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Slides - Vogtle Pre-Submittal Meeting - 06-23-2020 - Cultural Resources Management Plan for the Vogtle Electric Generating Plant 2020 Update - Final
Person / Time
Site: Vogtle  Southern Nuclear icon.png
Issue date: 06/23/2020
Southern Nuclear Operating Co
To: John Lamb
Lamb J
Download: ML20169A569 (17)


Cultural Resources Management Plan for the Vogtle Electric Generating Plant 2020 Update

Purpose and Meeting Agenda

  • The purpose of the pre-submittal public meeting is to hear SNCs plan regarding a proposed licensing action to change the Vogtle, Units 1 and 2, Final Cultural Resource Management Plan (FCRM) Plan.
  • The proposed licensing action is to update the resource inventory and assessment studies and the periodic management inspections of cultural properties along the transmission line corridors.

This meeting will cover the following topics:

  • Background
  • TS Requirements
  • Proposed Changes
  • Next Steps 2

Vogtle Electric Generating Plant

  • Units 1 & 2 were commissioned in 1987 and 1989, respectively
  • Operated by Southern Nuclear under a licenses issued by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission
  • Cultural Resource investigations conducted on plant site and transmission lines began in 1973
  • Final Environmental Impact Statement for Operation requires Cultural Resource Plans be developed 3

Cultural Resources Management Plan (CRMP) for the Vogtle Electric Generating Plan (VEGP)

  • Finalized in 1987
  • Provides for long term protection and management of cultural resources along the:
  • Vogtle-Effingham-Thalmann 500 kV
  • Vogtle-Scherer 500 kV
  • Vogtle-Goshen 230 kV
  • Vogtle-South Carolina 230 kV
  • Special Requirements for the Francis Plantation Brockington 2019 4

Francis Plantation

  • Constructed c. 1858
  • Listed on National Register of Historic Places in 1975
  • Criterion A (associated with events that have made a significant contribution to broad patterns of our history)
  • Criterion C (embodies the distinctive characteristics of a type, period, or method of construction)
  • Memorandum of Agreement in place 5

Memorandum of Agreement - Francis Plantation

  • Signed in 1985 (Advisory Council On Historic Prestation (ACHP, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) State Historic Preservation Officer (SHPO) for Georgia Power Company)
  • Designated alternative structure location (Alternative IV)
  • Maintains vegetative buffer 6

Vogtle Appendix B TSs - EPP

  • Objectives of the Environmental Protection Plan
  • The Environmental Protection Plan (EPP) is to provide for protection of non-radiological environmental values during operation of the nuclear facility.
  • Outlines Environmental Protection Issues
  • Identified issues that required additional study or license conditions to resolve concerns and assure adequate protection.
  • Issues related to maintenance of transmission line corridors
  • Noise levels along transmission line corridors 7

Vogtle Appendix B TSs - EPP

  • Francis Plantation Routine Maintenance involving the trimming of the trees within the National Register of Historic Places property necessary to maintain conductor clearance shall be done by hand
  • Cultural Properties Along Transmission Line Corridors Routine maintenance activities in these area will be in accordance with the Final Cultural Resource Management Plan.
  • 5.3 Changes in Environmental Protection Plan Requests for changes in the [Environmental Protection Plan] EPP shall include an assessment of the environmental impact of the proposed change and a supporting justification. Implementation of such changes in the EPP shall not commence prior to NRC approval of the proposed changes in the form of a license amendment incorporating the appropriate revision to the EPP.


Cultural Resources Management Plan Resource Management: Project Planning and Construction

  • Resource Inventory I
  • context, background
  • Resource Inventory II
  • identification/evaluation Resource Management: Project Operation & Maintenance
  • Replacing equipment
  • Vegetation management
  • Vehicle access
  • Management of encroachment and permits by others
  • Management of GPC development and redevelopment 9

Cultural Resources Management Plan Special Provisions: Francis Plantation Property

  • Hand trimming and removal of vegetation
  • Maintain 25 ft conductor clearance Programmatic
  • Periodic management inspections
  • Currently 113 sites
  • Helicopter flyover every 3 years
  • Follow inspections as needed
  • Annual Reporting
  • Submitted to the GA State Historic Preservation Office
  • Included in the Annual Environmental Operating Report 10

Cultural Resources Management Plan Annual Reporting to SHPO

  • MOA (Francis Plantation)
  • Triennial aerial inspection
  • Reporting from Forestry &

ROW 11

Cultural Resources Management Plan Required Coordination with SHPO

  • SHPO provides concurrence/comments SHPO Recommendations Programmatic Agreement to replace MOA Updating CRMP Revising management of Francis Plantation 12

Cultural Resources Management Plan Proposed Changes

  • Transition from aerial monitoring to a phased annual pedestrian inspection (e.g., 23 sites per year over a 5 year period)
  • Review site significance against modern eligibility standards and historical context (SHPO recommendation) 13

Cultural Resources Management Plan Proposed Changes

  • Transition from an MOA to a PA
  • Francis Plantation
  • House no longer exists
  • Outbuildings continue to deteriorate
  • Archaeological resource management Google Images 2020 14

Cultural Resources Management Plan What stays the same

  • Maintain existing procedures for equipment and right-of-way maintenance
  • Maintain encroachment and permit management processes for land use by others
  • Maintain new GPC development or redevelopment requirements
  • Maintain periodic management inspections
  • Maintain reporting to SHPO 15

Summary of Proposed Changes Update EPP and CRP

  • Pedestrian Inspection
  • Updated Review Standards for Cultural Resources
  • Programmatic Agreement
  • Francis Plantation Management 16

Questions Next Steps

  • Submit proposed change for the CRMP to the NRC
  • Anticipated submittal 3Q2020
  • Request approval in 12 months 17