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Responds to NRC Re Violations Noted in Insp Rept 50-498/91-35 & 50-499/91-35 on 920127.Corrective Actions: Bulletin Issued to Plant Personnel Describing Each Individual Responsibility
Person / Time
Site: South Texas  STP Nuclear Operating Company icon.png
Issue date: 02/26/1992
From: Jump W
NUDOCS 9203030179
Download: ML20090B063 (5)


.. --

. The Light c o m p a n y """"' l" P'"1"' """" U"'" *""8 M*""" P ' " "" * **d'*""'"1"*'77

  • flouston t.igining & l'own l'ebruary 26, 1992 ST-l!L-AE-4010 Filo llo.: G02.04 10CFR2.201 U. S. 11uclear Regulatory Commission Attention: Document Control Desk Washington, DC 20555 South Texas Project Units 1 and 2 Docket lion. ST!1 50-498 and STli 50-499 Reply to 110tico of Violation 9135-02 Regarding Pressurizor Spray valvo controller Attachment As-Duilt Confinuration in lionconformance With ADolicallie Vendor Drawinan llouston Lighting & Power company (!!L&P) has reviewed llotico of Violation 9135-02 dated January 27, 1992, and submits the attached reply.

IIL&P concurs that the cited violation occurred. Ilowever, !!L&P does not believe that the nonconforming as-built configuration directly contributed to the disengagoment of the foodback arm linkage from the pressurizer spray valvo controller and subsequent depressurization event which occurred on December 24, 1991. As stated in Licensoo Event Report 91-010 for Unit 2 previously submitted on January 30, 1992, the root cause of the event was maintenance personnel error due to not adequately tightoning the linkage and not adequately verifying that the linkago been properly reassembled. (Reference llL&P correapendence ST-IIL-AE-3987 ) .

If you should have any questions, please contact Mr. C. A. Ayala at (512) 972-8628 or me at (512) 972-7205.

) nt. . O William J. Ju p g .s 4 d,. Ug_aa Managor, Nuclear Licensing RAD / amp


Reply to 110tice of Violation 9135-02 It\92 050.001 g sat,sidiary of liouston indusities incorporated h !

i 9203030179 920226 PDR ADOCK 05000490 m PDR _ _ _ ______ _

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ilouston tighting k Power Company i South Tesu Project Electric Gemreting station 0{L{E~4 7 .04 Pago 2 ces Regional Administrator, Region IV Rufus S. Scott Nucioar Regulatory Commission Associate Gonoral Counnel 611 Ryan Plaza Drive, Suito 400 Houston Lighting & Power Company Arlington, TX 76011 P. O. Box 61867 Houston, TX 77208 l Goorgo Dick, Project Manager U.S. Nuclear Rogulatory Commission INPO Washington, DC 20555 Records Contor 1100 circio 75 Parkway  ;

J. I. Tapia Atlanta, GA 30339-3064 Senior Resident Inspector.

c/o U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Dr. Joseph H. Hendrio Commission 50 Bo11 port Lano -

P. O. Box 910 Bo11 port, NY 11713 Bay City, TX 77414 D. K. Lackor J. R. Nowman, Esquiro Bureau of Radiation Control >

Newman & Holtzinger, P.C. Texas Department of Health >

1615 L Street, N.W. 1100 West 49th Street Washington,1DC 20036 Austin, TX 78756-3189 D. E. Ward /T. M. Puckett Central Power and Light-Company i P. O. Box 2121 Corpus Christi, TX 78403 J. C. Lanior/M. B. Loo City of Austin Electric Utility ~ Department  !

P.O. Box 1088 Austin, TX 78767 K. J. Fiedler/M. T. Hardt City Public Servico Board i P. O. Box 1771 San Antonio, TX 78296 Revised 10/11/91 L4/NRC/

9 ST-i!L-AE-4010 File No.: G02.04 page 1 I. Statement of Violation:

Failure to Assure Conformance to Procurement Documents 10 CFR Part 50, Appendix D, Criterion II, requires, in part, that the quality assurance program shall provide control over activities affecting the quality of structures, systems, and components, to an extent consistent with their importance to safety.

10 CFR Part 50, Appendix D, critorion VII, requires, in part, that purchased equipment conform to the procurement documents.

Contrary to the above, on December 24, 1991, Pressurizer Spray-Valve (PCV) 655C was found with the valve controller


feedback linkage configuration in nonce nformance with the procurement documento (design' drawings). The nonconforming as-built design directly contributed to a Unit 2-reactor trip and engineered safety features actuation that occurred on  !

December 24, 1991.  !

This is a Severity Level IV violation. (Supplement I)


II. llouston Lichtina & Power Position:

HL&P concurs that the violation occurred.

III. Reason for ViolatioDi l

The vendor mantil for the pressurizer spray valve contained a drawing . depicting a generic controller assembly. The vendor's supplier _ elected to modify the method of attachment .

of the feedback linkage however drawings were not provided depicting the as-built configuration. The details'of the.

controller attachment were not verified during initial i installation to ensure that the phycical characteristics were accurately reflected in the vendor manual (drawing).

Additionally, maintenance planning guidelines did not-require reference to specific vor. dor manual pages or drawings which

-would have provided an opportunity to identify the nonconformance either during planning of the work instructions or during actual work.

l- IR\92 050.001

ST-llL-AE-4010 Filo lio.* G02.04 Page 2 llL&P does not believe that the nonconforming as-built configuration directly contributed to the disengagement of the foodback arm linkago from the pressurizor spray valvo controller and subsequent depressurization event which occurred on December 24, 1991. Our reasoning for this position is provided in detail in Licensoo Event Report 91-010 for Unit 2 previously submitted on January 30, 1992.

(Reference !!L&P correspor.donco ST-llL-AE-3987) .

IV. Corrective Actionst

1. A nonconformanco report was initiated to document tho l difference betwoon the as-built configuration of tho  :

prosaurizor spray valvo controller attachment and the vendor drawing. The vendor drawing has subsequently boon  :


2. A bullotin was isstied to plant personnel describing each individual's responsibility in identifying nonconforming as-built conditions in the field.
3. Training sha!.1 be provided through the following programs l to reinforce the lessons learned from this event including configuration control:

Licensed Operator training Non-Licensed operator training Management and Technical Staff Training Maintenanco I&C, Electrical, Mechanical continuing training-The last scheduled training session will be completed by July 31, 1992. ,

4. Maintonar.ce planners have boon directed, through a Planner's cuide, to include relevant vendor manual pages (or highliget the relevant pagos if supplying the entiro ,

manual) with work packages and to direct the-performer i

to-stop work if the field installation is different and document the deviation as a nonconformance report. Plant procedures will-be revised by April 30, 1992, to formally implement this requirement.

IR\92 050.001 1.

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ST-IIL-AE-4010 Filo tio.* G02.04 Pago 3

5. To verify proper configuration control, Engineering shall j inspect the pneumatic valvo actuators (with a positioner i which uses a foodback linkage) of valves which aro l safety-related or important to the continued power  :

production of the plant, compare them to the vendor i manuals (dosign documents), and verify the adequacy of

the installations. This item will bo completed prior to  ;

the and of the next refueling outage for each Unit. ,

V. Date of Full Comn}h DCE' liL&P is in full complianco at this timo. l t

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l i-It\92 050,001

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