MONTHYEARML20063N7591982-10-0606 October 1982 Withdrawal of Application for CP ML20063N7471982-10-0606 October 1982 Motion for Termination of Proceedings.Util Decided to Cancel Plant.Certificate of Svc Encl ML20055A7221982-07-15015 July 1982 Memorandum & Order Denying Jf Doherty 820615 Submittals, Treated as Motion to Reconsider ASLB 820602 Order.Motion Untimely Filed & Failed to Show Significance or Gravity of Issues ML20055A3551982-07-12012 July 1982 Amended Contention 59.Certificate of Svc Encl ML20054L5531982-07-0202 July 1982 Response Opposing Doherty 820615 Motion to Reopen Record to Add Contention 59.Motion Should Be Considered Motion for Reconsideration of ASLB 820602 Order.Timeliness & Significance of Issues Not Established.W/Certificate of Svc ML20054L4521982-07-0202 July 1982 Response Opposing J Doherty 820615 Motion to Reopen Record to Add Contention 59.Motion Fails to Establish Timeliness &/Or Significance of Issues Sought to Be Raised.Certificate of Svc Encl ML20054J9371982-06-28028 June 1982 Response Opposing J Doherty 820615 Request to Reopen Record. Request Improper & Insufficient to Support Relief.Commission Rules Cannot Be Circumvented by Refiling Same Argument After ASLB Ruling Issued.Certificate of Svc Encl ML20054F9861982-06-15015 June 1982 Motion to Reopen Record to Take Evidence on Contention 59. Gravity of Issues Warrants Reopening ML20054G0171982-06-15015 June 1982 Contention 50 Re Brown & Root Deficiencies in Quadrex Rept. Certificate of Svc Encl ML20053D6371982-06-0202 June 1982 Memorandum & Order Denying J Doherty 820422 Motion Re Contention 58 on Applicant Conduct on Reporting Violations. Applicant 820519 Motion to Strike Doherty 820514 Reply Granted ML20053A3961982-05-24024 May 1982 Order Extending Commission Time to Review ALAB-671 Until 820601 ML20053D0861982-05-24024 May 1982 Response in Opposition to Util 820519 Motion to Strike Doherty Contention 58 Re Applicant Conduct on Reporting Violations.Contention Should Be Treated as Such,Not as Motion.Certificate of Svc Encl.Related Correspondence ML20052H8621982-05-19019 May 1982 Motion to Strike J Doherty Reply to Applicant 820507 Response to Doherty 820422 Motion to Add Contention 58. Commission Rules Do Not Allow Reply.Certificate of Svc Encl ML20052H4441982-05-14014 May 1982 Reply Opposing Applicant 820507 Response to J Doherty 820422 Motion to Add Contention 58.Contention Should Be Admitted W/Amends.Aslb Should Judge Conduct of Applicants. Certificate of Svc Encl ML20052F9941982-05-12012 May 1982 Response Opposing J Doherty 820422 Motion to Add Contention 58.Intervenor Fails to Meet Required Stds to Reopen Record & for Untimely Filings.Certificate of Svc Encl ML20052F2971982-05-10010 May 1982 Order Extending Time Until 820524 for Commission to Determine Whether to Review ALAB-671 ML20052F3121982-05-0707 May 1982 Response Opposing J Doherty 820422 Motion to Add Contention Re Alleged Failure to Rept Design Defects.Substantively, Motion Is Motion to Reopen Record & Stds Have Not Been Met. Certificate of Svc Encl ML20052D1221982-04-29029 April 1982 Findings of Fact on Supplemental Issues to Tx Pirg Addl Contention 31 Re Technical Qualifications.Certificate of Svc Encl ML20052A4541982-04-22022 April 1982 Submittal of Contention 58 Re Applicant Conduct on Reporting Violations at Plant.Certificate of Svc Encl ML20054E0561982-04-21021 April 1982 Supplemental Findings of Fact on Tx Pirg Addl Contention 31 Re Technical Qualifications.Certificate of Svc Encl ML20054D5251982-04-20020 April 1982 Order Incorporating ASLB Rulings at 820412 Hearing Re Tx Pirg 820405 Motion to Enter Counsel for cross-examination & to Reconsider 820128 Order.Motion Denied But Tx Pirg Permitted to Submit Written cross-examination Questions ML20054B6981982-04-14014 April 1982 Transcript of 820414 Hearing.Pp 21,787-22,027 ML20050E2181982-04-0808 April 1982 Order Ruling on Doherty Motions.Request for Production of Bechtel Quadrex Rept Review Moot Since Applicant Furnished Rept on 820316.Motion of 820315 for Subpoena of Quadrex Corp Employees Denied W/O Prejudice ML20050J1111982-04-0606 April 1982 Answers to Second & Third Sets of Interrogatories,Questions 29 & 8 Respectively,Re Quadrex Rept.Certificate of Svc Encl. Related Correspondence ML20050E2891982-04-0505 April 1982 Answers & Objections to Doherty Sixth Set of Interrogatories.Related Correspondence ML20050E2961982-04-0505 April 1982 Answers & Objections to Seventh Set of Interrogatories. Certificate of Svc Encl.Related Correspondence ML20050C4211982-04-0202 April 1982 Objections to Request for Admissions.Requests Untimely, Irrelevant to Issues Before ASLB & Extremely & Unduly Burdensome.Certificate of Svc Encl.Related Correspondence ML20050B1141982-03-31031 March 1982 Decision ALAB-671,affirming ASLB Decision Denying R Alexander Petition to Intervene.Aslb Assessment of Untimeliness of Petition Free of Matl Error.Issue Raised No Longer Cognizable ML20050C4081982-03-31031 March 1982 Answers & Objections to Fifth Set of Interrogatories. Certificate of Svc Encl.Related Correspondence ML20042C5661982-03-30030 March 1982 Reply Opposing Tx PIRG,810315 Proposed Findings of Fact & Conclusions of Law.Proposed Findings Are Collection of Disjointed Thoughts & Facts W/No Rational Assessment of Effect on Problem or Issue Discussed.W/Certificate of Svc ML20042C6431982-03-29029 March 1982 Motion for ASLB to Call DE Sells as Witness for Tx Pirg Addl Contention 31 & Quadrex-related Matters.Testimony Needed to Explain Why NRC Did Not Immediately Obtain Quadrex Rept. Certificate of Svc Encl ML20042C6181982-03-29029 March 1982 Response Opposing J Doherty 820315 Motion for ASLB to Subpoena Quadrex Corp Employee Witnesses as ASLB Witnesses. Request Is Based on Misperception of Scope of Reopened Hearings.Certificate of Svc Encl ML20050C4791982-03-29029 March 1982 Answers & Objections to Jf Doherty Fourth Set of Interrogatories Re Tx Pirg Contention 31 & Quadrex Matters. Certificate of Svc Encl.Related Correspondence ML20050C5011982-03-26026 March 1982 Supplemental Testimony of Jh Goldberg on Technical Qualifications.Brown & Root Terminates Due to Lack of Engineering Productivity,Not Due to Allegations in Quadrex Rept ML20050C5041982-03-26026 March 1982 Testimony of Lj Sas on Tx Pirg Addl Contention 31 Re Quadrex Rept.Rept Raises No Issue as to Whether Ebasco Can Properly Engineer Project.Prof Qualifications Encl ML20050C5091982-03-26026 March 1982 Response to Jf Doherty 20th & 21st Requests for Documents. Certificate of Svc Encl ML20049K0801982-03-25025 March 1982 Answers & Objections to Interrogatories.Certificate of Svc Encl ML20049K0671982-03-25025 March 1982 Reply to Tx Pirg 820315 Addl Proposed Findings of Fact & Conclusions of Law.Certificate of Svc Encl ML20042C5201982-03-25025 March 1982 Motion to Compel Discovery from Applicant & to Postpone Evidentiary Presentations at 820412 Hearings.Applicant Objections to Interrogatories Unsupported & Necessitate Hearings Be Delayed.Certificate of Svc Encl ML20049J9651982-03-24024 March 1982 Testimony of Fr Allenspach & JW Gilray Per ASLB 810128 Order Re Doherty Renewed Motion for Addl Evidence on Tx Pirg Addl Contention 31.Quadrex Rept Does Not Alter Previous Conclusions That Applicant Technically Qualified ML20049J9701982-03-24024 March 1982 Answers to First Set of Interrogatories Re Tx Pirg Contention 31.Certificate of Svc Encl ML20049J9671982-03-24024 March 1982 Response to First Set of Interrogatories & Request for Production of Documents Re Tx Pirg Contention 31 ML20049K0841982-03-23023 March 1982 Answers & Objections to Third Set of Interrogatories. Certificate of Svc Encl ML20049K0941982-03-23023 March 1982 Answers & Objections to Second Set of Interrogatories. Certificate of Svc Encl ML20042C5481982-03-23023 March 1982 Fourth Set of Requests for Admissions Re Quadrex Rept & Tx Pirg Contention 31.Certificate of Svc Encl ML20042A2721982-03-18018 March 1982 Order Scheduling 820412-16 Evidentiary Hearing to Receive Addl Evidence in Houston,Tx ML20042A2771982-03-18018 March 1982 Memorandum & Order Denying J Doherty 820310 Motion for Postponement of 820412 Hearing on Tx Pirg Addl Contention 31 & Quadrex-related Matters.Ample Time to Complete Discovery Given.Personal Obligations Are No Excuse ML20042B2351982-03-17017 March 1982 Seventh Set of Interrogatories Re Tx Pirg Addl Contention 31 & Quadrex Rept Matters.Certificate of Svc Encl ML20042A4791982-03-17017 March 1982 Response Opposing J Doherty 820310 Motion for Postponement of 820412 Hearings.Sufficient Grounds Not Provided to Justify Delay.Certificate of Svc Encl ML20041G1711982-03-17017 March 1982 Response Opposing J Doherty 820310 Motion to Postpone 820412 Hearing on Quadrex Rept.Doherty Cannot Profit from Failure to Comply W/Aslb Order Re Completion of Discovery by Postponing Hearing.Certificate of Svc Encl 1982-07-02
[Table view] Category:PLEADINGS
MONTHYEARML20063N7471982-10-0606 October 1982 Motion for Termination of Proceedings.Util Decided to Cancel Plant.Certificate of Svc Encl ML20054L5531982-07-0202 July 1982 Response Opposing Doherty 820615 Motion to Reopen Record to Add Contention 59.Motion Should Be Considered Motion for Reconsideration of ASLB 820602 Order.Timeliness & Significance of Issues Not Established.W/Certificate of Svc ML20054L4521982-07-0202 July 1982 Response Opposing J Doherty 820615 Motion to Reopen Record to Add Contention 59.Motion Fails to Establish Timeliness &/Or Significance of Issues Sought to Be Raised.Certificate of Svc Encl ML20054J9371982-06-28028 June 1982 Response Opposing J Doherty 820615 Request to Reopen Record. Request Improper & Insufficient to Support Relief.Commission Rules Cannot Be Circumvented by Refiling Same Argument After ASLB Ruling Issued.Certificate of Svc Encl ML20054F9861982-06-15015 June 1982 Motion to Reopen Record to Take Evidence on Contention 59. Gravity of Issues Warrants Reopening ML20053D0861982-05-24024 May 1982 Response in Opposition to Util 820519 Motion to Strike Doherty Contention 58 Re Applicant Conduct on Reporting Violations.Contention Should Be Treated as Such,Not as Motion.Certificate of Svc Encl.Related Correspondence ML20052H8621982-05-19019 May 1982 Motion to Strike J Doherty Reply to Applicant 820507 Response to Doherty 820422 Motion to Add Contention 58. Commission Rules Do Not Allow Reply.Certificate of Svc Encl ML20052H4441982-05-14014 May 1982 Reply Opposing Applicant 820507 Response to J Doherty 820422 Motion to Add Contention 58.Contention Should Be Admitted W/Amends.Aslb Should Judge Conduct of Applicants. Certificate of Svc Encl ML20052F9941982-05-12012 May 1982 Response Opposing J Doherty 820422 Motion to Add Contention 58.Intervenor Fails to Meet Required Stds to Reopen Record & for Untimely Filings.Certificate of Svc Encl ML20052F3121982-05-0707 May 1982 Response Opposing J Doherty 820422 Motion to Add Contention Re Alleged Failure to Rept Design Defects.Substantively, Motion Is Motion to Reopen Record & Stds Have Not Been Met. Certificate of Svc Encl ML20042C6431982-03-29029 March 1982 Motion for ASLB to Call DE Sells as Witness for Tx Pirg Addl Contention 31 & Quadrex-related Matters.Testimony Needed to Explain Why NRC Did Not Immediately Obtain Quadrex Rept. Certificate of Svc Encl ML20042C6181982-03-29029 March 1982 Response Opposing J Doherty 820315 Motion for ASLB to Subpoena Quadrex Corp Employee Witnesses as ASLB Witnesses. Request Is Based on Misperception of Scope of Reopened Hearings.Certificate of Svc Encl ML20042C5201982-03-25025 March 1982 Motion to Compel Discovery from Applicant & to Postpone Evidentiary Presentations at 820412 Hearings.Applicant Objections to Interrogatories Unsupported & Necessitate Hearings Be Delayed.Certificate of Svc Encl ML20042A4791982-03-17017 March 1982 Response Opposing J Doherty 820310 Motion for Postponement of 820412 Hearings.Sufficient Grounds Not Provided to Justify Delay.Certificate of Svc Encl ML20041G1711982-03-17017 March 1982 Response Opposing J Doherty 820310 Motion to Postpone 820412 Hearing on Quadrex Rept.Doherty Cannot Profit from Failure to Comply W/Aslb Order Re Completion of Discovery by Postponing Hearing.Certificate of Svc Encl ML20041F0871982-03-10010 March 1982 Motion for Postponement of 820412 Hearing on Tx Pirg Addl Contention 31 & Quadrex-related Matters.Addl Time Needed to Complete Discovery.Certificate of Svc Encl ML20041E1541982-03-0808 March 1982 Response Opposing D Marrack 820218 Motion for Review of Dates for Reopening Hearing & Continuance.Aslb Lacks Authority to Order Continuance Until Util Irrevocable Commitment Made.Certificate of Svc Encl ML20041E1741982-03-0505 March 1982 Brief Opposing R Alexander Appeal from ASLB 820112 Order Denying Petition to Intervene.Aslb Did Not Abuse Discretion in Denying Petition.Certificate of Svc Encl ML20041E1201982-03-0505 March 1982 Motion for Order Directing Applicant to Provide Forthcoming Bechtel Quadrex Rept Review.Rept Pertinent to Remaining Issue.Certificate of Svc Encl.Related Correspondence ML20049H8881982-03-0101 March 1982 Response Opposing D Marrack 820213 Motion for Review of Dates for Reopening Hearings & Continuance.No Commission Regulations or Atomic Energy Act Provisions Require Applicant Irrevocable Commitment.Certificate of Svc Encl ML20041C0671982-02-22022 February 1982 Response Opposing Tx Pirg 820209 Motion for Addl Time to File Proposed Findings of Fact & Conclusion of Law.Motion Mooted by Tx Pirg Filing Proposed Findings on 820212. Certificate of Svc Encl ML20041B4821982-02-22022 February 1982 Response Opposing Tx Pirg 820209 Motion for Addl Time to File Proposed Findings of Fact & Conclusions of Law.Schedule Already Extended in Consideration of Length of Record.No New Development Set Forth.Certificate of Svc Encl ML20041B5901982-02-13013 February 1982 Motion for Postponement of All Action on CP Application Until Applicant States That Util Irrevocably Committed to Building Plant If CP Received.Certificate of Svc Encl ML20040H0761982-02-0909 February 1982 Motion for 30 Addl Days to File Proposed Findings of Fact & Conclusions of Law.Length of Record Necessitates Extension. Decision Would Not Be Delayed Since Addl Hearings to Be Held in Apr 1982 ML20040E2781982-01-29029 January 1982 Requests for Clarification Re R Alexander 811130 Petition to Intervene.J Silberg Indicates That Order Denying Petition Issued,But No Order Has Been Served.Certificate of Svc Encl ML20039B7481981-12-17017 December 1981 Response Opposing Tx Pirg 811207 Motions for Addl Testimony, Further Development of Record & Admission of New Contention. Motion Superficial Attempt to Delay Proceeding & Totally Devoid of Merit.Certificate of Svc Encl ML20062M6441981-12-14014 December 1981 Response Opposing Doherty 811015 Renewed Motion for Addl Evidence on Tx Pirg Contention 31.Doherty Failed to Comply W/Aslb 811110 Order.Motion Is W/O Merit & Would Cause Unnecessary Delay.Certificate of Svc Encl ML20039B0771981-12-0707 December 1981 Renewed Motion for Addl Evidence on Tx Pirg Addl Contention 31 Re Applicant Technical Qualifications.Specifies Portions of Quadrex Rept,Indicating Organizational Changes That Should Be Made.Certificate of Svc Encl ML20062M6241981-12-0707 December 1981 Motion for Tx Pirg to Present Addl Evidence,To Order Applicant to Serve Tx Pirg W/Quadrex Rept & to Rule That Need for Power Is Tx Pirg Contention.Alternatively,Requests Admittance as Tx Pirg Contention.W/Certificate of Svc ML20033B3381981-11-27027 November 1981 Response Opposing Doherty 811106 Motion to Require Applicant to Submit Addl Testimony on Need for Power.Motion Should Be Considered as Motion to Reopen Record.Issue Not Significant to Warrant Reopening.W/Certificate of Svc ML20033C0201981-11-25025 November 1981 Response Opposing Applicant 811120 Response to Doherty Motion for Addl Testimony.Motion Was Not Motion to Reopen Record Since Motion Filed Prior to Hearing Closing.Burdens Cited Under Motion to Reopen Inapplicable ML20033C0091981-11-25025 November 1981 Request for Leave to File Response to Applicant 811120 Response to Doherty Motion for Addl Testimony on Need for Power.Applicant Response Is Erroneous & Time for Completion of Evidentiary Hearing Short.Certificate of Svc Encl ML20038A8841981-11-20020 November 1981 Response Opposing Doherty 811106 Motion for Addl Testimony on Need for Power.Pleading Construed as Motion to Reopen Record.Burden of Explaining Why ASLB Would Reach Different Result Not Met.W/Certificate of Svc.Related Correspondence ML20032C1801981-11-0505 November 1981 Motion to File NRC Responses to Doherty Motion for Addl Evidence on Tx Pirg Addl Contention 31 One Day Late ML20032B3721981-10-30030 October 1981 Reply Opposing Doherty 811015 Motion to Reopen Record on Tx Pirg Addl Contention 31.Doherty Failed to Establish That Rept Controverts Specific Testimony & That Issues Are Beyond Scope of Contention.W/Certificate of Svc ML20032B3411981-10-30030 October 1981 Joint Motion to Establish Schedule to File Proposed Findings of Fact & Conclusions of Law.Parties Should Be Put on Notice of Schedule for Planning Purposes.Certificate of Svc Encl ML20031H0991981-10-15015 October 1981 Motion for Addl Evidence on Tx Pirg Addl Contention 31 Re Applicant Technical Qualifications.Addl Testimony Sought Due to Recently Released Rept on Design Deficiencies at South Tx Project ML20031A9381981-09-18018 September 1981 Request That ASLB Issue Order Re Mccorkle Contentions 14 & 17,TX Pirg Addl Contentions 6 & 40 & Doherty Contentions 5, 15,38-B,43 & 44,that Applicant & NRC Statements of Matl Facts Will Not Be Subj to Litigation.W/Certificate of Svc ML20010G1101981-09-0303 September 1981 Response to ASLB Request Re Positions on ALAB-640.Radon Emissions Determined by ALAB-640 Constitute Significant Addl Environ Impact.Certificate of Svc Encl ML20010F4791981-09-0303 September 1981 Response Opposing Further Consideration of Radon Releases. NRC Analysis of Radon Releases in Final Suppl to Fes Satisfies NEPA Requirements,Complies W/Commission 780414 Order & Supplies Sufficient Info.Certificate of Svc Encl ML20010C3341981-08-13013 August 1981 Response in Support of Applicant 810805 Motion to Strike Substantial Portion of D Marrack Supplemental Testimony. Statements Are Arguments & Not Testimony.Certificate of Svc Encl ML20010A1171981-08-0505 August 1981 Motion to Strike Marrack Prefiled Testimony.Testimony Is Not Specifically Responsive to F Sanders 810205-06 Testimony. Certificate of Svc Encl.Related Correspondence ML20009B2001981-07-13013 July 1981 Response Opposing Doherty 810622 Motion to File Contention 57 Re Vulnerability of Control Sys in Nuclear Power Plants to Electromagnetic Pulses Per Nuclear Detonations.Issue Does Not Warrant License Revisions.Certificate of Svc Encl ML20009B2031981-07-0707 July 1981 Response in Opposition to Intervenor Doherty 810622 Request for Leave to File Contention 57.No Good Cause Shown for Late Filing & No Specificity Provided.W/Science News Article & Certificate of Svc ML20005B3801981-06-22022 June 1981 Request for Leave to File & Submission of Contention 57 Re Vulnerability of Control Sys to Electromagnetic Pulses. Issue Has Not Been Made Public Until Recently.W/Certificate of Svc ML20004B6091981-05-27027 May 1981 Response Opposing Doherty 810423 Motion to Add Late Filed Contention 56.Postulated Accident Only Applicable to B&W Design Facility & Allens Creek Has Mark III Containment Design.Certificate of Svc Encl ML19347F4941981-05-0808 May 1981 Reply Opposing Doherty 810423 Filing Re Contention 56, If Filing Is Motion to Add Late Filed Contention. Contention Refs Alleged Problem at Browns Ferry Which Is Not Applicable to Mark III Containments.W/Certificate of Svc ML20008F7671981-05-0808 May 1981 Response Supporting Applicant 810422 Motion to Preclude Jm Scott Testimony.Aslb 810407 Order Forbids Scott to Serve as Counsel & Expert Witness.Certificate of Svc Encl ML19347F4661981-05-0808 May 1981 Response Opposing Doherty 810423 Motion to Reopen Record on Need for Power Contention.Aslb Should Issue Order That Motion Is Moot & Direct Applicant to Update Testimony on Need for Power Testimony Later.Certificate of Svc Encl ML20003H9551981-04-29029 April 1981 Motion for Order Adopting Specific Procedures to Govern Conduct of cross-examination During Health & Safety Phase of Proceeding.Procedures Will Ensure cross-examination Not Cumulative.W/Proposed Order & Certificate of Svc 1982-07-02
[Table view] |
k I
In the Matter of S
Docket No. 50-46o S
(Allens Creek Nuclear S
Generating Station, Unit S
Virtually all of the piping in the feedwater, steam supply, residual heat removal, ECCS, containment spray and service water systems will be made of low carbon stainless y
steel or plain carbon steel, both of which are not susceptible to integranular stress corrosion cracking. -Small segments of open-ended piping in direct contact with the Supression Pool will be made of stainless steel with a slightly higher carbon content.
However, this piping will not be subject to the same stress levels as the pressurized piping in which IGSCC has been observed..
(Affidavit, pp. 2-3).
The ACNGS will use conservative design practices in accounting for water hammer forces, and will incorporate applicable NRC guidance into fluid system designs as it becomes available.
(Affidavit, pp. 3-4).
254 g008190
- -325
The ACNGS fluid systems will be designed to eliminate or minimize water hammer.
Those systems which have a potential for water hammer will be designed to accom-t modate the associated loadings.
These additional design measures all address areas of concern identified by the NRC Staff in NUREG-0582.
(Affidavit, pp. 4-7).
1 4
9 4
b 326
79-1743C DSH COSTS Ddherty Contention No. 44/
IGSCC and Water Hamtr.er 3
4 1a 4
a d
.5 y JOHN F.
, * *Y-n TE & - fl a 327 N
W, (b$l 1
'917 Bank of be Southwes: Suilding. Houston Texas 77002. (713) 552-5911 4
_ m _ _ _..
336 l
l i
1 General Electric took to reg. guide 1.547 2
Yes, and that was stated in the earlier i
r i
3 reference that I gave you.
If it were to be 5
estaLlished that none of the compounds identified 6
in your contention 43 are used-to clean or coat 7
stainless steel components at Allens Creek, would i
8 enat th~en moot your contention?
I l
9 A.
Well, the contention lists some elements 10 and some, I've forgotten the term for that, some 11 salts, I guess, but Mr. 14 e w m a n, if those were 12 removed, yes, that would remove the basis.
13 Q.
Would you turn to your 14 contention 447 15 A.
Incidentally, I'm not an expert on a
16 cleaning compounds.
y a
17 Q.
What is water hammer?
o L
18 A.
My understanding of it is that it's a y
19 force that emerges when steam condenses in piping L
20-that normally carries steam and then in some way 21 is moved.
In other words, water sitting in a o
h 22 pipe and the pipe is meant to carry steam and it 23 can move as water in the event the system starts 24 operating, that pipe starts in use.
4 2S If the pipe were sitting idle, for
'I 328
7 4 P r Q M t ? i n N A T.
____ _ _ s = __ _ u _ a _ __
__ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ ___._ _______= _ = =.s =. 337 d
i 1
example, it would then cause this water to move 2
and it strikes a part causing a noise and it's dI 3
called water hammer.
4 Q.
So water hammer is a nuisance as to u
5 noise?
6 A.
It can hit with enough force that in the l'
r 7
contention, what I've said that is in the event o
8 the pipes are cracked, the force might be i,
r U
9 sufficient to break them open.
9 10 Q.
Well, what is the force imparted to the 11 water that's lying in these pipes?
it 12 A.
Well, it might be an additional r
s, I
13 might 'be a force of air moving behind it, pushing i
14 it forward.
That would be one very common one.
15 The moving air is behind the water, so what J
'E 16 actually strikes at the weakened place is water WI 17 which hits with appreciably harder force than I
13 steam.
y 19 Q.
So is it your contention that there are
.i 20 pipes at Allens Creek that contain a small amount Ch 21 of water so that they are for practical purposes,
22 empty and that this water can somehow be
.r 23 motivated by the introduction of air with
?i 24 sufficient force to cause problems?
e 25 A.
Yes, broadly, that sounds about right.
S 329 1
1 Q.
What causes the air to be.in motion?
2 A.
There might be any number of reasons in 3
which that system might have some material such 4
as steam or air driven through it or some 5
emergency purpose or some testing purpose or 6
Would you identify the systems in Allens i
7 Creek where these motive forces will be i
8 introduced into partially filled pipes?
f 1
9 A.
Well, tUREG 0582, pages 2.2 and 2.3 10 state and I believe this is a summary statement, 11 on the basis of reactor operating experience, the i
12 most serious water hammer concerned are pump 13 start-ups with inadvertently avoided lines in the 14 emergency core cooling system and residual heat 15 removal system.
16 Q.
So those are the two systems of concern 17 in your contention?
I 18 A.
No, there is an additional one.
And l
19 main feed water line transients caused by flow 6
20 control valves.
21 Q.
So the three systems of concern in your 22 contention for Allens Creek are 23 A.
Those are the three major concern.
24 Q.
ECCS, RRR and main feed water?
25 A.
l Q.
It is these systems you contend are 2
susceptible to water hammer forces?
3 A.
4 Q.
Would you describe the cracking that 5
occurred at Dwayne Arnold has reference in your 6
7 A.
I' do my best.
As I understood these 8
cracks, they were sort of in the shape of this, a
9 U-shape.
They were not longitudinal, but rather 10 around, imagine a horizontal pipe, they were sort 11 of shaped semicircular going around the pipe, 12 rather than down the pipe.
13 Q.
What caused these cracks?
14 A.
I'm not certain what's caused them.
15 Q.
What leads you to believe that these 16 similar cracks can occur at Allens Creek?
17 A.
Well, first of all, nuclear plants are m
18 constructed with materials that are as least
_i 19 likely to crack as possible and that goes for the 20 Dwayne Arnold plant.
Allens Creek probably is 21 based on materials that may represent an 3
22 improvement or may not.
1 23 Q.
Is it your contention that Allens Creek I
24 will have incorporated into its pipes, the m
25 material which cracked at Dwayne Arnold?
331 9
d Isr5xNATioNAu cuasi steusrsas, Asu.
, jy Th
.a L) 4-1 A.
No, but it's my contention that the y
E' 2
possibility of pipe cracking will be required, it y
1,..8 3
will be required to deal with it simply because M,
.L 4
they nave never created a crackproof pipe.
5 Q.
What is the basis of the assertion that
- t.
,I t 6
they have never invented a crackproof pipe?
tv 7
It's never been a announced happily as i.i
- 44 8
it would be if it were invented.
, h.
41 9
Where are you looking for the r
?e 10 announcement?
97 A
11 A.
Particularly in NRC publications.
12 Q.
Your sole basis for contending that i.
n 13 Allens Creek will experience cracks is the fact 1.
.,5 14 that they experienced cracks at Dwayne Arnold?
!' 5 15 A.
No, that also the NRC will require that
}'E a
i 16 accidents be analyzed for pipe cracking and pipe j j
- r 17 breaking and that if a pipe could not crack or 1
i n
18 break, they would not require that.
7 1..(
19 Q.
What is your basis for that statement?
t i
( :
Ei 20 A.
What is tha t?
J I ' '
i j 21 Q.
Your last statemenr?
Would you like it i
[ I5 22 read back to you?
23 A.
Yes, that would be all right.
j 24
l 25 (The answer was read back by the i
.i <
332 fj y
r u m e n N A ? i n N A r.
coua? anpaaTens. I:JC.
341 1
2 3
Someone at the NRC tell you that to be 4
5 A.
No, but I think common sense would cell j
l 6
you, don't analyze something that can't happen.
f 7
So the sole basis for your assertion 1
I 8
that cracks will occur at Allens Creek is the d
9 fact that a the staff has required analysis 10 assuming that pipes will break?
11 A.
There' is a good deal of expensive 12 research financed by the NRC on pipe cracks and y
13 on metallurgy to prev.ent pipe crack.
14 Q.
What'is the basis of your assertion that 15 that research has not been successful?
i 16 A.
The fact that it's still ongoing 17 indicates that it's not finished.
18 Q.
So the basis for your assertion that i
19 there will be cracks at Allens Creek is the fact 20 that there is con'tinuing research into pipe 3
i 21 cracks?
22 A.
And that's your sole basis for asserting 24 tha t?
25 A.
The fact that other plants have p_.
333 s
I N T 6 tii4 A f I O N A i, COUni n L e' G it i o n d.
1.1 C.
...____....__ ~.._
w c._. w d2 s.c-1 342 I[
l experienced cracking, also, j
Am 2
More specifically, the fact that there er j{
3 were cracks at Dwayne Arnold?
l 4
Cracks at Dwayne Arnold or are the
7t t
=w 1
5 outstanding example.
t r e i ja 6
What similarities exist between the 7
materials that c r r. c k e d at Dwayne ~ Arnold and the g,
4 8
materials used in the design of'Allens Creek?
9 A.
Well, I don't know that.
10 Q.
So you have no real basis for making a p
AA i
11 correlation between the cracks at Dwayne Arnold t,o il 12 and the cracks at Allens Creek?
13 A.
At this time, I don't have the specific
T4 14 information to tell you p'r e c i s e l y the caterfal 15 that has cracked at Dwayne Arnold, s o?' t h a t if I 16 go to the record of Allens Creek, I can't tell go
- L 17 you, this is exactly the same material.
18 Therefore, I cannot tell you.
19 Q.
If they were of much different materials 20 than the the fact that there were cracks at y
3 21 Dwayne Arnold would say nothing about the ability fg 22 of the material used for Allens Creek to resist
' 12 23 cracks, would it?
o s
24 A.
Well, that would depend on what 'much
-o 25 difference" would have been.
'334 q.
W INTERNATIONAL C O!! a ? aRanmTraq rw
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343 L
._2, t
1 Q.
But you don' know what the design is
l so you're not in a 2
for either;of those planth, nl 4
x l
i 3-p o s i t i o n',t.o make any judgment as to,whether they i
3 s.
di'fferent? f 1
4-are similar or l
5 A.
I'm in a reasonablo pesition to judge 1,
2th'e p '. p e s - h a v e to do a
5 they are s i m i l a r!, because 7
similar tasks.
Is,su.sceptibility tp, cracking solely a y,
" function o,f the TASC they have to perform or is 10 it a frnetion o't sth e metal f.om shich they are
~ ~
w 11 composed?S.
It's not solely a function of the TASC M '/
s i'
13 that is pirfor'med.
,, l'4
Is it a function the 'are to perform?
- .,3
. 15 A.
16 Q.
And to what degree?
17 A.
If the temperature and pressure that the L
18 pipes are subjected to are similar and the flow, 1
19 the' amount of material that must move through a
20 them, then they are similar.
u 41
.21 Q.
So you're contending that because Allens a
a' 22 Creek has pipes which will experience the same
-e wi 23 pressure and temperature environments as those
24, that cracked at Dwayne Arnold, Allens Creek's
/25 pipes will crack?
'~" 335 j
- - -, m.
coua amanas,
344 1
Allens Creek's pipes have the same 7
L 2
difficulties to overcome.
In fact, Allens 3
Creek's may even be greater in view of the larger
,3 4
capacity of Allens Creek's than Dwayne Arnold.
.J 5
Allens Creek's pipes will carry more flow, more 6
i 7
So you are contending that the reason J
3 you assert that Allens Creek pipes will crack is l
9 because they will experience the same or. greater
,e 10 or more adverse temperature, pressure and flow i
' 1, 11 environments; is that correct?
eh 12 A.
As far as I know, they will not
, ;3 13 experience greater temperature.
I think they i
C 11 14 will experience a greater amount of water flow, 15 many of them for the component that they are and 16 that would mean that some pipes will carry more 17 than any pipe at Dwayne Arnold.
18 Q.
So you have put together the fact that i r(
19 there was a crack at Dwayne Arnold and the fact
'l 20 that flow rates at Allens Creek will be greater
21 tnan that experienced at Dwayne Arnold and 22 conclude F. h a t the cracks at Dwayne Arnold will 23 also occur at Allens Creek?
9A 24 A.
There would be similar cracks, it's my d
25 belief.
al 338
l A
345 1
1 Q.
Similar cracks will occur because of the e
2 greater flow rates at Allens Creek, is that your l
L 7
a 3
i 4
No, not entirely, because the materials i
m 5
are similar, also.
6 Q.
The materials between Dwayne Arnold and i
i 7
Allens Creek are similar?
m 8
i 9
What is the basis for that statement?
have 10 A.
Because the materials have to be 9
. 4 11 to do the same job that there is an effort made l7
'q 12 to put the least susceptible to crack materials
{g 13 to work in the nuclear power plants.
l 14 Q.
What was the material used at Dwayne i
15 Arnold?
I fy 16 A.
Specifically, I don't know.
! %.o l
17 Q.
What will be the material used at Allens 1
18 Creek?
19 A.
Specifically as I said previously, 1 20 don't know.
21 Q.
Then how can you make any statement as i
22 to their similarities?
23 A.
Because of the reasons I gave you 24 earlier.
25 Q.
You really believe that?
346 1
r t
Is there a 3
relationship between the rate of flow and 4
intergranular stress corrosion, cracking?
I 5
I'm not certain there is.
4 1
6 MR-ggwMAN:
Are y u asserting that 7
the intergranular stress corrosion cracking at j
8 Dwayne Arnold could occur at the Allens Creek 9
p l a n t?
10 A.
It could, yes.
i f-f 11 MR. NEhMAN:
That's the basis of 12 this contention?
13 A.
Well, cracking is all I think the AL 14 contention says.
Let me see.
It it just says f
15 large deep cracks.
16 MR.
What do you mean by 17 that?
Your example refers to the intergranular 18 stress corrosion cracking.
19 A.
We]l, the example was an example not 2'O meant to include all possibilities.
21 MR.
What, if any other i
22 types of cracking do you postulate 7 23 A.
None other at this time.
24 MR.
t 25 Q.
Have you consulted E
- N casar:onAt coun: acecarcas, INc.
..._ ~.- -,--
-J : I ------------~--------~"x 347 0
%I 1
with any experts on the subject matter of this l
i 2
I 3
No, sir.
4 Q.
Do you hold yourself out as an expert on 5
intergranular stress corrosion cracking or the 6
phenomena of water hammer?
7 A.
Not at this time.
Can you identify any 9
instance in which there has been a coincidence of
10 intergranular stress corrosion cracking and water L
11 hammer, the result of which has been the cracking, e:
L 12 breaking of the pipe.
13 A.
Not at this time, no.
14 MR.
Again, that's e
i 15 something you will inform us of as soon as you're n.
16 able to?
17 A.
Yes, I will.
18 MR.
If there were none
19 such, what would the basis of your contention be?
20 A.
The ACRS concern.
1 21 MR.
It would not be based T
22 on any imperical data?
a, 23 A.
That's right.
24 Q.
Would feu turn te contention 307 Let's 25 take about a five minute break first.
E 339 E
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