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Motion for 30 Addl Days to File Proposed Findings of Fact & Conclusions of Law.Length of Record Necessitates Extension. Decision Would Not Be Delayed Since Addl Hearings to Be Held in Apr 1982
Person / Time
Site: Allens Creek File:Houston Lighting and Power Company icon.png
Issue date: 02/09/1982
From: Jeffrey Scott
Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel
NUDOCS 8202170133
Download: ML20040H076 (1)



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% ef[8g N Feb. 9,1982:

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p gg g NUCLEA

. SSION BEFORE THE ATOMIC SNETY_ AND-s C ; SING BOARD ah m s M= i ' p Do c t No. 50-46'6,.

In the matter of

.4 L & P (Allens Creek) ca o :;

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MOTION FOR ADDITIONAL TIME TO FILE PROPOSED FINDINGS OF FACT AND CONCLUSIONS OF LAW This Board has previously Ordered that Intervenors such as Tex PIRG had to Feb. 12,1982 to file proposed Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law (65 days from close of record with exceptions).

Tex PIRG pointed out then that it did not think that would be sufficient time because of the length of the record in this case (some c3 aim that it is the longest record in the history of the AEC and NRC, I do not know ). In any case there are more than 20,000 pages to read, organize and write about. Tex PIRG has made a strong effort to do this huge We have read over 10,000 pages and noted the page numbers of relevant facts shown. Not all day of every day has been spent on this task alone, but that still come out to about 170 pages of reading each day since the hearing was closed.on Dec. 9,198t..

It will be impossible to even finish the reading before Feb. 12,


1982, much less orguize,and write proper findings on all issues. Tex PIRG asks that it be given 30 more days 'to submit its proposed findings. Even this will not be enough to carefully cover all contentions. But it should allow us to prepare find 3.ngs on several contentions. I have attempted to gg ask Mr Copeland if he wou' d agree to this extension, but he has not g5D3 l

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3 gg returned either of the two phone calls that I gave him..'The NRC Staff

/b e"0 (Mr Sohinki) stated by phone that he would not agreIe to the extension, Ag but gave no reason other than that the " bosses" were against extensions bo7 since Regan took office. Since there will be additiQnal hearings in 85 April 1982, no delay in the decision would be caused by a 30 day extension.

ma.o Yours truly, MW Copies:

Ja:es Morgan 5cott, Jr.


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