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State of Wi 1983-1984 Prairie Island Environ Radioactivity Survey
Person / Time
Site: Prairie Island  Xcel Energy icon.png
Issue date: 12/31/1984
To: James Keppler
NUDOCS 8602190088
Download: ML20137U219 (44)


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1984 Prairie Island Environmental Radioactivity Survey W


-a Wiscorain Department of Health and Social Services Division of Health Bureau of Environmental Health Section of Radiation Protection P.O. Box 309 Madison, Wisconsin 53701 8602190088 841231 PDR R

ADOCK 05000282 PM b36 -

FEB 7 1966 1' )

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N --

9 N

Table of Contents 4 '"

5 __

Section I "EII Page Number Introduction 1 =

Program Modification Sampling Techniques 1

1 Analytical Procedures 2 J

Quality Assurance 3 5 -

Sensitivities and Error 5 g Table 1 - Minimum Detectable 7 m Concentration (MDC) = -

Sampling Locations - description Sampling Locations - map 8

9 Sample Collection Summary 10 3

Results and Discussion 11 j

M References s

15 w

Section II 1983 & 1984 Data 1 Table 1. M Minimium Detectable Concentration (MDC) 7 2 Table 2. Prairie Island Environmental Monitoring sampling sites.

8 g Table 3. ==ii Table 4.

Sample collection summary for 1983 and 1984.

Missing sample report for 1983 and 1984.

10 g Table 5. Yearly averages from a log-normal distribution 10 11 g

w for gross beta activity in the air particulate

'; samples for 1983 and 1984.

Table 6. Radioisotopes detected in the air filter 11 M


Table 7.

composites for 1983 and 1984.

Radioisotopes detected in vegetation samples 13 S


for 1983 and 1984.

Table 8. Radioisotopes detected in soil samples for 13

-M e

i!!!El 1983 and 1984.

Table 9. Radioisotopes detected in milk samples for 14 _g 1983 and 1984. g Table 10. Average yearly activity for strontium-90 in 14 m milk samples.

Table 11. Air particulate gross beta and air iodine (I-131) M 16 -5E results for January-December, 1983. PRI 1 & 2 Table 12. Air particulate gross beta and air iodine (I-131) 17 M

results for January-December, 1983. -35 PRI 3 & 4 Table 13. Air particulate gross beta and air lodine (I-131) 18 5

g results for January-December, 1984. PRI 1 & 2 g Table 14. Air ~ particulate gross beta and air iodine (I-131) 19 7 results for January-December, 1984. PRI 3 & 4 g=:

Y e

.M N

_ _ . .. . . . . . N

Table 15. Gamma isotopic results for January-December, 1983 20 from the monthly composite of air particulate samples. PRI 1 & 2 Table 16. Gamma isotopic results for January-December, 1983 21 from the monthly composite of air particulate samples. PRI 3 & 4 Table 17. Gamma isotopic results for January-December, 1984 22 from the monthly composite of air particulate -

samples. PRI 1 & 2 Table 18. Gamma isotopic results for January-December, 1984 23 ,

from the monthly composite of air particulate samples. PRI 3 & 4 Table 19. U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission TLD network 24 for 1983.

Table 20. U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission TLD network 25 for 1984.

Table 21. Precipitation analysis for 1983. 26 Table 22. Precipitation analysis for 1984. 27 Table 23. Analysis of surface water samples for 1983 28 and 1984.

Table 24. Analysis of fish samples for 1983 and 1984, 29 Table 25. Analysis of vegetation samples for 1983. 30 PRI 1-7 Table 26. Analysis of vegetation samples for 1983. 31 PRI 8,9 Table 27. Analysis of vegetation samples for 1984. 32 PRI 1-7 Table 28. Analysis of vegetation samples for 1984. 33 PRI 8,9 Table 29. Analysis of soil samples for 1983. PRI 1-7 34 Table 30. Analysis of r, oil samples for 1983. PRI 8,9 35 Table 31. Analysis of soil samples for 1984. PRI 1-7 36 Table 32. Analysis of soil samples for 1984. PRI 8,9 37 Table 33. Analysis of well water samples for 1983 38 and 1984.

Table 34. Analysis of milk samples for 1983. 39 Table 35. Analysis of milk samples for 1984. 40 l

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This environmental monitoring report is for the Prairie Island nuclear l generating plant. The report is for the calendar years January, 1983

- December, 1984. Results of environmental radioactivity monitoring are listed in tabular form following the references. i Samples of surface air, precipitation, surface water, sediment, fish, soil, vegetation and milk were collected from selected locations at planned sampling intervals. A description of the sampling sites and sampling intervals is included in the following report.

PROGRAM MODIFICATION There were no program modification for 1983 or 1984.

SAMPLING TECHNIQUES Air Samples Continuous air samples are collected bi-weekly from four sampling stations. Air particulate samples are collected on 47 mm. glass fiber filters. Air iodine samples are collected on impregnated charcoal

cartridges. The nominal sampling rate is 1 -

2.5 cubic feet of air l per minute.

l Precipitation Individual samples of precipitation are collected semi-monthly in which rainf all over 0.10 inch occurs. The samples are collected at the same stations as the air samples. A five gallon polyethylene

. container with a 0.16 square meter collection head is used to obtain the precipitation samples.

Surface Water - Mississippi River i

River water is collected as a grab sample from three locations. The

. surface water samples are collected semi-annually.

Fish Fish are collected periodically from locations in the Mississippi

River near the Prairie Island nuclear power plant.

Sediment Split samples for sediment are collected annually by the Prairie Island facility. Sediment samples are collected 500 feet above and i

500 feet below the intake canal.

1 1

Soil soil samples are collected semi-annually at eight locations. Random three inch plugs of soil are collected and combined at each sampling station.

Veaetation Samples of vegetation are collected semi-annually at the same eight -

stations where soil samples are collected.

M.ilh A one gallon sample of milk is collected each month as a grab sample from farms in the Prairie Island area. One sample is collected from one of two farms (Johnson or Place) within a 5 mile radius and a second sample is collected from a farm (Kinneman) outside of the ten mile radius from the plant.


The procedures given are abstracted to preeent only the basic steps.

The analysis of the samples has been subcontracted to the State Laboratory of Hygiene. A detailed description of the procedures used is available from the State Laboratory of Hygiene.


Air Particulate Samples - Beta Gamma 4

! Place the 47 mm. glass fiber filter on a 2-inch stainless steel planchet. Beta count in an external gas flow proportional counter.

t Calculate activity correcting for counter efficiency.

Air Particulate Samoles - Gamma l Place the monthly composite on a GeLi detector and collect the gamma j spectrum. Scan the gamma spectrum for any peaks and print out regions of interest, which would include poosible plant attributable radionuclides. Calculate the activity for isotopes in the regions of interest, regardless if they are above or below the minimum detectable concentration, correcting for counter efficiency and for decay.

Surface Water - AIDha, Beta Gamma Filter a 500 ml. aliquot of sample. Evaporate filtrate in a 2-inch stainless steel planchet. Place filter paper in a 2-inch stainless '

steel planchet and dry at 103 degrees Celsius. Beta and alpha count the soluble and insoluble portions in an external gas flow proportional counter. Calculate activity correcting for counter .

efficiency and self-absorption.

1 Surface Water - Gamma Isotopic i

A 3.5 liter sample is placed in a Marinelli beaker and analyzed on a

, GeLi detector. Scan the gamma spectrum for any peaks and print. out 2


i i

regicns of intcrcot, which would includa pozoible plant attributcblo i radionuclides. Calculate the activity for isotopes in the regions of interest, regardless if they are above or below the minimum detectable concentration, correcting for counter efficiency and for decay.

Fish - Gamma Isotopic An edible portion is placed in a 500 ml Marinelli beaker. Place the sample on a GeLi detector and count for 100 minutes. Scan the gamma spectrum for any peaks and print out regions of interest, which would include possible plant attributable radionuclides. Calculate the j activity for isotopes in the regions of interest, regardless if they l l are above or below the minimum detectable concentration, correcting l j for counter efficiency and for decay.

! Vecetation - Aloha. Beta and Gamma Isotoolc Dry sample at 110 degrees Celsius, grind, weigh into stainless steel planchet. Beta and alpha count in an external gas flow proportional counter. Calculate activity correcting for self-absorption and 4

counter efficiency.

The wet food product sample is finely chopped. The sample is packed to the 500 m1 mark of a 500 ml Marinelli beaker, weighed and counted on a GeLi detector. Scan the gamma spectrum f or any peaks and print out regions of interest, which would include possible plant i attributable radionuclides. Calculate the activity for isotopes in

{ the regions of interest, regardless if they are above or below the

minimum detectable concentration, correcting for counter efficiency and for decay.

Milk - Gamma Isotopic 1

Procedure same as for Surface Water.



Milk - Iodine 131 Chemical Extraction f

i A stable iodine carrier is added to a 2 liter sample of raw milk. The

! sample is passed through an anion exchange column and the iodine is j removed from the resin by batch / extraction using NaOC1. After I

reduction to elemental iodine by hydroxylamine hydrochloride, the iodine is extracted into carbon tetrachloride reduced with bisulfite, and back extracted into water. The iodine is precipitated as

palladous iodide with the chemical yield determined gravimetrically and counted in an external gas flow proportional counter. Calculate activity correcting for counter efficiency and for decay.


- Mi3k - Strontium 90

) Strontium and yttrium carriers are added to milk which has been aged j two to four weeks. A one liter sample is passed successively through cation and anion exchange columns. The yttrium is eluted from the anion resin with hydrochloric acid, precipitated as yttrium oxalate, filtered and weighed to determine chemical yield. Beta count in an 3

l l

l external gas flow proportional counter' correcting for counter efficiency and for decay.

Surface Water - Strontium 8_9 ( Strontium 9,0 Strontium and yttrium carriers are added to the surface water samples.

The procedure follows through a series of chemical separations whereby all interfering substances are removed. Calcium is removed by ,

precipitating strontium and barium by nitrate precipitation thereby leaving the calcium in solution. Radium is removed by co-precipitation with barium as a chromate. The ingrowing yttrium is -

separated from the parent strontium through the use of hydroxide scavenging. Then the purified strontium is converted to a carbonate and beta counted in an external gas flow proportional counter. After two weeks ingrowth yttrium-90 is separated from the strontium carbonate via a series of hydroxide precipitations and finally converted to an oxalate and beta counted in an external gas flow proportional counter. The strontium-90 activity is calculated from the yttrium-90 count and the strontium-89 activity is calculated using the previous calculation for strontium-90 as well as total strontium activity from the strontium carbonate counting.

Precipitation - Beta Gamma Evaporate a 500 ml. aliquot in a weighed 2 inch stainless steel planchet. Beta count in an external gas flow proportional counter.

Calculate activity correcting for counter efficiency and self-absorption.

Well Water - Alpha, Beta Gamma Evaporate an aliquot containing not more than 100 mg. of dried solids in a two inch stainless steel planchet. Beta and alpha count in an

external gas flow proportional counter. Calculate activity correcting
for self-absorption and counter officiency.
Soil or Sediment - Alpha, Beta and Gamma Isotopic
Dry sample, grind, sieve and weigh 0.1 gram into a 2 inch stainless steel planchet. Beta and alpha count in an external gas flow proportional counter. Calculate alpha and beta activities correcting
for self-absorption and counter efficiency.

The sample is dried, sieved and packed to the 500 m1 mark of a 500 ml j


Marinelli beaker. The sample is weighed and counted on a GeLi detector. Scan the games spectrum for any peaks and print out regions of interest, which would include possible plant attributable radionuclides. Calculate the activity for isotopes in the regions of interest, regardless if they are above or below the minimum detectable ,


l concentration, correcting for counter efficiency and for decay.

I i

i i

4 i

f QUALITY' ASSURANCE The analysis of the samples. is perf ormed under subcontract with the State Laboratory of Hygiene (SLH). SLH maintains their own quality assurance program.

l Analytical procedures provide for routine replicate analyses to verify

. methods and instrument operation. Traceable sources are used to regularly calibrate the counters and daily performance checks are made i between calibrations. In addition, quality control charts are maintained on the counters.

SLH participates in the EPA Cross Check program and has performed satisfactorily over the report period. The quality assurance program that the SLM participates in include analysis of blind samples, air j filters, food, milk, gamma in water, alpha-beta in water, iodine in 1- water, strontium in water and tritium in water. EPA Cross Check results can be reviewed at the State Laboratory of Hygiene or at the Section of Radiation Protection.


Following the recommendations of the Health Physics Society, detection limits will be expressed as a minimum detectable concentration (MDC).

The minimum detectable concentration or MDC is an "a priori" estimate j of the capabliity for detecting an activity concentration by a given

] measurement system, procedure, and type of sample. The MDC should not j be viewed as an absolute activity concentrations that can or cannot be j detected. Minimum detectable concentrations (MDC) are based on the

analysis performed and for gamma isotopic analysis have been 3 calculated for a zero decay time.

l l The MDC for each radioisotope has been calculated from the following j equation and is listed in Table 1:

4.66 s 4 MDC = -------------------

  • b E V
  • 2.22
  • Y
  • S
  • expl-dt) l Where:

MDC is the "a priori" lower limit of detection as I i defined above, as picoeuries per unit mass or volume, l sh is the standard deviation of the background counting rate or of the counting rate of a blank sample as j ,

appropriate, as counts per minute, i

4 E is the counting efficiency, as counts per

, disintegration, V is the sample size in units of mass or volume, 1

i 5 i


!_ , _ . _ _ - . , _ _ _ . _ , _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _.._. . - . . _ ~ . . . . . , _ . . _ _ . _ _ . _ . _ _ _ . _

2.22 is the number of ' disintegrations per minute per picocurie, Y is the fractional radiochemical yield, when applicable, S is the self-absorption correction factor, d is the radioactive decay constant for the particular radionuclide, and -

t for environmental samples is the elapsed time between. sample collection, or end of the sample collection period, and time of counting.

Guidelines adopted by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency are used in the reporting of specific analyses. Results from specific analyses will be reported whether the results are negative, zero, or positive. Caution should be exercised in the interpretation of individual negative values. While a negative activity value does not ha:*e physical significance, it is significant when taken together with other observations which indicate that the true value of a distribution is near zero. This procedure will allow all of the data to be reported and will allow a statistical evaluation without an arbitrary cutoff of small or negative numbers. An estimation of bias

, in the nuclide analyses is then possible as well as a better evaluation of distributions and trends in the environmental data. It is important when reviewing the data in the following tables to compare the reported result to the actual minimum detectable l concentration (MDC) for that analysis.

Results for specific analyses will be reported as an activity followed by an error term for that analysis. The error term is a plus or minus

! counting error term at the 2 sigma (95%) confidence interval and is

, printed as (+/-).

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' Table 1 - Mininnan Detectable Concentration (l@C)

Wisconsin Division of Health Section of Radiation Protection Air Particulate Air Air

. Camposite Particulate Iodine Milk (pC1/M'3) (pci/M'3) (pC1/M'3) (pci/ liter)

Gross beta- 0.003 Be-7 0.000 K-40 180 l Sr-90 1.5 I Zr-95 0.010 Ru-103 0.006 Ru-106 0.030 I-131 0.046 0.5 Cs-134 0.006 13 Co-137 0.006 15 Ba,La-140 15 Ce-141 0.015 Ce-144 0.030 Soil Surface Fish Sediment Vegetation Water (pci/kg) (pci/ leg) (pcl/ leg)

(pci/ liter) (wet) (dry) (wet)

Gross beta 1.5 5200 2300 Gross alpha 2.5 7300 3200 H-3 700 Sr-89 5 Sr-90 1.5 Be-7 1100 K-40 1100 1100 2100 bti-54 10 60 Fe-59 22 180

- Zn-65 20 135 Co-58 15 90 100 140 Co-60 13 65 130 150 Zr-95 20 250 I-131 15 180 Cs-134 14 55 110 120 Co-137 14 60 100 130 T1-208 300 Bi-214 200 Pb-214 180 Ra-226 1900 Ac-228 320 Well water and precipitatimt have the same MDC's as surface water for gross beta, groes alpha and tritium.


t PRAIRIE ISLAND ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING SAMPLING SITES The sampling sites are indicated in Table 2. The table lists for each site a description of each site and its direction and distance f rom the monitored power plant. A map showing the actual location for each sampling site is presented on the following page and includes the types of samples that are collected.

Table 2. Prairie Island Environmental Monitoring sempling sites.


PRI-1 11.6 fti Prescott PRI-2 1.5 ESE Icck & Den #3 PRI-3 11.3 NE Ellsworth PRI-4 9.0 ESE Bay City PRI-5 4.5 ESE Hager City PRI-6 2.2 N Diamond Bluff PRI-7 11.7 E Junction of } bey 35

& County D PRI-8 3.6 N Station 2 - farm PRI-9 6.2 ESE Substation }6vy 35 PRI-10 2.6 NE R. Johnson farm PRI-11 4.0 70GC T. Place fars PRI-12 11.1 fe#f R. Kinnumen farm i

l f

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kj p ,..ssee1 Li Environmental Sampling Sites - Prairie Island Plant

SAMPLE COLLECTION SUIGIARY-The following' types and number of samples collected are listed in l; Table 3. An explanation for missing samples is listed in Table 4.

I Table 3. Smaple collection mamury for 1983 and 1364.

Sampling Period .Jarasary - December, 1983 l esmple Type Collecticu Itamber of Itauber of Itaber of -

4 and Iccations- Samples ammples Frequency

  • Collected Missed
air particulate C/W 4 104 0 precipitation C/W 4 46 3

, surface water G/SA 3 6 0

! andiment G/A 2 0 2 fish G/SA 1 4 0 l vegetatica G/SA 8 16 0 1 soil G/SA 8 16 0 i wil water G/SA 3 6 0 j milk G/M 3 24 0

) Segling period January - neemmhme, 1934  ;


! Sample Type collection Insuber of leumber of Insubor of 1 and Iccaticme Smaples Samples Frequency

  • Collected Miamed  !

air particulate C/W 4 104 2

.; precipitation C/W 4 44 0

! surface m ter G/SA 3 6 0 andiment G/A 2 0 2

]i fish G/SA 1 4 0 i vegetation G/SA 8 16 0 i soil G/SA 8 16 0 i j well water G/SA 3 6 0  ;

{ milk G/M 3 24 0 j

  • Collection type: C/ = continuano; G/ i gneb i Frequency: /M = weekly; /M = monthly; /Q = quarterly j /A = annually / N = bi-weekly /SA = semi-annually )

l l 4

7 Table 4. Missing semple report for 1983 and 1944. l 1 l Sample type Date Incation Explanation j Sediment 01/83 - 12/83 800' alpve Split emmples were not sent to  !

A S00' below to the State for analysis. l

} Precipitation 01/01/83-01/26/83 FRI-1, PRI-2 Samsdeo were not collected. l

} PRI-3 i

] Air particulate 02/18/84-03/14/84 PRI-4 Air pug won inoperative. '

1 Sediment 01/84 - 12/84 S00' atnve Split eagles were not sent j S00' below to the State for analysis.

i j 10 1

l ,


. . . . , _ _ .,_ . _._ . - -.-_- - ~_ _ _ _ , . _ . _ _ . _ _ . _ . . . _ _ , . _ _ _ . - . . . - , - _ . _ . _

RESULTS.AND DISCUSSION Air Particulate The yearly gross beta activity from a log-normal distribution for the air particulate samples is included in Table 5 for the following

. sample sites; PRI-1 (11.6 miles NN), PRI-2 (1.5 miles ESE), PRI-3 (11.3 miles NE) and PRI-4 (9.0 miles ESE).

I Table 5. Yearly averages from a log-normal distribution for groes beta activity in the air particulate samples for 1983 and 1984.

Momeurements in pC1/M*J Year PRI-1 PRI-2 PRI-3 PRI-4 '

1983 0.02510.002 0.02210.002 0.01710.002 0.01810.002 i 1984 0.01810.002 0.016fo.002 0.01410.002 0.01510.002 i

! From the monthly gross beta averages it may be noted that there are no j significant differences between the PRI-2 station and the PRI-1, PRI-3

, and PRI-4 stations. With no significant differences between an I

) indicator station (PRI-2) and control stations (PRI-1, PRI-3 and PRI-i 4), an increase 'in gross beta activity attributable to the Prairie  ;

Island plant operation is not evident. '

i i The gamma isotopic analysis of the monthly air particulate filter consposites detected only small amounts of the radioisotopes listed in .

Table 6. All other isotopes were below their respective minimium  !

detectable concentration.

j Bery111um-7 is constantly produced through nuclear reactions between cosmic rays and nuclei in the atmosphere and is commonly detected in i air composites from other areas of the state. Influence by the

[ Prairie Island nuclear f acility on air quality is not evident when j comparing the data from the indicator and the control sites.

i Table 6. Radioisotopes detseted in the air filter ccuyositse for 1983 and 1984.

l number of range Year Isotope campositse detseted (pC1/M*3) 1983 Be-7 21 0.08 - 0.12 f 1984 se-7 25 0.oo - 0.39 i

4 I

j 11 1


1 Iodine j Air iodine measurements for 1983 and 1984 were all below the MDC of l 0.046 pCi/M"3 for all sites.

l Direct Radiation - Thermoluminescent Dosimetere (TLD's)

[ Direct radiation data for 1983 and 1984 from the Nuclear Regulatory Commission monitoring network has been included as general information. For the sixteen (16) stations located in Wisconsin the -

! average cumulative yearly exposure would be in the range (63.7 1.5) -

(77.611.7) milliroentgens for 1983 and (62.311.5) -

(99.712) l milliroentgens for 1984. The exposure ranges for 1983 and 1984 are at i background levels and are comparable to other areas within Wisconsin.

Precipitation j

The gross beta activity in precipitation was within the normal range j of activity when compared to previous years data.

, Surf aee Wg.t.g.g l The surface water samples showed no unusual activities. For the gamma isotopic analyeis all isotopes were below their respective minimus j detectable concentration. All detected activities are at background

! levels and are comparable to data f rom previous years. The surf ace

! water samples uniformly show activities well below the standards for uncontrolled areas specified in ICRP Report No. 2 or 10 CFR 20. The j samples also showed activities well below the limits specified by the j U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's National Primary Drinking Water Regulations for gross beta, tritium, and strontium-90.

I j F.igh 4

l The fish samples showed no unusual activities. The gamma isotopic j analysis detected only naturally occurring potassium-40 with all. other l radioisotopes below their respective minimium detectable concentration.

l j Veaetation Analysis of the vegetation samples showed no unusual activities. The gamma isotopic analysis detected only small amounts of naturally occurring potassium-40 and beryllium-7 listed in Table.7. All other radioisotopes were below their respective minimum detectable i

concentration. Influence by the Prairie Island facility is not

} evident.  :


! l 12 1 ,

i t I

r Table 7. Radioisotopes detected in vegetation sausples for 1983 and 1984.

number of range year Isotope sogles detected (pci/kg wet) 1983 Be-7 8 1300 - 4400

. 1983 K-40 16 2300 - 7000 1984 Be-7 14 1100 - 7800 1984 K-40 16 4900 - 9000 Soil Analysis of the soil samples showed no unusual activities. The gamma isotopic analysis detected only small amounts of the radionuclides listed in Table 8. Potassium-40 and those from the thorium and uranium decay series are naturally occurring radioisotopes. The reported activities of cesium-137, at the levels mentioned, were also detected in previous years and are probably attributable to fallout from previous atmospheric nuclear tests. Gross beta and gross alpha activities were all comparable to reported results from previous years.

Table 8. Radioisotopos detected in soll semples for 1983 and 1984.

number of range year Isotope samples detected (pci/kg dry) 1983 K-40 16 10400 - 19300 1983 Co-137 16 280 - 1630 1983 *a 16 260 - 2200 1984 K-40 16 10700 - 16700 1984 Cs-137 16 260 - 1440 1984 *a 16 330 - 2700

  • a - Naturally occurring radioisotopes from the thoritat-232 and uranitan-238 decay series.


Well Water The well water samples showed no unusual gross alpha and gross beta activities and all activities for tritium (H-3) were less than its minimium detectable concentration. The measured activities are all below the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's Drinking Water Standards for gross alpha, gross beta and tritium.

Milk o

The gamma isotopic analysis of the milk samples detected the radioisotopes listed in Table 9 with all other radioisotopes below their respective minimum detectable concentration. All ree ining activities for iodine-131 were below the minimum detectable concentration of 0.5 pCi/ liter. Potassium-40 is a naturally occurring radioisotope. The strontium-90 activities, at the levels mentioned, were also detected in previous years and are probably attributable to fallout from previous atmospheric nuclear tests. The yearly average activities for 1982 - 1984 for strontium-90 are listed in Table 10.

Plant effect is not evident when comparing the data from the Kinneman farm (11.1 miles NNN) with the Place farm (4.0 miles NME) and the Johnson farm (2.6 alles NE).

Table 9. Radioisotopes detected in milk a g les for 1983 and 1984.

number of range Year Isotope sosples detected (pC1/11ter) 1983 K-40 24 1040 - 1720 1983 Sr-90 24 2.3 - 7.8 1983 I-131 3 0.5 - 0.8 1984 K-40 24 1220 - 1690 1984 Sr-90 24 '

1.9 - 5.2 1984 I-131 1 O.7 s

Table 10. Average yearly activity for strontium-90 in milk segles.

year Place Kinnemen Johnson 1982 4.511.4 5.011.5 4.411.5 1983 4.611.2 4.411.2 4.111.2 1984 3.511.0 3.411.0 3.211.0 14

2 .

References Radiation Protection Standards, Federal Radiation Council, Report No.

2, September 1961.

. U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Title 10, Part 20.

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Upgrading Environmental Radiation Data, Nealth Physics Society Committee Report HPSR-1 (1980),

EPA 520/1-80-012, August 1980.

Interim Primary Drinking Water Regulations, EPA - 570/9-76-003.

U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, NRC TLD Direct Radiation Monitoring Network - Progress Report January - March 1983, NUREG-0837, Vol.3, No 1.

i U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, NRC TLD Direct Radiation Monitoring Network - Progress Report April - June 1983, NUREG-0837, Vol . 3, No 2.

U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, NRC TLD Direct Radiation Monitoring Network - Progress Report July - September 1983, NUREG-0837, Vol. 3, No 3.


U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, NRC TLD Direct Radiation Monitoring Network - Progress Report October - December 1983, NUREG-0837, Vol . 3, No 4.

U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, NRC TLD Direct Radiation Monitoring Network - Progrees Report January - March 1984, NUREG-0837, Vol . 4, No 1.

U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, NRC TLD Direct Radiation Monitoring Network - Progress Report April - June 1984, NUREG-0837, Vol . 4, No 2.

U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, NRC TLD Direct Radiation Monitoring Network - Progress Report July - September 1984, NUREG-0837, Vol. 4, No 3.

U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, NRC TLD Direct Radiation.

Monitoring Network - Progress Report October - December 1984, NUREG-0837, Vol. 4, No 4.


a e

Tcblo 11. Air p3rticulcto grCOc boto cnd air io'dino (I-131) ecculta for January -' December, 1983. PRI 1.&2 .


, Prairie Island '

1983 .

MeasurementsinunitsofpCf/R*3 Prescott Lock & Den 83 PRI-1 PRI-2 Collection date Air Particulate Air lodine Collectiondate Air Particulate Air lodine 01/17/03 0.021+/-0.001 0.001+/-0.03 01/17/03 0.02b/-0.001- -0.00$+/-0.010 01/31/03 0.017+/-0.001 0.01b/-0.03 01/31/03 0.018+/-0.001 -0.001+/-0.02 02/09/03 0.018+/-0.002 0.006+/-0.03 02/09/03 0.018+/-0.001 0.000+/-0.02 02/23/03 0.01b/-0.001 0.015+/-0.03 02/23/03 0.02b/-0.001 0.00b/-0.010 03/09/03 0.016+/-0.001 -0.004+/-0.03 03/06/03 0.011+/-0.001 0.001+/-0.02

) 03/23/03 0.016+/-0.001 0.005+/-0.03 03/23/83 0.01b/-0.001 0.000+/-0.02

04/08/83 0.017+/-0.001 0.005+/-0.03 04/06/03 0.017+/-0.001 0.00b/-0.02
04/20/03 0.03b/-0.002 0.005+/-0.019 04/20/83 0.026+/-4.001 8.004+/-4.017 i

05/04/03 0.03b/-0.002 0.003+/-0.03 05/04/03 0.024+/-4.001 0.010+/-0.017 05/11/03 0.10b/-0.003 0.00b/-0.03 05/10/03 0.044+/-0.002 -0.003+/-0.02 06/01/83 0.038+/-0.002 -0.003+/-0.03 04/01/03 0.026+/-0.001 0.001+/-0.02 06/14/83 0.01b/-0.001 0.012+/-0.03 06/14/03 0.015+/-0.001 0.00b/-0.03 06/29/83 0.02b/-0.001 0.00b/-0.03 Os/29/s3 0.019/-0.001 0.00b/-0.02 07/13/03 0.044+/-0.002 0.012+/-0.03 07/12/83 0.030+/-0.002 0.012+/-0.02 07/27/83 0.041+/-0.002 0.002+/-0.03 07/27/83 0.033+/-0.002 0.001+/-0.02 08/10/83 0.119/-0.003 0.01s+/-0.01s Os/10/s3 0.07b/-0.007 0.05+/-0.15 08/24/03 0.039/-0.002 0.012+/-0.02 08/24/03 0.030+/-0.001 0.011+/-0.012 09/07/03 0.040+/-4.003 0.007+/-0.03 09/07/83 0.034+/-0.002 0.00b/-0.013 09/28/s3 0.017+/-0.001 0.000+/-0.03 09/28/83 0.015+/-0.00' O.002+/-0.013 10/12/83 0.051/-c.002 -0.008+/-0.013 10/12/s3 0.03b/-0.001 0.00b/-0.012 10/2s/s3 0.019/-0.001 -0.01b/-0.03 10/26/43 0.02b/-0.001 -0.01b/-0.03 l 11/09/03 0.020+/-0.001 0.000+/-0.03 11/09/03 0.010+/-0.001 0.00b/-0.011 11/23/03 0.011+/-0.001 0.006+/-0.04 11/23/03 0.011+/-0.001 0.000+/-0.013

! 12/07/83 0.029/-0.003 0.019/-0.04 12/07/83 0.024+/-0.001 0.00b/-c.02 12/21/03 0.035+/-0.002 0.002+/-0.03 12/21/83 0.039/-0.001 0.00b/-0.03 01/05/14 0.025+/-0.001 0.00b/-0.03 01/05/s4 0.025+/-0.001 0.00p/-0.03 4

16 1

Tcblo 12. Air particulcto greco b;to cnd air iodino (I-131) results for January - December, 1983. PRI 3 & 4 .


1983 Measurements in units of pCf/Ir3 Ellsworth lay City Pa!-3 Pa!-4 4

Collection date Air Particulate Air lodine Collection date Air Particulate Airlodine 1 01/17/83 0.017+/-0.001 0.003+/-0.015 01/12/83 0.020+/-0.001 0.005+/-0.02 01/31/03 0.012+/-0.001 -0.007+/-0.02 01/26/83 0.014+/-0.001 0.007+/-0.015 02/09/03 0.011+/-0.001 -0.011+/-0.02 02/09/03 0.017+/-0.001 -0.004+/-0.019 02/23/03 0.011+/-0.001 0.000+/-0.02 02/23/03 0.010+/-0.001 0.004+/-0.02 03/09/13 0.003+/-0.001 -0.005+/-0.02 03/09/03 0.013+/-0.001 0.009+/-0.02 03/23/03 0.005+/-0.001 0.000+/-0.02 03/23/03 0.014+/-0.001 -0.004+/-0.02 04/06/03 0.015+/-0.001 0.003+/-0.018 04/06/03 0.017+/-0.001 0.007+/-0.019 04/10/03 0.023+/-0.001 -0.001+/-0.014 04/20/03 0.040+/-0.002 0.001+/-0.015 05/04/13 0.025+/-0.001 -0.000+/-0.02 05/04/83 0.035+/-0.001 0.013+/-0.018 05/11/83 0.000+/-0.002 0.013+/-0.02 05/10/03 0.066+/-0.002 0.007+/-0.016 04/01/03 0.019+/-0.001 0.002+/-0.019 06/01/03 0.029+/-0.001 0.000+/-0.02 06/14/03 0.014+/-0.001 0.013+/-3.02 08/14/83 0.013+/-0.001 0.000+/-0.03 08/2t/83 0.017+/-0.001 0.010+/-0.02 06/29/03 0.014+/-0.001 0.00s+/-0.02 1

07/13/83 0.041+/-0.002 -0.010+/-0.03 07/13/03 0.032+/-0.001 0.010+/-0.02 07/27/83 0.040+/-0.002 0.008+/-0.02 07/27/13 0.021+/-0.001 0.012+/-0.02 C/10/83 0.110+/-0.003 0.001+/-0.02 os/10/s3 0.066+/-0.002 0.004+/-0.s12 08/24/03 0.031+/-0.001 0.020+/-0.01s os/24/s3 0.016+/-0.001 0.003+/-0.010 C/07/03 0.032+/-0.001 0.010+/-0.012 09/07/13 0.035+/-0.001 0.000+/-0.013 C/28/03 0.015+/-0.001 0.000+/-0.02 OS/2s/83 0.013+/-0.001 0.000+/-0.015 10/12/83 0.042+/-0.002 -0.005+/-0.012 10/12/s3 0.036+/-0.001 0.001+/-0.e11 10/26/03 0.015+/-0.001 -0.013+/-0.03 10/26/03 0.015+/-0.001 0.015+/-0.02 11/09/03 0.016+/-0.001 0.007+/-0.02 11/09/83 0.014+/-0.001 0.006+/-0.011 11/23/83 0.010+/-0.001 0.000+/-0.03 11/23/03 0.010+/-0.001 0.002+/-0.02 12/07/03 0.016+/-0.001 0.00t+/-0.02 12/07/03 0.011+/-0.001 0.004+/-0.016 12/21/83 0.029+/-0.001 0.001+/-0.02 12/21/03 0.036+/-0.002

^ 0.000+/-0.04 01/05/14 0.025+/-0.001 0.002+/-0.014 01/05/04 0.037+/-0.002 0.004+/-0.04 17

.TCblo 13.- Air particulcto greco b:to cnd_oir-Todino (I-131) resulto.

for January - December, 19 8 4 ~. _PRI 1 &2 WISCONSIN DIVISION OF HEALTH SECTION OF. RADIATION PROTECTION Prairie. Island 1984 .

MeasurementsinunitsofpCf/Ir3 Prescott 1.ock & Dem 03 P01-1 PRI-2 Collection date Air Partfoulate Air Iodine Collestiondate Air Particulate Airlodine 01/10/04 0.022+/-4.041 0.007+/-4.04 ~ 01/10/04 0.020+/-0.001 0.005+/-4.019 02/01/04 0.028+/-4.002 0.0b/-0.03 02/01/N 0.022+/-4.001 0.000+/-4.016 02/15/N 0.021+/-4.001 0.010+/-0.03 02/15/N 0.01b/-0.001 0.000+/-0.019 02/20/04 0.019+/-4.001 0.005+/-4.03 02/29/04 0.017+/-4.001 0.005+/-4.013 03/14/04 0.01b/-4.001 0.018+/-0.04 03/14/04 0.019/-4.001 0.001+/-4.014 03/U/04 0.025+/-4.002 -0.007+/-4.015 03/20/04 0.01b/-4.001 -0.003+/-4.011 04/11/04 0.012+/-0.0G1 0.015+/-4.03 04/11/04 0.012+/-4.001 0.N7+/-4.019 04/25/04 0.011+/-4.N1 0.02+/-4.03 04/25/04 0.01b/-0.001 0.N7+/-4.02  ;

05/08/04 0.01b/-4.001 -0.00b/-4.03 N/08/04 0.011+/-4.M1 0.00b/-4.017 05/23/04 0.010+/-4.001 0.00b/-4.02 05/23/04 0.007+/-4.001 -0.001+/-4.018 06/06/04 0.013+/-4.001 -4.000+/4.03 06/06/N 0.013+/-4.001 -0.004+/-4.017 04/21/04 0.011+/-4.001 -0.011+/-0.03 08/21/04 0.011+/-4.001 0.00b/-4.02 04/20/04 0.015+/-4.002 -4.002+/-4.04 08/20/04 0.012+/-0.001 -0.009+/-4.03 07/11/04 0.014+/-4.002 -0.01b/-4.44 07/11/04 0.01b/-4.001 -0.00b/-4.010 07/25/04 0.010+/-4.001 0.011+/-4.02 07/25/04 0.01b/-4.001 -0.003+/-4.017 C/09/04 0.020+/-4.001 0.001+/-4.017 08/09/04 0.021+/-4.001 -0.007+/-4.02 08/22/04 0.010+/-4.042 0.001+/-0.03 08/22/04 0.01b/-4.001 -0.002+/-4.02 09/05/04 0.01b/-4.002 -0.02+/-0.03 09/N/M 0.015+/-4.M1 -4.00b/-4.017 09/19/04 0.010+/-4.001 -0.002+/-4.02 09/19/04 0.01b/-4.001 0.000+/-4.015 10/04/04 0.010+/-0.001 0.015+/-0.03 10/04/04 0.010+/-4.001 0.001+/-4.012 10/17/04 0.025+/-0.002 -0.001+/-4.03 10/17/04 0.022+/-4.001 -4.002+/-4.010 l 10/30/04 0.017+/-0.002 0.004/-4.010 10/30/04 0.014+/-4.001 0.00b/-4.010 i 11/14/04 0.021+/-4.002 -0.010+/-0.03 11/14/04 0.010+/-0.001 0.005+/-0.92 ,

11/20/04 0.022+/-4.002 -0.009/-0.019 11/20/04 0.01b/-0.001 0.01b/-4.010 12/12/04 0.029+/-0.002 -0.009+/-0.03 12/12/04 0.022+/-4.001 -0.001+/-0.015 <

12/26/04 0.023+/-0.002 -0.00b/-4.04 12/26/04 0.01b/-0.001 -0.001+/-4.014 I l

18 i


. 4 Tchle 14. Air particulate gross beta and air iodine (I-131) results f or January -. December, 1984. PRI 3 ai 4; NISCONSIN DIVISION OF HEALTH SECTION OF RADIATION PROTECTION f Prairie Island

. 1984 lleasurements in units of pCf/It"3 Ellsmerth Say City POI-3 Mi-4 :

Collection date AirParticulate Air lodine Collection date Air Particulate Air ledine 01/10/04 0.01b/-4.001 0.014+/-0.02 01/10/04 0.017+/-4.H1 0.000+/-0.013 02/01/N 0.01b/-4.001 0.005+/-4.010 02/01/04 0.014+/-0.001 0.0b/-4.03 02/15/04 0.01b/-4.001 0.00b/-4.010 02/15/04 a 02/29/N 0.014/-4.001 0.00b/-4.010 02/29/04 a 03/14/04 0.01b/-4.001 0.00b/-4.02 03/14/04 0.01k/-0.001 0.01b/-0.04 03/20/N 0.014/-0.001 -4.00b/-4.011 03/20/04 0.01b/-4.001 0.M2+/-4.010 C*/11/04 0.011+/-4.001 0.00b/-0.010 04/11/04 0.011+/4.H1 -0.010+/-0.015 04/25/04 0.01b/-0.001 -0.002+/-0.019 04/25/04 0.00b/-4.001 0.002+/4.010 05/08/04 0.01b/-0.001 0.001+/-4.03 N/08/04 0.000+/-4.001 0.00$+/-4.015 05/23/04 0.000+/-0.M1 0.007+/-0.015 06/23/N 0.007+/-4.001 -0.002+/-0.014-("/N/04 1.011+/-4.001 0.044+/-4.016 06/06/04 0.012+/-0.N1 0.013+/-4.017 06/21/04 0.00b/-0.001 0.00b/-0.019 08/21/04 0.00b/-0.001 0.002+/-0.010 C'/20/04 0.013+/-0.001 0.00b/-0.02 08/20/04 0.012+/-0.001 -0.00b/-4.013 07/11/04 0.01b/-0.001 -0.001+/-0.017 07/11/04 0.01b/4.001 0.001+/-6.010 07/25/04 0.014/-0.001 0.000+/-0.016 07/25/04 0.01b/-0.001 0.00b/-4.010 04/09/04 0.01b/-0.002 0.014+/-0.05 08/09/04 0.016+/-0.001 -0.011+/4.010 08/22/04 0.01b/-0.001 -0.001+/-0.013 08/22/04 0.014+/-0.001 -0.01b/-0.02 09/N/04 0.014+/-0.002 -0.00 4 / 4 .03 09/05/04 0.015+/-4.001 4.01b/-4.015 1 09/19/04 0.014+/-0.002 -0.07+/-0.2 09/19/04 0.014/-0.001 0.004+/-4.015 10/04/04 0.016+/-0.001 0.001+/-0.019 10/04/04 0.015+/-0.001 -0.004+/-0.010 l 10/17/04 0.015+/-0.001 0.00b/-0.016 10/17/04 0.016+/-4.001 0.00$+/-0.014 10/30/04 0.014+/-0.001 -0.01b/-0.016 10/30/04 0.015+/-0.001 0.005+/-4.010-11/14/04 0.017+/-0.;01 0.000+/-0.014 11/14/04 0.015+/-0.M1 -0.0M+/-4.02 11/20/04 0.01b/-0.001 0.000+/-0.017 11/20/04 0.017+/-0.001 -0.001+/-4.015

, 12/12/04 0.020+/-0.001 -0.002+/-0.016 12/12/04 0.020+/-0.001 -0.00b/-0.015 12/26/N 0.017+/-0.001 -0.000+/-0.02 12/26/04 0.01b/-0.001 -0.001+/-0.014 8 a - the air secolor was inoperative during this collection period.

l 19

m Tcblo 15. Gamma icctcpic rcculto fcr Jcnuary - 0:ccmb:c, 1983 from the monthly composite of air particulate samples.



MeasurementsinunitsofpCf/M'3 NI - Section of Radiation Protection data Prescott PRI-1 January February March April May June Be-7 0.050+/-0.016 0.0$+/-0.03 0.0l+/-0.03 0.11+/-0.03 0.11+/-0.03 0.05+/-0.02 Zr.Nb-95 0.000+/-0.001 0.002+/-0.002 0.001+/-0.002 0.002+/-0.004 0.000+/-0.004 0.002+/-0.004 Ru-106 0.020+/-0.006 0.020+/-0.011 0.030+/-0.009 0.003+/-0.011 0.004+/-0.017 -0.007+/-0.012 Cs-134 NA NA NA NA -0.001+/-0.002 0.000+/-0.001 Cs-137 0.000+/-0.001 0.001+/-0.002 0.002+/-0.002 0.001+/-0.002 0.002+/-0.002 0.000+/-0.002 Ce-144 0.006+/-0.006 0.009+/-0.011 0.003+/-0.009 0.000+/-0.011 -0.003+/-0.012 0.000+/-0.007 July August Septeober October November December Be-7 0.11+/-0.03 0.10+/-0.02 0.07+/-0.03 0.09+/-0.03 0.09+/-0.03 0.07+/-0.03 Zr,Nb-95 0.C04+/-0.005 0.005+/-0.002 0.003+/-0.006 0.000+/-0.006 0.004+/-0.004 0.000+/-9.004 Ru-106 0.005+/-0.02 0.000+/-0.013 0.005+/-0.02 0.000+/-0.018 0.000+/-0.019 0.020+/-0.016 Cs-134 0.000+/-0.002 0.C00+/-0.001 0.003+/-0.002 0.003+/-0.002 0.001+/-0.002 0.000+/-0.003 Cs-137 0.002+/-0.002 0.000+/-0.001 0.000+/-0.002 -0.001+/-0.002 0.000+/-0.002 -0.002+/-0.003 Co-144 0.005+/-0.011 -0.001+/-0.006 0.005+/-0.012 0.000+/-0.011 -0.001+/-0.013 -0.002+/-0.011 Lock & Den 83 PRI-2 January February March April May June Be-7 0.037+/-0.012 0.03+/-0.02 0.068+/-0.019 0.11+/-0.03 0.10+/-0.03 0.12+/-0.02 Zr,Nb-95 0.000+/-0.001 0.000+/-0.002 0.000+/-0.002 0.000+/-0.004 0.001+/-0.005 0.000+/-0.003 Ru-106 0.014+/-0.004 0.013+/-0.000 0.026+/-0.007 0.000+/-0.014 -0.003+/-0.014 -0.002+/-0.010 Cs-134 NA NA NA NA 0.000+/-0.002 0.000+/-0.001 Cs-137 0.000+/-0.001 0.001+/-0.002 0.002+/-0.002 0.001+/-0.002 0.001+/-0.002 0.000+/-0.001 Co-144 0.001+/-0.004 0.005+/-0.008 0.003+/-0.007 0.002+/-0.000 0.002+/-0.009 0.001+/-0.008 July August September October November December Se-7 0.11+/-0.02 0.07+/-0.03 0.052+/-0.016 0.07+/-0.02 0.071+/-0.011 0.029+/-0.018 Zr,Nb-95 0.003*/-0.002 0.001+/-0.005 0.002+/-0.002 0.000+/-0.004 0.001+/-0.002 0.000+/-0.004 Ru-106 0.007+/-0.005 0.018+/-0.014 0.000+/-0.007 0.014+/-0.015 0.001+/-0.001 0.000+/-0.017 Cs-134 0.000+/-0.001 0.000+/-0.002 0.000+/-0.001 0.000+/-0.002 0.000+/-0.001 0.000+/-0.002 Cs-137 0.001+/-0.001 -0.001+/-0.002 0.000+/-0.002 0.001+/-0.002 0.000+/-0.001 -0.001+/-J.002 Cs-144 0.005+/-0.005 0.005+/-0.000 0.002+/-0.004 0.004+/-0.010 0.000*/-0.005 -0.01,1+/-0.009 NA - Isotope was not specifically analyzed for.

Isotopes other than those recorted were not detected.


n n --. _ _ h &, +2Ls b&, 4 ME N Ab= 'm' l


1Tchlo'16. G mme icatcpic resulto for Jcnucry - December,-1983 from the monthly composite of air particulate samples.

PRI 3 & 4 l l



i .

MeasurementeinuniteofpCi/R"3 i

NI - Section of Radiation Protection data f E11eeerth l MI-3 January February March April Ney June i

i Be-7 0.031+/-4.011 0.014+/-4.010 0.01b/-0.017 0.1b/-4.02 0.12+/-0.03 0.003+/-0.017

{ Zr,Nb-05 0.000+/-0.001 0.000+/-4.002 0.00b/4.002 0.002+/-0.004 0.00b/-0.0N 0.00b/-0.003

{ Ru-108 0.012+/-4.0H 0.00b/-0.000 0.00b/-0.000 0.M1+/4.013 0.Mb/-0.014 0.004+/-0.000

) Co-134 M M M M 0.001+/-0.001 0.00b/4.001 Co-137 0.000+/-0.M1 -0.002+/-0.082 0.001+/-0.001 0.001+/-4.001 0.002+/4.001 -0.001+/-0.001 Co-144 0.H1+/-0.0N 0.N7+/-0.000 0.Mb/4.007 0.00b/-4.000 -0.M1+/4.000 0.00b/4.000 July August September Osteher November Geeseber Be-T 0.0b/-0.02 0.0$b/-0.010 f.N5+/-0.010 0.004+/-0.018 0.05+/-0.02 0.041+/-0.013 j Zr Nb-05 0.00b/-0.0N 0.00b/4.002 0.001+/4.003 0.00b/-4.002 0.001+/-0.004 0.00k/-0.003

{ Au-104 0.00b/-0.015 0.004+/-0.007 0.0$0+/-0.010 0.001+/-0.000 0.000+/-4.014 0.00b/-0.000 i Co-134 0.000+/-0.H1 0.000+/-0.001 0.00b/-4.001 0.Mb/-0.001 0.00b/-0.002 0.00b/-0.001

! Co-137 0.002+/-0.002 0.00b/-0.001 0.000t/-0.001 0.00b/-0.001 0.00b/-0.002 -0.001+/-0.001 q Co-144 0.001+/-4.000 0.00H/-4.0H 0.002+/-0.007 -0.001+/-0.0N 0.001+/-0.000 0.000+/4.005 i

i j tay City i PRI-4 January February March April ' Rey June.

So-7 0.0$b/-0.010 0.04b/-0.017 0.00b/-0.017 0.00+/-0.02 0.0b/-4.02 0.00b/-0.017

Ir,Nb-05 0.00b/-0.001 0.000+/-0.002 0.00b/-0.001 0.002+/-4.003 0.001+/-0.004 0.001+/-0.M2 j Au-100 0.01b/-0.006 0.01b/4.007 0.024+/-0.004 -0.00 b/-4.013 -0.00b /-4.013 0.00b/-0.000 l Co-IN M M M M -0.001+/-0.001 0.00b/-0.001 4

Co-137 0.00b/-4.001 0.001+/-0.001 0.00b/-0.001 0.30b/-4.002 0.00b/-0.002 0.00b/-0.001 Co-144 4.001+/-0.000 0.00b/-0.007 0.00b/-0.006 0.00b/-0.000 0.00b/-0.000 0.001+/-0.006


July August September Osteber November December

. Ie-7 0.00b/-0.017 0.04b/-0.017 0.04b/-0.010 0.002+/-0.010 0.07+/-4.02 0.N+/-0.02 i Ir,Nb-M 0.000+/-0.003 0.001+/-0.002 0.00b/-0.003 0.00b/-0.004 0.002+/-0.004 0.002+/-0.005

! Au-106 0.0N+/-0.007 0.00b/-0.007 0.011+/-0.000 0.00b/-0.012 0.007+/-4.011 0.00b/-4.015 Co-134 0.000+/-0.001 0.00b/4.001 0.00b/-0.001 0.00b/-0.061 0.M1+/4.001 0.00b/4.002 Co-137 0.001+/-0.001 0.001+/-0.001 0.000+/-4.001 -0.001+/-0.002 0.00b/-0.001 -0.001+/-0.002 ,

i Co-144 0.00b/-0.004 -0.001+/-0.0N -0.001+/-4.007 -0.001+/-4.000 0.00b/-0.0H -0.001+/-4.000

O - lesteps see not specifically analysed for.

l !setenes other then these reported were not detected, i

21 i

i i

Tchlo 17. Gamma ic traic resulto fcr Jcnucry --Deccmbsc, 1984 from.the monthly composite of air particulate samples.



ResourementsinunitsofpC1/M'3 NI - Section of Radiation Protection data -

Prescott .

PRI-1 January February Norch Aorti Ney June Ie-7 0.054+/-4.015 0.09+/4.03 0.00+/-0.03 0.1b/-0.04 0.1b/-4.02 0.00+/-4.02 Zr-05 0.004+/-4.004 0.002+/-0.004 0.00b/-0.004 -0.00b/-0.007 0.001+/-0.003 0.000+/-0.003 h-103 NA NA 0.000+/-0.003 0.001+/-4.0N 0.001+/-0.002 0.00b/-4.003 h-100 0.00b/-0.007 0.00b/-4.02 -0.00b/-0.02 0.001+/-4.03 0.0N+/-0.010 -0.004+/-0.012 >

Co-134 0.00b/-4.001 0.001+/-4.002 -0.002+/-0.002 -0.001+/4.002 0.00b/-0.001 0.00b/-4.M1 Co-137 -0.001+/-0.001 0.002+/-0.002 0.000+/-4.002 0.00b/-4.003 0.0M+/-4.001 -0.001+/-4.001 Co-141 NA NA 0.001+/-0.004 0.002+/-4.005 0.00b/-4.002 -0.001+/-0.002 Co-144 0.002+/-0.005 0.003+/-0.013 0.01b/-0.012 0.00b/-4.013 0.002+/-0.005 -4.00$+/-0.005 July August September October November December i

te 7 0.1b/-0.04 0.1b/4.04 0.1b/-0.N 0.07+/-4.05 0.00+/-0.05 0.10+/-0.N

! Zr-05 0.000+/-0.007 0.00b/-4.000 0.001+/-4.009 -0.006+/-4.010 0.00b/-0.011 0.00b/-4.010 Au-103 0.00b/4.003 -0.00b/-4.004 0.001+/-4.004 0.00b/-4.005 0.00b/-0.005 0.00b/-4.005

h-100 -0.00b/-4.02 -0.00b/-4.02 4.0N+/-4.03 0.01H/-4.H -0.00b/-0.N -0.01b/4.03

} Co-134 0.001+/-4.002 0.000+/-0.002 -0.001+/-4.003 0.0M+/-4.004 0.000+/-4.0M 0.00b/-4.003

Co-137 0.000+/-4.002 -0.001+/-0.003 -0.001+/-4.0N 0.002+/-4.004 0.003+/-4.005 -0.001+/-4.004 Co-141 0.00b/-0.005 -0.002+/-0.005 0.001+/-0.006 0.00b/-0.007 0.005+/-4.000 -0.001+/-0.007 Co-144 0.013+/-0.013 0.003+/-0.013 0.004+/-0.017 -0.00b/-4.02 -0.001+/4.02 0.000+/-4.019 i Lock & Dee 83 PRI-2 January February Merch April Ney June to-7 0.051+/-0.010 0.055+/-0.015 0.077+/-0.017 0.11+/-4.02 0.096+/-0.014 0.07+/-0.03 Zr-95 0.000+/4.003 0.001+/-0.003 0.000+/-0.003 0.000+/-0.003 0.000+/-0.002 0.00b/-0.005 Ru-103 NA NA -4.001+/-4.001 0.00b/-0.002 0.000+/-0.001 0.001+/-4.M3 Ru-106 0.000+/-0.007 0.004+/-0.009 0.004+/-0.010 -0.002+/4.009 -0.00H/-0.006 0.00b/-0.02 4 Cs-134 0.00b/-0.001 -0.001+/-0.001 0.00b/-0.001 0.00b/-4.001 0.00b/-0.001 -0.001+/-4.002 Cs-137 0.001+/-0.001 0.00b/-0.001 0.000+/-0.001 0.00b/-0.001 0.000+/-4.001 0.002+/-0.002 l Co-141 NA NA 0.001+/4.002 0.00b/-0.002 0.001+/-0.001 0.001+/-4.004 '

Co-144 0.001+/-0.006 0.00b/-0.005 0.00b/-0.004 0.002+/-0.004 0.001+/4.003 0.002+/-0.011 July August September October November December

! to-7 0.Ib/-4.02 0.11b/-0.017 0.09+/-0.03 0.084+/-0.010 0.072+/-4.018 0.0(b/-4.016 Zr-05 -0.001+/-0.004 0.000+/-0.003 -0.002+/-0.005 0.00b/-4.004 0.00b/-0.003 0.00b/-0.003 Ru-103 0.001+/-0.002 0.00b/-0.001 -0.001+/-0.003 0.00b/-0.002 0.00b/-4.001 -0.001+/4.001 ,

j, Ru-108 0.0N+/-0.012 0.001+/-0.000 -0.001+/-0.019 0.001+/-0.011 -0.0H+/-0.000 0.00b/-0.010 I

) Co-134 0.001+/-0.001 0.000+/-0.001 -0.001+/-0.002 0.000+/-4.001 0.000+/-4.001 0.00b/4.001 i Cs-137 0.00b/-0.001 0.000+/-0.001 0.00b/-0.002 0.00b/-0.001 0.001+/-0.001 0.000+/-0.001 Co-141 0.002+/-0.003 0.001+/-0.002 0.00b/-0.0N 0.000+/4.002 0.00b/-0.002 0.001+/-0.002

) Co-144 0.002+/-0.007 -0.001+/-0.005 -0.002+/-0.011 0.001+/4.007 0.004+/-4.006 0.004+/-0.004 j NA - lectops wee not speciffcally onelyzed for.

lootopes other then those reported were not detected.

! 22

. .. . . ~ . . - - - -

. l l


'Tchle 18. Gamma isotopic results.for January - Decemb3r, 1984

,. from the monthly composite of air particulate samples.


- WI - Section of Radiation Protection data Ellemorth

. PRI-3 January February March April Rey June I Ge 7 0.NH/-4.010 0.05+/4.02 0.0k/-4.02 0.0k/-4.02 0.00k/-4.014 0.00k/-4.010 Zr-te 0.000+/-4.002 -0.00t+/-4.004 -0.001+/-4.004 -0.001+/-4.004 0.001+/-4.002 -0.00t+/4.003 r h-103 M M 0.00k/-0.002 -0.00t+/-4.002 .0.00k/-4.001 0.00k/4.002 i Ru-1H 0.001+/-4.000 -0.002+/-4.014 0.01k/-0.015 -0.00k/4.014 -0.001+/-4.000 0.003+/-4.012 ,

Co-134 0.001+/-4.001 0.00k/-4.N1 0.00k/-4.N1 0.001+/-0.002 0.00k/-4.001 0.000+/-4.N1 l Co-137 0.000+/-4.001 0.00k/-0.002 0.00k/-4.002 0.M1+/-4.002 0.000+/-4.001 -0.00t+/-4.M1 i Ce-141 M M 0.00k/-4.003 0.00t+/-4.003 0.00p/-4.001 0.000+/-4.002

} Ce-144 0.00k/-4.000 -e.00t+/-4.000 0.00b/-0.000 0.00k/-4.000 -0.001+/-4.003 0.00b/-4.000 i

j July August September October Nevenber Gesenter  ;

s Ie-7 0.1b/-0.03 0.3k/-4.10 0.17+/-4.05 0.0k/4.03 0.07+/-4.03 0.07+/4.03 ,

Zr-N -0.00b/-0.000 0.00b/-4.010 0.00t+/-0.010 0.000+/-4.000 -0.00t+/-4.000- 0.00b/-4.000 l Pc103 0.00k/-8.003 -0.00b/-0.011 -4.00b/-4.005 0.00b/-0.003 0.000+/-4.003 0.001+/4.003 i Ru-IN 0.01k/-4.00 -4.00t+/4.N 0.011+/-0.02 -4.M7+/-4.48 -0.00k/-4.010 -0.005+/-4.010 I Co-134 0.00k/-4.002 -0.001+/-4.005 3.001+/-0.0N -0.001+/-4.002 0.00b/4.003 0.00k/-4.002 l Co-137 0.000+/-4.002 -0.001+/-4.0N -0.00t+/-0.004 0.000+/-0.002 0.001+/-4.802 0.000+/4.002

Co-141 0.001+/-4.NE 0.00b/-4.010 0.004+/-4.M7 -4.001+/-0.0N 0.004+/-0.004 0.00t+/-4.004 j Ce-144 0.004+/-0.012 0.01k/-0.03 0.010+/-0.02 0.00k/-0.012 0.00k/-4.011 -0.001+/4.010 i ley City .,

j PRI-4 January February Merch April may June i

Se-7 0.030+/-0.012 *a 0.07+/4.02 0.004+/-4.017 0.00b/-4.017 0.05+/-0.02 Zr-95 0.002+/-0.002 *a -0.002+/-0.004 0.001+/-0.003 0.00k/-0.003 -0.001+/-0.000 3

Ru-103 NA ea 0.00b/-0.003 0.00k/-0.001 0.00k/-4.001 0.00k/-4.003  ;

i' h-100 0.00k/-4.000 *a 0.00s/-4.017 0.00t+/-4.000 -0.00b/-4.000 -e.00k/-4.017 Cs-134 0.001+/-4.001 *a 0.00H/-0.002 0.000+/-0.001 0.00k/4.001 -0.001+/-4.002 ,

Co-137 0.00k/-0.001 *a 0.00k/-0.002 0.00k/-0.001 0.00k/-0.001 0.000+/-0.002 Co-141 NA ea 0.001+/-0.003 0.001+/-8.002 0.001+/-0.002 0.00H/-4.003  !

l Co-144 -0.001+/-0.005 ea 0.00k/-0.000 0.004+/4.0N 0.0N+/-0.005 -0.001+/-0.000 i

! July August September October Nevenber Deseeker

! ~

i i te-7 0.12+/4.02 0.04k/4.015 0.0k/-0.02 0.05k/-0.017 0.03k/-4.014 0.N+/-4.02 Ir48 0.000+/-0.0N 0.00k/-4.002 -4.001+/-4.0M -0.001+/4.003 -0.001+/-0.003 0.001+/-4.005 h-103 l

0.000+/-0.002 0.000+/-4.001 0.001+/-4.003 0.000+/-4.002 0.00H/4.M1 0.00k/4.003  ;

j Re-100 -4.00k/-0.010 0.001+/-4.M7 0.01k/-0.010 4.001+/-4.010 0.002+/4.010 0.001+/4.010  ;

Co-134 0.000+/-4.M1 0.00k/-4.001 0.00k/4.002 0.00k/-4.001 0.00H/-4.N1 0.00H/-4.002 Co-137 -0.001+/-0.001 0.00k/-4.001 0.000+/-0.002 0.000+/-4.001 0.000+/-4.001 -4.001+/-0.002 i Co-141 0.000+/-0.003 0.04k/-4.M2 0.00k/-0.003 0.001+/4.002 0.00t+/-0.002 0.001+/-4.004 ,

Co-144 0.00k/-4.010 j 0.002+/-4.007 0.001+/-0.004 0.001+/-4.000 0.00k/-4.000 -0.00t+/-4.010 l s a - Air samplee use feoperative.  ;

j u - lootope wee not spesifically analysed for.

! lootopes other then those reported were not detected.

23 l.

q Tcblo 19. U.S._ Nuclear tegulctcry Crmmiccion TLD nctwork for 1983.

Prairie Island 1983 Nesourementsinunitsofoilliroentgene(et) fieldtime(days)

Exposure period: 1st guerter 12/22/02-04/12/83 (90) 3rd quector M/28/83-10/14/03 (39) 2nd quarter 43/24/83-07/15/03 -(94) 4th quarter 09/20/03 - 01/19/04 '(95)

Ist guerter 2nd guerter 3rd quarter -4th quarter-

$tte Lacetion Exposure Rate Engesure hete Exposure Rete Espesure Ante Animuth/ Distance mR/Std.Qtr. mR/Std.Qtr. mR/Std.Qte. mR/Std.Qtr. .

(0 egress)(Miles) +/-Std.Osv +/- Std. Dev +/-Std.Dev +/-AdesTot.

1 312 17.3 18.5+/-4.9 10.0+/-4.8 14.b/-0.6 23.4+/-0.9 2 310 15.2 18.h/-8.8 20.2+/4.9 15.b/4.7 23.4+/-4.9 3 310 15.2 17.7+/-0.8 28.1+/-4.0 14.b/-4.6 22.b/-4.9 4 388 5.5 Rissing dos. 19.h/-4.0 14.k/-0.6 22.1+/-4.9 5 297 4.1 14.7+/-0.0 18.b/-4.0 12.b/-4.8 21.4+/-4.9 6 287 1.3 18.2+/4.0 18.3+/-4.0 13.8+/-4.6 22.2+/-4.9 7 313 0.8 15.7+/-4.8 18.1+/-4.8 11.5+/-4.8 19.2+/4.8 8 244 0.5 18.5+/-4.8 17.2+/-4.0 12.4+/-4.0 21.5+/-4.9 9 194 8.6 10.2+/-4.9 15.4/-4.7 14.6+/4.8 28.k/-I.9 10 155 0.5 17.b/4.0 17.2+/-4.8 14.4/-4.8 20.b/-4.9 11 129 1.6 15.2+/-4.8 15.5+/-4.7 Masing das. 19.h/-4.0 12 153 1.4 16.8+/-4.8 16.5+/-4.8 11.0+/-0.5 29.k/-4.9 13 217 0.6 15.6+/4.8 II.H/-4.8 12.b/4.3 29.9+/-4.0 14 178 0.0 16.7+/-4.8 17.b/-4.8 13.0+/-4.8 21.h/-4.0 15 272 1.9 15.8+/-4.8 15.b/-4.0 Mesing dos. 21.H/-4.9 16 tot 4.6 18.b/-4.0 10.b/-4.8 Masing dos. Masing das.

17 250 4.3 17.3+/-4.0 17.7+/-4.0 15.b/4.7 22.7+/-4.9 18 225 4.1 15.k/-4.0 17.9+/4.0 14.2+/-4.8 21.2+/4.9 19 233 6.7 14.5+/-4.0 17.1+/-4.0 12.b/-4.8 20.0+/-4.9 20 200 4.9 17.5+/4.8 13.4/-4.7 Missing dos. 17.k/-4.8 21 107 4.7 17.9+/-4.0 Mesing dos. 14.h/-4.8 20.k/-4.9 22 184 4.4 16.6+/-4.0 17.1+/-4.8 14.b/-4.6 21.5+/-4.9 23 let 4.7 15.8+/-4.0 17.b/-4.8 13.9+/-4.4 21.7+/-4.9 24 131 6.5 16.7+/-4.0 17.7+/-4.0 13.6+/-4.6 24.k/-0.9 25 117 4.9 13.6+/-4.8 17.2+/4.0 12.b/-4.8 21.b/-4.9 28 88 1.9 16.1+/-4.0 17.4+/-4.0 13.4+/-4.6 20.b/-4.9 27 69 1.8 16.4+/-6.8 17.6+/4.8 12.7+/-4.6 21.7+/-4.9 21 47 1.6 15.b/-0.8 17.9+/-4.8 13.b/-4.6 22.4+/-4.9 29 19 1.5 16.6+/-4.8 15.8+/-0.7 11.b/-4.6 20.2+/-4.9 34 356 1.9 15.5+/-4.8 19.2+/-4.0 12.8+/-4.6 21.b/-4.9 31 346 2.4 16.1+/4.8 17.5+/-0.0 13.7+/4.8 20.9+/4.9 32 34 0 3.8 10.1+/-4.9 Missing dos. Rissing dos. 21.b/-0.9 33 0 4.6 17.b/-4.0 10.9+/-0.0 15.9/-4.7 21.4+/-6.9 34 17 4.7 24.3+/-4.9 19.b/-4.0 15.b/-0.7 22.H/-4.9 35 45 10.5 17.2+/-0.0 16.le/-4.0 13.b/-4.8 21.5+/-4.9 36 48 4.7 16.1+/-4.8 17.b/-4.8 15.1+/-4.6 21.1+/-4.9 37 61 4.2 16.5+/-0.0 17.0+/4.0 16.b/4.7 21.0+/-4.9 30 86 4.5 17.0+/4.0 II.b/-0.8 15.0+/-4.6 21.b/-4.9 39 107 9.1 13.3+/-4.0 17.9+/-4.1 12.8+/-4.6 21.b/-0.9 44 111 3.7 16.2+/-0.0 17.4+/-4.0 13.b/-4.8 20.2+/-4.9 The following sites are located in Nieconsin 25, 28, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 34, 37, 30, 39 & 40.

NGCTLDDIRECTRA0!A7!0NMONITORINGNETWORK,U.S.NuclearRegulatory Commission, NUREG-0037, Neshington, Vol. 3, No.1, 2, 3 & 4,1993.


. .Tcblo 20. U.S. Nunlear Regulctcry Commiecicn TLD n:twork fer 191.4

-Prairie Island .1984 Measurementsinunitsofmillfroentgens(mR) fieldtime(days)

Exposure period: 1st quarter 12/12/83-04/12/N (It) 3rd quarter 06/14/04-10/12/04 (92) 2nd quarter 03/21/44-07/12/84 (92) 4th quarter 09/14/04-01/07/05 (93) i 1st quarter 2nd quarter 3rd quarter 4th quarter Site Location Exposure Ante Excesure Rete Exposure Rote Exposure Rote

, . Anfauth/ Distance mR/Std.Qtr. mR/Std.Qtr. mR/Std.Qtr. mR/Std.Qtr.

j (Detrees)(diles) +/-Std.Dev +/-Std.Dev +/-Std.Dev +/-Ads;fot.

1 312 17.3 13.0+/-4.8 18.5+/-4.8 18.b/-4.8 18.b/-4.7 2 110 15.2 13.b/-4.8 18.3+/-0.8 18.b/-8.1 10.2+/-4.7 3 310 15.2 13.2+/-0.0 18.6+/-4.0 19.1+/-4.8 10.7+/-4.7 4 300 5.5 14.b/-4.8 10.2+/-4.8 18.b/-4.0 17.7+/-4.7 5 297 4.1 12.4+/-8.0 16.0+/-4.7 16.4/-4.7 16.1+/-4.6 6 297 1.3 13.2+/-6.0 17.4/-0.7 17.b/-0.8 17.4+/-4.7 7 313 0.8 12.b/-4.0 14.b/-4.1 15.5+/-4.7 15.b/-0.6 4 244 0.5 13.4+/-4.1 Missine dos. 17.4+/-0.8 16.2+/-9.6 t 9 IN 0.6 ~

14.1+/-4.8 16.I+/-0.7 16.1+/-4.7 16.b/-4.6 10 155 0.5 13.b/-4.8 10.0+/-0.0 16.7+/-4.7 17.4+/-0.7 11 129 1.6 12.6+/-4.0 15.b/-4.7 14.b/-0.7 15.0+/-9.6 12 153 1.4 13.6+/-4.0 17.b/-4.7 16.4+/-9.7 16.7+/4.6 13 217 0.6 13.7+/-0.8 17.b/-0.7 16.2+/-9.7 17.b/-9.6 14 170 0.0 13.4/-9.' 17.b/-0.7 15.b/-4.7 16.4+/-4.6 15 272 1.9 12.5+/-4.6 15.6+/-4.7 17.b/-4.8 15.7+/-4.6 16 262 4.6 12.7+/-4.0 19.6+/-0.8 19.4+/-4.8 18.b/-4.7 17 250 4.3 14.1+/-0.0 17.3+/-0.7 11.7+/-4.0 16.1+/-4.6 II 225 4.1 13.1+/-4.0 Pissing dos. 16.b/-4.7 Missine dee.

19 233 6.7 12.5+/-0.0 17.b/-0.7 15.5+/-4.7 15.7+/-4.6 i

20 200 4.9 14.7+/-0.0 19.4/-4.8 20.6+/-0.0 10.05/-4.7

, 21 107 4.7 14.1+/-0.1 II.b/-4.0 18.0+/-4.0 II.b/-4.7 l 22 160 4.4 14.0+/4.0 19.0+/-0.8 16.8+/-0.7 18.1+/-4.7 i' 23 140 4.7 15.4/-0.8 19.2+/-4.1 17.7+/-0.8 10.5+/-0.7 24 131 6.6 13.8+/-0.8 17.5+/-0.7 16.5+/-6.7 17.6+/-4.7 25 117 4.9 13.4/-0.8 17.3+/-4.7 15.b/-4.7 16.b/-4.6 26 84 1.9 15.0+/-4.0 17.5+/-4.7 17.4/-4.0 16.b/-4.6 1 27 $9 1.8 12.0+/-0.8 18.7+/-4.0 16.1+/-4.7 10.0+/-4.7 28 47 1.6 14.5+/-0.0 10.2+/-0.0 17.1+/-0.0 16.I+/-4.6

! 29 19 1.5 13.b/-0.0 17.b/4.0 15.b/-4.7 16.1+/-4.6 30 356 1.9 13.0+/-4.8 17.4/-0.7 15.6+/-0.7 16.4/-0.6 i

31 346 2.4 12.7+/-0.0 10.0+/-0.8 16.1+/-4.7 17.I+/-0.7

32 340 3.8 42.1+/-1.5 19.b/-0.8 11.b/-0.0 19.b/-4.7 33 8 4.6 15.1+/-0.1 19.b/-0.0 19.4+/-4.0 II.b/-0.7 34 17 4.7 12.b/-0.8 10.8+/4.8 19.2+/-4.0 18.9+/4.7 35 45 10.5 13.6+/-0.8 17.5+/-4.7 17.2+/4.0 16.6+/-4.6 i 36 40 4.7 15. 2+/4.8 28.1+/-0.8 18.9+/-0.0 19. 4 / 4 .7 j 4.2 37 61 15.1+/-0.8 19.8+/-0.0 19.1+/-4.0 19.4/-4.7 34 86 4.9 14.5+/4.1 19.1+/-0.8 10.7+/-0.8 -

10.2+/4.7 i 39 107 9.1 14.4 +/4.6 17.5+/-4.7 16.9/-4.7 16.5+/4.6

40 111 3.7 13.5+/-0.0 16.b/-0.7 16.6+/-0.7 16.b/4.6 ThefollowingsitesarelocatedinWisconsin: 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 30, 39 4 40.

l NAC 7LO DIREC7 RA0!A710N NON!70 RING NETWORK, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory i Comeission ,NUREG-4037, Weehington, Vol. 4, No. 1, 2, 3 & 4, 1984.


-- - , , - - - - - , - - - . , - - , - - - - - . - - , , - - - - . - . , , . - - - - - - - - , , _ . - , , , , , . , . . - - , , . . ~ - - -,,,...,-,v,--,n . - - - , . , , - - - - , - , - - , - -.---, -

Tchlo 21. Precipitcticn cnoly310 fcr 1983.


Neesurements in units of nC1/It'2 WI - Section of Radiation Protection data Sample period Precipitation PRI-1 PRI-1 PRI-2 M1-2 1983 (inches) Gross beta tritive Grose beta tritive 01/26-02/23 1.43 -11+/-11 0.17+/-0.05 -5+/-10 02/23-03/23 2.04 0.2b/-0.06 -7+/-15 0.21+/-4.04 -1b/-15 03/23-04/20 3.45 0.11+/-8.08 10+/-25 0.17+/-0.09 8+/-25 04/20-05/18 2.80 0.22+/-0.06 -t+/-20 0.21+/-0.06 1t+/-21 05/18-06/21 2.49 0.26+/-0.00 26+/-27 0.27+/-0.00 4+/-27 06/29-08/f2 4.01 0.37+/-4.15 -1.0+/-53 0.27+/-0.13 -3b/-53 08/02-08/24 4.34 0.44+/-0.09 4+/-44 0.4b/-0.09 -26+/-44 et/24 - 09/28 5.83 0.30+/-4.15 -34+/-58 0.43+/-8.13 -40+/-58 09/28-10/26 2.33 0.11+/-0.06 12+/-23 0.11+/-0.06 -15+/-23 10/26-11/23 3.51 0.2b/-0.10 -17+/-36 0.21+/-6.09 20+/-37 11/23-12/21 2.17 0.25+/-8.07 11+/-20 0.26+/-0.09 53+/-20 Sample period Precipitation PRI-3 PRI-3 PRI-4 PRI-4 1983 (inches) Grose beta tritius Gross beta tritive 01/01-01/12 *a *a 0.07+/-0.02 -1.9+/-4 01/12-01/26 *a 8a 0.048+/-0.002 -0.3+/-9.4 j 01/26-02/23 1.43 0.33+/-0.06 -12+/-10 0.12+/-0.04 -10+/-10 02/23-03/23 2.04 0.20+/-C.06 -9+/-15 0.33+/-0.07 1.3+/-14  !

03/23-04/20 3.45 0.22+/-0.10 36+/-25 0.21+/-0.10 -5+/-25 l 04/20-05/18 2.00 0.23+/-0.06 -12+/-20 0.31+/-0.09 0.9+/-21 05/18-06/29 2.49 0.49+/-0.10 11+/-27 0.21+/-P.00 19+/-27

06/29-04/02 4.11 0.22+/-0.13 -77+/-53 0.40+/-0.16 -42+/-53 i

08/02-08/24 4.34 0.11+/-0.00 -5+/-44 0.25+/-0.00 -21+/-44 '

C^/24-09/28 5.13 0.25+/-0.13 -6+/-59 0.19+/-0.13 -15+/-59 09/20-10/26 2.33 0.21+/-0.07 17+/-23 0.11+/-0.06 8+/-23 10/26-11/23 3.51 0.32+/-0.11 -S+/-36 0.17+/-0.09 -21+/-36 -

11/23-12/21 2.17 0.13+/-0.06 11*/ 4 0 0.12+/4.05 136/-20

  • a - A ,wn. ',,i t a t im mbs - * :"- ': '" , -r kd.

26 l

. _ . ~ _ __ _ - . =

. 1:

I Table 22. Precipitation analysis ~ for 1984.

WISCONSIN DIVISION 0F HEALTH SECTION OF RADIATION PROTECTION Prairie Island 1984 MesourementsinunitsofnCi/M*2 WI - Section of Radiation Protection data Sample period Precipitation PRI-1 PRI-1 PRI-2 PRI-2 1994 (inches) Gross beta tritive Gross beta tritius 12/21-01/18 0.35 0.044+/-0.011 2+/-3 0.045+/-0.011 11+/-3 01/18-02/29 1.64 0.18+/-0.05 14+/-17 0.25+/-0.06 4+/-17 4 02/29-03/28 1.95 0.19+/-0.06 -0.8+/-16 0.15+/-0.05 -2+/-16

'03/28-04/25 1.41 0.11+/-4.04 3+/-12 0.15+/-0.04 -7+/-12 04/25-05/23 6.09 0.40+/-0.17 -34+/-51 0.43+/-0.17 35+/-51 05/23-06/20 3.96 0.31+/-0.12 6+/-35 0.30+/-0.12 11+/-35 06/28-07/25 2.95 0.20+/-0.00 56+/-28 0.16+/-0.00 13+/-26 07/25-09/05 3.57 0.20+/-0.09 -4+/-28 0.24+/-0.09 -4+/-20 05/05-10/08 3.49 0.19+/-0.09 -8+/-25 0.17+/-0.09 -15+/-25 10/08'-11/01 3.79 0.13+/-0.09 -10+/-20 0.17+/-0.09 -0.6+/-28 I 11/01-11/28 1.21 0.49+/-0.06 -6+/-I 0.32+/-0.05 9+/-I 11/21-12/26 2.02 0.11+/-0.06 -15+/-14 1.6+/-0.1 -2+/-14 ,

Sample period Precipitation PRI-3 PRI-3 PRI-4 PRI-4 1984 (inches) Gross beta tritive Gross beta tritfue 12/21-01/18 0.35 0.027+/-0.010 -0.7+/-3 0.036+/-0.012 -1.0+/-3 01/10-02/29 1.64 0.23+/-0.06 6+/-17 0.51+/-0.00 14+/-17 02/29-03/28 1.95 0.14+/-0.05 0.3+/-16 1.2+/-0.11 17+/-16  !

03/20-04/25 1.41 0.14+/-0.04 -3+/-12 0.13+/-0.04 -0.6+/-12 04/25-05/23 6.09 0.434/-0.17 2+/-51 0.36+/-0.16 1.4+/-51 l 05/23-06/28 3.96 0.24+/-0.11 13+/-35 0.32+/-0.12 12+/-35 l

, 06/28-07/25 2.95 0.13+/-0.00 -9+/-26 0.13+/-0.08 4+/-26 l 07/25-09/05 3.57 -0.33+/-0.15 13+/-20 -0.27+/-0.10 -2+/-20 -l 09/05-10/04 3.49 0.17+/-0.09 -11+/-25 0.26+/-0.09 -t+/-25 10/01-11/01 3.79- 0.46+/-0.12 -4+/-28 0.37+/-0.11 -3+/-21 11/01-11/28 1.21 0.06+/-0.03 4+/-8 0.52+/-0.06 -2+/-8 11/28-12/26 2.02 0.10+/-0.05 -7+/-14 1.8+/-0.2 -7+/-14 27 j 1

Tchlo 23. Anclyaio of curfcco watcr osmpico for 1983 cnd 1984.

WISCONSIN DIVISION OF-HEALTH Prairie Island SECTION OF RADIATION PROTECTION 1983 and 1984 MeasurementsinunitsofpCf/ liter-NI - Section of Radiation Protection data -

Collection Date 05/16/13 05/16/03 05/16/13 10/05/83 10/04/83 10/04/03 ,

Location PRI-1 PRI-2 PRI-4 PRI-1 PRI-2 PRI-4 Gross Alphe-col. 0.9/-0.5 3.0+/-1.5 1.0+/-1.0 0.3+/-0.6 1.b/-1.1 1.b/-1.1 Gross Alpha-insel 0.3+/-0.6' 1.2+/-0.8 0.3+/-0.6 -0.3+/-0.6 0.1+/-0.6 0.3+/-0.6 Gross Deta-sol. 2.0+/-1.1 6.5+/-1.5 6.6+/-1.5 2.2+/-1.1 4.5+/-1.3 3.5+/-1.2 Gross sete-insel. 1.6+/-1.1 1.b/-1.1 1.0+/-1.0 -0.0+/-0.9 1.5+/-1.1 1.b/-1.1-H-3 -260+/-290 -200+/-290 -120+/-290 260+/-410 39b/-410 50+/-400 Sr-19 0.05+/-0.5 -0.3+/-0.4 -0.2+/-0.5 -0.9+/-0.6 -0.6+/-0.6 0.3+/-0.7 Sr-te 0.6+/-0.5 1.b/-0.4 0.7+/-0.5 1.1+/-0.6 0.7+/-0.7 -0.b/-0.7 Seems Isotopic 4

h-54 b/-5 2+/-5 1+/-4 -3+/-4 2+/-5 1+/-5 Fe-59 10+/-10 5+/-11 1+/-I -1+/-11 9+/-10 -4+/-11 Co-54 0+/-6 -3+/-6 -1+/-4 1+/-5 0+/-5 .1+/-5 Co-60 5+/-6 3+/-6 0+/-4 0+/-5 b/-6 b/-7 Zn-65 -4+/-12 2+/-10 -9/-8 -4+/-10 -b/-13 -2+/-11 Zr-95 1b/-13 -2+/-13 b/-9 -2+/-12 b/-12 0+/-10 1-131 3+/-10 0+/-13 -b/-10 -1+/-I 2+/-9 -2+/-10 Cs-134 -3+/-4 1+/-6 -1+/-4 0+/-4 1+/-6' -2+/-5 Cs-137 b/-7 -3+/-I -1+/-5 2+/-6 -1+/-6 5+/-5 8a.La-140 7+/-7 9+/-I 13+/-6 2+/-t 0+/-8 2+/-9 1

Collection Date 05/09/84 05/08/84 05/08/04 10/23/84 10/22/84 10/23/N 1

Location PRI-1 D81-2 PRI-4 PRI-I PRI-2 PRI-4 Gross Alpha-sol. 0.8+/-0.0 4+/-2 1.1+/-1.2 -0.2+/-0.7 1.b/-1.3 0.b/-1.1 Gross Alphe-insol 0.2+/-0.5 0.9+/-0.7 0.6+/-0.6 -0.1+/-0.6 0.6+/-0.8 0.8+/-0.7 Gross Beta-sol. 1.3+/-1.1 7.0+/-1.6 5.4/-1.4 2.8+/-1.1 5.b/-1.4 5.5+/-1.4 Gross Beta-insol. 0.b/-1.0 4.8+/-1.3 0.4+/-1.0 -0.1+/-0.9. 1.b/-1.1 0.5+/-1.0 H-3 30+/-340 -140+/-340 120+/-340 $+/-200 190+/-290 160+/-290 Sr-89 0.05+/-0.5 -1.1+/-0.7 0.b/-0.5 -0.8+/-0.4 .-1.8+/-0.6 -0.3+/-0.5 Sr-90 0.4/-0.5 1.8+/-0.7 0.3+/-0.5 0.7+/-0.4 1.2+/-0.5 0.8+/-0.4 Seema Isotopic h-54 -4+/-4 4+/-5 0+/-5 -3+/-3 -5+/-3 0+/-1 Fe-59 -3+/-I 1+/-10 3+/-9 -4+/-6 4+/-6 1+/-3 Co-58 3+/-5 3+/-6 -1+/-5 C+/-3 0+/-3 1+/-1 .

Co-60 4+/-6 4+/-6 3+/-6 -1+/-3 -1+/-3 -1+/-2 Zn-65 9+/-12 1+/-11 5+/-11 -4/-6 5+/-7 2+/-3 Zr-95 0+/-11 3+/-12 0+/-11 0+/-7 -2+/-7 0+/-3  :

1-131 7+/-7 4+/-14 1+/-I -3+/-4 0+/-5 1+/-2 l Cs-134 3+/-5 2+/-5 2+/-5 1+/-3 2+/-3 2+/-1 Cs-137 -3+/ 0+/-6 5+/-6 2+/-4 1+/-4 0+/-2 Ba La-140 0+/-6 -1+/-9 -H/-6 -1+/-3 0+/-4 -3+/-2 Isotopes other than those reported were not detected.


A Table 24. Analysis of fish samples for 1983 and 1984.


. 1983 and 1984 Measurements in m its of pCi/kg (wet)

WI - Section of Radiation Protection date d

Collection Date 08/20/03 08/20/03 09/22/03 09/27/03 Type white bass white bass. white bass dits bees Location dounstrees upstrees upstresa dounstreas Gemme Isotopic K-40 2700+/-400 2500+/-500 2700+/-700 2500+/-700 h-54 -1+/-30 0+/-20 -14+/-40 -14+/-40 Co-50 1+/-30 30+/-20 0+/-70 0+/-60 Co-60 -5+/-30 10+/-30 5+/-40 0+/-40 Cs-134 9+/-20 4+/-20 -1+/-30 -1+/-3C Cs-137 2+/-30 2+/-30 -0+/-40 4+/-40 Collection Date 01/04/04 05/24/04 09/21/04 09/21/04 Type white bass white bass white bass white bass Location upstrees dounstress upstrose downstream ,

I 6eese Isotopic K-40 3500+/-500 2400+/-400 4300+/-700 3500+/-600 h-54 -9+/-16 2+/-17 16+/-20 -14+/-20 Co-50 -6+/-20 -13+/-19 -10+/-30 -10+/-30 Co-60 10+/-20 20+/-20 30+/-30' 20+/-30 Cs-134 -2+/-10 -2+/-17 19+/-20 40+/-20

- Cs-137 15+/-20 7+/-19 30+/-30 20+/-30 Isotopes other then those reported were not detected.

29 l

l  !

Tcblo 25. Analycio of vcgntaticn ocmploa for 1983. PRI 1 - PRI 7 WISCONSIN DIVISION OF HEALTH SECTION OF RADIATION PROTECTION Prairie Island 1983 MeasurementsinunitsofpC1/ kilogram Collection Date 05/16/83 05/17/03 05/12/83 05/17/t3 05/17/03 05/16/83 Type vegetation vegetation vegetation vegetation vegetation vegetation Location PRI-1 PRI-3 PRI-4 PRI-5 PRI-6 PRI-7 Analysis Grossbeta(dry) 3400+/-4000 27000+/-4000 69000+/-5000 2900b/-4000 30000+/-4000 34000+/-4000 Grossalpha(dry) -13004/-1900 -1300+/-1900 4000+/-3000 -400+/-1900 400+/-2000 1300+/-2000 Genne Isotopic (wet)

Be-T 200+/-400 200+/-400 500+/-400 200+/-400 800+/-400 1000+/-400 K-40 2600+/-800 3200+/-700 2300+/-700 3400+/-800 2600+/-800 2600+/-700 Co-58 30+/-40 2b/-40 4+/-40 19+/-40 20+/-40 17+/-40 Co-60 2+/-50 20+/-40 20+/-40 3+/-50 2+/-50 5+/-50 Ir-95 60+/-80 -8+/-90 20+/-00 50+/-70 10+/-100 20+/-00 1-131 -9+/-60 2b/-50 -7+/-70 0+/-70 14+/-70 60+/-70 Cs-134 0+/-40 -14+/-40 9+/-40 2b/-40 30+/-40 4+/-30 Cs-137 4+/-50 -20+/-50 -7+/-40 14+/-50 19+/-50 30+/-40 Collection Date 10/05/83 10/05/83 10/04/03 10/04/83 10/04/83 10/04/03 Type vegetation vegetation vegetation vegetation vegetation vegetation Location PRI-1 PRI-3 PRI-4 PRI-5 PRI-6 PRI-7 Analysis Grossbeta(dry) 17000+/-3000 23000+/-3000 4000b/-4000 30000+/-4000 22000+/-3000 29000+/-4000

! Grossalpha(dry) 3000+/-3000 1100+/-3000 4000+/-3000 1100+/-3000 1700+/-3000 3000+/-3000 Ganne Isotopic (wet)

Be-7 3700+/-800 1300+/-700 1400+/-400 700+/-700 4400+/-1000 1000+/-600 K-40 4100+/-1200 5100+/-1700 5500+/-1000 7000+/-2000 6000+/-2000 6800+/-1700 Co-58 -2+/-60 -50+/-70 1+/-40 -30+/-70 70+/-70 30+/-50 Co-60 30+/-60 10+/-80 20+/-60 10+/-90 -20+/-100 10+/-70 Zr-95 30+/-90 60+/-130 40+/-80 80+/-160 -16+/-160 140+/-120 l

I-131 8+/-70 -20+/-90 40+/-60 -30+/-100 -80+/-110 70+/-90 ~

Cs-134 -30+/-50 20+/-60 -9+/-40 -40+/-60 -20+/-70 30+/-40 Cs-137 30+/-60 40+/-60 30+/-50 -10+/-70 60+/-90 -90+/-60 Isotopes other than those reported were not detected.


Table 26. Analysis of vegetation samples for 1983. PRI 8 - PRI 9 WISCONSIN DIVISION OF HEALTH SECTION OF RADIATION PROTECTION Prairie Island

-1983 MeasurementsinunitsofpCi/kilogree Collection Date :5/17/83 05/16/83 Type vegetation vegetation >

Location MI-s MI-s Analysis Grossbeta(dry) 21000+/-3000 23000+/-3000 Grossalpha(dry) 900+/-2000 2000+/-2000 Games Isotopic (wet)

Be-7 1600+/-400 2400+/-600 X-40 2300+/-700 3200+/-900 Co-58 15+/-40 10+/-50 Co-40 20+/-40 -20+/-50 Zr-95 17+/-80 70+/-110 1-131 40+/-10 80+/-100 Cs-134 20+/-30 5+/-40 Cs-137 10+/-40 14+/-50 i Collection Date 10/04/83 10/04/03 Type vegetation vegetation Location Mi-8 MI-9 Analysis Grossbeta(dry) 29000+/-4000 20000+/-3000 Grossalpha(dry) 1100+/-3000 0+/-3000 Games Isotopic (est) i Be-7 2600+/-500 4000+/-1000 K-40 6000+/-2000 5000+/2000 Co-58 90+/-60 19+/-80 Co-60 -20+/-100 8+/-110 Er-95 3+/-150 -200+/-100

. I-131 -50+/-120 -40+/-130 Cs-134 40+/-60 -16+/-60 Cs-137 -40+/-80 10+/-80 Isotopes other then those reported were not detected.


. a. .

Tcblo 27. Analyaio of vcgstotien ocmpica for 1984. PRI 1 - PRI 7 HISCONSIN DIVISION OF HEALTH SECTION OF RADIATION PROTECTION Prairie Island 1984 Neesuresents in units of pC1/kilogree (met)

WI - Section of Radiation Protection data Collection Oste 05/09/04 05/09/04 05/08/04 05/09/04 05/09/04 05/08/04 Type. vegetation vegetation vegetation vegetation vegetation ve0 station Location FRI-1 PRI-3 PRI-4 PRI-5 PRI-6 PRI-7 Analysis Gross beta 4000+/-4000 7000+/-3000 7000+/-4000 0000+/-4000 0000+/-3000 7000+/-4000 Gross alphe 700+/-900 300+/-000 -10b/-400 100+/-000 b/-1000 600+/-700 Gesne Isotopic 4 to-7 110b/-700 1700+/-700 1600+/-700 1300+/-900 500+/-400 2600+/-900 f

K-40 7700+/-1800 6400+/-1500 8100+/-1500 8000+/-1900 5200+/-1000 5500+/-1600 Co-50 12+/-80 2b/-70 $+/-70 20+/-90 h/-40 $+/-70 Co-40 2b/-70 50+/-70 50+/-70 80+/-100 40+/-43 30+/-00 Zr-95 20+/-140 130+/-150 00+/-150 7b/-200 -20+/-00 100+/-170 1-131 90+/-110 60+/-120 110+/-130 12+/-150 -Ob/-40 100+/-150 ,

Cs-134 50+/-60 -b/-60 80+/-60 2b/-00 12+/-40 20+/-70 Cs-137 16+/-70 30+/-70 50+/-70 4+/-90 20+/-40 19+/-00 3

Collection Date 10/23/84 10/23/84 10/23/84 10/23/04 10/23/04 10/23/04 Type vegetation vegetation vegetation vegetation vegetation vegetation Location PRI-1 PRI-3 PRI-4 PRI-5 PRI-6 PRI-7 Analysis Gross beta 8000+/-2000 8000+/-1900 8500+/-1300 10100+/-1900 20000+/-4000 8000+/-2000 Gross alphs l

1300+/-2003 90b/-2000 700+/-1200 -900+/-1500 1500+/-5000 -300+/-2000 i Gamme Isotopic 1

Be-7 6200+/-303 560b/-700 2700+/-600 520b/-1000 4500+/-1000 780b/-900 l K-40 4900+/-1400 5900+/-1200 $100+/-1200 600b/-1900 6000+/-2000 5400+/-1200 Co-58 -3+/-60 -11+/-50 4+/-40 00+/-90 80+/-100 -15+/-15 Co-60 50+/-10 40+/-60 40+/-60 60+/-100 -30+/-90 50+/-60

Ir-95 -15/-130 12+/-110 50+/-100 70+/-180 100+/-200 -6+/-110 I-131 -40+/-70 -40+/-40 -11+/-50 140+/-100 130+/-110 40+/-70 Cs-134 40+/-40 -0+/-40 30+/-40 160+/-90 00+/-90 -19+/-50 .

Cs-137 6+/-70 1+/-50 -14+/-40 80+/-90 100+/-110 60+/-60 Isotopes other then those reported were not detected.


.-_.-- -- _ _ _ . . _ _ . _ , _ _ . , _ . . _ . _ . . _ _ ~ _ , _ _ _ . _ , _ _ _ _

-Tablo 28. Anolyato.of v:gotetien camplco fer 1984.. PRI'8 - PRI-9 WISCONSIN DIVISION OF. HEALTH SECTION OF RADIATION PROTECTION Prairie Island 1984 l

MeasurementsinunitsofpCf/ kilogram (met)

WI - Section of Radiation Protection data Collection Date 05/09/84 05/08/04 Type vegetation vegetation Location NI-4 MI-9 Analysis Gross beta 8000+/-4000' 7000+/-3000-Gross alphs 100+/-000' 400+/-1000 Gaans Isotopic '

Oe-i 1600+/-900 900+/-400 K-43 8000+/-1900 5400+/-1200 Co-50 15+/-90 -3+/-50 Co-00 70+/-90 60+/-60 Zr-95 00+/-200 10+/-115 I-131 10+/-160 .-150+/-90 Cs-134 40+/-00 -50+/-50 Cs-137 40+/-90 0+/-50 collection Date 10/23/04 10/23/84 Type vegetation vegetation

, Location MI-I MI-9 Analyst Gross beta 10000+/-2000 10000+/-2000 Gross alpha -200+/-1000 -300+/-2000 Gamme Isotopic l

So-7 7800+/-1400 6600+/-900 K-40 9000+/-3000 5100+/-1400 Co-58 130+/-120 -19+/-60 i Co-60 70+/-140 50+/-00 Zr-95 140+/-250 -40+/-130 I-131 100+/-140 -00+/-70

- Cs-134 60+/-100 -15+/-60 Cs-137 110+/-130 20+/-70 i

, Isotopes other than those reported were not detected.

i l

33 l


'Tcblo-29. 'Anolynio.of 0011 ccmplea for-1983. .PRI 1 - PRI 7 WISCONSIN DIVISION OF HEALTH SECTION OF RADIATION PROTECTION I

Prairie Island ,

1 1983

.l N1 - Section of Radiation Protection data MeasurementsinunitsofpC1/kilogree(dry)

. Collection Date 05/16/03 05/17/03 05/16/03 '05/17/03 08/17/03 05/10/03

. Type soil soil soil soil soil soil Location Mi-1 M!-3 PRI-4 M!-5 M!-4 M!-7 '

Analysis .

Grossbeta(dry) 2N00+/-3003 2800b/-4000 2400b/-3000 19000+/3000 23000+/-3000 2700b/-4000 trossalpha(dry) 5000+/-3000 700b/-3000 100b/-4000 500b/-Nee 800b/-3000 100b/-4000 Gemme Isotopic

co-50 13+/-40 lb/-ft 4+/-50 -20+/ -Ib/-50 2+/-40 Co-se 3b/-60 5+/-00 2b/-00 -b/-70 2b/-70 -2b/-se

! Co-134 3b/-40 3b/-40 sb/-50 15+/-40 20+/-50 2b/-70 Cs-137 70b/-70 7sb/-100 ash / 44b/-70 3sk/-70 197b/-1H 4 K-40 1170b/-1200 1790b/-1800 1800b/-1600 INeb/-1300 1810b/-1400 1930b/-17H

. Re-228 *a 70b/-000 220b/-1100 1800+/-1000 120b/-700 100b/-900 100b/-1100 Pb-214 *a 360+/-100 74b/-134 830+/-120- 2H+/-H 540+/-110 71b/-140 j 01-214 *a 43b/-110 700+/-150 590+/-140 30b/-1H leb/-130 760+/-150

!- T1-200 *a 45b/-150 000+/-200 830+/-100 290+/-90 700+/-180 91b/-1H Ac-22g e a 450+/-190 00b/-300 000+/-200 44b/-1H 000+/-200 1000+/-300 i

Collection Date 10/05/03 10/05/03 10/04/03 10/04/03 10/04/03 10/04/03 Type soil soil soil soil soil soil i Location PRI-1 PRI-3 Pe!-4 PRI-5 PRI-6 M!-7 Analysis Grossbeta(dry) 22000+/-3000 27000+/-3000 11000+/-4000 2300b/-3000 31000+/-4000 2000b/-3000 I Grossalphe(dry) 6000+/-4000 11000+/-4000 0000+/-4000 600b/-4000 11000+/-4000 10000+/-4000

! Gamme Isotopic ,.


Co-50 -0+/-30 -20+/-40 40+/-40 4+/-30 -4+/ i Co-te -5+/-50 -7+/-50 $+/-50 t+/-40 -7+/-40 3+/-50 Cs-134 30+/-30 20+/-40 40+/-40 14+/-30 4+/-30 16+/-40 l

! Cs-137 750+/-40 74b/-60 200+/-50 640+/-50 450+/-50 -750+/-80 K-40 1300b/-900 18900+/-1000 14400+/-1300 11700+/-000 1190b/-1000 13000+/-900

Ra-228 *a 130b/-700 150b/-000 900+/-400 000+/-400 000+/-500 900+/-700 I Pb-214 *a_ 500+/-00 010+/-90 840+/-90 42b/-70 33b/-40 500+/-H -
01-214' *a 540+/-00 770+/-100 110+/-110 43b/-70 30b/-70 51b/-00 i

TI-200 *a 560+/-110 550+/-130 70b/-1:0 '400+/-90 50b/-100 570+/-110 l Ac-223 s a 500+/-140 960+/-150 690+/-100 460+/-120 440+/-130 55b/-140-4

  • a - Naturally occurring radioisotopes Ac-220 and 71-2f t are from the Thorium-232 decay series.

Ra-226, Pb-214, and 81-214 are free the Uranium *.30 decay series.

4 Isotoose other than those reported were not detected.

34 i



. Table 30. Analysis of. soil samples for 1983. PRI 8 - PRI 9 WISCONSIN DIVIGION OF HEALTH SECTION OF RADIATION PROTECTION Pra'irie Island 1983 WI - Section of Radiation Protection data NeasurementsinunitsofpCi/kilogree(dry)

Collection Date 05/17/83 05/16/03 Type soil soil Location PRI-8 .PRI-9 Analysis Grossbeta(dry) 26000+/-4000 2100b/-3000 Grossalpha(dry) 11000+/-4000 0000+/-3000 Gamme isotopic Co-58 -15+/-30 -11+/-50 Co-60 20+/-50 40+/-70 Cs-134 2b/-40 -t+/-50

Cs-137 550+/-50 1630+/-110 K-40 17900+/-900 14100+/-1300 r

Ra-226 *a 220b/-600 1000+/-900 Pb-214 e a $10+/-00 39b/-100 81-214 a 190+/-00 430+/-100 T1-208 8a 1010+/-120 43b/-150

, Ac-228 *a 1110+/-150 53b/-190 Collection Date 10/04/83 10/04/83 Type soil soil Lecation PRI-8 PRI-9 Analysis-Grossbeta(dry) 25 m /-4000 20000+/-3000 >

Grossalpha(dry) 1300b/-5000 5000+/-3000 Gaene Isotopic Co-50 60+/-40 b/-30 1

Co-60 -15+/-50 -10+/-40 Cs-134 20+/-50 10+/-60 Cs-137 340+/-50 119b/-00 1 K-40 13300+/-1200 10400+/-1000 ,

Ra-226 *a 1800+/-600 400+/-500 l

. Pb-214 *a 550+/-00 250+/-60 Bi-214 :a $70+/-100 200+/-70 T1-200 *a 650+/-130 390+/-100 Ac-228 8a 450+/-160 33b/-120 8a - Naturally occurring radioisotopes Ac-228 and T1-200 are from the Thorium-232 decay series.

Ra-226, Pb-214, and 81-214 are from the Uranium-238 decay series.

Isotopes othe- than those reported were not detected.

35 l

l 1

Tcblo 31. Anolycio cf coil etmpico for 1984. PRI 1 - PRI 7 WISCONSIN DIVISION OF HEALTH SECTION OF RADIATION PROTECTION' Prairie Island 1984


WI - Section of Radiation Protection data MeasuramentsinunitsofpCi/kilogree(dry)

Collection Date 05/09/14 05/08/84 05/08/04 05/09/s4 05/09/84 05/0s/04 Type soil soil soil soil soil soil Location PRI-1 PRI-3 PRI-4 PRI-5 PRI-G PRI-7 Analysis Grossbeta(dry) 25000+/-4000 29000+/-4000 28000+/-4000 1600b/-3000 23000+/-3000 32000+/-4000 Grossalpha(dry) 100b/-4000 900H/-4000 9000+/-4000 300b/-3000 7000+/-4000 900b/-4000 Gasse Isotopic Co-!8 -1+/-50 40+/-30 -2+/-60 9+/-20 -1+/-40 19+/-40 Co-60 30+/-60 15+/-50 2b/-70 0+/-30 40+/-40 30+/-40 Cs-134 -6+/-40 70+/-50 70+/-60 3b/-30 30+/-50 60+/-40 Cs-137 890+/-00 750t/-40 350+/-70 370+/-40 290+/-40 910+/-70 K-40 12000+/-1100 18700+/-900 15000+/-1300 10900+/-700 12600+/-1100 14100+/-1000 Ra-226 *a 1800+/-1000 1800+/-700 2700+/-1200 1002+/-500 2400+/-1000 190b/-000 Pb-214 *a 530+/-120 640+/-90 800+/-140 340+/-60 540+/-100 110+/-100 81-214 8a 470+/-120 720+/-90 770+/-140 300+/-40 54b/-100 81b/-100 T1-200 *a 500+/-160 12b/-120 920+/-190 49b/-90 700+/-150 900+/-130 Ac-228 a 430+/-190 660+/-140 700+/-200 470+/-100 640+/-100 1000+/-150 Collection Date 10/23/84 10/23/04 10/23/04 10/23/84 10/23/84 10/23/04 Type soil soil soil soll soil soil Location PRI-1 PRI-3 PRI-4 PRI-5 PRI-6 PRI-7 Analysis Grossbeta(dry) 19000+/-4000 24000+/-5000 31000+/-5000 18000+/-4000 10000+/-4000 29000+/-5000 Grossalpha(dry) 6000+/-6000 7000+/-6000 8000+/-6000 900b/-6000 9000+/-6000 13000+/-1000 Ganea Isotopic Co-50 -2+/-50 -3+/-60 -5+/-40 3+/-30 10+/-40 -5+/-40 Co-60 40+/-60 15+/-70 15+/-50  ?+/-30 -5+/-60 30+/-50 Cs-134 20+/-50 5+/-60 60+/-40 40+/-30 70*/-40 40+/-40 Cs-137 720+/-70 670+/-80 260+/-50 460+/-40 29b/-50 500+/-60 K-40 10700+/-1100 14600+/-1200 15900+/-1000 11000+/-700 11700+/-1000 15400+/-900 Re-226 *a 600+/-1000 1200+/-1000 2700+/-800 1400+/-500 1600+/-800 2500+/-800 Pb-214 *a 460+/-100 530+/-110 580+/-80 350+/-60 400+/-80 660+/-80 .

Bi-214 *a 370+/-110 650+/-120 750+/-90 340+/-60 440+/-100 590+/-90 71-200 *a 499/-140 700+/-160 740+/-120 60b/-80 360+/-120 79b/-120 Ac-220 *a 620+/-190 600+/-200 820+/-160 490+/-100 520+/-170 570+/-160

  • a - Naturally occurring radioisotopes Ac-228 and T1-208 are from the Thorium-232 decay series.

Ra-226, Pb-214, and 81-214 are free the Uranium-238 decay series.

Isotopes other than those reported were not detected.

36 I


Tcblo 32. Anoly310 of coil ccmpico for~1984. -

PRI 8 - PRI 9 WISCONSIN DIVISION OF HEALTH SECTION OF RADIATION PROTECTION Prairie Island 1984 WI - Section of Radiation Protection data MeasurementsinunitsofpCf/kilogree(dry)

Collection Date 05/09/84 05/08/04 Type . soil soil Location PRI-8 PRI-9 Analysis Grossbeta(dry) 30000+/-4000 21000+/-3000 Grossalpha(dry) 11000+/-5000 3000+/-4000 Games Isotopic Co-58 -1+/-60 14+/-30 Co-60 40+/-70 7+/-40 Cs-134 80+/-60 20+/-60 Cs-137 510+/-40 1440+/-80 K-40 15200+/-1300 14400+/-900 Re-226 *a 2200+/-1200 1700+/-700 Pb-214 *a 890+/-130 430+/-90 81-214 a $10+/-140 410+/-80 l TI-208 8a 900+/-190 550+/-120 1

Ac-228 *a 700+/-200 760+/-130 Collection Date 10/23/84 10/23/84 Type soil soil Location PRI-I PRI-9 Analysis Grossbeta(dry) 27000+/-5000 18000+/-4000 Grossalpha(dry) 15000+/-7000 6000+/-6000 Gasse Isotopic Co-58 1+/-60 6+/-30 Co-60 30+/-70 10+/-30 Cs-134 50+/-60 30+/-30 Cs-137 300+/-70 1010+/-60 K-40 14800+/-1300 11600+/-700 Ra-226 :a 2500+/-1100 1200+/-600

Pb-214 *a 820+/-110 330+/-60 B1-214

$10+/-140 330+/-60 T1-200 *a 790+/-170 450+/-90 Ac-228 8a 800+/-200 410+/-110 r a- Naturally occurring radioisotopes Ac-228 and T1-201 are from the Thorium-232 decay series.

Ra-226, Pb-214, and 81-214 are from the Uraniue-238 decat series.

Isotopes other than those reported were not detected.

37 i

Tcblo 33. Analy310 cf wall watcr ocmpico for 1983 cnd'1984.

WISCONSIN DIVISION OF HEALTH SECTION OF RADIATION PROTECTION Prairie Island 1983 & 1984 WI - Section of Radiation Protection data MeasurementsinunitsofpCi/ liter Location Collection date Gross beta Gross alpha Tritius (N-3)

Bay City 05/16/83 1.5+/-1.1 1.5+/-1.2 240+/-200 PRI-4 10/04/03 2.1+/-1.2 0.3+/-1.1 500+/-400 Hager City 05/17/83 1.2+/-1.1 0.3+/-0.8 180+/-290 PRI-5 10/04/83 2.1+/-1.2 1.4+/-1.4 -300+/-400 Diamond Bluff 05/17/93 7.5+/-1.6 1.1+/-1.5 300+/-200 PRI-0 10/04/83 6.1+/-1.5 0.2+/-1.6 700+/-400 Location Collection date Gross beta Gross alpha Tritius (H-3)

Bay City 05/08/84 1.4+/-1.2 0.0+/-1.1 400+/-400 PRI-4 10/23/84 1.4+/-1.1 -0.4+/-1.1 400+/-300 Hager City 05/08/84 2.1+/-1.2 -0.8+/-1.3 -300+/-300 PRI-5 10/23/84 3.4+/-1.3 -0.6+/-1.6 130+/-300 Diamond Bluff 05/09/04 7.7+/-1.7 0.3+/-3 150+/-300 PRI-6 10/23/84 7.4+/-1.6 -0.3+/-2 -30+/-300 38

. j l

.. 1 Table 34. Analysio of oilk scaplc3'fer 1983.

WISCONSIN DIVISION OF HEALTH Prairie Island l SECTION OF RADIATION PROTECTION 1983 NessurseentsinunitsofpCi/ liter Johnson PRI 10.

. WI - Section of Radiatice Protection data Place PRI 11  !

. Collection date 01/17/83 82/14/03 03/15/03 N/10/03 05/17/03 06/21/03 Location Place Place Place Johnson Place Johnson l !sotope:

Sr-90 3.6+/-0.9 3.9+/-0.7 5.9+/-1.0 6.2+/-1.2 4.9+/-1.3 3.0+/-0.8 l-131 0.11+/-0.14 0.06+/-0.12 0.20+/-0.16 0.02+/-0.13 --0.2+/-0.2 0.0$+/-0.12 K-4C 1370+/-00 131H/-te 1410+/-80 139b/-80 1400+/-80 150b/-90

, Cs-134 NA NA NA NA NA NA

!' Cs-137 4+/-10 2+/-10 -7+/-10 -4+/-10 0.6+/-10 -2+/-10 La-140 1.5+/-10 -0.7+/-10 7+/-10 6+/-10 5+/-10 3+/-10 Collectiondate 07/19/83 08/15/13 09/19/03 10/17/03 11/14/03 12/20/#3 Location Place Johnson Piece Place Johnson Johnson Isotooe:

Sr-90 5.6+/-1.0 5.6+/-0.9 4.6+/-1.0 3.f+/-1.0 3.1+/-0.8 2.4/-0.7 I-131 0.35+/-0.16 0.09+/-0.12 0.77+/-0.12 -C.31+/-0.12 0.03+/-0.2 K-40 1230+/-190 136b/-190 140b/-200 135b/-100 163b/-190 1370+/-170 Cs-134 2+/-9 0+/-0 3+/-9 2+/-7 2+/-7 b/-0 Cs-137 -3+/-11 0+/-10 -2+/-10 $+/-7 -2+/-0 -2+/-0 La-140 0+/-9 6+/-6 11+/-7 -4/-4 $+/-5 -1+/-9 l Kinnesen PRI 12 Collection date 01/17/83 02/14/83 03/15/03 04/10/03 05/17/03 06/21/93 i Location Kinnenen Kinnesen Kinnemen Kinnenen Kinnemen Kinnemen I

Isotope Sr-90 3.7+/-0.9 4.9+/-0.9 5.7+/-0.8 3.7+/-1.2 7.b/-1.0 2.b/-0.8 l-131 -0.04/-0.13 0.b/-0.12 -0.13+/-0.14 0.0b/-0.11 -0.10+/-9.2 0.0+/-0.13 l K-40 1450+/-10 1330+/-00 1390+/-10 1430+/-40 1320+/-00 1460+/-90 Cs-134 NA NA NA NA NA NA Cs-137 3+/-10 1.5+/-10 -9+/-10 -3+/-10 7+/-10 -1.1+/-10 ,

La-140 -3+/-10 7+/-10 6+/-10 2+/-10 5+/-10 4+/-10 i Collection date 07/19/03 08/15/03 09/19/03 10/17/03 11/14/83 12/20/03 Location Kinnesen Kinnemen Kinnenen Kinnesen Kinnemen Kinnesen Isotope:


- Sr-90 6.9+/-1.0 3.3+/-0.0 3.1+/-1.2 3.7+/-0.8 2.b/-0.9 2.4/-0.7 I-131 0.53+/-0.16 0.37+/-0.13 0.4b/-0.12 0.33+/-0.15 -0.17+/-3.2 0.7+/-0.4 K-40 1270+/-190 1040+/-170 1720+/-190 1440+/-190 1370+/-170 150b/-200 Cs-134 -3+/-9 7+/-8 0+/-6 -2+/-6 b/-7 0+/-9 Cs-137 3+/-11 -1+/-10 -1+/-0 3+/-5 0+/-9 -2+/-10

La-140 1+/-t -3+/-7 6+/-4 0+/-6 4/-4 -5+/-12 NA - Isotope was not specifically analyzed for.

I isotopes other then those reported were not detected.

39 t

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Tchlo 35. Anolyaic of milk ocmplco fer- 1984.

WISCONSIN DIVISION OF HEALTH Prairie Island SECTION OF RADIATION PROTECTION 1984 MeasurementsinunitsofpCt/ liter Joinson PRI 10 .

WI - Section of Radiation Protection data Place PRI 11 ,

Collection date 01/17/84 02/20/94 03/19/04 04/16/04 05/21/84 08/18/04 Location Jolmeen Place Johnson Place Johnson Place Isotope:

Sr-90 2.7+/-0.7 2.0+/-6.8 2.6+/-0.6 3.0+/-0.9 3.1+/-0.7 5.2+/-1.1 1-131 0.30+/-0.15 -0.14+/-0.2 -0.14+/-0.10 -0.22+/-0.18 0.03+/-0.19 0.07+/-0.3 K-40 1380+/-170 1440+/-150 1310+/-180 -1400+/-200 1220+/-180 1510+/-190 Cs-134 0+/-7 7+/-4 0+/-5 5+/-9 0+/-8 0+/-4 Cs-137 2+/-7 -2+/-6 11+/-6 1+/-10 3+/-7 7+/-7 La-140 5+/-4 4+/-3 4+/-5 -1+/-9 4+/-4 1+/-2 Collection date 07/16/84 08/20/14 09/17/84 10/15/84 11/19/84 12/17/04 Location Johnson Place Johnson Place Place Johnson Isotope:

Sr-90 4.6+/-0.6 4.5+/-0.0 2.4+/-0.7 3.7+/-0.8 2.7+/-0.0 3.6+/-1.2 I-131 -0.02+/-0.13 -0.11+/-0.13 -0.09+/-0.16 -0.05+/-0.10 -0.2+/-0.18 0.09+/-0.3 K-40 1480+/-180 1480+/-190 1400+/-170 1690+/-190 1130+/-100 1360+/-170 Cs-134 8+/-6 -1+/-5 7+/-6 0+/-6 2+/-6 1+/-5 Cs-137 0+/-7 7+/-6 2+/-7 9+/-7 5+/-6 3+/-4 La-140 0+/-5 3+/-5 3+/-5 -4+/-I 2+/-7 0+/-5 Kinnesen PRI 12 collection date 01/17/84 02/20/04 03/19/84 04/16/84 05/21/04 06/10/04 Location Kinnesen Kinnemen Kinnesen Ki.w een Minnenen Kinnesen Isotope:

Sc-90 2.7+/-0.7 3.5+/-0.9 2.8+/-0.0 3.8+/-1.2 1.9+/-0.6 5.2+/-1.3 1-131 0.71+/-0.15 0.09+/-0.2 -0.10+/-0.11 -0.10+/-0.14 -0.00+/-0.18 -0.12+/-0.12 K-40 1390+/-180 1450+/-160 1360+/-190 1400+/-200 1490+/-180 1500+/-190 Cs-134 7+/-5 2+/-6 0+/-8 -1+/-9 1+/-7 3+/-6 Cs-137 I+/-6 -2+/-8 0+/-9 I+/-8 0+/-7 5+/-I La-140 3+/-4 1+/-7 12+/-6 7+/-5 5+/-4 5+/-4 Collection date 07/16/84 01/20/84 09/17/84 10/15/84 11/19/84 12/17/84 Location Kinnesen Kinnesen Kinnemen Kinnesen Kinnesen Kineesen Isotoper .

Sr-90 3.I+/-0.6 3.6+/-0.7 2.3+/-0.7 4.1+/-0.7 3.5+/-0.0 3.0+/-0.9 I-131 0.03+/-0.12 -0.05+/-0.13 0.04+/-0.10 -0.8+/-C.16 0.04+/-0.16 -0.2+/-0.3 K-40 1420+/-180 1360+/-170 1520+/-190 1490+/-100 1450+/-180 1450+/-190 Cs-134 -1+/-7 1+/-6 4+/-6 2+/-6 -1+/-6 4+/-8 Cs-137 8+/-7 4+/-6 3+/-6 -1+/-6 7+/-6 -1+/-9 La-140 3+/-5 2+/-5 2+/-5 1+/-5 1+/-6 10+/-6 Isotooes other than those reported were not detected.


w State of Wisconsin \ oeenarueni or sentrs Ano sociat sanvices i OlVISION OF HEALTH


P.o. Box 309 MADISON. WISCONSIN 53701

. Phone: 608 - 273-5180 James Keppler US Nuclear Regulatory Commission p,g g g,g Region III

~.(EE y .-A 799 Roosevelt Road '

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p,J Glen Ellyn, IL 60137 Hil~

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__ FILEJ g a Enclosed is the State of Wisconsin, 1983-84, Prairie Island Environmental Radioactivity Survey prepared by the Section of Radiation Protection.

This report is being provided for your information.

If you desire additional copies or have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Sincerely, i)

A ct- h}jb h Lawrence J. McD ell, Ch'icf Section of Radiation Protection dh Enclosure hY \ \

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