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Forwards W Proposed Transmittal Schedule for Info in Support of AP600 Design Certification Application
Person / Time
Site: 05200003
Issue date: 07/25/1997
From: Kenyon T
NRC (Affiliation Not Assigned)
NRC (Affiliation Not Assigned)
NUDOCS 9707280125
Download: ML20149J232 (268)


{{#Wiki_filter:_ _. .. .. . . _ _ _ _ . _ . _ . _ _ _ _ _ . . _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ . . _ . _ . . ._. . . _ _ . 1 July 25, 1997 l MEMORANDUM T0: AP600 Docket File - FROM: Thomas J. Kenyon, Project Manager original signed by: Standardization Project Directorate

Division of Reactor Program Management Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation l'


SUBMITTAL DATES FOR THE WESTINGHOUSE AP600 DESIGN CERTIFICA-TION APPLICATION i Attached is Westinghouse's proposed transmittal schedule for information which Westinghouse plans to submit in support of the AP600 design certifica-I tion application. This information was provided to PDST on July 8, 1997, by Brian McIntyre of Westinghouse. I Docket No. 52-003 1


As stated l l DISTRIBUTION w/ attachment- 1 Central Files PDST R/F TQuay PUBLIC TKenyon WHuffman  ; JSebrosky DJackson  ! DISTRIBUTION w/o attachment:  ! MSlosson SWeiss I l D g DOCUMENT NAME: A:DRFTOITS.MEM To recdve a copy of this documen,t, indicate in the box: "C" = Copy without attachment / enclosure 'E' = Copy with attachment / enclosure 'N' = No copy 0FFICE PM:PD)f{$PM D:PDST:DRPM l l NAME TJKenlyM i i TRQuay \Y% DATE 07/tt(/97) 07/b/97 Y~ OFFICIAL RECORD COPY r~~ fd L l f f]}

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AP600 Open Item Tracking System Database: Summary Schedule Selecties: Date: 7/h97 {w st code)=* Action W' Sorted by DSER Sectson. Transenit Date. NRC Branch and itern nornber lum DSER Sececat < No. Breach Question Type Co8'*Re8p Engweer (W) l 7Wie NRC 4149 NRR/SRXB $satus Staus ICP Druk

l. R;. -

KEYISSU Fameo / Vijnk Transmit Action W Action W 8/15/97 Key Issue Number-4163 NRR/SRXB 1. 2d_ Post-72 Hour Support Actions (Discussed in SECY-96-123, dated June 12,1996)(SRXB)(see heme 9) r KEYISSU Faneo / Vijak#aneo Action W Action W 8/15/97 Key Issue ."

9. Post-72 Hour Support Actions (SRXB lead)

The pemive safety syseesus are designed wish sufrecient capalmiity to sustissee an des 6 n basis actions and wahout non-safety-eelmed ansiee or onsite power. For long4 erin estety ;.(post-72 _sesses hours)shut theW--- AP600 design includes safety-selseed connections for use with transponsble eelupement and s actions for safety-selmed functions. These support actions include, for esasuple, using postable engine genermoors that connect so safetygelated commections for wseer makeup to pensive coolung comaret ' invensones sad elecencal power to supply the post accident and spent fuel pool (SFP) soonnonag inser sceni helmembelity. In addnica, these essended suppoet actions are ' M as part of the cominned limise appbcant's "Sier

                                                                                           --Ensergency Response Plan
  • to provide support for continued long4erna operuson of the passive safet but in perunel with seher assions taken by the plant opensors to duecdy sun In SECY-96-128, slee samff stated that local consensuties serugglung with esesser e should not be give burden of pnmdeng for nuclear power safety. la addinon. the stadis concerned shut equipment not under:

may be susceptible to damage from envuonniental condwoons. The semK semsensended the h appseve! sine be capable of sustasemig all design basis eveses with onsiee equipment and sappines for the l I 503 of consumables such as diesel fuel oil freen offsiae  : . can be credseed. NRIUPDST 112.7-1 DSER-Ol Nydes

                                                                   / RTNSS Actice W Action W 2/21/95 A                                                            8/15/97

[W-- 5542 NRIUSPLB 10.2.2 TEI-Of N nuest satisfaceovily address the issue my the seguissory memusent of = C,-selseed syneens l(RTNSS).. LJndssee.D/ Huachings Actice W Action W 5/15/97 NRCleteer June 3,1997- The inte [

                                                                                                                                      . in West 4..Js lesser sad SSAR is set sufficient tojussify its possmos (no neechanica[

trip) regenhng the AP600 turbine trip design and it devisees from Paragraph 111.24 of SRP eSecnon . . er 102 We provide Sechen 101 a justifiable analyms or operunng data to suppport its pasanon, or withdraw its proposal and congdy sh 1164 NRIUSPLB 10.4.9-2 DSERef LJadgren.D/ Wineers Action W Action W t/24/95 A $/23/95 5 7/18/97 (STARTUP FEDWATER SYSTEM. FWS, WATER HAMMER) W-wseer hammer during startup. J _ should addsess the issue c(plemt damage due so I 3424 NRIUSPLB II.I-2 RAl-Ol Butler J. / Wiseers i Action W Action W 6/2097 (Receivedin July 24,1996 NRClener) ThisRevision from is a new open 6 se yet to beitem arising provided. froen review of Revision 6 to SSAR Chapeer ll. P& ids for LWMS, GWM Page- 1 Total Records. 840

.- _ .        - . - . _ -                 -._. - . -                        ..   . . . -                - - - - - - - . - - -                                       - . .             - -       -    - - - .                 . -..~.                  -

AP600 Open Itesa Tracking Systent Database: Samniary Schedule Selectleet: Date: 7m97 [w se code}=*Acthm W' Sorted by DSER Section, Transmit Date, NRC Branch and item newnber. ne= DSER S. cent No. Ensich Question Type Coor@We9 Engineer <W) NRc I Sche *ie Title I States Samus ICP Dr' i S004 NRR/SPLB f l.2-8 Review Transmit DSER-OI / Wineers Action W Action W 6/2ty97 um 0111.2-8 Issue - This open ilem was reiged from the stafra eeview of Revision 6 of SSAR. The foHowing concerns were identifi I. An eastier SSAR Section II. asmyned two names to two subsystems, namely. effluent wasee s subsywem. These is nojustification for deleting the identification of these subsyseems.

2. There is no}ustification for deletmg I suonitor tank fan a total of 4 nionner tanks. 2 each for each of the sho 4 tads are lineed in the earlierSSAR version).
3. SSAR Section iI. suses the follownig *when coresned with detergent wasees, they sney be susta dweherge The subject section also nues the fonowme when noi smemble forprocesses, they can be tressed by u
                                                                                                         , , _ ; or by shipment offsiee."

The SSAR Sectson desis with chenucal wesses. k is not clear what the above sensesments mren.

4. After desergent wane is pmcessed, how is it disposed of7_

wasS.anWill chenacal option)7 womes ever be roused to general wasee subsyneem (this apuestion arisse eine in the earlie

6. SSAR Secsson 9.29 semes that secondary coohuit system samphes drain messes wifI be roused to the p the plant's weise weser,in turn. if deteceed to be redroactive, when sempled, win be diverted to the liquid .- ^ 6 for promssing. SSAR Section 9.2 9. and schemenc II.2.I do not provide informenon en the specific subsystem to which the radioactive stream win be roused for pmcessing.

21 NRR/PERB 12. RAI4)I IJedgvesi,D/ IJudgvespriseers Action W Action W 7/31/97 5 Question 471_24 (Radistion Protection) Section 11.5.6 of Chapeer 11 of the SSAR senses that criticality anonieurs as sequhed in 10 CPR 70.24 and Regelm not provided because the design of the fuel pool rects precludes criticality ender postulased normal and accident cond) 4172 why criticality snonesors are not regenred and sense the requnesnents that the CX)L spplicant will need . .. ;_to fulfill this . NRR/PSGB 13.6 RETISSU McIntyve.B/ McIneyreosenens Action W Action W 8/15/97 Key Issue M_..."-..

15. Proposed AP600 Security Man (PSGB)

Westinghoune has sgheitted a sevised security phen and vulnerubility analyses employing a simplified safeguards she pInnt structures as part of their secanty pertmrters I244 mm9sqnds 14.2.5-6 DSER-Of Bueler,4 / Chapeer Ed Action W Action W 5/18/95 S $/18/95 3 8/15/97 W( ." _ sticuld __^ri y.__.

                                                                                                                                                   " sent abstract i418.l.100in Appendin I A of the SSAR to inchsde the , f
                                                                                                                                                                             '-                                                       - , of this ecsting to __"_ , _ ; AMiOO plants, or provide appropnase                 _ forthis exception to RG l.68. Appendis A leem-1.n (14Xf).

5316 NRR/SCSB I4.2.9 RAI4)I IJedgresi D/ Piptica Action W Action W 6/27/97 S RAI 260.138 NRC l.etter Muy 14.1997 - AM the seanenner pleses should be sessed under test 6) of the General Test A- . - Cneene and Methods unless it can be esembirshed that they see frase the same bach or n ~ _ .q lot. Wennnghouse also needs to specify how many plsees win be sessed ona traceability to the same beech or manufacturing los has been established. Page- 2 TotalRecords: 8d0

AP600 Open Item Tracking System Database: Summary Schedule Date: 7nS7 SelecGoa: De st code}=* Action W' Sorted by DSER Section.Transnut Date, NRC Branch and leesn number. k heen DSER Sasionf l Sched * (W) NRC l N. Branch Queselon Type C88'*Re'p Engmeer Title Semes sinus ICP DreR Review Transmit 5317 NRR/5C58 14.2.9 RAIOl Ledgien.D/ Piplica Action W Action W 6/2767 S R Al 260.139 NRC IAteer May I4.1997. Section 6.2.4 of the SSAR does not supoort the deserminasson of a specified place ermpermare as described in test b) under General Test Acceptance Crieeria and Meehods. Temperasures within the PAR cartridge can vary gsemly and are dependent on a noenber of factors such as locahon and snoonting of the thermocouple, and the prosimisy of the i A.--, .,. to the hydmgen source. This information is needed because during a oest the tesnperseure within a pine may he below or shove the speciGed% - tesnperneure depending on the locahon of the thermocouple , 5530 NRR/5PSB 15. RAl-Of Nydes / ASI Action W Action W 7/2M7 5 [ Respond to RAI 440.647 - ASI sehsed to beyond DBA SGTRs l , 3519 NRR/5RXB 15. RAl-Of Nydes / ERGCorletti Action W Aceien W 7#/97 $ Respond to NRC letter of June 3.1997.

  • Requests for Additional Informahon (rah) on Ap600 Shuidown r_-.riResponse t Guidehnen (ERGS)*. This leteer contains R Als 440 648 thmesh 440 658.

4180 NRR/SC58 15. KEYISSU Penso / NovendseersiKivesha Action W Action W 8/1537 , Key home Numher-

17. Code Documentshan and Quahficahon (V&V of Codes) Review latorpormhng Testing Dean Results (SCSB/SRXB)

The _ , Sm. ; to the DSER on Codes and Testing identified appionhnmerly 120 open issuem concerning the Ap600 testing and code validanon prograni. Ahhough the reactor system code effort h currently on an accrpemble push to renohseson. she staff conhnees so identify snany significant problems wish the documentwien for the WOOTHIC  ; analysis code. 2228 NRR/SRKB 15. ht10-06 Paseo l 72hourmTNS5 Action W Action W 8/I587 APR R.19.1995 (HSII) DISCUSSION ITEMS

2. Post 72. Hour Transportable Offsise Equipment (SS AR Sechen 1.9.5)- Regarding to post-72 hour suppersing actions. SSAR Secnon I 9.5.4 senses that the Ap600 design includes safety selseed -  : for use with transportable equipment and supplies to pnmde entended support actions of pensive safety syseems, which will be E ~.4 as part of the COL apphcant's siee emergency response plan. The Janeury 22.1993 sesponse to Q440.21 descrihed various samndards,in addition to the seignaic Casegory I selety-relesed connections, for the '@ , ^1. nidustried grade poremble supportnig equipment for pet.72 hoer v. . The June 27 1994 response to Q440.I14 sho sensed the use of safety.scissed connecten in the RMS to provide emergency, temponey offsite source  ;

that would be locaght to the site within 3 days as a safety-selseed snesas.

a. The staff beheves that the sensed quehty seguiremenes of the support equipment should be Tier I information. What mecheneses are these to ensure that the sensed gushey seguisensenes will be coinplied with by the COL appilcant? How do you ensure thee i commescially sendily availeNe tramportshle equipment siseet these quality segeweenents? How do you ensest that commercially ,

availeMe equipment today will be conumercially readily awarlsble in forty yesys? k a specific type of connecnon specified by the Col apphcant a commescial seendard that can he sendily evadshle been various commercial sources? How do you ensure thee avadable defver or connection for today's conuneicial equipment also approprince for commercial expnyment fosty year froen today? How do m = that the equipment delivered is concet and oper41e7 How do you assure that the equipment needed in 72 hours can be dehvered to the siee in due time? What proceduse goedence is these to decernene when the site opevueer will start equspment acquesition so that they will be available ensive wielda 72 hours of onset on an accident? Page: 3 TolalRecords. 8d0

r AP609 Open Itene Tracking Systen Database: Summary Schedule Date: 7/M7 Sdecuesu [w st code}=* Action W' Sorted by DSER Section.Transnwt Date, NRC Branch end hent number. i hese DSER Seceanf Ms. (W) NRC l Sw l Brussch Queseson Type CoordfResp Engmeer Tide Status h ICP DruR R- TM , 2229 NRR/SRXB 11 MTG-Of Fameo / 72hourfRTNSS Action W Action W 8/15/97 i ApR K.19.1995 (HSII) DISCUSSION I1945 I

2. pbst 72. Hour TransportsNe Offsite Equipment (SS AR Secdon I.9.5): '
b. f% ovide a Siec E..ey Response plan guidelnie for acquenng transportable equipnerat (including when the acquisition action will be sequeed the R/A sequisenients or qualiey of the equipment, the arrangement to ensure the equipinent will be available) for l resolution of post-72 hour actions. t 2766 NRR/SRXB 11 RAI-OI Butler, J. / Novendseerna.mnrun Action W Action W 8/15/97 WCAP-14234 (1.OpTRAN CAD)

(440.299137. Section 3.2.I. page 3-5. How can the emiseence of r- . sal strutificamen be modelled in the IRWST using the i ,- perfecdy mised approvinierten? 3423 NRR/SRXB 15. RAI-Of Buder, J. / Novendseern/SAR-C Action W Action W 8/15/97 440.583 The staff segtsves additional infoneistion shout the compuser codes being used for the Ap6001)DCA analyses sued how those codes inserface sue internet. For example, in the cane of the SBLOCA the NOTRUMPcode is used for the analysis of the short turne portion of the scendent. The contamment back pressure that NOTRUMP sees is fined at 0 peig during the calculanon. The long.terna calculation for the scactor cocient syseem is performest with the WCOBRA/TRACcode. WCOBR A/ TRAC uses a contenment back piessure obeaused froisi the WOOTHIC ade. The mmes and energy setemme duen that ase input to WGOTHIC to calculase the _a conditions ese chemnied froisi either SATAN-VI. NOTRUMP, or WCOBRA/ TRAC. R is not clear to the samff widch code i is used for the WGOTHICinput.

  • 1he sesff is concerned about the inserfacuig and interaction of these codes. An Appenas K code is used for part of the transient, e i CASU code for part, a contamment code that should he conservuesve calculsees condicons based on input freen (1) a code that has not l

heen seviewed for the purpose. (2) an Appendra K cash, or (3) e CSAU code. k is not clear which codes are being used together, and eheve appears to be inconsiseent inserfacing of thfferent analytic appsestfies. . The samff requests that a thorough and detailed explanation Ise preneused of the smialytic codes and interfisce schemes used to evalense wach transient and accident analysed in Chapeer 15 of the Ap600 SSAR. 4181 NRR/SRXB 15. KEYISSU Punto / Novendseern/SAR-C Action W Action W 8/15t97 i Key Isome Nundser-  !

18. Chapeer 15 Accident Analysis (SRXBleef)

Altesough a , Z _, Chapeer 15 accident analysis was subsnined by T f _.the final sevision to the SSAR is mA espected until February 1997. The senticoat nees to seview Code VAV suports and asher supporting Ar - Bsea - the seview of the codes took A- over she oispeer 15 review, these has been a himses in this ares, and many open isems remmin. 446l NRR/SRXB li MTU-Of Paneo / SAR-Chl5/Novendst Action W Action W 8/15/97



  • I. Discuss the NRC seview stures of all the compueer codes used in the transient and scenlent analyses docunienced in Ap600 SSAR. For thone codes prevsously approved by the NRC list the NRC approvallessess and address the contained acceptability of the approved c ides for the Ap600 analyses. Address how the Ap600 enalyses comply with any linutations which my be impaged on code t usage.

Page- 4 TotalRecords: 8d0 I i I

AP600 Open Item Tracking System Database: Summary Schedule Date: 7/787 Settdese: (w se code}=' Action W* Sorted by DSER Section. Transmit Date. NRC Branch and llem number. he= DSeR secihine (Wi N,C 1 Sched* I No. Bresch Questian Type Me9 W Title Starus Staus ICP Drun R- Transmit 4462 NRR/SRXB 15. MTU-Of Fanso / SAR-Chl5/Novemht Action W Action W 8/15/97



2. Provide a list of single failures considered in your analyses, and perform a systematic mee,===wat foreach transient and scendent andjustify why the lianting single faileve determined is adeslusse. In the list of single failures sequested. identify the ierms that are i

non-safety relmeed and explain why a failure of these components would sesek in the anost ea== varrve analysis. ' 4463 NRR/SRXB 15. MTIMM Paneo / SAR-Chl5/Novemht Action W Action W 8/15/97



3. GDC 17 in 10 CRF Part 50. Appendix A part: *An ensiee electric power syseein and offsise electne power system shmIIbeprovidedtopermitl - . of structees. syneene, and casuponents soupartant to safety. The safety function for each syneem (assunung the other system is not fusioning) sheII be so psovide sufficient capacity and capability to assure that (I) specific acceptahle fuel design limits and design conditens of the rescear coolant pressee boundary me not exceeded as a result of AOOs and (2) the core is cooled and contarnnient and other vital functions ase momeenied in the event of possulmeed accidents."

In accordance with the sequeenieurs of GDC 17. a lossefeffsise-power should not be cersidered as a single failuse event and shomed be assumed in the samfysis for each event wahout changmg the event casegory Descuss in each transsent and accident analyses in the AP600 SSAR how the analyses conform to the GDC 17 sequaesments given above. If the existmg analyses did not conforse to the GDC 17 regenements. WJ.J- should rennelyne the transieme and accident analyses in accordance with GDC 17. 4464 NRR/SRXB 15. MTI M M Nydes / SAR-Chl5/Nydes/C Action W Action W 8/15/97



4. In severst Chapeer 15 analyses. nonsafety-selseed enlumpenent was credleed for accident mitigation. The equipament includes the main feedwater pump trip, turbine esop and control valves, pressuriser henser block, and main steam branch isolation valves.

Westinghouse has summarized these syseems in Table 2 2 of WCAP.14477 (The AP600 Advenue Sysiem Inseractions Evaluesson Report). A similar summary table should be included in Chapeer 15. The semff noses that items designesed under isem s.3 of Table 2 2 in WCAP.14477 appear to be used to mitiguse lhe censequences of she Chapeer 15 design basis analyses. 10 CRF 50.36 specifies the crieeria fer the syneems that are requeed to establish sechnical specification tenuting condissons for operation. Specifically Isen (cX2XiiXC). Creerson 3. senses that "A structure, syseene, or coniponent that is part of the primary success pesh and which functions or actumers to nutisme a design basis accident er transient that either assumes the failee of or twesents a challenge to the insegnty of a flesion product barrier." Westinghouse should justify why these isems should not be included in she AP600 sechascal apecincereens. The sesff meers that WCAP.14477 sesses that conyonents associmeed wish inna a.5 of Table 2-2 win be included in the in-service nesting (IST) program. However, the staff finds that the syseens are not included in she IST program desenhed in the SSAR 3.9.6.

                                                                       'V- -- .,--       should premde furtherdescussion on this proposed action for the non.sefety related syneerns and explain how it is addressed in the SSAR.                                                                                                                         '

4465 NRR/SRXB 15. MTtMM f%neo / SAR-Chl5/Novendst Action W Action W

                                                                                                                                                                           ~                                          '




5. Chapeer 15 should include a emNe or similar sommary documentation of system actuation times. valves closure time and systems
                                                                       ,-A          assumed in each safety analysis.

Page- 5 TotalRecords: 8do

AP600 Open Item Tracking Systein Database: Summary Sdecelete Date: 7m97 Selectlen: [w st code)=* Action W' Sorted by DSER Section.Transant Dnie. NRC Branch and item number. heim DSER Seceisaf (W) NRC  ! 8*h"**  ! No. Brancti Quesmen Type M emp h Title Staeus Status ICP DreR Rm L Tramonit 4467 NRR/3RXB 15. MTU-Of Penso / $AR-Chl5/Novendst Action W Action W 3/I567 SUBJFCT: NRC(DMMENTS ON THE AP600 STANDARD SAIETY ANALYS15 REPORT (SSAR) CHAPTER 15 ACCIDENT ANALYSES Increase in 1%edesser Flow (SSAR Secnon 15.1.2)

6. This analysis should include the calculased troisient DNBR, R(3 and seemse generseer pressuses to support the concluseon for the full-power case that nieces the acceptance criteria of the andman Ileveses.

4465 NRR/SRXB 15. MTtMM 1%neo / SARO15/Novendet Actice W Aceton W 8/1587 .


NRC COMMENTS ON THE AP600 STANDARD SAFETY ANALYS15 REPORT (SSAR)CHAFTER 15 ACCIDENT ANALYSES , inadvertent Opennig of a Seenn Generneur (SG) Relief or Safety valve (SSAR Secelon 111.4)

7. Cove niskeup tanks i$ction and the assoclased tripping of the sencear content pumps use inteissed assosastically by low psensuriser presseee safeguards signal (page 15.1-11), while the sequence of event lists the low cold sesaperesure safeguard to ecousse CMT (page 15.I-26). Tleis inconsegeency should be sesobed. SSAR Section 15.0 should include the safeguents seapoenes med the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    -actuanon delay times assumed in the transient and accedent analyses (see cuenneemt #5), and discuss any nueessies taken to assure that the safeguanis setpoints in secluncal specificanons are conservasive when composed wish the seapoints assumed in the snelyses.                                                                                                                                                                                               '

4471 NRR/SRXB 15. MTU-Of Paneo / SAR-Chl5/Novenden Aceton W Action W 8/1587



8. Provide the DNBR curve in the SSAR section Fnr the transsent 4472 NRR/SRXB 15. MTU-Of 7%nse / SARGI5/Noverest Action W Action W 8/1587



9. Provide the DNBR curve in the SSAR for tie transient.

Page: 6 Total Records: 840

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AP680 Open Item Tracking System Database: Summary Schedule Date: 7/7/97 Selectiosu [w r2 code}@ction W' Sortal by DSER Section, Transmit Date. NRC Branch and heen number. ~ Ilesa DSER Sectient (W) NRC l No. Branch Question Type M e8P W Title Status ICP Sensus DreR R- Transmit 4473 NRR/SRKB 15. MTtM)I Passo / SAR-Chl5/Novende Action W Action W 8/15/97 StJBECT: ANALYSES NRC COMMENTS ON THE AP600 STANDARD SAPETY ANALYSIS REPORT (SSAR) CHAFFER

10. The review sesff will need the followag addeonel information to resuplete its teview of 6e steamline lueak analysis-(a) To confirva that the aeropower case 3dne worst post 4 rip . .. ' rcame, a discussion should be gnovided on =Iry the analyses for a SLB inside the contain 2nt at fue l power condman with and without concurrent loss-of-offsite-pont in condunesion with a single fehwe is less lia:!iing.

(b) To ide 6y the worst came that maximites Ilse peeential for fuel

  • 6 " . and dose at the sier esclusien area boundary, i provide a dncemen of analyses for the folloinns two cues- '

a SIE outside the contamment from full power conditions,in conhumann with a LOOP. a single failure, a stock RCCA, and Teduvical Specificesion allowaMe scene generuser leakage, and a SLB outside she masamunent upstressa of the MSIV at aeso power with LOOP in comhanation wish a single failure, a seuck RCCA ladine myike and TS SG leakage. The sesuhs of sensitivity studies for esineing pienes (such as WCAP-9226) to identsfy the worst SLB case for the AP600 are not sufficient to address Questions (a) wed (b) above due so the manne of the passive designs and the diffesences in plant configurasions between the existing traditional PWR and the AP600.  ; 4475 NRR/SRXB 15. MitM)I Paneo / SAR-Chl5/Novendst Action W Action W Bft3/97 i SUBECT: NRC COMMENTS ON THE AP600 STANDARD SAFETY ANALYSIS REPORT (SSAR) CHAPTER 15 ACCI ANALYSES II. Esplein why the single failures such as faihue of the MSIV to close in the intact SG. and faihme of feedesser teolation to close are not considered in the SLB analysis in assessment of the couldown effect or the SG overfilling issue. 4476 NRRISRXB 15. MTG-Of Paseo / SAR-Chl5Movendst Action W Action W 8/15/97 SUBECr: NRC COMMENTS ON THE AP600 STANDARD SAFETY ANALYSIS PEPORT(SSAR) CHAPTER 15 ACCIDE I ANALYSES

  • Inadvertent Operation of the Passive Resideal Heat Resnovel Syseese (SSAR 15.2.I.6) '
12. Prevute a dieeussion of the impact of the nion single resting faihme on the syneeni sesponse for this case.

4477 NRR/SRXB 15. MTG-Of Paste / SAR-Chl5/Novendst Action W Action W 8/15/97



13. Emplen how the = ,_. came is bounded by she inefvestent opening of a SG selief or safety valve.

4478 RRR/SRXB 15. MTG-Of Panto / SAR-Ch15/Novendet Adion W Action W 8/15/97 MECT: NRC COMMENTS ON THE AP600 STANDARD SAFETY ANALYSIS REPORT (SSAR) CHAPTER ANALYSES Turbine Trip (SSAR 15.2.3) i I4. This analysse does not addsens comphance with the GDC 17 sequisements. To sarisfy GDC 17.the effects of a loss of offsise power on the tabine trip evene should be cossadened.

  • Page 7 Total Reconds. 8d0 ,

AP600 Open Item Tracking System Dadabase: Summary Schedule Date: 7/7/97 Selselles* [w c1 code}=* Action W* Sorted by DSER Section.Transntit Date. NRC Branch and item number nem DSeRS=d.< (W) ,Rc I Sche *

  • I No. Branch Queseson Type M P EnC"Ert Tiste Simus Status ICP DreR R.. - Transmit M79 NRR/SRXB 15. MTG-Of Paneo / SAR-Chl5/Newaht Action W Action W i




15. Provule a DNBR transient curve br a loss of ac power event.

MOD NRR/SRXS 15. MTU-Of Puneo / SAK-Chl5/Novendse Action W Action W 8/1537



16. Provide a DNBR tranaent curve for a loss of monnel feedweser flow event.

M81 NRR/SRXB 15. MTU-Of Paneo / SAR.Chl5/Novendst Action W Action W 8/15/97



17. This ammivses does not address - .w wish the GDC 17 : To assisfy GDC 17 the efkas of a less of offeine power en the loss of normal feedweser flow ewnt shouhl be conssdered i M82 NRR/SRXB 15. MTU-Of Pause / SAR-Chl5/Novemmist Action W Action W i




18. The loss of offsise power, sesuksag in a RCS flow - ". --,is assumed at she eisne of the seactor trip. W ." _ has sensed rium this is noose limiting than the came where power was lost at the ietssean of the ewat. An earlier RCS lb3w - -., which reduces the capacity of the prunary coolant to remove heat from die cose, sney sesult in a Imrger increase in the peak RCS peessure.

This analysis should include the techmcel basis needed to show that a comenlent less of power wish a seactor trip will sesult in a highest peak RCS pressure during a feedweser line fueak event. MS3 NRR/SRXB 15. MTG-Of Paneo / SAR.Ch15/Novendue Action W Action W 8/15/97



19. This analysis (page 15.2 17) assumes a double <eded rupeuse occurs meer a seactor trip on the low-lew steam generator level i signal. This is incensessent wish the sequence of events in Table 15.2-1 (sheet 5 of 5) shut shows imesanon of the feedesser ime break i before the seactor trip. This inconsessenry should be corsected.

l Pase: 8 Total Reconds. 8d0

                                                               - . - - _ . . _ .-                                                                                                          . _ . - . . - ... -                                                         . - . . - . -         --          - - - - . . ~-

t i AP609 Open Iteni Tracking System Database: Summary Schedule Dak:: 7/187 Seleeden: [w si cede)=* Action W' Sorted by DSER Section.Transnut Date, NRC Branch and item nunsber b hese DSER W No. (W) NRC i Bremeh Question Type 08's*Re8P Bneinsef Tiele Seseus Semus ICP Drun Review Tremonsit 4484 NRR/SRXS 15. MIU-Of Phaeo I SAR-Ch15/Novendit Action W Action W g/15#97



20. The staK noted that the non-sofety selmeed startup feeduseer system (SFWS) and die puessunser spray (PS) wese csedleed (page j

15.2-19) for heat removal to limit else incsease in the peak RCS and seemm genermeer psessuses. Use of these noswafeey selmeed systeens so nuesgase the ca===pences of the feedweser line intak event is not acceptalde to lhe staff. Eicher seanalyse the feedweser  ; hue break event wahout csedit of she SWFS and PS.or desmannersee est the effeess of the Ismesseson of both non-smiety selesed syseesus i on she feedweser line becak event is insignificantly semit. Also,it was noted that the puessurimer safety vehes wese set as a numannan a vahse. Janeify the use of she lowest pressuriser safety scopoint for-, a puedecesan for en R B hearup event. 4485 NRR/SRXB 15. MitMM Penso / SAR.Chl5/Novends Action W Action W 8f15/97 SUBJBCT: NRC COMMENTS ON THE AP600 STANDARD SAFETY ANALYSIS REPORT (SSAR) CHAPTER 15 ACCIDENT . ANALYSES [

21. The DNBR sesehs for this event should be includrd in the SSAR. The calculseed minisneen DNBR should be greater than the i safetylimit DNBR for accepeance  !

doe 6 NRR/SRXS 15. MTU Of Puo / SAROl5/Novendst Action W Action W Srl5M7



22. The Semisenle test dura for feedweser line beeske (as disessmed in W of NUREGdCR 4945, deced July 1987) showed that the seemm geneouser heat transfer capacity semeses unchensed until the seemm generseer lisleid inveneory is nearly depteced. This is followed by a espid reducsson so O pescent heat transfer with liette funher seduceton in the scene generuser weser invensary. In light of these test dues, provide a descussion of she seems generusar hese transfer model used in the feedweser line bicek analyses and verify  ;

the snedel is conservuelve as k is ensupered wish the Semsscale test doen. If the snedel is found to be nonconservalsve, seanalyse the feedweser line break event by using the snodel that is supponed by the test doen including the Sessuecale test data. With a heat transfer model consument wish the Semiscale test data, perform a sensitivity seudy of break siaes to identify the worst break siae and psvoide the results for the staff to review. i 4487 NRR/SRXS 15. M10-Of Puneo / SAR-Chl5/Novendet Action W Action W Srl5/97 SUBIECT: NRC COMMENTS ON THE AP600 STANDARD SAFETY ANALYSIS REPORT (SSAR) CHAPTER 15 ACCIDENT ANALYSES

23. Figue 15.2.84 stiews that the weser level venches the top of the pseeruriser during a period of 6000 to 20000 seconds eher en  !

R.B event. Discuss te function of the peessurizer safety vehes (PSV) ensamed in the mlysis during and aAer the period when the pressuriser is filled with weser. Justification should be psoveded if the PSVs are sasumed to seclosed doming or aner the period when the psessuriner was filled with weser. 4488 NRR/SRXS 15. MTU-Of Punto / SAR-Chl5/Novendet Action W Action W 8r15/97 +



24. The staff found that no discussson was proculed for the events with less of one or three suscear coolant pungs. A discussson of the resuhr of the loss of one and three seactor coolant pumps evenes shneld be proveded j Page- 9 Total Receeds: Bd6 i 1

I AP608 Open Itent Tracking Systen Databases Senemary Schedule Sekcales: Date2 7/1/97 [w st code)=* Action W* Sorted by DSER Section, Transmet Date NRC Branch and leem number  ;

     ==              DseRSmear
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             't No. Branch   Quesnan            Type                          M eep W                                                                                                                                                                                                     (W)         ,RC         I                          Sched
  • Title I Sessus ICP '

4489 NRR/SRXB 15. Sessus Druk Ra- Transmit MTU-Of Penso / SAR-Chl5/Novesuht Action W Action W 8/15/97 SUBECT: ANALYSES NRC COMMENTS ON THE AP600 STANDARD SAFETY ANALYSIS REPORT Reactor Coolant Ptunp Shen Bred (SSAR 15.3_4)

25. No tensient DNBR curve was includest in the '-- ,

_ _, and the basis for essendag 18 percent of the fluel rods use failed for the : " _ ,,LI selesne assessment was nas primded. A descessson en how the ensount of the failed fuel was dreer; necteded in the SS AR along withjustiracarion of the % of core ._ _ ^ 7 under 7 the cose condsesons calculased , 4490 NRR/SRXB 15. i MTU-Of l'anso / SAR-Chl5/Novendst Action W Action W 8/15M7 SUBIECT: ANALYSE ': NRC COMMENTS ON THE AP600 STANDARD SAPETY ANALYSIS REPORT ( SRP Section 4.4 sesses that K the DNBR falls below the safety lindt DNBR. fuel falhue neust be assumed for all rods t lhe safety limit DNBR. Any fuel damage calculesed to occur snest be sufficsently limited se that the cose will se intact wish no loss of cose coolmhility. The staff wiM seview time analysis to confirm compliance with the above ac the fuel 6. ' . _ UncontroBed Red Geneer Contel Assembly Bank Wishdrawal freen a Saberttical er law-Ftruer Startup Cond

26. The SSAR should laclude a DNBR tranneens curve for this event.


27. The ceneral rod withernwel analysis does not edesees { _f _4 wielt the GDC 17 sequiseinents. To satisfy GDC 17 the effects of a loss of ofhise power en this evesa should be conssdend.

4492 NRR/SRKB 15. MTU-Of Paseo / SARGI5/Novessest Action W Action W 8/I5/97



28. DNBR vesults use met presensed for this events wish a dropped orzusaligned RCCA (the original Aguse 15.4.3-5 was e figuse should be included in the SSAR analyses of this event.

4493 MRR/SRXB 15. MTU-Of nuno / SAR-Chl5/Novendet Action W Action W 8/15d97



  • Uncannolled Red Classer Casesel Assenddy Bank Withdrawalat Power (SSAR 15.4.2)
29. The withdrawal at power analysts does met address f _ with $se GDC 17_ , ---- To satisfy GDC 17.the effects of a loss of offsise power en this evena should be conssdered Page 10 Total Retenk: 340

_ _ _ . _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . ______._________________________m_ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

                                      . . .- - ._ - ..- - . = - - -                                                                                                                                                   . - ~ .                                         -- -            _- .         .     - ..-                              .

AP600 Open Item Tracking System Database: Semmary Schedule Date: 7ty/97 Selectleen [w st code}=* Action W' Sorted by DSER Section. Transen Date. NRC Branch and hem number. ne.n DSERre e s (W) NRC I Sche ** I No. Branch Queenen Type Coor* Resp Engmeer Title Status Semaa ICP Dren RA Tranandt 4495 NRR/SRXB 15. MTO-Of Penso / 5AR-Ch15/Novendst Action W Action W 8/15/97



30. The segmence of the events is not provided for the mi assenddy drop event. This should be provide the in te SSAR.

4496 NRR/SRXB 15. MTO-Of Paso / 5AR-Chl5/Novendus Action W Action W 8/15#97 t



31. Provide the calculseed DNBR curve in the SSAR for this event.

4497 NRR/SRXB 15. M10 Of Punto / SAR-Chl5/Novendit Action W Action W 8/15f97



32. The staff noted that for the single assernbly withdrawal event, en infesup==* event. no analytical resules includsig te transient DNBR curve were provided. In addition. no basis was provided for the estimmee of 5 percent failed fuel rods. Provide the analytical resehs for this event includeg a descussion for how the amount of the failed fed was desernuned, andjustify the ademymacy of core coolability under the core condnions emiculared 4498 NRR/SRXB 15. MTO-Of Phmo / SAR-Ch15/Novendst Action W Action W 8/15/97


NRC COMMENTS ON THE AP600 STANDARD SAPETY ANALYSIS REPORT (SSAR) CHAPTER 15 ACCIDENT ANALYSES SRP Section 4.4 states that if the DNBR falls below the safety limit DNBR. fuel fuihme nimet be assumed for aN redi that vielmee lhe safety limit DNBR. Any fuel damage calculased to occur nuset be JL., limited so that the case wiB remain in place and intact wish no loss of core coolehility. The staff will seview the andyses to confinn m f with the almve acceptance criteria for ' ihe fuelperformance.

33. The single RCCA withdrawal-st. power analysis does not addreas counphance with tiie GDC 17 vequnemenes. To satisfy GDC 17 the effects of a loss of offsite power on this event should be cmnsedered.

4500 NRR/SRXS 15. MTO-Of Paneo / SAR-Chl5/Novendst Action W Action W 8/I5/97


NRC COMMENT 3 ON THE AP600 STANDARD SAFETY A.4ALYSIS REPORT (SSAR) CHAPTER 15 ACCIDENT ANALYSES Startup of an inective Reactor Coolant Pimip at an lucervect Tenquerseuse (SSAR 15.4.4)

34. This analyses does not address c..Ja with the GDC 17. . To smisfy GDC 17. the effects of a less of offsise Power on this event should be coswidned Page- 11 Total Receds- 8d0

. . . . .. - . . - - - . . - . . . - -. - - - . - . - - - . .- -. . - _. -= - AP600 Open Item Tracking System Database: Summary Schedule Date: 7/1&T Seitdient [w st cede}=* Action W* Sorted by DSER Section. Transenit Date, NRC Branch and llem noenber. ' heen DSER Sectionf (W) NRC  !  ! No. Brusch Question Type CoonMtesp Enguseer T'nle Staus m ICP DreR Ru- Trasianit 4302 NRR/SRxB 15. MTGot / SAR.Chl5/Ron Viju Action W Action W 8/1557-SUflJECT: ANALYSES NRC COMMENTS ON THE AP600 STANDARD SAFETY ANALYSIS REPORT (SSAR) CHAPTER 1 Baron Dilwion(SSAR 15.4.6) i

35. Recent non<omervatissns were identified at Comanche Peak selseed lo the luput ensumpsions and boundary condeons (invers count rose rueio date and .. 2.J .
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            -sespone)in the analyses of the licemung basis boven ddution event. Based on this backssound.

Justify the age of the sueomatic actions to ternunsee the shluesen and seert borneien which wee asserned in the boson dilution' for AP600. 4306 NRR/SRXB 15. MTG.OI Punto / SAR.Chl5/Novesseht Action W Action W 8/15M7



36. Descues the technical bases for the charging flow of 200 sysn susumed in the snelysis.

4505 NRR/SRXB 15. MitM)I Paneo / SAR.Ch15/Novendet Action W Action W Bfl5M7


NRC COMMENTS ON THE AP600 STANDARD SAFETY ANALYSIS REPORT (SSAR) CHAPTER 15 ACCIDE ANALYSES Baron Dilmelon (SSAR IS.4.6) [ 37.11 e vehse of the neepoint (60 pevoemt increenefl0 min) of the sensa tunge nuclear fles instrumeasuden used in die analysis to isolase the denenerafimd weser storage isolmion valves is incoassssent with that specified in leese 15 of tecluiscal speceficseson TsNe 3.3.2 (60 percent increase /50 min). 4509 NRR/SRXB 15. MTGOf FesWo / SAR.Ch15/Novendse Action W Action W Sfl5M7



38. Discuss the time it would aske Freen the seert of eine dilution to the loss of shusdown margin and then to seech enticality For modes 3 tirough 5. Discus the mergens (the tinues frunn the DWS isolmelon to wee cemcahey) wish considere,on of .- . .associesed  ;

with the calculanomal methnes,impus parameters. signal procesgang tissue and valves closing time. r 4510 NRR/SRXB 15. MTGol Pmmeo / SAR.Chl5/Novendst Action W Action W 8/ ISM 7 r


NRC CUMMEPrTS ON THE AP600 STANDARD SAFETY nNALYSIS REPORT (SSAR) CHAPTER 15 ACCIDENT ANALYSE 3 Inadvenent IAinding and Operuelen of a Peel Assenddy in an Impsoper Ponialen (SSAR 15.4.7)

39. The seenhan seviewed due n===arp-=nw. of she spectruse of postelmeed fuellenang ervous. The samlyses show foreach case cenaedeved eithee the error would be detectsMe by the eveleMe instrumenemenon (and hence resnedisNe) or the enor would be undesecesNe. but the offsise consequences of any Fuel rod failuses would be e smaR fracsson of 10 CFR 100 gudehnes. A COL action  ;

hem should be included in the SSAR to one she availsNe in< ore laseramentation befose the seert of a fuel cycle to sesch for fuel ' loeAng eners. i Page: 12 Talal Records: 8d0

AP600 Open Item Tracking System Database: Summary Schedule Date: 7/7/97 Selectism [w se codel=' Action W Sorted by DSER Section. Transmit Date. NRC Branch and llem number. km DSER Sahnf s*d (W) NRC  !  ! No. Branch Queseion Type Coor@ Resp Enginar Tetle Status Stures ICP Draft R.L Transmit 4511 NRR/SRXB 15. MTU-Of Fame / SAR-Ch15/Novendst Action W Action W 8/15/97 SUBnx.s:NRC COMMENTS ON THE AP600 STANDARD SAFETY ANALYSIS REPORT (SSAR) CHAPTER 15 ACCIDENT ANALYSES Rod Eiaction Accident (SSAR 15.4.8)

40. Provide tk analysis to show how 15 percent of the fuel expeneneing DNB was smicuheed. Also, a lone-of-offsite-power should be consideredin this analysis.

4512 NRR/SRXB 15. MTG-Of Paneo / SAR-Chl5/Novende Action W Action W 8/15/97



41. Descr*e the pmgram to assure that the isolation valves in the CVS discharge line and the sample line wis be quehrled to close upon demand daring the piping tweak conditsons. Also, discuss the locanon of the flow orifices which were credieed to limit the blowdown flow for the IECA events outside m.:_._ ; to 130 synt These crifiws should be included in the ITAAC. A deley time of 30 nunsees for the opentor actions was assumed in the analysis. Justify the assumption of the operuser delay time by
                                                                                                                                          ..._i.. the display of the instamentation and procedures available for the accident antigation.

4513 NRR/SRXB 15. MTU-GI Paseo / SARGI5/Novendst Action W Action W 8/15/97

                                                                                                                                         $UBJECT: NRC COMMENTS ON THE AP600 STANDARD SAFETY ANALYSIS REPORT (SSAR) CHAl'TER 15 ACCIDENT ANALYSES Seesm Generator Tube Rapture (SS AR 15.6.3)
42. The staff notes that for the AP600, the offsite power was assumed to be available in the SG overfift bounding analysis (page 15.6-
9) while a less-ofeffsioe-power (LOOP) was identified as one of the worst initial conditions in the analysis for existing plants (as documented in page 4-22 of WCAP-10698. "SGTR Analysis ZW to Desesmene the Margin to Steam Genermoor Overfill 1 With offsite power eveeleNe, the seenm release from the affcceed steam generspor will be released so the condrweer. With the LOOP.

the condeneer will be unevaileNe and the scene will be vetemoed to the ;..~.7._. thmugh steam genersoor safety or power-operased relief valves. Explain the difference in the ensumptions for o6Tsite power condmons in the licundmg SG overfill analyges for the AP600 design and existing plants. 45l4 NRR/SRXB 15. MTG-Of Fanto / SAR-Chl5/Novendet Action W Action W 8/15/97



43. The calculased DBNR curve should be included in the SSAR for this mealysis 4515 NRR/SRXB 15. MTU-OI Paneo / SAR-Chl5/Novendet Action W Action W 8/15/97



44. Provide a technical basis for defining the Incak of I 0 ft2 as the largest SB sine.

Page: 13 Total Records. 8d0

                                                                                                                        .    . - . -     .. - -- ._.                                        =-     -       -                    -

AP600 Open Itens Tracking Systemi Database: Sonensary Schedule Date: 7ti g y Seiettles: [w st code}=' Action W* Sorted by DSER Section. Transmit Dese, NRC Branch and item number i Ibeen DSER Seesienf (W) l Schedisle NRC l No. Branch Quesnan Tyre M *8P W Thle Sestus Senres ICP DreR R-. Tsunsenis d516 NRR/SRXB 15. MTO-OI Fanso / SARO15/Newsuht Action W Action W  ! 8/15/97



45. Espend the tweak sin spectrum study to cover the fun range of the SBLOCA up lo the largest ineak sine of 1.0 R2 at any locations in the RCS Inessure boundary by using snesil ineak surthods, and espond LBLOCA analynes from domine.esnied gudlosine cold leg ineak to the lower end ofineak size of I.0 ft2 vsing the LBLOCA methods.

4517 NRR/SRXB 15. MTGOI Puneo / SAROl5/Nevendet Action W Action W 8/15/97 SUBECT: NRCCOMMENTS ON THE AP600 STANDARD SARTY ANALYSIS REPORT (SSAR) CHAPTER 15 ACCIDENT ANALYSES Imss of Cooless Accidents (15.6 5) SBLOCA (SAR 15.6.5)

46. Primde the basis for the "judgenent* that deserneined the failuse of one ofthe fourth sense ADS valve to open as the limiens single failure. Discuss what sensitivity study of single failuses was perfarnied to desernene the knuenig failuse.

d518 NRR/SRXB 15. MTGOI Paneo / SARGIStNovendst Action W Action W 8/;5/97



47. The seesm inalsnan valves see assessed to close one second mRer die seactor trip. Pmvide the basis for this assungnion and confiron whether the seemsn isolanon acrumhan h consiseene with the design. Also, there are two numbers specified for each event in  !

SSAR Talks 15.6.5-15 and .I6 reporting the time for seesm inaiseson valves to close. Delete the inconect values froni the tables. 451"> NRR/SRXB 15. MTGOI Penso / SARDIS/Novendit Action W Action W 8/15/97

                                                                        $UBECT: NRC COMMENTS ON THE AP60rt STANDARD 5ANTY ANALYSIS REPORT (SSAR) CHAPTER 15 ACCIDENT ANALYSES                                                                                                                                                   i less of Coolant Accidents (15.6.5)

SBLOCA (SAR 15.6.5)

48. Ahhese why injecesan of BCCS ineo the RCS het legs is not moeded in the AP600 to present boson serusificacion in the seactor i vesset 4520 NE R/SRXB 15. MTGOI Paneo / SAROl5/Novendet Aceton W Action W 8/15/97 i SUBECT: NRCCDMMENTS ON THE AP600 STANDARD SAFETY ANALYSIS REPORT (SSAR)CHA?TER 15 ACCIDENT t ANALYSES I imes of Celesst Accidents (15.6.5) i Large Beesk LOCAs i
49. Prownle technical benes for the tweak sim of 1.0 R2 ther was used as the crherton to dissinguish LB and SB LOCAs.

Page: 14 Total Recettls: 8d0 t

AP699 Open Item Tracking System Database: Summary Schedule Date: 7/737 Selectican [w st code)=' Action W' Sorted by DSER Sectson. Transmit Date. NRC Branch and item number f i Be= DSeR a-*-r (W) NRC I Sckd* I No. Branch Questwa Type M "p W Tiele Samus semens ICP DreR R- Transmit - 4521 NRR/SRXS 15. MTU-01 Fameo / SAR-Ch15/Novendue Actinn W Action W sil597



50. Figwes 15.6.5A.I through 64 for the analyti al sesults of a LBIACA wese semesed hone Revision 3 of the SSAR chapeer 15.

No equivalene figures have been provs&d in puheequent SSAR sevisions. The figusts for the sesehs of LBIDCA manlysis should be included in the next updese to the SSAR. ' d522 NRR/SRXS 15. MTO-OI Fameo / SAR-Chl5/Novendit Action W Action W afl597 i



51. hem (aMIMi) of 10 CFR S0.46 sesluises that *_. ECCS conhas # . - snest be calcuissed For a meneer of possuissed less-
                                                                                                        .. M ofshfferent sims. locassons. (underkned for emphmeis) and other propestees sefficsent to provsde assuruna that the                            -

niost severe postolated lassad<oolant accidents are calculmed " The scope of the W- ." _ LBIACA analysis is very lienised. The analysis provided was performed for a double <nded cold leg gesBoeine (DBCLG) and a cold leg split (CLS) with a Incak area of oneJintf of that of a DECIE using eluee different flow dracharge coefBesenes. W- f . is sequessed to perform a teesk sine t sensitivity analysis for the LBLOCA frene she lueak sim of a DECIE es die es=imilest LBLOCA (1.0 R2 csoas section asee - or the smallest t=csk to which the WCOBR ATIRAC snethod can be applied). For the analys s presessted in the SSAR the brealt was assumed to secur at one of the cold legs in the loep comenining the CMT. The selection of the worm Incak locmien is need on the sensisivity medies in wCAr.10924. W- .. _ targe B.eak Best Emunne ..J-4,. Volume I Mndel M. ed Validaien. Volume 2. Rewmen 2. ."a . to Tw% PWR Equipped wish Upper Plenum Injection. which showed that locat=g the cold leg Incak in the loop does nos comisin the peserim is m.~ . a m Westnighouse is sequested to extend the sennettvity study to cover the whole range of tweaks at various locations. The sesehs of sensitivity for the esisting plants are not sufficient to}smify for the selectson of sine and locahon for she worst LOCA came hecesse the AP600 ECCS designs are significantly defferent frone that of the convennenst W-- ,_ plant and the sensitivity pludies for the esisting plants nimy siot be directly apphcalde to the AP600 design. W f _ is requessed tojustify the mauymery of selection of the Incak sine and locanon for the limiting case and addsess its - , . with 10 CFR50A6(sNI)(i). 4523 NRR/SRXB 15. MTtMM Phnso / SAR-Chl5/Nevesnest Action W Action W g/15/97




52. Preform an ATW3 samlysis and include the results in she SSAR to demonstrase that the AP600 sesponse is within the bounds covered by the ATWS Rule (10 CFR 5062).

Page 15 TeamI Recents: 8d0

                                                                                                                                                                                           -     -         --         u                        --e:-   _ -
                                               ..                      . . ~ _ .-          . .       - - _                      -. - - . . - .                     ---                        --.. .                        ~                .   -- - - - -.- ..-                                                   . . .                      .-          -= .~

AP600 Open item Tracking System Database: Summary Schedule page: 7ns7 Sdec6esu tw [1 code}='Acticm W' Sorted by DSER Section. Transmit Date. NRC Branch and item number item DSER Sectionf (W) NRC No. Branch Question Type M "P W Title stmas semus ICP Draft R M -- Tnsnmnit 4681 NRR/5RXB 15. MTU-OI Famo / WCTC...A. % Action W Action W s/15/97 R Al: WCAP-14I71. REV. I WCOBRA/TR AC APPUCABRJTY TO AP600 IELOCA Reference I. L E. Hoelwerer,et al, WCOBRA/ TRAC ArysicaNIity to AP600 Large-Break Less-of Coolant Accident.WCAP-14171-P. Rev. t. Octoher 1996. 7.

5. al Code Qualificanon Documest for Best Estense IDCA Analysis. Voluenes I to 5.WCAP-12945-P.1992 and 1993.

NOTE: The quespons we Insed on the review of infonnaion W 1 - _ subsened in ReSpena 1. The followsag questions reisse to Section 4 4 12c. Justify the values used to represent Fq and F (deltaWIla the WCOBR A/ TRAC analyses include all the appropnme uncertamtses that were covesed by I;I and F H in the 3J4-Ioop uncertenwy evalumnon. This includes she calculanomat uncerssin Westinghouse *s Code Qualifiewion Document (CQD Ref. 7).TaNe 212 2 and oil magmenced veneNes 4682 NRR/5RXB 15. MTU-OI Famo I WCTC._. ".--_. % Action W Action W 8/1537 R AI: WCAP-14171. REV. I WCOBRA/ TRAC APPUCABRJTY TO AP600 LBIDCA Reference 1. L E. al WCOBRA/ TRAC Apphcability to AP600 Lage-Break laus-of Coolant Accident.WCAP-14171-P. Rev. I. October 1996. NOTE: The questions are based on the review ofinfonnation W . _ submised in Reference 1. De folkswung questions relate to Section 4.4. 12d. Ibr TaNe 4.4-2. clarify the uncertsennes entered fw core power and -tedssertution. The uncertamties are not connessent with RMR TaNe 3.1.3-1. 4689 NRR/5RXB 15. MTU-OI Faso / WCT/Novendwerndt Action W Action W 8/1537 RAl: WCAP.14171.FRV. I WCOBRA/TR AC APPUCABIUTY TO AP600 LBIDCA Reference I. L E. Hocia iter,et al WCOBRA/ TRAC Applicability to AP600 Large-Break Less-of Coolant Accident.WCAP-14171.P. Rev.1. October 1956. NOTE- The questions me bawd on the review ofinfonnation W ."_ sulwsmeed in Reference 1. The foMowmg questions re ee to Sectioss 4.4. I2k. Justify that the snodels listed on page 4 17 are the only ones areding to be reviewed prior to application to the AP600. Clarify how the models liseed were selecsed. How does Reference 8 support this list? 4 This queguen and the sequest in part j are relased to the fact that Weasaghouse is basing the AP600.-f " .., on the approved 344-loop sneshadology but also making some changes. Where changes were made. Westinghouse italized that it had to discuss why the changes were made med provide suppornag informanon. In general. W-- ." has done this. The peaking factor encaision on page 412 and the initial condmons discussion on page 414 me esemples of this. Where the approved approach is carried over for the AP600. Westinghouse has also provsded supporting informanon for some noodels, paramesers, . phenomene, and uncertamry desenheticos. The discussion on pages 4-15 and 4-16 reissed to the broken loop neerle less coefficient and the pomy vessitance me esemples of tesis. However,this needs to be done for all the snedels, paramesers. A and uncertamty dietnbunens that eneered isso the approved uneestmenty - " . ., approach and discussion (see RMR Section 3.1) and are canied over ime the AP600 nethodoingy. Some esemples of hesns not descassed in this manner noted by the INEL me decay hem (see also quesnans 2c). -Cla and the otheritenes in the taNe nosed in partJ. and Nowdown heanup and refill hear transfer uncertamty. Westenghouse should ensure the application of these (and any others in shie canegory) to the Ap600 are justified. Nose that thejunificmion in some canes will pmbaNy be senservely single. In asher am a move detailedjustir-- may be --d Page: 16 Total Records. 8d0

AP608 Open Item Tracking System Database: Summafy Sdiedule pate: 7/7/97 Seleetlen* [w se code)=* Action W* Sorted by DSER Section. Transmit Date. NRC Branch and item number. l Iseen DSER Sweenf M NRC l s'*'**  !  ! No. B:ench Quemhm Type CoordfReg Engmeer Tiele Staus Samus ICP DruR Review Transnait 4694 NRR/SRXB 15. N'TO-Of Famo / WCT/Novendeernflt Ac* ion W Action W P 8/15/97 R At: WCAP.14171. REV. I WCOBRA/ TRAC APPUCABRJTY TO APtiOO LBLOCA Reference 1. t. E. Hoclueveer,et al WLOBRAmtAC Ar,0_ _" 7, to A*600 Large-Beesk IJssef Coolant Acchlent. WCAP. I4171-P. Rev. I. October 1996. t NOTS Tne questions are based on the seview ofinferiumnon W ." _ satsnined in Refesesa 1. Section 4 6 dncessed the 95th percentile reicusanon. Clarify the follomas queshans Iab. Ptovale a complete example of the entire AP600 uncertanny analysis. Por esasgle, see RMR Section 4.5 5017 NRR/SRXB 15. MTU-Of Faneo /L '1TCT/IC Action W Action W 8/15/97 RAl: WCAP-14171 P. REY. I WCOBRA/ TRAC APPUCABR.ITY10 AP600 LBIDCA Refesences. [ I. B. Boyeck,et al, Quantifying Reactor Safety Hargues. Agylication of Code Scaling Applicability, and Unenstahity Evaluation , Methodology to a lJege-Break. imsef-Coolant Acenient. NUREG/CP-5249. BGG-2552. December 191I9.

2. N. J. Upa.. slo, WC.....

leteer se USNRC Docuenent Control Desk. "Docketius of 5 . " Fifannuson Reinsed to  ! WCAP-12945-P." NSD-NRC-96-4718. NSA4 Al-96-167. May 9.1996.

3. J. Sugunorgo, et al. Den Report on IJrge Scale Reflool Test-78. CCTF Core-Il Test C2-AA2 (Ron 058) JAERI Memo 59-446 February 1985. 4 Questam i
1. In a telayhone - '

wish Westmghouse. she possibility of Wessingtause wr: ting a tener to clarify how the AP600 meshadology twhich includes some noodificanons to she apper.ed best esnesse methesology) nueets the 14 seeps of Ar Code Scanas. Apphembihty, and Uncertainty methodologyI wu discussed. The samff would End such a letter helpful in completag and documerting its review. Will Wu.. .a consnit to providag such a lesser? 5018 NRR/SRXB 15. MTO.Ol Paneo / NovendstenefWCTAC Action W Action W 8/15/97 rat:WCAP-14171-P. REV. I WCOBRA/ TRAC APPL 9CABIUTY TO AP800 LaNECA Refesences:

1. B. al Quantifying Reactor Safety Margins. Apphesnan of Code Ecaling ?C " ~2, and Unrestenwy Evaluation
                                                                                                      ;.;Z " . ., to a IJrge-Beesk. Ims of-Coolant Accsdent. NUREG/CR-5249. EEG-2552. December 1989.                                          ;
2. N. J. Laperstow Wesnaghouse, lener to USNRC Document Consol Desk. *Doctehag of T alleformaion Relssed to WCAP-12945-P.* MSD-NRC-96-4718. MSA. sal-96-167. May 9.1996. .
3. J. Saganoego.ct al Data Report on Large Scale Reflood Test-78.CC17 Core-!! Test C2 AA2 (Run 058). JAERI Menos 59-446 February 1985. 1 Quesnon. I
2. a. The approved ' " " ,, pr sensed sensitivety seudies for thne steps and burney. De any of sier sendie- need to be I medone for AP6001- of design diffeiences or casculanomal differences that aflect the resuks for AP600 reamive to duee- and I four-loop plants? Please provide some juntification with your answer.

t i Page- 17 Toisi Reunis- 840 f (

AP600 Open Item Tracking System Database: Summary Schedule Date: 7n/97  ; sehemen: [w ci codej=' Action W' Sorted by OSER Section. Transmit Date. NRC Branch and item nonber. hem DSER Settled (W) NRC  ! 'h'*'* ' No. Breach Queseion Type MesP Engineer 7,,ge Statua Searns ICP DreR Review Transmit 3019 NRR/SRXB 15. MTU-Of Fenio / 1a.,. viCT/K Action W Action W 8/15/97 RAI:WCAP-14171-P. REY. I WCOBRA/ TRAC APPUCABillTY TO AP600 LBLOCA Refestaces: L B. al. Quantifying Reactor Safety Margins. Appiscanon of Code beting .*;--n " ~M .1 and Uncertainty Evelemtion "1C " .6 to a Larte-Bresk. Loss-of-Coolant Accident. NUREG/CR-5249. EGG-2552. Decranber 1989.

2. N. J. Liparato. Westmghouse. letter so USNRC Docuenrat Cenerni Desk.
  • Docketing of E ~ ~ Infonnerion Rehmed to
  • WCAP-12945-P.* NSD-NRC-96-4718. NSA-SAI-96-167 May 9.1996. -
3. J. Suganosso, et al Dura Report on Large Scale Reflood Test-78.CCTFCose-fl Test C2-AA2 (Run 058) JAERI Menso 39446 February 1985.


2. b. What h the refevence for the AP600 becak sg-strum study that idenafled the limiting lutak? De any of the proposed lsisenhadology changes for AP600 isnpact the vulnhty of the earfier study? Please provide somejustificarson with your answer.

5020 NRR/SaxB 15. MTO-of Faneo i Novendseern/WCT/K Action W Action W 8/15/9' RAl:WCAP-14171-P. REY. I WCOBRA/ TRAC APPLICABILITY 10 AP600 LBEJDCA Refesences


I. B. Boyeck et al Quensifying Reactor Safety Margins. Applicerien of Code SemHrg ?; . " " ~2r, and Uncestatney Evalastion Methodology to a large-Becek, tosseffoolant Accideva. NUREGdCR-5249. EGG-2552. Decendser 1989.

2. N. J. Lsperole. Westenghouse. letter to USNRC Document Connel Desk. "Dockeeng of E. ,, _a Infonnution Reissed so WCAP-12945-P.* NSD-NRC-E4718. NSA-sal-%I67 Mey 9.1996.
3. J. Suganoego, et al Dusa Report on Large Scale Reflood Test-78. CCTF Cose-Il Test C2-AA2 (Run 058). JAEstl Mesno 59-44G.

February 1985. Question-

3. How will Wessinghouse dreernene the ranges for the sensisivity senees on the AP6G) bounded parameters (for esemple.the i..r.-. ranges for accumulaser weser or plant average eenyerneuse)7 i 5021 NRR/SRXB 15. MTU-OI Faneo / NovendseernfWCT/K Action W Action W 8/15/97 rat:WCAP-14171-P. REY. I WCOBftA/ TRAC APPIJCABILITY TO AP600 LBIDCA l Refesences-I. B. Boyeck,et al Quantifying Reactor Safety Margsas. Apphcanon of Code Sc: ding Applicshdsty, and Uncestminty Evolucion Meshedology to a large.Becak l.masef-Coolant Accident. NUREG/CR-5249. EGG-2552. December 1989.
2. N. J. Lipareso. Westsaghouse. letter to USNRC Document Commel Desk.*Dockenns nf E _..aal Informonen Related to WCAP-I2945-P.* NSD-NRC-96-4718. NSA-sal-96-167. May 9.1996.
3. J. Saganoego, et al Data Repost on I.arge Scale Reflood Teme-78. CCTF Cose-fl Test C2-AA2 (Run 058). JAERI Memo 59-446 February 1985.


4. a. Does Weshnghovee use the approved version of WCOBRA/IltAC.WCDBRAtlRAC. MOO 7A.Rev.t. in its AP600 mentys-s?

Page- 18 Total Records- 8d0

AP600 Open Item Tracking System Database: Summary Schedule Date: 7/7/97 8elecilmen [w st codeb' Action W' Sorted by DSER Section. Transmet Date. NRC Branch and item nornbrr. Besa DSER SsM (W)  ! " NRC  ! No. Beendi Quesmen Type Coor@ Resp Engineer Title Sessus Sestas ICP Dren Review Transenit 5022 NRR/SRXB 15. MTO-OI Puneo I Novandseera/WCT/K Action W Action W 3/15/97 5 RAI:WCAP-14171-P.REV. I WCOBRA/ FRAC APPLICABRJTYTO AP600 LBLOCA References I. B. al, Quantifying Reactor Safety Margins. Apphasten of Code Scaling AppNesbility, and Uneestaisty Evaluation Methndology to a l;arge-Becak. ims-offoolant Acesdent. NURBG/CR-5249. BGG-2552. Demnduer 1989.

2. N. J. Laperula, Westinghouse. lester to USNRC Document Conorof Desk. *Docheneng of S,,- Is#ennasion Related to l WCAP-12945-P.* NSD-NRC-96-4718. NSA-sal-96-167. May 9.1996.  ;
3. J. Sugianorgo, et al, Duse Repost on Large Scale Reflood Test- 78. CCTF Cose-II Test C2-AA2 (Run 058), JAERI Menno 59-446, i February 1985.


4. b. Does Westinghouse une the approved version of WC04R A/ TRAC. WCDBRA/ TRAC, MOD 7A.Rev.t. in he AP600 analyses?

5023 NRR/SRXB 15. MTEM)I Pnieu 1 Nowdame/WCT/K Action W Action W 3/15/97 i RAI:WCAP-14171-P.REV. I WCOBRA/ TRAC APPlJCABRJTYTO AP600 LBIDCA Refesences_

l. B. Boyeck, et al, Quantifying Rearner Safety Margins. _^. . . of Code Scaling Applicability, and if-- _ _ o, Evaluetten Methodology to a large-Break. Ims-ofCoolant Acrisbit. NUR BG/CR-5249. LEG-2'52. Deceseher 1989. *
2. N. J. taperulo Wesemghouse. leaser to USNRC t'ocuenent Comeral Desk.* Docket ng of S . -- ;Infonnation Related to WCAP-12945-P.* NSD-NRC-96-4718. NSA-sal-9f,-167. May 9.1996. *
3. J. Segunotso, et al, Daem Report on I.arge Scr/e Reflood Test-78. CCTF Cose-II Test C2-AA2 (Rum 058). JAERI Mesne 59-446, f%ruary 1985.


5. Becenne of the - f" Io she appmeed -f * ",, snede for AP600 Westinghouse samled in WCAP-14171-P. Rev.1 that the vahdation and correcevon of the sugerposerica ensusuptions in the approved a^ " ., was not needed for she AP600.

However, the models are still separated imo global and local noodels and evaluesed using different appmaches. Was this separution  ; also covered in the approved nieshodokey s m,osition vahdessonkorvecnon? If yes. clarify how the AP600 nueshadology accounts  ; for the need to vahdese/ correct for this separarson. If no, then clarify what was done in the approved nierhodology in this area. 5024 NRR/SRXB 15. MTO-Of Paseo I Mweendseern/WCT/K Action W Action W 8/15/97 l RAl: WCAP-14871-P.REV. I WCOBRA/ TRAC APPLICARKJTY TO AP600 LRIDLA Referenas

1. B. al, Quennfying Reactor Safety Margins. " . . "' . of Code Scaling .";," " 7,. and Unertalary Evalumnon Methodology to a large-Break.Loes-of-Coolant Accident. NURBG/CR-5249. BOG-2552. Decender 1989.
2. N. J. Liparole, Wesnaphouse. lester to USNRC Document Commel Desk. *Docteeing of f . f - C Infonussion Relates to WCAP.12945-P." NSD-NRC-96-47t t. NS A-S Al-96-167. May 9.1996.
3. J. Segunoego, et al, Data Repost on targe Scale Reflood Test-78.CCIFOsse R Test C2 AA2 (Run 058) JAERI Menno 59-446, i

Pebruary 1985. Quesnon

6. In Aeschement I of Reference 2.W_ ." deserthed a conection to the NOTSPCT W deviation shot was snede to ,

ensure the appmpnaseness of the resuhs. k is the stafl's A ~ . that this cowiection should be a past of the AP600  ! niethodology. Clarify if this is true or esplain why it is not needed for the AP600 methodology Page: 19 Total Recents. 8d0 ,

_-. . . _ . . - _ _ = - - - ._ - .- - - ~ _ - . . . . - - .- =- - . . . . . . - = = _ _ . AP600 Open Item Tracking System Dat; base: Summary Schedule Date: 7/7,a)7 Selection: [w st code]=' Action W' Soited by DSER Section.Transtnit Date, NRC Branch and itent number i DSER W i (W) NRC i No. Branch Question Type CoonMtesp Engmeer Title &mus Smas ICP DreR R- Ta _ 5025 NRR/SRXB 15. MTU-Of Fanto / i',m/_. WCT/K Action W Action W 8/15/97 R A1: WCAP-14171-P. REV. l WCOBR A/ TRAC APPLICABILITY TO AP600 LBLOCA References 1. B. Boyack, et al., Quantifying Reactor Safety Margins. Apphcation of Code Scaling Apphcability, and Uncertanty Evaluation Methodology to a large-Break, Imsef-CoolmW Accident. NURIGCR-5249. EGG-2552. December 8989.

2. N. J. Lipando, Westinghouse,leteer to USNRC Document Coneral Desk. *Dockeeng of Supplemental Infonamien Reissed to WCAP-12945-P.* NSD-NRC-%4718, NSA-S Al-%I67. May 9.1996.
3. J Saginiorgo, et al, Den Report on Large Scale Reflood Test '/8.CCTF Cose-Il Test C2-AA2 (Run 058) JAERI Memo 59-446, February 1985. '


7. In WCAP-14171-P, Rev. I, Westinghouse sessed that the WCOBRA/ TRAC code uncertamty is kept as a hmer liniit on the uncertainty. In the approved niethodology, the code uncertainty consisted of two parts that wese compared to two different uncertainties, and one of those uncertainties is no longer directly included in the AP600 uncertainty methodology. llierefase, clarify i how the code uncertainty is applied in the AP600 methodology. As a relased queseen, if only the one part of the code instertainty is setnined in the AP600 methodology, clarify how Westinghouse *s AP600 --- - ' '_,, acenants forthe goodness of t%e WCOBRA/ TRAC results relative to test data.

5026 NRR/SRXB 15. MTG-Of Fanto / L~.2_. WCT.K Action W Action W S/15/97 RAI; WCAP-14171-P, REV. I WCOBRA/ TRAC APPLICABILITY TO AP600 LBLOCA Refesences i

1. B. Boyeck. et al, Quantifying Reactor Safety Marges. A. . ' . of Code Scahng Applicshility, and Uncerteney Evaluation Methodology to a Large-lheak. Ims-of-Coolant Accident. NUREGtCR-5249. EGG-2552, December 1989.
2. N. J. Lapendo, Westmghouse. letter to USNRC Document Control Desk. *Dockeeng of Supplemental Informanon Related to WCAP-12945-P.* NSD-NRC-96-4718, NSA-sal-96-167 May 9,1996.
3. J. Seguncego. et al., Data Repost on Large Scale Reflood Test-78, CCTF Cose-Il Test C2-AA2 (Run 058) JAERI Menio 59-446 February 1985.

Question '

8. In WCAP-14871-P. Rev. I, the WCOBRA/IltAC analysis of Cyhedncal Cese Test Facihty Run 583 did not the calculase the oscillaions cheerved in the test resehs. Clarify if this was due to the WCOBRA/ TRAC analysis calculating that the ? -. level did not recover to the DVI nozzle elevation. If this was the case, clarify the reasons for the difference relative to the test data which did show the downcomer level secovering to the DVI nozzle elevation. If not, clarify the reasons for the WCOBRA/ TRAC and test differences 5135 NRR/SRXB 15. MTU-Of Fameo / Novendstern/LTOK Action W Action W PG Meetmg O,en -


Presentation on WC/T Img Term coohng (LTC) to the NRC MTG-Of #1: Wesenghouse needs to describe the testment of mass and energy teleases calculased by GOTWC out of ADS-4 for LTC cose bod-off calculations. 5I36 NRRISRXB 15. MTG-Of Penso / L~h.. TC/K Action W Action W 8/15/97 Meeeng Open hem:


Presentmion on WC/T tmg Term cooling (LTC) to the NRC MTG-Of #2: Determine apphcability of Regulatory Guide 1.1 for DBA LTC Chagwer 15 calcolmions. Page- 20 Total Records: 840 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ __.__._._...__________,_______.________.____________.____m___________._..___________.__.________.____.m__-____.__._____.__._____._______ _ ___ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _

AP600 Open Item Tracking System Dat base: Summary Schedule Date: 7/7/97 Selectlent [w st code]=* Action W' Sorted by DSER Section. Transmit Date, NRC Branch and item number. . Item DSER W (W) HRC l '"" i No. Branch Question Type Cmmmesp Engineer Title Status Status ICP DraR Ri . - Transmit

               $l37      NRR/SRXB 15.                       MTG-Of Faneo             / Novendstern/Lsun                                                                                                                           Action W     Action W                                                                                              8/15/97 Meeting Open Item:

Satiect: Presentation on WCfT Umg Term cooling (LTC) to the NRC MTG-Of #3: Are the check va'ves from the accumulator suk..y ..m.4 to the sump safety grade and operaNe during LTC. 5147 NRR/SRXB 15. MTG-Of Panto /ik._.L. TRUM Action W Action W 8/15 S 7 t RAI: Meeting Open Item I) faciude copies of appropriate R Als and the " background

  • summary in the Snel version of the NOTRUMP V&V Report (to be issued sutwquent to the ACRS meeting).

5148 NRR/SRXB 15. MTU-Of Faneo /PL.s..l_. TRUM Action W Action W 8/15/97 I lRAl: Meeting Open Item

2) Incorporate RAI 440.480 and 440.481 into the text of the Gnal V&V report (to be issued subsequent to the ACRS meeting).

5149 NRR/SRXB 15. MTG-Of Faneo / No.,_ " _. 10FTR Action W Action W 8/15/97 RAI: Meeting Open hem

3) include copies of appropriate RAls and the "backgrous 1* summary in the final version of the LOFTRAN V&V Report and the ILOFTRAN CAD.

5531 NRR/SRXB 15. RAl-OI / SAR-Chl5/Fanto Action W Action W 8/15/97

                                                                                                                                                                               ' REQUESTS IVR ADDITIONAL INIURMATION (RAls) ON Tile AP600 STANDARD SAFETY ANALYSIS REPORT (SSA; CHAPTER 15 ACCIDENT ANALYSES Anticipated Transients Without Scram (ATWS) Analysis R AI 440659 A                                                                                                                                                                   '

Westinghouse has performed an ATWS analysis in response to RAI 440.26. Westinghouse used a complete loss of normal feedwater , (LONF) event for the ATWS analysis because the IDNFevent was previously identrGed as the limiting case the ymduced the + maximum RCS pressure for Westinghouse PWRs. Westmglwuse has staled that the linuting ATWS case for the AP600 is the same as that performed for the Westinghouse traditional PWRs. Since the AP600 passive design is different from the traditional PWRs (for example. AP600 relies ensinly on the PRHR system instead of the auxilipry feedwater system as required by the existing PWRs to , remove the decay heat during an ATWS event). Westinghouse should demonstrase that the resuks of and the methodology used for the existing ATWS analyses are applicaMe to AP600 for analysis of the worst ATWS case. Page: 21 Total Reards: 840

AP600 Open item Tracking System Database: Summary Schedule Data 7/7/97 Selettlen* [w st codel=' Action W' Sorted by DSER Section Transmit Date, NRC Branch and item number nem DSER S-ima I s*d le (w) NRC I No. Branch Question Type ComMesp Engmeer Title Status Status ICP DreR Review Transmut 5532 NRR/SRXB 15. RAI.OI / SAR-Chl5/Fanto Action W Action W 8/15/97 REQUESTS R)R ADDITIONAL INPORMATION (RAls) ON THE AP600 STANDARD SAFETY ANALYSIS REPORT (SSAR) CHAPTER 15 ACCIDENT ANALYSES Anticipased Transients Without Scram (ATWS) Analysis RAI 440659 B Westinghouse stated that the selection of the moderator teniperanne coefficient (MTC)in the ATWS analysis for AP600 is consistent with the niethod discussed in WCAP-Il992.1he staff seview of this topical report is on-going. However, the staff's position on selection of the MTC for the ATWS analysis is as foNows: The A1WS rnest show that the unfavorable exposee tinue (UET), given the cycle design (including hrTC). will be less than 5pescent. or equivalently, that ATWS pressine limit will nieet for at least 95 percent of the cycle. The UET is the time during the cycle when vescrivity feedback is insufrecient to main tain pressee under 3200 psig for a given reactor sense. The position is applied to the Westinghouse PWAs and can be found in s letter deced July 27.995, frorn NRC to Mr. D. L Farrar of the Commonwealth Edison company. Wesanghouse should denionstrane that it's selection of the MTCin the ATWS analysis for AP600 complies with the staff s position stated above. 5533 NRR/SRXB 15. RAl-Of Fanto / SAR-Chl5/Novendst Action W Action W 8/15!97 REQUESTS R)R ADDITIONAL INFORM ATION ("Als) ON THE AP600 STANDARD SAFETY ANALYSIS REPORT (SSAR) CHAPTER 15 ACCIDENT ANALYSES LOCA METHODOIDGY R Al 440.660 SS AR 15.4.5 describes the sesults of the IDCA break spectrum study for AP600.1he NOTRUMP code is used to perform small-break LOCA analyses for the range ofineaks froen 0.5-inch to 10-inch diameter (about 0.55 square feet cross sectional ares), while the WCOBR A/TRACcode is used to analyre large-beesk LOCAs for bseaks rangung from DECLG break to a locak of 14-inch diameter (appretimasely 1.0 square feet cross sectional area). Westinghouse should justify the use of the NOTRUMP and WCOBRA/ TRAC for LOCA analyses in the ranges of break simes as proposed in SSAR 15.6.5. In addition the LOCAs with becaks froen 0.55 square feet to I.0 square feet cross scetional area should be analyzed and the sesults should be provided for the staff to seview. The analysis should use snethods - . _ to the staff and identify the bautmg IECA case to satisfy the . _.c of item (a)(IXi)of 10 CFR 50 46 5534 NRR/SRXB 15. RAl-Of Panto / SAR-Chl5/Novendst Action W Action W 8/15/97 REQUESTS R)R ADDITIONAL INR)RMATION (RAls)ON 1NE AP600 STANDARD SAFETY ANALYSIS REPORT (SSAR) CHAPTER 15 ACCIDENT ANALYSES LBIDCA - E'ETERMINATION OF PEAK CLADDING TEMPERATURE RA1440661 Table 15.6.5-9 lists the calculased peak cladding temperennes (PCTs) for large-becak LOCAs. FWmde enample calculations to show how the PCTs are calculseed for the gudlotme locaks with and without supeeposition data. The subenistal should include the j 2 of the noodel bias and uncertainty and clarify whether they are the meninium vahmes or desernuned on the cue by-case i basis. j f l l Page: 22 Total Records: Edo i i

                                                                                                                    . _ _ _ _ ._ _ ..._ __ _ . _ .- __ _ _                                                          . _ _ _._.                  _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ ~ _ _ _. _

AP600 Open Item Tracking System Database: Summary Schedule Date: 7/7/97

[w st code}/Actica N Sorted by DSER Section. Transmit Date, NRC Branch and item number.

. hem DSER W (W) ' No. CoorWResp Engmeer NRC Branch Quesmen Type Title Status Samus ICP Dran Review Transnut  !

  $535     NRR/SRXB 15.                                                                             RAlel      Paneo             / SAR-Ch15/Novendst                                                             Action W Action W                                                                                  '

8/15/97 REQUESTS IVR ADDITIONAL INIVRMATION (RAls)ON THE AP600 STANDARD SAPETY ANALYSIS REPORT (SSAR) CHAPTER 15 ACCIDENT ANALYSES SBLOCA - DETER MINATION OF THE LIMITING SINGIE FAILURE l rat 440 662 l SSAR Section 15.6.5 48.1.0 states that the failure of one ADS-4 valve to open is the hautus single failuse (SF) during senell-lueak (SB) LOCAs. The quehtative argument presemed in the same SSAR section does not clearly demonstrase why the failure of one ADS-4 valve to open is enore limiting than the failure of one ADS-l valve to open for the double-ended DVI(DEDVI)line tweak. Provide a quantitative analysis to confirm that the limiting SF is the failure of one ADS-4 vehe during SBLOCAs. 5536 NRR/SRXB 15. FM Fanto / SAR.Chl5/Novesuist Action W Action W 8/15/97 REQUESTS IUR ADDITIONAL INIORMATION (RAls) ON THE AP600 STANDARD SAFETY ANALYSIS REPORT (SSAR)

  • CHAPTER 15 ACCIDENT ANALYSES l.ONG TERM COOLING (LTC)- BORON PRBCIPITATION RAI 440.663 SSAR Section contams a general statement clamung that during the post-LOCA LTC transient period, the liquid through the cose is sufficient to provide =e=p=aa Rushing to prevent precipitation of boren. W- . should prevale a quanntative analysis to show baron concentranons as a function of the core boileff rec. DVI inlecnon rase and core thishmg ruse during LTC i conditions and denionstrate that an adequase margin to avoid horen y.-O is avalable for the linunng post-LOCA LTC case.

1266 NRR/PERB 153-5 DSER-OI Beler, J. / Grover Action W Action N 1/24/95 A 5/24/95 S 8/15/97 The maff has not yet completed its teview of the aerosol removal modeling and runovel raks which were proposed by Wesanghouse i during the NRC/Weninghouse nueting of Augum 29 and 30,1994. The staff win also psform an independent evalumnon of the ( boundog accident sequence, and -.- , " _ sercool behavior and removal rates to the selected boundmg accident sequence in the  ; a following a DBA. ' 1269 NRR/PERB 153.4 2 DSER-Of Buder, J. / Grover Action W Action W 4/6/95 A 5/24/95 S 8/15/97 . The staff will seview the loss +f-coolant analysis issue in compuncnon with - - f _ Mluncal passtions on fission- product release timing which is to be subnuned in laae 1994 for maff seview. 1271 NRR/PERB 15 3.4-4 DSER-Of Buder. J. / Grover Action W Action W 4MW95 A 5/24/95 5 8/15/97 > lThe stafrs independent redrological consequences assessment of a hypothencal LOCA is not yet complete l . 3523 NRR/PERR 15.7 RAI-Of Buder. J. / Schulz Action W Action W 8/15/97 RAI 47031 - March 8,1996 letter - Provide the W- - pH calculation that show the wuser voluenes, chenucal sencnons. amount of chemicals, nuising efficiencies, acid generanons (hydrochtonc and sulfunc acids) sesuhing hem radiolysis of orgame cable insulation materials, and sesulting pH values for the entire duranon of a DBA (30 days). 2024 NRR/HICB 16 DSER-OIS Nydes / RTNSS/McIntyre/Sc Action W Action W 6/27/97 f

28. Design of the Diverse Actuation System The DAS has been identified by Wa., _ to be a RTNSS-important symem for ATWS consulerations. The staff needs '

additional infonnance negarding the design and reliability (See DSER Open leevn 7.7.2-1) 2434 NRR/HICB 16.1 MTG-Of Nydes / TECHSPEC Action W Action W 6/23/97 S  ; l Provide Westmshouse possaca on admin connels section requnements for a sonwwe failuse root cause analysis program l Page: 23 ratal Recceds. 540 i i

AP600 Open Item Tracking System Database: Summary Schedule Dat2: 7/1/97 ht [w st code]=' Action W' Sorted by DSER Section. Transmit Date, NRC Branch and item number. hem DSER Sectionf No. M9 esp Engineer (W) NRC l Branch Quesson Type Title Stmas Samus ICP Draft Review Transmit 2454 NRR/HICB I6. I MTIM)I Nydes / RTNSS/McIntyre/Sc Action W Action W 6/2767 5 l Clarify NRC position on tecimical specifications for DAS. l 5357 ,dSCSB 16.1 RAIOl Nydes / TECHSPEC/Suggsf Action W Action W 6/3057 S l Respond to C_ 2 4 Systems Branch commens (90) on the Tech Specs rec'd by letter dated May 15. l 2451 NRR/HICB 16.I MTGOI Nydes / TECHSPEC/Schulz Action W Action W 7/2/97 S l4th Stage ADS valves will need to be addressed carefully. Evaluate manual actuation precedents for BWRs relative to squib valv j 5527 NRR/TSB 16.I TPI-OI Nydes / TECHSPCCrorletti Action W Action W 7/1467 S l Respond to NRC letter of May 28,1997, regarding the TS pressure isolmion valves (PIV). l 2436 NRR/HICB 16.8 MiGOI Nydes / TECHSPEC/Birsa Action W Action W 7/1557 S l Evaluate the actions for one channel inoperable versus single channels of multipit functions snoperable due to reactor trip group f 2438 NRR/HICB 16.1 MTGOI Nydes / TECHSPEC/Birsa Action W Action W 7/1567 5 Consider providing (in Bases) rationale for automatic syem actions versus operator actions (wliich may reverse the system automatic actionsXe g . like when a channel trips in the auto function only to be bypass as inop by the operator based upon action steps). 2442 NRR/HICB 16.1 MTGOI Nydes / TECHSPEC/Birsa Action W Action W 7/l587 S Evaluwe the potential for failures that could defeat the capability for placing functions inNp bypass. This needs to be considered in the h:y.~.; of the actions (operwor could be mluired to take an action to put the channel in bypass, and be unable to perform the action). At very minimum, the bases should clearly explain what is meant by placing the channelin bypass. Is taking the action (switch opersion) without the system succeeding ok7 This action is there to go from I/3 logic to 2/3 logic (which affords operming fault tolerances). Staying in the I/3 condition is not unacceptable. Tids concern is valid for both the RPT and ESF. 2443 NRR/HICB 16.1 MTGOI Nydes / TECHSPEC/Birsa Action W Action W 7/1557 S l Communication of failed bypassed conditions is a concern within the instrumentation section. l l Page: 24 Total Records: 8d0

AP600 Open Item Tracking System Database: Summary Schedule Dat: 7/757 SelMilestt [w st code]=* Action W* Sorted by DSER Section Transmit Date, NRC Branch and item number. hem DSER Sectionf (W) NRC  ! No. Branch Quesnon Type Coord/ Resp Engineer Title Samus Stem ICP M RW TM 5249 NRR/TSB 16.1 TILOI Nydes / TECHSPEC Action W Action W 7/15/97 S A telecon with the Reactor Systems Branch (SRXB) was held May 8,1997, to discuss Westinghouse responses to SRXB Tech Spec comments. Those that are Westinghouse actions: L

a. To close 7,13,16.17 (and all other TS applicable in Mode 4 but ending in Mode 4), Westmghouse will develop testoranon times and replace the new action to *imaisee action to restore " with an action "to testore
  • l Dis is BIG. ~
b. To close 21. Westinghouse needs to act so sesolve the squib valve operability issues. This discussion expands also to check valves. This is BIG. A small part of 21 that I didn't want to get lost is to recogniae the ADS stages are not equivalent and break out the actions, consistent with our approach developed April 9 & 10.
c. To close 12 (TS 3 4.10). Westinghouse will petmde the TS markup with Rev I of the response to RAI 410.17. I'm not sure this will close so it will take some effort to " finish
  • this.
d. To close 9 (3.4.3), Westinghouse will determme an approprinse pressure and fax a spec vnartup to NRC for enet'l branch review. I
e. To cloge IS (3.5.1). Westinghouse needs to set a nitrogen pressure livnit and discuss cts /SPs, including defense of Action D as more conservative than LCD 3.0.3.
f. To close 22 (3.4.12) Ws,.y wilt revise the response to eliminase refesence to NRC/ Westinghouse telecon and to same that these vacuum breakers are not assumed in the safety analysis.


g. To close 23 (3.5.2). Westinghouse is to develop an action plan to address apparent i ara ==ieu between the TS and SSAR p 3.9 I63 foot note 10.

2463 NRR/HICB 16.1 MTU-Of Nydes / TECHSPEC/Birsa Action W Action W 7/21/97 S Consider NRC sh. .dion for including one value (allowable values or trip setpoints). Determee the feasability of using safety ' analysis vaues in brackets for design certification specs. I [ Page: 25 Total Records 840 1 t

AP600 Open Itein Tracking System Database: Summary sh Dat : 7/7/97 Selectiese: [w st code)=' Action W' Sorted by DSER Section. Transmit Date, NRC Branch and item number. Item DSER Sechonf No. Benach Quesnon Type Mesp Engmeer (w) NRC l  ! Title Status Stwas ICP DraR R;. Transmit 5248 NRR/TSB 16.1 TEl,Of Nydes / TECHSPEC Action W Action N 7125 8 7 5  ! A h. with the Reactor S,a. Branch (SRXB) was held April 30.1997, to discuss Westinghouse responses to SRXB Tech Spec' comments. Those that are NRC actions: i 11 e vesponns to questions 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 8.10. II.18,19,20 are ok (for some. Wesetnghouse needs to fem the spec mas Three of these are NRC action:

1) To clage 6 (3.2.1). Summer Sun is to confirm acceptability.
2) To confirm closure of 14 (3.4.13 and 3.4.14). NRC has action to review the SD Evaluation Report. I
3) To close 24 (3.4.14). NRC will re<valuare to understand Westinghouse position that STS basis for PlVs was follone '

The others are Westinghouse action. big ones rust: *

4) To close (and all other TS applicable in Mode 4 but ending in Mode 4). Westmghouse will develop ver ation tim and replace the new action to "initisse action to restore " with an action "to sessore "

This is BIG.

5) To close 21. Westinghouse needs to act to resolve the squib valve operability *.ssues. This descension expands also to check valves. This is BIG. A small part of 21 that I didn't want to get lost is to recognize the ADS stages are not equivalent and Intak out t the actions, consistent with our approach developed April 9 & 10.
6) To close 12 (TS 3.4.10). Westinghouse will provide the TS enerkup with Rev I of the sesponse to RAI 410.17. I'm not sure this miB close so it will take some ehrt to "rinish" this.
7) To close 9 (3.4.3). Westinghouse will deterame an appropnase pressure and fem a spee enerkup to NRC for mat'l branch review, i
8) To close 15 (3.5.1). Westeghome needs to set a nitrogen pressure liniit and discuss cts /SFs. includsag defense of Action D as neore conservative than 140 3.0.3. [
9) To close 22 (3.4.12). Westmghouse will revise the response to eliminase reference to NRC/Westint t hese vacuum tweakers are not assumed in the safety analysis. Note to self- what are they for?

i r use selecon and to state that '

10) To close 23 (3.5.2). Wesanghome is to develop an action plan to addreas apparent inconsiseencies between the TS and 3.9163 foot note 10. ,

t This isJust a quick rundown of overen approaches to naish these Spea. Robin 5251 16.1 TEIAM 1 Nydes / Wills. Mark Action W Action W 8/15/97 f During a 5/9M7 Tech Spec 3.7.6 (VES) telecon. Westinghouse (Mart Wills) took an action to decernune the status of developing the _samphng program which will include air storage tank air quality testing. 5529 NRR/fSB 16.1 TEIAN Nydes / TECHSPEC Action W Action W 8/1587 (Re.2 to3 spent fuel pool questions rec *d by email on June 17. 5546 l NRR/TSB I6.1 MTGOf Nydes / TECHSPEC/ David. Action W Action W 8/15/97  ! R.

  • to NRC letter. " Comments on the Ap600 Technical Specificanons Related to Administrative Controls", deced 5/21M7. This t

relased to STS 5.5.5. Component Cyclic or Transsent Limit Program.

  • Page: 26 Total Records. 8d6 i

AP600 Open Item Tracking System Database: S mmary Schedule Date: 7f7/97 Selecties: [w st codel=' Action W' Sorted by DSER Section.Transinit Date NRC Branch and item number hem DSER Sectsonf (W) NRC l No. Besuch Quesnan Type CoordfResp Engmeer Title Staus Staus ICP DraR Review Transmit l


5528 NRR/HHPB 18 MTG-Of Nydes / Nydes Action W Action W 6/24/97 5 i l Respond to NRCletter of 6/13/97 *AP600 use of a Computeriard Ptooedue System *. l [ 4184 NRR/SRXB 19. KEYISSU Haag,C. / Haag /Oldtawa Action W Action W 6/20/97 j Key issue Number j

21. Passive System Thermal-Hydrashe Pt formance Reliability (formerly Passive System Relishility (SRXB) L f

Westinghouse has stased that the AP600 can sespond in an acceptable mammer to rinIt-significant PRA accident sequences try using only passive safety systems and that as a reseh, no segulasory overught of active, non-safety-selseed systems is mpmed. To support this stasernent. Westinghouse has proposed using the NOTRUMP small-Incak loss-of<oolant-acendent (tACA) compueer [ code to perform sensitivity studies on accident sequenas that ase risk-significant in the focused PRA (which assumes no availability of active syssenn), using conservative, baumhng inputs and assumptions, and to desnonstrase theseby that these see large esorgans to core damage. The sequences to be analysed will be selected using the MAAP4 compuser code to " screen

  • sequences from the focuss PRA. The merges approach is undertaken in lieu of steempnag to quanesfy thennel-hydrauhe uncertanenes in the PRA, selmeed to l passive syseem performana The staff has requessed further infonnation frosu W- f_ deemihng how the aprech wiE be * , -t inchsding (1) l complete documentation on how the NOTRUMP sensitivity analyses wiu be perfonned;(2) the basis by which the risk-signif~ scant i sequences wiR be screened and selected; and (3) docusmentanon of and; ~ for the selecesan of the boundung parameters for the seasstevity analyses. The staff is connoung to discuss this issue wish W h and to review W- f _ Js 4,- _ Westinghouse has also agreed to address how uncertasaties associssed with long-term coohng win be evalensed, but the staff has not yet reaived any informaion selseed to this issue. (Descussed in SECY-96-128, deced June 12,1996) ,

4186 NRR/SCSB 19. KEY ISSU / " f; A; Action W Action W 8/15/97 i Key Issue Numher

23. Esternal Cooling of the Reactor Ptessure vessel /Sevese Accidents (SCSB/EKXiB)

The AP600 is the first of the advanced plants to take celit for emeermal esches of the seactor presswe vessel. The secass (or i failure) of this coohng mechanism has inajor ' f concerneg the psogression of sevese aras=a sequences. The staff's j , concerns inchsde hed transfer coneianons, reactor vessel insulation, tiening of flooding, and conssdersnan of debris superheat and t l crust fonnanon in the transsent analyses. Because ofits proposal, W- . _ _ fek that they did not need to addsess severe accident , issues raised by the staff in SECYs-9%I6 and 93-087, includmg ex-vessel coolmg, hydrogen, case retennon, and core-on-the-floor , issues. The staff desasseed. In SECY-96-128, the samff secuenmended that the Conusussson uppseve the posanon that W: J j use a balanced approach, involving selsence on in-vessel retennen of the case -_ , _" with limised analytical evaluation of ex. j vessel phenomena, to addsess the adesguacy of the AP600 design for ex-vessel events. W- . _ has since agreed to addsess ex. vessel phenomena, but this infonnenen has not yet been provided. 4147 NRR/SPSB 19. KEYISSU f " _ p., Action W Action W 8/15/97 , Key Issue Numher i 2b. Acceptahihty of Baseline & Focused Pmbabsissene Risk Assemament (SPSB, SCSB) [


The samffis having difficulty cosmng to agreement on issues to actueve a Basehne PRA that the samff can approve. The Focused PR A l (basecally a sensitivity study using the Banehne PRA whese only the passive safety systems work) effast should follow aner an , acceptable Baseline PRA is approved. Page: 27 Total Records 8d0 l _ . _ . . . _ _ . . . , . _ _ _ _ . ____..__..m.____. . _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ . _ . _ _ _ _ . _ . . . _ _ _ _ _ _ . . _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

. .. . . . - . . . . - - . . - _. .~. ~ - - .- .- .. - -- - . .. - .- - . . . AP600 Open Item Tracking System Database: Summary Schedule pote: 7tyj97 Sehdien: [w se codel=' Action W* Sorted by DSER Section. Transmit Date, NRC Branch and item number. - t iem DSeR S-tsone Sche ** (W) y,c l l No. Branch Question Type Mesp Engineer Title Staus Staus ICP Dran Review Tr " 4187 NRR/SRXB 19. KEY ISSU / Haag Action W Action W 8/I5/97 Key issue Numher-l24. Containment Bypass /SGTR (SRXB) SECY-93487 ' Policy. Technical, and Licensing issues Pertaining to Evolunonary and Advanced Light-Wmer Reactor (ALWR) Designs," sequired design certificmion applicams to assess design femmes to nutigste contamment bypass due to steam generator tube , ruptwe (SGTR) events, and recommended 3 femures for considermion. Westmghouse psovidad an analysis of SGTR events involving  ! up to 5-tube ruptures in August 1995. Westinghouse provided a qualitsive description oflevels of defense available for SGilt events (AP600 systems / event opersion matrix), and stated that its severe accident mitigation design alternatives (SAMDA) evaluation of design alternmives showed a risk teduction of 6.7E-4 man-eem/yr. None o(the design ehernatives provided a risk reduction that meets severe accident nestening enteria. The staff will sequire Westinghouse to provide a detailed analysis and evaluation with respect to mitigarmg design features, diagnostic instrumemation, available time for operator actions, EMG. TS, and ITAAC. (See DSER Open items 153.5-1 and 19.233-8.) 5131 NRR/SPSB 19.1 RAI4M Haag. C. / PRA-l/Sloane Action W Action W 6/3097 720383 It is assumed the the masonry of the transient intiating event  ; cwegories (grouped as event IEV-ATWS-1) do not require reactor trip for about 10 minutes (see page 6-58). This assumption may be optimisk :im q IEV-ATWS-T includes some relmively fiequent transients which tend to produce RCS pressure transients, such as i foss of RCS flow, turbine trips and loss of main feedwater to one [ steam generator. Please explain. ' I f l 9 l f f i Page: 28 Total Records. 8d6 ' t

AP600 Open Item Tracking System Database: Summary Schedule Date: 7f7/97 Selection: [w st code}# Action W* Sorted by DSER Section Transmit Date, NRC Branch and item tmmber. heen DSER W (W) ComWResp Engineer NRC No. Branch Question Type Title Status Status ICP DraR Review Transmit 5121 NRR/SPSB 19.1 RAl-OI Haag. C. / ATWS/Sloane/Carlin Action W Action W 8/15/97 720373 k appears that creaht for DAS (a mensafety-related system)is taken in the focused PRA (see event ATW-MAN 04 in cettet 81I). Also, doeurnentation is needed to support the assumptions made, with 4 sespect to unfavorable caposuse tinue (UET) and related pressure  ! selief capability,in modeling ATWS events in the PRA. k seesus that the AP600 ATWS model was based on work performed for opetutsig Westinghouse PWRs (documented in WCAP-11993. Deccinber 1988). lliere , are concerns with the applicabihty of the wort docuenented in i WCAP-11993 tothe AP600 design. Forexample: >

a. WCAP-11993 indicates that, for a 24-month cycle. the priniary

[ peessure will not escred 3200 psig if both PORVs open (14, UET is rero), given manual rod insertion (MRI) is sucassful and all auxiliary feedwater (ie.,100 percent flow from both snotar driven pumps and the turtsne driven pump)is available. This is assumed to be apphenble in the AP600 design without the benefit , of any thermal-hydrastic and/or neutronic aralynes. Please provide the basis for the assumpten enade in the AP600 PRA that i if either the PRHR or both SFWS pumps are available the "all feedwater flow" condstnen of the WCAP-11993 study is satisfied.

b. According to the WCAP-11993 study, the probability of opersoor failure to act within one minsee to seep in the control rods is ,

0.21 (WCAP-II993 page 4-20) which is much higher than the 33E2 i assumed in the AP600 PRA. In addition,as stased in WCAl"-II993 page 3-8. SECY-83-293 (the basis for the ATWS rule) does not allow for short-term opermite action to inanually insert control mds to mitignee the transient. Please explain. 5124 NRR/SPSB 19.1 RAI-Of Haag, C. / Schulz!PRA-1 Action W Action W 8/15/97 720376 in the latest revision of the PR A, the faihne race of IRWST check valves was changed fmen IE-6thr to 2E-7/hr. Same is true for the failure race of explosive (squib) valves (changed feoen 3E-3/d to 6 5.864/d). These changes, which are not backed up by adequase data or analyses. have a significant impacs on the focassed PRA sesults. In addition, common cause failure data either ase not available (e g., squib valves) or could be snuch higher than those used in the AP600 PRA (e.g, check valves). The staff needs to understand the bases for the above nientioned changes in pseviously used data in the l PRA. Following a telephone conversation with the staff, Westing-house subnuned data (obeamed from Sandia Nanomal laborseorses) which were used to develop the revised failure races for squib valves. The Sandia data, however, are for a specific design of i standardized snini-valves uneet in w capons sysseens. Plesse explain how the Sandia data can be apphed to AP600 squib valves. , Page: 29 Total Records. Bd0

  • r AP600 Open Item Tracking System Datshase: Summary Schedule Date: 7/1&T Selecties: [w st code]=' Action W* Sorted by DSER Section, Transmit Date, NRC Branch and item number.

hem DSER Secmon/ '(W) NRC No. Branch Question Type Coer@Re9Engmeer Title Staus Samus ICP DraR Review Transnut . t 2987 NRR/SRXB 19.1 RAl4)I Haag,C / PRA-l/Wallace/0hk Action W Action W 8/15/97 SHUTDOWN PRA: 492.14 Table 54-53 somenarizes the MAAP4 analysis results of ADS sucass criteria for shusdown con htsons.

a. For the sequences with nianual actunion of various ADS stages (3 sense-2 and 3 vehes, or I stage-4 valve), the resuhs of the $

actuation times of 30. 60, and 120 nunuses (from the event initiation) show that the cases with 60 munutes actuahon time give either the highest or the lowest PCT among the three cues. What are the actual physical e , _ of these phenomena?

b. For the enanual ADS actunion sequenas (for ADS success crieeria ADTS, ADLS, and ADNS), no results are shown for actuation tinues of less than 30 minutes. How do you ascestain that ADS actunion earlier than 30 enmuses wiR not resuk in higher peak ,

cladding tempermee than those analyzed?  !

c. He resuhs for secass encenan ADNS for the RNS line ineak -y=== with manual ADS actuanon are froni the analysis of one intak size (2000 gpm) only. Page 54-44 indicated that an RNS line break may have a masimum break flow of 3500 spm (see RAI i e492.13). Justify why this (2000 gym) is sufficient to cover other ineak sizes. ,

3268 NRR/ECGB 19.2 RAl-Of Haag,C / CH42/Orr/Lutz Action W Action W 7/2/97 S 220.99 la PRA Section 42.I. it is samed ther " Failures of the mechenecal peneeranon bellows, and leakage of the equipment haeches . due to ovalization, do not occur prior to general yielding of the cylinder

  • This isuplies that aner the yield pressee is reached, the i bellows will fail and the equipment hatches start to leak without resencean. Thesefore, the probability of failure for bellows and leakage through , .; hatches due to ovalization beyond yield pressee should be given in PR A.

5500 NRR/SCSB 19.2 RAl4M Haag,C / ATWS/Wallace Action W Action W 7/1137 720.403 Based on infonnanon in Chapter 24, each vehe in the contamunent air filter supply line (valves V03 and V04) and exhaust line (valves V09 and VIO) appears to be assigned a failure rese of IE-6/h (for failure to recione) based on the EPRI URD. However, the URD indi-cases somewhat higher failure races (2.0E-6/h). Pleasejustify that the valve failure races used are: (1) applicable to the large  ! diameter valves specified for AP600. (2) consissent with operanng , expenena with valves of similar size and design, and (3) consis-tent with the samking fsequency ,

                                                                                                                                          .;in the URD and the stroking frequency specified in the AP600 design.

5504 NRR/SPSB 19.2 RA14M Haag,C / SMA/ Hang Action W Action W 7/1187 720.39I A possible failure mechasmse of passive = - cochng is the


blockage of the beftle as a result of a seismicany-induced blockage of the drain system (not included in the SMA). The openug of the PCCWST sir operused valves (due to loss of . - -- ? mir upon loss of offsite poner) would selease waser wisich would block the belfle if the drain syseem fails due to the seismic event. Westmghouse should evaluate and discuss the feasibility of this v.


cooling failure snechanism. t Page: 30 Total Records: 840

  • AP600 Open Item Tracking System Database: Summary Schedule Date: 7/7&7 Selection: [w st code >* Action W' Sorted by DSER Section. Transmit Date NRC Branch and item number.

hem DSER W (W) NRC No. Branch Question Type Mesp Engmeer Title Status Status ICP DraR Review T. 5054 NRR/SCSB 19.2 RAIOl Haag. C / Schutz /PRA.1/Scobe Action W Action W 8/ISS7 480.950 Further desigs detail is neuxled. The following items are needed in order for the staff to complete its re@w of the report

a. Distance between the IWRST sparger side vents,
b. The report gives no informach on the availability of air behind IWRST vents. Please clarify the geometry of the open volume behind the vents and below the operating deck (see Figure 11 of the report). How much air is available to feed the diffusion flame between the IWRST vents and the containment wall?
c. The daniled design of the various vents to the IWRST. The repcet does not give design details (existence of elbows or flappers, dimennons) and is not clear if these vents will release liquid or gas from the IRWST head space. The infortnahos nuest be provuled for:
1. [WRST sparger side normal vents,
2. IWRST sparger side 24 inch pipe vents,
3. IWRST PRHR Hx side vents.
4. Refueling canal vents and S. Reverse flow vents
d. The pressure required to open the vents for fuit and partial flow of the vents.
e. The diameter of the containtnent cylinder, the baffle, and the ID of the concrete shield building. The following three dimensions were obtained from older Westinghouse AP600 reposts: 130 R, 132 R, and 139 R vespedively. Are these dimensions correct?
f. The minimum head space (distance from the IWRST ceiling to the liquid surface)in the IWRST:
1. without liquid swell due to sparger operphan and
2. with liquid swell due to sparger operation 5490 NRR/SCSB 19.2 RAI4f Haag,C / ATWS/Carlin Action W Action W 8/1537 720.393 Provide additional information (calculation note) regarding the .

LOFTRAN analyses cited in Chapter 36 of the PRA. For each sequence analyzed, include a description of rasjor assumptions in the analysis (e g., initial conditions and systems available and unavailable), a chronology of major events, and plots of key results (e g., reactor power, RCS pressure). Page- 31 Total Records: 840

AP600 Open Item Tracking System 1 mtabase: Summary Schedule Date: 7/1/97 ' Selettlee: [w se codeFAction W' Sorted by DSER Section, Transmit Date, NRC Branch and item number i leem DSER Sectionf CoordfResp Engmmr (W). NRC No. Branch Question Type Title Staus Status ICP DraR Review T. 5491 NRR/SCSB 19.2 RAI-Of Haag.C / ATWS/Novendseem Action W Action W 8/15/97 720394 Confum that the MTC msamed in the LDFTRAN analyses is a bounding value and that technical specificmions or other operation con-straints will assure that the plant will not be operseed with a noose & severe MTC ' 5492 NRR/SCSB 19.2 RAI-Of Haag.C / ATWS/Novendseem Action W Action W 8/15/97 720395 Provide justification that the LOFTRAN analyses are sepresentative or conservatively bound the thermal hydraulic response for all Izvel I core melt sequences assigned to accident class 3A. 5538 NRR/SCSB 19.2 RAl-OI Haag. C / Lutr/ Appendix B Action W Action W 8/I5/97 720.411 R AI 720388 requested estimmes of the time of melt 4uough of the embeddeelliner and the time of- -overpressure faihme  : (e.g., Service Level C) if shermative concrece casuposit: ens are specified for the reactor cavity floor and walls. Please _ _ - this information with estimases of the time of benemet melt-through for the range of concette compositions consideved. I 5539 NRR/SCSB 19.2 RAI-OI Lindgren.D/ Ors /Lutz Action W Action W 8/15/97 720.412 The EPRI Utility Requirements Document (Chapeer 6. Section indicanes that a 3 A layer of concrete wiu be j provided in the reactor cavity to protect the -

                                                                                                                                         - .4 slielt. Honever, the decernumstic evaluation of ex-vessel phenomena (Appendix B to Revision 9 of the PRA)isuhesses that the m                     -- hellis s    only 23 A below the cavity floor. Please provide the following: (1) the location within the reactor cavity whese the distance to the endsedded shell is a sninimuni, and the nu main

{ distance. (2) the minimum distance between the bottom of the rescoor cavity sump and the endiedded shell, and (3) justification for j the appuent deviation fmm the aforennentioned EPRI guidenw. [ 5540 NRR/SCSB 19.2 RAI-Of Haag.C / Lutz Action W Action W 8/1557 720.413 Provide plots of upward and downward heat flunes fmm the nuoleen debris for the two scenanos analysed in Section B.4 of Appendix B to the PR A. 1462 NRR/SCSB 19.233-3 DSER-Of Haag. C / PRA-2/Scobel/Lutz Action W Action N 2/21/95 A 5/23/95 A 6/30f97 t l Westinghouse should address the semolution of cose-concrete uiteraction concerns l [ 1467 NRR/SCSB 19.233-9 DSER-Of Haag.C / Miller.D. Action W Action W 5/25/95 A 6/30f97 i

                                                                             %-        J ~ should identify the equipmese needed to perform various functions during a sevese scenient, as well as the                              +

environniental conditions under which the equipment nesst function  ! 1482 NRR/ECUB 19.2.63-9 DSER-Of Ilang. C / Orr.R. Action W Action W 2/21/95 A 5/23/95 A 7/2/97 S Wi_:..Ja._ should pmvule an assessenent of the pressuse capabehty of she nomin seenmhne and main ferdweser line bellows, a i m.+ lng failure pmt, ability distribu ion curvea and the impact on the overall cumulative failure prohmbility curve. i 1975 NRR/ECGB DSER CX) Landgren.D/ CH42/Itang/ winters Action W Action W 5/25/95 A 5/25/95 A R/1557 l l19.2.6 4-1 The electrical penetration assemhhes to be used shall be at least as strong as the steel containement vessel. l 3 Page: 32 Total Records: 8d0 l

l AP600 Open Item Tracking System Database: Summary Schedule Date: 7/7/97 Seleellen: [w st code]=' Action W' Sorted by DSER Section. Transmit Date, NRC Branch and hem nuinber nem DSeRS=*nr I Sched* (W3 yRC I No. Branch Quesnan Type Coonmap Engineer Title Staus Staus ICP Dren Review Transmit 14g5 NRRMCGB 3 DSER-OI Haag, C. / Orr,R. Action W Action W 2/2135 A 5/23M5 A 7/2M7 3 [ Westinghouse should revise the design of the equipment hatch cover to address concerns regenhag when it is under external guessuse. l 5235 NRR/ECUB 2.51.1 RAl-OI Iindeven.D / 1 mdgren Action W Action W 7/IIM7 5 RAl# 231.41 NRC letter April 25.1997 Talde 2-1 (page 2-19) of drah Revision 12 must be revised to sense that SSE siee paramreer is 030g GA, p except that shallow soil sites are excluded. Also, include a COL requeement for excludmg shallow soil siees in Section of SSAR. 5236 NRRKCUB 2.511 RAI-Of Landgsen,D/ Lindgven Action W Action W 7/1187 $ RAl# 231.42 NRC letter April 25,1997 Figue 2.5-1 (page 2-23)of dran Revision 12 niest be delesed or revised. Presumed margins are not incloded in site parameters. Also Section 2.512 of the SSAR must be sevised. The review criteria are -- , "_ 5229 NRRMCGB 2.5.43 RAI-Of Lindgsen.D/ Orr Action W . Action W 7/IIM7 5 i' RAI#23135 NRCLetter April 25,1997 Section (page 2-I I,3rd line froen bottom) of the SSAR (revised aRet Revision II) stases that a series of bonags should be drilled on a grid ponern that encompasses the nuclear island footprmt and 40 feet beyond the boundary of the footprint. The basis for the proposed 40-foot lineit should be emplemed. The lisait should be about one-third to j one-half of the lengthrwedth of the nuclear island (which measures 256 feet in length and about 160 feet in width). This is RAI --

                                                                                                                         #23135 in SSAR

5230 NRR2CGB RAI-Of Lindesen.D/ Orr Action W Action W 7/1187 S RAI#23136 NRCletter April 25,1997 Section 2 5.4.511 (page 2-12 Arm paragraph,10th line) senses that at least one-fourth of the prmiary borings should penetree sound rock, or for deep soil sites, so a snesimuni depth, dman, taken as the depth at which the i vertical stress during or aRer construenon for the combmed foundenen loadmg is less than 10-percent ofin site effective oveeurden , sevess. Other borings may ternemase at a depeh of 160 feet below the foundanon (equal to the wideh of the snuctase). This SSAR conumiment of Westinghouse is not scaptable became the depth at which the barmgs are stopped shouhl depend on the suspected presence or absence of compressible maserials or the suspected psesence of voids (i.e. snildnole, etc.) below the nuclear island facepruit. The 160Lfoot limit should be changed so at leaNe 200 feet (which is appromisnesely equal to the " side" of the equivalent square of the nuclear island focepnnt). This is RAI #23I36 in SSAR 2.5.43. . 5234 NRRMCGB 23.43 RAI-Of Lindgren D/ IJsedgren Action W Action W 7/IIM7 S , RAl# 23140 NRClesser April 25,1997 Secnon (page 2-16) of the SSAR (sevised mRet Revision II) senses that for sises with soil characteristics outside the range considered in Appendaces 2A.2, and 28 2 the COL apphcant may use the site-specine soil condinons and site-specific SSE, and perform sioe-specific SSI analyses, and demonstrase - - ty (of the sise)by compenng the , floor sesponse spectra at specified locations. A similar statement permitting the COL applicant to pe fonn a sise-specific scissue 6 analyses of the nuclear island is made in Section (Acceptance criteria for non-usuform siees). The proposed revision is not acceptable to the staff. The SSAR should stase that such sites ese not covered by the certified design. This is RAI #231.40 in SSAR 2.5.43. t l [ Page: 33 Total Records: 840 [ t

                                                           . _ _ . _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . . _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . . . . _ _ _ _ _ =__._           _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . . _ _ _ _ _ . _ . . _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ . _ _ . . . _ _ _ . _

AP600 Open Item Tracking System Database: Summary Schedule Date: 7/7/97

  • Selection: [w st code]=* Action W' Sotted by DSER Section, Transmit Date, NRC Bianch and item number.

r hem DSER Sectionf No. Branch Coord/ Resp Engmeer (W) NRC Question Type Title Status Staus ICP Drun R- Transmit 2483 NRR/SCSB 2I RAl-OI Butler, J. / WG/Gresham/ Wood Action W Action N 7/31/97 * (WGOTHIC MODE!.S AND PHENOMENA)AikyOACY OF THE MIXED CONVECTION TREATMENT The snodel used for mixed convection is defined in the report documennes the empenmental basis for WGOTHIC heat transfer correlations FExperirnental Basis for the Heat Transfer Correimions Sciecsed for Modeling Heat transfer froen the AP600 r- _..; Vessel," PCS-GSR-004 Westinghouse Electric Corp., August 31,1994). For opposed mixed and forced convecnon, the , Nessek number, Nec is stased these to lie given by NUc = (NUfvee"3 + NUforc"3)"(1/3) (1) i 4 winese Nefree and Nefore are the Nesselt numbers calculased for hee and forced convection, respectively. For assisting mixed i convection, the correlation is NUc = Max ((ahs(NUfree"3 - NUfort"3))**(1/3),NUnee;0.75NUforc)(2) No reason was given for amplying the makiplier 0.75 to Nufore but not to Nunee. Note also that Eq. (2) sepresents a change froen the WGOTHIC mixed convection correlation as previously cited in response to NRC Queseen 480.I4 (Ref. ET-NRC-93-3966. Irtter frorn N1 Liparelo, Westinghouse responses to requests for addinonal mformanon on the AP600 Quescon 480.14 Sepeember 10, 1993.) where in equation (4) both Nufore and Nufree wene makiplied by 0.75 based on the Eckert and Diaguila data base. A ' justification is sequised since Eq. (2) will never give Nec less than Nufree while it seems to be well established that,in general, assisted snized convection can give rise to heat transfer rates that are less than those iriphed by either free or foeced convection correlations alone, when Nufore Nufree. No stasements have been vnade by WEC as to whether either the LST or the AP600 analyses , I to the opposed or assisted convection case. It is expected that the assisted convection case applies except, possitdy,in regions where the rieing plume is , contactag the .- . -: shell wall. In any event, since including mixed convection appears to resuk in significant increases in heat transfer,it is evident that the forced convection contribunon is important. In the older code version, the user was requwed to specify whether the hee or forced convecnon corvelation was so be used. However, , it is not clear whether the resuks cited for WGOTHIC 1.0 we e obtamed with free or forced convection being specified. WEC needs to clarify this point. i In a presentation to the NRC (November 15-16,1994) results of LST analyses (Test 212.1) wese comparat using the nained convection treatenent versus the treatment with hee convection only. At the end of the calculation, the gauge pressure was about 20% higher in the case with free convection only. The effect is of the same order of magnstude as the snargin claisned for the AP600 analyses. Hence the mixed convection effect could be very important to the AP600 certification case. The pressime calcolmed assuming mixed convection was consuperably closer to the experunental value than was the calculance t assummg free convection only (even the mixed convection overprethcted the pressure somewher). However,inergral results alone i may not constitute an adequae test of model vahdanon as there are many ways that casapensanag effects can yield reasonable  ; integral resuk comparisons even when some of the important phenomena are not being well .w d This concern is heigheened by the velocity comparisons presented in the November 1994 meceng. The mixed convection calculated by WGODilC will be sensitive to the forced flow velocities WGOTHIC calculases, since it is these velocities the code will use in ' evoluming the forced flow component of the mixed convecnon correlanon. For Test 212.I the calcolmed velocities were 5-8 ft/s, while the nicasured velocities were nnly l-3 R/s. For Test 222.1, the discrepancy was even larger,10 R/s (calculased) vs I ft/s (experinsental). Assuming saturmed condsnons and a 10 K driving ;...,~. .m diffenence (it is not known if these - - , . . . are correct for Test 212.1), it is estimated that Nefree and Nefore should be about the same magnstude for velocities of 3 R/s, and Nefore

                                                                              < 0.5 Nufree for a velocity of I R/s. For these condinens, Nec should not be significantly gsemer than Nefsee and Nec might even be           i Page: 34         Total Recettis: 8d0

4 Ir AP600 Open Item Tracking System Database: Summary Schedule Date: 7/1/97 . r SelecGesc [w st code}=' Action W* Sorted by DSER Section, Transmit Date. NRC Branch and itent number t hem DSER Seceenf l (W) NRC ' No. Branch Question Type Coord/ Resp W Title sinus Status ICP Draft Review Transmit less than Nufree (akhough not in WGOTHIC with Eq. (2) being used). i" 1he situanon is not very clear. The calculation including mined convecnon definitely yielded bester asseement with the experimental pressures. but the velocities calculased by the code for use in the mined convection conelanon do not agree well with the experimental values and, f A._ , the lasterimply that the fsee convection conelanon should have been more nearly corsed. k is possible that , the velocity measurements are inaccurate, or that they do not conespond well with the velocenes that should be used in the i conciations. However, even if this wese to be the came.these is sell no vahdanen for the velocstees being calculated by the code and i that are used in the conciations. The fact that the mixed conelation gives better agreement with the experimental peessure is not very convincmg. since there are many possible reasons why the free-convection calculation may be overpredienng the pressures and the mixed convection calculation may mesely be introducing a compensanns enor. For example, the calculanon with only free convection may be overpredicting pressures becanne it ovespredicts snizing and, hence, undespredicts seesm concenermions and thus i' underpredicts heat and mass transfer ruses on the LST shell. If this explanation is coned, the mixed convertson conelanon is simply introducing a compensating error that cancels the effects of the error in steam concentranons. 480.277 In Eq (2) above, what is WEC's justificanon for applying the muinpher 0.75 to Nufore but not to Nufree? 480.278 What heat transfer regime does WOOTHIC preplict in the I.ST and AP600 calculosons? Do the LST and AP600 analyses f conespond to the opposed or assisted convecnon case? 5 480.279 Insegral resuks alone may not constituee an = tar =er test ef anodel validanon, compensanns effects can yield reasonable integrai sesult comparisons even when important phenomena see not we!E sepresensed, and these is no guaraneee that compensanon , nccurnag in LST analyses will necessarily occur in AP600 analyses. For ensmple, the fact that the mixed correlanon gives better I agreement with the expeneneneal peessuse than the (see conciation does not prove shot the naimed conelanon is mose conect. these are  ; many possible reasons why the free <onvection calculation sney be overpredicting the psessnes and the niimed convedion calculation  ; i may be introducing a compensating enor. How is WEC the IST dass to estabhsh the vainiity ofindividual noodels such as the  ; models for heat transfer, evaporanon and condensanon, and flow velocmes? WEC should examine the gie - ofindividual models at a geester level of detail, rather than relying entirely on integral results. t 480180 Whst is the explanation for the large diffesences between calcolmeed and niemsured velocmes in tests 212.1 and 222.17 480.281 What would be the effed of these velocity differences on the behavior of the heat transfer model and on the reedicted pressuses? The forced component is important to the calculanon. and is hreme=aon the velocities used in the canelation. [ 480.282 Why are the peessure sesults in better asseement with the expenment when WGOTHIC uses a snized convective conelation  ; with velocities that disagree with expenmental measurements? I 480.283 Why are the peessuse sesults in better agstement when WGOTHIC uses a mixed convective canelation rather than a fsee m .A conelation, when the expenmentally snessured velocities indicaec that the fsee convection conelanon should have been nuore nearly conect? 480.284 If the emperinsentaBy measured velecttses are inaccurnee or do not conespond well to the velocines used in the WGOTHIC conelations, how will the velocsties calculased by the code and used in ils conelations be vahdased? L 480.283 Ave the older (i.e., Version 1.0) sesults cited in the model and snargin -e==nent neport (PCS-GSR-001) and in the SAR, obtained using free convecnon or forced convection? [ Page: 35 Total Recosds: 8d0 _ . . . _ _ . _ . _ _ _ _ _ _. ...-_.__.____m. . __ . _ _ _ _ _ -

F AP600 Open Item Tracking System Database: Summary Schedule Date: 7/7/97 Selecties: (w se code}=' Action W' Sotted by DSER Section Transmit Date, NRC Branch and item nurnber. nem i m Sanonf Sciud * (W3 y,c I 1 1 No. Branch Quesnan Type Mesp hgineer yi,ge Status Samus ICP DraR Review Transmit i 3403 NRR/SCSB 21 RAI-OI Beler, J. / ScalingrneshmNo Action W Action W 70137 l 490397 NTD-NRC-95-4397, transnutted via letter deced librumy 16,1995, from Nicholas J. Liparole of Wesanglouse so R.W.  ; Borchardt of the NRC, was labeled preliminary on all pages of the text. Please state whether a final (non-preliminary) version of the same analysis will be subnurted. [ [ 3404 NRR/SCSB 21 RAI4)I Butler, J. / ScalingreeshamNo Action W Action W 7/3387 4 039s ne third paragraph in the "Innoduction" section of the report reads "He PCS air now rose and tempenwures were i calculated by solving the coupled momentum and energy equenons for the PCS air flowpath and its boundanes (shell, befne, and shield building) with the shell tc.-w.;.m treated as a parameses. With the air flow rate and temperature, the riser Reynolds and i Grashof numbers were cakulated defining an operating map for PCS opermion. The Reynolds and Grashof numbers correspondmg to i the AP600 opersing map were used to characteriae the nexed convecnon flow in the riser". [ With resped to the previous paragraph, calculating the air flow rese requaes a certain conelanon;l.e., the energy and momentum - wquenons are coupled in a natural convection problem. k appears that you are using the flowrote calculased ussng a certain cinelation to determee the riser Re and Gr numbers in the riser, and then using these numbers tojustify the use of the attain forced *! or mixed convection canelation in the riser. nis mahodology appears circular. Given this background, pimase funher explain how the flowrase was used in the context discussed in your solmuttal, and explain how its use in this context is physically and logicallyjustified. [ 3405 NRR/SCSB 21 RAI-Of Beler, J. / ScahngrneshamfWo Action W Action W 78187 490.399 Referring to the discussion in Question 490398, since Re and Gr wese arrived at using a certain conelanon to begin with,it seems invahd to use the Jackson-Hall cruenon to establish the importance of buoyancy in the riser. Given this, please fac ar explain andjustify the use of the encenon 3406 NRR/SCSB 21 RAIG Beler, J. / Scahnernesham/Wo Action W Action W 70lM7 i ' 490.400 Please explain the rationale for using a forced convecnon calculanen in the riser when the naturally occenng flow is buoyant. Specifically, please stase the -;--.- " of flows expected in the riser, how these values were obtained (experimentally, i engineenng judgement.ect.), whether they are pmtatypecal of the AP600, and how theyjustify use of a forad/ mixed convecnon . correimion (for Scaling and SSAR analysis, respectively). If they are nonprototypecal, specify the magmtude and source of the manpmtatypicality. t 34p NRR/SCSB 21 RAI41 Beler, J. Action W Action W

                                                                                / Scahnerseesham/Wo                                                                                                                                           7 DIM 7 480.401 What is the rationale for using different heat transfer conelanons in the Scahng and SSAR Analyses (mixed convection in the SSAR and forced convection in the Scaling Analyses)? h would seem to be no enore difficuk. and more consntant, so use the same conciation in each analyses 3408           NRR/SC3B 21            RAI-OI      Beler, J.    / Scalog/GreshamfWo                                                          Action W Action W                                                               78tM7                   -

480.402 For the Dittus-Boeleer turbulent forced convecnon canelation used to generase the Nesselt numbers in Table I of your report, please stase what value was used for the exponent on the Prandtl number for the came of heat transfer from the outer  ;

                                                                                                               ' .- shell to the air in the riser? In one instance in the report, the conelation is written with 1/3 as the exponent, and in another estance an exponent of .4 is used, while the conect value for a particular pmblem depends on the relative semperatures of the wall and the fluid.                                                                                                                                            i Page- 36         Total Records: 8d0

AP600 Open Item Tracking System Dat; base: Summary Schedule Date: 7#S7 Selectlee: [w st codeFAction W' Sorted by DSER Section. Transmit Date. NRC Branch and item number. t leem DSER Seceanf (W) NRC i-No. Branch Quesmen Type M esp W Title Staus Samus ICP DrsR R . .- Transmis 3414 NRR/SCSB 21 RAI-OI Butler J. / LST/Greshamfwond Action W Action W 78187 I 490 407 On page 2-3 in PCS-T2R-050 *Large-Scale Test Data Evaluation." seferena is made to " radioactive" hear transfer. Is this , really *Radimion"(as in radiant) heat transfer? As written in the conclusion section it is radishan heat transfer. An addendum er ) errata should be pmvided to correct this error. Also, on page 4-1.refesence 4 senses the Docket No. as STN-52-003. This should be STN-52 003. 3415 NRR/SC58 21 RAl-Of Butler. L / ScalingC,reshamrwo Action W Action W 70187 480.408 Reference 3 in the attachment to NTD-NRC-95-4561.* Scaling Role in AP600 PCS DG A Analysis." deced Sepoember 19 1995, indecues that R.W. Borchardt was the recipient ofletter NTD-NRC-95-4545 fmsn NJ. Uper* In actumfity that leser was i sent to T.R. Quay by B.A. McIntyre. Since the NRCdocument control system (des) can use recapsent or autner as a search parameter, , this ermr should be corredied to facilitase locsion ofIceter NTD-NRC-95-4545 in the DCS. ' 3416 NRR/SCSB 21 RAI-Of Butler, J. / WGC,seshanwWood Action W Action W 78187 480.409 In the first paragraph of Section 1.0 in WCAP-14382, the description of the PCS implies a single annulariegion. At the end of Secnon I.I. the baffle, riser and downcomer are mentioned. The Introduchon needs to be wrinen to bener desenhe the PCS air- . annulus segion (downcomer, baffle and riser). l 3417 NRR/SCSB 21 RAl-Of Butler, J. / WGC,resham/ Wood Action W Action W 70187 490.410 On page 2-2 of WCAP-14382, it is sensed that changes wese made to the pse-pmassor program to assist in model LA,.- and that these changes were venfied by hand. Provide a desenpean of these changes. Ase these changes only relased to the new features added by Westinghouse to snadel, for example, the *clinies* regions? Were changes made to simplify the setting up of the dntntiused parameter nodal enodels when the model is not sepresenhas a true sectangular, orthogonal geometry? Descuss the

  • hand verification performed. How comptes are the changes? l 34tg NRR/SCSB 21 RAI-Of Butler. J. / WGGeeshani/ Wood Action W Action W 781/97 490.411 On page 2-2 of WCAP-14382, the inclusion of the well-to-wall radiant heat transfer is identified as th core modificehon to GOTHIC. This new conductor is refeted to as the *clinie." What other changes have been made to GOT7tfC(excluding conectices  ;

of known coding ermrs)? 3410 NRR/SCSB 21 RAI-Of Butler. J. / WG/Greshamfwood Action W Action W 701/97 490.413 la the attachment to letter NTD-NRC-95-4596, deced November 13.1995, a senssamty analysis is prtmded for the deck flow area. Which DBA was used, what was the siae and locahon of the becak? In the figuse, the run is identified as both GOTHIC . Version W-gothic and as W-GOTHIC l.2.1.1. Are these the same code? Identify the changes that are included in the version used for this analysis as compared with the 1.2 version of W. GOTHIC. This figuse is nearted ,. J 7. Why? > i 3421 NRR/SCSB 21 RAl-Of Butler.1 / WG/Greshmen/ Wood Action W Action W 70lM7 r 450.414 In the attachment to letter NTD-NRC-95-4395. dated Noveerter 13.1995, a comparison analysis is provided of W-gothic _s i Ver I.2 to W-gothic _s Ver for a cold leg becak. How does this version compwe with the deck area version identifies as both , ' GOTHIC Version W-gothic and as W-GOTHIC Are diese the same code? Identify the changes that we included in , the version used for this analysis as counpared with the 1.2 and 1.2.I.I vesssons of W-GOT7 TIC. Page: 37 Total Records: 8d0

  . -          --       -- -       --- - . ~ . .- -- . .                               .-- -.-.- - --- .                                                                   .. - - _ - . -                                                                                     - ..            -              _~ .-

t AP600 Opco Item Tracking System Database: Summary Schedule Date: 7/7/97 Selectica: [w st code}=' Action W' Sorted by DSER Section, Transmit Date, NRC Branch and item number. hem DSER Sectionf (W) NRC l No. Branch Question Type Coor@ Resp Engmeer Title Staus Status ICP DraR Review Transnut , 3395 NRR/SRXB 21 RAI-Of Piplica / Piplica Action W Action W 8/15/97 440.567 PRNR Questions - The staff has previoudy mguested that W- f - pmvule a secluncal,lT ._ for the use of the detalmue estabhshed from the straight. tube passive sesidual heat semoval(PRHR) heat transfer tests to model the performance of the current *C-tuhe" PRHR heat exchanger (HX) design. The staf!'s concerns have related primarily to the modeling of dryout in tube bendles, especially in the upper horizontal portion of the HX. whese laest thrnes are expected to be the gressest. Acconhagly, the staff requests that Westingliouse

a. Fulfill the earlier sequest for tecluncaljustification for rnodehag "C-tube
  • behavior using sereight tube data;
b. To the extent that this information is not provided in answers to previous RAls and (a) above, provide a detailed explanahon of the analytical models used to calculaie HX performance, for the porposes of both unit design and accident and transient analyses; and show that these enodels (i) are vahdated over the range of thermal. hydraulic tem data and expected AP600 performance, and (ii) can be shown within an accepeable error to calcolmee condinens representative of the design certification data for the PRHR system. e 3398 NRR/SRXB 21 RAlet Piplica / Piplica Action W Action W 8/15/97 i

440.573 la companng Test SBl9 to Test SBib:

a. Why as the trandion from recirculation to draining in the CMTs later in SB19 than in SBl87
b. Is these a sycematic emphuistion for differenas in core levels and timing of events during the initial depressurization phame?
c. Why are break flows higher in SBI9 for the first 400 seconds?

If the differences are asenbed to the simulation of an elevated containsnent backpressure in SB19. pmvide a detailed explanation of the ways in which the _ pressure infhsences early-phase reactor / safety syseem perfonnance. k is not clear how the

                                                                                                         --.; pressure is " felt" by the RCS, since, for instance, critical flow out the lucak and ADS valves should be insensitive to the ambient pressure. In addition, the discussion should address possible influences of the BAMS upon RCS response;i.e if the behavior noted in the OSU facility is in part relmeed to that aspect of the loop design.

3400 NRR/SRXB 21 RAIDI Piplica / Piplica Action W Action W 8/15/97 440.575 Two " issues

  • are identified concermag the core fluid thennoccupies in Section 4.11, but no subsequent analysis or explanation of the issue is pmvided. Specifically,
n. How did the fluid temperewe histories at the center ased penmeter differ?

' b. The "best average core L.m. J is asserted to be represensed by the center-rod temperatures, without quantitative justification. Why is this pmcedure preferable to a weigheed average of the core and penmeter rods? Page- 38 Total Records: 840

AP600 Open Hent Tracking Systen Database: Sunimary Schedule Datn 7n&T Seleellee: (w se codel=* Action W' Sorted by DSER Section. Transmit Date, NRC Branch and item number. hem DSER W (W) NRC l i No. Branch Question Type Coord/ Resp Engmeer Title Samus Staus ICP DreR R.- Transmit 3401 NRR/SRXB 21 RAI4)I n,, n / Piplica Action W Action W 8/15/97 440.576 11 ease pmvide a discussion, supported by quantitstive analyses. "- _, that the uncertainty in OSU data is bound by icstrumentation uncertainties / errors, as appears to be innphed by the instranient error analysis in the FDR; or, if this is not the case, to establish the bounds of those uncertainties. This can be looked upon as detennining the

  • error bars" that would be placed on the quantities plotted in the FDR and TAR.

The discussion should focus particularly on derived quantities;i.e., those using the output of seversi instnnnents (e g, adrasting level readings using density correccons derived from i...,,,a . data at descrese locations), or those in which assumptions or snodels nnut be uged (e g *fihering" or " smoothing ofinstrument scadegs, use of fluid tenyeratures to sepresent well temperatures, assumption of edisbetic conditions a certian boundanes, une of empmcal models to derive sinne twe> phase flow parameters) to infer elements of system response. The effects of component failures and/or system interactions should also be crendesed, such as the impact of the failed RHR valve on flow through the nominally intact DVIline during DVI break test. 2400 NRR/SCSB 21. MTG-Of Butler, J. / H&MT/Gresham/Wo Action W Action W 5/15/95 A 7/18/97 NRC Meeting on PCS(3/17/95) Provide experimental basis for heat transfer correlmiens under the condetsons oflase pha ne dryout of sheff (beyond design basis). I 2401 NRR/SCSB 21. MTG-Of Butler, J. / HAMTKiresham/Wo Action W Action W 5/15/95 A 7/18/97 NRC Meeting on PCS(3/17M5) Provide the experimental basis for treatment of the effect of norramstmeLie concentreions est naass transfer, both sepersee effects and LST. 2402 NRR/SCSB 21. M10.OI Butler, J. / WGKiresham/ Wood Action W Action W 5/I5/95 A 7/18/97 NRC Meeting on PCS(3/17M5) Provide the basis for the effects of steam genermor comperment cosmectivity to other below deck menpartmmes on evahrenen model pressure predictions. 2403 NRR/SCSB 21. MTU.Ol Butler, J. / WG/Gresham/ Wood Action W Action W 5/15/95 A 7/18M7 NRC Meeting on PCS(3/17/95) Provide calculations to justify overmising is congerweive for LOCA long terra coohng 2404 NRR/SCSB 21. MTG-Of Butler, J. / WG/Gresham/ Wood Action W Action W 5/15M5 A 7/18/97 NRC Meetug on PCS(3/17/95) Pro.ide calculasics to show how rnach water is needed to turn over second hump and to assess margin is in the 220 gym PCS weser flow ruse. 2412 NRR/SCSB 21. MTG-Of Butler, J. / LSTKiresham/ Wood Action W Action W 5/15/95 A 7/18/97 NRC Meetung on PCS (4/l"./95) For* LST 219.I. at level C the temperature " quivers". Attempt to anw,= whether it is a indicahon of dryout, a lasting effect of r.- - .. or an imhcation of the thennoccuple being on the edge of a water stripe. 2420 NRR/SCSB 21. MTG-Of Buder, J. / Scahng/Gresham/Wo Action W Action W 5/15/95 A 7/IS/97 NRC Meetmg on PCS (5/1/95) Explain the low sensitivity of AP600 pressure seaponse to reduchons in external heat removal; put k in tenns of the energy partitioning to intemal heat sinks, internal volume, and external heat semoval. Page: 39 Total Reconis: 8d0

I AP600 Open Item Tracking System Database: Summary Schedule Date2 7/757 Selection: [w st code]=' Action W' Sotted by DSER Section. Transmit Date. NRC Branch and itent number DSER Sceneet (W)

  • No.. Branch Type Coord/ Resp Engmen NRC l Queseson Title Status ICP Status Dran Review Transenit 2881 NRR/SCSB 21. RAI-OI Butler, L / Water /Gresham/ Woo Action W Action W 7/18/97 4RO.388 In Ref. 2. it is inchcated that the weathered surfaa exhibised snarginally betPr wetting charactenstics than the unweathesed  !

surface. Ifduring thelife of the plant,taie shell enserior is returned to a gne-meathered condinon, what is the irnpact of larger values of (30 to 58 degas)7 Quantify *margmally? Should the DBA evaluation model Rrefinclude consideration of an unweathered surface to assere bounding analyses?  ! Reference.

2. " Supplemental Informanon on AP600 Pilm Ptow Coverage Methodology." NTD-NRC-94-4286, August 31.1994.

2882 NRR/SCSB 21. RAIOI Butler.L / Waeer/Gresham/ Woo Action W Acuan W 7/18/97 480.389 Ref. 3 provides the resatu rJMu!ariom wth WGOTHIC to 13 LST eests (212.l A. -B. -C. 214.l A. -B. 216.l A. -B. 219.1 A. -B. -C. 222.1. 222.4A . wd B) anhhc Nen. Pest. Test 220.1. For each test, provide a table similar to that requessed above which includes the parameters esed to deterdie ete wuser coverage (q'. T. . Rref. PCS flow ruse. PCS weser temperature, etc.). Data ' needs to be provided for each wated area At whr. done un the transient are these desa selected and how is the data used to obtain the water coverage used for each test prediction. Were :he water covemge data calculseed before the tests were run bened on the planned (engeceed) senpping specified in the test matris 7 Reference-

3. "WGOTHIC Code Description and Vahdanon." WCAP-14382. May 1995.

4002 NRR/SCSB 21. RAI-OI Rarig / Gresham Acnon W Action W 7/18/97 RAI: WCAP-14407. "WGOTHIC Apphcation to AP600.* Sepeember 1996. On page 3-4. the last paragraph in Secnon 3.2 situdes to the lineage of WGOTHIC 4 0 as it selases to the GOTHIC computer program. As wnteen, it appears to inyly that WGOTHIC is based on GOTHIC 4.0 computer coding not version 3.4 coding (with known errors conecteds la order to deternene which futme EPRI GOTHICener notifications niay have an impact on AP600 analyses it is necessary to know the exact version of GOTHIC, combmed with Westinghouse conections and changes, that fanns the base for WOOTHIC-480.488 A compenson of this desenption to the desenpnan provided in WCAP-14382, which sefers to version 3.4 of the OOTHIC fansity, when co nbaned with responses to NRC comarns with known code errors as discussed in EPRI RA-91-10 (see Westmghouse , letters NTD-NRC-95-4577. October 12.1995 and NTD-NRC-95-4595. Novembcv 13.1995) leaves at quesnon the exact parentage of ' WGOTHIC 4 0. Is WGOTHIC based on version 3.4 with known code ervers coneceed or is it based on version 4.07 ' 4003 NRR/SCSB 21. RAI-OI Marig / Gresham Action W Actice W 7/18/97 RAI:WCAP-14407.*WGO11 TIC Application to AP600." September 1996. Table 4-107 in WCAP-14407 desenbes the mass and energy inputs used for she AP600 evalmenon 480.489 ihr LOCA the table identifies SATAN 78. WCAP-10325-P-A. Should this be SATAN VI, and should the references be: i s Shepard. R. M et al

  • Westinghouse Mass and Energy Release Dann for Containment Desegn." WCAP-8264-P-A. June 1975 (Propnetary), and WCAP-8312-A. Revision 2. August 1975 (Non-Propnetary).
                                                                                                                                                                                 "Wa A IECA Mass and Energy Release Model for Conemsnment Design - March 1979.* WCAP-10325. May 1983 (Propnetary).

Page: do Total Records: 8d0

_ = . . . - . _ - . . AP600 Open Item Tracking System Database: Summ:ry Schedule Dat:: 7/7/97 Selectioti: [w st code}=' Action W' Sorted by DSER Section. Transmit Date, NRC Branch and item number. Item DSER Section/ (W) NRC No. Branch Question Type Coord/ Resp Engineer Title Status Status ICP Draft Review Transmit 4004 NRIUSCSB 21. RAl-OI Rarig / Gresham Action W Action W 7/18/97 RAl: WCAP-14407,"WGOTHIC Application to AP600,* September 1996. 480.490 For MSLB. should the references be: Land, R. E., " Mass and Energy Releases Following a Steam Line Break," WCAP-8822 (Propnetary), and % CAP-8860 (Non-Proprietary), September 1976. June 1984. Burnett, T. W. T "LOFTRAN Code Description," WCAP-7907-P-A (Propnetary) an 4005 NRR/SCSB 21. RAl-OI Rarig / Gresham Action W Action W 7/18/97 AI: WCAP-14407, *WOODIIC Application to AlYA)0," September 1996. 80.491 Why is the non-Ai'600 version of LOFTRAN acceptable for the AP600 analyses? Dnes Westinghouse plan to use the gLOFTRAN-AP version for the final SSAR analyses? (WCAP-14234, *LOFTRAN and LOFITR2 AP600 Code Applicability Document," E. L Calin, November 1994, and WCAP-14307,"AP600 LOFTR.AN-AP and LOFTTR2-AP Final Venfication and fValidation Report," W. Scherder, et al., June 1995) 4006 NRR/SCSB 21. RAl-OI Rarig / Gresham Action W Action W 7/18/97 R AI: WCAP-14407. SECTION I3. "WGOTHIC NODING STUDIES IN SUPPORT OF Tile AP600 EVALUATION MODEL* Section 13.1 The introduction provides an overview of GOTillC/WGOTHIC features, their diderent possible modes of applications and an overview of the approach to demonstrate sparial convergence as documented in the semaining sections. This introduction raises a number ofissues and concerns, primanly because none of there efforts mentioned appear to relate to the WGOTillC AP600 DBA evaluation model presented in Section 4. 480.492 Westinghouse chose the distnbuted-parameter model for the above-deck region to better represent plume and jet entrainment (see middle of page 13-l) for the studies presented in this section. How does Westinghouse represent these phenonena in the lumped-parameter network for the AP600 DBA evaluation rnodel? Explain how Section 9 addresses the plume and jet entrainment to support the use of the lumped-parameter for the AP600 DBA evaluation model. 40C3 NRR/SCSB 21. RAIOl Rang / Gresham Actica W Action W 7/18/97 rat: WCAP-14407, SECTION 13,"WGOTHIC NODING SRJDIES IN SUPPORT OF THE AP600 EVALUATION MODEL* 480.494 Summarize the physical quantities measured in Large-Scale Test (LST) facility and the results of w.3, 6 with WGOUllC computational resuhs provided in Reference 4 that leads Westinghouse to conclude that no compensating enors occuned. Address both the distnbuted-parameter resuhs as well as the lumped-parameter results to support use of the lumped-lWGOTHIC parameter usedappicach for the for the Reference AP600 DBA evaluation model. Address differences between WGOTHIC 4 studies. 4009 NRR/SCSB 21. RAIO! Rarig / Gresham Action W Action W 7/18/97 rat: WCAP-14407. SECTION 13, *WGOTHIC NODING STUDIES IN SUPPORT OF THE AP600 EVALUATION MODI 3 " 480.495 Explain how the LST studes served as the basis for both the distnbuted-parameter model and the lumped-parameter AP600 DBA evaluation model developments. Page: 41 Total Records: 840

3 AP600 Opea hem Tracking SySt:m Databa : tmmrry Sched:le Date: 7/7/97 t Selectiost: [w st code]=' Action W* Sorted by DSER Section Transmit Date NRC Branch and item number. f l item DSER Sectron/ ' (W) NRC No. Branch Type Coor@ Resp Engineer Title Question ' Stzus Samus ICP Draft Review Transmit i CIO NRR/SCSB 21. RAl4I Rarig / Gresham Action W Action W 7/1867 , RA1: WCAP-14407, SECTION 13, *WGODfic NODING STUDIES IN SUPPORT OF THE AP600 EVALUAT10N MODEL" i 480 4% As mentioned at the bottom of page 13-1, regions of high gradients in the LST needed more detailed noding in the  ! distributed-parameter model to agree well with the experiment. How did this insight enter and affect the lumped-parameter AP600 t DBA evaluation model?


493 NRR/SCSB 21. MTG-OI Butler, J. / Gresham/ Woodcock, Action W Action W 7/3167 i NRC Meeting on PCS (11/1584) [ Westinghouse to provide water distribution data measured during the LST tests which was not included in final test data report. l 3975 NRR/SCSB 2L RAl4I Rarig / Gresham Action W Action W 7/3187 RAI: GOTHIC Technical Manual. NAl8907-06 Rev. 3. Version 4.0, September 1993.  ! 480.462 Identify models used for the AP600 which have not been assessed as part of the GOTHIC qualification. This list needs to include rnodels that are being applied outside their range of validity as tested in the qualification effort. Rw each modelidentified. , how did Westinghouse demonstrate that the model is appropriate? This does not include models added to GOTHIC by Westinghouse I specifically n'or the analysis of the AP600 PCS. f 3976 NhtR/SCSB 21. RAICI Rarig / Gresham Action W Action W 7/31/97 RAl: GOTHIC Technical Manual. NA18907-06, Rev.3, Version 4.0, Servember 1993. - 480.463 Ref: pg. 3-7: Is the quantity -GAMMAl the same as I? Is so,the documentation needs to be corrected. If not,what is - GAMMAl? Since I appears to be used to identify an " interface

  • rate change, the nomenclature list of variables (pg. 0-4) should reflect this:

l replace,if appropriate

                                                                                                                          - phase change due to heat transfer
  • l with *
  • I -interface rate change due to heat transfer *  !

At a minimum, this might help in understanding the relationship between Eq. 3.29 on pg. 3-7 and the subsequent discussions in [' Section 7,4 "Vapc,ruation and Condensation."ifin that section the subscript Iis added to to better retare the notation scheme in Table 7-2. j 3977 NRR/SCSB 21. RAlel Rarig / Gresham Action W Action W 7/31197 RAI: GOTHIC Techmcal Manual. NAI8907-06 Rev. 3. Version 4.0, September 1993. 480.464 The Yeh correlation was developed for SBLOCA analyses. Now does it relate to containment pools,i c., P.T. velocities, etc.? How are the bubble rise velocity and stable bubble size determined? Address these questions as they relase to the AP600 DBA hvaluation model, and does the range of applicability of the Yeh correlation cover the range of AP600 accidents? [ 3978 NRR/SCSB 21. RAl-Of Rarig / Gresham Action W Action W 7/3167 RAl: GOTHIC Technical Manual. NAI8907-06, Rev. 3. Version 4.0, September 1903. ' 480.465 The AP600 models truncate the upper dome as a modeling convenience. How is the static head corrected in the AP600 I DB A evaluation model to calculate buoyancy induced flows? l { l Page- 42 Total Records: 840 t

                                                                                     . . _ _ _ _ . _ _    _ _ _ _ _                   _    m    --_ _      _.__ _ ___        _      ____._m        ___-__-m      ._ _  __.__m       , _ . . _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
  ._ _         _   .__           ._ ___                _.      .. ___ . . . _ _ .                                          _      __. _               ,         --                                                                                               _.       =. --

l AP600 Opem Item Tracking System Database: Summsry Sched;Ie Date: 7th97 Wh [w st code]=' Action W' Sotted by DSER Section, Transmit Date, NRC Branch and item number. r r item DSER Section/ (W) NRC No. Branch Question Type Coord/ Resp Engineer Ti*le Status Samus ICP Draft Review Transmit 3979 NRR/SCSB 21. RAI-Of Rarig / Gresham Action W Action W 701/97 ' R Al: GOTHIC Technical Manual, NA18907-06, Rev. 3. Version 4 0. September 1993. 480.466 The text implies that the user can use momentum flux in lumped parameterjunctions. Does the AP600 DB A evaluation model,the models presented in Sections 4,5,10 and 13 of WCAP-14407,or the models presented in the GOnllC Qualification report, use momentum flux in thesejunctions? If so, what is the rationale? If not,what quality assurance procedure is in place to prevent use of the momentum flux in lumped parameter junctions? 3980 NRR/SCSB 21. RAI-OI Rarig / Gresham Action W Action W 7/3167 I R AI: GODITC Technical Manual. NAI8907-06, Rev. 3. Version 4.0, September 1993. , 480 467 Provide the methodology used to select the momentum flux option and the momentum control volumes in the AP600 evaluation model, the models presented in Sections 4,5,10 and 13 of WCAP-14407, and the models presented in the GODilC i Qualification report. When in option 3 (transverse) and option 4 (both in-line and transverse) selected? Ilow is "telatively small' bvalumed and which option is selected (1 or 2), and why? What sensitivity studies have been pe: formed to de guidance for the selection of the momentum flux options are appropriate for the i AP600 DB A evalusion model?  ! 3981 NRR/SCSB 2I. RAI-OI Rarig / Gresham Action W Action W 7/31/97 RAI: GOTI9C 7echnical Manual NAI8907-06, Rev. 3, Version 4.0, September 1993.  ; 480 468 The nt refen to a Figure 4-4 which is not in the document. It appears that the text is referring to the top portion of Figure 4-3. Either provide Figure 4-4 or correct the text to refers to the appropriate figure. l 3982 NRR/SCSB 21. RAI Of Rarig / Gresham Action W Action W 7/31/97

                                                                                  'RAI: GOT1?IC Technical Manual NAI8907-06, Rev. 3. Version 4.0, September 1993.

480.469 The entical flow models have nd been fully verified. Are there locations in the AP600 where the plant geometry leads to the need to mMet entical flow? If so, how is the critical flow model validated for its use in the AP600 DBA evaluation model? 3983 NRR/SCSB 21. RAI-OI Rarig / Gresham Action W Action W 7/31/97 l

                                                                                  'RAI: GOTillC Technical Manual. NAI8907-06, Rev. 3. Version 4.0, September 1993.

480.470 In letter NTD-NRC-95-4577, *Updsed GOTHIC Documentation,* dsed October 12,1995, Westinghouse informed the staff that specific models were not used in the analysis of the AP600 containment and supporting analyses of tests using the WGOTillC_5 Version 1.2 computer pmgram. The door component is the only enpmeenng safety equipment component not on that ist. A door is treated like a valve in GOTitIC. Are there

  • doors
  • in the AP600 D'3A evaluation model which would require use of he valve w.w~,m..;?

3984 NRR/SCSB 21. RAICI Rarig / Gresham Action W Action W 7/31/97 rat: GODilC Technical Manual. NA!8907-06. Rev. 3. Version 4.0, September 1993. It is stated that *In general, when phase change occurs,it is assumed that the fluid Icaves the source phase at the bulk temperature of that phase and enters the destination phase at the saturation semperature determmed by the partial pressure."

  • i 480.471 What are the exceptions to this statement? Why are these exceptions appropriate for the AP600 DBA evaluation model?

i Page: 43 Total Records: 840

AP600 Open hem Tracking System Dat: base: S:mmery SchedLle Datz: 7/7/97 Ekh [w st code]=' Action W* Sorted by DSER Section, Transmit Date NRC Branch and item number. i leem DSER Sectmn/ (W) NRC No. Branch Question Type Coord/ Resp Engineer Title Status Staus ICP DraA Review Transmit 3985 NRR/SCSB 21. RAl-OI Rarig / Gresham Action W Action W - 7/31197 I RAl: GOTHIC Technical Manual. NAI8907-06, Rev. 3. Version 4.0, September 1993. 480.472 The thought atempted in the following needs to be completed "The large values presented in the tables are based on the numerical The units of Bru/hr-ft2-F applies to all constant values t of heat transfer coefficient given in the tables." 3986 NRR/SCSB 21. RAIOl Rarig / Gresham Action W Action W 7/31/97 RAI: GOTHIC Technical Manual NA!8907-06 Rev. 3. Version 4.0, September 1993. 480.473 (I) Why is the value 2.78 considered to be equal to "large* as original used in WCAP-1324? A reference and justification  ; is needed. What value is used in the AP600 DBA evaluzion model, the models presented in Sections 4,5,10 and 13 of WCAP- , 14407, and the models presented in the GOTHIC Qualincation report? (2) Should this be Hshyl to be consistent with the Tables 7-5 and 7-6? Ase any of the Hrs under the column " correlation

  • correct? It is also unclear why the coefficients for subcooled interfacial heat transfer are related to superheated correlations. Or are they really references to the user supplied input (SCVL, SHVI. SC11 and SHLL) as described in Section 19.2, IC.2 of the GOTHIC ,

User Manual? Hewever,it is noted that the "LL" part of the subscript is not defined, see for example Table 7-2. (2a) Should this actually be the reference to the user supplied value *SCVL" as desenbed M Section 19.2. IC.2 of the GOTHIC ( User Manual? i e l (2b) Should this actually be the reference to the user supplied value "SHVL" as described in Sectron 192, IC.2 ef the GOTHIC User Manual? (2c) Should this actually be the reference to the user supplied value *SHil"(could this be *SIIVD*) as described in Sect:on 19.2. IC.2 of the GOTHIC User Manual?  ? 1 (2d) Should this actually be the reference to the user supplied value "SCVL* as descnbed in Section 19.2. IC.2 of the GOTHIC User Manual? (3) Why is the value 278. considered to be equal to *Iarge" as original used in WCAP-132M? A reference and justification is

  • needed. What value is used in the AP600 DBA evaluation model,the models presented in Sections 4,5.10 and 13 of WCAP-14407, and the models presented in the GOTHIC Qualification report?  ;

(4) Since the re-. - -N values in section 19.2, IC.2 of the GOTHIC User Manual are either I.0 (SCVI. SHVL, and SHLL [SHVLtj or 0.1 (SCLL [SCVL?) and hese values are then rmitiplied by 278 to set an upper limit, how does this change from "large" , as was original Westinghouse's intent in selecting GOTHIC? What values are used in the AP600 DBA evaluation model?  ! (5) The coefficient for Hsciv and Hshly relate to conelations based on Hshiv, and the coefficient Hsedv relaae to conelations based on Hshdv. This seems to be inconsistent. Explain why both a subcooled and a superheated interface can relate to a superheated correlation. The documentation needs to be conected, as necessary. Also, clarification of the significance of the user supplied values SCVI, SHVL, SCll, and SHLL need to be related to the interfacial heat transfer reefficients. %1st are the values used for the AP600 DBA evaluation rnodel? , t Page: 44 Total Records: 114 0 i

  -   - - - ,                   _ - - . - ..--                      .      - - - - - . - - - - .                               - - - - - . - ~ . ~ .                                                                        . . _ - . _ _                                                     . - -

e 1 AP600 Ope:a Ittm Tracking System Database: Summiry Schedth Date: 7/7/97 i Selection: [w st code]=* Action W* Soded by DSER Section Transmit Dale, NRC Branch and item number. I i leem DSER Section/ ' (W) NRC No. Branch Question Type CoorMesp Engineer Title Staus ICP Staus Dreh Review Transnut ' t - 3987 NRR/SCSB 21. RAI-OI Rarig / Gresham Action W Action W 781/97 RAI: GOTHIC Technical Mano .! NA18907-06, Rev. 3. Version 4.0, September 1993.  ; 480.474 In comparing WCAP-I3246 to GOTHIC 4.0, it is noted that Hshvl only changed from *Large"in the WCAP to 2.78 in 3 GOTHIC 4 0. Further in going from the WCAP to GOTHIC 4.0, for Hshly the correlation sefesence (Rowt. et al.) remams the same but die second part of the correlation was dropped. Explain the significance of the design review comment that the two correlations J ' were intercienged but no change made in GOTIIIC 4.0. Also explain why, and what is the significance of, the second part of the ! pferenced cortclaion being dropped. What ccnelmion is used for the AP600 DBA 1 evalunion e unid) j 3988 NRR/SCSB 21. RAl-OI Rarig / Gresham Action W Action W 701/97  !

                                                                                                    !RAI: GOTHIC Technical Manual. NAI890 /-06. Rev. 3. Version 4.0, Septernber 193.

480.475 In Table 7-5. the conciation for coefficient Hshiv war modified from the WCAP-13246 version to nestrict the value 2ki/ to  ! + a minimum value of 278. Why was this necessary? What is ersed in the WGOTHIC computer program? [ 3999 NRR/SCSD 21. RAI-OI Rarig / Greshern Action W Action W 7DI/97 l t [RAI: GOTHIC Technical Manual. NAI8907-06, Rev. 3. Version 4.0, Sepermher 1993.  ! l480.476 Equation 12.I7 on page 12-5 appears to have an arror. Should 11 be JIB 7 "the documcatauca skuld be corrected, as  ; s LPP oi-ae  : s W* 39 % Nni, E '%T.*' % Ai-G nang i oresnam A@-* 7/31/97 i RAI: GOTHIC Qualification Report, NAI8907-09, Rev. 2, Version 4.0, Sepeember 1993. I 480.477 How does Westinghouse use these simple DP models tojustify the lumped parameter model for the AP600 DBA evaluation j model, as discussed in Sections 4,5,10, and 13 of WCAP-144077 What key modeling consideration went into the L'e.a of . the GOTHIC qualification unodels, such as number of volunees, number of cells, interconnections (areas, loss coefficients, momentum pions) between lumped and subdivides volumes and between cells in DP volernts, and how is this guidance used in the  ; development of the models in WCAP-14407? 4 3991 NRR/SCSB 21. RAI-OI Rarig / Giesham Action W ' Action W 781/97  ; RAI: GOTHIC Qualification Report. NAf890749. Rev. 2, Version 4.0, September 1993. i 480.478 Direct comparisons to test guessures and R..A.,. need to be provided for the Battelle and Hanford experimen s. - f (Tempermare cosupertsons for the Hantord tests are presented in the GOTHIC Qualification Report.) _ y 3992 NRR/SCSB 21. RAI-Of Rarig / Gresham Action W - Action W 781/97 RAI: GO1NIC Qualification Report. NAIB90749. Rev. 2. Version 4.0 September 1993. 480.479 Only the Hanford model for nest HM-6 wies the

  • unwrapping
  • sechnsque to noodel a cylindncal geometry in the regered r rectangular grid format to properly treat momentum effects. Test HM-5 is modeled using a *true'sectangular grid approach. How does Westinghouse use these modeling approaches tojustify the AP600 distnbuted parameter models in Section 13 of WCAP-144077 3994 NRR/SCSB 21. RAI-OI Rarig / Gresham Action W Action W 7/31/97 l RAI: GOTHIC User Manue'. NAI890742. Rev. 4. Version 4.0, September 1941 The preprocessor will let the user edit voluine paramesers for a 3D subdivided volume, however these values will not be used in the GOTHIC S input deck.

480.480 Ho a does GO1 HIC let the user know that these changes made by the peeprocessor editor do not change the actual model, or [ how else is the user informed that such illegal operations cannot be performed? How does Westmghouse verify that the data deck [ j (model)is correct and that this illegal edit has not oceaned. -l } Page- 45 Total Records. 840  !

                                                  -       -_                __          . _ _ - _ .            - _ . ._                __       _ _ _ _  _ . _ - _ _ _      = _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ . . . - _ _ _ _ _ - _ - _                _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ -      . _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ -

AP600 Open Item Tracking System D2. base: S:mmary Schedule Data: 7/7/97 Selectlert: [w st code]=' Action W' Sorted by DSER Section, Transmit Date, NRC Branch and item number. Item D*Ut Section/ (W) NRC No. Branch Quesden Type Coord/ Resp Engineer Title Staus Staus ICP Draft Review s'ransmit 3995 NRR/SCSB 21. RAI-OI Rarig / Gresham Action W Action W 7/3187 RA1: GOTlilC User Manual. NAl8907-02, Rev. 4 Version 4.0, September 1993. 480.488 What criteria are used for the AP600 DB A evaluation enodel, the models presented in Sections 4,5,10 ar d 13 of WCAP-14407, and the models presented in the GOTil!C Qualification report, to model turbulence? Which shear forces an used in which volumes? Ilow are the mixing lengths determines, and how are the Prandt! numberneterminc.d? 3996 NRR/SCSB 21. RAI4I Rarig / Gresham Action W Action W 7/31/97 RAI: GOTIIIC User Maiual. NAl890742. Rev. 4. Version 4.0, September 1993. 80.482 The definition of the Prandtl namber appears to conflict with its definition on pg. 9-4 of the GOUilC Technical Manual f(Eq. 9.20).1he heat capacity appears in Eq 9.20 but is not accounted for in the input des 3997 NRR/SCSB 21. RAICI Rarig / Gresham Action W Action W 7/3187

                                                                              'R AI: GOTIIIC User Manual, NA18907-02, Rev. 4. Version 4.0, September 1993.

Ref: pg.16-10:

                                                                                "The momentum transport option should be activated when using severaljunction connections to model an opening between two volumes that is larger than the cell mesh in either of the two volumes. Ideally, the subvolumes should match up across the opening and one junction used for each pair of cells. If a close match is not possible,it is better not to transport the transverse momentum. If the transport option is not activated, the outflow frorn a subdivided removes the associated momentum and discards it."

480.483 In the last sentence should the word " volume" be added after subdivided? 3998 NRR/SCSB 21. RAI-OI Rarig / Gresham Action W Action W 7/3167 RAI: GOUi!C User Manual. NAI8907-02, Rev. 4 Version 4.0, September 1993. 480.484 What is meant by 'it is better to discard' the momentum? Does this situation occur in the AP600 DBA evaluation model the models presented in Sections 4,5,10, and 13 of WCAP-14407, or the rnodels presented in the GOUIIC Qualification report, and if tso, how is it treated? 3999 NRR/SCSB 21. RAlel Rarig / Gresham Action W Action W 7/3187 I RAI: GOUIIC User Manual. NAl8907-02, Rev. 4. Version 4.0, September 1991 480.485 flow does this recommendation to discard momentum relate to the statement on pg.15 M that the momentum transport ogtion should always be used for any sutidivided volume. C00 NRR/SCSB 21. RA141 Rarig / Gresham _ Action W Action W 7/31/97 R Al: GOTHIC User Manual, NA18907-02, Rev. 4. Version 4.0, September 1993. Ref: pg.16-12:

                                                                             " Based on experimental evidence for blowdown analysis, it is recomrnended that the liquid be injected in droplet form with a diameter on the order of 20 microns. Injecting the liquid as a film mill result in superheated liquid and less steam in the atmosphere and lower peak pressures.*

480.486 What is the assumption used for the AP600 DBA evaluation models, both for LOCA and for MSLB analyses? When the blowdown phase is over, are the assumptions changes? Why or why not? Page: 46 Total Records: 840

AP600 Ope 2 Item Tracking System Dat. base: S mm ry Schedute Date: 7n/97 Selection: [w st code]=' Action W' Sorted by DSER Section. Transmit Date NRC Branch and item numter, item DSER Sectionf (W) l ' l NRC No. Branch Question Type MicSPEngineer Title Status Status ICP Draft Review Transnut (.001 NRR/SCSB 21. RAIOI Rarig / Gresham Action W Action W 7/31/97 R Al: GOT111C User Manual NAI89074)2. Rev. 4. Version 4.0, September 1993. Ref: pg 16-27 and 16-28:

                                                                                                               "Therefore, it is recommended that the mixing length be set to as small a value as possible while still producing the turbulence efTect.

This will tequire some experinentation to determine the optimum parameters for a given problem?

                                                                                                         ,480.487 Ilow are the mixing lengths set and shat is the target turbulence effect for the AP600 DBA evaluation model which uses

[the subdivided volume m,det? What sensitivity analyses were, or will be, performed to valida*e the mixing lengths used? 4173 NRRA1QMB 21. KEYISSU Piplica / Piplica Action W Action W 8/15/97 Key Issue Number 16a. Initial Test Program (ifQMB lead, All branches) The staff believes that a rigorous initial test program (ITP)is regrired for the unique AP600 systems that are different from operating plants. Revision 9 of the SSAR (August 9,1996) substantially modifies the content, format, and approach for the AP600 ITP. Major concerns identified thus far include: Conformance of the submittal with current SRP and RG I 63 4174 NRRAIQMB 21. KEY ISSU Piplica / Piplica Action W Action W 8/15/97 { Key issue Number 16b. Initial Test Program (IlQMB lead, All branches) A_cceptability of Westinghouse's . sew approach for the criteria of SSCs to be tested versus that of Position C.2 of RG 168; 4175 NRR/IlQMB 21. KEYISSU Pirlica / Piplica Action W Action W 8/15/97

                                                                                                        ' Key Issue Number 16c. Initial Test Program (IIQMB lead, AII branches)

Treatment of SSCs not considered safety-related, defense-in<lepth, or RTNSS-related; 4176 NRR/IIQMB 21. KEYISSU Piplica / Piplica Action W Action W~ All5/97 I Key Issue Number. I 16d. Initial Test Program (IIQMB lead, All branches) iEnsuring that the scope of the ITP captures all AP600 passive design features or those not present in traditional desigais; 4177 NRR/HQMB 21. KEYISSU Piplica / Pip!.ca Action W Action W 8/15/97 I Key Issue Number 16e. Initial Test Program (IIQMB lead, All branches) The acceptability of test abstracts designated as first-plantenly by Westinghouse; and l I Page: 47 Total Records: 840

AP600 Open Item Tracking System Datzbase: Summ:.ry Sched21e Datn 7/7/97 Selectiort: [w st code]=' Action W' Sorted by DSER Section. Transmit Date, NRC Branch and item number. Irem DSER Sectmn/ (W) NRC l No. Branch Question Type Coord/ Resp Engnicer Titie Status Staus ICP Draft Review Transmit 4178 NRR/lfQMB 21. KEYISSU Piplica / Peplica Action W Action W 8/15S7

                                                                                                                                                  ' Key issue Number:

16f. Initial Test thgram (HQMB lead, All branches) The acceptability of the ITP for water hammer in the secondary systems. 2411 NRR/SCSB 21. MTG-OI Butler, J. / Gresham/ Woodcock / Action W Action W 5/15S5 A 8/15S 7 [NRC Meeting on PCS (4/1ISS) 1.xtemal cochng / coverages / wetted fraction: hvaluate a .k.m m of wetting coverage model in ;ight of:

                                                                                                                                                      - preheating of dome
                                                                                                                                                      - scalability of film model to AP600 - coverage of entire range
                                                                                                                                                      - different coverage in model (stripes continue to narrow) vs LST observation (stripes constant width)
                                                                                                                                                      - uncertainties
                                                                                                                                                      - further sensitivities to coverage 25       NRR/SRXB 21.                                                      RAl-OI            Piplica      / Piplica'Hochreiter,L                                                                                           Action W Action W                                                                                                   8/15S 7
                                                                                                                                                % ion 952.94 (PRIIR 11X Analysis)

Provide a commitment to submit a literature sruch and calcularions quantifying critical heat flux in the passive RHR heat exchanger. additional investigation of the open literature to add to the database of information on critical heat fhst (CHF) limits for tube les and arrays. Also perform additional calculations related to fluid conditions in the PRHR heat exchanger and submit these culations to the stafT for review. These calculations should prende a quantificat on of the CHF margin that exists during heat htchanger operation. 268i NRR/SRXB 21. RAI-OI Piplica / Piplica Action W Action W 8/1587

                                                                                                                                               'OSU/ APEX Final Scaling Report 440.378 What is the basis of the gestulare (stated in the sentence before Eq (5-13), p. 5-5) that "the volume dilation is a constant which is dependent on the initial conditions of the system? This appears to be one of the central assumptions to allow further development of the model, so it should be adequarely justified.

3084 NRR/SRXB 21. TEL-OI Butler, J. / I&.-ndstern/SAR-C Action W Action W 8/1587 Action from 4/1066 phone call betuten Westinghouse and NRC Reactor Systems Branch (NRC Renewer - Norm Laubham, et. al.) lNRC requests information on the interfaces between safety analysis computer codes f I_ SATAN) and the PCS cor puter codes (WGOTillC) 3471 NRR/SRXB 21. RAI-OI Piplica / Piplica Action W Action W 8/15S 7

                                                                                                                                              'OSU TAR RAls 440.580 in Figste 5.4.2-33 of the OSU TAR, curve "C" shows integrated PRHR hem removal. The curve peaks at around 600-800 seconds, after which it begins to decrease. If this is an integrated curve, a decrease would seem to indicate heat transfer from the IRWST to the primary system, which does not seem to be physically plausible. Please explain what this curve shows and the reason for its shape.

Page: 48 Total Records: 840

AP600 Open Item Trackirg System Dat; base: Summary Schedule Dat:: 7/7/97 Selection: [w st code]=* Action W' Sorted by DSER Section. Transmit Date. NRC Branch and item number. Item DSER Section/ (W) NRC No. Branch Question Type Coord/ Resp Engineer Title Status Status ICP Draft Review Transmit 5257 NRR/SRXB 21. hffGOI Piplica / Piphca Action W Action W 8/15/97 WCAP-14727. *A P600 Scaling and PIRT Gosure Regut' MTG-OI r. , I. For OSU.

  • unanticipated phenomena are handled appropriately, but there is no discussion of L.somalous behavior related to hardware. Two specific in tances are the break orifice flow in SB5 and the leaking check valve that affected the DVI line breaks.

These are the subject of outstanding RAls, and must be addressed by Westinghouse. 5258 NRR/SRXB 21. MTG-OI Piphca / Piplica Action W Action W 8/15/97 WCAP-14727."AP600 Scaling and PIRT Cosure Report

  • MTG-OI #.

l2. Changes in PIRT rankings appear to be based primarily on the results of code calculatiorts, and not on insights from test results. If Ithis is true,it is inconsistent with the intent of the staff in requesting preparation of the report. Since the objective of the test was to lunderlying producephysical data basis. to validate theis code, (This issue changing raised again in the scaling-related phenomena rankings section,in based a sirralar context.) on those calculations appea 5259 NRR/SRXB 21. MTGOI Piplica / Piplica Action W Action W 8/15/97


WCAP-14727 *AP600 Scaling and PIRT Cosure Report

  • MTG-OI #:
3. In the discussion of applicwbility of PRIIR results on p. 6-41. it is still not entirely clear that a full rwige of conditions has been considered for the PRHR heat exchanger. Is there a progression of events that could result in significant heating of the IRWST. such phat its subcooling would be reduced while heat fluxes are still relatively high? Could this have an impact on heat transfer /CHF?

5260 NRR/SRXB 21. MTG-OI Piplica / Piplica Action W Action W 8/I5/97 WCAP-14727. "AP600 Scaling and PIRT Cosure Repost* MTU-OI #:

4. There is no discussion of fuel rod reactivity or core level phenornens in the LBLOCA PIRT (Section 2.2.2).

5261 NRR/SRXB 21. MTG-OI Piplica / Piplica Action W Action W 8/15/97 WCAP-14727. *AP600 Scaling and PIRT Cosure Report" MTG-OI #-

5. On p. 2-8. cold leg / accumulator flow asymmetries and accumulator discharge phenomena are not discussed. Also, why is DVI a separate item under "Downcomer." when the discussion indicates that it has been covered by other downcomer @m,.m. ?

5262 NRR/SRXB 21. MTU-Of Piplica / Piplica Action W Action W 8/15/97 WCAP-14727. "AP600 Senling and PIRT Cosure Report" MTG-OI #:

6. Section 2.23, p. 2-14: shy is the hot leg nozzle bypass path not modeled?
                         $263    NRR/SRXB 21.                                  MTG-OI    Piphca      / Piplica                                                                              Action W                                                                 Action W                                                                            8/15/97 lWCAP-14727. "AP600 Scaling and PIRT Cosure Repoit" MTG-OI #:
7. In Table 2.4-8. why is loss of offsite power assumed to trip the pumps CCore-Forced Convection)? Why is it not tied to reaipt of an "S" signal or CMT actuation?

Page: 49 Total Records: 840

AP600 Open Item Tracking System Database: Summ ry Schedule Dau: 7/7/97 Twlectiostt [w st code)=' Action W' Sorted by DSER Section, Transmit Date, NRC Branch and item number. hem DSER Section' l Schedule l (W) NRP No. Branch Question Type Coord/ Resp Engmeer Title Status ICP Draft Review Transmit Star 2 5264 NRR/SRXB 21. MTG-OI Piplica / Piplica Action W Action W 8/15/97 WCAP-14727,"AP600 Scaling and PIRT Closure Report *

                                                                            .MTG-OI #:
8. Table 2.4-11, p. 2-62: Justifications are missing.

5265 NRR/SRXB 21. MTG-OI Piplica / Piplica Action W Action W 8/15/97 lWCAP-14727, *AP600 Scaling and PIRT Closure Report

  • MTG-OI #.
9. Selection ofinitirdi ' y conditions for LTC calculations has been the subject of much discussion between the staff and
                                                                              'estinghouse. Westinghouse states on p. 2-67 that 'the most limiting thermal-hydraulic conditions" are used. Westinghouse needs to
                                                                          ; able to justify that the selected conditions are, in fact. *most limiting."

5266 NRR/SRXB 21. MTG-OI Piplica / Piplica Action W Action W 8/15/97 9 CAP-14727,"AP600 Scaling and PIRT Closure Report" MTG-OI #:

10. The argument is made once again on p. 64 that, since single tube experiments show an enhancement of boiling heat transfer when the tube is onented horizontally (compared to a vertical onentmion), using vertical data to model the upper horizontal section of the "C" tube shoald be "conservaive." The staff does not believe that this has been conclusively demonstrated. On a qualasive basis, one can develop reasonable explanations for the enhancement of hem transfer on a single honzontal tube. However, the situation in a tube bundle is somewhat different; for instance, while there is nothing to interfere with bubble rise from a single tube, a horizontal i bundle of tubes could act to trap vapor in the interior of the bundle more readily than might be expected in a vertically-oriented bundle, leading to earher dryout than might be predicted from single-tube or vertical bundle results. The staff has pseviously suggested to Westinghouse that sensitivity analyses be performed, bouruhng the hem transfer performance of the hem exchanger to demonstrue that it can meet its performance requirements; that suggestion is renewed here.

5267 NRR/SRXB 21. MTG-OI Piplica / Pirlica Action W Action W 8/15/97 WCAP-14727,*AP600 Scaling and PfRT Closure Report

  • M1GOI #:
11. On p. 9 4, Westinghou,e should be careful about how the ADS test loop is characteriacd. The text says there is "no geometrical distortion relative to the plant." In one sense, this may be reasonably accurate (if the piping layout of the facihty still represents the configuration in the plant). However, the detailed facility design is not exactly the same as the plant, with spool pieces and l orifices / nozzles serresenting some valves in they system. Although Westinghouse attempted to snatch loss coefficients, flow areas, IJD, etc., there is still the potential for some distortion relative to the AP600 in this approach [Wd m .6 could provide confirmatory data from the later (outside design certification) tests using 6 valves to demonstrate that the distortion was minirnal].

Also, the staff notes that there are two ADS trains in the plant, and the piping configurmions for the two are not identical (from the pressurizer to the sparger). 5268 NRR/SRXB 21. MTG-OI Piplica / Piplica Action W Action W 8/15/97 WCAP-14727, *AP600 Scaling and PfRT Closure Report" , MTG-Of #:

12. On p.10-10. Westinghouse says " sufficient instrumentation has been provided" to acquire data on LTC phenomena. The operability of and uncertainties associated with those instruments are not addressed, however. (This is primarily an issue to be addressed in the code validation review.)

Page- 50 Total Records: 840

AP600 Opeo Item Tracking System Databl se: Summary Schedule Date: 7/7/97 Selection: [w st code]=' Action W' Sorted by dst:M Sen Transmit Date, NRC Branch and item number. Item DSER Section/ (W) NRC No. Branch Question Type Cooni/ Resp Engineer Title Status Status 1P Draft Review Transmit 5269 NRR/SRXB 21. MTG-OI Piplica / Piplica Action W Action W 8/15/97 WCAP-14727, "AP600 Scaling and PIRT Coswe Report

  • MTU-OI #:
13. The organization of the report is not conducive to easy review. It would le more efficient to put a detailed descriptions and scaling bases for the facilnies in an early chapter, rather than in 7 and 8.

3270 NRR/SRXB 21. MTG-OI Piplica / Piphca Action W Action W tt/1587 WCAP-14727, *AP600 Scaling and PIRT Oosure Report" MTG-OI #:

14. In principle,the report follows Wulff's methodology in the top-down scaling analysis. However, the concept ofinertia and impedance matnces has not been properly explored. These rnatnces are generated in a multi-loop system analysis, and particularly become very useful for analyzing complex and interacting flow path systems such as the AP600 SBLOCA scenanos, la view of the complexity of the problem, specifically in view of the time-consuming work associated with finding flow rates at each branch of a junction of a muhi-loop system, the report uses one dominar:t flow loop as a so-called *cquivalent loop
  • and focuses on each lphenomenologically distient phase in order to obtain the most dominant pi group (s) governing that specific phase. This is a more practical approach and ignores the details of scaling critens for flow distnbution and component interactions. Such a pracucal approach can be accepted as long as the flow distnbu* ion and component interactions are shown not to be important relative to a more important phenomenon resulting from a single loop analysis, and as long as the results are properly analyzed, discussed, and snally hhe arproach taken is justified in view of the multi-loop interactive flow paths. In most cases, at the beginning isted without a convincing technical discussion. Justifications are essential to show that the chosen single loop system captured ominant processes and phenomena and their associated scaling enteria for a given distinct phase of transients. Westinghouse is ncouraged to implement convincing discussions as to why they are using such a single, non-interactive flow path and yet not losing sential information about flow distribution and component interactions.

5271 NRR/SRXB 21. MTG-OI Piplica / Piplica Action W Action W 8/15S 7 WCAP-14727, *AP600 Scaling and PIRT Oosure Report

  • MTU-OI#:

I 5. Validation is necessary to demonstrare that the conect pi's have been identified in the top -down scaling analysis, and to show that all the important 4.-..e have teen taken into account. This can be done by balancing the mass conservation equation;if the important mass inflows and outflows are considered, then the equation will balance. Another validation process is to compare the experinrntal data coming from different test facihties using (delta-P*/ delta-t*) vs. t' or, preferably. P* vs. t*. The stafi understands that this may not be easy. but it is the only way to confirm the validity of the methodology and the characteristic pi groups, and it increases confidence in the scaling analysis. Note: the staff has explicitly w,.. -.Ad to Westinghouse numerous times in the past that validation of the PIRTs using results of the testing programs shnutd be a key objective of this type of study. The foregoing comment, which is based on Professor Kojasoy's scaling review. essentially makes that same point once again in a slightly different context. 5272 NRR/SRXB 21. MTU-OI Piplica / Piplics Action W Action W 8/15/97 fWCAP-14727 *AP600 Scaling and PIRT Oosure Report" MTG-OI #:

16. As part of the two-tier scaling approach, a comprment-level scaling analysis, which eventually led to the local-level (bottom-up) scaling. was carried out for the CMT and PRHR separate-effects tests. The pi groups were properly derived from the relevant balance equations for each wnW.;. However, the pi groups were not numerically evaluated and compared using experimental data and calculated plant values. It is thus difficult to assess whether the separate-effects tests were properly designed and whether the experimental data were the proper data fer code validation.

Page: 51 Total Records: 840

AP600 Open Item Tracking System Dat; base: Summ:ry Schedule Date: 7/7/97 Selection: [w st codel=* Action W' Sorted by DSER Section. Transmit Date. NRC Branch and item number. r hem DSER Secnon/ ' (W) NRC I No. Branch Question Type Coord/ Resp Engineer Title Status Staus ICP Draft Review Transmit I 5273 NRR/SRXB 21. MTU-Of Piplica / Piplica Action W Action W 8/15/97 i WCAP-14727. *AP600 Scaling and PIRT Cosure Report

  • MTG-OI #: 1
17. Use of NOTRUMP and WCOBRA/ TRAC to calculaec the normalizing reference fluid and flow values for scaling and code 4

assessment purposes appears to lead to a circular reasoning process. When vahdation of the code (s)is a pnmary objective of the scaling and experimental program, these is no technicaljustification for using the same computer code (s) to evalease the reference values for scaling purpoges. The reference normalizmion values should not be calculated using a code whose validity is in question. 5274 NRR/SRXB 21. MTG-OI Piplica / Piplica Action W Action W 8/15/97 i

                                                                                          'WCAP-14727 *AP600 Scaling said PIRT Closure Report"                                                                                                                                                                           t MTG4I#:                                                                                                                                                                                                                       i
18. There is a lack of uniformity and consistency in - ' - in the report Ahhough each chapeer contams a nomenciame [

section, not all symbols in the text are defined. For instance, the subscript T in Chapeer 8 was never described in the text and does not appearin the nomenclaure. 5275 NRR/SRXB 21. MTU-OI Piplica / Piplica Action W Action W ' 8/15/97 WCAP-I4727. *AP600 Scahng and PIRT Closure Report

  • Chapter 3-Top-down scaling based on Wulfrs method MTG-OI #:
19. The methodology is demonstrated for the Passive Cooling. ADS Blowdown. IRWST Injection, and Sump injection phases. The high-pressure depressurization phase of an SBLOCA was not addressed at all;it was considered to be sinular to the same phase in operating reactors. While the thermal-hydraulic behavior of the phase may be reasonably well-known.this phase sets up the initial
  • conditions for the following (Passive Cooling) phase. Since the scahng groups are defined by initial and operating conditions that are l

selected and/or controlled for a test facility and prototype, it is essential to demonstrase the methodology for the initial phase, as well. 5276 NRR/SRXB 21. MTG-OI Piplies / Piplica Action W Action W 8/15/97 j WCAP-14727. "AP600 Scaling and PIRT Closure Report" Chapter 3-Topalown scaling based on Wulfrs method MTG-OI #: [

20. The Passive Cooling phone is analyzed in two periods: s;..gk 4 naturni circulation and two-phase natural circulation. This ' l appears to be an oversimplification of the complete process. The phase is initiated by an *S* signal, causing actuation of the CMTs and PRHR. These two processes are coupled and their compermive snagnitudes are affected by break locsion and size, and the I r .a., associaeed with the PRHR and two CMT natural circulation loops as well as the other four prirnary loops (two on each  !

side) that wete in operation before CMT and PRHR actuation. As noted previously, reducing the actual flow paths ignores the scaling [ criteria associated with flow distributions and component interactions. If these are not important, it should be convincingly demonstrated here rather than simply providmg an assumphon without justification. This would clarify (a) whether the .y; . a f . of an actual mahi-loop system with a single loop system and compensating CMT flow to the break flow have a technical basis;(b)  ! I whether all irnportant processes have been covered; and (c) whether the resulting dimensionless groups are the most relevant groups } characterizing this phase of the transient. + 5277 NRR/SRXB - 21. MTGOI Piplica / Piplica Action W Action W 8/15/97 fCAP-14727 *AP600 Scaling and PIRT Oosure Report" gChapter 3--Topalown scaling based on Wulfra method MTG-OI #:

21. There still appear to be problems with Figs. 33.2 and 333 --even the corrected version of Fig. 333 seems not to have the loop ,

right. j ( Page: 52 Total Records: 8d0 _ ._.--._,%.___ __ ..c__ - - . .. _ . _ _ . _. ___ _ _ _ _ . - ._.-_ _ __ _ _ . - . _ _ _ _ - + ---m-_______. _ . - - - . _ _ _ _ _ _ __--_.--.m__. - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ -_c-_a

      -~                                                                                                                                                     - - - . -                                - -   ..                 .

t AP600 Open item Tracking System Dat:. base: Sammary Schedile Dat:: 7n/97 Selectiosu Iw st code]=* Action W* Sorted by DSER Section. Transmit Date, NRC Branch and item number. 1 Item DSER Section/ (W) NRC No. Branch Questioc Type Coord/Itesp Engineer Title Status ICP Draft Status Review Transmit i 5278 NRR/SRXB 21. MTG-OI Piplica / Piptica Action W Action W 8/15/97 WCAP-14727.*AP600 Scaling and P!RT Oosure Report" Chapter 3--Togalown scaling tawd on Wulfrs method MTG-OI #: l

22. Selection of reference parameters is the most critical selection for a scaling procedure. The pressure should be scaled as P* = P - Pmin/Pmax - Pmin = P - Pmin/ delta-P  ;

where Pmin is the minimum pressure and Pmax is the maximum pressure. In a given A.-.MJ1y distinct phase (or period) of a transient. Pmax would be the initial pressure and Pmin would be the final pressure for the slet fic phase. As a result for each distinct phaw or preiod, the pressert scale should be adjusted to make pressure variation limited by J Iess than or equal to F* less than or equal to I .0 and 0 is less than or equal to (deha-P'/ delta 4*) less than or equal to 1.0. The comments on p. 3-21 with regard to r Wul!Tsr .uon are not correct. Each phase should be scaled with a different delta-P. 5279 NRR/SRXB 21. MTG-OI Piplica / Piplica Action W Action W 8/15/97 WCAP-14727,"AP600 Scaling and PIRT Cosure Report' Chapter 3--Togxiown scaling based on Wolfrs method MTG-OI #:

23. In treating two-phase flows, the balance equations are properly weighted by single- and two-phase volumes. However, each is assumed to be constant. Is that true? Is such an assumption necessary? For a given transient, these volumes are changing.

5290 NRR/SRXB 21. MTG-OI Piplica / Piplica Action W Action W 8/15/97

  • WCAP-14727, "AP600 Scaling and PIRT Cosure Report" Chapter 3--Topalown scaling bawd on Wulffs method I MTG-OI #: i
24. The vapor or liquid (preferably vapor) mass balance equation should be included in a drift-flux (or mixture) model formulation of i the two-phase flow ficId. This balance equation has not been considered in the top < lown scaling presented in this chapter. This is the thalance equation that will give indications about phase distributions.

5281 NRR/SRXB 21. MTG-OI Piplica / Piplica Action W Action W 8/15/97 WCAP-14727,*AP600 Scaling and PIRT Oosure Report" l Chapter 3--Top < lown scaling bawd on Wulfrs method MTG-OI #.

25. Equation (343)is correct. However,the discussion following the equarion depends where the equanon is applied. The staff understands that there i. no general model or correlation for critical flow which is did for a wide range of pipe lengths, pipe diameters, and upstream conditions, including subcooled liquid. However, use of a simple critical flow model instead of the discussion following Eq (343) would be more convincing. ,j t 5282 NRR/SRXB 21. MTG-OI Piplica / Piplica Action W Action W 8/15/97 WCAP-14727. "AP600 Scaling and PIRT Cosure Report * .

Chapter 3-Top < lown scaling based on Wulfrs method MTU-OI #:

26. Neglecting inertia effects in Eq (3-72) appears to be reasonable, but why? One of the objectives of a scaling analysis is to reveal i and differentiate important terms from unimportant terms. If a term is not important,the scaling analysis should show that it is
  • negilibly small when compared to other terms.

t Page: 53 Total Records: 840  ;

r AP600 Ope 2 Item Tracking System Database: Summ ry Sched;te Date: 7/7/97 Selectiott: [w st code]=' Action W' Sorted by DSER Section. Transmit Date NRC Branch and item number. hem DSER Secton/ # (w) NRC l No. Branch Question Type Coornesp Engineer Title Stsus Status ICP Draft Review Transmit 5283 NRR/SRXB 21. MTG-OI Piphca / Piplica Action W Action W 845M7 WCAP-I4727, *AP600 Scaling and PIRT Closure Report" Chapter 3-Top-down scaling based on Wulffs method MTG-OI #:

27. Pi gmups emanating from the dimensionless balance equations at each phase of the transient are property documented and the significance of each pi group is adequately desenbed. Figures comparing pi groups between AP600, OSU, and SPES-2 are informative and helpful. However, there is a significant scatter and vanations between NOTRUMP calculations, hand calculations, and experimental data, and it is unclear why the hand calculations, in general, seem to be best in terms of agreement. Also, some

[ values of pi groups are significantly higher than unity. h would be helpful if discussion addressing these dimms was provided. 5284 NRR/SRXB 21. MTG-OI Piphca / Piplica Action W Action W 8/15M7 WCAP.14727. "AP600 Scaling and PfRT Closure Report

  • Chapter 3-Top-down scaling based on Wulfrs method MTG-OI #:

28 Although the scaling bases for the two facilities described in Chapters 7 and 8 are conceptually difTerent from one another,the analysis of pi groups and ratios of pi groups, as well as the comparisons among the scaled-up test results and AP600 behavior indicate that the facility tests and AP600 plant calculations compare reasonably well. In spite of deficiencies in the top-down scaling pmcedure discussed above, the tests and plant calculations appear to capure the highly rated key phenomena identified in the PIRT

                                                                                ! process.

5285 NRR/SRXB 21. MTG-OI Prplica / Piplica Action W Action W 8/15M7 WCAP-14727, *AP600 Scaling and PIRT Closure Report" Chapter 4--CMT Testing MTG-OI #:

29. From the physical point of view, each mode of ogeration is satisfactorily described and the component-level balance equations are carefully non-dimensionalized to derive the proper pi groups. Up to this point, everything is well documented. flowever, several j

problems were encountered in reviewing design entena for experiments and analyzing experimental results: ja. Numerical values of the pi gmups were not evaluated in the report, making it difficult to assess the nature of scale distortions.

                                                                               'b. From information given in the report,it is concluded that the recirculation phase scaling requires that A(sutH-)/A(sub-p) = V(sub-m)/V(sub-p). Is this conect? If so, then geometnc and kinematic scaling teqmre that the CMT cross-sectional area scalmg ratio is the same as the inlet and ou:let piping cross-sectional area ratios. This type ofinformation was not documented, making it difficult to
                                                                                 'udge the nature of geometric similarity between the test facility and the prototypic CMT. For example,it is impossible to assess if he Ri similanty requirement is satisfied for the CMT recirculation mode.
                                                                                   . Figures 43.I - 43.4 are not clearly documented and do not support the text explanations and conclusions reached at the bottom of I        4-17.
                                                                                   . Equation (4-20) should define the free convection heat tran<fer coefficient, not the relevant No.
                                                                                   . The CMT drain-down mode balance equations and pi groups were developed with great care from a mechanistre point of view.

Ilowever, as in the case of the recirculation mode, a numerical evaluation of the pi gmups in this report would facilitare a comparative simitanty analysis. (They could possibly be brought over from the CMT scaling report.)

f. Figures 43.7 - 43.11 do not represent narrative explanations of the figures given at the top of page 4-28. Component-level similarity requirements and scaling distortions are not documented namencally, makmg it difficult to judge if scaling distortions are reflected in pi group ration, and if the important phenomena are adequately simulated in the CMT tests.
g. Test overlaps between the separate-efTects tests and the SPES-2 and OSU integral facilities are prope:Iy documented with regard to 1 pressure, mass flow, and fluid temperature.

Page: 54 Total Records: 840

AP600 Opea Item Tracking System Datbase: Summiry Schedule Dat:: 7/7/97 Selection: [w st code]=* Action W' Sorted by DSER Section. Transmit Date, NRC Branch and item number. Item DSER Secnon/ "* (W) NRC No. Branch Question Type Coord/ Resp Engineer Title Status Starus ICP Drafi Review Transmit 1617 NRR/SRXP 21.3 3-1 DSER-OI Piplica / Piphca/flochretier.L Action W Action V 5/1885 S 5/18M5 5 8/15M7 Westinghouse must provide a detailed justification on the applicability of the straight tube passive residual heat removal heat lgschanger (PRi1RlIX) test data to the new "C"-tube configuration. 1619 NRR/SRXB 21.3.5-1 DSER-OI Piplica / Piplicaffupper Action W Action W I/16M5 A 5/18/95 S 1/31M5 A [ Westinghouse should submit the Oregon State University Advanced Passive Experiment (OSU/ APEX) final scaling repost. l 3130 NRR/SRXB DSER-OI Piplica / Piplica/llochreiter Action W Action W 8/1567 21.5.10 1-1 Westinghouse needs to submit a " closure" report on the design certification testing programs that integrate Westinghouse *s test results, demonstrate that the test data cover an appropriate thermal-hydraulic range, address the pertinent phenomena identified in the PIRTs, and are consistent with essumptions made in deriving the scaling parameters used to design the test facilities and to develop the test matrices. 1634 NRR/SCSB 21.5.8-4 DSERol Butie:,1 / Gresham/Wondcock Action W Action W 5/22 S 5 S 5/22 S 5 5 7/3167 The measurement of condensate forming within the containment vessel must be considered when addressing the question of the ability of the WGOTHIC code to predict containment performance 3132 NRR/SRXB 21.6.l.6-1 DSER-OI Fanto / SAR-Ch15/Novendst Action W Action W 12/17S 6 S 8/ISS7 Westinghouse needs to describe, in Chapter 15 of the SSAR, tir PRHR leat transfer option it has selected for each analysis in which lLOFTRAN is applied and explain why the option is conservative for that applicanon. 3226 NRR/SRXB DSER-CN Piplica / Piplica Action W Action W 8/1587 21.6.l.6-1 The acceptability of the PRHR model used in the LOFTRAN code is contingent on a finding that the PRHR data are acceptable (see Strtion 21.5.3 of this supplement). 3I34 NRR/SRXB DSER-OI Butler, J. / Novendstem/Loftran Action W Action W 8/3tM6 S 8/I5S7 Westinghoose needs to identify the information provided in RAI response that will be incorporated into the LOFIRAN final varification and validation (V&V) document (WCAP-14307) or the code applicability document (WCAP-14234). 31C NRR/SRXB DSER-OI Butler, J. / TRUMP /Novendster Action W Action W 12/17M6 S 8/15M7 Westinghouse needs to identify which information frorn the NOTRUMP-related RAI response will be formally incorporated into NOTRUMP-related documentation such as the final verification and validation teport,the code applicability document (WCAP-14206), or the SS AR. 314I NRR/SRXB DSER-OI Butler. L / TRUMP /Novendster Action W Action W 12/17S 6 S 8/15M7 Westinghouse needs to submit the final verification and validation report. Page: 55 Total Records: 840

AP600 Opea item Tracking System Database: Summary Schedule Date: 7/7/97 Selection: [w st code]=' Action W' Sorted by DSER Section. Transmit Date. NRC Branch and item number. 7 Item DSER Section/ (W) NRC No. Branch Question Type Coord/ Resp Egineer Title Status Status ICP Draft Review Transmit 318I NRR/SRXB 21.6.4-II DSER-OI Fanto / SAR-Chl5/Novendst Action W Action W 5/27/97 S 8/15/97 l21.6.4-11

                                                                                                        , Westinghouse needs to address the adequacy of the windows selected as .wo;.i;ve of the LTC event.

3184 NRR/SRXB 21.6.4-14 DSER-Of Fanto / SAR-Ch15/Novendst Action W Action W 5/27/97 5 8/15/97 21.6.4-14 Westinghouse needs to integrate the containment response into the AP600 simulated transient calculations. ' 3189 NRR/SCSB 21.6.5-1 DSER-OI Butler J. / WG/Gresham/ Wood Action W Action W 7/18/97 21.6.5-1 Westinghouse needs to diress thetreatment of temperature distributions in the containment .umk.m and the enclosing wall structural temperature distribution as modeled in the WGOTHIC lumped parameter approach. 3199 NRR/SCSB 21.6511 DSER-OI Butler. J. / WG/Gresham/ Wood Action W Action W .7/18/97 21.6511 Westinghouse needs to address she staffs concerns on form and friction losses in the non-condensible stratification and sepervion  ; rnodels for WGOTlHC. - 3201 NRR/SCSB 21.6.5-13 DSER-OI Butler. J. / WG/Gresham/ Wood Action W Action W 7/18/97 21.6.5-13 i Westinghouse needs to identify constrained variables and quantities and their impact on AP600 licensing calcelations. l 3203 NRR/SCSB 21.6515 DSER4)I Butler. J. / Gresham/ Woodcock Action W Action W 8/15/97 21.6515 Westinghouse needs to correct si! known coding errors in the final version of WGOTHIC for the AP600 DB A PCS analyses. 3204 NRR/SCSB 21.6516 DSER-OI Butler J. / WG/Gresham/ Wood Action W Action W 7/18/97 21.6516 Westinghouse needs to address the staff's concerns on the importance of numerical diffusion on the WGOTHIC code. 3206 NRR/SCSB 21.6518 DSER-OI Butler J. / Water /G esham/ Woo Action W Action W 7/I8/97 21.6518  ! Westinghouse needs to add ess ".he staff s concerns with PCS water coverage and the applicainlity of the Zuber-Staub model to WGOTHIC. , 3207 NRR/SCSB 21.6519 DSER-OI Butler J. / WG/Gresham/ Wood Action W Action W 7/18/97 21.6519 Westinghouse needs to address the staff's concerns on the implementation and validation of the " clime" model awd in WGOTHIC. , 3209 NRR/SCSB 21.6521 DSER-OI Butler. J. / Gresham/ Woodcock Action W Action W 8/15/97 21.6521 The staff is reviewing WGOTHIC rnodel data. WGOTHIC models for II)CAs and main steamline break (MSLBs) and the models to be used for the AP600 DBA. Page: 56 Total Records: 840 i i I

AP600 Open hem Tracking System Datchase: Summary SchedIle Date: 7/#97 Selectiost: [w st code]=* Action W* Sorted by DSER Section. Transmit Date. NRC Branch and item number. Item DSER Section/ ' l (W) NRC No. Branch Question Type Coord/ Resp Engineer Title Status Status ICP DraR Review Transmit 3219 NRR/SCSB 21.6524 DSER-OI Butler. L / H&MT/Gresham/Wo Action W Action W 7/31/97 21 6.5-24 Westinghouse needs to address the RAls on the WGOTHIC analyes of the priority LST tests. [ 3222 NRR/SCSB 21.6.5-27 DSER-OI Butler. J. / Novendstern/LOITR Action W Action W 7/31/97

  • 21.6527 Westinghouse needs to demonstrate the acceptability of LOFTRAN for the calculation of the MSLB mass and energy release for the  !

AP600 DB A evaluation model. ' 3192 NRR/SCSB 21.6.5-4 DSER-OI Butler. J. / WG/Gresham/ Wood Action W Action W 7/I8/97

                                                                                 'estinghouse needs to address the staffs concem on liquid fiin enthalpy transport in the hear and mass transfer models for

[WGOTHIC , 3193 NRR/SCSB 21.655 DSER-OI Butler J. / WG/Gresham/ Wood Action W Action W 7/18/97 21.6.5-5 Westinghouse needs to address Se staffs concem on free convection mass and heat transfer models for WGOTHIC 3194 NRR/SCSB 21.6.5-6 DSER-OI Butler, J. / WG/Gresham/ Wood Action W Action W 7/18/97 21.656 Westinghouse needs to address the staffs concem on conduction to internal heat sinks in the heat and mass transfer models for } [WGOTHIC 3193 NRR/SCS3 21.657 DSER-OI Batter. J. / WG/Gresham/ Wood Action W Action W 8/15/97 l 2I.657 . Westinghouse needs to address the staff s concem on the modeling of the region above the dome, from the spring line to the exhaust  ! chimney,in WGOTHIC j 31 % NRR/SCSB 21.658 DSER-OI Butler, J. / Gresham/ Woodcock Action W Action W 8/15/97 21.6.5-8 Westinghouse needs to demonstrate that its treatment of the air inlet temperature and humidity in WGOTHIC is comervative. 3475 NRR/PERB 3.11 RAI-OI Fanto / Miller Action W Action W 8/15/97 August 8.1996 letter 470.32 Section 3D.5.5.I.I of Chapter 3 of the standard safety analysis report (SSAR) describes the design basis loss-of<oolant-accident (LOCA) source terms used for the AP600 equipment qualification in the containtnent. Update these source terms and those described in Section " Radiological C_--- .- -- =* for a LOCA to be consiseent with the latest Westinghouse source term proposed in its letter dated April 1.1996. i t Page: 57 Total Records: 840 I

AP600 Open Item Tracking System Database: Summary Schedule Dat : 7/7/97 Selection: [w st code]=* Action W' Sorted by DSER Section, Transmit Date, NRC Branch and item number. Item DSER Sectumf " (w) NRC No. Branch Question Type Coord/ Resp Engineer Title Status ICP Draft Status Review Transmit 3476 NRPJPERB 3.11 RAl-OI Fanto / Miller Action W Action W 8/ISS7 August 8,1996 letter 470.33 Figures 3D.5-2 and 3D.5-3 of Cnapter 3 of the SSAR present iioi.m - ; gamma and beta dose rates as a function of time after a LOCA. Section 3D. states that the radiation exposure inside containment is conservatively estimated by considering the dose in middle of the AP600 containment with no credit for the shielding provided by internal structures Provide a sample calculation used to determine instantaneous beta and gamma dose rates. State the distribution of radioactivity in gaseous and aqueous phases in the containment including the effects of aerosol behaviors in the containment in determining the dose ates. Page: 58 Total Records: 840

AP600 Open Item Tracking System Datbase: S:mmary Schedule Date: 7/7/97 Selection: [w st code}=' Action W' Sorted by DSER Section, Transmit Date, NRC Branch and item number. Item DSER Section/ (w) " NRC No. Branch Question Type CoorWResp Engineer Title Status Status ICP Draft Review Transmit 3477 NRR/PERB 3.I I RAl-OI Fanto / Miller Action W Action W 8/15/97 August 8.1996 letter 470.34 The applicable entenon for equipment, both mechanical and electrical. required for recovery from in-vessel severe accidents is provsded in 10 CFR 50.34(f)(2) and (3). These regulations collectively indicate the need to perform a systematic evaluation of all equipment, both mechanical and electrical, and instrumentation to ensure its survivability for intervention into an in-vessel severe accident. (a) Provide the reschs of an evaluation using best< stimate means of a degraded in-wessel core damage accident that results in a 100

                                                                          . percent metal-warer reaction. The basis for the evaluation should be included. The evaluation should identify the most I kely sequences resulting in substantial oxidation of the fuel cladding as a result of the probalnlistic safety assessment (PSA). An example of an acceptable sequence would involve accident conditions in mhich emergency core cooling system performance is degra: led for a suf6cient time to cause claddmg oxidation but is later recovered to ensure a safe shutdown. If the analysis assumes an intact primary kop, the basis for this should be supported by the results of the PSA (i e, LOCA does not contnbute sigmficantly to core melt). The impact on the reactor system and containment system frorn the pressure, temperature, and radiation released should be evaluated. Plots showing pressure and temperature as a function of time should be provided.

If the in-vessel severe accident environrnent has no effect on the equipment performance, this should be clearly indicated along

                                                                         ,with the supporting rationale. Examples of such instances include cases in which the equipment has already performed its function
                                                                         ;hfore the onset of the accident conditions or the equipment is located in an area not exposed to the environmental conditions, such as king locared outside the primary containment. For equipment in which environmental condnions as a result of the in-vessel severe accident are in excess of the equipment qualification range, provide an engineering rationale that justifies why the equipment would survive the environment for the needed time span. This rationale could include such factors as limited time period in the renvironrnent; the use of similar equipment in commercial applications that is exposed to the same environment; the use of analytical extrapolations; or the results of tests performed m the nuclear industry or at national laboratones.

(b) With respect to instrumentation requirements, sufficient instrumentation should exist to inform operators of the status of the reactor and the containment at all times as the in-vessel severe accident is intended to be km made from and lead to safe shutdown with containment integrity maintained. Thenergency operating procedures fEOPs) direct specific manual operator actions based on instrurnentation readings, and as such, all instrumentation should exist where manual operator actions are spetired within the EOPs. Some or all of the instrumentation may be designed to survive the environment as specified in Regalatory Guide (RG) 1.97. Ilowever, RG 1.97 only ensures that the instrumentation will survive in the worst environment resshing from a design be-is event and not a severe accident. Therefore, provide engineering rationale to justify why the identined instrumentation would survive such an environment. This rationale could include such factors as limited time period in the environment; the use of similar equipment in commercial industry exposed to the same environment; the use of analytical extrapolations; or the results of tests performed in the nuclear industry or at national laboratones. Page: 59 Total Records: 840

4P600 Opes Item Tracking System Database: S~mmary Schedule Datz: 7/7/97 Felection: [w st codeb' Action W' Sorted by DSER Section, Transmit Date, NRC Branch and item number. Item DSER Sectmnf '

  • l (W) NRC No. Branch Question Type MResp Engineer Title Status Status ICP Draft Review Tnnsmit 3478 NRR/PERB 3.11 RAl-OI Fanto / Miller Action W Action W 8/15S 7 August 8,1996 letter 470.35 The applicable criteria for equipment, both electrical and mechanical, required to mitigate the consequences of ex-vessel severe accidents is discussed in the Equipment Survivatulity section of SECY-90-016,
  • Evolutionary Light Water Reactor Certification Issues and the Relauenship to Chirrent Regulatory Requirements," January I' 1990. This section indicates that features
                                                                         ;provided only (not required for design basis accidents) for severe-accident prerection (prevention and mitigation) need not be subject It o the 10 CFR 50.49 environmental qualification requirements; 10 CFR Part 50, Appendix B quality assurance requirements; and 10 CFR Part 50, Appernfix A redundancy / diversity requirements.

Ilowever, mitigation features should be designed to provide reasonable assurance that they will operate in the sewre-accident environment for a hich they are intended and over the time span for which they are needed. In cases where safety-related equipment (equipment provided for design basis accidents)is relied upon to cope with severe accident situations, there should be reasonable assurance that this equipment will survive accident conditions for the period that is needed to perform its intended function. Westinghouse should review the various severe accident scenarios analyzed and identify the equipment needed to perform various functions during a severe accident and the environmental conditions under which the equipment must function. Equiprnent urvivability expectations under severe accident conditions should include consideration of the circumstances of applicable initiating vents (e.g., station blackout conditions and earthquakes) and the environment (e.g., pressure, tm..g , and radiation) in which he equipment is reled upon to function. (a) Identify the mitigation features used during the dominant accident sequences. In addition, the specific environment profile (pressure, temperature, radiation fields) to which these features will be exposed should be specified. This would include the environment associated with a hydrogen barn. For each mitigation feature, provide an assessment of survivability using ground rules similar to those specified above for in-vessel accidents. (b) With respect to instrumentation requirements, sufTicient instrumentation should exist to inform operators of the status of the containment at all times. This instrumentation should provide the status of the reactor during the early stages of the accident to verify reactor failure at low pressure. Some or all of the identified instrumentation may be designed to survive the environment as specified in RG l.97. However, RG l.97 only ensures that the instrumentation will survive in the worst environment resulting from a design bases event and not from a severe accident. Therefose, provide engineering rationale to justify why the identiried instrumentation would survive the more severe environmerit. This rationale could include such factors as limited time period in the environrnent; the use of similar equipment in commercial industry exposed to the same envimnment; the use of analytical extrapolations; or the results of tests performed in the nuclear industry or at national laboratories. 3479 NRR/PERB 3.11 RAl-OI Fanto / Miller Action W Action W 8/15/97 August 8,1996 letrer 470.36 10 CFR 50.34(f)(2XixXC) states that equipment necessary for achieving and maintaining safe shutdown of the plant and maintaining containment integrity must perform its safety function during and after being exposed to the environrnental conditions attendant with the release of hydrogen generated by the equivalent of a 100 percent fuel-clad metal-water reaction, including the environrnental conditions created by activation of the hydrogen control system. How would the equipment and instrumentation identified in requests for additional information Q470.34 and 35 survive such a hydrogen burn? " Page: 60 Total Records: 840

AP600 Open item Tracking System Dattbase: Summ ry Schedule Dat2: 7/7/97 Selection: [w st code]=* Action W' Sorted by DSER Section. Transmit Date NRC Branch and item number. hem DSER Section/ (W) NRC No. Branch Question Type Coord/ Resp Engineer Title Status Status ICP Draft Review Transnut 3430 NRR/PERB 3.11 RAl-OI Fanto / Miller Action W Action W 8/15/97 August 8,1996 letter 470 37 Provide instantaneous beta and gamma dose rates in the AP600 containment following a severe accident with a sample calculation. State the assumptions and parameters used in the calculation. Describe the distribution of radioactivity in gaseous and ps phases in the containment,inciuding the effects of aerosol behaviors in the containment in determining the dose rates. 3544 NRR/ECGB RAl-OI Lindgren, D / Orr Action W Action W 8/15/97 NRC letter May 30,1997 Item I - Resolve the staff concerns about the inconsistancies in section properties on the seisrnic model of

                                                                                                                               , nuclear island structures. See page 4 of report enclosed with letter.

554$ NRR/ECGB RAI OI Lindgren.D/ Orr Action W Action W 8/15/97 lNRCletter May 30,1997 Item 2 - Resolve the staff concerns about the sensitivity of structural responses to specific frequencies. See

                                                                                                                               ; third bullet on page iI and Figures 5 and 8 of repott enclosed with letter.

3269 NRR/ECGB 3.8.2 RAl-OI flaag, C. / Cil42/Orr/Lutz Action W Action W 7/2/97 5 220.100 in SSAR Section, the factor of safety (FS) of 167 is used for equipment hatch covers ASME Service level C limits. Westinghouse estimated the critical buckling pressures for equipment hatches as 1.45 MPa (1% psig) for a 6.7 m (22 ft) diameter hatch and 1.21 MPa (161 psig) for a 4.9 m (16 ft) diameter hatch based on the classical buckling capacity of spherical shells subjected to external pressure and the capacity reduction factors specified in Baker et al.," Structural Analysis of Shells," pp. 253-254, McGraw-flui,1972, and in ASME Code Case N.284. De corresponding ASME Service Irvel C limits are 908 kPa (l17 psig) and l763.2 j kPa (% psig) using the factor of safety (FS) of 1.67 as specified in Code Case N-284, respectively. jFor the FS to be applied to the Servia Level C pressure capacity. Westinghouse considered the equipment hatch cover buckling due

                                                                                                                              'to external pressure as the local buckling (FS = 167 from Code Case N-284). De hatch cover is a complete shell by itself with its own independent boundary and is subjected to pressure on its convex side due to the containment internal pressure. Therefore, the
                                                                                                                              , staff position is that the global buckling (FS = 2.5 from NE-3222)is the appropriate value. The ASME Service level C pressure Icapacity is 763.2 kPa (% psig) witt: FS of 1.67 and 545.4 kPa (64.4 psig) with an FS of 2.5.

Based on Code Case N-284, the local buckling is defined as the buckling of the shell plate between stiffeners. The flange of the cover can act as a stiffening element around the geriphery of the spherical c: p. However, the stiffening effect is limited to (Rt)% or 353 cm (13.9 in) from the edge. De entire are length from the center of the hatch cover to the flange is 2553 cm (100.5 in). De remaining 218.4 cm (86 in) are should be considered as unstiffened, therefore, the global buckling cniteria should be appleed to this unstiffened region. In the draft safety evaluation report (DSER), the staff noted that Westinghouse's assumption of local buckling for the puipment hatch cover under external pressure was nos acceptable. The staff requested that Westinghouse increase the thickness or use stitTeners (e.g., ABB-CE System 80+ design) to rneet the ASME Service Level C limits at the aminent temperature of 908 kPa (117 psig) for a 6.7 m (22 ft) diameter hatch and 763.2 kPa (% psig) for a 4.9 m (16 ft) diameter hatch. His was Open item De staff performed independent analysis for the equipment hatch covers using the ALGOR computer code with fixed boundary conditions and no imperfection. Using AILOR, the staff predicted the buckling pressure Pbuckling, as 138 MPa (I85.12 psig) and 1.57 MPa (212 96 psig) for 4.9 m (16 ft) and 6.7 m (22 ft) equipment hatch covers, respectively. In both cases, the buckling was predicted to occur near the top portion. I For the reasons discussed above, the staff considers the equipment hatch covers buckling as a gktal failure mode. There is a Ipotential for radroactive gas leakage through the equipment hatch sleeve / gasket once buckling occurs. Thus, the leaktight integrity of fthe containment is jeopardized. On this basis, the staff finds that a higher FS of 2.5 based on NE-3222 should be applied. Page: 61 Total Records: 840

l AP600 Opea Itm Tracking System Datbase: S;mmcry Schedule Date: 7/7/97 Selectiott: [w st code]=* Action W' Sorted by DSER Section. Transmit Date NRC Branch and item number. Item DSER Section/ " (W) NRC No. Branch Question Type Coord/ Resp Engineer Title Status Status ICP DraR Review Transmit 5517 NRR/ECGB 3.8.2 TEL-OI Lindgren,D/ Orr Action W Action W 7/11/97 S Phone Call June 12.1997.The NRC has not approved the use of Code Case N-284. Revision 1. The staff requests that Revision I be removed from the SSAR as the basis for containrnent bucking evaluations. IRJ  % 'TCGB 381.4-1 DSER-CO Lindgren.D/ Orr Action W Action W 5/2/95 A 5/24 S 5 5 7/2/97 S l3 8.2.4-1 The COL apphcant should demonstrate that EPAs to be used shall be at least as strong as the AP600 SCV. l 7F

  • 5 R/ECGB 3.8 2.4-28 DSER-OI undgren.D/ Orr Action W Action W 4/1355 A A 7/2/97 S Westinghouse shoukt provide in the SSAR an assessment of the pressure capability of the main steamhne and main feedwater line bellows, a y.,Jng failure probability distribution curve, and the impact on the overall cumulative failure probability curve.

7C3 NRR/ECGB 3.82 4-30 DSER-OI Lindgren.D/ Orr / Haag /Scobel Action W Action W 3/23/95 A 5/2335 S 7/2/97 S Westinghouse should increase the thickness or time stiffeners (as in the ABB-CE System 80+ design) to meet the ASME Service level C limits at the ambient temperature of 908 kPa (117 psig) for a 6.7 m (22-R) diameter hatch, and 763.2 kPa (% psig) for a 4 9-m (16-ft) diameter hatch. 732 NRR/ECGB 3.8 3.4-13 DSER-OI Lindgren,DI Orr/NRCSM Action W Action W 11/30/96 R 5/23 S 5 S 7/2/97 'S lThe staff will peiform a structural design audit of the containment intemal structures. l 5318 NRR/ECGB 3.8.4 RAl-OI undgren.D/ Orr Action W Action W 7/25/97 5 RAI 220. II I NRC letter May 9.1997. Westinghouse is requested to provide revised the design drawings, the 3-D finite element model of the shield building roof structures. and the revised 3-D lumped-mass stick model of the nucicar island structures to perform our confirmatory analyses by the end of May to support the review schedule. 1031 NRR/EMEB 3.933-2 DSER-CN Lindgren.D/ 13054/ Johnson Action W Action W 4M/95 A 5/2095 5 7/3157 3.933-2 Westinghouse should revise the SSAR as nosed in Section 3.933 of this report. (incorporate SSAR revision from R AI 210.68, allowable stress for supports for active components.) 2275 NRR/SRXB 5.2.2 MTG-OI Butler. L / Corlett Action W Action W 8/15S7 APRIL 19.1995 (HSil) DISCUSSION 17 EMS

17. RNS Rehef Valve - LTOP, Sizing. Testing (SSAR Section 5.2.2):
a. SSAR Section 5.2.2 indicates that the sizing of the RNS suction line relief valve for LTOP protection is based on mass addition and energy addition events. The July 29.1994 response to Q440.78 provides an analysis to demonstrate the appropriateness of the RNS relief valve sizing. The analysis resuhs showed that the mass input transient is limiting up to 205oF. It stated that since energy input transient is considered not credible above 2000F. the mass input transient is limiting for the entire range of the LTOP operation.

Explain why the enerEy input transient is not credible above 2000F. 158 NRR/SPLB 5.23 MTG-OI Lindgren.D/ Israelson/Hutchings/ Action W Action W 1/2095 A 5/24SS S 8/15/97 IM5.2.5-14 (REACIOR COOLANT PRESSURE BOUNDARY LEAKAGE) Discuss how the design satisfies RG 1.45. Positions C.I lthrough C.9. Page: 62 Total Records: 840

AP600 Ope.s item Tracking System Database: Summ1ry Schedule Dat 7/7/97 Selection: [w st code]=' Action W' Sorted by DSER Sectien. Transmit Date. NRC Branch and item number. Item DSER Sectionf l (w) NRC No. Branch Type Coord/ Resp Engineer Title Swn Question Sm ICP M Re h he 172 NRR/SPLB 5.2.5 MTG-OI Nydes / llICilSPEC/Suggs. Action W Action W 1/20/95 A 8/15/97 I MS 2.5-29 (REACTOR COOLANT PRESSURE BOUNDARY LEAKAGE) STS 3.4.15 states that, shou!d the containment air coole.

                                                                                      . densate flow rate monitor become inoperable, a channel check should be performed on the containment atmosphere radioactivity monitor once per 8 hours. The AP600 TS 3.4.9 states that a gras sample should be performed ona per 24 hours. Westinghouse 2hould provide justification regarding the acceptability of the alternate action.

177 NRR/SFLB 5.2.5 MTG-O! Lindgren. D / Israelson/Lindgren.D Action W Action W 1/20f95 A 8/3SS S R/15/97 lM5.2.5-34 (REACTOR COOLANT PRESSURE BOUNDARY LEAKAGE) Add the responses to the following RAls to the SSAR: l410.16. 410.17. 410.18, 410.19. 410.20 937 NRR/SRXB 544-2 DSER-Of Lindgren.D/ ITAAC/Liridgren/Ca Action W Action W 2/28M5 A 5/22/95 S 8/15S 7 l Westinghouse should confirin in the SSAR that the maximum SG steam flow rate (or a conservatively selected higher rate)is used in lthe Chapter 15 design-basis analysis for the main steamline break event. 2300 NRR/SRXB 5.4.7 MTG-OI Nydes / RTNSS/McIntyre/Sc Action W Action W 6/27/97 APRIL 19.1995 (HSil) DISCUSSION ITEMS

32. Technical Specifications for Shutdown Operations (SSAR Section 16.1):

1he July 29.1994 response to Q440.58 states that the regulatory treatment of non-safety-related systems (RTNSS) analysis performed by Westinghouse identified no active non-sefety-related systems were needed to meet the core damage frequency (CDF) goal, and the RNS does not meet the Criterion 4 of the Commission's Final Policy Statement on TS improvement. It also provides Table 44038.I gli sting various passive safety systems included in the TS for various modes of operation. (I) The issue of RTNSS is still under staff evaluation; therefore, the staff beliem that the conclusion that no active system is needed for meeting the CDF goal is p emature. In addition, the RNS was identified as affecting the initiating event frequency, and could potentially meet the Criterion 4 of TS Improvement. Further discussion of this will be needed. (2) Several items in Table 440.58-I, e g IRWST injection paths and recirculation sump flow paths operable in Mode 6 operation. could not be found in the AP600 TS. Provide more detailed information. (3) Identify any deviations from the guidance specified in NUREG-1449 for shutdown TSs and justify the deviations with appropriate l technical bases. _ 2302 NRR/SRXB 5.4.7 MTG-OI Butler L / Mcintyre/RTNSS/Co Action W Action W 8/15/97 APRIL 19.1995 (11511) DISCUSSION ITEMS

33. Guidance for Outage Planning and Control Program (SSAR Section 13.5):
b. Specifically Q440 64 requested procedures to prevent conducting maintenance activities during reduced inventory operation that could disturb the RCS inventory or lead to a loss of safety- or non-safety-related RIIR systems given a single malfunction. No gronse has been provided yet. Provide the procedures.

945 NRR/SRXB DSER-OI Lindgren.D/ RINSS Action W Action W 2/28/95 A 5/22/95 S 8/15S7 lThe staffis still evaluating the AP600 FRA and the RTNSS evaluation. l 458 NRR/SCSB 6.2 MTG-OI Lindgren.D/ McDermott Action W Action W 3/2/95 A 6/27/97 S CONTAINMENT MEETING (3/28&29S4) ACTION ITEM 2 - Provide additional details on containment design transients associated with passive containment function. Page: 63 Total Records: 840

f AP600 Open item Tracking System Detr. base: Summtry Sched:le Dat:: 7/7/97 Selection: [w st code}=* Action W* Sorted by DSER Section. Transmit Date. NRC Branch and item number. Item DSER Secemn/ (W) NRC l' No. Branch Questen Type Coorf/ Resp Engineer Title Status Staus ICP ' DraR Review Transmit 5352 NRR/SCSB 6.2.1 RAl-OI Lindgven.D/ Orr Action W Action W 6/27/97 ' S RAl 480.1042. NRC lxtter May I.1997 - Section 6 of SSAR. Rev. 5. semes the "For the loss of all AC power, service level C limits are applicable and a containment external pressure of 3.0 psid is pernutted

  • For a buckling analysis, the stafl's d. .

is that ASME service level limits are not applicaNe. This correction / clarification should be made in the latest SSAR revision, and the . basis for the design differential pressure limit should be clarified. 4528 NRR/SCSB 6.2.1 RAl-DI Rarig / Gresham Action W Actime W 7/18/97 AP600 - REQUEST IUR ADDITIONAL INIORMATION ON WCAP-14407. SECTION 1.

  • 480.596 In WCAP-14407. Section I fp.1-3), the last sentence of the paragraph states " it is seen that there is over 10 psi of margin to the peak predicted pressure when most, but not all, conservatism is taken out of the input." '

Please identify the remaining conservatisms introduced by specified input data and provide an estimmee of their contribution. Are there other conservatism not included in the study which are ranked medium or high that could add to the conservatism? 4529 NRR/SCSB 6.2. I RAI-OI Rarig / Gresham Action W Action W 7/18/97 AP600 - REQUEST EUR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ON WCAP-14407. SECTION 1.

  • INTRODUCTION" 480.597 In regards to WCAP-14407. Section 1. aside kom the conservatism introduced by the input data selection, the AP600 design basis accident (DB A) evaluation model setup introduces another level of conservatism by applying a network oflumped-l parameterPleasenodes. quantify the conservatism induced by the model choice in compenson to those introduced by input data.

4530 NRR/SCSB 6.2.1 RAI OI Rarig / Gresham Action W Action W 7/18/97 AP600 - REQUEST IOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ON WCAP-14407. SECTION 1. " INTRODUCTION" 480.598 In WCAP-14407. Section 1. Westinghouse states. "The justifications for the input and modeling assumptions that have been made in creming the bounding DBA rnodel of the AP600 containtnent are provided, and sensitivities on the WGOTHIC baluation model to important input parameters are included." However, careful exammation of the text in Section I or in the following sections mdecWes that Westingenoese never stases that the bounding DBA model described in Section 4 v as indeed exercised and apphed for all of the sensitivity studied listed and dncemented in WCAP-14407. Please stme whether the WGOTHIC DBA evalunion model descrduxi in section 4 was used to obtain the resuks of the various sensitivity studies documented in the leer sections 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.10.11 and 13. 4531 NRR/SCSB 62.1 RAl-Of Rarig / Gresham Action W Action W 7/18/97 AP600 - REQUEST IUR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ON WCAP-14407. SECTION 1. *lNTRODUCTION" 480.599 It is a general practice to vahdmee modeling assumptions by duect comparisons with experimental data which covers the spectrum of applicable phenomena and conditions. These compensons are not provided in WCAP-14407 for the AP600 DB A evaluation noodel. Provide a summary of the comparisons between experimental data and the specific rnodel described in Section 4 which justify the claims cited above from WCAP-14407. 4532 NRR/SCSB 6.2. I RAl-OI Rarig / Gresham Action W Action W 7/l8/97 AP600 - REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INIORM AllON ON WCAP-14407. SECf10N 1. " INTRODUCTION" Section 2 of WCAP-14407 presen.s a discussion of the Contamment phenomena identification and ranking table (PIRT). 480.600 la regards to WCAP-14407, for each item in TaNe 2-1 and 2-2 identified as requiring scaled tests for resolution, describe which scaled tests are applicable and provide a discussion of how the item was resolved. Page: 64 Total Records 840

AP600 Open Item Tracking System Datnbase: Srmm:ry Sched le Dat2: 7/7/97 Selection: [w st code >* Action W' Sorted by DSER Section. Transmit Date, NRC Branch and item number, Item DSER Sectu=# # " (W) NRC No. Branch Question Type Cerd/ Resp Engineer Title Status Status ICP Draft Review Transmit 4534 NRR/SCSB 6.2. I RAI-OI Rarig / Gresham Action W Action W 7/l8/97 P600 - REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INMRMATION ON WCAP-14407, Section 2 of WCAP-14407 presents a discussion of he Contamment phenomena identification and ranking table (PIRT).

                                                                                                                              +PIRT Tables 2-1 and 2-2 have a format which is much simpler than the tables presented in earher documentation, e g. NSD-NRC                                                                                                                                 4643. The car'ier tables which ranked dm.--mo. by event, event phase, component and the p'ienomena were more detailed (e g.

break source mass and energy, direction, momentum and density, previously listed separately, are now combined). This fsimplification has clinnnated some items previously ranked as medmm for various events or phases, e.g. b mixing / stratification and segregation, mass transfer and internal resistance. Also, some phenomena

                                                                                                                              'which are now combined may be quite different for the different phases of an event.

480.601 Section 2 references NSD-NRC-96-4643 which has PIRT tables that are very different in structure and content than those presented in Section 2. Please reconcile the differences in the information presented in these documents, and provide explanations for any high or medium ranked items which have teen climinated. 4333 NRR/SCSB 6.2.1 RAl-OI Rarig / Greshsrn Action W Action W 7/18/97 AP600 - REQUEST NR ADDITIONAL If' FORMATION ON WCAP-14407, Section 2 of WCAP-I4407 presents a discussion of the Containment phenomena identification and ranking table (PIRT). PIRT Tables 2-1 and 2-2 have a format which is much simpler than the tables presented in earlier documentation, e g. NSD-NRC 4643. The earlier tables whrch ranked phenomena by event, event phase, component and the phenomena were more detailed (e.g. break sourte mass and energy, direction, momentum and density, previously lised separately, are now combined). This simphficarice has eliminated some items previously ranked as medium for various events or phases, e g. break pool jnuxing/ stratification and segregation, mass transfer and internal resistance. Also, some phenomena which are now combined may te Iquite different for the different phases of an event. I480 602 Please explain how the rankings given in the PIRT were confirmed. What use was made of the scaled test data for this rmation? 4536 NRR/SCSB 6.2.1 RA141 Rarig / Gresham Action W Action W 7/18/97 (AP600 - REQUEST NR ADDITIONAL INMRM ATION ON WCAP-14407, Section 2 of WCAP-14407 peNnts a discussion of he Containment phenomena identification and ranking table (PIRT). RT Tables 2-1 and 2-2 have a format which is much simpler than the tables presented in earher documentation, e g. NSD-NRC 643. The carher tables which ranked dm-mm o. by event, event phase, component and the phenomena were more detailed (e g.

break soc re mass and energy, direction, momentum and density, previously listed separately, are now combined). This simplification has eliminated some items previously ranked as medium for various events or phases, e g. break pool mixing / stratification and segregation, mass transfer and internal resistance. Also, some d-,momo. which are now combined may be hite different for the different phases of an event.

480 603 Tables 2-3 and 2-4 give information on the P!RT application which is organized by module. The PIRT phenomena listed are organized and ranked differently from Tables 2-1 and 2-2. Please explain the relationship henwa the phenomena and rankings in the PIRT and Pf RT application tales. 4537 NRR/SCSB 6.2.1 RAI4I Rarig / Gresham Action W Action W 7/18/97 AP600 - REQUEST IDR ADDITIONAL INNRMATION ON WCAP-14407 Section 3 of WCAP-I4407 presents an overview of WGO1111C. 480 604 in WCAP-14407 Section 3 (p. 3-1), Westinghouse states, "The GOTIIIC code has been developed through a long history from other qualified thermal-hydraulic computer codes (as shown in Figure 3-1)? The codes shown in Figure 3-1 include Cobra-IV. WCOBR A-TRAC and COBRA-NC. Please explam how the qualificauon histories of these subchannel codes are relevant to validate the use of WGOT1!!C for containment calculations using the lumped parameter mode. Page: 65 Total Records: 840

AP600 Opea It:m Tracking System Datz base: Summ ry Sched11e Date: 7/7/97 Selection: [w st code}=' Action W' Sorted by DSER Section, Transtnit Date, NRC Branch and item number. Item DSER Sectiord ' " (W) NRC No. Branch Question Type Coord/ Resp Engmeet Title Status Status ICP Draft Review Transmit 4338 NRR/SCSB 6.2.1 RAIOl Rarig / Gresharn Action W Acrion W 7/18/97 AP600 - REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INIVRMATION ON WCAP-14407 Section 3 of WCAP-14407 presents an overview of WGOTHIC. 4RO 605 In WCAP-14407, Section 3 (p. 3-1), Westinghouse states, "The GOTHIC code has tren developed through a long history from other qualified thermal-hydraulic computer codes (as shown in figure 3-1)." 11 case provide a summary of the verification and validation used for the development of WGOTillC 4 0 to be used for the final standard safety analysis report (SSAR) analyses. What is the role of the EPRI Quahfication Report Studies? What is the role of the Small-Scale Test and the Large Scale Test facihries in the verification and validation process? What is the role of other test or experiments on this process? How do these test results validate jthe lumped parameter evaluation rnodel for AP600? 4540 NRR/SC3B 6.2.1 RAIT Rarig / Gresham Action W Action W 7/18/97 AP600 - REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INIORM ATION ON WCAP-14407 Section 3 of WCAP-14407 presents an overview of WGOT111C. 80 606 In WCAP-14407, the simphfied two-conductor clime, shown in Figure 3-3. does not show condensation on the baffle in the air flow channel. Nor does it show the possibility of film condensation occurring on the baffle structure above the highest clime which then flows (and convects heat) onto the lower baffle clime regions. Explain how these mechanisms are modeled by the WGOTIIIC clime model. In Westinghouse's response to RAI 393, dated February 16,1996. (letter NSD-NRC-96-4649), a commitment was made to provided additional information as well as an updated Figure 3-3 and addnional figures. The issue of condensation on the baffle, as well as fog in the annulus, has been previously identified as SDSER Open tiem 21.6.5-9. 4541 NRR/SCSB 6.2.1 RAI-OI Rarig / Gresham Action W Action W 7/18/97 AP600 - REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INIORM ATION ON WCAP-14407 Section 3 of WCAP-14407 presents an overview of WGOTHIC-480.607 In WCAP-14407 Section 3 (p. 34) Westinghouse states.

  • Climes may be stacked on top of one another in a model.two stacked sets of climes are used in the PCS model to simulate the wetring of the containment shell." As the WGOTHIC clime model neglects heat transfer between adiacent dry and wet climes, the possitwhty exists that WGOT111C predictions mill show points on PCS urface as close as I inch apart to have 100 F different temperatures. This effect will overestimate the effectiveness of dry surface vection and radiation heat transfer, and may not be compensated for by the underprediction of the evaporation rate predicted for
                                                                            , he wet clime surfaces. Please address this concern with a sensitivity analysis.

4544 NRR/SCSB 6.2.1 RAI-OI Rarig / Gresham Action W Action W 7/IR/97 AP600 - REQUEST IVR ADDITIONAL INFORM AT10N ON WCAP-14407 Section 5 of WCAP-14407 presents a sensitivity study on initial conditions. In Section 10 of WCAP-14407, a second set of sensitivities is presented. 480.610 In WCAP-14407 Section 5 (p. 5-I), a reference design basis WGOTHIC model is referred to but no reference is provided. Please provide this reference. Identify which WGOT1HC model is to be considered the " Design Basis Model" that Westinghouse is submitting for review and approval. Is it: (a) the " Reference Design Basis Model", (b) the

  • Reference Model" of Tables 5-I and 5-2 (c) the " Base Evaluation Model" described in Section 4, or (d) the rnodel used in the Section 10 studies?

For each of these models, please identify: the number of nodes, the flow paths, climes. WGOTIUC computer code version used, break size and location, etc If any differences exist, please discuss modeling differences and their impact on the sensitivity results provided. If the computer program version differs from WGOTHIC 4.0 version to be used for the final SSAR analyses, discuss the differences and their impact on the results provided. Page: 66 Total Records: 840

.. _. . _ _ _ . . _ . _ _ _ __ ..__ _ _ . _ . _ _ _ -_ .__._._._m-.. ~ . _ . _ _ . . _ . _ . _ _ . AP600 Open Item Tracking System Database: Summary Schedule Dat::: 7/7/97 Selection: [w st code]=' Action W' Sorted by DSER Section Transmit Date, NRC Branch and item number. Item DSER Section/ (W) NRC No. Branch Question Type Coord/ Resp Engineer Title Status Stwas ICP DraR Review Transmit 4545 NRR/SCSB 6.2.1 RAI-OI Rarig / Gresham Action W Action W 7/1867 AP600-REQUESTIUR ADDITIONALINFORMABONONWCAP-14407 Section 5 of WCAP-14407 presents a sensitivity study on initial conditions. 480.611 In WCAP-14407, Section 5. do the sensitivity studies cover both LOCA and main steam line break (MSLB) accident scenarios for all phases of the accident? If not, please discuss the significance of this umission. Are all the high and medium ranked i phenomena concerning initial conditions for LOCAs and the MSLBs addressed by these studies? Are the WGOTHIC results consistent with the PIRTS t 4346 NRR/SCSB 6.2.1 RAl-OI Rarig / Gresham Action W Action W 7/1887 , AP600 - REQUEST IUR ADDITIONAL INFORMAT10N ON WCAP-14407 i Section 5 of WCAP-14407 presents a sensitivity study on initial conditions. I 480 612 When changing one of the parameters from its reference value to the sensitivity value, have all other parameters been kept at their reference values as listed in Table 5-17 l 4547 Ad/SCSB 6.2.1 RAI-OI Rarig / Gresham Action W Action W 7/1867 , AP600 - REQUEST EUR ADDITIONAL INFORM ADON ON WCAP-14407 Section 5 of WCAP-14407 presents a sensitivity study on initial conditions. 480.613 in WCAP-14407, Secten 5, how is water coverage treated when parameters or transient characteristics (water temperwure, heat flux,etc.) influencing the coverage fraction and runoff calculation are modified? Does the weet coverage fraction change with hime? 4548 NRR/SCSB 6.2.1 RAl-OI Rarig / Gresham Action W Action W 7/I8/97 AP600 - REQUEST FUR ADDITIONAL INIORMATION ON WCAP-14407 Section 5 of WCAP-14407 presents a sensitivity study on initial conditions. 480.614 in WCAP-14407, Section 5 (p. 5-l), the second paragraph states that the initial reference design basis values were conservatively set to maximize contamment pressure (consistent with technical specifications and site interface parameter limits). l The initial conditions assumed in the parametnc sensitivity study wen: set at the opposing end of the technical specifications and site interface parameter limits. Please explain the selection process according to these principles and clarify the leM of conservatisms embedded in j Westinghouse's choim of reference and sensitivity values. Ihr example, why is 40 F a lower limit for the outside air temperwure in jthis sensitivity study when the Westinghouse site interface parameters limits on ambient air temperature frage 5-9) are 115 F to -40 jF? Why are outside humidity studies performed only at high ambient temperwures, and not w low temperatures?  ! 4549 NRR/SCSB 6.2.1 RAl-OI Rarig / Gresham Action W Action W 7/1867 AP600 - REQUEST IUR ADDITIONAL INIURMATION ON WCAP-14407 Secten 5 of WCAP-14407 presents a sensitivity study on initial conditions.  ! 480 615 In WCAP-14407 Section 5 (p. 5-2), why are the initial conditions space L.AAsa? Atmospheric and structural tempermures as well as relative humidity are at least dependent upon the axial coordinate. The WGOTHIC evaluation model allows a i differentiated input of initial conditions. Why has this not been done? i l Page: 67 Total Records: 840 I

L AP600 Open Item Tracking System Database: S;mm;ry Schedule Date: 7/7/97 Selectiott: [w st code]=* Action W' Sorted by DSER Section Transmit Date, NRC Branch and item number. f Item DSER Sectmn/ (W) NRC No. Branch Question Type Coord/ Resp Engmeer Title Status Status ICP Draft Review Transmit 4350 NRR/SGB 62.1 RAI-OI Rarig / Gresham Action W Action W 7/18/97 AP600- REQUEST FOR ADDIT 10NAL INIORMATION ON WCAP-14407 Section 5 of WCAP-14407 presents a sensitivity study on inkial conditions. Subsections 5.2 - 5.9 give results for parameter changes without desenbing the study approach. Subsectmn 5 3 describes the impact of the selected input value for the relative humidity (inside containment) and Figure 5-1 reveals that the reference case generates a higher containment pressure response than the sensitivity limit value of 100% relative humidity. Westinghouse explains this by the maximum amount of non-condensible gas present for the reference limit value of 0% relative humiday. 480.616 In WCAP-14407, Section 5. for what accident scenanos are results shown in Figure 5-1 (as well in all of the following pgeres)? 4551 NRR/SCSB 6.2.1 RAl-OI Rarig / Gresham Action W Action W 7/I8/97 AP600 - REQUEST IVR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ON WCAP-14407 Section 5 of WCAP-14407 presents a sensitivity study on initial conditions. Subsections 5.2 - 5.9 give results for parameter changes without describing the study approach. Sesectio15.3 describes the impact of the selected input value for the relative humidity (inside containment) and Figure 5-1 reveals that the reference case generates a higher containment pressure response than the sensitivity limit value of 100% relative humidity. Westinghouse explains this by the maximum amount of non-condensible gas present for the reference limit value of 0% relative humidity. 480 617 In WCAP-14407, Section 5, what driving forcing functens (break sness flow rate, energy addition) were used to obtain the computational results? What blowdown computer program was used to predict break flow and associated energy? Provide a plot of the mass and energy profiles used, or a reference location. 4552 NRR/SCSB 6.2. I RAl-Ol Rarig / Gresham Action W Action W 7/18/97 AP600 - REQUEST IDR ADDillONAL INIORMATION ON WCAP-14407 Section 5 of WCAP-14407 presents a sensitivity study on initial conditions. Subsections 5.2 - 5.9 give results for parameter changes without describing the study approach. Subsection 5.3 describes the impact bf the selected input value for the relative humidity (inside contamment) and Figure 5-I reveals that the refesence case gener higher containment pressure response than the sensitivity limit value of 100% relative humidity. Westinghouse explains this by the maximum amount of non-condensible gas present for the reference limit value of 0% relative humidity. 480.618 In WCAP-14407 Section 5, what correlation controls the impact of non-condensibles on heat transfer? Is it the Uchida-correlation for the heat sinks below the operating deck or is it controlled by PG energy and mass transfer? 4553 NRR/SCSB 6.2.1 RAl-OI Rarig / Gresham Action W Action W 7/18/97 AP600 - REQUEST IUR ADDITIONAL INIORM AllON ON WCAP-14407 l Sectron 5 of WCAP-14407 presents a sensitivity study on initial conditions. absections 5.2 - 5.9 give results for parameter changes without describing the study approach. Subsection 5.3 describes the impact f the selected input value for the relative humidity (inside e-- ' .4) med Figure 5-1 reveals that the reference case generates a gher m._....._.a pressure response than the sensitivity limit value of 100% relative humidity. Westinghouse explains this by the maximum amount of non-condensible gas present for the reference limit value of 0% relative humidity. 480.619 All figures (5-1 through -8) clearly indicate a pronounced and continuous increase of the E-- 2 pressure starting et about 30,000 seconds. This is of concern as it indicates the potential to challenge the containment criteria after 24 hours into the accident. Please explain why containment pressure begins rise after 30,000 seconds and continues to rise 24 hours into the event. What phenomena exacerbates, and what 4.m.m. hmits, the magnitude of this third pressure peak. Please extend the design basis calculatmn to beyond the time where the third pressure peak returns to its initial starting value. Page: 68 Total Records: 840

AP600 Ope 2 Item Tracking System Dat: base: S mmary Schedule Dat : 7/7/97 Selectiotr [w st code]=' Action W' Sorted by DSER Section Transmit Date, NRC Branch and item number. Item DSER Section/ (w) NRC No. Branch Question Type Coord/ Resp Er'gineer Title Status Status ICP Dran Review Transmn 4554 NRR/SCSB 6.2.1 RAl-OI Rarig / Gresham Action W Action W 7/l8/97 AP600 - REQUEST FOR ADDmON AL INmRM ATION ON WCAP-I4407 Section 5 of WCAP-I4407 presents a sensitivity study on initial conditions. Subsections 5.2 - 5.9 give results for parameter changes without desenbing the study approach. Subsection 5.3 desenbes the impact Ithe selected input value for the relative humidity (inside containment) and Figure 5-1 reveals that the refesence case generates a gher containrnent pressure response than the sensitivity limit value of 100% relative humidity. Westinghouse explains tlus by the maximum amount of non-condensible gas present for the reference limit value of 0% relative humidity. 480 620 In WCAP-14407. Subsection 5 4 presents the impact of the reduction in initial containment pressure versus the reference limit case of 15.7 psia according to the maximum technical specifications limit. Westinghouse analyzes a worst possible external fpressure load of 3 0 psig as a simple translation into an internal pressure reduction-l What is the rationale to simply translate this 3.0 psig external pressure into an intemal pressure reduction? 4555 NRR/SCSB 62.1 ital-OI Rarig / Gresham Action W Action W 7/18/97 AP600 - REQUEST FOR ADDmONAL INWRM ATION ON WCAP-I4407 Section 5 of WCAP-14407 presents a sensitivity study on initial conditions. Subsections 5.2 - 53 give results for parameter changes without describing the; study approach. Subsection 5.3 describes the impact f the selected input value for the relative humidity (inside containment) and Figure 5-1 reveals that the reference case generates a higher containment pressure response than the sensitivity limit value of 100% relative humidity. Westinghouse explains this by the maximum amount of non-condensible gas present for the reference linut value of 0% relative humidity. 480 621 For this parametric study an increase in containment pressure (see Figures 5-I and 5-2) occurs late in the transient (greater than 40.000 seconds). What is the reason for this containment repressurization? What factors would cause it to occur cariier? 4556 NRR/SCSB 6.2.1 RAl-OI Rarig / Gresham Action W Action W 7/18/97 AP600 - REQUEST mR ADDmONAL INmRM ATION ON WCAP-14407 Section 5 of WCAP-I4407 presents a sensitivity study on imtial conditions. Subsections 5.2 - 5.9 give results for parameter changes without describing the study approach. Subsection 5.3 desenbes the impact of the selected input value for the relative hunndity (inside containment) and Figure 5-1 reveals that the reference case generates a higher containment pressure response than the scasitivity limit value of 100% relative humidity. Westinghome explains this by the maximum amount of nona ondensible gas present for the reference linut value of 0% relative humidrty. 480.622 For this parametric study an increase in containment pressure (see Figures 5-I and 5-2) occurs late in the transient (greater than 40.000 seconds). Will the increasing containment pressure eventually tumaround? What mechanism will cause this turnaround and how long will it take? 4557 NRR/SCSB 6.2.1 RAIOI Rang / Gresham Action W Action W 7/l8/97 AP600 - REQUEST FOR ADDmONAL INFORMADON ON WCAP-14407 Section 5 of WCAP-14407 presents a sensitivity study on initial conditions. Subsections 5.2 - 5.9 give resuhs for parameter changes without describing the study approach. Subsection 5.3 describes the impact of the selected input value for the relative hunndity (inside containment) and Figure 5-1 reveals that the reference case generates a higher containment pressure response than the sensitivity limit value of 100% relat%e humidity. Westinghouse explains this by the maximum amount of non-condensible gas present for the reference limit value of 0% relative humidity. 480 623 In WCAP-14407. Subsection 5.5. Westmghouse discusses the simultaneous change of containment atmosphere and heat

                                                                            ; sink initial The results, as presented in Figure 5-3. clearly indicate the complexity of inE.iamis.cies with respect to
                                                                            'the initial containment temperature.

Why would the intemal heat sinks become more important aftar PCS iniriation as the PCS has always been portrayed as the ma;cr. ultimate heat sink for AP600 for long-term transient behavior? Page: 69 Total Records: 840

AP600 Open Item Tracking System Database: Summary Schedile Data: 7typ7 Selecties: [w st code}=' Action W' Sorted by DSER Section. Transmit Date, NRC Branch and item number hem DSER Sectenf (w) NRC No. Branch Question Type Coord/ Resp Engmeer Title Status Samus ICP Draft Review Transmit - 4558 NRR/SCSB 611 RAI-OI Rarig . / Gresham Action W Action W 7/18/97

                                                                                                                                        %P600-REQUESTIUR ADDITIONALINFORMATIONONWCAP-14407 Secten 5 of WCAP-14407 presents a sensitivity study on initial conditions.                                                                   .

Sutmections 5.2 - 5.9 give results for parameter clunges without descntung the study approach. Subsecten 5.3 descrses the impact of the selected input value for the relative humidity (inside -- -) and Figwe 5-1 reveals that the reference case generuses a liigher contamment psessure response than the sensitivity limit value of 1000 elative hunndwy. Westinghouse explains this by the maximum amount of non-condensible gas present for the reference limit value of Obelative humidity. j 480.624 As Figue 5-3 shows, the reference case pressure response drops below the sensitivity came at around 3,500 seconds which is explained by Westinghouse as the result of thermally saturated heat sinks. What heat sinks are thermally saturated after I hour 7 What fraction of the total available heat sinks is that?  ! 4559 NRR/SCSB 611 RAl-OI Rarig / Greshem Action W Action W 7/18/97 AP600-REQUESTIUR ADDITIONALINf0RMAT10N ON WCAP-14407 Section 5 of WCAP-14407 presents a sensitivity study on initial conditions, Subsections 5.2 - 5.9 give esuks for parameter changes without descnbmg the study approach Subsection 5.3 desertes the inyect of the selected input value for the relative humidity (inside - 2) and Figwe 5-1 seveals that the tefeience case generases a higher containment presswe response than the sensitivity linut value of 100% relative hanudity. W,- J --- explains this by the  ! maximum amount of non-condensible gas present for the reference limit value of 0% selative hunuday i 480.625 Figwe 5-3 reveals that around 80,000 seconds the seference case guesswe inacanes steeply while the sensitivity came levels off. What is the season for this contamment pressee gradient difference around 80,000 seconds? j 4560 NRR/SCSB 611 RAI-OI Rarig / Gresham Action W Action W 7/18/97 AP600 - REQUEST fDR ADDITIONAL INIURMATION ON WCAP-14407 -! Section 5 of WCAP-14407 psesents a sensitivity study on initial conditions. l Subsection 5.6 presents the impact of initial inlet humidity in the atmosphere and shows nearly no differences between the refesence  ; and sensitivity cases other than very small ones very lase into the transient. j 480 626 In WCAP-14407. Subsecten 5.6, what initial structural semperatures for downcomer, riser end barfle wese used for the reference and sensitivity cases? 4561 NRR/SCSB 611 RAI-Ol Rarig / Gresham Action W Action W 7/I8/97 AP600 - REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INIORMAT10N ON WCAP-14407 Sectmn 5 of WCAP-144M psesents a sensitivity study on initial conditions. s Subsection 5.6 presents the isnpact ofinitial inlet honudity in the atmosphere and shows nearly no differences between the refesence and sensitivity cases other than very small ones very late into the transient-480.627 In WCAP-14407 Subsection 5.6, what potential exists for supersaturation effects in the riser section? Is this accounted for in the WGOTHIC noodel? 4562 NRR/SCSB 611 RAI-OI Rarig / Gresham Action W Action W 7/18/97 i AP600-REQUESTIUR ADDITIONALINFORMAT10NONWCAP-14407  ; Section 5 of WCAP-144M presents a sensitivity study on initial conditions. I Subsection 5.6 presents the impact ofinitial inlet hermday in the atmosphere and shows nearly no differences between the reference i and sensitivity cases other than very small ones very late into the transiest. I 480.628 in WCAP-14407, Subsection 5.6, what would the sensitivities he to initial humuhty at lower temperalmes, including subfreezing temperatures, where the e_m.; has a lower capability to hold evaporated water 7  ; i Page: 70 Total Records: 840 , 1, I i

                  . . . . _ _ _                 . . _ _ . . __ _ . . . _ . _ . . _ _                       ___________________._m_____                            _____ _ _ _ _ . _ _ . . _ _ _ . . _ _ _ _ _             __      _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ . _   _ __..___.___ _ ____ _ _ ______ _'

AP600 Open Item Tracking System Datcbase: Scmmcry Schedule Date: 7n/97 Selectiert: [w st code]=' Action W' Sorted by DSER Section. Transmit Date, NRC Branch and item number. Item DSER Sectron/ # (w) NRC No. Branch Question Type Comd/ Resp Engineer Title Status Status ICP Draft Review Transmit 4563 NRR/SCSB 6.2. I RAI OI Rarig / Gresham Action W Action W 7/18/97 AP600-REQUESTmR ADDITIONALINmRMATIONONWCAP-14407 Section 5 of WCAP-14407 presents a sensitivity study on initial conditions. Subsection 5.7 presents the resuPs of simultaneous changes of initial air inlet and film temperatures with Figure 5-5 demonstrating grather small differences between reference and sensitivity cases beyond 1,000 seconds. The subsection title as well as the figure Icaption of Figure 5-5 should be expanded to include the simultaneous change of film temperature. Figure 5-5, as the others before, also indicate a step containment pressure increase starting at about 80,000 seconds 480.629 In WCAP-14407, Subsection 5.7 (p. 5-9), what is the rationale to set both inlet atmosphere and film temperatures at the same values? What does film temperature mean in this context? 4564 NRR/SCSB 6.2.1 RAI-OI Rarig / Gresham Action W Action W 7/I8/97 AP600 - REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INmRM AT10N ON WCAP-l4407 Sectinn 5 of WCAP-14407 presents a sensitivity study on initial conditions. Subsection 5.7 presents the results of simultaneous changes ofinitial air inlet and film temperatures with Figure 5-5 demonstrating rather small differences between reference and sensitivity cases beyond 1,000 seconds. The subsection title as weII as the figure caption of Figure 5-5 should be expanded to include the simultaneous change of fitrn temperature. Figure 5-5, as the others before, also indicate a step containment pressure increase starting at about 80.000 seconds. 480.630 In WCAP-14407, Subsection 5.7 (p.5-9), is the film temperature also 115 F for the reference case? 4565 NRR/SCSB 6.2.1 RAI-OI Rarig / Gresham Action W Action W 7/18/97 AP600 - REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INMRMATION ON WCAP-14407 Section 5 of WCAP-14407 presents a sensitivity study on initial conditions. Subsection 5.7 presents the results of simultaneous changes ofinitial air inlet and film temperatures with Figure 5-5 demonstrating rather small differences between reference and sensitivity cases beyond 1,000 seconds. The subsection title as well as the figure caption of Figure 5-5 should be expanded to include the simultaneous change of film temperature. Figure 5-5, as the others before, also indicate a step containment pressure increase starting at about 80,000 seconds. 480.631 In WCAP-14407, at the end of Subsection 5.7, Westinghouse quotes a source water temperature of 40 F.Is the source water 1e_mperature the same as the film temperature? 4566 NRR/SCSB 6.2.1 RAI4)I Rarig / Gresham Action W Action W 7/l8/97 AP600 - REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ON WCAP-14407 Section 5 of WCAP-14407 presents a sensitivity study on initial conditions. Subsection 5.8 presents the impact of a change in the downcomer-riser annulus loss coefficient versus the reference case with Figure 5-6 revealing no efTect. Reference is made to test data obtained from a 14-degree I/6 scale model. 480 632 In WCA P-14407, Subsection 5 8 (p. 5-11), what is technical basis and relevant reference for hydraulic resistance coeflicients and flow regimes? _ 4567 NRR/SCSB 6.2. I RAI4)I Rarig / Gresham Action W Action W 7/18/n7 AP600 - REQUEST FOR ADDITION AL INFORM AT!ON ON WCAP-14407 Section 5 of WCAP-14407 presents a sensitivity study on initial conditions. Subsection 5.8 presents the impact of a change in the downcomer-riser annulus loss coefGcient versus the referente case with Figure 5-6 revealing no effect. Reference is made to rest data obtained from a 14-degree I/6 scale model. 480.633 In WCAP-14407, Subsection 5.8 (p. 5-11), what does this loss coeflicient encompass? Page: 71 Total Records: 840

AP600 Ope 2 Item Tracking System Database: Srmm:ry Schedule Dat:: 7/7/97 Selection: [w st code]=' Action W* Sorted by DSER Section, Transmit Date, NRC Branch and item number. Item DSER Section/ l # l (W) NRC No. Branch Question Type Coord/ Resp Engineer Title Status Status ICP Draft Review Transmit 4563 NRR/SCSB 6.2.1 RAI-OI Rarig / Gresham Action W Action W 7/11U97 AP600 - REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORM ATION ON WCAP-14407 Section 5 of WCAP 14407 presents a sensitivity study on initial conditions. Subsection 5.8 presents the impact of a change in the downco ner-siser annulus loss coefficient versus the reference case with Figwe 5-6 revealing no effect. Reference is made to test data obenined from a 14-degree 1/6 scale model. 480 634 In WCAP-14407, Subsection 5.8 (p. 5-11), what is the technical basis for increasing the loss coefficient by 20%7 Why not a factor of 40% 60% or 100%,or greater? Does this value reflect the data spread of the experinental data cited above? 4569 NRR/SCSB 6.2.1 RAI-OI Rarig / Gresham Action W Action W 7/18/97 AP600 - REQUEST FOR ADDmONAL INmRMATION ON WCAP-14407 Section 5 of WCAP-14407 presents a sensitivity study on initial conditions. WCAP-14407, Subsection 5.9 (p. 5-II) presents the effect of changes in the steeljacket-to-concrete air gap thickness, results of which are displayed in l'igures 5-7 and 5-8. The following questions arise from the information presented. 480.635 Inspection of Table 5-1 reveals that all steet jacket-to-concrete air gap thicknesses have been set to zero (perfect thermal contxt) for the reference design basis computation. Picase explain why a rem gap thickness was expected to result in a conservative containment pressur- response, as required by Westinghouse's parameter selection principles? 4370 NRR/SCSB 6.2.1 RAI-OI Rarig / Gresham Action W Action W 7/18/97 AP600-REQUESTmR ADDITIONALINmRMATIONONWCAP-14407 Section 5 of WCAP-14477 presents a sensitivity study on initial conditions. WCAP-14407, Subsection 5.9 (p. 5-II) presents the effect of changes in the steel jacket-to<oncrete air gap thickness, results of which are displayed in Figures 5-7 and 5-8. The following questions arise from the information presented. 480 636 In WCAP-14407 Subsection 5.9, the staff considers the Westir.ghouse 5 mit estimate of the steel jacket-te concrete air gap (based on an assumed shrinkage length) to be questionable. Five mils is the approximate thickness of a human hair. As Westinghouse has noted, local variation in aggregates and caring conditions may cause variations in the void content and ultimate shrinkage the structural concrete Westinghouse should provide data on observed air gap values for structural concrete which span the range of composition and caring practices expected for AP600. Why was 20 mils selected as a conservative upper bound for the gap thickness value? The staff requests Westinghouse provide additionaljustification for this value as well. 4571 NRR/SCSB 6.2.1 RAI-OI Rarig / Gresham Action W Action W 7/18/97 AP600 - REQUEST mR ADDmONAL INFORMATION ON WCAP-14407 Section 5 of WCAP-14407 presents a sensitivity study on initial conditions. WCAP-14107, Subsection 5.9 (p. 5-11) presents the effect of changes in the steel jacket-to-concrete air gap thickness, sesults of wt:ich are displayeJ in Figures 5-7 and 5-8. The following questions arise from the information presented. 480.637 In WCAP-14407 Subsection 5.9, how large is the fraction of affected surfaces compared to the total heat sink surface area? Ilow much of heat sink volume is associated with these surfaces? 4572 NRR/SCSB 6.2.1 RAI-OI Rarig / Gresham Action W Action W 7/18/97 AP600 - REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORM ATION ON WCAP-14407 Section 5 of WCAP-14407 presents a sensitivity study on initial conditions. WCAP-14407. Subsection 5.9 (p. 5-1I) presents the effect of changes in the steeljacket-to-concrete air gap thickness, results of which are displayed in F gures 5-7 and 5-8. The following questions arise frorn the information presented. 480.638 In WCAP-14407, Subsection 5.9, why is the effect of air gap resistance on containment pressure only noticeable tetsten 400 and 5000 seconds and not at later times? Page: 72 Total Records: 840

AP600 Open Item Tracking System Datzbase: Summ:ry Sched le Date: 7/7/97 Selection: [w st code]=* Action W' Sorted by DSER Section, Transmit Date, NRC Branch and item mtmber. Item - DSER Section/ (W) NRC No. Branch Question Type Cdesp Engineer Title Status ICP isatt Review Transmit Status 4573 NRR/SCSB 6.2.1 RAlOI Rarig / Gresham Action W Action W 7/18/97 AP600 - REQUEST FOR ADDmONAL INFORM ATION ON WCAP-14407 , Section 5 of WCAP-14407 presents a sensitivity study on initial conditions. WCAP-14407, Subsection 5.9 (p. 5-11) presents the effect of changes in the steel jacket-to-concrete air gap thickness, results of which are displayed in Figures 5-7 and 5-8. The following questions arise from the information presented. 480 639 in WCAP-14407, Subsection 5.9 the ternperature profiles displayed in Figure 5-8 cannot be identified with the respective

  • air gap thickness because of the graphical display choscu. Please reolar rin figme so the thc inicimdion presented can te .

understood. 4574 NRR/SCSB 6.2.I RAl-OI Rarig / Gresham Action W Action W 7/I8/97 l AP600-REQUESTFOR ADDITIONALINWRMATIONONWCAP-14407 SECTION 8. AP600 PCS SENSITIVITY TO BIAWDOWN 480.640 In WCAP-14407 Section 8 update the comparison study to reflect the AP600 DB A evaluation model described in Section 4 in place of'ae SSAR Rev. 5 preliminary markup. Discuss any differences between the data in Section 4 aad the data used to develop the smgle node model. Update the single-node model as needed to reflect changes in the heat structures (mass, area, etc.)

  • Identical forcing functions should be used for the comparison. ,

4575 NRR/SCSB 6.2.1 RAI-OI Rarig / Gresham Action W Action W 7/18/97 AP600 - REQUEST FUR ADDITIONAL INf0RMATION ON WCAP-14407 . i. SECTION 10, NOMINAL INPUTS AND CORRELATIONS SENSmVmES 480.64 I For WCAP-14407, describe the "AP600 DBA M4!" scd for the Section 10 study number of nodes, flow paths, climes. > WGOWIC computer code veabad,etc. If the computer program version differs from WGOTHIC 4.0 version to be used for the final SSAR e miyses, dNuss the differences and their impact on the results provided. With respect to the model described in Section I

                                                                         , .. discuss modeling differences and their impad on the sensitivity results provided.

4576 NRR/SCSB 6.2.1 RA141 Rarig / Gresham Action W Action W 7/18/97 AP600 - REQUEST IUR ADDITIONAL INIURM ATION ON WCAP-14407 SECTION 10. NOMINAL INPUTS AND CORRELATIONS SENSmVmES 480.642 In WCAP.14467, Section 10, what driving forcing functions (break mass flow rate, energy addition) were used to obtain the computational results? What blowdown computer program was used to predict break flow and associated energy? Provide a plot of the mass and energy profiles used, or a reference location. 4377 NRR/SCSB 6.2.1 RAl-Gi Rarig / Gresham Action W Action W 7/18/97 AP600-REQUESTFOR ADDmONALINFORMATIONONWCAP-14407 SECTION 10, NOMINAL INPUTS AND CORRELATIONS SENSmVmES 480.643 What was the basis for the decision to examine the 7 cases listed in Table 10-I while many more case with other input

                                                                         , parameters and model choices affect the final results? How did the PIRT and the scaling evaluations enter into this decision?

i 4578 NRR/SCSB 611 RAI-OI Rarig / Gresham Action W Action W 7/18/97 AP600 - REQUEST IUR ADDmONAL INFORMATION ON WCAP-14407 SECTION 10.NOMINALINPITIS ANDCORRELATIONS SENSmVmES 480.644 In WCAP-14407. Section 10, for each case, provide a comparison (overlay) plot of the pressure response, similar to those provided in Section 5. Discuss trends and results. Page: 73 Total Records: 840

                                                                                                               - . _ . . . .        . ~ - . - .                       . . . _ . - _= -..                                      .   .       -

AP600 Open Item Tracking System Datbase: Summiry Sched;Ie Dat2: 7/7/97 Selectiost: [w st code]=' Action W' Sorted by DSER Section,Tra tsmit Date, NRC Branch and item number, hem DSER Section/ (W) NRC No. Branch Question Type Coord/ Resp Engineer Title Status ICP DraR Review Transnut Status J 4379 NRR/SCSB 6.2.1 RAI-OI Rarig / Gresham Action W Action W 7/18/97 AP600 - REQUEST I'OR ADDITIONAL INFORM ATION ON WCAP-14407 SECTION 10. NOMINAL INPUTS AND CORRELATIONS SENSmVmES ' 480.645 In WCAP-14407 Section 10, do these sensitivity studies cover both LOCA and MSLB accident scenarios for all phases of he accidnn? If not, please discuss the significance of this omission. Are all the high and medium ranked phenomena for LOCAs

                                                                          ,and the MSLBs addressed by these studies? Ave the WGOTHIC results consistent with the PIRT?

4580 NRR/SCSB 6.2.1 RAI-OI Rarig / Gresham Action W Action W 7/18/97 AP600 - REQUEST FOR ADDmONAL INMRMATION ON WCAP-14407 SECTION 10. NOMINAL INPUTS AND CORRELATIONS SENSmVmES 480 646 In WCAP-14407, Section 10, how did Westinghouse define the best< stimate predictions? Remosing multipliers from the t heat ami mass transfer correlations does not lead to "best-estimate" predictions, it only scGects uncestainty in the mass and heat transfer correlations. What is the underlying rationale (PIRT, data sensitivity studies) that Westinghouse used to determine the true, best< stimate case which enables Westinghouse to assess the degree of conservatism attached to the AP600 DBA evaluation model? 4581 NRR/SCSB 6.2.1 RAI-OI Rarig / Gresham Action W Action W 7/18/97 AP600 - REQUEST mR ADDmONAL INFORMATION ON WCAP-14407 SECi1ON 10, NOMINAL INPUTS AND CORRELATIONS SENSmVmES 480.647 In WCAP-14407, Section 10, how does Westinghouse concluded that the bounding multipher approach is valid through the whole time period of 24 hours? 4582 NRR/SCSB 6.2.1 RAI-OI Rarig / Gresham Action W Action W 7/18/97 AP600 - REQUEST mR ADDITIONAL lNFORMA110N ON WCAP-14407 SECTION 10, NOMINAL INPUTS AND CORRELATIONS SENSmVmES 480.648 In WCAP-14407, Section 10, how does the removal of the multipliers for heat and mass transfer correlations affect other quantities, than pressure, i.e. film coverage, temperatures? 4583 NRR/SCSB 6.2.1 RAI-OI Rarig / Gresham Action W Action W 7/l8/97 AP600 - REQUEST mR ADDmONAL INMRM ATION ON WCAP-14407 SEC110N 10. NOMINAL LNPUTS AND CORRELATIONS SENSmVITIES 480 649 in WCAP-14407, Section 10 since the first sensitivity case uses the mixed convection cornelation which is velocity dependent. How does Westinghouse use the WGOTHIC calculated velocity in the correlation? Address the artificially high velocity attributed to lumped-parameter node networks. What would be the ecsult of a sensitivity for a lumped-parameter network model without credit for the forced convection componera, for example only changing the free convection component multiplier? , 4584 NRR/SCSB 6.2.1 RAI-OI Rarig / Gresham Action W Action W 7/18/97 AP600- REQUEST NR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ON WCAP-14407 SECT 10N 10. NOMINAL INPUTS AND CORRELATIONS SENSmVmES 480.650 In WCAP-14407, Section 10, how is water coverage treated when parameters or transient characteristics (water temperature, heat flux, etc.) influencing the coverage fraction and runoff calculation are modified? Does the water coverage fraction change with time? Page: 74 Total Records: 840 i

AP600 Open Item Tracking System Dat; base: Summ ry Schedule Date: 7/7/97 Selection: [w st codel=' Action W' Sorted by DSER Section, Transmit Date, NRC Branch and item netmber. Item DSER W (W) NRC No. Branch Question Type Coor& Resp Engmeer Title Status Status ICP Draft Review Transmit 4585 NRR/SCSB 6.2.1 RAI-OI Rarig / Gresham Action W Action W 7/18/97 AP600- REQUEST NR ADDmONAL INIORMATION ON WCAP-14407 SECTION 10 NOMINAL INPUTS AND CORRELATIONS SENSmVITIES 480 651 In reference to WCAP-14407, Section 10,it is difficult to assess the sensitivity to rnodel parameters, such as use of heat and mass transfer multipliers, material pmperties, and treatment of dead <nded nodes, as these runs were intertwined with sensirivity runs which varied the initial conditions. What is the lusis for selecting the computational order in which the runs were performed? Is it based on the PIRT7 4586 NRR/SCSB 6.2.1 RAIO! Rarig / Gresham Action W Action W 7/18/97 AP600 - REQUEST FUR ADDmONAL INWRMATION ON WCAP-14407 SECTION 10 NOMINAL INPUTS AND CORRELATIONS SENSmVITIES 480 652 In reference to WCAP-14407, Section 10, please explain the rationale under'ying the various initial temperatures combinations (i.e., water, surface, film, air) as they evolve from case to case, In case 3 for czample, the initial temperature combinatims used were not realistic. The calculated change in pressure from these case-to-case sensitivity studies (e g., the p from case 2 to case 3 and the p from case 3 to case 4) may also not be realistic. 4587 NRR/SCSB 611 RAIOl Rarig / Gresham Action W Action W 7/18/97 AP600 - REQUEST FOR ADDWONAL INIVRM ATION ON WCAP-14407 SECTION 10 NOMINALINPUTS AND CORRELATIONS SENSmVITIES 480.653 In WCAP-14407, Section 10, the fifth case examined changes in the properties of the containment shell coating (emissivity, gthermal conductivity) What is the seasoning to change only those two properties? Where these changes applied to inside and outside shell surfaces, or only to the outside surface? Pmvide the rationale for selecting these values. Is there data to support the values used? 4588 NRR/SCSB 6.2.1 RAICI Rarig / Gresham Action W Action W 7/18/97 AP600 - REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INWRM ATION ON WCAP-I4407 SECT 10N 10. NOMINAL INPUTS AND CORRELATIONS SENSmVmES 4_80.654 In WCAP-14407 Section 10, why were the baffle properties kept the same? 4589 NRR/SCSB 6.2.1 RAl-OI Rarig / Gresham Action W Action W 7/18/97 AP600 - REQUEST l'OR ADDITIONAL INIVRMATION ON WCAP-14407 SECTION 10 NOMINAL INPUTS AND CORRELATIONS SENSmVmES 480 655 In WCAP-14407. Section 10. Case 6 removed the assumption of no heat sink access of steam in deadended compartments. By removing this limitation, how much additional heat sink surface and volume is made accessible to the steam as compared to the previous cases? 4590 NRR/SCSB 6.2.1 RAIOl Rarig / Gresham Action W Action W 7/l8/97 AP600 - REQUEST FOR ADDmONAL INFORM ATION ON WCAP-14407 SECTION 10, NOMINAL INPUTS AND CORRELATIONS SENSmVmES 480.656 In WCAP-14407, Section 10 descnbe the methods used to generate the Case 7 " Nominal Mass and Energy Releases? What conservatisms ase embedded in the computed nominal mass and energy releases predicted by the SATAN < ode? What would be the results of a best estimate prediction by WCOBRA/I'RAC? Mease plot the nominal mass and energy releases and the AP600 DB A Model mass and energy releases. Page: 75 Total Records: 840

AP600 Opes Item Trackirg System Datr. base: Srmm ry Sched le Date: 7/7/97 Selectiosi: [w st code]=' Action W' Sorted by DSER Section. Transmit Date. NRC Branch and itern number. Item DSER Sectionf ' (W) NRC No. Branch Question Type Mesp Engineer Title Status ICP Status Draft Review Transmit 4591 NRR/SCSB 6.2.1 RAICI Rarig / Gresham Action W Action W 7/I8/97 AP600 - REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INIT)RM ATION ON WCAP-14407 SECTION 10. NOMINAL INPtJTS AND CORRELATIONS SENSITIVITIES 3 480.657 In WCAP-14407. Section 10, why did Westinghouse not include the sensitivity upon steeljackete-concrete air gap _  :

                                                                                  , thickness?

l 4572 NRR/SCSB 6.2.1 RAl-OI Rarig / Gresham Action W Action W 7/18/97 AP600 - REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INIT)RMAT10N ON WCAP-14407 SECTION 10, NOMINAL INPUTS AND CORRELATIONS SENSmVmES 480.658 In Table 10.I The "Reflood' result for Case 3 is shown as 46.51 psia. Shouldn't this be 49.51 psia? If the 46.51 value is correct. please explain the observed trends. 4593 NRR/SCSB 6.2.I RAI-OI Rarig / Action W Action W 7/18/97 AP600 - REQUEST IT)R ADDmONAL INFORM ATION ON WCAP-I4407 SECTION I1.TIMESTEP SENSmVITY 480.659 In WCAP-14407. Section 11 (p.11-1), the modifications which Westinghouse introduced to enforce one-half and one-quarter time step are described. However, there is no discussion of how Westinghouse ensured that none of the timestep stability criteria were invalidated. How did Westinghouse ensure that none of the timestep stability criteria were invalidated when introducing half- and

                                                                                  ,quarter-size timesteps into GODilC_S?

4594 NRR/SCSB 6.2.1 RAl-OI Rarig / Gresham Action W Action W 7/18/97 AP600 - REQUEST II)R ADDmONAL INFORM ATION ON WCAP-14407 SECTION I1.TIMESTEP SENSITIVITY 480.560 In WCAP-14407 Section iI (p.Il-2). Westinghouse referred to an AP600 evaluation model input deck which was used for this timestep sensitivity study up to 24 hours into the transient. Desenbe the *AP600 evaluation model' used for the Section 11 study: number of nodes, flow paths, climes. WGOTHIC computer code version used.etc. If the computer geogram version differs from WGODilC 4.0 version to be used for the final SSAR analyses, discuss the differences and their impact on the results provided. With respect to the model described in Section 4, discuss i rnodeling differences and their impact on the sensitivity resuks provided. [ 4595 NRR/SCSB 6.2.1 RAIOl Rarig / Gresham Action W Action W 7/IS/97 AP600 - REQUEST FOR ADDITlONAL INFORMATION ON WCAP-14407 SECTION I1.TIMESTEP SENSmVITY 480 661 In WCAP-I4407, Section II (p.Il-2), Westinghouse referred to an AP600 evaluation model input deck which was used for his timestep sensitivity study up to 24 hours into the transient.

  • What driving forcing functions foreak mass flow rate, energy addition) were used to obtain the results? What lowdown computer program was used to predict tweak flow and associated energy? Provide a plot of the mass and energy profiles
                                                                                 !used, or a reference location.

t i Page: 76 Total Records: 840 '

AP600 Opes Item Tracking System Database: Summ ry Schedule Dat : 7/7/97 Selectka: [w st code]=' Action W' Sorted by DSER Section. Transmit Date, NRC Branch and item number. Item DSER Section/ ' (W) NRC No. Branch Question Type Coord/ Resp Engineer Title Status Status ICP Draft Review Transmit 45 % NRR/SCSB 6.2.1 RAI-OI Rarig / Gresham Action W Action W 7/18/97 AP600 - REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INMRM ATION ON WCAP-14407 SECTION I1,TIMESTEP SENSmVITY 480.662 In WCAP-14407, Section 11 (p.Ii-2L Westinghouse referred to an AP600 evaluation model inpet deck which was awd for this timestep sensitivity study up to 24 hours into the transient. Desenbe the initial conditions used for the *AP600 evalusion modet." Are these conditions the same as the quoted reference case in Section 5; or in Section 10? 4397 NRR/SCSB 6.2.1 RAICI Rarig / Gresham Action W Action W 7/18/97 AP600 - REQUEST mR ADDITIONAL INMRMA110N ON WCAP-14407 SECTION II,TIMESTEP SENSmVITY 480.663 in WCAP-14407 Section 11 (p.ll-2A Westinghouse refened to an AP600 evaluation model input deck which was used for this timestep sensitivity study up to 24 hours into the transient. Table Il 1 presents the results in terms of peak pressure. Add the pressure at 24 hours, especially since these computational sesults show a substantial *y different behavior between 104 and 105 seconds compared to the results provided in Section 5. 4598 NRR/SCSB 6.2.1 RAl-OI Rarig / Gresham Action W Action W 7/I8/97 AP600 - REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INmRM ATION ON WCAP-14407 SECTION I1. TIMESW.P SENSmVITY 480 664 In WCAP-14407, Section 1I (p.11-2L Westinghouse refened to an AP600 evaluation modelinput deck which was used for this timestep sensitivity study up to 24 hours into the transient. Why is the temporal pressure history between 104 - 105 seconds changing from section to section? 4399 NRR/SCSB 6.2.1 RAI-OI Rarig / Gresham Action W Action W 7/18/97 AP600 - REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INmRMATION ON WCAP-14407 SECTION 11.TIMESTEP SENSmVITY 480.665 In WCAP-14407, Section iI (p.Il-2). Westinghouse refened to an AP600 evaluation model input deck which was used for this timestep sensitivity study up to 24 hours into the transient. What is the reason for the containment pressure increase starting at 80.000 seconds computed by the evaluation model? Does the pressure continuously increase thereafter? 4600 NRR/SCSB 6.2.1 RAlOI Rarig / Gresham Action W Action W 7/18/97 AP600 - REQUEST FOR ADDmONAL INmRMATION ON WCAP-14407 SECTION 11.TIMESTEP SENSITIVITY 480.666 in WCAP-14407, Section iI (p.Il-2), Westinghouse referred to an AP600 cvaluation model input deck which was used for this timestep sensitivity study up to 24 hours into the transient. Table 11-2 lists the nus,iber of eu -s of reaching the timestep lir tit results without any further comments about their physical meaning. What does Westinghouse conclude from the data presented in Table Il-2 and how are those results guiding future

                                                                                                            $estinghouse computations with WGOTHIC7 4601            NRR/SCSB 6.2.1         RAl-OI      Rarig       / Gresham                                                                 Action W       Action W                                                                                7/18/97 AP600 - REQUEST mR ADDITION AL INMRM ATION ON WCAP-14407 SECTION 11,TIMESTEP SENSITIVITY 480.667 In WCAP-14407 Section II (p.II-2k Westinghouse referred to an AP600 evaluation model input deck which was used for this timestep sensitivity study up to 24 hours into the transient.

l Please comment on the reasons for the 5% dip in peak pressure at 20 seconds in the full to half timestep comparison. Page: 77 Total Records: 840


AP600 Open Item Tracking System Detr. base: S mmiry Schedule . p;tz: 777/97 - Selectica: (w st code]=' Action W' Sorted by DSER Section, Transmit Date, NRC Branch and item number. I , I i leem DSER W (W) NRC No. Branch Question Type CoorWResp Engineer Title Staus Samus ICP Draft Review Transmit I { 4602 NRR/SCSB 6.2.1 RAIG f Rarig / Gresham Action W Action W 7/l8/97 i i AP600 - REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INIURMATION ON WCAP-14407 l i ' SECrlON 11.TIMESTEP SENSITIVITY

l. 480.668 In WCAP-14407, Section II (p.II-2), Westinghouse refened to an AP600 evatuaten model input deck which wss used for this timestep sensitivity study up to 24 hours into the transient. '

Did the timestep reduction also involve the solenon of transient heat conduction in the heat sinks? What was done in the clime coding? 4702 NRR/SCSB 6.2.1 RAI-OI Rarig / Gresham Action W Action W 7/l8/97 i RAl: WCAP-14407,"WGOINIC Application to AP600 " A. Forgie,et al., September 1996, SECTION 4. " DESCRIPTION OF WGOTHIC EVALUATION MODEL" This report, WCAP-14407 "WGOTHIC APPLICATION TO AlYiOO," refesences WCAP-14382 ("WGOTHIC Code Desenpaan and  ; , Vahdation") as the WGOTHIC code package desenpnon and validation report. Yet the AP600 WGO1NIC model descnbed in this report deviates substantially from what was described and validated in WCAP-14382. Weshnghouse has changed its previous approach of sinnulating the AP600 above operating deck segion with a destnbuted-parameter model to a network oflumped-parameter i nodes. This change raises a number of concerns seganhng consistencies of the new approach, including-

                                                                                                                                        - The implementation specifics and computation resuks for the AP600-_                                                               =
                                                                                                                                        - The validation basis and compensons of the clime /disenbut 4 parameter approach versus ci;. "                                                       " parameser approach.


                                                                                                                                        - The vahdatiod basis and compansons to expenmental data.

l 490.669 Please justify the axial and radial spatial discretization for the above operating deck region. What is the relevant techn= cal  : basis for the use of a muhi-node network of lumped-parameser nodes in the above operating deck region? Lumped parameter I networks have been observed to overpredict circulating flows. What calculations were perfonned to assure that this approach l conectly models the flows in the above deck operating regions?  ! 4703 NRR/SCSB 6.2.1 RAICI Rarig / Gresham Action W Action W 7/I8/97 i RAI: WCAP-14407. *WGOTHIC Application to AP600,* A. Forgie,et al., September h996, SECTION 4 *DESCRIFflON OF f WGOTHIC EVALUATION MODEL" l This report WCAP-14407 *WGOINIC APPLICATION 1D AP600,* seferences WCAP-14382 (*WGOTHIC Code Desenpean and l Validation") as the WGOINIC code package desenpaon and vahdation seport. Yet the AP600 WGOTHIC enodel descnbed in this  ; report deviates substantially from wha; was descnbed and wahdated in WCAP-14382. Wesunghouse has changed its previous l approach of simulating the AP600 abow-operating deck region with a distnbuted parameter model to a network of turnped-parameser { nodes. j This change raises a number of concerns reganhng -- W of the new appmech, including: }

                                                                                                                                        - The implementation specifics and computanon resuks for the AP600 -                                                                =                                            t
                                                                                                                                        - The vahdation basis and compensons of the climeAhsenbuted -parameter approach versus ct;. "__ _ _ " ,                                                       i. approach.
                                                                                                                                        - The validation basis and compensons to expenmental data.                                                                                                                       !

490.670 What nadalization studies have been perfonned to support the validity of the present network oflumped nodes? Please  ! present comparisons between the lumped network approach and the sesuks of the computational models contamed in Section 13. i Page- 78 Total Records: 840  ! I t

AP600 Open Item Tracking Systm Datbase: Summiry Schedile Dat:: 7/7/97 Selection * [w st code >* Action W* .%rted by DSER Section Transmit Date, NRC Branch and item number. Item DSER Sectionf (W) NRC No. Branch Question Type Coord/ Resp Engineer Title Status Staus ICP Draft Review Transmit 4704 NRR/SCSB 6.2.1 RAl-OI Rarig / Gresham Action W Action W 7/18/97 RAI:WCAP-14407, *WGOTHIC Application to AP600," A. Forgie, et al., September 1996. SECTION 4,

  • DESCRIPTION OF WGOTillC EVALUAT10N MODEL" This report, WCAP-144M "WGOTillC APPLICATION TO AP600,* references WCAP-14382 (*WGOTHIC Code Description and Validation") as the WGOTHIC code package description and validation report. Yet the AP600 WGOT111C model desenbed in this report deviates substantially from what was described and validated in WCAP-14382. Westinghouse has changed its previous approach of simulating the AP600 above-operating deck region with a distnbuted-parameter model to a network of fumped-parameter nodes.

This change raises a number of concerns regarding consistencies of the new approach, including:

                                                                             - The implementation specifics and computation results for the AP600 containment.
                                                                             - The validation basis and comparisons of the clime / distributed-parameter approach versus clime / lumped-perameter approach.
                                                                             - The validation basis and comparisons to experimental data.

480.671 What comparisons were performed with the new model aganst the large-scale test (LST) and/or any other experimental data? 480 671 What comparisons were performed with the new model against the larEe-scale test (LST) and/or any other experimental data? 4705 NRR/SCSB 6.2.1 RAl-OI Rarig / Gresham Action W Action W 7/18/97 rat: WCAP-14407 "WGOTillC Application to AP600," A. Forgie,et al., September 1996, SirrION 4,

  • DESCRIPTION OF WGOTillC EVALUATION MODEL" This report, WCAP-I4407 "WGOT111C APPLICATION TO AP600," references WCAP-14382 ("WGOTHIC Code Description and Vahdarion") as the WGOTillC code package description and validatica report. Yet the AP600 WGOT11tC model desenbed in this report deviates substantially from what was described and validated in WCAP-14382. Westinghouse has changed its previous approach of simulating the AP600 above-operating deck region with a distnbuted-parameter model to a network oflumped-parameter nodes.
                                                                            'his change raises a nurnber of concerns regarding consistencies of the new approach, including:
                                                                            - The implementation specifics and computation resuks for the AP600 containment.
                                                                            - The vahdation basis and comparisons of the clime / distributed-parameter approach versus clime / lumped-parameter approach.
                                                                            - The valiCation basis and corrparisons to experimental data.

480 672 14 ave venfication studies been performed with GOTHIC by other users? Specifically, has GOTillC been applied using a unctwork oQumped nodes and has it been compared to other models and/or experiments? 4706 NRR/SCSB 6.2.1 RAl-OI Rarig / Gresham Action W Action W 7/18/97 rat: WCAP-144M,"WGOTillC Application to AP600," A. Forgie, et al., September 1996 SECTION 4. " DESCRIPTION OF WGOTHIC EVALUATION MODEL" This report. WCAP-14407 *WGOTillC APPLICATION TO AP600,* references WCAP-I4382 (*WGOTHIC Code Desenption and Validation") as the WGOTillC code package description and validation report. Yet the AP600 WGOT1IIC model desenhed in this report deviates substantially from what was descnbed and validated in WCAP-14382. Westinghouse has changed its previous approach of simulating the AP600 above-operating deck region with a distnbuted-parameter model to a network oflumped-parameter nodes. This change raises a number of concerns regarding consistencies of the new approach, including:

                                                                           - The irnplementarmn specifics and computatson resuhs for the AP600 containment.
                                                                           - The validation basis and conpansons of the clime /distnbuted-parameter approach versus clinr/ lumped-parameter approach.
                                                                           - The validation basis and comparisons to experimental data.

480.673 What sensitivity G.A.oddration studies have been performed to demonstrate the validity and the cor servatism of the present AP600 Evaluation Model with respect to the second peak and 24 hour containment pressure criteria? Page: 79 Total Records: 840

AP600 Open Item Tracking Systzm Datsbese: Srmmrry Schedule Datz: 7/7/97 Selectione: [w st code]=' Action W' Sorted by DSER Section. Transmit Date, NRC Branch and item number, hem DSER Secnon/ (W) l NRC No. Branch Questen Type CoorWResp Engmeer Title ICP Status Status Drah Review Transmit 4707 NRR/SCSB 6.2.1 RAl-OI Rarig / Gresham Action W Action W 7/18/97 rat: WCAP-14407. "WGOTHIC Applicaten to AP600,* A. Forgie, et al., September 1996, SECTION 4. " DESCRIPTION OF WGOTHIC EVALUATION MODEL* This report WCAP-I4407 "WGOTHIC APPLICATION TO AP600,* seferences WCAP-14382 CWGOTHIC Code Desenpnon and Validation") as the WGOTHIC code package desenption and validation seport. Yet the AP600 WGOMIC model desenbed in this report deviates substantially from what was desenbed and vahdated in WCAP-14382. WC...J_ has changed its previous approach of simularmg the AP600 above-operating deck region with a distnbuted parameser model to a network of lumped-parameter nodes. This change raises a number of concems regardmg consissences of the new appmach, including-

                                                                                                                   - The implementation specifics and computanon resuks for the AP600 -- -                      ..a.
                                                                                                                   - The validation basis and conyarisons of the clime /disenbuted parameter appmach versus cli..# _.._ , _J , _                                            -approach.
                                                                                                                   - The validation basis and compensons to experimental data.

490.674 Describe the approach taken to ensure consistency in the overall methodology (climes, boundag, stratificanon) despise the ' change in containment analysis enethodology 4703 NRR/SCSB 6.2.1 RAl-Ol Rarig / Gresham Action W Action W 7/18/97 RAI: WCAP-l4407, *WGOTHIC Application to AP600,* A. Forgie, et al., September 1996, SECTION 4. " DESCRIPTION OF WGOT11IC EVALUATION MODEL" His report WCAP-14407 *WGOTHIC APPLICATION TO AP600,* refeiences WCAP-14382 ("W'10THIC Code Desenynon and Validation") as the WGOTHIC code package description and validation report. Yet the AP600 WGOTillC model descrihed in this report deviates substantially from what was desenbed and validated in WCAP-14382. Westinghouse has changed its previous approach of simulating the AP600 above<gerating deck region with a distributed-parameter model to a network oflumped-parameter nodes. This change raises a number of concans regarding .: - : ^- - ' - of the new appmach, including:

                                                                                                                  - The implementation specifics er J coputation resuks for the AP600 containment.

l - The valmission basis and w..v :==s of the clime / distributed-parameter appmach versus clime / lumped.-parameter approach.

                                                                                                                  - De validation basis and compe.isons to expenmental data.

AII cross section schematics show a nodalization which ireplies subdivisions la accordance with the disenbuted parameter appmach However, page 4-1 clearly states that the model is a network of nodes. It would have been nuwe conventional and descriptive if these figures presented the model as a " tube-and-tank" network of control volumes and flow paths. 480 675 11 ease modify the cross sectional nodalization diagrams for the evaluation model(figures such as Figure 4-31 Figure 4-32) to reflect the new rnodeling appmach. Page: 80 . Total Records: 840 __ _ = - = _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ . _ . _ - . - _ - . . _ -. _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ - . _ _ _ . - - - _ . _ - - . - _ _ _ -___.__ - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _

Y AP600 Open Itzm Tracking System Dathise: STmm ry Sched:le Dat:: 7/7/97 > Selection: [w st code]=' Action %" Sorted by DSER Section, Transmit Date, NRC Branch and item number. 1 Item DSER Sectonf ' (W) NRC No. Branch Question Type Cooraesp Engineer Title Staus Staus ICP Draft Review Transmit ' 4709 NRR/SCSB 6.2.I RAl-OI Rarig / Gresham Action W Action W 7/l8/97 RAI: WCAP-14407, *WGOTHIC Application to AP600

  • references WCAP-14382 (*WGOTHIC Code Description and Validation") as the WGOTHIC code package description and validation report. Yet the AP600 WGOTHIC model described in this report deviates substantially from what was described and validated in WCAP-I4382. Westinghouse has changed its previous approach of simulating the AP600 above-operating deck region with a distributed-parameter model to a network oflumped-parsr ieser nodes.

This change raises a number of concerns regarding consistencies of the new approach, including: ,

                                                                              - The implementation specifics and computation results for the AP600 containment.                                                                                                                                                                                                                            ,
                                                                              - The validmion basis and comparisons of the clime / distributed-parameter approach versus clime / lumped-parameter approach.
                                                                              - The validation basis and cornparisons to experirnental data.

All cross section schematics show a nodalization which implies subdivisions in accordance with the distributed paramerer approach.  ; gHowever, page 4-1 clearly states that the model is a network of nodes. It would have been more conventional and descriptive if these figures presented the model as a " tube-and-tank" netsuk of control volumes and flow paths. 480.676 Provide unwrapped nodalization diagrams for the dome volume similar to that commonly provided for primary system nodalization schemes. The diagrams should show the complete networt, including conrections to the below operating deck [ compartments. 4710 NRR/SCSB 611 RAl-OI Rarig / Gresham Action W Action W 7/l8/97

                                                                            'RAI: WCAP-14407, *WGOTIHC Application to AP600.* A. Forgie, et al, September 1996, SECTION 4,

This report, WCAP. I4407 "WGOTHIC APPLICATION TO AP600,* references WCAP-14382 ("WGOTHIC Code Description and [ Validation") as the WGOTHIC code package description and validation report. Yet the AP600 WGOTHIC model described in this repr: deviates substanti .!'y from what was described and validated in WCAP-14382. Westinghouse has changed its previous approa-h of simutmmg the AP600 above-operating deck region with a distributed-parameter model to a network oflumped-parameter

                                                                            . nodes.

hs chans raNs a number of concems regarding consistencies of the new approach, including: l

                                                                             - The irrplementation specifics and computation resehs for the AP600 containment.                                                                                                                                                                                                                             8
                                                                             - The validaten basis and comparisons of the clime / distributed-parameter approach versus clime / lumped-parameter approach.                                                                                                                                                                                ,
                                                                             - The validation basis and comparisons to experimental data.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  i All cross section schematics show a nodalization which implies subdeisions in e,-,dou with the distnbuted parameter approach                                                                                                                                                                                 ?

However, page 4-1 clearly states that the model is a network of nodes. It would have been more maventional and descriptive if these figures presented the model as a

  • tube-and-tank
  • network of control vc umes and flow paths.

480 677 Indicate the break position (WGOTHIC node) for the LOCA and main steam line break (MSLB) on the graphical schematics. l i Page: 81 Total Records: 840  ; i

AP600 Open Item Tracking System Dattbase: Summiry Schedule Date: 7/7/97 Selectiosi: [w st code]=* Action W' Sorted by DSER Section, Transmit Date, NRC Branch and item number. Item DSER Section/ (W) NRC No. Branch Question Type Coord/ Resp Engineer Title Staus Draft Status ICP ' Review Transmit 4711 NRR/SCSB 6.2.1 RAI-OI Rarig / Gresham Action W Action W 7/18/97

                                                                          'RAI: WCAP-14407,"WGOUllC Application to AP600,* A. Forgie,et al., September 1996 SECTION 4
  • DESCRIPTION OF WGOTHIC EVALUAT10N MODEL" This report, WCAP-14407 *WGOTHIC APPLICATION TO AP600,* references WCAP-14382 ("WGOT111C Code Description and Validation") as the WGOTillC code package description and validation report. Yet the AP600 WGOTHIC model described in this report deviates substantially from what was desenbed and validated in WCAP-14382. Westinghouse has changed its previous approach of simulating the AP600 above-operating deck region with a distnbuted-parameter model to a network oflumped-parameter nodes.

This change raises a number of concerns regarding consistencies of the new approach, including:

                                                                           - The implementation specifics and computation results for the AP600 containment.
                                                                           - The validation basis and comparssons of the clime /distnbuted-parameter approach versus clime / lumped-parameter approach.
                                                                           - The validation basis and comparisons to experimental data.

All cross section schematics show a nodalization which innplies subdivisions in AmJ-we with the distributed parameter approach However, page 4-1 clearly states that the modelis a network of nodes. It would have been more conventional and descriptive if these figures presented the model as a " tube-and-tank" network of control volumes and flow paths. 480 678 Provide diagrams which show the participating thermal conductors for every compartment under consideration. These schematics are needed to accompany the text and make it easier to comprehend arguments concerning heat sink utilization, especially for conductors which are shared by compartments. Visualization of participating thermal conductors and conductor types is needed to evaluate consistency, crimpleteness and overall methodology of heat sink utihzation. 4712 NRR/SCSB 6.2.1 RAI-OI Rarig / Gresham Action W Action W 7/l8/97 RAI. WCAP-14407,"WGOTIIIC Application to AP600,* A. Forgie, et al., Septemher 1996. SECTION 4. "DESCRIPT1GN OF WGOTIIIC EVALUATION MODEL" This report, WCAP-14407 *WGOTHIC APPLICATION TO AP600,* references WCAP.14382 ("WGOTHIC Code Description and Validation") as the WGOTHIC code package description and validation report. Yet the AP600 WGOTHIC model desenbed in this report deviates substantially from what was descrihed and validated in WCAP-14382. Westinghouse has changed its previous approach of simulating the AP600 above-operating deck region with a distnbuted-parameter model to a network oflumped-parameter nodes. This change raises a number of concerns regarding consistencies of the new approach, including:

                                                                          - The implementation specifics and computation results for the AP600 containment.
                                                                          - The valutation basis and conyarisons of the clime /distnbuted-parameter approach versus clime / lumped-parameter approach.
                                                                          - The validation basis and comparisons to experimental data.

All cross section schematics show a nodalization which iraplies subdivisions in Amd.a6 with the distnbuted parameter approach Ilowever, page 4-1 clearly states that the rnodel is a network of nodes. It would have been more conventional and desenptive if these figures presented the model as a " tube-and-tank" retwork of control volumes and flow paths. 480.679 Die review of the thermal conductor descriptions in Section 4 reveals that all of the conductors in the containment have been initialired at 120 F, independent of position, type, orientation, etc. What is the technicaljustification for initializing all structures at the same 120 F temperature regardless of whether they are located low or high up in the containment? Page: 82 Total Records: 840

AP600 Ope.a Item Tracking System D:tsbase: Summrry Schedule D:t2: 7/7/97 Selection: [w st code]=' Action W' Sotted by D5ER Section. Transmit Date, bTC Branch and item number. i Item DSER Section/ (W) NRC No. Branch Question Type Coord/ Resp Engineer Title Status Staus ICP Draft Review Transmu 4713 NRIUSCSB 6.2.1 RAI-OI Rarig / Gresham Action W Action W 7/18/97 R AI: WCAP-14407,"WGOTillC Application to AP600," A. Ibrgie, et al., September 1996. SECTION 4,"DESCRIITION OF WGOTlilC EVALUATION MODEL" This report WCAP-14407 *WGOTHIC AITLICATION TO AP600,* references WCAP-14382 (*WGOTHIC Code Description and Valutation") as the WGOTHIC code package descdption and validation report. Yet the AP600 WGOTHIC model desenbed in this report deviates substantially from what was descnbed and validated in WCAP-14382. Westinghouse has changed its previous

                                                                                                                  ; approach of simulating the AP600 above-operating dec!t region with a distributed-parameter model to a network oflumped-parameter i r. odes.

This change raises a number of concerns regarding consistencies of the new approach, including:

                                                                                                                    - The implementation specifics and cornputation resuhs for the AP600 containment
                                                                                                                    - The validation basis and comparisons of the clinridistnbuted-parameter approach versus clime / lumped-pararneter approach.                                                           r
                                                                                                                    - The validation basis and comparisons to experimental data.

All c~ross section schematics show a nodalization which implies subdivisions in A.,u. with the distributed parameter approach , However, page 4-1 clearly states that the modelis a network of nodes. It would have been mo:e conventional sud descriptive if these figures presented the model as a " tube-and-tank" network of control volumes and flow paths. 480.680 What is the technical basis for treating deadended in the same manner with respect to mixing and > stratification behavior, regardless of their flow paths, sizes, shapes, limited access of steam, enrichment of non-condensables at the bottom, pool formation, etc.? The compartments below the operating deck are all very different, and provide quite different scenanos Ifor steam access. The arguments presented in Section 9 are based on generic considerations and do not necessanly apply for all of the I below deck compartments in the AP600. (The Evaluarion Model documented in Section 4 relies on generic argements based upon mixing and stratification considerations which were presented in NSD-NRC-96-4761 Assessment of Mixing and Stratification Effects on AP600 Containment, July 1,1996. However, the information contained in NSD-NRC-96-4763 has been superseded by the information presented in Section 9 of WCAP-14407. In addition, previous comments concerning Westinghouse's approach and assessment of mixing and stratification issues have not yet been addressed. An update to Section 9 on

  • Mixing Wittun Containnent* ,

for inclusion into WCAP-14407 is expected to be provided in the near future.) 4714 NRR/SCSB 6.2.1 RAl-OI Rarig / Gresham Action W Action W 7/18/97 RAl; WCAP-14407, "WGOTHIC Application to AP600,* A. Ibrgie, et al., September 1996, SECTION 4. "DESCRIlilON OF WGOT11tC EVALUATION MODEL" This report, WCAP-14407 "WGOnllC APPLICATION TO AP600," references WCAP-14382 (*WGOTHIC Code Desenption and Validation") as the WGOT111C code package description and validation report. Yet the AP600 WGOTlHC model desenbed in this report deviates substantially from what was described and validated in WCAP-14382. Westinghouse has changed its previous approach of simulating the AP600 above-operating deck region with a distributed-parameter model to a network of lumped-paranrter nodes.  ; This change raises a number of concems regarding s-d#--a of the new approach, including: ,

                                                                                                                   - The implementation specifics and computation resuks for the AP600 containment.                                                                                                         !
                                                                                                                   - The validation basis and comparisons of the clime /distnbuted-parameter approach versus clime / lumped-parameter approach.                                                             l
                                                                                                                   - The validation basis and m.was to experimental data.

All cross section schematics show a nodalization which imphes subdivisions in accordance with the distributed parameter approach However, page 4 1 clearly states that the model is a network of nodes. k would have been more conventional and descriptive if these figures presented the model as a

  • tube-and-tank" network of matrol volumes and flow paths.

480.681 Are the quantities listed for contml volumes and surfaces those of the original or do they account for the  ; special modeling assumptions? If the quantities listed do not account for the special modeling assumptions, then preside a separate table for each control volume which lists the quantities afTected by tie special model assumptions. Page: 83 Total Records: 840 ,

AP600 Open it:m Tracking System Dat:.hase: Szmmiry Schedtde Dat:: 7/787 Selection: [w st code]=' Action W' Sorted by DSER Section. Transmit Date, NRC Branch and item number. Item DSER Sectionf (w) NRC No. Branch Question Type Coord/ Resp Engineer Title Status Staus ICP Draft Review Transmit 4715 NRR/SCSB 6.2.1 RAl-OI Rang / Gresham Action W Action W 7/18/97 RAI: WCAP-14407,"WGOTHIC Application to AP600," A. Forgie, et al., September 1996, SECTION 4. " DESCRIPTION OF WGOTillC EVALUATION MODEL" This report, WCAP-14407 *WGOTHIC APPLICATION TO AP600," references WCAP I4382 (*WGOTHIC Code Description and Validation *) as the WGOTillC code package descnption and validation report. Yet the AP600 WGOTIIIC model descnbed in this report deviates substantially from what was described and validated in WCAP-14382. Westinghouse has changed its previous appmach of simulating the AP600 above-operating deck region with a distributed-parameter model to a network oflumped-parameter nodes. This change raises a number of concems regarding consistencies of the new approach, including-

                                                                             - The implementation specifics and computation results for the AP600 containment.
                                                                             - The validation basis and comparisons of the clime / distributed-parameter approach versus clime / lumped-parameter approach.
                                                                             - The validation basis and comparisons to experimental data.

All cross section schematics show a nodalization which implies subdivisions in accordance with the distributed parameter approach. However, page 4-I clearly states that the model is a network of nodes. It would have been more conventional and descriptive if these figures presented the model as a

  • tube-and-tank" network of control volumes and flow paths.

Below Operating Deck Regions 480.682 (Page 4-l) What is meant by the expression that the volumes " preserve elevations *7 is this refemng to the fixed prescribed clime discretization or to some physical phenomenon? 4716 NRR/SCSB 6.2.1 RAl-OI Rarig / Gresham Action W Action W 7/I8/97 RAI: WCAP-14 '07,"WGOTHIC Application to AP600,* A. Forgie, et al September 1996, SECTION 4,

  • DESCRIPTION OF WGOTHIC EVALUATION MODEL" This report, WCAP-14407 *WGOTHIC APPLICATION TO AP600," references WCAP-14382 (*WGOTHIC Code Description and Valulation") as the WGOTillC code package descriptwn and validation report. Yet the AP600 WGOTHIC model descnbed in this report deviates substantially from what was desenbed and validated in WCAP-14382. Westinghouse has changed its previous approach of simulating the AP600 above-operating deck region with a distributed-parameter model to a network oflumped-parameter nodes.

This change raises a number of concerns regarding consistencies of the new approach, including:

                                                                            - The implementation specifics and computation resuhs for the AP600 containment.
                                                                            - 1he validation basis and comparisons of the clime / distributed-parameter approach versus clime /lumpedfarameter approach.
                                                                            - The validation basis and comparisons to experimental data.

All cross section schematics show a nodalization which implies subdivisions ia m. As with the distnbuted parameter approach.

                                                                           ;Ilowever, page 4-1 clearly states that the model is a network of nodes. It would have been more conventional and descriptive if these jfigures presented the model as a " tube-and-tank
  • ne* work of control volumes and flow paths.

Below Operstmg Deck Regions 480 683 (Page 4-2 and 4-3) Figures 4-1 and 4-2 show 3-D perspectives with cut lines providing and cross-sections in follow-up figures. This is a good approach and a substantial improvement over earlier presentation formats. However, please add one rmre pgure to show the core makeup tank (CMT) toom because of its size and ov-rall importance for the below operating deck segion. Page: 84 Total Records: 840

AP600 Open Item Tracking System Dat base: S mmiry Sched:le Date: 7n/97 Selectiert: [w st code]=' Action W' Sorted by DSER Section. Transmit Date, NRC Branch and item number. Item DSER Section/ (W) NRC No. Branch Question Type Coord/ Resp Engineer Title Status Status ICP Draft Review Transmit 4717 NRR/SCSB 6.2.I RAI-O! Rarig / Gresham Action W Action W 7/18/97

                                                                            'R A1:WCAP-I4407, *WGOT111C Application to AP600." A. Forgie, et al., September 1996. SECTION 4. "DESCRIITION OF GOTIllC EVALUATION MODEL" is report. WCAP-14407 'WGOTillC APPLICAT!ON TO Al'600." references WCAP-14382 (*WGOTHIC Code Description and Validation") as the WGOTHIC code package description and validation report. Yet the AP600 WGOTHIC model desenbed in this report deviates substantia!!y from what was described and validated in WCAP-14382. Westinghouse has changed its prevms approach of simulating the AP600 above-operating deck region with a distributed-parameter rnodel to a network oflumped-parameter nodes.

This change raises a number of concems . carding consistencies of the new approach, including:

                                                                             - He implementation specifics and computation results for the AP600 containment.
                                                                             - The validation basis and comparisons of the clime / distributed-parameter approach versus clime / lumped-parameter approach.
                                                                             - De vahdation basis and comparisons to experimental data.

All cmss section schematics show a nodalization which implies subdivisions in accordance with the distributed parameter approach. However, page t-l clearly states that the rnodel is a network of nodes. It would have been rnore conventional and descriptive if these figures pre'ented the model as a " tube-and4ank" networt of contml volumes and flow paths. Below Operating Deck Regions 480.684 (Page 4-4) Pmvide the following additional information: a) the specification of the rem elevation location, b) the definition of volume hydrauhc diameter, c) the definition of the inertia / inertial lengths, and d) the definition of forward and reverse loss coefficients with the reference. 4718 NRR/SCSB 6.2. I RAIOl Rarig / Gresham Action W Action W 7/18!97

                                                                           'R Al: WCAP-14407. *WGOTHIC Application to AP600," A. Forgie,et al September 1996, SECTION 4," DESCRIPTION OF WGOTitlC EVALUATION MODEL" This report. WCAP-14407 "WGOTillC APPLICATION TO AP600," references WCAP-14382 ("WGOTHIC Code Description and Validation") as the WGOTHIC code package description and validation report. Yet the AP600 WGOTHIC model described in this report deviates s6stantially from what was descr: bed and validated in WCAP-14382. Westinghouse has changed its previous approach of simulating the AP600 above-operating deck region with a distributed-parameter model to a network oflumped-parameter nodes.

This change raises a number of concerns regarding consistencies of the new approach, including:

                                                                            - The implementation specifics and computation results for the AP600 containment.
                                                                            - The validation basis and comparisons of the clime / distributed-parameter approach versus clirne/ lumped-parameter approach.
                                                                            - The vahdation basis and comparisons to experimental data.

All cmss section schematics show a nodalization which implies subdivisions in accordance with the distnbuted parameter approach However,page 4-1 clearly states that the model is a network of nodes. It would have been more conventional and descriptive if these figures presented the model as a " tube-and-tank" network of control volumes and flow paths. Below Operating Deck Regions 480.685 What is the technical basis and technical reference for specifying a single value of 1.5 for all flow path loss coefficients I.clow the operating deck? What method and assumptions were used to derive this value? Page: 85 Total Records: 840

AP600 Open Item Tracking System Datbase: Sxmmary Schedule Date: 7/1/97 Selection: [w st code]=* Action W' Sorted by DSER Section, Transmit Date, NRC Branch and item number. Item DSER Section/ (w) l # " NRC No. Branch Question Type Coord/ Resp Engineer Title Status Status ICP Draft Review Transmit 4719 NRR/SCSB 6.2.1 RAIOI Rarig / Gresham Action W Action W 7/18/97 RAI: WCAP-14407,'WGOTlilC Application to AP600,* A. Forgie, et al., September 1996, SECTION 4. " DESCRIPTION OF WGOTitlC EVALUATION MODEL" This report, WCAP-14407 *WGOTillC APIT.ICATION TO AP600,* references WCAP-14382 (*WGOTillC Code Description and Validation") as the WGOT111C code package description and validation report. Yet the AP600 WGODilC model described in this report deviates substantially from what was descnbed and validated in WCAP-14382. Westinghouse has changed its previous ' approach of simulating the AP600 above-operating deck region with a distributed-paranrter model to a network oflumped-parameter nodes. This change raises a number of concems regarding consistencies of the new approach, including:

                                                                                   - The implementation specifics and computation results for the AP600 coKtainmnt.
                                                                                   - The validation basis and comparisons of the clime / distributed-parameter approach versus clime / lumped-parameter approach.
                                                                                   - 'Ihe validation basis and comparisons to experimental data.

All cross section schematics show a nodalization which irglies subdivisions in accordance with the distributed parameter appmach. However, page 4-1 clearly states that the rnodel is a network of nodes. R would have been rnore conwntional and descriptive if these figures presented the model as a

  • tube-and-tank" network of contml volumes and flow paths.

Below Operating Deck Regions 480.686 Explain why a loss coeflicient of 1.5 is valid for initially high mass flow rates as well as very low mass flow rates which occur towards the end of blowdown /refih? 4720 NRR/SCSB 6.2.1 RA14I Rarig / Gresham Action W Action W 7/18/97 RAI. WCAP-I4407, *WGOT111C Application to AP600,* A Forgie,et al.,Septenber 1996, SECTION 4. "DESCRIITON OF WGOTIIIC EVALUATION MODEL" , This report. WCAP-14407 *WGOTillC APPLICATION TO AP600," references WCAP-14382 (*WGOTHIC Code Description and Validation") as the WGOTillC code package description and validation seport. Yet the AP600 WGOTlitC model desenbed in this report deviates substantially from what was descnbed and validated in WCAP-14382. Westinghouse has changed its previous approach of simulating the AP600 aboveeperating deck region with a diwibuted-parameter model to a network oflumped-parameter nodes. This change raises a number of concems regarding consistencies of the new appmach, including:

                                                                                  - The implementation specifics and computation results for the AP600 containment.                                                                                                      <
                                                                                  - The validation basis and comparisons of the clime / distributed-parameser approach versus climeAumpede appmach.
                                                                                  - The validation basis and w..Wes to experirnental data.

All cross section schematics show a nodalization which implies subdivisions in Awd c with the distributed parameter approach

                                                                                  .itowever, page 4-1 clearly states that the mo.*d as a network of nodes. h would have been more conventional and descriptive if these                                                  ,

figures presented the model as a

  • tube-and-tank" network of control volumes and flow parhs.

Below Operating Deck Regions 480 687 What experimental evidence supports the value of I.5 and why is the value the same for both directions and all flow paths , with quite different shapes, sizes, positions etc.? i Page: 86 Total Records: 840 i w

AP600 Opea Item Tracking Sy stem Itt; base: S:mm:ry Sched:le Date: 7/7/97 Selection: [w st ccde]=' Action V/* Sc:ted by DSER Section. Transmit Date NRC Itranch and itern number. Item DSER Section/ (W) NRC I No. Branch Question Type Coord/ Resp Engineer Title Status Status ICP Draft Review Transmit 4721 NRR/SCSB 6.2.1 RAI-OI Rarig / Gresham Action W Action W 7/18/97

                                                                           'RAI: WCAP-14407,'WGOTillC Apphcation to AP600,* A. Forgie, et al., September 1996 SECTION 4." DESCRIPTION OF WGOTitIC EVALUATION MODEL" This report, WCAP-14407 "WGODilC APPLICA flON TO AP600
  • references WCAP-14382 (*WGOTiflC Code Description and Validation") as the WGOTIIIC code pacLge description and validation report. Yet the AP600 WGOTillC model described in this report deviates substantially fmm wla was described and vahdated in WCAP-14382. Westkghouse has changed its previous approach of simulating the AP600 above-operating deck region with a distnbuted-parameter mcdel to a network oflumped-parameter nodes.

This change raises a number of(oncems regarding consistencies of the new approach, including:

                                                                            - The implementation specifia and computation resuhs for the AP600 containment.
                                                                            - The validation basis and comparisons of the clime / distributed-parameter approach versus clirne/ lumped-parameter approach.
                                                                            - The validation basis and comparisons to experimental data.

All cross section schematics show a nodalization which imphes sutxhvisions in -an with the distributed parameter approach flowever, page 4-I clearly states that the model is a network of nodes. It would have been more conventional and descriptive if these figures presented the model as a " tube-and-tank" network of control volumes and flow paths. Below Operating Deck Regions 4R0.688 (Page 4-9) llow is " bulk concrete * (conductor type 39) defined as compared to the other conductor types for the reactor cavity? What volume of concrete surrounding the cavity accounts for bulk concrete, given that the pool area is only 150 ft2? The bulk concrete surface area of 2429 ft2 seems very large. 4722 NRR/SCSB 6.2.1 RAI-OI Rarig / Gresham Action W Adion W 7/18/97 rat: WCAP-14407,"WGOTIIIC Application to AP600." A. Forgie,et al., September 1996, SECTION 4.

  • DESCRIPTION OF WGOTIIIC EVALUATION MODEL" This repnet. WCAP-14407 "WGOTl11C APPLICATION TO AP600 " references WCAP-14382 (*WGOTIIIC Code Description and Validation") as the WGOTIIIC code package desenption and validation report. Yet the AP600 WGOTitlC rnodel described in this report deviates substantially from what was desenhed and validated in WCAP-14382. Westinghouse has changed its previous approach of simulating the AP600 above-operating deck region with a distnbuted-parameter model to a network oflumped-parameter nodes.

This change raises a number of concerns regarding consistencies of the new approach, including:

                                                                           - The irnplementation specifics and computation results for the AP600 containment.
                                                                           - The validation basis and comparisons of the clime /distnbutedpararneter approach versus clime / lumped-parameter approach.
                                                                           - The vahdation basis and comparisons to experimental data.

All cross section schematics show a nodalization which implies subdivisions in wh with the distributed parameter approach liowever, page 4-1 clearly states that the model is a network of nodes. It would have been more conventional and descriptive if these figures presented the model as a " tube-and-tank

  • network of control volumes and flow paths.

Below Operating Deck Regions 480 689 Why is the reactor cavity a dead ended compartment with two upper flow paths and one low-positioned flow path? Is flow path 253 always covered with sump water? If yes, why would it have the same loss coefficient as the other flow paths with steam flow? Page: 87 Total Records: 840

AP600 Open Item Tracking System Dat; base: Summ ry Sched;Ie DatI: 7/7/97 Selection: [w st codeb' Action W' Sotted by DSER Section. Transmit Date, NRC Branch and item number. Item DSER Section/ " (w) NRC No. Branch Question Type Coord/ Resp Engineer Title Status Staus ICP Draft Review Transmit 4723 NRR/SCSB 6.2.1 RAICI Rarig / Gresham Action W Action W 7/18/97 RAI:WCAP-14407,"WGOTillC Application to AP600,* A. Forgie, et al., September 1996 SECTION 4. "DESCRIITION OF WGOTillC EVALUATION MODEL" This report WCAP-14407 "WGOTIIIC APPLICATION TO AP600," references WCAP-14382 CWGOTillC Code Description and Validation *) as the WGOTlilC code package description and validation report. Yet the AP600 WGOUllC model described in this report deviates substantia!!y from what was desenbed and validated in WCAP-14382. Westinghouse has changed its previous approach of simulsing the AP600 above-operating deck region with a distributed-parameter model to a network oflumped-parameter nodes. This change raises a number of concerns regarding consistencies of the new approach, including:

                                                                               - The implenentation specifics and computation results for the AP600 containment.
                                                                               - The validation basis and compansons of the clirne/distnbuted-parameter approach versus clime / lumped-parameter approach.
                                                                               - The validation basis and comparisons to expenmental data.

All cross section schematics show a nodahzation which implies subdivisions in accordance with the distributed parameter amroach flowever, page 4-1 clearly states that the model is a network of nodes. It would have been more conventional and descriptive if these figures presented the model as a " tube-and4ank" network of control volumes and flow paths. Below Operating Deck Regions 480.690 What is the technical basis for condensation shutoff in the reactor cavity after the first 30 seconds? Please provide a specific reference or technical justification. 4724 NRR/SCSB 6.2.1 RAl-OI Rarig / Gresham Action W Action W 7/18/97 I R Al: WCAP-14407, "WGOTillC Application to AP600," A. Forgie, et al, September 1996 SECTION 4. "DESCRitTION OF WGOTillC EVALUATION MODEL" This report WCAP-14407 "WGOTillC APPLICATION TO AP600,* referances WCAP-14382 CWGOTlilC Code Descriptior and Validation") as the WGOTillC code package description and validation report. Yet the AP600 WGOUfIC model desenbed in this report deviates substantially from what was desenbed and validated ia WCAP-14382. Westinghouse has changed its previous approach of simulating the AP600 above-operating deck region with a distnbutedtarameter model to a network oflumped-parameter nodes. This change raises a number of concems regarding consistencies of the new approach, including:

                                                                               - The implementation specifics and computation results for the Al%00 containment.
                                                                               - The vahdation basis and comparisons of the clime / distributed-parameter approach versus clime / lumped-parameter approach.
                                                                              - The validation basis and comparisons to experimental data.

All cross section schematics show a nodalization which implies subdivisions in accordance with the distributed parameter approach. Ilowever, page 4-1 clearly states thz the model is a network of nodes. It would have been more conventional and descriptive if these figures presented the model as a " tube-and-tank" network of control volumes and flow paths. Below Operating Deck Regions 480.691 Since thermal conductor I is located at the top of the reactor cavity, one would expect steam to always occupy at least the upper part of the reactor cavity. Why is condenssion at that conductor shut of17 Page: 88 Total Records: 840

AP600 Open Item Tracking System D;tsbase: S mmiry Schedule Datz: 7/7/97 Selection: [w st code}=' Action W' Sorted by DSER Section. Transmit Date, NRC Branch and item number. Item DSER W (W) NRC No. Branch Question Type Cerd/ Resp Engineer Title Status Status ICP DraA Review Transmit 4725 NRR/SCSB 6.2.1 RAI-OI Rarig / Gresham Action W Action W 7/18/97 rat: WCAP-14407, *WGOTHIC Application to AP600

  • A. Forgie,et al., September 1996, SECTION 4," DESCRIPTION OF WGOTitIC EVALUATION MODEL' His report, WCAP-14407 "WGOTIIIC APPLICATION TO A F600
  • references WCAP-14382 (*WGORIIC Code Desenption and Vahdation') as the WGOntlC code package description and validation report. Yet the AP600 WGOnllC model described in this report deviates substantially from what was described and validated in WCAP-14382. Westinghouse has changed its previous approach of simulating the AP600 above-operating deck region with a distnbuted-parameter model to a network oflumped-parameter s change raises a number of concerns regarding consistencies of the new approach, including:
                                                                            - ne implementation specifics and computation results for the AP600 containrnent.
                                                                            - The validation basis and comparisons of the clime / distributed-parameter approach versus clime / lumped-parameter approach.
                                                                            - The validation basis and comparisons to experimental data.

All cross section schematics show a nodalization which irglics subdivisions in h with the distributed parameter approach However, page 4-1 clearly states that the model is a network of nodes. It would have been mone conventional and descriptive if these figures presented the model as a

  • tube-and-tank" network of control volumes and flow paths.

Below Operating Deck Regions 480.692 is the insulation material covering the other thermal conductors blowdown resistant? 4726 NRR/SCSB 6.2.1 RAl-OI Rarig / Gresham Action W Action W 7/IS/97 RAI: WCAP-I4407, *WGOTHIC Application to AP600,* A. Forgie, et al., September 1996, SECTION 4, *DESCRIPT10N OF WGOTillC EVALUATION MODEL" nis report, WCAP-14407 "WGOTillC APPLICATION TO AP600

  • references WCAP-14382 (*WGOTHIC Code Description and Validation *) as the WGOT11tC code package description and validation report. Yet the AP600 WGOUIIC model described in this report deviates substantia!!y from what was described and validated in WCAP-14382. Westmghouse has changed its previous apptoach of simulsing the AP600 above-operating deck region with a distributed-parameter enodel to a network of lumped-parameter ,

nodes. His change raises a number of concems reganling < A - 6 of the new approach, including:

                                                                           - The implementation specifics and computation resuks for the AP600 containment.
                                                                           - The validaion basis and comparisons of the clime / distributed-parameter approach versus climellumped-parameter approach.
                                                                           - The validation basis and comparisons to experimental data.                                                                          ,

All cross section schematics show a nodalization which implies subdivisions in accordance with the distnbuted parameter approach. 11owever, page 4-1 clearly states that the model is a network of nodes. It would have been more conventional wid descriptive if these figures presented the model as a

  • tube-and-tank
  • network of control volumes and flow paths.

Below Operating Deck Regions 480 693 is the reactor pressure vessel completely, thermally isolated or insulated such that no energy is transfened into the cavity? s Page: 89 Total Records: 340

AP600 Open Item Tracking System Dat; base: S mmrry Schedde Dat:: 7/7/97 Selection. [w st code]=' Action W* Sotted by DSER Section. Transmit Date. NRC Branch and item number. Item DSER Sectmnf "" i (W) NRC No. Branch Type Coo WResp Engineer Title Status ICP Draft Review Question Status Transmit 4727 NRR/SCSB 6.2.1 RAI-OI Rarig / Gresham Action W Action W 7/I8/97 rat: WCAP-14407,"WGOTHIC Application to AP600," A. Forgie, et al., Seggember 1996, SECTION 4. "DESCRIPriON OF l WGOTHIC EVALUATION MODEL" This report. WCAP-14407 "WGOTillC APPLICATION TO AP600." references WCAP-14382 (*WGOTHIC Code Description and Validsion") as the WGOTHIC code package desenption and validation report. Yet the AP600 WGO11(IC model described in this report deviates substantially from what was descnbed and validated in WCAP-14382. Westinghouse has changed its previous approach of simulating the AP600 abcve+perating Jeck region with a distributed-parameter model to a network oflumped-purameter nodes.  ; 1his change raises a number of concerns regarding maimie of the new appmach, including-I

                                                                            - The implementation specifics and cornputsion results for the AP600 containment.
                                                                            - The validation basis and comparisons of the clime /distributedparameter approach versus clime / lumped-parameter approach.
                                                                            - The vahdation basis and comparisons to experimental date.

All cross section schematics show a nodalization which imphes subdivisions in l with the distributed parameter approach. Ilowever, page 4-1 clearly states that the rnodel is a network of nodes. It would have been rnore conventional and descriptive if these figures presented the model as a " tube-and-tank" network of control volumes and flow paths. Below Operating Deck Regions  ! 480.694 What is the transient liquid level history in the cavity during blowdown 7  : i 4728 NRR/SCSB 611 RAl-OI Rarig / Gresham Action W Action W 7/18/97 RAl: WCAP-14407, "WGOTHIC Application to AP600." A. Forgie, et al., September 1996 SECTION 4. " DESCRIPTION OF WGODIIC EVALUA110N MODEl

  • 1his report.WCAP 14407 *WGOTHIC APPLICATION TO AP600," references WCAP-14382 ("WGOTillCCode Description and t validation") as the WGOTHIC code package description and validation report. Yet the AP600 WGOTHIC ermdel described in this report deviates substantially from what was described and validated in WCAP-14382. Westinghouse has changed its previous approach of simularmg the AP600 above-operating deck region with a distributed-paraneter model to a network oflumped-parameter i nodes.

1his change raises a number of concems regarding consistencies of the new approach, including:

                                                                            - TI-implementmion specifics and computation resuks for the AP600 containrnent.                                                                                                                                                               ;
                                                                            - The validation basis and comparisons of the clime / distributed-parameter approach versus clime / lumped-parameter approach.
                                                                            - The validation basis and comparisons to experimental data.                                                                                                                                                                                  !

All cross section schematics show a nodalization which implies subdivisions in l .cc with the distributed parameter approach However, page 4-I clearly states that the modelis a network of nodes. It would have been more conventional and descriptive if these figures presented the model as a " tube-and-tank

  • network of control volumes and flow paths.

Below Operating Deck Regions 480 695 None of the conductor types 51,48. 37 and 39, as specified in Subsection 4.3, list any special insulation material as a , subregion. Why refer to these conductors as covered with insulation material 7 I Page: 90 Total Records: 840

AP600 Open Item Tracking System D.thase: S:mm ry Schedul2 Dat:: 7n/97 Selectiori: [w st codeb' Action W' Sorted by DSER Section, Transmit Date, NRC Ikanch and item number. Item DSER Sectiont (W) NRC No. Branch Question Type Coord/ Resp Engineer Title Status ICP Draft Review Status Transmit 4729 NRR/SCSB 6.2.1 RAI-OI Rarig / Gresham Action W Action W 7/18/97 R At: WCAP-14407, "WGOTlilC Application to AP600,* A. Forgie, et al., September 1996, SECTION 4. "DESCRIITION OF WGOTillC EVALUATION MODEL" This report, WCAP-14407 *WGOTIIIC APPLICATION TO AP600,* references WCAP-14382 ("WGOTillC Code Desenption and Validation") as the WGOTillC code package description and validation report. Yet the AP600 WGOTillC model desenbed in this report deviates substantially from what was desenbed and validated in WCAP-14382. Westinghouse has changed its previous approach of simulating the AP600 bove-operanng deck region with a dtstributed-parameter model to a network oflumped-parameter nodes.

                                                                             ,This change raises a number of concems regarding consistencies of the new approach, including:
                                                                             - The implementation specifics and computation results for the AP600 containment.
                                                                             - The valutation basis and comparisons of the clime /distnbuted-parameter approach versus clime / lumped-parameter approach.

The validsion basis and ccmparisons to experirnenral data. All cross section schemsics show a nodalization m hich implies subdivisions in with the distributed parameter approach.

                                                                           ;Ilowever, page 4-1 clearly states that the modelis a network of nodes. It would have been more conventional and desenptive if these jfigures presented the model as a " tube-and-tank" network of control volurnes and flow paths.

Pages 4-10 to 4-15: 480 6% The reactor drain tank (RDT) volume has ten thernal conductors which are cited by Westinghouse. Does the RDT cavity

                                                                           ; initially contain any liquid which occupies part of the compartment?

4730 NRR/SCSB 6.2.1 RAl-OI Radg / Gresham Action W Action W 7/18/97 RAI. WCAP-14407,"WGOTHIC Application to AP600,* A. Forgie,et al, September 1996. SECTION 4. " DESCRIPTION OF WGOTillC EVALUATION MODEL" This report, WCAP-14407 "WGOTIIIC APPLICATION TO AP600," references WCAP-14352 ("WGOTHIC Code Description and Validanon") as the WGOTIIIC code package description and validsion report. Yet the AP600 WGOTillC model desenbed in this report deviates substantially from what was descnbed and validated in WCAP-14382. Westinghouse has changed its previous

                                                                           ! approach of simulating the AP600 cove +perating deck region with a distnbuted-parameter model to a network oflumped-parameter I

nodes. This change raises a number of concems regarding consistencies of the new approach, including:

                                                                            - The implementation *pecifics and computation resalts for the AP600 containment.
                                                                            - The validation basis and comparisons of the clime / distributed-parameter approach versus clime / lumped-parameter approach.
                                                                            - The validation basis and compadsons to experimental data.

All cross secnon schematics show a nodalizat on which implies subdivisions in wd-n with the distributed parameter approach gliowever, page 4-1 clearly states that the rnodel is a netwat of nodes. It would have been rnare conventional and descnptive if these gfigures presented the model as a " tube-and4ank" network of control volumes and flow paths. Pages 4-10 to 4-15: 480.697 Thermal conductor I constitutes the wall at the cavity base (see Figure 4-7) and thus should be " bulk concrete." Ahhough the volume pool area is 424 ft2, the surface area of the conductor is only 109.75 ft2. In the reactor cavity,it was the opposite. Are these values correct? Ilow are the surface areas of cavity bases determined and how are those related to pool areas? Page: 91 Tctal Records: 840

                                      - . - . - ~ _ - . _ - - . _ - . -                                                              . - - - - - . _ - ~ . .                                          . - - - . - - .                        .
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            'I AP600 Open item Tracking System DItnbase: Summ ry Schedzie                                                                        Date: 7/7/97 Selection:           [w st code]=' Action W' Sorted by DSER Section. Transmit Date, NRC Branch and item number.

i hem DSER Sectiov (W) NRC No. Branch QuestM Type Coord/ Resp Engineer Title Status ICP DraA - Status Review Transmit 4731 NRR/SCSB 6.2.1 MTG-Of Rarig / Gresham Action W Action W 7/18!97 , RAI: WCAP-14407, *WGOTHIC Application to AP600,* A. Forgie, et al., September 1996, SECTION 4. ' DESCRIPTION OF WGOMIC EVALUATION MODEL* This report WCAP-14407 "WGOTHIC APPLICATION TO AP600," refesences WCAP-14382 CWGOTHIC Code Desenption and i Validation") as the WGOTHIC code package desenprion and validation report. Yet the AP600 WGOMIC model desenbed in this i report deviates substantially from what was described and validated in WCAP-14382. W ;_N has changed its previous approach of simulating the AP600 above eperatmg deck region with a distnbuted paramener model to a network of lumped-parameter nodes. This change raises a number of concerns regarding consistencies of the new approach, including: i

                                                                                       - The implementation specifics and computation resuhs for the AP600. ---


                                                                                       - The validation basis and comparisons of the clime /distnbuted-parameter appmach versus clime /I                            _ r . a . approach.         ,
                                                                                       - The validation basis and compensons to experimental data.

All cross section schematics show a nodalization which implies subdivisions in acconimace with the distnbuted parameter approach However, page 4-1 clearly states that the model is a network of nodes k would have been more conventional and descnytive if these  ; figures presented the model as a " tube-and4ank" network of control volumes and flow paths. l Pages 4-10 to 4-15: I 480 698 Why are the values for frictional length and loss coefficients the same despite the enormous drfferences in flow paths as well as the fact that Flow path 253 is carrying liquid instead of mis /sseam/ liquid rniature7 6 4732 NRR/SCSB 6.2.1 RAI-OI Rarig / Gresham Action W Action W 7/18/97 l RAl: WCAP-14407,"WGOTHIC Application to AP6007 A. Ibrgie,et al., Septendier 1996. SECTION 4,

  • DESCRIPTION OF I WGOTHIC EVALUATION MODElf This report, WCAP-14407 "WGOTHIC APPLICATION TO AP6007 refesences WCAP-14382 CWGOTHIC Code Description and i Validation") as the WGOTHIC code package description and validation report. Yet the AP600 WGOTHIC model desenbed in this report deviates substantially from what was described and validated in WCAP-14382. Westinghouse has changed its prewmus  ;

approach of simulating the AP600 above-operating deck region with a distnbuted-parameter modr.1 to a network oflumped-parameter  ; modes. I i This change raises a number of concerns regarding consistencies of the new approach. including:

                                                                                      - The implementation specifics and computation resuks for the AP600 -_                   .c                                                              i
                                                                                      - The validation basis and co.w of the clime /distribunal-parameter approach versus climellemped-parameter approach.                                     [
                                                                                      - The validation basis and w,_6 to experimental data.                                                                                                    ;

All cross section schematics show a nodalization which implies subdivisions in accordance with the desenbuted parameter approach. j However, page 4-l clearly states that the modelis a network of nodes.. k would have been more conventional and descriptive if these [ figures presented the model as a "tabe-and-tank" network of contml volumes and flow paths. [ Pages 4-10 to 4-IS: 480.699 What criteria were applied to group such widely differing components, as a sump pump. RDT and RDT-heat exchanger into one single therinal conductor, type 17? How are the equivalent surface area and conductor thickness values calculated? [ t s a Page: 92 Total Records: 8d0 i _w-._ _ - _ . . - __ .m._.-. , __ -_.-.a __ --..___.,-__: - __ _ r. , ..___.:

  • _ wm _ _ . _ _ _

AP600 Open Item Tracking System Database: S:mmrry Schedule Data 7/7/97 Selection: [w st code]=' Action W' Sorted by DSER Section. Transmit Date, NRC Branch and item number. Item DSER Section/ " (w) NRC No. Branch Question Type Coord/ Resp Engineer Title Status Status ICP Draft Review Transmit 4733 NRR/SCSB 6.2.1 RAICI Rarig / Gresham Action W Action W 7/I8S7

                                                                           'RAI:WCAP-14407, *WGOTHIC Application to AP600,* A. Forgie, et al., September 1996, SECTION 4. ' DESCRIPTION OF WGOTillC EVALUADON MODEL*

This report, WCAP-14407 *WGOTIIIC APPLICATION TO AP600," references WCAP-14382 (*WGOTHIC Code Descripion and Validation") as the WGOTillC code package description and validation report. Yet the AP600 WGOTHIC rnodet desenbed in this report deviates substantially from what was descnbed and validated in WCAP-14382. Westinghoaise has changed its previous approach of simulating the AP600 above-operating deck region with a distnbuted-parameter model to a network oflumped-parameter nodes. This change raises a number of concerns regarding consistencies of the new approach, including:

                                                                            - The implementation specifics and computation resuhs for the AP600 containment.
                                                                            - The validzion basis and compansons of the chme/ distributed-parameter approach versus climeAumped-parameter approach.
                                                                            - The va!idsion basis and comparisons to experimental data.

All cross section schematics show a nodalization which implies subdivisions in Ama- e with the distributed parameter approach. Ilowever, page 4-1 cicarly states that the model is a network of nodes. It would have been more conventional and descrigive if thest figures presented the model as a " tube-and4ank' =ictwork of control volumes and flow paths. Pages 4-10 to 4-15: 480.700 A single lumped node is used to reprcsent the RDT cavity. This compartment is a complex shaped flow path between the steam generator compartments. As such, it constitutes a fairiy large sized,important link between the break location and other below operaring deck compartments. Please explain and justify this rnodel approach. 4734 NRR/SCSB 6.2.1 RAIOI Rarig / Gresham Action W Action W 7/18/97 R AI: WCAP-14407,"WGOTHIC Application to AP600,* A. Forgie, et al., September 1996 SECTION 4,


This report. WCAP-14407 *WGOTillC APPLICATION TO AP600," refesences WCAP-14382 (*WGOTHIC Code Descripion and Validation") as the WGOTillC code package description and validation report. Yet the AP600 WGOTHIC model desenbed in this report deviates substantially fr.m what was descnhed and validated in WCAP-14382. Westinghouse has changed its previous approach of simulating the AP600 above+perating deck region with a distributed-pe:3 met-r model to a network oflumped-parameter nodes. This change raises a number of concerns regarding consistencies of the new approach, including:

                                                                           - The implementation specifics and computation results for the AP600 containment.
                                                                           - The validation basis and compansons of the clime /distnbuted-parameter approach versus clime / lumped-parameter approach.
                                                                           - The validzion basis and comparisons to experimental data.

All cross section schematics show a nodalization which implies subdivisions in accordance with the distributed parameter approach flowever, page 4-I clearly states that the model is a networt of nodes. It would have been more conventional and descriptive if these figures p.esented the model as a

  • tube-and4ank network of control volumes and flow paths.

480.701 (Page 4-16)The correct unit dirnension of the volume pool area should be ft2, rather than ft. Please cortect the text. Page: 93 Total Records: 840

m._ ___m._m-_ - . - . _ . _ _ _ . - _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ . - . _ . _ . . . . _ _ _ . _ - - _ _ _ . _ _ _ , _ _ .

!                                                 AP600 Open It:m Trackirg System Dattbase: SummIry Schedule                                                                                               - Date: 7n/97                                                  ,

Selectiott: [w st code]=' Action W' Sorted by DSER Section Transmit Date NRC Branch and item number. l Item DSER Sectionf (W) NRC No. Branch Questmn Type CoorMesp Engineer Title Status ICP ' Status DraA Review Tr===r 4735 NRR/SCSB 6.2.1 RAI-OI Rang / Gresham Action W Action W 7/IS/97 RAl: WCAP-14407,"WGOINIC Appli-miaa to AP600," A. Forgie, et al., September 1996, SECTION 4,"DE3CRIITION OF WGOTHIC EVALUATION MODEI *  ; This report. WCAP-14407 *WGOTHIC APPLICATION TO AP600 " references WCAP-14382 (*WGOTHIC Code Descnynon and  : Validation") as the WGOTHIC code package description and validation seport. Yet the AP600 WOOTHIC anodel desenbed in this r report deviases substantially from what was desenbed and vahdased in WCAP-14382. Westinghouse has changed its psevious approach of sinWaring the AP600 above-operatmg deck negion with a disenbused parameter model to a network oflumped-parameter 5 nodes. ' This change raises a number of concerns argarding consistencies of the new approach, including-  ;

                                                                                                                                    - The irnplementation specifics and computaion resuks for the AP600 - - '               -
                                                                                                                                    - The validation basis and comparuens of the clime /distnbuted-parameser approach versus clM..T          _" paramener approach.
                                                                                                                                    - The validation basis and compensons to esperimental data.

All cross section schematics show a nodalizatice which innplies subdivisions in accorde with the disenbuted parameser approach. However, page 4-l clearly states that the model is a network of modes. It would have been amore coevenssonal and desenptive if these figures presented the model as a " rube-andaank" network of control vohames and flow paths.  ; 480.702 (Page 4-19) The conect figure number in the text should read Figure 4-9. rather than 4-7. Please correct the text. 4736 NRR/SCSB 611 RAI-OI Rarig / Gresham Action W Action W 7/l8/97 I RAI:WCAP-14407, *WGOTHIC Application to AP600,* A. Forgie, et al., Serasuber 1996, SECTION 4


Validation *) as the WGOTHIC code package description and validation repr rt. Yet the AP600 WGODUC model desenhed in this repon deviates substantially from what was desenbed and validased in WC/,P-14382. Westinghouse has changed its previous approach of simulating the AP600 above-operating deck region with a distnbuted-parameser model to a network ofImmped-parameser j nodes. 1 This change raises a number of concems regarding consiseencies of the new iW including: .

                                                                                                                                   - The implernentation specifics and computation resuks for the AP600 "              --
                                                                                                                                   - The valmtation basis and compansons of the clime /distnbuted-parameter appmach wasus climelleraped-parameser appmactL
                                                                                                                                   - The validation basis and compensons to experirnental data.                                                                           l All cross section schematics show a modalization wluch implies subdivisions in accordance with the distnbused parameter appmacfL However, page 4-I clearly states that the model is a network of modes. It would have been nuore conventional and descriptive if these figures presented the model as a " tube-and-tank" network of control volumes and ficw paths.                                           t 480.703 The accumulator cavity together with the adjacent valve and piping roosn has a very complex shape (See Figure 4-8), which is represented as a single node. Why were such widely different compartments grouped into a single mode 7                              ;

a i i 4 t Page: 94 Total Records: 840


AP600 Open Item Tracking System Dat base: Summ:ry Sched:de Data: 7/7/97 Selection: [w st code]=* Action W' Sorted by DSER Section Transmit Date. NRC Branch and item number. Iter > DSER Section/ ~ (W) NRC No. Branch Question Type Coord/ Resp Engineer Title Status Status ICP Draft Review Transmit 4737 NRR/SCSB 6.2.I RAI-OI Rarig / Gresham Action W Action W 7/IS/97 RAl: WCAP-14407. "V'GOTIIIC Application to AP600,* A. Forgie, et al., September 19%. SECTION 4. *DESCRit' HON OF WGOll{IC EVALUATION MODEL" This report. WCAP-14407 *WGOTillC APPLICATION TO AP600," references WCAP-14382 CWGOTIIIC Code Description and Validation") as the WGOTIIIC code package description and validation report. Yet the AP600 WGOTIIIC model desenbed in this report deviates substantially from what was described and validated in WCAP-14382 Westinghouse has changed its previous approach of simulating the AP600 aboveoperating deck region with a distnbutedpmeter model to a network oflumped-pararneter nodes. This change raises a number of concerns regarding consistencies of the new epproach, including:

                                                                             - The implementation specifics and computation results for the AP600 containment.
                                                                             - The validation basis and comparisons of the clime /distnI= te+ parameter approach versus clime / lumped-parameter approach.
                                                                             - The validation basis and comparisons to experimental data.

AI! cross section schematics show a nodalization which implies subdivisions in accordance with the distributed parameter appmach flowever, page 4-1 clearly states that the model is a network of nodes. It would have been more conventional and descriptive if these figures presented the model as a

  • tube-and-tank" network of control volumes and flow paths.

Page 4-21: l480.704 Provide experimental evidence for the validity of the Uchida-correlation for condensation during the first 30 seconds 4738 NRR/SCSB 6.2.I RAl4)I Rarig / Gresham Action W Action W 7/18/97 RA!: WCAP-14407,"WGOTIIIC Application to AP600,* A. Forgie, et al September 19%, SECTION 4. "DESCRII"nON OF WGOTTIIC EVALUAT10N MODEL" 1his report. WCAP-14407 *WGOTHIC APPLICATION TO AP600.* references WCAP-14382 CWGOTIIIC Code Description and Validation") as the WGOTIIIC code package description and validation report. Yet the AP600 WGOTillC model desenhed in this report deviates substantially from what was described and validated in WCAP-14382. Westinghouse has changed its previous approach of simulating the AP600 above-operating deck region with a distnbuted-parameter model to a network oflumped-parameter nodes. This change raises a number of concerns regarding consistencies of the new approach, including:

                                                                             - 1he implementation specifics and computation resuhs for the AP600 containment.
                                                                            - The vatafarion basis and comparisons of the clime /distnbuted-parameter approach versus clime /l umped-parameter approach.
                                                                             - The validation basis and comparisons to experimental data.

All cross section schematics show a nodalization which implies subdivisions in Gw with the distnbuted parameter approach. Itowever, page 4-1 clearly states that the model is a network of nodes. It would have been more conventional and descriptive if these figures presented the model as a " tube-and-tank" network of control volumes and flow paths. Page 4-21: 480.705 Provide information about the anticipated pool layer height as a function of time in suf5cient detail to allow the assessment of the degree of conservatism inherent in the reduction of the floor surface area. Page: 95 Total Records: 840

AP600 Open Item Tracking System Dat-base: Simm:ry Schedule Dat2: 7/7/97 Selection: [w st code]=' Action W' Sorted by DSER Section Transmit Date, NPC Branch arkt item number. Item DSER Section/ (W) NRC No. Branch Question Type Coord/Reep Engineer Title ICP Status Starus Draft Review Transmit 4739 NRR/SCSB 6.2.1 RAl-OI Rang / Gresham Action W Action W 7/18S7 R Af: WCAP-I4407, *WGODUC Application to AP600 " A. Forgie, et al., September 1996 SECTION 4. "DESCRIPT10N OF WGOT1{lC EVALUATION MODEL" This report, WCAP-14407 "WGOTIIIC APPLICATION TO AP600 " references WCAP.14382 ("WGODIIC Code Description and Validation") as the WGOTHIC code package description and validation report. Yet the AP600 WGOTIUC model described in this report deviates substantially from what was descnbed and vahdated in WCAP-14382. Westinghouse has changed its previous approach of simulating the AP600 above-operating deck region with a distributed-parameter model to a network of lumped-parameter nodes. This change raises a number of concerns regarding consistencies of the new approach, including:

                                                                             - The implementarion specifics and computation results for the AP600 containment.
                                                                             - The valxlation basis and cornparisons of the chme/ distributed-parameter appmach versus climellumped-parameter approach.
                                                                             - The validation basis and comparisons to experimental data.

All cross section schematics show a nodalization which implies subdivisions in ..W.e with the distnbuted parameter approach. However, page 4-1 clearly states that the model is a network of nodes. It would have been more conventional and descriptive if these j; figures presented the model as a "t.ibe-and-tank" network of control volumes and flow paths. Page 4-21: 480.706 Provide information about the amount of non-condensable gas (hydmgen and nitrogen) entrapped in desdended yrnents below-operating deck. Why are these gases not part of any later tirne phase mixing process? 4743 NRR/SCSB 6.2.1 RAICI Rarig / Gresham Action W Action W 7/18/97 I R AI: WCAP-14407, *WGOTHIC Application to AP600,* A. Forgie, et al., September 1996, SECTION 4. " DESCRIPTION OF WGOTHIC EVALUATION MODEL" This report WCAP-14407 "WGOT111C APPLICATION TO AP600," references WCAP-14382 ("WGOTHIC Code Description and Vahdation") as the WGOT111C code package description and validation report. Yet the AP600 WGO1111C model desenhed in this report deviates substantia!!y from what was described and validated in WCAP-14382. Westinghouse has changed its previous approach of simulating the AP600 above-operating deck region with a distribut-4 parameter model to a network oflumped-parameter nodes. This change raises a nmber of concems regarding consistencies of the new approach,inctuding:

                                                                             - The implementar en specifics and cornputation results for the AP600 contamment.
                                                                             - The vahdation basis and comparisons of the clime / distributed-parameter approach versus clime / lumped-parameter appmach.
                                                                             - The validation basis as.d comparisons to experimental data.

All cross section schematics show a nodalization which imphes subdivisions in accordance with the distnbuted parameter approach. However, page 4-1 clearly states that the modelis a network cf nodes. It would have been more conventional and descriptive if these figures presented the model as a " tube-and-tank

  • networt of control volumes and flow paths.

480 707 (Page 4-24) The northeast accumulator cavity connection junctmn is shown in Figure 4-11. not Figure 4-9. Please correct the documentation. __ Page: 96 Total Records: 840

AP600 Open Item Tracking System DattbaSe: Summ:ry Schedub Date: 7/7/97 Selection: [w st code]=' Action W* Sorted by DSER Section. Transmit Date, NRC Branch and itern number. I Item DSER Sectionf (W) '* NRC No. Branch Question Type Coord/ Resp Engineer Title Starus Starus ICP DraA Review Transmit 474i NRR/SCSB 6.2.1 RAI-OI Rarig / Gresham Action W Action W 7/I8/97 I RAI:WCAP-14407,"WGOTillC Application to AP600,* A. Forgie, et al., September 1996, SECTION 4 *DESCRIPT10N OF WGOTlflC EVALUA110N MODEL" This report WCAP-14407 *WGOTillC APPLICATION TO AP600

  • references WCAP-14382 (*WGOTillC Code Description and Validarion") as the WGOTillC code package description and validation report. Yet the AP600 WGODilC model described in this report deviates substantially from what was descnbed and validated in WCAP-14382. Westinghouse has changed its previous approach of simulating the AP600 above-operatmg deck region with a distributed-parameter model to a network oflumped-parameter nodes.

This change raises a number of concems regarding ---- - - ~ s of the new approach, including:

                                                                              - The implementation specifics and computation resuhs for the AP600 containment.
                                                                              - The vahdation basis and comparisons of the clime /distnbuted-parameter approach versus clime / lumped-parameter approach.
                                                                              - The validation basis and comparisons to experimental data.

All cross section schemancs show a nodalization which implies subdivisions in Am Me with the distributed parameter approach. Ilowever, page 4-I clearly states that the model is a network of nodes. It would have been more conventional and descriptive if these figures presented the model as a " tube-and-tank" network of control volumes and flow paths. Special Modeling Assemption Subsections for the Below Deck Operating Nodes a) Nodalization 480.708 Please justify the use c,f a single-node, single-layer representation (except CMT) for the very complex shaped and often

                                                                           ; multiply connected compartments below the operating deck. The standard practice is to apply several lurnped-parameter nodes
                                                                           , connected 1              with stacked flow paths.

4742 NRR/SCSB 6.2.1 RAl-OI Rarig / Gresham Action W Action W 7/18/97

                                                                           'RA!: WCAP-14407, *WGOT111C Application to AP600,* A. Forgie, et al., September 1996. SECTION 4, *DESCRilmON OF WGOTIIIC EVALUATION MODEL" This report, WCAP-14407 *WGOTillC APPLICATION TO AP600,* references WCAP-14382 ("WGOTHIC Code Description and Validation") as the WGOUf!C code package desenption and validation report. Yet the AP600 WGOTlilC model desenbed in this report deviates substantia!!y from what was desenbed and validated in WCAP-14382. Westinghcase has changed its previous approach of simulating the AP600 above-operating deck region with a distnbuted-parameter model to a network of lumped-parameter nodes.

This change raises a number of concems regarding consistencies of the new approach, including:

                                                                            - The implementation specifics and cc.mputation results for the AP600 containment.
                                                                            - The validation basis and comparisons of the clime /distributedtarameter approach versus clime / lumped-parameter approach.
                                                                            - The validation basis and comparisons to eFrerimental data.

AII cross section schematics show a nodalization which implies subdivisions in - he with the distribwed parameter approach. liowever, page 4-1 clearly states that the rnodel is a network of nodes. It would have been more conventional and descriptive if these figures presented the model as a

  • tube-and-tank
  • network of control volumes and flow patf s.

Special Modeling Assumption Subsections for the Below Deck Operating Nodes a) Nodalization 480.709 Most of the compartments are 20 or enore feet high. Provide experimental evidence which demonstrates thd a single-node representation suffices to simulate all of the important transient phases (blowdown, transition,long-term). Page: 97 Total Records: 840

AP600 Opca Item Tracking System Dat-b1se: S mm:ry Schedule Date: 7/7/97 Selectiott: [w st code]=' Action W" Sorted by DSER Section, Transmit Date, NRC Branch and item number. Item DSER Sect on/ (W) NRC No. Branch Question Type Coord/ Resp Engmeer Tide Status ICP Draft Status Review Transmit 4743 NRR/SCSB 6.2.1 RAli)I Rarig / Gresham Action W Action W 7/I8/97

                                                                          !R AI: WCAP-I4407. "WGOTillC Application to AP600,* A. Forgie,et al., September 1996. SECTION 4, *DESCRIFFION OF WGOTHIC EVALUATION MODEL" This report. WCAP.14407 *WGOTHIC APPLICATION TO AP600,* refesences WCAP-14382 (*WGOmIC Code Descripion and Validation") as the WGOTHIC code packege description and validation report. Yet the AP600 WGOnllC model described in this report deviates substantially from what was desenbed and validated in WCAP-14382. Westinghouse has changed its prenous approach of simulating the AP600 above-operating deck region with a distributed-parameter model to a network oflumped-parametce nodes.

This change raises a number of concerns regarding consistencies of the new approach, including:

                                                                           - The implementation specifics and computation resuhs for the AP600 containment.
                                                                           - The validation basis and comparisons of the clime / distributed-parameter approach versus climedumped-parameter approach.
                                                                           - The validation basis and comparisons to experimental data.

All cross section schematics show a nodalization which irnphes subdivisions in accordance with the distributed parameter approach. Ilowever, page 4-1 clearly states that the model is a network of nodes. It would have been more conventional ed descriptive if these figures presented the model as a " rube-and-tank

  • network of control volumes and flow paths.

Special Modeling Assumption Subsections for the Below Deck Operating Nodes a) Nodalization 480.710 Provide information about the anticipated water liquid levels in each of the below-operating deck compartments in ordu to

                                                                          , evaluate the remaining surface areas available for condensation heat transfer.

4744 NRR/SCSB 6.2.1 RAI-OI Rarig / Gresham Action W Action W 7/18/97 R 1: WCAP-14407,"WGOTillC Arplication to AP600,* A. Forgie.ct al., September 1996 SECTION 4. *DESCRIFFION OF WGOTHIC EVALUATION MODEL" This report, WCAP-14407 *WGOTHIC APPLICATION TO AP600

  • references WCAP-14382 (*WGOTillC Code Description and Validation") as the WGOTHIC code package description and validation report. Yet the APA) WGOTHIC model desenbed in this report deviates substantially from what was described and validated in WCAP-14382. Westmghouse has changed as previous appmach of simulating the AP600 above-operating deck region with a distributed-parameter model to a networt oflumped-parameter nodes.

This change raises a number of concerns regarding consistencies of the new approach, including:

                                                                           - The implementation specifics and computation results for the AP600 containment.
                                                                          - The validation basis and comparisons of the clime / distributed-parameter approach versus climedemped-parameter approach
                                                                          - The validation basis and comparisons to expenmental data.

All cross section schematics show a nodalization which implies subdivisions in descc with the distributed parameter approach However, page 4-1 clearly states that the model is a network of nodes. It would have been more conventional and descriptive if these figures presented the rnodel as a

  • tube-and-tank
  • network of control volumes and flow paths.
                                                                          'pecial Modeling Assu'9 tion Subsections for the Below Deck Operating Nodes h) Flow Paths 480.711 Many flow paths extend over a total height of 10 or rnore feet. Standard practice is to model those flow paths by stacks of multiple vents. Provide the rationale for not using this modeling feature (except CMT) for all fbw paths of this size for below-operating deck.

Page: 98 Total Records: 840

I AP600 Open item Tracking System Dat base: SImm ry Sched le Datz: 7/#97 l Selection: [w st code]=' Action W' Sorted by DSER Section Transmit Date, NRC Branch and item number. t i hem DSER Sectionf (W) NRC

  • No. Branch Question Type Coord/ Resp Engineer Title Status Staus ICP Draft Review . Transmit 4745 NRR/SCSB 611 RAl4M Rarig / Gresham Action W Action W 7/1857 [

RAI. WCAP-14407, *WGOTHIC Application to AP600," A. Forgie, et al September 1996, SECTION 4."DESCRIMION OF  ; WGOTHIC EVALUATION MODEL" t This report, WCAP-14407 "WGOTHIC APPLICATION TO AP600,* seferences WCAP-14382 ("WGO1NIC Code Description and ' Validation") as the WGOTHIC code package desenption and validation report. Yet the AP600 WGOTHIC model desenbed in this f report deviates substantially from what cas described and validased in WCAP-14382. Westinghouse has changed its previous approach of simulming the AP600 above-operating deck region with a disenbuted-parameter model to a network oflumped-parameser nodes. This change raises a number of concems regarding consistencies of the new approach. including:  !

                                                                                                                                                        - The implementation specifics and computation resuks for the AP600 s
                                                                                                                                                        - The validation basis and comparisons of the clime /distsibuted-parameter approach versus clime / lumped-parameter approach.
                                                                                                                                                       - The validation basis and compensons to experimental data.                                                                             [

i All cross section schematics show a nodalization which implies subdivisions in accordance with the distnbased parameter approach. However, page 4-1 clearly states that the modelis a network of nodes. It would have been more conventional and descriptive if these figures presented the model as a " tube-and4ank" network of control volumes and flow paths. I Special Modeling Assumption Subsections for the Below Deck Operating Nodes , b) Flow Paths . 480.712 List all of the flow paths which are completely or partly covered by the anticipated water liquid levels during and after a DBA. ( 4746 NRR/SCSB 611 RAl-Of Rarig / Gresham Action W Action W 7/18/97 f f

                                                                                                                                                      'RAl: WCAP-14407,"WGOTHIC Application to AP600," A. Forgie, et al., September 1996, SECTION 4, *DESCRIITION OF                           !

WGOTHIC EVALUATION MODEL" f This report, WCAP-14407 "WGOTHIC APPLICATION TO AP600," references WCAP-14382 ("WGOTHIC Code Descnption and I Validation *) as the WGOTHIC code package descnption and validation report. Yet the AP600 WGOTHIC model desenbed in this report deviates substantially from what was desenbed and validased in WCAP-14382. Westinghouse has changed its previous apprunch of sirnulating the AP600 above-operating deck region with a distnbuted-parameter model to a network oflumped-parameser t i nodes. [ This change raises a nurnber of concerns regarding - 2- --h of the new approach, including-  !

                                                                                                                                                       - The implementation specifics and computation resuks for the AP600-                     .a                                             ;
                                                                                                                                                      - The validation basis and compansons of the clime /distnbutedferameter approach versus clime / lumped-parameter approach.
                                                                                                                                                       - The validasion basis and compensons to experirnental data.                                                                              !

, All cross section schematics show a nodalization which implies subdivisions in h. with the distnbuted parameter approach. However, page 4-I clearly states that the model is a network of nodes k would have been more conventional and descriptive if these 4 ' figusts presented the model as a " tube-and4ank" network of cuntrol volumes and flow paths. Specist Modeling Assumption Subsections for the Below Deck Operating Nodes b) Flow Paths  ; 480.713 The friction length and loss coefficient wahrs appear to have been selected primarily to best model the initial (few seconds) I lowdown phase. Provide information (or specific referenas so published or dockened documents) which show the validity of the j hosen values for the post-blowdown parts of the DBA-transient. i l t i Page: 99 Total Records: 840 t _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - _ . _ _ _ _ - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ . _ _ ~ . .- _. s - _ ~ .-

AP600 Opea Item Tracking System D2 base: S;mm:ry Schedule Date: 7/7/97 Selection: [w st code]=* Action W' Sorted by DSER Section. Transmit Date, NRC Branch and item number. Item DSER Section/ (W) NRC No. Branch Question Type Coord/ Resp Engineer Title Status ICP Draft Review Transmit Status 4747 NRR/SCSB 6.2.1 RAl-OI Rarig / Gresham Action W Action W 7/I8S7 RAI:WCAP-14407. *WGODitC Application to AF600." A. Fugie, et al., September 1996. SECTION 4. " DESCRIPTION OF WGOTillC EVALUATION MODEL* This report. WCAP-14407 *WGOTillC APPLICATION TO AP600,* references WCAP-14382 (~WGOTillC Code Description and Validation") as the WGOTillC code **'. age description and validation report. Yet the AP600 WGOTillC model desm 5cd in this report deviates substantially tom what was desenbed and validated in WCAP-14382. Westinghouse has changed its previous appmach of simulsing the APM0 atx,v- aperating deck region with a Jistributed-parameter model to a network of lumped-parameter nodes. This change raises a number of concerns regarding consistencies of the new approach, including:

                                                                                                   - Die implementation specifics and computation results for the AP600 containment.
                                                                                                  - The validation basis and comparisons of the clime / distributed-parameter approach versus clime / lumped-parameter approach.
                                                                                                  - The validation basis and comparisons to experimental data.

All cross section schematics show a nodalization which implies subdivisions in ou..h with the distnbuted parameter approach. Ilowever, page 4-1 clearly states that the mndelis a network of nodes. It would have been more conventional and descriptive if these

                                                                                                 , figures presented the model as a " tube-and-tank
  • network of contml volumes and flow paths.

Special Modeling Assumption Subsections for the Below Deck Operating Nodes b) Flow Paths 480.714 Provide information which shows how the selected values handle full and part-coverage with liquid filling up the compartrnents over time. 4748 NRR/SCSB 6.2.1 RTI-OI Rarig / Gresham Action W Action W 7/1RS7

                                                                                                 'RA1: WCAP-14407,"WGOTIIIC Application to AP600." A. Forgie, et al., September 1996. SECTION 4. "DESCRIITION OF WGOTHIC EVALUATION MODEL" This report. WCAP-14407 "WGOTIIIC APPLICATION TO AP600," references WCAP-I4382 ("WGOTIIIC Code Description and Validation") as the WGODilC code package description and validation r port. Yet the apt 40 WGOTHIC rnodel desenbed in this report deviates substantially from what was desenbed and validated in WCAP-14382. Westinghouse has changed its previous appmach of simulating the AP600 above-operating deck region with a distributed-parameter model to a network of lumped-parameter nodes.

This change raises a number of concerns regarding consistencies of the new appmach, including:

                                                                                                  - The implementation specifics and compotation results for the AP600 containment.
                                                                                                  - The validation basis and comparisons of the clime / distributed-parameter appmmh versus clime / lumped-parameter approach.
                                                                                                  - The validation basis and comparisons to experimental data.

All cross section schematics show a nodalization which innplies subdivisions in whc with the distributed parameter approach. Ilowever, page 4-I clearly states that the model is a network of nodes. It would have been nue conventional and descriptive if these figures presented the model as a

  • tube-and-tank
  • network of contml volumes and flow paths.

Special Modeling Assumption Subsections for the Below Deck Operating Nodes b) Flow Paths 480.715 List the validation studes performed which support the basis for recirculating flows and which indicate that the selected mput values also appropriately cover the long4erm transient phase. Page: 100 Total Records: 840

__ ._ .. m . . _ _ _ . _ .. _. ._-__ __ _ . . _ _ _ _ . . _ . . . - . _ . _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ . . AP600 Opea item Tracking System Datchase: S mmI.ry Sched:lc Date: 7/7/97 Seledlem [w st code]=* Action W* Sorted by DSER Section. Transmit Date, NRC Branch and item number. hem DSER Section/ (W) NRC No. Branch Question Type Coord/ Resp Engineer Title Status Status ICP Draft Review Transmit 4749 NRR/SCSB 6.2.1 RAI-OI Rarig / Gresham Action W Action W 7/I8/97 RAI: WCAP-14407 "WGOTHIC Applicsion to APtiOO.* A. Forgie, et al., September 1996. SECTION 4. "DESCRIIFTION OF WGOTHIC EVALUATION MODEL" This report. WCAP-14407 "WGOTHIC APPLICATION TO AP600.* references WCAP-14382 ("WGOTHIC Code Description and Validation") as the WGOTHIC code package description and validation report. Yet the AP600 WGOTHIC model desenbed in this report deviates substantially from what was described and validated in WCAP-14382. Westinghouse has changed its previous approach of simulating the AP600 above-operating deck region with a distributed-parameter model to a network oflumped-parameter nodes. This change raises a number of concems regarding consistencies of the new approach, including-

                                                                                                         - The implementation specifics and computation resuhs for the AP600 containment.
                                                                                                         - The validsion basis and comparisons of the clime / distributed-parameter approach versus clime / lumped-parameter approach.          ;
                                                                                                         - The validsion basis and comparisons to experimental data.

All cross section schematics show a nodalization which implies subdivisions in wh with the distnbuted parameter approach. j However, page 4-1 clearly states that the model is a network of nodes. k would have been more conventional and descriptive if these . figures presented the model as a

  • tube-and-tank" network of control volumes and flow paths.

Special Modelirg Assumption Sutmections for the Below Deck Operating Nodes c) Thermal Conductors ' 480.716 The treatment of conductors varies from s...y_.L._; to -., L._;. In some compartments even handrails are - accounted for, while otherm amats do not specify nearly as much detail. List the criterion used to classify and categorize the internal conductors in each compartment into specific types as documented in WCAP-14407. Is the volume fraction for thermal conductors subtracted from the control volume for all compartments? I ist the rationale for conductor selection and lumping. 4750 NRR/SCSb 6.2.1 RAI-OI Rarig / Gresham Action W Action W 7/18/97 RAI; WCAP.I4407 "WGOTHIC Application to AP600." A. Forgie,et al., September 1996. SECTION 4.

  • DESCRIPTION OF WGOTHIC EVALUA110N MODEL" This report. WCAP-14407 *WGOTHIC APPLICATION TO AP600.* references WCAP-14382 (*WGOTHIC Code Description and Validation") as the WGCTHIC code package description and validation report. Yet the AP600 WGOTHIC model described in this j report deviates substantially from what was described and validated in WCAP-14382. Wi.N has changed its previous l approach of simulating the AP600 above-operating deck region with a distributed-parameter rnodel to a network oflumped-parameter nodes. t This change raises a number of concerns regarding consissencies of the new approach. including-
                                                                                                        - The implementation specifics and computation resuhs for the AP600 containment.
                                                                                                        - The validsion basis and compansons of the clime /distributedyner approach versus clime /lemped-paramener approach.
                                                                                                        - The validation basis and comparisons to experimental data.                                                                            !

All cross section schematics show a nodalization which implies subdmsions in accordance with the distributed parameter approach. I However, page 4-1 clearly states that the model is a network of nodes. k would have been more conventional and descriptive if these figures presented the model as a " tube-and4ank* network of contml volumes and flow paths.  ; Special Modeling Assumption Sulnections for the Below Deck Operating Nodes  ! c) Ther nal Conductors 480.717 No information is provided which show the discretization of heat sinks into one or two-sided conductors and

  • bulk concrete
  • Although the conductor type " bulk concrete
  • is numerically specified, no relationship is provided on how to transfer  ;


  • bulk concrete
  • into this specific conductor. Please provide this information. _

h 9 Page: 101 Total Records: 840

AP600 Open Item Tracking System Datbase: Summ:ry Sched:le Date: 7/767 Selection: [w st code]=' Action W* Sorted by DSER Section Transmit Date, NRC Branch and item nurnber. Item DSER Section/ (W) NRC No. Branch Question Type Coord/ Resp Engineer Title Starus Status ICP Draft Review Transmit 4751 NRR/SCSB 6.2.1 RAI-OI Rarig / Gresham Action W Action W 7/18/97 REl:WCAP-14407,"WGOTHIC Application to AP600,* A. Forgie, et al., September 1996 SECTION 4,"DESCRIITION OF WGOTHIC EVALUATION MODEL" This report, WCAP-14407 "WGOTIUC APPLICATION TO AP600,* references WCAP-14382 (~WGOTHIC Code Description and Validation") as the WGOTlilC code package description and validation report. Yet the AP600 WGOTHIC model described in this report deviates substantially from what was described and validated in WCAP-14382. Westinghouse has changed its previous approach of simulating the AP600 above+perating deck region with a distributed-parameter model to a network citumped-parameter nodes. This change raises a number of concerns regarding consistencies of the new approach, including:

                                                                            - The implementstion specifics and computation results for the AP600 containment.
                                                                            - The validation basis and comparisons of the clime / distributed-parameter approach verses clime / lumped-parameter approach.
                                                                            - The validation basis and comparisons to experim-ntal data.

All cross section schematics show a nodalization which implies subdivisions in k. man with the distributed parameter approach. Ilowever, page 4-I clearly states that the rnodel is a network of nodes. It would have been more conventional and descriptive if these

                                                                          , figures presented the model as a " tube-and4ank" ne> work of control volumes and flow paths.

Special Modeling Assumption Subsections for the Below Deck Operating Nodes c) Thermal Conductors 480.718 The thermal conductor types documented list the accessible surface area for steam condensation and heat transfer. However, numerous compartments are flooded by water after the DB A-event, thereby reducing the surface area according to the liquid levels reached. Pmvide information about the compartmer.?-specific fractions of surface areas which would be affected by pool formation and hquid level increase in addition to the pool floor surface areas documented. 4752 NRR/SCSB 6.2.1 RAI OI Rarig / Gresham Action W Action W 7/l8/97

                                                                          'RA!: WCAP t4407, *WGOTHIC Application to AP600,* A. Forgie, et al., September 1996, SECTION 4. "DESCRIITION OF WGOTHIC EVALUATION MODEL" This report, WCAP-I4407 *WGOTIIIC APPLICATION TO AP600,* references WCAP-14382 ("WGOTHIC Code Description and Vahdation") as the WGOTHIC code package description and validation report. Yet the AP600 WGOTHIC model described in this report deviates substantially from what was described and validated in WCAP-14382. Westinghouse has changed its previous appoach of simularing tle AP600 above-operating deck region with a distributed-parameter model to a network oflumped-parameter nodes.

This change raises a number of concems regarding mnsistencies of the new approach, including-

                                                                           - The implementation specifics and computation results for the AP600 containment.
                                                                           - The vahdation basis and comparisons of the clime / distributed-parameter approach versus clime / lumped-parameter approach.
                                                                          - The validation basis and comparisons to experimental data.

All cross section schematics show a nodalization which implies subdivisions in -mes with the distributed parameter approach However, page 4-I clearly states that the model is a network of nodes. It would have been more mnventional and descriptive if these figures presented the rnodel as a " tube-and-tank" network of contml volumes and flow paths. Special Modeling Assumption Subsections for the Below Deck Operating Nodes c) Thermal Conductors 480.719 One result of the mixing and stratification assessment documented in Section 9 and carered into Table 2-3 (Sectica 2 of WCAP-14407), which largely affects the modeling approach,is the concept of limited steam access to deada nded m..r.wnt surface areas. Yet, the steam has full access to the heat sinks for the rust 30 seconds. Provide arguments, data and references which support this approach and list why it is necessary to provide this heat sink capabihty for the first 30 seconds into the blowdown. Page: 102 Total Records: 840

AP600 Opea Item Tracking System Datbase: Summary Schedule Dat:: 7/7/97 Selection: [w st code]=' Action W' Sorted by DSER Section Transmit Date, NRC Branch and item number. Item DSER Section/ gw) ' l NRC No. Branch Question Type Coord/ Resp Engineer y .je Status S ICP M Rh he 4733 NRR/SCSB 6.2.1 RAI-OI Rarig / Gresham Action W Action W 7/18/97 R A1: WCAP-14407,"WGOTiflC Apphcation to AP600,* A. Forgie, et al., September 19%. SECTION 4.

  • DESCRIPTION OF WGOTillC EVALUATION MODEL" This report, WCAP-14407 *WGOT111C APPLICATION TO AP600,* references WCAP-14382 ("WGOTHIC Code Desenpnon and Validation") as the WGOTillC code package descnption and vahdation report. Yet the AP600 WGOTillC model desented in this report deviates substantially from what was described and validated in WCAP-14382. Westinghouse has changed its previous approach of simulating the AP600 above-operating deck region with a distributed-parameter model to a network of lumped-parameter nodes.

This change raises a number of concerns regarding consistencies of the new approach, including-

                                                                            - The implementation specifics and computation results for the AP600 containtnent.
                                                                            - The vahdation basis and comparisons of the clime /distnbuted-parameter approach versus climeAumped-parameter approach.
                                                                            - The vahdation basis and comparisons to exgerimental data.

All cross section schematics show a nodalization which imphes subdivisions in - an with the distributed parameter approach.

llowever, page 4-1 clearly states that the model is a network of nodes. It would have been more conventional and descripise if these
                                                                           ' figures pesented the model as a " tube-and-tank
  • network of control volurnes and flow paths.

Special Modeling Assumption Subsections for the Below Deck Operating Nodes c) Thermal Conductors 480 720 (Page 4-58) The south CMT flowpath junctions are shown in Figures 4-21,4-22 and 4-23; please conect the text. 4754 NRR/SCSB 6.2.1 RAI-OI Rarig / Gresham Action W Action W 7/18/97 RAl:WCAP-I4407, *WGOTilIC Application to AP600,* A. Forgie, et al, September 1996, SECTION 4, *DESCRIPHON OF WGOTTIIC EVALUATION MODEL" This report, WCAP-14407 "WGOTillC APPLICATION TO AP600,* references WCAP-14382 CWGOTLilC Code Description and Valida* ion") as the WGOTIIIC code package desenption and validation report. Yet the AP600 WGOR81C model descnbei in this report deviates substantia;1y fmm a hat was desenbed and validated in WCAP-14382. Westinghouse has changed its previous fapproach of simulating the AP600 abovegerating deca region with a distributed-parameter model to a network of

                                                                           ' nodes.

This change raises a number of concerns regarding consistencies of the new approach, including:

                                                                            - The implementation specifics and computaten results for the AP600 contamrnent.
                                                                            - The vahdation basis and compansons of the chme/distnbuted-parameter approach versus cline / lumped-pcrameter approach.
                                                                            - The vaudation basis and comparisons to expenmental data.

All crocs section schematics show a nodalization which imphes subdivisions in omh with the distributed parameter approach. liowever, page 4-1 clearly states that the model is a network of nodes. It would have been more conventional and descriptive if these figures presented the model as a " tube-and-tank" network of control volumes and flow paths. Special Modeling Assumpnon Subsections for the Below Deck Operating Nodes c) Thermal Conductors 480.72I (Page 4-73) The refueling roorn junctions are shown in Figure 4-27. Please correct the text. Page: 103 Total Records: 840

AP600 Open hem Tracking System Datchase: Summcry SchedIle Data: 7n/97 Selection: [w st code]=' Action W' Sorted by DSER Section, Transmit Date NRC Branch and item number-hem DSER Section/ (W) NRC l No. Branch Question Type Coord/ Resp Engineer Title Status Staus ICP Draft Review Transmit 4755 NRR/SCSB 621 RAl-OI Rarig / Gresham Action W Action W 7/18/97 IRAI:WCAP-14407, *WGOTHIC Application to AP600," A. Twgie,et al, September 1996, SECTION 4 *DESCRFfl0N OF YGOTillC EVALUATION MODEl

  • This report, WCAP-I4407 *WGOTHIC APPLICATION TO AP600,* references WCAP-14382 (*WGOnllC Code Desenption and Validation") as the WGOTHIC code package description and validation repost. Yet the AP600 WGODlIC model desenbed in this report deviates substantia!!y from what was desenbed and validated in WCAP-14382. Westinghouse has changed its previous approach of simulating the AP600 above-operating deck region with a distnbuted-parameter model to a network oflumped9arameter nodes.

This change raises a number of concems regarding consistencies of the new approach, including:

                                                                                                                                                      - The implementation specifics and computation resuhs for the AP600 containment.

The validsion basis and comparisons of the clime / distributed$arameter appoach versus clime / lumped-parameter approach

                                                                                                                                                      . The validation basis and comparisons to experimental data.

All cross section schematics show a nodalization uhich implies subdivisions in -mh with the distributed parameter approach. However, page 4-1 clearly states that the model is a network of nodes. It would have been more conventional and desensive if these figures presented the rnodel as a " tube-and-tank" network of control volumes and flow paths. Special Modehng Assumption Subsections for the Below Deck Operating Nodes Page 4-77: 480.722 Provide information about the anticipated pool lewt height as a function of time for the refueling canal volume after DBA-initiation. Pmvide information about the fraction of surface areas available to steam access as a function of poollevel heigfa. 4756 NRPJSCSB 6.2.1 RAIOl Rarig / Gresham Action W Action W 7/18/97 R AI. WCAP-14407,"WGOTHIC Application to AP600,* A. Forgie, et al, September 1906 SECTION 4,

  • DESCRIPTION OF WGOTHIC EVALUAUON MODEL-This teport, WCAP-14407 *WGOTIIIC APPLICATION TO AP600,* references WCAP-14382 (*WGOTillC Code Description and Vahdation") as the WGOnllC code package description and validation report. Yet the AP600 WGOnllC model desenbed in this report deviates substantially from what was desenbed and validated in WCAP-I4382. Westinghouse has changed its previous approach of simulating the AP600 above-operating deck regice with a distnbuted-parameter model to a network oflumped-parameter nodes.

This change raises a number of concems regarding consistencies of the new approach, including:

                                                                                                                                                     - The implementation specifics and computation results for the AP600 d. '. ..m
                                                                                                                                                     - The vahdation basis and compansons of the clime /distnbuted-parameter approach versus climellumped-parameter appmach.
                                                                                                                                                     - The validation basis and comparisons to expenmental data.

All cross section schematics show a nodalization which irrphes subdivisions in accordance with the distnbuted parameter approach However, page 4-1 clearly states that the model is a network of nodes. It would have been more conventional and descriptive if these figures presented the model as a " tube-and4ank network of control volumes and flow paths. Special Modehng Assumption Subsections for the Below Deck Ogerating Nodes Page 4-77: 480.723 lias the reduction of surface area been accounted for in the specification of the conductor surface areas provided in Section 14 .2.10.3? Page: 104 Total Records: 840

AP600 Open Item Tracking System Database: Scmmary Schedule Date: 7/7/97 Selectioti: [w st cede]=' Action W' Sotted by DSER Section. Transmit Date NRC Branch and item number. Item DSFR Section/ ' " (w) NRC l No. Branch Questien Type Coord/ Resp Engmeer Title Staus Staus ICP Draft Review Transmit 4797 NRR/SCSB 6.2. I RAI-OI Rarig / Gresham Action W Action W 7/I997 R AI. WCAP-14407,"WGOTHIC Application to Af%00," A. Forgie,et al., September 1996 SECTION 4,


This report WCAP-14407 *WGOTHIC APPLICATION TO AI%00,* references WCAP-14382 (*WGOT111C Code Desenption and Validation") as the WGOTHIC code package description and validation report Yet the AP6n0 WGOTHIC model desenbed in this report deviates substantially from what was desenbed and validated in WCAP-14382. Westinghouse has changed its prevmus approach of simulating the Al%00 above-operating deck tegion with a distributed-parameter model to a network oflumped-parameter nodes. This change raises a number of concems regarding consistencies of the new approach,inctuding-

                                                                            - 1he implementation specifics and computation results for the AP600 containment.
                                                                            - The validation basis and compansons of tf e clime /distnbuted-parameter approach versus clime / lumped-parameter appmacft
                                                                            - The valaision basis and;-s to experimental data.

All cmss secta schematics show a codalization which irnplies subdivisions in b e with the distributed parameter approactL

                                                                           <llowever, page 4-1 clearly states that the model is a network of nodes. It would have been more conventional and descriptive if these figures presented the model as a "tute-and-tank
  • network of control volumes and flow paths.

Special Modeling Assumption Subsections for the Below Deck Operating Nodes Page 4-77: 480.724 (Page 4-80) These junctens are shown in Figure 4-29,instead of 4-22. Please cr rect the text. 4758 NRR/SCSB 6.2.1 RAI-OI Rarig / Gresham Action W Action W 7/18/97 rR Al: WCAP-14407, *WGOTillC Application to AP600,* A. Forgie,et al., September 1996 SECTION 4.

  • DESCRIPTION OF WGOTHIC EVALUATION MODEL" This report WCAP-14407 *WGOTIIIC APPLICATION TO AP600,* references WCAP-14382 (*WGODilC Code Description and Vahdation") as the WGOTHIC code package description and wahdation report. Yet the AP600 WGOTHIC model desenbed in this report deviates substantially from what was described and validated in WCAP-14382. Westinghouse has changed its previous approach of simulating the AP600 above-operating deck region with a distributed-parameter model to a network oflumped-parameter nodes.

This change raises a number of concems regarding consistencies of the new approach, including:

                                                                           - The implementmion specifics and computation results for the AP600 containment.
                                                                           - The validsion basis and comparisons of the clime / distributed-parameter appmach versus clime / lumped-parwneter approach.
                                                                           - The validation basis and cornparisons to experimental data.

All cross sectsn schemsics show a nodalization a hich imphes subdivisions in accordance with the distributed parameter approach. However, page 41 clearly states that the model is a network of nodes. It would have been more conventional and descriptive if these figures presented the model as a

  • tube-and-tank" network of control volum s and flow paths.

Special Modeling Assumption Subsectmns for the Below Deck Operating Nodes Page 4-77: 480.725 Pmvide a figure which shows the circumferential vent layout connections from the in-containment refueling water storage i tank (IRWST) to the outer quarter annati. Page: 105 Total Records: 840

AP600 Opes Item Tracking System Datt.bese: S;mmiry Schedde Detr: 7/7/97 Selectiem [w st code]=' Action W' Sotted by DSER Section, Transmit Date. NRC Branch and item number. hem DSER Secoms l Scheduie (w) NRC l No. Branch Quesnon Type Coord/ Resp Engineer Title Staus Staus ICP DraR Review Tm i 47$9 NRR/SCSB 6.2.1 RAIOl Rarig / Gresham Action W Action W 7/18/97 RAl: WCAP-14407."WGOTHIC Application to AP600.* A. Forgie,et al September 1996.SECTION 4." DESCRIPTION OF l i WGOTHfC EVALUATION MODEI

  • This report. WCAP-14407 *WGOTHIC APPLICATION TO AP600." seferences WCAP-14382 (*WGOTHIC Code Desenpnen and i Validation") as the WGOTHIC code package desenpuon and wahdanon report. Yet the AP600 WGOTHIC rnodel desenbed in this report devisees satstantially from wha was descnbed and vahdaned in WCAP-14382. Westinghouse has changed its presions ,

approach of simulming the AP600 above-operming deck region with a dhtribueed-parameter model to a network of lumped-parameter _ nodes. This change raises a number of concerns reganhag consistencies of the new approach including- (

                                                                                                       - The implementmion specifics and computation resuhs for the AP600 m                                                                      -1                                                              ;
                                                                                                       - The validation basis and compensons of the clime /dutnbused-parameter appmech venus clime,1empedterameter approach.
                                                                                                       - The validation basis and compensons to expenmental data.                                                                                                                                                ;

All cross section schemencs show a nodalization which inylies subdivisions in ~R with the disenbuted parameter approach However, page 4-1 clearly states that the snodelis a network of modes. k would have been mose conventional and descriptive if these figures presented the model as a

  • tube-and-tank' network of control volumes and flow paths.

Special Modeling Assumphon Salmections for the Below Deck Operating Nodes  ; Page 4-84: 480.726 Provide infarmenon about the weer in the IRWST with regard to: .

                                                                                                                 - volume                                                                                                                                                                                        '
                                                                                                                 - liquid level as a function of tinue
                                                                                                                 - initiali..v..; . and tempermure distribution                                                                                                                                                  !
                                                                                                                 - anticipated i.. a . distnbution as a function of time and elevanon 4760   NRR/SCSB  6.2.1            RAIOl                     Rarig      / Gresham                                                                                      Action W Action W                                                                                                          7/I8/97 -

RAI: WCAP-14407.*WGOTillC Applicmion to AP600.* A. Forgie, et al, September 1996. SECTION 4.

  • DESCRIPTION OF GOTHIC EVALUATION MODEL" t This report. WCAP-14407 "WGOTHIC APPLICATION TO AP600." references WCAP-14382 ("WGOTHIC Code Descnpoon and Validation") as the WGOTHIC code package desenpnen and vahdation report. Yet the AP67 WGOTHIC model descnbed in this '  !

report devisees substantially from what was described and validased in WCAP-14382. Westinghouse has changed its psevious I approach of sinnulating the AP600.6.w.aing deck region with a instnbuted-paramener rnodel to a network cflu=pd ,._ . a. j nodes. This change raises a number of concerns regenhag consistencies of the new appmech. including- (

                                                                                                      - The implementmion specifics and computation resuke for the AP600-                                                                       -_                                                               j
                                                                                                      - The validation basis and compensons of the clane/disenbuted-parameter approach versus ct;... *                                                           " parameser appmech.
                                                                                                      - The validsion basis and comparisons to expenmental data.

All cross section schematics show a nodalization which implies subdiv%ms in accordance with the distributed parameter appmech However, page 4-1 clearly states that the noodel is a netemk of nodes. k would have been more conventional and desenptive if these figures presemed the model as a

  • tube-and-tank
  • network of control valemes and flow paiths.

Special Modehng Assenpuon Subsections for the Below Deck Operating Nodes [ Page 4-84: 480.727 Please provide additional information about the segmentshon of the IRWST into five horizontal slices. Does this nican that volume 7 is subdivided into 5 one-dimensional slices? i i Page: 106 Total Records. 840 [

AP600 Open Item Tracking System Dat; base: Summ:ry Schedule Dat:: 7/7/97 Selectiom [w st code]=' Action W' Serted by DSER Section Transmit Date, NRC Branch and item number. leem DSER Sectionf ' (W) NRC No. Branch Question Type Coord/ Resp Engmeer Title Status Status ICP Draft Review Transnut , 4761 NRR/SCSB 6.2.1 RAI-OI Rarig / Gresham Action W Action W 7/IR/97

                                                                                                                                            'RAI:WCAP-14407. *WGOTillC Application to AP600 " A. Forgie,et al, September 1996, SECTION 4," DESCRIPTION OF WGOTillC EVALUATION MODEL" his report WCAP-14407 *WGOTillC APl%ICATION TO AP600,* references WCAP-14382 (*WGOTHIC Code Description and Validation") as the WGOTillC code package docription and validation report. Yet the Al%00 WGOMIC model descnbed in this report deviates substantia!!y from what was descr, bed and validated in WCAP-14382. Westinghouse has changed its previous approach of simulating the Al%00 above-operating deck region with a distributed-parameter model to a network of lumped-parameter nodes.

This change raises a nurnber of concems regarding consistencies of the new approach, including:

                                                                                                                                              - He implementation specifics and computation resuks for the AP600 containment.
                                                                                                                                             - he valutation basis and comparisons of the clime / distributed-parameter approach versus clirne/ lumped-parameter approach.
                                                                                                                                             - De vahdation basis and comparisons to experimental data.

All cross section schematics show a nodalization which implies subdivisions in m.J.s with the distributed parameter approach However, page 4-1 clearly states that the nniel is a network of nodes. It would have been more conventional and desc:iptive if these figures presented the model as a " tube-and-tank" network of control volumes and flow paths. Above Operating Deck Region In the AP600 Evaluation Model documented in Section 4, all of the computational features of the subdivided, distributed-parameter approach have been eliminated. Lumpedele networks have an inherent limitations of averaging local momentum information and predicting zero velocities in the lumped nodes. The computed velocities in the artificial flow ventsAube4ank network are not  ; representative of the velocity distnbution in the continuum. In addition, the AP600 Evaluation Model has a coane nodalization for the above-operating deck region, providing only averaged values for arge subspaces. In this way,information about jet / plume mixing and stratification is lost. His information was previously thought o be important as an outcome of the PIRT (phenomena identification and raniting tabic) proass. [ absections 4.2.12 (page 4 86) thmugh 4.2.32 (page 4-212) describe the above-operating deck internal containment region and its subregions as specified by control volarrrs and flowpaths which constitute the network oflumped-parameter nodes. In the above L deck region.

  • rooms" and " compartments
  • have a different character as most of the defined
  • rooms" and " compartments
  • have virtual l interfaces in the open free-volume region above-operating deck. Only the two steam generator compartments may comply with the '


  • room" or " compartment
  • definition.  !

He chosen segmentation certainly simphfies the model descrrption but care should be exercised to interpret results in the context of  ; these " virtual" rooms.  ! fPage 4-86: 480.728 Figure 4-30 does not show the cylindrical central room, but the south inner-half annulus compartment instead. Figure 4-3I depicts the cyhndrical central iuom but has the inconect figure captions. Figure 4-32 highlights the cylindrical central room but refers to the south inner-half annulus in the figure cagvion. Please conect or seplace these figures. t I Page: 107 Total Records: 640 l

AP600 Opem It:m Tracking System Dat; base: S:mmnry Schedule Dat2: 7/7/97 Selectiost: [w st code]=' Action W' Sorted by DSER Section, Transmit Date NRC Branch and itern number. Item DSER Sectionf ' (W) NRC No. Branch Question Type Coord/ Resp Engineer Title Staus Staus ICP Draft Review Transmit 4762 NRR/SCSB 62.I RAIOl Rarig / Gresham Action W Action W 7/18/97 R AI; WCAP-14407, "WGOTlilC Application to AP600." A. Forgie, et al., Septer aber 1996. SECTION 4. " DESCRIPTION OF WGOTli!C EVALUATION MODEL" This report. WCAP-14407 *WGOTillC APPLICATION TO AP600.* references WCAP-14382 CWGOTitIC Code Description and Validation") as the WGOTliTC code package description and vahdation report. Yt' the AP600 WGOTlf!C model described in this report deviates substantia!1y from what was described and validated in WCAP-14381. Westinghouse has changed its previous approach of simulating the AP600 above-operating deck region with a distributed-pa smeter model to a network oflumped-parameter nodes. This change raises a number of concems regarding consistencies of the new approach, including:

                                                                                                                                                                           - The implementation specifics and computation results for the AP600 containment.
                                                                                                                                                                           - The vahdation basis and comparisons of the clime / distributed-parameter approach versus clime / lumped                                                                                                                                     t arameter approacit
                                                                                                                                                                           - The validation basis and comparisons to experimental data.

All cross section schematics show a nodalization which implies subdivisions in -,as with the distributed parameter approach However, page 4-l clearly states thz the model is a network of nodes. It would have been more conventional and descriptive if these figures presented the model as a " tube-and-tank

  • network of control volumes and flow paths, Above Operating Deck Region in the AP600 Evaluation Model documented in Section 4. all of the computational features of the subdivided, distributed-parameter approach have been eliminated. Lumped-node networks have an inherent hmitsions of averaging local momentum information and predicting zero velocities in the lumped nodes. The computed velocities in the artificial flow ventsAube-tank network are not representative of the velocity distribution in the continuum. In addiritm, the AP600 Evaluation Model has a coarse nodalization for the above-operating deck region, providing only averaged values for large subspaces. In this way,informarion about jet / plume mixing and stratification is lost. This information was previously thought ko be important as an outcome of the PIRT fphenomena identification and ranking table) process Subsections 4.2.12 (page 4-86) through 4.2.32 (page 4-212) Ascribe the above-operating deck internal containment region and its subregions as specified by control volumes and flewpaths which constitute the network oflumped-parameter nodes. In the above deck region.
  • rooms" and " compartments" have a different character as most of the defined " rooms" and %me n* have virtual interfaces in the open free-volume region above-operating deck. Only the two steam generator compartments may comply with the I

traditional " room

  • or " compartment" definition.

The chosen segmentation certainly simplifies the model description but care should be exercised to interpret results in the context of these " virtual" rooms. Page 4-86: 480.729 Why does the number of clime elevations limit the number of vertical segments in the lumped. parameter networt? What physical and/or computed quantity necessitates equal numbers of vertical clime and lumped node network segmentation? Page: 108 Total Records: 840

AP600 Open It;m Tracking System D:t base: S;mm ry Sched:le Datu 7n/97 Selection: [w st code]=* Action W' Sorted by DSER Section. Transmit Date, NRC Branch and item number, n Item DSER Section/ " (W) NRC No. Branch Questior Type Coord/ Resp Engineer Title Sisus Status ICP Draft Review Transmit 4763 NRR/SCSB 6.2.1 RAl-OI Rarig / Gresham Action W Action W 7/l8/97 T RAl; WCAP-14407,"WGOTHIC Application to AP600,* A. I orgie, et al September 1996. SECTION 4.

  • references WCAP-14382 (*WGOT111C Code Description and Validation") as the WGOTHIC code package description and validation report. Yet the AP600 WGOTHIC model desenbed in this report deviates substantially from what was desenbed and validated in WCAP 14382. Westinghouse has changed its previons approach of simulating the AP600 abovegerating deck region with a distnbuted-parameter model to a netwerk oflumped-parameter nodes.

This change raises a number of concerns regarding consistencies of the new approach, including-

                                                                         - The implementation specifics and computation results for the AP600 containment.
                                                                         - The validsson basis and comparisons of the clime /distnbuted-parameter approach versus clime / lumped-parameter approach.
                                                                        - The validation basis and comparisons to experimental data.

All cross section schematics show a nodalization which implies subdivisions in Aw with the distributed parameter approach flowever, page 4-1 clearly states that the model is a network of nodes. It would have been more conventional and descriptive if these figures presented the model as a " tube-and-tank" network of control volumes and flow paths. Above Operating Deck Region in the AP600 Evaluation Model documented in Section 4, all of the computational features of the subdivided, distributed-parameter approach have been climinated. Lun ped-node networks have an inherent limitations of averaging local momentum information and predxting rero velocities in the lumped nodes. The computed velocities in the artificial flow ventshube-tank network are not representative of the velocity distribution in the continuum. In addition, the AP600 Evaluation Model has a coarse nodalization for he abovegerating deck region, providing only averaged values for arge subspaces. In this way. information about jet / plume mixing and stratification is lost. This information was previously thought o be important as an outcome of the PIRT (phenomena identification and ranking tabic) pmcess. Subsections 4.2.12 fpage 4-86) through 4.2.32 (page 4-212) desctibe the above-opersing deck internal containment region and its subregions as specified by control volumes and flowpaths which constitute the network oflumped-parameter nodes. In the above deck region.

  • rooms
  • and " compartments
  • have a dirierent character as most of the defined
  • rooms" and " compartments" have virtual interfaces in the open free-volume region above-operating deck. Only the two steam generator compartments may comply with the traditional
  • room
  • or " compartment" definition.

The chosen segmentation certainly simplifies the model desenprion but care should be exercised to interptet reenirs in the context of these " virtual" reorns. ge 4-86: 30.730 Provide information about connecting junctions

  • elevations for the cylindrical central room =hich are required to eliminate ential cievational differences.

Page: 109 Total Records: 840

AP600 Opea Item Tracking System Database: Summrry Schedule Date: 7/7/97 Selectiott: [w st code]=' Action W' Sorted by DSER Section, Transmit Date NRC Brarch and item number. Item DSER Sectwn/ (W) NRC No Branch Question Type Coord/ Resp Engmeer Title Status Status ICP Draft Review Transmit 4764 NRR/SCSB 6.2.1 RAI-OI Rarig / Gresham Action W Action W 7/18/97 RAI:WCAP-14407,"WGOTHIC Application to AP600,* A. Ibrgie,et al., Septemter 1996, SI3CTION 4.* DESCRIPTION OF WGOTHIC EVALUATION MODEL* This report, WCAP-I4407 *WGOTHIC APPLICATION TO AP600,* references WCAP-14382 (*WGOTHfC Code Description and Validauon") as the WGOTHIC code package description and validation report. Yet the AP600 WGOTHIC model described in this , report deviates substantially from what was descnbed and validate 3 in WCAP-14382. Westinghouse has changed its prevmus  ! approach of simulating the AP600 above-operating deck region with a distributed-parameter model to a network of lumped-parameter nodes. [ This change raises a number of concems regarding consistencies of the new approach, inclading:

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               - The implementatior specifics and computation results for the AP600 containment.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              - The validation basis and comparisons of the clime / distributed-parameter approach versus clime / lumped-parameter approach.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              - The validation basis and comparisons to experimental data.                                                                                                                          '

A!I cross section schematics show a nodalization which inylies subdivisions in ~R with the distributed parameter approach. { However, page 4-1 clearty states that the model is a network of nodes. It would have been more convendonal and descriptive if these

  • figures presented the model as a
  • tube-and4ank" network of control volumes and flow paths.

Above Operating D ck Region  ! In the AP600 Evaluation Model bm..G in Section 4, all of the computational features of the subdivided, distributed-parameter approach have been eliminated. Lumped-node networks have an inherent hmitations of averaging local momentum information and predicting zero velocities in the lumped nodes. The computed velocities in the artificial flow vents / tube 4ank network are not representative of the velocity distribution in the continucm. In addition, the AP600 Evaluation Model has a coarse podalization for the above-operating deck region, providing only averaged values for

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          ;Isrge subspaces. In this way,information about jet / plans: mixing and stratification is lost. This information was previously thought
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           'to be important as an outcome of the PIRT (phenomena identification and ranking table) process.

Sutwections 4.2.12 (page 4-86) through 4.2.32 (page 4-212) describe the above-operating deck intemal containment region and its subregions as specified by control vo!umes and flowpaths which constitute the network oflumped-parameter nodes. In the abow k region," rooms" and " compartments" have a Jifferent character as most of the defined

  • rooms" and " compartments" have virtual
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          ! nterfaces in the open free-volume region above-operating deck. Only the two steam generator compartrnents may comply with raditional " room
  • or % 3 ;.ma" definition.

chosen segmentation certainly simplifies the model description but care should be exercised to interpret results in the context of

these " virtual
  • rcoms.

Page 4-86: 480.731 Justify the selettion of one node in the radial direction for the cylindrical central roorrt 1 i i i l Page- 110 Total Records: P10

t t AP600 Opes Item Tracking System Database: Simm ry Schedile Date: 7#/97 Ch [w st code]=* Action W' Sorted by DSER Section. Transmit Date. NRC Branch and item number. leem DSER Secten/ ' (W) NRC No. Branch Question Type Coord/ Resp Engineer Title Status Staus ICP DraR Review Transmit i 4765 NRR/SCSB 6.2.1 RAIOl Rarig / Gresham Action W Action W 7/18/97 RAl: WCAP-14407.*WGOTHIC Application M AP600.* A. Forgie,et al September 1996. SECTION 4.* DESCRIPTION OF WGOTHIC EVALUATION MODEL" This report. WCAP-14407 "WGOTHIC AIPLICATION TO AP600." references WCAP-14382 (*WGOTHIC Code Desenprion and Validation") as the WGOTHIC code package desenprion and validation report. Yet the AP600 WGOTHIC model desenhed in this report deviates substantially from whm was desenbed and validated in WCAP-I4382. Wei A has changed ts previous appmach of simulating the AP600 above-operating deck region with a distnbuted-parameter model to a network oflumped-parameter nodes. This change raises a number of concems regarding consistencies of the new approach including:

                                                                                                                    - Tiie implementation specifics and computation reschs for the AP600 -                                                                                                                                                                                        .

4 - The validation basis and cc..,._ L.vos of the clime /distnbuted parameter approach versus clime / r --.m approach.

                                                                                                                    - The validsson basis and (c..,._ oo-s to expenmental data.

All cross section schematics show a nodalization which implies subdivisions in accordance with the distributed parameter approach. However page 4-1 clearly states that the model is a network of nodes. It would have been niore conventional and descriptive if these figures presented the model as a " tube-and4ank* network of control volumes and flow paths. Above Operating Deck i egion ) In the AP600 Evaluation Model A..m AJ in Section 4. all of the computational feannes of the subdivided, distributed-parameter approach have been eliminmed. Lumped =iode networks have an inherent limitations of averaging local ..~..- _ information and icting zero velocities in the lumped nodes. He computed velocities in the artificial flow vents / tube-tank netwask are not ative of the velocity distribution in the continuum. In addition, the AP600 Evaluation Model has a coarse nodalization for above-operating deck region, providing only averaged wahses for

                                                                                                                 !l arge subspeces. In this way,information about jet / plume inixing and stratificanon is lost. This information was perviously thought to be important as an outcome of the PIMT(/~.- identification and ranking table) promss.

Subsectinns 4112 fpage 4-86) through 4.2.32 (page 4-212) desenbe the above. operating deck ineernal containment region and its subregions as specified by control volumes and flowpaths which constitute the network of lumped-parameter nodes. In the above deck region.

  • rooms" and " compartments
  • have a different character as most of the defined " rooms" and b..,* have virtual interfaces in the open free-volume region above-operating deck. Only the two steam generator compartrnents rney comply with the  !


  • room
  • or "u ..,-m.a* definition.

The chosen segmentmion certainly simplifies the model descnprion but care should be exercised to interpret resuks in the coneemt of these

  • virtual
  • rooms.


                                                                                                                'Page 4-86:

480.732 Provide information on how artificial flow patterns are suppressed in the single radial node model for the cylindrical central room,especially considering the fact that the DR A-lACA is as,.... k l y positioned in one of the SG _- .. .Js. i Page: 111 Total Records: 840 u _ _ . . . . _ . _ . _ - ~ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ m_.____ - . _ _ _ _ _ . _.m__ _ _ _ _2._.-.__., _ .___ _ _ _ _ _ ...m- _ . . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ . _ . _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . . . _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _

AP600 Opea Item Tracking System Database: S mm ry Sched11e pat;: 7/7/97 Selection: [w st code]=' Action W' Sorted by DSER Section, Transmit Date, NRC Branch and item numter. Item DSER Section/ ' (w) NRC _ l No. Branch Question Type Coord/ Resp Engineer Title ICP Status Status Draft Review Tre mt 4766 NRR/SCSB 6.2.1 RAI-OI Rarig / Gresham Action W Action W 7/18/97 [RAl: WCAP-14407, *WGOTillC Application to AP600,* A. Forgie,et al., September 1996, SECTION 4

  • DESCRIPTION OF WGOTillC EVALUATION MODEL" His report. WCAP-14407 "WGOTillC APPLICATION TO AP600,* references WCAP-14382 ("WGOTillC Code Description and Validstion") as the WGOTillC code package description and validation report. Yet the AP600 WGOTitlC model descnbed in this report deviates substantially from what was desenbed and vahdated in WCAP-14382. Westinghouse has changed its previous approach of simularmg the AP600 above-operating deck region with a distributed-parameter model to a network oflumped-parameter nodes.

His change raises a number of concerns regarding consistencies of the new approach, including:

                                                                            - De implementation specifics and computation resuits for the AP600 containment.
                                                                            - The validation basis and comparisons of the clime /dntnbuted-parameter approach versus clime / lumped-parameter approach.
                                                                            - The validation basis aad m as to esperimental data.

All cross section schematics show a nodalization which irnphes subdivisions in accor&nce with the distributed parameter approach

                                                                          ,Ilowever, page 4-1 clearly states that the model is a netnork of nodes. It would have been more conventional and descriptive if these figures presented the model as a " tube-and-tank" network of control volumes and flow paths.

Above Operating Deck Region in the AP600 Evaluation Model documented in Section 4, all of the computational features of the subdivided, distnbuted-parameter approach have been climinated. Lumped-node networks have un inherent limitations of averaging local momentum information and predicting zero velocities in the lumped nodes. De computed velocities in the artificial flow ventshube-tank network are not representative of tle velocity distribution in the continuum. In addition, the AIYOO Evaluation Model has a coarse nodalization for the above+perating deck region, providing only averaged values for large subspaces. In this way, information about jet / plume mixing and stratification is lost. His information was previously thought fo te important as an outcome of the P!RT (phenomena identification and ranking table) process. Subsections 4.2.12 (page 4-86) through 4.2.32 (page 4-212) desenbe the above+perating deck internal containment region and its fsubregions as specified by control volumes and flowpaths which constitute the network oflumped-parameter ideck region.

  • rooms" and " compartments
  • have a different character as most of the defined " rooms" and " compartments" have virtual interfaces in the open free-volume region above-operating deck. Only the two steam generator compartments may comply with the traditional " room" or " compartment" definition.

The chosen segmentation certainly simplifies the model description but care should be exercised to interpret results in the context of these " virtual

  • rooms.

Page 4-86: 480.733 In Table 4-I, Volume 9 is listed as having a pool area of 706.5 ft2. Ilowever the subsequent volumes, Volumes 10,11 and

12. do not have horizontal conductor surfaces or pool surfaces for condensation. Why are pool surface areas listed for these volumes?

Page: 112 Total Records: 840

i AP600 Open Item Tracking System Database: Summtry Schedtle Datz: 7/1/97 i Selection: (w st codej=* Action W* Sorted by DSER Section. Transmit Date, NRC Branch and item number. I Item DSER Sectionf (W) NRC No. Branch Question Type Coord/ Resp Engineer Title Staus Status ICP Draft Review Transnut 4767 NRR/SCSB 611 RAI.OI Rarig / Gresham Action W Action W 7/18/97 RAl: WCAP-14407 *WGOTHIC Application to AP600

  • A. Forgie, et al., September 1996. SECGON 4. " DESCRIPTION OF l WGOTHIC EVALUATION MODEL*

This report. WCAP-14407 *WGOTHIC APPLICATION TO AP600,* references WCAP-14382 (*WGOTHIC Coie Desenption and . [ Validation") as the WG01 HIC code package description and validation report. Yet the AP600 WGOTHIC model desenbed in this ' report deviates substantially from what was described and validated in WCAP-14382. Westinghouse has changed its previous l approach of simulating the AP600 above.cperating deck region with a distributed-partneter snodel to a network oflumped-parameter nodes. This change raises a number of concerns regarding consistencies of the new approach, including:

                                                                                                                                - The :..,1.. ..wion specifics ashd computation resuks for the AP600 containment.                                                     !
                                                                                                                                - The validation basis and comparisons of the clime / distributed-parameter approach versus clime /lumpedtarameter approach.
                                                                                                                                - The validation basis and comparisons to experimental data.

All cross section schematics show a nodalization which implies subdivisions in accordance with the distnbuted parameter approach. However, page 41 clearly states that the modelis a network of nodes. It would have been more conventional and descriptive if these figures presented the model as a

  • tube-and4ank" network of control volumes and flow paths.

Above Operating Deck Region In the AP600 Evaluation Model documented in Section 4, all of the computational features of the subdivided, distributed-parameter approach have been eliminated. Lumped-node networks have an inherent lirrutations of averaging local mornentum information and

                                                                                                                              . predicting zero velocities in the lumped nodes. The computed velocities in the artificial flow vents /tabe-tank network are not representative of the velocity distribution in the continuum. In addition, the AP600 Evaluation Model has a coarse nodalization for the aboveeperating deck region. providing only averaged values for                                                                     i gl arge subspaces. In this way,information about jet / plume mixing and stratification is lost. This information was previously thought +

lo be important as an outcome of the PIRT (phenomena identification and ranking table) process, i Subsections 4.2.'? (page 4-86) through 4.2.32 fpage 4-212) desenhe the above-operating deck internal containment region and its subregions as specified by control volumes and flowpaths which constitute the network of lumped-parameter nodes. In the above deck region,"runms* and " compartments

  • have a different character as vnost of the defined
  • rooms" and *(c.' have virtual interfaces in the open free-volume region above-operating deck. Only the two steam generator compartenents rnay comply with the traditional
  • room
  • or " compartment" definition.

The chosen segmentation certainly simplifies the raodel description but care should be exercised to interpret results in the context of [ these

  • virtual" rooms.

Page 4-86: 480.734 Why have the hydraulic diameters for volumes 11 and 12 values of 1000.00 while Volume 10 has a value of only 74.517 I 4 t i i t i 6 i Page: 113 Total Records: 840

AP600 Open Item Tracking System Datchase: Sumnery Schedule Data: 7/7/97 Selection: [w st code]=* Action W' Sorted by DSER Section. Transmit Date, NRC Branch and item number. Item DSER Section/ (W) NRC No. Branch Question Type Coord/ Resp Engineer Title Status Status ICP Draft Review Transmit 4768 NRR/SCSB 6.2 i RAl-OI Rarig / Gresham Action W Action W 7/18/97

                                                                           ' rat: WCAP-14407,"WGOTillC Application to AP600," A. Forgie, et al., September 1996,50CTION 4 *DESCRIPT10N OF WGOTillC EVALUATION MODEL" This report WCAP-I4407 "WGOTHIC APPLICATION TO AP600," references WCAP-14382 ("WGOTitlC Code Description and Validation") as the WGOTIIIC code package desenption and validation report. Yet the AP600 WGOTHIC model desenbed in this report deviates substantially from what was described and validated in WCAP-14382. Westinghouse has changed its previous approach of simulating the AP600 above-operating deck region with a distributed-parameter model to a network oflumped-parameter nndes.

This change raises a number of concerns regarding consistencies of the new approach. including:

                                                                            - The implementation specifics and computation results for the AP600 containment.
                                                                            - The validation basis and comparisons of the clime / distributed-parameter approach versus climeAumped-parameter approach.
                                                                            - The validation basis and comparisons to experimental data.

All cross section schematics show a nodalization which implies subdivisions in n J with the distnbuted parameter approach gilowever, page 4-1 clearly states that the rnodel is a network of nodes. It would have been more conventional and desenprive if these

                                                                          ' figures presented the model as a " tube-andaank" network of control volumes and flow paths.

Above Operating Deck Region in the AP600 Evaluation Model documented in Section 4 all of the computational featwes of the subdivided, distributed parameter approach have been eliminated. Lumped-node networks have an inherent linutations of averaging local momentum information and predicting zero velocities in the lumped nodes. The computed velocities in the artificial flow wntsAube-tank network are not representative of the velocity distribution in the continuunt In addition, the AP600 Evaluation Model has a coarse nodalization for the above-operatirag deck region, providing only averaged values for large sub9eces. In this way,information about jet / plume mixing and stratification is loct. This information was previously thought to be important as an outcome of the P!RT (phenomena identification and ranking table) pmcess. Subsections 4.2.12 (page 4-86) through 4.232 (page 4-212) desenbe the above-operating deck internal containment region and its subregions as specified by control volumes and flowpaths which constitute the network of lumped-parameter nodes. In the above deck region. " rooms" and " compartments" have a different character as inoct of the defined " rooms" and " compartments" have virtual iederfaces in the open free-volume region above-operating deck. Only the two steam generator compartments may comply with the traditional

  • room" or "compartrnent" definition.

The chosen segmentation certainly simplifies the model description but care should be exercised to interpret results in the context of these " virtual" rooms. iPage 4-86: l480.735 Why does the cylindrical central room not extent up to the AP600 steel shell in the axial direction? Page: 114 Total Records: 840

AP600 Open Item Tracki;g System Dattbase: Summ:ry Schedule Date: 7/7/97 Selectiota: [w st code]=' Action W' Sorted by DSER Section, Transmit Date, NRC Branch and item number. hem DSER Sectwn/ # " (W) NRC No. Branch Question Type Coord/ Resp Engineer Title Status Status ICP Draft Review Transnnt 4769 NRR/SCSB L2.1 RAl-O! Rarig / Gresham #ction W Action W 7/lR/97 R AI. WCAP-14407, *WGOTIIIC Application to AP600

  • A. Forgie, et al., September 1996. SECTMN 4.

This report. WCAP-I4407 *WGOTHIC APPLICATION TO AP600." references WCAP-14382 (*WG3THIC Code Description and Validation") as the WGOTillC code package description and validation report Yet the AP600 WGO THIC model described in this report deviates substantially from what was described and validated in WCAP-14382. Westinghouse us changed its previous approach of simulating the AP600 above-operating deck region with a distributed-parameter model to e network oflumped-parameter nodes. This change raises a number of concems regarding consistencies of the new approach, including:

                                                                             - The implementation specifics and computation results for the AP600 containtnent.

The validation basis and comparisons of the clime / distributedtarameter approach versus clime / lumped-parameter approach.

                                                                             - The validation basis and comparisons to experimental data.

All cross section schematics show a nodalization which imphes subdivisions in w J mi with the distributed parameter approach. 110 wever, page 4-1 clearly states that the model is a network of nodes. It would have been more conventional and deseniptive if these figures presented the model as a " tube-and-tank" network of control volumes and flow pG. Above Operating Deck Region In the AP600 Evaluation Model documented in Section 4. all of the cornputational features of the subdivided, distributed-parameter approach have been eliminated. Lumped-node networks have an inherent limitatione of averaging local rnonctum information and icting zero velocities in the lumped nodes. The computed velocities in the artificial flow vents / tube-tank ne6 work are not stive of the velocity distribution in the continuum. In addition, the AP600 Evaluation Model has a coarse nMalization for he above-operating deck region, providmg only averaged values for large subspaces. In this way,information about jet / plume mixing and stratification is lost. This information was previously thought to be important as an outcome of the PIRT(phenomena identification and ranking table) process. Subsections 4.2.12 (page 4-86) through 4.2.32 (page 4-212) desenbe the above-operating deck internal containment region and its subregions as specified by control volumes and flowpaths which constitute the network oflumped-parameter nodes. In the above deck region.

  • rooms" and " compartments" have a different character as most of the dermed
  • rooms" and " compartments
  • have virtual interfaces in the open free-volume region above-operating deck. Only the two steam generator compartments may comply with the traditional
  • room
  • or b.W._.J" definition.

The chosen segmentation certainly simplifres the model description but care should be exercised to interpret results in the content of these " virtual" rooms. Page 4-86: 480.736 Why have all the forward (and reverse) loss coefficients been set to zero in the last column of Table 4-2? This is certainly incorrect for Flowpath I (WGOTHIC Flowpath Number 13) which, on page 4-73, has values of 1.5 for the forward and reverse loss coefficients. Furthermore, the table entries for the bottom elevation for this flowpath differ by 0.2 ft between page 4-73 and Table 4-2 [page 4-87). Please explain and correct any necessary text. i i Page: 115 Total Records: 840 _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ - - _ _ _ - _ - _ - . _ - _ _ - - , -- - _ x a - -- ---

AP600 Open It;m Tracking System Dat base: S mmary Sched11e Date: 7/7/97 Selection: [w st code]=' Action W' Sorted by DSER Section. Transmit Date, NRC Branch and item number. Item DSER Section/ (W) NRC No. Branch Question Type Coord/ Resp Engineer Title States Staus ICP Draft Review Transmit 4770 NRR/SCSB 6.2.1 RA14H Rarig / Gresham Action W Action W 7/18/97 mal: WCAP-14407,"WGOTillC Application to Al%00," A. Forgie, et al September 1996, SECTION 4. " DESCRIPTION OF WGOTTIIC EVALUATION MODEL" This report. WCAP-14407 *WGOTillC APPLICATION TO AP600," references WCAP-14382 ("WGOTHIC Code Description and Validation") as the WGOTitIC code package desenprion and validation report. Yet the AP600 WGOT111C model desenbed in this report desia'es substantially fmm what was described and validated in WCAP-14382. Westinghouse has changed its previous appmach of simularing the AP600 above-operating deck region with a distributed-parameter model to a networt oflumped-parameter

                                                                             , nodes.

Es change raises a number of concerns regarding consistencies of the new appmach, including-

                                                                              - The implementation specifics and computation results for the AP600 containnent.
                                                                              - The validation basis and comparisons of the clime / distributed-parameter appmach versus clime /lemped-parameter approach.
                                                                              - The validation basis and comparisons to experimental data.

All cmss section schematics show a nodalization which implies subdivisions in accordance with the distributed parameter appmach. However, page 4-1 clearly states that the model is a network of nodes. It would have been more conventional and descriptive if these figures pres nted the model as a " tube-and4ank" network of control volumes and flow paths. Above Operating Deck Region In the Al%00 Evaluation Model documented in Section 4, all of the computational features of the subdivided, distributed-parameter approach have been eliminated. Lumped-node networks have an inherent limitations of averaging local momentum information and predicting zero velocities in the lumped nodes. The computed velocities in the artificial flow vents / tube-tank network are not representative of the velocity distribution in the continuum. In addition, the AP600 Evaluation Model has a coarse nodalization for the above-operating deck region, pmviding only averaged values for large subspaces. In this way,information about jet / plume mixing and stratification is lost. This information was previously thought to be importard as an outcome of the PIRT (phenomena identificaten and ranking table) process. Subsections 4.2.12 fpage 4-86) through 4.2.32 (page 4-212) desenbe the above-operating deck internal wm_. .. ..t region and its subregions as specified by control volumes and flowpaths which constitute the network oflumped-paranrter nodes. In the above l deck region.

  • rooms" and " compartments
  • have a different character as most of the defined " morns" and " c interfaces in the open free-volume region above-ogerating deck. Only the two steam generator compartments may comply with the kraditional " room" or " compartment" definition.

The chosen segmentation certainly simphfies the model description but car

  • should be exercised to interpret resuhs in the context of these " virtual" rooms.

Page 4-86: 480.737 Explain what flowpaths 2-lower and 2-upper,5-lower and 5-upper and 10-lower and 10-upper mean. Page: 116 Total Records: 840

t t t AP600 Open item Tracking System Dat base: SrmmIry Schedule Data: 7/7/97 ' Selection: [w st code]=' Action W' Sorted by DSER Section. Transmit Date NRC Branch and item number.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        'I +

Item DSER Sechont (W) NRC No. Banch Typ: Coord/ Resp Engineer Title Quesnon Staus Samus ICP DmR Review Tansenet  ! 4771 NRR/SCSB 6.2.1 RAl-OI Rarig / Gresham Action W Action W 7/I8/97 ;j R Al: WCAP-14407,"WGOTHIC Application to AP600,* A. Forgie, et al., Sepoember 1996, SECTION 4,


This report, WCAP-14407 *WGOTHIC APPLICATION TO AP600," references WCAP-14382 ("WGOTHIC Code Desenpnon and Validation") as the WGOTHIC code package desenphon and validation report. Yet the AP600 WGOTHIC model desenbed in this  ! report deviates substantially from what was described and valioated in WCAP-14382. Westinghouse has changed its previous approach of simulating the AP600 above-operating deck region with a distnbased-parameter model to a network oflumped-parameter i nodes. This change raises a number of concerns regarding consistencies of the new approach, including: i

                                                                                                      - The implementation specifics and computation reschs for the AP600 u- -                                                                                                                             ,
                                                                                                      - The validwion basis and compensons of the clime /distnbuted parameter approach versus cIM _                                                                      , " parameter approach.           -
                                                                                                      - The validation basis and compensons to experimental data.

{* All cross section schemancs show a nodalization which implies subdivisions in accordance with the disenbased parameser approach. However, page 4-1 clearly stases that the model is a network of nodes. It would have been more conventional and desenptive if these ' figures prewnted the model as a " tube-and-tank" network of control volumes and flow paths. 6 Above Operstmg Deck Region  ; in the AP600 Evaluation Model documented in Section 4, all of the - ' features of the subdivided, distributed-pararnecer approach have been eliminased. Lumped-node networks have an inherent limitations of averagmg local .. infonnation and  ! prechenng zero velocities in the lumped nodes. The computed velocities in the artificial flow ventshube-tank network are not representative of the velocity distnbution in the continuum. In addinon, the AP600 Evalumnon Model has a coene nodahzation for , the above-operating deck region, providing only averaged values for { large subspaces. In this way,information about jet / plume mixing and stratification is lost. This infonnenon was previously thought t to be important as an outcome of the PIRT (phenomena identification and ranking table) process-  ; Subsections 4.2.12 (page 4-86) through 4.232 (page 4-212) desenbe the above-operateg deck internal contamrnent segion and its subregions as specified by control volumes and flowpaths which constitute the network oflumped-parameter nodes. In the above - i deck region.

  • rooms
  • and b..,-. as' have a different character as most of the defined
  • rooms" and L.., :.. .as' have virtual

[ interfaces in the open free-volume region abovegerating deck Only the two steam generator-- ,__... .e may comply with the v traditional " room

  • or " compartment
  • definition.

The chosen negmentmion certainly simplifies the model description but care should be exercised to interpset resuhs in the context of thesc " virtual

  • moms.

Page 4-86: i 480.738 Why have Flowpaths 19 and 21 no lower and upper entries? Why are there no further entries in TaNe 4-2 for the " upper * [ flow perhs? L f i t t

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        .I L

I t t i Page: 117 Total Records: 840 [ i i

AP600 Open Item Tracktg System Dat' base: Summrry Schedule Dat2: 7/7/97 Selection: [w st code]=' Action W' Sorted by DSER Section Transmit Date, NRC Branch and item number. Item DSER Section/ (W) NRC No. Branch Question Type Coord/ Resp Engineer Title Status Status ICP Draft Review Transmit 4772 NRR/SCSB 62.1 RAI-OI Rarig / Gresham Action W Action W 7/l8/97 RAI; WCAP-14407, *WGOTillC Application to AI%00," A. Ibrgie, et al., September 1996, SECTION 4 "DESCRIIFf10N OF WGOTHIC EVALUATION MODEL" This report, WCAP-14407 "WGOTil!C APPLICATION TO AP600," references WCAP-14382 ("WGOTHIC Code Descri;%m and Vahdation") as the WGOTillC code package description and validation report. Yet the AP600 WGOTHIC model desenbed in this report deviates substantially from what was desenbed and validated in WCAP-14382. Westinghouse has changed its previous approach of simulating the AP600 above-operating deck region with a distnbuted-parameter model to a network oflumped-parameter nodcs. This change raises a number of concerns regarding consistencies of the new approach, including-

                                                                            - The implementation specifics and computation results for the AP600 containment.
                                                                            - The vahdation basis and comparisons of the clime / distributed-parameter approach versus clime / lumped-parameter approach.
                                                                            - The validation basis and comparisons to experimental data.

All cross section schematics show a nodalization which implies subdivisions in Ama.d with the distributed parameter approach. Ilowever, page 4-1 clearly states that the model is a network of nodes. It would have been more <mnventional and descriptive if these figures presented tle model as a " tube-and-tank

  • network of control volumes and flow paths.

Above Operating Deck Region In the AP600 Evaluation Model documented in Section 4, all of the computational features of the subdivided, distributed-parameter approach have been eliminated. Lurpped-node networks have an inherent limitarions of averaging local momentum information and predicting zero velocities in the lumped nodes. The computed velocities in the artificial flow vents / tube-tank network are not representative of the velocity distribution in the continuunt In addition, the AP600 Evaluation Model has a coarse nodalization for the above+perating deck region, providing only averaged values for il arge subspaces. In this way,information about jet / plume mixing and stratification is lost. This information was previously thought

                                                                          'to be important as an outcome of the P RT (phenomena identification and ranking table) process.

Sutnections 4.2.12 (page 4-86) through 4.2.32 (page 4-212) describe the above-operating deck internal containment region and its subregions as specified by control volumes and flowpaths which constitute the network oflumped-parameter nodes. In the above deck region. " rooms" and " compartments" have a different character as most of the defined " rooms" and " compartments

  • have virtual interfaces in the open free-volume region above-operating deck. Only the two steam generator compartments may comply with the raditional " room" or " compartment
  • definition.

The chosen segmentation certainly simphfies the model description but care should be exercised to interpret results in the context of these " virtual" rooms. Page 4-86: 480.739 Explain why the " free" Volumes 10,1I, anu ? are modeled as mm with " virtual" flows, thereby necessitating the need for the modeling approach for verticaljunction connterions as desenbed in the GOTIIIC version 4.0 u=cr manual (Page 16-6). Page: I18 Total Records: 840

AP600 Opea Item Tracking System Database: Summ ry Schedule Dat2: 7#/97 Selectiost: [w st code]=' Action W* Sorted by DSER Section, Transmit Date, NRC Branch and item number. Item DSER Section/ (W) NRC No. ' Branch Question Type Coord/ Resp Engince" Title Status Status ICP Draft Review Transmit 4773 NRR/SCSB 6.2.1 RAI-Of Rarig / Gresham Action W Action W 7/18/97 R Al: WCAP-14407. *WGOTHIC Application to AP600,* A. Forgie,et al, September 1996 SECTION 4. "DESCRifTION OF WGOTHIC EVALUATIGN MODEL" This report. WCAP-14407 *WGOTHIC APPLICATION TO AP600

  • references WCAP-14382 ("WGOTHIC Code Description and Validation") as the WGOTHIC code package description and validation report. Yet the AP600 WGO1111C model desenbed in this report deviates substantially from what was described and validated in WCAP-14382. Westinghouse has changed its previous approach of simulating the AP600 above-operating deck region with a dtstributedprameter model to a network oflumped-parameter nodes.

This change raises a number of concerns regarding of the new approach, including: .

                                                                                                                                  - The impicmentation specifics and computation results for the AP600 containment.                                                                            !
                                                                                                                                  - He validation basis and compansons of the clime / distributed-parameter approach versus clime / lumped-parameter approach.                                 !
                                                                                                                                  - The validation basis and comparisons to experimental data.

All cross section whematics show a nodalization which implies subdivisions in w h with the distributed parameter approach. However, page 4-1 clearly states that the modelis a network of nodes. It would have been more conventional and descriptive if these figures presented the model as a "tuhe-and-tank" network of control volumes and flow paths. Above Operating Deck Region In the AP600 Evaluation Model documented in Section 4. all of the computational features of the subdivided, distritmtedfarameter approach have been eliminated. l uroped-node networks have an inherent limitations of averaging local momentum information and , predicting zero velocities in the lumped nodes. The computed velocities in the artificial flow sentshube4ank network are not

                                                                                                                                  .w.m w;ve of the velocity distribution in the continuum. In addition, the AP600 Evaluation Model has a conne nodalization for the above-operating deck region, providing only averaged values for gl arge subspaces. In this way,information about jet / plume mising and stratiikation is lost. This information was previously thought to be important as an outcome of the PIRT (phenomena identification and ranking table) process.

Sebsections 4.2.12 (page 4-86) through 4.2.32 (page 4-2I2) desenbe the above-operating deck internal containment region and its subregions as rpecified by control volumes and flowpaths which constitute the network oflumped-parameter nodes. In the above deck region. " rooms" and

  • compartments" have a ditTerent character as most of the defined " rooms" and " compartments
  • have virtual  ;

interfaces in the open free-voleme region shove-operating deck. Only the two steam generator compartments may comply with the  ; traditional " room" or "conpartment" definition. The chosen segmentation certainly simplifies the model description but care should be exercised to interpret results in the context of these " virtual" rooms.

Page 4-86:

480.740 De GOTHIC 4 0 user manual recommends two paralleljunctions in order to properly account for buoyancy driven flows. l The GOTHIC 4.0 user manual also states: *When it is clear that buoyancy forces will not influence the flow, then wall openings can be modeled with a singlejunction." Justify the use of only one honzontal flow path to connect the cylindncal central room with its i neighboring control volumes at each elevation. Please consider all phases of the transient. i l i P P ge: 119 Total Records: 840 7

AP600 Open It m Tracking System Database: Summary Schedile Date: 7/7/97 Selection: [w st code]=' Action W' Sorted by DSER Section, Transmit Date, NRC Branch and item number. Item DSER Section/ (W) # NRC No. Branch Question Type Coord/ Resp Engineer Title Status Status ICP Draft Review Transnut 4774 NRR/SCSB 62.1 RAl-OI Rarig / Gresham Action W Action W 7/18/97 lR AI: WCAP-14407,"WGOTHIC Application to AP600," A. Forgie, et al., Sepember 1996, SECTION 4. " DESCRIPTION OF WGOTHIC EVALUA110N MODEL" This report, WCAP-14407 "WGOTHIC APPLICATION TO AP600 " references WCAP-14382 ("WGOTHIC Code Description and Validation") as the WGOTillC code package description and validation report. Yet the AP600 WGOTillC model described in this 1eport deviates substantially from ahat was desenbed and validated in WCAP-14382. Westinghouse has changed its previous approach of simulating the AP600 above-operating deck region with a distributed-parameter model to a network oflumped.pararneter nodes. This change raises a number of concerns regarding consistencies of the new approach, including:

                                                                            - The implementation specifics and computation results for the AP600 containment.
                                                                            - The validation basis and comparisons of the clirne/ distributed-parameter approach versus clime / lumped-parameter approach.

The validation basis and comparisons to expenrnental data. All eross section schematics show a nodalization which implies subdivisions in accordance with the distnbuted parameter approach. However, page 4-I clearly states that the model is a network of nodes. It woult . ve been rnare conventional and descriptive if these figures presented the model as a " tube-and4ank" network of control volumes ad .wr paths. Above Operating Deck Region in the AP600 Evaluation Model documented in Section 4, all of the computational features of the subdivided, distributed-parameter approach have been eliminated. Lumped-node networks have an inherent limitations of averaging local momentum information and

                                                                          , predicting zero velocities in the lumped nodes. The computed velocities in the artificial flow vents / tube-tank network a e not
                                                                          ! representative of the velocity distribution in the continuum. In addition, the AP600 Evaluation Model has a coarse nodalization for fthe above-operating deck region, providing only averaged values for llarge subspaces. In this way,information about jet / plume mixing and stratification is lost.1his information was previously thought jto be important as an outcome of the PIRT (phenomena identification and ranking table) process.

Subsections 4.2.I2 (page 4-86) through 4.2.32 (page 4-212) desenbe the above-operating deck internal containment region and its l subregions as specified by control volumes and flowpaths which constitute the network oflumped-parameter n deck region,

  • rooms" and " compartments" have a different character as most of the defined " rooms" and " compartments" have v'rtual interfaces in the open free-volume region above-operating deck. Only the two steam generator compartments may comply with the traditional " room" or "compartrnent* definition.

The chosen segmentation certainly simplifies the rnodel description but care should be exercised to interpret results in the context of these " virtual" rooms. Page 4-86: Are there any conductors at the left and right side boundaries (steam generator compartments) of Volumes 9,10 and ll? l480.741 As shown in Figure 4-31. Volune 9 should be bounded by conductors at lower elevations. Pcge: 120 Total Records: 8-10

                                                                                                                                   ---               _ _ ~ _ . _ . -                        . . _ = - - . _ _ _ - - . .                            . - . . . - -           . -

AP600 Open Item Tracking System Database: SImm ry Schedule Dat : 7/7/97 Selectiem [w st code]=' Action W* Sorted by DSER Section. Transmit Date, NRC Branch and item number. hem DSER Sectionf l (W) NRC No. Branch Question Type Coord/ Resp Engmeer Title Starus Status ICP Draft Review Transrnit 4775 NRR/SCSB 611 RAICI Rarig / Gresham Action W Action W 7/I8/97

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               -f RAl: WCAP.14407, "WGOmlC Application to AP600,* A. Forgie, et al., September 1996, SECTION 4. "DESCRil'flON OF WGOTHIC EVALUA110N MODB ~                                                                                                                          j This report WCA *-I4407 *WGOmlC APPLICATION TO AP600." seferences WCAP-14382 ("WGCTHIC Code Description and Validation") as the WGOTHIC code package description and validation report. Yet the AP600 WGOTHIC model desenbed in this report deviates substantially from what was described and validated in WCAP-14382. Westinghouse has changed its previous approach of simulating the AP600 aboveeperating deck region with a distnbuted-parameter enodel to a network oflumped-pararnecer nodes.

This change raises a number of concerns regarding consistencies of the new approach, including-

                                                                                                                             - 1he implementmion specifics and computation resuks for the AP600 containment.
                                                                                                                             - The validwion basis and comparisons of the clime > distributed-parameter appmach versus climv. 4 parameter approach.
                                                                                                                             - The validation basis and compensons to experirnental data.

All cross section schematics show a nodalization which implies subdivisions in accordance with the distnbuted paramreer approach. However, page 4-1 clearly states that the model is a network of nodes. k would have been more conventional and desenptive if these figures presented the model as a " tube-and-tank" network of control volumes and flow paths. Above Operming Deck Region in the AP600 Evaluation Model da--aeed in Section 4, all of the computational features of the subdivided, disenbuted parameter approach have been eliminated. Lumped-node networts have an inherent limitations of averaging local momentum information and  ; predicting zero velocities in the lumped nodes. The computed velocities in the artificial flow vents / tube-tank network are not representative of the velocity distribution in the continuum. In addition, the AP600 Evaluation Model has a coarse nadalization for the aboveeperstmg deck region, providing only averaged values for

large subspaces. In this way,information about jet / plume mixing and stratification is lost. This infonnation was previously thought ,

ko be important as an ouecome of the PfRT (phenomena identification and ranking table) process.  ; Subsections 4.2.12 frage 4-86) through 4.232 (page 4-212) desenbe the above-operating deck internal containment region and its i subregions as specified by control volumes and flowpaths which constitute the network of lumped-parameter nodes. In the above deck region.

  • rooms" and " .r.m L" have a different character as rnost of the defined
  • rooms
  • ar<l %.,_was* have virtual interfaces in the open free-volume region above-operating deck. Only the two steam generator , -- -- - may comply with the traditional " room
  • or " compartment" definition. ,

The chosen segmentation certainly simplifies the model description but care should be exercised to inserpret resehs in the context of these

  • virtual" rooms.

Page 4-95: 480.742 What is meant by *as radial movement extends outward from the center .* (Same phrase occus in all other descriptions)? What is moving? I l i


Page: 121 Total Records- 840 ]

AP600 Opes item Tracking System Dathase: S1mmary Schedrie Date: 7/7/97 Selection: [w st code]=' Action W' Sorted by DSER Section. Transmit Date, NRC Branch and item number. hem DSER Sectionf ' (W) NRC l No. Branch Question Type Coord/Itesp Engineer Title Status Status ICP Draft Review Transmit 4776 NRR/SCSB 62.1 RAI-OI Rarig / Gresham Action W Action W 7/I8/97 lRAI: WCAP-14407, *WGOTHIC Application to AP600,* A. Forgie, et al., September 1996, SECTION 4," DESCRIPTION OF WGOTillC EVALUAT10N MODEL" This report.WCAP-14407 "WGOTIIIC APPLICATION TO AP600,* references WCAP-14382 (*WGOTillC Code bescription and Validation *) as the WGOTHIC code package descrrption and validation report. Yet the AP600 WGOTHIC model described in this report deviates sAtantially from what was described and validated in WCAP.14382. Westinghouse has changed its previous approach of simulating the AP600 above-operating deck region with a distributed-parameter model to a network c?Inmped-parameter nodes. This change raises a number of concerns negardmg consistencies of the new approach,includmg:

                                                                                                                                                  - The implementation specifics and computation resuhs for the AP600 containment.
                                                                                                                                                  - The validation basis and comparisons of the clime / distributed-parameter approach versus clime / lumped-parameter approach.
                                                                                                                                                  - The validation basis and comparisons to experimental data.

All cross section schematics show a nodalization uhich innplies subdivisions in smh with the distributed parameter approach However, page 4-1 clearly states that the model is a network of nodes. It would have been more conventional and descriptive if these figures presented the model as a " tube-and-tank

  • neta'ork of control volumes and flow paths.

fAbove Operating Deck Region in the AP600 Evahration Model documented in Section 4, a!! of the computational features of the subdivided, distributed-parameter pproach have been eliminated. Lumped-node networks have an inherent limitations of averaging local momentum information and predicting zero velocities in the lumped nodes. The computed velocities in the artiGrial flow vents / tube-tank network are not representative of the velocity distribution in the continuum. in addition, the AP600 Evaluation Model has a coarse nodalization for the above-operating deck region, providing only tver* gal values for

                                                                                                                                                .large subspaces. In this way,infonnation about pt/ plume mixing and stratification is lost. This information was previously thought o be irnportant as an outcome of the PIRT (phenomena identification and ranking table) process.

Subsections 4.2.12 (page 4-86) through 4.2.32 (page 4-212) describe the above-operating deck internal containment region and its subregions as specified by control volumes and flowpaths ahich consterute the network oflumped-parameter nodes. In the above bk region.

  • rooms" and " compartments" have a different character as most of the defined " rooms
  • and
  • compartments" h
                                                                                                                                                ! interfaces in the open free-volume region above-operating deck. Only the two steam generator compartments may comply with the
                                                                                                                                                ! traditional
  • room
  • or bwL.-.a* definition.

Th- chosen segmentation certainly simplifies the rnodel description but care should be exercised to interpret results in tLe context of lthese " virtual" rooms. Page 4-91: 480.743 Please clarify the flow paths shown in Figure 4-35. Are the directions of the arrows for cuthne AA correct? E plain the notation in Figure 4-35. What does 16-to 16 and I4-to 16, etc., mean? Page: 122 Total Records: 840

AP600 Open Item Tracking System Database: Simm rySched:le Date: 7/7/97 Selection: [w st code}=' Action W' Sorted by DSER Section. Transmit Date NRC Branch and item number. Item DSER Section/ # (W) NRC No. Branch Question Type Coord/ Resp Engineer Title Status Status ICP Draft Review Tr*nsmit 4777 NRR/SCSB 6.2.1 RAI-OI Rarig / Gresham Action W Action W 7/I8/97

                                                                                                                                 'R AI: WCAP-14407,"WGOT111C Application to AP600," A. Forgie, et al., September 1996, SECrlON 4
  • DESCRIPTION OF WGOmIC EVALUATION MODEL" His report. WCAP-14407 "WGOTillC APPLICATION TO AP600," references WCAP-14382 (*WGOTHIC Code Description and Validation *) as the WGOTIIIC code package description and validation report. Yet the AP600 WGOTHIC model described in this report deviates substantially from what was desenbed and validated is WCAP-14382. Westinghouse has changed its previous approach of simulating the AP600 above< perating deck region with a distributed-parameter model to a network oflumped-parameter nodes.

This change raises a number of concerns regarding consistencies of the new approach, including:

                                                                                                                                  - The implementation specifics and computation results for the AP600 containment.
                                                                                                                                  - The validation basis and comparisons of the clime / distributed-parameter approach versus clime / lumped-parameter appmach.
                                                                                                                                  - he validation basis and comparisons to experimental data.

All cross section schematics show a nodalization w hich imphes subdivisions in accordance with the distnbuted parameter approach. However, page 4-1 clearly states that the model is a network of nodes. It would have been mose conventional and descriptise if these figures presented the model as a " tube-arai-tank" network of contml volumes and flow paths. Above Operating Deck Region In the AP600 Evaluation Model documented in Section 4 all of the computational features of the subdivided, distnbuted-parameter approach have been climinated. Lumped-node networks have an inherent limitations of averaging local nwrnentum information and predicting zero velocities in the lumped nodes. The computed velocities in the artificial flow vents / tube-tank network are not representative of the velocity distribution in the continuum. In addition, the APMO Evaluation Model has a coarse nodalization for the above-operating deck region, providing only averaged values for large subspaces. In this way,information about jet / plume mixing and str ,tification is lost. This information was previously thought to be important as an outcome of the PIRT (phenomena identification and ranking tabic) pro ss Subsections 4.2.12 (page 4-86) through 4.2.32 (page 4-212) desenbe the above-crerating deck internal containment region and its subregions as specified by control volumes and flowpaths which constitute the network oflumped-parameter nodes. In the above deck region.

  • rooms" and " compartments" have a different character as most of the dermed " rooms" and " compartments" have virtual interfaces in the open free-volume region above-operating deck. Only the two steam generator compartments may comply with the traditional " room" or " compartment" definition.

The chosen segmentation mrtainly simplifies the model description but care should be exercised to interpret resuhs in the context of these

  • virtual" rooms.

Page 4-91: 480.744 Provide information on why Flowpath I (WGOTHIC Flowpath number 7) is listed with zem forward / reverse loss [ coefficients in Table 4-4, while page 4-30 lists values of 1.5 for the same flow path? Page: 123 Total Records: 840

AP600 Open Item Tracking System Datchase: Summary Schedde Date: 7Di, Selection: [w st code]=' Action W* Sorted by DSER Section Transmit Date, NRC Branch and item number. hem DSER Section/ (W) NRC No. Branch Question Type Coord/ Resp Engmeer Title Status Status ICP Draft Review Transmit 4778 NRR/SCSB 6.2.1 RAI-OI Rarig / Gresham Action W Action W 7/18/97 IRA 1:WCAP-14407, "WGOTHIC Application to AP600." A. Forgie, et al Septemkr 1996. SECTION 4. " DESCRIPTION OF WGOTHIC EVALUATION MODEL" This report. WCAP-l4407 "WGOTIIIC APPLICATION TO AP600," references WCAP-14382 (*WGOTillC Code Description and Validatmn") as the WGOTHIC code package description and validation report. Yet the AP600 WGOTiUC model described in this report deviates substantially from what was described and validated in WCAP-14382. Westinghouse he danged its previous approach of simulating the AP600 aboveeperating deck region with a distributed-parameter model to a network of lumped-parameter nodes. hs change raises a number of concerns regarding consistencies of the new appmach, including:

                                                                                                                  - The implementation specifics and computation results for the AP600 containment.
                                                                                                                  - the vahdation basis and comparisons of the clime /distnbuted-parameter approach versus clime / lumped-parameter approach.
                                                                                                                  - He validation basis and comparisons to experimental data.

All cross section schematics show a nodalization which imphes subdivisions in accordance with the distnbuted parameter appmach

                                                                                                                 .However, page 4-1 clearly states thm the model is a network of nodes. It would have been more conventional and descriptive if these figures presented the model as a " rube-and-tank" e,etwork of control volumes and flow paths.

Above Operating Deck Region in the AP600 Evaluation Model documented in Section 4. all of the computational features of the subdivided, distributed-parameter approach have been climinated. Lumped-node networks have an inherent limitations of averaging local momentum information and predicting zero velocities in the lumped nodes. He computed velocities in the artificial flow vents / tube-tank network are not representative of the velocity distnbution in the continuum. In addition, the AP600 Evaluation Model has a coarse nodalizmion for the above-operating deck tegion, previding only averaged values for large subspaces. In this way,information about jet / plume mixing and stratification is lost. This information was previously thought to be important as an outcome of the PIRT (phenomena identification and ranking table) process. Sulwections 4.2.12 (page 4-86) through 4.2.32 (page 4-212) describe the above-operating deck internal containment regiou and its subregions as specified by control volumes and flowpaths which constitute the network of lumped-parameter nodes. In the above deck region " rooms" and " compartments

  • have a different character as most of the defined " rooms" and " compartments" have virtual interfaces in the open free-volume region abow-operating deck. Only the two steam generator compartments may comply with the raditional " room" or " compartment" dermition.

De chown segmentation certainly simphfies the model description but care should be exercised to interpret results in the context of these

  • virtual" rooms.


                                                                                                                ! age 4-91:

80.745 Why are the flow areas of Flowpaths 4,8, and 12 so much smaller as compared to the flow areas of Floapaths 2,6,10 and

                                                                                                                     , although the flow path heights are about the same (differences are less than I ft) for all of the aforementioned flow paths?

Page: 124 Total Records: 840

AP600 Open Item Trackirg System Dat base: Simm:ry Schedule Dat: 7/7/97 Selection: [w st code]=' Action W' Sorted by DSER Section. Transmit Date, NRC Branch and item number. Item DSER Sectionf " (w) NRC No. Branch Question Type Cerd/ Resp Engineer Title Stsus Status ICP Draft Review Transmit 4779 NRR/SCSB 6.2.1 RAl-OI Rarig / Gresham Action W Action W 7/18/97 i R AI. WCAP-14407,"WGOTillC Application to AP600 " A. Forgie, et al September 1996 SECTION 4. " DESCRIPTION OF WGOTHIC EVALUATION MODEL" This report, WCAP-14407 *WGOTHIC APPLICATION 1D AP600,* references WCAP-14382 ("WGOTHIC Code Descnption and Validation") as the WGOTHIC code package description and validation report. Yet the AP600 WGOTillC model described in this report deviates substantially from what was described and validated in WCAP-14382. Westinghouse has changed its previous aPrroach of simulating the AP600 above-operating deck region with a distributed-parameter model to a network oflonged-parameter nodes. This change raises a number of concems regarding consistencies of the new approach, including:

                                                                                  - The implementation specifics and computation results for the AP600 containment.
                                                                                  - The validation basis arid comparisons of the clime 1 distributed-parameter approach versus clime / lumped-parameter approach.
                                                                                  - The validsion basis and m Ams to experimental data.

All cross section schematics show a nodalization which implies subdivisions in A l m with the distributed parameter approach However, page 4-1 clearly states that the model is a network of nodes. It would have been more conventional and desenptive if these figures presented the model as a " rube-and-tank" network of contml volumes and flow paths. Above Operating Deck Region glInpproachthehaveAP600 Evaluation been eliminated. Lumped-nodeModel documented networks in Sects have an inherent limitations 4, all of of averaging localthe computational rnomentum information and feature

  • predicting zero velocities in the lumped nodes. The computed velocities in the artificial flow ventshube-tank network are not representative of the velocity distribution in the continuum. In addition, the AP600 Evaluation Model has a coarse and=1b=rina for the above-operating deck region, providing only averaged values for flarge subspaces. In this way,information about jet / plume mixing and stratification is lost. This information was previously thought 40 be important as an outcome of the PIRT (phenomena identification and ranking table) process.

Subsections 4.2.12 (page 4-86) through 4.2.32 fpage 4-212) desenbe the above-opersing deck internal containment region and its subregions as specified by control volumes and flowpaths which constitute the network oflumped-parameter nodes. In the above

                                                                                . deck region, " rooms
  • and " compartments" have a different character as most of the defined " rooms" and " compartments" have virtual
                                                                                ! interfaces in the open free-volume region above-operating deck. Only the two steam generator compartments may comply with the hraditional *roorn" or *w46..i" definition.

lThe chosen segmentm>on certainly simplifies the model description but care should be exercised to interpret results in the context of mhese

  • virtual" rooms.

Page 4-91: lf 80 746 Do separating compartrnent walls exist between Volumes 10 and 1 alls exist, provide information why horizontal flow paths between SG-room and cylindzicai :ontrol room have been artificially urtailed in the evaluation model, while on the other hand horizontal paths towards the steel shell are extremely large. Page: 125 Total Records: 840

AP600 Open Item Tracking System Dat: base: Summ ry Schedule Dat:: 7/#97 Selection: [w st code]=' Action W' Sorted by DSER Section, Transmit Date, NRC Branch and item number. Item DSER Section/ (W) NRC No. Branch Question Type Coord/ Resp Engineer Title ICP Status Sta'us Draft Re. view Transmit 47 3 NRR/SCSB 6.2.1 RAl-OI Rarig / Gresham Action W Action W 7/18/97 I R AI: WCAP-14407. *WGOTHIC Application to AP600 " A. Forgie, et al September 1996, SECTION 4 *DESCRIPUON OF h00TIIIC EVALUAT10N MODE 1 *

                                                                           %s report, WCAP-14407 *WGOT1(IC APPLICATION TO AP600
  • neferences WCAP-14382 ("WGOTillC Code Descrirtion and Validation") as the WGOTillC code pxkage description and validanon report. Yet the AP600 WGOTlilC model described in this report deviates substantially from what was described and validated in WCAP-14382. Westinghouse has changed its previous approach of simulating the AP600 above-operating deck region with a distributed-parameter model to a network oflumped-parameter nodes.

This change raises a number of concerns regarding consistencies of the new approach, including:

                                                                            - The implementation specifics and computation results for the AP600 containment.
                                                                            - The validation basis and comparisons of the clime / distributed-parameter approach versus clime / lumped-parameter approach.
                                                                            - The validation basis and comparisons to experimental data.

A!! cross section schematics show a nodalization which imphes subdivisions in w,ame with the distributed parameter approach. Ilowever, page 4-1 clearly states that the model is a network of nodes. It would have been more conventional and descriptive if these figures presented the model as a " rube-and tank" network of control volumes and flow paths. Above Operating Deck Region in the AP600 Eva!uation Model documented in $dion 4, all of the computsional features of the subdivided, distributed-parameter approach have been eliminated. Lamped-node networks l* ave an inherent limitations of averaging local momentum information and predicting zero velocities in the lumped nodes. The computed velocities in the artificial flow vems/ tube-tank network are not l representative of the velocity distribution in the continuum. In addition, the AP600 Evaluation Model has a coarse nodalizati jthe above-operating deck region, providing only averaged values for jlarge subspaces. In this way,information about jet / plume mixing and stratification is lost. Diis information was previously thought to be important as an outcome of the P!RT (yle-.~,a identification and ranking tabic) process. Subsections 4112 (page 4-86) through 4.2.32 (page 4-212) describe the above-operating deck internal containment region and its subregions as specified by control vohames and flowpaths which constitute the network oflumped-parameter nodes. In the above deck region.

  • rooms" and " compartments
  • have a different character as most of the defined " rooms" and hv nmas- have virtual interfaces in the open free-volume region above-operating deck. Only the two steam generator compartments may comply with the traditional " room' or " compartment' definition.

The chosen segmentation certainly simplifies the model description but care should be exercised to interpret results in the context of these ' virtual

  • rooms.

Page 4-% : 480.747 Please explain why there is neither a separating concrete wall between Voistre 13 and Volume 9, which should be acrounted for as a thermal conductor, nor a flow path between Volumes 13 and 9 (see Figure 4-34)? Page: 126 Total Records: 840

. . . - _ _ _ ._._ . . . _ . - _ _ _ _ . - _- ._ _ . _ - . _ ~ _ __ .- -. ._ . _ _ AP600 Open Item Tracking System Dat: base: S:mmxry Schedule Date: 7/7/97 i Selectiom [w st code]=' Action W' Sorted by DSER Section Transmit Date NRC Branch and item number. Item DSER Sectior/ (W) NRC No. Branch Question Type Coord/ Resp Engineer Title Status Status ICP DraR Review Transmit  ! 4781 NRR/SCSB 6.2.1 RAl4)I Rarig / Gresham Action W Action W 7/18/97 R Al: WCAP-14407,"WGOTHIC Application to AP600,* A. al., September 1996, SECHON 4.*DESCRWHON OF WGODilC EVALUATION MODEL" This report. WCAP-14407 "WGOTillC APPLICATION TO AP600." references WCAP.14382 (*WGOTHIC Code Description and Validsion") as the WGOUIIC code package desenprion and validation refert. Yet the AP600 WGOnilC model desenbed in this i' report deviates substantially from what was desenhed and validased in WCAP-14382. Westinghouse has changed its previous approach of simulating the AP600 above-operating deck region with a distnbuted-parameter model to a network oflumped-parameter nodes. , This change raises a number of concems regarding consistencies of the new approach, including:

                                                                                            - The implementation specifics and computation resuks for the AP600 containment.
                                                                                            - The validation basis and w.v.a-s of the clime /distnbuted-parameter approach versus clime / lumped-parameter approach.                                     F
                                                                                            - He validation basis and w..v ;-s to experimental data.

All cross section schematics show a nodalization which implies subdivisions in A&-_e with the distribwed parameter approach. However, page 4-1 clearly states that the model is a network of nodes. k would have been more conventional and descriptive if these figures presented the model as a

  • tube-and-tank" network of control volumes and Dow paths.

Above Operating Deck Region In the AP600 Evaluation Model docurnented in Section 4. all of the computmional fema:es of the subdivided, distributed-parameter approach have been eliminated. Lamped-node networks have an inherent limitations of averaging local ma==e== information and predicting zero velocities in the lumped nodes. The computed velocities in the artificial flow ventshube-tank network are not g-.Mve of the velocity distnbution in the continuum _ in addition. the AP600 Evaluation Model has a coarse nadalizmion for jthe abovemperating deck region, providing only averaged values for large subspaces. In this way,information about jet / plume mixing and stratification is lost. This information was previously thought

  • o be important as an outcome of the PIRT(phenomena identification and ranking table) process.

Subsections 4.2.12 (page 4-86) through 4.2.32 (page 4-212) desenbe the above-operating deck intemal containtnent region and its subregetwis as specified by control volumes and flowpaths which constitute the network oflumped-parameter nodes. In the above deck segion.

  • rooms
  • and " compartments
  • have a different character as rnost of the defined
  • rooms" and " s* have virtual
                                                                                          -interfaces in the open free-volume region above+perating deck. Only the two steam generator compartments may comply with the
  • tradnional
  • room
  • or *w ..mumnt* definition.

The chosen segmentation certainly simplifies the model description but care should be exercised to interpret resuhs in the context of these

  • virtual
  • rooms.

Page 4-% : ' 480348 Do any other planforms exist besides of the upper manway platform at 162.08 h? i V l l


r I t i t i Page: 127 Total Records: 840 e I t

AP600 Open Item Tracking System DatLbase: Summ;ry Schedile Date: 7/7/97 Selectuni: [w st code]=* Action W' Sorted by DSER Section, Transmit Date, NRC Branch and item number. Item DSER Sectmn/ " (W) NRC No. Branch Question Type Coord/ Resp Engineer Title St*us Status ' ICP Draft Review Transmit 4782 NRR/SCSB 6.2.1 RAI4)I Rarig / Gresham Action W Action W 7/18/97 lRAl; WCAP-14407, *WGOTillC Antication to AP600," A. Forgie, et al., September 1996, SECTION 4.


This report, WCAP-14407 "WGOTHIC APPLICATION TO AP600," references WCAP-14382 ("WGOTHIC Code Description and Validation") as the WGOTHIC code package description and validation report. Yet the AP600 WGOTHIC model desenbed in this report deviates substantially from what was described and validated in % CAP-14382. Westinghouse has changed its previous , approach of simulating the AP600 above-operating deck region with a distnbuted-parameter model to a network oflumped-parameser nodes. This change raises a number of concerns regarding consistences of the new approach, including:

                                                                            - The implementation specifics and computation results for the AP600 containment _
                                                                            - The validation basis and comparisons of the clime / distributed-parameter approach versus clime / lumped-parameter approach.
                                                                            - The validation basis and comparisons to experimental data.

All cross section schematics show a nodalization which implies subdivisions in M..s with the distributed parameter approach. However, page 4-1 clearly states that the modelis a network of nodes. It would have been more conventional and descriptive if these figures presented the model as a " tube-and-tank" network of control volumes and flow paths. Above Operating Deck Region In the AP600 Evaluation Model documented in Section 4, all of the computational features of the subdivided, distributed-parameter approach have been climinated. Lumped-node networks have an inherent limitations of averaging local momentum informerion and predicting zero velocities in the lumped nodes. The computed velocities in the artificial flow ventshube-tank network are not representative of the velocity distribution in the continuum. In addition, the AP600 Evaluation Model has a coarse nodalization for the above-operating deck region, providing only averaged values for large subspaces. In this way,information about jet / plume mixing and stratification is lost. This information was previously thought to be important as an outcome of the P!RT (phenomena identification and ranking table) pro ss Subsections 4.2.12 (page 4-86) through 4.2.32 (page 4-212) describe the above-operating deck internal containment region and its subregions as specified by control volumes and flowpaths which constitute the network oflumped-parameter nodes. In the above deck region.

  • rooms" and " compartments" have a different character as most of the defined
  • rooms" and " compartments
  • have virtual
                                                                          ; interfaces in the open free-volume region above-operating deck. Only the two steam generator compartments may comply with the freeditional *noorn" or "compartnrnt" definition.

The chosen segmentation certainly sinnplifies the model description but care should be exercised to interpret results in the context of these " virtual" rooms. Page 4-% : l480.749 Explain why there are no other conductor types in Volurne 13 other than Type 27 (steel jacketed concrete). Page: 128 Total Records: 840

AP600 Open Item Tracking System Datchase: Summary Schedule - Dat9: 7n197 Selettl85: [w st cale}='Ac* ion W' Sorted by DSER Section, Transmit Date NRC Branch and item number. 1 Item DSER Sectient (W) NRC No. Branch Question Type Codesp Engnieer Title Samus - Staus . ICP DraR Review T-n , 4 5113 NRR/SCSB 6.2.1 RAI4)I Rarig / Gresham Action W Action W 7/18/97 RAI WCAP-14407 "WGOTHIC Application to AP600," A. Forgie,et al., September 1996, SECTION 4. " DESCRIPTION OF ' WGOTHIC EVALUATION MODEL" This report, WCAP-14407 "WGOTHIC APPLICATION TO AP600," references WCAP-14382 ("WGOTHIC Code Desenpaon and Validarian") as the WGOTHIC code package description and validatica seport. Yet the AP600 WGOTHIC model described ie. rhis  : report deviates substantially from whm was described and wahdated in WCAP-14382. Westinghouse has changed its previous approach of sirnulating the AP600 above-operating deck region with a distnbuted-parameter model to a network oflumped-parameter nodes. This change raises a number of concems regarding consiseencies of the new approach, including: i

                                                                                                 - The implementmion specifics and computation results for the AP600 s              _.a
                                                                                                 - The vahdation basis and u...y mm s of the clune/distnbuted-parameter approach versus clirneAumped-parameter approach.
                                                                                                 - The validation basis and comparisons to experimental data.

All cross section schematics show a nodalization which implies subdivisions in accordance with the disenbuted parameter approach However, page 4-1 clearly states that the model is a network of modes. It would have been ne conventional and descriptive if these , figures presented the model as a " tube-and4ank* network of control volunies and now paths. Above Operating Deck Region In the AP600 Evaluation Model documented in Section 4, all of the computational features of the sebdivided, distributed-parameter approach have been eliminated. Lumped-node networks have an inherent linntations of averaging local a=- information and

  • predicting zero velocities in the lumped nodes. The computed velocities in the artificial now ventsAube-tank network are not i representative of the velocity distribution in the continuum. In addition, the AP600 Evaluation Model has a coarse nodalization for tne above-operating deck segion. providing only averaged values for  !

large sulxpeces In this way,information about jet / plume raising and stratification is lost. This information wer previously thought to be important as an outcome of the PIRT (phenomena identificanon and ranking table) process.  !' Subsections 4.2.12 (page 4-86) through 4.2.32 (page 4-212) desenhe the above<yerating deck internal containment region and its subsegions as specified by control volumes and flowpaths which constitute the network oflu+2 r_ .a. nodes In the above deck region, " rooms' and *w..~.m..a* have a different character as most of the defined

  • rooms" and *, - , ;..- ;s" have virtual '

interfaces in the open fite-volume region above-operating deck. Only the two steam generator compartenents may comply with the traditional " room" or *- - --- c" definition. 1he chosen segmentation certainly simplifies the model description but care should be cuercised to interpret sesuks in the context of thesc

  • virtual" rooms.

Page 4-% : , 480.750 Explain how pipes, staircases, gratings, supuham, have been accounted for in the thermal conductors defined for Volumes 14 and 15. [ t i h [ f Page: 129 Total Records: 840


s I t

AP600 Ope.s Item Tracking System Dat-base: Summ:ry Schedule Date: 7/7/97 Selection * [w st code]=' Action W' Sorted by DSER Section. Transmit Date, NRC Branch and item number. Item DSER Section/ (W) NRC No. Branch Question Type Coord/ Resp Engineer Title Status Status ICP Draft Review Transmit 4784 NRR/SCSB 6.2.1 RAI-OI Rarig / Gresham Action W Action W 7/l8/97 RAl. WCAP-14407,"WGOTHIC Application to APMIO," A. Forgie,et al., September 1996 SECTION 4 *DESCRIITION OF WGODilC EVALUATION MODEL" This report, WCAP-14107 *WGOTHIC APPLICATION TO AP600,* references WCAP-14382 ("WGOTHIC Code Description and Validation") as the WGOTHIC code package description and validation report. Yet the AP600 WGOnitC model descrAed in this report deviates substantially from what was desenhed and validated in WCAP-14382. Westinghouse has changed its previous approach of simulatirig the AP600 above-operating deck region with a distnbuted-parameter model to a network oflumped-parameter

                                                                            ! nodes.

This change raises a number of concerns regarding consistencies of the new approach,incsuding-  ;

                                                                              - The implementation specifics and computation results for the AP600 containment.
                                                                             - The validation basis and comparisons of the clime /distnbuted-parameter approach versus clirne/ lumped-parameter approach.
                                                                              - The validation basis and comparisons to experimental data.

All cross section schematics show a nodalization which implies subdivisions in as with the distributed parameter approach. However, page 4-1 clearly states that the model is a network of nodes. It would have been more conventional and descriptive if these figures presented the model as a

  • tube-and-tank
  • network of control volurnes and flow psths.

Above Operating Deck Region In the AP600 Evaluation Model documented in Section 4, all of the computational features of the subdivided, distributed-parameter approach have been climinated. Lumped-node networks have an inherent limitations of averagmg local momentum information and predicting zero velocities in the lumped nodes. The computed velocities in the artifeial flow vents / tube-tank networt are not representative of the velocity distriburion in the continuum. In addition, the AP600 Evaluation Model has a coarse nodalization for the above-operating deck region, providing only averaged values for large subspaces. In this way,information about jet / plume mixing and stratification is lost. This information was previously thought to be important as an outcome of the PIRT (phenomena identification and ranking table) process. Subsections 4.2.12 (page 4-86) through 4.2.32 (page 4-212) descnbe the above-operating deck internal containment region and its subregions as specified by control volumes and flowpaths which consritute the network oflumped-parameter nodes. In the above deck region,

  • rooms
  • and " compartments" have a differena character as most of the definere
  • rooms" and " compartments
  • have virtual interfaces in the open free-volume region above-operating deck. Only the two steam generator compartments may comply with the traditional " room" or " compartment
  • definition.

The chosen segmentation certainly simplifies the model description but care should be exercised to interpret results in the context of t these " virtual

  • rooms.

Page 4-98: 480.751 Providejustification for 1) the selection of a stack of 4 single-node lumped-parameter volumes for modeling the steam generator rooms and 2) connecting the below- with the above-operating deck regions only with single flow paths. How can this SG-room model account for the different flow situations anticipated during the different accident phases? i Ptge: 130 Total Records: 840

AP600 Open Item Tracking System Dat base: Simm:ry Schedule Dat:: 7/7/97 Selection- [w st code]=' Action W' Sorted by DSER Section. Transmit Date, NRC Branch and item number. hem DSER Sectionf (wl NRC l No. Branch Question Type CoorMtesp Enginee Title Status Status ICP Draft Review Transmit _; 47R5 NRK/SCSB 6.2.1 RAIOl Rarig / Gresham Action W Action W 7/18/97 lR AI: WCAP-14407.*WGOUllC Application to AP600.* A. Fort e,i et al September 1996. SECTION 4. " DESCRIPTION OF

                                                                                       ;WGOTillC EVALUAT10N MODEL"
                                                                                       'This report WCAP-14407 *WGOTii!C APPLICATION TO AP600," references WCAP-14382 (*WGOTHIC Code Description and Validatien") as the WGOT111C code package desenpnon and validation report. Yet the AP600 WGO1111C model described in this report deviases substantially from what was described and validmed in WCAP 14332. Westinghouse has changed its previous                                   [

approach of simulating the AP600 above-operating deck region with a distributed-parameter model to a network of lumped-parameter , nodes. This change raises a number of concems regarding consistencies of the new approach, including- I

                                                                                          - TM implementation specifics and computation resuhs for the AP600 containment.
                                                                                          - The validation basis and comparisons of the clime / distributed-parameter approach versus clime / lumped-parameter approach.                            ,
                                                                                          - The validation basis and comparisons to experimental data.

All cross section schematics show a nodalitation which implies subdivisions in U with the distnbuted parameter approach. However, page 4-1 clearly states that the modelis a network of nodes. k mould have been more conventional and descriptive if these I figures presented the model as a " tube-and4ank" network of control volumes and flow paths. L Above Operating Deck Regioa la the AP600 Evaluation Model,: rn Section 4, all of the computwional features of the subdivided, distributed-parameter } approach have been eliminated. Lumped-wde nerworks have an inherent limitations of averaging local rnomentum information and predicting rero velocities in the lumped nodes. The computed velocitice in the artificial flow vents /tabe-tank network are not representative of the velocity distribution in the continuum. In addition, the AP600 Evaluation Model has a coarse nodalization for the abovegerating deck region, providing only averaged values for flarge subspaces. In nis way,information about jet / plume mixing and stratification is lost. This information was previously thought to be important as an outcome of the PIRT (phenomena identification and ranking table) pro ss. Subsections 4.2.12 (page 4-86) through 4.2.32 (page 4-212) describe the above-operating deck internal containment region and its subregions as specified by control volumes and flowpaths which constrtute the network oflumped-parameter nodes. In the above deck region.

  • rooms" and " compartments" have a different character as most of the defined " rooms" and b..y Luas" have virtual interfaces in the open free-volume region above-operating deck. Only the two steam generator compartments may comply with the traditional " room" or "" definition.

The chosen segmentation certainly simplifies the model description but care should be exercised to interpret resuks in the context of these " virtual

  • rooms.

Page 4-98: 480.752 Were the axial elevations for Volumes 13 and 14 chosen to coincide with separating platforms? I f 1 I L i t Page: 131 Total Records: 840

f AP600 Open Item Tracking System Database: Summary Sched le Datn 7/787 . Selection: [w st code]=' Action W' Sorted by DSER Section. Transmit Date, NRC Branch and item number. 4 Item DSER Section/ (W) NRC No. Branch Question Type Mesp Engmeer Title Status ICP Drah Staus Review Transmit 4796 NRR/SCSB 6.2.I RAl-OI Rarig / Gresham Action W Action W 7/ItU97 RAI:WCAP-I4407,"WGOTHIC Application to AP600,* A. Forgie, et al., September 1996, SECTION 4.


) 1his report, WCAP-14407 *WGOTHIC APPLICATION TO AP600

  • references WCAP-14382 CWGOmIC Code Descnprion and Validation") as the WGOTHIC code package desenption and validation report Yet the AP600 WGO1 HIC model described in this report devives substantially from what was desented and validated in WCAP-143*2. Westinghouse has changed its previous
  • approach of simulating the AP600 above-operating deck region with a distributed-parameter model to a network of lumped-parameter +

nodes. This change raises a number of concerns regarding consistencies of the new approach, including-

                                                                                                                                      - The implementation specifics and computation resuks for the AP600 r                    ---
                                                                                                                                      - The validsion basis and compensons of the clime /disenbuted-parameter approach versus clime / lumped-parameter approach.                                     .
                                                                                                                                      - The validation basis and comparisons to experimental data.                                                                                                   i d

All cross section schematics show a nodalization which implies suhdivisions in accordance with the distributed parameter approach However, page 4-I clearly states that the modelis a network of nodes. It would have been more conventional and descriptive if these figures presented the model as a " tube-and-tank" network of control volumes and flow paths. Above Operating Deck Region In the AP600 Evaluation Model documented in Section 4, all of the computational features of the subdivided, distributed-parameser - approach have been eliminated. Lumped-node networks have an inherent limitations of averaging local momentum information and predicting zero velocities in the lumped nodes. The computed velocities in the artificial flow ventsAube-tank network are not  ; m, aive of the velocity distribution in the continuum. In addition, the AP600 Evaluation Model has a coarse nulalization for i the above-operating deck region, providing only averaged values for large subspaces. In this way,information about jet / plume mixing and stratification is lost. This infonnation was previously thought i to be important as an outcome of the PIRT (phenomena identification and ranking table) process. Subsections 4.2.I2 (page 4-86) through 4.2.32 (page 4-212) descnbe the above-operating deck internal - 4 region and its i subregions as specified by control volumes and flowpaths which constitute the network of lumped-parameter nodes. In the above j j deck segion.

  • rooms" and "co.., ;.....;# have a different character as most of the defined
  • rooms" and "m.3a.. .as* have virtual  !

interfaces in the open free-volume region above-operaung deck. Only the two steam generator compartments may comply with the traditional

  • room" or %..r.. ..;" definition.

1he chosen segmentation certainly simplifies the model eiescription but care should be exercised to interpret results in the context of [ these

  • virtual" rooms.

Page 4-98: , 480753 (Page 4-98) The second line of the control volume description paragraph should read:

  • as shown in Figure 4 36.* Please ['

correct the text. L l a f [ t


I t J


fe [ , I Page: 132 Total Records: 840  ! f

          -   -..-__.._--_..z.m..-_               a_   ..____.m..-___                . _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _                     u__      __.:_a __ __   .m     .           ~ m-  -w -. e +        ,, - -     -e., w-   -    v       -         w  2-       ev-----i,        +m-  - , . , - "-r-

AP600 Ope 2 Item Tracking Syst;m Datsbase: Summary Schedule Date: 7/#97 Seleeliott" [w st code]=' Action W' Sorted by DSER Section Transmit Date, NRC Branch and item number, bem DSER Sectionf (W) NRC - No. Branch Question Type Coord/ Resp Engmeer Title Status Status ICP Draft Review Transmit 4787 NRR/SCSB 6.2.1 RAI-OI Rarig / Gresham Action W Action W 7/18/97

                                                                                                                                         ' rat: WCAP-14407,*WGOT1flC Application to AP600.* A. Forgie, et al., September 1996 SECTION 4,
  • refetences WCAP-14382 ("WGOUIIC Code Description and ,

Validation") as the WGOTHIC code package description and validsiort report. Yet the AP600 WGOTHIC model descnbed in this report deviates substantially from what was described and validated in WCAP-14382. Westinghouse has changed its previous approach of simulating the AP600 above-operating deck region with a distributed-parameter model to a network oflumped-parameter nodes. This change raises a number of concems regarding consistencies of the new appmach, including:

                                                                                                                                          - The implementation specifics and computation resuhs for the AP600 containment.
                                                                                                                                          - The validsion basis and comparisons of the clime / distributed-parameter approach versus clime / lumped-parameter approach.
                                                                                                                                          - The validation basis and comparisons to experimental data.

All cross section schematics show a nodalization which implies subdivisions in .J e with the distrrbuted parameter approach. However, page 4-I clearly states that the model is a network of nodes. It would have been more conventional and descriptive if these figures presented the rnodel as a ~ tube-and-tank" network of control volumes and flow paths. Above Operating Deck Region i in the AP600 Evaluation Model documented in Section 4. all of the computational features of the subdivided, distributed-parameter approach have been eliminated. Lumped-node networks have an inherent limitations of averaging local momentum information and predicting zero velocities in rSe lumped nodes. The computed velocities in the artificial flow vents / tube-tank network are not , representative of the velocity distribution in the continuum. In addition,the AP600 Evaluation Model has a coarse nadalization for  ! khe above-operating deck region, providing only averaged values for large subspaces. In this way,information about jet / plume mixing and stratification is lost. This informarion was previously thought to be important as an outcome of the PIRT (phenomena identification and ranking tabic) pmcess . Subsections 4.2.12 (page 4-86) through 4.2.32 frage 4-212) descnbe the above-operating deck internal con *ainment region and its subregions as specified by cont ol volumes and flowpaths which constitute the networt oflumged-parame* r nodes. In the above deck region.

  • moms
  • and " compartments
  • have a different character as most of the defined " rooms" and %3 ma.. ..:s* have virtual t interfaces in the open free-volume region above-operating deck. Only the two steam generat ir compartments may comply with the r traditional "reem* or " compartment
  • definition.

De chown segmentation certainly simplifies the model description but care should be exercised to interpret resuhs in the context of these " virtual

  • roorns.  !

Page 4-98: 480.754 Explain the differences in the construction details between Upper East and West Steam Generator Rooms as displayed in Figures 4-33 and 4-36 by the highhghted lines. Are there different elevations involved? This is not apparent from Tables 4-3 and 4-5 fwhich have identical entries. l l I b i Page: 133 Total Records: 840 j b

AP600 Open Item Tracking System Datbase: Sched;Ie Dat;: 7/7/97 Selection: [w st code]=' Action W' Scrted by DSER Sectiori, Transmit Date, NRC Branch and item number. Item DSER Sectionf (w) NRC No. Branch Question Type Coord/ Resp Engineer Title Status Status ICP Draft Resiew Transmit 4788 NRR/SCSD 6.2.1 RAI-OI Rarig / Gresham Action W Action W 7/18/07 I RAl: WCAP-14407,"WGOT111C Application to AP600." A. Forgie,et al., September 1996, SECTION 4. *DESCRifTION OF WGOTHIC EVALUATION MODEL" This report WCAP-14407 "WGOTHIC APPLICATION TO AP600,* references WCAP.14382 ("WGOTillC Code Description and Validation *) as the WGOTillC code package description and vahdation report. Yet the AP600 % GOD 11C model desenbed in this report deviates substantially from what was described and vafdated in WCAP-14382. Westinghouse has changed its previous approach of simulating the AP600 above-operating deck region with a distnbuted-parameter model to a networt oflumped-parameter nodes. This change raises a number of concerns regarding consistencies of the new appmach, including-

                                                                                          - The implementation specifics and computation results for the AP600 containrnent.
                                                                                          - The validation basis and comparisons of the clime /distnbuted-parameter approach versus cfime/ lumped-parameter approach.
                                                                                          - The validation basis ard comparisons to experimental data.

All cross section schematics show a nndalization which irnplies subdivisions in _W e with the distributed parameter agyroach. Ilowever, page 4-I clearly states that the model is a networt of nodes. It would have been more conventional and descriptive if these figures presented the model as a " tube-and4ank" network of control volumes and flow paths. Above Operating Deck Region in the AP600 Evaluation Model documented in Section 4, all of the computational features of the subdivided, distributed-parameter gapproach have been climinated. Lumped-node networks have an inherent limitations of averaging local momentam infonnat;on and predicting zero velocities in the lumped nodes. The computed velocities in the artificial flow ventsAube-tank network are not representative of the velocity distnbution in the continuum. In addition. the AP600 Evaluation Model has a coarse nodalization for the above-operating deck region, providing only averaged values for large subspaces In this way,information about jet / plume mixing and stratifwation is lost. This inforrnation was previously thought to be important as an outcome of the PIRT (phenomena identification and ranking table) process. Subsections 4.2.12 (page 4-R6) through 4.2.32 (page 4-212) desenbe the above-operating deck internal containment segion and its sobregmns as specified by control volumes and flowpaths which constitute the network oflumped parameter nmies. In the above k negion,

  • rooms" and " compartments" have a different character as most of the defined
  • rooms" and
  • compartments" have virtual neerfaces in the open free-volume region above-operating deck. Only the two steam generator compartments may comply with the raditional
  • room" or " compartment
  • definiten.

chosen segmentation certainly simplifees the model description but care should be exercised to interpret results in the context of these

  • virtual" rooms.

Page 4-98: 480.755 Second line in the flow path description paragraph should read. " .. the cell boundaries in the upper west steam " Please correct the text. Page: 134 Total Records: 840

-~ - - . - _ _ . - - . . _ - . . - . . . .. - - . .- . - . - , - -. . - - . - .- .- - - . AP600 Open Item Tracking System Datr. base: S:mmary Sched:le Datn 7/7/97 Selectior [w st code]=* Action W' Sotted by DSER Section. Transmit Date, NRC Branch and item number. L Item DSER Sectmn/ '* (W) NRC No. Branch Question Type Coord/ Resp Engineer Title Status Status ICP Draft Review Transmit 4789 NRR/SCSB 6.2.1 RAI-OI Rarig / Gresham Actice W Action W 7/IS/97 I R A!: WCAP-14407,"WGOTillC Application to AP600 " A. Forgie, et al., September 1996, SECrlON 4 "DESCRIIrrlON OF WGOTillC EVALUA110N MODEL" This report. WCAP-14407 "WGOTillC APPLICATION TO AP600," references WCAP-14382 ("WGOnllC Code Description and Validation") as the WGOTillC code package description and validation report. Yet the AP600 WGOTHIC model desenbed in this seport deviates substantially from what was desenbed and vahdated in WCAP-14382. Westinghouse has changed its previous appmach of simulating the AP600 above-operating deck region with a distnbuted-paranzter model to a network oflumped-parameter nodes. This change raises a number of concerns regarding consistencies of the new approach, including:

                                                                                                                                         - De implementation specifics and computation results for the AP600 containment.
                                                                                                                                         - The validation basis and comparisons of the clime / distributed-parameter approach versus clime / lumped-parameter appmach.
                                                                                                                                         - De validation basis and conyarisons to experimental data.

All cross section schematics show a nodalization which implies subdivisions in w.R with the distributed parameter approach. However, page 4-1 clearly states that the model is a network of nodes. It would have been more conventional and descriptive if these figures presented the model as a " tube-and-tank" network of control volumes and flow paths. j Above Operating Deck Region i in the AP600 Evaluation Model documented in Section 4 all of the computational features of the subdivided, distributed-parameter approach have been eliminated. Lumped-node networks have an inherent limitations of averaging local momentum information and predxting zero velocities in the lumped nodes. The computed velocities in the artificial flow vents / tube-tank network are not representative of the velocity distribution in the continuum. In addition, the AP600 Evaluation Model has a coarse nodalization for the above-operating deck region, providing only averaged values for large subspaces. In this way,information about jet / plume mixing and stratification is lost. This information was previously thought to be important as an outcome of the PIRT (phenonena identification and ranking table) process. Subsections 4.2.12 (page 4-86) through 4.232 (page 4-212) desenbe the above-operating deck internal crmtainment region and its subregions as specified by control volumes and flowpaths which constitute the network of lumped-praeter nodes. In the above

  • bk region.
  • rooms
  • and " compartments" have a different character as most of the defined " room J and " compartments" have virtual interfaces in the open free-volume region above-operating deck. Only the two steam generator campartments may comply with the traditional
  • room" or " compartment
  • definition.

The chosen segmentation certainly simplifies the model description but care should be exercised to interpret results in the context of these " virtual" rooms. Page 4-I00 and 4-101: , 480.756 According to Figure 4-36, no separating wall exist between Volumes 17 and 9. Explain why no flow path is specified between Volumes 17 and 9 (compare Figure 4-37)?  ! i i i Page: 135 Total Records: 840 t

i AP600 Open R-m Tracking System Dettbase: Simmary Schedde Date: 7/1/97 Selection: [w st code]=' Action W' Sorted by DSER Section Transmit Date NRC Branch and item number. i I hem DSER Sectionf ,' (W) NRC No. Branch Question Type Coord/ Resp Engineer Title Status Samus ICP Draft Review Transnut 4790 NRR/SCSB 6.2.1 RAI-OI Rarig / Gresham Action W Action W 7/18/97

                                                                                            !RAl:WCAP-14407,"WGOTHIC Application to AP600." A. Forgie,et al., September 1996, SECTION 4. *DESCR!!'rION OF WGOTHIC EVALUATION MODEL"

" This report, WCAP-14407 *WGOTHIC APPLICATION TO AP600,* references WCAP-14382 ("WGOTHIC Code Desenption and Validation") as the WGOTHIC code package desenption and validation report. Yet the AP600 WGOTHIC model desenbed in this report deviases substantially from what was desenbed and validmed in WCAP-14382. Westinghouse has changed its previous approach of simulming the AP600 above-operating deck region with a distributed-parameter model to a network oflumped-parameter nodes. T1us change raises a number of concerns regarding consissencies of the new approach. including:

                                                                                             - The implementation specifics and comfutation resuks for the AP600 containment.
                                                                                             - The validation basis and comparisons of the clime / distributed-parameter approach versus clirne/ lumped parameter approach.
                                                                                             - The validation basis and comparisons to experirnental data.                                                                            i All cross section schematics show a nodalization which implies subdivisions in -- --- t---- with the distnbuted parameter approach However. page 4-1 clearly states that the model is a network of nodes. k would have been more conventional and descnprive if these i

figures presented the model as a " tube-and. tank" network of control volumes and flow paths. Above Operating Deck Region In the AP600 Evaluation Model documented in Section 4, all of the computational features of the suhdivided, distributed-parameter approach have been eliminated. Lumped. node networks have an inherent limitations of averaging local momentum information and predicting zero velocities in the lumped nodes. The compmed velocities in the artificial flow vents / tube-tank network are not l representative of the wlocity distribution in the continuum. In addition, the AP600 Evaluation Model has a coarse nodalirsion for i the above-operating deck region providing only averaged values for large subspaces. In this way,informwion about jet / plume mixing and stratification is lost. This informatice was previonely thought to be important es an outcome of the PIRT (phenomena identification and ranking table) process-Subsections 4.2.12 (page 4-86) through 4.2.32 (page 4-212) desenbe the above-opersing deck internal containment region and its sulwegions as specified by control volumes and flowpaths which constitute the network of lumped-parameter nodes. In the above deck region.

  • rooms" and " compartments" have a different character as most of the defined
  • rooms
  • and " compartments
  • have virtual interfaces in the open free-volume region above-operating deck. Only the two steam generator w.m;..-..a may comply with the traditional " room
  • or b.. e.- ;* definition.  :

The chosen segmentation certainly simplifies the enodel description but care should be exercised to interpret results in the context of I

these " virtual" rooms. ,
                                                                                           'Page 4-103:                                                                                                                               ,

480.757 Explain why no thermal conductor is specified between Volumes 17 and 9? l t i I t i i Page: 136 Total Records: 840 j

AP600 Open Item Tracking System Database: S;mmary Sched:lc Dat2: 7/767 Selectiott: [w st code]=' Action W' Sorted by DSER Section, Transmit Date. NRC .'Iranch and item number. Item DSER Section/ (W) NRC No. Branch Question Type Coord/ Resp Engineer Title Status Status ICP Draft Review Transmit 4791 NRR/SCSB 6.2.1 RAI-OI Rarig / Gresham Action W Action W 7/18/97 R AI: WCAP-I4407, *WGOTIIIC Application to AP600,* A. Forgie, et al., September 1996, SECTION 4.

  • DESCRIPTION OF WGOTillC EVALUATION MODEL" This report, WCAP-14407 "WGOTillC APPLICATION TO AP600," references WCAP-14382 ("WGOTTIIC Code Description and Validation") as the WGOTIIIC code package description and validation report. Yet the AP600 WGOTHIC model desenbed in this report deviates substantially from what was desenbed and validated in WCAP-14382. Westinghouse has changed its presious appmach of simulsing the AP600 above-operating deck region with a distributed parameter model to a network oflumped-panameter nodes.

This change raises a number of concerns regarding consistencies of the new approach, including-

                                                                                                                                                                                   - & mglementation specifics and computation results for tfe AP600 containment.
                                                                                                                                                                                   - The validanon basis and comparisons of the clime / distributed-parameter approach versus clime / lumped-parameter approach.
                                                                                                                                                                                   - The validation basis and comparisons to expenmental data.

All cross section schematics show a nodalization which implies subdivisions in -h with the distributed parameter approach flowever, page 4-1 clearly states that the model is a network of nodes. It would have been more conventional and descriptive if these figmes presented the m9! as a " tube-and-tank" network of control volumes and flow paths. Above Operating Deck Region In the AP600 Evaluation Modei documented in Section 4, all of the computational features of the subdivided, distnbuted-parameter approach have been climinated. Lumped. node networks have an inherent limitations of averaging local rnomentum information and predicting zero velocities in the lumped nodes. He computed velocities in the artificial flow vents / tube-tank network are not representative of the velocity distribution in the continuum. In addition, the AP600 Evaluation Model has a coarse nodalization for the above-operating deck region, providing only averaged values for large subspaces. In this way,information about jet / plume mixing and stratification is lost. His information was previously thought to be important as an outcome of the PIRT (phenomena identification and ranking table) process. Subsections 4.2.12 (page 4-86) through 4 232 (page 4-2I2) desenhe the above-operating deck internal containment region and its subregions as specified by control volumes and flowpaths which constitute the network oflumped-parameter nodes. In the above deck region " rooms" and " compartments" have a different character as most of the defined " rooms" and " compartments" have virtual interfaces in the open ftee-volume region above-operatirig deck. Only the two steam generator compartrrients may comply with the traditional " room" or " compartment" definition. The choe.en segmentation certainly simplifies the model description but care should be exercised to interpret reschs in the context of thesc

  • virtual
  • rooms.

Page 4-103: l480.758 Describe how the jib crane was apportioned for specifying the ninth thermal conductor. Page: 137 Total Records: 840

1 AP600 Open Item Tracking System Datcbase: Summary Schedule Dat2: 7/7/97 Selectiott: [w st code]=' Action W' Sorted by DSER Section. Transmit Date, NRC Branch and item number. Item DSER Sectionf " (w) NRC No. Branch Question Type Coord/ Resp Engineer Title Status Status ICP Draft Review Transmit 4792 NRR/SCSB 6.2.1 RAl-OI Rarig / Gresham Action W Action W 7/18/97 R AI: WCAP-14407,"WGOTillC Apphcation to AP600." A. Forgie,et al., September 1996 SECTION 4, *DESCRIP"'lON OF WGOTIIIC EVALUATION MODEL" This report. WCAP-14407 "WGOTillC APPLICATION TO AP600,* references WCAP-14382 CWGOTillC Code D scription and Validation") as the WGOTillC code package description and validation report. Yet the AP600 WGOTHIC model des ribed in this report deviates substantially from wliat was oescribed and validated in WCAP-14382. Westmghouse has changed its previous approach of simulating the AP600 alvve-operating deck region with a distnbuted-parameter model to a network oflumped-parameter nodes. This change raises a number of concerns regarding consistencies of the new approach, including:

                                                                               - The implementation specifics and computation results for the AP600 containment.

The vahdation basis and compariwns of the clime /distnbuted-parameter approach versus clime / lumped-pararneter approach.

                                                                              - The validation basis and comparisons to experimental data.

All cross section schematics show a nodalization which implies subdivisions in w A.ce with the distnbuted parameter approach flowever, page 4-1 clearly states that the model is a network of nodes. k would have been more conventional and desenptive if these figures presented the model as a " rube-and-tank" network of control volumes and flow paths. Above Operating Deck Region in the AP600 Evaluation Model documented in Section 4. all of the (;ooal features of the subdivided, distributed-parameter approach have been eliminated. Lampedmode networks have an inherent limitations of averaging local momentum information and predicting zero velocities in the lumped nodes. The computed velocities in the artificial flow wentsAube-tank network are not representative of the velocity distributioc in the continuum. In addition, the AP600 Evaluation Model has a coarse nodalization for the above-operating deck region, providing only averaged values for large subspa s. In this way,informatioe. about jet / plume mixing and stratification is lost. This information was previously thought to be important as an outcome of the PIRT (pbenomena identification and ranking table) process. Subsections 4.2.12 (page 4-86) through 4.2.32 (page 4-212) desenbe the above<perating deck internal containment region and its subregions as specified by control volumes and flowparhs which co tstitute the networt oflumped-parameter nodes. In the above deck region," rooms" and " compartments" have a di!Terent charactct as mest of the defined " rooms" and

  • compartments" have virtual interfaces in the open free-volume region above-operating deck. Only the two steam generator compartments may comply with the traditional " room" or " compartment" definition.

The chosen segmentation certainly simplifies the model description but care should be exercised to interpret results in the context of these " virtual

  • rooms.

Page 4-105: As shown in Figure 4-39 for the South and in Figure 4-42 for the North Inner-Ilaff Annulus Cmuy em as, respectively, these two compartments comprise a large and very complex shape containment region above the operating deck. The entries in the Control Volume Tables 4-7 and 4-9 reveal that each of the control volumes constituting the stack of nodes has a free volume which is a factor of 3-to-4 times larger than any of its neighboring nodes. As displayed in Figures 4-39 and 4-42, respectively, the inner half annulus compartments, modeled each as a single node, interface with the east and west steam generator compartments and the cylindrical control room. This modeling approach may completely homngenize whatever radial differences may exist in physical containment quantities across the transverse between the SGwo y.comnts. 480.759 Provide quantitative comparisons with experiments uhich support the adopted modeling concept for the south and north inner-half annulus compartments. Page: 138 Total Records: 840

AP600 Open Item Tracking System Database: Summary Schedde Date: 7/7/97 Selection: [w st code}=' Action W' Sotted by DSER Section. Transmit Date, NRC Branch and item number. hem DSER Section/ (w) NRC No. Branch Question Type Cmrd/ Resp Engineer Title Status Status ICP Draft Review Transnut 4793 NRR/SCSB 6.2.1 RAIOf Rarig / Gresham Action W Action W 7/18/97 RAl- WCAP-l4407, *WGOTillC Application to AP600," A. Forgie, et al, September 1996, SECTION 4, "DESCRII'llON OF WGOTillC EVALUATION MODEL" This report, WCAP-14407 *WGOTillC APPLICATION TO AP600,* references WCAP-14382 CWGOTHIC Code Description and Validation") as the WGOTillC code package description and validation report. Yei the AP600 WGODf!C model descnbed in this report deviates substantia!!y imm what was desenbed and validated in WCAP-14382. Westinghouse has changed its previous approach of simulating the AP600 above-operating deck region with a distnbuted-parameter model to a network oflumped-parameter nodes. This change raises a number of concems regarding consistencies of the new approach, including:

                                                                           - The implementation specifics and computation results for the AP600 containment.
                                                                           - The validsion basis and compansons of the clime / distributed-parameter approach versus clime / lumped-parameter approach.
                                                                           - The validsion basis and comparisons to experimental data.

All cross section schematics show a nodalizat%n which implies subdivisions in -,d.m with the distnbuted parameter approach. However, page 4-1 clearly states that the model is a network of nodes. It would have been more conventional and descriptive if these figures presented the model as a " tube-and4ank" network of control volumes and flow paths. Above Operating Deck Region In the AP600 Evaluation Model documented in Section 4, all of the computational features of the subdivided, distnbuted-parameter approach have been eliminated. Lumped-node networks have an inherent limitsions of averaging local momentum information and predicting zero velocities in the lumped nodes. The computed velocities in the artificial flow ventsAube-tank network are not represeresive of the velocity distribution in the continuum. In addition, the AP600 Evaluation Model has a coarse nodalization for the above-operating deck region, pmviding only averaged values for large subspaces. In this way,informsion about jet /p*ume mixing and stratification is lost. This information was previously thought to be important as an outcome of the PIRT (phenomena identification and ranking table) process. Subsections 4.2.12 (page 4-86) through 4.2.32 (page 4-212) describe the above-opersing deck intemal containment region and its subregions as specified by control volumes and flowpaths which constitute the ne* work oflumped-parameter nodes. In the above deck region, " rooms" and " compartments" have a different character as most of the defined " rooms

  • and "compartrnents" have virtual interfaces in the open free-volume region above-operating deck. Only the two steam generator compartments may comply with the traditional " room" or " compartment" definition.

The chosen segmentation certainly simplifies the model description but care should be exercised to interpret results in the context of these " virtual" rooms. Page 4-105: As shown in Figure 4-39 for the South and in Figure 4-42 for the North Inner-Half Annulus Compartments, respectively, these two compartments comprise a large and very complex shage containment region above the operating deck The entnes in the Contml Volume Tables 4-7 and 4-9 reveal that each of the control volumes constituting the stack of nodes has a free volume which is a factor of 3-to-4 times larger than any ofits neighboring nodes. As displayed in Figures 4-39 and 4-42, respectively, the i'mer half annulus compartments, mndeled each as a single node, interface with the east and west steam generator compartments and the cylindrical contml roorr_ This modeling approach may completely homogenize  ! whatever radial differences may exist in physical containment quantities across the transverse between the SG-compartments. 480.760 Provide results of distributed-paranneter WGOTilIC-analyses which support this large lumped-parameter node approach. Page: 139 Total Records: 840

AP600 Open Item Tracking System Datnbase: S mm:ry Sched:le Dat2: 7/7/97 Selection: [w st code]=' Action W' Sorted by DSER Section. Transmit Date, NRC Branch and item number. Item DSER Section/ (W) NRC No. Branch Question Type Coord/ Resp Engineer Title Samus ICP Draft Review Transmit Samus 4794 NRR/SCSB 6.2.1 RAI-OI Rarig / Gresham Action W Action W 7/18/97 IRAl: WCAP-14407, *WGOTTIIC Application to AP600," A. Forgie, et al., September 1996 SECTION 4. "DESCRII' TION OF WGOTlilC EVALUAT10N MODEL* This report, WCAP-14407 *WGOTillC APPLICATION TO AP600,* references WCAP-14382 ("WGOTillC Code Description and Validation") as the WGOT111C code package description and validation report. Yet the AP600 WGOT111C model desenbed m this report deviates substantially from ahat was described and validated in WCAP-14382. Westinghocse has changed its previous approach of simulating the AP600 above-operating deck region with a distnbuted-parameter model to a network oflumped-parameter nodes. This change raises a number of concerns regarding onsistencies of the new approach, including:

                                                                              - The implementation specifics and computation re tufts for the AP600 containrnent.
                                                                              - The vahdation basis arnt comparisons of the climerdistributed-parameter approach versus clime / lumped-parameter approach.
                                                                              - The validsion basis and comparisons to experimental data.

All cross section schematics show a nodalization which implies subdivisions in A& dw with the distributed parameter approach. Ilowever, page 4-I clearly states that the model is a network of nodes. It would have been more conventional and descriptive if these figures presented the model as a

  • tube-and-tank" network of control volumes and flow paths.

Above Operating Deck Region In the AP600 Evaluation Model documented in Section 4. all of the computational features of the subdivided, distributed-parameter approach have been eliminated. Lumped-node networks have an inherent limitations of averaging local momentum information and predicting zero velocities in the lumped nodes. The computed velocities in the artificial flow vents / tube-tank network are not representative of the velocity distribution in the continuum. In addrtion, the AP600 Evaluation Model has a coarse nodalization for the above-operating deck region, providing only averaged values for large subspaces. In this way,informsion about jet / plume mixing and stratification is lost. This information was previously thorght to be important as an outcome of the PIRT (phencmena identification and ranking table) process. Subsections 4.2.12 (page 4-86) through 4.2.32 (page 4-212) describe the above-operming deck internal containment region and its subregions as specified by control volumes and flowpaths which constitute the network oflumped-parameter nodes. In the above pieck region.

  • rooms" and " compartments
  • have a different character as most of the defined
  • rooms" and " compartments
  • have virtual linterfaces in the open free-volume region abow-operating deck. Only the two steam generator compartments may comply with the kraditional " room" or " compartment
  • definition.

The chosen segmentation certainly simplifies the enodel descripion but care should be exercised to interpret results in the context of these " virtual" rooms. Page 4-105: As shown in Figure 4-39 for the South and in Figure 4-42 for the North inner-Ilatf Annulus Compartrients, respectively, these two compartments comprise a large and very complex shape containtnent region above the operating deck. The entries a the Controi Volume Tables 4-7 and 4-9 reveal that each of the contml volurnes constituting the stack of nodes has a free volume which is a facior of 3-to-4 times larger than any ofits neighbormg nodes. As displayed in Figures 4-39 and 4-42, respectively, the inner half annulus compartments, modeled each as a single node, interface with the east and west steam generator cv...g.a.n and the cylindrical control reorrt This modeling approach may completely homogenire whatever radial differences may exist in physical containment quantities across the transverse between the SG-compartments. 480.761 Provide justification for the validity of this nodalization approach for all phases of the accident. i t Page: 140 Total Records: 840

AP600 Open Item Tracking System D:t base: Simm:ry Schedale Date: 7/7/97 Selection: [w st code]=* Action W' Sorted by DSER Section. Transmit Date, NRC Branch and item number. Item DSER Section/ ' " (W) NRC l No. Branch Question Type Coord/ Resp Engineer Title Status Status ICP Draft Review Transmit 4793 NRR/SCSB 6.2.1 RAl-OI Rarig / Gresham Action W Action W 7/18/97 I R Al: WCAP-14407, "WGOTillC Application to AIV@," A. Forgie, et al., September 1996, SECTION 4," DESCRIPTION OF WGOTHIC EVALUATION MODEL" Dis report, WCAP-14407 "WGOTHIC APPLICATION TO AP600 " references WCAP-14382 ("WGOTiliC Code Description and Validation") as the WGOTillC code package description and validation report. Yet the AP600 WGOTIIIC model desenbed in this report deviates substantially from whm was descnbed and validated in WCAP-I4382. Westinghouse has changed its previous approach of simulating the AP600 abovemperating deck region with a distnbuted-parameter model to a network oflumped-parameter nodes. s change raises a number of concerns regarding consistencies of the new approach, including:

                                                                             - The implementation specifics and computation results for the AP600 containment.
                                                                             - ne validation basis and comparisons of the clirne/ distributed-parameter approach versus clirne/ lumped-parameter approach.
                                                                             - The validation basis and comparisons to experimental data.

All cross section schematics show a nodalization which implies subdivisions in L cc with the distnbuted parameter approach. Ilowever, page 4-1 clearly states that the model is a network of nodes. It would have been nere conventional and descriptive if these figures presented the model as a " tube-and-tank" network of control volumes and flow paths. Above Operating Deck Region In the AP600 Evaluation Model documented in Section 4, all of the computational features of the subdivided, distributed-parameter approach have been eliminated. Lumped-node networks have an inherent limitations of averaging local momentum information and predsting zero velocities in the lumped nodes. De computed velocities in the artificial flow vents / tube-tank network are not representative of the velocity distribution in the continuum.13 addition, the AP600 Evaluation Model has a coarse nodalization for the above-operating deck region, providing only averaged values for llarge subspaces. In this way,information about jet / plume mixing and stratification is lost. His information was previously thought lto be important as an outcome of the PIRT (phenomena idenufication and ranking table) process-

                                                                           ' Subsections 4.2.12 (page 4-86) through 4.2.32 (page 4-212) desenbe the above+perating deck internal containment region and its subregions as specified by control volumes and flowpaths which mnstitute the network oflumped-parameter nodes. In the above deck region, " rooms" and " compartments" haw a different character as most of the defmed
  • rooms" and " compartments
  • have virtual ji nterfaces in the open free-volume region above-operaung deck. Only the two steam generator compartments may comply with the traditional " room" or " compartment" definrtion.

De chosen segmentation certainly simplifies the model description but care should be exercised to interpret results in the context of jthese " virtual" rooms. Page 4-105: As shown in Figure 4-39 for the South and in Figure 4-42 for the North Inner-flalf Annulus Compartments, respectively, these two compartments comprise a large and very complex shape containment region above the operaring deck. He entnes in the Control Volume Tahics 4-7 and 4-9 reveal that each of the control volumes anstituting the stack of nodes has a free volurne which is a factor of 34o-4 times larger than any of its neighboring nodes. As displayed in Figures 4-39 and 4-42, respectively, the inner half annulus compartments, rnodeled each as a single node, interface with the east and we=t steam generator cc , ants and the cylindrical control room. This modeling approach may completely homogenize whatever radial differences may exist in physical containment quantities across the transverse between the SG-compartro es. 480.762 Provide additional top views for the different axial elevations to display flow path information. Provide addh.*J text desenbing details of the flow path selection which is otherwise difficult to display. Page: 141 Total Records: 840

  --           - ~ - .       --- - . - .                      -- - - - - - - . - - -                                                  . - - - - . - - - - ~ _ ~ . . . . - - - - .                                                   ~

l APtiOO Opea Ittm Tracking System Datsbase: S:mm:ry Schedule Date: 7/7/97 l Selection: [w st code]=' Action W* Sorted by DSER Section. Transmit Date, NRC Branch and item number. l f hem DSER Sectent (W) l NRC No. Branch Question Type Coord/ Resp Engineer Title Status ICP Draft Review Status Transnut [ 4796 NRR/SCSB 6.2.1 RAlot Rarig / Gresham Action W Action W 7/18/97 [ RAI: WCAP-14407,"WGOTHIC Application to AP600,* A. Forgie,et al., September 1996, SECTION 4," DESCRIPTION OF f WGOWIC EVALUATION MODEL" ( This report, WCAP-14407 *WGOTHIC APPLICATION TO AP600,* references WCAP-14382 ("WGOTHIC Code Description and [ Validation") as the WGOTHIC code package description and validation report. Yet the AP600 WGOTHIC rnodel desenbed in this > report deviates substantially from what was described and validased in WCAP-14382. Westinghouse has changed its previous approach of simulating the AP600 abovegerating deck region with a distributed-pararneter model to a network oflumped-parameter , nodes. This change raises a number of concerns regarding consistencies of the new approach, including: [

                                                                                          - The implementation specifics and computation resuks for the AP600 containrnent.                                                           ;
                                                                                          - The validation basis and comparisons of the clime / distributed-parameter approach versus clieneAmmped-parameter approach.                [
                                                                                          - The validation basis and comparisons to experimental data.                                                                                ,
All cross section schematics show a modalization which irnplies subdivisions in accordance with the distritmeed parameter approach. f
                                                                                         -However, page 4-1 clearly states that the model is a network of nodes. It would have been more conventional and descriptive if these        !

4 figures presented the model as a " tube-and4ank" network of control volumes and flow paths. I Above Operating Deck Region l In the AP600 Evaluation Model J-_-:+- .-.-2 in Section 4 all of the mmputational features of the subdivided, distributed-parameser [ approach have been eliminated. Lumped-node metworks have an inherent linutanons of averaging local mornentain information and predicting zero velocities in the lumped nodes. The computed velocities in the artificial flow ventshube-tank network are not [ representative of the velocity distribution in the continuum. In addition, the AP600 Evaluation Model has a coarse nodalization for  ; the above-operating deck region, providing only averaged values for large subspaces. In this way,information about jet / plume mixing and stratification is lost. This information was previously thought [ to be important as an outcome of the PIRT (phenomena identification and ranking table) process.  ; Subsections 4.2.12 fpage 4-86) through 4.2.32 (page 4-212) desenbe the above-operating deck internal containsnent region and its l' subregions as specified by control volumes and flowperhs which constitute the network m .a. nodes. In the above deck region," rooms" and " compartments

  • have a different character as most of the defined " rooms" and "m.,-. .as" have virtual j interfaces in the open free-volume region above-operating deck. Only the two steam generator compartments may comply with the '

traditional " room

  • cr " compartment" definition. i The chosen segmentation certainly simplifies the model description but care should be exercised to interpret resuks in the context of - l these " virtual" rooms.

Page 4-105: As shown in Figure 4-39 for the South and in Figure 4-42 for the North Inner-Half Annulus Compartments, resgectively, these two i

                                                                                               , . .--- _ comprise a large and very complex shape containment region above the operating deck. The entries in the Control Volume Tables 4-7 and 4-9 reveal that each of the control volumes constituting the stack of modes has a free volume which is a factor         j of 3-to-4 times larger than any ofits neighboring nodes. As displayed in Figures 4-39 and 4-42, respectively, the inner half annulus          !

compartments, modeled each as a single node, interface with the east and west steam generator compartments and the cylindncal control roont This modeling approach may completely homogenize l whatever radial differences may exist in physical containment quant ties across the transverse between the SGw...rmmas.  ! 480.763 Explain the graphical presentation shown in Figure 4-40 with respect to the cuttine BR depicted in Figure 4-39. t t i t i i Page: 142 Total Records: 840 t

AP600 Open Item Tracking System Database: S:mm:ry Schedule Date: 7/7/97 Selectiota: [w st code]=' Action W' Sorted by DSER Section, Transmit Date. NRC Branch and item number. Item DSER Sectumf " (w) NRC l No. Branch Question Type Coord/ Resp Engineer Title Status Status ICP Draft Review Transmit 4797 NRR/SCSB 6.2.1 RAI-O! Rarig / Gresham Action W Action W 7/18/97 R A1: WCAP-14407, *WGOTli!C Application to AP600," A. Forgie,et al., September 1996, SECTION 4," DESCRIPTION OF WGOUllC EVALUATION MODEL" This report, WCAP-14407 "WGOTillC APPLICATION TO AP600," references WCAP-14382 ("WGOTHIC Code Description and Validation") as the EOTillC code package description and validation report. Yet the AP600 WGODi!C mode! described in this report deviates substantially from what was described and validated in WCAP-14382. Westinghouse has changed its previous approach of simulating the AP600 above-operating deck region with a distributed-parameter model to a network of lumped-parameter nodes. This change raises a number of concems regarding consistencies of the new approach, including:

                                                                                   - The implementation specifics and computation resalts for the AP600 containment.
                                                                                   - ne validation basis and comparisons of the clime / distributed-parameter approach versus clime / lumped-parameter approach.
                                                                                   - The validation basis and comparisons to experimental data.

All cross section schematics show a nodalization w hich implies subdivisions in accordance with the 6strit uted parameter approach However, page 4-I clearly states that tle model is a network of nodes. It would have been more conveniicnd and descnptive if these figures presented the model as a "sube-and-tank' network of control volumes and flow paths. Above Operating Deck Region in the AP600 Evaluation Model documented in Section 4 a!! of the computational features of the subdivided, distributed-parameter approach have been climinated. Lumped-node networks have an inherent limitations of averaging Iceal momentum inforrnation and predicting zero velocities in the lumped nodes. De computed velocities in the artificial flow ventshube-tank network are not representative of the velocity distnbution in the continuum. In addition, the AP600 Evaluation Model has a coarse nodalization for the above-operating deck region, providing only averaged values for large subspaces. In this way,information about jet / plume mixing and stratification is lost. His information was previously thought to be important as an outcome of the PIRT (phenomena identification and ranking table) process. Subsections 4.2.12 (page 4-S6) through 4 2.32 (page 4-212) describe the above-operating deck internal containment region and its subregions as specified by control volumes and flowpaths which constitute the networt oflumped-parameter nodes. In the above deck region," rooms

  • and "compartnents' have a different character as most of the defined "roorns" and " compartments" have virtual interfaces in the open free-volorne region above-operating deck. Only the two steam generator compartments may comply with the traditional
  • room" or " compartment
  • definition.

The chosen segmentation crrtainly simplifies the model description but care should be exercised to interpret results in the context of these " virtual

  • rooms.

Page 4-105: As shown in Figure 4-39 for the South and in Figure 4-42 for the North Inner-Half Annulus Compartments, respectively, these two compartments comprise a large and very complex shape containment region above the operating deck. De entries in the Control Volune Tables 4-7 ana 4-9 teveal that each of the control volumes constituting the stack of nodes has a free volume which is a factor of 3-to-4 times larger than any of its neighboring nodes. As displayed in Figures 4-39 and 4-42, respectively, the inner half annulus compartments, modeled each as a single node, interface with the east and west steam generator compartments and the cylindrical control reorn. This m3deling approach may completely homogenize whatever radial differences may exist in physical containment quantities across the transverse between the SGw@-ts. 480.764 Explain the graphical presentation shown in Figure 4-43 with respect to the cuttine BB and associate arrows (view direction)in Figure 4-42. Page: 143 Total Records- 840

AP600 Open Item Tracking System Dat . base: Sunim ry Schedule Datz: 7m97 Selection: [w st code]=* Action W* Sorted by DSER Section Transmit Date, NRC Branch and item number. leem DSER Secten/ (W) NRC No. Branch Question Type CoorWResp Engineer Title Status Status ICP DraA Review Transmit 4798 NRR/SCSB 6.2.1 RAl-OI Rarig - / Gresham Action W Action W 7/18/97 RAI: WCAP-14407,"WGOTHIC Application to AP600,* A. Forgie,et al., September 1996 SECTION 4," DESCRIPTION OF WGOTillC EVALUATION MODEL" This report, WCAP-14407 "WGOTHIC APPLICATION TO AP600,* references WCAP-14382 ("WGOTHIC Code Desenpnon and Validation *) as the WGOTHIC code package desenption and validation report. Yet the AP600 WGOTHIC rnodel descnbed in this report devisses substantially from what was desenbed and validased in WCAP-14382. Westinghouse has changed its previous approach of simulating the AP600 above-operating deck regen with a distributed-parameter model to a network oflumped-parameser nodes. This change raises a number of concerns regarding consiseencies of the new appmsch, including-

                                                                                                                  - The implementation specifics and computation resuks for the AP600 --
                                                                                                                  - The validation basis and comparnons of the clime / distributed-parameter approach versus clime / lumped-parameter approach.
                                                                                                                  - 1he validation basis and ( . , _._ .=-s to experimental data.

All cross section schematics show a nodalization which implies subdivisions in accordance with the distdbuted parameter approach. However, page 4-1 clearly states that the snodelis a network of nodes. k would have been more conventional and descriptive if these figures presented the model as a " tube-and4ank" network of control volumes and Row paths. Above Operating Deck Region in the AP600 Evaluation Model documented in Section 4 all of the computational feannes of the subdivided, distributed-parameter approach have been eliminated. Lumped-node networks have an inherent livnitations of averaging local ------ information and , predicting zero velocities in the lumped nodes. The computed velocities in the artificial Row vents / tube-tank network are not representative of the velocity distnbution in the continuum. In addition, the AP600 Evaluation Model has a comrne nodaiization for , the above-operating deck region, providing only averaged values for large sutnpaces. In this way,infonnation about jet / plume mixing and stratification is lost. This information was previously thought to be important as an outcorne of the PIRT (phenomena identification and ranking table) pmcess. Sutmections 4.2.12 (page 4-86) through 4.232 (page 4-212) desenbe the above-operating deck internal containneent region and its subregions as specified by control volumes and flowpaths which constitute the network oflumped-parameter nodes. In the above deck region.

  • rooms
  • and " compartments" have a different character as most of the defined " rooms
  • and " compartments
  • have virtual interfaces in the open free-volume region above-operating deck. Only the two steam generasor compartments may comply with the traditional
  • room
  • or * .,, ..m ;* definition.

The chosen segmentation certainly sinoplifies the model description but case should be exercised to interpret resuks in the context of these " virtual

  • rooms. -

Page 4-110-480.765 Provide information, whether any cutoff cntenon has been applied for the specification of the thermal conductors, as the number of conductors (I I) seems low for such a large portion of the containsnent. Have any staircases, pipes etc. been discarded? Page: I44 Total Records: 840 I

AP600 Open Item Tracking System D;t base: Simmiry Schedile Datu 7/7/97 Selection: [w st code)=* Action W' Sorted by DSER Section. Transmit Date, NRC Branch and item rtumber. Item DSER Section/ (W) NRC No. Branch Question Type CoonfResp Engineer Title Status ICP DraR Review Transmit Status 4799 NRR/SCSB 6.2.1 RAl-OI Rarig / Gresham Action W Action W 7/l8/97 RAI: WCAP-14407,"WGOTillC Application to AP600,* A. Forgie, et al., September 1996, SECrlON 4. "DESCRIf710N OF WGOTHIC EVALUATION MODEL* This report WCAP-I4407 "WGOTillC APPLICATION TO AP600

  • references WCAP-I4382 ("WGOTHIC Code Description and Validation") as the WGOTHIC code package description and validaion report. Yet the AP600 WGOTEC model described in this report deviates substantially from what was descrrbed and validated in WCAP-14382. Westinghouse has changed its previous approach of simulating the AP600 above-operating deck region with a distnbuted-parameter model to a network oflumped-parameter nodes.

This change raises a number of concerns regarding consistencies of the new approach, including-

                                                                           - The implementation specifics and computation results for the AP600 containment.
                                                                           - The validaion basis and comparisons of the clime / distributed-parameter appioach versus climeAamped-parameter approach.
                                                                           - The validaion basis and comparisons to experirnental data.

All cross section schematics show a nodalization which implies subdivisions in wh with the distnbuted parameter approach. However, page 4-1 clearly states that the model is a network of nodes. It would have been more conventional and descriptive if these figures presented the model as a

  • tube-ed-tank
  • network of control volumes and flow paths.

Above Operating Deck Region In the AP600 Evaluation Model documented in Section 4, all of the computzional features of the subdivided, distributed parameter appmach have tscen eliminated. Immped-node networts have an inherent limitsions of averaging local momentum information arut predicting zero velocities in the lumped nodes. The computed velocities in the artificial flow vents / tube-tank networt are not representative of the velocity distribution in the continuum. In addition, the AP600 Evaluation Model has a coarse nodalization for above-operating deck region, providing only averaged values for jlarge subspaces. In this way,information about jet / plume mixing and stratification is lost. This information was previously thought to be important as an outcome of the PIRT (phenomena identification and ranking table) process Subsections 4.2.12 (page 4-86) through 4.232 (page 4-212) desenhe the above-operating deck intemal containment region and its subregions as specified by control volumes and flowpaths which constitute the network of lumped-parameter nodes. In the above deck region.

  • rooms" and " compartments
  • have a different character as most of the defined
  • rooms" and *w..v L.~..;s* have virtual interfaces in the open free-volume region above-operating deck. Only the two steam generator compartments may comply with the traditional
  • room" or " compartment
  • definition.

The chosen segmentation certainly simplifies the model description but care should be exercised to interpret results in the context of these " virtual" rooms. Page 4-110: 480.766 Please, correct the description of the ninth thermal conductor on page 4-1I1. The sentence should read: "... conductor represents the wall between the upper cast

  • Page: 145 Total Records: 840

AP600 Open Item Tracking System Database: Sanmary Sched le Date: 7/U97 Selectiott: [w st code]=* Action W' Sorted by DSER Section. Transmit Date, NRC Branch and item number. Item DSER Section/ " (W) NRC No. Branch Question Type Coord/ Resp Engineer Tide Status Status ICP Draft Review Transmit 4800 NRR/SCSB 611 RAl-OI Rarig / Gresham Action W Action W 7/I8/97 RAI: WCAP-14407,"WGOTiflC Application to AP600,* A. Forgie, et al., September 1996, SECTION 4. " DESCRIPTION OF WGOTillC EVALUATION MODEL* nis report, WCAP-14407 *WGOTillC APPLICATION TO AP600," references WCAP-14382 ("WGOTlilC Code Description and Validation") as the WGOTii!C code package description and validation report. Yet the AP600 WGOm!C model desenbed in this report deviates substantially from what was described and vahdated in WCAP-I4382. Westinghouse has changed its previous approach of simulating the AP600 above-operating deck region with a distnbuted-parameter model to a network oflumped-parameter nodes. This change raises a number of concems regarding consistencies of the new approach, including:

                                                                                         - The implementation specifics and computation results for the AP600 contamment.
                                                                                         - The vahdation basis and comparisons of the clime / distributed-parameter approach versus clime / lumped-parameter appmach.
                                                                                         - The vahdation basis and comparisons to esperimental data.

All cross section schematics show a nodalization m hich implies subdivisions in d. with the distributed parameter approach. Ilowever, page 4 1 clearly states that the model is a network of nodes. It would have been rnare mnventional and desenptive if these 6gures presented the model as a

  • tube-and-tank" network of control volumes and flow paths.

Above Operating Deck Region

                                                                                        .In the AP600 Evaluation Model documented in Section 4, all of the computational features of the subdivided, distributed-parameter appmach have been eliminated. Lumped-node networks haw an inherent limitations of averaging local rnomentum information and predicting zero velocities in the lumped nodes. The computed velocities in the artificial flow ventsAube-tank network are not representative of the velocity distribution in the continuum. In addition, the AP600 Evaluation Model has a coarse nodalization for the above-operating deck region, pmviding only averaged values for large subspaces. In this way,information about jet / plume mixing and stratification is lost. This information was previously thougit to be important as an outenme of the PIRT (phenomena identification and ranking table) process.

Subsections 4.2.12 (page 4-86) through 4.2.32 (page 4-212) describe the above-operating deck internal containment region and its subregions as specified by control volurnes and flowpaths which constitute the network oflumped-parameter nodes. In the above deck region, " rooms" and " compartments" have a different character as rnost of the defined " rooms" and " compartments" have virtual interfaces in the open free-volume region above-operating deck. Only the two steam generator compartments may comply with the traditional

  • room
  • or hy.a.m.# definition.

The chosen segmentation certainly simplifies the model description but care should be exercised to interpret results in the context of these " virtual" rocms. Page 4-110-480.767 Provide information on how the refaciing machine is apportioned to the 7th and 11th thermal conductors, respectively,in the south inner-half annulus compartment. What support systems of the refueling machine have been accounted for the specification

                                                                                       ;of the thermal conductor?

Page: 146 Total Records: 840

AP600 Open Item Tracking System Datzbase: Summiry Schedule Dat2: 7/7/97 Selection: [w st codeb' Action W* Sorted by DSER Section. Transmit Date, NRC Branch and item number. Item DSER Sectionf (W) NRC No. Branch Question Type Coord/ Resp Engmeer Title Status Status ICP Draft Review Transmit 4801 NRR/SCSB 6.2.1 RAl-OI Rarig / Gresham Action W Action W 7/18 M RAI:WCAP-I4407,"WGOTHIC Application to AP600." A. Forgie,et al., September 1996 SECTION 4.* DESCRIPTION OF WGOTHic EVALUATION MODEL" This report. WCAP-14407 *WGOTHIC APPLICATION TO AP600,* references WCAP-14382 ("WGOTHIC Code Description and Validation") as the WGOTHIC code package description and validation report. Yet the AP600 WGOTHIC model desenbed in this report deviates substantia!!y from what was desenbed and va!idated in WCAP-14382. Westinghouse has changed its previous approach of simulating the AP600 abovemperating deck region with a distributed-parameter model to a network oflumped-parameter nodes. This change raises a number of concems regarding consistencies of the new approach, including:

                                                                                       - The implementation specifics and computation results for the AP600 containment-
                                                                                       - The validation basis and comparisons of the clime /distnbuted-parameter approach versus clime / lumped-parameter appmach.
                                                                                       - The validaion basis and corryarisons to experimental data.

All cross section schematics show a nodalization which implies subdivisions in wh with the distnbuted parameter approach. Ilowever, page 4-1 clearly states that the model is a network of nodes. It would have been more conventional and descriptive if these figures presented the model as a " tube-and-tank" network of control volumes and flow paths. Above Operating Deck Region In the AP600 Evaluation Model documented in Section 4, all of the computational features of the subdivided, distributed-parameter approach have been ehminared. Lumped-node networks have an inherent limitations of averaging local momentum information and predicting zero velocities in the lumped nodes. The computed velocities in the artificial flow ventshube-tank network are not representative of the velocity distribution in the continuunt in addition,the AP600 Evaluation Model has a coarse nadalization for the above-ogerating deck region, providing only averaged values for large subspaces. In this way,information about jet / plume mixing and stratification is lost. This information was previously thought to be important as an outcome of the PIRT (phenomena identification and ranking table) pmcess. Subsections 4.2.12 (page 4-86) through 4.2.32 (page 4-2I2) describe the above+perating deck internal containment region and its subregions as specified by control volumes and flowpaths which constitute the network oflumped-parameter nodes. In the above deck region.

  • moms" and " compartments" have a different character as most of the defined " rooms" and " compartments
  • have virtual
                                                                                    ! interfaces in the open free-volume region above-operating deck. Only the two steam generator compartments may comply with the I

traditional " room" or " compartment" definition. The chosen segmentation certainly simphfies the model description but care should be exercised to interpret results in the context of these

  • virtual" tooms.

Page 4-110-480.768 What structures have been aaounted for in specifying the 6th thermal conductor representing the integrated head stand? Page: 147 Total Records: 840

AP600 Open Item Tracking System Datnbase: S mm:ry Sched:le Dati: 7n/97 Seldon: [w st codel=' Action W' Sorted by DSER Section Transmit Date. NRC Branch and item number. Item DSER Section/ (w) NRC No. Branch Question Type Coord/ Resp Engineer Title Stmas ICP Draft Review Staus Transmit 4!.02 NRR/SCSB 6.2.1 RAI-OI Rarig / Gresham Action W Action W 7/IS/97 IRAt: WCAP-14407,"WGOnt!C Application to AP600 " A. Forgie, et al., September 1996, SECTTON 4," DESCRIPTION OF WGODIIC EVALUATION MODEL" This repat WCAP-14407 "WGOU{lC APPLICATION TO AP600,* references WCAP-I4382 ("WGOTHIC Code Desenprion and Validation") as the WGOTillC code package description and validation report. Yet the AP600 WGOnllC model desenhed in this report deviates substantially from what was described and validated in WCAP-14382. Westinghouse has changed its previous approach of simulating the AP600 above-operating deck region with a distributed-parameter rnodel to a network oflumped-parameter nodes. This change raises a number of concerns regarding consistencies of the new approach, including-

                                                                                                     - The implementzion specifics and computation resuhs for the AP600 containment.
                                                                                                     - The validation basis and comparisons of the clime / distributed-parameter approach versus clime / lumped-parameter approach.
                                                                                                     - The validsion basis and comparisons to experimental data.

All cross section schematics show a nodalization which implies subdivisions in - h with the distributed parameter approach flowever, page 4-l clearly states that the model is a network of nodes. It would have been more conventional and descriptive if these figures presented the model as a " tube-and4ank" network of control volumes and flow paths. Above Operating Deck Region In the AP600 Evaluation Model documented in Section 4, all of the computational features of the subdivided, distnbuted-parameter approach have been climinated. Lurnped-node networks have an inherent limitations of averaging local enomentum information and predicting zero velocities in the lurnped nodes. The computed velocities in the artificial flow ventshube-tank netwnrk are not nepresentative of the velocity distribution in the continuum. In addition, the AP600 Evaluation Model has a coarse nodalization for the above-operating deck region, providing only averaged values for l karge o be important subspaces. as an outcome In this ofway,information about the PIRT (phenomena jet / plume identifwation mixingtable) and ranking andprocess. stratification is lost. This information was Subsections 4.2.I2 (page 4-86) through 4.2.32 (page 4-212) describe the above-operating deck internal containment region and its subregions as specified by control volumes and flowpaths which constitute the network oflumped-parameter nodes. In the above deck region.

  • rooms" and " compartments
  • have a different character as most of the defined
  • rooms" ar.d " compartments
  • have virtual interfaces in the open free-volume region above-operating deck. Only the two steam generator compartments may comply with the traditional " room
  • or
  • compartment
  • definition. -

The chosen segmentation certainly simplifies the rnodel description but care should be exercised to interpret resuks in the context of these " virtual" rooms. Pages 4-122 to 4-145: 480.769 Explain why in Figures 4-48 and 4-54 the inside radius of the west and east rnid-quarter annulus compartments, respectively, does not property circumscnbe the respective west and cast steam generator compartments. i Page: 148 Total Records: 840

AP600 Open Item Tracking System D2. base: S1mm:ry Schedt D t:: 7/7/97 Selection: [w se code]= Action W' Sorted by DSER Section Transmit Date, NRC Branch and item number. Item DSER Section/ # (W) NRC No. Branch Question Type Coord/ Resp Engineer Title Status Status ICP Draft Review Transmit 4L33 NRR/SCSB 62.1 RAI-OI Rarig / Gresham Action W Action W 7/lR/97

                                                                         !RAI. WCAP-14407,"WGOTillC Application to AP600," A. Forgie, et al September 1996,3ECTION 4.*DESCRWilON OF
                                                                         'WGOTillC EVALUATION MODEI
  • This report, WCAP-14407 "WGOTHIC APPLICATION TO AP600," references Wi".AP-I4382 ("WGOTIIIC Code Description and Vahdation") as the WGOT111C code package desenption and vahdation report. *r et the AP600 WGOTillC model desenbed in this report deviares substantially from what was desenhed and validated in WCAP-14382. Westinghouse has changed its previous approach of simulating the AP600 above-operating deck region with a distnbuted-parameter model to a network oflumped-parameter nodes.

his change raises a number of concerns regarding consistencies of the new approach, including:

                                                                          - The implementation specifics and computation resuhs for the AP600 containment.
                                                                          - The vahdation basis and comparisons of the clime /distnbuted-parameter approach versus clime / lumped-parameter approach.
                                                                          - The vahdation basis and comparisons to experimental data.

All cross section schematics show a nodalization which implies subdivisions in h h with the distributed parameter approach

                                                                         .llowever, page 4-1 clearly states that the nuxlel is a network of nodes. It would have been more conventional and descriptive if these figures presented the model as a " tube-and-tank" networt of control volumes ar:d flow paths.

Above Operating Deck Region in the AP600 Evaluation Model docurnented in Section 4, all of the computarnonal features of the subdivided, distributed-parzmerer approach have been ehminated. Lumped-node networks have an inherent limitations of averaging local rnomentum information and predicting zero velocities in the lumped nodes. De cornputed velocities in the artificial flow vents / tube-tank network are not frepresentative of the velocity distnbution in the continuum. In addition, the AP600 Evaluation Model has a coarse nodaliza jthe above-operating deck region, providing only averaged values for large subspaces. In this way,information about jet /plurne mixing and stratification is lost. This information was previously thought to be important as an outcome of the PIRT (phenomena identification and ranking table) process. Subsectons 4.2.12 (page 4-86) through 4 2.32 (page 4-212) desenbe the abovegerating deck internal containment region and its subregions as specified by control volumes and flowpaths which constiture the network oflumped-parameter nodes. In the above deck region," rooms" and " compartments" have a different character as most of the defined

  • rooms" and " compartments" have virtual jinterfaces in the open free-volume region above-operating deck. Only the two steam generator compartments may comply with the
                                                                        ' traditional " room" or
  • compartment" definition.

The chosen segmentation certainly simphfies the model description but care should be exercised to interpret results in the context of these " virtual" rooms. Pages 4-122 to 4-145: 480.770 Changing from a compartment oriented approach to the polar coordinate system leads to incompatibilities at common control volume interfaces in the radial and azimuthal directions. Please clarify the reasons for changing the modeling appmach from the inner-half annulus to the mid<luarter annulus compartments. What checks and validation studies were performed to insure that kncompatibihties did not arise as a result of this change? Fage: 149 Total Records: 840

AP600 Open hem Tracking System Dat base: 5:mmiry Schedule Data: 7/7/97 Selection: [w st code]=* Action W' Sorted by DSER Section Transmit Date, NRC Branch and item number. Item DSER Section/ (W) NRC No. Branch Question Type Coord/ Resp Engineer Title Staus Stsus ICP Draft Review Transmit 4804 NRR/SCSB 6.2.1 RAl-OI Rarig / Gresham Action W Action W 7/18/97

                                                                                                                                                                             'RA!: WCAP-14407, *WGOTIIIC Application to AP600 " A. Forgie, et al., September 1996, SECTION 4. " DESCRIPTION OF WGOTillC EVALUATION MODEL" l

l This report, WCAP-14407 *WGOTillC APPLICATION TO AP600,* references WCAP-14382 ('WGOTHIC Code Description and Validation") as the WGOTlHC code packag-description and validation report. Yet the AP600 WGOT111C rnodel described in this report deviates substantially from what was descnbed and validated in WCAP-14382. Westinghouse has changed its previous appmach of simulating the AP600 above-eperating deck region with a distributed-parameter model to a network oflumped-parameter nodes. This change raises a number of concerns regarding consistencies of the new appmach, including:

                                                                                                                                                                              - The implementation specifics and computation results for the AP600 containment.
                                                                                                                                                                              - The validation basis and comparisons of the clime / distributed-parameter approach versus clime / lumped-parameter approach.
                                                                                                                                                                              - The validation basis and -g 6ms to experimental data.

All cross section schematics show a nodalization which implies subdivisions in de J s with the distributed parameter approach. flowever, page 4-1 clearly states that the model is a network of nodes. It would have been more convectional and descriptive if these figures presented the model as a " tube-and-tank" network of control volumes and flow paths. Above Operating Deck Region In the AP600 Evaluation Model documented in Section 4, all of the computational features of the subdivided, distributed-parameter approach have been ehminated. Lumped-node networks have an inherent linutations of averaging local metacntum information and

                                                                                                                                                                             . predicting zero velocities in the lumped nodes. The computed velocities in the artificial flow vergshube-tank network are not representative of the velocity distribution in the continuum. In addition, the AP600 Evaluation Model has a coarse nodalization for the above-operating deck region, providing only averaged values for large subspaces. In this way,information about jet / plume mixing and stratification is lost. This information was previously thought to be important as an cutcome of the PIRT(phenomena identification end ranking table) process.

Subsections 4.2.12 (page 4-86) through 4.2.32 (page 4-212) describe the above-operating deck internal containment region and its subregions as specified by control volumes and flowpaths which constitute the network oflumped-parameter nodes. In the above deck region. " rooms

  • and " compartments" have a different character as rnost of the defined
  • rooms" and b..g 6.ues* have virtual interfaces in the open free-volume region above-operating deck. Only the two steam generator compartments may comply with the traditional " room" or " compartment" definition.

The chosen segmentation certainly simplifies the model description but care should be exercised to inte:W results in the context of these " virtual" rooms. Pages 4-122 to 4-145: 480.771 Explain the approach taken for specifying the flow paths between North inner-11alf Annulus Compartment (South Inner-Ilaf f Annu!us) and the adjoining North Mid-Quarter Annulus (South Mid-Quarter Annulus), as the inside surfaces of the latter only coincide over part of the outside surfaces of the former. Page: 150 Total Records: 840

AP600 Open Item Tracking System Database: Summary Schednie Date: 7/7/97 Selection: [w st code]=" Action W' Sorted by DSER Section. Transmit Date. NRC Branch and item number. Item DSER Sectmn/ (W) NRC No. Braa:S Question Type Coord/ Resp Engineer Title Status Status ICP DraA Review Transmit 435 NRR/SCSB 6.2.1 RAl-OI Rarig / Gresham Action W Action W 7/18/97 RAl: WCAP-14407. *WGOTillC Application to AP600." A. Forgie, et al., September 1996. SFCTION 4. "DESCRIITION OF WGOTIIIC EVALUATION MODEL" This report. WCAP-I44M TOGTiM APPLICATION TO AP600," references WCAP-14382 ("WGOTillC Code Description and Validation") as the WGOTillC code package description and validation report. Yet the AP600 WGOnllC model descnbed in this report deviates substantially frorn what was descnbed and validated in WCAP 14382. Westinghouse has changed its previous approach of simulating the AP600 above-operating deck region with a distributed-parameter model to a network oflumped-parameter nodes. This change raises a number of concerns regarding consistencies of the new approach. including:

                                                                            - The implementation specifics and computation results for the AP600 containment.
                                                                            - The validation basis and comparisons of the clime / distributed-parameter approach versus clime / lumped-parameter approach.
                                                                            - The validation basis and comparisons to experimental data.

A!! cross section schematics show a nodalization which implies subdivisions in accordance with the distnbuted parameter approach. Ilowever, page 4-1 clearly states that the model is a network of nodes. It would have been more conventional and descriptive if these figures presented the model as a *tubeand4ank' network of control volumes and flow paths. Above Operating Deck Region In the AP600 Evaluation Model documented in Section 4, all of the computational features of the subdivided, distributed-g warneter approach have been eliminated. Lumped-node networks have an inherent limitations of averaging local momentum information and prtxlicting zero velocities in the lamped nodes. The computed velocities in the artificial flow ventshube-tank network are not representative of the velocity distribution in the continuum. In addition, the AP600 Evaluation Model has a coarse nodalization for the above-operating deck region, pmviding only averaged values for large subspaces. In this way,inforrnation about jet / plume mixing and stratification is lost. This information was previously thought to be important as an outcome of the PIRT (phenomena identification and ranking table) prowss. Subsections 4.2.12 (page 4 86) through 4 2.32 (page 4-212) describe the above-operating deck intemal containment region and its subregions as specified by control volumes and flowpaths which constitute the network oflumped-parameter nodes. In the above deck region.

  • rooms" and " compartments" have a different character as most of the defined *roorns" and " compartments" have virtual interfaces in the open free-volume region above-operating deck. Only the two steam generator compartrnents may comply with the traditional
  • room
  • or " compartment
  • definition.

The chosen segmentation certainly simplifies the model description but care should be exercised to interpret resuhs in the context of these " virtual

  • rooms.

Pages 4-122 to 4-145: 480.772 Explain how the flow paths are specified for connecting the West (East) Mid-Quarter Annulus Compartments with the West (East) Steam Generator Compartment and parts of the surfaces of both North and South Inner-Half Annulus Compartments. Ilow are these part surfaces apportioned to flow paths? Identify those flow paths in the respective tables and pmvide comments in the res upective subsections. Page: 151 Total Records: 840

AP600 Open Item Tracking System Database: Szmmcry Schedule Date: 7/7/97 Selection: [w st code]=* Action W' Sorted by DSER Section. Transmit Date, NRC Branch and item number, item DSER Section/ (W) NRC No. Branch Question Type Coord/ Resp Engineer Title Status Status ICP Draft Review Transmit 40)6 NRR/SCSB 6.2.1 RAl-OI Rarig / Gresham Action W Action W 7/18/97 I RA1:WCAP-14407,"WOOTIIIC Application to AP600,* A. Forgie,et al., September 1996. SECTION 4. " DESCRIPTION OF WGOTlilC EVALUATION MODEL" His report, WCAP-14407 *WGOTTIIC APPLICATION TO AP600,* references WCAP-14382 ("WGOTitlC Code Description and Validation") as the WGOTillC code package description and validation teport. Yet the AP600 WGOTlitC rrodel described in this report deviates substantially from what was described and validated in WCAP-14382. Westinghouse has changed its previous approach of simulating the AP600 above-operating deck region with a distributed-parameter model to a network of lumped-parameter nodes. His change raises a number of concerns regarding consistencies of the new approach, including:

                                                                            - The implement 1 tion specifics and comput: tion results for the AP600 contamment.
                                                                           - The validation basis and comparisons of the clime / distributed-parameter approach versus clime / lumped-parameter approach.
                                                                            - ne vahdation basis and comparisons to experimental data.

All cross section schematics show a nodalization which irnplies subdivisions in accordance with the distributed parameter approach. Ilowever, page 4-1 clearly states that the model is a network of nodes. It would have been more conventional and descriptive if these figures presented the model as a " tube-and-tank" network of control volumes and flow paths. Above Operating Deck Region in the AP600 Evaluation Model documented in Section 4, all of the computational features of the subdivided, distriteted-parameter h have been climinated. Lumped-node networks have an inherent limitations of averaging local momentum information and icting re ro velocities in the lumped nodes. De computed velocities in the artificial flow vents / tube-tank network are not

                                                                          ! representative of the velocity distribution in the continuum. In addition, the AP600 Eva!uation Model has a coarse nodalization for khe above-operating deck region, providing only averaged values for large subspaces. In this way,information about jet / plume mixing and stratification is lost. His information was previously thought to be important as an outcome of the PIRT (phenomena identification and ranking table) process Subsections 4.2.12 (page 446) through 4.2.32 (page 4-212) describe the above-operating deck internal containment region and its subregions as specified by control volumes and flowpaths which constitute the network of lumped-parameter nodes, in the above deck region, " rooms" and " compartments" have a different character as insst of the defined " rooms" and " compartments" have virtual interfaces in the open free-volume region above-operating deck. Only the two steam generator compartments may comply with the kraditional " room" or " compartment" definition.

The chosen segmentation certainly simplifies the rnodel description but care should be exercised to interpret results in the context of these " virtual" rooms. Pages 4-122 to 4-145: 480.773 Explain why the radius of the outer surface of the Mid-Quarter Annu!cs Compartments have been set to 63 feet and not simply extended up to 65 feet,the inside contamment surface? Page: 152 Total Records: 840

_ _ . . _m.. ___.m____.. __ _ . ___. ._ _._ _ _ _._ _ ._. _ _- _ _ ._.__.. _ _- ._ . l AP600 Opeo Item Tracking System Datchase: SummCry Schedule Dato: 7/7/97 f Selectl*st: [w st code]dAction W' Sorted by DSER Section. Transmit Date, NRC Branch and item nismber. - I I hem DSER Section/ (W) NRC i No. . Branch Question Type Coord/ Resp Engineer Title Status Status ICP Draft Review Transmit j 437 NRR/SCSB 6.2.1 RAI-Ol Rarig / Gresham Action W Action W 7/Ig/97 l' RAI: WCAP-14407, *WGOTHIC Application to AP600," A.1%rgie,et al., September 1996 SECTION 4,' DESCRIPTION OF WGOTHIC EVALUATION MODEL" l This report, WCAP-14407 "WGOTHIC APPLICATION TO AP600,* references WCAP.14382 (*WOOTHIC Code Descnpnon and ( Validation *) as the WGOTHIC code pactage description and validation report. Yet the AP600 WGOTHIC model desenhed in this report deviates substantially froen what was desenbed and validated in WCAP-14382. Westmghouse has changed its previous , approach of simulating the AP60d above-operating deck region with a distnbuted-parameter model to a network oflumped-parameter [ nodes. *

                                                                                                          'this change raises a number of conarns regarding consistencies of the new approach, including:


                                                                                                          - 1he implementation specifics and -: ,                                   --- results for the AP600 containment.
                                                                                                         - The validation basis and -- .                                ;-s of the clime /distnbuted parameter approact versus cli. "                                                                                             ...m   ,_-.a. approach.
                                                                                                          - The validation basis and compensons to experimental data.                                                                                                                                                                                                   ,

All cross section schematics show a nodalization which implies subdivisions in accordance with the distnbused parameter approach  ! 4 However, page 4-1 clearly s:ases that the model is a network of andes. It would have been more conventional and descriptive if these 6 ! figures presented the enodel as a

  • tube-and. tank" network of 9strol volumes and flow paths.

Above Operating Deck Region { in the AP600 Evaluation Model docurnented in Section 4. all of the computational features of the subdivided, disenbuted-parameter r approach have been eliminated. Lumped-node networts have an inherent limitations of averaging local u---- infonnation and I predicting zero velocities in the lumped nodes. The computed velocities in the artificial flow ventshube-tank network are not mr.m.a ve of the velocity distribution in the contmuum. In addition, the AP600 Evaluation Model has a coarse nodalization for -{ the above-operating deck region, providing only awraged values for  ; large subspaces. In this way,information about jet / plume mixing and stratification is loit. This information was previously thought to be important as an outcome of the PIRT (phenomena identification and ranking talk) process. } Subsections 4.2.I2 (page 4-86) through 4.2.32 (page 4-212) describe the above-operating deck internal-_ ^ region and its  ; subregions as specified by control volunies and flowpaths which constituae the network of lumped-paramener nodes. In the above , deck region. " rooms" and *- - . _...- L" have a different character as niost of the defined " rooms

  • and b..W.. .a." have vinual interfaces in the open free-volume region above-operating deck. Only the two steam generator compartments may comply with the i traditional
  • room
  • or 'compartnient* definition. i The chosen segmentation certamly sirnphfies the model description but case should be exercised to interpret resuks in the coneemt of i these " virtual" rooms  !

Pages 4-122 to 4-145: 480.774 List any special considerations which lead to the introduction of the Mid-Quarter Annulus Compartment Layer. What is the i purpose of these fourcontrol volumes? [ i t i i Page: 153 Total Reconis: 8d0

                                                                                                                                                - - - - _ - - - - .                                                               --         _ -~

AP600 Open item Tracking System Dat-base: S mmiry Schedule Dat:: 7/7/97 Selection: [w st code]=* Action W' Sorted by DSER Section.Transtnit Date. NRC Branch and item number. Item DSER Section/ (W) NRC No. Branch Question Type Coord/ Resp Engineer Title Statas Status ICP Draft Review Transmit 48C3 NRR/SCSB 6.2.1 RAI-Of Rarig / Gresham Action W Action W 7/I8/97 RA1: WCAP-14407."WGOTHIC Application to AP600." A. Forgie, et al September 1996. SECTION 4.* DESCRIPTION OF WGOTHIC EVALUATION MODEL" This report. WCAP-14407 *WGOTillC APPLICATION TO AP600." references WCAP-14382 ("WGOTIIIC Code Description and Validation") as the WGOTHIC code package description and validation report. Yet the AP600 WGOTHIC model desenbed in this report deviates substantially from what was described and validated in WCAP-14382. Westinghouse has changed its previous approach of simulating the AP600 above-operating deck region with a distributed-parameter model to a network oflumped-parameter t nodes.  ! This change raises a number of concems regarding consistencies of the new app onch. including:

                                                                            - "Ihe implementation specifics and computation resuks for the AP600 containment.                                                                                      .
                                                                            - The validation basis and comparisons of the clime / distributed-parameter approach versus clime / lumped-parameter approacit                                         '
                                                                            - The validation basis and comparisons to experimental data.

All cross section schematics show a nodalization which implies subdivisions in G ce with the distributed parameter approach.  ! However, page 4-1 clearly states that the modelis a network of nodes. It would have been more conventional and descriptive if these . figures presented the model as a

  • tube-and4ank" network of control volumes and flow paths.

Above Operating Deck Region  ! In the AP600 Evaluation Model documented in Section 4 all of the computational features of the subdivided, distributed-parameter l appsoach have been climinated. Lumped-node networks have an inherent limitations of averaging local momentum information and  ; predicting zero velocities in the lumped nodes. The computed velocities in the artificial flow vents / tube-tank network are not t representative of the selocity distribution in the continuum. In addition, the AP600 Evaluation Model has a coarse nodalization for the above-operating deck region, providing only averaged values for large subspaces. In this way. information about jet / plume mixing and stratification is lost. This information was previously thought  ; to be important as an outcome of the PIRT (phenomena identification and ranking tabic) process. . Subsections 4.2.12 (page 4-86) duough 4.2.32 (page 4-212) desenbe the above-operating deck internal containment region and its t subregions as specified by control volumes and flowpaths which constitute the network oflurnped-paranvier nodes. In the above j deck region. " rooms" and " compartments

  • have a different character as most of the defined " rooms" and " compartments" have virtua:

interfaces in the open free-volume region above-operating deck. Only the two steam generator compartments may comply with the l traditional " room" or " compartment" definition. l The chosen segmentation certainly simplifies the model description but care should be exercised to interpret resuhs in the context of these Sirtual" rooms.

                                                                          !Pages 4-122 to 4-145:

f480.775 (Page 4-122)12st sentence should read: " .are shown in Figures 4-46 and 4-47." Please correct the text. i r i L


r i Page: 154 Total Records: 840 [

AP600 Open Item Tracking System D2 base: Summtry Schedule Dat2: 7/7/97 Selection: [w st code]=' Action W' Sorted by DSER Section. Transmit Date, NRC Branch and item number. hem DSER Scenon/ (W) NRC No. Branch Question Type Coord/ Resp Engineer Title Status Starus ICP Oraft Review Transamt 479 NRR/SCSB 62.1 RAIOl Rarig / Gresham Action W Action W 7/18/97 RAI: WCAP-14407,WGOTHIC Application to AP600,* A. Ibrgie, et al., September 1996, SECTION 4,"DESCRIP110N OF WGOnllC EVALUATION MODEL' This report WCAP-14407 "WGOTillC APPLICATION TO AP600." references WCAP-14382 (*WGOTHIC Code Description and

                                                                                                                                                                                                         */ lidation") as the WGOTHIC code package description and validation report. Yet the AP600 WGOTHIC model described in this Ireport deviates substantially from what was described and validated in WCAP-I4382. Westinghouse has changed its previous ag proach of simulating the AP600 above-operating deck region with a distributed-parameter rnodel to a network oflumped-parameter o des.

T his change raises a number of concerns regarding consistences of the new approach. including: The implementation specifics and computation results for the AP600 containment.

                                                                                                                                                                                                         - The validation basis and comparisons of the clime /distnbuted-parameter approach versus clime / lumped-parameter approach.
                                                                                                                                                                                                        - The validation basis and comparisons to experimental data.                                                                             ;

All cross section schematics show a nodalization which implies subdivisions in G with the distributed parameter approach. l However, page 4-1 clearly states that the model is a network of nodes. It would have been more conventional and descriptive if these figures presented the model as a " tube-and-tank" network of control volumes and flow paths. Above Operating Deck Region In the AP600 Evaluation Model documented in Section 4, all of the computational features of the subdivided, distributed-parameter approach have been eliminated. Lumpedmode networks have an inherent limitations of averaging local . - .---- --information and predeting zero velocities in the lumped nodes. The comruted velocities in the artincial flow vents / tube-tank network a:e not representative of the velocity distribution in the continuum. In addition, the AP600 Evaluation Model has a coarse nodalization for the above-operating deck region, providing only averaged values for large subspaces. In this way,information about jet / plume mixing and stratification is lost. This inforrnation was previously thought to be important as an outcome of the PIRT (phenomena identification and ranking tabic) process. Subsections 4.2.12 (page 4-86) through 4.2.32 (page 4-212) describe the above-operating deck internal containment region and its subregions as specified by control volumes and flowpaths which constitute the network oflu...rJ y_.a. nodes. In the above ideck region, " rooms" and " compartments" have a different character as most of the defined " rooms" and " compartments" have virtual interfaces in the open free-volume region above-operating deck. Only the two steam generator m.v._;.. .a. may comply with the  ! rraditional " room" or " ...r L...a" definition. The chosen segmentation certainly simplifies the model description but care should be exercised to interpret results in the context of i these " virtual" rooms. " Page 4-127: 480.776 Provide a list of the intemal structures that have not been accounted for as thermal conductors for the mid<3uarter annulus w...y ;o aas. i t [ t i-Page: 155 Total Records: 840 s

. ~. . _._ _- - . - - _.- . - - - - - . . . - ~ - -- . .~. . - - - - -. -. . . AP600 Opea Item Tracking System Database: Samm ry Schedule Dat2: 7n/97 Selection: [w st code]=' Action W* Sotted by DSER Section. Transmit Date, NRC Branch and item number. Item DSER Secoon/ (W) NFC No. Branch Question Type Coord/ Resp Engineer Title Staus Staus ICP Draft Review Transmit 4810 NRR/SCSB 6.2.1 RAI-OI Rarig / Gresham Action W Action W 7/18/97 RAI: WCAP-14407. *WGOTIIIC Apolication to AP600,* A. Forgie, et al September 1996, SECTION 4. *DESCRifTION OF  ; WGOTIIIC EVALUATION MODEL" This report. WCAP-14407 "WGOTHIC APPLICATION TO AP600,* references WCAP-14382 (*WGOTHIC Code Description and Validation") as the WGOTHIC code package description and validation report. Yet the AP600 WGOTHIC model described in this report deviates substantially fmm what was described and validated in WCAP-14382. Westinghouse has changed its previous appmach of simulating the AP600 abovegerating deck region with a distributed-parameter model to a network oflumped-parameter , nodes. This change raises a number of concerns regarding consistencies of the new approach, including:

                                                                                                                           - The implementation specifics and computation results for the AP600 containment.
                                                                                                                           - The validation basis and comparisons of the clime / distributed-parameter approach versus c!ime/ lumped-parameter approach.


                                                                                                                          - The validation basis and comparisons to experimental data.                                                                                                                                          -

All cross section schematics show a nodalization which implies subdivisions in -.J a with the distributed parameter approach. However, page 4-1 clearly states that the model is a network of nodes. It would have been more conventional and descriptive if these figures presented the model as a

  • tube-and-tank" network of control volumes and flow paths.

Above Operating Deck Region in the AP600 Evaluation Model documented in Section 4, all of the computational features of the subdivided distributed-parameter approach have been climinated. Lumped-node networks have an inherent limitations of averaging local momentum information and 1 predicting zero velocities in the lumped nodes. The computed velocities in the artificial flow vents / tube-tank network are not ' representative of the velocity di=tribution in the continuum. In addition, the AP600 Evaluation Model has a coarse nadalization for the above-operating deck region, providing only averaged values for large subspaces. In this way,information about jet / plume mixing and stratification is lost. This information was previously thought , to be important as an outcome of the PIRT (phenomena identification and ranking table) process. Subsections 4.2.12 (page 4-86) through 4.2.32 (page 4-212) describe the above-operating deck internal containment region and its subregions as specified by control volumes and flompaths which constitute the network of lumped. parameter nodes. In the above deck region.

  • rooms" and " compartments
  • have a different character as most of the defined " moms" and " compartments" have virtual interfaces in the open free-volume region above-operating deck. On:y the two steam generator mw.a.m.e may comply with the traditional *rnom* or t.Am.a* definition.

The chosen segmentation certainly simplifies the model description but care should be exercised to interpres results in the context of these " virtual

  • rooms.

Page 4-127: 480.777 What is the radial width of the internal stiffener? Provide a diagram showing the dimensions of the internal stiffener, which represents Conductor 5 in Control Volume 30, and show what fraction of the stiffener penetrates into Control Volume 30. Page: 156 Total Records: 840 ,

AP600 Opco hem Tracking System Database: Sumucry Schedule Date: 7/7/97 i SRe4 [w st code]=* Action W' Sorted by DSER Section Transmit Date, NRC Branch and item number. I f Jtem DSER Section/ (W) NRC No. Branch Question Type Ced/ Resp Engineer Title Staus Samus ICP Draft Review Transmit 4811 NRR/SCSB 6.2.1 RAl-OI Rarig / Gresham Action W Action W 7/l8/97 , I t RA1: WCAP-14407,"WGOTHIC Application to A?600,* A. Forgie,et al September 1996, SECTION 4,

  • DESCRIPTION OF t WGOTillC EVALUATION MODEL' This report, WCAP-14407 *WGOTHIC APPLICATION TO AP600,* references WCAP-14382 ("WGOTHIC Code Description and Validation") as the WGOTillC code package description and validwion report. Yet the AP600 WGOTHIC model described in this report deviates substantially from what was described and validased in WCAP-14382. Westinghouse has changed its previous f

approach of sir.iulming the AP600 above-operating deck region with a distributed-parameter model to a network oflumped-parameter  ; nodes.

  • This change raises a number of concerns regarding consistencies of the new approach, including:  !
                                                                                 - The implementation specifics and computation results for the AP600 containment.                                                                                                                                                                                                            t
                                                                                - The valutation basis and compansons of the clime /distnbuted-parameter approach versus climellumped-parameter approach.                                                                                                                                                                     {
                                                                                - The validasion basis and comparisons to experimental data.

All cross section schematics show a nodalization which implies subdivisions in accordance with the distributed paameter approach. However, page 4-1 clearly states that the model is a network of nodes. It would have been more conventional and descriptive if these , figures presented the model as a " tube-and-tank" network of control volumes and flow paths. Above Opmting Deck Region In the Al%00 Evaluation Model documented in Section 4. all of the computational features of the s shdivided, distnbuted-parameter approach have been eliminated. Lumped-node networks have an inherent limitations of averaging i val momentum information and

                                                                               < predicting zero velocities in the lumped nodes. The computed velocities in the artificial flow vents /t he-tank network are not representative of the velocity distribution in the continuum. In addition. the AP600 Evaluatin Moda i has a coarse nodalization for the above-operating deck region, providing only averaged values for                                                                                                                                                                                                                            I large subspaces. In this way,information about jet / plume mixing and stratification is lost. Thi ipbmation was previously thought to be important as an outcome of the PIRT fphenomena identification and ranking table) procel                                                                                                                                                                                                  ,

Subsections 4.2.12 (page 4-86) through 4.2.32 (page 4-212) desenbe the above-operating deck ivernal cx>ntainment sagion and its  ! subregions as specified by control volumes and flowpsths which constitute the network oflunped-parameter nodes. In the above  ! deck region.

  • rooms" and " compartments
  • have a different character as most of the defined " rooms" and " compartments" have virtual  ;

interfaces in the open free-volume region above-operating deck Only the two steam generator msnpartments may comply with the [ traditional " room

  • or " compartment
  • definition.  ;

The chosen segmentation certainly simplifies the model description but care shamid be exercised to interpart results in the context of  ! th

                                                                              ! ese4-127:                   " virtual" rooms.

I 80.778 Provide a diagram showing the crane girder, which presents Conductor 10 in Control Volume 32, and show what fraction of [ girderis part of Control Volume 32. t b f 5 t l I Page: 157 Total Records: 840 l i I

AP600 Open item Tracking System Database: Summ:ry Schedule Date: 7n/97 Selection: [w st code]=' Action W* Sorted by DSER Section, Transmit Date NRC Branch and item number. , 1 ItEs DSER Section/ (W) NRC 1 No. Branch Question Type Coord/ Resp Engineer Title Staus Status ICP Draft Review Transtnit 2 4812 NRR/SCSB 62.1 RA14M Rarig / Gresham Action W Action W 7/18S7 RAI: WCAP-14407, "WGOTHIC Application to AP600," A. Forgie, et al., September 1996. SECTION 4. " DESCRIPTION OF WGOTHIC EVALUATION MODEL" This report, WCAP 14407 "WGOTillC APPLICATION TO AP600," references WCAP-14382 ("WGOTHIC Code Description and Validation") as the WGOTHIC code package description and validation report. Yet the AP600 WGOTHIC model desenbed in this l report deviates substantially from what was described and validated in WCAP-14382. Westinghouse has changed its previous approach of simulating the AP600 above-operating deck region with a distributed-parameter model to a network of lumped-parameter nodes. This change raises a number of concems regarding consistencie. of the new approscit, including:

                                                                                                                  - The implementation specifics and computation results for the AP600 containment.                                                     1
                                                                                                                  - 1he validation basis and comparisons of the cfime/ distributed-parameter approach versus c!ime/lumpedper approach.


                                                                                                                  - The validation basis and comparisons to experimental data.

A!! cross section schematics show a nodalization which implies suSdivisions in w.4 a with the distnbuted parameter approach. Ilowever, page 4-1 clearly states that the modelis a netwert of nodes. It would have been more conversional and descriptive if these ' figures presented the model as a " tube-and-tank" network of control volumes and flow paths. , Above Operating Deck Region ' In the Al%00 Evaluation Model documented in Section 4, all of tt:u computzional features of the subdivided. distributed-parameter approach have been eliminated. Lumped-node networks have an irherent limitations of averaging local momentum information and . predicting zero velocities in the lumped nodes. The computed velocks in 'he artificial flow ventahube-tank network are not representative of the velocity distribution in the continuum. In addition, the AF600 Evaluarion Model has a coarse nodalization for the above-operating deck region, providing only averaged values for large subspaces. In this way,information about jet / plume mixing and stratification is lost. This information was previously thougin to be important as an outcome of the PIRT (phenomena identification and ranking table) process. Subsedions 4.2.12 (page 4-86) through 4.2.32 (page 4-212) desenbe the above-operating deck internal containment region and its . subregions as specified by control volumes and flowpaths which constitute the network of lumped-parameter nodes. In the above i i deck region " rooms" and " compartments

  • have a different character as most of the defined " rooms" and "" have virtual interfaces in the open free-volume region above-operating deck. Only the two steam generator compartments may comply with the j traditional " mom" or " compartment" definition.  ;

The chosen segmentation certainly simplifies the model description but care should be exercised to interpret results in the context of these " virtual" rooms. Page 4-127: I 480.779 Explain whether the ring duct, Conductor 9,is fully embedded in Control Volume 3 or only a fraction ofit. Is there any support structure for the ring duct? Has this been lumped into the conductor type? Provide a diagram. i v r i Page: 158 Total Records: 840

AP600 Open Item Tracking System Database: Summary Sched le Data: 7#/97 Selectinn* [w st code}dAction W* Sorted by DSER Section, Transmit Date NRC Branch and item number. Item DSER Sectent # (W) NRC i No. Branch Question Type Coord/ Resp Engmeer Title Staus Status ICP Draft Review Transnut 4813 NRR/SCSB 611 RAl-OI Rarig / Gresham Action W Action W 7/I8/97 ' i RAI. WCAP-14407.*WGOTHIC Application to AP600

  • A. Forgie, et at. September 1996, SEC110N 4. *DESCRIFFION OF WGOTHIC EVALUATION MODEL" This report, WCAP-l4407 *WGO1NIC APPLICATION TO AP600,* references WCAP 14382 (*WGOTHIC Code Desenpuce and i Validation") as the WGOTIIIC code package desenption and validation report. Yet the AP600 WGOTHIC nedel desenhed in this report devimes substantially from what was desaibed and vahdated in WCAP-14382. Weg..N has changed its previous approach of simulming the AP600 above-operming deck region with a distributed-pararneter model to a network of lumped-parameter I nodes.

l This change raises a number of concems regarding - --- - -- 6 of the new approach, including- f

                                                                              - The implementation specifics and computation results for the AP600 containrnent.
                                                                              - The validwion basis and comparisons of the clime /distnbuted-parameter approach versus cli.-C-. , aparameter approach.                                 7
                                                                              - The validation basis and comparisons to experimental data.
  • All cross section schernatics show a nodalization which implies subdivisions in accordance with the distnbuted parameter appmach. l However, page 4-I clearly states that the mndel is a network of nodes. It would have been more conventional and descriptive if these l figures presented the model as a "sube-and4ank" network of amtrol volumes and flow paths.  !

Above Operating Deck Region  : In the AP600 Evaluation Model documented in Section 4. all of the computational features of the subdivided, distributed-parameter I approach have been climinated. Lamped-node networks have an inherent hmitations of averaging local ............ information and ) precheting zero velocities in the lumped nodes. The computed velocities in the artificial flow vents / tube-tank network are not I representative of the velocity distnbution in the continuum. In addition, the AP600 Evaluation Model has a coarse nodalization for the above-operating deck region, providing only averaged values for

                                                                            .large subsres. In this way,information about jet / plume mixing and stratification is lost. This infonnation was previoudy thought fto be important as an outcome of the PIRT (phenomena identification and ranking table) process.

Subsections 4112 (page 4-86) through 4 2.32 (page 4-212) desenbe the above-operstmg deck intent contamment region and its  ! subregions as specified by control volumes and flowpaths which constitute the netwrwk oflumped-parameter nodes. In the above  ; deck region.

  • rooms
  • and " compartments
  • have a different charactcc ai rnost of the defined
  • rooms
  • and *m..,-.m.u" have virtual  ;

interfaces in the open free-volume region aW erating 9 deck. Only the two steam generator compartments may comply with the , tradificna! *rnnm* er *ce-:pastrnent" definition. The chosen segmentation certainly simplifies the model description but care should be exercised to interprer results in the context of j jthesc

  • virtual
  • rooms.

Page 4-133 to 4-148: - h80.780 Explain why the flow path arrow indicators in the axial direction have been onetted in Figures 4-49 and Figure 4-5 [ I L 7 f I f Page: 159 Total Records: 840 l h

                                                                - _ . _ _ _              - _ - - . - - . _ . - - _ _     -_-         - - - - _ - - - _ . --                   .-- =. - - .
                                                                                                                                                                                                          - -- -       . - - . - ~ . -

-, . =. _ - _ _ _ _ _- _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ . - __ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ - ___ - - - _ _ _ _ AP600 Open Item Tracking System Database: Summary Schedste Date: 7/7/97 Selectiost: [w st code]=' Action W' Sorted by DSER Section Transmit Date, NRC Branch and item number. Itern DSER Section/ (W) NRC l No. Branch Question Type Coord/ Resp Engineer Title Staus Status ICP Draft Review Transmit 4814 NRR/SCSB 6.2.1 RAl4)I Rarig / Gresham Action W Action W 7/18/97 R AI: WCAP-14407. *WGOTillC Application to Al%00." A. Forgie, et al., September 1996, SECTION 4,


This repor*. WCAP-14407 *WGOTillC APPLICATION TU AP600 " references WCAP-I4382 (*WGOTHIC Code Description and Valulation") as the WGOTHIC code package desenption and validation report. Yet the AP600 WGOT1 TIC model derenbed in this report deviates substantially from what was desenbed and validated in WCAP-14352. Westinghouse has changed its previous . approach of simulating the AP600 above-operating deck region with a distributed-narameter model to a network of lumped-parameter nodes. 1 This change raiws a number of concerns regarding consistencies of the new approach. including:

                                                                                                  - The implementation specifics and computation results for the AP600 containment.
                                                                                                  - The validation basis and w.3. M,s of the clime / distributed-parameter approach versus clime / lumped-parameter approach.               .
                                                                                                  - The validation basis and comparisons to expetirnental data.

All cross section schematics show a nodalization which imphes subdivisions in -,h wide the distributed parameter approach However, page 4-1 clearly states that the model is a network of nodes. It would have been more conventional and descriptive if these i figures presented the model as a

  • tube-and-tank" network of control vo8ames and flow paths.

Above Operating Deck Region In the AP600 Evaluation Model documented in Section 4, all of the computational features of the subdivided, distributed-parameter j approach have been eliminated. Lumped-node networks have an inherent linutations of averaging local momentum information and  ! predicting zero velocities in the lumped nodes. The computed velocities in the artificial flow vents / tube 4ank network are not reprewntative of the velocity distribution in the continuum. In addition, the AP600 Evaluation Model has a coarse nodalization for the above-operating deck region, providing only averaged values for [ large subspaces. In this way. information about jet / plume mixing and stratification is lost. This information was previously thought [ to be important as an outcome of the PIRT (phenomena identification and ranking table) process. i Subsections 4.2.12 (page 4-86) through 4.2.32 (page 4-212) desenbe the above-operating deck internal cor tainment region and its subregions as specified by control volumes and flowpaths which constitute the network oflumped-parameter nodes. In the above deck region.

  • rooms
  • and " compartments
  • have a different character as mmt of the defined
  • rooms" and " compartments
  • have virtual interfaces in the open free-volume region above-operating deck. Only the two steam generator compartments may comply with the lthese traditional
  • room" or "w.w.m. :" definition.

The chogen segmentation certainly simphfies the model description but care should be exercised to interpret resuhs in the context of

  • virtual" rooms. [

Page 4-133 to 4-148: 480.781 Explain what the double arrows for 3,9, and 15 actually mean and what control volumes they really connect to in Figures 4-49 and Figure 4-55. , i h I i i Page- 160 Total Records: 840 L

AP600 Opco hem Tracking System Datchase: Summary Schedade Date: 7/7/97 Selection: [w st code]=* Action W' Sorted by DSER Section. Transmit Date, NRC Branch and item number. Item DSER Section/ (w) NRC No. Branch Question Type Coord/ Resp Engineer Title Status Status ICP Draft Review Transmit 4815 NRR/SCSR 6.2.1 RAl-OI Rarig / Gresham Action W Action W 7/I8/97 RAI: WCAP-14407,"WGOTHIC Application to AP600,* A. Forgie,et al., September 1996 SECTION 4. ' DESCRIPTION OF WGOTillC EVALUATION MODEL' This report, WCAP-14407 "WGOUllC APPLICATION TO APts00,* references WCAP-14382 ("WGOTHIC Code Description and Validation") as the WGOTIIIC code package d scription and validation report. Yet the AP600 WGOnllC model described in this report deviates sutstantially from what was described and validated in WCAP-14382. Westinghouse has changed its previous approach of simulating the AP600 above-operating deck region with a distributedpararreter model to a network oflumped-parameter nodes. This change raises a number of concems reguding consistencies of the new approach including-

                                                                                                                                                                                          - The implementation specifics and comc atation results for the AP600 coritainment.
                                                                                                                                                                                          - The validation basis and comparisons of the clime / distributed-parameter approach versus clime / lumped-parameter approach.
                                                                                                                                                                                          - The validation basis and (m.vas to experimental data.

AII cross section schematics show a nodalization which irrplies subdivisions in M s with the distributed parameter approach. However, page 4-1 clearly states that the model is a network of nodes. It would have been more conventional and descriptive if these figue presented the model as a " tube-and-tank

  • network of control volumes and flow paths.

Above Operating Deck Region In the AP600 Evaluation Model documented in Section 4, all of the computational features of the subdivided, distributed-parameter approach have been eliminated. Lumped-node networks have an inherent limitations of averaging local w.. ..; ... information and predicting zero velocities in the lumped nodes. The computed velocities in the artificial flow ventshuhe-tank network are not representative of the velocity distribution in the continuum. In addition, the AP600 Evaluation Model has a coarse nodalization for the above-operating deck region, providing only averaged values for large subspaces. In this way,information about jet / plume mixing and stratification is lost. This information was previously thought to be important as an outcome of the P!RT (phenomena identification and ranking table) process. Subsections 4 2.12 (page 4-86) through 4.2.32 (page 4-212) desenbe the above-operating deck intemal containment region and its subregions as specified by control volumes and flowpaths which constitute the network of lumped-parameter nodes. In the above i deck region

  • rooms
  • and " compartments
  • have a different character as most of the defined
  • rooms
  • and b...H.m..;s* have virtual  !

interfaces in the open free-volume region above-operating deck. Only the two steam generator compartments may comply with the traditional " room" or

  • compartment
  • definitien.

r The chosen segmentation certainly simphfies the model description but care should be exercised to interpret results in the context of these " virtual

  • rooms.

Page 4-135: 480.782 Explain how the hydrogen recombiner unit has been lumped into an equivalent conductor of Type 14. Explain how the ge containment recirculation unit has been lumped into an equivalent conductor of Type 3. t Page: 161 Total Records: 8$

AP606 Open Iteen Tracking Systeen Database: Sunensary Sdedele Dat:: 7/787 Seleetles: (w st codel=' Action W* Sorted by DSER Section. Transmit Date. NRC Branch and item number hem DSER Sectent (W) NRC No. Branch Question Type Coord/ Resp Engineer Title States Status ICP Draft Review Transenit 4816 NRR/SCSB 6.2.1 RAI-OI Rarig / Gresham Action W Action W 7/18/97 RAI: WCAP-14407."WGO1TIIC Application to AP600." A. Forgie,et al September 1996.SECTION 4


This report. WCAP-14407 *WGOTHIC APPLICATION TO AP600." references WCAP-14382 ("WGOTHIC Code Desenption and Validation") as the WGOTHIC code package desenption and vahdanon report. Yet the AP600 WGOTHIC model described in this report deviales substantially from what was descnbed and vahdased in WCAP-14382. Westinghou'ie has changed its previous approach of simulating the AP600 above-operating deck region with a distnbuted-parameter model to a network oflumped-parameter nodes. This change raises a nemler of concerns regarding consistacies of the new appmech, including:

                                                                           - De implementation specifics and computation resuks for the AP600 -.
                                                                           - The validation basis and compensons of the cinne/disenbuted parameter approach versus climeMemped-parameter approach.
                                                                           - The validation basis and compannons to expenmental data.

All cross section schematics show a nodahration which inylies sub& visions in accordance with the distributed parameter approach. However.pnge 4-1 clearly stases that the model is a network of nodes. It would have been more conventional and desenprive if these figues presented the model as a

  • tube-and-tank" network of control volumes and flow puhs.

Above Operating Deck Region in the AI400 Evaluation Model documemed in Section 4 all of the -- , - features of the subdivided, disenbuted parameter approach have been ehminated. Lurnped-node networks have an inherent limitations of averaging local --- information and predicting zero velocities in the lumped nodes. The computed velocities in the artificial flow vents / tube-tank network are not representative of the velocity &str=bution in the -- In addition the AP600 Evaluation Model has a coarse nodalization for the above-operating deck region. providing only averaged values for

                                                                         'parge subspaces. In this way. information about jet / plume mixing and stratification is lost. His infonnation was previously thougla to be important as an outcome of the PIRT(phenomena identificanon and ranking table) process, Subsections 4.2.12 (page 4 86) through 4.2.32 (page 4-212) desenbe the above-operatmg deck internal                      : segion and its subvegions as specified by control volumes and flowpenhs which constmuse the network oflumped-parameter nodes. In the above Ideca region. rooms" and "w.w.m.e* have a different character as mon of the defined " rooms" and " compartments
  • have vatual interfaces in the open free-volume region above-operating deck. Only the two steam generator --- - - rney comply with the traditional
  • room
  • or "compartenent* definition.

The chosen segmentation certainly simplifies the model desenption but care should be exeressed to interpret resehs in the coneemt of these " virtual" rooms. Page 4-135-480.783 Explain why the heat transfer coefficient of the fourth conductor, e.g. one half of the integrated head package concrete wall. is specified as Uchida/Uchida. Ptge: 162 Total Records: 840



AP600 Ope:a herri Tracking System Database: Summ;ry Sched le Date: 7/7/17 Selection: [w st code]=' Action W' Sorted by DSER Section,Transms Date NRC Branch and item number. hem DSER Section/ (w) NRC  ; No. Branch Question Type Coord/ Resp Engineer Title Stsus ICP DraA Review Status Transmit 4817 NRR/SCSB 6.2.1 RAIOl Rarig / Gresham Action W Action W 7/18/97  ; R Al: WCAP-14407. *WGOTHIC Application to AP600." A. Forgie, et al, Sepemier 1996, SECTION 4. " DESCRIPTION OF WGOTillC EVALUATION MODEL" His report. WCAP-14407 "WGOTillC APPLICATION TO AP6F," references WCAP-14382 ("WGOTHIC Code Desenption and Validation") as the WGOT11tC code package desenpeion and validation repost. Yet the AP600 WGOTillC model descr4ed in this report deviates substantially from what was desenhed and validated in WCAP-14382. Westinghouse has changed its previous approach of simularmg the AP600 above-operating deck region with a distributed-parameter model to a network oflumped-parameter  ; nodes. This change raises a number of concerns regarding consistencies of the new approach, including:

                                                                              - De implementation specifics and computation resuks for the AP600 containment.
                                                                              - ne validation basis and compansons of the clirne/distnbuted-parameter appmach versus clime / lumped-parameter approach.
                                                                              - The validation basis and comparisons to experimental data.

All cross section schematics show a nodalization which implies subdivisirns in w "w with the distributed parameter approach. Ilowever, page 4-1 clearly states that the model is a network of nodes. It wontd have been more conventional and descnptive if these figures presented the model as a " tube-and4ank" network of control volumes and flow paths. Above Operating Deck Region In the AP600 Evaluation Model documented in Section 4 all of the computation.: features of the subdivided, distnbuted-parameter approach have been climinated. Lumped-node networks have an inherent limitations of averagmg local momentum information and predicting zero velocities in the lumped nodes. He computed velocities in the artificial flow ventshube-tank network are not representative of the velocity distnbution in the continuum. In addition, the AP600 Evaluation Model has a coarse nodalization for the abovempeming deck region, providing only averaged values for large subspaces_ In this way,information about jet / plume mixing and stratification is lost. His inforrnation was previously thougin to be important as an outcome of the PIRT fphenomena identification and ranking table) process Subsections 4.2.12 (page 4-86) through 4.2.32 (page 4-212) desenbe the above+perating deck internal containment region and its subregions as specifeed by control volumes and flowpaths which constitute the network oflumped-parameter nodes. In the above deck region, " rooms" and " compartments

  • have a different character as most of the dermed " rooms" and " compartments" have virtual meerfaces in the open free-volume region above-operating deck. Only the two steam generator compartments may comply with the traditional
  • room" or " compartment" definition. i' The chosen segmernation certainly simplifies the model description but care should be exercised to interpret results in the context of these " virtual" rooms.  !

Page 4-141: [

                                                                            }480.784 Explain why the flow path arrows have been omitted in Figure 4-52.                                                                                                             !

i i I I i L i i Page: 163 Total Records: 840  : I - . _ = _ - _ _ - _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ - - _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - _ _ _ _ _ - - ___--____-

AP600 Opea Item Tracking System Database: Summ ry Schedule Date: 7/7/97 Selection: [w st code]iAction W" Sorted by DSER Section, Transmit Date, NRC Branch and item number. hem DSER Sectenf (w; l NRC No. Branch Question Type Cooni/ Resp Engineer Tide Staus h ICP Dran uteview Transinit 4818 NRR/SCSB 6.2.1 RAlot Rarig / Gresham Action W Action W 7/18/97 I RAl: WCAP-14407,"WGOTHIC Application to AP600,* A. Forgie,et al, September 1996, SECTION 4,* DESCRIPTION OF WGOTHIC EVALUATION MODEL" This report. WCAP-14407 "WGOTmc APPLICATION TO AP600." references WCAP-14382 ("WGOTHIC Code Desenynon and Validation *) as the WGOTHIC code package description and vahdation report. Yet the AP600 WGOTHIC model desenhed in this report deviates substantially from what was desenhed and validated in WCAP-14382. Westmghouse has changed its previous approach of simulating the AP600 above-operating deck region with a distnbuted-parameter model to a network oflumped-parameter i nodes. This change raises a number of concerns regarding ._w----- -A of the new approach, including:

                                                                                                                                                      - The implementation specifics and computation resuks for the AP600-                                  ---
                                                                                                                                                      - The validation basis and comparisons of the clime /distnbuted-parameter approach versus ci;w *_ , ? parameter approach.
                                                                                                                                                      - The validation basis and compensons to exprimental data.

All cross section schernatics show a nadalization which imphes subdivisions in accordance with the distnbuted parameter approach. However, page 4-1 clearly states that the modelis e network of nodes. k would have been more convennonal and descnytive if these figures presented the model as a

  • tube-and-tank" a swork of control volumes and flow paths.

Above Operating Deck Region in the AP600 Evaluation Model docuenented in Tection 4, all of the computational features of the subdivided, distributed-parameter approach have been elimensted Lumpedwie networks have an inherent limitations of averaging local -- infonnation and predicting zero velocities in the lun:ued x des. The computed velocities in the artificial flow ventshube-tank network are not representative of the velocity distribution in the v . In a&hnon, the AP600 Evaluation Model has a coarse modalization for the above-operating deck segion, provuhng only averaged values for karge subspaces. In this way,information about jet / plume mixing and stratificanon is lost. This informanon was previou to be important as an outcome of the PIRT (phenomena identification and ranking table) process Subsec: ions 4.2.12 (page 4-86) through 4.2.32 (page 4-212) describe the ahovegerating deck internal -_ -- region and its subregions as specified by control volumes and flowpaths which constnute the network of lumped-parameter nodes _ in the above deck region,

  • rooms" and b..,-m..-..
  • have a different character as most of the defined ' rooms" and " compartments
  • have virtual interfaces in the open free-volume region above-operating htk. Only the two steam generator computments may comply with the ~

traditional " room" or " compartment

  • definition.

The chosen segmentation censinly simplifies the model description but care should be exercised to interpret results in the context of these " virtual" rooms. Page 4-142-480.785 Explain why there are no radial flow path snows displayed in Figust 4-53 for connecting the south mid-quaner annulus control volumes with the respective control volumes of the South Outer Quarter Annulus control volumes. Page: 164 Total Records: 8d0

AP600 Open Item Tracking System Database: Summary Sched:le Datz: 7/7/97 Selection: [w st codel=* Action W' Sorted by DSER Section, Transmit Date, NRC Branch and item number-Item DSER W (w) NRC l # " l ' No. Branch Question Type Coord/ Resp Engineer Title Status Status ICP Draft Review Transmit 4019 NRR/SCSB 62.1 RAI-OI Rarig / Gresham Action W Action W 7/18/97

                                                                                                                                                                 'R Al: WCAP-14407, *WGOTillC Application to AP600," A. Forgie, et al., September 1996, SECTION 4,"DESCRII'llON OF WGOTillC EVALUATION MODEL" His report, WCAP-14407 *WGOTIIIC APPLICATION TO AP600," references WCAP-14382 ("WGOTil!C Code Description and Vahdation") as the WGOTillC code package description and validation report. Yet the AP600 WGOTIUC rmxiel described in this report deviates substantially from what was described and validated in WCAP-I4382. Westinghouse has changed its prevmus approach of simulating the AP600 above-operating deck region with a distributed-parameter model to a netwoit oflumped-parameter nodes.

This change raises a number of concerns regardmg consistencies of the new approach, including:

                                                                                                                                                                  - The implementation specifics and computation results for the AP600 containment.
                                                                                                                                                                  - The validation basis and comparisons of the clime /distnbuted-parameter approach versus clime / lumped-parameter approach.
                                                                                                                                                                 - The validation basis and comparisons to experimental data.

All cross section schematics show a nodalization which implies subdivisions in -.h with the distributed parameter approach. Ilowever, page 4-1 clearly states that the rnodel is a network of nodes. It would have been more conventional and descriptive if these figures presented the erniel as a " tube and-tank" network of control volumes and flow paths. Above Operating Deck Region la the AP600 Evaluation Model documented in Section 4, all of the computational features of the subdivided, distributed-parameter approach have been eliminated. Lumped-node networks have an inherent limitations of averaging local morrentum information and predicting zero velocities in the lumped nodes. The computed velocities in the artificial flow vents / tube-tank network are not representative of the velocity distribution in the continuum. In addition, the AP600 Evaluation Model has a coarse nodalization for fhe above-operating deck region, providing only averaged va!ues for ilarge subspaces. In this way,information about jet / plume mixing and stratific,: tion is lost. This information was previously thought ko be important as an outcome of the PIRT (phenomena identification and ranking table) process. Subsections 4.2.12 (page 4-86) through 4.2.32 trage 4-2I2) describe the above-operating deck internal containment region and its subregions as specified by control volumes and flowpaths which constitute the network oflumped-parameter nodes. In the above k region," rooms" and " compartments" have a different character as most of the defined " rooms

  • and " compartments" have virtual inierfaces in the open free-volume region above-operstmg deck Only t raditional *roum" or b.wma" definition.
                                                                                                                                                                % chosen segmentation certainly simplifies the model description but care should be exercised to interpret results in the context of khese " virtual" rooms.
                                                                                                                                                                'Page 4-146:

480.786 Explain what flow paths connect the control volumes of the East MidQ arter Annulus Compartment to respective ones of she north and south inner-half annulus compartments. Page: 165 Total Records: 840

AP600 Opem Hem Tracking System Database: Summ;ry Schedule Dat2: 7/7/97 N Selection: [w st code]=' Action W' Sorted by DSER Section.Trartsmit Date NRC Branch and item number. item DSER Section/ (W) NRC No. Branch Question Type Coo WResp Engineer Title Staus Staus ICP ' Draft Review Transmit i L 4820 NRR/SCSB 6.2.1 RAl-OI Rarig / Gresham Action W Action W 7/18/97 rat: WCAP-14407,"WGOTHIC Application to AP600." A. Forgie, et al., September 1996, SECTION 4. " DESCRIPTION OF WGOTHic EVALUATION MODEL" ( This report WCAP-144M *WGOTHIC APPLICATION TO AP600,* references WCAP-14382 (*WGOTHIC Code Desenption and i Validation") as the WGOTHIC code package description and validation report. Yet the AP600 WGOTHIC model described in this f report devises substantially from what was described and validmed in WCAP-14382. Westinghouse has changed its previous [ approach of simulating the AP600 above-operaring deck region with a distnbuted-parameter model to a network of turnped-parameser j nodes. & , his change raises a nunter of concems regarding consistencies of the new approach, including: l

                                                                                                               - De implementation specifics and computation results for the AP600 containment.                                                                                          [
                                                                                                               - The validation basis and w..,, -,,s of the clirne/ distributed-pararneter approach versus climellernped-parameter approach.
                                                                                                               - De validation basis and compmisons to experimental data.                                                                                                                [

All cross section schematics show a nodalization which imphes subdivisions in accordance with the distributed pararneter approach  ! However, page 4-I clearly states that the rnodel is a network of nodes. k would have been rnore conventional and descriptive if these [ figures presented the model as a

  • tube-and-tank" network of control volumes and now paths. '

Above Operating Deck Region i in the AP600 Evaluation Model docurnented in Section 4. all of the computational 5eannes of the subdivided, distnbuted-parameter I approach have been eliminated. Lumpei-node networts have an inherent limitations of averaging local momentum information and [ predicting zero velocities in the lumped nodes. De computed velocities in the artiGcial Dow wentshube-tank network are not  ! representative of the velocity distnbution in the continuum. In addition, the AP600 Evaluation Model has a coarse nodalization for , the above-operating deck region, providing only averaged values for I large subspaces. In this way,information about jet / plume mixing and strati 6 cation is lost. This information was previously thought  : to be important as an outcome of the PIRT (phenomena identification and ranking table) process. Subsections 4.2.12 (page 4-86) through 4.2.32 (page 4-212) descnbe the above-operating deck intemal m,G ..m.a region and its [ subregions as specified by control volumes and flowpshs which constitute the network oflumped-parameter nodes. In the above  ! deck region. " rooms

  • and " compartments
  • have a different chararter as most of the defined " rooms
  • and b...H m.a," have virtual  ;

interfaces in the open free-volume region above-operating deck. Only the two steam generator compartments may comply with the [ traditional

  • room" or b..r.m.a* definition. [

The chosen segmentation certainly simplifies the model description but care should be esercised to interpret resuks in the context of  ; these *vistual" rooms.  : Page 4-153: 480.787 Provide the rationale behind the specification of the small-sized outer <luarter annulus -- meas. How was their radial width selected? - a 1 d i l l i Fage: 166 Total Records: 8d0 i t

                      --si      y, ,- i                    - _ _ _ _ . _       w_____-'-_u         __.__-w.--          v_,-  r- _ ,..-v,-, w- rvvi        ,   m    e-,_-      ._m            _ . _ - -- _            -.-   w _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ - _ _ _ _

AP600 Open Item Tracking System Database: Summ:ry Sched:le Data: 7/7/97 Selectiott: [w st code]=* Action W' Sorted by DSER Section. Transmit Date NRC Branch and itern number. Item DSER SecM " (W) NRC No. Branch Question Type Coord/ Resp Engmeer Title Status Status ICP Draft Review Transmit 4821 NRR/SCSB 6.2.1 RAIOI Rarig / Gresham Action W Action W 7/18/97

                                                                              'R A1:WCAP-14407, *WGOTHIC Application to AP600,* A. Forgie, et al, September 1996, SIrTION 4.
  • DESCRIPTION OF WGOTHIC EVALUATION MODEL" This report WCAP-14407 *WGOTHIC APPLICATION TO AP600,* references WCAP-14382 ("WGOTlHC Code Description and Validation") as the WGOTHIC code package description and validation report. Yet the AP600 WGOTIIIC model described in this report deviates substantially from what was desenbed and validated in WCAP-14382. Westinghouse has changed its prevmus approach of simulating the AP600 above-operating #cck region with a distnboted-parameter model to a network oflumped-parameter nodes.

This change raises a number of concerns regarding consistencies of the new approach, including:

                                                                               - The implementation specifics and computation results for the AP600 containment.
                                                                               - The validation basis and comparisons of the clime / distributed-parameter approach versus clime /lumpedper approach.
                                                                               - The validation basis and comparisons to experirrental data.

All cross section schematics show a nodalization which implies subdivisions in wh with the distributed parameter appmach. Itowever, page 4-1 clearly states that the model is a network of nodes. It would have been more conventional and descriptive if these figures presented the r.nodel as a

  • tube-and-tank
  • network of control volumes and flow paths.

Above Operating Deck Region In the AP600 Evaluation Model documented in Section 4 all of the computational features of the subdivided, distributed-parameter approach have been eliminated. Lumped-node networks have an inherent limitations of averaging local momentum information and predicting zero velocities in the lumped nodes.1he computed velocities in the artificial flow ventshube-tank network are not representative of the velocity distribution in the continuum. In addition, the AP600 Evaluation Model has a coarse nodalization for the above-operating deck regon, providing only averaged values for

                                                                             ;large subspaces. In this way,information about jet / plume mixing and stratification is lost. This information was previously thought to be important as an outcome of the PIRT (phenomena identification and ranking table) process Subsections 4.2.12 (page 4-86) through 4.2.32 (page 4-212) describe the above-operating deck internal containment region and its subregions as specified by control volumes and flowpaths which constitute the network oflumped-parameter nodes. In the above deck region.
  • rooms
  • and " compartments
  • have a d2fferent character as most of the defmed
  • rooms" and " compartments" have virtual interfaces in the open free-volume region above-operating deck. Only the two steam generator compartments may comply with the kraditional
  • room" or
  • compartment
  • definition.

1he chosen segmentation certainly simplifies the nudel description but care should be exercised to interpret results in the context of these " virtual" rooms. Page 4-153: 88 Explain why only four nodes along the containment circumference sufTice for proper simulation of asymmetric positioned Page: 167 Total Records: 840

   . ~. - ~. -.~ _ n _ . - . _ - - - - .. _ _ . - - - -. - . _ - - - -                                                                                                                                                                      .- .                                 - . . . _ . = . . - ~ - - - -

AP600 Open Item Tracking System Dat:. base: Summ ry Schedule Dats 7/1/97 Selectiest: [w st code]=' Action W' Sorted by DSER Section, Transmit Date, NRC Branch and item number. q hem DSER.tectionf (W) NRC No. Branch Question Type Coord/ Resp Engmeer Title Stwas Status ICP DraR Review Transmit 4822 NRR/SCSB 6.2.1 RAlol Rarig / Gresham Action W - Action W 7/18.97 { rat: WCAP-14407. *WGOTHIC Application to AP600," A. Forgie, et al., September 1996, SECTION 4.

  • DESCRIPTION OF wGOTHIC EVALUAT10N MODEL" This seport,WCAP-14407 *WGOTHIC APPLICATION TO AP600,* references WCAP-14382 (*WGOTHIC Code Deacnption and Validation") as the WGOTHIC code package description and vahdation neport. Yet the AP600 WGOTHIC enodel desenbed in this neport deviates sulmtacially from what was described and vahdased in WCAP-14332. Westinghouse has changed its previous approach of sirnulating the AP600 above-operating deck region with a distributed-parameter enodel to a network of: , _ " , _-

nodes. This change raises a nurmber of concerns regarding consessencies of the new approach, including: '

                                                                                                                           - The irnplementation specifics and computation resuks for the AP607).-                                                                                           _-
                                                                                                                           - The validation basis and comparisons of the clime /distriinned parameter approach versus cIL4 , 2-parameter approm:h.                                                                                                    j
                                                                                                                           - The validation basis and comparisons to experimental data.

All cross section schematics show a nodalization which implies sulMhvisions in acceedence with the distnbuted parameter approach  ! However, page 4-1 clearly states that the modelis a network of nodes. k would have been mose conventional and descriptive if these figures presented the model as a " tube-and-tank" network of control volumes and flow paths. Above Operstmg Deck Region In the AP600 Evaluation Model documented in Section 4. all of the computational features of the subdivided, disenbased-permeceer approach have been eliminated. Lumped-node networks have an inherent hmitations of averaging local informer:an and predicting zero velocities in the lumped nodes. The computed velocities in the artificial flow venenhube-tank network are not .[ representative of the velocity dismbution in the continuum. In addinon, the AP600 Evaluation Model has a conne modalization for the above-operating deck region, providing only averaged values for large suinpaces. In this way,informat:on about jet / plume mixing and stratification is lost. This infonnation was previously thought to be important as an outcome of the PIRT (phenomena identification and ranking table) proass Subsections 4.2.12 (page 4-86) through 4.232 (page 4-212) desenbe the above-operating deck internal - -; segion ar d its subregions as specified by control volumes and flowpaths which constnute the netwost of lumped parameter nodes. In the alvve i deck region.

  • rooms" and *" have a different character as most of the defisied
  • rooms" and " compartments" have virtual i interfaces in the open free-volume region above-operating deck. Only the two secam generator , _. -.- -- may comply with the traditional
  • room
  • or "compartenent" definition.

Yhe chosen segmentation certainly simplifies the nn - .ription but care should be exercised to ineerpret sesuks in the corgent of i these " virtual

  • rooms.

Page 4-154: i 480.789 In all psevious tables summarizing the flow path ch=*ke all entries in the column " frictional length

  • were set equal to one for all flow paths in the network. However,in Table 4-20 this quanemy takes on values of 1738,19.5 and 102.1 for a number {

of flow paths liseed. Explam why certain flow paths for the north-outer quarter annulus (and similarly for the other outer quarter  ! annulus compartrnents) have been assigned frichonal lengths with values being sieuch larger than one, while others remain at one, the standard value used for all flow paths connecting the control volumes of the inner containment region. What fearwes of the flow ' l

                                                                                                                        , paths for the outer-quarter amiulus compartments deternune the large changes?                                                                                                                                               l I

1 l [ l 4 Page: 168 Total Records: 840



                    -.. -           ---              - _ _ _        -           --        - .         _ ~ _ _ _ _ - - _ _ - _ _ _ _ - - _ -           - _ - _ _ _ _ _ - _ - - _ - _ _ _ . _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ = _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - - _ _ _ . _ _ - - _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ . _ - _

D l AP600 Ope:a item Tracking System Dat; base: Szmmtry Sched le Date: 7/7/97 , Selection: [w st code]=' Action W' Sorted by DSER Section. Transmit Date. NRC Branch and item number. hem DSER Sectionf l ' * (W) NRC l No. Branch Question Type Mesp Engineer Title Status Staus ICP Draft Review Transmit . 4823 NRR/SCSB 6.2.1 RAl-OI Rarig / Gresham Action W Action W 7/1R/97 R Al; WCAP-14407. *WGOTHic Application to Al%00." A. Forgie, et al., September 1996, SECTION 4.*DESCRIFTION OF WGOTHIC EVALUATION MODEL* This report. WCAP-14407 *WGOTHIC APPLICATION TO AP600 " references WCAP-14382 (*WGOTHIC Code Description and , Validation") as the WGOTHIC code package description and validation report. Yet the AP600 WGOTHIC model desenbed in this report deviates substantially from what was desenbed and validated in WCAP-14382. Westinghouse has changed its previous approach of simulating the AP600 above-operating deck region with a distsibuted-parameter rnodel to a network of lumped-parameter nodes.  ; This change raises a number of concerns regarding consissencies of the new approach, including: [

                                                                                                                    - The implementation specifics and cornputation resuhs for the AP600 containment.                                                                                                      ,
                                                                                                                    - The vahdation basis and comparisons of the clime / distributed-parameter approach versus clime /lu..W r .a. approach.                                                                 f
                                                                                                                    - The validation basis and compansons to experimental data.                                                                                                                            !

All cross section schematics show a nodalization u hich implies subdivisions in m.h with the distributed parameter approach. , However, page 4-1 clearly states that the model is a network of nodes. It would have been more conventional and desenprive if these , figmes presented the model as a

  • tube-and-tank" network of control volumes and flow paths.

Above Operating Deck Region  ! In the AP600 Evaluation Model documented in Section 4, all of the computational features of the subdivided, distnbuted-parameter approach have been climinated. Lumped-node networks have an inherent limitations of averaging local momentum information and j Ipredicting zero velocities in the lumped nodes. The computed velocities in the artificial flow ventsAube-tank network are not , representative of the velocity distribution in the continuum. In addition, the AP600 Evaluation Model has a coarse nodalization for  ! the above-operating deck region, providing only averaged values for large subspaces. In this way. information about jet / plume mixing and stratification is lest. This information was previously thought  ; mo be important as an outcome of the PIRT (phenomena identification and ranking table) process. Subsections 4.2.12 (page 4-86) through 4.2.32 (page 4-212) describe the above-operating deck internal containment segion and its subregions as specified by control volumes and flowpaths which constitute the network of lumped-parameter nodes. In the above deck region. *nooms* and "compartrnents" have a different character as most of the defined

  • rooms" and " compartments
  • have virtual interfaces in the open free-volume region above-operating deck. Only the two steam generator v s em.e may comply with the ,

traditional " room" or

  • compartment
  • definition.  !

The chosen segmentation certainly simplifies the model description but care should be exercised to interpret results in the context of these " virtual" rooms.  ; Page 4-157: l 480.790 Explain why there is no axial flow path displayed between Volurnes 46 and 47 in Figure 4-59?  ; I t i


i i i Page: 169 Total Records: 840  ! i

               - . . - -                                                                                                       . . - - - _ ~ - . -                                      -. --_ ._ . ~ _ .- ~ .- . -                                                                                                                                 . .    .. -_ _~

AP600 Open hem Tracking System Dat; base: S:mm: ry Schedule Date: 7/7/97 Selectiost: [w st code]=' Action W' Sorted by DSER Section Transmit Date, NRC Branch and item number. Item DSER Sectiont # (W) NRC No. Branch Question Type Cmrd/ Resp Engmeer Title Status Status ICP Draft Review Transmit 4824 NRR/SCSB 6.2,I RAl-Of Rarig / Gresham Action W Action W 7/18/97 RAl: WCAP-14407,"WGOTHIC Application to AP600,* A. Forgie, et al, Sepember 1996, SECTION 4 " DESCRIPTION OF WGOTHIC EVALUATION MODEL" e This report, WCAP-14407 "WGOTHIC APPLICATION TO AP600," references WCAP-14382 ("WOOTHIC Code Descripion and Validation") as the WGOTHIC code package description and validation report. Yet the AP600 WGOTHIC model described in this report deviates substantially from what was described and validated in WCAP-14382. Wesringhouse has changed its previous approach of simulating the AP600 above-operating deck region with a distributed-parameter model to a network of lumped-parameter nodes. This change raises a number of concems regarding consistencies of the new approach, including: ,

                                                                                                                                                    - The implementation specifics and computation results for the AP600 containment.
                                                                                                                                                    - The validation basis and comparisons of the cfime/ distributed-parameter approach versus clime / lumped-parameter approach.                                                                                    '
                                                                                                                                                    - The validation basis and comparisons to experimental data.                                                                                                                                                     ;

All cross section schematics show a nodalization which implies subdivisions in wh6 with tiu distributed parameter apprtwit i However, page 4-1 clearly states that the model is a network of nodes. It would have been more conventional and descriptive if these figures presented the model as a " tube-and4ank" network of control volumes and flow paths. Above Operating Deck Region in the AP600 Evaluation Model documented in Section 4, all of the computational features of the suSdivided, distributed-parameter  ; approach have been climinated. Lumped-node networks have an inherent limitations of averaging local momentum information and  ; predicting zero velocities in the lumped nodes. The computed velocities in the artificial flow vents /tutt-tank network are not representative of the velocity distribution in the continuum. In addition, the Al%00 Evaluation Model has a coarse nodalization for ' the above-operating deck region, providing only averaged values for large subspaces. In this way,information about jet / plume mixing and stratification is lost. This informatron was previously thought ko be important as an outcome of the PIRT (phenomena identification and ranking table) pmcess,  ; Subsections 4.2.12 (page 4-86) through 4.2.32 (page 4-212) describe the above-operating deck intemal containment region and its subregions as specified by control volumes and flowpaths which constitute the network oflumped-parameter nodes. In the above i deck region " moms

  • and " compartments" have a different character as rnost of the defined " rooms
  • and " compartments" have wirtual l interfaces in the open free-volume region above-operating deck. Only the two steam generator (m,3, Lmas may comply with the .

traditional " room" or " compartment" definition.  ? The chosen segmentation certainly simplifies the model description but care should be exercised to interpret results in the context of these " virtual" rooms. l Page 4-157: 480.791 Provide information aboat the platforms at 162 and 172 feet and clarify whether these platforms can act as flow blockages in the axial direction? t t I Page: 170 Total Records: 840 i

AP600 Open item Tracking System Database: S:mmrry Schedule Dat:: 7/767 Selectiott: [w st code]=* Action W' Sorted by DSER Section. Transmit Date, NRC Branch and item number. hem DsER Sectionf (W) NRC No. Branch Question Type Cdesp Engineer Title Status ICP Draft Status Review Transnut 4825 NRR/SCSB 6.2.1 RAl-OI Rarig / Gresham Action W Action W 7/18/97 RAI: WCAP-14407,"WGOTHIC Application to AP600.* A. Forgie,et al September 1996 SECHON 4.* DESCRIPTION OF - WGOTHIC EVALUATION MODEL" This report. WCAP-14407 "WGOTHIC APPLICATION TO AP600 " references WCAP-14382 (*WGOTHIC Code Descnption and Validation") as the WGOTHIC code package description and validation seport. Yet the AP600 WGOTHIC model described in this report deviates substantially from what was desenbed and validated in WCAP-14382. Westinghouse has changed its previous approach of sienulating the AP600 abovemperating deck region with a distnbuted-parameter model to a network oflu..r2,,. .a. nodes. This change raises a number of concems regarding mad *== of the new approach, including:

                                                                          - The implementation specifics and computation resuks for the AP600 containment.
                                                                          - The validation basis and comparisons of the clime / distributed-parameter approach versus clierei...rJ-parameter approach.
                                                                          - The validation basis and compansons to experimental data.

All cross section schematics show a nodalization which implies subdivisions in accordance with the distributed parameter approach. However, page 4-1 clearly states that she model is a network of nodes. It would have been ennee conventional and descriptive if these figures presented the noodel as a

  • tube-and4ank" network of control volumes and flow paths.

Above Operating Deck Region in the AP600 Evaluation Model documented in Section 4. all of the computational features of the subdivided, distnbuted-parameter approach have been elinunated. Osmped-node networks have an inherent limitations of averaging local momentum information and predicting zero velocities in the lumped nodes. He camputed velocities in the artificial flow ventsMshe-tank network are not

                                                                        ,sepresentative of the velocity distribution in the continuum. In addition, the AP600 Evaluation Model has a coerne modalization for
                                                                        'the above-operating deck region, providing only averaged values for il arge subspaces. In this way.information about jet / plume mixing and stratification is lost. His information was previously thought
                                                                        'to be important as an outcome of the PIRT (phenomena identification and ranlung table) process-Subsections 4.2.12 (page 4-86) through 4.2,32 (page 4-212) describe the above-operating deck intemal                  region and its sobergions as specified by control volumes and flowpeths which constitute the network oflumped-parameter nodes. In the above deck region
  • rooms
  • and " compartments" have a different character as most of the defined
  • rooms
  • and " con partnients' have - Vaa
                                                                        , interfaces in the open free-volume region above+perating deck. Only the two steam generator compartments may comply with the Itraditional " room
  • or "cornpartment* dermition.

chosen segmentation certainly simplifies the model description but case should be exercised to interpret resuhs in the context of

                            ,                                              hese " virtual
  • roorns.

Page 4-163: 480.792 Explain why no axial flow path exist between Volumes 51 and 52. Does any flow blockage in the axial direction exist at this elevation? Why is this elevation defierent from the one in North Outer-Quarter Annulus Compartment? Prge 171 Total Records: 840

I i AP680 Open Item Tracking System DatObase: Summary Schedcle Date: 7/7/97 Selectiett: [w st code]=* Action W* Sorted by DSER Section. Transmit Date, NRC Branch and item number. l hem DSER Sectumf # l (W) NRC No. Branch Question Type Coord/ Resp Engineer Title Samus Samus ICP Draft Review Transmit 4026 NRR/SCSB 62.1 RAI-OI Rarig - / Gresham Action W Action W 7/18/97

                                                                                               'R A1: WCAP-14407,"WGOTHIC Application to AP600." A. Forgie, et al September 1996, SECTION 4 *DESCRIP110N OF WGOTHIC EVAll1ATION MODEL"                                                                                                                   ?

This report. WCAP-I4407 *WGOTHIC APPLICATION TO AP600." references WCAP-14382 ("WGOTHIC Code Descnption and [ Validation") as the WGOTHIC code package desenption and validation report. Yet the AP600 WGOTHIC noodel desenbed in this report deviates substantially from what was desenbed and validated in WCAP-14382. Westinghouse has changed its previous  ! approach of simulating the AP600 above-operating deck region with a distributed-parameter model to a network oflumped parameter [ nodes. 3 This change raises a number of concerns regarding consistencies of the new approach. including:  !

                                                                                                 - "Ihe implementation specifics and computation resuks for the AP600 containment.                                                            )
                                                                                                 - The validation basis and e.., _6-s of the clime /distnbuted-parameter approach versus clime /!u..,~ " ,._M.            approacit           ;
                                                                                                 - The validsion basis and m.,_ ==s to expenmental data.                                                                                      .

All cross section schemmics show a nodalization which irnplies subdivisions in accordance with the distnbuted parameter approach. f However, page 4-1 clearly states that the modelis a network of modes. k would have been more conventional and descriptive if these ( figures presented the model as a " rube-and-tank" network of control volumes and flow paths.  ; Above Operating Deck Region j in the AP600 Evaluation Model documented in Section 4. all of the computational features of the subdivided, distributed-parameter 1 approach have been elime nmed. Lumped-node networks have an inherent limitations of averaging local ..~ infonnation and  ! prethctmg zero velocities in the lumped nodes. The computed velocities in the artificial flow vents / tube-tank network are not I representative of the velocity distnbmion in the continuum. In addition, the AP600 Evaluation Model has a coarse modalization for  ! the above-operating deck tegion, providing only averaged values for i large subspaces. In this way,information about jet / plume mixing and stratification is lost. This information was previously thought }

                                                                                             'to be important as an outcome of the PIRT (phenomena identification and ranking table) process.                                                 [

Sutuections 4.2.12 (page 4-86) through 4.2.32 (page 4-212) desenhe the above-operming deck internal containment segion and its f subregions as specified by control volumes and flowpaths which constitute the network of lumped-parameter nodes. In the above  ! deck region.

  • rooms
  • and "cu-~--- - " have a different character as niost of the defined " rooms
  • and "m* have virtual  !

interfaces in the open free-volume region above-operating deck. Only the two steam generator , - --- ---- may comply with the f traditional

  • room" or " compartment" definition.

[ The chosen segmentmion certainly simplifies the model description but care should be exercised to interpret resuks in the context of , these " virtual" rooms.  : Page 4-163: f 480.793 Provide infonnation about Flow Puh I shown in Figure 4-61. Does this flow path return the containment shell condensate flow to the IRWST? How wide is this condensate return gap? I T [ l Page: 172 Total Records- 840

AP600 Opea Item Tracking System Database: Summ:ry Schedtle DatT: 7#/97 M bn [w st code]=* Action W' Sorted by DSER Section. Transmit Date, NRC Branch and item number. Item DSER Section/ (W) NRC No. Branch Question Type Coor@ Resp Engineer Title Status ICP Draft Review Transmit Status 4827 NRR/SCSB 6.2.1 R!I-OI Rarig / Gresham Action W Action W 7/18/97 I RAl: WCAP-14407,"WGOTHIC Application to AP600,* A. Forgie, et al., September 1996 SECTION 4.

    ,                                                                       'This report. WCAP-14407 *WGOTHIC APPLICATION TO AP600 " references WCAP-14382 ("WGOTHIC Code Description and Validation") as the WGOTHIC code package desenption and validation report. Yet the AP600 WGOTHIC model described in this report deviates substantially from what was desenbed and validated in WCAP-14382 Westinghouse has changed its previous approach of simulating the AP600 above-operating deck region with a distnbuted-parameter model to a network oflumped-parameter nodes.

This change raises a number of concerns regarding consistencies of the new approach, including-

                                                                              - The implementation specifics and computation resuhs for the AP600 containment.
                                                                              - The validation basis and compansons of the clime /distnbuted-parameter approach versus climellumped-parameter approach.
                                                                             - The validation basis and comparisons to experirnental data.

All cross section schematics show a nodalization which implies subdivisions in --.J .a wAh the distnbuted parameter approach. However, page 4-1 clearly states that the model is a network of nodes. It would have been more conventional and descriptive if these figuies presented the model as a " tube-and-tank" network of control volumes and flow pad.:. Above Operating Deck Region In the AP600 Evaluation Model documented in Section 4, all of the w..v.:.Gv,4 features of the subdivided, distributed-parameter approach have been eliminated. Lumpedmode networks have an inherent limitations of averaging local inomentum informatson and predicting zero velocities in the lumped nodes. The computed velocities in the artificial flow vents / tube-tank network are not representative of the velocity distribution in the continuum. In addition, the AP600 Evaluation Model has a coarse nodalization for he above-operating deck region, providing only averaged values for arge subspaces. In this way,information about jet / plume mixing and stratification is lost. This information was previously thought o be important as an outcome of the PIRT (phenomena identification and ranking table) process. Subsections 4.2.12 (page 4 86) through 4.2.32 (page 4-212) desenhe the above-operating deck internal containtnent region and its bsubregions as specified k region.

  • rooms" and "w...r-byL.~.a# control havevolumes a different and character flowpaths which as most of constitute the defined
  • rooms"the andnetwork oflumped-parameter
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  " compartments
  • have virtual n interfaces in the open free-volume region above-operating deck. Only the two steam generator compartments may comply with the traditional " room" or b..rm....a* definition.

The chosen segmentation certainly simplifies the model description but care should be exercised to interpret results in the context of fhese " virtual" rooms. Page 4-179: 480.794 Please correct the entnes in the fourth column of Table 4-27 labeled " Upper Elevation." The columns presents the axial h teight. not the upper elevations. _ Page: 173 Total Records: 840 __ .- _ . _ _ _ .- __ _ _ _ _ _ . - - _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ . _ _ _ . - _ _ _____ ____-...-______ _ _______ _ ________=_ _____ _

i i

AP600 Open Item Tracking System Database: Summary Schedule Date: 7/7/97 Selection: [w st code]=' Action W' Sorted by DSER Section,Transenit Date NRC Branch and item number. t

leem DSER Sectionf (W) NRC No. Branch Type Coord/ Resp Engineer Title Question Stam Stam ICP Drah Review Tunsmit (

I 4828 NRR/SCSB 6.2.1 RAI-Of Rarig / Gresham Action W Action W 7n8/97 l

                                                                                                                                 'RAI:WCAP-I4407, *WGOTNIC Application to AP600
  • A. Forgie,et al September 1996, Si3CTION 4. " DESCRIPTION OF WGOTHIC EVALUATION MODEL" This report WCAP-14407 *WGOTHIC APPLICATION TO AP600,* references WCAP-14382 ("WGOTHIC Code Desenption and Validation") as the WGOTHIC code package description and vahdmion report. Yet the AP600 WG01NIC anodel desenhed in this report deviates substantially from what was described and validased in WCAP-14382. Westinghouse has changed its previous I approach of simulating the AP600 aboveagerating deck region with a distributed-parameter model to a network oflumped-parameter  ;

nodes. - This change raises a number of concerns regarding consistencies of the new approach, including: [

                                                                                                                                  - The implementmion specifics and computation results for the AP600--                                                                                                                   !
                                                                                                                                  - The validation basis and comparisons of the clime /distnbuted-parameter approach versus ct;mA.W-parameter approach.                                                                   ;
                                                                                                                                  - The validation basis and conyansons to experimental data.                                                                                                                             !

All cross section schematics show a nodalization which implies subdivisions in accordance with the distnbuted parameter approach. l However, page 4 1 clearly states that the modelis a network of nodes. It would have been more conwntional and descriptive if these [ figures presensed the model as a " tube-and-tank

  • network of control volumes and flow paths. }

Above Operating Deck Region i In the AP600 Evaluation Model documented in Section 4, all of the Wh features of the subdivided, distributed-parameter approach have been climinmed. Lumped-node networks have an inherent limitmions of everaging local -_--- information and , predicting zero velocities in the lumped nodes. The computed velocities in the artificial flow ventshabe-tank network are not  ; representative of the velocity distnbution in the continuum. In addition, the AP600 Evaluation Model has a coarse noda8ization for [ the above-operating deck region, providing only averaged values for I large subspaces. In this way,infonnation about jet / plume niining and stratification is lost. This information was previously thought t to be important as an outcome of the PIRT (phenomena identification and ranking table) process. , subsections 4.2.12 (page 4-86) through 4.2.32 (page 4-2I2) desenbe the '~%e.g deck internal --- region and its  ; subregions as specified by control volunies and flowpaths which constitute the network oflumped-parameter nodes. In the above l deck region.

  • rooms" and " compartments" have a different character as anost of the defined " rooms" and " compartments
  • have virtual

[ interfaces in the open free-volume region above-operating deck. Only the two steam generator compartments may comply with the , traditional *noorn* or *- ....a* definition.  ; The chosen segmentation certainly simplifies the model description but care should be exercised to interpret resuks in the context of  ! these " virtual

  • sooms. [

Page 4-179; j 480.795 Explain why the values for hydraulic diameter varies between 1000 and 33 for contral volumes which are otherwise i , identical (for emample, compare Tables 4-27 and 4-33). j i I i t i I i i f Page: 174 Total Records: 840 t _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ . . _ ._ . . . _ . _ - _ _ _ _ . . __. _._ _ _ _ _ _ , ~ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _

AP600 Open Item Tracking System Dathase: Summary Sched11e Date: 7/7/97 Selection: [w st code]= Action W* Sorted by DSER Section. Transmit Date, NRC Branch and item number. Item DSER Section/ (W) NRC l No. Branch Question Type Coord/ Resp Engineer Title Status Status ICP Draft Review Transmit 4829 NRR/SCSB 6.2.1 RAl-OI Rarig / Gresham Action W Action W 7/18/97 R AL % CAP-14407, *WGOTHIC Application to AP600,* A. Forgie, et al., September 1996, SECTION 4. " DESCRIPTION OF WGOTHIC EVALUATION MODEL" This report, WCAP-14407 "WGOTillC APPLICATION TO AP600," references WCAP-14382 ("WGOTHIC Code Description and Validation") as the WGOTHIC code package description and validation report. Yet the Al%00 WGOTHIC model described in this report deviates substantially from what was desc ibed and validated in WCAP-14382. Westinghouse has changed its previous approach of simulatmg the AP600 above-operating deck region with a distributed-parameter model to a network oflumped-parameter nodes. This change raises a number of concerns regarding consistencies of the new approach, including:

                                                                                                                                                              - The implementation specifics and computation results for the AP600 containment.
                                                                                                                                                              - The validation basis and comparisons of the clime / distributed-parameter approach versus clime / lumped-parameter approach.
                                                                                                                                                             - The validation basis and comparisons to experimental data.

All cross section schematics show a nodahzation which implies subdivisions in -,h wit

  • the distributed parameter approach.

However, page 4-1 clearly states that the model is a network of nodes. It would have been more conventional and descriptive if these figures presented the model as a

  • tube-and-tank" network of control volumes and flow paths.

Above Operatmg Deck Region in the AP600 Evaluation Model documented in Section 4, all of the computational features of the subdivided, distributed-parameter approach have been climinated. Lumped-node networks have an inherent limitations of averaging local momentum information and predicting zero velocities in the lumped nodes. The computed velocities in the artificial flow vents / tube-tank network are not representative of the velocity distribution in the continuum. In addition, tie AP600 Evaluation Model has a coarse nodalization for the above-operating deck region, providing only averaged values for large subspaces. In this way,information about jet / plume mixing and stratification is lost. This information was previously thought to be important as an outcome of the PIRT fphenomena identification and ranking table) process. Subsections 4.2.12 fpage 4-86) through 4.2.32 (page 4-212) describe the above-operating deck internal containment region and its subregions as specified by control volumes and flowpaths which constitute the network oflumped-parameter nodes. In the above deck region," rooms" and " compartments" have a different character as most of the defined " rooms" and "compartrents" have virtual interfaces in the open free-volume region above-operating deck. Only the two steam generator comrartments may comply with the

                                                                                                                                                         ' traditional " room" or " compartment" definition.

The chosen segmentation certainly simplifies the model description but care should be exercised to interpret results in the context of these " virtual" rtwms. Page 4-179: 480.796 Each inner dome compartment occupies a quarter of the total dome region, except for the 2 feet wide region at the steel shell. Provide the rationale for this modehng approach for the upper dome region. Page: 175 Total Records: 840

AP600 Open Item Tracking System Datbase: S:mm ry Sched le Date: 7/7/97 Selection: [w st code]=* Action W' Sorted by DSER Section. Transmit Date, NRC Branch and item number. Item DSER Section/ (W) NRC No. Branch Question Type Coord/ Resp Engineer Title Starus Status ICP Draft Review Transmit 4830 NRR/SCSB 6.2.1 RAl-OI Rarig / Gresham Action W Action W 7/l8/97

                                                                                                            'R Al: WCAP-14407, *WGOTIllC Application to AlYd10            A. Forgie, et al, September 1996, SECTION 4.
  • DESCRIPTION OF WGOTillC EVALUATION MODEL" His report WCAP-14407 *WGOTillC APPLICATION TO AP600,* references WCAP-14382 (*WGOT111C Code Description and Validation") as the WGOTlitC code packsge description and validation report. Yet the AP600 WGOTTIIC model described in this report deviates substantia!!y from what was described and validated in WCAP-14382. Westinghouse has changed its previous approach of simulating the Al%00 above-operating deck region with a distributed-parameter model to a networt oflumped-parame::r nodes.

This change raises a number of concems regarding consistencies of the new approach, including:

                                                                                                             - The implementation specifics and computation results for the AP600 containment.
                                                                                                             - The validation basis and comparisons of the clime / distributed-parameter approach versus chme/lumpedtarameter approach.
                                                                                                             - The validation insis and comparisons to experimental data.

All cross section schematics show a nodalization which implies subdivisions in .cw with the distributed parameter approach. Ilowever, page 4 I clearly states that the rnodel is a network of nodes. It would have been more conventional and descnptive if these figures presented the model as a tube-and4ank* network of control volumes and flow paths. Above Operating Deck Region In the AP600 Evaluation Model documented in Section 4, all of the computational features of the subdivided, distributed-parameter approach have been eliminated. Lumped-node networks have an inherent limitations of averaging local rnomentum information and

                                                                                                            , predicting zero velocities in the lumped nodes. De computed velocities in the artificial flow vents / tube-tank network are not representative of the velocity distribution in the continuum. In addition, the AP600 Evaluation Model has a coarse nadalization for the above-operating deck region, providing only averaged values for large subspaces. In this way,information about jet / plume mixing and stratification is lost. His information was previously thought to be important as an outcome of the PIRT (phenomena identification and ranking table) process.

Subsections 4112 (page 4-86) through 4.2.32 (page 4-212) describe the above-operating deck internal containment region and its subregions as specified by control volumes and flowpaths which constitute the network oflumped-paranseter nodes. In the above deck region,

  • rooms and
  • compartments
  • have a different character as most of the defined
  • rooms" and " compartments
  • have virtual interfaces in the open free-volurne region above-operating deck. Only the two steam generator compartments may comply with the traditional
  • room" or Nompartment* definition.

De chosen segmentation certainly simplifies the model description but care should be exercised to interpret results in the context of these

  • virtual" rooms.
                                                                                                           !Page 4-179:

480.797 What experimental evidence and validation studies support the use of a quarter inner dome region that radially extends fmm jthe axis of the cyhndrical central room up to the outside surface of the mid-quarter annulus m,y w.J7 Page: 176 Total Records: 840

                                                                                                                                            -       ~     -           -                _.                                                                    .       -       ~

AP600 Open Item Tracking System Datsbase: Summ:ry Sched :le Dat : 7/7/97 Selection: [w st code]=' Action W" Sorted by DSER Section. Transmit Date, NRC Branch and item immber, Item DSER Section/ (W) NRC No. Branch Question Type Coord/ Resp Engmeer Title Status Staus ICP Draft Review Transmit 4831 NRR/SCSB 6.2.1 RAl-OI Rarig / Gresham Action W Action W 7/18/97

                                                                                                                                                             'RAI: WCAP-14407, "WGOTillC Application to AP600 " A. Nrgie, et al., September 1996, SECTION 4,

This report, WCAP-14407 "WGOTillC APPLICATION TO AP600,* references WCAP-14352 (*WGOTIflC Code Descnprion and Validaton*) as the WGOTillC code packsge description and validation report. Yet the AP600 WGOTHIC rwxlel descnbed in this report deviates substantially from what was descnbed and validated in WCAP-14382. Westinghouse has changed its previous approach of simulating the AP600 above-operating deck region with a distnbuted-parameter model to a network oflumped-parameter nodes. This change raises a number of concerns regarding consistencies of the new approach, including:

                                                                                                                                                              - The implementation specifics and computation results for the AP600 containment.
                                                                                                                                                              - The validation basis and comparisons of the clime / distributed-parameter approach versus clirne/ lumped-parameter approach.
                                                                                                                                                              - The validation basis and comparisons to experimental data.

All cross section schematics show a nodalization which implies subdivisions in accordance with the distnbuted parameter approach flowever, page 4-1 clearly states that the model is a network of nodes It would have been more conventional and descriptive if these figures presented the model as a " tube-and-tank" network of control volumes and flow paths. Above Operating Deck Region In the AP600 Evaluation Model documented in Section 4, all of the computational features of the subdivided, distributed-parameter approach have been climinated. Lumped-node networks have an inherent limitsions of averagmg local momentum information and predicting zero velocities in the lumped nodes. The cor-sputed velocities in the artificial flow ventshuhe-tank network are not representative of the velocity distnbution in the continuunt in addition, the AP600 Evaluation Model has a coarse nodalization for the above-operating deck region, providing only averaged values for large subspaces. In this way,information about jet / plume mixing and stratification is lost. This information was previously thought to be important as an outcome of the PIRT (phenomena identification and ranking tabic) process. Subsections 4 2.12 (page 4-86) through 4.2.32 (page 4-212) desenbe the above-operating deck internal containment region and its subregions as specified by control volumes and flowpaths which constitute the network oflumped-parameter nodes. In the above deck regwn," rooms" and " compartments" have a different character as most of the defined

  • rooms" and %,m,' have virtual interfaces in the open free-volume region deck. Only the two steam generator compartments may comply with the traditional " room
  • or " compartment
  • definition.

The chosen segmentation certainly simphfies the rnodel description but care should be exercised to interpret results in the context of these ' virtual" rooms. Page 4-179: 480.798 What bias is anticipated for mixing in this region as a result of this modeling approach? Page: 177 Total Records: 840

AP600 Ope 2 It;m Tracking System Database: S;mm;ry Sched:le Datz: 7/7/97 Selection: [w st code]=' Action W' Sorted by DSER Section. Transmit Date, NRC Branch and itern number. Item DSER Section/ gw) " NRC No. Branch Que. tion Type Coord/ Resp Engineer Title Status Status ICP Draft Review Transmit 4832 NRR/SCSB 6.2.1 RAI-OI Rarig / Gresham Action W Action W 7/18/97 R Al: WCAP-14407,"WGOTIIIC Application to AP600," A. I'orgie, et al, September 1996, SECTION 4. 'DESCRIITION OF WGOTIIIC EVALUATION MODEL" This report, WCAP-14407 "WGOTillC APPLICATION TO AP600,* references WCAP-14382 ("WGOTHIC Code Description end Validation") as the WGOTilIC code package description and validation report. Yet the AP600 WGOTIIIC model described in this report deviates substantially from what was described and validated in WCAP-14382. Westinghouse has changed its previous approach of simulating the AP600 above+perating deck region with a distributed-parameter model to a network of lumped-parameter nodes. His change raises a number of concerns regarding consistencies of the new approach, including:

                                                                             - De implementation specifics and computation results for the AP600 containment.
                                                                             - The val;dation basis and compansons of the clime / distributed-parameter approach versus clirne/ lumped-parameter approach.
                                                                             - The validation basis and comparisons to experimental data.

All cross section schematics show a nodalization which implies subdivisions in accordance with the distributed parrnerer approach. Ilowever, page 4-1 clearly states that the model is a network of nodes. It would have been more conventional and desenptive if these figures presented the model as a " tube-and-tank" network of control volurnes and flow paths. Above Operating Deck Region in the AP600 Evaluation Model documented in Section 4, all of the co@6.1 features of the subdivided, distributed-parameter approach have been eliminated. Lumped-node networks have an inherent limitations of averaging local momentum information and predicting zero velocities in the lumped nodes. The computed velocities in the artificial flow vents / tube-tank network are not representative of the velocity distribution in the continuum. In addition, the AP600 Evaluation Model has a coarse nodalization for the above-operating deck region, providing only averaged values for large subspaces. In this way,informwion about jet / plume mixing and stratification is lost. This information was previously thought to be important as an outcome of the PIRT (phenomena identification and ranking table) process. Subsections 4.2.12 (page 4-86) through 4.2.32 (page 4-212) describe the above-operating deck internal containment region and its subregions as specified by control volumes and flowpaths which constitute the network oflumped-parameter nodes. In the above deck region.

  • rooms" and " compartments" have a different character as vnost of the defined " rooms" and " compartments
  • have virtual interfaces in the open free-volume region above-operating deck. Only the two steam generator compartments may comply with the
                                                                           ~ raditional
  • room" or " compartment" definition.

The chosen segmentation certainly simplifies the model description but care should be exercised to interpret results in the context of these " virtual

  • rooms.

Page 4-180: 480.799 Explain how the flow path characteristics for Flow Paths I through 4 are specified to represent the common interface

                                                                           ,between Control Volumes 61 and 12,16. 28, and 44? Are those simply apportioned according to their common surface area?

Page: 178 Total Records: 840

                                                                                                                . _ = -                                                       _

AP600 Opea Item Tracking System D;.tabase: Sxmmrry Sched:le Datz: 7/7/97 ' Selection: [w st code]=' Action W' Sorted by DSER Section. Transmit Date, NRC Branch and item number. ' I i Item DSER Section/ (W) NRC No. Branch Questen Type Coord/ Resp Engineer Title Status Staus ICP - Draft Review Transmit [ 4833 NRR/SCSB 6.2.1 RAI-OI Rarig / G-esham Action W Action W 7/18/97 R Al: WCAP-14407,"WOOTHIC Applicmion to AP600," A. Forgie, et al, September 1996, SFLTION 4. " DESCRIPTION OF WGOTHIC EVALUATION MODEL" i This report. WCAP-14407 "WGOTHIC APPLICATION TO AP600," references WCAP-14382 (*WGOTHIC Code Description and Validation") as t*e WGOTHIC code package description and validation report. Yet the AP600 WGOTHIC rnodel desenbed in this [ report deviates substantially from what was described ard validated in WCAP-14382. Wa.;,:~- has chanted its previous j approach of simulating the AP600 above-operating deck region with a distribused-parameter model to a network oflumped-parameter  ; nodes. This change raises a number of concerns regarding consistencies of the new approach, including: . .

                                                                                        - The implementation specifics and computation resuks for the Al%00 containment _                                                                                    !
                                                                                        - The validation basis and comparisons of the clime / distributed-pararieter approach versus climeAumped-parameter approach.
                                                                                        - The validsion basis and corriparisons to experinnental data.

All cross section schematics show a nodalization which implies subdiv sions in G.a with the distributed parameter approach- , However, page 4-1 clearly semes that the model is a network of noder It would have been more conventional and descriptive if these figures presentext the model as a "tuhe-and-tank" network of controrvolumes and flow pasha. 3 Above Operating Deck Region In the AP600 Evaluation Model m... . in Section 4, all </ he tcomputational features of the subdivided, distnbuted-parameter  ! approach have been eliminated. I.mmped-node networks have an inherent limitations of averaging local moneentum information and  ; predicting zero velocities in the lernped nodes. The computed velocities in the artificial flow vents / tube-tank network are not representative of the velocity distribution in the w la addition, the AP600 Evaluation Model has a coarse nodalization for {: the above-operating deck region, providing only averaged values for _ large subspaws. In this way,informarion about jet / plume mixing and stratification islost. This information was previously thought , to be irnportant as an outcome of the PIRT (phenomena identification and ranking table) process. Subsections 4.2.12 (page 4-86) through 4.2.32 (page 4-212) describe the above-operating deck internal - --t region and its [ subregions as specified by control volumes and flowpaths which constitute the network oflumped-parameter nodes. In the above i deck region " rooms" and " compartments" have a different character as niost of the defined *roones" and " compartments" have virtual  ; interfaces in the open free-volume region above-operating deck. Only the two sseam generator compartenents may comply with the j traditional

  • room
  • or b.,a.....? definition. .

The chown segmentation certainly sinnplifies the model description but care should be exercised to interpret resuks in the cornext of these " virtual" rooms.  ; Page 4-181: I 480 800 Why have all values for the frictional length for all flow paths set equal to one in Table 4-287 ~[ l i i i i i t Page: 179 Total Records: - 840 l

AP600 Opea Item Tracking System Database: S;mmary Schedule Date: 7/7/97 Selection: [w st code]=' Action W* Sorted by DSER Section Transmit Date, NRC Branch and item numter. Item DSER Section/ (W) NRC No. Branch Question Type CoordStesp Engineer Title Status ICP Draft Review Status Transmit 4834 NRR/SCSB 6.2.1 RAl-OI Rarig / Gresham Action W Action W 7/18/97 RAl: WCAP-14407,"WGOTIIIC Application to AP600," A. Forgie, et al, September 1996 SECTION 4," DESCRIPTION OF WGOTillC EVALUATION MODEL* This report WCAP-14407 "WGOTIIIC APPLICATION TO AP600," references WCAP-14382 ("WGOT1fIC Code Description and Validation") as the WGOTil!C code package description and validation report. Yet the AP600 WOOTIIIC model described in this report deviates substantially from what was desenbed and validated in WCAP-14382. Westinghouse has changed its previous approach of simulating the AP600 above-operating deck region with a distnbuted-pammeter model to a . network of lumped-parameter nodes. This change raises a nurnber of concems regarding consistencies of the new approach, including-

                                                                             - The implementation specifics and computation results for tic AP600 containment.
                                                                             - The va!idation basis and comparisons of the clime / distributed-parameter approach versus clime / lumped-parameter approach.
                                                                             - The validation basis and comparisons to experimental data.

All cross section schematics show a nodalization which imphes subdivisions in accordace with the distributed parameter agroach flowever, page 4-1 clearly states that the rnndel is a network of nodes. It would have beca mnre conventional and descriptive if then figures presented the model as a " tube-and-tank" network of control volumes and flow paths. Above Operating Deck Region In the AP600 Evaluation Model docume sted in Section 4, all of the co...Wos.1 features of the subdivided, distributed-parameter approach have been eliminated. Lemped-node networks have an inherent limitations of averaging local momentum informath and predicting rero velocities in the lumped nodes. The computed velocities in the artificial flow ventshube-tank network are not representative of the velocity distnbution in the continuum. In addition, the AP600 Evaluation Model has a coarse a odalization for the above-operating deck region, providing only everaged values for

                                                                          ,large subspaces. In this way,information about jet / plume mixing and stratification is lost. This information was previody thought It o be important as an outcome of the PIRT (phenomena identification and ranking table) process.

Sulwections 42.12 (page 4-86) through 4.2.32 (page 4-212) desenbe the above-operating deck internal containment region and its subregions as specified by control volumes and flowpaths which constitute the network of lumped-parameter nodes. In the abe re deck region, " rooms" and " compartments" have a difIerent character as most of the defined

  • rooms" and " compartments" have virtual interfaces in the open free-volume region above-operating deck. Only the two steam genentor compartments may ceiply with the traditional
  • room" or " compartment" definition.

The chosen segmentation certainly simplifies the model description but care should be exercised to interpret results in the context of these " virtual" rooms.

                                                                          ;Page 4-181:

(480 801 Explain how the polar crane is apportioned among the four quarter inner dome compartments. Page: 180 Total Records: 840

AP600 Open Item Tracking System Dat-base: S:mm1ry Schedule Date: 7/7/97 Selection: [w st code]=' Action W' Sorted by DSER Section, Transmit Date. NRC Branch and item number. Item DSER Section/ (W) NRC No. Branch Question Type Coord/ Resp Engineer Title Status Status ICP Draft Review Transmit 4835 NRR/SCSB 6.2.1 RAl-OI Rarig / Gresham Action W Action W 7/l$/97

                                                                              'RAI:WCAP-14407, *WGOTHIC Application to AP600." A. Forgie, et al., September 1996, SECTION 4. *DESCRIPT10N OF WGOTHIC EVALUATION MODEL" This report, WCAP-14407 *WGOTHIC APPLICATION TO AP600,* references WCAP-14382 ("WGOTHIC Code Descripion and Validation") as the WGOTIIIC code package description and validation report. Yet the AP600 WGOTHIC model described in this report deviates substantially from what was desenbed and validated in WCAP-14382. Westinghouse has changed its previous approach of simulating the AP600 above-operating deck region with a distributed-parameter model to a network oflumped-parameter nodes.

This change raises a number of concems regarding consistencies of the new approach, including:

                                                                              - The implementation specifics and computation results for the AP600 containment.
                                                                              - The validation basis and comparisons of he clime /distnbuted-parameter approach versus clirne/ lumped-parameter approach.
                                                                              - The validation basis and comparisons to experimental data.

All cross section schematics show a nodalization which implies subdivisions in w,h with the distributed paranwter approach

                                                                             'However, page 4-1 clearly states that the modelis a network of nodes. It would have been more conventional and desenptive if these figures presented the model as a
  • tube-andenk" network of control volumes and flow paths.

Above Operating Deck Region In the AP600 Evaluation Model documented in Scotion 4. all of the features of the subdivided, distributed-parame'er approach have been climinated. Lumped-node networks have an inherent limitations of averaging local momentum information and lrepresentative predictingof zero velocities the velocity distnbutionin thecontinuum. in the lumped nodes.theThe In addition, AP600computed velocities Evaluation Model innodalization has a coarse the artificial for flow lthe above-operating deck region, providing only averaged values for ilarge subspaces. In this way,information about jet / plume mixing and stratification is lost. This information was previously thought I to be important as an outcome of the PIRT (phenomena identification and ranking table) process. Subsections 4112 (page 4-86) through 4.232 (page 4-212) desenbe the above-operating deck internal containment region and its subregions as specified by control volumes and flowpaths which constitute the network of lumped-parameter nodes. In the above deck region.

  • rooms
  • and " compartments" have a different character as most of the defined rooms
  • and " compartments" have virtual interfaces in the open free-volume region above-operating deck. Only the two steam generator compartments may comply with the traditional
  • room" or " compartment
  • definition.

The chosen segmentation certainly simplifies the model description but care should be exercised to interptet results in the context of these " virtual" rooms. Pages 4-197 through 4-212: 480.802 Please correct the titles of Subsections 4129 and 4.230 which shoukt read " East Quarter Octer Dome Compartment

  • and
                                                                             " North Quar *er Outer Dome Compartment." res_pectively.

Page: 181 Total Records: 840

  -        -    --- -               . -        . . . .        ~ .           - -                               -      -- -                  .   - . - . .            - .. . .                       . _ - - .                            .. -

AP600 Open It:m Tracking System Dat; base: Summiry Schedule Dat2: 7/7/97 Selectiom [w st code]=* Action W' Sorted by DSER Section, Transmit Date, NRC Branch and item number. Item DSER Sectionf # (W) NRC No. Question Type Coord/ Resp Engineer Title Status Status ICP Draft Review Transmet 4836 NRR/SCSB 6.2.1 RAIOl Rarig / Gresham Action W Action W 7/l8/97 i RA1: WCAP-l4407, *WGOTHIC Application to AP600 " A. Ibrgie,et al., September 1996, SECTION 4,* DESCRIPTION OF WGOTHICEVALUAT10N MODEL* This report, WCAP-14407 *WGO1111C APPLICATION TO AP600,* references WCAP-14382 (*WGOnilC Code Description and Validation") as the WGOTHIC code package description and validation report. Yet the AP600 WGOTHIC rradel desenbed in this repcst deviates substantially from what was described and validated in WCAP-14382. Westinghouse hadanged its previous t approach of simulating the AP600 ahose-operating deck region with a distiibuted-parameter model to a network oflumped-parameter nodes. This change raises a number of concerns regarding consistencies of the new approach, including: ,

                                                                                            - The implementation specifics and computation resuks for the AP600 containment.                                                                  1
                                                                                            - De validation basis and comparisons of the clime / distributed-parameter approach versus clime / lumped-parameter approach.
                                                                                            - ne validation basis and comparisons to engerimental data.

All cross section schematics show a nodalization which implies subdivisions in --- !- = with the distributed parameter approach. f However, page 4-1 clearly states that the model is a network of nodes. It would have been more conventional and descriptive if these figures presented the model as a

  • tube-and-tank
  • network of control volumes and flow paths.

Above Operating Deck Region In the AP600 Evaluation Model documented in Section 4, all of the computational /estures of the subdivided, distributed-parameter approach have been climinated. Lumped-node networks have an inherent limitenons of averaging local momentum information and predicting zero velocities in the lumped nodes. The computed velocities in the artificial flow ventsAube4ank networt are not representative of the velocity distsibution in the continuum. In addition, the AP600 Evaluation Model has a coarse nodalization for the above-operating deck region, providing only averaged values for large subspaces. In this way,information about Pt/ plume mixieg and stratification is lost. This informanon was previously thought  ; o be important as an outcome of the PIRT (phenomena iderrufication and ranking table) process. ' ubsections 4.2.12 (page 4-86) through 4.2.32 (page 4-2I2) describe the above-operating deck internal containment region and its uhregions as specified by control volumes and f'cwpaths which constitute the network oflumped-parameter nodes. In the above ' l deck region

  • rooms" armi" compartments
  • hae a different character as most of the defined
  • rooms
  • and " compartments" have virtual interfaces in the open free-volume regios above-operating deck. Only the two steam generator compartments may comply with the traditional
  • room
  • or *corrpartment* definition.
  • The chosen segmentation certainly simplifies the model description but care should be exercised to interpret results in the context of these
  • virtual
  • room. 5 Page 4-197:

[ 480.It03 Please correct the entries in the fourth column of Table 4-35 labeled ' Upper Elevation." These entries are the axial heights. [ net the upper elevations. i [ i t I Page: 182 Total Records: 840 L

AP600 Opes Item Tracking SystIm Database: Summ:ry Schedde Dat:: 7nf>7 Selectiott: [w st code]=* Action W' Sorted by DSER Section. Transmit Date, NRC Branch and item number. hem DSER Sectiort' ' (w) NRC No. Branch Question Type Coord/ Resp Engineer Title Status Staus ICP Draft Review Transmit 4837 NRR/SCSB 6.2.1 RAI4)I Rarig / Gresham Action W Action W 7/l8/97 RAl: WCAP-14407,"WGOTHIC Application to AP600

  • A. Forgie, et al., September 1996, SECTION 4. "DESCRII"UON OF WGOTHIC EVALUATION MODEL* l This report, WCAP-14407 "WGOTHIC APPLICATION TO AP600," references WCAP-14382 (*WGOTHIC Code Desenption and Validation") as the WGOTHIC code package descnprion and validation report. Yet the AP600 WGOTHIC model described in this report deviates substantially from what was described and validated in WCAP-14382. Westinghouse has changed its previous approach of simulating the AP600 above-operating deck region with a distributed-parameter model to a network oflumped-parameter ,

nodes. This change raises a number of concerns regarding consistencies of the new approach, incloding:

                                                                           - The implementation specifics and computation results for the AP600 containment.
                                                                           - The validation basis and w..,_ imms of the crime / distributed-parameter approach versus clime / lumped-parameter approach.
                                                                           - The validation basis and w.., imms to experimental data.                                                                                ,

All cross section schematics show a nodalization which implies subdivisions in M .s with the distnbuted parameter approach However, page 4-1 clearly states that the modelis a network of nodes. It would have been more conventional and descriptive if these figures presented the model as a " tube-and-tank

  • network of control volarnes and flow paths.

Above Operating Deck Region la the AP600 Evaluation Model documented in Section 4, all of the computational features of the subdivided, distributed-parameter approach have been ehminated. Lamped-node networks have an inherent limitations of averaging local momentum information and predicting zero velocities in the lumped nodes. The computed velocities in the artificial flow vents / tube-tank network are nor l representative of the velocity distribution in the continuum. In addition, the AP600 Evaluation Model has a coarse nodalization for > lthe above-operating deck region providing only averaged values for large subspaces. In this =ay,information about jet / plume mixing and stratification is lost. This information was previously thought to be irnportant as an outcome of the PIRT (phenomena identificWien and ranking table) process. Subsections 4112 (page 4-86) through 4.2.32 (page 4-212) describe the above-operating deck internal containment region and its subregNs as specified by control volumes and flowpaths which constitute the network oflumped-parameter nodes. In the above , deck region," rooms" and " compartments

  • have a different character as most of the defined " rooms" and " compartments
  • have virtual
                                                                           'nterfaces in the open free-volume region above-operating deck. Only the two steam generator compartments may comply with the raditional
  • room" or b...,_i.m..;* definition.

chosen segmentation certainly simplifies the model description but care should be exercised to interpret results in the context of ; hCsc *vitTuaI* rooms.

  • Page 4-198:
  • 480.801 Explain why the values of the frictional length for the various flow paths in Table 4-36 vary between I and 101, whereas ,

they were set equal to one for all flow paths between the inner control volumes. L i 1 Page: 183 Total Records: 840

      .    ~-.                          _ - - . _ - .- - -                                                                                      .~.-- - - - - - - - - - - . .                                                                      -         - -         - . -           .-

r AP600 Opea Item Tracking System Datzbase: Simm1ry Sched:le Date: 7#/97

                                                       &lectiott-    [w st code]=' Action W Sorted by DSER Section, Transmit Date NRC Branch and item number.

Item DSER Section/ (W) NRC No. Branch Question Type Coord/ Resp Engineer Title Status Simus ICP Draft Review Ti M 4838 NRR/SCSB 6.2.1 RAl-OI Rarig

                                                                              / Gresham                                                                                                                  Action W     Action W                                                 7/18/97 RAI: WCAP-14407, *WGOTillC Application to AP600,* A. Forgie, et al., September 1996, SECTION 4. "DESCRIP110N OF -

WGOTIflC EVALUATION MODEL" This report, WCAP-14407 "WGOTHIC APPLICATION TO AP600," references WCAP-14382 ("WGOTHIC Code Description and Validation") as the WGOTHICcode package description and utidation report. Yet the AP600 WGOTHIC model described in this report deviates substantially from what was described and validated in WCAP-14382. Westinghouse has changed its previous , approach of simulating the AP600 above-operating deck region mith a distributed-parameter model to a network oflumped-parameter nodes. This change raises a number of concems regarding consistencies of the new appmach, including-

                                                                                                                                                   - The implementation specifics and computation results for the AP600 containment.
                                                                                                                                                   - The validation basis and cmiv ;m-s of the clime / distributed-parameter approach versus clime /luenped-parameter approach.
                                                                                                                                                   - The validation basis and sm.v.imm to experimental data.

All cross section schematics show a nodalization which implies subdivisions in -h with the distributed parameter approach. However, page 4-1 clearly states that the model is a network of nodes. It would have been enore conventional and descriptive if these figures presented the model as a *tuhe-and4ank" network of control volumes and flow paths.

  • Above Operating Deck Region In the Af%00 Evaluation Model documented in Section 4, all of the computational features of the subdivided. distribused-parameter approach have been eliminated _ lamped-node networks have an inherent limitations of averaging local momentum information and predicting zero velocities in the lumped nodes. The computed velocities in the artificial flow vents /tuhe-tank network are not ative of the velocity distribution in the continuum. In addition, the AP600 Evaluation Model has a coarse nodalization for he above+perating deck region, providing only averayd values for arge subspaces. In this way,information about jet / plume mixing and stratification is lost. This information was previously thought be important as an outcome of the PIRT (phenomena identification and ranking table) process.

Subsections 4.2.12 (pag- 4-86) through 4.232 (page 4-2 I2) describe the above-operating deck internal containment region and its subregions as specified by contml volumes and flowpaths which constiture the network oflumped-parameter nodes. In the above deck region.

  • rooms" and " compartments" have a different character as nnat of the defixd " rooms" and " compartments
  • I. ave vinual interfaces in the open free-volume region above-operating deck. Only the two steam generator compartments may comply with the traditional " room
  • or b..v a.m.a* definition.

The chosen segmentation certainly simplifies the model description but care should be exercised to interpret results in the context of these " virtual" reorns. Page 4-198: 480.805 What are the specific characteristics of the flow paths with frictional lengths much larger than one? L i i P i Page: 184 Total Records: 840

                              . - _ _ _ . _ . _ ._:_.                 . - _ - - - _ . . _ . . . - . - _ _ . _ - _ - . _ . _ - - - _ _ _ - _ _ _                                 _ _ _ _ _ _                  __a . -                                 -  -         ~                         ,,

t AP600 Open It:m Tracking System D;.tbase: Simm2ry Schedtle Date: 7n/97 Selection: [w st code]=* Action W* Sorted by DSER Section, Transmit Date NRC Branch and item number. j Item DSER Section/ (W) NRC No. Branch Question Type Coord/ Resp Engineer Title Status Status ICP DraR Review Transnut


48D NRR/SCSB 6.2. I RAI OI Rarig / Gresham Action W Action W 7/18/97  ; [ RAl; WCAP-14407, *WGOTHIC Application to AP600

  • A. Forgie, et al. September 1996 SECTION 4 *DESCRIPT10N OF i WGOTHIC EVALUA110N MODEL" This report, WCAP 14407 "WGOTHIC APPIJCATION TO AP600," references WCAP-14382 ("WGOTHIC Code Description and  !

Validation *) as the WGOTHIC code package desenption and validation report. Yet the AP600 WGOTHIC rnodel desenbed in this report deviates substantially from what was descnbed and validated in WCAP-14382. Westinghouse has changed its previous l approach of sinualating the AP600 above. operating deck region with a distributed-parameter model to a network oflumped-parameter nodes. This change raises a number of concerns regarding consistencies of the new appmach, including: l

                                                                           - 1he implementation specifics and computation results for the AP600 containment.                                                                     !
                                                                           - The validation basis and comparisons of the climeldistributed-parameter appmach versus clime / lumped-parameter approach.                           ?
                                                                           - The validation basis and comparisons to experimental data-                                                                                          ;

All cross section schematics show a nodalization which implies subdivisions in accordance with the distnbuted parameter appmach- [ However, page 4-1 clearly states that the model is a network of nodes. k would have been more conventional and descriptive if these  ; figuies presented the model as a " tube-and-tank" network of control volumes and flow paths. Above Operating Deck Region la the AP600 Evaluation Model documented in Section 4, all of the computational features of the subdivided, distnbuted-parameser . approach have been eliminated. Lumped-node networks have an inherent linutations of averaging local =- information and ~ s predicting zero velocities Si the lumped modes. The computed velocities in the artificial flow ventsAube-tank network are not y, Mve of the velocity distribution in the cmtinuum. In addition, the AP600 Evaluation Model has a coarse nadalization for  ! the above-operating deck region, providing only averaged values for .  ! glarge salupaces. In this way,information about jet / plume mixing and stratification is lont This information was previously thought t

                                                                         'to be important as an outcome of the PIRT (phenomena identification and rankmg table) process.                                                         l Subsections 4.2.12 (page 4-86) through 4.232 fpage 4-212) desenbe the above-operating deck internal e = '                           region and its      ;

subregions as specified by control volumes and flowpaths which constitute the network of t- ,2 ,-.- .a. podes. In the above deck region.

  • moms" and " compartments" have a different character as most of the defined
  • rooms" and *" have virtual  ;

interfaces in the open free-volume region above-operating deck. Only the two steam generator compartrnents may comply with the  ! traditional

  • room" or " compartment" definition.

The chosen segmentation certainly simplifies the model description but care should be exercised to interpret resuks in the coctext of these

  • virtual
  • toorns.

Page 4-201: f 480.806 Provide information about how the flow path characteristics are determined for Flow Paths 2,6, and 10 which simulate i flows acmss curved interfaces. t I i i i f t i Page: 185 Total Records: 840 l j

 - . _ ~ -            _~_~ - - _ - - - . . - . - - - - - . - - - - - . ~ - . - - -. - - - - .... ~ . . .-

i F l AP600 Open Item Tracking System Database: Simm:ry Sched21e Datz: 7/7/97 Selectiest: [w st code]=* Action W* Sorted by DSER Section. Transmit Date, NRC Branch and item number.  ! Item D3ER Sectum/ (W) NRC No. Branch Question Type CanWResp Engineer Title Status Status ICP DraR Review Transmit  ; 4840 NRR/SCSB 6.2.1 RAI-Ol Rarig / Gresham Action W Action W 7/I8/97 f f RAI: WCAP-14407,"WGOTHIC Application to AP600," A. Forgie,et al., September 1996, EECTION 4."DESCRif710N OF



  • 1his report, WCAP-14407 "WGOTHIC APPLICATION TO AP600,* seferences WCAP-14382 (*WGOTHIC Code Descripnon and .[

Validation") as the WGOTHIC code package desenption and validation report. Yet the AP600 WGOTHlc model desenbed in this  ! report devisees substantially from what was described and validated in WCAP-14382. Westinghouse has changed its previous i apper ach of simulating the AP600 above-operating deck region with a distributedt erameter model to a network oflumped-parameter nodes. This change raises a number of concerns regarding w=L; .& of the new approach, including:

                                                                                                  - ' The implementation specifics and computation resuhs for the AP600 containment.                                                                                                                                               l
                                                                                                  - The validwion basis and comparisons of the clime /distnbuted-parameter approach versus clime / lumped-parameter approach.                                                                                                      t
                                                                                                 - The validwice basis and compensons to experimental data.                                                                                                                                                                        [

All cross section schematics show a nodalization which implies subdivisions in m. s with the distributed parameter approach-However, page 4-1 clearly states that the model is a network of modes. h would have been more conventional and desenptive if these figures presented the model as a " tube-and-tank"i.etwork of control volumes and flow paths. Above Operating Deck Region In the AP600 Evalusion Model docurnented in Section 4, all of the computational femures of the subdivided, distributed-parameter approach have been climinased. Lampeo-node networks have an inherent limitations of averaging local information and

  • predicting zero velocities in the lumped nodes. The computed velocities in the artificial flow vents / tube-tank network are not t representmive of the velocity distnbution in the continuum. In addition, the AP600 Evaluation Model has a coarse %dalization for  !

the aboveeperating deck region, providing only averaged values for

                                                                                               ;large subspaces. In this way,information about jet / plume mixing and stratification is lost. This infonnehon was previously thought                                                                                               !
                                                                                               'to be important as an outcome of the PIRT (phenomena identification and ranking table) process                                                                                                                                     [

Subsections 4.2.12 (page 4-86) through 4.2.32 (page 4-212) describe the above-operating deck internal -- - - - region and its subregions as specified by control volumes and flowpeths which constitute the network oflumped-parameter nodes. In the above [ deck region.

  • rooms" and *- L.-..;/ have a different character as most of the defined " rooms" and *-- , _...-..;s" have virtual interfaces in the open free-volume region above-operating deck. Only the two steam genermor - -----7 rnay comply with the traditional
  • room
  • or *u __ , _ ... .# definition.

The chosen segmentation certainly singiifies the model description but care should be exercised to interpret results in the context of these

  • virtual
  • rooms.

Page 4-201: 4A0.807 Explain why a fraction of the polar crane bridge is not apportioned to those voluenes. i Page: I86 Total Records: 840 , t d i _ . _ , _ _ . ..-_.__.m _ _ _ ___ . . . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ._ . ._. - _ ._ . _ _ _ _ __ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ . _ . _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

AP600 Open Item Tracking System Dathase: Summary Schedule Datz: 7/7/97 Selection: [w st code]=' Action W' Sorted by DSER Section, Transmit Date, NRC Branch and item number. Item DSER W (W) NRC No. Branch Question Type Coonimesp Engmeer Title Status Status ICP Draft Review Transmit 4841 NRR/SCSB 6.2.1 RAl4)I Rarig / Gresham Action W Action W 7/I8/97

                                                                                                                                                                                                        !RAl: WCAP-14407,"WGOTHIC Application to AP600,* A. Forgie,et al., September 1996, SECTION 4. " DESCRIPTION OF WGOUIIC EVALUATION MODEL*

This report WCAP-I4407 "WGOTHIC APPLICATION TO AP600,* references WCAP-14382 ("WGOTHIC Code Descr ption and validation") as the WGOT1IIC code package description and validation report. Yet the AP600 WGOTHIC model described in this report deviates substantially from what was described and validated in WCAP-14382. Westinghouse has changed its previous epproach of simulating the AP600 above-operating deck region with a distributed-parameter model to a network oflumped-parameter

                                                                                                                                                                                                        . nodes.

Es change raises a number of concerns regarding consistencies of the new approach, including:

                                                                                                                                                                                                         - The implementation specifics and computaron results for the AP600 containment.
                                                                                                                                                                                                         - The valmiation basis and w.,m.;-s of the clime / distributed-parameter approach versus clime / lumped-parameter approach.
                                                                                                                                                                                                         - The validation basis and cornparisons to experimental data.

All cross section schematics show a nodalization which implies subdivisions in Awh with the distributed parameter approach-However, page 4-1 clearly states that the stedel is a network of nodes. It would have been more conventional and descriptive if these figures presenteJ the model as a

  • tube-and-tar:k" netwnrk of control volumes and flow paths.

Above Operating Deck Region In the AP600 Evaluation Model documented in Section 4, all of the wi.,,,,Laio,al features of the subdivided, distributed-parameter approach have been chminatul. Lumped-node networks have an inherent limitations of averaging local momentum inforrnation and predicting zero velocities in the lumped nodes. The computed velocities in the artificial flow vents / tube-tank network are not represereative of the velocity distribution in the continuum. In addition, the AP600 Evaluation Model has a coarse nodalization for the abovegerating deck region, providing only averaged values for large subspaces. In this way, information about jet / plume miting and stratification is lost. This information was previously thought to be important as an outcome of the PIRT (phenomena identification and ranking table) pmcess Subsections 4.2.12 (page 4-86) through 4.2.32 (page 4-212) descnbe the above-operating deck internal containrnent region and its

                                                                                                                                                                                                       , subregions as specified by control volumes and flowpaths which constitute the network oflumped-parameter nodes. In the above kleck region.
  • rooms" and " compartments
  • have a different character as most of the defined
  • rooms
  • and "compartrnents" have virtual interfaces in the open free-volume region above-operating deck. Only the two steam generator w.., am. 6 may comply with the itional
  • room
  • or b.., L.m.a* definition.

The chosen segmentation certainly simplifies the model description but care should be exercised to interpret results in the context of these

  • virtual
  • rooms.

Page 4-201: 480.808 Explain why no reference is made to the containment steel sheII, which is accounted for by the climes and desenhed in Section 3 of WCAP-14407. Page: 187 Total Records: 840

AP600 Open item Tracking System Dat base: Summary Schedule Dat:: 7/7/97 Selection * [w st code]=* Action W' Sorted by DSER Section. Transmit Date, NRC Branch and item rtumber. Item DSER Section/ (W) NRC No. Branch Question Type Coord/ Resp Engineer Title Staus ICP Draft Review Transmit Staus 4842 NRR/SCSB 6.2.1 RAI-OI Rarig / Gresham Action W Action W 7/1857

                                                                              !R AI: WCAP-14407, *WGOTillC Application to AP600,* A. Forgie, et al., September 1996, SECTION 4. "DESCRIITION OF WGOT111C EVALUATION MODEL" This report, WCAP-14407 *WGOTHIC APPLICATION TO AP600,* references WCAP-14382 ("WGOTHIC Code Description and Validation") as the WGOTHIC code package desenption and validation report. Yet the AP600 WGOTHIC model described in tins report deviates substantully from what was descnbed and validated in WCAP-14382. Westinghouse has changed its previous approach of simulating the AP600 above-operating deck region with a distributed-parameter model to a network oflumped-parame*er nodes.

This change raises a number of concems regarding consistences of the new approach, including:

                                                                               - The implementation specifics and computation results for the AP600 containment.
                                                                              - The validation basis and comparisons of the clime / distributed-parameter approach versus cline / lumped-parameter approach.
                                                                              - The valulation basis and comparisons so experimental data.

All cross section schematics show a nodalization which implies subdivisions in Amas with the distributed parameter approach. However, page 4-1 clearly states that the model is a network of nodes. It would have been more conventional and descriptive if these figures presented the model as a " tube-and-tank" network of control volumes and flow paths. Outside Containment Upflow Annulus Volumes Page4-213: 4R0.809 The inside containment nodalization is divided into quadrants. Outside of the containment, the quarter-region modeling has been replaced by a single node representation of the downcomer and annulus for each axial elevation. Please justify this approach. Does not the azimuthal lumping of the downcomer and annulus artificially (and non-conservatively) smooth out any asymmetnes computed inside the containment using the four quadrant model? 4843 NRR/SCSB 6.2.1 RAl-OI Rarig / Gresham Action W Action W 7/18/97 RAl: WCAP-14407,"WGOTHIC Apphcation to AP600,* A. Forgie, et al., September 1996, SECTION 4. "DESCRIITION OF WGOTHIC EVALUATION MODEL" This report, WCAP-14407 "WGOTHICAPPLICATION TO AP600,* references WCAP-14382 ("WGOTHIC Code Descnption and Validation") as the WGO111tC code package description and validation repxt. Yet the AP600 WGOTlHC rnodel desenbed in this report deviates substantially from what was desenbed and validated in WCAP-14382. Westinginuse has changed its previous approach of simulating the AP600 above-operating deck region with a distnbuted-parameter rrodel to a network oflumped-parameter nodes. This change raises a number of concems regarding ihs of the new approach, including-

                                                                             - The implementation specifics and computation resuhs for the AP600 containrnent.

The valulsion basis and m.r - ofi the clime / distributed-parameter approach tersus clim / lumped-parameter approach.

                                                                             - The validation basis and convarisons to expenmental data.

All cross section schematics show a nodalization which implies subdivisions in R with the dbtributed parameter approach. However, page 4-1 clearly states that the model is a network of nodes. It would have been enore conventiocial and descriptive if these figures presented the model as a

  • tube-and4ank" network of control volumes and flow paths.

Outside Containment Upflow Annulus Volumes Page 4-2I3: 480.810 WCAP-14407 states that the clime locations were selected to ensure that artificial flow patrems wene not created. Explain how artificial flow patterns would be created in the one-dimensional stack of outside-containment nodes. Page: 188 Total Records: 840

AP600 Open item Tracking System Datbase: Samm ry Schedule Datn 7/7/97 Selection: [w st codek' Action W' Sorted by DSER Section. Transmit Date, NRC Branch and item number. Item DSER Section/ " (W) NRC No. Branch Question Type Coord/ Resp Engineer Title Status Status ICP DraA Review Transmit 4844 NRR/SCSB 6.2.1 RAI-OI Rarig / Gresham Action W Action W 7/18/97 I RAI:WCAP-14407, *WGOTIITC Application to Al%00,* A. Forgie, et al., September 1996, SECTION 4," DESCRIPTION OF WGOTIIIC EVALUAT10N MODEL" Tius report, WCAP-14407 *WGOTHIC APPLICATION TO Al%00,* references WCAP-14382 (*WGOTIIIC Code Description am! Validation") as the WGOTlilC code package descnption and validation report. Yet the AP600 WGOTHIC model desenbed in this report deviates substantially fmm what was described and vahdated in WCAP-14382. Westinghouse has changed its previous approach of simulating the AP600 above-operating deck region with a distributed-parameter model to a network of lumped-parameter nodes. This change raises a number of concerns regarding consistencies of the new approach, including:

                                                                             - The implementation specifics and computation resuhs for the AP600 containment.
                                                                             - The validation basis and comparisons of the clime / distributed-parameter approach versus clime / lumped-parameter approach.
                                                                            - The vahdation basis and comparisons to experimental data.

All cmss section schematics show a nodalization which imphes subdivisions in accordance with the distnbuted parameter approach lIlowever, page 4-1 clearty states that the modelis a network of nodes. It would have been more conventional and desenprive if these figures presented the model as a " tube-and-tank" network of contml volumes and flow paths. Outside Containment Upflow Annulus Volumes Page 4-213: 480 81I Please correct the fourth column of Tabics 4-43,4-45, and 4-47 labeled " Upper Elevation." These columns are axial

                                                                           . heights, not upper elevations. Why are the fifth columns of these tables labeled " Pool Area
  • instead of
  • Flow Area"? Does this imply fthat Westinghouse expects these regions to flood?

4845 NRR/SCSB 611 RAICI Rarig / Gresham Action W Action W 7/18/97 R At: WCAP-14407,"WGOTillC Application to AP600,* A. I orgie, et al., September 1996, SECTION 4,


Dis report, WCAP-14407 "WGOTIIIC APPLICATION 10 AI%00,* references WCAP-14382 (*WGOTIIIC Code Description and Validation") as the WGOTlilC code package description and validation report. Yet the AP600 WGOTil!C model desenhed in this report deviates substantially from what was descnbed and validated in WCAP-14382. Westinghouse has changed its previous appmach of simulating the AP600 above-operating deck region with a distributed-parameter model to a network of lumped-parameter nodes. His change raises a number of concerns regarding consistencies of the new approach, including:

                                                                           - The implementation specifics and computation results for the AP600 containment.
                                                                           - De vahdation basis and comparisons of the clime / distributed-parameter approach versus clirne/ lumped-parameter appmach.
                                                                           - The validation basis and comparisons to experimental data.

All cross section schematics show a nodalization which implies subdivisions in .umh with the distributed parameter approach Ilowever, page 4-1 clearly states that the model is a network of nodes. It would have been more conventional and descriptive if these figures presented the model as a " tube-and-tani ' network of contml volumes and flow paths. Outside Containment Upflow Annulus Volumes Page 4-213: 480.812 The top of dome node, Control Volume 91,is much greater in size than all of the other outside-containment nodes. Its volume is more than 150% of the total volume of all of the upflow nodes. Pleasejustify this unusual nodmg division. Show that the large size of this node does not artificially influence the PCS sensitivity results, particularly to changes in the PCS flow evaporaten location. Page: 189 Total Recortis: 840

AP600 Opco hem Tracking System Datchase: Sumncry Schedule Date: 7/7/97

                                   ' Selectiett:             (w st code]=' Action W' Sorted by DSER Section Transmit Date, NRC Branch and item number.                                                                                                                                                                                                         .

Item DSER Section/ ' (W) NRC No. Branch Question Type Coord/ Resp Engineer Tide Staus Staus ICP Draft Review Transnnt 4846 NRR/SCSB 611 RAI-OI Rarig / Gresham Action W Action W 7/18/97

                                                                                              !RAl: WCAP-14407,"WGOTHIC Application to AP600,* A. Forgie. et al., September 1996, SECTION 4. " DESCRIPTION OF WGOTHIC EVALUATION MODEL" This report WCAP-14407 "WGOTHIC APPLICATION TO AP600,* references WCAP-14382 (*WGOTHIC Code Description and                                                                                                                                                     -

Validation") as the WGOTHIC code package description and validation report. Yet the AP600 WGOTHIC model described in this report deviates substantially fmm wha was descnbed and validated in WCAP-14382. Westinghouse has changed its previous  ! approach of simulating the AP600 above-operating deck region with a distributed-parameter model to a network oflumped-parameter > nodes. Dis change raises a number of concems regarding consistencies of the new approach, including-

                                                                                               - The implementation specifics and computation results for the AP600 containment.
                                                                                              - De validation basis and correarisons of the clime / distributed-parameter approach versus clime / lumped-parameter approach.                                                                                                                                   l
                                                                                              - De validsion basis and comparisons to experimental data-All cross section schemmics show a nodalization which inylies subdivisions in -h with the distributed parameter appmsch flowever, page 4-1 clearly states that the model is a network of nodes. It would have been more conventional and descriptive if these figures presented the rnodel as a
  • tube-and-tank" network of control volumes and flow paths.
                                                                                             ,Outside Codnment Upflow Annulus Volumes
                                                                                             'Page 4-214:

480.813 Explain why all values for the frictional lengths shown in Tables 4-44,4-46, and 4-48 have been set equal to one, akhough i these corarol voimmes are bounded by two surfaces. Why are " Path Heights" show as 0.1 ft for all but the bottom nodes in Tables 4-44 and 4-46? 4847 NRR/SCSB 6.2.1 RAI-O! Rarig / Gresham Action W Action W 7/]8/97 R AI. WCAP-14407,"WGOUllC Application to AP600,* A. Forgie,ce al September 1996, SECTION 4. " DESCRIPTION OF WGOTHIC EVALUATION MODEL" his report WCAP-14407 *WGOTHIC APPLICATION TO AP600,* references WCAP.t4382 ("WGOTEC Code Description and Validation") as the WGOTHIC code package descnption and validation report. Yet the AP600 WGOn!!C rnodc! described in this report deviates substantially from what was described and validated in WCAP-14382. Westinghouse has changed its previous appmach of simulating the AP600 above<yerating deck region with a distributed-parameter model to a network oflumpext-parameter nodes. This change raises a nurnber of concems regarding consistencies of the new approach, including-

                                                                                              - De implementation specifics and computation results for the AP600 containment.
                                                                                              - ne validation basis and corryarisons of the clime / distributed-parameter approach versus clin e/L...v,:-parameter approach.
                                                                                             - De validsion basis and comparisons to experimental data.

All cmss section schematics show a nodalization which implies subdivisions in -h with the distributed parameter approach. However, page 4-I clearly states that the model is a network of nodes It would have been more conventional and descriptive if these figures presented the model as a

  • tube-and-tank" network of control volumes and flow paths.

Outside Containment Upflow Annulus Volumes Page 4-214; 480.814 Please add a footnote to Tables 4-44. 4-46, and 4-48 which references the reports or documents which derived or experimentally determined the flow loss coefficients. Pcge: 190 Total Records: 840

AP600 Ope 2 Item Tracking System Dat:. base: S:mmnry Sched:le Dat:: 7/7/97 Selection: [w st code]=' Action W' Sorted by DSER Section. Transmit Date, NRC Branch and item number. Item DSER W ' " l (w) NRC No. Branch Question Type Coord/ Resp Engineer Title Status Status ICP Draft Review Transmit 4848 NRR/SCSB 6.2.1 RAl-OI Rarig / Gresham Action W Action W 7/1857

                                                                                          'RAl: WCAP-14407,"WGOYHIC Application to AP600,* A. Ibrgie,et al September 1996, SECTION 4

WGOTillC EVALUATION MODEL" This report, WCAP-14407 *WGOTIIIC APPLICATION TO AP600,* references WCAP-14382 (*WGOTillC Code Description and Valutation*) as the WGOTillC code package description and validation repost. Yet the AP600 WGOmlC model described in this report deviates substantially from what was desenbed and wahdated in WCAP-14382. Westinghouse has changed its previous approach of simulating the AP600 above-operating deck region with a distributed-pararneter model to a network of lumped-parameter nodes. This change raises a number of concems regarding consistencies of the new approach,includmg-

                                                                                           - The implementation specifics and computation results for the AP600 containment.
                                                                                           - The validation basis and compansons of the climeAlistnbuted parameter approach versus clime / lumped-parameter approach.
                                                                                           - The validation basis and comparisons to experimental data.

All cmss section schematics show a nodalizanon which implies subdivisions in accordance with the distributed parameter approach flowever, page 4-I clearly states that the modelis a network of t' odes. It would have been more conventional and desenprive if these figures presented ti.e model as a " tube-and4ank" network of control volumes and flow paths. Outside Containment Upflow Annulus Volumes Page 4-216: 480 815 Twice on this page, conductor types are referenced to Section 2.2. Should these references be to Section 4.3? This also i occurs on Pages 4-220,4-723,4-224. and 4-247 through 4-267. 4849 NRR/SCSB 6.2.1 RAl-OI Rarig / Gresham Action W Action W 7/18/97

                                                                                       'RAl: WCAP-14407,"WGOTillC Application to AP600,* A. Forgie,et al., September 1996, SECTION 4.

This report, WCAP-14407 *WGOTillC APPLICATION TO AP600,* references WCAP-14382 ("WGOTHIC Code Description and Validation") as the WGOTillC code package descnption and validation report. Yet the AP600 WGOTillC rnodel desenbed in this report deviates substantially from what was descnbed and validated in WCAP-14382. Westinghouse has changed its previous approach of simulating the AP600 above-operating deck region with a distributed-parameter model to a network oflumped-parameter nodes. This change raises a number of concerns regarding consistencies of the new approach, including:

                                                                                          - The implementation specifics and computation resuks for the AP600 containment-
                                                                                         - The validation basis and comparisons of the clime / distributed-parameter approach versus clime / lumped-parameter approach.
                                                                                         - The validation basis and comparisons to experimental data.

All cross section schematics show a nodalization which implies subdivisions in accrwdance with the distnbuted parameter agymach. Ilowever, page 4-1 clearly states that the model is a network of nodes. It mid have been more conventional and descriptive if these (figures presented the model as a " tube-and-tank

  • network of control volumes aN flow paths.

lOutside Containment Upflow Annulus Volumes Page 4-216: 80.816 Explain why the Uchida correlation is used for determining the heat transfer coefficient in a non<ondensing situation.

                                                                                       , Provide information or references which justify the use of Uchida for the flow conditions inside the upflow annulus.

Page: 191 Total Records: 840

AP600 Open Item Tracking System Dattbase: Summtry Schedule Date: 7/7/97 Selection: [w st code]=' Action W' Sotted by DSER Section. Transmit Date, NRC Branch rnd item number. Item DSER Sect on/ (W) NRC No. Branch Question Type MResp Engineer Title Status ICP Draft Status Review Transnut 4850 NRR/SCSB 6.2.1 RAl-OI Rarig / Gresham Action W Action W 7/18/97 I RAl: WCAP-I4407, "WGOTillC Application to AP600,* A. Forgie,et al September 1996, SECTION 4. "DESCRIFTION OF WGOTHIC EVALUATION MODEL" This report, WCAP-14407 *WGOTTIIC APPLICATION TO AP600 " references WCAP-14382 ("WGOTillC Code Description and Validation *) as the WGOTHIC code package description and validation report. Yet the Al%00 WGOINIC model desenbed in this report deviates substar:tially from what was described and validated in WCAP-14382. Westmghouse has changed its previous approach of simulating the AP600 above-operating deck region with a distnbuted-parameter model to a network oflumped-parameter nodes. This change raises a number of concerns regarding cuiniA..c;c of the new approach, including:

                                                                                                                                                                                - The implementmion specifics and computation results for the AP600 containment.
                                                                                                                                                                                - The validaion basis and comparisons of the clime /drstnbuted-parameter approach versus clime / lumped-parameter approach.
                                                                                                                                                                                - The valuizion basis and comparisons to experimental daa_

All cross section schematics show a nodalization which implies subdivisions in avh with the distnbuted parameter amroach flowever, page 4-1 clearly states that the mrxlel is a network of nodes. It would have been more converitional and descnptive if these figures presented the model as a " tube-and-tank" network of control volurnes and flow paths. Outside Containment Upflow Annulus Volumes Page 4-216: 480 817 How are these thermal conductors included in the clime equations. Do they conduct heat to the baffle? How is condensation on these structures treated? If the condensate is allowed to runoff, where does it runoff to? If not,is the condensare assumed to continually build up on these thermal conductors? 4851 NRR/SCSB 6.2. I RAIOl Rarig / Gresham Action W Action W 7/18/97

                                                                                                                                                                           'RAl: WCAP-14407. "WGOTHIC Application to AP600,* A. Forgie,et al_. Ser.:mber 1996 SECTION 4,
  • DESCRIPTION OF WGOTillC EVALUATION MODEL" This report, WCAP-14407 *WGOTillC APPLICATION TO AP600,* references WCAP-14382 ("WGOTHIC Code Description and Validation") as the WGOTillC code rackage description and validation repert. Yet the AP600 WGOTillC model desenbed in this
                                                                                                                                                                           ; report de d.2 -*tantially from what was d scnbed and validated in WCAP-14382. Westinghouse has changed its previous
                                                                                                                                                                           !'nodesappmach of simulati ng the AP600 abow-operating deck region with a distnbuted-parameter model to a n bs c.hange raises a number of concems regarding consistencies of the new approach,includmg:
                                                                                                                                                                             - The emplementation specines and computanon results for the AF600 containment.
                                                                                                                                                                             - The validsion basis and comparisons of the clime /distributedtarameter epproach versus clirre1umpedparameter approach.
                                                                                                                                                                             - The validsion basis and comparisons to experimental data.

All cross section schematics show a nodalization which inplies subdivisions in accordance with the distributed pararneter approach. However, page 4-1 clearly states that the modelis a network of nodes. It would have been more cenwntional and descriptive if these figures presented the model as a

  • tube-and4ank* network of control volumes and flow paths.

Outside Containment Upflow Annulus Volumes Page 4-217: 480.818 Why has Flow Path 6 in Tab *e 4-46 been assigned a value of 0/0 for the forward / reverse flow loss coefficients? Page: 192 Total Records: 840

AP600 Opes Item Tracking System Datzbase: S:mmary Schedule Date: 7/7/97 Selectiori: [w st code]=' Action W' Sorted by DSER Section. Transmit Date, NRC Branch and item number. Item DSER Sectiont (W) NRC No. Branch Type Coord/ Resp Engineer Title Staus M Question Sm ICP Review Transmit 4834 NRR/SCSB 611 RAIOl Rarig / Gresham Action W Action W 7/18/97

                                                                                                          'RAl: WCAP-14407,"WGOTHIC Application to AP600," A. Forgie, et al September 1996 SECTION 4. " DESCRIPTION OF WGOUHC EVALUADON MODEL" his report WCAP-14407 "WGOTIUC APPLICATION TO AP600," references WCAP-14382 CWGOTlHC Code Description and Validation") as the WGOTHIC code package descnption and validation report. Yet the AP600 WGOTHIC model described in this report deviates substantially from what was described and validated in WCAP-14382. Westinghouse has changed its previous l

approach of simulating the AP600 abow-operating deck region with a distributed-paranrter rruxlel to a networt oflumped-parameter Inodes. This change raises a number of concerns regarding consistencies of the new approach, including:

                                                                                                            - De implementation specifks and computation results for the AP600 containment.
                                                                                                            - ne salidation basis and comparisons of the clime /distributedtarameter approach versus clime / lumped-parameter approach.
                                                                                                            - The validaten basis and comparisons to experimental data-All cross section schematics show a nodalizaten which implies subdivisions in .umed with the distributed parameter approach.

However, page 4-1 clearly states that the model is a network of nodes. It would have been more conventional and descriptive if tirse figures presented the model as a " tube-and-tank" network of control volumes and flow paths. Outside Containment Upflow Annulus Volumes Page 4-219: 480 819 Why does the arrow point opposite the normal direction of flow for Flow Path 7 (between Nodes 97 and 98)in Figure 4-86? 4833 NRR/SCSB 611 RAl-Ol Rarig / Gresham Action W Action W 7/18/97

                                                                                                         'R Al. WCAP-14407, "WGOTHIC Application to AP600," A. Forgie, et al., September 1996, SECTION 4,
  • DESCRIPTION OF WGOTHIC EVALUATION MODEL" nis report, WCAP-14407 *WGOUIIC APPLICARON TO AP600," references WCAP-14382 ("WGOTHIC Code Description and Yahdation") as the WGOTHIC code package description and validation report. Yet the AP600 WGOUIIC model described in this report deviates substantially from what was described arwl validated in WCAP-14382 Westinghouse has changed its previous approach of simulating the AP600 above-operating deck region with a distributed-parameter model to a network oflumped-parameter nodes.

This change raises a number of concerns regarding consistencies of the new approach, including: ne implementation specifics and computation results for the AP600 containtnent.

                                                                                                           - De validanon L6s and comparisons of the clime / distributed-parameter approach versus clime / lumped-pararneter appmach.
                                                                                                          - The validation basis and comparisons to experimental data.

All cross section schematics show a nodahzation which implies subdivisions in .umam with the distributed parameter approach. jllowever, page 4-1 clearly states that the model is a nuwork of nodes. It would have been more conventional and descriptive if these

                                                                                                         ! figures presented the model as a " tube-and-tank" networt of control volumes and flow paths.

Outside Containment Upflow Annulus Volumes

                                                                                                         .Page 4-220:

80.820 Explain why the Uchida-correlation is used for determining the heat transfer coefficient at the inside surface of the shield gb uilding in a non-condensing situation? Provide information or references which justify the use of Uchida for the ibw conditions at [the shield building wall. Page: 193 Total Records: 840

AP600 Ope 2 Item Tracking System Dat-base: Summ:ry Schedule Dat:: 7/7/97 Selection: [w st code]=' Action W' Sorted by DSER Section, Transmit Date, NRC Branch and item number, item DSER Sectionf * (W) NRC No. Branch Question Type CmWesp Engineer Title Status ICP Draft Stsus Review Transmit 4861 NRR/SCSB 611 RAI-OI Rarig / Gresham Action W Action W 7/18/97 R AI: WCAP-14407,"WGOTillC Application to AP600,* A. Forgie, et al, September 1996 SECTION 4,

  • DESCRIPTION OF WGOTHIC EVALUATION MODEL" This report WCAP-14407 "WGOTillC APPLICATION TO AP600,* references WCAP-14382 ("WGOTHIC Code Description and Validation") as the WGOTlilC code package description and validation report. Yet the AP600 WGOTIIIC model descnbed in this report deviates substantially from what was descnbed and validated in WCAP-14382. Westinghouse has changed its previous approach of simulating the AP600 above+perating deck region with a distnbuted-parameter model to a network oflumped-parameter nodes.}}