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Requests Addl Info Re 951106 Application for Renewal of Certificate of Compliance 9128 for Model C-8 Package.Info Consists of Drawings & Test & Maint Program
Person / Time
Site: 07109128
Issue date: 12/24/1996
From: Chappell C
To: Roughan C
NUDOCS 9701020165
Download: ML20133A921 (2)


. -.

December 24, 1996 l

Ms. Cathleen Roughan Amersham Corporation 40 North Avenue Burlington, MA 01803

Dear Ms. Roughan:

This refers to your application dated November 6,1995, as supplemented on l

August 19, 1996, requesting renewal of Certificate of Compliance No. 9128 for the Model No. C 8 package.

l In connection with our review, we need the information identified in the enclosure to this letter.

l Please advise us within 30 days from the date of this letter when this information will be provided. Additional information requested by this letter should be submitted in the form of revised pages.

If you have any questions regarding this matter, we would be pleased to meet with you and your staff.

Li Yang is the project manager for our review of your application. Mr. Yang may be contacted at (301) 415 8514.

l l

Sincerely, I

l Original /s/ by:

Cass R. Chappell, Chief Package Certification Section Spent Fuel Project Office Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards Docket No. 71 9128


As stated i

I Distribution:

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4 DATE 12//'//96 12/q/96 12/2t/96 12/M/96 0FFICIAL RECOR) COPY 310ofa fR.E C818 E 9701020165 961224 PDR ADOCK 07109128 C


i 71 9128 Enclosure to letter Dated 12/24/96 DRAWINGS

1. Provide engineering Drawing Nos. 821 1001 159 and 821 1005 008D which are referenced in the certificate.


2. Drawing Nos. 821-1001 128, sheet 1 and 2, 811-1001-111, and 180-01 are applicable to the Model Nos. 20A, 50A,100A and 200A: if all of these drawings are applicable to the Model No. C-8, then the Model No. C 8 should be included on these drawings.
3. Revise Drawing No. 831 1001-117 of the depleted uranium to specify dimer.sions, the overall weight, and details for how the shield is held in i


4. Revise the drawings to include the code or standards used for welding ar.c the material specification for the rigid polyurethane foam.

ACCEPTANCE TESTS AND MAINTENANCE PROGRAM Revise Section 8.1.1 to assure that the package is visually inspected and has been constructed and fabricated in accordance with the drawings referenced in the certificate of compliance. Specify that the package is to be marked in accordance with 10 CFR $71.85(c) and 10 CFR S40.13(c)(6)(1) and the labeling is securely attached to the package.

