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Ecological Survey of Delaware River in Vicinity of Point Pleasant,Pa Jul 1972 - Dec 1973
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Site: Limerick  Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 02/28/1974
From: Harmon P, Danni Smith
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ML20073H437 List:
NUDOCS 8304180606
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Aff ECOLOGICrL SURVEY OF THE DELAWARE RIVER Ir1 THE VICIrilTY OF P0ltJT PLEASAtJT, pef't;SYLVAtJI A July 1972 - December 1973 8304180606 830413 PDR ADOCK 05000352

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by Donald C. Smith and Paul L. Harmon

. Ichthyological Associates, Inc.

Fricks Lock Road, R. D. 1 Pottstown, Pennsylvania 19464 For Philadelphia Electric Company Ichthyological Associates, Inc.

Edward C. Raney, Ph.D. , President 301 Forest Drive, Ithaca, New York 14850 February 1974

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TABLE OF CONTENTS Page LIST OF TALLES . . . . . . ... . . ... .. .. . .. . ... .. 11 LIST OF FIGURES . . . . . . .. .. .. ... ... . .. .. . .. y


. . . . . . . . . ... ... . ... ... ... . . .. . 1 INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . .... .. .... .. . . ....... 4 t

DESCRIPIION OF STUDY AREA ... ......... ..... .. .. 5 MATERIAIS AND METHODS Physicochemical Analyses . ......... ...... . .. 6 Fishes . . . . . . . . ......... ... ... . .. .. 7 MacrOinvertebrates . ... ... ....... ... ..... 9 RESULTS Fishes . . . . . . . ... .......... .... .. .. 12 Benthos . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... ... .. 14 Invertebrate Drift . .. ........ ...... ... .. 15 LITERATURE CITED . . . . . ... .......... ... ..... 16


1. Summary of selected water quality parameters measured in the Delaware River in the vicinity of Tohickon Creek, Pennsylvania - 17
2. Descriptions of sampling stations on the Delaware River in the vicinity of Point Pleasant, Pennsylvania - - - - - - - - - - - - 18
3. Fish species collected by seines, fyke and frame trap nets, and electrofishing on the Delaware River in the vicinity of Point Pleasant, Pennsylvania during 1972 - - - - - - - - - - - - 20
4. Summary of fishes collected by seine from the Delaware River in the vicinity of Point Pleasant, Pennsylvania from July through December 1972 --------------------- 22
5. Summary of fishes collected by seine from the Delaware River in the vicinity of Point Pleasant, Pennsylvania in 1973 ---- 23
6. Summary of fishes collected by frame trap net and fyke net in the Delaware River in the vicinity of Point Pleasant, Pennsyl-vania from August through December 1972 ------------ 25
7. Summary of fishes collected by frame trap net and fyke net in the Delaware River in the vicinity of Point Pleasant, Pennsyl-vania in 1973 ------------------------- 26
8. Fish collections taken from the Delaware River in the vicinity of Point Pleasant, Pennsylvania on 21 July 1972 -------- 27
9. Fish collections . . 1 August 1972 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 28
10. Fish collections . . 16-17 August 1972 - - - - - - - - - - - - 29
11. Fish collections . . 13-14 September 1972 ---------- 31
12. Fish collections . . . 27-28 September 1972 ---------- 33 i


13. Fish collections . . . 9-10 October 1972 - - - - - - - - - - - - 35 i
14. Fish collections . . . 25-26 October 1972 ----------- 37 l
15. Fish collections . . 6-7 November 1972 - - - - - - - - - - - - 39
16. Fish collections . . 5-6 December 1972 - - - - - - e

.- - - - - 40

17. Fish collections . . 20-21 December 1972 - - - - - - - - - - - 41 11

p LIST OF TABLIS (Continued)


18. Fish collections taken from the Delaware River in the vicinity of Point Pleasant, Pennsylvania on 8-9 January 1973 - - - - - - 42
19. Fish collections . . 16-17 Ap r il 19 7 3 - - - - - - - - - - - - 43
20. Fish collections . . 2-3 May 1973 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 44
21. Fish collections . . 17-18 May 1973 - - - - - - - - - - - - - 45
22. Fish collections . . 11-12 June 1973 ------------ 46
23. Fish collections . . . 25-26 June 1973 ------------ 47
24. Fish collections . . 16-17 .Tuly 1973 ------------ 48
25. Fish collections . . 26-27 Joly 1973 ------------ 50
26. Fish collections . . 9-10 August 1973 - - - - - - - - - - - - 54
27. Fish collections . . 20-21 August 1973 ----------- 58
28. Fish collections . . 6-7 September 1973 - - - - - - - - - - - 62
29. Fish collections . . . 20-21 September 1973 - - - - - - - - - - 64
30. Fish collections . . . 4-5 Oc tob e r 19 7 3 - - - - - - - - - - - - 68
31. Fish collec; ions . . . 18-19 October 1973 - - - - - - - - - - - 70
32. Fish collections . . . 15-16 November 1973 ---------- 72
33. Fish collections . . . 13-14 December 1973 ---------- 74
34. Invertebrate taxa found in qualitative samples taken in July and September 1972 from the Delaware River near Point Pleasant, Pennsylvania ------------------------- 75 4
25. Relative abundance and percentage composition of benthic in-vertebrates taken in qualitative samples from the Delaware o River near Point Pleasant, 13 September 1972 --------- 77
36. Fifteen most numerous genera and their percentage composition of the total number of benthic invertebrates taken in qualita-tive samples from the Delaware River near Point Pleasant, Pennsylvania on 13 September 1972 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 80 111

e LIST OF TALIIS (Continued)


37. Total numbers and percentage composition of drif ting invertebrates taken during the 24-hr interval 16-17 August 1972 from the Delaware River near Point Pleasant, Pennsylvania - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 81 iv




1. The proposed route of water diversion from the Delaware River to the Limerick Generating Station - - - - - - - - - - - - 82 i
2. The Delaware River study area in the vicinity of Point Pleasant, Pennsylvania - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 83
3. Total, surface and subsurface drift for the 24-hr interval 16-17 August 1972, Point Pleasant, Pennsylvania -------- 84
4. !!ajor components of the cubsurface drift for the 24-hr interval 16-17 August 1972, Point Pleasant, Pennsylvania -------- 85 1



1. Ichthyological Associates, Inc. conducted an ecological survey of the Delaware River in the vicinity of Point Pleasant, Pennsylvania from July 1972 through December 1973. This report describes the findings of the survey.
2. The study was initiated because a water intake associated with the proposed Limerick Generating Station will be located at Point Pleasant and will divert water from the Delaware River to the East Branch Perkiomen Creek. A portion of the supplemented Perkiomen Creek flow will be utilized by the nuclear station during periods of low (less than 560 cfs) Schuylkill River flow. This ecological survey was directed at two groups of organisms that will be affect-ed by the Point Pleasant intake: fishes and macroinvertebrates.
3. The study area includes approximately 2.8 mi of the Delaware River near Point Pleasant. Here the river averages about 550 ft in width and raages to approximately 12 ft in depth.
4. Hurricane Agnes caused a flood in late June 1972, and a second flood occurred in late June 1973. Results obtain~ed in this survey may be indicative of post-flood recovery periods rather than normal condi-tione.
5. A sampling program for fishes was established in August 1972. Seines,


frame trap nets, and fyke nets were used on a regular basis. ,


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6. Invertebrates were sampled qualitatively in June and September 1972.

l Invertebrate drift studies were carried out in August 1972 and in July through October 1973.

7. In 1972, a total of 6,215 fishes of 37 species was taken by all gear used regularly and electrofishing. All of the 37 species were col-1ected by the combined use of seines and fyke and trar nets; electro-fishing yielded no additional species. In 1973, a total of 6,931 specimens of 41 species was collected by all sampling gear.
8. Seining yielded 5,605 specimens of 28 species in 1972, and satinfin shiner (approximately 70% of the catch), swallowtail shiner (10.07.),

and spottail shiner (5.3%) were the most abundant species. Seine collections in 1973 yielded 6,475 specimens of 32 species. Satinfin shiner (55.07. of the catch), swallowtail shiner (17.3%), and spottail shiner (5.3%) remained the most abundant species.

9. A total of 529 specimens of 24 species was taken by fyke net and trap net in 1972. The four most numerous species were pumpkinseed (21.07. of the catch), brown bullhead (20.6%), bluegill (14.7%), and redbreast sunfish (11.3%). In 1973, 456 specimens of 22 species ,

were taken in 101 collections; redbreast sunfish (24.6% of the catch),

brown bullhead (18.9%), pumpkinseed (14.3%), and white catfish (8.8%)

were the most abundant species.

10. The results of the invertebrate sampling indicate the presence of a a

relatively healthy benthic fauna. All major orders of insects were represented in the benthic samples obtained in 1972. Of the insect

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orders, Diptera was represented by the greatest number of families (6) and genera (14). Chironomidae was numerically the most abun-dant family and comprised 67.37. of the total number of invertebrates taken in September 1972. Collections of 1973 have not yet been ane-lyzed.

11. The invertebrate drif t of August 1972 was dominated by surface drifters, most of which were adult chironomids. Chironomidae larvae and pupae were the largest components of the subsurface drift.

Baetidae was the second most abundant family in the subsurface drift.


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O INTRODUCTION Ichthyological Associates, Inc. conducted an ecological survey of the Delaware River in the vicinity of Point Pleasant, Pennsylvania from July 1972 through December 1973. This study was one facet of the ecolo-gical investigations underway in the vicinity of the proposed Limerick Generating Station near Pottstown, Pennsylvania. Philadelphia Electric Company is constructing the nuclear station and is financing the envi-ronmental studies.

The two unit nuclear' station will utilize wet cooling towers that will evaporate an average 54 cfs of water. Current allocations to down-stream users of nearly 500 cfs of Schuylkill River water necessitate an alternative water source during periods of low (less than 560 cfs) flow.

Present plans are to withdraw consumptive water from Perkiomen Creek at Graterford, Pennsylvania (Figure 1) during periods of low Schuylkill flow. Perkiomen Creek will be supplemented as necessary by water divert-ed fro.a the Delaware River at Point Pleasant. The Delaware River Basin Commission (1973) has issued a final environmental statement on the Point Pleasant Diversion Project in which the primary impacts on Delaware River aquatic life were identified as effects due to entrainment and impinge-n nu. 1hese impacts are expected to be minimal because of the small vol-S ume of water to be withdrawn. In addition; few screenable fishes should be impinged on the intake screens for two reasons: (1) water velocities 1


at the screens should not exceed 0.75 ft/sec; (2) the upriver-downriver escape of fishes will be provided for.. The entrainment of surface-drift-ing macroinvertebrates could be minimized by the installation of a float-ing log boom.



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l This ecological survey was directed at two groups of organisms that l

will be affected by the Point Pleasant intake: fishes and macroinverte-brates. The purpose of this report is to describe the findings of the ecological survey for the period July 1972 through December 1973. Normal conditions may not be indicated due to extensive scouring by the flood waters of June 1972 (Hurricane Agnes) and June 1973.

DESCRIPTION OF. STUDY AREA The Delaware River st'udy area extends upstream approximately 1.25 mi from Tohickon Creek to Prahl's Island and downstream approximately 1.5 mi below Tohickon Creek to Bull's Island (Figure 2). The river averages ap" ,

proximately 550 ft in width and has a gradient of approximately 4.5 ft per mile. Water depth ranged to about 12 ft. As measured at Rigleysville, New Jersey (approximately 20 mi upstream), river flow for the interval 1906 to 1962 averaged 11,190 cfs with a maximum of 340,000 cfs on 19 Aug-ust 1955 and a minimum of 870 cfs on 20 September 1908 (Busch & Shaw 1966).

Diurnal fluctuations in flow at low and medium flow conditions were also reported by Busch & Shaw (1966) and were attributed to patterns of water use by power plants on tributary streams. These fluctuations are modified by controlled release of water from several storcge lakes and reservoirs.

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There is a variety of river habitats, i.e., riffles, rapids, runs, pools, and backeddies in the study area. Substrate in the riffle and run areas is composed largely of bedrocks, boulders, and coarse gravel. Silt a

was found on the bottom in pools and backeddies. A mixture of rubble, gravel, and sand occurred along the Pennsylvania shore which tended to be 1

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shallower than the New Jersey shore. Tohickon Creek is the only sizable tributary that enters the study area.

Periphytic diatoms and filamentous green algae, mostly Cladophora, appeared to be the dominant primary producers. Growths of these organ-isms, which were judged light to moderate in comparison to algal growth in the nearby East Branch Perkiomen Creek and Schuylkill River, covered the rocks in shallow riffle and run areas. Myriophyllum was the most frequently observed rooted aquatic plants in the study area, being par-ticularly common in the backeddies. The light growths of these plants may have been due to the scouring effects of the June 1972 and June 1973 floods.

Broadfoot, Powell, and Mertz (1969) and Betz Laboratories, Inc.

(1970) have studied the physicochemical characteristics of the Delaware River in the vicinity of Tohickon Creek (Table 1). We measured selected water quality parameters, i.e., dissolved oxygen, pH, and temperature during this survey. These three studies indicated that dissolved oxygen was generally close to saturation, pH ranged from 6.5 to 9.5, and temp-erature ranged from 30 to 84 F. Plant nutrient levels were higher than those found in unpolluted streams but not so high as those found in heavily polluted streams.

MATERIALS AND METHODS Physicochemical Analyses 4

Selected physicochemical parameters were measured at the tima of fish and macroinvertebrate sampling. Temperature, pH, and dissolved j

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oxygen determinations were made with standard field thermometers, Hach pH indicator (Model 17-F and 17-N), and by the azide modification of the iodometric method (Winkler method), respectively. These data are not presented separately but are summarized in Table 1 and tabulated with the fish collection results by date in Tables 8 through 33.

Fishes Field surveys made in July and on 1 August were conducted to locate suitable collection statio~ns and to assess the relative effectiveness of seine, electrofishing gear, trawls, and two types of trap nets. Seines (8 to 10 ft long), fyke nets, and frame trap nets were used with repeated success. A 25-f t bag seine proved too unwieldly in the river current and on the varying substrates; therefore, its use was discontinued. Electro-fishing was used on one occasion and discarded in favor of ' seining. Sam-pling in midriver was attempted with a 9-ft semi-balloon trawl. This technique was abandoned because boulders repeatedly hung and ripped the trawl.

Seine stations and net sites were established af ter 16 August and were sampled approximately twice monthly for fishes (Figure 2). The sam-ole stations are described in Table 2. One seine collection was made at 1 each seine station, and fyke and trap nets were fished for approximately 24 hr during each 2-day sampling period. High water sample stations were


established when high flows made sampling at original stations impossible.

The high flow stations were seine site T40 which replaced seine sites T20 and T30, and seine site T75 which replaced site T60. Net sites T40 and

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8 T70 were fished at high flows exclusively. Sampling at net site T45 was suspended during high river flows.

l Seines were used to collect small fishes in the shallow (to 3 ft deep) habitats. The seines were 8 to 10 and 25 ft long by 4 ft deep and constructed of 1/8- and 1/4-inch square mesh, respectively. Efforts were made by the seine crew to sample all availabic habitats at each sampling i station. The amount of fishing effort or sampling time spent at each site on each date was comparable. Seine hauls were subsampled when large numbers of specimens were captured.

Frame trap nets consisted of two rectangular, 3 by 6-f t metal frames, followed by a series of four, 2.5-f t diameter metal hoops, all enclosed by 0.5-inch mesh netting. A 3 by 50-f t leader extended from the body of the net to the shore. Fyke nets were constructed by the attachment of two, 3 by 25-ft wings and a 3-ft square metal frame mouth to a standard hoop net. The mesh size was 1-inch square and allowed most fishes less than 80 mm to escape. The wings were usually set at a 60 to 90 degree angle de-pending on the area in which the nets were set. Physicochemical data were obtained at each site when the nets were set as well as approximately 24 hr later when the nets were pulled and the catch removed.

Collected fishes were processed and released whenever possible.

3 Specimens to be retained for laboratory analysis were preserved in 107.

formalin immediately upon capture. At the laboratory all specimens were

' rinsed in water to remove the formalin and stored in 40% isopropanol or

1. discarded. Fishes were identified to species, and fork lengths were meas-4 ured to within 5 mm intervals from 0 to 100 mm and to within 10 mm inter-vals for lengths greater than 100 mm.

9 Macroinvertebrates A qualitative sampling program was initiated in July 1972 to deter-mine the species composition and relative abundance of benthic inverte-brates in the study area. Samples were taken in July and September from shallow riffle areas and along the edges of deep runs and pools. Most of the invertebrates were taken by kicking up the substratum and collect-ing the dislodged organisms in a dip net. Some of the species not sus-ceptable to dip netting were picked by hand from submerged rocks, logs, and rooted aquatic plants.' The' specimens were preserved in 957. isopro-panol immediately upon capture.

In the laboratory, the animals were removed from the sediment and identified, when possible, to genus or species. The following references were used for identification:

Brinkhurst, R: O. 1972. Oligochaeta. (Unpublished supplemental key obtained through personal communication). 22 pp.

Burks, B. D. 1953. The mayflies, or Ephemeroptera, of Illinois.

Bul. Ill. Nat. Hist. Sury. 26: art 1. 216 pp.

Harman, W. N. and C. O. Berg. 1971. The freshwater snails of central New York with illustrated keys to the genera and species. Search 4: 68 pp.

Johannsen, O. A. 1934. Aquatic Diptera. Part I. Nemocera, exclusive of Chironomidae and Ceratopogonidae. Mem. Cornell. Univ. Agric.

> Exp. Sta. 164: 70 pp.

Mason, W. T. 1968. An introduction to the identification of chironomid larvae. Fed'. Wat. Poll. Contr. Admin. 89 pp.

j Pennak, R. W. 1953. Fresh-water invertebrates of the United States.

. Ronald Press; Nr.w York. 769 pp. -

Roback, S. S. 1957. The immature tendipedids of the Philadelphia area (Diptera: Tendipedidae). Honogr. Aca. Nat. Sci. Phil. , No. 9 152 pp.

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10 Ross, H. H. 1944. The caddis flies, or Trichoptera, of Illinois.

Bul. Ill. Nat. Hist. Surv. 23: 326 pp.

Sinclair, R. M. 1964. Water quality requirements for elmid beetles, with larval and adult keys to the eastern genera. Tenn. Dept.

Publ. Hith. 14 pp.

Usinger, R. L. 1971. Aquatic insects of California. Univ. Cal. Press; Berkeley. 508 pp.

An additional study was carried out to estimate several drift para-meters, including composition, diurnal periodicity, and numbers and bio-mass per unit volume. On 16 August 1972, two macroinvertebrate drift nets (0.5 mm mesh) were set side by side (2-ft separation) in the riffle located approximately 220-yd upstream of Tohickon Creek. Each net was

35. inches in length and was held open by a 1-ft square aluminum frame.

Each frame was fitted with a Plexiglas apron which tapered to a 3 by 12-inch opening. The aluminum frame was attached to two pieces of 1.6-inch aluminum conduit. This arrangement allowed easy placement and removal of the net over steel rods which were hammered into the substrate. The two nets were placed in the river for a 1-hr interval every 2 hr for 24 hr.

Each net projected 0.5-inch r.bove the water surface and extended 11.5 inches down the water column. The collection of samples every 2 hr en-abled the monitoring of any temporal changes in drift parameters which occurred during the 24-hr period.


The material collected in the nets was washed into jars and preserved


I g in 95% isopropanol. The aquatic component of the drif t was identified to 1

} family. All organisms were counted, dried in an oven at 60 C for 72 hr, and weighed to the nearest 0.1 mg. $

i 11 Estimates of the mean numbers and weights of drif ting invertebrates per unit volume of water sampled were er Iculated for the 24-hr drift study. Flow (f t /sec) through the samplers was calculated as the prod-uct of the cross-sectional area sampled (f t ) and the velocity of water entering the samplers (f t/sec). Water velocity was measured at the en-trance of each sampler with a Gurley Model 625 current meter.

The average number and weight of invertebrates per cubic foot of water sampled was calculated from the generalized formula D,

D= y s

where D = average number or average weight per cubic foot of water, D, =

number or weight of invertebrates that would have been collected if the net sampled continuously for 24 hr, and V, = volume of water that would have passed through each sampler in 24 hr. Since the drift' samplers sam-pled I hr every 2 hr for 24 hr, it was necessary to estimate D, by summing the area under the curve relating either numbers or weights per sample to I

the time the sample was taken.

During July . ugh October 1973, monthly macroinvertebrate drift sampling was carrieu out. Two nets were placed in the river for 1 hr ev-l ery 2 hr between 1800 and 0200 hr, the period in which peak drift rates j were expected. These samples have not yet been analyzed.


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RESULTS Fishes f

A total of 6,215 specimens of 37 species was taken by the various gear in 1972; the 1973 catch was 6,931 specimens of 41 species (Table 3-7). Most species were captured by seine, particularly minnows (Cyprin-idae) and young of the year fishes. Larger fishes, primarily game and pan species of the family Centrarchidae, were captured with fyke and frame trap nets. All of the 37 species taken in 1972 were collected by the combined use of seines and fyke and frame trap nets; electrofishing yielded no additional species. The presence of two anadromous species, alewife (Alosa pseudoharengus) and American shad (Alosa sapidissima) is well documented (Miller et al.1972 and Mihursky 1962), but we took none with our gear until 26 June 1973 when we collected four alewife at site T40. We collected no additional alewife and no American shad.

Seine collections yielded 5,605 specimens of 28 species in 1972 (Ta-ble 4) and 6,475 specimens of 32 species in 1973 (Table 5). Satinfin shiner represented nearly 70% of the seine catch in 1972 and 55.0% in 1973; it was consistently the most abundant species taken by seine after 1 August in both years. Swallowtail shiner (10.0% of the 1972 catch and 17.3% of the 1973 catch) and spottail shiner (5.3% in 1972 and 1973) were the only other species that comprised greater than 5.0% of the catch.

Other species that commonly entered the seine catch were common shiner, 1

  • spotfin shiner, redbreast sunfish, blacknose dace, pumpkinseed, bluegill, tessellated darter, banded killifish, and golden shiner. In general, the number of species taken by seine decreased from August to December. This j

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l trend was probably due to the migration of young of the year fishes out of the shallow water along shore as well as the inability of the collec-tors to sample as cfficiently during the higher December flows.

Intersite differences in seine catches occurred and appeared to be due to habitat differences. Seine site T60 was the most productive seine station in terms of the number of species and specimens collected (Tables 8-33). In general, the other seine sites yielded similar, but lower catches. The higher productivity of site T60 seemed to be due to the greater variety of habitats that were present. Also, sizable sheltered areas were available; the site was not as open and exposed to the river current as the other sites.

Forty-eight trap net and fyke net collections in 1972 yielded 529 specimens of 24 species (Table 6). The four most numerous species were pumpkinseed (21.0% of the total catch), brown bullhead (20.6%), bluegill (14.7%), and redbreast sunfish (11.3%). No other. species comprised great-er than 5.0% of the total 1972 catch. Other pan and sport fishes commonly taken (i.e., comprising over 2.0% of the catch) were white catfish, white perch, rock bass, black crappie, and American eel. Chain pickerel, wall-cye, and muskellunge were each represented by only a single specimen.

In 1973, a total of 456 specimens of 22 species was taken in 101 col-s lections (Table 7). Redbreast sunfish (24.6% of the catch), brown bull-head (18.9%), pumpkinseed (14.3%), and white catfish (8.8%) were the most fabundantspecies. White perch, bluegill, black crappie, American eel, rock bass, and green sunfish were also common. One specimen each of the t.alleye and muskellunge were again taken.

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During the survey period, no appreciable dif ference was observed in l

l the fyke net catch versus the trap net catch (Tables 8-33). Fishes were more frequently captured at net sites T25, T35, and T60 than at any of other net sites. These sites were situated in similar habitats, i.e.,

backeddy or cove areas of moderate (3 to 8 ft) depth.

Benthos Representative species of all major orders of aquatic insects were found in the benthic samples; oligochaets, molluscs, and crustaceans were also well represented (Table 34). Of the insect orders, Diptera (true flies) was. represented by the greatest number of families (6) and genera (14). The most diverse family of Diptera was Chironomidae (midges) which was represented by eight genera. Trichoptera (caddis flies) was the second most diverse order with representatives of six families and 10 gen-era. Of the Trichipteran genera, Hydropsyche (uet ceddis flies) was the most diverse with nine species. Ephemeroptera (may flies) and Coleoptera (beetles) were the third and fourth most diverse orders with four families and 11 genera and four families and eight genera, respectively. Only one species of Plecoptera (stone flies) was taken.

Chironomidae was numerically the most abundant family and comprised 1

67.3% of the total number of invertebrates taken in September 1972 (Table 35). The most numerous genera and their percentage of the total September y collection are given in Table 36. Note that Rhagovelia, a small water strider, was included among the 15 most abundant genera. This is probably an incorrect placement since all Rhagovelia were taken on the surface in an isolated backwater area with a single sweep of the dip net.

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Our sampics were taken less than 3 mo af ter the major flood of 22-23 June 1972 and, therefore, may be characteristic of a post-flood recovery phase rather than the normal July through September fauna. This present list of taxa probably includes most of the relatively abundant species.

However, further samples will have to be taken before a definitive species list can be compiled and seasonal changes in relative abundance can be described.


The results of our sampling to date indicate that the presence of a relatively healthy benthic fauna; one which would be typical of a clean or mildly polluted warm-water stream in this part of the United States.

Invertebrate Drift The two drift nets collected 28,145 invertebrates during the 24-hr study interval in August 1972. Since the nets sampled for 'only 12 of the 24 hr, the above value represents spproximately,507. of the total number that would have been captured had sampling been continuous. The bulk of the drif t was composed of surface drifters (21,212 individuals), most of which were adult chironomids. The subsurface drif t consisted of individ-uals froca 21 families (Table 37). Chironomidae larvae and pupae were the largest components of the drif t and composed 23.1 and 70.07, of the total l number, respectively. Baetidae was the second most abundant family (5.2%)

in the subsurface' drif t; no other family comprised more than 1.07 of the total.

Peak drif t rates occurred early in the evening for both' surface and subsurface drifters (Figure 3). These peaks appear to have been caused by

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an emergence of Chironomidae rather than a behavioral diurnal periodicity in drift. Note that Chironomidae pupac were responsible for mos t of the dici fluctuation in subsurface drif t (Figure 4) and that their drift rate began to increase early in the afternoon. Surface drift followed a simi-lar pattern (Figure 3) with the peak rate occurring 2 hr later in the evening. This pattern would be expected if the pupae were emerging and the new adults were directly influencing the level of surface drif t. This hypothesis was supported by our analysis of the surface drift which re-vealed that over 90% of the surface drif ters were adult chironomids.

LITERATURE CITED Bailey, R. M. , J. E. Fitch, E. S. Herald , E. A. Lachner, C. C. Lindsey, C. R. Robins, and W. B. Scott. 1970. A list of common end scientific names of fishes from the United States and Canada. 3rd ed. Amer. Fish. Soc. Spec. Publ. 6:1-150.

Broadfoot, D. W., J. R. Powell Jr., and J. C. Mertz. 1969. Water Quality Monitoring Program, Year-end Report. Natural Resources Division, Bucks County (Pennsylvania) Planning Commission.

Busch, W. F. and L. C. Shaw. 1966. Pennsylvania streamflow charac-teristics, low-flow frequency and flow duration. Pa. Dept. of Forests and Water. Bull. No. 1.

Delaware River Basin Commission. 1973. Final Environmental Impact

-Statement. Point Pleasant Diversion Plan. Bucks and Montgomery Counties, Pennsylvania.

Mihursky, J. A. 1962. Fishes of the middle Lenapewihittuck (Delaware River) Basin. Ph.D. Thesis (Lehigh University).

, Miller, J. P., J. W. Friedersdorff, H. C. Mears, and C. W. Billingsley.

j, Delaware River Basin Anadromous Fishery Study, Annual Pro-p 1972.

. gress Report (July 1971 - Juae 1972). Bur. of Sport Fish. and j Wildlife, Rosemont, New Jersey.


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, Table 1. Su.a.sry of selected water quality para eters measured in the Delaware River in the vicinity of Ichickon Creek, Fen,sylvania.

Above ichicken Creek Belcw Tohicken Creek 8

Sep 1967 - May 1968 Med Avg Max Min Med Avg Max Min W:terTemp.(F) 45.5 52.7 78.8 32.9 45.5 52.3 77.0 32.9 0.0.(eg/1) 12.1 12.3 15.0 7.8 12.2 12.1 14.6 7.8 pH 7.3 7.5 8.9 6.5 7.4 7.4 8.8 6.8 TotalAlkalinity(eg/1) 35.0 33.0 46.0 15.0 35.3 34.2 47 0 16.8 hitrateasN(eg/1) 0.41 0.49 0.96 0.25 0.42 0.48 0.93 0.17 Fhosphate as P0 g (eg/1) 0.27 0.31 0.52 0.21 0.32 0.34 0.58 0.19 b

May 1968 - Sep 1968 WaterTeep.(F) 75.2 73.5 81.5 59.0 0.0.(ag/1) ,

9.8 9.9 11.7 8.3 pH 7.9 8.0 8.9 7.1 Total Alkalinity (ag/1) 39.0 39.8 47.4 29.0 NitrateasN(eg/1) 1.77 2.08 5.34 0.16 Phosphate as F0 (ag/1) 0.46 0.40 0.49 0.24 4


Water Temp. (F) 36.3 36.5 50.0 31.4 0.0.(eg/1) 11.1 11.1 12.4 9.2 pH 7.1 71 8.0 6.0 TotalAlkalinity(s 31.0 36.0 54.0 22.0 MitrateasN(eg/1)pl) . 0.72 0.75 07 Phosphate as P0 (ag/1)d 0.8 0.8 0.9 0.7 g

Jul1972-Dec1973' Above and Below ichicken Creek WaterTemp.(F) 84.0 30.0 D.0.(ag/1) 14.0 6.4 pH 9.2 6.7

'from: Tables 33 and 34. Water Quality Monitoring Program, Natural Resources Division, Bucks County Planning Commission. June 1969. (Data compiled from seasurements made at approximately 3 week intervals over the period 29 September 1967 - 7 May 1968).

from: Table 34. Water Quality Monitoring Progras, Natural Resources Division, Bucks County Planning Commission. June 1969. (Data compiled from seasurements made at approximately 3 week intervals

,I over the period 28 May - 10 September 1968).

  • from: letz Laboratories, Inc. (Data coepiled from seasurements made at approximately I week intervals over the period 25 November 1%9 - 16 February 1970).

from: 8etz Laboratories, Inc. (Data compiled from composite sa:ples collected over the period November 1969-February 1970).

'from: Ichthyological Associates. (Data compiled from approximately sesleunthly seasurements made over the period 21 July 1972 - 14 December 1973).


. 18 Tacle 2. Descriptions of sa pling stations on the Delaware River in the vicinity of Point Pletsant, Pennsylvania.

Description Seine Station Code 120 Downstreas ends of two small islands near Prahl's Island approximately 1.25siupstreasoftheconfluenceofIchickenCreekandtheDelaware River. Substrate was silt, sand, gravel, and rubble. The islands offered sore sheltered areas; riffles and runs predominated.

130 Pennsylvania shore approximately 0.75 si upstream of ichicken Creek. The site was a gently sloping, gravel and rubble shoal. Backwater areas were sometimes present.

140 HighflowstationalongthePennsylvaniashoreapproximately0.5miup-streas of Tohickon Creek. Substrate was silt and sand. The site was locatedin a sheltered (backeddy) area in the lee of a large shoal.

150 Pennsylvania shore approximately 0.25 si upstreas of ichickon Creek at Point Pleasant Canoe Rental's boat launch. Substrate was gravel and rub-ble, and the site was directly exposed to the river current. Limited backeddies,were present along the shore.

T60 In a cove along the Pennsylvania shore approximately 0.1 mi downstress of Tohickon Creek at the south of Hickory Run. The botton was gravel er.d rubble at Hickory Run and silt covered boulders in the cove.

175 tipstreas tip of Bull's Island along the New Jersey Shore 1.5 mi downstress of Tohickon Creek. Substrate was gravel, sand, and rubble.

Met Site Code 120 Fyke net site at downstress end of a small island near Prahl's Island approximately 1.25 si upstress of Tohicken Creek, substrate was a silt, sand, and gravel shoal.

125 New Jersey shore approximately 0.9 si upstress of Tohickon Creek. Sub-strate was sud, rubble, and boulders in the primarily backeddy habitat.

Tyke and trap nets were fished.

135 New Jersey shore about 0.5 mi upstress of Tohicken Creek. Substratein the backeddy was silt over boulders and rubble. Fyke and irap nets set at this site.

f 140 Pennsylvants shore approximately 0.5 si upstress cf Tohickon Creek. Sub-strate was silt end sand. High. water trap net site.


T45 Deep run at the Rev Jersey shore approximately 0.2 si upstress of Ichickon Creek. Substrate was rubble and boulders at this trap net site.

t 19 lable 2. (cont.)

het Site Code Descriotion 155 New Jersey shore opposite Ichicken Creek. Substrate was rutble and silt.

Trap net set in this deep backeddy.

160 Pennsylvania shore approximately 0.1 mi downstream of Iohickon Creek.

Substrate was silt, rubble, and boulders. Tyke and trap nets used in this cove and backeddy.

170 Pennsylvania shore approximately 0.75 si downstream of Tchickon Creek.

Substrate was sud. Trap net set at this site. Deep run habitat.

0 9

49 3

i t

20 I

lable 3. Fish species collected by seines (S), fyke and frame trcp nets (h), and electrofishing (E) on ite Delaware River in the vicinity of Point Pleasant, Pennsylvania durir.g 1972.

Cct on and scler.tific nozenclature is in agree cnt with Bailey et al. (1970).

I PfiROMY20NTIDAE - LAMFREYS M Petre ,vren e?rinus Linnaeus Sea lamprey +--

Af.GUILLIDAE - TRESWATER EELS Ancel11a rostrata Lesueur Americaneel +++

CLUPEIDAC - HERRINGS 2 Llesapseudohareneus(Wilson) Alewife +--

ESOCIDAE - PIKES Esex rasoulnency Mitchill Muskellunge -+-

,L,,. nicer Lesutur' Chain pickerel -+-

CYPRINIDAE - MINWS and CARPS CarassiusauratusLiniatus Goldfich -+-

Cverinus carpio Linnaeus Carp -+-

Exoclessumcavillincus(Lesueur)2 Cutlipssinnow +--

Hybec9athus nuchalls Agassiz Silvery tinnow +--

f;ottnicanus cryseleucas (Mitchill) Golden shiner ++-

hatreoisamoenus(Abbott) Cosely shiner +--

h.analostanus(Girard) Satinfin shiner +++

II.cernutus(Mitchill) Com=on shiner +--

Spottall shiner ++-

[.hudsenius(Clinton) +++

h. preene (Cope) Swallowtail shiner N.spilepterus(Cope) Spotfin shiner .


Pimechales notatus (Rafinesque)2 Bluntnose sinnow +--

P. procelas Rafinesque fathead sinnow +--

Rhinichthys atratulus (Hermann) Blacknose dace +--

R,. cataractae (Valenciennes) longnose dace +--

Sesotilusatroaculatus(Mitchill) Creek chub +-+

,S_.corporalis(Mitchill) fallfish +-+

CA70SIG4IDAE - SUCKERS Carplodes cyorinus (Lesueur) Ouillback +--

Catostomus conmersoni (Lacepede) White sucker ++-

Creek chubsucker +--

h[rimyronoblancus(Mitchill)2 j ICIALURIDAE - CAlflSHES Ictaluruscatus(Linnaeus) Whitecatfish g -++

Yellow bullhead



I_. natalis (Lesueur)I I. nebulosus (Lesueur) Brown bullhead +++

I.rectatus(Rafinesque)2 Channel catfish -+-

l I


b 21 Iable 3. (cont.)


Fundalus dienhaus (Lesueur) Banded killifish +-+

PERCICHilfilDAE - TOWERAIC BASSES Moronerecriernus(Geelin) White perch -+-

CENTRARCHIDAE - StrifISHES A-ileelltesrueestris(Rafinesque) Rock bass ++-

Lece-is auritus (Linnaeus) Redbreast sunfish +++

L_. cverellus Rafinesque Green sunfish +++

L.citbesus(Linnaeus) Pumpkinseed +++

L. ercrochirus Rafinesque Bluegill +++

MIerooterus dolomleul Lacepede Seallmouth bass ++-

M. salmoides (Lacepede) Largemouth bass ++-

Forexis racularis Rafinesque White crappie -+-

P. nicromeulatus (Leseuer) Black crappie ++-

PERCIDAE - PERCHES Etteestor.? einstedi Storer Tessellated darter +-+

Perca flavescens 4 Yellow perch +--

Percina reltata (Stauffer)2 Shield darter +--

Stirostecienvitreumvitreum(Mitchill) Walleye +-

1972only 2

1973only e>

6 i


. o.f -sk m Table 4. Summary of fishes co'lected by seine free the Delaware River in the vicinity of Point Pleasant, Fennsylvania from July through Deceder 1972.

i Date Jul Aug Aug Sep Sep Oct Oct Nov Dec Dec lotal  % Catch 1 16 13 28 10 26 7 6 21 21 4 4 4 4 4 3 3 36 No. of Collections 4 3 3 641 793 788 592 923 264 872 418 5605 No. of Specimens 141 173 No. of Species 21 20 18 19 14 14 11 7 5 28 13

- - - - - - 1 +

Sea larprey .

- - - 1 6 - - - - - - - - - 6 0.1 4

American eel

- - - - - - - - 1 +

Silvery sinnov - 1 14 13 4 6 - 1 4 9 1 53 0.9 Golden shiner 1 Comely shiner 1 - 4 1 1 - -

.- -  ! 8 0.1 Satinfin shiner 13 41 401 481 558 404 771 170 714 365 3918 699

- 2 18 2 5 -

2 13 - -

42 0.7 Common shiner 62 63 47 30 4 3 - -

297 5.3 Spott:11 shiner 57 31 96 82 20 62 109 35 562 10.0 Swallowtall shiner 20 - 15 123 8 10 65 -

21 -

248 4.4 u Spotfin shiner 34 15 42 53 "

- - - - - 1 - 2 +

fatheadsinnov - 1 -

2 - - 1 1 2 - - 8 0.1 Blacknose dace - 2

- - 11 12 11 13 3 - -

51 0.9 Longnose dace 1 6 8 1 - - - - - -

15 0.3 Creek chub -

32 0.6 Fallfish 4 9 10 5 3 1 6 - - 26 - - - 60 1.1 Outllback - 13 15

- - - - - - 1 +

mite sucker - 1 - -


- - - - - - - 2 j Brown bullhead 1 - 1 2 3 13 3 15 16 63 1.1 Banded killifish -

2 4 5


' - 1 - - 1 - - - - - 2 Rock bass 1 10 25 23 3 1 3 - 68 1.2 Redbreast sunfish 1 1 1 - 2 1 1 - - - 6 0.1

- Green sunfish - 1 21 11 13 1 1 - - 68 1.2 Puepkinseed - 12 9 6 9 - - - -

54 1.0

Bluegill - 8 29 2

$mallmouth bass 1 - 1 - 2 - - - - - 4 0.I' 2 - 1 1 - - - - - 4 0.1 Largemouth bass -

Black crapple - 1 - 1 1 - - - - 6 0.1 3

l 0.4 4 1 3 2 2 - -

23 l Tessellated darter 1 7 3 l

l l

l C


. .-er leefwe.

Table 5. Suamary of fishes collected by seine from the Delaware River in the vicinity of Point Pleasant, Pennsylv;,nla in 1973.

Date JAM APR MAY MAY JUN JUft JUL JUL AUG AUG SEP SEP OCT OCI NOV DEC Iotel % Catch 9 17 3 18 12 26 17 27 10 21 7 21 5 19 16 14 no. of Collections 1 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 2 66 No. of Specimens 1 355 629 574 320 311 . 246 500 369 281 454 816 321 779 441 78 6475 no, of Species 1 7 18 15 15 16 14 21 19 18 15 17 15 11 10 3 37 American eel - - 1 - 1 - - - - 1 - - 1 - - - 4 0.1


Alewife .

- - - - - 4 - - - - - - - - - 4 0.1 Carp - - - - -

1 - - - - - - - - - - 1 +

4 0.1 Cutlips sinnow - - 1 - - - - 1 - 1 - 1 - - - -

Silvery minnow - -

3 1 - - 1 - 1 - - - - - - - 6 0.1 Golden shiner - -

3 1 - - -

7 14 1 -

25 1 - 1 -

53 0.8 l Corely shiner - 1 1 - 1 - - 14 11 3 1' 14 11 - 1 -

58 0.9 satinfin shiner -

234 329 365 149 128 62 65 124 99 307 600 191 504 364 38 3559 55.0 Conon shiner - - - - 1 - - 181 57 40 16 3 1 3 1 -

303 4.7 Spottall shiner -

19 8 1 10 61 58 59 59 23 21 7 14 2 - -

342 5.3 Swallowtall shint. I 61 183 130 100 18 27 38 18 35 51 71 45 243 61 39 1121 17.3 m Spotfin shiner -

32 86 54 9 9 4 6 5 14 14 14 27 4 - - 278 4.3 w 81untnose minnow - - 1 - 1 - - - - - - - - - - -

2 +

fathead minnow - - 1 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - 2 +

Blacknose dace - 4 3 6 7 3 3 4 1 2 3 1 1 - - -

38 0.6 Longnose dace - - - - -

3 1 1 - -

5 11 7 8 - -

35 0.6 Creek chub - - - - - 2 34 36 5 17 2 1 - - 1 -

93 1.5 Fallfish - - - 1 7 3 11 18 25 5 1 1 - - - -

72 1.1 White sucker - - 2 -

19 68 32 3 3 6 - - - - - -

133 2.1 Creek chubsucker - - - - - - - 1 - - - - - - - - 1 +

Banded killifish - 4 - 2 - - - - - - -

3 1 3 1 - 14 0.2 Rock bass - - - - -

1 - - - - - - - - - - 1 +

Redbreastsunfish - - 2 4 2 i -

3 3 - 1 16 9 - - - 41 0.6 Green sunfish - - - - - 1 - - 8 13 5 8 - 1 1 -

37 0.6 Puesinseed - -

2 5 7 -

3 3 2 1 9 -

2 4 4 -

42 0.6 Bluegill - - - 1 4 1 6 44 8 9 13 37 2 1 5 -

131 2.0

$nallrouth bass - - 1 - - -

2 - 1 - - - - - - - 4 0.1 Largemouth bass - - - 1 2 - -

3 1 - - - - - - -

7 0.1 slack creppte - - 1 - - - -

5 - - - - - - - - 6 0.1

. +w Table 5. (cont.)

Date JAM APR MAY MAY JUN JUN JUL JUL AUG AUG 5(P SEP 001 001 R07 DEC Total % Catch 17 3 18 12 26 17 27 10 21 7 21 5 19 16 14 9

2 7 23 10 5 3 8 6 1 1 74 1.1 1 Tessellated darter - - 1 - -


- - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 +

Yellow perch - - 1

- - - 1 - 1 - - - - - -

2 +

$hleid darter - - - -

1 l

1 4


e I


.w Table 6. Svnnary of fishes collected by frane trap net and fyke net in the Delaware River in the vicinity of Point Pleasant. Fennsylvania from August through Drcember 1972.

4 Date Aug Sep Sep Oct Oct Nov Dec Occ lotal  % Catch 16-17 l}-14 27-28 9-10 25-26 6-7 5-6 2k21 No. of Collections 7 6 7 6 6 6 5 5 48 Ro. of Specimens 6% 85 55 96 32 55 68 74 529 No. of Species 11 11 11 14 11 10 13 8 24

! American eel 1 1 -

5 6 1 1 -

15 2.8 Chain pickerel 1 - - - - - - - 1 0.2 l - - - - 1 - 1 0.2 Muskellunge - -

Goldfish 1 - - 1 2 - - - 4 0.6


l Carp - - - 1 -

- - 1 0.2 Golden shiner - - - - - -

7 -

7 1.3 Satinfin shiner - - - - - - - 4 4 0.6 i Spotta11 shiner - - - - 1 - 1% 11 26 4.9 Swallowtail shiner - - - - - - -

2 2 0.4 W ite sucker - - 1 2 3 -

2 - 8 1.5 m 4.5

  • W ite catfish 2 2 1 6 - 2 3 8 24

! Yellow bullhead - - 1 - - - - - 1 0.2

! Brown bullhead 8 3 4 24  % 17 8 41 109 20.6 W ite perch 6 5 2 6 3 - - -

22 4.2

Rock bass - 1 4 2 -

2 9 - 18 3.4 j Redbreast sunfish 7, 14 16 9 4 6 4 - 60 11.3 Green sunfish - - - - -

3 - -

3 0.6 Pumpkinseed 11 38 19 27 4 8 3 1 111 21.0 Bluegill 19 18 5 10 2 10 9 5 78 14.7 Smalleouth bass - - - 1 - - - - 1 0.2 Largenouth bass - 1 1 -

2 - 1 -

5 0.9

' Wite crapple 2 1 - 1 -

-3 -

2 9 1.7 Black cr6pple 6 - 1 1 1 3 6 - 18 3.4 Walleye - 1 - - - - - - 1 0.2 l

l I


.~e Table 7. Suseary of fishes collected by frame trap net and fyke net in the Delaware River in the vicinity of Point Pleasant, Pennsylvania in1973 Date JAN APR MAY MAY JUN JUN JUL JUL AUG AUG SEP SEP OCI OCT NOV DEC lotal % Catch 8-9 16-17 2-3 17-18 11-12 25-26 16-17 26-27 9-10 20-21 6-7 20-21 4-5 18-19 15-16 13-14 4 4 _9 8 9 9 7 8 8 8 8 5 101 no. of Collections 3 4 4 3 No. of Specimens 3 34 2 5 1 12 131 71 34 30 12 40 32 31 13 5 456 11 10 a 7 4 22 No. of Species 3 9 2 4 1 5 11 12 12 8 7

- - - - - - 1 - - -

12 - 6 - - 10 4.2 American eel -

Muskellunge - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 - - - 1 0.2 Goldfish - - - 1 1 - 1 2 2 - 1 2 - - - - 10 2.2 .

- - - - - - - 1 - - 1 1 - 1 -

5 1.1 Carp 1

- - - - - - - - - - - 1 0.2 Satinfin shiner - - - - 1 1 2 0.4 Spottall shiner - 1 - - - - -

- - - 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 0.2 Blacknose dace

- - - - - - - - - - 1 - 1 0.2 Oulllba:k - - - -

- - 1 - - 1 - - 1 1 6 1.3 Wite sucker 1 - - 1 - -

5 8 1 1 6 3 6 2 1 to 8.8 m W ite catfish 1 4 1 - - - 1 22 - - - -

36 9 5 9 1 2 1 1 - - e6 18.9 Brown bullhead -

2 1 1 - -

2 - - -

7 1.5 Channel catfish - 1 -

White perch - - - - - 6 1 - 1 7 3 4 1 3 1 -

27 5.9 Rock bass - - - - - 1 3 2 1 1 3 - 1 I - -

13 2.9 Redbreast sunfish - 1 - - - -

45 26 3 4 2 6 13 10 2 - 112 24.6

- - - - - 4 3 1 - - - - - - -

9 2.0 Green sunfish 1

- 21 10 5 6 1 3 7 3 5 - 65 14.3 Pumpkinseed -

1 1 2 -

- 11 7 - 1 - - 2 1 -

2 27 5.9 Bluegill 1 2 - - -

- - - - - 1 - - - - - - - - - - 1 0.2 Largemouth bass

,1 - - - - - - - -

2 0.4 White crapple - - - - - - 1 3 7 5 - - 2 - - - -

20 4.4 Black crapple - - - - -


- - - - - - - - - - 1 - - - - 1 0.2 Walleye -


., ww Table 8. Fish collections taken free the Delaware River in the vicinity of Point Pleasant, Pennsylvania on 21 July 1972.

Station 120 160 Upstream Upstream Upstream Upstream icial % Catch trawls

  • island
  • beach
  • lsland #2*

11 e 12JO 1415 1245-1315 1135 1200 1115 Gear 12' seine shocker 9' seal- 12' seine 12' seine 12' seine balloon trawl Air Temp. (F) 87 85 - 85 85 85 WaterTemp.(F) 79 79 -

79 79 78 0xygenConc.(ppe) 70 11.0 -

70 7.0 7.8 pH - - - - - 8.4 No. of Specimens 16 23 - 46- 15 64 164 Ro. of Species 4 9 - 8 2 9 15 American eel . -

5 3 - 3 11 6.7 Golden shiner - - 1 - - 1 0.6 Comely shiner - - 1 - - 1 0.6 Satinfin shiner 2 4 6 -

5 17 10.4 Z Spottall shiner 12 - 25 12 8 57 34.7 Swallowtall shiner -

5 E 6 3 11 25 15.2 Spotfin shiner - 2 2 2 -

32 36 21.9 Longnose dace - -

=, - - 1 1 0.6 Fallfish - -

_3: 2 - 2 4 2.4 Brown bullhead 1 1 2 - - - 2 1.2 Redbreast sunfish -

3 - - 1 4 2.4 Purphinseed - 1 - - - 1 0.6 Bluegill - 1 - - - 1 0.6 Smalleouth bass - - - - 1 1 0.6 Tessellated darter 1 1 - - - 2 1.2 l *Esperleental stations, vicinity of Prahl's Island l


l 4

...,t-Table 9 . Fish collections ta:en from the Delaware River in the vicinity of Point Pleasant, Pennsylvania on 1 August 1972.

Station 160 130 150 150 Total 1 Catch lire 1445 1100 1400 1000 Gear 12' seine 12' 1 25' shocker 12' seine seines AirTemp.(F) 86 74 86 78 Water Temp. (F) 79 74 79 73 0xygenCone.(pos) 11.6 10.2 11.4 ' 12.2 No. of Specimens 109 27 58 37 231 l

Mo. of Species 15 8 11 10 22 American eel - - 1 - 1 0.4 Silvery minnow I - - - - 1 0.4 Golden shiner 12 2 - - 14 6.1 Satinfin shiner . 36 2 6 3 47 20.3 Common shiner 1 - - 1 2 0.9 Spottall shiner 22 - -

9 31 13.4

! Spotfin shiner 13 - 2 2 17 7.3 g fathead sinnow I - - - 1 0.4 Blacknose doce - - - 2 2 0.9 Creek chub - - 8 6 14 6.1 fallfish - - 2 9 11 4.8 Quillback 2 8 -

3 13 5.6 White sucker - 1 - - 1 0.4 Banded killifish - 2 7 -

9 3.9

, Rock bass 1 - - - 1 0.4

! Redbreast sunfish 1 - 4 -

5 2.2 Green sunfish - - 20 1 21 9.1 Pumpkinseed 3 9 5 - 17 7.3 Bluegill, 6 2 2 - 10 4.3 Largemouth bass 1 1 - - 2 0.9 f Black crappie 3 - - -

3 1.3 l

Tessellated darter 6 - 1 1 8 3.5 l


.#e l

Table 10 Fish collections taken from the Delaware River in the vicinity of Point Pleasant, Pennsylvania on 16-17 August 1972.

Station 130 150 160 120 125 135 135 I45 155 I60 Total 1 Catch l

Day 16 16 16 16-17 16-17 16-17 16-17 16-17 16-17 16-17 ilee 1520 1430 1330 1120- 1055 1140- 1045- 1140- 1310- 1320-1025 1015 0950 0945 0930 0920 0910

Gear 8',25' 8' seine s' seine ryke Trap ryke Trap Trap Trap ryke seines net net net net net net net AirTemp.(F) 80 81 74 63,78 63,78 63,78~ 63,78 63,78 63,80 63,80 WaterTemp.(F) 78 78 78 70,75 70,75 70,75 70,75 70,75 70,75 75 0xygenConc.(ppe) 11.6 11.6 11.6 7.4,11.6 7.4,11.6 7.4,11.6 7.4,11.6 7.4,11.6 7.4,11.6 7.4,11.6 pH 8.5 8.5 8.5 7.4,8.5 7.4,8.5 7.4,8.5 7.4,8.5 7.4,8.5 7.4,8.5 7.4,8.5 No. of Speci m s 237 74 330 8 12 15 4 - -

25 705 no. of speeles 9 11 13 5 7 6 3 - - 6 26 Aeerican eel . - - - 1 - - - - 1 0.1 Chain pickerel - - - - - 1 - - 1 0.1 Goldfish - - - - 1 - - - 1 0.1 Golden shiner - -

13 - - - - -

13 1.8 @

Comely shiner - - 4 - - - - - 4 0.6 Satinfin shiner 194 38 169 - - - - - 401 56.9 Common shiner 1 -

17 - - - - -

18 2.5

, Spotta11 shiner - 6 56 - - - - -

62 8.8 Swallowtail shiner 9 1 5 - - - - 5 5 -

15 2.1 Spotfin shiner 15 2 25 - - - - = = -

42 5.9 81acknose dace - - '2 - - - - E E -

2 0.3 Creek chub - 8 - - - - -

3 5 - 8 1.1 Tallfish 3 7 - - - - - E 9 - 10 1.4 Quillback 12 -

3 - - - - -

15 2.1 W ite catfish - - - - - - 2 -

2 0.3 l Brown bullhead - 1 - 1 6 1 - -

9 1.3 l Banded killifish 1 3 - - - - - - 4 0.6 Wite perch - - - 4 1 - - 1 6 0.8 l

Redbreast sunfish 1 - - 1 - 4 1 1 8 1.1 l - - - - - 1 0.1 Green sunfish - 1 -

Pumpkinseed 1 6 2 - 1 4 1 5 20 2.8 l



. s-Table 10. (cont.)

l Station 130 150 160 120 125 135 135 145 155 160 Total ICatch Bluegill - -

29 - 1 4 - 5 5 14 48 6.8 Smallmouth bass - 1 - - - - -

3 3

- 1 0.1 W ite crapple - - - - 1 - -

1 2 0.3 Black crapple - - 1 1 1 1 -

3 g 3 7 1.0

= = - 4 0.6 j Tessellated darter - - 4 - - - -

La I

f l

L __ _ ___. .

4 s e..

Table !!. Fish collections taken from the Delaware River In,the vicinity of Point Pleasant, Pennsylvania en 13-14 Septesber 1972.

Station 120 30 150 160 170 I?S 13,5 145 155 160 Total ICatch Day 13 13 13 13 13-14 13-14 13-14 13-14 IF14 13-14 ilee 1515 l' ISO 1348 1410 1238- 1222- .1212- 1145- 1129- 1112-1225 1210 1140 1120 1059 102S Gear 8' seine 8' seine 8' seine 8' sein Fyke Trap Fyke Trap Trap Fyke net net net net net net Airiep.(F) 75 74 74 74 68,76 68,76 67,74 67,82 67,81 67,79 WaterTeep.(F) 71 70 69 69 69,74 68,72 68,72 68,71 68,71 68,71 0xygenConc.(ppe) 10.4 12.0 12.0 10.4 0.0,8.8 8.2,8.6 7.8,8.0 0.7,8.6 8.0,8.6 8.0,8.6 pH 8.1 8.3 7.8 7.5 8.2,8.4 7.8,8.3 7.8,8.1 8.0,8.2 7.8,8.0 7.9,8.1 No. of Specimens 241 143 144 265 15 1 6 ,

3 2 P 878 no. of Species 7 10 9 15 8 1 4 3 2 3 25 Sea lamprey - - 1 - - - - - - - 1 0.1 American eel - - - - 1 - - - - - 1 0.1 Golden shiner - 1 - 3 - - - - - - 4 0.4 Corely shiner - 1 - - - - - - - - 1 0.1 g Satinfin shiner 143 79 88 171 - - - - - - 481 54.9 Conon shiner - - - 2 - - - - - -

2 0.2 Spottall shiner 24 25 2 12 - - - - - -

63 7.2 Swallowtail shiner 57 29 29 8 - - - - - -

123 14.0 Spotfin shiner - 2 14 37 - - - - - -

53 6.0 Longnose dace 10 - - 1 - - - - - - 11 1.2 Creek chub - - - 1 - - - - - -

1 0.1 Fallfish -

3 1 1 - - - -

5 0.6 Outllback 5 1 - - - - - - - - 6 0.7 White catfish - - - - 1 - - - 1 -

2 0.2 Brown bullhead - - - - 1 -

l' 1 - -

3 0.3

Banded killifish - - 4 1 - - - - - -

5 0.6 j Wite perch ' - - - -

5 - - - - -

5 0.6 i Rock bass - - - - - - - 1 - - 1 0.1 Redbreast sunfish - 1 3 6 2 - - 1 - 11 24 2.7 Pumpkinseed - 1 2 18 3 1 2 - 1 31 59 6.7 Bluegill 1 - - 1 - - 2 - - 16 20 2.3 i

i 1

f h

c t 21 31

- a C 0000 I

l a 21 31 t

o T

0 6

1 5


_ 1 5

4 1

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6 0 1 1 0

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.w Table 12. Fish collections taken from the Delaware River in the vicinity of Point Pleasant, Pennsylvania on 27-28 Septeeber 1972.

3 Station 120 130 150 160 120 125 135 135 155 160 Total 1 Catch i

Day 28 28 28 28 27-28 27-28 27-28 27-28 27-28 27-28 ilee 1120 1055 0928 1030 1140- 1135- 1110- 1120- 1050- 1035-1135 1250 1300 1305 1330 1340 Gear 8' seine 8' seine 8' seine 8' seine Fyke Trap Fyke Trap Trap Fyke i

' net net not net net net AirTeep.(F) 72 71 68 68 72,76 66,77 66,76 66,76 66,76 66,76 Fater Temp. (F) 69 69 68 68 69,71 70,71 70 70 70 70 0xygenConc.(ppe) 9.8 9.4 10.6 10.6 9.8 8.6,9.2 8.0,9.2 8.0,9.2 7.6,9.2 7.8,9.4 pH 8.5 8.5 8.5 8.5 7.7,8.5 7.7,- 7.7,8.5 7.7,8.5 7.7,8.5 7.7,8.5 No. of Specimens 157 160 133 338 11 8 11 10 2 13 843 No. of Species 6 8 6 13 3 7 5 6 2 24 Golden shiner - - - 6 - - - - - - 6 0.7 Cosely shiner - 1 - - - - - - - - 1 0.1 Satinfin shiner 101 118 95 244 - - - - - -

558 66.2 Comm m shiner - - -

5 - - - - - -

5 0.6 l',

i Spottall shiner 10 7 6 24 - - - - - -

47 5.6 l

Swallowtail shiner 20 23 - - - - - -

96 11.4 23 30 Spotfin shiner - - - 8 - - - - - - 8 0.9 l - - - - - - - - 12 1.4 Longnose dace 12 -

fallfish 3 - - - - - - - - -

3 0.3 White sucker - - - - - 1 - - - - 1 0.1 l

White catfish - - - - - - 1 - - - 1 0.1 l

- - 1 - - - - 1 0.1

Yellow bullhead - - -

Brown bullhead - - - - 3 1 - - - - 4 0.5 2 0.2

Bandedkillifish - - - 2 - -

White perch - - - - - -

2 - - - 2 0.2

- 1 - 1 2 1 - -

5 0.6

! Rock bass - -

8 8 3 2 5 4 1 1 41 4.9 Redbreast sunfish 8 1 Green sunfish - - - 2 - - - - - - 2 0.2 .

Pumpkinseed - -

3 8 5 1 1 1 1 10 30 3.5 Bluegill - - - 6 - 1 - 2 -

2 11 1.3 Smallmouth bass -

1 1 - - - - - - - 2 0.2

- - - - - 1 - -

2 0.2 Largemouth bass - 1

6 34 e

u N ene N

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.- w Table 13. Fish collections taken from the Delaware River in the vicinity of Point Pleasant, Pennsylvania en 9-10 October 1972.

Station 120 130 150 160 120 125 135 135 155 160 total 1 Catch

! Day 10 10 10 10 9-10 9-10 9-10 9-10 9-10 9-10 flee 1115 1050 1010 1030 1125- 1115- 1100- 1055- 1045- 1030-1125 1315 1305 1255 1245 1230 Gear 8' seine 8' seine l' seine 8' seine fyke Trap fyke frap Trap fyke net net net net net net i AirTeep.(F) 50 48 49 49 50,56 53,% 52,58 52,58 52,58 51,58 Water Temp. (f) 53 53 53 53 53,59 58,59 58,59 58,59 58,59 55,59 0xygenConc.(ppe) 11.0 10.2 11.1 11.6 10.0,11.0 9.0,10.6 8.8,10.6 9.0,10.6 9.8,10.5 i pH 8.5 8.0 8.5 8.5 7.9,8.5 7.9,8.5 7.9,8.5 7.9,8.0 7.9,8.0 No. of Specimens 80 107 160 245 5 58 5 2 3 23 688 Mo. of Species 6 7 4 13 4 11 4 1 2 7 24 l

! - - 4 - - - 1 5 0.7 American eel - - -

Goldfish - - - - - - - - - 1 1 0.1 Carp - - - - - 1 - - - - 1 0.1 Satinfin shiner 32 83 145 1% - - - - - - 404 58.7 b' i

Spottall shiner 3 1 2 24 - - - - - -

30 4.4 Swallowtail shiner 15 14 11 42 - - - - - - 82 11.9 Spotfin shiner - 1 -

9 - - - - - - 10 1.4 i

Blacknose dace - - - 1 - - - - - - 1 0.1 i

Longnose dace 11 - - - - - - - - - 11 1.6 fallfish - - - 1 - - - - - - 1 0.1

W ite sucker - - - - -

2 - - - - 2 0.3 White catfish - - - - -

5 - - - 1 6 0.9

, Brown bullhead - - - - 1 21 1 - 1 - 24 3.5 Banded killifish - 1 - 2 - - - - - -

3 0.4 Wite perch - - - - - 5 - - - 1 6 0.9 Rock bass - - - - - -

2 - - -

2 0.3 Redbreast sunfish 17 - 2 4 - 6 - - 2 1 32 4.7 Green sunfish - - - 1 - - - - - -

1 0.1 Pumpkinseed 2 5 - 6 1 10 1 2 -

13 40 5.8 Bluegill - - - 9 2 2 1 - -

5 19 2.8

' - - - - - - 1 0.1 Smallmouth bass - - - 1



Table 13. (cont.)

_Station 120 130 ic0 160 120 125 135 135 155 IM lotal ICatch

  • i E lte crapple - - - - - 1 - - - - 1 0.1 Black crapple - - - 1 - 1 - - - -

2 0.3 Tessellated darter - 2 - 1 - - - - - -

3 0.4 1


  • I 1

4 Ob >

i 4


. .. a Table 14. Fish collections from the Delaware River in the vicinity of Point Pleasant, Pennsylvania on 25-26 October 1972.

Station 120 130 150 160 125 135 135 155 160 Total % Catch Day 26 26 26 26 25-26 25-26 25-26 25-26 25-26 Time 1130 1105 1025 1040 1130- 1125- 1115- 1105- 1050-1440 1315 1330 1300 1250 Gear 8' seine 8' seine 8' seine 8' seine Trap Fyke Trap Trap Fyke net net net net net '

Air Temp. (F) 48 45 50 50 48,51

  • 48,52 47,52 47,52 47,52 Water Temp. (F) 50 50 50 48 53,54 51,54 51,54 51,54 51,52 0xygenConc.(ppe) 10.0 11.6 11.6 7.0 10.0, 9.6, 9.6, ,9.0, 9.6, 12.0 11.6 11.4 10.4 10.0 pH 8.8 8.8 8.8 8.8 8.0, 8.0, , 8.0, 8.0, 8.0, l

8.8 8.8 8.8 8.8 8.8 No. of Specimens 204 406 218 95 18 1 8 2 3 955 No. of Species 3 5 6 9 9 1 6 2 2 22 American eel - - -

5 - - 1 - 6 0.6 Goldfish - - - -

2 - - - -

2 0.2 $

Golden shiner - - 1 - - - - - - 1 0.1 Satinfin shiner 193 366 139 73 - - - - -

771 80.7 Comon - - - 2 - - - - -

2 0.2 Spottall shiner - - - 4 1 - - - -

5 0.5 Swallowtail shiner - 4 11 5 - - - - -

20 20.9 i Spotfin shiner 1 - 60 4 - - - - -

65 68.1 Blacknose dace - - - 1 - - - - - 1 0.1 Longnose dace 10 - -

3 - - - - -

13 1.4 Ou111back - 26 - - - - - - - 26 2.7 t White sucker - - - - 2 - 1 - -

3 0.3 Brown bulltead - - - - 2 - 2 - - 4 0.4 8anded killifish -

9 4 - - - - - -

13 1.4 White perch - - - -

3 - - - -

3 0.3 Redbreast sunfish - -

3 - 1 1 2 - - -

7 0.7 Green sunfish - - - . 1 - - - - - 1 0.1 Pumpkinseed - 1 - - 1 - 1 -

2 5 0.5 819egill - - - - - - 1 - 1 2 0.2

h c

t 21 2 3

c 000 l

a 21 2 t

o T

0 6

1 5

5 1 - -

1 5

3 1 - -

1 5

3 1

5 2

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- - 2 1

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fable 15. Fish collections taker, from the Delaware River in the vicinity of Point Pleasant, Pennsylvania on 6-7 November 1972.

160 120 125 135 135 155 160 Total  ! Catch Station 120 __ 130 150 Day 7 7 7 7 6-7 6-7 G-7 6-7 6-7 6-7 Tine 1115 1055 1015 1030 1140- 1135- 1125- 1110- 1100- 1050-1120 1130 1200 1145 1215 12Lo Cear 8' seine 8' seine 8' seine 8' seine Fyke Trap Iyke frap frap Fyke net net net net net net AirTemp.(F) 48 48 54 54 52,54 52,54 54 54 52 50 WaterTemp.(F) 48 48 48 48 49 48,49 48,49 49 48 49 '

0xygenConc.(ppe) 11.0 10.6 10.6 10.8- 10.8, 10.6, 10.6, 10.6 11.0 8.0 11.0 10.8 10.8 10.8 pH 9.0 8.5 8.5 8.5 - 7.7 7.7 7.7 8.0 -

No. of Specimens 53 81 - 31

- 24 - -

319 94 36 No. of Species 4 7 - 7 -

9 - -

19 5 5

- - - 1 1 0.3 American eel - -

- - 4 - - 4 1.2 Golden shiner -

Satinfin shiner 67 16 33 54

- - 170 53.3 g

- - 13 4.1 Comon shiner - - -


- - - 3 0.9 Spotta11 shiner - 2 'l 16 6 - - 62 19.4 Swallowtail shiner 23 17

- - 2 - -

'2 0.6 Blacknose dace -

- - 1 - - 3 0.9 Longnose dace 2 White catfish - - - -

3 -

3 2~ 3 3 2 0.6 5 5  : 17 5.3 Brown bullhead - - - -

! 12 8anded killifish 1 - 2 -

5 -

E 5

5 3 , 0.9 l 1 2 0.6 Rock bass

- - 1 5 7 2.2 Redbreast sunfish 1 -

- - - - 3 3 0.9 Green sunfish -

- - 1 - 4 4 9 2.8 Pumpkinseed

- - 8 2 10 3.1 81uegill - -

- 2 1 3 0.9 White crappie - - -

- 3

- 3 0.9 Black crapple - - -

1 - - 2 0.6 Tessellated darter - 1 -

Table 16. Fish collections fror the Delaware River in the vicinity of Point Pleasant, Pennsylvania on % Deccaber 1972.

Station 10 150 175 125 125 140 160 170 ictal 1 Catch Day 6 6 6  %  %  %  %  %

ilme 1C50 1035 1110 1040- 105% 1130- 1200- 1145-1210 1225 1155 1120 1130 Gear 8' seine 8' seine 8' seine Trap Fyke Trap Fyke Trap 3

net set net net net AirTemp.(I) 48 48 46 43,50 43,50 43,L6 43,47 43,46 WaterTemp.(F) 40 40 40 40,42 40,42 40 40,42 40 l

OxygenConc.(ppe) 11.6 10.6 11.6 10.0, 10.0, 11.2, 11.4, 11.0

' 10.6 10.6 12.2 12.4 g,J 7.0 7.1 7.2 7.0, 7.0, 6.9, 6.9, 6.8 7.1 7.1 7.0 7.1

! Mo. of Specimens 21 533 318 18 11 14 24 1 940

, N . of Species 3 7 2 7 5 3 6 1 18 American eel - - - 1 - - - -

1 0.1 Muskellunge - - - - 1 - - - 1 0.1 g Golden shiner -

9 - -

7 - - - 16 1.7

, Satinfin shiner 2 402 310 - - - - -

714 75.9 Spotta11 shiner - - -

2 -

12 - - 14 1.5 Swallowtail shiner 13 96 - - - - - - 109 11.6 Spotfin shiner 6 7 8 - - - - -

21 2.2 fathead minnow 1 - - - - - - 1 0.1 Wite suder - - - 1 - 1 - -

2 0.2 W ite catfish - - - 3 - - - -

3 0.3 Brown bullhead - - - 8 - - - - 8 0.8 Banded killifish -

15 - - - - - -

15 1.6 Rock bass - - -

2 1 1 4 1 9 0.9

! Redbreast sunfish -

3 - 1 - -

3 -

7 0.7 Popkinseed - - - - 1 - 2 - 3 0.3 Bluegill - - - - - - 9 -

9 0.9 Largemouth bass - - - - - - 1 - 1 0.1 Black crapple - - - - 1 - 5 - 6 0.6

..e w Table 17. Fish collections frce the Delaware River in the vicinity of Point Pleasant, Pennsylvania on 20-21 December 1972.

Station I40 T50 175 T25 125 140 160 170 Total Icatch Day 21 21 21 20-21 20-21 20-21 20-21 2k21 Time 1035 1015 1055 1305- 1310- 1255- 1320- 1340-1145 1200 1135 1120 1110 8' seine 8' seine 8' seine Trap fyke Trap fyke Trap Gear net net net net net AirTemp.(f)  % 36  %  %,42 36,47 36,42 36,42 36,42 Water Teep. (f)  % 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 0xygenConc.(ppe) 12.4 11.6 9.6 8.0, 8.0, 10.6, 11.0, 11.0, 12.2 12.2 12.0 11.4 11.6 pH 6.9 7.1 6.9 6.7, 6.7, 6.7, 6.7, 6.7, 6.8 6.8 6.8 6.9 6.8 No. of Specimens 7 338 73 57 - 9 6 2 492 No. of Species 2 5 2 5 -

3 2 2 11 Golden shiner - 1 - - - - - 1 0.2 Cctely shiner - 1 - - - - - 1 0.2 C Satinfin shiner 4 289 72 -

3 - 1 369 75.0 Spottall shines' - - -

7 E A - - 11 2.2 Swallowtail shiner 3 32 - -

3 2 - -

37 7.5 W ite catfish - - - 8 1.6

- - - 8 [

Brown bullhead - - - 40 = - - 1 41 8.3 Banded killifish -

15 1 - - - - 16 3.2 Pumpkinseed - - - 1 - - - 1 0.2 Bluegill - - - 1 - 4 - 5 1.0 E lte cripple - - - - -

2 -

2 0.4 k

d & O Table 11 Fish collections take. fron the Delaware River in the vicinity of Point Pleasant, Pennsylvania on 8-9 Janu ry 1973 Station 175 140 160 150 Total I Catch Day 8-9 8-9 8-9 9 Ilme 1120-1145 1100-1155 1155-1205 1050 Gear Trap net frap net Fyke net 8' seine AirTem.(F) 18 18 18,22 18 WaterTemp.(F) 30,31 30,31 30,31 31 0xygenConc.(ppm) 14.0 11.6,14.0 13.4 13 3 pH 6.9,7.0 6.8,6.9 6.9,7.7 6.9 1 1 4 No. of Specimens 1 1 1 4 No. of Species 1 1 1 Swallowtail shiner - - - 1 1 25.0 1 - - 1 25.0

, White sucker -

- - 1 25.0 White catfish 1 -

1 - 1 25.0 i Bluegill - -

( O i

i 1


.w.m Table 19. Fish collections taken from the Delaware River in the vicinity of Point Pleasant, Pennsylventa on 16-17 April 1973.

Station 125 ILO 100 170 ILO 150 160 175 Total I Catch Day 16-17 16-17 16-17 16-17 17 17 17 17 Time 1110-1200 1125-1155 1140-1140 1155-1130 1040 1020 1055 1110 Cear Trap net Trep net Fyke net Trap net 8' seine 8' seine 8' seine 6' seine AirTemp.(r) 68,70 68,70 68,70 68,70 68 68 68 68 j .

Water Teep. (r) 50,53 50,52 52,55 50 51 51 50 52 OxygenCone.(ppa) 9.8,10.2 9.2,10.4 10.0,10.8 10.4 10.6 10.6 8.0 pH 8.1 7.8,8.3 8.1,8.6 8.1,8.5 8.1 7.9 9.7 8.7 s rio, of Specimens 24 - 2 E 26 136 84 109 389 No. of Species 3 - 7 6 3 4 5 3 15 i

Carp - - 1 - - - - 1 0.3 Comely shiner - - - - - 1 - 1 0.3

, Satinfin shiner - - - 1 102 60 71 234 60.2 Spottall shiner - - 1 16 - -

3 20 5.1 Swallowtail shiner - - -

9 21 5 26 61 15.7 Spotfin shiner - g - - -

') 16 7 32 8.2 3 Blacknose dace -

- - - 4 - - 4 1.0 i White catfish 1 E -

3 - - - - 4 1.0 Brown bullhead 22 0 - - - - - -

22 5.7 Channel catfish - E - 1 - - - - 1 0.3 Banded killifish - - - - - 2 2 4 1.0 Redbreast sunfish - - 1 - - - - 1 0.3

. Green sunfish - 1 - - - - - 1 0.3 Pughinseed - - 1 - - - - 1 0.3 81uegill 1 1 - - - - - 2 0.5 e


v * %N l

Table 20. Tish collections taken free the Delevare River in the vicinity of Point Pleasant, Pennsylvania on 2-3 May 1973.

Station 175 140 160 170 140 150 160 175 total 1 Catch l

Day 2-3 2-3 2-3 2-3 3 3 3 3 Time 1035-1040 1050-1050 1100-1150 1115-1240 1050 1125 1200 1255 i Gear Trap net Trap net lyke net Trap net 8' seine 8' seine 8' seine t' seine j AirTemp.(F) 67,69 67,68 66,67 66,67 68 67 66 68 I WaterTemp.(F) 56,60 56,60 56,60 56,60 60 59 60 60 '

0xygenCon:,(ppe) 9.4,9.8 9.8,10.0 10.0,10.6 '9.4 10.0 9.8 10.2 pH 8.0,8.1 7.6,8.2 7.9,8.5 8.0,8.4 7.6 7.8 7.9 8.4 271 70) 61 94 631 No. of Specimens 1 - 1 Ro. of Species 1 - 1 - 8 5 11 R 19 ___

l American eel - - - 1 - - 1 0.2 Cutlips minnow - - 1 - - - 1 0.2 Silvery minnow - - - -

3 - 3 0.5 Golden shiner - - 2 - 1 -

3 0.5 Comely shiner - - 1 - - - 1 0.2 Satinfin shiner - - 88 184 36 21 329 52.1 g l

. Spottall shiner - - 3 - 4 i B 1.7 i Swallowtail shiner - g - g 145 7 4 27 183 29.0 i Spotfin shiner -  ;: -  ;: 30 10 7 39 86 13.6 Bluntnose minnow - M - M - - 1 - 1 0.7 Fathead minnow -

g -

g - 1 - -

1 0.2 81acknose dace - = - = - - - 3 0.5

. White sucker - - 1 - 1 - 2 0.3 White catfish 1 - - - - - 1 0.2 l

Redbreast sunfish - - - - 1 1 2 0.3 l

Purpkinseed - 1 - -

2 -

3 0.5 Smallmouth bass - - - - - 1 1 0.2 Black crappie - - - - 1 - 1 0.2 i Tessellated darter - - - - - 1 1 0.2 i

Table 21. Fish collections taken from the Delaware River in the vicinity of Point Pleaset, Pennsylvania on 17-18 May 1973.

Station 125 140 160 170 140 150 160 175 Total 1 Catch 17-18 17-18 17-18 17-16 18 18 18 18 Day Time 1150-1130 1200-1045 1220-1125 1240-1205 1050 1110 1145 1215 Gear Trap net frap net fyke net .frap net 8' seine O' seine 8' seine 8' seine AirTemp.(F) 52,66 52,73 52,72 50,71 52 52 52 49 WaterTen.(r) .

55,% 55,59 57,60 55,58 55 55 57 55 0xygenConc.(ppe) 9.4,10.2 9.6,9.8 9.6,10.2 9 8,10.2 9.6 9.2 9.6 -

pH 7.3,7.4 7.3,7.5 7.3,7.5 7.3,7.4 75 7.4 7.5 7.3 .

. No. of Specimens - -

5 - 2 275 89 208 579 Ro. of Species - - 4 - 1 8 9 6 17 Goldfish 1 - - - - 1 0.2 Silvery einnow - - 1 - - 1 0.2 l Golden shiner - - - - 1 1 0.2 Satinfin shiner - - 2 146 51 166 365 63.2

) 0.2 Spottall shiner - - - 1 - 1 Swallowtail shine- - -

113 9 8 130 22.5 $

. Spotfin shiner g g - g - 10 19 25 54 9.4 4

rathead sinnow  ;: = -  ;: - 1 - - 1 0.2 Blackno+e dace, E E 1 E - - - 6 7 1.2 Fallfish C C -  % - 1 - - 1 0.2 White sucker 6 6 1 6 - - - - 1 0.2 Banded killifish - - - - 2 2 0.3 Redbreast sunfish - - 2 2 - 4 0.7 Puepkinseed 2 - 1 4 -

7 1.2 i Bluegill - - - 1 - 1 0.2 Largemouth bass - - - 1 - 1 0.2 l - - 1 - 1 0.2 l Yellow perch -

4 t

e* M en Tabla 22 Ilsh collections tak n frca the Delawcre River in the vicinity of Point Pleasant, Pennsylvanin on 11-12 June 1973.

Station 125 ILO 170 I40 ISO 160 175 letal  % Catch 11-12 11-12 11-12 12 12 12 12 Day ilee 1030-1045 1045-1050 1100-1140 1100 1020 1115 1150 Gear Trap net Trap net irro net 8' seine 8' seine 8* seine 8' seine AirTemp.(f) 8 '. 85 85 85 80 85 87 Water Tem. (F) 75,77 74,77 76,79 77 77 81 78 0xygenConc.(ppe) 7.0,7.6 7.6 78 7.6 78 7.2 7.8 pH 7.4,7.5 7.2,7.5 7.4,7.7 7.5 7.3 7.4 7.7 No. of Specimens - 1 - 102 62 53 103 321 Mo. of Species - 1 - 7 10 9 10 16 American eel - - 1 - - 1 0.3 Goldfish 1 - - - - 1 0.3 Comely shiner - 1 - - - 1 0.3 Satinfin shiner -

56 28 10 55 149 46.0 Comon shiner - - - - 1 1 0.3 Spotta11 shiner .

- , 2 1 4 3 10 3.1 g 100 31.0 Swallowtall shiner [ -

[ 38 11 28 23 Spotfin shiner y -

@ 3 1 1 4 9 2.8 Bluntnose sinnov -. - -. - - 1 - 1 0.3 BlacknosedacE N

- 5 1 2 - 4 7 2.2 Falifish - - - -

7 7 2.2 White sucker - 1 13 2 3 19 6.0 Redbreast sunfish - - - - 2 2 0.6 Pumpkinseed - -

3 4 ,

7 2.2 Bluegill - - 1 2 1 4 1.2 Largemouth bass - - 1 1 - 2 0.6


Table 23. Fish collections taken from the Delaware River in the vicinity of Point Pleasant, Pennsylvania on 2526 June 1973.

Station 125 I40 160 T70 I40 iM 160 175 Total I Catch Day 25-26 25.-26 2b26 2b26 26 26 26 26 Time 1010-1040 1020-1055 1030-1130 1100-1200 1100 1015 1140 1220 j Gear Trap net Trap nit Fyke net Trap net 8' seine 8' seine 8' seine 8' seine 1

Air Temp. (F) 69,72 69,72 69,72 70,74 72 72 72 74 Water Temp. (F) 71,72 71 72 71,73 71 70 72 72 0xygenCone.(ppe) 7.2 6.8,7.2 7.4,7.8 7.6,7.8 7.2 70 7.4 8.0 pH 7.5,7.6 7.4,7.6 7.3 7.2 7.5 7.5 Mo. of Specimets 1 5 2 4 113 54 60 84 323 No. of Species 1 3 1 2 11 9 7 7 18 Alewife - - - - 4 - - - 4 1.2 Carp - - - - 1 - - - 1 0.3 Satinfin shiner - 1 - -

17 33 13 65 129 39.9 Spotta11 shiner - - - - 20 8 28 5 61 18.9 Swallowtail shiner - - - -

2 1 6 9 18 5.6 Spotfin shiner - - - -

2 1 6 -

9 2.8 O

, Blacknose dace - - - - 1 - - 2 3 0.9 Longnose dace - - - - -

2 - 1 3 0.9 Creek chub - - - - -

2 - - 2 0.6 Fallfish - - - - 1 2 - -

3 0.9 White sucker - - - -

63 4 1 - 68 21.0 White perch -

3 -

3 - - - - 6 1.8 Rock bass - - - 1 - 1 - -

2 0.6 Redbreast sunfish - - - - - - - 1 1 0.3 Green sunfish - - - - - - 1 - 1 0.3 Bluegill - - - - 1 - - - 1 0.3 Largemouth bass - 1 - - - - - - 1 0.3 Black crapple 1 - 2 - - - - -

3 0.9 Tessellated darter - - - - 1 -

5 1 7 2.1

Table 24 Fish collections takei from the Deluare River in the vicinity of Point Pleasant, Pennsylvania on 16-17 Jily 1973.

Statica 10 125 175 155 135 155 If') 160 Day 16-17 16-17 16-17 16-17 16-17 16-17 16-17 16-17 ilee 10 6 -1040 11041050 1110-1045 1115-1120 1120-1130 11 0-1205 11 4 1215 1150-1245 Gear Fyke net fyke net Trap net fyke net Trap net Trap net fyke net Trap net AirTenp.(F) 75,78 75,78 75,78 76,78 76,78 78,80 78 78 WaterTemp.(r) 74 73,74 73,74 72,75 72,75 74,76 76 76 0xygenConc.(ppe) 8.4,9.4 8.2,8.6 8.2,8.6 8.0,8.6 8.0,8.6 8.8,9.0 10.4,11.6 pH 8.4,8.6 8.4,8.7 8.4,8.7 7.6,8.4 7.6,8.4 7.9,8.7 8.5,9.5 8.5,9.5 No. of Specimens 3 2 42 14 39 7 14 4 No. of Species 3 1 7 6 6 3 4 2 Goldfish - - - - - - - -

$11very minnow - - - - - - - -

Satinfin shiner - - - - - - - -

. Spottall shiner - - - - - - - -

Swallowtail shiner - - - - -- - - -

Spotfin shiner - - - - - - - -

. Blacknose dace - - - - - - - -

Longnose dace - - - - - - - -

Creek chub - - - - - - - -

Fallfish - - - - - - - -

White sucker - - - - - - - -

White catfish 1 - - -

3 - - -

Brown bullhead - - 1 1 24 2 4 -

White perch - -

1 - -

Rock bass - - - 1 2 - - -

Redbreast sunfish 1 -

30 3 7 4 - -

Green sunfish - - 2 2 - - - -

Pugkinseed - -

5 6 2 1 5 2 Bluegill -

2 2 - 1 - 4 2 Smallmouth bass - - - - - - - -

White crapple - - - - - - 1 -

Black crapple 1 - 1 1 - - - -

Tessellated darter - - - - - - - -

w - --

Itble 24. (cont.)

Station 170 I40 150 160 175 Total I Catch Day 16-17 17 17 17 17 ilme 1200-1255 1150 1015 1225 1310 Gear Trap net 8' seine 8' seine 8' seine 8' seine AirTesp.(F) 79 78 75 78 79 WaterTemp.(F) 74,76 76 73 76 77 0xygenConc.(ppa) 9.0,10.0 10.8 9.6 11.6 9.2 pH 7.9,9.5 9.5 8.4 9.5 8.7 No of Specimens 6 87 71 12 76 377 No. of Species 3 7 7 4 9 23 Goldfish 1 - - - - - 1 0.3 Silvery minnov - - - - 1 1 0.3 Satinfin shiner - 3 20 -

39 62 16.4

. Spotta11 shiner - 49 4 1 4 58 15.4 t

Swallowtail shiner - 4 1 -

22 27 7.2 Spotfin shiner - - - 4 - 4 1.1 $

Blacknose dace - 1 - - 2 3 0.8 Longnose dace - - 1 - - 1 0.3 Creek chub - - 34 - -

34 9.0 Fallfish - 3 4 - 4 11 3.0 White sucker - 25 7 - -

32 8.5 White catfish 1 - - - -

5 1.3 Brown bullhead 4 - - - -

36 9.5 White perch - - - - - 1 0.3 Rock bass - - - - -

3 0.8 45 12.0 Redbreast sunfish - -

- - - 4 1.1 Green sunfish - -

Purpkinseed - - - 2 1 24 6.4 Bluegill - - -

5 1 17 4.5 Smallmouth bass - 2 - - - 2 0.5 White crapple - - - - - 1 0.3 Black crapple - - - - - 3 0.8 Tessellated darter - - - - 2 2 0.5 L

Irble 25. Fish collections taken from the Delaware River in the vicinity of Point Pleasant, Pennsylvania on 26-27 July 1973.

5tation 120 125 I25 I35 I35 155 160 Day 26-27 26-27 26-27 26-27 26-27 26-27 26-27 ilme 1025-1030 1045-1040 1050-1050 1105.-1115 1110-1125 1120 1135 1135-1155 Gear fyke net Fyke net Trap net fyke net Trep net frap r:et irrp net AirTemp.(f) 75,79 75,79 75,79 75,80 75,80 75,80 75,80

, Water Ten. (I) 78,79 77.78 77,78 77,78 77,78 77,78 79,80 0xygenConc.(ppe) 8.2,8.6 6.4,7.0 6.4,7.0 72 7.2 7.8,9.6 7.0,9.2 pH 8.6,8.8 8.7,8.7 8.7,8.7 8.3,8.7 8.3,8.7 8.5,8.8 8.7,9.1 No. of Specimens - -

5 8 5 20 33 Ro. of Species - -

3 6 3 4 9 American eel - - - - 1 Goldfish - 1 - - I Cutlips sinnov - - - - -

Golden shiner - - - - -

Comely shiner - - - - -

Satinfin shiner - - - - -

. Common shiner - -

Spotta11 shiner - - - - -

Swallowtall shiner - - - - -

Spotfin shiner , ,

Blacknose dace [


Longnose dace = = - - - - -

Creek chub [ [ - - - - -

Fallfish 5" 5"

White sucker - - - - -

Creek chubsucker - - - -

White catfish - - -

1 -

Brown bullhead 1 1 -

1 6 Channel catfish x - -

2 - -

Rock bass - - - - 2 Redbreast sunfish -

3 1 14 8 Green sunfish - - - -

3 Pumpkinseed 3 1 - 4 2 C

Table 25. (cont.)

Station 120 125 125 135 135 155 160

- - 6 Bluegill , ,

- 1 Largemouth bass [ [

W ite cripple g g - 1 - -

4 Black crapple - -, 1 - 2

, Tessellated darter 5 5

Shield darter - ,

1 3

t i

4 e-

Trble 25. (co,t.)

5tation 170 130 150 160 175 total 1 Catch Day 26-27 27 27 27 27 1100 1000 1210 1240 Ilme 1145.-1230 Gear Trap net 8' seine 8' seine 8' seine 8' seine AirTemp.(F) 75,80 79 79 80 80 WaterTeg.(F) 77,78 77 77 80 78 0xyganConc.(ppe) 8.6 ' 8.0 7.8 9.2 8.2 pH 8.7 8.5 8.5 9.1 8.7 No. of Specimens - 140 66 218 76 571 no. of Species - 14 7 12 7 29

- - - - 1 0.2 American eel

- - - 2 0.4 Goldfish -

- - 1 0.2 Cutlips sinnov 1 -

- - 7 -

7 1.2 Golden shiner 11 1 2 - 14 2.5 Comely shiner Satinfin shiner 18 6 7 34 65 11.4 3 55 18 108 - 181 31.7 Comon shiner 38 3 59 10.3 Spottall shiner 18 -

31 38 6.7 Swallowtail shiner 7 3 - 6 1.1 Spotfin shiner , 3 -

- - 4 0.7 81ccknose dace [ 4 -

Longnose dace y 1 - - - 1 0.2 6 - -

36 6.3 Creek chub  ; 30 9 - 2 18 3.2 Fallfish 5 7 2 1 - - 3 0.5 White sucker

- - 1 - 1 0.2 Creek chubsucker

- - - 1 0.2 White catfish -

9 1.6 Brown bullhead

- - - - 2 0.4 Channel catfish

- - - - 2 0.4 Rock bass

- - 3 29 5.1 secbreast sunfish -

- - - - 3 0.5 Green sunfish Pumpkinseed - -

3 - 2.3

Table 25. (cont.) 5tation 170 130 ISO 160 175 total I Catch Bluegill ,

                                                                             -   -    42   2                51       8.9 Largemouth bass                                     -   1     1   1                 3       0.5 White crapple                                  3    -   -     -   -                 1       0.2 Black crapple                                  [    -   -

5 - 12 2.1 Tessellated darter 5 6 - - 1 - 7 1.2


Shield carter 1 - - - 1 0.2 0

i-ble 26. Fish collections t3 m from the Dalnare River in the vicinity of Foint Pleasant, Pennsylvanti on 9-10 Atgust 1973. Station 170 175 175 135 135 I% If0 If0 Dey 1-10 4-10 9-10 9-10 9-10 9-10 9-10 9-10 ilme 08D-1045 0905-1110 0915-1120 0925-1200 0935-1205 03'45-1220 0955-1240 1000-1230 Fyke net Trap net Fyke net Trap net Trep net Fyke net Trap net Gear I)ke net AirTemp.(f) 77,84 77,84 77,84 77,87 77,87 78,86 78,86 78,86 WaterTemp.(f) 78,81 78,82 78.82 77,81 77,81 78,82 78,84 78,84 0xygenConc.(ppe) 7.4,7.8 7.0,7.6 7 0,7.6 7.0,7.8 7.0,7.8 6.6,8.0 7.8,8.4 7.8,5.4 pH 8.3,8.5 7.5,7.7 7.5,7.7 7.5,7.7 7.5,7.7 7.7,8.0 7.6,8.7 7.6,8.7 Mo. of Specimens 1 - 6 3 9 1 - 12 no. of Species 1 - 4 2 6 1 - 8 1- - 1 Goldfish - - - Carp - - - 1 Silvery sinnow - - - Golden shiner - - - Co ely shiner - - - - Satinfin shiner - - - - - - U Coron shiner - - - - - Spettall shiner - - - - - - Swallowtail shiner - - - - Spotfin shiner - g - - - - g - Blacknose dace - 3 Creek chub - E - - - - E - Fallfish - g - - - - g - White sucker - g - - -

                                                                                                                            ,            g           -

4 - 1 White catfish - 1 2 Brown bullhead - 2 - - 1 2 Chennel catfish - - - 1

                                                                                                           -           -                              1 l

White perch - - - Rock bass -

                                                                                                 -         1           -                              1 Redbreast sunfish                                    1                    -
                                                                                                 -         -           -                              1 Green sunfish                                       -                     -

Punpkinseed - 1 1 - - 3 Bluegill - - - - -

UM 0 6 _ - 2 _ 1 0 ,[g ,E= 0 1 O 5 5 1 5 3

                    - - 1      -

1 5 3 1 5 2

                    -              1 5

1 2 a[Q .$= - 0 2 1

      )                        r
    -    .                     e
    -  t n           s s s s t

r a o c a a ed ( bbl pd h h p e

         .         t t at 6            u u r a 2       n    o o cl o    m r       l e    i t

l ek e gc s l l b a a r a s s t m al e i 5 S l BT 4

Tette 26. (cont.) Station 170 I20 130 ISO T60 175 total iCatch Day 9-10 10 10 10 10 10 ilme 1010-1300 1055 1130 1020 1245 1315

Gear irrp net 8' seine 8' seine 8' seine 8' seine 8' seine I AirTemp.(F) 78,87 84 84 84 86 E8 WaterTemp.(F) 79,83 81 82 82 8l 82 0xygenConc.(pre) 8.0,8.6 7.8 8.4 8.2
  • 8.4 8.0 pH 7.7,8.2 8.5 7.8 7.7 7.6 7.8 no. of Specimens 2 51 70 74 58 116 403 No. of Species  ? 9 9 12 9 8  ??

Goldfish - - - - - - 2 0.5 Carp - - - - - - 1 0.2 Silvery minnov - - 1 - - - 1 0.2 Colden shiner - - - - 14 - 14 3.5 Coeely shiner - - 6 1 4 - 11 2.7

Satinfin shiner - 12 12 26 31 43 124 30.8 u Cormon shiner - 4 -

17 1 35 57 14.1 Spettall shiner - 22 23 2 - 12 59 14.6 Swallowtail shiner - 2 2 4 - 10 18 4.5 Spctfin shiner - - 2, 1 2 - 5 1.2 4 Blacknose dace - 1 - - - - 1 0.2 Creek chub - 1 - 3 - 1 5 1.2 r:11 fish - 4 - 8 - 13 25 6.2 white sucker 1 - 3 - - - 4 1.0 White catfish - - - - - - 8 2.0 Brown bullhead - - - - - - 5 1.2 Channel catfish - - - - - - 1 0.2 White perch - - - - - - 1 0.2 Rock bass 1 - - - - - 1 0.2 Redbreast sunfish - - - 2 - 1 6 1.5 Green sunfish - - - 7 1 - 9 2.2 Pumpkinseed - - - 1 1 - 7 1.7 Bluegill - - 2 2 3 1 8 2.0

0 h 2227 c t 001 5 a C I l 1 1 53 a 2 t o T 5 7 1 0 6 1 O S I 0 3

                    - - - 91 T

0 2 1 - - % 1 0 7 1

     )                          r
        .                       e

t n s s t r o s s a c a a ed ( b bi pd h h p e

         .         t t at 6              u u r a 2       n    o o cl o   mm         l e      i    l    ek e l       t    i gc s b         a       r a s T

a S t val S L B T e M

                                 .                                                                                                          3 itle 27. Fish colltctions tal n from the Delaare River in the vicinity of Foint Pleasant, Fennsylvants on &21 August 1973 T35           1 35         IS          If D      IM Station                           '70          I?5            T75 20-21        20-21       20-21     20-21 Dry                             2 b21         5 21           20-21           20-21 1205-1155     1210-1200    1245-1215   1305-1230 1315-1255 ilme                          1130-1045     1145-1110      1150-1120 Trap net        Fyke net      Trap net     Trap net    fyke net  Trap net Gear                           F)ke net      ryke net 73       73,75       73,75     73,75 AirTeep.(f)                         73           73             73              73 74,75     74,75          l 72,76          72,76              74             74       73,74 WaterTe7.(f)                    73,75                                                                                                       '

7.6,7.8 7.6,8.0 7.6,8.0 7.4,8.0 8.8,9.6 8.8,9.6 l 0xygentone.(ppm) P.0 7.6,7.8 7.6 7.6 7.6,7.7 7.8,9.3 7 8,9.3 pH 7.7,8.0 7.6 7.6 10 - 8 , 5 2 3 Mo. of Specinens 1 1 4 l 4 2 2 6 - No. of Species 1 1 American eel - Cutlips minnov - Golden shiner - - Co-ely shiner - Satinfin shiner - Cor9en shiner - - - - - - Spottall shiner - - Swallowtail shiner - Spotfin shiner - - Blacknose dace - Creek chub - - - - - G - fallfish - - - M - White sucker - 1 White catfish - 2 1 2 1 1 - 2 Brown bullhead -

                                                   -               -              -              -            1 Channel catfish                     -


                                                   -                1             -              -            3 White perch                         -
                                      -            -               -               -             -             I                    -

Rock bass

                                                   -                1              I              I           I                     -

Redbreast sunfish - Green sunfish 2

                                                    -               1              -             -             3 Puykinseed                         -
                                                                                                              -                      I Bluegill                            -            -

59 l I l C l 0 s-e E 6.8 bd e1 O w 2 M o-o b O E

                   +        l 1


                    @       l !

m es= e 1 I e e-N


e B $ N e== c I l N e== A b e & eo ed C b O N 4J V b U W D ed e b e es* N N N V t%e C m o se V es e & M M se& @ $@ fC M es=0 M.6 & 4A C e-= M >= W3

I;ble 27. (cont.) ife I?5 Total I Cate'i Station 17 1 ITO I30 150 21 21 Day 20 'l 21 21 21 1055 1130 1025 1240 1320 ilee 1320-1305 Trap net 8' seine 8' seine 8' seine 8' seine 8' seine Gear 73 73 75 Air Terp. (F) 73,75 73 73 l 74 74 VaterTerp.(f) 73,74 73 72 73 l 8.2,8.4 8.0 8.2 8.4 8.8 7.8 0xygenCone.(ppm) pH 7.6,8.5 8.0 7.6 7.3 7.8 78 44 46 51 56 84 311 No. of 3pecimens - 11 7 7 74 No. of Sp.eles - 12 10

                                                 -          -          -          -         1       0.3 American eel                        1
                                      -          -          -          -           1        1       0.3 Cutlips minnow
                                      -          -          -          1          -         1       0.3 l  Colden shiner                                                                                     1.0
                                                            -          -          -         3 Comely ;hiner                       -          3 l                                                          19          32         21       93      '!2.0 Satinfin shiner                    12         15 4          3          5          1        27       40       !?.9 Co c on shiner 4         -          -         14       23        7.4 Spotta11 shiner                      5 l                                                             4         -         18       35      11.3 3        10 l  Swallowtail shiner                                                               -       14       '* . 5 1          1          9 l   Spotfin shiner           ,          3
                                                                       -           -        2       0.6
                                       -          2 l

Blacknose dace [ 13 - 2 17 5.5 Creek chub O 2 - 1.6 [ 3 - I - 1 5 ra11 fish - 6 1.9 5 2 3 1 White sucker * - - 1 0.3 White catfish - - 9 2.9 Brown hullhead - - I 0.3 Channel catfish - - - 7 2.2 White perch - - 1 0.3 Rock bass - - - 4 1.3 Redbreast sunfish 4 - 13 4.2 5 1 3 Green sunfish 2.2

                                        -          -          1          -           -       7 Punkinseed                                                                              10        3.2 Bluegill                             -          -          I          8           -

l l l

lllll b h 23 c t 30 a C I l 01 a 1 t o T 5 7

                                - -                             e 1

0 1 - 6 1 0 5 2 - 1 0 3 4 - 1 0 31 7 1 M E K A T 0

 "                      1 7         H S

I F 0 M

        )                        r
            .                     e t                       t n                       r o                       a c                      d r

( e d t e r

            .                    t a 7                        ad 2                 n     l o     l d e               i       el l                t       s e b                 a      si a              t        eh T                S      T S
                                          - l1lll; llll                                            1 i ll   i ,   lll l
 ~                                '-                   .

b. Table 28. Fish collections taken from the Delaware River in the vicinity of Point Pleasant, Pennsylvania on 6-7 September 1973. 155 160 160 170

     $tation                            170             135               135 6-7                6-7            6-7              6-7            6-7 Day                                6-7            6-7 1130-1150          1220-1210      1155-1225        1210-1280      1280-1250 ilme                            1050-1055      1115-1145 frap net           Trap net       Fyke net         frap net       Trap net Gear                             fyke net       fyke net 78,79          78,79            78,79          78,79 Air Temp. (f)                     75,82              78                 78 80            80,82          80,82            80,82             80 VaterTemp.(f)                     80,82              80 7.6,7.7            7 2,7.4        6.9,7 8          6.9,7.8        7.1,8.8 0xygenConc.(ppe)                 7 8,8.4        72.7.6 7.6,7.0            7.6,7.9            7.8,8.2        7 8,8.2          7.8,8.2        7.8,8.2 pH                               7.%,8.8                                                                                                                    -

5 - - - 5 No. of Specimens 1 1

                                                                                                               -               -               3 Ro. of Species                       1               1                    3                -

1 Goldfish - Corely shiner -

                                                                                                                                              -                      1 Satinfin shiner                      -               -

Co non shiner - Spotta11 shiner - Swallowtail shiner - - - Spotfin shiner - - Blacknose dace , , , o -

                                          -               -                    -               o              o Longnose dace Creek chub                           -              -                     -

3 3 3 -


fallfish - - - [ [ A R R I White catfish - E E E I Brown bullhead 2 White perch 1

                                           -               -                       3 Rock bass                                                                                                                                 1
                                           -               -                       1 Redbreast sunfish                                                                                                                       -

Green sunfish -

                                           -               -                       1 Pumpkinseed                                                                                                                              -

l Bluegill - l Tessellated darter - C

4 isble 28 (cont.) 1 Station I20 130 iT 160 175 Total 1 Cag l 7 7 j Day 7 7 7 i 1100 1125 1030 1230 1300 time 8' seine 8' seine 8' seine 8' seine 8' seine Gear AirTerp.(F) 76 75 78 78 75 80 82 80 WaterTemp.(F) 82 84 Orygen Conc. (ppm) 8.4 8.4 12.4 7.8 7.4 8.8 8.7 8.8 8.2 8.2 pH 14 256 56 466 j No of Specimens 77 51 6 3 6 8 20 l Mo. of Species 9

                                       -         -        -         -            1      0.2 Goldfish                   -
                                       -         -         1        -            1      0.2 Corely shiner              -

8 224 17 307 65.9 Satinfin shiner 20 38 1 - 1 13 16 3.4 Corton shiner 1

                                                 -        -        17          21       4.5 l  Spottall shiner             4        -

l Swallowtail shiner 43 3 2 - 3 51 10.9 C

                                                 -       13         -          14       3.0 Spotfin shiner              1        -
                                                 -         -        -            3      0.6 Blacknose dace             1         2
                                       -         -         -        -            5      1.1 Longnose dace.             5
                                       -         -         -         2           2      0.4 Creek chub                 -
                                                 -         -        -            1      0.2 Fellfish                    1       -


                                        -        -         -        -            1 White catfish               -


                                        -        -         -         -           1 Brown bullhead             -
                                                  -        -                     3      0.6 Vnite perch                 -         -                               .
                              -         -         -        -         -            3     0.6 Rock bass
                                        -         -        -         1            3     0.6 Redbreast sunfish          -
                                                  -        -          2           5     1.1 Green sunfish              -         3 Puepkinseed                -         -         4      '4           1         10      2.1
                                                  -       13         -          13      2.9 Bluegill                   -         -

1.1 4 - - - 5 Tessellated darter 1

  • ble 29. Fish cellections takri from the Delevare River in the vicinity of Point Pleasant, Pennsylvania on 20-21 Septenbar 1973.

l '0 125 135 135 155 160 170 Station 175 Day 20-21 20-21 20-?! 20-21 20-21 20-?! 20-21 2'J-21 1000-1020 1010-1035 1015-1040 1020-1100 1025-1105 1035-1120 10L0-1130 10 4 1150 ilee fyke net frap net fyke net Trap net Trap net fyke net Trap net Cear fyke net  ; 56,59  %,59 56,62 56,62 64,65 65 63,65 l AirIe@.(f) 54,59 64,65 64,65 65 Water Temp. (f) 64,66 64,65 64,65 63,65 63,65 l 8.4,9.4 8.0,8.4 8.0,8.4 8.0,8.6 8.0,8.6 7.8,8.8 7.8,8.6 P.4,9.2 l 0xygenConc.(ppm) 7.6,7.8 7.3,7.6 7.3,7.6 7.4,7.5 7.4,7.5 7 3,7 8 7.3,7.6 7. 3,7.4 pH 10 10 3 7 No of Spectrens 1 1 7 1 Mo of Species 1 1 5 1 6 4 I 4 5- 5 - 2 imerican eel - - 1 - - 1 Goldfish - -

                                                  -             -                 -            1 Carp                                 -

Cutlips rinnow - - - Golden shiner - Comely shiner - - - - - - - - Satinfin shiner - - - Coemon shiner - - Spottall shiner - - - Swallowtail shiner - - Spotfin shiner - - - Blzcknose dace - Lengnose dace - Creek chub - fallfish - - - White sucker - - - - I - - - 2 - - - 3 I White catfish - -

                                                   -             -                 -           -              -             -            2 Brown bullhead                       -

Bandedkillifish - - - 1 - - 3 White perch - - Redbreast sunfish 1 - 1 - 1 I - 2 Green sunfish - 1 - 1 1 Pumpkinseed -

65 o o i I I I I o i I I I I e i I l i I e e= e I I I 4-m e= c I I I I I w o== e 1 I N I I m e= e i I I I I m a=


m u e G 4s ab=8 C M b O M 89 u to G M V 43 see nV CL G e A.** e ra e* a==e 3 b 8C C ==4 O W are 48 ene F e me h W eeOe C.M @ .3f & @

     ~        **    O LD O M M 4}        ts    a b su e e-o (D      e=   me ht     a==e                                O #9
     >       V1*   GD =J     ED 9"= 3

I iable 29. (cont.) 19 160 175 Tot al I Catch Station I20 I?O 21 21 21 21 Day 21 10 9 1000 1135 1705

   !!re                 1025 8' seine                8' seine   8' seine   B' seine   8' seine Gear 65 AirTep.(f)              54                      %          54         65 64         64         64         65 Water Terp. (f)         64 9J          8.8       8.6         8.6 OrygenCore.(ppm)       9A pH                     7.8                     7.5        7.6       7.6         77 101       252          87      862 No. of Specimens       117                     265 6        10           9         6        28 No. of Species          11
                                                     -          -          -         -        12                         1.4 American eel               -


                                                     -          -          -         -          2 Goldfish                   -


                                                     -          -          -         -          1 Carp
                                                                                     -          1                        0.1 Cutlips minnow              I                     -          -          -
                                                     -           1       23          -        25                         2.9 Golden shiner               1 l

Cerely shiner - - 1 13 - 14 1.6 g 58 159 73 600 69.7 Satinfin shiner 72 238 1 - - 2 3 0.3 Comen shiner - 0.8 1 - - 1 7 Spettall shiner 5 8.2 21 - 9 71 Swallowtail shiner 21 20 I 11 1 I4 I.6 Spotfin shiner 1 - 0.1

                                                     -           -         -          -          1 Blacknose dace              1
                                                     -           -          -         -       11                         1.3 Longnose dace           11
                                                      -          -          -         -          1                       0.1 Creek chub                  1
                                                                 -          -         -          1                       0.1 fallfish                    1
                                                                 -          -          -         1                       0.1 White sucker                                                            -         -          6                       0.7 White catfish               -
                                                                            -         -          2                       0.2 Brown bullhead                                                          -          -         3                       0.3 2          1 Banded killifish            -
                                                                            -          -         4                       0.5 White perch                 -

2.5 3 1 22 2 3 7 Redbreast sunfish - - 8 0.9

                                                       -          8 Green sunfish               -
                                                                                       -         6                       0.7
                                -                      -          -          3 Pumpkinseed


l l e h 4 2 231 c t a L 0000 C I l 3 2231 a 3 t o T 5 7 1 0 6 72 3

                       - 1           -

1 0 5 1 - 1 0 5 1 0 7 1 ) r

   .                              e t                                t n                       s        r o                       s        a c                       a ed

( bl pd h p e

   .                    t at 9                l       u r a 2         n     l o cl e o i n                 l y e      i          g ek e e l         t         e g c sl b          a        u r a sl a       t      l       al e a f        S       B L B T W l                    ll   lll       I1

Table 30. Fish collections taken from the Delaware River in the vicinity of Point Pleasant, Pennsylvania on 4-5 October 1973. Station 120 125 125 135 135 155 160 170 Day 4-5 4-5 4-5 4-5 4-5 4-5 4-5 4-5 fine 1045-1015 1100-1030 1105-1035 1125-1115 1130-1120 1135-1140 1150-1145 1700-1210 Fyke net Fyke net Trap net Fyke net Irap net frap net Fyke net Trap net Gear AirTemp.(F) 68,76 68,75 68,75 71,78 71,78 76,82 80,82 83,81 Watericep.(F) 66,68 68,69 68,69 68 68 68,69 69 69 0xygenConc.(ppm) 8.6,9.0 7.8,8.0 7.8,8.0 7.4,8.0' 7.4,8.0 8.2,8.6 8.8,9.4 8.8,9.0 pH 7.9 7.5,7.6 7.5,7.6 7.5 7.5 7.6,8.5 7.4,7.6 7.6 Ko. of Specimens 1 4 1 1 2 22 - 1 7 - 1 No. of Speeles 1 3 1 1 1 American eel - - - Muskellunge - - - 1

                                                                             -         -         -          1 Carp                              -                               -

Golden shiner - - Comely shiner - - - Satinfin shiner - - - - -

                                                                                                                                        $   l Common shiner                     -

Spottall shiner - - - - - - Swallowtail shiner - - - - Spotfin shiner - - - - - Blacknose dace - - - - - - g - Longnose dace - White catfish - 2 - - - - 5 I Brown bullhead - 1 Chann:1 catfish - - - - - 2 Banded killifish - - - -

                                                                                       -         -          1 White perch                       -                               -           -

Rock bass - - - - - I - Redbreast sunfish 1 - - - - 12 Pu pkinseed - 1 I - 2 3

                                                                                                 -          2 Bluegill                          -                               -           -         -

lessellated darter - - -

Table 30. (cont.)

                                               !!o        160       175    lot al     I Catch Station                  120        130 5          5         5         5 Day                        5 1025       1055      0955       1150      1215 lime 8' seine   8' seine  8' seine   8' seine  8' seine Gear 75         82        78 AirTemp.(F)               76         78 68         69        70 WaterTeep.(F)             68         69 9.0         8.6       8.2        9.4       8.2 0xygenConc.(ppm) 7.9        7.6      7.7         7.4       7.6 pH 82        87         87        21        353 No. of Specimens          45 9         5         4         22 Mo. of Species             6          8
                                       -          -         -          1          1                   0.3 American eel               -
                            -          -          -         -         -           1                   0.3 Muskellunge
                            -          -          -         -         -           1                   0.3 Carp
                                       -          -          1        -           1                   0.3 l Golden shiner              -

4 5 - 11 3.1 Corely shiner - 2 l Satinfin shiner 16 66 38 54 18 191 54.1 $

                                       -           1        -         -           1                   0. 3 Canon shiner              -
                                                                      -         14                    4.0 12 Spottall shiner            1          1 12.7 6        26          -         -        45 Swallowtail shiner       13 7.6
                                                   -       25          -        27 Spotfin shiner            -           2
                                                   -         -         -          1                   0.3
                            -           1 812cknose doce                                                                                      2.0
                                        -          -         -         -          7 Longnose dace              7 3                   0.8 White cetfish              -
                                                                       -           1                  0.3

, Brown bullhead 0.6

                                        -          -         -         -          2 Channel catfish            -
                                                                       -           1                  0.3
                                        -           1 l

Banded killifish -

                                                             -         -           1                  0.3 White perch                -


                                        -          -         -         -           1 Rock bass                                                                                          6.2 2         -         1        22 Redbreast sunfish          4          2 i                                                             -          -         9                   2.5
                                        -           2 Purpkinseed                -
                                                                        -          4                   1.1
                                                    -         2 Bluegill                   -          -

2.3 4 2 1 - I 8 Tessellated darter

f Table .;1. Fish colle:tions tak n frem the Delmre River in the vicinity of Point Pleasant, Pennsylvanic on 18-19 Cctober l';7J. 175 175 I5 135 155 If4 170 Statinn "?O 18-19 18-19 18-19 18-19 18-19 Dry It-19 18-19 18-19 102',-1040 103b1100 1045-1110 1050-1135 1100-1140 1110-1200 1115-l?l5 1155-1240 ilme irsp net Fyke net Fyke net frap net Fyke net Trap net frap net fyke net Gear 50,54 50,54 51,54 51,56 ;1,56 AirTerp.(F) 50,54 50,54 50.54 54,56 54,56 54,56 54.% 54,56 54,56 54.56 vaterTemp.(F) 55,56 10.2,12.2 10.4,11.8 10.8,11.8 11.2,12.6 0xygenConc.(ppa) 10.2,12.2 7.5,7.6 7.5,7.6 7.6 7.6 7.6,7.8 7.4,7.5 7.4,8.4 pH 8.0,8 5+ - 5 3 12 - 5 Mo. of Specimens - 1 5 4 3 7  ? - 3 Mo. of Species - 1 American eel - 1 - -

                                                                                                              )                          2 l                                                                  -               -             -             -                         -

l Satinfin shiner - l Common shiner - l Spottall shiner - - l - - - - - Swallowtail shiner -

                                                                                                                                              "o Spotfin shiner                                    -

5 - - - - - E - longnose dace White catfish 3 - 1 3 - - 3 2 Brown bullhead [ - 1 - - - [ 3 Sanded killifish 5

                                                                                                                           "              1
                                     =                            -               -              2            -

White perch - Rock bass 1

                                                    -              -              -              I             9 Redbreast sunfish                                                                                           -                         -

Green sunfish - -

                                                    -              2               1 Pumpkinseed                                                                                                                           -
                                                                   -                1 Bluegill                                         -

Tessellated darter

lable 31. (cont.) Station 120 1 50 IM 160 175 Total  % Cetch 19 19 19 19 19 Day Ilre 1045 1120 1015 1220 1255 Gear 8' seine 8' seine 8' seine 8' seine 8' seine Air Terp. (F) 54 54 54 56 56 WaterTeep.(f) 55 55 54 54 55 0xygen Conc. (ppm) 11.6 12.2 12.6 11.0 11.8 pH 8.5* 8.4 8.0 7.5 7.6 160 335 70 810 No. of Specinens 97 117 4 4 17 No. of species 3 5 5

                                         -           -        -        -         6            0.7 American eel                 -

84 62 236 63 504 62.2 Satinfin shiner 59

                                         -           -        -         3        3             0.4 Connon shiner                -
                                                              -        2         2              0.2 Spottall shiner              -          -           -

25 92 96 2 243 30.0 Swallowtail shiner 28 i Spotfin shiner - - 2 2 - 4 0.5  % l

                                          -          -        -        -         8                 1.0 lorgeose d.'ce                8
                                                     -        -        -         6               0.7 White catfish                -          -
                                          -          -        -        -         1               0.1 Brown bullheid               -

2 - - 3 0.4 Banded killifish - 1

                                                              -        -         3               0.4 White perch                  -
                               -          -          -        -        -          1               0.1 Rock bass
                                          -          -        -        -        10                   1.2 Redbresst sunfish            -
                                                     -        -         -         1               0.1 Green sunfish                 1             .

2 2 - - 7 0.9 Purphinseed -

                                                     -         1        -         2                0.2 Bluegill                     -          -
                                                      -       -         -         6               0.7 Tessellated darter            1          5 l


Iable 32. Ils5 collections tal:n frca the Delaw3re River In the vicinity of Peint Fleasant, Pennsylvants on 1%I6 f;cverter IT3. 135 135 155 101 170 Shtion 170 125 125 1 %16 15-16 15-16 15-16 15-16 Day 15-16 15-16 15-16 1100-1055 1105-1100 1110-1105 1120-1110 1125-1130 ilme 10'0-1015 1040-1030 1045-1035 Fyke net Trap net Trap net Fyke net Trap net Gear Fyke net Fyke net Trap net 52,67 52,67 48,67 49,69 49,64 53,64 51,66 51,66 Air Ten. (F) 46,51 47,51 L8,50 L8,50 WaterTenp.(I) 48 48,51 L8,51 46,51 9.8,10.2 9.8,10.6 9.8,10.6 9.0,10.2 9.0,10.6 10.6,11.0 0xygenConc.(ppm) 10.6,11.4 9.8,10.2 7.3,7.4 7.7,7.3 7 2,7.3 7.4,7.8 7.0,7.4 7.3,7.7 pH 7.6,8.3 7.3,7.4

                                                                              -              4            -             6                              2 1

No. of Specimens - -

                                                                              -              4            -             ?                              ? __

No. of !pecies - - 1 Carp - - Golden shiner - - Co-ely shiner - Satinfin shiner - - - Comon shiner Swallevtall shiner M Creek chub 5 5 - 5 - 5 - - Ouillback a = 1 = - O - M E - E I E - - White sucker 1 White catfish $ $ 5 1 5 - 9 9 - 9 - G - - Banded killifish - -

                                                               -                              1 White perch                                                                                                                                               I
                                                                                              -                           1 Recbreast sunfish                                                                                                        -                              -

Green sunfish - Pumpkinseed -

                                                               -                              -                           5 Bluegill                                                                                      -

Tessellated darter

Table 32. (cont.) Station 170 130 150 if0 175 Total  % Catch 16 16 16 16 Day 16 1020 1045 1000 1115 1135 ilme 8' seine 8' seine 8' seine 8' seine 8' seine Gear 49 AirTeep.(F) 53 52 61 49 Water Terp. (F) 48 51 52 50 50 i I OxygenConc.(ppe) 10.6 10.4 10.6 9.0 9.6 7.3 l pH 7.6 7.4 7.4 7.0 ' 180 25 27 158 454 No of Specimens 51 3 6 4 17 I No. of Species 3 3

                          -        -        -         -          -        1      0.2 Carp
                                   -        -         1          -        1      0.2 Golden shiner            -


                                            -         -          -        1 Comely shiner            -        1 14        153     364      20.2 Satinfin shiner         24      160       13
                                   -         1        -          -        1      0.2 Coman shiner             -

Lj 11 2 3 61 13.4 Swallowtail shiner 26 19

                                   -        -         -          -        1      0.2 Creek chub               1
                          -        -        -         -          -        1      0.2 Ou111back
                                   -        -         -          -        1      0.2 White sucker             -


                                    -       -         -           -       2 White catfish            -
                                                                  -       1      0.2
                                            -          1 Banded killifish        -         -
                                                      -           -       1      0.2 White perch               -


                                    -        -        -           -       2 Redbreast sunfish        -

1 0.2

                                    -        -        -            1 Green sunfish                                                            4     0.9
                                    -        -          4         -

Pumpkinseed 2.2

                                    -        -          5          -     10 Bluegill                 -

1 0.2

                                    -        -         -           1 Tessellateddarter        -

iable 33. Fish collections taken from the Delaware River in the vicinity of Point Pleasant, Pennsylvania on 13-14 December 1973 ILO 155 160 170 IM 175 Total I Catch Station 175 13-14 13-14 13-14 14 14 Day 13-14 13-14 1415-1150 1425-1130 1050 1115 llee 1340-1300 1355-1330 1405-1200 i i Trap net Trap not Trap net fyke net Trap net 8' seine 8' seine Cear 38,43 38,42 46 (4 AirTerp.(f) 38,43 38,42 38,43 40 40,42 40,41 40,41 40 40 Water Ten. (F) 40 11.6,12.0 11.6,11.8 11.8,12.2 12.0 11.8 11.6 0xygenConc.(ppm) pH 6.8,6.9 6.8,6.9 6.8,6.9 6.8,6.9 6.8,6.9 6.8 6.8

                                                                -               -             4            69            9      83 No of Specimens                      -           1
                                                                                -             4             2            3       7 No. of Speeles                       -           1             -

34 4 38 45.8 Satinfin shiner - Spottall shiner 5 - 5 5 1 - - 1 1.2 4 47.0 Swallowtail shiner 3 - 3




35 39 1 1.2 x - 1 - White sucker White catfish 3 - 3 3 1 - - 1 1.2 Bluegil' 9 1 E 9 1 - - 2 2.4 y

                                                                                              -             -             1      1      1.2 lessellated darter                               -

75 Table y.. Invertebrate taxa found in qualitative sa ples taken in July and Septerber 1972 from the Cela.are River near Pcint Pleasant, Penn:ylva,la. IAICh Eryc 2ca Frptager.lidae H)('reptilitae! (ccet.) Planariidae Stenene a leucetrichta Ducesia ares

  • pictices Lumbricidae rubrum Leptoceridae iubificidae frentale* Athriotodes franchlura rubre aculatum Lepidostoratidae sewerbyl Gomphidae lepidosto a*

Pelescaler Geephus Pyralididae Auledrilus Libellulidae Pararevractis Lu:briculidae Erytheel s' Dytiscidae Glossiphoniidae Didvrops' Laccechilus Placobdella transversa Hydrophilidae rentifera' Coenagrionidae Berosus Eatracobeella Gerridae Psepher:Idae Erpotdellidae F4trobates Psephenus Erpebdella Rheu-atebates herrickl punctata Vellidae Eleidae Mooreobdella Rhaeovella Ancvronyx fervida $lalidae varieoatus Asellidae $l all,s, Dubiraphia Asellus Corydalicae sp. A ellitaris Corvdalus Macronychus Gamaridae cornutus clabratus Gammarus Philopotamidae t Op_tioservus Hydracarina Chicarra Stenelmis Isotomidae obscurra Ilpulidae isotomurus aterrima Antocha palustris Psychosy11dae Eriocera* Perlidae Polveentropus spinosa Perlesta heureclipsi_s Psychodidae placida Hydropsychidae Telmatoscopus Caenidae Cheuestepsyche Simuliidae Caenis Hydropsyche Simullue 4 Iricorythodes betteni Chirono:idae Ephemerellidae slossonae* Ablabesmyla Ephemerella phalerata Procladius tuberculata* sp. A lanytarsus Baetidae sp. C Microosectra Baetis sp. O Chironomus intercalaris sp. E Cardiocladius Isonychia sp. H* Goeldichironorus' Pseudocloeon sp. E' Orthocladius dubium* Hydroptilidae Hetereelecon Neotrichia' Hydroptila aiar vaubestana h

76 latle34. (cont.) TAIC4 Heleidae frico yla E ;icicae He erodrotia Fnysidae Fhysa intecra savii' Flanorbidae Gvreulus parvus Ar.cylidae ferrissia tarda linlonidae Anedenta Elliptio cc clanatus Sphacriidae

           $;5aerium Fisidit;:
  • Indicates taxa not recorded in the Ferkieren Creek system by Ichthyological Associates, Inc. as of Jane 1973.


77 13tle 35. Relative atundaa.ce and percentage co p:sition of tenthic invertebrates taken in qualitative saiples (3 sa ples certined) from the Ccla. arc River near Point Pleasant,13 Septerter 1972, letal 1 Tare, hu-ter Ce resitten Flanariidae Dunesia 14 +


lumbricidae 3 lutificidae Ern etlura sowerbvl 3 + Aulodrilus 133 1.3 Felescolex 24 + 80 + Luttriculidae [rpobdellidae [rectdella punctata 2 + Asellidae Asellus rilitaris 1 + Ga=aridae Ga- arus fasciatus 1027 10.0 47 + Hydracarina Caenidae 13 + Caenis Baetidae Baetis intercalaris 36% 3.6 37


Fseudecloeon dubium Isonythia  % + Heptageniidae 27


Stenenema rubror.aculatum 6 +

5. rubrum

libellulidae* 2 [rythemis 1


5 + Coenagrionidae* I Gerridae 11


Petrebates 1


Rreumatobates vellidae Rhacovella 148 1.4 51alidae


Sialis 1 Corydalidae Cerydalus cornutus 1 +

78 latle 35. (cent.) Ictal  % faxon ha-rar Cc resitlen Fnilepotatidae Ct.i->rra cheura (total) 52 + 44 + llarvae) (pupae) 8 + Psycherylidae Polveretropus 1 + l hydrepsychidae Hydressyche(total) 124 1.2 (pupae) 1 + H. sp. "A" 31


H. sp. "C" 38 + H. sp. "0" 5 + H. sp. "E" 12 + 18 + H. sp. "H"


H. sp. "K" 19 Cheur.atepsvche (total) 739 72 (larvae) 738 7.2 (pupae) 1 + Hydreptilidae 2 + Neotrichia 9 + H<drestila(total) (pupae) 6 + H. ajax 2 + 1 + H. w3utesiana Ieccetrick.ia pictlpes (total) 60 + 36 + (larvae) (cupae) 24 + Fyralldidae


Pararevractis(total) 26 25 + (larvae) (pupae) 1 + Hydrophilidae

           '"a*ne (1ervae)                           21

L Psephenidae Fsenhenus herricki (larvae) 25 + [leidze


Ancvrenvx varlecatus (larvae) 1


Steneleis(larvae) 2 Dutiraphia(total) 30


(larv:e) 29


(adult) 1 1


Ortloservus (larvae)

79 latle 35. (cont.) lotal faren hu-ter Co- etitlen 11pulidae Antecha(larvae) 1 + Siculiidae (larvae) 34 + Sirullum (pupae) 2 + Chironomidae (total) 6888 67.5 (pupae) 6534 64.0 (larvae, total) 354 3.5 Precladius %5 + Ablates =via 465 4.5 Chireno us Ikl9 I3*9 C:eleichirenemus 11 + Pciveedilui 168 1.6 lanytarsus 2374 23.2 Micreesectra 401 3.9 Cardicelacius 256 2.5 Criectopus 1074 10.5 0-thecladius 318 3.1 Heleidae Palporvia(larvae) 8 + [epididae He erodromia (total) 34 + (larvae) 1% + (pupae) 20 + l Physidae Physa (total) 93 1.0 P. Inteata 96 1.0 2 + [.savil Planorbidae Gyraulus parvus 5 + y Ancylidae Ferrissia tarda 82 + thionidae Anedonts' 32 + Sphaerlidae Sphaerlos 9 +

  • 1r.rature specisens
   + indicates values less than !!

80 l l latle 36. Fif teen er,t nu erous genera and their percentage cetpo:ltien of the total nutter of tenthic ir.vertetrates taken in qaalitative sa ples from the Delaware River rear Foint Fleasant, fennsylvania on 13 Septe-ter 1972. Genus  % Co positten _ lanytarsus 23.2 Chironomus 13.9 Cricetenus 10.5 Gesarus 10.0 Cheueatopsyche 7.2 Ablatestyla 4.5 Micropsectra 3.9 Baetis 3.6 Orthocladius 3.1 Cardiocladius 2.5 Folypedilus 1.6 - Rhacovella l.% Aulodrilus 1.3 Hydreesyche 1.2 Fhysa 1.0 r

81 I latle 37. Total nueters and percentage co positien of drif ting invertebrates taken during the 24-tr interval 16-17 August 1972 fret the Octa.are River near Foint Pleasant, Fennsylvania. f>-ily Ictal I Co c. Lurtriculidae 1 + Ga=aridae 16 + Hydracarina 14 + lsotomidae 6 + Caenidae 2 Eaetidae 366 52 Heptageniidae 2 Coenegrionidae 1 Vellidae 1 Hydrcpsychidae 17 Hydroptilidae 9 Hydrophilidae 2 Pyralididae 2 Elsidae 22 11pulidae 1 Fsychodidae 1 Sieullidae 7 , Chironomidae larvae 1603 23.1 pupae 4856 70.0 Erpididae 1 Physidae 1 Ancylidae 2

     + indicates values less than 1%


I N Point i Pleasant / p / Pipe line j W g l f 6 k

                                                                                                                                         #v e* ,+#                                       %,%

Pottstown Trenton i E,' bl- Graterford Limerick o' Generating 'S s co Station j Norristce l n 2

                                                                                                                                         "a Phoenixville        'NI UI River i
                                                                                                                                                                         " 'E
  • Scale in miles 0 5 4(

Figure 1. The proposed route of water diversion from the Delaware Alver to the Limerick Generating 5tation.

83 h Prahls z IE l \



                              *1 Tohlenon                       %

i T30 Creek o 9 T. T 35 T40 NEW JERSEY i l 45 TSO l i Point Plea sant T5 Goddet TSO Bun HicketF flue Bulle le. 9 T 75 flow # Luenbervil!* Dam

                                     .                          h ein.

sc.i. Ilgure 2. The Delaware tiver study area In the vicinity of Point Pleasant, Pennsylvania. Sacple stations are indicated.

                                       - - - - . +                     ,   - - - - -          ,,                 ,.

G W fotal O---O Surf ace C O Sctsurface 3600 - , I'

                                                                                                                                                           /5 '

3200- f 5

                                                                                                                                                     /           g
                                                                                                                                                   /              ,

2800 - f 5 s I g I # 2400 - 1 f , b '

                                                                                                                                    /                                     \

c 2000 - / i h / \ s /

                                                                                                                              /                                              1 CD g

1600 - /

                                                                                                                        /                                                      I
                                                                                                                      /                                                         l 1200 -                                                          '

P ' i j g

                                                                                                            /                                                                       s
                                                                                                          /                                                                          1
                                                                                                        /                                                                             \

800 - ' i

                                                                                           *.O,                                                                                         i p" ,

! 400 p

                                                                    ,-                                                                                                                   o - --- - -o ~
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            'D~ N O'

t m c b,o O 0 i i i i i i i i e i i i 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200 2400 0200 0400 06'X) 0800 1000 figure 3. Total, surface and subsurface drift for the 24-hour interval 16-17 August 1972, Point Pleasant, Pennsylvania. Each point represents the mean of two saeples.

r S---g Chironomidae pupae . C O Baetis e---g Other aquatics O---O Chironomidae larvae 350 - 3co_ 250 - ! m u 200 - r 5 150-E , s' l 100-o, y'

                                                                        }~ ~ 's                                                                   -
                                               's,                  s' 50 V ,s'                      'y__   -o'                        ~A     s                ,o _ _ _ _ _ o - - - - _ o'
                                                                                                                                             ,s' O

o - m o a 7 _ _ _ _ _9_ _ _ _ _ 7 _. _ _ - 5 _ _ _ _ , _ _ _ _ - - _ _ _ _ . _ _ - _ _- c9 _ _ _ _ _ 9 _ _ _ _ _ y _ _ _ _ _7


l 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200 2400 0200 0400 0600 0800 l000 I l Figure 4, Major components of the subsurface drift for the 24-hour interval 16-17 August 1972, Point Pleasant, Pennsylvania. Each point represents

the mean of tw samples.

i l l _ _ _ _ _ . _ -}}