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Intervenor First Tentative Witness List Re Character & Competence.* Submits Preliminary List of Witnesses Re Character & Competence.W/Certificate of Svc.Related Correspondence
Person / Time
Site: Vogtle  Southern Nuclear icon.png
Issue date: 05/13/1994
From: Kohn M
CON-#294-15050 93-671-01-OLA-3, 93-671-1-OLA-3, OLA-3, NUDOCS 9405310160
Download: ML20149E510 (4)


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' h b05'D WTED CORRESponn*=vng 9 May 1 3k4 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION ATOMIC SAFETY AND LICENSING BOARD 94 MAY 16 P3 :22-Before Administrative Judges: OFFICE OF SECRETARY Peter B. Bloch, Chair DOCKEilNG & SERVICE Dr. James H. Carpenter BR A NC!i Thomas D. Murphy


In the Matter of )

) Docket Nos. 50-424-OLA-3 GEORGIA POWER COMPANY ) 50-425-OLA-3 91 al., )

) Re: License Amendment (Vogtle Electric Generating ) (transfer to Southern Nuclear)

Plant, Unit 1 and Unit 2) )

) ASLBP No. 93-671-01-OLA-3 INTERVENOR'S FIRST TENTATIVE WITNESS LIST CONCERNING CHARACTER AND COMPETENCE Intervenor submits his preliminary list of witnesses concerning character and competence (subject to amendment at a later date):

1. Ed Addison
2. John Aufdenkampe
3. Barney Beasley
4. George Bockhold
5. Mark Briney
6. Kenneth Burr
7. James Bailey
8. Paul Burwinkle
9. Jimmy Paul Cash
10. . Charles Coursey
11. Bill Chenault
12. A.W. Dahlberg
13. S. Driver 9405310160 940513 PDR ADOCK 05000424 Q PDR ,


14. Christopher Eckert
15. Georgie Fredrick
16. Joseph Farley
17. Thomas Greene
18. George Hairston
19. H.M. Handfinger
20. K.R. Holmes
21. M.W. Horton
22. W.F. Kitchens
23. Paul Kochery '
24. R.L. LeGrand
25. Harry Majors ,
26. Ken McCoy
27. Patrick Mcdonald
28. Cliff Miller
29. Allen Mosbaugh
30. Rick Odom
31. Paul Rushton
32. Jackson Stringfellow
33. William Shipman
34. Kenneth Stokes
35. Jay Schaudies
36. Robert Sherrer
37. J.E. Swartzwelder '
38. C.P. Stinespring
39. T.E. Webb 2 ,

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40. Louis Ward
41. 'Guss Williams ,
42. All GPC Board of Directors (including ex officio and honorary board members between 1987-1994)
43. All Southern Company Board of Directors (including ex officio and honorary board members between 1987-1994)
44. All GPC Management Council members .
45. All persons necessary to authenticate and introduce pre-filed documents
46. Rebuttal witnesses as necessary.


47. NRC Resident inspectors stationed at Plant Vogtle between 1987 and 1992
48. All individuals identified in the exhibits attached to Licensee's proposed stipulations
49. Expert witnesses (Intervenor is currently researching and attempting to identify expert witnesses relevant to this proceeding. Once they are identified, the other parties shall be informed of their identity)

S0. All witnesses identified in " phase I" proceeding related to character, competence, integrity and credibility of Licensee and its witnesses.

With respect to NRC Staff, Intervenor may call the following witnesses:

1. Ken Brockman
2. Al Chafee
3. Stewart Ebneter
4. Ben Hayes S. Larry Robinson
6. All members of the "Vogtle Coordinating Group"
7. All individuals who participated in any investigation of Plant Vogtle between 1988 and present; ,

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8. All resident inspectors stationed at Plant vBEEfe7E0 Plant Hatch and Plant Farley. JSNRC Respectfully submitted 3,4 tiAY 16 P3 :22 N

Michael D. Kohn DFFICE OF SECRETARY Kohn, ERVICE Kohn & Colapib,KEqt P 517 Florida Ave., N.W.

Washington, D.C. 20001 (202) 234-4663-301\ wit.II CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certify that on May 13, 1994 Intervenor filed his.

Witness List Concerning Phase II by first class mail upon the following (additional service by facsimile designated by "*"):

  • Administrative Judge Peter B. Bloch, Chair Atomic Safety and Licensing Board U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C. 20555
  • Administrative Judge James H. Carpenter 933 Green Point Drive Oyster Point Sunset Beach, NC 28468
  • Administrative Judge Thomas D. Murphy Atomic Safety and Licensing Board U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C. 20555
  • Charles A. Barth, Esq.

Office of General Counsel U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C. 20555 MGohn Lamberski, Esq.

Troutman Sanders Suite 5200 .

600 Peachtree Street, N.E. l Atlanta, GA 30308-2216 i (continued on next page) 4 )

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  • Ernest L. Blake, Jr.

David R. Lewis .


TROWBRIDGE 2300 N Street, N.W.

Washington, D.C. 20037 office of the Secretary Attn: Docketing and Service U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C. 20555 Office of Commission Appellate Adjudication U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C. 20555 By:

Michael D. Kohn KOHN, KOHN & COLAPINTO, P.C.

517 Florida Ave., N.W.

Washington, D.C. 20001 (202) 234-4663 301\ witness 5

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