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Notification of 971211 Meeting W/Task Group in Rockville,Md to Perform Task Group Review of Selected Insp,Test,Analyses & Acceptance Criteria for AP600 Design,Including Reliability Assurance & Human Factors
Person / Time
Site: 05200003
Issue date: 12/03/1997
From: Joshua Wilson
NRC (Affiliation Not Assigned)
To: Quay T
NRC (Affiliation Not Assigned)
NUDOCS 9712110016
Download: ML20202H995 (3)


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TDecember 3,i1997.


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, MEMORANDUM TO: Theodore R. Quay, Director

" ' l Standardization Project Directorate

' Division of Reactor Program Management


< offme of Nuclear Reactor Regulation - - 4 1 FROM:- Jeny N. Wilson, Senior Policy Analyst . original- signed--by:  ;

i x . Standardization Project Directorats -

Division of Reactor Frogram Management W,

- Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation - ' Ig 94 * > d i



gf3 d V- DATE AND TIME: = December 11,- 19g7 m g a.m. 11 a.m. jQt!

b; ^LbbATION: U.S; Nuclear Regulatory Commission M' -

- ~ if N. . . One White Flint North . J "" . r '

@sd ' ~T %.. O g% h 11555 Rockville Pike %j "

cQ -1Y 7 Rockviile, Maryland: 20852-

yMe W'I:,i i c hI* i'. O Room O-9 A18 Ai * ^-) A 9:yv4 vo Lg T-C



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,M ]"P S ; PURPOSE:(> To perform a task . group review of selected inspections, tests, anal / ses/s . /yi --

? L-' < - and acceptance criteria for the AP600 design including Reliability ' ,ha .i>


. Assurance and Human Factors.


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, y y ;,%_ 7. .y gy - i 4 i (PARTICIPANTS *: .


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WESTINGHOUSE. ,3 f s,j kg / , Y '. 4 i J .N. Wilson , . G. Piplica :

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F. Talbot '


  • N R. Correia '


,, ,, J. Bongarra -

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fJ A#"  : Docket No.52-003 -

y gf - ' cc:: See next page -


" 7Medings between the NRC technical staff and applicants or licensees are'open for interested -

. members of the public, pitationers, intervenors, or other parties to attend as observers pursuant

.to " Commission Policy Statement on Staff Meeting Open to the Public," 59 Federal Reoister s--

48344,9/20/94? However, portiona of this meeting may be closed to protect Westinghouse

- proprietary information. Members of the public who w sh to attend should contact me at

, (301) 415-3145.

- DOCUMENT NAME: :ITAACE6.NO' T LTo receive a copy of thh document, indicate in the box: "C" = Copy without Jattachment/ enclosure "E" = Copy with attachment / enclosure "N" = No copy OFFICE ' PM:PDST:DRPM 1 D:PDST:DRPM l l l NAME JNWilsM TQuM _

DATE 12/g/9F (/ - 12/Y/97 /) @L OFFICIAL RECORD COPY 9712110016 971203 61(

PDR ADOCK 05200003 A PDR .

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- Westinghouse Electric Corporation Docket No.52-003 cc: Mr. Nicholas J. Liparulo, Manager - Mr. Frank A. Ross I Nuclear Safety and Regulatory Analysis U.S. Department of Energy, NE-42 Nuclear and Advanced Technology Division Office of LWR Safety and Technology .

Westirighouse Electric Corporation 19901 Germantown Road "

P.O. Box 355 Gerraantown, MD 20874

- Pittsburgh, PA 15230


Mr. Russ Bell i L Mr. B. A. McIntyre_

i - Senior Project Manager, Programs-Advanced Plant Safety & Licensing Nuclear Energy institute i Westinghouse Electric Corporation - 1776 l Street, NW Energy Systems Business Unit Suite 300 Box 355 Washington, DC 20006 3706 Pittsburgh, PA 15230 Ms. Lynn Connor Ms. Cindy L. Haag - Doo Search Associates

-Advanced Plant Safety & Licensing Post Office Box 34 Westinghouse Electric Cerperstion Cabin John, MD 20818 Energy Systems Business Unit Box 355 Dr. Craig D. Sawyer, Manager Pittsburgh, PA 15230 Advanced Reactor Programs GE Nuclear Energy Mr. M. D. Beaumont 175 Curtner Avenue, MC-754 Nuclear and Myanced Technology Division San Jose, CA 95125 Westinghousa Electric Corporation

-One Montrose Metro Mr. Robert H. Buchholz 11921 Rockville Pike = GE Nuclear Energy Suite 350 175 Curtner Avenue, MC-781 Rockville, MD 20852 San Jose, CA 95125 Mr. Sterling Franks Barton Z. Cowan,'Esq.

U.S. Department of Energy Eckert Seamans Cherin & Mellott NE-50 ' 600 Grant Street 42nd Floor 19901 Germantown Road Pittsburgh, PA 15219 Germantown, MD 20874 Mr. Ed Rodwell, Manager Mr. Charles Thompson, Nuclear Engineer PWR Design Certification AP600 Certification Electric Power Research Institute NE-50 3412 Hillview Avenue 19901 Germantown Road Palo Alto, CA 94303 Germantown, MD 20874 h

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,- ..,, QlSTRIBUTION: Memorandum to Theodore R.: Quav. Dated: December : 3.1997 - -

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< (' Docket File - _,


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SCollins/FMiraglia,0-12 G18 *


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BSheron,0-12 G18

- RZimmerman, 0-12 G18 '- '


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, ;v ii. c DMatthews ' '

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DScaletti' "

  • ' . WDean,0-5 E23 >

'JMoore,0-15 B18 ACRS (11) -

RBailey,0-2 B2 - *-

FTalbot,0-9 A1 1' RCorreia,0-9 A1 JBongarra,0-9 H15 -

PMNS (e-mail) .

- OPA (e-mail) -

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