MONTHYEARML20196G3531999-06-23023 June 1999 LAR 99-19 for License NPF-86,increasing AOT for Cracs from 30 Days to 60 Days on One Time Basis for Each Train to Facilitate on-line Implementation of Design Enhancements During Current Operating Cycle ML20207J6201999-03-15015 March 1999 Application for Amends to Licenses NPF-49 & NPF-86, Transferring Control of Licenses to Reflect Change in Upstream Economic Ownership of Parent Company of Nep,Vols I & Ii.Pages 48,49 & Annual Rept 1996 Pages 2 & 3 Omitted ML20207G9261999-03-0505 March 1999 Suppl Application for Transfer of License NPF-86,requesting Consent for Transfer of Montaup Electric Co Interest in OL for Seabrook Station to Little Bay Power Corp ML20198E7291998-12-16016 December 1998 Application for Amend to License NPF-86.Amend Involves Relocation of TS 3/4.7.10 & Associated TS Table 3.7-3 to Technical Requirements Manual ML20198E7781998-12-16016 December 1998 License Amend Request 98-09 to License NPF-86,either Revising Refs & Statements That Are Inaccurate or Providing Relief from Administrative Controls Which Provide Insignificant Safety Benefit ML20155J1671998-11-0404 November 1998 LAR 98-17 to License NPF-86,revising TS SR 4.5.2b.1 to Remove Prescriptive Requirements of Using Venting Process as Sole Means to Verify That ECCS Piping Is Full of Water ML20154F9971998-09-29029 September 1998 Application 98-16 for Amend to License NPF-86,reflecting Removal of Montaup Electric Co & Addition of Little Bay Power Corp ML20249B4161998-06-17017 June 1998 Revised LAR 98-07,reflecting Proposed Changes in LAR 98-07 W/Recently Issued License Amend 56 Which Split TS 3/4.7.6 Into Separate TSs,3/ & 3/ ML20247R6821998-05-20020 May 1998 LAR 97-07 to License NPF-86,revising Refueling Water Storage Tank low-low Level Setpoint ML20217E8611998-04-22022 April 1998 LAR 98-04 to License NPF-86,changing TS Surveillance Intervals to Accommodate 24 Month Fuel Cycle,Per GL 91-04 ML20216C5751998-04-0808 April 1998 Application 98-03 for Amend to License NPF-86,changing TS Surveillance Intervals to Accommodate 24-month Fuel Cycle, Per GL 91-04 ML20217Q2761998-04-0303 April 1998 Application for Amend to License NPF-86,LAR 98-02,proposing Changes to TS to Accomodate Fuel Cycles of Up to 24 Months, Per GL 91-04, Changes in TS Surveillance Intervals to Accommodate 24-Month Fuel Cycle ML20217M3671998-03-27027 March 1998 LAR 98-07 to License NPF-86,modifying Tech Specs 3.7.6, Control Room Emergency Makeup Air & Filtration Subsystem ML20217F0931998-03-23023 March 1998 Application for Amend to License NPF-86,proposing Administrative Change to TS to Incorporate Administrative Controls of New Specification 3.0.5,currently Approved for Use in NUREG-1431 ML20217Q0971998-03-0505 March 1998 Application for Amend to License NPF-86,incorporating Programmatic Controls in TS for Radioactive Effluents & for Environ Monitoring Conforming to Applicable Regulatory Requirements ML20217N7231998-03-0202 March 1998 Application for Amend to License NPF-86,changing TS to Revise Frequency for Performance of Specific Surveillances & Delete Requirements for Accelerated Testing When Number of Valid Test Failures Associated W/Edgs Is Met or Exceeded ML20217N8151998-03-0202 March 1998 Application for Amend to License NPF-86,changing TS to Exclude Prescriptive Requirement to Vent Operating CVCS CCP Casing ML20211E9761997-09-26026 September 1997 Application for Amend (LAR 97-05),changing TS 3.7.6 by Separating Requirements for Control Room HVAC Sys Re Operation of Control Room Emergency Makeup Air & Filtration Sys Subsystem & Control Room Air Conditioning Subsys ML20141B3521997-06-19019 June 1997 License Amend Request 97-03 to License,Revising TS Administrative Control to Include Ref to NRC Approved W Topical Rept WCAP-12610-P-A, Vantage + Fuel Assembly Ref Core Rept ML20148F9971997-05-29029 May 1997 License Amend Request 97-02,to License NPF-86,replacing Term Zircaloy W/Terminology That Identifies NRC Approved Westinghouse Fuel Assembly Design Consisting of Assemblies W/Either ZIRLO or Zircaloy-4 Fuel Cladding Matl ML20134Q3291997-02-18018 February 1997 Application for Amend to License NPF-86,changing Reactor Core Fuel Assembly Design Features Requirements Contained in Tech Specs 5.3.1, Fuel Assemblies ML20134L8591997-02-12012 February 1997 Application for Amend to License NPF-86,requesting Rev to TS Section 6.0 Re Administrative Controls ML20129B8211996-10-17017 October 1996 Application for Amend to License NPF-86,consisting of Change Request 96-02,proposing Changes That Involve Relocation of Four TS Re Instrumentation Requirements Contained in TS Section 3/4.3 ML20129B7631996-10-16016 October 1996 Application for Amend to License NPF-86,consisting of Change Request 96-06,proposing Four Changes Re EDG Requirements Contained in TS 3/4.8.1, AC Sources ML20113B1911996-06-20020 June 1996 License Amend Request 96-17 to License NPF-86,increasing Allowed Outage Time for Inoperable Svc Water Cooling Tower Loop Electrical Supply to Be Equivalent to Allowed Outage Time for Inoperable Svc Water Cooling Tower Loop ML20117K3051996-06-0404 June 1996 Application for Amend to License NPF-86,implementing Performance Based Containment Leak Rate Testing Program at Seabrook Station by Changing Tss.Request Submitted IAW 10CFR50,App J,Option B & Reg Guide 1.163 Requirements ML20092M1011995-09-22022 September 1995 Application for Amend to License NPF-86,consisting of LAR 95-07 Re Automatic Switchover to Containment Sump/Rwst Level low-low ML20098A4711995-09-20020 September 1995 Application for Amend to License NPF-86,relocating Functional Unit 6.b, FW Isolation- Low RCS T Avg Coincident W/Rt from TS 3.3.2 to Plant TS Requirements Manual Licensee Controlled Document ML20092K2091995-09-20020 September 1995 Application for Amend to License NPF-86,changing TS 3/4.9.1 Re Refueling Boron Concentration (Ref NUREG-1431) ML20092F9141995-09-12012 September 1995 Application for Amend to License NPF-86,TS Bases for RCS Safety Valves Bases Section 3/4.4.2 Were Made to Clarify What Specifically Constitutes Operable Pressurizer Safety Valve in Mode 5 ML20092A6251995-09-0505 September 1995 Application for Amend to License NPF-86,revising Main Steam Safety Valve Setpoints & Max Allowable Power Range Neutron Flux High Setpoints W/Inoperable Main Steam Safety Valves ML20086R2091995-07-24024 July 1995 LAR 95-03 to License NPF-86,relocating Table 3.4-1, RCS PIVs from TS, RCS Operational Leakage to Technical Requirements Manual ML20085L1101995-06-16016 June 1995 Application for Amend to License NPF-86.Amend Would Increase Requirements for Core Reactivity Control Available from Borated Water Sources ML20084U5391995-06-0707 June 1995 Application for Amend to License NPF-86,consisting of Amend Request 95-02,revising Footnote to SR 4.4.7 & Table 3.4-2 to Increase Temp Limit at Which Rc O Levels Determined by Sampling from 180 Degrees F to 250 Degrees F ML20084N9501995-05-30030 May 1995 Application for Amend to License NPF-86.Amend Will Allow Operation of Core W/Positive Moderator Temp Coefficient ML20082L5001995-04-17017 April 1995 Application for Amend to License NPF-86,revising TS 3.9.4 That Addresses Containment Bldg Penetrations to Allow Use of Alternate Containment Bldg Penetration Closure Methodologies for Postulated Accident Scenarios During Core Alterations ML20078E0351995-01-25025 January 1995 Application for Amend to License NPF-86,to Revise Surveillance Requirement from Specific Schedule for Performance of Containment ILRTs ML20076G2691994-10-0707 October 1994 License Amend Request 94-03 to License NPF-86,modifying TS Administrative Control Requirements for Emergency & Security Plans,Per GL 93-07 ML20059H6321994-01-14014 January 1994 LAR 93-20 to License NPF-86,changing Administrative Controls in TS Section 6.0 to Redefine Composition of Sorc,Create Station Qualified Reviewer Program,Delete Requirement to Perform Periodic Procedure Reviews & Revise TS ML20058C2991993-11-23023 November 1993 LAR 93-18 to License NPF-86,allowing Operation of Core within Axial Flux Difference Band Expanded from Current Band in TSs & Improved Fuel Cycle Mgt Through Implementation of Core Design Enhancements ML20059C5191993-10-28028 October 1993 LAR 93-14 to License NPF-86,changing TS to Implement 13 Line Item Improvements Recommended by GL 93-05, Line-Item TS Improvements to Reduce SRs for Testing During Power Operation ML20057F2981993-10-0404 October 1993 Application for Amend to License NPF-86,proposing Changes to TS Correcting Inconsistency within TS by Deleting Requirement to Verify EDG Speed ML20056F7641993-08-26026 August 1993 LAR Requesting Exercise of Enforcement Discretion from Requirement to Perform Channel Check on Narrow Range RWST low-low Level Transmitters ML20045C5541993-06-18018 June 1993 LAR 93-08 to License NPF-86,changing Title of TS 6.2.3 to Independent Technical Reviews & Deleting Requirement to Maintain Five Person Organization,Iseg ML20045D5831993-06-18018 June 1993 LAR Proposing Changes to Seabrook Station Tech Specs to Reduce Frequency of Surveillances Which Are Required to Verify Integrity of CST Enclosure ML20036A4491993-05-0707 May 1993 License Amend Request 93-05 to License NPF-86,changing TS to Permit Mod of Containment Structure Air Purge & Heating Subsystem to Provide More Reliable Means of Containment Isolation for Two Containment Penetrations ML20035H2191993-04-23023 April 1993 License Amend Request 93-04 to License NPF-86,changing TS to Increase Surveillance Test Interval,Allowed Outage Time & Channel Bypass Time for Reactor Trip Sys & ESFAS ML20034F5261993-02-26026 February 1993 License Amend Request 93-01 to License NPF-86,changing TS 3/4.7.3 to Redefine Requirements for Operable Primary Component Cooling Water Sys to Enhance Plant Operations & Outage Flexibility ML20127F8071993-01-13013 January 1993 License Amend Request 92-015 to License NPF-86,changing TS, Semiannual Radioactive Effluent Release Rept, to Change Submittal Frequency from Semiannually to Annually ML20117A7941992-11-25025 November 1992 License Amend Request 92-14 to License NPF-86,revising TS to Allow Fixed Incore Detectors to Be Used as Independent Sys to Perform TS Surveillances 1999-06-23
MONTHYEARML20217C8411999-10-0505 October 1999 Amend 64 to License NPF-86,revising TSs & to Delete Restriction to Suspend All Operations Involving Positive Reactivity Changes During Plant Conditions Specified ML20212L1071999-10-0101 October 1999 Amend 63 to License NPF-86,relocating TS 3/4.7.10, Area Temperature Monitoring, & Associsted TS Table 3.7-3.to Technical Requirements Manual ML20212D0761999-09-17017 September 1999 Amend 62 to License NPF-86,revising TS to Increase AOT for Control Room Air Conditioning Subsystem from 30 to 60 Days to Allow Adequate Time to Replace Portions of Existing System During Current Operating Cycle ML20210Q1631999-08-12012 August 1999 Amend 61 to License NPF-86,revising TS SR 4.5.2b.1 to Delete Prescribed Method of Venting ECCS Which Would Allow Alternate Method to Verify That ECCS Piping Will Be Full of Water ML20196G3531999-06-23023 June 1999 LAR 99-19 for License NPF-86,increasing AOT for Cracs from 30 Days to 60 Days on One Time Basis for Each Train to Facilitate on-line Implementation of Design Enhancements During Current Operating Cycle ML20207J6201999-03-15015 March 1999 Application for Amends to Licenses NPF-49 & NPF-86, Transferring Control of Licenses to Reflect Change in Upstream Economic Ownership of Parent Company of Nep,Vols I & Ii.Pages 48,49 & Annual Rept 1996 Pages 2 & 3 Omitted ML20204E3391999-03-12012 March 1999 Amend 60 to License NPF-86,revising TS Table 3.3-4 to Depict Change to Refueling Water Storage Tank low-low Level Setpoint ML20207G9261999-03-0505 March 1999 Suppl Application for Transfer of License NPF-86,requesting Consent for Transfer of Montaup Electric Co Interest in OL for Seabrook Station to Little Bay Power Corp ML20198E7781998-12-16016 December 1998 License Amend Request 98-09 to License NPF-86,either Revising Refs & Statements That Are Inaccurate or Providing Relief from Administrative Controls Which Provide Insignificant Safety Benefit ML20198E7291998-12-16016 December 1998 Application for Amend to License NPF-86.Amend Involves Relocation of TS 3/4.7.10 & Associated TS Table 3.7-3 to Technical Requirements Manual ML20155J1671998-11-0404 November 1998 LAR 98-17 to License NPF-86,revising TS SR 4.5.2b.1 to Remove Prescriptive Requirements of Using Venting Process as Sole Means to Verify That ECCS Piping Is Full of Water ML20154F9971998-09-29029 September 1998 Application 98-16 for Amend to License NPF-86,reflecting Removal of Montaup Electric Co & Addition of Little Bay Power Corp ML20249C6401998-06-24024 June 1998 Amend 58 to License NPF-86,revises TS 4.5.2.b.1 for ECCS Subsystems to Delete Requirements to Vent Operating Chemical Volume & Control Sys Centrifugal Charging Pump Casing ML20249B4161998-06-17017 June 1998 Revised LAR 98-07,reflecting Proposed Changes in LAR 98-07 W/Recently Issued License Amend 56 Which Split TS 3/4.7.6 Into Separate TSs,3/ & 3/ ML20247R6821998-05-20020 May 1998 LAR 97-07 to License NPF-86,revising Refueling Water Storage Tank low-low Level Setpoint ML20217E8611998-04-22022 April 1998 LAR 98-04 to License NPF-86,changing TS Surveillance Intervals to Accommodate 24 Month Fuel Cycle,Per GL 91-04 ML20216C7861998-04-0909 April 1998 Amend 56 to License NPF-86,revising App a TSs Re Requirements for Control Room Subsystems ML20216C5751998-04-0808 April 1998 Application 98-03 for Amend to License NPF-86,changing TS Surveillance Intervals to Accommodate 24-month Fuel Cycle, Per GL 91-04 ML20217Q2761998-04-0303 April 1998 Application for Amend to License NPF-86,LAR 98-02,proposing Changes to TS to Accomodate Fuel Cycles of Up to 24 Months, Per GL 91-04, Changes in TS Surveillance Intervals to Accommodate 24-Month Fuel Cycle ML20217M3671998-03-27027 March 1998 LAR 98-07 to License NPF-86,modifying Tech Specs 3.7.6, Control Room Emergency Makeup Air & Filtration Subsystem ML20236R9301998-03-26026 March 1998 Amend 55 to License NPF-86,modifing TS Sections 6.0, Administrative Control, to Reflect Recent Organizational Changes & Changes to Approval Title for Section Qualified Reviewer Program & Correcting Incorrect Ref in TS ML20217F0931998-03-23023 March 1998 Application for Amend to License NPF-86,proposing Administrative Change to TS to Incorporate Administrative Controls of New Specification 3.0.5,currently Approved for Use in NUREG-1431 ML20216H8341998-03-17017 March 1998 Amend 54 to License NPF-86,revising App a TSs Relating to Requirements for AC Power Sources,Changing Certain Requirements Related to EDG Stated in TS 3/4.8.1, AC Sources ML20217Q0971998-03-0505 March 1998 Application for Amend to License NPF-86,incorporating Programmatic Controls in TS for Radioactive Effluents & for Environ Monitoring Conforming to Applicable Regulatory Requirements ML20217N8151998-03-0202 March 1998 Application for Amend to License NPF-86,changing TS to Exclude Prescriptive Requirement to Vent Operating CVCS CCP Casing ML20217N7231998-03-0202 March 1998 Application for Amend to License NPF-86,changing TS to Revise Frequency for Performance of Specific Surveillances & Delete Requirements for Accelerated Testing When Number of Valid Test Failures Associated W/Edgs Is Met or Exceeded ML20211E9761997-09-26026 September 1997 Application for Amend (LAR 97-05),changing TS 3.7.6 by Separating Requirements for Control Room HVAC Sys Re Operation of Control Room Emergency Makeup Air & Filtration Sys Subsystem & Control Room Air Conditioning Subsys ML20141D5901997-06-24024 June 1997 Amend 53 to License NPF-86,modifying TS to Identify Fuel Assemblies Design Features ML20141D1391997-06-24024 June 1997 Amend 52 to License NPF-86,modifying TS to Include Reference to NRC W Topical Rept WCAP-12610-P-A, Vantage+Fuel Assembly Reference Core Rept, Dtd April 1995 ML20141B3521997-06-19019 June 1997 License Amend Request 97-03 to License,Revising TS Administrative Control to Include Ref to NRC Approved W Topical Rept WCAP-12610-P-A, Vantage + Fuel Assembly Ref Core Rept ML20148F9971997-05-29029 May 1997 License Amend Request 97-02,to License NPF-86,replacing Term Zircaloy W/Terminology That Identifies NRC Approved Westinghouse Fuel Assembly Design Consisting of Assemblies W/Either ZIRLO or Zircaloy-4 Fuel Cladding Matl ML20135C1561997-02-24024 February 1997 Amend 49 to License NPF-86,revising Plant App a TSs 1.7, Containment Integrity, 3/4.6.1, Primary Containment, & 3/4.6.5, Containment Enclosure Bldg, to Incorporate Provisions of Option B to 10CFR50,App J ML20134Q3291997-02-18018 February 1997 Application for Amend to License NPF-86,changing Reactor Core Fuel Assembly Design Features Requirements Contained in Tech Specs 5.3.1, Fuel Assemblies ML20134L8591997-02-12012 February 1997 Application for Amend to License NPF-86,requesting Rev to TS Section 6.0 Re Administrative Controls ML20129B8211996-10-17017 October 1996 Application for Amend to License NPF-86,consisting of Change Request 96-02,proposing Changes That Involve Relocation of Four TS Re Instrumentation Requirements Contained in TS Section 3/4.3 ML20129B7631996-10-16016 October 1996 Application for Amend to License NPF-86,consisting of Change Request 96-06,proposing Four Changes Re EDG Requirements Contained in TS 3/4.8.1, AC Sources ML20113B1911996-06-20020 June 1996 License Amend Request 96-17 to License NPF-86,increasing Allowed Outage Time for Inoperable Svc Water Cooling Tower Loop Electrical Supply to Be Equivalent to Allowed Outage Time for Inoperable Svc Water Cooling Tower Loop ML20117K3051996-06-0404 June 1996 Application for Amend to License NPF-86,implementing Performance Based Containment Leak Rate Testing Program at Seabrook Station by Changing Tss.Request Submitted IAW 10CFR50,App J,Option B & Reg Guide 1.163 Requirements ML20108D9981996-05-0707 May 1996 Amend 47 to License NPF-86,revising App a TS 3.3.2, Engineered Safety Features Actuation Sys Instrumentation ML20095L0681995-12-21021 December 1995 Corrected Page 3/4 4-25 & 26 W/Overleaf for Completeness of Amend 46 to License NPF-86.Error Involved TS Page W/O Page & Amend Number ML20095L0641995-12-21021 December 1995 Corrected Pages 3/4 3-33,3/4 3-26 & 3/4 3-19 & 20 W/Overleafs for Completeness of Amends 45 & 46 to License NPF-86 ML20094P9741995-11-28028 November 1995 Amend 44 to License 44,revise App a TS Re RCS Leakage & Deletes Table 3.4-1 from TS Section & Ref Table 3.4-1 from Limiting Condition for Operation F ML20094F4371995-11-0202 November 1995 Amend 43 to License NPF-86,modifying App a TSs for Turbine Cycle Safety Valves ML20092M1011995-09-22022 September 1995 Application for Amend to License NPF-86,consisting of LAR 95-07 Re Automatic Switchover to Containment Sump/Rwst Level low-low ML20098A4711995-09-20020 September 1995 Application for Amend to License NPF-86,relocating Functional Unit 6.b, FW Isolation- Low RCS T Avg Coincident W/Rt from TS 3.3.2 to Plant TS Requirements Manual Licensee Controlled Document ML20092K2091995-09-20020 September 1995 Application for Amend to License NPF-86,changing TS 3/4.9.1 Re Refueling Boron Concentration (Ref NUREG-1431) ML20092F9141995-09-12012 September 1995 Application for Amend to License NPF-86,TS Bases for RCS Safety Valves Bases Section 3/4.4.2 Were Made to Clarify What Specifically Constitutes Operable Pressurizer Safety Valve in Mode 5 ML20092A6251995-09-0505 September 1995 Application for Amend to License NPF-86,revising Main Steam Safety Valve Setpoints & Max Allowable Power Range Neutron Flux High Setpoints W/Inoperable Main Steam Safety Valves ML20091Q7321995-08-31031 August 1995 Amend 40 to License NPF-86,revising App a Re Containment Bldg Penetrations ML20086R2091995-07-24024 July 1995 LAR 95-03 to License NPF-86,relocating Table 3.4-1, RCS PIVs from TS, RCS Operational Leakage to Technical Requirements Manual 1999-09-17
[Table view] |
o s
ATnOr(L11 P.O. sox 300 North Atlantic Energy Service Corporation Atlantic Seabrook NH 03874 0
(603) 474-9521, Fax (603) 474-2987 The Northeast Utilities Systern Ted C. Feigenbaurn Senior Vice President &
Chief Nuclear Officer NYN-95051 June 16,1995 United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C. 20555 Attention:
Document Control Desk
Facility Operating License No. NPF-86, Docket No. 50-443
License Amendment Request 95-01: Borated Water Sources (TAC No. 92007)
North Atlantic Energy Service Corporation (North Atlantic) has enclosed herein License Amendment Request 95-01. This License Amendment Request (LAR) is submitted pursuant to the requirements of 10CFR50.90 and 10CFR50.4.
The purpose of LAR 95-01 is to propose changes to the Seabrook Station Technical Specifications to increase the requirements for core reactivity control available from borated water sources. The increased requirements for boron concentration in borated water sources assure that sufficient negative reactivity remains available to ofTset the design increase in positive core reactivity beginning with Cycle 5.
LAR 95-01 has been reviewed and approved by the Station Operation Review Committee and the Nuclear Safety Audit Review Committee. A similar change was issued to Millstone Unit 3 as Amendment Number 60 to operating license number NPF-49, in response to their cycle 4 reload application.
As discussed in the enclosed LAR Section IV, the proposed changes do not involve a significant hazard consideration pursuant to 10CFR50.92. A copy of this letter and the enclosed LAR have been forwarded to the New Ilampshire St#: Liaison Oflicer pursuant to 10CFR50.91(b). In addition, North Atlantic has determined that LAR 95-01 meets the criteria of 10CFR51.22(c) for a categorical exclusion from the requirements for an Environmental Impact Statement (see Section VI enclosed).
North Atlantic requests NRC review of LAR 95-01 and issuance of a license amendment by November 1,1995 (see Section V enclosed).
260024 d0 i 9506280304 950616 s
PDR ADOCK 05000443 i\\
1 I
i l
. United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission June 16,1995 Attention:
Document Control Desk Page two Should you have any questions regarding this letter, please contact Mr. James M. Peschel, Regulatory Compliance Manager, at (603) 474-9521, extension 3772.
Very ly yours, g;;% fr Ted C. Feigenbaum Enclosure cc:
Mr. Thomas T. Martin Regional Administrator United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission Region 1 475 Allendale Road King of Prussia, PA 19406 Mr. Albert W. De Agazio, Sr. Project Manager Project Directorate I-4 Division of Reactor Projects U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C. 20555 Mr. John Macdonald NRC Senior Resident Inspector P.O. Box 1149 Seabrook, Nil 03874 Mr. George 1,. Iverson, Director New ilampshire Office of Emergency Management 107 Pleasant Street Concord, NII 03301 4
North h//jj Atlantic SEABROOK STATION UNIT 1 Facility Operating License NPF-86 Docket No. 50-443 License Amendment Request No. 95-01 Borated Water Sources This License Amendment Request is submitted by North Atlantic Energy Service Corporation pursuant to 10CFR50.90. The following information is enclosed in support of this License Amendment Request:
Section 1 Introduction and Safety Evaluation for Proposed Changes Section 11 Markup of Proposed Changes Section 111 Retype of Proposed ChangesSection IV Determination of Significant Hazards for Proposed ChangesSection V Proposed Schedule for License Amendment issuance and Effectiveness j
l Section VI EnvironmentalImpact Assessment Sworn and Subscribed to before me thi
//p A day of
,1995 hNh(jff' $$11/7W ifr6ce L. Drawbridge /
Notary Public Executive Director - Nuclear roduction l
l l
.. I.
- Introduction and Safety Evaluation for Proposed Chances A.
Introduction The purpose of License Amendment Request (LAR) 95-01 is to propose changes to the Seabrook Station Technical Specifications to increase the requirements for core reactivity control available from borated water sources. The increased requirements for boron concent Jtion in borated water sources assure that sefficient negative reactivity remains available to offset the design increase in positive core reachity beginning with Cycle 5. The design increase in positive core reactivity c.*ises from. ihe increased cycle length.
The affected borated water sources include:
The Refueling Water Storage Tank (RWST) for all Modes of operation; and 2)
The Emergency Core Cooling System (ECCS) Accumulators when required to be operable.
For Cycle 5, the existing 10CFR50.46 requirement for post-LOCA suberiticality and long term cooling establishes the need for increased reactivity control from the RWST and the Accumulators. Current concentration requirements in all other borated water sources were reviewed and found to meet the reactivity control requirements of the Cycle 5 design.
The proposed increase in the required boron concentrations in the RWST and Accumulators required a review of the NaOli inventory in the Spray Additive Tank (SAT). This inventory assures an acceptable range of pil of between 8.5 and 11.0 for the solution recirculated within containment after a Loss of Coolant Accident (LOCA). This review determined that changes to the NaOli inventory are not required.
The increase in the required boron concentrations necessitates a change in the post-LOCA hot leg recirculation initiation time to prevent boron precipitation. This switchover time is presently 18 hours2.083333e-4 days <br />0.005 hours <br />2.97619e-5 weeks <br />6.849e-6 months <br /> and appears in Section 6.3 of the Seabrook Station Updated Final Safety Analysis Report (UFSAR) and in Emergency Response Procedures (ERPs) E-1,1,oss of Reactor or Secondary Coolant, and ES-1 A, Transfer to liot Lee Recirculation. The increase in the required boron concentrations requires a switchover time of 9 hours1.041667e-4 days <br />0.0025 hours <br />1.488095e-5 weeks <br />3.4245e-6 months <br /> to prevent the core region from reaching the boron precipitation limit. The available hot leg recirculation flow is sufficient to remove decay heat at 9 hours1.041667e-4 days <br />0.0025 hours <br />1.488095e-5 weeks <br />3.4245e-6 months <br />. Therefore, a hot leg recirculation time of 9 hours1.041667e-4 days <br />0.0025 hours <br />1.488095e-5 weeks <br />3.4245e-6 months <br /> post-LOCA is acceptable.
The combination of proposed changes to Technical Specifications and Bases will assure that sufficient core reactivity control remains available during the operation of Cycle 5 and subsequent cycles. The proposed upper limit on boron concentration in the RWST and Accumulators also ensures that the boron solubility limit will not be approached in these volumes. Boron concentrations in borated water sources and containment sump pil after a LOCA are calculated using existing analysis methodology. The post-LOCA time for switchover to hot leg recirculation is changed to assure the core region will not reach the boron precipitation limit.
i I
/. B.
- Safety Evaluation of Proposed Changes This section describes the safety evaluation of the proposed changes to the Facility Operating License to assure that sufficient core reactivity control remains available during the operation of Cycle 5 and subsequent cycles. In summary, the proposed changes affect:
TechnicalSpeci/lcation, Borated Water Sources - Shutdown; l
TechnicalSpecvication, Borated Water Sources - Operating; c)
TechnicalSpecification, Accumulators; and d)
Technical Specification 3.5.4, RWST - Boron injection System.
l A safety evaluation of each proposed changes is provided below The proposed changes are also summarized in Table 1.
For completeness, the safety evaluation includes a discussion of potentially affected Technical Specifications for which no changes are proposed. Markups of the proposed changes to TechnicalSpecifications and Bases, are provided later in Cection 11 of this LAR.
TechnicalSt>eci/lcation Mode 5 Shutdown Marcin Technical Specification currently requires that the Reactor Coolant System boron i
concentration shall be greater than or equal to 2000 ppm boron when the reactor coolant loops l
are in a drained condition. The basis for this requirement is to permit sufficient time for the operator to terminate an inadvertent boron dilution event with T,y less than 200 F. The current boron concentration requirement exceeds the requirements for acceptable boron dilution accident j
analysis results for Cycle 5. So, a change to the required boron concentration is not proposed.
1 2.
Technical St>cci/? cation Borated Water Sources - Shutdown Technical Specification requires that either the Boric Acid Storage Tank (BAST) or the l
Refueling Water Storage Tank (RWST) be operable in Modes 5 and 6.
The basis for the minimum contained water volumes and minimum boron concentrations is to provide the shutdown margin specified in the Core Operating Limits Report (COLR) after xenon decay and cooldown from 200 F to 140 F. The contained volumes include allowance for unusable volumes because of discharge line location and other physical characteristics. The current boron concentration l
requirement for the BAST exceeds the predicted shutdown margin requirements for Cycle 5 and other future cycles. So, a change to the BAST boron concentration requirement is not proposed.
The current RWST boron concentration requirement of 2000 ppm is increased to 2700 ppm where the value appears in the Limiting Conditionfor Operation and Bases. The proposed value of 2700 ppm exceeds the predicted shutdown margin requirements for Cycle 5 and other future cycles.
The proposed value is consistent with the proposed changes to TechnicalSpecifications and 3.5.4 discussed below.
Affects: Technica/ Specifications pages 3/41-11 and B 3/41-3 t
' 3.
Technical Sticci/lcation Borated Water Sources - Oneratina TechnicalSpecification requires that either the Boric Acid Storage Tank (BAST) or the Refueling Water Storage Tank (RWST) be operable in Modes 1 to 4. The basis for the minimum contained water volumes and minimum boron concentrations is to provide the shutdown margin specified in the COLR from expected operating conditions after xenon decay and cooldown to 200 F. The contained volumes include allowance for unusable volumes because of discharge line location and other physical characteristics. The limits on contained water volume and boron concentration of the RWST also ensure an acceptable range of pli of between 8.5 and 11.0 for the solution recirculated within containment afler a LOCA. The current boron concentration requirement for the BAST exceeds the predicted shutdown margin requirements for Cycle 5 and other future cycles. So, a change to the BAST boron concentration requirement is not proposed.
The current minimum RWST boron concentration requirement of 2000 ppm is changed to a required range of 2700 to 2900 ppm where the value appears in the Limiting Condition for Operation and Bases. The proposed range of RWST boron concentration:
a) exceeds the predicted shutdown margin requirements for Cycle 5 and other future cycles; b) ensures an acceptable range of pil for the solution recirculated within containment after a LOCA; c) ensures that the boron solubility limit will not be approached in the RWST.
The proposed change is also consistent with the proposed changes to Technical Specifications and 3.5.4.
Affects: Technica/ Specifications pages 3/41-12 and B 3/41-2 4.
Technical St>eci/lcation 3.5.I.1. Accumulators Technical 4>ccification requires that the accumulators be operable with a boron concentration range of 1900 to 2l00 ppm during Modes I to 3. The basis for the limits on boron concentration is to ensure that the assumptions used for accumulator injection in the safety I
analysis are met. The current required range of boron concentration in the accumulators is changed for Cycle 5 and other future cycles to a required range of 2600 to 2900 ppm as it appears in the Limiting Conditionfor Operation. The proposed upper limit on boron concentration in the Accumulators ensures that the boron solubility limit will not be approached in these volumes.
This change together with the proposed change to TechnicalSpecylcation 3.5.4, RWST - Boron injection System, ensures that following a LOCA:
1) the core remains suberitical in the cold condition and amenable to long term cooling:
2) the range of pil for the solution recirculated within containment remains acceptable; and, 3) the switchover from cold leg to hot leg recirculation at 9 hours1.041667e-4 days <br />0.0025 hours <br />1.488095e-5 weeks <br />3.4245e-6 months <br /> is acceptable.
Affects: TechnicalSpecifications page 3/4 5-1
I 1
Technical Speci/ication 3.5.4. RWST - Boron Iniectan System Technical Specification 3.5.4 currently requires that the RWST be operable in Modes 1 to 4 with a minimum boron concentration of 2000 ppm of boron. The basis for the limit on boron concentration is to ensare that following a LOCA,1) the core remains subcritical in the cold condition and amenable to long term cooling, and 2) the range of pli of between 8.5 and 11.0 for the solution recirculated within containment remains acceptable. The current required minimum boron concentration in the RWST is changed for Cycle 5 and other future cycles to a required range of 2700 to 2900 ppm as it appears in the Limiting conditionfor Operation. The proposed upper limit on boron concentration in the RWST ensures that the boron solubility limit will not he approached in this volume. This change together with the proposed change to Technical Specification, Accumulators, ensures that following a LOCA:
i 1) the core remains subcritical in the cold condition and amenable to long term cooling; 2) the range of pil for the solution recirculated within containment remains acceptable; 3) the switchover from cold leg to hot leg recirculation at 9 hours1.041667e-4 days <br />0.0025 hours <br />1.488095e-5 weeks <br />3.4245e-6 months <br /> is acceptable.
Affects: TechnicalSpecylcations page 3/4 5-11 6.
TechnicalSpecification Spray Additive Tank TechnicalSpecification currently requires that the Spray Additive Tank (SAT) be operable with a contained volume between 9420 and 9650 gallons of between 19 and 21% by weight NaOli solution in Modes I to 4. The limits on NaOli volume and concentration ensure a pli value of between 8.5 and 11.0 for the solution recirculated within containment after a LOCA.
The limits on contained solution volume include an allowance for solution not usable because of tank discharge line location and other physical characteristics. The effect of the proposed changes i
to boron concentrations in the Accumulators (Technical Specification and RWST (Technical Specification 3.5.4) on the post-LOCA sump pil was re-evaluated consistent with the i
methodology described in UFSAR Section In conclusion, the current limits on NaOli inventory in the SAT ensure an acceptable range of pli for the solution recirculated within containment after a LOCA. No change to the SAT is proposed.
Technical Specification 3.9.l. Refueline Boron Concentration Technical Specification 3.9.1 currently requires during Mode 6 (refueling) that 1) k, s; 0.95 or
- 2) the boron concentration in all filled portions of the RCS and the refueling canal be 2 2000 ppm, whichever is more restrictive. The basis for these limitations is to assure consistency with initial conditions assumed for the boron dilution incident in the safety analyses. The current boron concentration requirement exceeds the requirements for acceptable boron dilution accident analysis results for Cycle 5. No change to the required boron concentration is proposed.
For convenience, the proposed changes described above are also summarized in Table 1.
AFFECTED CURRENT TECIINICAL SPECIFICATION PROPOSED NUMBER PARAMETER VALUE HASIS CIIANGE Minimum 2000 ppm The RWST is an alternate borated water Change value Borated Water RWST C, source sufficient to provide the to: 2700 ppm Sources shutdown margin specified in the COLR Modes 5,6 after xenon decay and cooldown from (Shutdown) 200 F to 140 F. Minimum 2000 ppm The RWST is an alternate borated water Change value Borated Water RWST C, source sufficient to provide the to: 2700 to Sources shutdown margin specified in the COLR 2900 ppm.
Modes I to 4 from expected operating conditions after (Operating) xenon decay and cooldown to 200 F.
The limits on contained water volume and C, of the RWST ensure a sump pil between 8.5 and 11.0 after a LOCA. C, limits 1900 to The limits on contained water volume, Change range Accumulators 2l00 ppm C,, and pressure ensure that the to: 2600 to assumptions for accumulator injection in 2900 ppm the safety analysis are met.
3.5.4 Minimum C, 2000 ppm The limits on contained water volume Change value RWST - lloron and C, ensure 1) adequate recirculation to: 2700 to injection System cooling flow to the core,2) a suberitical 2900 ppm.
Modes 1 to 4 core in the cold condition and amenable to long term cooling, and 3) a sump pil I
between 8.5 and 11.0 after a LOCA.
I 1
1 5
- .II.
Markup of Proposed Chances The enclosed markup pages reflect the currently issued version of Technical Specifications and Bases and include the changes approved in License Amendment No. 33, Wide-Band Operation and Core Enhancementso2). Revision bars are provided in the right margin to designate a change in the text, (1) lener from A.W. De Agazio (USNRC) to T.C. Feigenbaum (NAESCo), Amendment No. 33 to Facility Oncratine I icense b F-8& Wide-Rand Oncration and Core Fnhancements - 1,icense Amendment Request 93-18 (TAC M87849), November l
(2) letter from A.W. De Agazio (USNRC) to T.C. Feigenbaum (NAESCo), Correction to Amendment 33 to Facility Oncratine Iicense NPF-86 (TAC M87849). December 6,1994.