ML20065A633 | |
Person / Time | |
Site: | 05200003 |
Issue date: | 03/24/1994 |
To: | |
Shared Package | |
ML19304B911 | List: |
References | |
WCAP-14006, WCAP-14006-R, WCAP-14006-R00, NUDOCS 9403310283 | |
Download: ML20065A633 (4) | |
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Westinghouse Non-Proprietary. Class 3 f
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Wind Tunnel Phase 4B Test Plan s Investigation of the Effects'of Siting on the Wind Behavior of the Westinghouse AP600 System
l O WESTINGHOUSE PROPRIETARY CLASS 2 Ttus document contens informat.on propnetary to Westeghouse Electre Corporaten, it = submmed in confidence and a to be used sole furmshed and retumed upon request. Thee document and such informahon a not to tm repnxtuced. transmitted, disclosed or used aber wntten atahornaion of Westmtfiouse Electnc Corporaten. Energy Bysteres Business Una, subpet to the egends contained hered.
DOE DESIGN CER11FICATION PROGRAM ooVERNMENT LIMITED RIGHTS STATEMEN1 (A) These data are submeted with bmned rights under governmera cnntract No DE.AC0340SFt6495. These data may be reprodu tt's expiest hmdaten thai Woy wi not, without wrmen permission of the cortractor, be usert for purposes of manufacturer ror disclose that the guvemment may disclare these data outuale the governenent for its folkemg purposes, sf any, provided that the governmers m prohibimn against further use and disciosure
(!) This *Propnetary Data' may be dinckmed to* evaluaton purposee under the restnctes above (11) The'Proonstary Data' may be enclosed to the Doctnc Power Research institute (EF A1). eiactre viet#ty representatwas CommerCtal Cornpetitors, and the OCE Nal@e4) EslWalOhet undet the protutMtens and restrctions aDove m T,ss me shan. ma,- rm r., re-um d,- d.t.., e. o,,n na,,
A hcense a reserved to the U.S Governmere under contract DE-AC0340SF18405 O DOE CONTRACT DELIVERABLES (DELIVERED DATA) sub eciio.peased excepuons d,scwou,e d ih.s dais is,estrciea uniii septembm 30, igos o, Desyn CS,ta, anon under con conirec t
is later EPRI CONFIDENTIAUOBLIGATION NOTICES: NOTICE: 1@2C304 sDCATEGORY: AhBOCODOEOr O ARC FOAKE PROGRAM ARC UMITED RIGHTS STATEMENT The propnetary data furnsshed urafer Subcontract Numbet ARC 03-SSC-001 with AAC may be duchcated and used by tr d A+cie H-17 F of that subcontract, wrth the expresa Itmatations that the propnetary data may nd be disclosed outside the i
tnliowing purposes This propretary data may be discioned to other than commercia or the restrrhun that the propnetary data be retaned in contdence and not be furtrer disclosed, and subract to the ieems of a ron-dinckeure ag er the and that organaaten. enduding DOE and da cornractors iactor O(C) WESTINGHOUSE eteCTRiC COReORATiON i994 A license a reserved to the U S Govemmers under contract DE FCO2 NE34267 and subcontract ARC 43-3-SC-001 ARC CONTRACT DELIVERABLES (DEllVE..ED DATA)
Subr ct to spectied enreptone, disclosure d the data se restncted under ARC Subcontract AAC-931SC-001 e
Westmghouse Electne Corporanon Er'ergy Systems Busanans Unit Advance Technology Buranets Ares PO Box 35$
Pesburgh, Pennsylvania 16230 0 1994 Wettinghouse Electric CorporaJon All Rights Reserved
Westinghouse Class 3 1
INVESTIGATION OF THE EFFECTS OF SITING ON THE WIND BEHAVIOR OF THE WESTINGHOUSE AP600 SYSTEM OBJECTIVES The objectives of the Phase 4B tests are to explore variations in site layout and in topography to determine whether or when such variations significantly affect the net pressure difference between the inlet and chimney of the AP600, and, by implication, the convected flow and the net baffle loads.
BASIC APPROACH The study shall be comparative.
A small scale model of the site buildings and local topography shall be built at a scale of between 1:500 and 1:1000.
This scale range ensures that both the reactor and cooling tower models shall be in the same Reynolds number range (subcritical), while remaining of a size that allows straightforward modelling and instrumentation techniques to be used The final scale shall be determined by the topographic areas to be modelled in the specimen sites.
The maximum site area, at 1:1000, shall have a diameter of two miles, since the available wind tunnel area has a 10' diameter.
The following cases shall be examined:
1) a roterence case, consisting of the current site layout, including all sit-buildings and a cooling tower en flat open-country terrain.
2) a series of other cases, idealited sites based on 1) Diablo Canyon and
- 2) Trojan and/or Indian Point.
The Diablo Canyon type site shall address speedup due to an escarpment and the Trojan / Indian Point site shall look at the effects of a river valley site.
The same AP600 model shall be used in each instance.
It shall be built of a form similar to that of the closed Phase 4A model - i.e.
the open interior of the chimney shall be represented only to its bottom, while the inlets shall be modelled, but the internal annulus shall be continued only for a small distance internally. The inlets shall connect with an internal volume a,C designed to model the volume of the internal annulus.
P essure taps shall be installed as an internal ring within the chimney and ithin the inlet Taps [ldingmo volume [donth]e.
An external ring of pressure shall also be installe outer surface the containment bui 1 just below the inlets {
installed around the e]xterior of the throata ring of pressure taps [
]shall In ad 1 tion, of the cooling tower in tne be reference case.
Cooling towers would be modelled using a distorted (smaller) diameter so as to give the correct net drag and hence wake properties at the AP600 location as determined by comparison with the wake results measured as part of the Phase 4A tests.
The resulti6g flow model is not expected to provide the correct mean values of the pressures on the AP600; however, since the (inlet - chimney) peak pressure differences are of primary concern, and since these peaks are primarily associated with either wind turbulence or the buffeting wakes of upstream structures, the proposed model will provide good comparative.results between CSSes.
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Westinghouse Class 3 TEST HATRIX The following test matrix shall be carried out:
An appropriate open country simulation at the required scale shall be
established at the main high speed test section of ELWT II.
Os A preliminary set of experiments shall be carried out using distorted cooling tower models constructed frem foam or wood.
Horizontal traverses of the flow in the wakes of these models would be meashred at a distance downstream corresponding to the normal distance betwediihhe AP600 and the cooling tower.
From these tests, the correct distorticipof the cooling tower geometry would be verified for future tests.
These tests shall be experimental in nature.
Based on the preliminary experiments (item 2), final cooling tower models shall be built as required by the siting plans.
One of these shall be equipped with a ring of pressure taps around the throat for use in the reference case.
a,C 4)
The reference case shall be set up and tested at one speed for
] equi-spaced wind angles.
For each wind angle, all AP600 pressures s all be recorded as time histories so that instantaneous pressure differences can be computed between inlet and chimney.
Instantaneous pressure distributions at all individual locations shall also be available.
Pressures on the cooling tower shall be recorded only for a few representative wind angles, in order to confirm that the drag, and hence i
the wake, has been modelled correctly.
i 5) subsequent cases shall be modelled and tested as in (4).
These shall include:
(a) a repeat of the reference case, with the addition of multiple cooling towers.
(b) an idealized coastal site based on Diablo Canycn, which would include a significant escarpment siting and simplified mountain backdrop.
1 (c) the same as (b), but without the mountain backdrop.
(d) an idealited river valley site, based en the Trojan and Indian Point sites.
RESULTS The results of the tests shall include comparative variations of peak and mean (inlet - chimney) pressure differences plotted versus wind angle, which should clearly indicate whether any case tested produces significantly different results from those of the reference case (4).
All measured pressure i
coefficients shall be referenced to the equivalent mean hourly wind dynamic j
pressure at^the top of the AP600 in an open country terrain, regardless of the i
site complexity.
In this way, the resulting coefficients will essentially provide a comparison of actual pressures for the same design storm so that valid comparisons can be made.
For any cases in which the AP600 experiences significantly higher pressure differences than the reference case, the complete time histories of the data will be available for more in-depth analysis.
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