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1990 Annual Radiological Environ Operating Rept
Person / Time
Site: North Anna  Dominion icon.png
Issue date: 12/31/1990
From: Breeden J, Dreyer E, Stewart W
91-241, NUDOCS 9105030294
Download: ML20073G400 (160)


{{#Wiki_filter:.- . .--_. . . . . . - _ . - - -.. . .. -_ . YlHOINIA 15LI CTitlO AND l'OWlill COMI'ANY , li sent w oxu, Vr uoix A 20 0 61 April 30, 1991 l United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission Serial No. 91241 Attention: Document Control Desk NAPS /JHL Washington, D. C. 20555 Docket Nos. 50 338 50 339 License Nos. NPF 4 NPF-7 Gentlemen: VIRGINIA ELECTRIC AND POWER COMPANY NORTH ANNA POWER STATION UNIT NOS.1 AND 2 ANNUAL RADIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENTAL OPERATING REPORT Pursuant to Technical Speeltication, enclosed is the Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report for North Anna Power Station Unit Nos.1 and 2 for 1990. If you have any questions or require additionalInformation, please contact us. Very truly yours,

                            .               H W. L. Stewart Senior Vice President - Nuclear cc:              U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Region 11 101 Marietta Street, N. W.

Suite 2900 Atlanta, Georgia 30323 Mr. M. S. Lesser - NRC Senior Resident. Inspector North Anna Power Station \ i

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P O ANNUAL R ADIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENTAL OPERATING REPORT NORTil ANNA POWER STATION JANUARY 1,1990 to DECEMBER 31, 1990 t O Prepared b: / ,,,,_ ,. [mes B. Breeden Supervisor Radiological Analysly l Reviewed by: ' [ ,,, Erich W. Dreyer Supervisor Health Physics Technical Stuius Approved -by: M O ^ " " S" I Superintendent Radiological Protecilca

k i 4

                                                                   , TABLE OF CONTENTS 5

SECTION TITLE PAGE t i 1 1 i EXECUTIVE S UMMARY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 l I. INTRO D UCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i j II. NUCLEAR POWER AND THE ENVIRONMENT: IN PERSPECTIVE ........... 3 i j III. S AMPLING AND A NALYS IS PROG RAM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 IV. PROG RAM EXCEL'I' IONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 1 V.


AND DISCUSSION OF 1990 ANALYTICAL RESULTS............ 36 A. AIRB ORNE EXPOS URE PATHWA Y . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

1. Air Iodine /Particulates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

1 a

2. Pme lpitation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 9
3. Soil..............................................................................40
't B.            WATER BORNE FXPOS URE PATHWA Y . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


2. River Water . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3. S urface Water . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

C. i AQUATIC EXPOS URE PATI IWA Y . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Sediment /S ilt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

2. S horeline Soll . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 4 F

I D. INGESTION EXPOS URE PATHWA Y . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1. Milk..............................................................................49 r

2. Fish.......................................,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,49
3. Fo o d/V e g e t a t i o n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 l

E. DIRECT RADIATION EXPOS URE PATHWA Y . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52

1. TLD Dosimeters................................................................52

( VI. CON CL U S I O N . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i I

                    ,        ,      - - - - ,      m-         -      , - - . -                                                                                     -...-~~-.,c--a -

i TAllLE OF CONTENTS (Cont.) s SECTION TITLE PAGE i Vll. R E FE R E N C E S . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 58 Vill. APPENDICES........................................................... . . .. . .59 APPENDIX A - Radiological Environmental Monitoring.. . . .... ... ... ... . .. ...... .. 59 Program Annual Summary Tables 1990 A PPEN DIX B - Da ta Tables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69 APPENDIX C - Land Use Census - 1990............................................98 APPENDIX D Synopsis of Analytical Procedures......... .... ......... .......... 101 APPENDIX E EPA Interlaboratory Comparison .. I13 LIST OF FIGURES

1. Environmental S am pling Location s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
2. Le n d U s e Ce n s u s M a p . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100 LIST OF TRENDING GRAPilS
1. G ross B e ta in Air Partic ulate s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 7
2. Tritiu m in Rive r Wate r . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 .
3. Tri t i u m i n S u rfa c e W a t e r . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 2 1
4. Coba1t 58 in Sediment S11t..................................................................45 l

. u

5. Coba1t 60 in Sediment Silt................................................................46  ;
6. Ce siu m- 134 in Sediment S ilt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 7 l 4


7. Cesium- 137 in Sedimen t S ilt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4 8 l 1
8. Ce s i u m 134 in Fi s h . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 0 l 1
9. Ce s i u m - 137 in Fi s h . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 1 l O

a 10. Environmental Radiation TLDs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 3 i 1

11. U S EP A Cros s Ch e c k Pro g ram . . . . . . .. .. .. ... . . . .. . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . .. . . .. . . . . . . 1 19 l 1
                                                                                 ...                                                                                                            i 11                                                                                                            ,


LIST 01' TABLES TABLE PAGE B1 Concentrations of Iodine 131 in Filtered Air.................... ................................... 70 B2 Concentradons of Gross Beta in Air Particulates. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 B3 Concentrations of Strontium and Gamma Emitters in Quarterly Air Particulates .............. 78 B4 Concentrations of Gross Beta, Tritium and Gamma Emitters in Precipitation .................. 81 B5 Concen trations of G amma Emit ters in S 011.......................................................... 82 B.6 Concentrations of Strontium, Tritium and Gamma Emitters in Ground /Well Water.., ....... 83 B7 Concentrations of Tritium. Strontium and Gamma Emitters in River Water.................... 84 L B.8 Concentrations of Tritium, Strontium and Gamma Emitters in Surface Water.................. 85 B-9 Concentrations of Tritium, Strontium and Gamma Emitters in Surface Water.................. 86 State Split B 10 Concentrations of Gamma Emitters in Sediment Silt............................................... 87 B-11 Concentrations of Gamma Emitters in Shoreline S0il.............................................. 88 B 12 Conce ntrations of G amma Emitters in Milk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B-13 Ccocen trations of Gamma Emitters in Fish . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B 14 Concentra tions of G amma Emitters in Focx!/Ve ge tation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93 B 15 Direct Radiation Measurements - Quanerly & Annual TLD Results ............................. 95 B-16 Direct Radiation Measurements - Sector Quanerly TLD Results ................................. 96 ii1

FORWARD n v This report is submitted as required by Technical Specification, Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report for North Anna Power Stations, Units 1 and 2, Virginia Electric and Power Company Docket Nos. 50-338 and 50 339. O U iv



O This document is a detailed report on the 1990 North Anna Nuclear Power Station 4 Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program (REMP). Radioactivity levels from January 1 through December 31,1990 in water, silt, shoreline sediment, milk, aquatic biota, food prodtas, vegetation, and direct exposure pathways have been analyzed, evaluated and summari .ed. The REMP is designed to ensure that radiological effluent releases are As Low As is Xeasonably Achievable (ALARA), no undue environmental effects occur, and the health and safety of the public is protected. The program also detects any unexpected environmental processes which could allow radiation accumulations in the environment or food pathway chains. Radiation and radioactivity in the environment is constantly monitored within a 25 mile j radius of the station. Samples are also collected by Virginia Power within this area. A number of samphng locations for each medium were selected using available meteorological, land and water use data. Control samples are collected from areas that are beyond measurable influence of North Anna Nuclear Power Station or any other nuclear facility for use as reference data. 3 Normal background radiation levels or radiation present due to causes other than North Anna Power Station can thus be compared to the environment surrounding the nuclear power station. O indicaior sampies showing how much radiation i contributed by the giani are iaten from areas close to the station where any plant contribution will be at the highest concentration. Measured values are compared with both current control samples and the pre operational baseline - radioactive concentrations present in the environment before North Anna became operational -- to determine if changes in radioactivity levels are attributable to station operations, to other causes such as the Chernobyl accident, or to natural variation. Teledyne Isotopes provides sample analyses for various radioisotopes as appropriate for each sample media. Participation in the Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) Interlaboratory Comparison Program provides an independent check on the precision and accuracy of sample measurements. Radioactivity in the environment is typically so minimal that radiological analyses frequently fall below the detection limits of state-of the art measurement methods. The Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) sets forth minimum Lower Limits of Detection (LLD) to ensure that analyses are as accurate as possible. Samples with extremely low levels of radiation which cannot be detected are therefore reported as being below the LLD. The NRC also mandates a " reporting level." Licensed nuclear facilities must report any releases i equal to or greater than this reporting level. Environmental radiation levels are sometimes O referred to as a percent of the reporting level. l v 1

  ,]             Analytical results are divided into five categories based on exposure pathways: Airborne, waterborne, aquatic, ingestion, and direct radiation.

The airborne exposure pathway includes airborne iodine, airborne particulate, precipitation, and soil samples. The overall 1990 airborne results were very similar to previous years and to preoperationallevels. No increase was noted and there were no detections for fission products or other man make isotopes in the airborne particulate

media during 1990.

The waterborne exposure pathway includes ground /well water, river water, and surface water samples. No man made or natural isotopes were monitored in Lake Anna surface water except for tritium. The average tritium activity in 1990 was 19.5% of the NRC reporting level. This has increated from preoperational levels. but has not increased from 1989 levels. The aquatic exposure pathway includes sediment / silt and shoreline samples. Nonh Anna sediment contained some cesiurn-137 and cesium-134. During the preoperational period, cesium 137 was detected, however, additional man made isotopes appear to have , O a cumulated. Sediment c ntaminati n d es n t pr vide a direct dose pathway to man, Shoreline soil, which may provide a direct dose pathway, contained no cesium-134 Cesium 137 levels dropped from 378 pCi/kg in 1989 to 74.6 pCi/kg in 1990. The ingestion exposure pathway includes milk, fish, and food / vegetation samples. Iodine 131 was not detected in any 1990 milk samples. Although cesium-137 has been detected in the past, it was not detected in 1990 samples. Strontium-90 was detected at levels comparable to 1989, and lower than preoperational years. Both strontium 90 and cesium 137 are attributable to atmospheric nuclear weapons testing in the past. Naturally occurring potassium 40 was detected at normal environmental levels. 1990 fish samples contained both cesium-134 and cesium 137 at a slightly higher activity than preoperational levels. Steam generator repairs and better liquid waste processing, however, have reduced these activity levels from previous years Vegetation samples were statistically similar to both control and preoperational levels. The direct radiation exposure pathway measures environmental radiation doses by use of thermoluminescent dosimeters (TLDs). TLD results have remained essentially the same (] since the preoperational period in 1977.

During 1990, as in previous years, operation of the North Anna Nuclear Power Station created no adverse environmental affects or health hazards. The maximum radiation dose calculated for a hypothetical individual at the North Anna Power Station boundary due to liquid j and gaseous effluents released from the site during 1990 was 0.799 millirem. For reference this i dose may be compared to the 360 millirem average annual exposure to every person in the United States from natural and man-made sources. Natural sources in the environment provide approximately 82% of radiation exposure to man while Nuclear Power contributes less than 0.1%. These results demonstrate not only compliance with federal and state regulations, but also demonstrate the adequacy of radioactive effluent control at the North Anna Nuclear Power Station. O O vii l l

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VIRGINIA FLECTRIC AND POWER COMPANY (3 NORTil ANNA POWER STATION jU RADIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENTAL OPERATING PROGRAM I. INTRODUCrlON 1 The operational radiological environmental monitoring program conducted for the year 1990 for the North Anna Power Station is provided in this report. The results of measurements and analyses of data obtained from samples collected from January 1,1990 through December 31, 1990 are summarized. A. The North Anna Power Station of Virginia Electric and Power Company is located on Lake Anna in Mineral, Virginia, approximately 35 miles south west of Fredericksburg, Virginia. The site consists of two units, each with pressurized water reactor (PWR) nuclear steam supply systems and turbine generator furnished by Westinghouse Electric Corporation. - Each unit is designed with a gross electrical output of 970 megawatts electric (MWe). Unit I achieved commercial operation on June 6,1978, and Unit 2 on December 14,1980. B. The United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission (USNRC) regulations (10CFR50.34a)

'O           require that nuclear power plants be designed, constructed, and operated to keep levels of radioactive material in effluents to unrestricted areas as low as reasonably achievable (ALARA). To ensure these criteria are met, the operating license for North Anna Power Station includes Technical Specifications which address the release of radioactive effluents.

Inplant monitoring is used to ensme release limits are not exceeded. As a precaution against unexpected or undefined environmental processes which might allow undue accumulation of radioactivity in the environment, a program for monitoring the plant environs is also included in North Anna Power Station Offsite Dose Calculation Manual (ODCM). C. Virginia Electric and Power Company is responsible for collecting the various indicator and control environmental samples. Teledyne Isotopes is responsible for sample analysis and submitting reports of radioanalyses. The results are used to determine if changes in radioactivity levels could 'e attributable to station operations. Measured values are compared with control levels, which vary with time due to such external events as cosmic ray bombardment, weapons test fallout, and seasonal variations of naturally occurring isotopes. Data collected prior te the plant operation is used to indicate the degree of natural l l 1 i _ _ _ . _ ___ - _ _ _ , _ _ .~_

j j variation to be expected. This preoperational data is compared with data collected during Q the operational phase to assist in evalundng the radiological impact of the plant _ operation. I D. Occasional samples of environmental media show the pmsence of man made isotopes. As ! a method of referencing the measured radionuclide concentrations in the sample media to a - I dose consequence to man, the data is compared to the reporting level concentrations listed j in the USNRC Regulatory Guide 4.8 and North Anna's ODCM. These concentrations are l based upon the annual dose commitment recommended by 10CFR50, Appendix I, to meet l the criterion of "As Iow As Is Reasonably Achievable". l { E. This report documents the results of the Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program j for 1990 and satisfies the following objectives of the program: i ,

1. To provide measurements of radiation and of radioactive materials in those exposure
pathways and for those radionuclides that lead to the highest potential radir. tion-q exposure of the maximum exposed members of the public resulting from the station operation.

{  ! l 2. To supplem:nt the radiological effluent monitoring program by. verifying that i radioactive effluents are within allowable limits, !O {

3. To identify changes of radioactivity in the environment.

I l 4. To verify that the plant operations have no detrimental effect on the health and safety. of the public. , l-l I I r E l 1 , i


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11. NUCLEAR POWER AND THE ENVIRONMENT! IN PERSPECTIVE iO Coal, oil, natural gas, and hydropower have been used to run the nation's electric generating stations; however, each method has its drawbacks. Coal fired power can affect the environment through mining, acid rain, and airborne discharges. Oil and natural gas are in I i limited supply and are therefore costly. Hydropower is limited due to the impact of damming waterways and the scarcity of suitable sites in our country.-  ! Nuclear energy provides an alternate source of energy-which is readily available. The - operation of nuclear power stations has a very small impact on the environment.~ In fact, the hundreds of acres adjoining Surry Power Station is state waterfowl refuge, while at North Anna Power Station Lake Anna is a well known fishing site and has a state park on its shore. 4 In order to more fully understand this unique source of energy, background information -. I on basic radiation characteristics, risk assessment, reactor operation, effluent control, and environmental monitoring is provided in this section. i j FUNDAMENTALS ' The Atom ' Everything we encounter is made of atoms. Atoms are the smallest parts of an element- I that still have all the chemical properties of that element. At the center of an atom is a nucleus. The nucleus consists of neutrons and protons. Electrons move in an orbit around the nucleus and are negatively charged. Protons and neutrons are nearly identicalin size and weight, and each is about 2000 timee heavier than an electron. However, the proton has a positive charge and neutron has no charge, it is electrically neutral. Figure 1 1 presents a simple diagram of an atom. j Isotopes The number of protons in the atom of any single element is always the same. For 1 example, all hydrogen atoms have one proton and all oxygen atoms have eight protons. However, the number of neutrons in the nucleus of an element may vary. Atoms with the same number of protons, but a different number of neutrons, are called isotopes. Table 1-1 lists the isotopes of uranium. t 'O , 3


  • Negative Charge /
                                                             #' Positive Charge : PROTONS g '

9- f s . 2

                                                                                         > NUCLEUS
                                                                  - NEUTRONS

) h !NeutralCharge 4 k J Figure 11: Diagram of an Atom Table 1-1: Isotopes of Uranium n v Isotopes Number Number Symbols of Protons of Neutrons Uranium 235 235U 92 143' Uran ~ium 236 236U 92 144 Uranium 237 237U 92 , 145 Uranium 238 238U 92 _ 146 Uranium-239 239U 92 147 Uranium-240 240U 92 14E _ l RADIATION AND RADIOACTIVITY l

Radienuclides = i Normally, the parts of an atom are in a balanced or stable state. -If the nucleus of an atom-contains excess energy, it may be called a radioactive atom, a radioisotope, or radionuclide. The excess energy is usually due to an imbalance in the number of electrons, protons, and/or neutrons -

which make up the atom. O 4

i t Radionuclides can be naturally occurring, such as uranium 238, thorium 232 and ~ 'd) potassium 40, or man made, such as iodine-131, cesium 137, and cobalt 60. ) Radioactive Decay Radioactive rtoms attempt to reach a stable (non radioactive) state through a process-known as radioactive decay. Radioactive decay is the release of energy from the atom through I the emission of paticulate and/or electromagnetic radiation. Particulate radiation may be in the z form of electrically charged particles such as alpha (2 protons plus 2 neutrons) or beta particles l (1 electron), or may be electrically neutral, such as neutrons. Part of the electromagnetic spectrum consists of gamma rays and X-rays which are similar to light and microwaves, but have l a much highek ~ nergy.

Half Life A radioactive half life is the amount of time required for a radioactive substance to lose j half ofits activity through the process of radioactive decay.. Cobalt-60 has a half life of about 5  ;

years, so after 5 years 50% of its radioactivity is gone and after 10 years 75% has decayed away, ' Radioactive half lives vary from millionths of a second to millions of years, jQ Radioactive atoms may decay directly to a stable state or may undergo a series of decay - stages and produce several daughter products which eventually lead to a stable atom. Naturally occurring radium 226, for example, has 10 successive daughter products (including radon) and

has lead-206 as a final stable form.'


                                                              -                                                           l Two types of radiation are considered in the nuclear industry, particulate and electromagnetic'.

j Particulate radiation may come from the. nucleus of an atom in the form of an ejected alpha particle. - Alpha particles consists of two - ! ALPHA- protons together with two neutrons. ' Particle


41pha' particles have, a very limited

                      \             , .

ability to penetrate matter. A piece of heut ons . paper will stop all alpha. radiation. For - this reason, alpha radiation from sources


outside the body are not considered to be a radiation hazard. JA beta' particle is like an electron -


!O , 5 , 1

that has been ejected from the nucleus of ~ r an atom. The outer layers of skin or a BETA Particle thin piece of plastic .will stop beta _\ I Neutrcn transforms to radiation. Exposure to beta radiation

                                                              'b i

1 oton in nuc us can be a hazard to the skin orlens of the eye. Because of their limited ability to penetrate the body, beta and alpha radiation are a health concern primarily if swallowed or inhaled where they might cause internal GAMMA Ray radiation exposure. Gamma rays are like

               '    N X rays except that they come from the
               \                    , Electromagnetic              nucleus of an atom and X rays come
                ,                     guisa le r om    rays        fr m the electron rings. Gamma rays may pass through the entire body and thus give a "whole body" radiation dose. Several inches of concrete or lead will stop gamma and X rays. Figure 1-2 shows the approximate penetrating ability of various types of radiation, i

a - Alpha b = Beta - g - gamma j ( b' . TMhk w/ ,

                                                  ""   9
                                                                           "g ?                  h l
x. .swm.v -

Radioactive Material Paper Aluminum Concrete As radiation travels,it collides with other atoms and loses energy. Alpha particles can be stopped by a sheet of paper, beta particles by a thin sheet of aluminum, and gamma l radiation by severalinches of concrete or lead. Figure 1-2: The Penetrating Ability of Various Types of Radiation i QUANTITIES AND UNITS OF RADIOACTIVE MEASUREMENT There are several quantities and units used to describe radioactivity and its effects. In the following sections two terms, rem and activity, will be used to describe amounts of radiation. n N , l 6 l

Rem measures the potential effect of radiation exposure on human cells. Small doses are

p v counted in millirem which are equal to one thousandth of a rem. Federal standards limit n .
              ,,0                        oneinch                one millirem 4

3 s 10lggl12 Just as twelve inches equals one foot 1000 millirem equals I rem Figure 13: Unit Comparison t exposure for an individual member of the public to 500 millirem annually, not counting about 300 millirem received from natural sources and approximately 60 millirem'from medical applications. A Activity is the number of nucleiin a sample that disintegrate (decay) every second. Each V time a nucleus disintegrates, radiation is emitted.

                                                                                                         -1cune The unit of activity is the curie. A curie (Ci) is i      the amount of radioactive material which decays l      at a rate of 37 billion atoms per second. Smaller                            ~           ""'"

i units of the curie are often used. Two common - - - 1 - :- : units are the microcurie (uCl), one millionth of a  : ; ;;- curie, and the picoeurie (pCi), one trillionth of a - - - i curie

{ {-


                                                                                       };j:{ ;{j;j::'

l curie. A curie is a measurement of radioactivity,  ; not a quantity of material. The amount of i 9/

                                                                                       /                  B      ,,,.

material to make one curie varies. For example, l one gram of radium 226 is one curie of 10 Tons of Thorium 232 (radiamn sourco)

                                                                                                 .1 Gram of Radium 226 (radiamn wurce)

I i radioactivity, but it would take 9,170,000 grams l One gram of radium 226 and 10 tons of. (about 10 tons) of thorium 232 to obtain one thorium 232 are both approximately 1 Curie. ,- Curie. {) s 7: p , -,-e

SOURCES OF RADIATION Background Radiation i Radiation is not a new creation of the nuclear power industry; it is a natural occurrence on the earth. Mankind has always lived with radiation and always will. Every second of our lives, 4 over 7,000 atoms undergo radioactive decay in the body of the average adult. Radioactivity exists naturally in the soil, water, air and space. All of these common sources of radiation contribute to the natural background radiation that we are exposed to each day. Table 1-2: Sources of Background Radiation r AVERAGE ANNUAL DOSE EQUIVALENTL TO PERSONS IN THE U.S. FROM VARIOUS RADIATION SOURCES-NATURALBACKGROUND Radon and Radon Dau Cosmic Rays.. .. . . . . ghters .... ..200.00 i ... 27.00 Cosmogenic Radiation.. . . . . . . . . . . . 1. 00 Terrestrial Radiation. .. , . . .. . . .. . 28.00 i Internal Radiation... . . . . . . . 40.0 -

  .J                                                              ..
'                       MAN MADE Nuclear Power.... .. . . .. . . ... .. . .... 0.05 i

Miscellaneous Environmental. . . . ... 0.06 Medical Diagnostic X rays.. . . .. .. 39.00 Other Medical.... . . .

                                                                            . . . .. ... 14.00 Occupational.. .... ... . , ,.                 . . . .. . . . . . 0. 90 Consumer Products.. .....                  . 5.00 to 13.00 TOTAL                   360.00            MREM s                                                                                     PER YEAR -

The earth is constantly showered by a steady stream of high energy gamma rays ! that come from space, known as cosmic radiation. Our atmosphere shields out most of this l radiation, but everyone still receives about 20 to 50 millirem each year fram this source. The thinner air at higher altitudes provides less protection from cosmic radiation. So, people li higher altitudes or even flying in an airplane are exposed to more radiation. Radioactive atoms commonly found in the atmosphere as a result of cosmic ray interac' ion include beryllium 7, carbon-14, tritium, and sodium-22. 8

4 Other natural sources of radiation include the radionuclides naturally found in soil, water, O rood, duiidin8 materiais and even geogie. eeogie have aiways been radioactive,in eart beca the carbon found in our bodies is a mixture of all carbon isotopes, both non radioactive and radioactive. About one third of the external terrestrial and internal whole body radiation dose t from natural sources is attributable to a natural radioactive isotope of potassium, potassium 40 Man Made In addition to naturally occurring radiation people are also exposed to man made 3 radiation. The largest sources of these exposures are from medical X rays, fluoroscopic examinations, radioactive drugs and tobacco. Small doses are received from consumer produ such as television, smoke alarms, and fertilizers. Very small doses result from the production of nuclear power. Fallout from nuclear weapons tests is another source of man made exposure Fallout radionuclides include s'rontium 90, cesium-137, carbon 14, and tritium. EFFECTS OF RADIATION Studies

O The effects of ionizing radiation on human health have been under study for more than eighty years. Scientists have obtained valuable knowledge through the study of labor animals that were exposed to radiation under controlled conditions. It has proven difficult, however, to relate the biological effects of irradiated laboratory animals to the potential hea

' effects on humans. Because of this human populations irradiated under various circumstanc have been studied in great depth. These groups include: Survivors of the atomic bomb. Persons undergoing medical radiation treatment. Radium dial painters during World War I who ingested large amounts of radioactivity by " tipping" the paint brushes with their lips. Uranium miners, who inhaled large amounts of radioactive dust while mining pitchblende (uranium ore). Early radiologists, who accumulated large doses of radiation from early X ray ecoipment while being unaware of the potential hazards. 1 O 9

                                                             ,                                     ~

The analysis of these groups have increased our knowledge of the health effects from large doses of radiation. However, less is known about the effects of low doses of radiation. To be on the conservative side, we assume that health effects occur proportionally to those observed following a large dose of radiation. That is, if one dose of radiation causes an effect, then half the dose will cause half the effect. Radiation scientists agree that this assumption overestimates the risks associated with low level radiation exposure. The effects predicted in this manner have not been actually observed in individuals exposed to low level radiation. 1 Health Risks 1 l l Since the actual effects of exposure to low level radiation are difficult to measure, scientists often refer to the risk involved. The problem is one of evaluating alternatives, of comparing risks and weighing them against benefits. People make decisions involving risks every day such as whether to wear seat belts or smoke cigarettes. Risks are a part of everyday life. The question is one of determining how great the risks are. We accept the inevitability of automobile accidents. Building safer cars or wearing seat belts will reduce the risk of injury. You could choose to not drive but even pedestrians and bicyclists are injured by cars. Reducing the risk of injury from automobiles to zero requires }(] inoving to a place where there are no automobiles. While accepting the many daily risks of living, some people feel that their demands for ' energy should be met on an essentially risk free basis. Attention is focused on safeguarding public, developing a realistic assessment of the risks, and placing them in perspective, i Because you cannot see, feel, taste, hear, or smell radiation, it is a source of concern.- We have the same lack of sensory perception for things such as radio waves, carbon monoxide, and small { concentrations of numerous cancer causing substances, Although these risks are just as real as j the risks associated with radiation, they have not generated the same degree of concern as radiation. I l Most risks are with us throughout our lives, and their effects can be added up over a lifetime to obtain a total effect on our life span. The typicallife span for an American woman is now 76 years, whereas men average 71 years of age. Figure 1-4 shows a number of different j factors that decreased our average life expectancy. 10


     . 7000i (1) concer S   6000i o                                                                                                                                                                      (2) etgerette smoking: 2 cocks /doy 50004                                                                                                                                                             (3) Ctgerette smoking ^ l pack /dey 4000i                                                                                                                                                             (4) Heart diseeses (5) tiele rather then f emale 3000 i                                                                                                                                                            W Cuy Nng (not meu 2000 9                                                                                                                                                            (7) Overweight by 30%

(e) 125 operating nuclear power stetier 1000i 0; 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Figure 14: Loss of Life From Various Health Risks The American Cancer Society estimates that about 30 percent of all Americans will develop cancer at some time in their lives from all possible causes. So, in a group of 10,000 people it is expected that 3,000 of them will develop cancer. If each person were to receive a O radiation exposure of one rem in addition to natural backgmund radiation, then it is expected that three more may develop cancer during their lifetime. This increases the risk from 30 percent to 30.03 percent. Hence, the risks of radiation exposure are small when compared to the risks of everyday life. These comparisons should give you some idea of the risk involved in activities that you are familiar with. They give a basis for judging what smoking, eating, or driving a car could mean to your health and safety. Everyone knows that life is full of risks. If you have the basis forjudgment, you can decide what to do or what not to do. NUCLEAR REACTOR OPERATION Electricity in the United States is being produced using fossil fuel, uranium, or falling water. A fossil fueled power station burns coal, oil or natural gas in a boiler to produce energy. Nuclear pow. stations use uranium fuel and the heat produced from the fission process to make energy. In both cases, they heat and boil water to produce steam. The steam is used to drive a turbine which turns a generator and produces electricity. O 11 1 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~ - - - ~ - - - - - ' ~ ~ - - ~ - - - - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Nuclear Fuel Uranium (U) is the basic ingredient in nuclear fuel, consisting of atoms of U 235 and U-238. Natural uranium contains less than one percent U 235 when it is mined. Commercial nuclear power plants use fuel with a U 235 content of approximately three percent. The proces used to increase the concentration of U 235 is known as enrichment. Reactor Operation i After enrichment, the uranium fuel is chemically changed to uranium dioxide, a dry black powder. This powder is compressed into small ceramic pellets. Each fuel pellet is about 3/4 ) inches long and 3/8 inches in diameter. The pellets are placed into 12 foot long metal tubes made of zirconium alloy, to make a fuel rod. About five pounds of pellets are used to fill each rod. A total of 204 fuel rods make a single fuel assembly Virginia Power nuclear reactors contains 157 fuel assemblies (Figure 1-5). Reactor Vessel 9 9 D f Fuel Rod V i CortrolRods -b -

                                                                                                                 !3Y s .

weet Leyw C'#*d$". , coolare Het il

                              ;)             ; i   ! k               Nozz*                                                    - um.

y , s Fuel Rod Assembly " s s FuW Rod Assembles - l  ; l , , ll FuelPel4: norme SNeid i' fi p' ,' s l s - s

                                                          .,  s

V core

                              \y%)             g support Reactor Vessel With Fuel Assemblies, Rods, and Fuel Pellets i

Figure 15:. Reactor Core Design O 12

Fission Nuclear energy is produced by a 1 process called fission. Fission occurs in a

  • g reactor when uranium is split into fragments producing heat and releasing neutrons. These -+
                                                                     )*            *  %      >

neutrons strike other uranium atoms, causing j sf

                                                                     $a           -

g, them to split (fission) and release more heat }* o and neutrons. This is called a chain reaction ib ,, (Figure 16) and is controlled by the use of reactor control rods. "'* * ' "'# " o Fission Fragment

  • Heat Control rods are an essential part of the nuclear reactor. Control rods contain Fission: A Chain Reaction cadmium, indium, arid silver metals which absorb and control the amount of neutrons produce in the reactor. The control rods act to slow down or stop the chain reaction. A chain reaction cannot occur when the control rods are inserted completely into the core. When the control rods are withdrawn, the chain reaction begins and heat is generated.

Design & Operation The Surry Power Station and North Anna Power Station use a Pressurized Water Reactor (PWR) system to generate electricity. There are two complete and independent PWR system site at both SmTy and North Anna Power Stations. These are called Unit 1 and Unit 2. The reactor core is inside a large steel container called the Reactor Pressure Vessel. The reactor core is always surrounded by water. The fissioning of the uranium fuel makes the fuel j i rods get hot. The hot fuel rods heat the water, which serves as a coolant that carries away heat In a pressurized water reactor, heat is moved from place to place by moving water, the l reactor's coolant. The water flows in closed loops. As (primary) water moves through the core it j gets very hot (605 F), but because-it is under such high pressure,2235 pounds per square inch (psi),it doesn't boil. The hot water then flows to the steam generator. The steam generato is a heat exchanger. Reactor coolant passes through it but doesn't mix with the steam generat (secondary) water. Instead, heat from the primary water is transferred through thousands of tubes to the cooler secondary water. The water in the steam generator is under much less ./l v i 13 l l

pressure, and the heat boils the secondary water to steam. At Virginia Electric and Power 'q stations, each unit has 3 steam generators. V The steam is piped to a steam turbine that turns an electric generator. The exhausted steam from the turbine is cooled and converted back to water in a condenser. The co also a heat exchanger; in it heat passes from the steam to a third loop of water. In Surry's cas the James River provides the third loop waar. At North Anna Power Station third loop water is from Lake Anna. The steam turns back to liquid and is pumped back to the steam generator. Figum 16 is a diagram of typical nuclear reactor systems. Containment 4 Nuclear power plants are designed to prevent the escape of large quantities of radiation and radioactive substances. Two principles are used. First, thick, heavy walls are used as shielding to absorb radiation and prevent its escape. Second,'strcag, airtight walls called i containment, are used to prevent the escape of radioactive materials. The reactor pressure vessel and the containment building that houses it is enormously i strong (Figue 1-7). Strong enough, in fact, to withstand a direct hit from a 707 jetliner. The i reactor core lies within a sealed pressure vessel. Like all boilers its walls must be very strong ' because the water inside must be kept under high pressure. The reactor pressure vessel in a nuclear power plant is even heavier than an ordinary steam boiler because of the need to minimize the chance of rupture and release of any radioactive materials. The reactor pressu vessel is made from a stainless steel alloy 6 to 8 inches thick. Around the reactor pressure vesselis a thick concrete wall.' This wall acts as shielding, protecting workers by absorbing radiation resulting from the nuclear chain reaction. Next an j 1 ' airtight /2 inch steelliner surrounds the entire interior of the containment. If the reactor pressu vessel or any of the primary piping should break, the escaping steam would be trapped inside the liner. Finally, the building's reinforced concrete outer wall is 41/2 feet thick tapering to 21/2 feet at the top of the dome. It is designed to act as shielding and is also intended to withstand natural and man made events like earthquakes and even the direct impact from a large commercial je aircraft. Q 14

t O O O r 14N,tt PRF%ORf Mt DTV ?NlFt 71t)N SYSTFM F MF Re, t UR f f a 4 tf INL, 1OT IPEi4UH F %At t TT INitf T14 DN %YsTt M

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       't Mi RG ( 09.1 ( t it H INGi
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    - ( UNTifNYFNT sek A) 41sTF M REACTOR CONTAINMENT BUILDING                                                                                                                                                           Mari -sn u RF 4s Tt )R d' ( 4 *t tNe ; %) 4f 9 M :Ph tM M R Y t ( 8t *l 1NC WTTE M .

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m AM ue j

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  • Clf Af.C.OA1. F ILTE R Tw ANsuissh vN % 471 u j PRt%CRUIR j j RtiIf f TANK VINT11 A!!ON f AN PR E SsUR fZ.'R g ,ggy , gg, ,

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                       $Al ETY INJFCTION PUMP                                                                              \                                                                                                                                                                           t ut Re.1 N< >
'                                                                                                1

1 [ K ( 4 *NT sf NuTT TtNK -l -

                                                             ._                                                                  xN                              AU'lli TAR ) t ii ti rtur

Rf A(YUA (1vt. ANT ftur CON 141NMEN! SUMP j t j . - PWR SYSTEM DIAGRAM - i +' . _ _ _ _ . . _ _ _ _ _ _ - - _ _ _ _ - _ _ . _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . .

l 21/2 Feet Thick Concrete 1/2 Inch Steel Liner y 3/8 Inch Steel Liner li y ' Ib B 4--- 41/2 Feet Thick Concrete Steam Pressurizer k; Generators p n

                                                               ~ ~

h 185 Feet l / 3 s

                                  *                :*        2 :_i                    s d

n:i iner ,w - g i 122 Feet Reactor t l r

                                                                                                                        . 7     ,

y wJ -] I l, p.

                                                       ,            w ., : ,

hm %qk $ iN k i . t N Mdh d ', d 9.Qh. UN Ih kMN.k ih

                                                                    .9           Liner 10 Feet Thick Concrete 126 Feet                                   -

i I i Containment Schematic 1 Figure 1-7: Containment Dimensions i Operating the Reactor Safely Accidents The most serious accident that.could happen in a nuclear power plant involves overheating in the nuclear reactor core. Such an accident would result from a loss of coolant l accident or LOCA. During a LOCA primary coolant would no longer circulate through the l reactor core to remove heat. Circulation could be lost if a combination of pipes burst, for example. Conceivably, a dry, overheated reactor core could melt through the pressure vessel. O !V 15

The reactor itself is designed to respond automatically to such an emergency. Operators are also trained to make corrections for any system failure. The automatic and operator responses have two goals: to prevent damage to the reactor, and prevent the release of radiation. Shutting the reactor down is relatively easy. Control rods drop in and chemical to stop the nuclear reaction are injected into the coolant. Losing the coolant itself tends to stop the chain reaction because the coolant is needed to keep the nuclear chain reaction going. Within 10 seconds of shutdown, the amount of heat is less than 5 percent of the amount produced at full power and within 15 minutes, less than 1 percent. ' To carry heat away during an accident, all reactors have Emergency Core Cooling Systems (ECCS). The ECCS consists of primary and backup pumps and reservoirs of coolant that operate separately from those that normally circulate through the system. A nuclear reactor has many different oack up safety systems designed so that if one fails another is always available. Workers There are many different jobs at a nuclear power plant and they are filled by people with diverse backgrounds. All employees are initially trained and then retrained annually by the C company. Virginia Power's Training centers are fully accredited by the National Academy for Nuclear Training and the Institute for Nuclear Power Operations. The operators are tested and certified by the United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC), Safety Statistics Job safety is another measure of assurance that the station is being properly operated. Surry Power Station was awarded the Virginia Power Presidential Safety Award for attaining 1,349,415 man hours without a lost time accident and we are continuing that record into 1991, while North Anna reached 5,000,000 man hours without a lost time accident in March 1991. l l q N l l l l 16




  • Nuclear energy provides an alternate source of energy which is read'ily_available. The j q operation of a nuclear power station has a very small impact on the environment.

I j *

                                 . Radiation is not a new creation of the nuclear power industry;it is a natural occurrence on the

': j eaith. Mankind has always lived with radiation and always will. Radioactivity exists j naturally n: the soil, water, air and space. All_ these common sources of radiation contnbute to the natural background radiation to which we are exposed. 4



  • In addition to naturally occurring radiation and radioactivity, people are also exposed to man-q 1
                                .made radiation. Very small dos s .esult from the production of nuclear power.

1 ! Nuclear power plants are designed to prevent' the escape of radiation n'nd radioactive-a l- substances. i A nuclear reactor has many different back up safety systems designed'so that if onelfails' l 3' another is availa6te. !O ' s l l . d # l \ f . o l-e i} 1 l

l. ~

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1. Table 1 summarizes the sampling program for North Anna Power Station during 1990. Figure 1 indicates the locations of the environmental monitoring stations.
2. For routine TLD measurements, two dosimeters made of CaSO4:Dy in a teflon card are deployed at each sampling location. Several TLDs are co-located with NRC and Commonwealth of Virginia direct radiation recording devices. These are indicated as "co-location" samples.


3. In addition to the Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program required by North Anna Technical Specifications, Virginia Electric and Power Company (VEPCO) splits samples with the Commonwealth of Virginia. All samples listed in Table 1 are collected by VEPCO personnel except for those labeled state split.

All samples are shipped to Teledyne Isotopes in Westwooci, New Jersey.

4. All samples listed in Table 1 are taken at indicator locations except those labeled
                 " control".

(% s_) I 18

TABLE 1 (Page 1 of 5) North Anna Power Station- 1990 RADIOLOGICAL SAMP1.JNGSTA'110NS i DISTANCE AND DIRECI1ON FROM UNTTNO.1 Sample Media Distance Compass CoHection Location Station Miles Direction Degrees Frequency Remarks Environmental NAPS Sewage 01 0.20 Thermolamlaescent NE 42* Quanedy Treatment Plant On-sine.Staie Split Dosimetry (TLD) Fredencks Hall 02 5.30

                                                                                                                                                                               & AnnuaUy SSW '             225*        Quanerfy      Stase Splis Mmerr',Va                  03                                                               & Annually 7.10             WSW               243*        Quanerly Warts Crossroads           04                                                             _& AnnuaDy 5.10             WNW               287*        Quanctly Stase Split Route 752                 05                                                                & AnnuaHy 4.20             NNE                 2r        Quancrly Sturgeon's Creek          05A                                                               & Annually 3.20             N                   11'       Quanerly Mariria Ixvy, VA                  06                                                                & ArnuaDy 4.70             ESE               115'        Quanedy       StaicSplit Co-locarxm Bumpass.VA                 07                                                                & Annually 7.30            SSE                167*        Quanerly      Staae Split End of Route 685           21                                                                & AnnuaHy 1.00            WNW                301*        Qusnerly
                                     ~                                                                                                                                                      Exclusum Boundary G                                                      Route 700                  22                 1.00            _WSW              242'.
                                                                                                                                                                               &AnnuaDy     State Split.Co Location Quanedy       Exclusion Boundary
                                                                                  " Aspen Hills"            '23                                                                & Annually . Sisse Split 0.93             SSE                158'       Quweerly      Exclusion Boundary Onnae,VA:                   24                                                               & AnnumDy     State S it.Co-locanon 22.00             NW                325*       Quanedy Beanng Cooling Towcr                                                                         & Annually N-1/33            0.06             N                   IF Sturgeon's Creek                                                                            Quaneriy       On-Site N-2/34            3.20             N                   11'      Quanedy Marina Padung Ixt "C"            . NNE-3/35          0.25             NNE                 32*      Quanedy        On-Site (on-sine)

Good Hope Church NNE- 1/36 4.96 NNE 25* Quanerly Staar Split Parldng tot "B" NE-5/37 0.20 NE. 42' take AnnaManna Quancrly On-See NE.6/38 1.49 NE 34*. Quanerly WeatherTower Fence ENE.7/39 - 0.36 ENE ~ 74* Roose 689 Quanedy On-Sine ENE-8/40 - 2 43 ENE (6* Quenedy

                                                                            . Near Trammg                : E-9/41              0.30             E                  91*       Quaredy        On-Sise Facility 4


                 - - - - -                                                                             _--                                            -                                         a                        ,,.g... . -- . ~ . , ,
                       -.                          . . . . . .         . - .    .            . .        . - . .     .         . --.            ~~.              .         ..

O O O TAOLEI (Page 2 of 5) North Anna Ibwer Station - 1990 RADIOLOGICALSAMPLING STA'I1ONS DISTANCE AND DIRECHON FROM UNITNO.1 Distance Sample Media Compass Collection Location Station Miles Direction Degrees Frequency Remarks Environmental " Morning Glory Hill" E-10/42 2.85 E 93* Quanctly Thermoluminescent - Island Dike ESE11/43 0.12 ESE 103* Quancrly NSite Dosimetry (TLD) . Rouse 622 ESE12/44 4.70 ESE 115' Quancrly i

,                                 VEPCOBiology Lab               SE-13/45              0.75                     SE I                                                                                                                       138'         Quancrly         On-Site Rotac 701 (Darn Entrance)      SE-14/46              5.88                     SE      137'         Quar =rly
                                  " Aspen Hills"                 SS&l5/47              0.93                     SSE     158*         Qusrerly         Exclusion Boundary ElCreek                        SSE 16/48           '233                       SSE     165*         Quarterly Warehouse Compound Gate        S-17/49              0.22                      S       173*         Quartrfy         % Site Ek Creek Churdt                 S-18/50               1.55                     S       178*

Quancrly NAPS Access Road SSW-19/51 036 SSW 197* Quancrly On-Sine Route 618 SSW-20/52 530 SSW 205* Quanerly 4 NAPS Access Road SW-21/53 030 SW 218' Quenerly On-Site na Rounc 700 ' SW-22/54 436 SW 232* Quanerly 500 kv Tower . WSW-23/55 0.40 WSW 237* Quanerly On-Sine ) Rounc 700 WSW-24/56 1.00 WSW 242' Quanctly Exclusion Bowidary

                               . (Exchasion Boundary) -

) NAPS Radio Tower W-25/57 .031 W 279* Quanerly On-Siee Rouse 685 - W-26/58 1.55 W 2 74

  • Quancrly l End of Route 685 WNW-27/59 1.00 WNW 301* Quznerly Exchasion Bewulary H. Purceirs Private Rd. WNW-28#0 1.52 WNW 303* Quanerly Co-lax: anon End of #1/s21ntake NW-2951 0.15 NW 321*

4 Quanerly . Onsene lake ArmsCampground NW-3052 2.54 NW. 31 7 Queneriy

                                #1/#2 intake                    NNW-31M3             0.07                     NNW

' 349" Qusnerly On-Siee Rouse 208 . NNW-3254 3.43 NNW 344*- Quenerly

                              - Bumpass Post Office            C-1/2                 730 -                   SSE      167*          Quacierly        Connel Orange VA '                    C-3/4                22.00                    NW.      325*          Quanerly         Cmool Mmeral VA                      C-5M                  7.10 '                    VSW    243*          Quanctly -       Connel laxiisa, VA                     C-7/5                11.54-                      VSW   257*          Quanerly         Control

TABLE 1 (Page 3 of 5) North Arma Pbwcr Station - 1990 RADIOLOGICALSAMPilNGSTA710NS DISTANCE AND DIRECHON FROM UNITNO.1 Sample Media Distance Compass Collection Location Station Miles Direction Degrees Frequency Reimarks Airborne Particulate NAPS Sewage 01 0.20 NE and Radiolodiae 42* Weekly On-Sine,Sease Split Trearmas Plant Fredencks Hall 02 530 SSW 2f5* Weekly Mmeral.VA 03 7.10 WSW 243' Weekly Wares Crossroads 04 5.10 WNW 287* Weekly Rouse 752 05 4.20 Sturgeon's Crcek Marma NNE 2P Weekly 05A 3.20 N 11* Weekly

                                  ~ Levy.VA 06-              4.70               ESE         115*        Wcekly Bompass,VA                07               730                SSE         167*        Weekly Endof Route 685           21               1.00               WNW         301*

Rouse 700 Weekly Exclusion Boimdary 22 1.00 WSW 242* Wcekly Exclusion Bov wiery

                                     " Aspen Hills"             23              0.93                SSE                                     Staic Split i                                                                                                                158*        Weekly          Exclusum Boundary Orange,VA                  24             22.00                NW          325'        Weekly          C e trol N
  • Surface Water Wasic Hear 08 1.10 SSE IW [
                                 ~ TresemersFacility                                                                       Monthly          sameSplit (Second Cooling Lagom)

L Lake Arms (upstream) 09 2.20 NW 320' 1 (Reic 208 Bridge) Monthly Control,Stsee Split = fJver Water. Nath Anna River 11 5.80 SE 128' Quanerly (downstrearn) 1 . Ground Water - Biologylab 01A 0.75 SE 138* Quarterly Sense Split l (WellWaser) Precipitation - Biologylab 01A 0.75 SE 138' Meshly 4 Aquatic Sediment Waste Hear 08 1.10 SSE IW Sani-AnnuaDy StateSplit Tressment Facility (4rr==f Cooling Lagoon) '

                                .. Lake Anna (upstreara)       09 2.20                NW          32fP        Semi-Arnusally   Control.Staae Split.

North Anna River 11 5.80 SSE 128* Scmi-AnnuaDy (Downstream) -

e O O TABLE 1 (Page 4 of 5) Nath Arma Pbwer Station - 1990 RADIOIDGICALSAMPLINGSTATIONS DISTANCE AND DIRECTION FROM UNIT NO.1 Distance Compass Colle tion Sample Media Location Statlos Miles Direction Degrees Frequoney Remarks Shoreline Soll IAc Anna (upstream) 09 2.20 NW 320* Semi-Anra, ally State Split (Route 208 Bridge) Ssil NAPS Sewage 01 0.20 NE 42* Once/3 years On-Site Treatment Plant Fredencks Itall 02 530 SSW 205" Once/3 years Mmeral, VA 03 7.10 WSW 243* Once/3 years Wares Crossroads 04 5.10 WNW 2frP Once/3 years Rouse 752 05 4.20 NNE 2fP Once/3 yen Sturgeon's Creek Marma 05A 3.20 N 11' Once/3 yen levy, VA 06 4.70 ESE 115' On /3 years Bumpass, VA 07 730 SSE 167* Once/3 years End of Route 685 21 1.00 WNW 301* Once/3 years Exclusion Boundary Rouse 700 22 1.00 WSW 242' Once/3 years Exclusion Boundary (Exclusion Boundary)

                                            " Aspen Hills"           23               0.93              SSE     158*   Once/3 years        Exclusion Boundary Orange,VA                24             22.00               NW     325'    Once/3 years        C mirol U Milk                                     Hollad>y Dairy           12              830                NW     310*    Monthly             State Split (R.C. Goodwin)

Terreifs Dary 13 5.60 SSW 205* Monthly State Split (Fredericks llall) Fish Waste IIcat 08 1.10 SSE 148* Semi-Anr.*.: ally Staae Split Treatmers Facility (Second Cooling Lagoon) Lake Arma(upstream) 09 2.20 NW 320* Semi-Annually State Split (Route 208 Bridge) Lake Orange

  • 25 16.5 NW 312* Semi-Annually Control Food Products Route 713 14 1.20 NE 43* Mornhly if available (Broadleaf a at harvest l Vegernoon) Rouse 614 15 1.70 SE 133' Monthlyif available or at harvest 1


  • Added as result of 17)0 Qua!ity Assurance Audit.

e 0 0_ TABLEI (Page 5 of 5) Nw.h Anna Power Station - 1990 kADIOLOGICALSAMPilNG STA"IlONS DISTANCE AND DIRICI1ON FROM UNTTNO. I Distance Compass Collection Stinple Media Location Station Miles Direction Degrees Frequency Remarks Food Prodacts Route 029/522 16 12.60 NW 314' Monthlyif available (Broadleaf or at harvest Vegetation) Endof Rotec 685 21 1.00 WNW 301' himthlyif available w at harvest i Aspen Hills 23 0.93 SSE 158* hkunhlyif available a at harvest U

  • Added as result of 1990 Quality Assurance Audit.


                                                                                                - NW-29/61 8                    ENE-8/40                           30                                                !

NW-30/62,09 9 E-9/41 31 NNW-31/63

O 10 E-10/42 32- NNW-32/64 .

. 11 ESE-11/43 33- 03, C-566-

12 ESE-12/44,06 34 ' 04 13 SE-13/45,01A 35 05 14 SE-14/46 36 07,-C-1&2 l 15 SSE-15/47,23 37- 08' '

16 SSE-16/48 38 -11 i l 17 S-17/49 39 12  ! \ l 18 S-18/50 40 13 19 f SSW-19/51 41 15 20 SSW-20/52,02 42 16: 21 SW-21/53 '43 24 C-3&4 t l

    ]        22                     SW-22/54                         44                         C-7&8

l i C Map Designation # t 1 Road Ntanbers 24 c v , ..u -- o.--, - -

                                                                                  .          w      .,  v   -
                                                                                                              .e   -, c  3


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t (Rt.,208] ,

                                                                                                                           ' "9 3

Jk i 3 l b 8 h i i

                                                                                                                       " NAPS
  • I+, J 10 j L R
                                                                                                                                                                                       *b, 12 1-s gD 6                        Y (Rt. 22$                                       '


                                                                                                                                                                                                         ~ NORTH ANNA
                                                                                                                                      %                                                         E RIVER
  • 1 (Rt.7007 O 'b 1

6/ i

                                                                                                                                                                       ;(,                          O l/s 1 1[2 LL J     n 2-3 4     S

_.n Scales in Niles

                                                              . . _ . . _ .                                    a . ._ .                                                                                                          ___

FIGURE 1 - (Page3of3) NORTH ANNA POWER STATION ] ENY!RONMENTAL MONITORING STATIONS OVERIEW MP S, L*c n) J , cat. 2013 Clan Marye 20Pring center (Rt. 22i& Mu% 4 W isar VA 9 (#ain ser el f f _

                                     ,                                                                                 Orange, ya '

M " [AC.20] (_R t . 6293 l l , (Rt. 739)

   >                  CB        ll (at.1{p   1' Lake Orange 17


1. Table 2 summarizes the analysis program conducted by Teledyne Isotopes for

, North Anna Power Station during 1990, j i a 4 I l

O i

l l 1 ! .A. lU l 28 i

, TABLE 2 (Page 1 of 3) Q NORTH ANNA POWER STATION SAMPLE ANALYSIS PROGRAM SAMPLE MEDIA FREOUENCY A N A LYSIS I. L D ' REPORT UNITS 4 Thermoluminescent Quanerly Gamma Dose 2mRi2mR nR/std. month Dosimetry (TLD) (84 Routine Station TLD's)

12 Station TLD's Annually Gamma Dose 2mRi2mR mR/std. month Airborne Weekly 1131 0.07 pCi/m3 j Radiolodine Airborne Weekly Gross Beta 0.01 pCi/m 3 Particulate Quanerly (1) Gamma Isotopic pCi/m3 Cs-134 0.05 Cs 137 0.06 Annually Sr-89 0.005 pCi/m3 (2nd Quaner Sr 90 0.0002 O Composite)

Surface Water Monthly 1-131 1 pCi/l Gamma Isotopic pCi/l Mn 54 15 Fe 59 30 Co-58, 60 15 4 ' Zn 65 30 Zr Nb-95 15 i Cs 134 15 ' Cs 137 18 Ba La.140 15 Quarterly (1) Tritium (113) 2000 pCi/l 2nd Quanctly Sr 89 5 pCi/l Composite Sr 90 1 (1) Quarterly Composites of each location's samples wid be used for the requin:d analysis. LLD's indicate those levels that the environmental samples should be analyzed to, in accordance with the North Anna Radiological Envimnmental Program. Actual analysis of the samples by Q Teledyne Isotopes may be lower than those listed. l 29

1 i . TABLE 2

;                                                                                                         (Page 2 of 3)





River Water Monthly I131 1 pCi/l Gamma Isotopic pCi/l Mn 54 15 !' Fe-59 30

Co-58,60 15 Zn 65 30 Zr Nb 95 15 Cs 134 15 Cs 137 18 Ba La 140 15 l Quarterly Tritium (H 3) 2000 pCi/l a

2nd Quaner Sr.89 5 pCi/l

!                                                                                    Sample                      Sr90                                                        1 i

j Ground Water Quarterly Gamma Isotopic pCi/l 2 (Well Water) 2nd Quarter Mn 54 15 ! Composite Fe 59 30

0 i

1 Co 58,60 zn 65 15 30 Zr Nb 95 15 i I131 1 Cs 134 15 l

'                                                                                                              Cs 137                                                     18 j

Bal*140 15 Quarterly Tritium (H 3) 2000 pCi/l 2nd Quarter Sr89 5 l Composite Sr-90 1' i Aquaile _ Semi Annually Gamma Isotopic ! pCi/kg (dry) Sediment Cs 134 ' 150 Cs 137 180 Annually Sr89 -200 pCi/kg (dry) l Sr 90 40

Shoreline Soll Semi Annual Gamma Isotopic pCi/kg (dry)
                                                                                                              -Cs 134                                                 150 i                                                                                                               Cs 137                                                 180 4

Annually Sr89 .200-Sr 90 - 40 LLD's indicate those levels that the envimnmental samples should be analyzed to, in accordance with the Nonh Anna Radiological Environmental Program. Actual analysis of the samples by.

Teledyne Isotopes may be lower than those listed.

l 30

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  • RF, PORT IINITE Soll Once per 3 yrs. Gamma Isotopic pCi/kg (dry)

Cs 134 150 Cs 137 180 Once per 3 yrs. Sr 89 200 pCi/kg (dry) Sr90 40

 ;   Milk                                   Monthly                          I131                                                               1  pCi/l Monthly                           Gamma lsotopic                                                        pCi/l Cs 134                                                            15
 ;                                                                           Cs 137                                                            18 Ba 12-140                                                         15 Quanerly                         Sr89                                                                5  pCi/l Sr90                                                                1 Fish                                 Semi Annual                       Gamma Isotopic                                                         pCi/kg (wet)
  .Q                                                                        Mn 54 Fe 59 130 260 Co-58, 60                                                        130 Zn 65                                                            260 Cs 134                                                           130 Cs 137                                                           150 Food Products                        Monthly if                        Gamma Isotopic (Droadleaf                                                                                                                                    pCi/kg (wet) available or Vegetation)                          at harvest                        Cs 134                                                            60 Cs 137                                                            80 1-131                                                             60   pCi/kg (wet)

Note: This table is not a complete listing of nuclides which can be detected and reported. Other peaks that are measurable and identifiable, together with the above nuclides, shall also be identified and reponed. O

  • utys indicate those levels that the environmental samples should be analyzed to,in accordance with the North Anna Radiological Environmental Pmgram. Actual analysis of the samples by Teledyne Isotopes may be lower than those listed.


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O asse exc gtions for 1990 are iisted in this chagier. whe,e possibic, the causes of I the deviations have been corrected to prevent recurrence.

There were several air sampler malfunctions which occurred during the year, ne l 1 most common malfunctions were breaks in sample hose lines, timer malfunctions, 1 i unplugged samplers, or stuck rotometers. In those cases where the elapse timer was inoperable, start /stop times were used to estimate sample volume for the collection period. Some sample analyses results were lost during chemical separation and lost during

!                             radioanalysis resuldng ie .- ru yt:'.d. When sampler malfunctions occurred, sample volume i

was estimated based op est avdable data. North Anna began using continuous air sample pumps in the fourth quarter which


has eliminated the cause of timer malfunctions. North Anna is also assessing the need to l purchase newer air samplers which are designed with enclosures for electrical components to better protect components from the elements. l 3 The effect of sampler malfunctions on reported results were evaluated by comparing air particulate gross beta analyses and iodine-131 analyses against other stations for the - !.O weekiy period and against historicai data. The resuiis indicatea vaiues were within expected ranges. 1 Seven TLDs were not collected during the year because the TLD packs were missing from the sample location when collection was attempted. Some TLD packs were i mounted on fence post and utility poles which were removed or replaced during the collection period, resulting in loss of the TLD pack. During the reporting period, as a result of a Quality Assurance audit, the control fish sample location in Lake Anna, though far upstream, was determined as being . l potentially influenced by power station operation (documented on Station Deviation Report N90-416). A new control fish sample location was thereafter established at Lake Orange. The new site designation number is 25. i

A t

!V i l 32

     - _   _     . _ _                 .~.      . . - - . .. _

_ .. ,L iu. .-

4 { REMP EXCEITIONS FOR SCHEDULED i SAMPLING AND ANALYSIS DURING 1990 NORTH ANNA !O i j Location Description Date of Sampling Reasons (s) for Loss / Exception ?

07 Air Particulare OlA)3M01/10/90 Elevated result due to low sample volume; j not included in averages.


05 Air Paniculate / 01/10/90-01/17/10 Sampler found not running upon arrival.

! AirIodine Elapsed time = 0 { Est. Vol.140 m3 4 l 06 Air Particulate / 01/107)0 01/17/10 i Sampler found unplugged upon arrival. AirIodine Elapsed time = .8 hrs. Est. Vol.140 m3 j 01 AirIodine 01/24/90 01/30/90 Sample lost in analysis; it had a zero yield. OSA Air Particulate /

 )                                                                        01/30/90-02/07/90    Bad On/Off Switch on Sampler. Elapsed l                                      AirIodine                                                time = 15.5 hrs.

j Vol. = 18.6 m3 1 07 Air Particulate 01/30/90 02/07/10 Broken elapsed timer. Vol. est. since Air kx11ne

O still running Vol. = 154 m3

! 02 Air Particulate 02/21/90 02/28/>0 Sampler found unplugged upon arrival. i AirIodine Elapsed timer = 61.2 hrs. j vol. = 73 m3 i 06 Air Particulate / 02/21/90 02/28/90 Bad On/Off switch on sarnpler. Elapsed


! time = 59.9 hrs. j vol. = 72 m3 { 03 Air Particulate / 03/14f>0 03/21/>0 Rotometer stuck on Air sampler still ! AirIodine running. Vol. Est. = 134 m3 ! 06 Air Particulate 03/14/90-03/21/10 Elevated result due to low sample volume; } not included in averages. 06 Air Particulate 03/14/90 03/21/90 LLD not met due to due to low sample. OlA Ground /Well 03/29/90 LLD of 1 pCi/l was not attempted by the Water

more sensitive radiochmeical method because that analysis was not requested on the sample mceipt form.

03 Air Particulate / 04/04/90-04/1If)0 Timer malfunction on sampler. Sampler h AirIodine still running. ,V Vol. Est. 202.2 m3 , 33 4



! Location Description Date of Sampling Reasons (s) for Loss / Exception ! 03 Air Particulate / 04/119044/1890 Timer malfunction on sampler. Sampler i AirIodine still running. l Vol. Est. 201 m3 1 07 Air Particulate / N/l19044/1890 Timer malfunction on sampler. Sampler i Airlodine still running. ! Vol. Est.197 m3 I 01 Air Particulate / 06/27BO 07/03SO Sampler malfunction. AirIodine Vol = 3.48 m3 j 05A Air Particulate / 06/27S0-07/03SO Sample not in original shipment; received i Airlodine 07/1790. t 22 AirParticulate/ 07/26S 0-08/019 0 Elapsed timer malfunction Stop/ Start ] AirIodine times used for volume. Vol. = 169 m3 01 Air Particulate / 07/26S 0 08/019 0 Elapsed timer malfunction Stop/ Start AirIodine times used for volume, !O vot - 273 = 24 Air Particulate / 07/26N08/0lS0 Elapsed timer malfunction Start /Stop times l AirIodine used for volume.

                                                                                                                         - Vol. = 174 m3 01                                             AirParticulate/              08/15/90-08/22S 0 Elapsed timer malfunction Start /Stop timess i

AirIodine used for volume. Vol = 202 m3

05,07,22 Air Particulate / 08/22N08/2990 j Elapsed timer malfunction. Results reported AirIodine in total pCi.

06 Air Particulate / 08/2280 08/2990 Elapsed timer malfunction Stan/Stop times AirIodine used for volume. 05A Air Particulate / 08/29 9 0 09/05S 0 Hose broke on sampler. No sample Air Iodine - collected. 23 Air Particulate / 09SSS0-09/1280 Elapsed timer malfunction Start /Stop times

AirIodine used for volume, f



O Location Description Date of Sampling Reasons (s) for Loss / Exception 06 Air particulate / 09/26S O-10/03/90 Elapsed timer malfunedon Start /Stop times Airlodine used for volume.

Est. Vol. = 197 m2, Elapsed time = 0.1 hrs. 21 Air > articulate / 09/19/90 09/26N0 Elapsed time malfunction. Start /Stop times Air 1 xiine used for volume. 24 AirI dine 10/10NO.10/17hD Sample lost during chemical separation and could not be recovered. 03 Airi dine 12/05NO 12/1280 Original sample had low volume due to low air flow. Substiture sample sent and received at laboratory on 12/28NO. 07,22,24 Airi dine 12/12S0-12/19N0 Sampler malfunctioned. Volume was estimated from sample start and stop times. O wmv.27 Direct Radiation 3rd Quarter Lost / missing upon anival at collection 11.D point. SE.14/46 Direct Radiation 2nd Quarter Lost / missing upon arrival at collection llD point. SW 22/54 Direct Radiation 2nd Quarter Lost / missing upon anival at collection 1LD point. ESE-43 Direct Radiation 2nd Quarter Lost / missing upon arrival at collection 11D point. SSE 48 Direct Radiation 4th Quarter lost / missing upon arrival at collection 11D point. O 35

I r I i



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V. SUhihf ARY AND DISCUSSION OF 1990 ANALYTICAL RESULTS O V Data from the radiological analyses of environmental media collected during the repon period are tabulated and diaaned below. The procedures and specifications followed in the laboratory for these analyses are as required in the Teledyne isotopes Quality Assurance Manual and are explained in the Teledyne Isotopes Analytical Procedures. A synoosis of analytical procedures used for the environmental samples is provided in Appendix D. In addition to internal quality control measures performed by Teledyne, the laboratory also participates in the Environmental Protection Agency's Interlaboratory Comparison Program. Participation in this program ensures that iridependent checks on the precision and accuracy of the measurements of radioactive material in environmental samples are performed. The results of the EPA Interlaboratory Comparison are provided in Appendix E. Radiological analyses of environmental media characteristically approach and frequently fall below the detection limits of state-of the-art measurement methods. 'Ihc "less than" values in the data tables were calculated for each specific analysis and are dependent on sample size, detector efficiency, length of counting time, chemical yield, when appropriate, and the radioactive decay factor from time of counting to time of collection. Tcledyne Isotopes analytical methods meet the O ' **' 't=

                      ' ****'i " (" ) '*9"t'***"sive" ta Tab'e 2 or the USNRC Branch Technical Position of Radiological Monitoring (November 1979, Revision 1) and the ODCM.

The following is a discussion and summary of the results of the environmental measurements taken during the 1990 reporting period. A. Airborne Exposure Pathway

1. AirIodine/Particulates Charcoal cartridges used to collect airborne iodine were collected weekly and analyzed by a radiochemical separation procedure for lodine-131. The results are presented in Table B 1. All results were below the required lower limit of detection. Gross beta activity was observed in all fifty two control samples with an average concentration of 0.019 pCi/m3 and a range of 0.009 to 0.035 pCi/m3. The average measurement for the indicator locations was 0.020 pCi/m3 with a range of 0.004 to 0.087 pCi/m3. The results of the gross beta activities are presented in Table B-2. The gross beta activities for 1990 were comparable to levels measured in the 1982 1989 period. Prior to that period the gross p

a beta activities were higher due to atmospheric nuclear weapons testing by other countries, 36 I

o o O

                                                     'IRENDING GRAPH - 1 GROSS BETA IN AIR PARTICULATES 1                          .

8 I i i I I I I I I 9 a s a 4's  !  ! 'b i k$ s h:e l

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I (a) I (D)

       .001 1977 1978         1979   1980     1981           1982       1983         1984      1985       1986 (a) Unit 1 critical on 06/06/78.
                                                                                                  ~~#~~           *

(b) Unit 2 critical on 12/14/80. O Avg. Preg.

                                                                                                 --S--    Avg.LLD

_ _ _ - - _ _ - - - - - - - - - , - - , - - - - , --,,,,-----,--------r.w------ ---- , -w- .awsm ._ s.u>. ..o. m.,._a.a bA (--.-..m.2 4 .%%  % a .ew& -4_W m mAEh ee4 hhm.>-haaA4-a-a --Aa-- E O O O ' j TRENDING GRAPH - 1 (Cont.) GROSS BETA IN AIR PARTICUIATES ' 1 o-- c,-sma cenea

                                                                                                                                                                                              --*- Gr-Bota Indicators su g

c E-- Avg 11D 4

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1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 f

) l l During the preoperational period of July li1974 through March 31,1978 gross beta O activities ranged from a low of 0.005 pCi/m3 to a high of 0.75 pCi/m3, Air particulate filters were composited by locations on a quarterly basis and were i analyzed by gamma ray spectroscopy. He results are listed in Table B 3. Beryllium 7, i which is produced continuously in the upper atmosphere by cosmic radiation, was P measured in all 48 composite samples. The average measurement for the control location l was 0.059 pCi/m3 with a range of 0.036 to 0.096 pCi/m3. The indicator locations had an , j average concentration of 0.068 pCi/m3 and a range of 0.032 to 0.118 pCi/m3 Dudng the

preoperational period, beryllium-7 was measured at comparable levels, as would be.

! expected. Naturally occurring potassium-40 was detected in three indicator samples with an average measurement of 0.010 pCi/m3 and a range of 0.009 to 0.012 pCi/m3 All other 4 gamma emitters were below the detection limits. During the preoperational period gamma


l ray spectroscopy measured several fission products in numerous air particulate filters. . All . j isotopes were attributed to atmospheric nuclear weapons testing conducted before the l preoperational period. Among the isotopes measured were zirconium-95, ruthenium 103, i ruthenium 106, ce. lum-137, cerium-141 and cerium-144. ! The second quarter composites of air particulate filters from all twelve stations were - i,O anaiyzed for strontium 89 and 90. There was no detection of these fission products at any ) of the eleven indicator stations nor at the control stations. i i

2. Precipitation l A sample of rain water was collected monthly at station 01A, on' site,0.75 miles, '

[ 138 degrees SE and analyzed for gross beta activity. The results are Table B-

4. The average gross beta activity for 1990 was 6.4 pCi/ liter with a range from 1.9 to 161
pCi/ liter. A semi annual composite was prepared and analyzed for gamma emitting I
                  - isotopes and tritium. All gamma emitters were below their detection limits.' Tdtium was l-                  not detected in the semi annual composite sample. These results were comparable to or i

lower than those measured in 1986 thru 1989. During the preoperational period gross beta i . l.. activity in rain water was expressed in nCi per square meter of the collector surface, thus a !' direct comparison can not be made to the 1990 periodi Tritium was measured in over half L of the few-quarterly composites.made. . The tritium activity ranged from 100 to 330 j ! pCi/ liter. i L i LO e , n

   .                                                                                                                                            k l                                                                               39                                                            '

!L . l , i

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i i ) I i 3. Soll i O Soll samples are collected and analyzed every three years from twelve stations, i

Since the samples were collected in 1989 they were not collected during 1990.

t i B. Waterborne Exposure Pathway y

1. Ground /Well Water i

Water was sampled quarterly from the on site well at the biology laboratory. These-samples were analyzed for gamma radiation and for tritium. The results are presented in t-Table B 6. No gamma emitting isotopes were detected. Tritium was detected in the first quarter sample with an activity of 210 pCi/ liter. This is a normal environmental level. The second quarter sample was analyzed for strontium 89 and strontium-90. There were no detections of these isotopes above the detection level. No gamma emitting isotopes were detected during the preoperational period. Tritium was measured in most of the samples during that period with concentrations between 80 and 370 pCi/ liter. g 2. River Water A sample of water from the North Anna River was collected monthly at stadon'11, 5.8 miles downstream from the discharge lagoon,128 degrees SSE. The results are presented in Table B 7. The samples were analyzed by gamma spectroscopy,'and for - tritium. The second quarter samples were analyzed in addition for strontium 89'and-I strontium-90. ! All gamma emitters were below the detecdon level. No detections of strontium 89 - L or strontium-90 occurred. Tritium was measured in all samples with an average level .of 3783 pCl/ liter and a range of 3000 to 4900 pCi/ liter, nis compares favorably with the - average tritium activity for 1989 of 3749 pCi/ liter and 1988 was 3925 pCi/ liter. No river water samples were collected in the preoperational period. ~ t [ l

3. Surface Water l Samples of surface water were collected monthly from two stations." Station 08 is '

at the discharge lagoon,1.1 miles,148 degrees' SSE on Lake Anna.- Station 09 is 2.2 miles upstream on Lake Anna,320 degrees NW.' The samples were analyzed for iodine-131 by - L I 40 '


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1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 t (a) Unit 1 critical on 06/06/78. - - -o- - - Tritium (b) Unit 2 critical on 12/14/B0.

                                                                                                                                                                     ----0---               Avg LLD i

radiochemical separation. No iodine was detected in the 24 samples analyzed. The results O are presented in Table B 8. The samples were also analyzed by gamma ray spectrometry. All gamma emitters were below the detection levels at both station. A quarterly composite from each station was prepared and analyzed for tritlurn. The tritium activity at station 08 for the quarterly composites was at an average level of 3900 pCi/ liter with a range of 3300 to 4700 pCi/ liter ine tritium level had been increasing since the middle of 1978 when the average level was below 300 pCi/ liter. However, during 1990 the results were within the same range as those measured in 1986 thru 1989. During the preoperational period tritlur was measured in several samples with concentrations between 90 and 250 pCi/ liter The tritium activity from station 09 was at an average level of 3200 pCi/ liter with a range of 3100 to 3300 pCi/ liter. The level of tritium for 1990 for station 09 is also within the same range as those measured in 1986 thru 1989. Samples of surface water were collected by the Commonwealth ot Virginia from two stations. Station W 33 is located at the discharge lagoon while station W-27 is located

'n V  on the North Anna River at the RT. 208 Bridge, which is upstream of the site. Twenty-four samples were collected and analyzed by gamma ray spectroscopy and for tritium.

Potassium-40 was measured in two samples, one from W-27 and one from station W-33 with levels of 60.3 and 86.8 pCi/ liter respectively. The results are presented in Table B 9. All other gamma emitters were below their detection levels. Since the tritium level had been increasing during the last several years, seven samples from each station were analyzed for tritium during 1990. This was an increase in tritium analyses from these stations during the past years. The average activity at station W 33 in all seven samples was 3200 pCi/ liter with a range of 2500 to 3800 pCi/ liter. This compares favorably with the activity of 4500 pCi/ liter during 1989 at this station. Tritium was measured in six of the seven samples at station W 27 with an average activity of 1098 pCi/ liter and a range of 350 to 2200 pCi/ liter. This is higher than the one measurement of 150 pCi/ liter for 1989 at this station, i v i i 43 1

C. Aquatic Exposure Pathway

 ]          1. Sediment / Silt Sediment samples were collected during March and September from each of three locations and were analyzed by gamma spectrometry. The results are presented in Table B-10. A number of man-made and naturally occurring radioisotopes were detected in these samples. Cesium 137 was detected in all samples with an average activity of 147 pCi/kg (dry weight) and a range from 45.8 to 318 pCi/kg (dry weight). Cesium-134 was measured in one indicator sample from station 08 with an acdvity of 72.5 pCi/kg (dry weight). *Ihe highest readings for cesium-134 and cesium-137 were obtained from station 08 located 1.10 miles downstream into second cooling lagoon,148 SSE.

Naturally occurring potassium-40 was observed in five of the six samples with an average activity of 10017 pCi/kg (dry weight) and a range fmm 3760 to 20100 pCi/kg (dry , weight). Radium 226 was measured in four samples with an average concentration of 1454 pCi/kg (dry weight) and a range of 862 to 2100 pCi/kg (dry weight). Cobalt 60 was measured in two indicator stations from station 08 with an average activity of 84 pCi/kg (dry weight) an,d a range of 63.1 to 105 pCi/kg (dry weight). Also naturally occurring, thorium 228 was observed in all six samples with an average concentration of 809 pCi/kg O (dry we ght) and a range of 316 to 1320 pCi/kg (dry weight). The September samples were analyzed for stmntium 89 and strontium 90. There were no detections of strontium-89 in quatic sediment / silt. Strontium-90 was measured in two samples with an average correntration of 210 pCi/kg (dry weight) and a range of 130 to 290 pCi/kg (dry weight). During the preoperational period sediment samples were analyzed by gamma ray spc=Lyy Cesium-137 was measured in most of the samples with concentrations between 33 and 1210 pCi/kg (dry weight). Strontium 90 was measured in most of the samples with concentrations between 60 and 540 pCi/kg (dry weight). Strontium 89 was not measured. Potassium-40, radium 226, and thorium 228, all naturally occurring, were measured at backgmund levels.

2. Shoreline Soil A sample of shoreline sediment was collected in March and September from station 09,2.2 miles upstream of the North Anna Power Station. The samples were analyzed by gamma ray spectrometry. The results are presented in Table B-11. The naturally occurring nuclide potassium 40 was measured in one sample with an activity of 9210 pCi/kg (dry

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_ _ _ _ _ . . _ . _ _ _ . _ - . _ . . .______.._m. . i i TRENDING GRAPH - 7 10000 CESIUM-137 IN SEDIMENT SILT l 1 l

i. Sa60m08 e --C--- S** mC9 h -P Saliomit i
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                                                                                             ..                                                                                                                 Avg Pre-Op 5 1000 -                      .f        '.

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I weight). Thorium 228 v as measured in both samples at an average of 244 pCi/kg (dry 'Q weight) and a mnge of 192 to 295 pCi/kg (dry weight). Radium 226 was tneasured !n one sample with sa activity of 804 pCi/kg (dry weight). Cesium 137, a fission product, was monitored in ue sample with an activity of 74.6 pCi/kg (dry weight). The September sample was analyzed for strontium and there were no detections of strontium 89. Strontium 90 was measured at 48 pCi/kg (dry weight). D. Ingestion Exposure Pathway

1. Milk The results of the lodine 131 analysis of milk samples are presented in Table B-12.

i A samy!c was collected monthly from two stations. A total of 24 samples were analyzed during INO. There were no measurements ofiodine 131 above the detection limits. The milk samples were also analyzed by gamma ray spectroscopy and the results are also presented in Table B 12. A total of 24 samples were analyzed. Naturally ' occurring potassium 40 was measured in all of the samples with an average of 1288 pCi/ liter and a range of 1150 to 1540 pCi/ liter. The fission product cesium-137 has been 'O detected sporadicaiiv in receni rears and the activity has been attributed io siohai faiioui . from past atmospheric weapons testing. However, cesium-137 was not detected at levels i above LLD in any milk samples in 1990. All other gamma emitters were below their detection levels. A quarterly composite was prepared from each of the two collection stations and analyzed for strontium-89 and strontium 90. Strontium 89 was not detected at levels above LLD in any of the samples monitored. Strontium-90 was detected in seven of 1 the eight samples monitored with'an average level of 1.5 pCi/ liter and a range of 0.58 to I _2.7 pCi/ liter. This is similar to activities determined in previous years and lower than the preoperationallevels of 2.2 to 5.4 pCi/ liter,

2. Fish 1

Aquatic biota can be sensitive indicators of radionuclide accumulation in the i environment because of their ability to concentrate certain chemical elements which have radioactive isotopes. The results are presented in Table B 13. Five samples of fish were collected during 1990. These samples were analyzed by gamma ray spectroscopy and the naturally occurring isotope potassium-40 was found in all samples at an average of 1552 pCi/kg (wet weight) with a range of 1580 to 1640 pCi/kg (wet weight). Cesium-134, a . 49 i

                         .              . ..    . . . .                  . - - . . .        - . . . . -            = _ -       . . . . - . .                 _ _ - - . . . - - - - .            - . . . . -

) TRENDING GRAPH - 8 t 4 1 CESIUM-134 IN FISH 1000 . i t

                                 !                                                                                                                                                                                     i

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                                                                                                                                                                                       'Il. g 4..                           l(a) 1      .

1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 i 1989 1990 1991 (a) Unit 2. critical on 12/14/80. S'M During the pre-operational period cesium-134 was not measured. --- O --- StatiorH)9

A . O O O TRENDING GRAPH - 9 CESIUM-137 IN FISH l t 10000 ,

                                                                                                                                                                              - -a---          Station-08 i                                                                                                                                - - -O - - Station-09 l                                                                                                                                      O           Avg. Preg e                         :

c  : t l

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I 19 . . . 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 ~1989 1990 1991 1992 (a) Unit 2 critical on 12/14/80.-

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             -- ~--




a fission product, was observed in two samples from: station 08 with an average. jQ concentration of 18.4 pCi/kg (wet weight).and a range of 15.9 to 20.8 pCi/kg (wet j weight). The fission product cesium 137 was measured in four samples at an average of t 105 pCi/kg (wet weight) and a range of 27.6 to 139 pCi/kg (wet weight). During the preoperational period cesium-137 was measured in one fourth of the fish samples collected > ! with concentrations between 31 and 66 pCi/kg (wet weight). i [

3. Food / Vegetation '

Forty food samples were collected from five locations' and analyzed by gamma 3 j spectrometry. 'Ihe results are presented in Table Ba14. Naturally occurring potassium-40 ; *

was monitored in all of the samples.with an average activity level of 10915 pCl/kg (wet- '

weight).and a range of 2750 to 48600 pCi/kg (wet weight). Cosmogenic berylliumt7 was y detected in 36 of the 40 samples with an average concentration of 3331 pCi/kg (wet. weight); j and a range of 290 to 11400 pCi/kg (wet weight). The terrestrial nuclide thorium-228 was : l detected in five of the samples at an average activity of 243 pCi/kg (wet weight) and a range l l of 141 to 450 pCi/kg (wet weight). " The fission product ceslum-134 was not detected at levels above LLD during 1990. !O Cesium 137 was detected in nine of the forty sampics witian average activity of 71.9 i pCi/kg (wet weight) and a range of 13.5 to 161 pCi/kg'(wet weight). These results are f

consistent with those measured in previous years.- _ Cesium 4137 'was measured in broadleaf-.

f garden vegetation during the preoperational period _with concentations between 53 and !"' pCi/kg (wet weight). E. Direct Radiation Exposure Pathway

1. TLD Dosirreters i

Thermoluminescent dosimeters (TLDs) determined envuonmental radiation doses - l and the results are presented in Table B 15. Individual measurements of external radiation - N

       . levels in-the environs of the North Anna site had an average dose of 5.6 mR/ standard            ,

} month with a range of 3.7 to 8.7-mR/ standard month.' The control stadonlNo 24 had an i

. average reading of 4.2 mR/ standard month with'a ran'ge of 3.7 to 4.5 mR/ standard month; '

, 4 t

Sector TLDs are deployed quarterly at thirty-two locations in the environs of the o

North Anna site. Two badges are placed at each location, The results are presented in . !O L -52 . Ib ,

O O O TRENDING GRAPH - 10 ENVIRONMENTAL RADIATION - TLD's 100 O s t-m- C O 2 mm. m w uC 10 -

 ' os e
                    ~f:~**. $ g    $r:$2     ~ g**_*~$~~
                                                               ':M* ~$1:4:**R":3:~ f~ _~ j ::$2'
                                                                             - - -o- - - Environmental TLD's n ---- Sector TISs
                                                                                  ;         Avg Preg 1                    .      .             .

. 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 i

    - -       _ _ _ .        .. . _ .-.. _ ._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.,. .                     _. _ ,__ _ .. _ _             , _ .       .m-..       -                               ,

Table B-16. ne average level of the 32 locations _(two badges at each location) was 5.9 - O mR/ standard month with a range of 3.2 to 9.5 mR/ standard month. The thirty two control - TLDs from eight locations showed an average reading of 4.7 mR/ standard month with'a j


, range of 3.2 to 7.0 mR/ standard month. Seven of the badges from the second, third and ' ] fourth quarters were missing. Although a thorough search was made of the area the TLD's ~ -l could not be located. During the part (starting in 1977) of the preoperational period that the calculation of the TLD dose included a correction for the in-transit dose, the doses were ' l measured between 4.3 and 8.8 mR/ standard month.- ~ 4 i he data for the operational radiological environmental rnonitoring p_rogram for the - j North Anna Power Station has been presented. . Based upon this evidence the North Anna s Power Station is operating within regulatory limits, i 1 4 i' + i 3; i , i { f 8 l 1 i a l e p , i l f-e I I' i -. ,

                                                                             - 54
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VI. CONCLUSIONS (L The results of the 1990 Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program for the North Anna Nuclear Power Station have been presented. The following sections discuss each pathway individually followed by a program summary. Airborne Exoosure Pathway i i l Air particulate gmss beta concentrations of all the indicator locations for 1990 followed the l gross beta concentrations at the control location. The gross beta concentrations were comparable to levels observed since 1982 except for a five week period in 1986 which was influenced by the Chemobyl accident. Gross beta concentrations in the preoperational period were highly variable, ranging from 0.0(M3 to 0.75 pCi/ cum, due to occasional atmospheric nuclear weapons tests. Gamma is3 topic analysi_s of the particulate samples identified the gamma emitting isotopes as natural products (beryllmm-7 and potassium 40). There were no detections above the LLD for fission products nor other man-made isotopes in the particulate media during 1990. Iodine 131 1 was not detected in the 621 chamoal filters analyzed during 1990. A precipitation sample was collected monthly during 1990 and analyzed for gross beta activity. All the gross beta activities were comparable to those measured in pmvious years. During the preoperational period the average gross beta activity was 0.92 pCi/ liter. Semi-annual composites were analyzed for gamma emitting isotopes and tritium. All gamma emitters were below their detection limits. Tritium was not observed above the LLD during 1990. During the preoperational period the average tritium activity was 165 pCi/ liter. Waterbome Exoosure Pathway No man-made or natural isotopes wen: monitored in the surface water of Lake Anna except tritium. The average tritium activity in 1990 at the waste heat treatment facility was 3900 pCi/ liter which is 19.5% of the reporting level for a water sample. In 1989 the tritium level was 3900 pCi/ liter. The preoperational level was 150 pCi/ liter and has been rising since 1977. The tritium level upstream of the site was 3200 pCi/ liter as compared with 2850 pCi/ liter in 1989. Tritium concentrations for surface water samples collected by the Commonwealth of Virginia from the waste heat treatment facility in 1990 were 2230 pCi/ liter, compared to 4500 pCi/ liter in 1989. The upstream location in 1990 had a tritium concentrations of 1098 pCi/ liter, compared to 150 pCi/ liter for 1989. No gamma emitting isotopes were detected. 55

4 p River water collected fmm the North Anna River,5.8 miles downstream of the site had an d average tritium level of 3783 pCvihr. De average tritium in 1989 had been 3783 pCi/ liter. No gamma emitters were detected. Ground water from the environmental well on site contained no gamma emitters. There was only one detection of tritium in ground /well water at 210 pCi/ liter which is a low environmentallevel. Acuatic Pathway Sediment / silt samples provide a sensitive indicator of discharges from nuclear power stations. The sediment from North Anna environmental samples indicated that two man-made isotopes wem present. Cesium 137 was detected in all six samples at three locations. During the - preoperational period, cesium 137 was measured in samples of aquatic sediment; however, additional man made isotopes appear to have accumulated. Cesium 134 was monitored in two samples. Sediment contamination does not provide a direct dose pathway to man. The samples of shoreline soil monitored downstream of the site contained no cesium-134. Cesium-137 was measured at an average of 74.6 pCi/kg as compared to 378 pCi/kg in 1989.


Ingestion Pathway Iodine-131 was not detected in any of the twenty four milk samples using the-radiochemical separation method. Although cesium-137 has been detected occasionally in previous years and attributed to past atmospheric nuclear weapons testing there were no detections during 1990. Strontium 90 was measured in seven of the eight milk samples. The values were comparable to the levels in 1989 and somewhat lower than preoperational years. Strontium-90 from those years is attributed to past atmospheric nuclear weapons testing. No strontium 89 was detected in any of the milk samples. Naturally occurring potassium 40 was measured in all the milk samples at normal environmental levels. Activity in fish and vegetation samples along with milk does present a direct dose pathway to man. Fish samples in 1990 showed the presence of the man made isotopes cesium-134 and cesium-137. These isotopes were at an activity level somewhat higher than preoperational levels but statistically similar to levels in 1987,1988 and 1989. Only cesium-137 was measured in preoperational environmental fish samples. Due to primary and secondary steam generator 7 (J problems experienced at North Anna during 1984/1985, a build up in activity levels' both in 56


4 i effluents and fish did occur. Repairs to the steam generators and better liquid waste processing O have reduced these activity levels in effluents and thus decreased activity levels are now being observed in the fish. The average level of activity in 1990 of cesium-134 was 1.8% of the reporting level and cesium-137 was 5.3% of the reporting level, i 4 Vegetation samples contained the man made isotope cesium-137. The cesium-137 activity d levels in 1989 and in preoperational samples were statistically similar to the 1990 level. Direct Exoosure Pathway i The direct exposure pathway as measured in the environment of the North Anna site by thennoluminescent dosimetry has remained essentially the same since the preoperational period in 1977 at 6 milliroentgens per month or 0.2 milliroentgens per day. The average dose levels

'                                                                                                              )

monitored have shown a normal fluctuation about these levels which are less than the estimated whole body does due to natural terrestrial and cosmic radiation and the intemal dosage from natural radionuclides. Pmeram ConclutiQna , Q The results were as expected for normal environmental samples. Naturally occurring activity was observed in sample media in the expected activity ranges. Occasional samples of

nearly all media showed the presence of man-made isotopes. These have been discussed individually in the text. Observed activities were at very low concentrations and had no significant dose consequence.

As a method of referencing the measured radionuclide concentrations in sample media to the dose consequence, the data are compared to the Reporting Level Concentrations given in the l ODCM. These concentrations are based upon USNRC Branch Technical Position. Based upon the evidence of the environmental monitoring program the station is operating within regulatory limits. Thus, no unusual radiological characteristics were observed in the environs of the North Anna Nuclear Power Station in 1990. i ,V , l 57 l

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q i VII. REFERENCES .O ! ~ i 1. Virginia Electric and Power Company, North Anna Power Station Technical ' } Specifications, Units 1 and 2. l ! 2. Virginia Electric and Power Company, Station Administrative Procedure,  !

VPAP-2103, "Offsite Dose Calculation Manual," Rev. O, May 31,1990. -{

! i i 3. Title 10 Code of Federal Regulation, Part 50 (10CFR50); " Domestic Licensing of 1 j i Production and Utilization Facilities." ' } 4. United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission Regulatory Guide L109, Rev.1 j " Calculation of Annual Doses to Man from Routine Releases of ReactorEffluents for i the Purpose of Evaluating Compliance with 10CFR50,' Appendix I," October,1977. I i  : l S. United States Nuclear Regulatory Commis'sion, Regulatory Guide 4.8 :

                       " Environmental Technical Specifications for Nuclear Power Plants," December, -

1975. I ! 6. USNRC Branch Technical Position, " Acceptable Radiological Environmental

O Monitoring Pmgnm." Rev.1, November 1979. "

l 7. NUREG 0472, " Radiological Effluent Technical Specifications for PWRs," Rev. 3, : , l March 1982. I l 8. National Council on Radiation Pmtection and Measurements, Report No. 39,l" Ba -I Radiation Protection Criteria," Washington; D.C., kuaryl1971, i

9. National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements, Report No. 45,
                      " Natural Background Radiation in the United States," Washington,-D.C., November 1

1975. 4 L '

10. National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements, Report No. 95, _. !

l " Radiation Exposum of the U.S. Population from Consumer Products and' '

                    - Miscellaneous Sources," Washington, D.C.' December 1987. -

i i 11, , DOE /NE-0072, " Nuclear Energy and Electricity, The Harnessed Atom," US Dept' . L of Energy,1986. 1 1 58 1

     -                      ~_     _ _.                 ,_                  . ; . ;._ ...                .2 .,       _ . .a

I C 12. Eichholz, G., " Environmental Aspects of Nuclear Power," Lewis Publishers, Inc., 1985.

13. Eisenbud, M., " Environmental Radioactivity," Academy Press, Inc., Orlando, F1, 1987.
14. Fitzgibbon, W., " Energy Skill Builders, Nuclear Reactor," Enterprise for Education, Inc.,1987.
15. Glasstone, S., and Jords, W., " Nuclear Power and its Environmental Effects,"

American Nuclear Society,1982. O 59

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NORTil ANNA POWER STATION DOCKET NO.50-338/339 IDUISA COUNTY, VIRGINIA JANUARY 1 to DECEMBER 31,1990 ANALYSIS AND LOWERLLMfI MEDIUM OR PATHWAY ~IUTALNUMBER OF NUMBER OF SAMMED OFANALYSES DETBCITON ALLINDICA1DRIDCAllONS LOCNDON WmI HKHIEST MEAN CONTROLIDCATION NONROUTINE MEAN NAhE MEAN hEAN (UNITOFMEASUREMENT) PERIORMED n i n)(1) RANGE RITORTED DESTANG AND DBtECTION RANGE RANGE MEASUREMENIS Air Iodine I-131 621- 0.04 40/570) NA (pCVm3) NA -(0/51) 0 Airborne Orcss Beta 623 5 Particulates 20.3(571-571) 04 5.10mi WNW 22.8(52/52) 18.69(52/52) (4.2-87) .O (IE-03 pCi/m3) (9.6-47) (8.5-35) Gamma 48 Be-7 48 10 67.6(44/44) 04 5.10mi WNW 87.8(4/4) 593(4/4) 0 (31.9-118) (57 1-117) (36.1-95.8) K.40 .. 48 10 10.2(3/44) 01 0.20 mi NE 11.5(1/4) -(0/4) 0 (8.65-11.5) - - S' r-89 '12 3 -(0/11) NA NA -(0/1) 0 S' t-90 12 0.4 -(0/11) . NA NA -( ) 0 1

                                    .(1)          LLD is lower limit of detection as defined and requind in USNRC Branch Techmcal Pbsition on an Acceptable Radiological Enm J Monimming Program,
Revision 1 November 1979.
                                     '___m' - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _




                                   - Gross Beta 11          4           6.41(12/12)            OIA 0.2 mi NE               6.41(12/12)     NONE                       O (1.9-16)                                           (1.9-16)

Gamma 2 (Sani-AnmaDy) Be-7 2 70 -(0/2) - NA NA NONE O cs l ~ l Tritiurn 2 2000 .(0/2) NA NA NONE O l I i (1) II.D is lower limit of detectum as defined and requimi in USNRC Branch Technical Ibition on an Accep.nble Radiological Enamwd Mmiaring %.

 .           Revision 1.Noverrier 1979.

_ _ .i



NORTH ANNA POWERSTA~I1ON DOCKET NO.50-338/339 IDUISA COUNIT, VIRGINIA JANUARY I toDECEMBER 31,1990 ANALYSIS AND LOWIRL1MH MEDIUM OR PATHWAY 'IUTALNUMBfR @ NUMBER OF SAMME_D OFANALYSES DE1ECIlON AllINDICATOR EDCATIONS IDCAT10N WiniIDGHFST MEAN CONIROL LOCATION NONROUHNE MEAN NAE MEAN (UNITOFMEASUREMEND ITRIORMED If f D)O) RANGE EAN RIPORTED DISTAN AND DIREC110N RANGE RANGE MFASURFMENTS Ground /Well Water Gamma '4 (pCi/hta) K-40 4 60 .-(0/4) N/A N/A NONE O Tritium 4 2000 210(1/4) OIA 210(1/4) NONE 0 River Water Gamma 12 o (pCillite) K-40 12 ~ 200 -{0/12) N/A NL NONE O Tritium 12 2000 3783(12/12) 115.8 mi SSE 3783(12/12) NONE O (300(M900) (3000 4 900) (1) IlD is lowe limit of detecnon as defi,x:d and requind in USNRC Branch Tecimical Pbsitum oct an Acceptable Rahological L.m M Marnanng Program,

           ~ Revision 1. Novemba 1979.

.-. _ -- ~- - .- ..

  .          _. . ._.                  . _.            _ . - . . . - . . _ . . .                    . ..._.             m l


                                                                                                                    -                                                                -(0/12)            0 Regular Monthlics                                                                                                                                              -

. Gamma 24

                                                           . K-40                     24       .200'
-(0/12) ~. N/A N/A
                                                                                                                   -                                                                -(0/12)            0 Tritium '                  8      2000              3900(4/4)            8 1.1 mi SSE               3900(4/4)

(3300-4700) 3200(4/4) 0 (3300-4700) .(3100-3300) m' Surface Water Gamma 24-te (pCi/ liter) State Splits

                                                          ' K-40                     :24        200            73.6(2/24)          - W33 (60.3-86.8)
                                                                                                                                                              . 73.6(1/12)          NONE               O            i Tritium                   14     '2000             2230(13/14)          W33 -

(350-3800) 3200(7/7) NONE O-(2500-3800) 4

                      ' (1) . -Revision LLD is 1.

lower Novemberlimit of detection as def med and rcymmiin USNRC Branch Technical bition on an Acceptable Redelogical Oc__ M Monnonng Ngram. 1979,

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                                                                                                                                              , . . .       -          -    ,-o.~,,,.        -
                                                                                                                               '    t                                               v RAD!OLOGICAL ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING PROCitAM 


NORTil ANNA IOWER STATION DOCKET NO. 50-J38/339 LOUISA COUPTTY, VIRGINIA JANUARY I to DECEMBER 31.1990 ANALYSIS AND IDW1RIJMff NUMiti-R Of-MEDIUM OR PATIIWAY TOTALNUMBER OF ALL INDICATOR LOCAllONS I.OCATION WTTIIIIIGIIEST MEAN CDNIROL LOCATION NONROtfilNE SAMPED OFANALYSES DEITfIlON MEAN NAME MEAN MEAN RHVRlED (UNTTOFMEASUREMEND PERIORMED 'll.D) U) RANGE DISTA?KE AND DIRECIlON RANGE RANGE MEASUREMENIS Sediment Silt Gamma 6 (pCi/kg (dry) K-40 6 200 10378(4/4) I15.8 mi SSE 16550(2/2) 3990(1/2) 0 (3760-20100) (13000-20100) - Co.60 6 150 84.l(2/4) 8 1.1 mi SSE 84.l(2/2) -(0/2) 0 (63.1-105) (63.1-105) - Cs-134 6 150 72.5(1/4) 8 1.1 mi SSE 72.5(1/2) -0/2) O Cs-137 6 180 179(4/4) 8 1.1 mi SSE 281(2/2) 68.8(2/2) 0 g (68.5-318) (244-318) (45.8-91.8) l Ra-226 6 100 1747(3/4) I1 5.8 mi SSE 1980(2/2) 862(1/2) 0 (1280-2100) (1860-2100) - Th-228 6 30 988(4/4) I1 5.8 mi SSE 1455(2/2) 538(2n) 0 (316-1520) (1390-1520) (383493) l l Sr-89 3 4.0 -(0/2) NA NA -(0/1) 0

                                             ' (Armually)                                           -

Sr-90 3 0.8 130(1/2). 9 2.2mi NW 290(1/2) 290(1/1) 0 (Armually) - - - 1 (1) 11D is lower limit of descetxm as defined and requinxi in USNRC Branch Technical Ibsition on an Acceptable Radiological Envirmmental Monitoring Program. Revision 1. November 1979.

                                                                                                                                                   ~~     ' ^ ~ ~



NORTH ANNA POWER STAllON DOCKET NO.50-338/339 IDUISA COUNTY, VIRGINIA JANUARY I to DECEMBER 31,1990 ANALYSIS AND LDWERllMff NUMIER OF MEDIUM OR PAT 11WAY 'IUTALNUMBER T AllINDICATORIAEA110NS LOCAT10N WTDIIIKRIEST MEAN COPEROLIDCAllON NONROUTINE SASGUD OFANALYSES DEIECDON MEAN NAME MEAN hEAN REPORTED (UNTTOF MEASUREMENI) PERFORMED G1D)(1) RANGE DISTAN AND DIRECDON RANGE RAfG MEASUREMENT 3 , Shoreline Soll Gamma 2 l (pCi/kg (dry) K-40 2 200 9210(1/2) 9 2.2 mi NW 9210(1/2) NONE O L Cs-137 .2 40 74.6(1/2) 9 2.2 mi NW 74.6(1/2) NONE O Ra-226 2 100 8&t(1/2) 9 2.2 mi NW 804(1/2) NONE O g Th-228 2 30 244(2/2) 9 2.2 mi NW 244(2/2) 1JONE O (192-295) (192-295) Sr-89 1 4.0 -(0/2) NA NA NONE O l (Armually) l Sr-90 1 0.8 48(1/2) 9 2.2 mi NW 48(1/2) NONE O (Armually) -

                     . (1) LLD is Icwcr limit of detection as dermed and requirexiin USNRC Branch Technied Nithm on an Aacptable Rmblogical L.. ~.a-d Monaarms Ngram.

Revision 1. November 1979.




                                      - K-40         24        100             1288(24/24)           12 83 mi NW               1292(12/12)          NONE                O (1150-1540)                                     (1150-1540)

Sr-89 8 5 -(0/8) N/A N/A NONE D (Quancrly) - i 1 l Sr-90 8 0.8 1.45(7/8) 12 83 mi NW 1.6(4/4) NONE O i (Quanerty) (0.58-2.7) (1.1-2.7)  ! l Fish Gamma 5 FCiAg (wet) K-40 5 200 1590(4/4) 08 1.10 mi SSE 1635(2/2) 1400(1/1) 0 (1510-1640) (1630-1640) - Cs-134 5 40 18.4(2/4) 08 1.10 mi SSE 18.4(2/2) -(0/1) 0 (15.9-20.8) (153-20.8) - Cs-137 5 40 105(4/4) 08 1.10 mi SSE 133(2/2) -(0/1) 0 (27.6-139) (126-139) -


(1) 11D is lower limit of detectxm as defined and required in USNRC Brmch Technical Pbsitkm on an Aacptable Ratiological En immcd Monraing Program. Revision 1. November 1979.





                        ' (mR/std. rmnth)                                                  (3.8-8.7)                                          P.4-8.7)          (3.7-4.5)

(RegulaTLDs) Direct Radiation Gamma Dose 12 0.2 5.31(11/11) 01 0.2 mi NE 6.8(1/l) 4.4(I/1) 0 (mR/std. Month) (4.04.8) (Ammal1LDs) Direct Radiation Gamma Dose 281 0.2 6.05(249/249) 19/51036 mi SSW 836(8/8) 4.74(32/32) 0

                     $    (mR/std. Month)

(Sector'II.Ds) (3.2-9.5) (7.9-93) (3.2-7.0) (1) LLD is lower limit of detectxm as dermed and required in USNRC Bunch Technical Ibsition on an Aaeptable Radiological En ammJ Menormg Program. Revision 1. November 1979.




                     . pCi/kg (wer)

Be-7 40 - 3331(36/40) 16 12.60 mi NW 4877(6/8) NONE O (290-11400) (2360-7760) l K-40 40 - 10915(40/40) 14 1.70 mi SE 13285(8/8) NONE O l (2750-48600) (5340-23200) I ! Cs-137 40 80 71.9(9/40) 21 1.0 mi WNW 105.7(4/8) NONE O (13.5-161) (44.8-161)

                  $                                 Th-228         40     -

243(5/40) 16 12.60 mi NW 300(2.8) NONE O (141-450) (150-450) (1) LLD is lower limi of detection as dermed and required in USNRC Branch Techmcal ibsitin on an Acceptable Radiological En.omma-d Mamnoring Pmgram. Revision 1.Novembcr 1979.




v TABLE B-1 (Pageiel4) NORTH ANNA - 1990 CONCENTRA110NS OFIODINE-131 IN FILTERED AIR pCihn312 Sigma 1990 COLLECTION DATE 01 62 03 04 05 05A 06 07 21 22 23 24

                ,lANUA RY 01S 3-01/10            <.02            <.01         <.02    <.02     <.01       <.02       <.02    <.03     <.02  <.02   <.02           <.02 01/10'01/17            <.02            <.02         <.02    <.02     <.02       <.02       <.01    <.02    <.02   <.02  <.02            <.02 01/17-01/24            <.01           <.02 .        <.02    <.01     <.02       <.005      <.01    <.02     <.007 <.01  <.007           <.008 01/24-01/30              (a)          <.008        <.008    <.005    <.004      <.003     <.008    <.005   <.005  <.005 <.006           <.006 FEBRUARY 01/30 02S7             <.007          <.007        <.006   <.01     <.008       <.005     <.009    <.006   <.005  c 01  <.01           <.02 02M7-02/14           ' <.02 -         <.01 -       <.01    <.03     <.01        <.02      <.01     <.02    <.02   <.02  <.006          <.02 y    02/14-02/21            <.02           <.01         <.01    <.01     <.01       <.02       <.02     <.01    <.02   <.01  <.006          <.01 o    02/21-02/28            <.02           <.02         <.01    <.01     <.008      <.01       <.02     <.02    <.01   <.02  <.008          <.01 MARCH 02/2843J07             <.01            <.01         <.008   <.008    <.008      <.007      e.037   <.01     <.009  <.01  <.008          <.009 03S 7-03/14            <.02            <.03         <.03    <.02     <.02       <.02       <.02    <.02     <.02   <.01  <.02           <.02 03/14 43/21            <.008           <.009        <.009   <.02     <.02       <.01       <200(b) <.01     <.007  <.01  <.01           <.01 03/21 03/28            <.005          <.005         <.004   <.007    <.009      <.005      <.004   <.004    <.004  <.004 <.006          <.005 03/28-04J04            <.004          <.004         <.005   <.005    <.004      <.004      <.004   <.004    <.004  <.004 <.004          <.006
             -(a) Sample lost in analysis: it had a zero yield.-

(b) LLD not met due to low sample volume.

TABLE D-1 (Page 2of 4) NORTH ANNA - 1990 CONCENIRNI1ONS OF 10 DINE-131 IN FILTERED AIR pCi/m312 Sigma 1990 COLLECTION DATE el 82 03 e4 45 GSA 96 87 21 22 23 24 APRIL - 04/044)4/11 - - <.02 - <.01 <.02 . <.02 <.02 <.02 <.01 ( 01 <.02 <.01 04/11-04/18 . <.01 ~ <.01 <.005 <.01 <.01 <.01 <.01 04/18-04/25

                                                                                                                                                     <.008     <.007                   <.006                  <.01      <.02
                                                                                <.01               . <.009   <.009         <.007         <.007       <.007                                                                                          <.008     <.009 04/25-05A)2                                       <.005                                                                          <.006                   <.01                   <.005     <.009
                                                                                                     <.009  '<.007       - <.004         <.006      <.004                                                                                           <.005     <.007
                                                                                                                                                               <.008                   <.005                  <.004     <.005                       <.003     <.003 MAX 05/02415/09                                      <.01                  <.008   <.02          <008          <.02
                                                                                                                                                    <.009      <.008                   <.02                 - <.01      <.007 05)D94)S/16                                  - <.006-                ' <.01    <.005        <.01           <.005      <.005                                                                                           <.008     <.008
                                                                               <.007                                                                           <.005                   <.01                   <.01      <.005
                           - 05/164)S/23                                                             <.009 ' <.008        <.01           <.01       <.01                                                                                            <.006 ' <.006
                                                                                                                                                               <.006                   <.01                  <.009     <.007                        <.009
                           - 05/23415/30                                       <.007                 <.02    <.004        <.01           <.006      <.003                                                                                                     <.006
                                                                                                                                                               <.003                   <.008                 <.004     <.003                        <.007     <.005

, .IU N E 05/364)N06 <.004  :<.002_ <.002 .. <.003 <.002 <.001 <.003 . <.002 <.003 <.003 ON064)6/13 <.009 <.008 <.008 <.007 <.02 <.006 <.002 <.003 -

                                                                                                                                                               <.007                   <.007                 <.008    <.008
                          - 06/134)6/20                                       <.008                  <.008  <.008 -       <.008          <.01                                                                                                       <.01      <.008
                                                                                                  ; <.01
                                                                                                                                                    <.006      <.008                   <.009                 <.008    <.009 06/204)6/27                                    -<.01                           <.01         .<.01           <.01                                                                                                       <.01      <.007
                                                                                                                                                    <.01       <.01                    <.02                  <.01     <.01 06/27-07/03                                   ..<.006                   <.02    <.01          <.02           <.02                                                                                                       <.01     <.01
                                                                                                                                                   .< .02 (a)  <.02                   <.02                   <.01     <.01                          <.01    <.02 i-(a) ' Sample not in original shipment received 07/17/90.
       'v%-            m-   s.4      n                                                    --e_m                       e.               g                          ,..,,..m . gn e r=    -l-'---* -~n-lem-m-

_ y __,,_______________,___n __

TA LE D-1 (Page 3 d4) NOR111 ANNA-1990 CONCEN'IRATIONS OF IODINE-131 IN FIL'ERED AIR pCi/m312 Sigma 1990 COLLECTION DATE 01 02 03 04 05 05A 06 07 21 22 23 24 JULY 07/0347nt <.03 <.006 <.009 <.008 <.01 <.02 <.008 <.01 <.01 <.02 <.02 <.02 07/11-07n8 <.005 < 007 <.009 <.006 <.009 <.008 <.006 <.006 <.008 <.008 <.006 <.006 07/18-07/26 <.002 <.002 <.009 <.009 <.008 <.008 <.009 <.008 <.005 <.008 <.009 <.004 07/26 48101 <.007 <.008 <.007 <.008 <.008 <.007 <.01 <.02 <.01 <.02 <.009 <.008 AUGUST 08/01-08/08 <.008 <.006 <.006 <.01 <.009 <.004 <.007 <.009 <.009 <.009 <.009 <.009 08/08 4 8/15 <.003 <.005 <.004 <.005 <.006 <.006 <.005 <.005 <.005 <.006 <.006 <.007 08n5-08/22 <.01 <.01 <.009 <.01 <.009 <.01 <.009 <.01 <.01 <.01 <.01 <.009 d 08/22-08/29 <.01 <.007 <.03 <.01 < 4 (a) <.01 <.01 < 2 (a) <.008 < 2 (a) <.007 <.008 SI.PTEMBER 08/29 49105 <.02 <.009 <.01 <.01 <.01 (b)' <.01 <.005 <.005 <.005 <.006 <.009 09]D5-09n2 <.01 <.02 <.01 <.01 <.01 -- <.02 <.01 <.01 <.01 <.01 <.02 <.03 09n2-09n9 <.009 <.009 <.01 <.01 <.007 <.01 <.008 <.01 <.01 <.01 <.01 <.008 09n9-09/26 <.009 <.008 ' <.008 <.008 .<.007 <.006 . <.007 <.006 <.007 < 007 <.008 <.008 09/26-10/03 <.01 <.006 <.01 <.02 <.01 <.009 <.01 <.01 <.006 <.005 <.005 <.005 i ! 6 (a) Equirrncnt malfunctxm; result in total pCi.

                   .(b) Sampkr malfunctxm; sampic not collected.

(Page 4 of 4 NORTH ANNA-19M CDNCENTRATIONS OFIODlhT:.-131 IN FILTERED AIR pCi/m312 Sigma 1990 COLLFCTION DATE el 02 93 04 85 95A #6 37 21 22 23 24 OCTOBER 10S3 10/10 <.003 <.004 <.004 < 0G3 <.003 <.003 <.004 <.006 <.005 <.064 <.004 <.004 10/10-10/17 < 005 <.006 <.006 <.006 <.005 <.005 <.005 <.006 <.006 <.005 <.005 (a) 10/17-IW24 <.008 <.008 <.01 <.008 <.008 <.009 <.005 <.005 <.004 <.005 <.005 <.004 10/24-10/31 <.004 <.007 <.007 <.006 <.01 <.007 <.007 <.009 <.008 <.008 <.004 <_009 NOVEMBER 10/31-11 S 7 <.02 <.02 <.02 <.008 <.009 <.02 <.006 <.007 <.006 <.004 <.007 <.02 11N711/14 <.005 <.007 <.002 <.006 <.01 <.007 <.007 <.006 <.007 <.009 <.007 <.007 I1/14 11/21 <.01 <.01 <.02 <.02 <.01 <.02 <.02 <.02 <.02 <.02 <.01 <.02 11/21 11/28 <.02 <.02 <.02 <.02 <.01 <.01 col <.02 <.02 <.02 <.02 <.C2 w

 <as DECEMBER I1/23 12/05          <.01           c009        c008            <.008        ( 01           <.01      <.01       <.01          <.009   <.01      <.01   <.01 12)D5-12/12           <.02           <.007       <.005 (b)       <.007       <.007           <.006     <.009      <.008         <.01    <.007     <.01   <.01 12/12 12/19           <.003          <.004       <.003           <.003       (004           c003       <.004      <.004 (c)     <.004   <.003 (c) <.005  <.003 (c) 12/19-12/26           <.01           <.05        <.003           <.01        <.005          <.008      <.006      <.006         <.006   <.006     <.006  <.007 12/2641N2             <.009          <.01        <.01            <.02        <.009          <.008      <.097      <.01          <.02    <.01      <.01   <.01 (a) Sample lost during one step of de chemical sepeauon and cmld run be recxmmi.

(b) Origmal sample had km volume due to low air flow. Substitute sample sent and rexrrved at labormory m 12/28/90. (c) Sampler malfuncuaned. Volume was estimmed from sample start and stop times. I i ._ . .

                                    .          a

TABLE B-2 0%ge l ef 4) NORT11 ANNA-1990 CONCENlRAllONS OF GROSS BETA IN AIR PAP.TlCULATES 10 3 FCVm32 2 sigma COLLECTION 1990 AVERAGE DATE 01 02 03 04 05 05A 06 07 23 22 23 24 t 2 s.d_ J A N17 A R Y GIN 341/10 291 6 20 5 211 5 121 4 111 3 121 3 251 4 100i 2(a) 9.7 i 3.9 31 5 181 4 25 i 5 19 i 15 01/10 41/17 261 6 211 5 141 4 2315 161 4 12i 3 251 5 28 7 1114 231 5 181 4 15 4 20 1 12 01/17-01/24 26 i 5 191 4 141 4 35 2. t- 321 7 6.312.6 51 i 8 201 5 8.5 3.8 321 5 151 4 261 5 241 25 01/24 41/30 461 7 201 5 211 5 20 i 5 18 5 131 3 30 6 2015 22 5 241 5 2515 15 i 5 23 1 17 FEBRUARY OI/3042N7 1514 20 i 4 161 4 16i 4 181 4 6* i 27 191 4 161 4 201 4 21 i 4 171 3 11i 4 21 28 y 02N742/14 28 i 6 2') 4 131 4 2015 221 4 271 5 20 i 4 25i 6 281 5 2515 221 3 25 6 231 9

c. 02/14 42/21 871 9 21 1 5 151 4 261 5 231.5 23 5 281 6 201 5 23i 5 23 5 221 4 251 6 28 1 38 02/21 42/28 151 4 52 2 9 2715 261 5 181 4 241 5 48 i 9 2915 24i 5 24i 4 1514 211 5 27 23 31 A R Cll 02/2843N7 351 6 25 5 201 5 431 6 391 6 261 5 36 i 6 311 6 371 6 39 6 30 5 26i 6 321 14 03N743/14 291 6 191 4 201 4 28 t 5 19 i 4 181 5 28 5 3216 31 5 241 5 291 5 22 5 25 1 10 03/14-03/21 1714 141 4 142 4 201 5 15 i 4 I414 260180(m) 2015 151 4 2115 171 4 171 4 171 5 03/21-03/28 18 3 15i 3 172 3 24 t 4 171 3 121 3 16 3 201 3 181 3 1913 24i 4 17 1 3 18 7 03/284tN4 11 3 151 3 121 3 9.612.8 9.012.7 7.512.6 13i 3 131 3 11 i 3 1413 1113 27 4 13i 10 Average 29 i 4 0 22 19 17 i9 24 i 18 20 i 16 20 i 3 0 28 i 24 23 i I2 20 i18 25 i I3 20 i I I 21 11 2217 12 s.d.

(a) Elevated resul. due no low sample wlume; not included in averages.

J. TABIE B-2 (Page 2 of 4) NORTH ANNA-199) CONCENTRATIONS OFGROSS BETA LN AIR PAR'IlCULATES 10 3pCi/m3 t 2 s.gma COLLECTION 1990 AVERAGE DATE 01 02 03 04 05 OSA 06 07 21 22 23 24 t 2 s.d. APRIL G 10444/11 17 i 3 Ili 3 171 3 221 3 141 3 111 3 121 3 15 3 211 3 241 4 2213 17 1 3 171 9 04/11 4*/18 201 3 161 3 161 3 181 3 191 3 161 3 191 3 201 4 241 4 162 3 5.4 i 2.6 8.5 i 2.8 17 1 10 04/18 44/25 191 4 181 3 22' 4 211 4 18 3 191 4 20 i 4 231 4 271 4 23i 4 25i 4 12 ~ 3 21 8 G8/2545102 14i3 121 3 161 3 27f 4 141 3 171 4 151 3 231 4 2614 19 i 4 2514 15 3 19 1 11 MAX 05/02 05/09 19 i 4 121 3 131 3 2524 151 3 151 3 14 3 21 4 361 6 21 4 2014 16 3 19 1 13 y 05S945/16 15i 3 9.41 2.8 111 3 161 3 10 i 3 Ili 3 1113 18 3 201 3 1813 15 i 3 13 3 141 7 tn 05/1645/23 1713 17 3 152 3 14i 3 171 3 14 3 161 3 20 4 181 3 1313 2013 22i 4 171 6 05/23 45/30 8.513.0 12 1 3 111 3 9.7 3.1 17 i 4 to 3 8.8 i 3.1 121 3 101 3 17i 4 3.113.0 8.5 1 3.0 111 6 h 05/3046A)6 111 3 12 3 1413 161 3 121 3 131 3 15 i 3 1213 14i 3 15i 3 15 i 4 13i 3 06A)64t>33 17 3 111 3 111 3 141 3 12 i 3 13 3 161 3 16i 3 13i 3 14 i 3 15i 3 17i 3 131 3 14 i 4 06/1346/20 131 3 7.01 2.7 4.2 i 2.5 11 3 9.212.9 16i 3 111 3 9.1 i 2.9 9.012.9 14 3 121 3 11 1 3 11i 6 06/20 46/27 19i 3 161 3 211 4 221 4 21 i 3 15 i 3 19i 3 19i 3 12 3 17i 3 181 3 161 3 18 i 5 C5/2747A)3 450i 160(a)27i 4 26i 4 28i 4 221 4 25 i 5 (b) 26i 4 24t4 22i 4 19i 4 26i 4 131 4 24i 7 Average 1617 14 1 10 15 i 11 19 i 12 15 i 8 15 i 8 16 i 9 19 15 12 s.d. 18 i to 18 i 7 18 i II 14 1 7 1614 (a) Devated result due to low sample volume; n;t included in avenge. (b) Sampla malfunctxm. Sample not in oriigmal shipment; received 07/I7)90.


  • 2 sw COLLECTION 1990 AVERAGE DATE 01 02 03 04 05 OSA 06 07 21 22 23 24 1 2 (d.
      .lill 07)0347/11        201 3        261 4          261 4         211 3        171 3       161 3        201 3         201 3       20 3       171 3      23 i 3  161 3     201 7 07/11 47/18       121 3        14 i 3         191 4         181 4      7.212.8       141 3        14i 3         1513        15 i 3     141 3      181 3   18 1 4    15 1 7 07/18417/26       251 4        111 3          211 3         191 3        18i 3       151 3        181 3         19i 3       151 3      161 3      181 3   20 . 3    181 7 07/264)8/01       171 4        181 4          20 4          191 4        161 3       121 3        211 4         191 4       161 4      131 3      181 4   18 1 4    171 5 AUGUST 08N148J08        22i 4         161 3          22i 4        211 4         221 4     9.112.9        181 3         16i 3       181 3      171 3      20i 4   16 1 3    181 8 08 S84)8/15       1513         161 3          241 4        261 4         211 4     9.012.9        191 4        17 3         181 4     2114        2114    131 3     18 1 10 u 08/1548/22           1713         19 1 3         231 4        221 4         181 3     6.5     2.7   20i 4        8.5   2.9     16 3       181 3      25 i 4  16 1 3    17   11
  • 08/2248/29 231 4 14 1 4 22 4 251 4 1.41 0.6 (a) 121 3 14 4 (b) 2.310.7 (a) 131 3 1.5 0.6(a) 1814 16 1 4 17 1 10 i

l l l SF PTEM H ER l 08/2949N5 261 4 231 4 321 4 281 4 231 4 (c) 24i 4 241 4 30 i 4 20 4 361 5

     @/0549/12         331 4        141 3          311 4         371 4                    371 4 211 4     261 10 23i 4                     291 4         221 4       '481 4     221 4      341 4   261 4     29    14
     @/124)9/19        211 4        17 1 4         20 4          23 4        30 4         241 4        211 4         141 4       231 4      15 i 4     2114    171 4     21 1 9 09/19 49/26       251 4        191 3          251 4        291 4         191 3       241 4                                                                                   l l                                                                                                       171 3         ;313        221 4      211 4      241 4   23i 4     221 9    i
     @ /26-10S 3       371 4        261 4          3514         441 5        321 4       421 5         251 4        20i 4        391 4      28 4       40 i 4  35 1. 4   34 1 15 Aversge          23 i 14      18 i 9         25 i 10 26 i15 21                13    18123 2018                 1719        21 116 19 i 8 i 2 s.d.

24 i 15 20 i 12 2116 I f l l (a) Samplcr malfunctiem; resuhs in sotal pCi and rux included in averages. (b) Timer irm5 cable; volume km. (c) Sampler malfunction; sample rux collected.

TABLE B.2 0' age 4 of 4) NOR711 ANNA-IWO CONCENTRATIONS OF GROSS BETA IN AIR PARTICULATES 10 3gGh 23 2 Sigma COLLECTION 1990 AVERAGE DA1E 01 02 03 04 05 OSA 06 07 21 22 23 24 1 2 od. OCTOBER 10A)3-10/10 211 4 8.71 2.8 261 4 301 4 171 3 221 4 151 3 25 i 4 2414 201 4 271 4 181 3 21 12 10/10-10/17 161 3 12 3 15i 3 171 3 171 3 171 3 131 3 12 3 191 3 121 3 19 3 131 3 15 1 5 10/17-10/24 1713 131 3 16i 3 21 3 131 3 1413 131 3 131 3 18 3 141 3 201 3 11 i 3 151 6 10/24-10/31 24i 4 191 4 201 4 231 4 20 i 4 18i 4 19i 4 2014 20 4 21 i 4 24i 4 221 4 21 1 4 l NOVEN1PER l 10/31-11/07 391 5 6.8 2.7 47i 5 4715 381 5 421 5 36i 4 331 4 36i 4 361 4 4515 31 4 361 21 IIA)7-II/14 231 4 20 1 3 251 4 251 4 27 4 21i 4 1513 18 i 3 15i 3 25i 4 18i 3 211 4 211 8 11/14-11/21 30i 4 22 4 351 4 301 4 261 4 271 4 231 4 26i 4 28 i 4 321 4 27i 4 24i 4 23 i 8 d 11/21 11/28 2814 26 1 4 221 4 27 4 38i 6 28 i 4 22i 4 241 4 271 4 23 4 311 4 291 4 271 9 DECEN1BER 11/28-12/05 231 4 15 3 201 4 171 4 211 4 231 4 24 4 131 3 121 3 6.212.9 121 3 13 3 17 11 12A)S-12/12 211 4 24i 4 24i 4 301 4 271 4 32i 4 221 4 221 4 1513 23i 4 261 4 231 13 l 12/12-12/19 131 3 8.7 i 2_8 191 3 181 3 29 4 311 4 25 4 161 3 1423 101 3 121 3 211 4 18 15 ! 12/19 12/26 161 3 7.71 2.9 141 3 9.913.0 24 1 721 4 171 4 12 3 131 3 6.11 2.8 181 4 16i 3 15 i II l 12/2641A)2 1413 141 3 171 3 161 3 231 4 241 4 191 3 17 i 3 181 3 221 4 19 i.4 17i 3 181 7 l l Quarter Avg. 21 i 17 15 i 12 23 i 18 23 i 18 25 i 15 24 i 14 21 i 14 19 i 13 20 i 14 i 2 s.d. 19 i 18 23 i 17 20 i 12 2115 Annual Avg. 22124 17 i 14 20 115 23 1.17 20115 19 i 21 21117 19 i 12 20 i 15 20 i 13 21 1 15 19 i 12 29 i 3 i 2 s.d. l l l



STA-01 Sr-89 (a) <2 (a) (a) Sr-90 (a) < 0.2 (a) (a) Be-7 51.91127 32.8 i 7.1 48.2 i 7.8 75.2 i 14.9 52.0 i 3.5 K-40 < 20 < 10 < 30 11 5 i 5.9 11.5 i 5.9 Co40 <1 < 0.8 <OS <1 - Ru-103 <2 < 0.8 <1 <2 - Cs-134 <1 < 0.7 < 0.9 < 0.9 - Cs-137 <1 < 0.7 < 0.8 < 0.8 - n-228 <2 <1 <1 <1 - STA-02 Sr-89 (a) <2 (a) (a) Sr-90 (a) < 0.2 (a) (a) Be-7 31.9 i 10.6 452 i 63 81.5 i 13.2 52.7 i 153 52.8 i 41.9 K-40 < 20 < 10 < 10 < 20 - Co-60 <1 < 0.7 < 0.7 <1 - y Ru-103 <2 < 0.7 <2 <2 . <n Cs-134 <1 < 0.5 < 0.7 < 0.9 - Cs-137 ( ?. < 0.6 < 0.6 < 0.8 - n-228 <2 <1 <1 <1 - STA-03 . Sr-89 te) <1 (a) (a) Sr-90 (a) < 03 (s) (a) Be-7 36.8 i 10.4 41.1 i 6.4 118 i 15 943 i 14.8 72.6 i 80.0 K-40 < 20 < 10 < 10 < 20 - Co.60 <1 < 0.8 < 0.7 < 0.9 - Ra-103 <2 < 0.8 <2 <2 - Cs-134 <1 < 0.8 < 0.7 < 0.8 - Cs-137 <1 < 0.7 < 0.7 < 0.8 - h-228 <2 <1 <1 <1 - STA-04 Sr-89 (a) <1 (a) (a) Sr-90 (a) < 0.2 (a) (a) Be-7 67.9 i 10 9 573 i 7.4 117i14 109i13 87.8 i 59.2 K-40 < 20 < 20 < 10 <9 - Co-60 < 0.9 < 0.7 < 0.6 < 0.7 - Ru-103 <1 < 0.3 <2 <2 - Cs-134 < 0.9 < 0.7 < 0.6 < 0.6 - Cs-137 < 0.9 < 0.7 < 0.6 < 0.6 -

                     % -228                  <1                         <1                            <1                       < 0.9                -
  • All other gamma emincrs were <LLD.

(a) Smmtium-89hD analyses performed annually.



STA-95 St-89 (a) <1 (a) (a) Sr-90 (a) < 03 (a) (a) Be-7 51.0 i 103 41.8 i 6.5 73 3 i 12.0 111i19 693 1 61.6 K40 < 20 < 10 <9 < 40 - Co-60 < 0.9 < 0.5 < 0.6 <1 - Ru-103 <1 < 0.5 <1 <3 - Cs-134 <1 < 0.5 < 03 <1 - Cs-137 < 0.9 < 03 < 03 <1 - Th-228 <1 < 0.8 < 0.7 <2 - STA-85A Sr.89 (a) <2 (a) (a) Sr-90 (a) < 0.2 (a) (a) Be-7 37.2 i 8.5 56.7 i 8.2 87.1 i 13.9 90.2 i 14.4 67.8 i 50.8 K-40 < 20 < 40 8.65 i 4.17 < 10 8.6514.17 Co-60 < 0.7 <1 < 0.7 < 0.9 - 9 Ru-103 <1 <1 <2 <2 -

  • Cs-1:ks < 0.8 < 0.9 < 0.5 < 0.7 -

l Cs-137 < 0.7 < 0.9 < 0.5 < 0.6 - Th-228 <1 <1 < 0.9 <1 - STA-66 Sr-89 (a) <1 (a) (a) Sr-90 (a) < 0.2 (a) (a) Be.7 67.9114.8 46.9 i 6.9 65.5 17.8 87.7115.1 67.0133.4 K-40 < 30 103 i 5.4 < 40 < 10 103i5.4 Co-60 <1 < 0.6 <1 < 0.7 - Ru-103 <2 < 0.7 <3 <2 - Cs-134 <1 < 0.6 <1 < 0.6 - Cs-137 <1 < 0.6 <1 < 0.8 -

                      "Ih-228                 <2                      < 0.9                           <1                              <1              -

STA-87 Sr-89 (a) <2 (a) (a) Sr-90 (a) < 0.2 (a) (a) Be-7 59.4 i 143 . 57.0 i 63 67.9 i 17 3 74.2 i 15 3 64.6 i 15.8 K-40 < 50 < 10 < 20 < 30 - Co-60 <1 < 0.7 < 0.9 <1 - Ru-103 <2 < 0.6 <2 <2 - Cs-134 <2 < 03 < 0.8 < 0.9 - Cs.137 <1 < 0.5 < 0.9 < 0.9 - Th-228 <2 <08 <1 <1 - , AU other gamma eminers were <LLD. ( (a) Smmtium.89/90 analyses performed ammally.

v TABLE B-3 (Pbge 3 of 3) NORTH ANNA-1990 CONCEN7 RAT 10NS OF STRONTIUM 8960 AND GAMMA EMITERS* IN AIR PARTICULATES 103pCihn312 Sigma FIRST QUARTER SECOND QUARTER THIRD QUARTER FOURTH QUARTER AVERAGE STATION NUCLIDE 01/034M/04 04A407/03 07M3-10S3 1G93-01J02 12 ed. STA-21 Sr-89 (a) <1 (a) (a) Sr-90 (a) < 01 (a) (a) Be-7 57.7 i 121 563 i83 59.1 i 122 79.4 i 16.9 632 1 21.7 K-40 < 20 < 20 <7 < 10 - Co.60 <I < 0.8 < 0.5 < 0.7 - au-103 <1 < 0.8 <1 <2 - Cs-134 <1 < 0.6 < 0.4 < 0.6 - Cs-137 <1 < 0.7 < 0.4 < 0.5 - n-228 <2 <1 < 0.6 <1 - STA-22 Sr-89 (a) <4 (a) (a) Sr-90 (a) < 0.6 (a) (a) i ( Be-7 58.9 i 12 2 623 i 8.2 77.0 i 17.4 65.5 i 13.4 65.9 i 15.7 I l K-40 < 20 < 10 < 20 < 10 - l Co-60 <2 < 0.8 <1 < 0.6 - ! co Ru-103 <2 < 0.7 <2 <1 - C Cs-134 <1 < 0.8 < 0.9

                                                                                                                            < 0.5                     -

! Cs-137 <I < 0.8 < 0.8 < 03 - l

                         %-228                   <2                       <1                             <I                 < 0.7                     -

STA-23 Sr-89 (a) <2 (a) (a) l Sr-90 (a) < 0.2 (a) (a) f Be-7 582 i 11.5 533 i 8.1 97.0 i 14.4 105120 78.4152.7 i K-40 < 20 < 30 < 20 < 10 - Co-60 < 0.9 < 0.9 < 0.7 <05 - Ra-103 <1 < 0.9 <2 <2 - Cs-134 <1 < 0.9 < 0.8 < 0.6 - Cs-137 < 0.9 < 0.8 < 0.7 < 0.6 - B-228 <1 <I <1 <1 - STA-24 Sr-89 (a) <2 (a) (a) Sr-90 (a) < 01 ',.' (a)

Be 7 43.0i103 36.117.1 95.8 i 123 622 1 21.8 593 1533 K 40 < 20 < 30 < 10 < 30 -

Co-60 < 0.9 < 0.8 < 0.6 <1 - Ru-IO3 <1 < 0.9 <1 <3 - Cs-134 < 0.8 < 0.8 < 03 <1 - l Cs-137 < 0.8 < 0.8 < 0.6 <1 - h-228 <2 <1 < 0.9 <2 -

  • All or.frr gamma cminers were (LLD.

(a) Strmtium49/90 analyses paformcxi armudy.

TABLE B-4 NORTH ANNA-1990 CONCENTRAllONS OF GROSS BETA. TRITIUM AND GAMMA EMIITERS* IN FRECIITTATION gCi/literi 2 Sigma STATION OIA -(ON SITE) COLLECTION DATES GROSS BETA RAINFALL (Inches) 01/02/9001/3Q90 101 1 4.05 01/30/90 42/28/90 5.5 i 0.8 2.54 03/29/90 4.7 i 0.8 2.80 03/29190-05)D2/90 12 i I 3.47 05/30/90 3.3 0.7 9.67 05/30/90 46/27/90 16 i 1 (a) 1.25 06/27/9008J02/90 12 i 1 0.55 08/01/90 48/29/90 2.71 0.7 2.50 , 08/29/90-09/266 0 4.11 0.8 0.17 10/31/90 2.5 i 0.7 3.56 11/01S 0-11/28/90 2.2 i 0.6 2.20 11/28S O-12/31/90 1.9 i 0.6 3.24 Average 6.4 i 9.6 12 sd. SEMI-ANNUAL COMPOSITES OF PRECIP!YATION 01/02h046f27S0 06/27/90-12/31/90 Be-7 = < 40 Be-7 = < 40 H-3 = < 100 H-3 = < 100

  • Allother gamma aniners wem <1lD.

(a) Confirmed by a rcooum.

B5 SOIL Soil samples are collected every three years from twelve stations. Since the samples were collected in 1989 Table B 5 will not be included in the 1990 report. 82

TABLE B4 NORTH ANNA - IMD CONCENTRATIONS OF STRONTIUM.'IRITTUM AND GAMMA EMTITERS* IN GROUNTVWHL WATER pCi/literi2 Sigma Coll ECTION DATES H -3 S r-89 Sr-99 Be-7 K-40 I-13I Ba-140 Th-223 STATION SIA 03/29/90 210i80 (a) (a) < 40 < 100 < 10 (b) <7 <8 l 07/03/90 < 100 <2 < 0.6 < 40 < 60 < 0.5 <8 <, i 10/04SO < 200 (a) (a) < 40 < 50 < 0.3 < 10 <6 j 12B1/90 < 200 (a) (a) < 30 < 50 < 0.2 <6 <7 cs

    .a1 Average              -218 i 86 i 2 s.d.


  • A!! other gamma eminers were < LLD.

l (a) Strontium-89B0 analyses g Tw.a only on scoond quarter sampic-(b) The LLD of I ;Ci/I was not anempted by the more sensitive i Ld~.aal method her=~ that analysis l , was not requcsted on the Sample Rcreipt Form.

TABLE B-7 NORT11 ANNA-1990 CONCENTRAllONS OFTRITIUM. STRONTIUM AND GAMMA EMTTIERS* 1N RIVER WATER i pCilli2 Sigma COLLECTION DATES S r-89 S r-96 H -3 B e-7 K-49 I-13I Cs-137 Ba-14e Ra-226 Th-228 STATION - 11 01/05/90 (a) (a) 4900 100 < 50 < 100 < 0.4 <5 < 10 < 90 <7 02/15/90 4300i100 < 50 < 100 < 0.2 <5 <9 < 90 <8 03/15/90 48001100 < 20 < 40 < 0.2 <3 <4 < 60 <5 04/12/90 <2 < 0.5 46001100 < 40 < 80 < 0.1 <4 < 10 < 100 <8 05/1660 <3 < 0.8 4000i100 < 40 < 60 < 0.2 <4 < 10 < 100 <8 06/18/90 <2 < 0.5 30001100 < 40 < 70 < 0.2 <4 <8 < 90 <7 07/12/90 33001200 < 40 < 100 < 0.1 <5 <8 < 90 <8 08/14/90 3100 i100 < 100 < 400 < 0.5 < 10 < 15 < 200 < 20 09/13/90 34001200 < 50 < 100 < 03 <5 < 10 < 90 <8 10/18/90 33001200 < 40 < 60 < 0.4 <3 < 10 < 80 <7 11/15/90 34G9 i100 < 40 < 60 < 03 <4 <9 < 80 <7 12/18/90 33001100 < 30 < 50 < 0.2 <3 <8 < 70 <5 Average 3783 i 1393 i 2 s.d. 1

  • All other gamma emitters were < 11D.

(a) Sr-89B0 analyses performed on second quarter samples. l l [


  • IN SUFJACE WATER pCi/literi 2 Sigma COLLECTION H-3 I-131(a) Sr-89 S r-90 Be-7 K-49 Cs-137 Ba-148 Ra-226 Th-228 DATES STATION - OR 01/05/90 (b) < 0.4 (c) (c) < 30 < 70 <4 < 10 < 100 <8 02n5/90 < 01 < 30 < 50 <4 <7 < 80 <7 03n5/90 47001400 < 0.2 < 30 < 40 <3 <4 < 60 <5 04n2/90 < 0.2 < 30 < 50 <4 <9 < 70 <6 05n6/90 < 0.1 < 60 < 200 <6 <*0 < 100 < 10 06n8l90 41001100 < 03 <4 < 0.6 < 30 < 50 <4 <8 < 80 <7 07D2/90 < 0.1 < 30 < 60 <4 <6 < 80 <7 08n4/90 < 0.2 < 30 < 50 <4 <8 < 70 <6 09n3/90 3300i100 < 0.2 < 30 < 50 <4 <7 < 80 <7 10n8/90 < 0.4 < 30 < 50 <3 < 10 < 60 <6 11/15/90 _
                                            < 03                             < 50            < 90    <4            < 10                  < 100      <8 12/18/90           3500 i 200          < 0.4                            < 30            < 50    <4            <8                    < 60       <6 Average            3900 i 1265
 $  i 2. s.d.

STATION - 09 01/05/90 (b) < 03 (c) (c) < 50 <100 <5 < 10 < 90 <8 02/15/90 < 0.2 < 30 < 60 <4 <8 < 100 <8 03n5/90 3300i400 < 0.2 < 30 < 50 <3 <5 < 70 <5 04n2/90 < 0.2 - < 50 < 90 <6 < 10 < 100 < 10 05n6/90 < 0.1 < 30 < 50 <3 <8 < 70 <6 06n8h0 3300i100 < 0.2 <4 < 0.5 < 30 < 50 <3 <9 < 60 <6 07/12/90 < 0.2 < 30 < 50 <3 <6 < 80 <6 08n4SO < 0.2 < 40 < 60 <3 < 10 < 80 <7 09n3/90 3100i100 < 03 < 30 < 70 <4 <8 < 90 <8 10/18/90 < 0.4 < 30 < 40 <3 < 10 < 60 <5 11/15/90 < 0.4 < 40 < 100 <5 < 10 < 100 <8 12/18S 0 3100 i 100 < 03 < 40 < 100 <4 < 10 < 80 <6 Average 3290 i 231 1 2 s.d.

  • All other gamma emitzers were < LLD.

(a) I-131 by radiochanistry (b) Anniysis pafonned quarterly (c) Analysis performed only with second quartcr

                                                                                                                                           --- y TABLE B-O NORTH ANNA-1990 CONCENTRA'HONS OF TRTHUM.5IRONI1UM AND GAMMA EMITTERS
  • IN SURFACE WATER pCilliteri2 Sigma -STATE SPIJT COLLECTION DATES H -3 B e-7 K-40 I-131 Cs-137 Ba-14e Re-226 Th-228 STATION - W 27 02,08/90 < 40 < 60 < 03 <4 < 10 < 100 <8 02n5NO < 40 603 i 225 <2 <3 < 20 (a) < 70 <6 03/15NO 350160 < 50 < 60 <2 <3 < 30 (a) < 80 <7 04D0B0 < 30 < 50 < 10 <4 <9 < 70 <6 05D1/90 < 100 < 30 < 90 < 0.4 <3 < 10 < 60 <5 06D0B0 470190 < 40 < 60 < 30 (a) <3 < 10 < 80 <7 07DISO 1300i100 < 50 < 50 < 50 (a) <4 < 20 (a) < 80 <7 08D160 < 30 < 60 < 0.5 <3 < 10 < 60 <5 09D0B0 2200i100 < 30 < 50 < 30 (a) <3 < 10 < 70 <6 10/31/90 1600i 100 < 40 < 40 <1 <3 < 30 (a) < 70 <6 1 11D0/99 6701100 < 40 < 100 < 0.5 <4 < 10 < 80 <7 12D1/90 < 40 < $0 < 0.5 <4 < 10 < 70 <6

, STATION - W.33 t 02/08h0 < 50 86.8 i 373 < 03 <5 < 10 < 90 <8 02SSB0 < 40 < 60 <3 <3 < 20 (a) < 90 <8 03/15B0 25001100 < 40 < 50 <2 <3 < 30 (a) < 70 <7 04DOSO < SO < 80 < 20 (a) <5 < 10 < 100 <8 05DISO 3800i100 < 20 < 30 < 0.5 <4 < 10 < 40 <4 l 06DOSO 3300i100 < 30 < 50 < 30 (a) <3 < 10 < 70 <6 ! 07 Din 0 33001200 < 40 < 50 < 60 (a) <4 < 20 (a) < 80 <7 i 08/31/90 < 40 < 100 < 0.4 <3 < 10 < 70 <6 09/30SO 3600i100 < 30 < 50 < 40 (a) <3 < 10 < 70 <6 10DISO 29001 200 < 40 < 50 <1 <3 < 30 (a) < 80 <7 11DONO 30001200 < 30 < 40 < 0.5 <3 <9 < 70 <6 12D1/90 < 40 < 60 < 0.5 <4 < 10 < 80 <7 Average 2230 i 2455 73.6 i 37.5 i 2 s.d. 1 ?

  • All other gamma eminers werc < LID.

(a) LLD could not be met due to delay in rex:e pt of sample from t.he State of Virginia.

t TABLE B-10 NORTH ANNA-1990 CONCENTRATIONS OF GAMMA EMTITERS* IN SEDLMENTSILT pCi/kg i 2 Sigma STA-05 STA-09 STA-11 STA-0S STA-89 STA-Il Average l NUCLIDE 03/15/99 03/15/90 03/15/99 89/13/99 89/13/96 09/13/90 12 Sirma l Sr-89 (a) (a) (a) < 200 < 200 < 200 - j Sr-90 (a) (a) (a) < 40 290140 130130 2101 226 Be-7 < 300 < 200 < 300 < 300 < 300 < 300 - K-40 46501 460 3990 i 400 130001 1300 37601380 < 400 2010012000 10017 i 13736 Mn-54 < 20 < 20 363 i 12.9 < 30 < 20 < 30 36.3 i 12.9 Co-58 < 30 < 20 < 30 < 30 < 20 < 30 - Co40 63.11 27.4 < 20 < 30 105i26 < 20 < 30 84i 59 co Cs-l}$ < 30 < 30 < 30 723 1 25.4 < 20 < 30 72.5125.4 Cs-137 2441 35 91.8 1 22.0 683 1 23.2 318132 45.8 i 24.6 85.2 i 16.6 147 1 20.5 Ra-226 < 500 862 i 292 21001 400 12801430 < 400 18601410 1454 i 1022 Th-228 3161 43 6931 69 1520 i 150 724i72 383i38 1390i140 809i 937 Allother gamma eminers werc < LLD. (a) Smmtium 897)0 analyses performed annually.

                                                                                                       .__.___...___._..._..______._.,__m                                  ..__ _ _ _ _ ._ ___ _ _._                _._..._.-.m

!.. O O O ._. 4-TABLE B-11


t NOR111 ANNA - 1990 ' i


4 pCi/kgi2 Sigma 1 STKIlON-09 STA110N49 NUCUDE G3/15A9 AVERAGE 09/IV90 12 Sigms i St-89 (a) < 200 -

                                                                                 - Sr                            - (a)                                    -
                                                                                                                                                                   '21                               48121                                    l a

h-7 < MO 1 - K-40 9210 1 920 <:xts 9210i 920 I 1 Mn-54 < 20 < 20 -

                                                                                ' Co-58                             < 20                                        < 20                                                                          I t
            ,                                                                     CW     .                          < 20                                       < 20                                                                          t i:          . CD                                                                                                                                                                                        -
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            'L 4

Cs.134 - < 20 < 20 - 4 Cs-137 74.6 18.1- < 20 t 74.6 i 18.1 ' j - Ra-226 ' 804i 289

                                                                                                                                                               < 300                               804 i 289                                  '
                                                                                ' Th-2zs                    295 1 30                                       1921 19 i:

244 i 146 4 i s  : I

                                                                                                                                                                                    ..                                                        g r
  • i ~ All other gamma emincr? werc < Il D.

(a) Struntium 89/90 analyses performed armuaDy,; t t


t i' 1 , 9.

TABLE B-12 (Page I of 3) VIRGIN'A FOWER-NORTH ANNA-1990 CONCENTRATIONS OF GAhBfA EMTTTERS* hDLK pCdli2 Sigma MONTH NUCLIDE STATION-12 STATION-13 JANUARY Sr-89 (a) (a) Sr-90 (a) (a) K-40 1280i 130 1220 i 120 Cs-137 <4 <4 I-131 < 0.2 < 0.1 FEBRUARY Sr-89 (a) (a) l Sr-90 (a) (a) K-40 12701 13G 12101 120 Cs-137 <4 <4 I-131 < 0.2 < 0.2

 $         MARCII                   Sr-89                   <4                      <4 Sr-90                2.7 i 0.6                  < 0.1 K-40              1330i 130                 12401 120 Cs-137                  <4                       <5 I-131                   < 0.2                    < 0.3 APRIL                   Sr-89                     (a)                      (a)

Sr-90 . (a) (a) K-40 1240i 120 12601 130 Cs-137 <4 <4 I-131 < 0.5 < 0.5

     *   . All other gamma emiacrs were < LLD.
   -(a) Strtmtium 89/90 analyses perfwmed quarterly.
       .,-                                                       (,

N/  % TABLE B-12 (Page 2 of 3) VIRGb'IAPOWER-NORTTI ANNA-1990 CONCENTRATIONS OF GAMMA EMrITERS* MIlX pCVI12 Sigma MONTH NUCLIDE STATION-12 STATION-13 MAY Sr-89 (a) (a) Sr-90 (a) (a) K-40 1280 130 13201 130 Cs-137 <4 <4 I-131 < 02 < 01 JUNE Sr-89 <4 <3 Sr-90 1310.2 0.5810.24 K-40 1150 i 120 1320 i 130 Cs-137 <3 <4 I-131 < 01 < 0.4 JULY St-89 (a) Sr-90 (a) (a) (a) K-40 12801 130 1310 i 130 Cs-137 <4 <4 I-131 < 0.2 < 02 AUGUST Sr-89 (a) (a) Sr-90 (a) (a) K-40 1170 1 120 13801 140 Cs-137 <4 <4 I-131 < 03 <02 All other gamma emmers wee <11.D. (a) Strontium 89/90 analyses perfmned quarterly. ~ ._.


  • hELK pCi/Ii2 Sigma MONT11 NUCLIDE STATION-12 STATIO%I3 SEPTEMBER Sr-89 <3 <4 Sr-90 13101 K-40 1.5101 11901 120 1320 t 130 Cs-137 <4 I-131
                                                         < 03                    < 03 OCTOBER                 Sr-89                    (a)

Sr-90 (a) (a) (a) K-40 1540i 150 Cs-137 1250 i 120 C <5 <5 I-131 < 0.4 < 0.4 NOVEMBER Sr-89 (a) Sr-90 (a) (a) (a) K-40 13901 140 Cs-137 1270 i 130

                                                        <4                       <4 1-131                   < 01                     < 0.4 DECEMBER                Sr-89                    <3                       <4 Sr-90                1.1102                   1.7 1 0.2 K-40                1380i 140                1310 i I30 Cs-137                  <4                        <4 I-131                   < 03                      < 03 All other gamma emitters were <llD.

(a) Semntium 89/90 analyxs performed quanaly.

1 i 1 TABLE B-13

 '                                                                                                                                                                  i-NOR'IM ANNA-1990 I-                                                                                                                                                                  i
  ..                                                                                       CONCENIRA110NS OFGAMMA EMTT7BtS* IN RSH                                  '

pCiAs (wa)12 Sigma i t


)- 04/12/90 08' 1640 1 160 i L i^ <9 15.9 i 8.8 126 i 13  ? ): IW2660 ' 08 1630i 160 <9 l 20.8 i 7.5 139 i 14 ): i f i 04f12/90 09(b) 1580i 160 4  : to

                                                                                                                         < 10         < 10         129 i 14 IW26/90                     09 (b)                      1510 i - 150            <8            <8         27.6 i 7.3        [

I . j

                                      ,.10(25/90'                    25 (e) -                    1400 i . 140            <6            <6           <8              !

4 Average .. 1552 1 199 L i 2 s.d. , 18.4 i 6.9 105 i 104 i - t

.. l 1  ;

I l I

i. >

! .. ' ? ' : All'ethergammaermeers were <11D. l 3 ' i

                               - (a) Ircluded in 1990 as a control                                                                                                  ,
                               ._( b)' Originalcamerol                                                                                                              j i


1. 44 ~. .. , . _ , . , _. , ~.. _~ _ , . _ _ _.
                                                                                                                                                .            4 . ,

uJ i / i Q/ L' J


TABLE B-14 (Page 1 of 2) NORTTI ANNA - 1990 CONCENTRATIONS OF GAMMA EMTTTERS* IN IV)OD/ VEGETATION pCi/kg (wa)i2 Sigma COLLECTION DATE Be-7 K-40 1-131 Ru-103 Cs-134 Cs-137 Th-228 Ra-226 STATION 14 04/23/90 I840i 180 11700i 1200 < 10 05/23/90 < 20 < 20 < 20 692i 258 5340 1 530 < 10 < 40 < 30 < 300 06/22/90 526i 146 < 30 < 30 < 50 7950i 800 < 30 < 20 < 20 < 500 07/26/90 < 80 69901 700 < 20 < 30 < 400

                                                          <7            <9               <7      13.516.0 08/22/90          5870i 600         232001 2300        < 40          < 70             < 50
                                                                                                               < 10   < 100 09/19/90          4410 500          196001 2000                                                  < 60       < 100  < 1000
                                                          < 20          < 60             < 40 10/24/90          1M01 290          15500i 1500                                                  < 40       < 70   < 7(e
                                                          <9            < 40             < 30       < 30 11/27/90          6900 1 690        160001 1600        < 10                                                 < 60   < 600
                                                                        < 30             < 30       < 30       < 50   < 500 STATION 15

'o " 04/23MO 2901 95 75401 750 <7 < 10 05/23/90 3341 136 < 10 < 10 < 30 36001 360 < 10 < 20 < 20 < 300 06/2230 18201 330 81601 820 < 20 < 30 < 300

                                                         < 50          < 40              < 30 07/2680             550i 232         12700 1 1300      <7                                         < 30       < 70   < 800
                                                                       < 40              < 30    63.2123.7 08/22/90           3270 1 550       242001 2400        < 50                                                  < 50   < 600
                                                                        < 80             < 60       < 60 09/19S 0           I140i 150          77401 770        < 40                                                  < 100  s1000
                                                                       < 20              < 10       < 10 10/24/90          6500i 650          5790 1 580       < 20          < 40             < 30
                                                                                                              < 20   < 200 11/27/90         2900 1 290          65701 660        < 10                                    83.2123.2  256i26    < 600
                                                                       < 30             < 30       < 30       < 50   < 500 STATION 16 04/23S 0          2360i 240         12900i 1300        < 10          < 30             < 30 05/23h0               < 400          60001 600         < 10                                    36.4 21.3 150 t I8  < 400
                                                                       < 40             < 30       < 30 06/22/90          35301400          12600 i 1300      < 30                                                  < 70   < 600 07/26/90
                                                                       < 50             < 40       < 40       < 70
                        < 200          52101 520        <7            < 20                                           < 800 08/22/90         5650 1 680                                                           < 20       < 20       < 30   < 400 227001 2300       < 60           < 90             < 60 09/19/90         77601 780          10400i 1000                                                  < 70       < 100  < 1000
                                                        < 40          < 100             < 60       < 70 10/24/90         3330i 330           51801 520        < 60          < 40                                 450 i 1 % < 1000
                                                                                        < 30       < 30       < 30 11/27/90         66301 660           4290 1 430       < 10          < 40                                           < 500
                                                                                        < 30       < 30       < 60   < 600 AH h gamma eminers were <1111
.                       O~                                             .

U e TABLE B-14 (Page 2 of 2) NORDI ANNA-1990

;                                                                        CONCENTRAllONS OF GAMMA EMIT 7ERS' IN 1000/VFJGETAT10N      ;

pCiAg (wcr)12 Sigma COLLECTION DATE B e-7 K-49 1-131 Re-It3 Cs-134 Cs-137 Th-228 Ra-226


STATION 21 ' 04/23SO . 15701 160. 6930 i 690 <7 < 10 05/2360 433 1 210 < 10 < 10 < 20 4240 i 420 < 10 < 30 < 20 < 300 06/22/90 505 i 139 2750 i 280 < 30 1611-24 < 40 <500

                                                                                              < 20             < 20       < 20 07/26S 0                 2091 120          12000i 1200       < 10           < 20                                       < 40     < 400 08/22/90                2470 i 450                                                           < 10    44.8 i 10.7       < 20 48600 t 4900       < 30           < 70             < 50                               < 300 09/19/90 -              2600 1 490          83501 840        < 60                                     109 i 38         < 90     < 1000
                                                                                              < 70             < 40       < 50 10/24/90                9670 i 970          9300t 930       < 20            < 40
                                                                                                                                         < 90     < 900 11/27/90                9080i 810                                                            < 30       < 40           < 50 51801 520       <7              < 60             < 50                               < 600 108 i44          < 100    < 1000 E

STATION 23 04/23SO < 200 5600 1 560 <7 < 10 < 10 < 10 05/2360 5531 166 5720 i 570 <9 < 20 < 300

                                                                                             < 20             < 20       < 20 06/22 S 0                 6861 227          6370i~640        < 30          .<30                                       141 i 15  < 300 07/2660                 - 618 i 103                                                          < 30       < 30           < 50 120001. 1200      <8             < 10             < 10    28.4 i 9.3
                                                                                                                                                 < 6p0 08/22/90                6070 1 610          8680i 870        < 40                                                      < 20     < 200
                                                                                             < 50             < 40       < 40 09/19/90                3180i 340          19500 1 2000      < 20           < 50             < 30
                                                                                                                                        < 70     < 800 1Q/24/90               11.W10i 1100        13000i 1300                                                  < 30           < 60     < 700
                                                                              <7             < 60             < 40       < 40 11/27/90                4220 1 420          65301 650-       < 10                                                      < 70     < 800
                                                                                             < 30             s 30       < 30                                    ;

217126 < 600 Average . 3331 i 5955' 19915 i 16597 . i 2 s.d. 71.9 i 95.2 243 1 259 '

               '*     All other gamma emitects werc < LLD.
 . _ . _ . ,   ;.-..,.            c._.,                 -                        _                      _-
                                                                                                                         . . . _     _ . . . . . _ _ _ . . . _ _ . = _ . _ , . _ _ _ . _ .               . . . _ _ . _ . . .                                                  _ . . _ ,

1 h TABLE B-15 , NORTH ANNA - 1990 DIRIk.T. RADIATIONMEASUREMEPUS-QUARRY & ANNUEMmu mRhtandard monthi 2 Sigma STATION IST QTR 2ND QTR NUMBE!1 3RD QTR 4th QTR QUARTERLY 12/29/89 03/28S O 03/28/90 06/27/90 06/27S O 49/26/90 09/26SO.12/27SO ANNUAL TLD i AVERAGE 07/04/894Mr27SO

                                                                                                                                          -                                                                                                                                             I t

, 01 7.6 i 0.5 8A i 1.0 7.4 i 0.2 8.7 i 0.4 8.011.2 i I 6.8 i 0.9 ' 02 '4.2103 3.810.2 4310.2 4.8 i 03 43 i 0.8 4.010.2 03 4.410.2 4.010.2 4.7 01 4310.8 4.4 i 0.6 ' 4.0 1 0.4 04 ' 4.2 i 0.2 4.6 i 0.5 4.5 i 0.7 4.9 i 03 4.610.6 4.9i 01 05 5.610.5 53 i 03 5.710.4 63 i 1.0 5.810.6 5.0 1 0.2 I 05A 4.9 i 03 5.0 1 0.4 5.6101 5.7103 53 i 0.8 t 5.0103 ' 06 - 7.0 i 03 6.6 i 0.4 to . 6u i 03 6.6 i 1.0 6.7 i OA

          "                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              5.8 i 03                       !

07 5.4 i 0.1 5310.7 4.8iOJ 4.9 i 03 5.110.6 5.210.4 , 21 4.710.1 4.510.8 5.010.1 5.5 i 0.4 4.9 i 0.9 5.6 1 0.4

               ' 22                    6.1.i 0.7                     6.110.7 6.1103                                    6.910.8                               6310.8                                                   5.810.9                         i 23                   6.4 i 0.4                     6.8 i 0.8                                 7.510.4                                   7.7 i 0.7                             7.1 i 1.2                                                 63 i03
                 .24                   3.7 0.1                       4.010.7                                   4.510.2                                   4.510.4                              4.210.8                                                   4.410.1 Average              5A i 2A                       S A i 2.8                                5.6 i 2.3 4               ' i 2 s.d.'                                                                                                                              5.912.7                               54 i 0.5                                                  5.2 i 1.7 i

k Standard momh = 30.4 days. k 4 e - -se, o -- r -

                                                                                .w   ,                             -                                         --i.

i TACLE B-16 i, 0%ee Iof 2) i



              ' NUMBER                                          SECOND QUARTER           THIRD QUARTER 12/29 03/28               e3/28-06/27              96/27-09/26     FOURTH QUARTER      AVERAGE                       ;

! 09/26-12/27 i 2 S.d- i

j. N-1 '6.1103  !

6.9 i 0.6 6.7 i 0.1 f _ . N-2 5.610.4 4.9 i 03 6A i 03 63i03 .' NNE-3 5.210.2 5.0 0.4 5310.2 4.4 i 0.1 5.2 i 1.2 j NNE.4 .53 i 0.6 73 i 1.0 6.4 i 03 6.0103 6310.2 6.112.5 t i .. ~ NE-5 7.9 i OA - 83 i 03 43 i0.2 5.6 i 13 i

             - NE-6                             4.110.2                                       7.810.4            7.2103                                        !
  • 4310.1 3.9 i 0.1 7.8 i OS t
              . ENE-7 .                         63103               7.1 1 1.0                                   3 S i 1.0 ENE-8                                                                         6S i 03            5.6 i 0.2        6.5 i 1.4 I

E-9 43 i0.2 ~ 3.6 i 0.2 33 i 0.2 3310.2: [

                                            - 7.410A                63 i OA                   8A i 1.2                            3.810.7                        :

i- E . 5.410.2 7.6 1 0.4 7A i 13 6.7 i 1.0 63 i 1.1 i ESE-11 ~ 6.2103 53 i0.4 43103 5 9 i 1.8 ESE-12 ' 6.110.2 5.6 i 0.2  !

7.1102- 7.010.1 73 i OA 5 9 i 1.6 i i' SE-13 '6.410.2 6.9 i 0.5 . 6.0103 6 3 1 0.6 - 7.0103 i
' ' SE-14 9310.6- 7.0 1 0.4 6.610.9 '

' - (a) . 6.6 i 03 6210.5

            . - SSE-15                          6.6103              7.7 i 1.1                 7.5 i 03                            7A i 3.4                    -[

SSE-16 5.1 i DA . 53103 6 9 i 1.2 7.2 i 1.0 5.0 i 0.2 53103 i S ' 7.2103 8.6i13 7 3 i 0.2 53 103 i 9* '. 5-18 43 i0.2 7 9 1 0.4 7 9 1 1.1

                                                                  ~. 4.1 10.1                 5.110.8                                                            i SSW-19                         8.2 i OA            '8.8 i03                                      43103             4310.9 ~

E 9.1 i 13 9.0 i 1.6 6 SSW 20 - '4.010.2 4.0 i 0.2 43103 8.8 i 0.8  ! 1 SW-21 8.2 i OA - e 83 i 0.4 3.6 i 0.2 4.0 1 0.6 I .; ' SW 83 103 8.1 i 03

                                           ' 6.6 i OA                   (a)                  6.110.4                              8.210.2

SW-23 5.6 i 0.4 .6310.1- 6.610.2 '6.1109

            ' SW-24                        -6.210.2                69 i 1.6                                     5.1 1 0.1         SSi 1A SW                                                                        7.110A             53103 7.8 i 1.2.            7.1103                    7.610.4                             6.4 i 1.5                       t SW-26                          4.8 i 03 --           6.510.8                                      63 i 1.0         7311.0 5.2103 E                                                                                                                43 i 0.2 WNW-27 ~                       4.810A                5A 103                        (a) 53113 WNW-28                         5.5 i 0 3 ..          6A i 0.8                                     4A i 0.4         4 9 1 1.0 5.610.2           4.810.2'                                        t

+ J NW-29 . 7.9 i 0.4 ' 7.7 i 0.7 '8.1 i02 5.6i 13 NW-30 ~ 43 i 03 4A i 0.1 7.4 i 0.1 7.8 i 0.6 s 5 3 1 0.8 4.4 i 0.2 - i NNW-31 5310.5 63103 SS i 0.2 4.5 i 1.0 NNW-32. '5.2103 . 6.2 i OA 4 9 i 0.2 5 9 1 1.6 N 5.010.2 53103 {

                                          . 6.7 i 0.5 -            6.0 t 0.2               . 8.1 i 1.6 .                         5.6 i 1.1                       !

i N-34 : -5.4103 6.4iOA 6.8 i 1.8 5.0103 5.2103  ! , NNE-35 53 i 0.4 - 4.610.2_ 7.2 i 0.4 4310.4'. 5.0 i 0.8  ! 7.4 i 0.4 6.112.8 i i I-  !

              *: .. - Standard month = 30.4 days
                                                    ~                                                                                                            \

d.(a) :TLD iost.-

. =.- . :~                               . .-              _. -                . .
                                                                                             ~ -          -       .

___ __ _ ___ _ _.. -...__.._.- _ _ _ . _ _ . _ _ . . _ . _._.___m.__. _ _ ._. _ _ _ _ .- _ .. _ _ . _. mm . _ _ . TAELE B-15 0%ee 2 et2)  ! NORTH ANNA - 1990 DIRECT RADIA'110N MEASUREMEtGS - SBCTOR QUARTERLY 71D RESUL75 mR/standed month 12 Sigma ' STATION FIRST QUARTER SECOND QUARTER l NUMBER 12/29-03/28 THIRD QUARTER FOURTH QUARTER AVERAGE 03/28-06/27 06/27-09/26 09/26-12/27 i 2 S.d-

                           ' NNE                                5.110.4                                                              5.9 i 0.5 NE-37                                     83 i 0.7-                                                                                                  6.2 i 03                          49 i 03                                                                              5 3 i 1.2 7.6 i 0.1                              8.6 i 0.6                                                                                                                                       -

NE 4.010.2 3.6 1 0.1 63103 7 3 i 1.9 ENE-39 6310.4 3.610.1 3.210.2 34103 5.8 i 0.2 6.110.2 ENE-40 4.110.2 4.6103 54 i 03 6.010.6 E-41-- 6.6 i 0.1 5310.6 3.410.2 4.4 i 1.6 7.5 i 1.1 7.6i03 E-42 5.4 i 03 6A i03 6A i03 7.0 i 1.2

                          , ESE                                6310.2-                                                                                                      6.5103                            5.110.1                                                                              SS i 1.4 (a)                           63 i 0.6                          5.4 i 0.4 l

ESE-44 5.6i 03 6.4103 6.1113 i

1. SE-45 6.2 0.2 6.210.6 5310.5 6.111.1 '

SE.46 - 7.8 i 0.1 5311.2 63103- 6.010.9 SSE-47 6.4 i 0.0 (a) 6A i 03 5A i 0.1 6.512.4 6310.5' 6.810.4 -! 1: SSE-48 : 4.810.1l 5.610.4 6.2 i OA 6A i 0.5 F S-49 5.8 i 03 (s) 7.0 i 0.2 8.110.5' 8.210.2 5.4 i 1.1 S-50 3.810.1 4.210.2 7.110.4 74 i 13 3A i 0.7 3 3 1 0.2 1

                          - SSW-51.                               8.1103                                                               79 i0.2                                  95 i 03                                                                                                                 3310.7 SSW-52                               49 i O.2                                                       ' 3.9 i 0.6                                                                        73i OA -                                                                             8A i 1.5 SW-53                                                                                                                                                4.010.4                            3.6 i 0.2 8.110.1                                                               8A i 0.2                                 8.8103                                                                                                                4.1 i 1.1
           -$             ~ SW 54                                6.010.4                                                                                                                                           82 i 0.6-                                                                           8.4 i 0.6 WSW.55                               5.110.8 (a)                           6.5103                            53103                                                                               6.110.8 5.710.5-WSW-56 ?                             6.810.2 5310.1                            5.1 i. 0.2                                                                          5A i 0.6 5.010.4-                                   6.2103                            7.010.2

_ W-57 6.8 i 03 7.210.5 7.010.1 6311.8 ' W-58 -- 5.2103 5.5103 6.7103 6 9 i 0.4 WNW-59 5 3 1 0.2 43103 43103 5.6 i 0.2 4.810.2 5.2 1 0.9 -l 1 WNW-60 5.810.2 5.010.2 43102 4 9 1 1.1  !

                         - NW41                                7.6i 03                                                                                                         53102                              4 9 i 0.2                                                                           5310.8 7.0 1 0.4 -                                 7310.1
                         . NW42 -

5.1 0.2 - 5.0 1 0.2

                                                                                                                                                                                                               . 7A i 0.4                                                                             7310.5 4.6103                             53103 NWW-63 J                           5.9 i 0.1                                                            6310.8                                      5310.1                                                                                                                5.110.7 NNW-64                             -6.610.6.                                                            5A i 03                                                                         5.1103                                                                             5.8 i 1.0
                        ' C-1

5.110.1 5.1103 5.6 i 1 A 4.910.8: 4.8i03- 5.110A

                        ' C-2                                '4.6 i 0.2                                                           4.5 i 0.7                                                                       4.6 i 0.5                                                                          49 i OA
C-3 SA i 03 5310.4 5.111.2 3.9 i 0.2 3 3 1 0.6 4.0 i 0.1 C-4 :33 i 0.1 43 i0.4 4.2 i 2.0 4.0 i OA 43 IGA 4.6 1 0 3 -

C-5-~ 4310.1 3.210.7 4.010.1 4310.8 C.6 43 i 0.2 3.9 i 0.6 5.1103' 42 i1.6

  • C-7 4.510.1 44103 43 i 0.6
                                                            -5.8 i 03                                                            5A i 0.8                                      6.1 i OA                                                                                                                                           i
                        'C-8                                  7.0 i OA                                                           6.2 i 0.6                                                                        6.811.0                                                                           6.011.2 5.6 i 0.2                          6.7 i 03                                                                          6.4 i 1.2 Average _                         5.9 .i 2.6                                                         5.9 1 2.8                                       0 2 1 2.8
,                         i 2 s.d.                                                                                                                                                                               5.7i 2J                                                                            5.9 1. 9A ir Standard momh = 30.4 days (a) TLD lost.


   *-__---  ;_______t               . _ _   ______.____o                '+

_ _ _ _ _ - _ __ + - _c .__ _i . _ _ _ - _ - _ _ _ - _ . _ . _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _


     .           _. ._.            -         ._ -. ..              _            . . _ . - . _ . .            =    .   . . _ . . .            -.      .

VIRGINIA POWER NORTII ANNA POWER STATION g Annual Radiological Environmental Land Use Census Data for 1990 l August (131) i - 4 Nearest Nearest Site Milk

  • Meat Milk
  • Veg. Garden Sector Resident Boundary Cow Animal Goat 500 Sq Ft.

M M M M M M N 1.35 0.87 2.01 1,91 NNE 1.35 0.85 2.62 1.35 NE 1.18 0.82 1.56 1,56 ENE 1.97 0.81 2.56 2.51 E 1.26 0.83 1.57 ESE 1.62 0.85 4.81 4.31 SE 1.37 0.88 1.37 1.37 SSE 0.91 0.91 2.38 0.91 O S 1.04 0.94 1.99 1.22 SSW 1.43 1.01 3.68 1.43 SW 3.00 1.06 3.00 WSW 1.78 1.09 1.78 W 1.53 1.06 4.43 2.43 j WNW 1.37 1.02 4.43 3,06 i NW 1.18 0.97 1.18 l NNW 1.19 0.90 2.22 1,19 b

  • Note! No milk cow or goats within a five mile radius of North Anna Power Station M = Mile '

i 99

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i j ANALYTICAL PROCEDURES SYNOPSIS Qv , Appendix D is a synopsis of me analytical procedures performed on samples collected for

the North Anna Power Station's Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program. All analyses j have been mutually agreed upon by VEPCO and Teledyne Isotopes and include those
recommended by the USNRC Branch Technical Position, Rev.1, November 1979.

ANALYSIS TITLE PAGE r i , Gross Beta Analysis of Samples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103 Prec ipitation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103 Air P a r t i c u l a t e s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A n aly sis o f S ample s for Tritiu m. . .. .. ..... . ....... .. .. . ..... ...... .. .. .... .. . .. . . .. . . . ... . . . . . .. . ... .. . 106 - . Water...............................................................................................106 a Analysis of S amples for Stmntium.89 and -90. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107

Total Water . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107

[ Soil and Sedimen t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Organic Solids . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108 - 1 Air P a r t i c u I a t e s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Analysis of Samples for Iodine-131....................................................................111 l Milk or Water . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . { G amma Spectmmetry of Samples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I 12 Milk and Water . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Dried Solids other than Soils and S ediment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Fish................................................................................................112 Soils a n d S e d im e n t s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Charcoal Cartridges ( Air Iodine) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I 12 r

Air P a r t i c u t a t e s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . W Environmental Dosimetry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . V I l t l l 102. t i w n - , - - . -- , ,- , r- v



The procedures described in this section are used to measure the overall radioactivity of water samples without identifying the radioactive species present. No chemical separation techniques are involved. One liter of the sample is evaporated on a hot plate. A smaller volume may be used if the sample has a significant salt content as measured by a conductivity meter. If requested by the customer, the sample is filtered through No. 54 filter paper before evaporation, removing particles greater than 30 microns in size. 1 After ev tjorating to a small volume in a beaker, the sample is rinsed into a 2-inch diameter stainless steel planchet which is stamped with a concentric ring pattern to distribute residue evenly. Final evaporation to dryness takes place under heat lamps. Residue mass is determined by weighing the planchet before and after mounting the sample. The planchet is counted for beta activity on an autc , .itic proportional counter. Results are calculated using empirical self-absorption curves which allow for the change in: effective counting efficiency caused by the residue mass.


o 103

s !O ! 2.0 DETECTION CAPABILITY t Detection capability depends upon the sample volume actually represented on the  ; i planchet, tne background and the efficiency of the counting instrument, and upon self- 1 absorption of beta particles by the mounted sample. Because the radioactive species are not y identified, no decay corrections are made and the reponed activity refers to the counting time. 4 The minimum detectable level (MDL) for water samples is nominally 1.6 picocuries per liter for gross beta at the 4.66 sigma level (1.0 pCi/l at the 2.83 sigma level), assuming that 1 - liter of sample is used and that f gram of sample residue is mounted on the planchet. These ! figures are based upon a counting time of 50 minutes and upon representative values of counting efficiency and background of 0.2 and 1.2 cpm, respectively. , a The MDL becomes significantly lower as the mount weight decreases because of. 4 reduced self-absorption. At a zero mount weight, the 4.66 sigma MDL for gross beta is 0.9 -

picoeuries per liter. These values reflect a beta counting efficiency of 0.38.

d 46 l l [ l l I L i l l l ! 104 l ,

                                                                     -g   ,          -+    n

GROSS BETA ANALYSIS OF SAMPLES Air Particulates After a delay of five or more days, allowing for the radon-222 and radon 220 (thoron) daughter products to decay, the filters are counted in a gas-flow proportional counter. An unused air particulate filter, supplied by Vepco, is counted as the blank. Calculations of the results, the two sigma error and the lowerlimit of detection (LLD): RESULT (pCi/m3) = ((S/F)- (B/t))/(2.22 V E) TWO SIGMA ERROR (pCi/m3) = 2((S/r2) + (B/t2))l/2 /(2.22 V E) LLD (pCi/m3) = 4.66 (B1/2)/(2.22 V E t) t where: O S = Gross counts of sample including blank B = Counts of blank E = Counting efficiency T = Number of minutes sample was counted t = Number of minutes blank was counted V = Sample aliquot size (cubic meters) O 105 I

            . . . . . . . . . . ----          - - - - ~ " - - - ' ~ ~ ^

ANALYSIS OF SAMPLES FOR TRITIUM O Water Approximately 2 ml of water are converted to hydrogen by passing the water, heated to its vapor state, over a granular zine conversion coiamn heated to 400* C. The hydrogen is loaded into a one liter proportional detector and the volume is determined by recording the pressure. The proportional detector is passively shielded by lead and steel and an electronic, anticoincidence system provides additional shielding from cosmic rays. Calculation of the results, the two sigma error and the lower limit detection (11D) in pCi/l: RESULT = 2(3.234) TN VN(Co B)/(CN V) 3 TWO SIGMA ERROR 2(3.234) TN VN(E)l/2 /(CN Vs)


IlD 3.3 (3.234)TN VN(E)l/2 /(CN Vs)


where: TN = tritium units of the standard 3.234 = conversion factor changing tritium units :o pCi/l


VN volume of the standard used to calibrate the efficiency of the detectorin psia


Vs volume of the sample loaded into the detector in psia


CN the net epm of the standard of volume V N CG = the gmss epm of the sample of volume V 3 B = the background of the detectorin epm At = counting time for the sample E = S/r2 + B/t2 0 10o

        -          _ - _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ - - - _                                                                            l

ANALYSIS OF SAMPLES FOR STRONTIUM 89 AND 90 0 Water Stable strontium carrier is added to 1 liter of sample and the volume is reduced by evaporation. Strontium is precipitated as Sr(NO 3 )2 using nitric acid. A barium scavenge and an iron (ferric hydroxide) scavenge are performed followed by addition of stable yttrium carrier and a minimum of 5 day period for yttrium ingrowth. Yttrium is then precipitated as hydroxide, dissolved and re precipitated as oxalate. The yttrium oxalate is mounted on a nylon planchet and is counted in a low level beta counter to infer St 90 activity. Strontium-89 activity is determined by precipitating SrCO3from the sample after yttrium separation. This precipitate is mounted on a nylon planchet and is covered with an 80 mg/cm2 aluminum absorber for low level beta counting. Mik Stable strontium carrier is added to 1 liter of sample and the sample is first evaporated, then ashed in a muffle furnace. The ash is dissolved and strontium is precipitated as phosphate, then is dissolved and precipitated as3SrN0 using fuming (90%) nia. acid. A barium chromate scavenge and an iron (ferric hydroxide) scavenge are then performed. Stable yttrium carrier is added and the n sample is allowed to stand for a minimum of 5 days for yttrium ingrowth. Yttrium is then U precipitated as hydroxide, dissolved and re-precipitated as oxalate. The yttrium oxalate is mounted on a nylon planchet and is counted in a low level beta counter to infer Sr-90 activity. Strontium-89 is detennined by precipitating 3SrC0 from the sample after yttrium separation. This precipitate is mounted on a nylon planchet and is covered with an 80 mg/cm2 aluminum absorber for low level beta counting. Soil and Sediment The sample is first dried under heat lamps and an aliquot is taken. Stable strontium carrier is added and the sample is leached in hydrachloric acid. The mixture is filtered and strontium is precipitated from the liquid portion as phosphate. Strontium is precipitated 3 as Sr(NO )2 using fuming (90%) nitric acid. A barium chromate scavenge and an iron'(ferric hydroxide) scavenge are then performed. Stable yttrium carrier is added and the sample is allowed to stand for a minimum of 5 days for yttrium ingrowth. Yttrium is then precipitated as hydroxide, dissolved and re-precipitated as oxalate. The yttrium oxalate is rnounted on a nylon planchet and is counted in a low level beta counter to infer Sr-90 activity. Strontium 89 activity is determined by precipitating G/ l 107 l

                   .                               - . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -                 - - -  - - -   --  --- - - -- -          -          ~

SrC03from the sample after yttrium separation. This precipitate is mounted on a nylon planchet Q and is covered with an 80 mg/cm2 aluminum absorber for low level beta counting. Orcanic Solids A wet portion of the sample is dried and then ashed in a muffle furnace. Stable strontium carrier is added and the ash is leached in hydrochloric acid. The sample is filtered and strontium is precipitated from the liquid portion as phosphate. Strontium is precipitated as Sr(NO3) using fuming (90%) nitric acid. An iron (ferric hydroxide) scavenge is performed, followed by addition of stable yttrium carrier and a minimum of 5 days period for yttrium ingrowth. Yttrium is then pre-cipitated as hydroxide, dissolved and re-precipitated as oxalate. The yttrium oxalate is mounted on a nylon planchet and is counted in a low level beta counter to infer strontium-90 activity. Strontium 89 activity is determined by precipitating SrC0 3 rom f the sample after yttrium separation. This precipitate is mounted on a nylon planchet and is covered with an 80 mg/cm2 aluminum absorber for low level beta counting. Air Partienintes Stable strontium carrier is added to the sample and it is leached in nitric acid to bring h deposits into solution. The mixture is then filtered and the filtrate is reduced in volume by evaporation. Strontium is precipitated as Sr(NO 3 )2 using fuming (90%) nitric acid. A barium scavenge is used to remove some interfering species. An iron (ferric hydroxide) scavenge is perfonned, followed by addition of stable yttrium carrier and a 7 to 10 day period for yttrium ingrowth. Yttrium is then precipitated as hydroxide, dissolved and re precipitated as oxalate. The yttrium oxalate is mounted on a nylon planchet and is counted in a low level beta counter to infer strontium-90 activity. Strontium 89 activity is determined by precipitating SrC0 3 fmm the sample after yttrium separation. This precipitate is mounted on a nylon planchet and is covered with 80 2 mg/cm aluminum absorber for low level beta counting. Calculations of the results, two sigma errors and lower limits of detection (LLD) are expressed in activity of pCi/ volume orpCi/ mass: RESULT Sr 89 = (N/Dt BCA-B )/(2.22 V Y3 DFSR-89ESR 89)


2((N/Dt+BC +BA)/At)l/2 /(2.22 V Y3 DFSR 89ESR-89) LLD St 89 =


4.66((BC+BA)/At)l/2 (2.22 V YS DFSR-89ESR-89) h 108

RESULT St 90 = (N/At B)/(2.22 V Y1 Y2DFIF E) O 2((N/At+B)/At)l/2/ (2.22 V Y1 Y2DF E IF)) TWO SIGMA ERROR Sr 90 = LLD Sr-90 4.66(B/At)l/2/ (2.22 5/ Y


1 Y2IF DF E) O n U 109

1 l I where: N = total counts from sample (counts) O At = counting time for sample (min)


BC backgmund rate of counter (cpm) using absorber configuation 2.22 = dpm/pCi V = volume or weight of sample analyzed BA = backgmund addition from Sr-90 and ingrowth of Y = BA 0.016 (K) + (K) EY/ abs)(IOy.90) Ys = chemicalyield of strontium DF SR 89 = decay factor from the mid collection date to the counting date forSR 89


ESR-89 efficiency of the counter for SR 89 with the 80 mg/cm.sq. aluminum absorber K = (NAt - BC)Y-9(/(Ey.90 IFy.90 DFy.90Y1) i DFY90) ,= the decay factor for Y-90 from the " milk" time to the mid count time O EY.90 = efiiciency of the counter for Y-90 IFY-90 = ingrowth factor for Y-90 from scavenge time to milking time


IGY-90 the ingrowth factor for Y-90 into the stmntium mount from the

                                            " milk" time to the mid count time 0.016                       =

the efficiency of measuring SR-90 thmugh a No. 6 absorber


EY/ abs the efficiency of counting Y-90 through a No. 6 absorber B = background rate of counter (cpm) Yi = chemicalyield of yttrium Y2 = chemical yield of strontium DF. = decay factor of yttrium from the radiochemical milking time to the mid - count time E = ' efficiency of the counter for Y-90 IF = ingrowth factor for Y 90 from scavenge time to the radio-chemical milking time 0 110

! l ANALYSIS OF SAMPLES FOR IODINE 131 Milk or Water Two liters of sample are first equilibrated with stable iodide ca rier. A batch treatment with anion exchange resin is used to remove iodine from the sample. The iodine is then stripped from the j resin with sodium hypochlorite solution, reduced with hydroxylamine hydtcchloride and extracted into carbon tetrachloride as free iodine. It is then back-r:stracted as iodide into sodium bisulfit , solution and is precipitated as palladium iodide. The sodium bisulfite solution is precipitated as palladium iodide. The precipitate is weighed for chemical yield and is mounted on a nylon planchet a for low level beta counting. The chemical yield is corrected by measuring the stable iodide content of the milk or the water with a specific ion electrode. Calculations of results, two sigma error and the lower limit of detection (LLD) in pCi/l:


(N/At B)/(2.22 E V Y DF) TWO SIGMA ERROR =

2((N/At+B)/At)l/2(2.22 E V Y DF)


                                                = 4.66(B/At)l/2/ (2.22 E V Y DF)
q iU where
N =

total counts fmm sample (counts) At = counting time for sample (min) f B = background rate of counter (cpm)_ 2.22 = dpm/pCi V = volume or weight of sample analyzed . Y = chemical yield of the mount or sample counted

DF =

decay factor from the collection to the counting date E = efficiency of the counter for I 131, corrected for self. absorption effects by the formula 1. E = Es(exp-0.0061M)/(exp-0.0061Ms)

Es = efficiency of the counter determined from an I-131 standard mount Ms =

mass of Pdl 2on the standard mount, mg - M =- mass of PdI2on the sample mount, mg h 111

GAMMA SPECTROMETRY OF SAMPLES Milk and Water A 1.0 liter Marinelli beaker is filled with a repmsentative aliquot of the sample. 'Ite sample is then counted for approximately 1000 minutes with a shielded Ge(Li) detector coupled to a mini-computer-based data acquisition system which performs pulse height analysis. Dried Solids Other hn Soils and Sediments A large quantity of the sample is dried at a low temperature, less than 100 C. As much as i possible (up to the total sample) is loaded into a tared 1-liter Marinelli and weighed. The sample is then counted for approximately 1000 minutes with a shielded Ge(Li) detector coupled to a mini-computer-based data acquisition system which performs pulse height analysis. Eish As much as possible (up to the total sample) of the edible portion of the sample is loaded into a tared Marinelli and weighed. The sample is then counted for approximately 1000 minutes n with a shielded Ge(Li) detector coupled to a mini computer-based data acquisition system which V performs pulse height analysis. Soils and Sediments Soils and sediments are dried at a low temperature, less than 100 C. The soil or sediment is loaded fully into a tared, standard 300 cc container and weighed. The sample is then counted for approximately six hours with a shielded Ge(Li) detector coupled to a mini-computer-based data acquisition system which performs pulse height and analysis. Charcoal Cartridges (Air Iodine) Charcoal cartridges are counted up to five at a time, with one positioned on the face of a Ge(Li) detector and up to four on the side of the Ge(Li) detector. Each Ge(Li) detector is calibrated for both positions. The detection limit for I-131 of each charcoal cartridge can be determined (assuming no positive 1131) uniquely from the volume of air which passed through it. In the - event I-131 is observed in the initial counting of a set, each charcoal cartridge is then counted separately, positioned on the face of the detector. O U 112

l Air Particulate O The thirteen airborne particulate filters for a quarterly composite for each field station are aligned one in front of another and then counted for at least six hours with a shielded Ge(Li) detector coupled to a mini computer based data acquisition system which performs pulse height analysis. A mini computer software program defines peaks by certain changes in the slope of the spectrum. The program also compares the energy of each peak with a library of peaks for isotope identification and then performs the radioactivity calculation using the appropriate fractional gamma ray abundance, half life, detector efficiency, and net counts in the peak region. The calculation of results, two sigma error and the lower limit of detection (LLD) in pCi/vohime of pCi/ mass: RESULT = (S-B)/2.22 t E V F DF) TWO SIGMA ERROR = 2(S+B)1/2/ (2.22 t E V F DF) 11D = 4.66(B)l/2/ (2.22 t E V F DF) where: $ = Area, in counts, of sample peak and background (region of spectrum ofinterest) B = Background area, in counts, under sample peak, determined by a linear interpolation of the representative backgrounds on either side of the peak t = length of time in minutes the sample was counted - 2.22 = dpm/pCi E = detector efficiency for energy of interest and geometry of sample V =

                                        . sample aliquot size (liters, cubic meters, kilograms, or grams)

F = fractional gamma abundance (specific for each emitted gamma) DF = decay factor from the mid-collection date to the counting date m 113

ENVIRONMENTAL DOSIMETRY o Teledyne Isotopes uses a CaSO 4 :Dy thermoluminescent dosimeter (TLD) which the company manufactures. This material has a high light output, negligible thermally induced signal loss (fading), and negligible self dosing. The energy response curve (as well as all other features) satisfies NRC Reg. Guide 4.13. Transit doses are accounted for by use of separate TLDs. Following the field exposure period the TLDs are placed in a Teledyne Isotopes Model 8300. One fourth of the rectangular TLD is heated at a time and the measured light emission Guminescence)is recorded. The TLD is then annealed and exposed to a known Cs-137 dose; each area is then read again. This provides a calibration of each area of each TLD after every field use. The transit controls are read in the same manner. Calculations of results and the two sigma error in net milliroentgen (mR): RESULT = D = (Di +D2+D3+D4)/4 TWO SIGMA ERROR = 2((D1D)2+(p 2-D)2+(9 3D)2+(p .0)2)/3)1/2 4 WHERE: Dt = the net mR of area 1 of the TLD, and similarly for D2 , D3, and D 4 O D1

                            =       I lK/R t- A
                            =       the instrument reading of the field dose in area 1 -

11 K = the known exposure by the Cs-137 source


R1 the instrument reading due to the Cs-137 dose on area 1 A = average dose in mR, calculated in similar manner as above, of the transit control TLDs D = the average net mR of all 4 area.s of the TLD. 114


.Q '

115 _____m____________.____._______._m._.__________-_.____m_________ .____._____ ._. -__-_.___ _._. _ _.____ _

_. - - ._ ~. . . . - .. .- NORTli ANNA - 1990 US EPA INERLABORA70RY COMPARISON PROGRAM 1990 (Page 1 of 3) EPA Date TI Malled . Date EPA Preparation Results - EPA T1 Norms Dev. Issued Results Media NucIlde ** Warning Results(n) Results(b) (Known)

  • Action 01/12/90 03/21/90 0449/90 Watr Sr-89 25.00 i 5.00 24.00 1 1.73 -035 Sr-90 20.00 1 1.50 19.67 1 2.52 -038 01/26/90 02/23/90 03/30SO Waar Gr-Algha 12.0 1 5.0 10.00 1 1.73 Gr. Beta -0.69 12.0 1 5.0 12331 1.53 0.12 07AoSO 03/23/90 04/09/90 Waer Co40 15.00 1 5.00 15.00 1 3.46 0.00 Zn45 139.00 i 14.00 13133 i 9.07 Ru-106 -0.95 139.00 i 14.00 113.67 i 4.04 -3.13 '

Cs-134 18.00 1 5.00 * * *(c) 1533 1 2.31 -0.92 Cs-137 18.00 1- 5.00 1933 i 3.21 0.46 Ba-133 74.00 i 7.00 66.00 1 3.46 -1.98 02/23/90 ' 03/22/90 04/09/90 . Waser H-3 4976.00 1 498.00 4900.00 1 100.00 -0.26 03/09/90 05/03SO . 05/21/90 Weser Ra-226 . 4.9 1 03 4.73 1 0.47 -0.41 Ra-228 123 i 1.9 .13.00 1 1.00 0.27

     ~ 03/30/90                  0608SO            07/03/90            AirFiltcy .        Gr-Algha E                                                                                                                   5.0 1           5.0                 6331      0.58               0.46 Gr-Beta                       31.0 1           5.0                31.67 i    0.58               0.23 Sr-90                          10.0 i            1.5                9331      0.58 Cs-137                                                                                         -0.77 10.0 1           5.0                10.67 i    1.15              0.23 G4/17/90                06/22/90          07/20/90            Waser             Gr-Alpha                     90.00 1          23.0                7933i       2.89 -           -0.80 Ra-226                          5.0 i           0.8                 5.67 i . 0.15               1.44 Ra-228                         10.2 -           1.5 .               937 i     1.44 Gr. Beta                                                                                       -0 %

52.0 1 - 5.0 53331 1.53 0.46

 ^ -                                                                                   . Sr.89 :                        10.0 1           5.0                10.67 i   ~1 .15 Sr-90                                                                                           0.23 10.0 i           1.5                 9.67 1    0.58             -038 Cs-134                       . 15.0 1.          5.0               12.67 i     1.53 Cs-137                                                                                        -0.81 15.0 1          5.0                1633 i      1.15              0.46 04/27/90                0 @ 2/90         - 07/27/90           Milk               Sr-89                         23.0 i           5.0                24.67 1     1.53              0.58 Sr                       23.0 i.          5.0                24.00 1 1-131 0.00.              035.

99.0 1 10.0 89.67 i 3.21 -1.62 Cs-137 24.0 1 5.0 27331 2.52 K 1.15

                                                                                                                    -1550.0 1         -78.0           148333i 75.06                    -1.48 See footnotes at end of tabic.
                                                           '                                                                    ,s
                                             - .       ._._% -   .%r.     , . - -  .        .._..,3         . , . .                  ,               .,       m    y     m. e

e O O NORT11 ANNA - 1996 US EPA INERLABORAIDRY COMPARISON PROGRAM 1990 (Page 2 of 3) }' EPA Date TI Malled Date EPA EPA T1 Norm Dev. ** Warning Preparation Results issued Results Media NacIlde Results(a) Results(b) (Known) * *

  • A ction 05/04/90 06/22/90 07/31/90 Water Sr-89 7.0 1 5.0 6.67 1 0.58 -0.12 Sr-90 7.0 1 5.0 6.67 1 0.58 -0.12 05/11190 0648/90 07)D3/90 Waser Gr-Alpha 22.0 1 6.0 16.00 i 1.00 -1.73 Gr-Beta -

15.0 i 5.0 17.00 1 1.00 0.69 l 0648SO 07/17190 08/14/90 Waner . Co 60 24.0 i . 5.0 2533 i 2.52 0.46 l 2n-65 148.0 i 15.0 148.67 1 3.06 0.08 Ru-106 210.0 1 21.0 196.00 1 20.66 -1.15 Cs-134 24.0 i 3.0 23.67 i 2.89 -0.12 Cs-137 25.0 1 5.0 24.67 i 2.08 -0.12 Ba-133 99.0 i 10.0 93.00 i 6.08 -1.04 06/22/90 07/1960 08/14/90 Waner H-3 2933.0 1 358.0 2900.i 100.00 -0.16 07/13SO 09/06/90 IQ09/90 Water Ra-226 12.1 1 1.8 1137i 0.60 -0.71 Ra-228 5.11 13 4.20 1 0.75 -1.20 08/10B0 , 08/30/90 10/26/90 Waser I-131 39.0 1 6.0 36.00 1 3.00 -0.87 08/31/90 11/0600 11/29/90 Air Filscr Gr-Al;+.a 10.0 i 5.0 16.00 i 1.00 Gr-Beta 62.0 i 5.0 2.08 a(d) 6333i 1.53 0.46 Sr-90 20.0 i 5.0 18.00 i 1.00 -0.69 Cs-137 20.0 1 5.0 1833 i 3.21 -0.58 09/14/90 11/20/90 12/1160. Waner Sr-89 10.0 1 5.0 8.67 i 0.58 -0.46 I Sr-90 9.0 1 5.0 9.0 1 1.00 0.00 09/21/A) IW17/90 11)05 S 0 Wascr Gr-Alpha 10.0 5.0 11.00 1 1.00 035 Gr-Beta 10.0 1 5.0 11.00 i> 1.00 035 09/28B0 12/04SO 12/24/90 Milk Sr-89 16.0 1 5.0 9.0 1 2.65 -2.42 " (c) Sr-90 20.0 i 5.0 1533 i 0.58 -1.62 I-131 58.0 i 6.0 54.67 1 1.53 -0.96 Cs-137 20.0 1 5.0 23.00 i 1.73 1.04 K 1700.0 t 85.0 1710.00 i 65.51 0.20

  • See footnotes at end of table.

O O O NORTH ANNA - 1990 US EPA IN'IERLABORA70RY COMPARISON PROGRAM 1990 (Page 3 of 3) EPA - Date TI Malled Date EPA EPA TI Norma Dev. ** Warning Preparation Results Issued Results Media NacIlde Results(a) Results(b) (Known)

  • Action IW15B0 11/16/90 12S430 Waa:r Co-60 20.0 1 5.0 21.00 i 1.00 035 Zn-65 115.0 i 12.0 115.00 1 11.53 0.00 Ru-106 151.0 i 15.0 142.00 i 8.66 -1.04 Cs-134 12.0 i 5.0 11.00 1 0.00 -035 Cs-137 12.0 i 5.0 16331 2.52 1.50 Ba-133 110.0 i 11.0 94.67 i 5.13 -2.41 ** (f)

IW1990 11/16/90 12S430 Waner H-3 7203.0 i 720.0 713333 i 251.66 -0.17 IQf30B0 01/10S 1 02S4B1 tab Perf. Gr-Alpha 62.00 i 16.00 57.00 i 1.00 -0.54 Sampic A Ra-226 - 13.6 i 2.0 12.67 i 1.27 -0.81 Ra-228 5.0 i 1.3 4.87 i 0.23 -0.18 Sample B Gr-Beta 53.0 1 5.0 51.00 1 231 -0.12 Sr-89 20.0 i 5.0 19.00 i 3.61 -035 Sr-90 15.0 1 5.0 1433 1 0.58 -0.23 Cs-134 7.0 i 5.0 9.00 0.00 0.69 Cs-137 5.0 i 5.0 7.67 1 1.15 0.92 C (" 1!!D9SO DIS 4S1 01/2931 Water Ra-226 7.4 i 1.1 7.27 i 038 4.21 Ra-228 7.7 1.9 7.57 1 032 -0.12 l l l I (1) Averageiexms.21 sigma. 1 (b) Expected laboratay precisian (1 sigma,1 '- - - -- --- i --). . (c) No agpara cause for the low mesults were found. "Ihree ahquois of the sampic were courned on three separate detectors. The resuhs of all three were similar. 7hc calibranon curve fit is good (0.997). Fahin -106 was obtamed from the EPA. Results of spikcs were =ce==*. Subsequera cross-checks from the EPA did not exceed two

                           ===Hm! standard devianon. No additional follow-up is necessary but we will corninue to monitor the results. New cahbranons were m.M March,1991.

(d) The EPA deposit occupies a smaller area than air calibratimi plancher and hence has a higher counung effriency. No further corrective action is required, since our calitracon standard Icteer,y-. an air partWi=> faker. (e) L-.yku. removal of calcium. Icad to m may high stroritium yields.. More care is being takert iri the strontiurn nitrate and strontnam sulfate precipitatiori steps no crisure a final volume of at least 20 ml in :he stronutan sulfate step. Reanalysis of interna 1 QC samples pr=wd good resuhs afscr i,,he.,g the corrective accon. l (f) There is no apparent reason for the deviation between the EPA and Teledyne isotopes values. Other isotopes in the sample were measured accurasely. The e=h3==in= were l l reviewed and activities calculated fran other Ba-133 gamma rays. Results were ,yC as reported. .

                                                                                                                                                                . . ~ ~ - - - - -                             - - - - -             -
                                                                    'IRENDING GRAPH - 11 US EPA CROSS CHECK PROGRAM GROSS BETA IN AIR PARTICUIATES 100 I

so-i o. li k ti i , e " li < r


5 < ii d i i e o E u ' r. 4 'l i , 40-i < fA 20 - 0 , . 1981 '1982 1983 1984 1985 1996 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 08/25/89. EPA Test invalid n Tli 3 sigma o EPA i 3 sigma


A 77

US EPA CROSS CHECK PROGRAM l CESIUM-137 IN AIR PARTICULATES 100 o Tli 3 sigma o EPA i 3 sigma 80 - i l 60 - e


3 40-If iA i 17- ff - 1 2o - o , , -' e" { 1 .I ' . 40

                                                                     )      4         , ,
                                                                                            ;           t "I..f.                          ;

O - 1981 1982- 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991

                                                                                                                              -. .          .. . .. _. . _ = _ ,


                                                                                                                                                      < i 2
        =       80 -

U h - n. i 60 - - - '

g. -i i
                                                                ,     i   I'            

l i

                                                                            ,          I i '

t > g

                                =                                                            ' '

4 g ii i 0-  ; 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 a ' Tli3 sigma o EPA 13sgma _ws. r - 7 -


2400 -


                  .2000 -

N' , p h!

           .,6                                                   r                                                                                                     '

g 1600 - i


1 5 8 8 8 -- e , , a i si ai- <i-

                                                                                          }                          i ;


                                                               ,        4 i-                                                            .

g; 1 1 I

                                                                              ,      'l 1200 -

I 800 . . . . . . . . 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 .1986 1987 1988 .1989 1990 1991 o Tli3 sigma o EPA 13 sigma

         ~     .-


        ,co                                                 CESIUM-137 IN MTIR 80-f 60 -                                                           ,,

P i -[ t - U en g

 -                                                   ,                           j                       o      < ,
  • o >

g L @- )

                       -                                                     t      >

P l , 1 1 f p J > 20 - i

                                                                                                                             ,g 4 ,

l . 0 , . 1981 1982 1983 3934 yg85 1986 1987 1988 t o'ag gg'90 togs o Tli 3 sigma

  • EPA 13 sigma


t. i t- r 60 -

e - - 4*

                           ~                                                                                                                                                  j
a 40 - i
                                                                                                                      >                                                                                              i k     < >

j al ! l OI , l o >, i . I

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                                                                                                                                                         ,                                                                                                             v
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    ,    I ,

0 : .

1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 198g ig'go jggy T

o Tli 3 sigma I I o EPA 13 sigma i I i p i _ . _ _ _ . _ _ _ _


g. '

It l' I a- si un - O ct g_

 ,                                                                                                    ~il 4

si 20 - t '

l. *i i 4 if '

i I

                                         ,                 g i   .
                                           .i i t                   .

fi 1 s1 .1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 o Tli3 sigma

                                                                                                                                = EPA 13 sigma I.



C-o .120-a e, to a t+ E 8~ _5 . 4,- 40- , ,,. 4, [ a r c,9 4- < >

                                  ' %. e                a           e         y           a      - %

0 , , . 1981 '1982 1993- 1984' 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 0 Ti t 3 sigma o EPA 13 sigma

                                                                                            -         ~

l 2

                                                                                   $Im W w                                   E$

OO E 0 W e 0 k x 2 o W 5

                %~ %

o ili e E E g g w E e h k i 8


8 8 ~ e a J! J *llill 0 d 127 _ _ - - - - - - ~ ~ - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~


                                         .100                                                                                                                                         9 8

80 - 4 u 60 - e 1) [

           "             ].
. A et
                                         . 4C -
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