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1998 Annual Environ Operating Rept for Oyster Creek Generating Station. with
Person / Time
Site: Oyster Creek
Issue date: 12/31/1998
From: Roche M
1940-99-20097, NUDOCS 9903050138
Download: ML20207A651 (8)


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GPU Nuclear,Inc.

( U.S. Route #9 South NUCLEAR Post Office Box 388 Forked River, NJ 08731-0388 Tel 609-971-4000 February 23, 1999 1940-99-20097 U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Attention: Document Control Desk Washington, DC. 20555

Dear Sir:


Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station (OCNGS) l Docket No. 50-219 Annual Environmental Operating Report (AEOR) - 1998 l Enclosed are two copies of the 1998 Annual Environmental Operating Report (AEOR) for the Oyster l Creek Nuclear Generating Station. The AEOR is submitted in accordance with Section 3.5.l(A) of the Oyster Creek Environmental Technical Specifications.

L Ifyou have any questions concerning this submittal, please contact Ms. Brenda DeMerchant, Licensing Engineer, at 609-971-4642.



Michael B. Roche Vice President and Director -

Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station MBR/BDeM r i Enclosure  !

I cc: Administrator, Region I nt-)

NRC Project Manager g' Senior Resident Inspector U

O 9903050138 981231 PDR ADOCK 05000219 R PDR

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February 1999 )

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  • This'docunient is the Oyster Creek. Nuclear Generating Station (OCNGS) Annual Environmental Operating Report (AEOR) for 1998. This report is required by Oyster ,

Creek Environmental Technical Specification (OCETS) Section 3.5. l(A).

l The OCNGS is a single cycle, forced circulation, boiling water reactor of 620 MWe j maximum (summer) dependable net capacity, owned by Jersey Central Power & Light  ;

Company (d/b/a GPU Energy, Inc.) and operated by GPU Nuclear, Inc. The OCNGS is ,

located in Lacey Township, Ocean County, New Jersey. The plant is subject to Operating  ;

License No. DPR-16. The date ofinitial reactor criticality was May 3,1969 and the commercial generation ofpower began on December 23,1969.

This AEOR covers the period from January 1,1998 through December 31,1998. The i report is organized in the following format:  :

Section 1.0 - Introduction I Section 2.0 - Environmental Monitoring Section 3.0 - Special Monitoring and Study Activities Section 4.0 - Additional Information 1 l 2.0 Environmental . Monitoring  ;

l t l l . This section is intended to address the results of environmental monitoring required to be implemented by Section 1.1 " Fish Kill Monitoring Program" of the OCETS during the l

report period. There were no reportable fish kill events at the OCNGS during this report

( period.

3.0 Special Monitoring and Study Activities An incident report concerning the capture of an endangered sea turtle entitled " Sea Turtle Incidental Capture Report 98-1", was submitted to the NRC on August 25,1998 (and is provided as Attachment I).

I L 4.0 Additional Information i

g This section reports any additional information that is required by Section 3.5.1 of the OCETS which includes a summary of:


. a) All OCETS Non-Routine Environmental Operating Reports and the corrective action taken to remedy them.

b) Changes made to State and Federal Permits and cenificates which pertain to the j requirements of the OCETS.

c) Changes in station design which could involve an environmental impact.

d) Changes to the OCETS

. 4.1 Summary of OCETS Non-Routine Environmental Operatine Renorts (NEOR) t l There were no NEOR's during the report period.

4.2 Summary of Changes Made to Federal and State Permits and Certificates which Pertain to the Reauirements gf OCETS l There were no changes to Federal and State permits and/or certificates pertaining to the OCETS during the reporting period. -

4.3 Summary of Changes in Station Design Which Could Involve an Environmental Impact There were no changes in station design during the reporting period which could involve an environmentalimpact.

4.4 Summary of Changes to the OCETS l There were no changes to the OCETS during the reporting period.

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Attachment I GPU Nuclear,Inc.


( .

U.S. Route 6 South NUCLEAR '

Forked River. NJ 087310388 -

Tel 609-971-4000 l 6530-982-2135 ,

AUG 33 1 2 l l

Ms. Claudia Craig (by cert. mail RRR#Z 051941 124) .

U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Mailstop O-10-H-5 Washington, DC 20555  ;

Dear Ms. Craig,

I l


Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station

. Docket 50-219 Sea Tunie Incidental Capture Report 98-1 This repon provides detailed information regarding the recent incidental capture of a subadult  :

loggerhead sea. turtle at the Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station. The turtle was captured alive during the morning of August 18,1998 at the circulating water intake structure trash racks.

As indicated on the attached incident report, the turtle has been transferred to the Marine Manunal Stranding Center in Brigantine, NJ for rehabilitation. This is only the second incidental capture of a sea turtle at Oyster Creek since August of1994.

If you have any questions or require additional information, please do not hesitate to contact l Mr. Malcolm Browne of our Environmental Affairs Department at (609) 971-4124.

Very truly yours, Michael B. Roche .

V. P. & Director OCNGS MAB/ars Enclosure cc: Ms. Nancy Haley (by.cen. mail.RRR# Z 051941 127)

U.S. Depanment of Commerce National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration National Marine Fisheries Service Habitat and Protected Resources Division One Blackburn Drive Gloucester, MA 01930

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Attachment I

. J (Continued) s Ms. Claudia Craig - 6530-982-2135. , .

t Page 2 of 2 >

AUG 251998 .

cc: . Hub Miller (by cert. mail RRR# Z 051941 128) ,

Administrator, Region 1

' US Nuclear Regulatory Commission  ;

475 AllendaleRoad ,

L King ofPrussia, PA 19406 -

Ron Eaton (by cert, mail RRR# Z051941 129)

' Senior Project Manager US Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, DC 20555 -

US Nuclerr Regulatory Gommission (by cert. mail RRR# Z 051941 130)

. Docume:r 'ontrolDesk-NRC  !

Washing , DC 20555- '

Mr. Daw enkins (by cert. mail RRR# Z 051941 126) I

'NJ Department of Enviromnental Protection  !

Division offish, Game, and Wildlife  ;

, P.O. Box 236 I -

Tuckahoe,NJ 08250 OCNGS NRC ResidentInspector, OC SEB .

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, i Attachment I f (Continued) I


' l Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station )

Sea Turtle Incidental Capture Report 98-1 Aunust 18.1998 -

l At approximately 0959 hours0.0111 days <br />0.266 hours <br />0.00159 weeks <br />3.648995e-4 months <br /> on Tuesday, August 18,1998, an Oyster. Creek Nuclear Generating Station (OCNGS) operator noticed a sea turtle in front of the trash rack in Bay # 4 of the circulating water intake structure. The turtle was carefully removed as quickly as possible using a sea turtle dip net and found to be alive and moving about actively. However, a length of several feet of fish netting was wrapped tightly around the right front flipper of the turtle, causing restricted circulation and movement of that limb. It was l apparent from the atrophied and panially decayed condition of the right front flipper that the tunle had b7n  !

entangled in the fish netting long before its incidental capture. OCNGS Environmental Affairs personne who took custody of the turtle confirmed it to be a subadult loggerhead (Caretta caretta). The water temperature at the time of the incidental capture was approxunately 80.5 F (26.9 C) and OCNGS was in operation at full power with four circulating water pumps and two dilution pumps in operation. Although it j is impossible to say precisely how long the turtle had been near the intake structure prior to removal, the 1 intake trash racks had been mechanically cleaned the previous afternoon. I The tunie measured 20.0 in (50.8 cm) carapace length straight line and weighed 53.9 lb (24.4 kg). Sex was not determined. No tags were present on the turtle when captured.

After the tunle was exammed by Environmental Affairs perso mel, it was transferred to the Marine Mammal Strandmg Center (MMSC) in Brigantine, NL MMSC personnel then began to locate a facility

. where the tunle can receive appropriate medical treatment and rehabili*ation prior to eventually being released in the ocean. Sea World of Orlando, FL has indicated they will provide these services. The turtle was transponed to Sea World August 21,1998.

USNRC and NMFS personnel were notified of the incidental capture within 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> on August 18,1998.

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