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Part 21 Rept Re Amot Valve (Amot Part 1476B0212A3).Valve Originally Supplied as Part Number 2-05V-153-004 in Overspeed Shutdown Assembly KSV-72-7.Production of Valve Discontinued & Advises That Alternate Assemble Available
Person / Time
Site: Cooper Entergy icon.png
Issue date: 03/02/1992
From: Schneider J
To: Haass W
REF-PT21-92 QCG-8729, NUDOCS 9203130051
Download: ML20094J468 (2)


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  • M COOPER March 2,1992 i

Our Ref:

OCG 8720 e

Mr. Walter Haass U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission One White Flint North Mallstop 9D4 Washington, D.C. 20555 Ref:

Cooper Nuclear Station 10 CFR 21 NRL Docket No. 50 298, DPR 40

Dear Mr. Haass:

The purpose of this letter is to define Cooper Energy Services actions concerning the above referenced 10 CFR Part 21 Report.


. The KSV 16 T diesel generating units supplied to Nebraska PuNic Power District (NPPD), Cooper Nuclear Station, were furnished by Cooper Energy Services as commercial units and had not g>one through a safety related c process. The Amot Valve (Amot art No.1476B0212A3) was originally supplied by Cooper as part number 2 05V 153-004 in overspeed shutdown assembly l

KSV 72 7.


I The subject valve was supplied to NPPD's Cooper Nuclear Station, and Commonwealth Edison Company's (CECO) Zion Station in the overspoed shutdown assembly as a " commercial" item. This valve has not been supplied to any other nuclear facility by Cooper Bessemer. The valve was obsoleted with no replacement November 1,1989, as the manufacturer has discontinued production of this valve. Note that an alternata assembly is available.

Cooper Industries Action:

- No further action is planned. Notification of all affected utilities was accomplished l

by NPPD's report (attached).

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L I h 920313o051 92o302 PDR ADOCK-oDOoo298 s


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Page 2 OCG 8729 March 2,1992 Please contact Andrew P. Stoffan (412 458 3435) or myself, if you have any questions or comments on this matter, i


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J. R. Schneider 1

Manager. Quality Assurance and Nuclear Operations Attachment cc:

H. A. LaBrun A. P. Steffan Terry O'Brien CECO G. R. Horn NPPD A. G. Killinger MPR Assoc.

K5fb39 Part 21 Eval.

K Go Amot Control Corp.

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