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NPDES Noncompliance Notification,On 940701,06 & 12,dead Sea Turtles Captured at Dilution Structure Trash Racks.Turtles Captured on 940701 & 12 Sent to Marine Turtle Experts at Ctr for Environ,Cornell Univ for Thorough Necropsy
Person / Time
Site: Oyster Creek
Issue date: 07/26/1994
From: J. J. Barton
To: Masnik M
6530-94-2087, NUDOCS 9408050005
Download: ML20071M919 (5)



A M gf GOU Nuclear Corporation c t Office Box 388 e 9 South ad Rwer. New Jecsey 08731-0388

,971 4000

.. .er's Direct Dial Nurnber:

6530-94-2087 July 26, 1994 Mr. Michael Masnik U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission One White Flint North 11555 Rockville Pike Rockville, MD 20832

Dear Mr. Masnik:


Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station Docket 50-219 Sea Turtle Incidental Capture Reports 94-2 through 94-4 These reports provide detailed information regarding the recent impingement of sea turtles at the Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station. Dead juvenile Kemp's ridley turtles were captured July 1 and July 12, 1994 at the dilution structure trash racks. A dead subadult loggerhead turtle was also captured July 6 at the dilution structure trash racks. A necropsy was performed on the loggerhead turtle at the Marine Mammal Stranding Center; the results are included as an attachment to this report. The two Kemp's ridley turtles have been sent to experts at Cornell Univers'.cy to perform necropsies.

If you have any questions or require additional information, please do not hesitate to contact Malcolm Browne of our Environmental Affairs Department at (609) 971-4124.

Very truly yoprs, I

g /r John J. Barton Vice President and Director Oyster Creek JJB/MEB/ef '

Enclosure cc: Mr. Douglas Beach Mr. Dave Jenkins U.S. Department of Commerce NJDEP Nat'l Oceanic & Atmos. Admin. Div. F ish/ Game /Widif.  ;

National Marine Fisheries Ser. PO Box 236 Habitat Protected Res. Div. Tuckahoe, NJ 08250 One Blackburn Drive Gloucester, MA 01930 Administrator. Region 1 Senior NRC Resident Inspector Oyster Creek N7C Project Manager Document Control Desk 9408050005 940726 b- PDR S

ADOCK 05000219 PDR '

GPU Nucta' Cof pC'JDon is a sutS4 n ;' Gene 3+ Cm O 'ts c 'Deu* ;-

4 i l

l Ovster Creek Nuclear Generatina Station Sea Turtle Incidental Capture Report 94-2 l

l July 1. 1994 At approximately 1000 hours0.0116 days <br />0.278 hours <br />0.00165 weeks <br />3.805e-4 months <br /> on Friday, July 1, 1994, an Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station (OCNGS) operator conducting a routine survey of the intake area noticed a sea turtle during a routine cleaning of the dilution intake structure trash racks.

The turtle was carefully removed as quickly as possible and found to be inactive and exhibited a strong odor of decomposition.

OCNGS Environmental Affairs personnel who took custody of the turtle confirmed it to be a juvenile Kemp's ridley turtle (Lepidochelys kemp) and tried unsuccessfully to resuscitate it.

At the time of the capture OCNGS was in operation at full power with 4 circulating water pumps and 2 dilution pumps operating . '

The water temperature in the OCNGS intake canal at the time of '

the capture was apptcximately 78.3*F (25.7*C). Although it was impossible to say precisely how long the turtle had been at the intake structure prior to removal, it is known that the intake bay in which the turtle was found was cleaned during the previous a f t ern oon .

The turtle measured 10.9 in. (27.7 cm) carapace length straight line and weighed 8.0 lbs. (3.6 kg). Sex was not determined. No tags were present on the turtle when captured. No prominent scars or slash-like propeller wounds were apparent on the turtle.

USNRC and NMFS personnel were notifled of the capture at the earliest opportunity (7-1-94).

This turtle has been sent to marine turtle experts at the Center for the Environment, Cornell University, who will perform a thorough necropsy.

l l

O Oyster Creek Nuclear Generatina Station Sea Turtle Incidental Capture ReDort 94-3 July 6. 1994 At approximately 0615 hours0.00712 days <br />0.171 hours <br />0.00102 weeks <br />2.340075e-4 months <br /> on Wednesday, July 6, 1994, Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station (OCNGS) operators conducting routine cleaning of the dilution pump intake area removed a sea turtle from the dilution structure trash racks. OCNGS Environmental Affairs personnel who kook custody of the turtle confirmed it to be a subadult loggerhead turtle (Caretta caretta) and tried unsuccessfully to resuscitate it. At the time of the capture OCNGS was in operation at full power with 4 circulating water pumps and 2 dilution pumps operating. The water temperature in the OCNGS intake canal at the time of the capture was approxima tely 80. 5 *F (2 6. 9 *C) . Although it was impossible to say precisely how long the turtle had been at the intake structure prior to removal, the trash racks at the dilution intake had previously been cleaned 6-8 hours earlier.

The turtle measured 24.5 in. (61.4 cm) carapace 1sngth straight line and weighed 89.0 lbs. (40.4 kg). Sex was not determined.

No tags were present on the turtle when captured. At least three deep scars or slash-like propeller wounds were apparent on the turtle. These scars were not fresh because blue mussels were attached and growing in these scars. USNRC and NMFS personnel were notified of the capture at the earliest opportunity (7 94).

Several hours after the time of its capture, the turtle was taken i to the Marine Mammal Stranding Center (MMSC) in Brigantine, NJ.

Robert Schoelkopf, MMSC Director, performed a necropsy of the carcass (see attached MMSC Stranding Report) . Mr. Schoelkopf  !

reported that the turtle did not die at the intake and did not suffocate. The lungs were found to be in good condition. The turtle was believed to have died one to two days prior to arriving at OCNGS, probably due to a longterm illness. A large i notch along the left perimeter of the turtle's carapace, as well as deterioration of all four appendages, were attributed by Schoelkopf to bacterial or fungal infections.



r j g, L g, .ee ee8S2 MAstNE M A nst4L eTR Cf p.**

ScA TURTLE STR ANDING AND WALV Atat: Nt:t Wunfs - ai rmnsrino nEPORT

. MEAS [ PRINT CLEARLY AND FILL IN ALL APPLICABLE BLANKS Use codes below. Measurements moy be straight IIns

(.:aliper) ond/or over the curve (tope measure). Maosure length from the contar of tha nochol notch to the tip of the raase

os se rior mc,sginal, Meoivre width of the wident point of co ropoce. CIRCis THE UNITS USED.See d'ogrom below. Pfense gin a specifec location description. INCLUDE LAf t1UDE AND LONGITUDE.

. MARINE MANAL STRANDING CENTER - Stronding Date 94 07 OS Observer's Fwil Nome r. u, Brigantine, N.J.

Address / Afidofion -


  • Area Code / Phone Nwmber 3 ,, CC Ilm o r a d ) Turtre Number By Doy 94-060 mecobility of 1,0.: (CIRCL E) Unsure Proboble Species Yorified by Steve Coordinator? Yes % Nou Male Unde te rmir.ed How was sex determined? Necroosv Se a: (CfRCtF)

Sta te __ County Ocean Location (be specific and include closest town) Oyster Creek Nuclear Power P1 ant.

Forked River totitwde 39 48' 52" Long;,,,de . 7a 17' f18i "

1 Flac! Disposition of Turtle (use codes) 'l Condition of Turtle (use codes)

Tog Number (s)(inctode tog return oddress and disposition of tog) _ N Re morks (note if turtle was Involnd with for or oil, gea r or debris entongleme nt, wounds or mutilations, prope!!or doreroge,,

popillomos, e p'too, etc.) continuo on back if necessary Carapace deteriorated due to fungal growth, All four sooendaoes daterierated (possible bacteria 1' infection) Photos taken. Stomach and esenhoomse adotainet blue crabs, no tag scars, Fi. eld 9 94-060 CODE 5:


CC = Loggerhead Straight length 24.5 emh CM = Green DC = leatherback 19.75 Stro,ght Width cmh El = Hawksbill tg = Kemp* ridley yo,g,;

Curved Length em/in go,ch UN = Unidentified Curved vr.d'h em/ie.


0 = Alice 1 = fresh dood 2 = Moderately decomposed 3 = Severely decomposed 4 = Dried carcats

~ I 5 = Skeleton, bones only Mark wet.nds.

obnormQlities, and nog locations FINAL DISPOSITION OF TURTLE:

1 = Pointed, left on broch 2 = Seried: on beach / Mi beach 3 = Salvaged speciment oll / port 4 = Pulled up on beach or done p ,,,, g , , S = Unpointed, left on beach Marginot Tip 0 " ^E'** '* I'* 5* d 7 = Afive, taken to o holding f oci$ty

4 Ovster Creek Nuclear Generatina Station Sea Turtle Incidental Capture Report 94-4 July 12. 1994 At approximately 2240 hours0.0259 days <br />0.622 hours <br />0.0037 weeks <br />8.5232e-4 months <br /> on Tuesday, July 12, 1994, Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station (OCNGS) operators conducting routine cleaning of the dilution intake trash racks removed a sea turtle from the trash racks. The turtle was found to be inactive but had no apparent wounds. OCNG3 Environmental Affai:s personnel who took custody of the turtle confirmed it to be a l juvenile Kemp's ridley turtle (Lepidochelvs kemp) and tried unsuccessfully to resuscitate it. At the time of the capture OCNGS was in operation at full power with 4 circulating water pumps and 2 dilution pumps operating. The water temperature in the OCNGS intake canal at the time of the capture was approxima tely 83 *F (28. 4 *C) . Although it was impossible to say precisely how long the turtle had been at the intake structure

. prior to removal, it may have been there for up to several hours.

The turtle measured 10.5 in. (26. 7 cm) carapace length straight line and weighed 7.3 lbs. (3.3 kg). Sex was not determined. No tags were present on the turtle when captured. No prominent scars or slash-like propeller wounds were apparent on the turtle.

USNRC and NMFS personnel were notified of the capture at the earliest opportunity (7-13-94) .

This turtle has been sent to marine turtle experts at the Center for the Environment, Cornell University, who will perform a thorough necropsy.

._ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _,