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Proposed Tech Spec Increasing Min Boric Acid Storage Tank Level to 14,000 Gallons
Person / Time
Site: Summer South Carolina Electric & Gas Company icon.png
Issue date: 07/08/1988
Shared Package
ML20150C582 List:
NUDOCS 8807120548
Download: ML20150C595 (7)


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" Contents: Paae 3/4-1-11

.3/4 1-12 B 3/4 1-3 Attachment 1, Pages 43, 49 and 51 I

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REACTIVITY CONTROL SYSTEMS BORATED WATER SOURCE - SHUT 00WN LIMITING CONDITION FOR OPERATION 3.1. 2. 5 As a minimum, one of the following borated water sources shall be OPERABLE:

a. A boric acid storage system with:
1. A minimum can'ained borated water volume of ?i30 gallons, Between 7000 and 7700 ppe of boron, and 2.
3. A minimum solution temperature of 65'F.
b. The refueling water storage tank with: .
1. A minimum contained borated water volume of gallons,

, , 2. A minimum boron concentration of 2300 ppe, and

3. A minimum solution temperature of 40*F.



With no borated water source OPERABLE, suspend all operations involving CORE ALTERATIONS or positive reactivity changes.

SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS The above required borated water source shall be demonstrated OPERABLE: l

a. At least once per 7 days by:
1. Verifying the boron concentration of the water,
2. Verifying the contained borated water volume, and
3. Verifying the boric acid storage tank solution temperature when it is the source of borated water.
b. At least once per 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> by verifying the RWST temperature when it is the source of borated water and the outside air temperature is less than 40*F.


- - - - - - sun e - unit 1 __ _ 3/4 A ll . Amendment No. f ___ _

REACTIVITY CONTROL SYSTEMS BORATED WATER SOURCES - OPERATING LIMI, TING CONDITION FOR OPERATION As a minimum, the following borated water source (s) shall be OPERABLE as required by Specification

a. A boric acid storage system with:


1. A minimum contained borated water volume of.13r200' gallons,
2. Between 7000 and 7700 ppa of boron, and
3. A minimum solution tev erature of 65'F.
b. The refueling water storage tank with:
1. A minimum contained borated water voltne of 453,800 gallons,
2. A minimum boron concentration of 2300 ppe, and
3. A minimum solution temperature of 40*F.



a. With the boric acid storage system inoperable and being used as one of the above required borated water sources, restore the storage system to OPERABLE status within 72 hours8.333333e-4 days <br />0.02 hours <br />1.190476e-4 weeks <br />2.7396e-5 months <br /> or be in at least HOT STANDBY within the next 6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br /> and borated to a SHUTDOWN MARGIN equivalent to at least 2 percent delta k/k at 200'F; restore the boric acid storage system to OPERABLE status within the next 7 days or be in COLD SHUTDOWN within the next 30 hours3.472222e-4 days <br />0.00833 hours <br />4.960317e-5 weeks <br />1.1415e-5 months <br />.
b. With the refueling water storage tank inoperable, restore the tank to OPERABLE status within one hour or be in at least HOT STANDBY l within the next 6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br /> and in COLD SHUTDOWN within the following l 30 hours3.472222e-4 days <br />0.00833 hours <br />4.960317e-5 weeks <br />1.1415e-5 months <br />.

l l

t l SUPHER - UNIT 1 3/4 1-12 Ame7dme@t NL 61




MARGIN from expected operating conditions of 1.77% delta k/k or as required by Figure 3.1-3 sfter xenon decay and cooldown to 200*F. The maximum expected boration capability requirement occurs from full power equilibrium xenon condi-tions and is satisfied by G34955 gallons of 7000 ppe borated water from the boric acid storage tanks orQ A egu g s of 2300 ppe borated water from the refuel-ing water storage tank. ( gf,5 l my With the RCS temperature below 200*F, one injection system is acceptable without single failure consideration on the basis of the stable reactivity condition of the reactor and the additional restrictions prohibiting CORE ALTERATIONS and positive reactivity changes in the event the single injection system becomes inoperable.


The limitation for a maximum of one cent;ifugal charging pump to be OPERA 8LE and the Surveillance Requirement to verify all charging pumps except the required OPERA 8LE pump to be inoperable below 275'F provides assurance that a mass addition pressure transient can be relieved by the operation of a 3

single PORV.

l l

^ The boron capability required below 200'F is sufficient to provide the required SHUTDOWN MARGIN of 1 percent delta k/k or as required by Figure 3.1-3 l

after xenon decay and cooldown from 200'F to 140*F. This condition is satisfied by eithe gallons of 7000 ppe borated water from the boric acid storage tanks or gallons of 2300 ppe borated water from the refueling water storage l tank. gg The contained water volume limits include allowance for water not available because of discharge line location and other physical characteristics.

The OPERABILITY of one boron injection system during REFUELING ensures that this system is available for reactivity control while in MODE 6.

3/4.1.3 MOVA8LE CONTROL ASSEMILIES The specifications of this section ensure that (1) acceptable power distribution limits are maintained, (2) the minimus SHUTDOWN MARGIN is main-tained, and (3) limit the potential effects of rod misalignment on associated accident analyses. OPERASILITY of the control rod position indicators is


required to determine control rod positione and thereby ensure compliance with the control rod alignment and insertion limits.

.s SUM 4ER - UNIT 1 B 3/4 1-3 Amendment No. 61

7.5 Moderator Temperature Coefficient Revisions to the VCSNS Technical Specifications for Maderator Temperature coefficient are proposed.

The BOL limits are increased frca 0 AK/K/'F for the all rods withdrawn (BOL, i

H2P) to +7.0 pcm/*F from HZP to 70% rated power with a negative linear ramp from +7.0 pcm/*F at 70% power to 0.0 pcm/*F at HFP. This change is required due to the increased RCS boron concentrations for VANTAGE 5 and the positive shift in moderator coefficient caused by the larger H/U ratio and small MTV loading for the smaller (empared to LOPAR) VANTAGE 5 fuel rod.

The EOL limits are also increased (more negative) to accommodate longer fuel cycles and extended fuel burnup.

7.6 Borated Water Sources The technical specification requirements for borated water sources during all operating modes were evaluated to determine if current limits remain applicable for the transition to VANTAGE 5 fuel. The bases for the technical ,

specification were preserved by current limit: except for the minimum contained borated water volume in the boric acid storage system during Modes 1-4

~a. A ug waa s+p~p %x d"ung n,Lu 5ud 6.

nau kuauw 4 2L. -rnaum en,+Mw& &

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7.7 Rod Drop Time The VANTAGE 5 guide thimbles are identical to those in th. LOPsP desijn except for a reduction in the guide thimble diameter and length above the dashpot.

1405v:1D/051688 43

TABLE 7 1 VIRGIL SUMMER TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION CHANGES FOR CYLU 5 RELOAD PAGE SECTION DESCRIPTION OF CHANGE JUSTIFICATION 2-1 2.1.1 Delete reference to two Two loop operation is not loop operation currently licensed 2-2 Figure 2.1-1 Core limits are revised Core limits are revised for Vantage 5 fuel due to ITDP, new peakin6 factors and reduced RCS flow 2-5 Table 2.2-1 Setpoints and nermal Setpoints and TDF are 2-8 Design Flow (TDF) are consistent with the new

2-9 changed safety limits, instrtnent 2-10 uncertainty and reduced flow B 2-1 Bases 2.1.1 Discussion of Thennal The analysis is based on and Hydraulic analysis ITDP methodology and the WRB.-1 and -2 correlations B 2-4 Bases 2.2.1 DNBR limit replaced Future changes in analyses by "safety analysis will not require a change DNBR limit" in Bases 3/4 1-3a Figure 3 1-3 Changed shutdown margin This is based on' for Modes 3, 4 and 5 reanalysis of boron dilution with Vantage 5 fuel .

3/4 1-4 3 1.1 3 manged the KTC limits This is based on Vantage 5 fuel 3/4 1-5 manged the MTC Limits m is is based on vantage 5 fuel l

3/*/l-fl S. s . 2. 5. tr C% W JU d & en l WN 'S VAdT4c,6 5 lull A l p RWs7 4fM f.

3/4 1-12 3 1.2.6.a Changed minimtn borated n is is based on vantage 5 i water voltne for boric fuel and extended fuel acid system cycles 3/4 1-19 3 1 3.4 Changed rod drop time m is is based on Vantage 5 fuel 3/4 2 1, 3 2.1 manged AFD requirements This is based on Vantage 5 3/4 2-2, fuel, RAOC and base load 3/4 2-3 operation

, 49 1




, PAGE SECTION DESCRIPTION OF CHANGE JUSTIFICATION 3/45-6 4.5.2 Changed charging pmp his is based on the flow balance limit to revised safety analyses, reflect testing with where the charging pmp recirculation recirculation was not isolated during the accidents 3/4 10-2 m anged surveillance Reflects correct section n ebers to specification r'nbers reflect use of FQ as for N surveillance opposed tJ Fxy surveillance B 3/4 1-2 3/4 1.1 3 Changed MrC limits This is based on Vantage 5 fuel B 3/4 1-3 3/4.1.2 manged boration volmes TM y/dw e b+%hnuM p w U B 3/4 2-1 3/4.2, 3/4.2.1, Change d F(Q), DNB limit, h is is based on optimized B 3/4 2-2 3/4.2.2 and deleted Fxy, and revised selection of parameters, B 3/4 2-3 '

3/4.2 3 discussion of AFD Vantage 5 fuel, ITDP, B 3/4 2-4 RAOC and baseload l B 3/4 2-5 operation l

B 3/4 5-1 3/4.5.1 Added ccament for borated The acetnulators are water and secondary pipe actuated in the steam ruptures line break ana'.ysis l

I 6-18 Change discussion of h is is based on Vantage 5 peaking factor report fuel, RAOC and base load l operation. The approved methodology is referenced 51
