)


Water Airborne.

Fish Milk (pCi/l).

Grass or (pCi/l)





or Gases Vegetation (fCi/m3)


H-3 20,000 (a)

Mn-54 1000 30,000 Fe-59 400 10,000 Co-58 1000 30,000 Co-60 300 10,000 Zn-65 300 20,000


Zr-95 400 Nb-95 700 1-131 2 (b) 900 3

100 Cs 134 30 10,000 1000 60 1000 Cs-137 50 20,000 2000 70 2000 Ba-140 200 300 La-140 100 400 (a) This is the 40 CFR 141 value for drinking water samples. If no drinking water pathway exists, a value of 30,000 may be used.

(b) If no drinking water pathway exists, a value of 20 pCi/l may be used.

Atmospheric nuclear weapons tests from the mid 1940's through 1980 distributed man-made nuclides around the world. The most recent atmospheric tests in the 1970's and in 1980 had a significant impact upon the radiological concentrations found in the environment prior to and during preoperation, and the earlier years of operation. Some long lived radionuclides, such as Cs-137, continue to have some impact. A significant component of the Cs-137 which has often been found in various samples over the years (and continues to be found) is attributed to the nuclear weapons tests.

Data in this section has been modified to remove any obvious non-plant short term impacts. The specific short term impact data that has been removed includes: the nuclear atmospheric weapon test in the fall of 1980; abnormal releases from the Savannah River Site (SRS) during 1987 and 1991; and the Chernobyl incident in the spring of 1986.

In accordance with ODCM, deviations from the required sampling schedule are permitted, if sam )les are unobtainable due to hazardous conditions, unavailability, inclement weatier, equipment malfunction or other just reasons.

Deviations from conducting the REMP as described in Table 2-1 are summarized in Table 4-3 along with their causes and resolutions.


All results were tested for conformance with Chauvenet's criterion (G. D. Chase and J. L. Rabinowitz, Principles of Radioisotope Methodology, Burgess Publishing Company,1962, pages 87-90) to identify values which c ifTered from the mean of a set by a statistically significant amount. Identified outliers were investigated to determine the reason (s) for the difference.

If equipment malfunction or other valid physical reasons were identified as causmg the variation, the anomalous result was excluded from the data set as non-representative.

No data were excluded exclusively for failing Chauvenet's criterion. Data exclusions are discussed in this section under the sppropriate sample type.


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1 4.1 Land Use Census and River Survey In accordance with ODCM 4.1.2, a land use census was conducted on December 1, 1998 to determine the locations of the nearest permanent residence, milk animal, and garden of greater than 500 square feet producing broad leaf vegetation, in each of the 16 compass sectors within a distance of 5 miles; the locations of the nearest beef cattle in each sector were also determined. A milk animal is a cow or goat producing milk for human consumption. Land within SRS was excluded from the census. The census results are tabu.ated in Table 4.1-1.

Table 4.1-1 LAND USE CENSUS RESULTS Distance in Miles to the Nearest Location in Each Sector SECTOR RESIDENCE MILK BEEF GARDEN


None None None None NNE None None None None NE None Ncne None None ENE None None None None E

None None None None ESE 4.2 None None Ncne SE 4.4 None 5.0 4.9 SSE 4.6 None 4.6 None S

4.4 None None 4.4 SSW 4.7 None 4.5 None SW 2.7 None 2.7 None WSW l.2 None 2.7 5.0 W

3.7 None None 4.5 WNW l.8 None None None NW l.6 None 1.9 4.6 NNW l.5 1.8 None 1.8 ODCM requires a new controlling receptor to be identified, if the land use census identifies a location that yields a calculated receptor dose greater than the one in current use. It was determmed that no change in the controlling receptor was required in 1998.

ODCM recuires that whenever the land use census identifies a location which yields a calcu!ated dose (via the same ingestion pathway) 20% greater than that of a current indicator station, the new location must become a REMP station (if samples are available). None of the identified locations yielded a calculated dose 20% greater than that for any of the current indicator stations. Milk goats were 4-6

located in the NNW sector at 1.8 miles, however, no milk samples were available at this location during 1998. This location will be noted for further investigation.

A survey of the Savannah River downstream of the plant for approximately 100 miles was conducted on September 22,1998 to identify any withdrawal of water from the river for drinking or irrigation purposes. No such usage was identi6ed.

These results were corroborated by checking with the Georgia Department of Natural Resources and the South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control.- Each of these agencies conGrmed that no water withdrawal permits for drinking or irrigation purposes had been issued for this stretch of the Savannah River. The two water treatment plants used as indicator stations for drinking water are located farther downriver.


o 0

4.2 Airborne As specified in Table 2-1 and shown in Figures 2-1 through 2-3, airborne particulate filters and charcoal canisters are collected weekly at 5 indicator stations (Stations 3, 7,10,12 and 16) which encircle the plant at the site periphery, at a nearby community station (Station 35) approximately 7 miles from the plant, and at a control station (Station 36) which is ap3roximately 14 miles from the plant. At each location, air is continuously drawn t trough a glass fiber filter to retain airborne particulate and an activated charcoal canister is placed in series with the filter to adsorb radioiodine.

Each particulate filter is counted for gross beta activity. A quarterly gamma isotopic analysis is performed on a composite of the air particulate filters for each station. Each charcoal canister is analyzed for I-131.

As provided in Table 3-1, the 1998 annual average weekly gross beta activity of 22.7 fCi/m' for the indicator stations was 0.3 fCi/m greater that the control stations' average. This difference is not statistically discermble, since it is less than the calculated MDD of 2.8 fCi/m'.

The 1998 annual average weekly gross beta activity at the Girard community station was 20.9 fCi/m'which was 1.5 fri/m' less than the control stations' average. This difference is not statistically discernible since it is less than the calculated MDD of 3.8 fCi/m'.

The historical trending of the average weekly gross beta air concentrations for each year of operation and the preoperational period (September,1981 to January,1987) at the indicator, control and community stations is plotted in Figure 4.2-1 and listed in Table 4.2-1.

In general, there is close agreement between the results for the indicator, control and community stations. This close agreement supports the position that,the, plant is not contributing significantly to the gross beta concentrations in air.

The table and graph show the average concentrations for all the station groups were relatively flat for the 10 year period (1989 through 1998), except that the 1996 average for the indicator stations was a little higher. This was due to a single measurement of 527 fCi/m3 at one of the indicator stations. Plant releases were ruled out as a cause; however, laboratory contamination was a possibility. If this result were excluded, the average for the indicator stations would become 21.4 fCi/m3 which is only 0.4 fCi/m3 greater than the control station average and the difference would not be statistically discernible since it is less than the MDD of 1.9 fri/m3.

I i


Figure 4.2-1 Average Weekly Gross Beta Air Concentration 30 26 E

E st 3,



s6 5



f 16

  • 10 0

6 0


Po 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 96 96 97 98 Year l-+-Indicator -Control --Ar-Community MDC l Table 4.2-1 Average Weekly Gross Beta Air Concentration Period Indicator (fCi/m3)

Control Community (fCi/m3)


Pre-op 22.9 22.1

'21.9 1987 26.3 23.6 22.3 1988 24.7 23.7 22.8 1989 19.I 18.2 18.8 1990 19.6 19.4 18.8 1991 19.3 19.2 18.6 1992 18.7 19.3 18.0 1993 21.2 21.4 20.3 1994 20.1 20.3 19.8 1995 21.1 20.7 20.7 1996 23.3 21.0 20.0 1997 20.6 20.6 19.0

.1998 c22.7 r 22.4 :

-20.91 4-9

0 During 1998, no man-made radionuclides were detected from the gamma isotopic analysis of the quarterly composites of the air particulate filters. In 1987, Cs-137 was found in one indicator composite at a concentration of 1.7 fCi/m'. During

. preoperation, Cs-137 was found in approximately 12% of the indicator composites and 14% of the control composites with average concentrations of 1.7 and 1.0 fCi/m', respectively. The MDC for airborne Cs-137 is 60 fCi/m'. Also, during preoperations, Cs-134 was found in about 8% of the indicator composites. The average Cs-134 concentration was 1.2 fCi/m3. Its MDC is 50 fCi/m3 Airborne I-131 was not detected in any sample during 1998. During preoperation, positive results were obtained only during the Chernobyl incident when concentrations as high as 182 fCi/m were observed. The MDC and RL for airborne I-131 are 70 and 900 fCi/m', respectively.

Table 4-3 lists REMP deviations that occurred in 1998. Not all of the deviations listed in Table 4-3 required data to be excluded from the calculation of the mean detectable values. T;1e following air sample results were excluded for failing Chauvenet's criterion following equipment malfunction.

The Discharge air sampling station experienced low sample volume of air collection for the period 9/01/98 - 9/09/98, due to loss of electrical power caused by severe weather. Because of the low volume of air collected, the results were checked for conformance with Chauvenet's criterion and failed. These results 1

were removed from the data set. Operation of the Discharge air sampling station resumed when electrical power was restored to the station.


4.3 Direct Radiation Direct (external) radiation is measured with thermoluminescent dosimeters (TLDs). Two Panasonic UD-814 TLD badges are placed at each station. Each badge contains three phosphors composed of calcium sulfate crystals (with thulium impurity). The gamma dose at each station is based upon the average readings of the phosphors from the two badges. The badges for each station are placed in thin plastic bags for protection from moisture while in the field. The badges are nominally exposed for periods of a quarter of a year (91 days). An inspection is performed near mid-quarter to assure that all badges are on-station and to replace any missing or damaged badges.

Two TLD stations are established in each of the 16 compass sectors, to fonn 2 concentric iings. The inner ring (Stations 1 throug,h 16) is located near the plant xrimeter as shown in Figure 2-1 and the outer rmg (Stations 17 through 32) is

.ocated at a distance of approximately 5 miles from the plant as shown in Figure 2-


2. The 16 stations formmg the inner ring are desig,nated as the indicator stations.

The two ring configuration of stations was estabhshed in accordance with NRC Branch Technical Position "An Acceptable Radiological Environmental Monitoring-Program", Revision 1, November 1979.

The 4 control stations 1

(Stations 36,37,47 and 48) are located at distances greater than 10 miles from the plant as shown in Figure 2-2.

Monitored special interest areas consist of the following: Station 33 at a hunting cabin, Station 35 at the town of Girard, and Station 43 at the employee recreational area.

As provided in Table 3-1 the average quarterly exposure measured at the indicator stations was 12.3 mR with a range of 7.2 to 17.2 mR. This average was 0.4 mR less than the average quarterly exposure measured at the control stations. This difference is not statistically discernible since it is less than the MDD of 1.2 mR.

Over the operational history of the site, the annual average quarterly exposures shows a variation of no more than 0.7 mR difTerence between the indicator and control stations. The overall average quarterly exposure for the control stations during preoperation was 1.2 mR greater than that for the indicator stations.

The quarterly exposures acquired at the outer ring stations during 1998 ranged from'6.2 to 19.1 mR with an average of 12.4 mR which was 0.3 mR less than that for the control stations. However, this difference is not discernible since it is less than the MDD of 1.2 mR. For the entire period of operation, the annual average 4

c uarterly exposures at the outer ring stations vary by no more than 1.2 mR from tiose at the control stations. The overall average quarterly exposure for the outer ring stations during preoperation was 1.8 mR less than that for the control stations.

The historical trending of the average quarterly exposures for the indicator inner ring, outer ring, and the control stations are plotted in Fignire 4.3-1 and listed in Table 4.3-1. The decrease between 1991 and 1992 values is attributed to a change in TLDs from Teledyne to Panasonic. It should be noted however that the differences between indicator and control and outer ring values did not change.

The close agreement between the station gro,ups supports the position that the plant is not contributing significantly to direct radiation m the environment.-

4-11 i

Figure 4.3-1 Average Quarterly Exposure from Direct Radiation 18 JL 18 l 14 12 I


~ 10 1

s 4

2 0

Po 87 08 89 90 91 92 93 94 96 96 97 94 Year

-A-Outer Ring l


-e-Control Table 4.3-1 Average Quarterly Exposure from Direct Radiation Period Indicator Control Outer Ring (mR)



Pre-op 15.3 16.5 14.7 1987 17.6 17.9 16.7 1988 16.8 16.1 16.0 1989 17.9 18.4 17.2 1990 16.9 16.6 16.3 1991 16.9 17.I 16.7 1992 12.3 12.5 12.1 1993 12.4 12.4 12.I 1994 12.3 12.I 11.9 1995 12.0 12.5 12.3 1996 12.3 12.2 12.3 1997 13.0 13.0 13.1

1998 w

+ 12.3.

1 12 7 <

m 12.4 4,



1 The historical trending of the average quarterly exposures at the special interest areas for the same periods are provided in Figure 4.3-2 and listed in Table 4.3-2.

These exposures are within the range of those acquired at the other stations. They too, show that the plant is not contributing significantly to direct radiation at the special interest areas.

Figure 4.3-2


Average Quarterly Exposure from Direct Radiation at Special Interest Areas 26 20 v


. u


^ 16 '


.M i

l N

10 6

s g

Po f/

08 89 90 ft 92 93 M

96 96 97 98 Year l

l+ Hunting Cabin (Sta 33) -Girard (Sta 36) -*-Rec Center (Sta 43) l 4-13

n Table 4.3-2 Average Quarterly Exposure from Direct Radiation at Special Interest Areas Period -

Station 33 Station 35 Station 43 (mR)



Pre-op 16.6 15.1 15.3 1987 21.3 18.5 15.2 1988 19.7 18.1 14.8 1989 21.2 18.7 17.4 1990 16.8 18.9 16.2 1991 17.3 19.6 17.0 1992 12.8 13.5 12.0 1993 12.9 13.3 12.I 1994 12.6

-13.6 12.0 1995 13.3 13.5 12.3 1996 13.0 13.6 12.1 1997 13.8 14.4 12.7 419963 m-313.5m4 *

~ W13.7)

- a12.5m % m 4

l The hunting cabin activities at Station 33 have been discontinued. Consequently, this location is no longer considered as an area of special interest. Beginning with the third quarter of 1997, TLDs were placed on a trial basis at the SGA Elementary School in Sardis, Ga. (S at 11.0 miles) and near the center of Alexander, Ga. (SW at 10.7 miles). The quarterly doses found at these two locations were within the range of those found at the control stations during the year. It is planned to discontinue Station 33 and add the Sardis and Alexander locations as additional control stations in 1999.

There were two deviations from the REMP in obtaining a measurement of the d

quarterly gamma dose during 1998. The first occurred in the 2 Quarter at Station

07. Upon visual inspection midquaner, it was found that the bag holding the TLDs was punctured and water had collected inside. Both badges A and B were replaced. This resulted in the direct radiation measurements for the first half of d

the 2 Quarter at Station 07 not being recorded. This deviation is listed in Table 4-3. Since the replacement badges were in place only, a portion of the quarter, they were tested for conformance with Chauvenet's entenon. Badge 07B failed and was excluded from the data set. The companion badge, d07A, was available for obtaining a quarterly gamma dose from that station for the 2 Quarter.

The second deviation occurred in the 4* Quarter at Station 32. The TLDs were missing at the end of the quarter, therefore no data was available. Replacement TLDs were put in a less conspicuous location. This deviation is listed in Table 4-3.

The standard deviation for the quarterly result for each badge was subjected to a self imposed limit of 1.4.

This limit is based upon the standard deviations obtained with the Panasonic UD-814 badges during 1992 and is calculated using a method developed by the American Society of Testing and Materials (ASTM Special Technical Publication ISD, ASTM Manual on Presentation of Data and Control Chart Analysis, Fourth Revision, Philadelphia, PA, October 1976).


as The limit serves as a flag to initiate an investigation. To be conservative, readings with a standard deviation greater than 1.4 are excluded since the high standard deviation is interpreted as an indication of unacceptable variation in TLD response.

The readings for 5 badges (TLDs OlB,05A,06A, and 0328 for the third quarter and TLD OlB for the fourth quarter) were deemed unacceptable since the standard deviation for each badge was greater than the self imposed limit of 1.4.

Consequently, only the readings for the companion badges were used for detennming the quarterly dose in these cases. The badges were visually inspected under a microscope and the glow curve and test results for the anneal data and the element correction factors were reviewed. No reason was determined for the high standard deviation.

4-15 l


4.4 Milk In accordance with Tables 2-1 and 2-2, milk samples are collected biweekly from two control locations, the W. C. Dixon Dairy (Station 98) and the Boyceland Dairy (Station 99). Gamma isotopic and I-131 analyses are performed on each sample.

No indicator station (a location within 5 miles of the plant) for milk has been available since April 1986. As discussed in Section 4.1, one milk animal was found during the 1998 land use census. However, no milk samples were available during 1998. This location will continue to be observed as a potential milk sampling station.

No man-made radionuclides were identified during the gamma isotopic analysis of the milk samples in 1998. The MDC and RL for Cs-137 in milk are 18 and 70 pCi/1, respectively. During preoperation and each year of operation through 1991, Cs-137 was found in 2 to 6% of the samples at concentrations ranging from 5 to 27 pCi/1. During preoperation, Cs-134 was detected in one sample and in the first year of operation,2n-65 was detected in one sample. Figure 4.4-1 and Table 4.4-1 provide the historical trending of the Cs-137 concentration in milk.

Figure 4.4-1 Average Annual Cs-137 Concentration in Milk 20 18 l t 16 go \\\\

/ N 1,,




1 1,0

\\ \\



_d h6





0 Po 37 M

89 N

91 92 93 M


97 98 Year l --+--indicator

--5-Control MDCl 4 16

Table 4.4-1 Average Annual Cs-137 Concentration in Milk Year Indicator Control (pCi/l)


Pre-op 18.5 18 1987 0

10.4 1988 0

6.9 1989 0

7 1990 0

17 1991 0

14.2 1992 0

0 1993 0

0 1994 0

0 1995 0

0 1996 0

0 1997 0




4 During 1998,1-131 was not detected in any of the milk samples. Since operations began in 1987, I-131 may have been detected in one sample in 1996 and two during 1990; however, its presence in these cases was questionable, due to large countmg uncertainties. During preoperation, positive I-131 results were found only during the Chernobyl incident with concentrations ranging from 0.53 to 5.07 pCi/l. The MDC and RL for I-131 in milk are 1 and 3 pCi/1, respectively.


4.5 Vegetation In accordance with Tables 2-1 and 2-2, grass samples are collected monthly at two indicator locations onsite near the site boundary (Stations 7 and 15) and at one control station located about 17 miles from the plant (WSW - Station 37). Gamma isotopic analyses are performed on the samples.

Cs-137 was detected in three of the samples in 1998. The average concentration was 50.1 pCi/kg-wet. All of these samples were callected at the control station approximately 17 miles from the plant, so plant contribution is unlikely. The historical trending of the average concentratica of Cs-137 at the indicator and control stations is provided in Figure 4.5-1 and listed in Table 4.5-1. No trend is recognized in these data. The MDC and RL for Cs-137 in vegetation samples 80 and 2000 pCi/kg-wet, respectively. Cs-137 is the only manmade radionuc'ide that has been identified in vegetation samples during the operational history of the plant. During preoperation, Cs-137 was found in approximately 60% of the samples from indicator stations and in approximately 20% of the samples from the control station. These percentages have generally decreased during opration.

In May and June of 1986 during preoperation, as a consequence of the Chernobyl incident, I-131 was found in nearly all the samples collected for a period of several weeks in the range of 200 to 500 pCi/kg-wet. The MDC and RL for I-131 in vegetation are 60 and 100 pCi/kg-wet, respectively. Also during this time period, Co-60 was found in one of the samples at a concentration of 62.5 pCi/kg-wet.

There is no specified MDC or RL for Co-60 in vegetation.

4 18 l

Figure 4.5-1 Average Annual Cs-137 Concentration in Vegetation t

- 160 1,

/ \\

c s





/ \\









,o 1







j X\\



/"\\ \\


/ r







o Po 87 88 39 9.

9, 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 MDCl

+1ndicator - Control Table 4.5-1 Average Annual Cs-137 Concentration in Vegetation Year Indicator Control (pCi/kg-wet)


Pre-op 54.6 43.7 1987 24.4 61.5 1988 38.7 0.0 1989 9.7 0.0 1990 30.0 102.0 1991 35.3 62.4 1992 38.I 144.0 1993 46.4 1994 20.7

_ 34.1 57.4 1995 57.8 179.0 1996 0.0 0.0 1997 0


.1998 -


, 50.1 -

s 4 19

4.6 River Water Surface water from the Savannah River is obtained at three locations using automatic samplers. Small quantities are drawn at intervals not exceeding a few hours.

The samples drawn are collected monthly; quarterly composites are produced from the monthly collections.

The collection points consist of a control location (Station 82) which is located about 0.4 miles upriver of the plant intake structure, an indicator location (Station

83) which is located about 0.4 miles downriver of the plant discharge structure, and a special location (Station 84) which is located approximately 1.3 miles downriver of the plant discharge structure. A statistically significant increase in the concentrations found in samples collected at the indicator station compared to those collected at the control station could indicate that activity, which might be from the plant, was being released to the river. Concentrations found at the special station are more likely to represent the activity in the river as a whole, which might include plant releases combined with those from other sources along the river.

A gamma isotopic analysis is conducted on each monthly sample. As in all previous years, tiere were no gamma emitting radionuclides ofinterest detected in the 1998 river water samples.

A tritium analysis is performed on each quarterly composite. As indicated in Table 3-1, the average concentration found at the indicator station was 1070 pCi/l greater than that found at the control station. However, this difference is not statisticall this basis,y discernible since it is less than the calculated MDD of 1313 pCi/1. On the increase is not necessarily attributed to plant releases. At the special station, the results ranged from 224 pCi/l to 1030 pCi/l with an average of 640 pCi/1. The MDC for tritium in river water is 3000 pCi/l and the RL is 30,000 pCi/1.

The historical trending of the average tritium concentrations found at the special, indicator and control stations along with the MDC for tritium is plotted on Figure 4.6-1. The data for the plot is listed in Table 4.6-1. Also included in the table are data from the calculated difference between the indicator and control stations; the MDD between the indicator and control stations; and the total liquid releases of tritium from the plant.

There does not appear to be any good correlation between the plant tritium releases and the difTerential amount found in the river between the indicator and control stations. The average concentration at the indicator station and its increase over that at the control station for 1998 are about the same as in previous years of operation.

In the first two years of operation, the tritium concentration at the special station was somewhat greater than that at the indicator station. Whereas in recent years, the level at the special station has generally become less than the level at the indicator station.

The annual downriver survey of the Savannah River showed that river water is not being used for purposes of drinking or irrigation for at least 100 miles downriver (discussed in Section 4.1).


Figure 4.6-1 Average Annual H-3 Concentration in River Water 3600 3000

{ 2600 8 "



g 1600 n

" 1000 L

A %b4/

.M 0

Po 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 96 96 97 98

-+-Indicator -Control

--dr-- S pecial MDCl Table 4.6-1 Average Annual H-3 Concentration in River Water Year Special Indicator Control DifTerence MDD Annual Site (pCi/l)



. Indicator and Released Between (pCi/l)

Tritium Control (Ci)


Pre-op 1900 650 665

-15 145 NA 1987 1411 680 524 156 416 321 1988 1430 843 427 416 271 390 1989 1268 1293 538 755 518 918 1990 1081 1142 392 750 766 1172 1991 1298 1299 828 471 626 1094 1992 929 1064 371 693 714 1481 1993 616 712 238 474 1526 761 1994 774 1258 257 1001 2009 1052 1995 699 597 236 361 766 968 1996 719 1187 387 800 2147 1637 1997 686 1547 254 1293 1566 1449


'- 1226 :-


'1030 1313-1669.

4 21

4.7 Drinking Water Samples are collected at a control location (Station 80 - the Augusta Water Treatment Plant in Augusta, Georgia located about 56 river miles upnver), and at two indicator locations (Station 87 - the Beaufort-Jasper County Water Treatment Plant near Beaufort, South Carolina,112 river miles downriver; and Station 88 -

the Cherokee Hill Water Treatment Plant near Port Wentworth, Georgia,122 river miles downriver). These upriver and downriver distances in river miles are the distances from the plant to the point on the river where water is diverted to the intake for each of these water treatment plants.

Water samples are taken near the intake of each water treatment plant (raw drinking water) using automatic samplers that take periodical small aliquots from the stream. These composite samples are collected monthly along with a grab sample of the processed water coming from the treatment plants (fimshed drinking water). Quarterly composites are made from these monthly collections for both raw and )rocessed river water. Gross beta and gamma isotopic analyses are performec on each of the monthly samples while tritium analysis is conducted on the quarterly composites. An I-131 analysis is not required to be conducted on these samples, since the dose calculated from the consumption of water is less than 1 mrem per year (see ODCM Table 4-1). However, an I-131 analysis is conducted on each of the monthly finished water grab samples, since a drinking water pathway exists.

Provided in Figures 4.7-1 and 4.7-2 and Tables 4.7-1 and 4.7-2, are the historical trends of the average gross beta concentrations found in the monthly collections of raw and finished drinking water.

For 1998, the indicator station average gross beta concentration in the raw drinking water was 0.73 pCi/l greater than the average gross beta concentration at the control station. This difTerence is not statistically discernible, since it is less than the MDD of 0.8 pCi/1.

For 1998, the indicator station average gross beta concentration in the finished drinking water was 3.2 pCi/l, which was 1.6 pCi/l greater than the average gross beta concentration at the control station. This difference is greater than the MDD of 1.0 pCi/l and is considered a statistically discernible difference. The gross beta concentrations at the indicator stations ranged from 1.3 to 6.4 pCi/l while the concentrations at the control station ranged from 1.7 to 3.4 pCi/1. Although this concentration is higher than gross beta results for finished drinking water during previous years of plant operation, it is only slightly higher than gross beta concentrations found during preoperation. Further, the concentration of 3.2 pCi/l is less than the required MDC of 4.0 pCi/1. There is no RL for gross beta in drinking water.


Figure 4.7-1 Average Monthly Gross Beta Concentration in Raw Drinking Water f

ga b

s 8

/ \\





N s(/N.\\


F m


l r

o 1

0 Po 87 88 N

90 91 92 93 94 96 96 97 98 Year l -+-indicator

-e-control Moc Table 4.7-1 Average Monthly Gross Beta Concentration in Raw Drinking Water Period Indicator Control (pCi/l)


Pre-op 2.70 1.90 1987 2.20 5.50 1988 2.67 3.04 1989 2.93 3.05 1990 2.53 2.55 1991 2.83 3.08 1992 2.73 2.70 1993 3.17 2.83 1994 3.51 3.47 1995 3.06 4.90 1996 5.83 3.02 1997 2.93 2.94




4 23

Figure 4.7-2 Average Monthly Gross Beta Concentration in Finished Drinking Water 4.6 4

g 3.6 S3 J '

2.6 EYN i2 hd dV '%d m

86 1

8i 0.6 0

Po 37 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 96 96 97 98 Year l -+-Indicator

-S-Conteol MDC Table 4.7-2 Average Monthly Gross Beta Concentration in Finisi ed Drinking Water Period Indicator Control (pCi/l)


Pre-op 2.90 1.80 1987 2.10 1.80 1988 2.28 2.35 1989 2.36 2.38 1990 2.08 1.92 1991 1.90 1.53 1992 2.09 1.67 1993 2.23 2.30 1994 2.40 2.68 1995 2.74 2.32 1996

2. I 9 2.21 1997 2.38 1.77


3.2 1.7 4-24

l l

6 As provided in Table 3-1, there were no positive results during 1998 for the radionuclides of interest from the gamma isotopic analysis of the monthly collections for both raw and finished c rinking water. Only one positive result has been found since operation began. Be-7 was found at a concentration of 68.2 pCi/l in the sample collected for September 1987 at Station 87. During preoperation Be-7 was found in about 5% of the samples at concentrations ranging from 50 to 80 pCi/1. The MDC assigned for Be-7 in water is 124 pCi/1. Also during preoperation, Cs-134 and Cs-137 were detected in about 7% of the samples at concentrations on the order of their MDCs which are 15 and 18 pCi/1, respectively.

I-131 was' detected in finished drinking water in 1997 at levels near the MDC.

This was the first occurrence for detecting I-131 in finished drinking water since operation began. During preoperation, it was detected in only one of 73 samples at a concentration of 0.77 pCi/l at Port Wentworth. The MDC and RL for I-131 in drinking water are land 2 pCi/1, respectively.

Figures 4.7-3 and 4.7-4 and Tables 4.7-3 and 4.7-4 provide historical trending for the average tritium concentrations found in the quarterly composites of raw and finished c rinking water collected at the indicator and control stations. The tables also list the calculated differences between the indicator and control stations, and list the MDDs between these two station groups.

The graphs and tables show that the tritium concentrations in the drinking water samples, both raw and finished, have been gradually trending downward since 1988. The small increase in average concentrations at the indicator stations for 1991 and 1992 reflect the impact of the inadvertent release from SRS of 7,500 Ci of tritium to the Savannah River about 10 miles downriver of VEGP, in December 1991 (SRS release data was obtained from " Release of 7,500 Curies of Tritium to the Savannah River from the Savannah River Site", Georgia Department of National Resources, Environmental Protection Division, Environmental Radiation Program, January 1992).

The 1998 raw drinking water indicator station tritium was less than approximately 35% of that found in preoperation samples and the first three years of operation.

The finished drinking water indicator station tritium was less than approximately 28% of that found in preoperation and the first three years of operation. An "NA '

in the MDD columns of Tables 4.7-3 and 4.7-4 indicates that an MDD could not be calculated between the indicator and control stations.

In 1998, the MDD was not calculated between the raw drinking water control and indicator stations because there was only one control station sample with a positive tritium reading. The MDD was not calculated between the finished drinking water control and indicator stations also because there was only one control station sample with a positive tritium reading. Since an MDD could not be calculated, the indicator station sam )le average tritium concentrations in both raw and finished water were comparec with their respective control station tritium concentrations using a modified t-test.

It was determined that there was no statistically discernible difference between the indicator and control station raw drinking water or between the indicator and control station finished drinking water samples.


s Figure 4.7-3 Average Annual H-3 Concentration in Raw Drinking Water 300o 2sco

/k g

- 2000 8

1600 MN h

Y h

j4-E N'


0 Po 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 N

96 96 97 98 Year l--+-indicator --G-Control MDCl Table 4.7-3 Average Annual H-3 Concentration in Raw Drinking Water Period Indicator Control DifTerence MDD (pCi/l)


Hetween (pCi/l)

Indicator and Control (pCi/l)

Pre-op 2300 400 1900 1987 2229 316 1913 793 1988 2630 240 2390 580 1989 2508 259 2249 1000 1990 1320 266 1054 572 1991 1626 165 1461 834 1992 1373 179 1194 353 1993 955 0

955 NA 1994 871 0

871 NA 1995 917 201 716 NA 1996 1014 207 807 151 1997 956 230 726 61 1998.

a791 160

6314 NA>

4 26

Figure 4.7-4 Average Annual H-3 Concentration in Finished Drinking Water 3s00 3000 g2500

'lg 1600 VN 1000 o

x 500 Q

n 0

Po 87 38 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98


-G-Control MDCl Table 4.7-4 Average Annual H-3 Concentration in Finished Drinking Water Period Indicator Control DifTerence MDD (pCi/l)


Between (pCi/l)

Indicator and Control (pCi/l)

Pre-op 2900 380 2520 1987 2406 305 2101 1007 1988 2900 270 2630 830 1989 2236 259 1977 627 1990 1299 404 895 1131 1991 1471 225 1246 647 1992 1195 211 984 427 1993 993 0

993 NA 1994 880 131 749 270 1995 847 279 568 NA 1996 884 168 716 NA 1997 887 221 666 383 zl998 713 180


NA-4 27 e

4.8 Fish Table 2-1 calls for the collection of at least one sample of any anadromous species of fish in the vicinity of the plant discharge during the spnng spawmng season, and for the semiannual collection of at least one sample of any commercially or recreationally important species in the vicinity of the plant discharge area and in an area not influenced by plant discharges. Table 2-1 specifies that a gamma isotopic analysis be performed on the edible portions of each sample collected.

As provided in Table 2-2, a 5 mile stretch of the river is generally needed to obtain adequate fish samples.

For. the semiannual collections, the control location (Station 81) extends from approximately 2 to 7 miles upriver of the plant intake structure, and the indicator location (Station 85) extends from about 1.4 to 7 miles downriver of the plant discharge structure. For anadromous species, all collection points can be considered as inc icator stations.

American shad was collected as the anadromous species on April 14,1998. As in all but two previous years of operation, no radionuclides were detected in 1998 from the gamma isotopic analysis of the anadromous species during the spring spawning season. In 1987, as well as in 1991, Cs-137 was found in a single sample of American shad at concentrations of 10 and 12 pCi/kg-wet, respectively.

The dates and compositions of the semiannual catches at the indicator and control stations during 1998 are shown below.

Date :

Indicator Control June 1 Channel Catfish Largemouth Bass Largemouth Bass Redear Sunfish October 13 Channel Catfish Channel Catfish Largemouth Bass Largemouth Bass As indicated in Table 3-1, Cs-137 was the only radionuclide found in the semiannual collections of a commercially or recreationally im x>rtant species of fish. It has been found in all but 3 of the 93 samples collectec during operation and in all but 5 of the 32 samples collected during preoperation. As provided in Table 3-1, the average concentration at the indicator station was 9.6 pCi/kg-wet less than that at the control station. This difference is not statistically discernible, as it is less than the calculated MDD of 618.8 pCi/kg-wet.

A discernible difference has not occurred for any year of operation or durmg preoperation.

Figure 4.8-1 and Table 4.8-1 provide the historical trending of the average concentrations of Cs-137 in umts of pCi/kg-wet found in fish samples at the indicator and control stations. No trend is recognized in this data. The MDC and RL for Cs-137 in fish are 150 and 2000 pCi/kg-wet, respectively.


b Figure 4.8-1 Average Annual Cs-137 Concentration in Fish 700

_-l- \\


=s-i_ s\\







/ \\.










M u



4 A


m.r yr/

y O

Po 87 88 SS 90 Skear 9


97 98 l -+--indicator Control MDC Table 4.8-1 Average Annual Cs-137 Concentration in Fish Year Indicator Control (pCi/kg-wet)


Pre-op 590 340 1987 337 119 1988 66 116 1989 117 125 1990 103 249 1991

~ 105 211 1992 178 80 1993 360,.

84 1994 165 200 1995 125 96 1996 194 404 1997 93 139 41998-190s 2004



The only other radionuclide found in fish samples during operation is I-131. In 1989, it was found in one sample at the indicator station at a concentration of 18 pCi/kg-wet. In 1990, it was found in one sample at the indicator station and in one sample at the control station, at concentrations of 13 and 12 pCi/kg-wet,

. respectively. The MDC assigned to I-131 in fish is 53 pCi/kg-wet.

During preoperation, Cs-134 was found in two of the 17 samples collected at the control station at concentrations of 23 and 190 pCi/kg-wet. The MDC and RL for Cs-134 are 130 and 1000 pCi/kg-wet, respectively. Nb-95 was also found in one of the control station samples at a concentration of 34 pCi/kg-wet. The assigned MDC and calculated RL for Nb-95 are 50 and 70,000 pCi/kg-wet, respectively.

l l

I l

I i


4 4.9 Sediment Sediment was collected along the shoreline of the Savannah River on June 1 and j

October 6,1998 at Stations 81 and 83. Station 81 is a control station located about 2.5 miles upriver of the plant intake structure while Station 83 is an indicator station located about 0.6 miles downriver of the plant discharge structure. A gamma isotopic analysis was performed on each sample.

There was one deviation from the REMP for sediment sampling in 1998. The first semiannual sediment samples were collected on 6/1/98, seven days beyond the required time period. The reason for the delayed sampling was high river levels due to heavy rainfall throughout the spring of 1998. Floodwaters made the sediment sampling location inaccessible. The sediment was collected when the floodwaters receded.

The historical average concentrations of Be-7,- Co-58, Co-60, and Cs-137 in sediment are plotted in Figures 4.9-1 through 4.9-4 along with listings of their concentrations in Tables 4.9-1 through 4.9-4.

The concentrations of the solely man-made nuclides (Co-58, Co-60, & Cs-137) are consistent with past average concentrations. No pattern has been detected. Be-7, produced by man and nature, is also within the range that is typically seen.

During areoperation, Zr-95, Nb-95, Cs-134, and Ce-141 were detected in at least one of t te control station samples and Nb-95 was detected in one of the indicator station samples. Be-7 and Cs-137 were found in several of the samples. The concentrations of these preoperational nuclides were on the order of their respective MDC values. The presence of these preoperational nuclides could be attributed to atmospheric weapons testing and the Chernobyl incident.

Mn-54 and I-131 were found sporadically over several years of operation. A summary of the positive results for these nuclides along with their applicable MDC's is provided in Table 4.9-5.

For Be-7, the average level at the indicator station during 1998 was 380 pCi/kg-dry greater than that at the control station; however, this difference is not statistically discernible since it is less than the calculated MDD of 3266 pCi/kg-dry. There continues to be no statistically discernible difference between the indicator and control stations for Be-7 and on this basis its presence at the indicator station is not attributed to plant releases.

For Cs-137, the average concentration at the indicator station during 1998 was 193

. pCi/kg-dry greater than that at the control station.

This difference is not statistically discernible, as it is less than the MDD of 900 pCi/l. The Cs-137 level at the indicator station has averaged nearly 150 pCi/kg-dry greater than that at the control station over the entire period of operation. Dunng preoperation, the Cs-137 was 170 pCi/kg-dry greater at the indicator station than at the control station.

4 For Co-60, the average concentration at the indicator station in 1998 was 263 aci/kg dry. No MDD between the control and indicator stations was calculated

>ecause there was no detectable concentration of Co-60 at the control station for 1998.

The potential dose from the Co-60 detected at the indicator station to the most limiting member of the public was calculated using the methodology and 4-31

4 parameters of " Calculation of Annual Doses to Man From Routine Releases of Reactor Effluents for the Purpose of Evaluating Compliance With 10 CFR Part 50, Ap wndix 1," NRC Regulatory Guide 1.109, Revision 1, October 1977. The total boc,y dose to a teenager from direct radiation was determined to be approximately 0.012 mrem /yr. This dose is about 0.4% of the limit for liquid releases to a member of the public as specified by ODCM 2.1.3. Although calculable, this dose is insignificant with respect to regulatory limits.

4-32 i

I i


l Figure 4.9-1 Average Annual Be-7 Concentration in Sediment 2000

$ zuo a

g I

5 11 g1600



f,ooo r/


\\ )

}f V

1 :

-7 N



U Y 'M%(

o 1

i Po 87 98 99 90 91 92 03 M

96 98 97 98 l -+-indicator MDCl

--S--Control Table 4.9-1 Average Annual Be-7 Concentration in Sediment MDC=655 pCi/kg-dry Year Indicator Control (pCi/kg-dry)


Pre-op 580 500 1987 987 543 1988 970 810 1989 1300 415 1990 465 545 1991 826 427 1992 2038 380 1993 711 902 1994 1203 964 1995 1865 1575 1996 1925 831 1997 1130 1028 w

199g, z-e 1396 1016-'-


Figure 4.9-2 Average Annual Co-58 Concentration in Sediment n


l \\



/ \\

5 x











/ \\




. V. \\/

Po h7 58 09 50 51 h2 53 94 96 96 97 98 Year l -+-indicator upc l

-e-control Table 4.9-2 Average Annual Co-58 Concentration in Sediment MDC=43 pCi/kg-dry Year Indicator Control (pCi/kg-dry)


Pre-op 0

0 1987 0

0 1988 190 0

1989 135 0

1990 140 E]

1991 0

0 1992 124 0

1993 0

0 1994 18.4 0

1995 42.4 0

1996 274 0

1997 0


.r 1993 ;.

7, ;..

. o.=


.o 4-34

Figure 4.9-3 Average Annual Co-60 Concentration in Sediment 4eo no no







8 **






\\ /

i, l


u u

A e

w 0'

so e

,,,,,, e e

e e

l ~4--indicator Control MDCl Table 4.9-3 Average Annual Co-60 Concentration in Sediment MDC=70 pCi/kg-dry Year Indicator Control (pCi/kg-dry)

- (pCi/kg-dry)

Pre-op 0

0 1987 0

0 1988 62 0

1989 46 0

1990 46 0

1991 113 0


'9. 5 0

1993 65.9 0

1994 85.2 0

1995 267 0

1996 344 0

1997 86 0


w 2263 0

1 4-35


Figure 4.9-4 1

Average Annual Cs-137 Concentration in Sediment l

see Ela

.2 1,<



'3 o


V 1,,,


/ ~

e x./

x 1

u I



- A I

0 Po 87 SS 09 90 91 92 93 M

96 98 97 9e Year

+1ndicator -Control NE)C i

Table 4.9-4 Average Annual Cs-137 Concentration in Sediment MDC-180 pCi/kg Year Indicator Control (pCi/kg)


Pre-op 320 150 1987 209 Ill 1988 175 175 1989 230 125 1990 155 140 1991 246 100 1992 259 111 1993 345 115 1994 240 118 1995 357 123 1996 541 93 1997 184 98 gc s.-e1993c m



n 4-36

Table 4.9-5 Additional Sediment Nuclide Concentrations I

' Nuclide -

YEAR ludicator Control MDC i

(pC i/kg-dry)


(pCi/kg-dry) l Mn-54 1988 22 0

l 1989 18 0

42 l

_ 1994 32 0

1-131 1992

!94 20 53 1994 il 41 1

l l




In accordance with TS 6.8.3.f(iii) and ODCM 4.1.3, the EL participates in an ICP which satisfies the requirements of Regulatory Guide 4.15, Revision 1, " Quality


Assurance for Radiological Monitoring Programs (Normal Operations) - Effluent Streams and the Environment", February 1979. The guide indicates that the ICP is to be conducted with the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency)

Environmental Radioactivity Laboratory Intercomparison Studies (Cross-check) j Program or an equivalent program, and that the ICP should include all of the determinations (sample medium /radionuclide combinations) that are offered by the EPA and included in the REMP.

The ICP is conducted by Analytics, Inc. of Atlanta, Georgia. Analytics has a documented QA (Quality Assurance) program and the capability to prepare QC j

(Quality Control) materials traceable to the National Institute of Standards and Technology. The ICP is a third party blind testing program which provides a means to ensure independent checks are performed on the accuracy and precision of the measurements of radioactive materials in environmental sample matrices.

Analytics supplies the crosscheck samples to the EL which performs the laboratory analyses in a normal manner.

Each of the specified analyses is performed three times. The results are then sent to Analytics who performs an evaluation which may be helpful to the EL in the identification ofinstmment or procedural problems.

The accuracy of each result is measured by the normalized deviation, which is the ratio of the reported average less the known value to the total error. The total error is the square root of the sum of the squares of the uncertainties of the known value and of the reported average. The uncertainty of the known value includes all analytical uncertainties (counting statistics, calibration uncertainties, chemical yield etc.). The uncertainty of the reported average is the standard deviation of the analysis results performed by the EL.

The precision of each result is measured by the coefficient of variation, which is defined as the standard deviation divided by the reported average.

An investigation is undertaken whenever the absolute value of the normalized deviation is greater than three or whenever the coefficient of variation is greater than 15%.

As required by ODCM and, a summary of the results of the EL's participation in the ICP is provided in Table 5-1 for: the gross beta analysis of an air filter; the gamma isotopic analysis of an air filter, milk, and water samples; and the tritium analysis of water samples. Delineated in this table for each of the media / analysis combinations, are: the specific radionuclides; Analytics' preparation dates; the known values with their uncertainties supplied by Analytics; the reported averages with their standard deviations; and the resultant normalized deviations and coefTicients of variation expressed as a percentage.

For 1998, Co-58 was not available to Analytics, Inc., from radionuclide sup? ers. Therefore, Co-58 was not included in the crosscheck samples supplied li to tle EL by Analytics, Inc. For this reason, no results for Co-58 were included in Table 5-1 for gamma isotopic analyses of the air filter, milk or water samples.

It may be seen from Table 5-1 that of the 39 samples analyzed all results were satisfied for normalized deviation, with one exception. The analysis of I-131 in a water sample prepared on 03/12/98 exceeded the normalized deviation acceptance 5-1


criterion of three. Also of the 39 analysis results, five exceeded the acceptance criterion of 15% for the coefficient of variation. The outcomes of investigations into these six results that failed to meet ICP acceptance criteria are provided in subsequent paragraphs.

The activity recovery for the gamma analysis of I-131 in water for the sample prepared on 03/12/98 exceeded the accuracy control limit. The sample was received on 03/16/98 but was not analyzed until 04/20/98. The level of activity by the analysis date was 3 pCi, which was not accurately measurable by gamma l

spectroscopy. Corrective actions consist of analyzing future intercomparison samples for gamma emitting radionuclides within one week of sample receipt.

For the gamma isotopic analysis of Cr-51 in a water sample prepared on 03/12/98, the gamma isotopic analysis of Cr-51 in a water sam )le prepared on 06/11/98, the gamma isotopic analysis of Fe-59 in a water samp e prepared on 03/12/98, the gamma isotopic analysis of Cr-51 in a milk sample prepared on 06/11/98, and the gamma isotopic analysis of Fe-59 in a milk sample prepared on 06/11/98, the coefficient of variation exceeded the control limit of 15%. Therefore, these analyses were investigated.

The investigation revealed that the gamma isotopic analysis software indicated poor peak shapes and large counting uncertainties. The poor peak shapes were attributed to several factors including activity level, detector efficiency, and the gammas per disintegration for these radionuclides. The samples also contained higher energy gamma emitters that produced an increased background. The impact on analytical results caused by these problems was reflected in the large total measurement uncertainties reported for the five analyses in question..For each of these five samples, the 2 sigma uncertainty was greater than 20%, with the uncertainties for the five analyses ranging from 26% to 60%.

The corrective action for gamma isotopic analyses with large measurement uncertainties entailed evaluating analyses of radionuclides with 2 sigma measurement uncertainties greater than 20%. The evaluation included statistical analysis of performance evaluation gamma spectroscopy samples to determine the appropriate precision limit. The evaluation found for Cr-51, as the concentration decreased and the total sample activity increased, the percent coefficient of variation in historical sample results also increased. As the total sample activity increased, the background for the 320 kev peak of Cr-51 also increased. At lower concentrations, the elevated background increased the uncertainty and the percent coefficient of variation for this radionuclide. For Fe-59 the evaluation found as the concentration decreased the percent coefficient of variation in historical sample results increased. As a result of this evaluation the precision limits for Cr-51 and Fe-59 have been revised as follows:

Nuclide Concentration Total Sample Activity Percent Coefficient (pCi/ Liter)

(pCl) of Variation Cr-51


>1000 25 Cr-51 NA

<1000 15 Fe <80 NA 25 Fe >80 NA 15 5-2

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S This report confirms the licensee's conformance with the requirements of Chapter 4 of the ODCM during 1998. It ?rovides summaries of data collection activities and a discussion of the results of t le laboratory analyses for the samples.

There were two instances in 1998 where the difference between the control and indicator stations was statistically discernible. The indicator stations for finished drinking water had an average gross beta concentration of 3.2 pCi/1, which was 1.6 pCi/l higher than the average gross beta concentration at the control station.

This difference is greater than the MDD of 1.0 pCi/l. Although this concentration is higher than gross beta results for finished drinking water during previous years of plant operation, it is only slightly higher than gross beta concentrations found dunng areoperation. Further, the concentration of 3.2 pCi/l is less than the requirec MDC of 4.0 pCi/1. There is no RL for gross beta in drinking water.

In sediment, Co-60 was found in two indicator stations in 1998. The average concentration was 263 pCi/kg-dry. There was no Co-60 detected in sediment at a control station in 1998, therefore an MDD could not be determined. The activity found at the indicator stations could be indicative of plant releases, therefore a potential dose was calculated. The consequent dose to the most limiting member of the public was determined to be approximately 0.012 mrem /yr, or 0.4% of the ODCM iimits.

No discernible radiological impact upon the environment or the public as a consequence of plant discharges to the atmosphere and to the river was established for any other REMP samples 4

I 6-1