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Application for Amends to Licenses NPF-4 & NPF-7,supporting Operation of Units at Containment Air Temp Up to 120 F W/ Lower Initial Refueling Water Storage Tank Water Vol.Fee Paid
Person / Time
Site: North Anna  Dominion icon.png
Issue date: 03/02/1988
From: Stewart W
Shared Package
ML20147F540 List:
87-385, NUDOCS 8803070374
Download: ML20147F534 (5)



s VIRGINIA ELECTRIC AND Powna COMPANY Hrcnwown,Vraorx1A 20061 W.L.srnwaar x37.1.7,". %.

March 2, 1988 United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission Serial No.87-385 Attention: Document Control Desk N0/DJV:jmj Washington, D.C.

20555 Docket Nos.

50-338 50-339 License Nos. NPF-4 NPF-7 Gentlemen:

VIRGINIA ELECTRIC AND POWER COMPANY NORTH ANNA POWER STATION UNITS 1 AND 2 PROPOSED TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS CHANGE Pursuant to 10 CFR 50.90, the Virginia Electric and Power Company requests amendments, in the form of changes to the Technical Specifications, to Operating Licenses No. NPF-4 and 7 for North Anna Power Station Units 1 and 2, respectively.

These amendment requests support operation of the North Anna Units at a containment air tem}

sture up to 120 F with a lower initial RWST water volume.

The proposed Technical Specification changes are presented in (Unit 1) and Attachment 2 (Unit 2).

A safety evaluation in support of the proposed changes is provided in Attachment 3.

The proposed Technical Specifications will increase the required test pressure for the integrated (Type A) and local (Types B and C) leak rate tests (Specification from the current value of 40.6 psig to 44.1 psig.

We have reviewed the results of the most recent leak rate tests for North Anna Units I and 2, to determine if the tests were conducted at pressures equal to or in excess of that required by the proposed Technical Specifications, and if not, to determine whether the test acceptance criteria would have been satisfied had the test been performed at the proposed test pressure. The most recent local leak rate tests for both units were performed at a test pressure as specified in applicable surveillance procedures of 44 to 45 psig. The most recent integrated leak rate tests for Units 1 and 2 were performed at pressures of 58.44 psia (43.74 psig) and 58.9 psia (44.2 psig), respectively.

Thus, the integrated leak rate test for Unit I was performed at a pressure less than the 44.1 psig being proposed.

In addition, certain local leak rate tests may have been performed at pressures slightly less than 44.1 psig. An engiceering evaluation of these differences has been performed and the results of this evaluation are summarized in Attachment 5 which compares the measured leak rates from the most recent local and integrated leak rate tests with the g

projected leak rates had the tests been performed at the higher pressure required by the proposed Technical Specifications. The leak rates that would g

g have been observed had the tests been run at 44.1 psig are well within the 8803070374 880302 DR ADOCK 05000338

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= Technical. Specifications limit for each type of test.

Consequently, the

. intent of the proposed Technical Specifications for integrated and local leak rate testing has been satisfied by the most recent tests. However, in order to comply with'the proposed Technical Specifications it would be necessary to perform the subject tests, many of which would require cold shutdown and are only required to be performed every 24 months, nrior to implementatioa of the license' amendment.

Considering the above, it is requested that the proposed changes. ta Specification be made effective following startup from the next refueling outage for each unit, and that the remaining Technical Specifications changes be made immediately effective upon issuance of the-requested license amendment.

-These amendment requests have been reviewed by the Station Nuclear Safety and

-Operating Committee and the Safety Evaluation and Control staff. -It has been determined that the requests do not involve any unreviewed safety questions as defined in 10 CFR 50.59 or a significant hazards consideration as defined in 10 CFR 50.92.

We have evaluated this request in accordance with the criteria in 10 CFR 170.12.

A voucher check in the amount -of

$150.00 is enclosed as an application fee.

Very truly yours, W. L. Stewart Attachments 1.

Proposed Technical Specification Changes Unit 1 2.

Proposed Technical Specification Changes Unit 2 3.

Safety Evaluation in Support of Containment Temperature Increase for the North Anna Power Station 4.

10 CFR 50.92 Evaluation 5.

Measured Versus Projected Leak Rate Test Results

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r cc: :U.l S.. Nuclear' Regulatory Comission

101' Marietta Street, N.W. :

Suite 2900-

-Atlanta,'GA '30323J

.i Mr. J. L._Caldwell NRC Senior Resident Inspector North Anna.Po'ver Station Mr.~ Charles PriceJ

. Department.of Health 109 Governor Street.

Richmond, Virginia 23219





The ' foregoing _ document was acknowledged before me, in and for the City and Commonwealth aforesaid, today by W. L. Stewart who is Vice President - tiuclear Operations, of Virginia Electric and Power Company. He is duly auth',rized to

- execute and file the aforegoing' document in behalf of _

Company, and the that statements in the document are true to the best of his knowledge and belief.

hyf Acknowledged before ce this 20 day of,

, Q.

1 My Commission expires: s 3e b/um 26,1990.


.S ubt Notary Psblic (SEAL) s


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Proposed Technical Specification Changes - Unit 1 l

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