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Submits Technical Assistance Request 1599-1,Suppl 1 to Review & Prepare Written Evaluation of Licensee App I Submittals
Person / Time
Site: Monticello Xcel Energy icon.png
Issue date: 06/19/1976
From: Stello V
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
To: Harold Denton
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
NUDOCS 9212040357
Download: ML20128C355 (2)



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11arold R. Denton, Director Division of Site Safety and Environmental


Analysis (i;SE) 3 f .

TECr*!ICAL A50! STANCE ETVJr.3T NO.1599-1, SLTPLE:1?I NO.1 1

Your nnsistaace-is requente.d in the followiny

M JJ:T NA'.tt: Sen Enclenure i rotaT;f UOS. : Ccc 1.ncirmure . _ .

r):5?r" fir,LE ';t?, Cit: . Ori a tlur. Itenetto a Trench #3 (Ont3)

ConACTS: Ic :: T. Ve.d. ry (htennion 27072)

D: 'jv U ia1 Apptr '.ici .tc OR-TM ] !nted in t.ho . Tnclosure D,qE I G A';Cl!E S: Lf flucnt wedi ent Spicet.s (LTSD) . EMiole,pieal A.z ennnent Ernoch (PAL)i and Hydrology-Metarology trinch (I:'S)

TArG?? COMM.rYif,:: DA*J.: Drecriber 1, 1977(T)

Iff.hCKIPTIo'i or n" WEFT: P.n ch round

' This TAR hna l'cen prepared as W nupple. rent to tbc Generir ?AR No. 1YJ9-1.for Appendir. I to 10 CPR iarc 50 and le in lieu ot' individua2 TAR's for all facilitics listed in the enclonure.

f.:cJlues t Ua request vcur review and preparation of-a written evnluation' of licensec " Appendix I- l submittal # tor.all facilities listed in'-

tbc encionure. Your evaluation should deteraine ,

  • vhether each facility' full conpliance with Appendix 1,=iucluding the cost benefit-
) asocssment and preposed Technical. Specifications i thich implement Appendix-I,10 CFR Part 50.- .


It in expected that the developtrent by the staff -

of final'codel Technical 1 Specifications for DISTRIBUTIO
i:- 175pienentacten or Appendix l'will'not be Dockets completed ut,til early in11 of 1976.-- Your 0RB03 Rdg -efforts in'cvalunting the licensees proposed 5
Technienl-Specifications chould"be deferred

- until- the licensces have cubeitted the : proposed .

9212040357 760619 ~ Technical Speciifications based on. the = final PDR- ADOCK 05000263' P- -PDR -


'dk'n enm/Anw& ARAMA.dXs. SG-/O . v p;

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  • ORDl3;..._ -._ 0RD43 . . DOR:AD 0 s tYDOR_ . . _ ,

.j .o-.* rNerdery;kmb _ icLear_rh JKR 1 er 1VStello 6_/. . .... . /. _76 ,. 6/ i f$ ./ 7 6 6/. f,.f ~/76- 6/;j? /76 h' - ,,,,, , .. 7.,_.-

[ Toisa Atc.3 tis Otev. 9 53) AICM 0240 . ft u. s. a. ova ne war camtma orricas iee


- _ i _ __ __.__ ____________ . . . . . _ _ _ _

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IMrold L. Det: ton ,33; 1 f, TA6 i

i The Mcil nud Records section hac been requested to diitributo 3 copion of al) Appendix I outuit t niq nnd related correspondence to J. T. Collinc. of 1:T;;t. Specific problens

' vi t h oh t nin i n a, thc necessary copies of ecch ,

ruhnittal or acneciettd iniot,.ution shou 3 d be addreaued to the en.uicent O M :: Jicted in i the enc'onure.

J l Schr.d ul e_


The cat el:3 hh, cut of n ' Priorit y 3 J nt end revhv

. che:iuic for the f. . 31.f t ies a nd .,6.( d to tha l

hivision ef re i Pe'etern is n sir,nifier.nt

, cutatonoim :lten t h: : twst be er. :Geted c;

eacu e pract.icabic . f ter the 't.eceptance."
reviewn s e corp.h ttd.

i Victor Stello, Jr., Director IMvis te.n of operatina, F.cactore Of fice of !:ucir ar heretor i'e:;ulatic.n T.nelocure :

List of Tacilition and l Project !!nnt.r,crs !.ul: ned to Divialrin of 0;cratiup Reactors cc: V. Stello L. R. Nichc3c T. Uc% nch

< K. R. Coller C. Parrish R. Snaider T. J. Certer E. Diggs I!. Fletcher G. Lear S. f.heppard C. Trc:= ell E. 11 Verdery R. Ingram 11. Unirtile l

D. Eir,enhut U. Converso P. Erickson *

! R4 !! . Vollner C. 14elcon A. Burs,nr

! J. T. Collins E. Reevec J. Keichbors i j U. E. Kreger P. D. Ellic:t i

L. Ih0 nan J. Shen J. We'emre ,

i B. E. Grinec J. Guibert -M. Grotenhuis i

r A. Schvancer E. Silver V. liiggins D. L. "icnann D. Jaffe V. Rooney R. U. neid P. O'Connor G. Zech l

0rriCF > . . . . . ~ . . . . . . . ~-

f . W 8' 8e A M - > . . ~ . - . - - . + - - -~~- * * - " ' ' - - *

  • onr% . . . . -- -

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