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Proposed Tech Specs to Section 5,revising Administrative Controls
Person / Time
Site: Fort Calhoun Omaha Public Power District icon.png
Issue date: 06/07/1988
Shared Package
ML20155D310 List:
NUDOCS 8806150100
Download: ML20155D314 (2)


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! 5.2 orsanisation (Continued) l

f. Administrative proceduras shall be developed and implemented to limit the working hours of plant staff who parform safety-related functions. Administrative procedures shall reflect the personnel whose working hours vill be aftected. ,

shift coveraga shall be maintained without routina heavy use of oversias.. The objective shall be to have operating -

personnel work a normal 8-hour day, 40- hour week while th'a plant is operating. However, in the event that unforassen probless require substantial amounts of overtime to be used, or during extended periods of shutdown for refueling, major usintenansa, or major plant modifications, on a camporary baaia, the guidelines identified in the administrative proceduras shall be followed.

Deviations from the guidelines shall be authoritad by the Department Manager Plant Manager, or their designated alternates or higher levels of management. in accordance with ascablished procedures and with documentation of the basta for granting the deviation. Routine deviation from the administrativa guidelines shall not be authorized.

5.3 Faciliev Staff oualification 5.3.1 Each member of the plant staff shall meet or exceed the minimum qualifications of ANSI N18.1-1971 .nznarabia positiona, with

'5= aption of the Supary'.sor

. Ot r ' eF t ^ Radiation,Protae ton (S p,9) nd the Shift Technical Adv ser

_ equirenants set 6A). Tha forth in Regulatory Guide 1.5 [ dated Sep'tenb

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1975, antitled "Parsonnel Selection and Trainins". The SGEf .a considered to maat the educational and experience qualifications sat forth in Regu).atory Guide 1.8 with at least five years of expartanca in applied radiation protection and extensive for=al training in radiation protection. The Shift Technical Advisor shall have a bachalor dagraa or equivalent in a scientific or angineering discipline with specific training in plant design and response and tnalysis of the plant for transienta ar.d accidents.

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8o 9. The Supervisor - Operations, the Shift Supervisors and Licensed X Senior Operaters shall hold a senior reactor operator license. The o Licensed Operators shall hold a reactor operator license.

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( 5. 5.1. 7 b. Render deterninations in writing with regard to whether or not each item considered under through (e) above constitutes an unreviewed safety question,

c. Provide imediate written notification to the Division Manager -

WProductic and the Safety Audit and Review Cominittee of disagreement between the Plant Review Comittee and the Manager -

Fort Calhoun Station; however, the Manager - Fort Calhoun Station Mg 0 shall have responsibility for resolution of such disagreements pursuant to 5.1.1 above.

Records The Plant Review Committee shall maintain written minutes of each i d copies shall be provided to the Division Manager - Nuclear aeductier, nd Chairman of the Safety Audit and Review Comittee.

Opec a%ns 5.5.2 Safety n few Comittee (SARC)

Function The Safety Audit and Review Comittee shall function to provide the independent review and audit of designated activities in the areas of: '

a. nuclear power plant operation
b. nuclear engineering

( c.



chemistry and radiochemistry metallurgy instrumentation and control

f. radiological safety
g. mechanical and electrical engineering -
h. quality assurance Composition The Safety Audit and Review Comittee shall be comp -

En s en w nkl Chairman: Division Manager - Qualit an ' vietwy Affairs Member: Senior Vice President - Nucic r ...uction,. vuudicrr l r 0peraticas, Fuels, :-d QA!P^.

ue d er: "ice resident Er '-^ctj_q ar "c a 2' " mj - ;

Member: Division Manager "--'----'-" T f*M WM9"D Member: Division Manager - ^'-

uction E d e -5 "The r: OPPO Operation:, Eng. : ring, :n' Te: Mica! .u,.,.c.. Et f'

[ Member: Qualified Non-District Affiliated Consultants as Required and as Detemined by SARC Chaiman (memwe: rn g e Focy c a m ou.n WA ten g ec. m%ec - Emegng hnnin) 5-5 Amendment No. 9,J9,ED,76,26,93,99,101 Nueh Operediens,hduchon Of ereddong ?ccMon Engn.cuiq, e d GMi+1 wnd E.nsonwunted A W c s .