MONTHYEARML20206T2581999-01-0303 January 1999 Rev 0 to Annual Radioactive Effluent Rept for 980105-990103 Supplemental Info ML20207H1161998-12-31031 December 1998 Annual Repts of Occupational Radiation Exposure Primary Coolant Iodine Spikes & Safety Relief Valve Challenges for Jan-Dec 1998 ML20206T2531998-12-31031 December 1998 Off-Site Radiation Dose Assessment for NSP for Jan-Dec 1998 ML20207D7661998-12-31031 December 1998 Annual ISFSI Effluent Rept Jan-Dec 1998. with ML20206H6981998-12-31031 December 1998 1998 Annual Radiological Environ Monitoring Rept for PINGP, Unit 1 & 2 ML20206T2741998-12-31031 December 1998 Effluent & Waste Disposal Annual Rept Solid Waste & Irradiated Fuel Shipments for Jan-Dec 1998 ML20217Q8321998-01-0404 January 1998 Annual Radioactive Efluent Report,961230-980104, Suppl Info ML20247G1621997-12-31031 December 1997 1997 Annual Radiological Environ Monitoring Rept ML20203K0551997-12-31031 December 1997 Annual Repts of Occupational Radiation Exposure,Primary Coolant Iodine Spikes & Safety Relief Valve Challenges for Jan-Dec 1997 ML20217Q8251997-12-31031 December 1997 Off-Site Radiation Dose Assessment for NSP,Jan-Dec 1997 ML20217Q8391997-12-31031 December 1997 Effluent & Waste Disposal Annual Rept Solid Waste & Irradiated Fuel Shipments for Jan-Dec 1997 ML20202G2181997-12-31031 December 1997 Annual ISFSI Effluent Rept Jan-Dec 1997 ML20141A4101996-12-31031 December 1996 Rev 0 to Annual Radioactive Effluent Rept 960101-1231 Suppl Info ML20248K1951996-12-31031 December 1996 Rev 1 to App D, Special Ground & Well Water Samples, of 1996 Annual Radiation Environ Monitoring Program Rept ML20138P5321996-12-31031 December 1996 Annual Repts of Occupational Radiation Exposure & Safety Relief Valve Challenges for Period from 960101-1231 ML20210K1401996-12-31031 December 1996 Rev 1 to Annual Radioactive Effluent & Waste Disposal Rept for Jan-Dec 1996 ML20248K1911995-12-31031 December 1995 Rev 1 to App D, Special Ground & Well Water Samples, of 1995 Annual Radiation Environ Monitoring Program Rept ML20117F9061995-12-31031 December 1995 Annual Radioactive Effluent & Waste Disposal Rept for Jan- Dec 1995 ML20117F9331994-12-31031 December 1994 Rev 1 to 1994 Effluent Semiannual Rept ML20080Q6161994-12-31031 December 1994 Annual Rept of Occupational Radiation Exposure & Safety Relief Valve Challenges - Jan-Dec 1994 ML20248K1731994-12-31031 December 1994 Rev 1 to App D, Special Ground & Well Water Samples, of 1994 Annual Radiation Environ Monitoring Program Rept ML20072T1451994-07-0303 July 1994 Rev 0 to Effluent Semiannual Rept 940103-0703 ML20072T1581994-07-0101 July 1994 Rev 5 to Effluent & Waste Disposal Semiannual Rept Solid Waste & Irradiated Fuel Shipments ML20064B6941993-12-31031 December 1993 Effluent & Waste Disposal Semiannual Rept for Jul-Dec 1993 ML20029D2141993-12-31031 December 1993 Annual Rept to NRC Radiation Environ Monitoring Program Jan-Dec 1993. ML20064C3781993-12-31031 December 1993 Annual Rept of Occupational Radiation Exposure & Safety Relief Valve Challenges for Jan - Dec 1993 ML20056G6981993-06-30030 June 1993 Effluent & Waste Disposal Semiannual Rept Jan-June 1993 ML20056G7161993-01-0303 January 1993 Effluent Semiannual Rept 920706-930103, Supplemental Info ML20056G7141992-12-31031 December 1992 Revised Semiannual Rept Third & Fourth Quarters 1992 ML20035H3801992-12-31031 December 1992 REMP Annual Rept for 1992 ML20058Q2561992-12-31031 December 1992 Revised 1992 Annual Radiological Environ Monitoring Rept ML20141M5121992-07-0505 July 1992 Effluent Semiannual Rept,920106-0705,Supplemental Info ML20056G7131992-06-30030 June 1992 Revised Semiannual Rept First & Second Quarters 1992 ML20141M5351992-01-0505 January 1992 Effluent Semiannual Rept,910701-920105,Supplemental Info ML20101S8601991-12-31031 December 1991 Rev to Summary Page 2 of 1991 Annual Radiological Environ Monitoring Rept ML20056G7121991-12-31031 December 1991 Revised Quarterly Release Rept Third & Fourth Quarters 1991 ML20090B6401991-12-31031 December 1991 Annual Rept of Occupational Radiation Exposure & Safety & Relief Valve Failures & Challenges,1991 ML20090C1911991-12-31031 December 1991 Effluent & Waste Disposal Semiannual Rept for Jul-Dec 1991 ML20082M2851991-06-30030 June 1991 Effluent & Waste Disposal Semiannual Rept for Prairie Island Nuclear Generating Plant for Units 1 & 2 ML20056G7101991-06-30030 June 1991 Revised Semiannual Rept for First & Second Quarters 1991 ML20056G7071990-12-31031 December 1990 Revised Quarterly Release Rept Third & Fourth Quarters 1990 ML20073F1731990-12-31031 December 1990 Annual Rept to NRC of Radiation Environ Monitoring Program 1990 ML20066H7211990-12-31031 December 1990 Annual Rept for Occupational Exposure,Safety/Relief Valve Failures & Challenges,Primary Coolant Spike & Personnel Whole Body Exposure for 1990 ML20029A8011990-12-31031 December 1990 Supplemental Effluent & Waste Disposal Semiannual Rept for Jul-Dec 1990. ML20056G7051990-06-30030 June 1990 Revised Quarterly Release Rept First & Second Quarters 1990 ML20028G8421990-06-30030 June 1990 Effluent & Waste Disposal Semiannual Rept for Jan-June 1990. ML20056G7041989-12-31031 December 1989 Revised Quarterly Release Rept for Third & Fourth Quarters 1989 ML20079N3751989-12-31031 December 1989 Environ Monitoring & Ecological Studies Program for Prairie Island Nuclear Generating Plant,1989 Annual Rept ML20042E8111989-12-31031 December 1989 Radiation Environ Monitoring Program Rept 1989. ML20028G8431989-12-31031 December 1989 Supplemental Info to Effluent Semiannual Rept for Jul-Dec 1989 1999-01-03
MONTHYEARML20206T2581999-01-0303 January 1999 Rev 0 to Annual Radioactive Effluent Rept for 980105-990103 Supplemental Info ML20206H6981998-12-31031 December 1998 1998 Annual Radiological Environ Monitoring Rept for PINGP, Unit 1 & 2 ML20207D7661998-12-31031 December 1998 Annual ISFSI Effluent Rept Jan-Dec 1998. with ML20206T2741998-12-31031 December 1998 Effluent & Waste Disposal Annual Rept Solid Waste & Irradiated Fuel Shipments for Jan-Dec 1998 ML20207H1161998-12-31031 December 1998 Annual Repts of Occupational Radiation Exposure Primary Coolant Iodine Spikes & Safety Relief Valve Challenges for Jan-Dec 1998 ML20206T2531998-12-31031 December 1998 Off-Site Radiation Dose Assessment for NSP for Jan-Dec 1998 ML20217E4161998-04-23023 April 1998 Environ Assessment & Finding of No Significant Impact Re Proposed Exemption That Would Permit Licensee to Use ASME Code Case N-514 for Setting Pressure Setpoint of Each Unit Overpressure Protection Sys ML20217Q8321998-01-0404 January 1998 Annual Radioactive Efluent Report,961230-980104, Suppl Info ML20217Q8391997-12-31031 December 1997 Effluent & Waste Disposal Annual Rept Solid Waste & Irradiated Fuel Shipments for Jan-Dec 1997 ML20203K0551997-12-31031 December 1997 Annual Repts of Occupational Radiation Exposure,Primary Coolant Iodine Spikes & Safety Relief Valve Challenges for Jan-Dec 1997 ML20202G2181997-12-31031 December 1997 Annual ISFSI Effluent Rept Jan-Dec 1997 ML20247G1621997-12-31031 December 1997 1997 Annual Radiological Environ Monitoring Rept ML20217Q8251997-12-31031 December 1997 Off-Site Radiation Dose Assessment for NSP,Jan-Dec 1997 ML20140B5501997-06-0404 June 1997 Environ Assessment & Finding of No Significant Impact Re Util Proposed Amends to Licenses DPR-42 & DPR-60,allowing Credit for Soluble Boron in Spent Fuel Pool in Maintaining Acceptable Margin of Subcriticality ML20210K1401996-12-31031 December 1996 Rev 1 to Annual Radioactive Effluent & Waste Disposal Rept for Jan-Dec 1996 ML20138P5321996-12-31031 December 1996 Annual Repts of Occupational Radiation Exposure & Safety Relief Valve Challenges for Period from 960101-1231 ML20141A4101996-12-31031 December 1996 Rev 0 to Annual Radioactive Effluent Rept 960101-1231 Suppl Info ML20248K1951996-12-31031 December 1996 Rev 1 to App D, Special Ground & Well Water Samples, of 1996 Annual Radiation Environ Monitoring Program Rept ML20112C0851996-05-17017 May 1996 Environ Assessment & Finding of No Significant Impact Re Transfer of & Issuance of Amends to Licenses DPR-22,DPR-42, DPR-60 & SNM-2506 ML20248K1911995-12-31031 December 1995 Rev 1 to App D, Special Ground & Well Water Samples, of 1995 Annual Radiation Environ Monitoring Program Rept ML20117F9061995-12-31031 December 1995 Annual Radioactive Effluent & Waste Disposal Rept for Jan- Dec 1995 ML20080Q6161994-12-31031 December 1994 Annual Rept of Occupational Radiation Exposure & Safety Relief Valve Challenges - Jan-Dec 1994 ML20248K1731994-12-31031 December 1994 Rev 1 to App D, Special Ground & Well Water Samples, of 1994 Annual Radiation Environ Monitoring Program Rept ML20117F9331994-12-31031 December 1994 Rev 1 to 1994 Effluent Semiannual Rept ML20072T1451994-07-0303 July 1994 Rev 0 to Effluent Semiannual Rept 940103-0703 ML20072T1581994-07-0101 July 1994 Rev 5 to Effluent & Waste Disposal Semiannual Rept Solid Waste & Irradiated Fuel Shipments ML20064B6941993-12-31031 December 1993 Effluent & Waste Disposal Semiannual Rept for Jul-Dec 1993 ML20029D2141993-12-31031 December 1993 Annual Rept to NRC Radiation Environ Monitoring Program Jan-Dec 1993. ML20064C3781993-12-31031 December 1993 Annual Rept of Occupational Radiation Exposure & Safety Relief Valve Challenges for Jan - Dec 1993 ML20056G6981993-06-30030 June 1993 Effluent & Waste Disposal Semiannual Rept Jan-June 1993 ML20056G7161993-01-0303 January 1993 Effluent Semiannual Rept 920706-930103, Supplemental Info ML20058Q2561992-12-31031 December 1992 Revised 1992 Annual Radiological Environ Monitoring Rept ML20056G7141992-12-31031 December 1992 Revised Semiannual Rept Third & Fourth Quarters 1992 ML20035H3801992-12-31031 December 1992 REMP Annual Rept for 1992 ML20141M5121992-07-0505 July 1992 Effluent Semiannual Rept,920106-0705,Supplemental Info ML20056G7131992-06-30030 June 1992 Revised Semiannual Rept First & Second Quarters 1992 ML20141M5351992-01-0505 January 1992 Effluent Semiannual Rept,910701-920105,Supplemental Info ML20056G7121991-12-31031 December 1991 Revised Quarterly Release Rept Third & Fourth Quarters 1991 ML20090B6401991-12-31031 December 1991 Annual Rept of Occupational Radiation Exposure & Safety & Relief Valve Failures & Challenges,1991 ML20090C1911991-12-31031 December 1991 Effluent & Waste Disposal Semiannual Rept for Jul-Dec 1991 ML20101S8601991-12-31031 December 1991 Rev to Summary Page 2 of 1991 Annual Radiological Environ Monitoring Rept ML20082M2851991-06-30030 June 1991 Effluent & Waste Disposal Semiannual Rept for Prairie Island Nuclear Generating Plant for Units 1 & 2 ML20056G7101991-06-30030 June 1991 Revised Semiannual Rept for First & Second Quarters 1991 ML20056G7071990-12-31031 December 1990 Revised Quarterly Release Rept Third & Fourth Quarters 1990 ML20029A8011990-12-31031 December 1990 Supplemental Effluent & Waste Disposal Semiannual Rept for Jul-Dec 1990. ML20073F1731990-12-31031 December 1990 Annual Rept to NRC of Radiation Environ Monitoring Program 1990 ML20066H7211990-12-31031 December 1990 Annual Rept for Occupational Exposure,Safety/Relief Valve Failures & Challenges,Primary Coolant Spike & Personnel Whole Body Exposure for 1990 ML20028G8421990-06-30030 June 1990 Effluent & Waste Disposal Semiannual Rept for Jan-June 1990. ML20056G7051990-06-30030 June 1990 Revised Quarterly Release Rept First & Second Quarters 1990 ML20011F5811989-12-31031 December 1989 Annual Rept of Occupational Radiation Exposure and Safety Relief Valve Failures and Challenges 1999-01-03
[Table view] |
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.;, K Northem States Power Company 7j Prairie Island Nuclear Generating Plant 1717 Wakonade Dr. East Welch, Minnesota 55089 February 27, 1995 10CFR 20.407 and l
Technical Specificacion Sections 6.7.A.l.a. 6.7.A.l.b and 6.7.A.1.c US Nuclear Regulatory Commission Attn: Document Control Desk Washington, D.C. 20555 1
PRAIRIE ISIAND NUCLEAR CENERATING PLANT Docket Nos. 50-282 License Nos. DPR-42 50-306 DPR-60 i
i Annual Report of Occupational Radiation Exposure and Safety
Relief Valve Challennes - January 1 throunh December 31. 1994 i
1 Attached are three reports for 1994:
Annual Report of Occupational Exposure (Required by Technical Specification 6.7.A.l.a and 10 CFR Part 20, 1
Section 20.407) 1 2)
Annual Report of Safety and Relief Valve Failures and Challenges (Required by Technical Specification 6.7.A.l.b) 3)
Annual Primary Coolant Iodine Spike Report (Required by Technical Specification 6.7.A.l.c)
This letter contains no new NRC commitments, nor does it modify any prior commitments.
9503080432 941231 PDR ADDCK 05000282 R
PDR f6y8 i
p s
- 4 -
February 27. 1995 Page 2 Please contact Jack Leveille (612-388-1121, Ext, 4662) if you require i
additional information concerning these reports.
/h be 4'
Roger O Anderson Director Licensing and Management Issues cc: Director, Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research l
Regional Administrator-III, NRC NRR Project Manager, NRC i
Resident Inspector, NRC State of Minnesota, Attn: Kris Sanda Attachments: 1-Occupational Exposure Report (3 pages) 2-Report of Safety / Relief Valve Failures and Challenges (1 9agei 3-Primary Coolant Spike Report (1 page)
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PMETS Numbar of Parconn31 End Man-R:3 Pcga 1 02/24/95 by Work and Job Functions (1994) of 2 11:14 Prairie Island Nuclear Generating Plant i
Number of Persons >.100 Total Man-Rem Work and job Function Station Utility Contract Station Utility Contract INSERVICE INSPECTION
. Operators 0
0 0
0.008 0.000 0.000 Maintenance 2
25 21 1.354 8.581 10.204 r
Supv & Engr 3
0 44 0.920 0.048 15.244 Health Physics 1
0 7
0.211 0.000 1.439 Instr & Control 0
0 0
0.030 0.000 0.000 Security 0
0 0
0.000 0.000 0.000 ROUTINE MAIdTENANCE Operators 0
0 0
0.148 0.000 0.000 Maintenance 6
13 0
2.695 4.089 0.163 Supv & Engr 0
0 1
0.528 0.063 0.310 Health Physics 0
0 0
0.083 0.033 0.034 Instr & Control 4
0 0
0.997 0.000 0.000 Security 0
0 0
0.000 0.000 0.000 OPERATIONS j
Operators 7
0 0
3.373 0.000 0.000 Maintenance 2
23 1
0.907 5.146 0.325 Supv & Engr 2
1 0
1.175 0.364 0.109 Health Physics 11 1
13 2.668 0.164 2.674 Instr & Control 0
0 0
0.024 0.000 0.000 Security 0
0 0
0.000 0.000 0.000 REFUELING Operators 0
0 0
0.645 0.000 0.000 Maintenance 19 11 0
4.998 4.035 0.002 Supv & Engr 1
1 0
0.542 0.268 0.141 Health Physics 0
1 1-0.108 0.112 0.305 Instr & Control 0
0 0
0.062 0.000 0.000 i
Security 0
0 0
0.000 0.000 0.000 SPECIAL MAINTENANCE i
Operators 0
0 0
0.277 0.000 0.000 Maintenance 18 31 9
6.548 11.961 4.817 i
Supv & Engr 6
1 15 1.114 0.264 4.209 j
Health Physics 3
0 1
0.969 0.000 0.464 l
Instr & Control 2
0 0
0.568 0.000 0.000 Security 0
0 0
0.000 0.000 0.000 ER_41 PME 95047T
Number of Parsonnsl cnd M2n-R:3 Pnga 2 1
02/24/95 by Work cnd Job Functions (1994) of 2 i
11:14 Prairie Island Nuclear Generating Plant Number of Persons >.100 Total Man-Rem f
W2rk and dob Function Station Utility Contract Station Utility Contract WASTE HANDLING Operators 0
0 0
0.034 0.000 0.000 Maintenance 1
0 0
0.707 0.045 0.101 Supv & Engr 0
0 0
0.033 0.037 0.000 Health Physics 2
0 0
0.728 0.000 0.032 Instr & Control 0
0 0
0.000 0.000 0.000 i
Security 0
0 0
0.000 0.000 0.000 Un ssigned Exposure 0.537
-0.005 Sub Totals Operators 7
0 0
4.485 0.000 0.000 i
Maintenance 48 103 31 17.209 33.857 15.612 i
Supv & Engr 12 3
60 4.312 1.044 20.013 i
Health Physics 17 2
22 4.767 0.309 4.948 Instr & Control 6
0 0
1.681 0.000 0.000 i
Security 0
0 0
0.000 0.000 0.000 Unassigned 0.537
-0.005 l
l Grand Totals 90 108 113 32.991 35.200 40.568 4
1 1
ER_41 PME 95047T s
-This report is made in accordance with NUREG-0737, Item II.K.3.3 and Prairie Island Technical Specification 6.7.A.1.b and covers the period from January 1 through December 31, 1994.
No failures or challenges Unit 1 No failures or challenges Unit 2 1
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i This report is made in accordance with Prairie Island Technical Specification-i 6.7. A.1.c and covers the period of January 1,1994 through December 31, 1994.
~i Prairie Island Technical Specification 3.1.D.1 was not excee'de'd'
during 1994.
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