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Quad-Cities 2/II Safety-Related Continuous Load Running/ Starting Voltages
Person / Time
Site: Quad Cities  Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 04/15/1992
From: Schiavoni R
Shared Package
ML20058M143 List:
8913-73-19-1, 8913-73-19-1-R, 8913-73-19-1-R00, NUDOCS 9310040046
Download: ML20058M167 (100)


{{#Wiki_filter:' ~ ' ~ fyg , d ') suaoz m a Imany J  : xxmunzne rouhDED sS98 1843g3 a sg taST Mowmot STREET C MIC AGO, ILLINOIS 60603.$ 7 8 0 H 312 ) 269-2000 4 (4 S&L Letter'.No.~Q1'49E' 4 April 16,[19922 ' Project'No. 8913-73 . i Commonwealth Edison Company Quad Cities Station - Unit 2 , 1 , . _ Tra.nsmittal of Degraded Voltage . C a l'c u l a t i o n f o r D i v i s i o n I I - W.O. No.: N/A ' Mod. No.: N/A System Code: N/A Mr. M. L. Reed Electrical /I&C Design Superintendent - Commonwealth Edison Company Nuclear Engineering Department , 1400 Opus Place - Suite 400 Downers Grove, Illinois 60515 ,

Dear Mr. Reed:

Enclosed'is a copy of Design Input Transmittal (DIT) QC-EXT-0060

  • which transmits the following Sargent &_Lundy calculation:

Calculation 8913-73-19-1, Revision 0, dated April 15, 1992, '

              " Quad Cities 2/II Safety-Related Continuous Load Running / Starting Voltage" -(including Reference Item A).

The locations of the calculation purpose, methodology, assumptions, and any engineering judgements'are referenced in the ' enclosed DIT. , should you have any questions, please call me at (312) 269-6246. Yours very truly,

 -a R. M. Schiavoni Senior Electrical                       -i Project Engineer RMS:mco qdqc2685.ep
  • In duplicate _  ;

Enclosure - Addressee Only' - Copies: (see page 2) , l \ 9310040046 930923-PDR ADOCK 05000254 3

             .P                                     s 42


SARGENT & LUNDY c~o,~ccas C HICOG O 184363- , Mr. M. L. Reed S&L Letter No. Q1449E , Commonwealth Edison Company April 16, 1992 Page 2 J i 4 Copies: BWR Systeps Design Superintendent (H. L. Massin)~ (1/1/0) CHRON System (1/1/1) BWR Techhical Lead Engineer (M. S. Tucker) (1/1/0) Sitd' Encjineering Supervisor (C. A. Moerke) (1/1/0) Asst. Supt. of Work Planning (W. McGaffigan) (1/1/0) Acting BWR Systems Design Supervisor (B. M. Wong) (1/1/0) R. H. Jason (1/1/0) T. J. Ryan (1/1/0) E. Schumacher/ File (1/1/1) S. Z. Haddad (1/1/1)


( 6

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                         ;            i,                                                                                            Page     1              Of             1 CllENT Commonweshh Edison Conveny STATION Oued Cenes                                        UNrr(S) 2 FROJECT NO(S) 80f 3-73 SUBIECT Tronomin/1 of Calculation 8913 73-19-1. Pev. O. Deted 4/15'92. *Oued Chies 2/fl Safety-Related Continuous lead Runnina/Startinz Voltares
  • MODITICATION OR DESIGN CHANGE NUMBDL(S) N/A R. M Schiavoni EPED /WM 04-15-92 PREPARER (PLEASE PRINT N AME) DIVISION PREPARER'S SIGNATURE ISSUE DATE STATUS OF INFORMATION (This infonnsnon is approved for use, Design infonnanon, approved for use, that corsains assumptions or is preliminary or requires further venfica6on (review) shall be so identified.)

This information is approved for use. Several assumptions used in the calcula6on listed below require ven6 canon. This informadon is provided in accordance with the terms and condinons of the service agreement / contract between Sargent & Landy (S&L) and its client goverrung the associated strvices. With respect to any third party use, S&L does not assume obliganon to said third party as to the accuracy, completeness, usefulness, or norunfnngtng nr e of such informanon. IDENTDTADON OF THE SPfK3FIC DESIGN INTORMATION TRANSMTITED AND PURPOSE OF ISSUE (list any supporting documeras ansched to DIT by its title, revision and/or issue date, and total number of pages for each supporting document.) This DTT transmits to Commonwealth Edison Company (CECO) the following calculs6on (mcluding Refererce hem A.): Calcul:6on 8913-73-19-1 Rev. O, dated 4/15/92,

  • Quad Cities 2/D Safety-Related Con 6nuous 14ed Running / Starting Vohages*

The purpose, methodology, and assumptions can be found in the following calculanon sections and pages:


Sec6on III, Page 3 Methodology: Section IX Pages 12-14 (E!)dS-AC Version 2.2 is used.) Assump6 ors and Engineenng Judgements: Sec6on VIL Pages 8-10.


Sectson V. Pages 3-6 Comparison of Calculated Results with Accepunce Criteria: Section XI Pages 23-24. l l 02 l l SOURCE OF INFORMADON I Calc. No #913-73-10-1 0 4-15-92 Report No N'A Rev. and/or date Rev. and/or date Chhet h mR,LUDN 5ee Lener Ql449E, Daaed Apnl 16, IW2. l l l l


Form GQ3.17.1 Rev. 2 i

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                                 =~..~en.._                      DESIGN INFORMATION TRANSMITTAL g4363               ..


                                                                                              /r M YIk e

Preparer hease onnt names EPGD devision M4!iaff A' 3-24-72 Pre'padr/sigr[ature issue date h STATUS OF INFORMATION (This mformation is approved for use. Design information, approved for use. that contains assumptions or is preliminary or requires further verification (review) shall be so identified ) THIS IN FORMATION IS AGROVED FOR USE l 0 U - IDENTIFICATION OF THE SPECIFIC DESIGN INFORMATION TRANSMITTED AND P (List any supporting documents attached to DIT by ;ts title. revision and/or issue date. and total number of pages for each supporting document.) ENCLOSED ARE THE L OAD TABLES StGNED EW CGCo. PL EASE > vsE TH ESE Fox yovA B UJ VOLTA GE CA L C . P ALSO ENCLO5ED /s M. ~ TUCKER $ (CECO) 3-2 3-92 1- E 7 7 E A O N f LO AD SHED HDD/F/C4 T/0NS . PL EA3 E' fRe M THE TA BLES REV/JE THE l. oA D /+f' u KS , To IN C oR,os iz A 7E THE UNI 7 2. , D /V M ic N R , Lopp SHED M OD/F/cA ne WJ.


I e  : 7 K n j,-

          )      SOURCE OF INFORMATION 2*     Calc. no.                                             Report no Rev and/or date Rev. and/or date Other dGCD             C H RhN    I T 2S7b [3- 23' D)                                                    ,

DISTRIBUTION ORIG U)4 C Fl L E 15.D E. Scm]MMHER/R Scril AV041 l FILE ID7 0 r.e,su w r - z, ' "" - o , Jur_Awxi - 21 R- J ^s o ^J F813A (1/2)


(f/o} 01 87 F3



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                        '<             QUAD CITIES STATION                                     I
1. Load data, such as motor horsepower, power factor and efficiency, is taken from the preliminary ELMS input data sheets with the exception of the PCP batter / chargers the vendor manual (is used.125 and 250 Volt Battery Chargers). The value. given in Although the ELMS run is preliminary, the load data is assumed to be correct.
2. The voltage drop between unit substation transformers and the 480 Volt switchgear has been neglected. The secondary of this transformer is directly connected to an extension o'f the switchgear bus bar. The impedance of this bus section is insignificant in comparison with the cable and transfomer impedance.
3. The load conditions are as shown in Appendix A. This information was supplied by Quad Cities Station personnel having reactor operating experience.

4 Motor operated valve (MOV) cur. rants are neglected for running conditions. The operation of the MOVs may cause a temporary (less than one minute) dip in voltage at the motor terminals to below 90% of rated voltage. This may result in heating of the motor windings. The short duration of this dip is unlikely to cause sudden tfailure of the motor. Heat rise is a cumulative effect which is dependent on the insulation class and service factor of the motor. It is further assumed that the modest heat rise from this voltage dip from MOV operation causes a negligible reduction in motor life. , Under starting conditions for the Diesel Generator Cooling Water Pump, there are three valves which change state concurrent with the LOCA signal: the recire, pump discharge valve (MOV 202-5A or 202-5B)and the LPCI Inboard PCI valve (MOV 1001-28A or 2001-288). These two valves operate on a reactor pressure permissive of 900 psia signal (LPCI loop select logic), which may occur within a very brief time of the LOCA signal (2.5 pounds drywell pressure); therefore, the current from these MOVs is included in the starting case. in general, other MOV motors do not start to operate for the large break LOCA until several seconds into the event, allowing

  • the starting currents to decay to running current levels. For lar conditions, the MOVs of injection valves (LPCI and core spray)ge break do not start to operate for approximately 35 seconds after the ECCS initiation signal. This is from an interlock on reactor pressure (350 psia).

DlINO: GC-EPET)- 04 ff-of - n P,30ECTNO:$0l3'))' PAH 2 0F /4 P89e 1 of 4 7

184363 l March 21, 1992 )

5. The operation of the drywell coolers will be neglected for the running  !

voltage analysis. The operation of the drywell coolers will be included in the sta'rting voltage analysis. The Quad Cities Emergency Operating Procedures instruct the operator to initiate drywell sprays at a containment pressure of greater than 9 psia. Prior %c the initiation of drywell sprays the drywell coolers are. tripped. It is estimated that, for large break LOCA, drywell sprays will be initiated within 2 minutes of the ECCS initiation. The operation of the drywell coolers may cause a temporary dip in voltage at the motor terminals to below 90% of rated voltage. This may result in heating of the motor windings. The short duration of this dip is unlikely to cause sudden failure of the motor. Heat rise is a cumulative effect-~ which is dependent on the insulation _ class and service factor of the motor. The short duration of this voltage dip is assumed to have a negligibie reduction in motor 11fe. Must verify this assumption for e small break LOCA, or design a plant modification to trip the drywell coolers on high drywell pressure / low-low reator water level logic.

6. The voltage dip from loads neglected under the previous assumptions will not cause the critical motor load under study to stall. Verification of this assumption will require a review of the motor torque-speed characteristics with the pump load. Any available pump characteristics will need to be retrieved and evaluated when specific pumps are identified.
7. The neglected voltage dips will not cause the overload device to trip from the increased current. The setting of the overload must be reviewed to justify this assumption,
8. Other intermittent loads, such as sump pumps, drain tank pumps, and area cooling units, have an assumed duty cycle of 30%. The number of intermittent loads varies for each load case and condition. 50% of the intermittent loads (rounded up to the nearest whole number) are considered to be on. The largest loads are considered for conservatism. For the winter load case, all area cooling units are assumed off and all heaters are assumed on (not intennittant). For the sucuner case, all area cooling units are considered on continuously.

n ~9. LOCA causits normal reactor SCRAM (no ATVS considered). Therefore, Standby Liquid Control System is not actuated and load on Reactor Protection MG set drops from value given in BOP ELMS to 75% of value shown (22 BHP X 75%=16.5 BHP) Must verify this assumption. ,

10. EDG Starting Air Compressor is assumed eff under the starting voltage condition and on under the running voltage condition. .

DIT No: QC-EPEO-04tt-of "I' ~


POOJECT No, Ji13 -73 JAEE - 3 _0F_ /f

                                                                                .-:. u a . a .;. .

184363 March 21, 1992

11. EDG Vent fan starts when EDG is at 800 rpm. The EDG Cooling Water Pump star.ts from Relay SDR, which in turn is initiated from the fast start rela'y (FSR).

It is assumed that there is approximately six seconds between pump and fan start. The pump starting current will have decayed to a value close to the running current by the start of the vent fan. r the vent fan is considered on only for the running condition. Therefo'e,

12. The AdAD Air Compressor is assumed off. This is used to force air into the containment for dilution.of_ hydrogen. Significant amounts of hydrogen are not expected until very late in the event, when many of the other motors wouid be secured Must verify this assumptfon. (%%
13. EDG Oil Transfer pump is assumed off for starting condition and on for running condition.

14 The resistance of the overload heaters has been neglected. The value of this resistance is small compared to the cable impedance. The critical loads appear to be larger motors; for smaller loads (less than 5 HP) this assumption would require verification. However, for the larger motors, the overall impedance is bounded by the accuracy of impedance of the cable based on the accuracy of the cable length. Therefore, neglecting the heater resistance has a negligible impact on calculational accuracy.

15. The internal impedance of switchgear 19 and the MCC's is negligible compared to the impedance of the cables and transforiner 19,
16. Motors are assumed to be constant KVA loads over the voltage range of interest, as is the UPS Panel 902-63. All motors on switchgear 19 and associated MCC's are three phase induction motors.
      "17 . All other loads are assumed to be constant impedance loads.
18. The voltage rating of the Control Room Standby HVAC motors is 460 V per NUS (letter in file). All other voltage ratings taken from ELMS Input Data sheets.
19. To obtain values for total current, a terminal voltage of 414V is used for motors (90% of 460) and 432V for non-motor loads (90% of 480) independent of actual equipment rated voltage.

as D!T No: aC-EPED-odf- of F ECT ,th: r913 - 73 a m 4 0F /f . Page 3 of 4 f

x.a.. . a a . s ; 184363  ;


March 21, 1992

20. Under extremely degraded voltage conditions (less than 93 of rated voltage),- h.eatets_ are assumed to cycle on more often or remain on for longer perio8s. Low voltage levels will not damage the heaters; rather, i the heater will simply not provide as much heat. The reduced heat output is assumed to be sufficient for the intended purpose. The exception to ,

this is jthe Control Rocs Standby HVAC (Train B) Air Filter Unit Heater. This hgater requires a minimum of 438 Volts to provide the technical , specification requirement on filter ' efficiency. #ust verffy this assumption.  :

21. The output voltage of the battery chargers will drop when less than 93 of rated input voltage is available. This will result in a " Battery Low -

Voltage" alarm before the battery discharges to a point where there is insufficient energy available from the battery to supply the load profile. i P i n DlT No: OC-EP@-WTi-Ol! ,

             ?I.M37 00: TH3-U l
          ;n 5 0F /f    -

Page 4 of 4 . f

f, Appendi- A - Load Tcbl23 (Pr;-Mod ) St:; tion: ;ad Citi;c Units: 2 Frapsrer: d Date:?f,J2 Concurrence:((h Date: ,'N D'l} Concurrence: h[h f-FfI((/Date: Load Center: SWGF129 Comments l I Equipment LOCA Time F#fR SW CR Stdby Post LOCA Steady g Dy 'rkmearke SRof NSR Number Zero bitiation FNAC State

    ,                                                                load Name billation                              s PJEL FOOL CLG WATR PMP 28    2 19020      ON          ON            ON           ON                        'N                   NSR RX BLDG CLG WTA PMP 2B       247010       ON          ON            ON           ON Sal                            RX BLDG EXH FM328            2 5704B     TRIP NSR OFF           OFF          OFF S&L                           RX BLOG EXH FA N 2C                                                                         *FRETRiP ON HIGH RAD OR GROLP W4H    NSR 2-5704C     TRIP        OFF           OFF          OFF S&L                                                                                                                        H*rTFgP ON HIGH IMD OR.WOUP R t %s   NSR RX BLDG SPLY FAN 2A           2-5703A     TRtP        OFF           OFF          OFF        W5ftVRON HIGH 7%D ORGROUP W TJ9      NSR TUR9 0LDG EXH FAN 2C         2-5705C      ON         ON            ON            ON                                             NSR RX BLDG UGHTING 2                         ON          ON            ON            ON                                             NSR E. TUR8 BLDG SPLY FAN 20      2 57028     ON          ON            ON           ON                                              NSR 00 CLG WTR PMP #2              24903     START        ON            ON           ON                                               SR RX BLOG CLG PMP 1/2C         1/24701C     ON          ON            ON           ON                    COULD BE ON               NSR 400V MCC 29-1                             ON          ON            ON           ON 400V MCC 29-2                                                                                                                     SR ON          ON            ON           ON 480V MCC 2%~l                                                                                                                     SR ON          ON            ON           ON 480V MCC 29-4                                                                                                                     SR ON          ON            ON           ON                                              SR 480V MCC 28/29 5                          ON          ON            ON           ON 480V MCC 29-6                                                                                                                    SR ON          ON            ON           ON                                              SR k

6 i p / r No. Q C - (NO~ o yJf-o/ Ator.po. F7/3-?3 CD p P A G er & OF /Y LQ OCLON)S.XLS

  • Page 1of 27 3/20/92 W

U Station: i:d Citico Units: 2 PrepererW g_ Concurrence: p\,g D:le: 'QVU Concurrence: kh 3 -)/fd/[- D:ta: Load Center: MCC 20-1 Comn=nts Equipment LOCA ilme RHRSW CR Stdby Post LOCA Steady Remark e SR or NSR Fr Land Name Number 7ero initiation INAC State SSL NORM FD EUG HVAC SPLY FN4 #2 2 5727 OrF ON ON ON STARTS AT 000 RPM SR CORE SPRAY EMERG AHU 2B 2-57480 OFF Ott ON Ot4 THERMOSTAT SR NORM TEED DG Otl XTER PMP 2 2 5203 OFF OFF ON Ota SR ALT FD DG e 1 FUEL OfL XFRPMP 2 5203 OrF OrF OFF OFF s SR 120/208V XFMR FD 29-1 1 ON ON ON ON N, SR ST 4D0Y LOD CONTRL FMP 20 2 11020 OFF OFF OFF OFF SR SSL NORM FDIV4RS EMEHG hlO 2D J 2 57400 OFF ON ON ON THERMOSTAT , SR-SAL IM fYTR CtNUP 6YS FLTTU3 o nf NOUhNGM8fMJMN ' > k.jUMD i- DM' ON ON ON

                                                                                                                "" 9gQfimM"ygpy(M ONbM                bR0 k"       NSR S4L       DW& TORUS PURGE EXH FAN 2B           2 57000         OFF       OrF         OFF        5OrP %                                             ENBRt Okt-      HPCI EMERG AHU #2                     2 5747      eOFF I       ON          ON             ON        HfGH TEMP IN ROOM THERMOSTAT            SR RF. SIN REED INK AGIT ATOR         2-1279-116        OFF       OFF         OFF          OFF                                                NSR HPCt CLG WIR GLN SL COND PMr        2 230t-57        OrF       OFF         OFF          OFF                                                NSR Ott       ALT FD 00 RM INAC SPLY FANI           1-5727         OFF       OFF         OFF          OFF                                             % CRb SAL       RXW7RCLHOP SYS TECIRC cpn PUjidp%A$7J '                 '


                                                                                                               @g        y@@ Q4QhyA7!fgj NhabjiTRIP.               PIE M A N      NSR 2-12050        T RIP      OFF SAL       POST LOCA H2 02 MON PMP 2B        $22sM tD'    >     OFFr      ON          ON             ON      MtJyWW.t$TNTTAFTER LOCAFW                 SR Sat       ALT FD FUiRS EMERG M_ ft.11Bf        1 57460         OFF       OrF         OFF          OFF                                                 SR           .


                                                                                                                    !Mk$$If48NNdfIldkibNUM@ 1000  > BETWEENT*0 SR RHRS HT EXCH REV lNLET VLV        2-1001-1860        OFF       OFF         OFF          OFF                  ASSUMPTION 4                   SR S3L       COFE SPfWY OTBD ISOL VLV 2B :      2 1402 240        OrF       OFF         OFF          OFF                  ASSUMPTION 4                   SR N<




                                               ' 21402 4A         OFF       OFF         OFF            OFF                ASSUMPTION 4                   SR         kp Lc 4

C OZY Nc - O c - c/ea- o YJf-o/ OCtOAoS xLS - Page2etar 3/20/92 C

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g ' Appendly A-Load Tcblaa (Pre-Mod;) St: tion: .cd Citlio Unita: 2 f Pr parer: MConcurTence:(k Date: 9-%hConcurTence: [ p[.fkDete: //, Load Center: MCC 29-2 Comments Equlpment LOCA Time RHRSW CR Stdby Post LOCA Steady

                                                                                                                                                                                                                    /                 -y By
                                                                                                                                                                                         - fhm
                                                                                                                                                                                                            .         SR or NSR Load Nome                                Number          Zero                  initiation     HVAC          State          .
                                                                                                                                                                                                       "*W ,-s RECIRC MG SET VENT FAN 2A                2A 5701          ON                      ON           ON         i ON         /.    /                            dN'
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      . NSR ,         f             '

S&L TC( PROT M G SET 28 ON ON ON ON t. LOAD DROPS. GEE ASSUMPTIQDie %Mit m.mmm j - S-DG STARTING AIR COMPR 20 a - 2-52090 OrF ON ON ON dN rw . .T..,,mr _._ ZNT SR 1 , 250VDC BATTERY CHARGER a2 ON ON ON ON 4




l py g- pp , G C ~ UPG D *0YkV-o/ pno r. iso. V7!3-73

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5 Appendi Load Tcbles (Pre-Mod;) St!.tlon: aed Cities Units: 2 t Preparer:A MConcurTence: (fh ' Date: g nft' ConcurTence: bh $ dl 6 ate: Lr,ad Center: MCC 29-3 -l-Comments

                                                                                                                            . .s Equipment  LOCA Time    RHR SW       CR Stdby Post LOCA Steady                 Demoste Dy                                                                                                                                                 SRof NSR lead Name                          Number      Zero       bitletion      HVAC         State                                     u TttRB BENUNG UFT PMP 2A           2-5620A      OFF          ON           ON           ON                        'w                       NSR TURB BEARNG UFT PMP 28             2 56208      OFF          ON           ON           ON                            



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OCLOADS XLS Page 4 of 27 3/20/92

                                   !;                                          Appendi' % - Load Tr.bles (Pre-Mods)


       .           FURS CONT Cl>4T SETN WTR VLV      2-1001-58      OFF            ON           OFF              OFF                   SEE 21001478 VALVE                      SR FURS CLNT PMP SUCT HDR VLV       2-10017C        OFF            OFF          OFF              OFF                     ASSUMPTION 4                          SR D / !~    +10 . QC YP6b ~ v y J l'~e'/


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  • Page 5of 27 '


g; Appendt2 A - Load TCbles (Pro-Mod;) . i Str.tlon: .ad Citlea Unit::: 2 Fraperer:. A gM Concurrence: (k ' ) D;te: ~6l N oncutience: C Date: Land Center: MCC 28/29-5 Comn=nts Equipment ) LOCA Time RHRSW CR Stdby Post LOCA Steady  % pomerke SR or NSR Dy tr$ed Name Number Zeto Initietion INAC State S&L 4 rungrwtOOPiEQUALy;n i Sal MNM$MhN 2 2024A OFF OFF OFF OFF ASSUMPTION 4 u SR I i ' M SJCfCN YiiAdM RKWRt.Dh3DNW)Mh 2 2024A OrF OFF OFF OFF ASSUMPTION 4 ., SR l sal RAmh-- n = MGin NM. N M gkNd -;Ili2fdtIN $ 2 202 5A OFF OFF - OFF OFF ASSUMPTION 4 'SR ( S&L RHRS IN80 SNTOF VLV 2A 2-100149A START OFF OFF OFF S&L Z: alOfMk25 ATO.M4TNWA[MP3A31t%$ 'SR

                                                                             .srestil# M 7:          2-100128A         OFF         OFF           OFF            OFF                         ASSUMPTION 4         '

SR l sgt _

                                                                   . .      . men ua n           *g d            Id       L                      EM               $   2-202 9A         OFF         OFF           OFF            OFF                        ASSUMPTION 4                                 SR 38L
                                    % I O_W Y.d.
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                                                                                                                                                                                #jg{~y ?                               g OFF           OFF            OFF              N u=--     _           __           Lo                 SR ISE                                                   5-d           Ej id Q $ 11EW WI                .
                                                                                      .I, 2-20248 7                                                -

34 OFF OFF OFF OFF ASSUMPTION 4 SR S&L gj g ;_ __gy ch3 g 2 202-58 p i l (lI. gg#{~~~


_^~7NMyM-START OFF OFF OFF _ _- May-- SR SSL M ll W -- '

                                                                         , : r5#!             !FF    2 1001 298        OFF         OFF           OFF            OFF                        ASSUMPTION 4                                SR S&L

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                                                                           /A*cJ'. sh.                 E'7 /J-73 A4W                   // o/ /f                                                                                                                                                      y-4 OCLOADS.XLS

Page 6 of 27 3/20/92 @ (M

U Appendly 4- Load Tchbo (PrrrMod2) St:tirn: Id Cities -- Units: 2 t -' Preparer: A [g Concurrence: (,k Date: 3.M*tk Concurrence: (( .3'/ kDete: Load Center: MCC 29-6 1-Comments Equipment LOCA Time FUiR SW CR Stdby Post LOCA Steady Homerke SR or NSR

                                     - Dy          leed Name                           Number          Zero       initletion              HVAC           State 7-                            ISL         i$6/$$MyT$3@k$YpMjiM;P "                                                                                                            SECURED BY OPEMTOR PRORTO NAlWGlM00             2-5734G          ON             OFF                  OFF          OFF                              NTMTING DFr0VELL SPfMY                NSR OSb

ANYf.;kk$75$$h$ffNkf'l;X g SECURED BY OPEMTOR PROR TO ..

                                                            'CtM ROWERaGdMM            2 5734C          ON             OFF                  OFF          OFF                              NTMTING DRYWELL SPRAY-                NSR i

1 I pg .. pger, no. / 7 s.T-N j t l /%Cf' /z. ** ' 'Y. t 4

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   . 4..
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C 184363

  ,                                                        March 23, 1992 In Reply, Refer to Mr. C.A. Moerke CMaon <      182875 Site Engineering Supervisor Quad Citiesi<


Load Shed Modifications . Deg:aded Voltage Analysis

                  / Station 4, Quad Cities i

D/arMr.Moerke: E/I&C has performed additional degraded voltage analyses at the request of Quad Cities Station personnel. This was in an effort to avoid tripping the Drywell Cooling blowers and the unit RBCCW Pumps. This analysis has concluded that the trip of RBCCW is essentini for resolution of the degraded voltage issue. Quad Cities has recommended tripping the Fuel Pool Cooling Pitmps in addition to the loads presently included in the load shed modification. Fuel Pool Cooling will not function without RBCCW; therefore, there is little need to retain this function. E/I&C. concurs with this recommendation. Tripping the Fuel Pool Cooling Pumps on a LOCA signal will provide additional margin which 'may offset cable replacements. An evaluation of the need for cable replacements when the Fuel Pool Cooling Pumps are tripped is in progress. The Fuel Pool Cooling Pumps should be added to the scope of the current load shed modifications and an additional ECN prepared to incorporate this new trip if the additional work scope does not jeopardize unit restart. A revised list of loads to be shed on a LOCA signal is attached. If you have any questions, please call Mike Tucker on extension 7648 at Downers Grove. Prepared: d // Date: 3 1 M.S. Tucker , , Senior Engineer Approved: M/ > Date: 13 !F 2_ M.L. Reed ' E/IEC Design Superintendent DEGRDEDVLTS\ QUAD \FPCOOLPT. DOC cc: J.W. Wethington D.V. Lubbe M.T. Pietrastewski M.L. Reed OlJNo: OC-E PED-04st. d i M.S. Tucker NEDCC PROJECT No: 79 B 73

                                                              ~ l Ff,2E /5      OE /4 l


   ,                                             Quad Cities                                 O Degraced Voltage Analysis                         , f.     ,

Load Shed Modifications The following loads are to be tripped on a LOCA signal (High Drywel1 Pressure or Low Low Reactor Water Level, i.e., the same signal that starts the diesel generators) Drywell dooler Blowers Blo%er IA, MCC 18-1 A Blower 2A, MCC 28-1 A "' _

             ! Blower IB, MCC 18-1B -                   Blower 2B, MCC 28-1B '

Blower 1C, MCC 19-6 ' Blower 2C, MCC 29-6

  • Blower 1D, MCC 19-4 ' Blower 2D, MCC 29-4 ^

Blower IE, MCC 19-3 ' Blower 2E, MCC 29-3 A Blower 1F, MCC 18-1B s' Blower 2F, MCC 28-1B / Blower 1G, MCC 19 Blower 2G, MCC 29-6

  • RBCCW Pumps Pump 1A,480V Switchgear 18
  • Pump 2A,480V Switchgear 28 '

Pump 1B,480V Switchgear 19 Pump 2B,480V Switchgear 29

  • Pump 1/2C,480V Switchgear 19 ' Pt' ap 1/2C,480V Switchgear 29 >

Recire MG Set Vent Fans Fan I A, MCC 19-2 Fan 2A, MCC 29-2 ^ Fan IB, MCC 18-2 Fan 2B, MCC 28-2 Turbine Building Exhaust Fans Fan 1C,480V Switchgear 19 Fan 2C,480V Switchgear 29 4 Turbine Building Supply Fans Fan I A, 480V Switchgear 18 Fan 2A,480V Switchgear 28 ' t Fan IB,480V Switchgear 19 Fan 2B,480V Switchgear 29 y Fuel Pool Cooling Pumps , Pump 1 A,480V Switchgear 18 ' Pump 2A,480V Switchgear 28 ' Pump IB,480V Switchgear 19 Pump 2B,480V Switchgear 29 .r . t

                                                                                ~DliNO:DC-EPlb 04tf- Ol
                                                                               'PE0J.CCINC: 3 413 ' 73 i U.??_ M __ OF__ /4

Calc. For Quad Cities 2/II Szfety-related Continuous 1R4963

                                ;                                                                        Catc. No. 8913-73-19 1
  SARGENT& LUNDY t, ad Running / Starting Voltages                                    Rev. O      Date g , gp, ENGINEERS _

X Safety-Related Non-Safety-Related Page 1 of 25 C1 lent Conconweatth Edison Coreany , Prepared by [ r*'J # [ * * *he - Date s -/ A -EJ  ; Project QuadCitiesUnft2 4 Reviewed by 63 . R J/s Date n -J 2. Proj. No. 8913-73 E w ip. No. Approved by _y - 'E l Date '//'kft i I. ISSUE



               /       /

Revision 0, Initial Issue, Page 1 through 25, Al through A73, and B1 through B18. Ma. O

                                                                                       '        Y i


    ;                           i   Calc. For Duad Cities 2/11 safety related continuous        cate. No. 8913-73-19-1
    !: SARGENT& LUNDY ll ENGNEERS {                g/ Start bg Voltages                             RW. O       Date X     Safety-Related               Non-Safety-Related       Page 2         of 25 Client   Comonwealth Edison Comany                            Prepared try                        Date Project QuadC$tiesUnit2 1 Reviewed try                        Date Proj. No. 8913-73           Eg;ip. No.                        Amroved try                         Date II.       METHOD,OF REVIEW OA'CALCbLATION REVIEW CHECKLIST                      ~~

TYPE OF CALCULATION O Hand-Prepared Design Calculation Only C Computer-Aided Design Calculation Only N Both hand-Prepared and Computer Aided Design Calculation FOR HAND-PREPARED DESIGi CAIf FOR CIMPUTER-AIDID DESIGN CAIf icheck the amtwriate items) Lcheck the awtwriate items) X Detailed review of the  % A review to determine if the engineering design original calculation. and analysis computer program (s) used have been validated and documented and that the O Review by an alternate, calculation, regardless of the g wtam sirplified or approximate used,cnntains all the newry documentation method of calculation. for recumbuction at a later date. (MUST BE PueuidED) U Review of a representative sarple of repetitive  % A review to verify that the ccr:puter sugma is calculations. suitable to the problem being analyzed. (MUST BE PERFORMID) 0 Review of the calculation against a similar calculation X A review to determine if the input data as previously performed. specified for prcxpm execution is consistent with the design input, correctly defines the problem for the computer program algorithm and is sufficiently accurate to prcxtuce results within any numerical limitation of the program. (MUST BE PERFORMED) k A review to verify that the results obtained G ' frcru the pupam are correct and within stated assurptions and limitations of the sugma and are consistent with the input. (MUST BE PERFDEMED) D Validation docunentation for temporary changes to listed prcgrams or developmental prup e s or unique sirgle application programs shall be reviewed to assure that inethods used adequately validate the program for'the intended application. (WHERE APIUCABLE) REVIEWER: na CXs://A - DATE: /4 / /d 2, a < < 1 l i l

                         ~                                                                                         184363 Cate. For ound cities 2/11 Safety related Continuous          .Cate. No. 8913-73 19-1

[SARGENT5.LUNDY ENG;NEERS ] Load Running / Starting voltages Rev. O Date X Saf ety-Related Non-Saf ety-Relat ed Page 3 of 25 Cilent Commonwealth Edison Conpany Frepared by Date Project QuadCftiesUni\42 ~ Reviewed by Date Proj. No. 8913-73 EaJip. No. Amroved by Date i III. PURPOSE' I

                  / Th'e purpose of this calculation is to evaluate the terminal voltage of all safety-related services at Unit 2, Division II for the following operating cases:

Case A  ! With the 4.16 KV bus 24-1 voltage at 3820 V, the running voltage at terminals of continuous duty safety-related services for the four loading conditions as defined by Commonwealth Edison Company (CECO). Case B With the 4.16 KV bus 24-1-voltage at 3820 V, the terminal voltage of the safety related continuous duty motors durincJ block starting in condition 1 and 2 as identified by CECO in the Load Table (Reference V.A). Evaluation of Motor Operated Valve, control circuit, and the effects of operation at low voltage on the protective device settings is not in the scope of this calculation. 13 h

                                                                                             -     4

184363 CDic. For Quad Citios 2/I! Safety-related Continuous Calc. No. 8913-73-99-1 1! SARGENT& LUNDY p

                     tuointensd       ' ad ""'ai"S/StartiaS V 12*S'S                              _
                                                                                                       "'v  0     ~88t' X      Safety-Related             Non-Safety-Related           Page 4         of 25 Client    Conrnonwealth Edison Comoany                            Prepared ty                             Date Project Quad Ckties Unit 12                                       Reviewed ty                             Date Proj. No. 8913-73            Emaip. No.                       A;oroved by                             Date i

IV. TABLE OF CONTENTS I f  ! Section Description Paaes , I. ISSUE





     ;                                   Calc. For Quad Cities 2/11 Safety-related Contiruous      Calc. No. 8913-73-19-1 ii SARGENT&

l' EwowtEns LUNDY [f t ad wns/ starting vouages Rw. o Date X Safety-Related Mart-Saf ety-Related Page 5 of 25 Client tonrnonwealth Edison toccany Prepared by Date Project QuadCitiesunft42 Reviewed by Date Proj. ho. 8913-73 Equip. No. Amrcnred by Date i V. REFERENCES i

                 /   A.'         Sargent & Lundy (S&L) Design Information Transmittal (DIT)

No. QC-EPED-0488-01, dated 3-26-92.

                                  . Load Tables and Assumptions and Load Shedding List for Division II, Unit 2.

B. S&L DIT No. QC-EPED-0459-01," dated 4-9-92. Safety Related Service Feed Cable Data C. S&L DIT No. QC-EPED-0472-02, dated 4-S-92. Additional S/R Service Feed Cable Data D. S&L DIT No. QC-EPED-0491-02, dated 4-8-92. Thermal overload heater catalog numbers E. S&L Calculation 4266/19AZ13, Revision 1, dated 10-31-91.

                                 . Thermal overload heater temperature compensation and 85%

of motor rated start-up voltage requirement. F. Panafax Message from Scott Jacobs (GE) to G. J. Hinshaw (S&L), Dated January 28, 1988

                                 . GE Overload Heater Resistances G.        S&L Standard ESA-102 (June 28, 1991)

Low Voltage Cable Impedances Ohms /100 Feet (90*C) H. S&L Standard ESC-193 (November 28, 1989)  ! Consideration of Overload Heater Resistance I. S&L DIT No. QC-EPED-529-00, dated 3-25-92.

                              . This DIT transmitted the current computer data file for                               '

QUAD CITIES Unit 2 ELMS-AC analysis to be used as the base file for this calculation. J. S&L Program ELMS-AC, Version 2.2, Computer Program No. 03.7-043-2.2 . K. NEMA Standard MG 1-1987, Part 12, " Tests and Performance - . AC Small and Medium Motors"

t.84363 Cate. f or card ities 2/11 saf ety related Continuous Cate. No. 8913-73-19 1 y SARGENT& LUNDY [ l ,,3,ytyg3g toad wnstam mispn Rw. o Date X Safety-Related Non-Safety-Related Page 6 of 25 Client Cormonwealth Edison Cortpany Prepared by Date Project oundCikiesUnil? Reviewed by Date Proj. No. 8913 73 Equip, No. Approved by Date i V. REFERENCES *(Continued) 9 Running Voltage and Locked Rotor Torque Requirements for Motors L. S&L DIT No. QC-EPED-0530-00, dated 3-25-92

                               . Cable Length and Size of Feeders from Switchgear 29 to downstream MCCs.

M. S&L DIT No. QC-EPED-0534-00, dated 3-27-92

                               . Battery Charger Data N.        Direct Current Transmission, by Edward W. Kimbark, Vol. 1 Wiley-Interscience, 1971
                              . Rectifier Performance O.         S&L DIT No. QC-EPED-0531-00, dated 3-26-92.
                              . Data for Turbine Turning Gear and Piggyback Motor used in ELMS-AC file P.         Telephone Memorandum, between J. Mitchell (Power Conversion) and J. B. Wisniewski (S&L), dated 1-7-92.
                              . Battery Charger Power Factor.

Q. Letter from J. A. Mitchell (Westinghouse) to J. A. Clements (Bechtel), dated 4-15-86.

                             . Minimum Starting Voltage for SBGT Fan Motor.

R. S&L DIT No. QC-EPED-0532-00, dated 3-26-92 g . Field Walk-down Data for DG Cooling Water Pump Cooler Fans. S. Telephone Memorandum, between S. Gaconis (CECO) and W.G. Bloethe (S&L), dated 4-1-92

                             . Comments on Preliminary Version of this Calculation by CECO.                                                                              -

i T. S&L Calculation 8913-73-19-2, Rev. O, " Evaluation of DG 2 Cooling Water Pump Cooler Fan A & B'Mi'nisium Starting Voltage", dated 4-3-92 . f

i. k
                                                                                                          .. v kb

Calc. For Quad Citics 2/11 Ssfety-related continuous Cate. Co. 8913-73-19-1

     '.SARGENT& LUNDY cad RMng/Startbg Vohages                                Rn. D      Date i                  ENGNEERS u X     Safety-Related             Non-Safety-Related       Page 7        of 25 Climt Commonwealth Edison conoany                               Prepared by                        Date Project QuadCktiesUnit2    t                                    Reviewed by                        Date Proj. ho. 8913-73          tcs;ip. No.                      Amroved ty                          Date i


                 ,'   1.'GE Heater Resistances (Reference V.F) :

GE Cataloc No. Heater Resistance (Ohm)

                               ~ CR123C1.84A                                        0.915                         -

CR123C2.20A 0.626 CR123C3.01A 0.355 CR123C4.66A 0.084 CR123C5.26A 0.065 CR123C5.92A 0.054

2. Cable Impedance in Ohms per 100 feet at 90 Degree C (Reference V.G):

Cable Size R X

                                     #14 AWG                                    .328                     .00418
                                     #10 AWG                                    .130                     .00365
                                     #6 AWG                                     .0513                    .00341
                                     #2 AWG                                     .0203                    .00306 1/0 AWG                                    .0128                    .00292 4/0 AWG                                    .00639                   .00274 250 MCM                                    .00542                   .00273 350 MCM                                    .00389                   .00266 a

O a

                                                                                         ==    4


   ;,                           ,   Calc. For Quad Cities 2/1I S2fety-reisted Continuous       Calc. to. 8913-73-19-1
SARGENT& LUNDY ENGNEERS Load Running / Starting Voltages Rev. O Date ,

X Safety-Related non-Safety-Related Pepe 8 of 25 Client Cornmonwealth Edison Cupany Prepared by Date Project QuadCtkiesUniti? Reviewed by Date PrcJ. No. 8913-73 EgJip. No. Approved by Date i VII. ASSUMPTIONS


A./ It'is assumed that the values of overload heater resistance (Reference V.F) provided-by the heater manufacturer, General Electric (G.E.), are suitable for calculating the motor starting and running voltages without requiring any adjustment for temperature. As discussed in Reference V.E, GE has stated that the heaters supplied to LaSalle Nuclear Station maintain essentially constant resistance for increases in heater temperature. Based on the GE response on the LaSalle GE heaters, it is reasonable to assume the GE overload heaters at Quad Cities Station also maintain essentially constant resistance for increases in heater temperature. This assumption does not require verification. B. As discussed in S&L Standard ESC-193, motors 200 hp and smaller normally are 460 V motors specified to comply with NEMA MG-1, which requires motors to start and run with 90% of motor rated voltage at the motor terminals. However, for most loads, these motors will start with 80% or 85% motor rated voltage at the motor terminals and ride through a dip to 75% rated voltage for 1 minute. The explanation of this capability is in NEMA Tables MG1-12.37 and MG1-12.38 which establish starting and breakdown torque requirements for these motors. Induction motors, depending on the size and speed, which can produce at rated voltage a starting torque equal to 100% to 275% of running torque, will produce at 80% rated voltage a starting torque equal to 64% to 176% of running torque. Most mechanical loads have a break away (starting) torque less than 35% of full load torque. Therefore, NEMA MG-1 motors will start these loads with an applied terminal voltage substantially less than 90% rated voltage. This calculation is utilizing 85% of motor rated voltage as the minimum starting voltage requirement. This assumption does not require verification. C. Under degraded voltage conditions, the terminal voltages at " electric heaters will be less than the rated value. Heaters are assumed to cycle on more often or remain on for- longer period. The heat generated at reduced voltage is assumed to be sufficient for the intended purpose for all the heaters in Unit 2, Division II. This assumption needs verification by CECO. D. For the set of loads that are indicated ' Tripped' at certain operating condition in Ceco's Load Table, these loads would be disconnected before or at the same time as anpther set of loads that are marked ' Start' actually start on the same operating condition. This means that both sets of loads will not be operating _ ,

                                                                                                                      , d D k, r) r
    ;                              ,   Catc. For Quad Cities 2/II safety-related Continuous           Cale, no. 0913-73-19 1 h SARGENT& LUNDY

{' ENGINEERS L L ad Running / Starting voltages Rev. O Date X Safety-Related man-Saf ety-Related Pepe 9 of 25 Client Commonwealth Edison Company Prepared by Date Project QuadCktiesUnitt2 ~ Reviewed by Date-Proj. No. 8913-73 Ecpip. No. Approved by Date i VII. ASSUMPTIONS i (continued)

                 / simultaneously during the period that the incoming motors are starting. This is confirmed by CECO in Reference V.S, therefore, no further verification is required.

E. The AC input current to a rectifier, such as a battery charger is directly proportional to the output current, and since the DC system is operated in the steady state, the battery charger will be a constant current load. At high AC input voltage, the DC output is limited by delaying firing of the rectifiers or similar means. Under this condition, the AC power factor is low. However, with low input voltage, the firing of the rectifiers is not delayed in order to maintain a'high DC output voltage. This results in a high power factor. Since the AC input voltage to the battery chargers will be low (MCC voltages), a high battery charger power factor (0.95) may be assumed. This assumption does not require verification. (References V.N & V.P). F. The SBGT OUTSIDE AIR SUPPLY DAMPER (0.1 h.p.) has GE overload heater model CO.48A. The resistance value for this heater is not available from the manufacturer's data sheet (Reference Since dampers are not considered as critical continuous V.F). loads in determining minimum 4.16 KV switchgear voltage requirements, the resistance of this overload heater will not affect the results of this calculation. Therefore the heater resistance is not included (assumed zero resistance) in the total feeder impedance for the subject damper. No verification is required for the purpose of this calculation only. G. The following data are assumed for the Diesel Generator Cooling Water Pump 2 (Switchgear 29), and verification is required. Power Factor 86% Starting Power Factor 41% M Locked Rotor Current 615% Efficiency 100% Minimum Starting Voltage 75% of rated 6 a q J

184363 . Calc. For Quad r,itias 2/fl Safety-related Continuous calc. No. 8913-73-19-1 i l l'SARGENT&LUNDYj Load Running / Starting Voltages trev. O Date ENGINEERS d I X Safety-Related Mcn-Safety-Related Page to of 25 Client Cormaonwealth Edison Ccm:2any Prepared by Date Project QuadC5tiesunit42 Reviewed by Date Proj. No. 8913-73 Equip. No. Aproved ty Date l VII. ASSUMP,TIONS (continued) H ./ It is assumed that the TURBINE TURNING GEAR PIGGYBACK MOTOR has  ! running power factor of 60% and efficiency of 85% which correspond to 1.4 hp rating based on 2.7A FLC. This motor has i a comparatively short duty time and the rating of this motor is  ! significantly smaller than its main service TURBINE TURNING ' GEAR MOTOR (60 hp). Therefore, possible variations in the values of power factor and efficiency will have a negligible effect on the calculation results. Consequently, no verification is required for this assumption. I. The RHRS CONT CLNT SERVICE WATER VALVE (Eq. No. 2-1001-5B) on MCC 29-4 is assumed OFF for all four operating conditions. This assumption is to b2 verified. r I N O F 5 , l 1


                                ,   Calc. fer Quad Cities 2/11 Safety-related continuous             Calc. No. 8913 73-19-1 j SARGENT& LUNDY l            Load Running /$ tarting Voltages                                 Rev. O     Date ENGINEERS L X      Safety-Related               Non-Saf ety-Related          Page 11       of 25 Client    Comonwealth Edison Corpany                            Prepared by                             Date Project QuadhitiesUn'if2                                        Reviewed by                             Date Pro}. No. 8913-73           Ecajip. No.                      _ (~ roved by                             Date

VIII. ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA Th'e mi'nimum running voltage of the continuous duty motor is 90% of the motor rated voltage. This requirement is in accordance with industrial standard outlined in NEMA MG-1, Part 12, Section 12.44.1 (Reference V.K.). The minimum motor starting voltage for continuous duty motors is 85% of the motor rated voltage except as noted below, and the justification for this criterion is stated in Assumption VII.B. The following motors have a minimum starting voltage of 75% of rated:

1. SBGT FAN (Reference V.Q)
2. DG CLG WATER PUMP 2 (Assumption VII.G)

22 1 I I j

                                                                                                                         -   l e


184363 Calc. For Quad Cities 2/11 Esfety related Contiruous Calc. Ca. 8913-73-19-1 h SARGENT& LUNDY j: gyo;yggg3 , toad wnsman% mtasu Rw. o Date X Safety-Related Non-Safety-Related Pope 12 of 25 Client Commonwealth Edison Cernpany Prepared try Date Project Quad Ctkies Uniti2 Reviewed by Data Proj. No. 8913-73 Eg;ip. No. Approved by Date i IX. METHODOLOGY t Feed cable impedances are modeled for the safety-relhted services. If'the service is a motor and rated no more than 3 hp, per S&L standard ESC-193, the overload heater resistance is also included in the feeder impedance. The calculation is performed by using Program ELMS-AC, Version 2.2. The Existing ELMS-AC Data File Q2A4.M05 is modified for use in this calculation. The two cases as mentioned in Section III will be run on the modified data file. Modifications to the File Q2A4.M05 include: Model the 480 V safety related service feeder impedances by adding a terminal bus and using the feeder impedance as the connection data between the MCC and the terminal bus.

                 .        Disable the existing two sources in the file for all operating conditions. Add dummy source 3 connected to 4160 V switchgear 24-1 valid for all four conditions in.the file.      Adjust the source 3 voltage such that the voltage at 4.16 KV Switchgear 24-1 is kept at 3820 V for all runs.

Change the existing four operating conditions in the ELMS-AC file to the following four LOCA operating conditions as defined in the Load Table supplied by Commonwealth Edison Company (CECO) (Reference V. A) : Condition 1: LOCA Time Zero Condition 2: RHR SW Initiation Condition 3: HVAC Initiation Condition 4: Post LOCA Steady State It should be noted that these new operating conditions only apply to Division II loads that are listed in CECO's Load Table. Although loads outside this division still remain in the data file, their values are not adjusted to the defined operating conditions. However, their values are irrelevant to this calculation. Adjust loadings at different operating conditions to those defined in the CECO Load Table and Load Shedding List (Reference V.A), with the brake horsepower determined in the following order of preference: 0


n . _- ~ 184363 i Cate. For Ousd Cities 2/11 Safety-related contiruous cate. no. 8913-73-19-1 l 1 {,

       ! SARGENT&         LUNDY t ad Running / Starting Voltages-                              Rev. O      Date

[- i ENEM - X 56fety-Deleted Non-Safety-Related Page 13 of 25 , client Commonwealth Edison Company o' Prepared try Date - Project Quad Ckties Unitt 2 pcviewed try - Date -l Proj. No. 8913-73 Egsip. No. Approved try Date . l IX. METHODOLOGY (Continued) ' l

                  /                                                                                                                   i
1. Specified in CECO Load Table Assumptions,.or any  ;

other documents.

2. . Existing, file, condition 3. ,
3. Existing file, other conditions. -
4. 90% of the nameplate rated brake horse power.  !
                        .        Change Diesel Generator Cooling Water Pump Data as                 '

indicated in the Assumption VII.G. l l

                        .        Change 125 V and-250 V Battery Charger KVA rating to the                                           -l calculated value' cased on the nameplate data given in                                              i Reference.V.M., and Power Factor as-in Assumption VII.E.                                            !
                       .         Manually reduce resistive type loads (Type                           'R') KVA-or KW                 f value according to the bus:operatincy voltage such that                                              ;

they are being treated as constant impedance type loads- ., in the current version of ELMS-AC (The program treats all loads as constant KVA). An exemption to this is the  ! battery chargers. The battery chargers are marked as 'R' [ type loads but are being treated as constant current-loads. j

                       .         Reenter-the feed cable impedance from switchgear 29 to each                                         l down-stream MCC.                                                                                    !
                       .         Change the rated HP of DG Cooling Water Pump Cooler Fan A &                                         i B according to the field-walk-down data (Reference V.R)                                             l
                      .          Add load TURBINE TURNING. GEAR PIGGY BACK MOTOR'to MCC 29                                        l in the ELMS-AC file.                                                                                !


                                                                                                                                   ~i f

e e 0 . ,! y s i

 ~          ~
                                                                                                             $94363 A -

Calc. for Quad Cities 2/II ssfety retsted contiruous Catc. No. 8913-73-19-1 1l SARGENT& LUNDY load Running / Starting voltages Rev. O Date ENGINEERS ., X Safety-Related Wan-Safety-Related Page 14 of 25 Cilent Commonweat th Edison Comany Prepared by Date Project Quad Cities Unitt2 Reviewed by Date Proj. No. 8913-73 Equip. No. Aproved by Date i IX. METHODOLOGY (Continued) I 1 i The calculations are performed at cable conductor temperature of 90 degrees Celsius for both running and starting cases. There are eight identical RHR SW Pump Cooler Fans fed from MCC 29-2 through AWG #10 cable. They are block started on Condition 2 in CECO Load Table. To avoid redundancy, only the terminal bus for the motor with longest feed cable length (in this case Pump 2C Cooler Fan A) is modeled in the program to represent the worst case voltage profile among these motors. The acceptance of running and starting voltages of this motor also applies to the remaining seven motors. Safety related electric heaters will not'be used as limiting cases to determine the voltage requirements. This is based on the assumption that heaters will generate sufficient heat at the degraded voltage condition (Assumption VII.C). For the block motor starting case study, the 4.16 KV Switchgear 24-1 voltage is set _at 3820 V. The block motor starting feature in the ELMS-AC is used to simultaneously start multiple motors as marked ' Start' in CECO Load Table under conditions one and two respectively. Voltages at motor terminals of all four conditions are compared for the running case, and the worst case voltage is to be used as the result for Case A. i l l l N i l 0 Y l

194963 Calc. For Quad Citias 2/11 S2fety-relsted Contimous Cele. No. 8913-73-19-1 h SARGENT& LUNDY p; l' gg3 : ] Load Running / Starting Voltages Rev. O Date X Safety-Related Non-Safety Wre Page 15 of 25 Client Conmonwealth Edison Conpany Prepared by { -te Project Quad Cities Unit 42 ^ Reviewed by Date Proj. No. 8913 73 Equip. No. Approved by Datt X. CALCULAT N I 1 . ,' Batterv Charcer Data. Battery Charger AC Input Rating (Reference V.M) Voltage: 480V, Current: 113A (250 V Charger); 48A(125 V Charger), Frequency: 60 Hz, 3 Phase. Input KVA = 1.732*480*113 = 93.9 KVA (250V Charger) Input KVA = 1.732*480*48 = 39.9 KVA (125V Charger) Since the input KVA is used in the ELMS-AC file, Efficiency is entered 100%. Running Power Factor: 95 % (Assumption VII.E) '

2. Performance of Diesel Generator Coolina Water Pump 2.

From the existing ELMS-AC file, for the Diesel Generator Cooling Water Pump, Rated Voltage: 460 V Rated Speed: 3550 rpm Rated Horsepower: 100-In Assumption VII.G, the following data are assumed for the Diesel Generator Cooling Water Pump 2, and these assumed values are to be verified: Brake Power = 90 HP Power Factor = 86% Efficiency = 100% Starting Power Factor = 41% Locked Rotor Current = 615% Minimum Starting Voltage = 75 % of rated

3. Calculation of MCC Feed Cable Impedances.

23 Based on Reference V.L, the feed cable impedance from Switchgear 29 to down-stream MCC's are calculated in the Table 1: J

184363 ,

  ,                            j For Quad Cities 2/II S:f ety-related continuous         cate. No. 8913-73-19-1 lI SARGENT& LUNDY lt j:                ENGlNEERS L ad Running / Starting Voltages                               Rev. 0     -Dete X      Safety-Retsted               Non-Safety-Related         Pope 16        of 25 Client    Comonwealth Edison Conpany                            Prepared by                           Date Project Quad Cfties Unit <2                                     neviewed by                           Date Proj. No. 8913-73          Equip. ko.                         Ammved by                             Date X.         CALCULA ION (Continued)
               / Table 1. Feeder Cable Impedances From Switchgear to MCC's From Bus           To Bus            Cable             Cable              Total           Total Size         Length (ft)         Resistance     Reactance SWGR 29          MCC 29-1           250 MCM              261            0.0141462     0.0071253 SWGR 29          MCC 29-2           250 MCM              289            0.0156638     0.0078897 SWGR 29          MCC 29-3           250 MCM             287            0.0155554      0.0078351 SWGR 29          MCC 29-4          250 MCM              252            0.0136584      0.0068796 SWGR 29        MCC 28/9-5          250 MCM              286            0.0155012      0.0078078 SWGR 29         MCC 29-6           350 MCM              286            0.0111254      0.0076076            ,
4. Turbine Turnina Gear Picavback Motor The data to be entered in the ELMS-AC file are as follows:

From Reference V.0, Rated Voltage: 440V, Full Load Current:2.7A, Speed: 450 RPM. From Assumption VII.H, Power Factor: 60%, Efficiency: 85%, LRC: 625%, Starting Power Factor: 20% (typical values to be entered in the program, not used in this calculation). Rated HP = (1.732*0.44*2.7*0.6*0.85)/0.746 = 1.4

5. Calculation of Safety-related Service Feeder Impedance For the loads given in References V.B and V.C as the safety-related services in Division II, the load name, equipment number, rated horsepower from Reference V.I, overload heater catalog number from References V.D, and cable data from References V.B and V.C are tabulated in Table 2, with total feeder impedance calculated.


h M. 3 D D Cate. For ound Citics 2/11 Safety related Continuous Cate. to. 8913-73-19 1 SARGENT& LUNDY l gg_ Load Running / Starting voltages Rev. O Date i 1 X Safety-Related Non-Safety-Related Page 17 of 25 Client Corrrnonweetth Edison Company Prepared by - Date Project Cuad Cities Unit 2 Reviewed tv Date J s4 Proj. No. 8913-73 EcnJip. No. Approved by Date X. CALCULATION (Continued) Table 2. Safety related load feeder iTapedances. t Elms Service Eq. SWGR/MC Rating CABLE lotal Nester Heater TCtal letal Load Ntrber C ho hp SIZE Length Model R R X Ft Ohms Ohms Ohms No l0.288V 0.0214 AWG 6, 537 j l f 518 DG HvAC Supply Fan 8 2 2-5727 29-1 50 1/0 105 I I O I 519 Core Spray Emerg AHU 28 2-5748 8 29-1 l $ AWG 14 383 i

  • I O i 1.2562 0.0160 520 ! Norm Feed DG Dil Transf Ptrno 2 5203 1 29-1 l 3 AWG 14 659 12*C526Al 0.13 1 2.2915 i 0.0275 521 i ALT FD DG Fuel Oil Xfer Pmo # 1 ! 5203-1 1 29-1 1 3 AWG 14 755 l I O I 2.4764 1 0.0316 50 i AWG 2 1 453 1
  • i0.0920j0.0139 523 Stand By Liquid Control Pump 2 B1 2-1102 8 I 29-1 I I O 524 RHRS Emerg AHU 2 B j 2 5746 e i 29-1 l 7.5 i AWG 14 l 336 1
  • I O < 1.1021 ) 0.0140 529 NPCI CLG WTR CLN SC Ptino i 2-2301-57 29-1 1 25 i AWG 6 i 487 i
  • I O i 0.2498 1 0.0166 530 ALT Feed DG RM HVAC Fan # 1 l 1-5727 29-1 1 50 i 1/0 i 765 1
  • I 0 1 0.0979 1 0.0223 532 Post Loca H2802 Mon Pmp 2B i 2252-81 A 29-1 I 1 l AWG 10 l 344 i C220A l 0.626 1 1.0732 1 0.0126 AWG 10, 861 " j 3 533 ALT FD RHR Emerg AHU 1B 2-5746 8 29-1 7.5 AWG 14 1 0 l1.3054 0.0319 i

542 HPCI fank Neater  ! 29-1 9W AWG 10 352 *

                                                                                                                        !     O     t 0.4576 l 0.0128 543         Rx stdg vent SBGT Damper           i 2-7503         29-1        11       AWG 14 l 268 1 i     O     i 0.8790 l 0.0112 544     Standby Liouid Control Tank Ntr 1 2-1103 1 29-1 1 60 KV                      AWG 2 1 439 i                I     O     I 0.0891 l 0.0134    '

516 1 0.G. Cooling WTR Pump #2 1 2 3903 29 100 4/0 l 1068 i

  • l 0 i 0.0695 1 0.0298 >

550 DG Starting Air Comp 2 8 i 2-5209 8 29-2 5 l AVG 14 l 147 I

  • 1 0 l 0.4822 1 0.0061
  • i 0.4658 1 0.0059 552 DG Starting Air comp 2 A I 2-5209 A 29-2 5 i AWG 14 ! 142 l I O ,

551 250 V Battery Charger -2 l 29 2 93.9 KvAl 1/0 t 144 1

  • I O t 0.0184 i 0.0042 553 125 V Battery Charger - 2 l I 29-2 39.9 KVA! AWG 2 i 129 i  ! O ' O.0262 1 0.0039 560 DG Cing Wtr Pmp Fan A I I 29 2 l 1.5 l AWG 14 i 694 f 2*C301A I 0.71 6 2.9863 1 0.0290 561 DG Cing Wtr Pmp Fan B l l 29-2 i 1.5 i AWG 14 i 694 l 2*C301A I 0.71 1 2.9863 1 0.0290 567 I 2-2501 i 29-2 25 l AWG 2 { 599 l
  • i O i 0.1216 0.0183 ACAD Air Com ressor 556 RHR SW porno 2C CLR Fan A i l 29 2 3 AWG 10 1 553 l C526A 1 0.065 t 0.7839 0.0202 RHR SW ptrio 2C CLR Fan B l 29 2 AWG 10 549 l C526A l 0.065 i 0.7787 0.0200 557 l l 3 558 RHR SW msnp 2C CLR Fan C i i 29-2 3 i AWG 10 546 1 C526A i 0.065 1 0.7748 l 0.0199 559 RHR SW ptro 2C CLR Fan D 1 l 29-2 3 { AWG 10 542 l C592A I 0.054 4 0.7586 l 0.0198 562 RAR SW ptrno 2D CLR Fan A I 29-2 l 3 i AVG 10 1 535 l C526A i 0.065 1 0.7605 l 0.0195 563 RHR SW pump 2D CLR Fan B i 29-2 l 3 i AWG 10 1 532 l CS26A I 0.065 1 0.7566 1 0.0194 564 RHR SW pump 20 CLR Fan C i 29-2 1 3 l AWG 10 4 527 ( C592A 1 0.054 1 0.7391 I 0.0192 32 565 RHR SW pump 2D CLR Fan D I I 29-2 I 3  ! AWG 10 524 i C526A 1 0.065 1 0.7462 j 0.0191 577 SBGT Air Heaters 1 1/2 7503A 1 29 4 l 30 W AWG 6 337 I
  • I O I 0.1729 1 0.0115 578 SEGT Fan 1/2-7506A : 29-4 l 20 AWG 10 t 267 i
  • I O I 0.3471 1 0.0097 580 i SBGT Cutside Air Supply Der 1/2-7504A. 29 4 0.1 AWG 14 } 220 i l 0 1 0.7216 1 0.0092 581 l SBGT Fan Discharge Dmpr 1/2-7507A 29-4 2.7 AWG 14 I 294 I C466A i 0.084 1 1.0483 i 0.0123 582 l SSGT Sys intet Dancer 1/2 A 1/2-7505A I 29-4 0.7 AWG 14 1 210 l C184A i 0.915 l 1.6038 i 0.0088 527 i HPCI Emerg AMU 2B 2-5747 1 29-1 3 t AWG 14 l 483 i C526A I 0.065 i 1.6492 i 0.0202 1" Total length of two dif f erent types of cables i l i l i i t
           ! Only the worst case RNRSW ptino et r f an motor bus is podelled.                      I        i     ,    I           i           I f

a T

184363 Calc. fr.r Quad Cities 2/11 ssfety-retsted continuous calc. No. 6913-73-19-1 h SARGENT& LUNDY toad >! wwstartino mtases

   ,e g,3,yyy,3 g                                                                Rw. o       Date X     Safety-Related              Non-Safety-Related        Page 18        of 25 Client Convenwealth Edison Coccany                           Prepared by                          Date Project Quad Chies Uni't <2                                  Reviewed by                          Date Proj. No. 8913-73          Eoiip. ho.                       Arproved by                          Date i

X. CALCULATION (Continued) 1 6./ Computer Runs for Case A - The purpose of Case A is to determine the running voltage at the terminals of the safety related 480 V system loads in Division II under the worst operating condition among the four defined in the CECO Load Table. Computer Runs for Case A include the following considerations.

a. From the ELM-AC running voltage summary, it is found that condition 3/4 is the worst loading scenarlo that reguires the highest 4.16 KV bus voltage. Therefore, condition 3/4 is being considered in Case A.
b. The existing (Version 2.1 and 2.2) ELMS-AC program performs starting and voltage drop calculations assuming that all loads are constant KVA loads. Since the majority of the loads in a power plant are motors which have a constant KVA characteristic, this is a reasonable assumption. However, this approach is conservative for those loads which have a constant current or constant impedance characteristic running at below the load's rated voltage.

In order to eliminate this conservatism, the resistive 'R' type loads are manually reduced in KVA or KW rating for use in Version 2.1/2.2 of ELMS-AC, where they are being treated as constant KVA loads. The 125 V and 250 V battery chargers are manually adjusted in KVA value in order to represent their constant current characteristics. The adjustments use the following formula: new " E

                                                                     * ! Vmc' rated      y n                                                                       (  rateds                                     I where Vmee is the actual MCC running voltage.                                              ,

KVA 7 ,teg is the brake KVA before adjustment. l l l A e 1 l 4 l


                                 ,   Calc Fer Quad Cities 2/II Safety-related tontinueus        Cole. No. 8913-73-19-1 nSARGENT&LUNDYh                  L ad Running / Starting vottages                           Rev. O      Date ENGNEERS X      Safety-Related              Non-Safety-Related      Page 19        of 25 Client    Conynonwealth Edison Company                            Prepared by                        Date Project Quad Cf ties Unit 12                                      Reviewed by       -

Date Prof. No. 8913-73 Ec3Jip. No. A@ rowed ty Date i X. CALCULATION (Continued) i

              ,'             The rest of the 'R' type loads are manually adjusted in KVA or KW value to represent their constant impedance characteristics. The adjustments uc.;.s the following formula:

r y 12 new " raced y r ratedj The adjusted 'R' type load values are tabulated in Table 2. It should be noted that feed cable impedance to all the 'R' type loads are neglected in the KVA adjustments, which is being conservative. The adjustment is based on Condition 3/4 running voltages and the adjus'.ed values are entered into all conditions where the R type loads are ON. However, the adjusted value should only be considered valid for condition 3/4 voltages,

c. The output voltage of the battery chargers will drop when less than 90 % of rated input voltage is available. This will result in a " Battery Low Voltage" alarm before the battery discharges to a point where there is insufficient energy available from the battery to-supply the load profile. Therefore, the terminal voltages at the battery chargers are not used as limiting cases to determine the 4.16 KV bus voltage. (Reference V.A).

n 8 4

                                                                                       ~     4
  ~,         _

184363 Calc. For Quad Cities 2/11 safety-retsted Continuous Cate. No. 8913-73-19-1 i SARGENT& LUNDY -

                    , gg3          ,

Load Running / Starting voltages Rev. O Date X Safety-Related Non-$afety-Related Page 20 of 25 Client Conrnonwealth Edison Conpany Prepared try Date Project DaadCltiesUnft42 Reviewed ty Date Pro}. No. 8913 73 Ecpip. No. Approved try Date i X. CALCULATION t (Continued)

                /       ' Table 3.         Adjustments of              'R'   Type Loads.for Case A                            ,

Load ELMS- Rated Load SWGR MCC New Name Load KVA Rated /MCC Volt. KVA No. Volts No RX Bldg Lighting 514 108 480 29 435.9 89.1 2 120/208V Xfmr Feed 522 15 480 29-1 431.0 12.1 29-1-1 Standby Lqd Cont 544 60 480 29-1 431.0 48.4 Tank Htr ' 250 V Battery 551 93.9 480 29-2 426.B 83.5 Charger 2 125 V Battery 553 39.9 480 29-2 426.8 35.5 Charger 2 SBGT Air Heaters 577 30 480 29-4 434.4 24.6 93 O 6 4

t l

                                                                                                                        .  -'1  A d 4. A. 9           ,

y , Catc. For Quad Cities 2/11 safety-related continuous Calc. Do. 8913 73-19-1_ .; l d SARGENT& LUNDY p ng/ ta d ng W ttages Date 2t ENGNEERS y .a tw. O ,

                                                                                                                                                   'I X       Safety-Related                           han-Safety-Related           Page 21           of 25          !

I Client' Coninonwealth Edison Cocoany Prepared ty Date j Project Quad Ct'ies t Unit 4 Reviewed try Date Pro). No. 8913-73 EcpJip. No. Approved try Date [ X. CALCULA s ON (Continued) .

10. .Como(iter Runs for Case B The purpose of this case is to determine whether the starting continuous duty motors have adequate terminal voltage when block .

starting a group of motors that are marked ' Start' at LOCA Time ' Zero condition or RHRS SW; Initiation condition given in CECO's Load Table. The-bus-voltage at 24-1 is to be kept at 3820 V. l t The computer runs for Case B include the following considerations. .

a. At LOCA Time Zero condition (Condition 1), the block starting' l motors include:
1. DG Cooling Water Pump 2 (@ SWGR 29) j
8. SBGT SYS INLET DAMPERS 1/2A-(@ MCC 28/29-5)  !
10. RX WTR RECIttC LOOP EQUAL VLV 2B (@ MCC 28/29-5) i
11. RX WTR RECIRC-PMP DISCH VLV 2B (@ MCC_28/29-5) i
b. At RHR SW Initiation condition (Condition 2), the block <i starting motors include:
1. RHR SW Pump 2C Cooler Fan A (@ MCC 29-2)
2. RHR SW Pump 2C Cooler Fan B (0 MCC 29-2) _
3. RHR SW Pump 2C Cooler. Fan-C (@ MCC 29-2) e
4. RHR'SW Pump 2C Cooler Fan D-(@ MCC 29-2)
5. RHR SW Pump 2D Cooler Fan A (@ MCC 29-2) ._
6. .RHR SW Pump 2D Cooler Fan B (@ MCC 29-2)  !

8 7. RHR SW Pump 2D Cooler Fan C (9 MCC 29-2) ,

8. RHR SW Pump 2D Cooler Fan D (@ MCC 29-2)-


                                                                                                                /                                     h

.  ? i

          -.z,  . - .                    _.m._ . _ , - , _ - - _ , . . _ . - . . . , g            .   ,       m..,              y    -

184363 Calc. For cued cities 2/II safety-related continuous Cate. No. 8913- D-19-1

                                   -1 ii SARGENT& LUNDY L ad Running / starting voltages ENG!NEERS ,                                                                 Rev. 0      Dete X      Safety-Retsted              Ecn-Safety-Related        Page 22        of 25 Cilent Comonwealth Edison Corroany                                 Prepared by                         Date Project QuadC$tiesUnitt2                                           Reviewed by                         Date Prof. No.      8713-D           Eq.Jip. No.              __

Approved by Date X. TALCULA'[ ION (Continued) 9

                          'Among the first eight identical motors, due to the feed cable length, the RHR SW Pump 2C Cooler Fan A has the worst starting voltage and therefore is evaluated.
c. The 'R' type loads are adjusted in the same way as in Case A, and the adjusted load values for Case B are tabulated in Table 4. The adjusted loading is entered to the corresponding load in each starting case EIRS-AC data file for the starting load condition only.

Table 4 Adjustment of R type Loads for Case B Load ELMS- Rated Load SWGR Condition 1 Condition 2 Name Load KVA Rated /MCC No. Volta No MCC V KVA MCC V KVA Rx Bldg Lighting 514 108 480 29 415.1 80.8 430.1 86.7 2 120/208V Xfmr Feed 522 15 480 29-1 412.8 11.1 425.3 11.8 29-1-1 Standby Lqd Cont 544 60 480 29-1 412.8 44.4 425.3 47.1 Tank Htr 250 V Battery 551 93.9 480 29-2 406.5 79.5 416.3 81.4 Charger 2 125 V Battery 553 39.9 480 29-2 406.5 33.8 416.3 34.6 Charger 2 SBGT Air Heaters 577 30 480 29-4 410.6 22.0 427.0 23.7 D

                                                                                                .5 1


184363 _; Csic, for cusd Cities 2/11 Safety-related Continuous calc. Co. 8913 73-19-1 SARGENTi LUNDY toad Running / Starting Voltages Rev. O Date ENGINEERS d X Saf ety-Related Non-Safety-Related Page 23 of 25 Client Commonwealth Edison Corroany Prepared by Date Projest Quad Cities Unfti? Reviewed by Date Proj. No. 8913-73 EgJip. No. Approved by Date , i XI. COMPARISON OF CALCULATED RESULTS WITH ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA 1 2.' Case A computer printouts are included in Appendix A. The results are summarized in Table 5. Table 5. Summary of Running Voltage Run - Case A Load / Bus Rated Motor / Bus Minimum Feed MCC Name Voltage Running Acceptable MCC Voltage (V) (V) Voltage (V) (V) Bus 4160 3820.0 -- -- -- 24-1 DG HVAC 460 400.7 414.0 29-1 431.0 Supply Fan 2 RHRS 460 412.0 414.0 29-1 431.0 Emer. AHU 2B Core 460 416.8 414.0 29-1 431.0 . Spray Emerg. AHU 2B DG Oil 460 417.0 414.0 29-1 431.0 Xfer Pump DG Clg 460 417.1 414.0 29-2 426.8 Wtr Pmp Clr Fans It should be noted that the following loads have running voltage below the acceptance criteria:

1. DG HVAC Supply Fan 2 u 2. RHRS Emergency Air Handling Unit 2B i

O s t 4

1R4363 1 Cole. For Quad Cities 2/11 Saf ety-related Continuous Cate. Eo. 0913-73-19-1 i i: SARGENT& LUNDY !!

                                      *        "I $ '     "8   80'"                                  "*          **

ENGINEERS K Saf et y-Relat ed man-Saf ety-Related Page 24 of 25 Client Commonwealth Edison Cccpany Prepared by Date Project Quad Cbies Unit 42 Reviewed by Date Proj. No. 8913-73 EcaJip. No. Approved tv Date XI COMPARISOJ OF CALCULATED RESULTS WITH ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA (continued) 9 .,


2.' Case B computer printouts are included in Appendix B. The ' results are summarized in Table 6. Table 6. Summary of Starting Voltage Runs - Case B (3820.0 V at Switchgear 24-1) Limiting Starting MCC Starting Voltage Motor Load Condition Voltage Name (MCC No) Terminal Accept. V DG Cooling LoCA Time 415.1 361.7 V 345 Water Pump 2ero (29) (78.6%) (75%) 2 SBGT Fan LoCA Time 410.6 368.5 V 345 Zero (29-4) (80.1%) (75%) DG Clg Wtr LoCA Time 406.5 356.3 V 345  : Pmp Clr Zero (29-2) (77.5%) (75%) Fan A/B RHRS SW RHRS 416.3 394.7 V 391 i Pump 2C Initiation (29-2) (85.8%) (85%) i C)r Fan A It should be noted that at both conditions (LOCA time zero and RHRS initiation), all starting continuous duty motors meet their respective acceptance criteria. n O a i

 ~         -

184363  !

                                ,;   Cate. For Quad Cities 2/11 Safety-related Continuous         Cate. ho. 8913-73-19-1 SARGENT& LUNDY ll ENGNEERSg       a            e ng o tages                                  kw. O      Date X     Safety-Related             lion-Sa f ety-Relat ed      Page 25       of 25 Climt     Commonwealth Edison Company                          Prepared by                           Date Project Quad Cities Unit 42                                    Reviewed by         -

Date Proj. No. 8913-73 E wip. so. Amroved by Date XII. CONdLUSIONS I

                         'This calculation evaluates the motor terminal voltage during starting and running, with 3820 Volts at the 4.16 KV Switchgear 24-1, for the safety related 480 V system loads in Quad Cities Unit 2, Division II for the LOCA loading conditions defined by CECO.                                                             _

The calculation indicates that, with the identified assumptions in this calculation, all starting motors as identified in the CECO Load Table for Condition 1 and 2 meet their respective acceptance creteria, however, two of the safety-related loads do not meet the 90% running voltage criteria. These two loads are:

1. Diesel Generator HVAC Supply Fan 2 (87.1 %)
2. RHRS Emergency AHU 2B (89.6 %)

XIII. RECOMMENDATIONS Not applicable due to the scope of this calculation. i N r e d 0 f

184363 Calc. For Duad Cities 2/11 ssfety-related Continuou$  :#;:. f.o._ 6;'3 U'-l SARGENT& LUNDY " ' " # L ad aunning/ Starting voltages 591J-. 2 ENGINEERS i Orc:ect =C. X Safety-Related Non-$afety-telated Client Ccernonweat th Edison CorTsany Prepared by Date Project Quad Oi t i es Um t, 2 keviewed ty Date Proj. No. 8913 73 Et34ip. No. Approved by Date


o i

                 /       /


                                                          ~~ ~ ~


Calc. for Quad Cities 2/11 Lefety related tontinuous 184363

                                                                                                   , g. , c , se, sv12-73-19-1 4 SARGENTE LUNDY ,;                                                                        h*- 0 L ad Running / Starting Voltages                                                 .. _ . . .

d11E~lO R$ C  ; r o ,1 E CT I4 0 s X Safety-Related k w $a'ety-Retsted Cltent Cormonweaith Edison Ccroany Prepared ty Dete Project Quad sitles Unif 2 -- Revicued ty Date Pro). No. 8913-73 EWip. No. Approved ty Date ,


4 l

                        ' Listed in the following order:

l File: Z3.DAT Bus Data, Connection Data, Load Data; Running Voltage Summary; Load Summary by Bus. as

                                                                                                                       - -              a
                                                                                                                                *  ~~          3 AC Ettetrical Load Monitoring System var 2.20                      -

D:ta 3 28-92 sergent & Lundy Engineers . . Chicago, 111. )"[ Fage b of Uttitty : Sargent & Luncty Internal Use Proj. No. : 8913 73 - St: tion : QUAD CITIES-FILE:23.DAT unit : 2

  • Bus Data *"

3 , ......... Source Data --------- Rze Bus Class valid $wgr Maxinum K Inter. Trip Min Run Msx SC SC Prefit 8 Bus Name voltage 1E SC Anps sources MVA volts Fact Cy:les Del Volts MVA X/R V (PU) 1 CE:TRATOR 2 15000. 18900.0 1.00 $ sym -. 0 17100.0 10479.0 72.0 1.050

                                 }8000.0 N 500000.

This source is valid for cohdition(s) i 30000. 362000.0 1.00 5 sym .0 349000.0 14000.0 10.0 1.050 2345KVSWITCHv[RD '345000.0 m '50000. This source is valid for condition (s) 3 Equivalent source 4160.0 y 9999?. 250. 4760.0 1.24 5 sym .0 3797.0 99999.0 20.0 1.000 This source is valid for condition (s) 1234 4 UAT 21 INTERkAL BUS 18000.0 N 500000. 1 15000. 18900.0 1.00 5 5ym .0 5 180KV DUMWY BUS 180000.0 N 50030. 2 30000. 200000.0 1.00 5 sym .0 6 X WINOG IMAGINRY BUS 4160.0 N 29000. 1 250. 4760.0 1.24 5 sym .0 7 Y W1uoG IMAG1NRY BU$ 4160.0 m 42474. 1 350. 4760.0 1.19 5 i C .0 8 Y WINDING BUS B 4160.0 N 42474. 2 350. 4760.0 1.19 5 T C .0 9 X UINDING BUS 6 4160.0 N 29000. 2 250. 4760.0 1.24 5 Sym .0 10 4KV SWGR 21 4160.C N 42474. 1 2 350. 4760.0 1.19 5 T C .0 11 4KV SWGR 22 4160.0 W 42474. 1 2 350. 4760.0 1.19 5 T C .0 12 4KV SWGR 23 4160.0 Y 29000. 1 2 250. 4760.0 1.24 5 sym .0 13 4KV SWGR 24 4160.0 Y 29000. 1 2 250. 4760.0 1.24 5 sym .0 14 4KV SWGR 23 1 4160.0 Y 29000. 1 2 250. 4760.0 1.24 5 Sym .0 15 4KV SWGR 24-1 4160.0 Y 29000. 3 250. 4760.0 1.24 5 sym .0 16 O!ESEL GENERATOR 2 4160.0 Y 29000. 1 2 250. 4760.0 1.24 5 sym .0 17 DIESEL GENERATOR 1/2 4160.0 Y 29000. 1 2 250. 4760.0 1.24 5 sym .0 18 HIGH SIDE OF XFMR 25 4160.0 N 29000. 1 2 250. 4760.0 1.24 5 sym .0 7s3 19 480V SWGR 25 480.0 N 22000. 1 2 20 HiGH $1DE OF XFMR 20 4160.0 N 29000. 1 2 250. 4760.0 1.24 5 sym .0 21 480V MCC 20 1 480.0 N 14000. 1 2 22 HIGH $1DE OF XFMR 26 4160.0 N 29000. 1 2 250. 4760.0 1.24 5 sym .0 - i

                                                                                                  **       4
       ~         ~

09.:. M. 184363 6;2-72-16 , AC Etsctrical Load Monitoring system Ver 2.20 p g, g D:ta : 3 28 92 sargent & Lundy Engirers r'0 j e c t No. es i l : , _f; CMcago, !!(.

                                                                                                              + 'a g e fea. of Utility            sargent E Lundy Internal Use                Proj. No. 8913 73 unit . 2 Station : QUA0 CIf!ES-FILE:23.DAT
                                                                *** Bus Dat a ***

J i,

                                                                                                          . . . .. . . .. Source D a t a - -------

Bus C '. a s s Valid $wgr Maxinum K Inter. Trip Min Run Max SC $C Prefit Dec MVA Volts Fact Cycles Del Volts MVA K/R V (Ptl)

 #        Bus hame           voltage 1E SC Anps Sources 23 4801 SWGR 26                ,/480.0     N  22000.        1 2 4160.0 N      29000.        1 2       250. 4760.0 1.24 5 Sym      .0 24 H!GM SIDE OF FFNR 27      ,

25 460V SWOR 27 480.0 W 22000. 1 2 4160.0 Y 29000. 1 2 250. 4760.0 1.24 5 Sym .0 26 NIGN $10E OF XFMR 28 27 430V SWGR 28 480.0 Y 22000. 1 2 4160.0 Y 29000. 3 250. 4760.0 1.24 5 sym .0 23 NIGH EIDE OF XFMR 29 29 480V SWGR 29 480.0 Y 22000. 3 4160.0 N 29000. 1 2 250. 4760.0 1.24 5 sym .0 30 MIGH $1DE OF XFMR 2A 31 480V MCC 2A-1 480.0 N 25000. 1 2 32 480V MCC 25 1 480.0 N 14000. 1 2 33 4801 MCC 25-2 480.0 N 14000. 1 2 34 480V MCC 25-3 480.0 N 14000. 1 2 35 480V MCC 25 6 480.0 N 14000. 1 2 36 480V NR$$ BLDG MCC 450.0 N 14000. 1 2 37 480V MCC 16/26-1 480.0 N 14000. 1 2 38 480V MCC 26-2 480.0 N 14000. 1 2 39 480V MCC 26 3 480.0 N 14000. 1 2 40 450V MCC 16/26-4 480.0 N 14000. 1 2 41 480V MCC 16/26-5 480.0 N 14000. 1 2 N 42 480V MCC 16/26-6 480.0 N 14000. 1 2 43 ASOV MCC 27-1 480.0 N 14000. 1 2 44 480V MCC 27-2 4LJ.0 N 14000. 1 2 e 0 4

LaAC. Nu, 104000 M13-73-1c..; i AC Etsctricet 1, cad tonitoring system Ver 2.20 Few, o D;ts : 3-28 92 $stgant & Lundy Engineers project f40. 6913-73 Chicago, lit. page 45 of Utility : Sargent & Lundy Internal Use Proj. No. - 8913-73 Station : QUAD C111ES FILE 23.DAT unit : 2 Bus Data

  • j , . . . .. . . . . Sourc e Dat a ---- -- -

Rxc Bus Class Valid Swgr Maximum K Inter. Trip Min Run Max SC SC Prefit

 #        Bus home           Voltage it SC Anps Sources               MVA     Volts f act Cycles Del      Volts             MVA    X/R V (PU) 45 480V MCC 17/27-3               /480.0   N 14000.        1 2 d


                               #                            1 2 46 480V MCC 17/2'l-a                480.0, N 1/ '.e00.
                       /     /                                                                                   ___

i 47 400V MCC 27-5 480.0 N 14000. 1 2 48 480V MCC 27 6 480.0 N 14000. 1 2 49 480V MCC 28 1A 480.0 Y 14000. 1 2 50 480V MCC 28-18 480.0 Y 14000. 1 2 51 4LOV MCC 28 2 _ 480.0 y 14000. 1 2 52 480V MCC 28-3 480.0 N 14000. 1 2 53 480V MCC 29-1 480.0 Y 14000. 3 L 54 480V MCC 29-2 480.0 Y 14000. 3 55 480V MCC 29-3 480.0 N 14C00. 3 56 480V MCC 29-4 480.0 Y 14000. 3 57 480V MCC 28/29-5 480.0 Y 14000. 3 58 480V MCC 29-6 480.0 N 14000. 3 59 4KV SWGR 14 1 4160.0 Y 29000. 1 250. 4760.0 1.24 5 Sym .0 60 4KV SWGR 14 4160.0 Y 29000. 1 250. 4760.0 1.24 5 Sym .0 61 DIESEL GENERATOR 1 4160.0 Y 290t,0. 1 250. 4760.0 1.24 5 Sym .0 I 62 HICM SIDE OF XFMR 19 4160.0 Y 29000. 1 250. 4760.0 1.24 5 sym .0 63 480V SwGR 19 480.0 Y 22000. 1 454 480V MCC 191 480.0 Y 14000. 1 1 65 480V MCC 19-2 480.0 y 14000. 1 66 480V MCC 19-3 480.0 N 14000. 1 1 I e  ! I

                                                                                                 -      4 1


                                                                                                                          .LU4363 AC Ettetrical Lead Monitoring System var 2.20 Lalc. ho. 6912-72-13-1 A p g, 9 D:te : 3 28-92                                        80'8'"'
  • Chicago, lit.

0 3 '" N0' 313-D gage y of Utility : Sergent & Lundy Internal use Proj. ko. : 8913 73 Ststion : QUAD CITIES-FILE:Z3.DAT Unit : 2

  • Bus Data *"
                                                                                                    ......... Source Data --- --- -

Ra: Bus Class Valid Swgr Maxinun K Inter. Trip Min Run Max SC SC Prefit

  #        Bus Name          voltage 1E SC A@s        Sources        MVA    Volts Fact Cycles Del    Volts         MVA   X/R V (PU) 67 480V MCC 19-4              f80.0 Y     14000.             1 Y   14000.             1 68 480V CCC 18/19 5,        [480.0 l

69 4 BOY CCC 19-6 480.0 N 14000. 1 70 LCAD $18 TERM 480.0 Y 14000, 3


71 LDAD 519 TERM 480.0 Y 14000. 3 72 LOAD 520 TERM 480.0 Y 14000. 3 73 LDAD 521 TERM 480.0 Y 14000. 3 74 LCAD 523 TERM 480.0 Y 14000. 3 75 LOAD 524 TERM 480.0 Y 14000. 3 76 LOAD 529 TERM 480.0 Y 14000. 3 77 LOAD 530 TERM 480.0 Y 14000. 3 78 LOAD 532 TERM 480.0 Y 14000. 3 79 LOAD 533 TERM 480.0 Y 14000. 3 80 LOAD 542 TERM 480.0 Y 14000. 3 C1 LOAD 543 TERM 480.0 Y 14000. 3 82 LOAD 544 TERM 480.0 Y 14000. 3 83 LOAD 516 TERM 480.0 Y 14000. 3 84 LOAD 550 TERM 480.0 Y 14000. 3 85 LOAD 552 TERM 480.0 Y 14000. 3 S LOAD 551 TERM 480.0 Y 14000. 3 87 LOAD 553 TERM 480.0 Y 14000. 3

 $8 LOAD 560 TERM               480.0 Y     14000.             3                                                       -


  • I i

f I

AC Elsetricsl Load Konitoring system Ver 2.20

                                                                                                               #     '
  • I I
  • O D:ta t 3 28 92 52roent & 8.trer Enginerrs Chicago, Ill.

Oject WD. 691b73 i Page A7 of utility : sargent & Lundy Internal Use Proj. he. : 8913 73 St: tion QUAD CITIES-FILE:Z3.DAT Unit : 2

                                                              ..* Bus Data =

L 3 ,

                                                                                                     .........      Source Data - ----*-

Axe Bus Class Valid Swgr Manfram K Inter. Trip Min Run Max SC SC Prefit

  #       Bus kame          Voltage 1E SC Anps sources               MVA     volts Fact Cycles Del     Volts             MVA   X/R V (PU) 89 toad 561 TERM              '480.0 Y    14000.              3 to LGAD $67 TERM
                              / 480.0 Y     14000.              3                                                                            ,

91 LOAD 556 TERM 480.0 y 14000. 3-92 LOAD 577 TERM 480.0 Y 14000. 3 93 LOAD 578 TERM 480.0 Y 14000. 3 94 LDAD 580 TERM 480.0 Y 14000. 3 r 95 LOAD 581 IERM 480.0 Y 14000. 3 96 LOAD 582 TERM 480.0 Y 14000. 3 97 LOAD 527 TERN 480.0 y 14000. 3 h h 33 h e




Cale. so. et13-73-19-1. AG Elsetrical Load Monitoring System var 2.20 ge v, e crta : 04-13-72 Sargent & Lundy Engineers Project No. 8913-73 Chicago, Ill. Page M OY Utility : Sergent & Lundy Internal Use Station : QUAD CITIES FILE:Z3. DAY Proj. No. : 8913-73 Unit : 2 184363

                                                            *** Connection Data ***

J s, - Cable  % I m % Imp X/R Tap from To Rating R (ohms) X (ohms) CA Base Tot OA kVA Ratio Ratio GENERATC2 2 UAT21[NTERNALBUS 1553.0 .0018515 .0370347 j Aq o


-UAT 21 INTERNAL BUI X WINDG IMAGINRY BUS 19000.0 15.769 00.0 27600.0 20.0 .950 kVA UAT 21 INTERNAL BUS Y WINDG IMAGINRY BUS 27000.0 11.858 00.0 27600.0 20.0 .950 kVA Y W3CDG IMAG!NRY BUS 4KV SWGR 22 4000.0 .0010000 .0000000 Amps Y UINDG IMAGINRY BUS 4KV SWGR 21 4000.0 .0010000 .0005220 Amps X WitDG IMAG!NRY BUS 4KV SWGR 24 3000.0 .0010000 .0000000 Ams X UINDG IMAGINRY BUS 4KV SWGR 23 3000.0 .0010000 .0007938 Ams 343KV SWlfCH YARD 180KV DUMMY BUS 46000.0 -1.290 00.0 27600.0 25.0 .975 kvA 180KV DUMMY BUS X WINDING BUS 6 19000.0 16.830 00.0 27600.0 25.0 .975 - kVA 180KV DUMMY BUS Y WINDING BUS 8 27000.0 13.620 00.0 27600.0 25.0 .975 kVA ( WINDING BUS 6 4KV SWGR 23 3000.0 .0010000 .0007938 _ Ams

WINDING BUS 6 4KV SWGR 24 3000.0 .0010000 .0000000 33 A*8 WINDING BUS 8 4KV SWGR 21 4000.0 .0010000 .0005220 Ams WINDING BUS 8 4KV SWGR 22 4000.0 .0010000 .0000000 Ams .

J (V SWGR 23 4KV SWGR 23-1 680.0 .0054144 .0114304 Amps (V SWGR 23-1 Di[SEL GENERATOR 1/2 600.0 .0057500 .0155000 Ams

C&lC. 70, 5913 ,'] , I. *, AC Electrical Load Monitoring System var 2.20 . b'V* 0 D:ta : 04-13-92 Sargent & Lund/ Engineers hoject f. o . 6s13-73 Chicago, Ill. In g e AC) of

Utility : Sargent & Lundy Internal Use Proj. No. . 8913-73 T84.u ~9 *-

Station : OUAD CITIES FlLE:23.DAT unit : 2

                                                        *** Connection Data ***

J i 4 Cable  % !@ % Inp X/R Tap From To Rating R (ohms) X (ohms) OA Base Tol OA kVA Ratio Ratio 4KV SWGR 24 4KVSWGE24-1 680.0 .0085680 .0180880 f A@S j i - 4KV SWOR 24-1 ' DIESEL GENERATOR 2 600.0 .0103250 .0182900 Amps 4KV SWGR 24-1 HIGH SIDE OF XFMR 29 390.0 .0021450 .0025038 , AnPs 4KV SWCR 23-1 HIGH SIDE OF XFMR 28 390.0 .0050875 .0059385 A@s 4KV SWGR 23 FIGH SIDE OF XFMR 25 390.0 .0041250 .0048150 A@s 4KV SWOR 23-1 HIGH SIDE OF xFMR 20 220.0 .0555930 .0311460 Amps 4KV SWOR 24 HIGH SIDE OF XFMR 26 390.0 .0102300 .0119412 A@s 4KV SWOR 24 HIGH SIDE OF XFMR 27 390.0 .0209550 .0244602 A@s 4KV SWGR 23 HIGH SIDE OF XFMR 2A 220.0 .0472860 .0264920 Amps -- MIGH SIDE OF XFMR 28 480V SWOR 28 1680.0 11.340 00.0 1500.0 8.4 .975 kVA HIGH SIDE OF XFMR 29 480V SWCR 29 1680.0 11.300 00.0 1300.0 8.4 .975 kVA HIGH SIDE OF XFMR 20 480V MCC 20-1 500.0 4.700 00.0 500.0 3.8 .975 g kvA HIGH SIDE OF XFMR 2A 480V MCC 2A-1 750.0 5.460 00.0 750.0 3.2 .975 kVA NICH SIDE OF XFMR 27 480V SWGR 27 1680.0 11.340 00.0 1500.0 8.4 .975 kVA . J-HIGH SIDE OF XFMR 26 480V SWGR 26 1680.0 11.300 00.0 1500.0 8.4 975 - kVA NIGH $1DE OF XFMR 25 480V SWGR 25 1680.0 11.300 00.0 1890.0 8.4 .9 75 kVA

        ~          -

AC Electrical Load Monitoring System var 2.20 - C8 k* '"'" '0913'73-19-1 D:t* 04-13-92 Sargent & Lundy Engineers *V' O Chicago, Ill. ' NO JEU NO* 5913~73 Pace A10 of Utility : Sargent & Lundy Internst Use Proj. No. : 8913-73

. Station
                                                          *" Connection Data =

184363 J s 4 Cable  % Inp %Im X/R Top From To Rating R (ohms) x (ohms) CA Base Tol OA kVA Ratio Ratio 480V SWGR 25 480V M 25-1 220.0 .0113708 .0059241 Ams t 480V SWGR 25  ! 480V MCC 25-2 220.0 .0146720 .0076440 Ams 480V SWCR 25 480V MCC 25-3 220.0 .0183400 .0095550 Ams '480V SWG2 25 480V MCC 25-6 280.0 .0136920 .0093632 Ams 480V SWGR 25 480V HRSS BLDG MCC 190.0 .0159750 .0068500 Anps 480V SWGR 26 480V MCC 16/26-1 210.0 .0393524 .0205023 Ams  ! 480V SWGR 26 480V MCC 26-2 220.0 .0232132 .0120939 Anps 480V SWGR 26 480V MCC 26-3 220.0 .0069168 .0036036 Ams 480V SWGR 26 480V MCC 16/26-4 220.0 .0388284 .0202293 Ams 480V SWGR 26 480V MCC 16/26-5 220.0 .0511948 .0266721 Amt 480V SWGR 26 480V MCC 16/26 6 220.0 .0441732 .0230139 . Ams 480V SWG2 27 480V MCC 27-1 390.0 .0068750 .0064750 93 480V S'M 27 480V MCC 27-2 220.0 .0086460 .0045045 Anps 80V SWGR 27 480V MCC 17/27-3 220.0 .0138336 .0072072 Amps , 80V SWOR 27 480V MCC 17/27-4 220.0 .0153008 .0079716 Anos 80V SWGR 27 480V MCC 27-5 280.0 .0112032 .0076608 Ams

AC Elsetrical Load aonitoring system ver 2.20

                                                                                                           ; ale. No. 6913-73-15-1 Re y,  g

~D ta 1 04-13 92 sargent & tundy Engireers Chicago, Ill. pro.1ect No. 6313-73 page pig of Utility i sargent & Lundy Internet Use Proj. 40.

  • 8913-73 5tstion : QUAD CITIES-FILE:23.DAT unit : 2
                                                       *** Connection Data
  • J i 4

Cable  % Inp % Inp N/R Tap From To Rating R (ohms) X (ohms) CA Base Tot OA kVA Ratio Ratio 480V 54R 27 480V MCO'27 6 220.0 .0144624 .0075348 Arlps 480V $WGR 28 . 480V MCC 28-1A 220.0 .0156152 .0081354 Anos 480V SWG2 28 480V MCC 28 1B 220.0 .0153004 .0079716 Anps 480Y S WR 28 480v MCC 28 2 220.0 .0145148 .0075621 . Anps 480V svGR 28 480v MCC 28-3 400.0 .0123750 .0116550 , Anps ISOY S W R 29 480V MCC 29-1 220.0 .0141462 .0071253 Apps iBOY SWOR 29 480V MCC 29 2 220.0 .0156638 .0078897 A895 80V SWGR 29 480V MCC 29 3 220.0 .0155554 .0078351 Anps 80V SWGR 29 480V MCC 29 4 220.0 .0136584 .0068796 Anos 80v s w R 29 480v MCC 28/29-5 220.0 .0155012 .0078078 Anps BOV SWCR 29 480V MCC 29-6 290.0 .0111254 .0076076 ARps (v SWGR 24 1 4KV sWOR 14 1 800.0 .0014626 .0098974 12 "Y SWGR 14 1 4KV SWGR 14 680.0 .0044496 .0093936 I V SWGR 14-1 DIESEL GENERATOR 1 600.0 .0085750 .0151900 Anps . V SVGR 14*1 HIGH SIDE OF MFMR 19 390.0 .0064625 .0075435 Anps

                                                                                                  .     <                            l GH $10E OF rFMR 19 480V sER 19                1680.0                                 11.430 00.0    .1560.0     8.5 .975 kVA I


1 AC Electrical Load Conitsrin3 System ver 2.20 Calc. fJc. E913-73-19-: 1 py g y, g i D:ta 2 04-1342 Sargent & Ltnct/ Engineers g,roj eM ' T40. 6914 7/3 'l Chicago, Ill. g.q ,pyg gf Utility : Sargent & Luncty Internal Use Proj. No. . 8913-73 184363 ' Station : QUAD CITIES-FILE:Z3.0AT Unit : 2 I

  • Connection Data ***
                              .i        a 4

Cable  % Inp - % Inp X/R Tap From To Rating R (ohms) X (ohms) OA Base Tol CA kVA Ratio Ratio 480V SWGR 19 480V M,CC 19-1 220.0 .0181828 .0094731 j Anps

                      /          /

480V SWGR 19 ' 480V MCC 19 2 220.0 .0081744 .0042588 Anps 480V SWGR 19 480V MCC 19-3 220.0 .0205403 .0107016 _ Anps 480V SWGR 19 480V MCC 19-4 220.0 .0172920 .0090090 Anps 480V SWCR 19 480V MCC 18/19 5 220.0 .0169776 .0088452 Anps 480V SWOR 19 480V MCC 19-6 280.0 .0136 50 .0093100 Anps Equivalent Source 4KV SWGR 24-1 9999.0 .0000000 .0010000 Anos 480V MCC 29 1 LOAD 518 TERN 2000.0 .2889000 .0214000 Anps 480V MCC 29-1 LOAD 519 TERM 2000.0 1.2562000 .0160000 Anps 480V MCC 29-1 LOAD $20 TERM 2000.0 2.2915000 .0275000 Anps 480V MCC 29-1 LOAD 521 TERM 2000.0 2.4764000 .0316000 Anps .80V MCC 29-1 LOAD 523 1ERM 2000.0 .0920000 .0139000 0 ^""8 .80V CCC 29-1 LOAD 524 TERM 2000.0 1.1021000 .0140000 Anps 80V ;'CC 29-1 LOA 0 529 TERM 2000.0 .2498000 .01M400 Anps . 60V MCC 29-1 LOAD 530 TERM 2000.0 .0979000 .0223000 Anps

                                                                                                    -      r SOV MCC 29-1             toad 532 TERM           2000.0 1.0732000            .0126000 Anos                                                                                     .
                                                .C Ettetrical Load Monitoring system Ver 2.20                      !alc. fe . 5912-73-15-1 g,y,    g 322,: o4 13 92                                        Sargent & Lurrfy Engineers C.,.o J e ct 'fv o . 6912-73 Chicago, 111.

E' age A13 of Utility : Sargent & Lundy Internal use Proj. ho. : 8913 73 Station : QUAD CITIES-FILE:23.DAT unit : 2

                                                            *** Connection Data ***

J i 4


Cable  % Inp % ing X/R Tap from To Rating R (ohms) X (ohms) OA Base Tol GA kvA Ratic Ratio 480V MCC 29-1 LOAD 535 TERM 2000.0 1.3054000 .0319000 e i

   .480V MCC 29-1      I LOAD $42 TERM              2000.0        .4576000          .0128000 Anps 480V MCC 29 1           LOAD 543 TERM           2000.0        .8790000          .0112000 Anos 480V CCC 29-1           LOAD 544 TERM           2000.0        .0891000          .0134000 Anps 480V SWCR 29            LOAD 515 TERM           2000.0       .0695000           .0298000 Anps 480V CCC 29 2          LOAD 550 TERN            2000.0       .4822000           .0061000 Anps 480V KCC 29-2          LDAD 552 TERM            2000.0       .4658000          .0059000 Anps 480V MCC 29-2           LOAD 551 TERM           2000.0       .0184000           .0042000 Anos 480V #CC 29 2           LOAD 553 TERM           2000.0       .0262000           .0039000 Anps 480V MCC 29-2           LOAD 560 TERM           2000.0 2.9863000                .0290000 Anps 480V MCC 29-2          LOAD 561 TERM            2000.0 2.9863000                .0290000 Anps 480V MCC 29-2           LOAD 567 TERM            2000.0          1216000         .0183000 g                                                  At'ps 480V MCC 29-2           LOAD 556 TERM            2000.0       .7839000           .0202000 Anps 480V ECC 29-4           LOAD 577 TERM            2000.0      .1729000           .0115000 Anos                                                                                      .

480V CCC 29 4 LOAD 578 TERM 2000.0 .3471000 .0097000 Anps iBOV CCC 29-4 LOAD 580 TERM 2000.0 .7216000 .0092000 Anps i

AC Itsetriest Load conitaring system ver 2.20 Calc. No. M12-73-15-1 gey, e care : 04-13 92 sargent & Lundy Engineers project No. 6913-73 Chicago, 111. p3g, ag4 of

 . Utility :        Sergent & Lundy Internal use                  Proj. ho. : 8913 73 Station : QUAD CITIES FILE:23.DAT                              unit . 2
                                                               "* Connection Data "*

j i, . _ . . Cable %19 %Im X/R Tap from to Rating R (ohms) X (ohms) OA Base Tol GA kVA Ratio Ratio 480V MCC 29-4 60ADSi1 TERM 2000.0 1.0483000 .0123000 e j Ams t 480V GCC 29-4 i LOAD 582 TERM 2000.0 1.6038000 .0088000 Ams 480v MCC 29-1 toad 527 TERM 2000.0 1.6492000 .0202000 Ams

  • 4

L a 4 ;: . Ho. ts12-71-Is-1 AC Electrical Load Monitcring System v2r 2.20 _ D:ts : 04 01-92 serpent & tmdr Engineers

  • Chicago, Ill. * #

Page A15 of Sargent & tmdy internal tjse Utility :

  $tstion s GUAD CITI:!$-FILE:Z3.DAT Proj. ho. : 8913-73 unit : 2 hh
                                                                            '" Load Data *"

s R:t:c # 505 RECEPTACLE B/MC-25&B/MC 26 status E Rated Eff PF LPC $t pf

                                 *                                                                   $C TC Modificatlon # / Cable Source Bus     volts / Rating T ype (%)                  (%)          (1)    (1) Speed (sec) Master Diagram #              #

Sys 480V 6'CC 28 3 3.0 HP I 80.0 - 85.0 625. 68.0 1800 .0000 460.[ Running Load : Congiltion ): .0 HP 2: .0 HP 3: .0 HP 4: .0 HP < Rec # 506 TEMP CONT UNIT JB 2RB-301 status : E Rtted Eff PF LRC St pf SC TC Modification # / Cable Source Bus Volts Rating Type (%) (%) (%) '(%) Speed (sec) Master Diogram # # Sys 480V MCC 28-3 480. 8.0 W R 100.0 90.0 D. 20.0 0 .0000 amning Load : Condition 1: 8.0 KW 2: 8.0 W 3: 8.0 rw 4: 8.0 W Rec # 507 METEOROLOGICAL TWR HSE ENVI status : E Rated Eff PF LRC St pf SC TC Modification # / Cable Source Bus Volts Rating Type (1) (%) (%) (1) Speed (sec) Master Diagram # # Sys 480V MCC 28+3 480. 20.0 KW R 100.0 90.0 D. 20.0 0 .0000 R m nirg Load : Condition 1: .0 KW 2: .0 KW 3: .0 tw 4: .0 KW Rec # 508 2-19028 FUEL POOL CLG WTR PMP 2B Status : E *" Safety - Related *" Rated Eff PF LRC $t pf SC TC Modification # / Cable source Bus volts Rating Type (1) (%) (1) (%) speed (sec) Master Diagram # # Sys 480V $WGR 29 460. 100.0 HP I 90.0 85.0 625. 37.0 1770 .0000 Running Load : Condition 1: .0 HP 2: .0 HP 3: .0 HP 4: .0 HP Rec # $09 2 37018 RX BLDG CLG leTR PMP 2B Status : E Rated Eff PF LRC St pf SC TC Modificatico # / Cable source Bus Volts Rating Type (%) (1) (%) (%) Speed (sec) Master Diagram # # Sys 480V SWGR 29 460. 125.0 HP I 90.0 85.0 625. 35.0 1780 .0000 Rmning Load : Condition 1: .0 HP 2: .0 HP 3: .0 HP 4: .0 HP tec # $10 2-57048 RX BLDG EXH FAN 2B Status : E Ested Eff PF LRC St pf $C TC Modification a / Cable Source sua Volta Rating Type (%) (%) (1) (%) Speed (sec) Master Diagram # # Sys 80V sWGR 29 460. 100.0 HP I 90.0 85.0 625. 37.0 1775 .0000 !mning Load : Condition 1: .0 HP 2: .0 HP 3: .0 HP 4: .0 HP cc # $11 2 5704C RX BLDC EXH FAN 2C $tatus E . Rated Eff PF LRC 51 pf SC TC Modification #,/ Cable Source Bus Volts Rating Type (%) (1) (%) (%) Speed (sec) Master Diagram # # Sys 80V sWGR 29 460. 100.0 HP 1 90.0 85.0 625. 37.0 1 775 .0000 uming Load : Condition 1: .0 HP 2: .0 HP 3: .0 HP 4: . .0 $P

Ld1C. f.C . C744-i4~17'A At Etsctrical Load tonitorfra System var 2.20 p p ,, e 0;ts : 04 01-92 Sargent & tmdy Engineers , Prcject .G. 6912 4 4 Chicago, Ill.

                                                                                                                              ;. age a n of Utility :        Sergent & Lundy Internal Use Station : QUAD CITIES-FILE:Z3.DAT Proj. ho. : 8913-73 Unit : 2 184363
                                                                          *" Load Data *"

4 Rec # 512 2-5703A Rx BLDG SPLY FAN 2A Status E Rated Eff PF LRC St pf SC TC Modification # / Cable Source Bus Volts / Rating Type (%) (1) (%) (%) Speed (sec) Master Diagrarn # # Sys 480V SWGR 29 460.[ 100.0 HP 1 90.0 85.0 625. 37.0 1800 .0000 Running Load Cond) tion 1: .0 HP 2: .0 HP 3: .0 HP 4: .0 HP Rec # 513 2-5705C TURS BLDG EXH FAN 2C Status : E Rated Eff PF LRC St pf SC TC Modification # / Cable Source Bus Volts Rating Type (%) (%) (%) (1) Speed (sec) Master Diagram # # Sys 480V SWGR 29 460. 150.0 HP I 90.0 85.0 625. 33.0 1780 .0000 Rmning Load : Condition 1: .0 HP 2: .0 HP 3: .0 HP 4: .0 HP Rec # 514 Rx BLDG LIGHTING 2 Status : E Rated Eff PF LRC St pf SC TC Modification # / Cable Source Bus Volts Rating Type (%) (1) (%) (%) Speed (sec) Master Diagram # # Sys 480V SWGR 29 480. 108.OrVA R 100.0 90.0 0. 20.0 0 .0000 Running Load : Condition 1: 89.1 KVA 2: 89.1 KVA 3: 89.1 rVA 4: 89.1 KVA Rec # 515 2 5702B E. TURB BLDG SPLY FAN 28 Status . E Rated Eff PF LRC St pf SC TC Modification # / Cable Source Bus Volts Rating Type (%) (%) (1) (%) Speed (sec) Master Diagram # # Sys 480V SWGR 29 460. 100.0 HP I 90.0 85.0 625. 37.0 1800 .0000 Rmning Load : Condition 1: .0 HP 2: .0 HP 3: .0 HP 4: .0 HP tec # 516 2-3903 DG CLG VTR PMP #2 Status : E *** Saf ety - Related *** Rated Cff PF LRC St pf SC TC Modification # / Cable Source Bus Volts Rating Type (%) (1) (1) (%) Speed (sec) Master Diagram # # Sys .(aD 516 TERM 460. 100.0 HP 1 100.0 86.0 615. 41.0 3550 .0000 tunning Load : Condition 1: 90.0 HP 2: 90.0 HP 3: 90.0 HP 4: 90.0 HP ec # $17 1/2-3701C RX BLDG CLG PMP 1/2C Status t E Rated Eff PF LRC St pf M SC TC Modification # / Cable Source Bus Volts Rating Type (%) (%) (%) (%) Speed (sec) Master Diagram # # Sys 80V S rR 29 460. 125.0 HP 1 90.0 85.0 625. 35.0 1780 .0000 uming Load : Cordition 1: .0 HP 2: .0 HP 3: .0 HP 4: .0 HP tc # 518 2-5727 DG NVAC SPLY FAN 2 Status : E *** Safety - Related *** . Rated Eff PF LRC St pf SC TC Modification # / Cable source Bus Volts Rating Type (1) (%) (%) (%) Speed (sec) Master Diagram # # Sys

*D 518 TERM            460.       50.0 HP      1     90.0      85.0 625. 38.0 1150                .0000 nning Load : Condition 1:               .0 HP        2:         48.0 HP 3:               48.0 HP          4:  ,48.0      pf a

l l i i

4C Electrical Load Monitcring System Var 2.20 Calt. Iv o . 6913-73-19-1.

g. , g D:ta : 04 01-92 Sargent & Ltruty Engineers Chicago, Itt. Project tw o. 6913-73 p,g, pg7 of Utill'ty : Sergent & Lurdy Internal Use Stetion QUAD CITIES-FILE:Z3.DAT Proj. ho. : 8913 73 Unit : 2 184363
                                                                               *" Load Data '"

. Rec # 519 2 57488 CORE SPRAT EMERG ANU 2B Status : E "* Saf ety - Related ***


Rated Eff PF LRC St pf SC TC Modification # / Cable Source Bus volts / Rating Type (%) (%) (%) (%) Speed (sec) Master Diagram # # Sys LGAD $19 TERM 460.i 5.0 HP 1 80.0 85.0 625. 58.0 1740 .0000 Running Load : Cond) tion 1,: -

                                               .0 HP 2:                   5.0 HP 3:               5.0 HP 4:           5.0 HP -

Rec # 520 2-5203 WORM FEED DG OIL XTER PMP 2 Status : E "* Saf ety - Related *** Rated Eff PF LRC St pf SC TC Modification # / Cable Source Bus Volts Rating Type (%) (%) (%) (%) Speed (sec) Master Diagrarn # # Sys LDAD 520 TERM 460- 3.0 HP I 60.0 85.0 625. 68.0 1755 .0000 Running Load : Condition 1: .0 HP 2: .0 HP 3: 2.7 HP 4: 2.7 HD Rec # 521 1-5203 ALT FD DG1 FUEL OIL XFR PMP Status : E *** Safety - Related *** Rated Eff PF LRC St pf SC TC Modification # / Cable Source Bus Vetts Rating Type (%) (%) (%) (%) Speed (sec) Master Diagram # # Sys LOAD 521 TERM 460. 3.0 HP I 80.0 85.0 625. 68.0 1755 .0000 Rm nira Load : Condition 1: .0 HP 2: .0 HP 3: .0 HP 4: .0 HP tec # $22 120/208V XFMR FD 291 1 Status : E *** Safety - Related *** Rated Eff PF LRC St pf SC TC Modification # / Cable Source Bus Volts Rating Type (%) (%) (%) (%) Speed (sec) Master Diagram # # Sys .80V MCC 29-1 480. 15.0KVA R 100.0 75.0 C. 20.0 0 .0000 tmning Load : Condition 1: 12.1 WA 2: 12.1 WA 3: 12.1 WA 4: 12.1 W A tec # 523 2 1102B STNDST LOD CONTRL PMP 2B Status : E Rated Eff PF LRC St pf SC TC Modification # / Cable Source Bus Volts Rating Type (%) (%) (%) (%) Speed (sec) Master Diagrara # # Sys CAD 523 TERM 460 50.0 HP 1 90.0 85.0 625. 38.0 1800 .0000 mning Load : Cordition is .0 HP 2: .0 HP 3: .0 HP 4: .0 HP ec # 524 2 57468 RHR$ EMERG AHU 2B Status : E *** Safety - Related *** Rated Eff PF iRC St pf SC TC Modification # / Cable di Sourca Bus Volts Rating Type (%) (%) (%) (%) Speed (sec) Master Diagram # # Sys MD 524 TERM 460, 7.5 HP I 80.0 85.0 625. 56.0 1740 .0000 ming Load : Cendition 1: .0 HP 2: 7.5 HP 3: 7.5 HP 4: 7.5 HP c# 525 2-1279-2B RX WTR CLNUP STS FLTR HOPMP Status : E . Rated Eff PF LRC St pf SC TC Modtfication # / Cable Source Bus Volts Rating Type (%) (%) (%) (%) Speed (sec) Master Diagram '# # Sys CV MCC 29-1 460. 4.0 HP 1 80.0 85.0 625. 58.0 1800 .0000 ' ming Load : Condition 1: .0 HP 2: 4.0 HP 3: 4.0 HP 4: , 4.0 Hf *

                                                                                                                                                                          -1 AC Electrical Load Monitoring System ver 2.20-                          yalc. No. W P M-19-1                ,

Data t 04 01 92 Sergent & Lundy Engineers

  • 0
                                                                                   . Chicago, !!l.                                          ojen No. - M GM                ;

Page M6 of Serpent & Lundy ' Internal Use

     ? Utility :
     ' Station QUAD CITIES FILE:23.DAT Proj. No. : 8913 73 Unit : 2
                                                                                                                                                       .f 84 363           '
                                                                                     *** Load Data ***

L Rsc # 526 2-57088 DwSTORUS PURGE EXH FAN 28 status : E *** Safety - Related *** Rated Eff PF LRC St pf

  • SC TC Modificat' ion # / Cable "

k Source Bus Volts / Rating Type (%) (1) (%) (1) Speed (sec) Master Diagram # #' Sys 480V MCC 29-1 460[ 30.0 HP 1 85.0 85.0 625. 42.0 1750 .0000 I

    . Rmnir:3 Load : Corydition/1:                   .0 HP 2:                    .0     HP-   3:          .0 HP 4:                 .0   HP i

Rec # $27 2 5747 HPCI EMERC AHU #2 Status : E *" Safety - Related *" Rated ~ Eff PF LRC $t pf SC TC kudification # / Cable  :- - - Source tus volts Rating Type (%) (%) (%) (%) Speed (sec) Master Diagram # # Sys LOAD 527 TERM 460. 3.0 HP I 80.0 85.0 625. 68.0 1755 .0000 , Ruming Load Condition 1: .0 2: HP 3.0 HP 3: 3.0 HP 4: 3.0 HP e Rec # 528 2-1279-116 REstu FEED Thr ACITATOR Status : E , Rated Eff PF LRC St pf SC TC Modification # / Cable source Bus Volts Rating Type (1) (%) (1) (%) Speed (sec) Master Diagram # # Sys '! 480V MCC 29 1 460 .8 HP I 75.0 80.0 625. 83.0 1725 .0000 l, Ruming Load : Condition 1: .0 HP 2: .0 HP 3: .0 4: HP' .0 HP I e Rec # $29 2 2301-57 HPCI CLG WTR CLN SL CONDPMP Status : E *" Safety - Re' lated ***~ Rated Eff PF LRC $t pf t SC TC Modification # / Cable Source Bus volto Rating Type (1) (%) (%) (%) Speed (sec) Master Diagram # # Sys


f LOAD 529 TERN 460. 25.0 HP I 85.0 85.0 625. 43.0 3530 .0000

  • Running Load : Condition 1: .0 HP 2: .0 HP 3: .0 HP 4: .0 HP Roc # 530 1-5727 ALT FD DG RM HVAC SPLY FAN 1 Status : E *** Safety - Related ***

Rated Eff LRC $t pf PF SC TC Modification # / Cable Sourca Bus Volts Rating Type (%) (1) (%) (%) Speed (sec) Master Diagram # # Sys r

LOAD 530 TERM 460. 50.0 HP 1 90.0 85.0 625. 38.0 1150 .0000 I R mning Lead : Condition 12 .0 HP 2: .0 HP 3: .0 HP 4: .0 HP f

i Rec # 531 2-12058 RX WTR CLWUP STS RECIRC PMP Status : E Rated Eff PF LRC St pf SC TC Modification # / Cable I Source Bus Volta Rating Type (%) (%) (1) (1) Speed (sec) Master Diagram # # Sys i 480V MCC 29-1 460. 50.0 HP 1 90.0 85.0 625. 38.0 1800 .0000

  • Rening Load : Condition 1: .0 HP 2: .0 HP 3: .0 HP 4: .0 HP 6

tec # 532 2252 81A POST LOCA H2 02 MON PMP 28 Status : E *** Safety - Related *** . Rated Eff PF LRC st pf SC TC Modification f# / Cable Source Sus Volts Rating Type (%) (1) (%) (%) Speed (sec) Master Diagram, # # Sys

                                                                                                                               '                                           }

uonD 532 TERM 460. 1.0 HP I 75.0 80.0 625. 79.0 1770 .0000 tunning Loed : Condition 1: .0 HP 2: .9 HP 3: 9 HP 4:

                                                                                                                               .9 fP i

I r m. ,

AC Electrical Load Monitoring System ver 2.20 UIC* 40* Ob' 1 oste.: 04-01-92 Serpent & Lurufy Engineers E*** * - Chicago, Ill. Erojett No. bir 13-Id Eage id0 of utility : Serpent & Lundy Internal Use Proj. ho : 8913-73 Station QUAD CITIES-FILE:Z3.DAT unit : 2

  • Load Data
  • Ric # 540 2-1001-187B RHR$ HT EXCH REV 011T VLV status : E *** Safety - Related * '

Rated , Eff PF LRC St pf SC TC Modification # / Cable source Bus Volts fating Type (%) (%) (%) (%) Speed (sec) Master Diagram # # Sys 480y MCC 29-1 480. f 1.6 HP 1 75.0 80.0 250. 75.0 1800 .0000 emning Load : Condition it .0 HP 2: .0 HP 3: .0 HP 4: .0 HP Rec # 541 2-1001-4B RHR$ HT EXCH HORM INL VLV Status : E

  • Safety Related
  • Nated Eff PF LRC St pf SC TC Modification # / Cable Scurce Bus Volts Rating Type (%) (%) (1) (%) Speed (sec) Master Diagram # # Sys 480V MCC 29 1 460. 3.9 HP I 80.0 85.0 607. 58.0 1800 .0000 tunning Load : Condition 1: .0 HP 2: .0 HP 3: .0 HP 4: .0 HP tKc # 542 HPCI TK HTR Status : E *** Safety - Related ***

Rated Eff PF LRC St pf SC TC Modification # / Cable Source Bus volts Rating Type (1) (%) (%) (%) Speed (sec) Master Diagram # # Sys CAD 542 TERM 480. 9.0 W R 100.0 100.0 0. 20.0 0 .0000 mning Load : Cordition 1: .0 KV 2: .0 KW 3: .0 KV 4: .0 m ec # 543 2 7503 RK BLOG VNT-SBGT Sup DMPR Status : E = Safety - Related *** Rated Eff PF -LRC St pf SC TC Modificttion # / Cable Source Bus Volts Rating Type (%) (%) (%) (%) Speed (sec) Maste. Diagram # # Sys GAD 543 TERM 460. 11.0 HP I 85.0 85.0 279. 49.0 1800 .0(,00 sning Load : Condition 1: .0 HP 2: .0 HP 3: .0 HP 4: .0 HP x# 544 2-1103 STANDBY LQD CONT TK HTR Status : E Rated Eff Pf LRC St pf SC TC Modification # / Cable Scurce Bus Volts Rating Type (%) (%) (1) (%) Speed (sec) Master Diagram # # Sys MD 544 TERM 480. 60.0 KV R 100.0 100.0 0. 20.0 0 .0000 nning Load : Condition 1: 48.4 KV 2: 48.4 KV 3: 48.4 KV 4: 48.4 G c# 545 2-3701 CLSD CLG VTR HDR ISOL VLV Status : E i g Rated Eff PF LRC St pf SC TC Modification # / Cable Source Bus volts Rating Type (%) (%) (%) (%) Speed (sec) Master Olegram # # Sys OV MCC 29 1 460. 1.0 HP  ! 75.0 80.0 625. 79.0 1800 .0000 I inira Load : Condition 1: .0 HP 2: .0 HP 3: .0 HP 4: .0 HP i

# 546 2-1402 38 CORESPRT PMP SUCT VLV 2B Status : E
  • Safety - Related *" '

Rated Eff PF LRC St pf SC TC Modification # /, Cable ' Source Bus volts Rating Type (%) (%) (%) (%) Speed (sec) Master Diagram #f # Sys

)V CCC 29-1          460.        1.7 HP      T     75.0    80.0 251            75.0 1800       .0000 ining Load : Condition 1:             .0    HP     2:            .0     HP     3:        .0      HP     4:   ,   .0    H P,
  • l I


h- W f.C Electrical Load 6:onitoring System var 2.20 C.aic. No. id i d-73-U-; Date : 04-01 92 Sergent & Lundy Engineers Rev. O I Chicago, llt. ff0 ject NO. 6913-73 j Page A21 of i Utility : . Sergent & Lundy Internal Use Proj. ho. : 8913 73 Station t QUAD CITIES-FILE:Z3.DAT unit : 2 ~

                                                                                    *" Load Data ***

J Rec # 547 2-1402 4A CORESPRY TST BYPS VLV Status : E *** Safety - Related *** ~ Rated Eff PF LRC St pf SC TC Modificatio' n # / Cable j Source Bus Volts Asting Type (%) (%) (%) (%) Speed (sec) Master Diagram # # Sys '

 .480V MCC 29-1 460.    [ 1.7 HP I 75.0                         80.0 638. 75.0 1800                 .0000 Running Load : Condipion is                   .0 HP 2:                        .0 HP 3:                  .0 HP 4:             .0     HP I

Rec # 548 2A-5701 RECIRC MG SET VENT FAN 2A Status : E Rated Eff PF LRC St pf SC TC Modification # / Cable Source Bus Volts Rating Type (%) (%) (%) (%) Speed (sec) Master Diagram # # Sys I ' 480V Mrc 29 2 460. 60.0 HP I 90.0 85.0 625, 38.0 1800 .0000 Rmning Load : Condition 1: .0 HP 2: .0 HP 3: .0 HP 4: .0 HP I Rec # 549 RX PROT M-G SET 2B Status : E Rated Eff PF LRC St pf SC TC Modification # / Cable


Source sus Volts Rating Type (%) (1) (%) (%) Speed (sec) Master Diagram # # Sys 'l 480V $:CC 29-2 460. 25.0 HP I 85.0 85.0 625. 43.0 1787 .0000 i tmning Load : Condition 1: 16.5 HP 2: 16.5 HP 3: 16.5 HP 4: 16.5 HP tec # 550 2 52098 DG STARTING AIR CCMPR 28 Status : E *** Safety - Retated *** ) Rated Eff PF LRC St pf SC TC Modification # / Cable Source Bus volts Rating Type (%) (%) (%) (%) Speed (sec) Master Diagram # # Sys

 .0AD 550 TERM             460.

j 5.0 HP 1 80.0 85.0 625. 58.0 1735 .0000

mning Load : Condition 1: .0 HP 2: 5.0 HP 3: 5.0 HP 4: 5.0 HP s

ec # 551 250VDC EATTERT CHARGER #2 Status : E *** Safety - Related *** Rated Eff PF LRC St pf SC TC Modification # / Cable Source Bus volts Rating Type (%) (%) (%) (%) Speed (sec) Master Diagram # # Sys 040 551 TERM 480. 93.9KvA R 100.0 95.0 0. 20.0 0 .0000 unning Load : Condition 1: 83.5 KvA 2: 83.5 KVA 3: 83.5 KVA 4: 83.5 KVA I x# 552 2-5209A DG STARTING AIR COMPR 2A Status : E *** Safety - Related *** g Rated Eff PF LRC St pf SC TC Modification # / Cable  !

     -Source Bue      Volts         Rating Type (%)                     (1)        (1) (%) Speed (sec) Master Diagram #                     # Sys MD 552 TERM             460.         5.0 HP            I       80.0     85.0 625. 58.0 1735 .0000                                                                    t rining Load : Condition 1:                  .0        HP 2:                 5.0 HP 3:                  .0 HP 4:             .0    HP
.c# 553                       125VDC BATTERY CHARGER #2                            Status : E        *** Saf ety - Related ***                                 .

Rated Eff LRC St pf

     ' Source Bus     Volts         Rating Type (%)

PF (%) (%) SC TC Modification # /f Cable (%) Speed (sec) Master Diagram #f # Sys AD 553 TERM 480. 39.9KvA R 100.0 95.0 0. 20.0 0 .0000 nning Load : Condition 1: 35.5 KvA 2: 35.5 KVA 3: 35.5 KVA 4: 35.5 Kv4  ! a > i 6 i

                                          -       . . .                                ~         .   -                                                       ,    ,_

AC Electrical Load Monitoring Systne ver 2.20 Calc. hoi.2i13-73-14-1 Date : 04 01-92 Sargent S Lundy Engineers key, 0 ' Chicago, lit. project No. 6913-73  ; Eage fell of I Utility : Sergent & Ltrdy Internal Use Proj. ho. : 8913-73 " Station QUAD CITIES FILE:Z3.DAT Unit : 2 .184363

                                                                       "* Load Data *"

5 , Rec # 554 TURS BLDG EMERG LGTS Status : E *" Safety - Related ***


Rated Eff PF LRC St pf SC TC Modificatibn # / Cable Scurce Bus Volts [ Rating Type (%) (%) (%) (%) Speed (sec) Master Diagram # # Sys I

.480V MCC 29 2                                      R 100.0     90.0       0. 20.0      0     .0000                                                    i 480.[ 47.0 m Amning Load : Cond) tion 1:               .0_ KW 2:             .0 KW 3:              .0 KW 4:             .0    KV                                ,
e l

Rec # 555 ALT F0 DG1 CWP CLR FANS A&G Status : E *** Saf ety - Related "* Rated Eff PF LRC St pf SC TC Modification # / Cable Source Bus Volts Rating Type (1) (%) (%) (%) Speed (sec) Master Diagram # # Sys  ! 480V MCC 29 2 460. 1.5 HP I 75.0 80.0 625. 83.0 1800 .0000  : R mning Load : Condition 1: .0 HP 2: .0 HP 3: .0 HP 4: .0 HP ' I Rze # 556 RHR SW PMP 2C CLR FAN A Status : E *" Saf ety - Related *" Rated Eff PF LRC St pf SC TC Modification # / Cable  ! Source Bus Volts Rating Type (1) (%) (%) (%) Speed (sec) Master Diagram # # Sys j LOAD 556 TERM 460. 3.0 HP 1 80.0 85.0 625. 68.0 1730 .0000 R mning Load : Condition 1: .0 HP 2: 2.7 HP 3: 2.7 HP 4- 2.7 HP t


. Rec # 557 RHRS SW PMP 2C CLR FAN B Status : E *** Safety - Related *** -


Rated Eff e/ LRC St pf SC TC Modification # / Cable + Source Bus Volts Rating Type (%) (%) (%) (1) Speed (sec) Master Diagram # # Sys  ! 480V 8:CC 27-2 460. 3.0 HP 1 80.0 85.0 625. 68.0 1730 .0000 l Running Load : Condition 1: .0 NP 2: 2.7 HP 3: 2.7 HP 4: 2.'7 HP Rec # 558 RHR SW PMP 2C CLR FAN C Status : E *** Safety - Related *** Rated Eff PF LRC St pf SC TC Modification # / Cable j Scurce Bus Volts Rating Type (1) (%) (I) (%) Speed (sec) Master Diagram # # Sys l L80V MCC 29-2 460. 3.0 HP I 80.0 85.0 625. 68.0 1730 .0000 -l Amning Load : Condition 1: .0 HP 2: 2.7 HP 3: 2.7 HP 4: 2.7 HP '! 4ec # 559 RHR SW PMP 2C CLR FAN D Status : E "* Saf ety - Related *" g

 .                       Rated                         Eff     PF      LRC St pf            SC TC M Mification # / Cable                               I Scurce Bus       Volts      Rating Type (1)           (1)      (X)    (%) Speed     (s'ec) Master Diagram #          # Sys                      ]

20V MCC 29 2 460. 3.0 HP I 80.0 85.0 625. 68.0 1730 .0000 tmning Load : Condition 1: .0 HP 2: 2.7 HP 3: 2.7 HP 4: 2.7 HP 1 cc # 560 DG2 CLC WTR PMP CLR FAN A Status : E *** Safety Related *** , . Rated Eff PF LRC St pf SC TC Modification #,/ Cable i Source Bus Volts Rating Type (1) (%) (%) (%) Speed (sec) Master. Diagram * # Sys tmD $60 TERM 460. 1.5 HP I 75.0 80.0 625. 83.0 1800 .0000 '

  • mning Load : Condition 1: 1.4 HP 2: 1.4 HP 3: 1.4 HP 4: 1.4 P 1

1 _

          .ar  ,   esp                                                                                                                                                              .

[ AC Etsctrical Load Monitoring System Var 2.20 'Ca c. No. 6:13-7 3-l 's-1 ' Dats : 04-01 1 $sroent & Luncty Engineers , hev. J O - A Chicago, Itt. Pio.j ect f. o . $313-73' .; Vhtje . hE3 'O f-

; Utility :        L$srgent Lundy Internet Use                                        .Proj. No. ; 8913-73 Station : QUAD CITIES 41LE:Z3.DAT                                                    Unit : 2                                                                            .


                                                                                         *** Load Data ***
                                                   't                                                                                                                             :;

Rec # .561 DG2 CLG WtR PMP CLR FAN B Status : E "* Safety - Related *" . Rated Eff PF LRC St pf SC TC Modification # / Cable Source Bus Volts Asting Type (%) (1) (%) (%) Speed (sec) Master Diagram # # Sys LOAD 561 TERM 460 1.5 HP 75.0 I- 80.0 625. 83.0 1800 .0000 l Running Load : Condi, tion 1[ 1.4 W 2: 1.4 HP 3: 1.4 HP' 4: 1.4 HP 3 Rec # '562 RHR $W PMP 2D CLR FAN A. Status : E "* $sfety - Related *** ' Rated Eff PF LRC $t pf '{

                                                                                                                       $C TC Modification # / Cable source sus              Volts        Rating Type (1)                 (%)           (%)      (%) Speed (sec) Master Diagram #                     # Sys 480v MCC 29-2                    460.           3.0 HP       I 80.0           85.0 625. 68.0 1730                      .0000' Running Load t Condition 1:
                                                      .0 HP 2:                   2.7 HP 3:                     2.7 HP 4:                 2.7 HP l

1 Rec # 563 RHR $W PMP 2D CLR FAN B Status : E *** $afety - Related "* Rated Eff PF LRC $t pf SC TC Hodification # / Cable- + source Bus Volts Rating Type (%) (1) (1) (%) Speed (sec) Master Diagram # # Sys 480V KCC 29-2 460. 3.0 HP 1 80.0 85.0 625. 68.0 1730 .0000 Rmning Load : Condition 1: .0 HP 2: 2.7 HP 3: 2.7 HP 4: 2.7 HP Rec #- 564 RHR $W PMP 2D CLR FAN C Status : E *** Safety - Related *" Rated Eff PF LRC $t pf SC TC Modification # / Cable Scurce Bus. Volts Rating Type (%) -{ (%) (1) (%) Speed (sec) Master Diegram # # $ys  ! 480V 4:CC 29-2 460. 3.0 HP I 80.0 85.0 625. 68.0 1730 .0000 tmning Load : Condition 1: .0 HP 2: 2.7 HP 3: t 2.7 HP 4: 2.7 HP tec #~ 565 RNR SW PMP 2D CLR FAN D $tatus : E "* Safety - Related "* Rated Eff PF LRC $t pf $C TC Modification # / Cable  ! Source Bus Volts Rating Type (1) (1) (%) (1) $ peed (sec) Master Diagram # # Sys 80V MCC 29-2 460. 3.0 HP I 80.0 85.0 625. 68.0 1730 .0000

  • mniro Load : Condition 1: .0 HP 2: 2.7 HP 3: 2.7 HP 4: 2.7 HP '

t oc # 566 2-5707B RX FD PMP VENT FAN 2B Status : E  ! gg. Rated Eff PF LRC $t pf SC TC Modification # / Cable  ! Source Bus Volts Rating Type (1) (1) (1) (%) Speed (sec) Master Diagram # # Sys 30V MCC 29 2 460. 60.0 HP I 90.0 { 85.0 625. 38.0 1750 .0000 sining Load : Condition 1: 54.0 HP 3: l 54.0 HP 2: 54.0 HP 4: 54.0 HP f se # 567 2-2501 ACAD AIR COMPR Status : E *** Safety - Related *** Rated Eff PF LRC St pf SC TC Modification # / Cable i k n e tus Volts Rating Type (1) (%) (1) (%) Speed (sec)MasterDiagram$- # Sys AD 567 TERM 460. 25.0 HP I 85.0 85.0 625. 43.0 1760 *

                                                                                                                  .0000                     '

ming Load : Condition 1: .0 HP 2: .0 HP 3: .0 HP 4: ,

                                                                                                                                         .0   HP

p 1 h h l

                                                              'At Electrical Load Monits> ring System Ver-2.20                Calc. T.o. 69'3-75-19-1          I
q Data's 04-01 92 Sergent & Lundy Engineers ' N'V* O  !

Chicago, 141 hoject feo. 6913-73 i ESQP OdA ' O f 'i Utility $ argent & Lundy Internal Use Proj. No. : 8913-73 station : QUAD CITIES-FlLE:Z3.DAT unit : 2

  • Load Osts *


                                                                                                                                                            -l 3                                                                                                              .
   ' Rec # 568 2 5620A                TURB BEARING LIFT PMP 2A                     . status : E' Rated Eff       PF      LRC 5t pf           SC TC Modification # / Cable                            !

Source Bus Volts Type (1) (%) (1) (%) Speed (sec) Master Diagram'# # sys '

  - 480V MCC 29-3                460.,/10.0   Rating HP             85.0      85.0 625. 54.0 1800 f

1 .0000 Reir:3 Load : Cond) tion h .0 HP 22 9.0 HP 3: -[ 9.0 HP 4: 9.0 HP - -i i t Rec # 569 2 56208 Tuk# BEARING LIFT PMP 2B Status : E i Rated Eff PF LRC St pf SC TC Modification # / Cable source Bus Volts Rating . Type (%) (%) (%) (%) Speed (sec) Master Diagram # # Sys

  '480V MCC 29 3                460.         10.0 HP        1     85.0      85.0 625. 54.0 1800          .0000                                                   ;

katrig Loed : Condition 1: .0 HP 2: 9.0 HP 3: 9.0 HP 4: 9.0 HP . j q Rec # 570 2-5620C TURB BEARING LIFT r e 2C status : E ' Rated Eft PF LRC St pf SC TC Modification # / Cable  ! Source Bus voito Rating Type (%) (%) (%) (1) Speed (sec) Master Diagram # # Sys .; 480V MCC 29 3 460. 10.0 HP 1 85.0 85.0 6 25 . 54.0 1800 .0000 I Running Load Condition 1: .0 HP 2: 9.0 HP 3 9.0 HP 4 9.0 HP. i

                                                                                                                                                            .t Rec # 571 '2 56200              TURB BEARING LIFT PMP 2D                        status : E
                                                                                                                                                            -r Rated                                Eff      PF       LRC St pf          SC TC Modification # / Cable Source Bus        Volts        Rating Type (%)                                                                                                        l (X)      .(%)    (%) Speed (sec) Master Diagram #        8. Sys

480V MCC 29-3 460. 10.0 HP I B5.0 85.0 625. 54.0 1800 .0000 - Raing Load Condition is .0 HP. 2: 9.0 HP 3: 9.0 HP 4: 9.0 HP P

~ Rec # 572 2 5620E                 TURB BEARING LIFT PMP 2E                       status : E Rated                               Eff       PF      LRC $t pf           SC TC Modification # / Cable source Bus        Volts        Rating Type (%)                 (1)       (%)    (%) Speed (sec) Master Diagram #        # Sys                          '

480V MCC 29 3 460. 10.0 HP I 85.0 85.0 625. 54.0 1800 .0000

  • Reing Load Condition 1: .0 MP 2: 9.0 HP 3 f 9.0 HP 4: 9.0 HP ,'
 -tec # 573 2-5600                 TURBINE TutNING GEAR                            Status : E y_                        Rated                                Eff      PF       LRC St pf           SC TC Modification # / Cable Source Bus        Volts         Rating Type (1)                (%)        (1) (%) $ peed (sac) Master Diagram #          #   Sys.
  .80V MCC 29 3                450.       60.0 HP        I       90.0     85.0 625. 38.0 1175          .0000                                                     '

usinita toed : Condition 1 .0 HP 2: 60.0 HP 3 60.0 HP 4: 60.0 HP I ec # 5 74 2 5608 TURB TURNING CEAR O!L PMP status : E ~ Rated Eff PF LRC St pf ' Source Bus ' Volts SC TC Modification # f Cable Rating Type (%) (%) (%) (%) Speed (sec) Master Diagram # # sys

  • 807 MCC 29-3 460. 50.0 HP 1 90.0 85.0 625. 38.0 1760 .0000 ' *
  • trinirn Load : Condition 1: .0 MP 2: 45.0 HP 3: 45.0 HP 4: ,45.0 y i

i i

           .     .                         .         . ~ . . .                                             .         . ...

a AC E1eetriest Load Monitering 5ystom Ver 2.20 Calc. Two. d911-73-13-1 4 I0tte: 04-01'92 g Sergent & Lmdy Engineers Chicago, lit. p, g , p, gg g { Utility : Sergent' & Lundy Internal Use Proj. No. : 8913 73 Station : ouAD CITIES-FILE:23.DAT 1~84 3 6 31 l Unit : 2 ' l

                                                                                     *** Load Date *"

Rsc # 575 2-5758E DRYWELL CLG BLR 2E Status : E

  • Rated , Eff PF LRC St pf SC TC Modification # / Cable - "

Source Bus Volts ' / Reting Type (1) (%) (1) (%) Speed (sec) Master Diagram # # Sys '

  ' 480V MCC 29-3                         84.0 HP          I        90.0     85.0 625. 37.0 1800 460.f                                                                            .0000                                              ~!

R ening Load z Condition 1: .0 HP 2: .0 HP 3: .0 HP 4: .0 HP -! 8ec # 576 2-5734 DRYWELL CLC BLR 2D Status : E Reted ~~~ Eff PF LRC' St pf SC TC Modification # / Cable -. l Source tus Volts Rating Type (1) l (%) (1) (%) Speed (sec) Master Diagram # # Sys 480Y MCC 29-4 460. 84.0 HP 1 90.0 85.0 625, 37.0 1800 .0000 {' Runntra Loed : Condition 1: .0 HP 2: .0 HP 3: .0 HP 4: .0 HP i Rec # 577 1/2-7503A SaGT AIR HTRS Status : E *** Safety - Retsted *** Rated Eff PF LRC St pf SC TC Modification # / Cable Source Bus Volts Rating Type (%) (1) (%) (1) Speed (sec) Master Diagram # # Sys LOAD 577 TERM 480. 30.0 rw R 100.0 100.0 0. 20.0 0 .0000 Running toed : Condition 1: ) 24.6 KW 2: 24.6 KW 3: 24.6 KW 4 24.6 KW f I Rec # 578 1/2-5706A SaGT FAN Status : E *** Safety Related *** Rated Eff PF LRC St pf SC TC Modification # / Cable  !

        ~ Source Bus       Volts      Reting Type (%)                     (1)        (1) (1) Speed (ssj ) Master Diagram #                # Sys LO4D 578 TERM 460.       20.0 HP          I        85.0      85.0 625. 44.0 1760 .0000 Rmning Load : Corxfition 1:                20.0 HP 2:                      20.0 HP 3:                                                                             'l 20.0 HP 4:               20.0 HP
 'tec # 579 2 3799              DW/ TORUS DIFF PRESS COMP 2B                         Status : E Rated                                  Eff       PF        LRC St pf               SC TC Modification # / Cable Source Bus       Volts      Reting Type (%) (%)                             (1)    (1) Speed (sec) Poster Diagram #              # Sys                       j
  .80V MCC 29-4             460.        40.0 HP         1        85.0 85.0 625. 40.0 1765- .0000 tmning Loed : Condition 1:                  .0 HP 2:                          .0 HP 3:              .0 HP 4:


                                                                                                                               .0   HP                                '

i oc # 580 1/2-7504A SBGT CUTSD AIR SPLT DAMPER Status : E *** Safety - Related *** Rated

 .g                                                              Eff       PF       LRC St pf                SC TC Modification # / Cable                             l Source Bus        Volts      Rating Type (%)                     (%)        (1) (%) Speed (sec) Master Diagram #                  # Sys 04D 580 TERM            460.           .1 HP        I        75.0      80.0 625. 85.0 1800               .0000 mning Loed : Condition 1:                   .0 HP 2:                         .0 HP 3:               .0 HP 4:


                                                                                                                               .0   HP ec # 581 1/2-7507A           SBGT FAN DISCH DAMPER 1/2A                          Status : E       *" Safety - Related ""                                   -       I Roted                                 Eff       PF        LRC St pf                SC TC Modification # / Cable                             j Source Bus        Volts      Reting Type (1)                     (1)        (1)     (1) Speed (sec) Master Diagram,#              # Sys MD $81 TERM              460.         2.7 HP        1        80.0      85.0 625. 68.0 1800                .0000                                                    '

, Jnning Load : Condition 1 .0 HP 2: .0 HP 3: .0 HP 4: . .0 SP i l


1 1

                          -,                 .               _                   ...m              -   . . - .           -   ..,_m                  .        _  ,_.
            .y         -

AC Eltetricst Load Monitoring System Ver 2.20 C Tn:C. Idd. 53 0- @ li-1 ,

Date 2 04-01 92 g Sergent & Lundy Engineers y Chicago, Ill.

g ggg -] gg j Utility Sergent & tmdy Internal Use : Proj. ho. : 8913-73 Station : &JAD CITIES FILE:Z3.DAT unit : 2 18 363 -! i

                                                                                     *" Load Date *"                                                                             '

_ Rec # 582 1/2-7505A SBCT SYS IN DAMPER 1/2A Status : E "* Safety .- Related *** Rated Eff PF LRC St pf

                                         '                                                                          ~ SC TC Modification # / Cabt'e Source Bus         Volts /Reting Type (%)                                  (1)

(%) (1) Speed (sec) Master Diagram # # Sys .; LOAD 582 TERM .7 HP I 75.0. 460.[ 80.0 521. 83.0 1700 .0000

   ' Running Load : Condjtlon14                     .0 HP 2:                     .0 HP 3:                        .0    HP 4:
                                                                                                                                           .0 . WP                               ;
   ' Rec #- 583 2 1001 26B RHR$ CONT SPRY SHTOF ISOVLV                                Status E                *** Safety - Related *"

Rated Eff PF LRC St pf { SC TC Modification # / Cable Source Bus volta Rating Type (%) (%) (1) (I) Speed (sec) Master Diagram # # Sys ' 480V t:CC 29-4 460. 1.6 HP I 75.0 80.0 638. 75.0 1800 .0000 R mning Load : Condition 1: .0 HP 2: .0 HP 3: .0 HP 4: .0 HP , i l R'e c # 584 2-1001 23B RHRS BACKUP CONT SPRT YLV2B Status : E "* Safety - Related *** Rated Eff rF LRC St pf. SC TC Modification # / Cable  ; Source Bus Volts Rating Type (%) (%) (1) -(%) Speed (sec) Master Diagram # # Sys j 480V MCC 29 , 460 1.6 HP I 75.0 80.0 638. 75.0 1800 .0000 Running Lon

  • Condition 1: .0 HP 2: .0 HP 3: .0 HP 4:


                                                                                                                                          .0    HP
 ' Roc # 585 m 348                  RHR MN SNT0F T0 SPRN CH VLV                     Status : E              *" Safety - Related ***

Rated Eff PF - LRC St pf SC TC Modification # / Cable I Source Bus Volts . Rating Type (1) (%) (1) (%) Speed (sec) Master Diagram # # Sys M I MCC 29-4 460. 4.0 HP 1 80.0 85.0 543. 58.0 1800

 . tunning Load : Condition 1:                    .0 HP 2:                                                                                                                      ;
                                                                              .0 HP 3:                         .0 HP 4:                  .0     HP i

tec # 586 2 1001 368 RHRS SPRN CH DNPLW VLV 2B Status : E *" Safety - Related *" Rated Eff PF LRC St pf t SC TC Modification # / Cable , Source Bus Volta Rating Type (1). (%) (I) (%) Speed (sec) Master Diagram # # Sys i 80V MCC 29-4 460. .6 HP ' I 75.0 80.0 566. 83.0 1800 .0000 tming Load : Cordition 1: 0 HP 2: .0 HP 3: .0 HP 4: '!

                                                                                                                                        .0      HP                              ,

ec # 587 2-1001 378 RHRS SPRN CH SPRY HDR VLV2B Status : E *** Safety - Related *" 'E Rated Eff PF LRC St pf

  '38                                                                                                              SC TC Modification # / Cable                                 #

Source Bus Volta Rating Tp (%) (1) (%) (%) Speed (sec) Master Diagram # ~ # Sys SOV MCC 29-4 460. .7 HP I 75.0 80.0 571. 83.0 1800 .0000 }

   . ming Load : Condition 1:                    .0 HP 2:                    .0 HP 3:                        .0 HP 4:
                                                                                                                                        .0     HP e* 588 2-1001-43C              RHR$ SWTDN CLG VLV 2C                            Status : E             *** Safety Related ***                                         .      !

Rated Eff PF LRC St pf SC TC Modification # /, ' Cable .  ;

       . Source Bus        volts       Rating Type (1)                (%)          (1)        (%) Speed (sec) Master Diagram #                          # Sys        '

OV MCC 29-4 460. 1.0 HP I 75.0 * [ 80.0 571. 79.0 1800 .0000 rining Load : Condition 1: .0 HP 2: .0 HP 3: .0 HP 4:

                                                                                                                                   ,. . 0, H/                                   t i

i i I

t CeiC. No. c5 7,3- 74 A t . .j AC Electrical Load Monitoring systee var 2.20 g,g ,

    'Date : 04-01-92..                                                  Serpent & Lundy Engineers
                                                                                                                                    ; ,.gy go, geg3 73 Chicago, i1L.

Pap A27 ' of Utility : Sargent & Ltruty Internal Use - Station QUAD CITIES-FILE:23.DAT Proj. No. : 8913 n Unit : 2 184363 i l

  • Load Data ***

1 1 Rec # 589 2 1001-43D RHR$ $NTDH CLG VLV 2D St u us : E - *** Saf ety - Related *** f Eff


Rated PF tRC 5t pf SC TC Modification # / Cable  ! Ecurce Bus Volts Stating Type (1) (%) (1) (%) Speed (sec) Master Diagram # # Sys 480V MCC 29-4 1.0 HP I 75.0 80.0 714. 79.0 1800 .0000 460. [ i

   . Running Load : Cond}tionis                 .0 HP 2:                      .0 HP 3:                  .0     hP 4:          .0   HP                               I Rec # 590 2 1001 198 RNRS CLG PMP CR$ HDR VLV                                $tatus : E         * $af ety - Related ***

Rated Eff PF LRC St pf SC TC Modification # / Cable source Bus volts Rating Type (%) (%) (1) (%) Speed (sec)' Master Diagram # # Sys  ! 480V 1:CC 29-4 440. 2.6 HP I 80.0 85.0 302. 68.0 1800 .0000 R m ning Load : Condition 1: .0 HP 2: .0 HP 3: .0 HP 4: -l

                                                                                                                             .0   HP

I Rec # 591 2-1001-168 RHR$ HT EXCH 10038 BYPS VLV Status : E *** Safety - Related *** Rated Eff PF LRC St pf SC TC Modification # / Cable  ! Source Bus Volts Rating Type (1) (%) (%) (%) speed (sec) Master Diagram #. # Sys 48# MCC 29-4 460. 5.3 HP 1 80.0 85.0 536. 56.0 1800 l

                                                                                                             .0000 Rtsning Load : Condition is                 .0 HP 2                                                                                                              }
                                                                             .0 HP 3:                 .0 HP 4:               .0   HP                           ~l I

l i tec # 592 2-1001-7D RHR$ CLNT PMP SUCT HDR VLV 5tatus : E *** Safety - Related *** Rated Eff PF LRC 5t pf SC TC Modification # / Cable -i Source Bus Volts Rating Type (%) (%) (t) (%) Speed (sec) Master Diagram # # Sys ' 480V MCC 29-4 460. 1.0 HP 1 75.0 80.0 426. 79.0 1800 .0000 tmning Load : Corusition 1: j

                                              .0 HP 2:                      .0 HP 3:                  .0 . HP 4:            .0    HP i

tec # 593 2-1001-5B RNRS CONT CLNT SERV WTR VLV Status : E *** Safety - Related *** Rated Eff PF LRC st pf SC TC Modification # / Cable volts Source Bus Rating Type (%) (%) (%) (%) Speed (sec) Master Diagram # # Sys  !

    -80V 5:CC 29 4          460.         .6 HP      I     75.0         80.0 571. 83.0 1700                  .0000                                              'I uming Load : Condition 1:               .0 HP 2:                       .0 HP 3:                 .0 HP 42               .0   HP                  _

i ac # 5 94 2-1001 7C RNR$ CLNT PMP SUCT HDR VLV status : E *** Safety - Related *** I Rated Eff LRC St pf ' g . PF SC TC Modification # / Cable  ; Source Bus Volts Rating Type (%) (1) (%) (%) Speed (sec) Master Diagram # # Sys

  'SOV MCC 29-4                                                                                                                                                      j 460.       1.0 HP 1           75.0         80.0 286. 79.0 1800                 .0000                                                      i Jnning Load : Condition 1:               .0 HP        2:               .0 HP 3:                  .0 HP 4:              .0    HP                             '
  • t sc ' # 595 2-202 6A RX WTR REC 1RC LP EDLG VLV2A Status : E *** Saf ety - Related *** .

Rated Eff PF LRC St pf SC TC Modification # / Cable source Bus Volts Rating Type (%) (%) (%) (%) Speed (sec) Master Diagram # # Sys j LOV 8:CC 28/29-5 440. 8.0 HP I 80.0 85.0 625, 54.0 1800 .0000 rining toad : Condition 1: .0 HP 2: .0 HP 3: .0 HP 4: .0 i

                                                                                                                        ,        HP
                                                                                                                                 #                                  l' i


AC Electrical Load Monitgring System var 2.20 Cal: NO- 2913-73-10-1 D:ta : 04-01 92 5:rgent & Lurdy Engineers *- 0 Chicago, Ill. EYoject No. 6513-71 s'a g e id6 o f -- Utility :- Sargent & Lundy Internal Use Proj. tio. : 8913-73  ! Station : QUAD CITIES-FILE:Z3.DAT unit : 2 l,

                                                                          *** Load Data *"
                                          ~4 Rec tt 596 2 202-44         RX WTR RECIRC PMP SUCT VLV                  Status : E       " Safety - Related ***

Rated Eff PF LRC St pf SC TC Modification # / Cable source Bus Volts ating Type (%) (%) (%) (1) Speed (sec) Master Diagram # # Sys 4801 MCC 28/29-5 460. 16.0 HP I 85.0 - 85.0 625. 44.0 1800 0000 kmning Load : Cond} tion 1;, .0 HP 2: .0 HP 3: .0 HP 4: .0 HP 1 Rec # 597 2-202-5A ex WTR RECIRC PMP DISCHGVLV Status : E *" Saf ety - Related *** Rated Eff PF LRC St pf SC TC Modification # / Cable source Bus Volts Rating Type (%) (%) (%) (%) Speed (sec) Master Diagram # # Sys 480V MCC 28/29 5 460. 14.0 HP ] 85.0 85.0 777. 49.0 3420 .0000 Running Load Condition 1: .0 HP 2: .0 HP 3: .0 HP 4: .0 HP i Rec # 598 2-1001-29A RHR$ IkBD SMTOF VLv 2A Status : E *" Safety - Related *" Rated Eff PF LRC St pf SC TC Modification # / Cable Source Bus Volts Rating Type (%) (%) (%) t%) Speed (sec) Master Diagram # # Sys 480V MCC 28/29-5 460. 20.6 HP 1 85.0 85.0 759. 43.0 3365 .0000 Running Load : Condition 1: .0 HP 2: .0 HP 3: .0 HP 4: .0 HP tec # 599 2-1001-28A RHRS OUTBD SHTOF VLV 2A Status : E *** Safety - Related *** Rated Eff PF LRC St pf SC TC Modification # / Cable -l Source Bus Volts Rating Type (%) (%) (%) (%) Speed (sec) Master Diagram # # Sys

  '80V MCC 28/29-5
  .                        460.      52.0 HP       !     90.0    85.0 829. 38.0 1800               .0000 tuming Load : Condition 1:                .0 HP 2:                  .0 HP 3:                .0 HP 4:             .0   HP
  !ec # 600 2 202-9A          Rx WTR RECIRC LP EQU BPSVLV                 Status : E        *** Safety - Related ***

Rated Eff PF LRC St pf SC TC Modification # / Cable Source Bus Volta Rating Type (%) (%) (1) (%) s ,eed (sec) Master Olegram # # Sys  ; 80V MCC 28/29 5 440. .1 HP I 75.0 80.0 625. 85.0 1800 .0000 unning Load : Condition 1: .0 HP 2: .0 HP 3: .0 HP 4: .0 HP ec # 601 2-202-68 RX WTR RECIRC LP ExLG VLV28 Status : E

  • Safety - Related *** l Rated Eff PF LRC St pf SC TC Modification # / Cable 1

l Sourc2 Bus Volts Rating Type (%) (1) (%) (%) Speed (sec) Master Diagram # # Sys SOY MCC 28/29 5 460. 8.0 HP I 80.0 85.0 827. 54.0 1800 .0000 aming Load : Condition 1: .0 HP 2: .0 HP 3: .0 HP 4: .0 HP se # 602 2-202-48 RK WTR REC 1RC PMP SUCT VLV Status : E

  • Safety - Related * ,

Rated Eff PF LRC St pf SC TC Modification # / Cable

      ' Source Bus     Volts       Rating Type (%)            (%)         (%)    (%) Speed (sec) Master Diagram #             # Sys OV MCC 28/29-5         460.      16.0 HP      I      85.0    85.0 625. 44.0 1800               .0000
  • l sining Load : Condition 1: .0 HP 2: .0 .0 HP 4: .0 HP ':
                                                                                                                       .f N



;v ._

M ' y AC Electrical Load i:onitering System Ver 2.20 L**C* N0* N L 02ts's'04-01i92 Sargent & Lundy Engineers U*0' 1 Chicago, lit. NO)'M bO' NN

                                                                                                                                   & age 68 of                   '
   ' Utility "       . Sargent & Lundy Internet use                      Proj. No. : 8913                                                                     !

Station : QUAD CITIES-FILE:Z3.DAT Unit : 2 184.63  :

                                                                          "* Load Data
  • I 4 .,

t Ric c' 603 2-202-58 RX WTR RECIRC PMP DISCH VLV Status : E *** Safety - Related "* _ , , Rated Eff PF LRC St pf ) SC TC Modification # / Cable j Source Bus Volts tating Type (1) (%) (%) (%) Speed- (sec) Master Diagram # # Sys i 480V MCC 28/29-5 460. 14.0 HP I 85.0 ^ 85.0 777. 49.0 1800 .0000 Amning Load : Condjtlon1[ .0 HP 2: .0 HP 3:

                                                                                              .0 HP 4:                        .0  HP-
  • Roc # 604 2-1001-298 RHR$ INBD SHT0F VLV 1B. Status : E "* Safety.* Related ***

Rated Eff PF LRC St pf SC TC Modification # / Cable -$ Source Bus Volts Rating Type (1) (%) (%) (%) Speed (sec) Master Diagram # # Sys-480V MCC 28/29-5 460. 20.6 HP 1 85.0 85.0 75 9. 43.0 1800 .0060 l R mning Load : Condition is .0 HP 2: .0 HP 3: .0 HP '4: .0 HP i Rec # 605 2-1001-288 RHR$ OUTBD SMT0F VLV 1B ' Status E

  • Safety - Related ***

Rated Eff PF LRC St pf SC TC Modification # / Cable I Source Bus Volts Rating Type (%) (%) (%) (%) Speed (sec) Master Diagram # # Sys I iSOY MCC 28/29-5 460. 52.0 HP .I 90.0 85.0 829. 38.0 3530 .0000 tentro Load : Condition 1: .0 MP 2: .0 HP 3: .0 HP 4: {

                                                                                                                             .0  HP                              I.

tec # 606 2-202-9B RX WTR RECIRC LP EQL BPSVLV Status : E

  • Safety - Related "* '

Rated Eff PF LRC St pf SC TC Modification # / Cable Source Bus volts Rating Type (1) (%) (1) (1) Speed (sec) Master Diagram # # Sys 80V MCC 28/29 5 440 .1 HP 75.0 ( 1 80.0 625. 85.0 1800 .0000 uming Load : Condition 1: .0 HP 2: .0 HP 3: .0 HP 4: .0 HP i ec # 607 . 2-5734G DRYWELL CLG BLWR 2G Status : E Rated Eff PF LRC St pf I SC TC Modification # / Cable ' Source Bus Volts Rating Type (%) (%) (1) (1) Speed (sec) Master Diagram # # Sys SW MCC 29-6 460. 84.0 HP I 90.0 [ 85.0 625. 37.0 1800 .0000 aning Load t condition 1: .0 HP 2: .0 HP 3: .0 HP 4: .0 HP ec # 608 2-5734C DRYWELL CLC BLWR 2C Status : E t Rated Eff PF LkC St pf M. SC TC Modification # / Cable Source Bus Volts Rating Type (1) (1) (%) (1) Speed (sec) Master Diagram # # Sys f OV MCC 29-6' 460. 84.0 HP 1 90.0 85.0 625. 37.0 1800 .0000  ! ming Load : Condition 1: .0 HP 2: .0 HP 3: .0 HP 4: .0 HP

                                                                                                                                                                -I c# 609 2-5417A            GLYCOL PMD 2A                              status : E                                                                  -

Rated Eff PF LRC St pf  ! SC TC Modification # / Cable ' Source Bus volts Rating Type (1) (%) (%) # Sys (%) Speed (sec) Master Diagram f { DV MCC 20-1 460. 5.0 HP 1 80.0 85.0 625. 58.0 1800 .0000 ' mira Load : Condition 1: 4.5 HP 2: 4.5 HP 3: 4.5 HP 4: - 4.5 lHP l

                                                                                                                                                               .f a


s.C Elcctrical Load Conitoring System V2r 2.20 Un*C* h0* 8S13~73~17~3 O3te : 04 01 92. $3rgent & Ltutr Engineers " I' V

  • 0 Chicago, Itt. svoject No. 6913-73 Utility : Serpent & Ltruty Internal Use Proj. No. : 8913 73 Ststion QUAD CITIES FILF:Z3.DAT unit 2
                                                                    *** Load Data ***

J i g Rcc # 771 2 57140 RHR$W VAULTS EXHAUST FAN Status : M Pated Eff PF LRC St pf Courca Bus Volts SC TC Modification # / Cable ating Type (1) (%) (%) (%) Speed (sec) kaster Diagram # # sys 480V MCC 25-2 460 2.0 HP 84.0 1 84.0 862. 75.0 1750 .0000 M04-2 91-011 77754 Ruming Load Cordition 1:/ ._2. 0 HP 2: i I 2.0 HP 3: .0 HP 4: 2.0 HP _ Rsc # 772 1 2399-40 HPCI IWBD ISOLN VLV Status : M *** Saf ety - Related *** Rated Eff PF LRC St pf Ecurce Bus Volts SC TC Modification # / Cable Rating Type (%) (%) (%) (%) speed (sec) Haster Diagram # 480V ccc 19-1 460

                                                                                                                       # Sys
                                   .3 HP     I     75.0    80.0 602. 85.0 1800 Rwining Load : Cordition 1:                                                               .0000 M04-1-91 013e      68350
                                        .0 HP      2:           .0   HP 3:           .0 HP 4:             .0  HP tec # 773                  TURB TRNG GEAR PGBK HOTOR                Status : M Rated                         Eff      PF      LRC Et pf scurce Bus      Volts                                                               SC TC Modification # / Cable Rating Type (%)            (%)       (1) (%) Speed (sec) Master Diagram #

BOV MCC 29-3 # Sys 440. 1.4 NP 1 85.0 60.0 625. 20.0 450 .0000 unning load : Condition 1: .0 HP ~ 2: 1.3 HP 3; 1.3 HP 4: 1.3 kP 33 O

                                                                                                      =       4

Celc. No. /39;2-72 5-1 At Electrical Load Konitoring system var 2.20 Rev. 0

 -0:tc : 04-13-92                                         sargent & Lundy Engineers                              Eroject No. 6912-72 Chicago, 111.                                    Dage 4431 of Ruming voltage sutrnary     *****

Utility : Sargent & Lundy Internal Use Proj. No. : 8913-73

  • Source Number : 3 *
 ' station : QUAD CITIES *ILE:Z3.DAT                           Unit : 2                                             ************************

1 a 4 Bus Running Voltage and Per Cent of Bus Rated Volts Internal , sus Rated Bus No. Voits [ p cond. 1 cond. 2 Cond. 3 Cond. 4 cond. 5 i i 3 source /guivalentJ3sece 4160.0 3820.1 3820.1 3820.1 3820.1 91.8 % 91.8 % 91.8 % 91.8 %

  • 15 4(v sWGR 24I-4160.0 3820.0 3820.0 3820.0 3820.0 --

91.8 % 91.8 % 91.8 % 91.8 % 28 HIGH SIDE OF XFMR 29 4160.0 3819.7 3819.4 3819.4 3819.4 91.8 % 91.8 % 91.8 % 91.8 % 29 480V SWGo 29 480.0 442.9 435.8 435.9 435.9 92.3 % 90.8 % 90.8 % 90.8 %

     $3              480V MCC 29 1                       480.0                  440.9         431.1        431.0          431.0 91.8 %        89.8 %        b9.8 %        89.8 %

54 480V MCC 29-2 480.0 435.2 426.5 426.8 426.8 90.7 % 88.9 % 88.9 % 88.9 % , 55 480V MCC 29 3 480.0 442.9 429.7 429.8 429.8 92.3 % 89.5 % 89.5 % 89.5 % 56 480V MCC 29-4 480.0 441.4 434.3 434.4 434.s 91.9 % 90.5 %" 90.5 % 90.5 % > t 57 480V M;C 28/29-5 480.0 442.9- 435.8 435.9 435.9 92.3 1 90.8 % 90.8 % 90.8 % 58 480V MCC 29-6 480.0 442.9 435.8 435.9 435.9 92.3 % 90.8 % 90.8 % 90.8 % 70 LOAD 518 TERM 480.0 440.9 400.8 400.7 400.7 33 91.8 % 83.5 % 83.5 % 83.5 % 71 LOAD 519 TERM 480.0 440.9 416.8 416.8 416.8 91.8 % B6.8 % 86.8 % 86.8 % 72 LDAD 5201ERM 480.0 440.9 431.1 417.0 417.0 91.8 % 89.8 % B6.9 % 86.9 1

  • 73 LOAD 521 1ERM 480.0 440.9 431.1; , 43.1.0 4' 91.8 % 89.8 % 89.8 1 .d %
74 l

LOAD $23 TERM 480.0 440.9 431.1 431.0 7 431.0 ' 91.8 % 89.8 % 89.8 % 89.8 % l t

C alz. hs. ' 69;3-72-;9-1 AC Electrical Lord conitoring System ver 2.20 Rev. 0

Date.: 04 13-92 Sargent & Lundy Engineers Pr*OJect ND$ 6912-73 Chicago, lit. InDe A32 Df *-e g

Running voltage swrnary ""* Utility : Sargent & Lundy Internal use Proj ho. : 8913 73

  • Source Number : 3
  • Station 2 00AD CITIES FILE:23.DAT unit : 2 ************************

1 s 4 Bus Running voltage and Per Cent of Bus Rated Volts Internal + Bus Rated Bus No. [ Volts


Cond. 1 Cond. 2 Cond. 3 Cond 4 Cond. 5 I I 75 LDAD 524 TERM 480.0 440.9 412.1 412.0 412.0 91.8 % 85.8 % 85.8 % B5.8 % . 76 LDAD 529 TERM 480.0 440.9 431.1 431.0 431.0 91.8 1 89.8 % 89.8 % 89.8 %

   - 77              LDAD 530 TERM                     480.0                    440.9         431.1          431.0         431.0 91.8 %        89.8 %        89.8 %        89.8 %

78 LDAD $32 TERM 480.0 440.9 428.8 428.8 428.8 91.8 % 89.3 % 89.3 % 89.3 % 79 LD*.D 533 TERM 480.0 440.9 431.1 431.0 431.0 91.8 % 89.8 % 89.8 % 89.8 % 80 toad 542 TERM 480.0 440.9 431.1 431.0 431.0 91.6 % 89.8 % '89.8 % 89.8 % 81 LOAD 543 TERN 480.0 440.9 431.1 431.0 431.0 91.8 % 89.8 % 89.8 % 89.8 % 82 toad 544 TERM 480.0 - 430.9 420.8 420.8 420.8 89.8 % 87.7 % 87.7 % 87.7 % 83 LOAD 516 TERM 480.0 429.2 421.9 422.0 4 22.0 l 89.4 % B7.9 % 87.9 % 87.9 % 84 LOAD 550 TERM 480.0 435.2 421.1 421.4 421.4 90.7 % 87.7 % 87.8 % 87.8 % 1 85 LOAD 552 TERM 480.0 435.2 421.3 426.8 426.8 , 33 90.7 % 87.8 % 88.9 % 88.9 % i i 86 LDAD 551 TERM 480.0 431.5 422.8 423.1 423.1 , 89.9 % 88.1 % 88.2 % 88.2 % ., 87 LDAD $53 TERM 4 80.0 433.0 424.3 424.7 424.7 90.2 % 88.4 % 88.5 % 88.5 % B8 LDAD 560 TERM 480.0 425.6 416.8', . 4t7.1 417.1 i 88.7 1 86.8 % B6.9 k 66.9 %  :

                                                                                                            !                                       b 89               LDAD 561 TERM                      480.0                    425.6          416.8          417.1         417.1                      l 88.7 %        86.8 %          86.9 %        &6.9 %                   '


Cal: . No. 69:3-73-;9-1 AC Electrical Load conitoring System Yzr 2.20 6 e v. 0 D:ta : 04-13-92 Sargent & Lundy Engineers Project tw o . 6913-73 Chicago, Ill. Page f433 of Running voltage summary *"" 184363 Utility : Sargent & Lundy Internal use Proj. he. - 8913-73 *

  • Source Huntyer : 3 Station : QUAD CITIES-FILE:Z3.DAT Unit . 2 " * " * " " " " * * " * * " "
                         .)       e,   -

Bus Running Voltage and Per Cent of Bus Rated Volts Internal Bus Rated Bus to. [ Volts 1 / [ Cond. 1 Cond. 2 Cond. 3 Cond. 4 Cond. 5 90 LOAD $67 TERM 480.0 435.2 426.5 426.8 426.8 90.7 % 88.9 % 88.9 % 88.9 % 91 LOAD $56 TERM 480.0 435.2 421.8 422.1 422.1 90.7 % 87.9 % 87.9 % d7.9 % 92 LOAD 577 TERM 480.0 431.5 424.3 424.3 424.3 89.9 % 88.4 % 88.4 % 88.4 % 93 LOAD 578 TERM 480.0 426.8 419.4 419.5 419.5 88.9 % 87.4 % 87.4 % 87.4 % 94 LOAD 5B0 TERM 480.0 441.4 434.3 434.4 434.4 91.9 % 90.5 % 90.5 % 90.5 4 95 LOAD $81 TERM 480.0 441.4 434.3 434.4 434.4 91.9 % 90.5 % 90.5 % 90.5 % 96 LOAD 582 TERM 480.0 441.4 434.3 434.4 434.4 91.9 % 90.5 % 90.5 % 90.5 % 97 LOAD 527 TERM 41 ) 440.9 419.9 419.9 419.9 91.8 % 87.5 % 87.5 % 87.5 % a -

"f AC Electrical Losd :onitoring System Ver 2.20 Calc. Ren No. MM M n i Dzte : 04 13-92 0-Sargent & Lundy Engineers C'r'o j ect f. o . 8912-72 Chicago, 111. aDe A34 of .

                                                      *****    Load summary by Bus *****                                                184363 Bus Wane . 480V SWCR 29 utility :          Sargent & Lundy Internal use             Proj. he. : 8913 73                           Rated Voltage :        480.0 volts Station : CUAD Clf!ES FILE:Z3.DAT                           unit : 2                                      Source :      3, Equivalent Source J          i 4

Lccd Rated Max. Design hp/kW/kVA for Condition, or Bus hp/kW PF EFF LRC Speed SCTC

   . No.         Equip. No./ Load glame or Bus Name ** kVA

l 1 2 3 4 5l (%) (%) (%) RPM (sec) 508 2-19028 4UEL POOL CLG VTR PMP 28 100.0 .0 .0 .0 .0 85.0 90.0 625.0 1770 .0000 Status E Loed type : Irduction HP HP HP HP HP *** Safety Related *** 509 2-3701B RX BLDG CLC VTR PMP 2B 125.0 .0 .0 .0 .0 85.0 90.0 625.0 1780 .0000. Status : E Load type : Induction HP HP HP MP HP 510 2-5704B Rx BloG EXH FAN 28 100.0 .0 .0 .0 .0 85.0 90.0 625.0 1775 ~ .0000 Status : E Load type : Induction HP MP HP MP HP 511 2 5704C RX BLDG EXH FAN 2C 100.0 .0 .0 .0 .0 85.0 90.0 625.0 1775 .0000 Status : E Load type Induction HP MP HP HP HP 512 2 57034 RX BLDG SPLY FAN 2A 100.0 .0 .0 .0 .0 85.0 90.0 625.0 1800 .0000 Status . E Load type . Induction HP HP HP MP NP 513 2-5705C TURB BLos EXH FAN 2C 150.0 .0 .0 .0 .0 85.0 90.0 625.0 1780 .0000 Status : E Load type : Induction HP HP HP HP HP 514 RX BLDG LIGHilNG 2 108.0 89.1 t 89.1 89.1 89.1 90.0 100.0 .0 0 .0000 Status : E Load type : Resistive KVA KVA KVA KVA KVA 515 2 5702B E. TURB BLDG SPLY FAN 28 100.0 .0 .0 .0 .0 85.0 90.0 625.0 1800 .0000 Status E Load type : Induction NP HP MP HP MP i 517 1/2-3701C RX BLDG CLG PMP 1/20 125.0 .0 .0 .0 .0 85.0 90.0 625.0 1780 .0000 Status : E Load type : Induction HP HP HP HP HP 5 53 Bus name : 480V MCC 29 1 59. 132. 135. 135. Connection rating': 220.0 Anps kVA kVA kVA kVA 54 Bus name : 480V MCC 29 2 l 195. 231. 225. 225. Comection rating 220.0 Anps kVA kVA kVA kVA 33 55 Bus name : 480V MCC 29-3 3. 153. 153. 153. Connection rating : 220.0 Anps kVA kVA kVA kVA 56 Bus name : 480V MCC 29-4 45, 45. 45. 45.


Comection rating : 220.0 Anps kVA kVA kVA kVA i 57 Bus name t 480V MCC 28/29 5 0. D. D. O. J Cunnection rating . 220.0 Anps kVA kVA kVA kVA , l l i

AC Electrical Load nonitoring System ver 2.20 sic. No. 8912-72 .c-I Date : 04-13-92 Rev. O sargent & Lundy Engineers J'roject id o . 8912-72 Chicago, Ill. Page i435 of Load Sumary by Bus "*" 184363 Bus Name : 480V SWGR 29 utility : Serpent & Lundy internal use Proj. ho. : 8913 3 - Rated voltage : 480.0 volts Station : QUAD CITIES FILE:23.DAT unit : 2 source : 3, Equivalent source J i 4 i Lo'd Rated Max. Design hp/kW/kVA for Condition. ~ or Bus hp/kW PF EFF LRC Speed SCTC Wo. ** Equip. No./ Lead efi ne or sus Name " kva l 1 2 3 4 5l (%) (%) (%) RPM (sec) l' 58 Bus name : 480V MCC 29 6 0. D. O. D. Connectioni rating : 290.0 Anps kvA kvA kvA kvA - 83 Bus name : LOAD 516 TERM 81. 81. 81. 81 Connection rating . 2000.0 Anps kvA kvA kVA kvA ' Total kvA input : 466. 728. 725. 725. kV - 431. 657 654, 654 kVAR . 177. 314. 313. 313. i i 0 e a f

                                                                                                                               ~;- 12 . hc. 3913-73-19-1 AC Electrical Load Monitoring System ver 2.20                                 ,,,y,  p                         .

Dcte : 04-13-92 Sargent & Lundy Engireers project No. 6913-73  ! Chicago, Ill, page A36 of Load Swmary by Bus ""* 184363 Bus Name : 480V MCC 29-1 Utility ' Sergent & Lurdy Internal use Proj. ho.

  • 8913-73 Rated voltage : 480.0 volts Station 1 00A0 CITIES-FlLE:Z3.DAT Unit 2 Source : 3, Equivalent Source i s 4

Load Rated Max. Design hp/kW/kVA for Condition or Bus hp/kW PF EFF LRC Speed SCTC No. Equip. No./ Load h/me or sus name " kVA l 1 2 3 4 5l (%) (%) (%) RPM (sec)


522 J20/208V XFMR-F0 29-1-1 15.0 12.1 12.1 12.1 12.1 75.0-400.0 .0 0 .0000 Status . E l Load tvpe . Resistive KVA KVA KVA KVA KVA *** Safety - Related ***

   $25 2 1279-28         RX WTR CLNUP SYS FLTR HOPMP       4.0               .0      4.0        4.0        4.0              85.0 80.6 625.0 1800         .0000 Status . E       Load type : Induction            HP          HP          HP         MP         HP 526 2-57088           DW& TORUS PURGE EXM FAN 28       30.0                .0         .0         .0         .0            85.0 85.0 625.0 1750         .0000 Status . E      Load type : Induction            HP           HP          HP         HP         HP                    *" Saf ety - Related *"

528 2-1279-116 RESINJEED TNK AGITATOR .8 .0 .0 .0 .0 80.0 75.0 625.0 1725 .0000 Status E Load type . Induction HP HP HP HP MP 531 2 12058 RX VTR CLNUP SYS RECIRC PMP 50.0 .0 .0 .0 .0 25.0 90.0 625.0 1800 .0000 Status . E Load type : Induction HP HP HP HP HP 534 2-1201 80 RWCU Sys RX BOILER ISoi VLV 1.0 .0 .0 .0 .0 80.0 75.0 625.0 1800 .0000 Status : E Load type : Induction HP HP HP HP MP *** Safety - Related *** 535 2-2301-4 HPCI TURB SIM SUP ISOL VLV 4.0 .0 .0 .0 .0 85.0 60.0 640.0 1700 .0000 Status : E Load type : Irduction HP HP HP HP HP *" Saf ety

  • Related ***

536 2-1001-1868 RHR$ HT EXCH REV INLET VLV 1.6 .0 .0 .0 .0 80.0 75.0 310.0 1800 .0000 Status : E Load type : Induction HP MP HP HP HP *" Saf ety - Related *** 537 2-1402-248 CORESPRY CUTBD ISOL VLv 28 4.0 .0 .0 .0 .0 85.0 80.0 827.0 1800 .0000 Status : E Load type : Induction HP HP HP HP HP *** Safety - Related *** 533 2 1402-258 CORESPRY INBD ISOL VLv 28 8.0 .0 .0 .C .0 85.0 80.0 827.0 1800 .0000 Status : E Load type : Induction HP HP HP MP HP *** Safety - Related *** 539 2 1001 1858 RHRS NT EXCH NORM OUT VLV 1.6 .0 .0 .0 .0 80.0 75.0 325.0 1800 .0000 Status : E Load type : Irduction HP HP HP MP HP *** Saf ety - Related *" 0 2 1001-187B RHRS NT EXCH REV OUT VLV 1.6 .0 .0 .0 .c 80.0 75.0 250.0 1800 0000 Status : E Load type 3rduct ion HP NP HP HP HP *** Safety - Related *** 541 2-1001-48 RHRS NT EXCH NORM INL VLv 3.9 .0 .0 .0 .0 85.0 80.0 607.0 1800 .0000 , Status : E Load type : Induction NP HP HP MP HP

                                                                                                                             *** Safety - Related ***

545 2-3701 CLSD CLC VTR NOR ISOL VLv 1.0 .0 .0 .0

                                                                                                .0                       80.G 75.0 625.0 1800          .0000 Status . E      Load type : Irduc tion            HP           HP          HP         HP         HP
                                                                                                                          ,                                       1 l


t.C Eltetrical Load 5:onitoring System Ver 2.20 Calc. No. 6912-72-n-1 pe y, ' c D2te : 04 13 92- Sargent & Lundy Engir.eers Project No. 8913-73 5 Chicago, Ill. pa g e 43"' o f

                                                       "*       Load St.rrmary by Bus    ***

Bus home : 480V MCC 29 1 184363 ' Utility Sargent & Lundy Internal use Proj. No. : 8913-73 Rated Voltage : 480.0 volts , Station : QUAD CITIES FILE:23.DAT Unit 4 2 Source : 3, Equivalent Source J *4 _ Locd Rated Max. Design hp/kW/kVA for Cordition or Bus hp/kW

                                   ,                                                                                 PF    EFF LRC ' Speed     SC'C No.          Equip. ho./ Load y'ame er Bus home "      kvA      l      1        2        3       4         5l    (%)     (%) (1)      RPM   (sec)

I 546 .2 1402 38 toRESPRY PMP SUCT VLV 2B 1.7 .0 .0 .0 I Lead type : Induction

                                                                                                       .0          80.0 75.0 251.0 1800        .0000 Status : E                                         MP        HP       MP       MP       HP                 *** Safety - Related ***

547 2-1402-4A CoRESPRY TST BYPS VLv 1.7 .0 .0 .0 .0 80.0 75.0 638.0 1800 .0000 Status : E Load type 7 Induction HP HP HP HP HP *** Safety - Related ***- 70 But name : LOAD 518 TERM 0. 50. 50. 50. Connection rating : 2000.0 Anps kvA kVA kvA kVA f

71. Bus name : LOAD 519 TERM 0. 6. 6. 6.

Connection rating : 2000.0 Ams kVA k,A kVA kVA 72 Bus name : LOAD 5201ERM 0. D. 3. 3. Connection rating : 2000.0 A ms kVA kvA kVA kvA 73 Bus name : LOAD 521 TERM 0. O. O. O. Connection rating : 2000.0 Anps kVA kVA kVA kVA 74 Bus name : LOAD 523 TERM 0. O. O. 0. Connection rating - 2000.0 Anps kVA kVA kVA kVA " 75 Bus name : LOAD $24 TERM 0. 9. 9. 9. Connection rating : 2000.0 Anps kvA kVA kVA kVA 76 Bus name : LOAD 529 TERM 0. D. D. O. Connection rating : 2000.0 A ms kVA kVA kVA kVA 1 77 Bus name : LOAD 530 TERM 0. C. O. D. Connection rating : 2000.0 A ms kVA kVA kVA kVA ' 73 sus name : LOAD 532 TERM 0. 1. 1. 1. Connection rating : 2000.0 Anps kvA kvA kvA kVA 33 79 Bus t. e : LOAD $33 TERM 0. C. D. D. Connection rating : 2000.0 Anos kVA kVA kVA kVA I 80 Bus name : LOAr 542. TERM 0. O. D. C. { Connection rating : 2000,0 Anps kVA kvA kVA kVA 81 Bus name : LOAD 543 TERM i

0. D. D. O.  ;

connection rating . , j 2000.0 Anos kVA kVA kVA kVA 1 l l l

AC Electrical Load Monitoring System Ver 2.20

                                                                                                      '. s i c . Ac. M 3-72-1 H Date : O'.-13-92                                                                                      Rev. O Sargent & Luw Engineers
                                                                                                      ?rt ett No. 6913-73 '

Chicago, Ill. page Et33 of

                                               ..... L o,d $_,,     , ,us  .....

Bus Name : 480V MCC 29-1 184363 - utility : Sargent & Ltndy Internal Use Proi.'No. . 8913 73 Rated Voltage'. 480.0 volts Station : QUAL CITIES FILE:23.DAT Unit . 2 Source

  • 3, Equivalent Source
                        .i     i 4

Load Rated Max. Design hp/kW/kVA for Condition or Bus hp/kW Ro. ** PF EFF LRC Speed SCTC Equip. No./ Loaddame or Bus Name " kVA l 1 2 3 4 5l (%) (%) (%) RPM (sec) i C2 Bus name LQAD 544, TERM 50. 50,

50. 50.

Connection rating : 2000.0 Ams ___kVA kVA kVA kVA 97 Bus name : LOAD 527 TERM i

0. 3. 3. 3.

Connection rating : 2000.0 Ams kVA kVA kVA kVA Total kVA input . 59. 130. 133. 133. i kW -

59. 122. 125. 125.

kVAR : 8. 45. 47. 47. t b 4 l 1 4

Calc. M. 3913-73-19-1 , AC Electrical Load Monitoring System ver 2.20 PE v. 0 Date : 04-13 92 Sargent & Lundy Engineers h oject No. 2913-72 Chicago, lit. Pace A39 ef

                                                           ..... L ,ad   $_,,        ,, ,u,   .....                                          184363 Bus Name : 480V MCC 29 2 utility :          Sergent & Lundy Internal Use                         Proj. No. : 8913 73                          Rated Voltage :          480.0 volts Station : QUAD CITIES-FILE:Z3.DAT                                       unit : 2                                     Source :       3, Equivalent Source J             >4 Lead                                                        Rated         Max. Design hp/kW/kVA f or Condition or Bus                                                      hp/kW                                                              PF     EFF LRC Speed SC1C ko.' **    Equip. No./ Load Na'me or Bus Name ** kVA 1      1           2        3         4        5l     (%)      (%) (%)      RPM (sec)

I 548 2A-5701 IJECIRC MC SET VENT FAN 2A 60.0 .0 .0 .0 .0 85.0 90.0 625.0 1800 .0000 toad type : Induction Status : E HP MP HP HP HP 549 RX PROT M-C SET 28 25.0 16.5 16.5 16.5 16.5 85.0 85.0 625.0 1787 .0000' ' Status : E Load type . Induction HP HP MP HP HP

 $54                      TURB BLDG EMERG LCTS                 47.0               .0        .0        .0        .0          90.0 100.0        .0      0    .0000 Status : E          Load type : Resistive                KW          KW         KW         KW        KW                 *** Safety - Related ***

555 ALT r0 DG1 CWP CLR FANS A&B 1.5 .0 .0 .0 .0 80.0 75.0 625.0 .1800 .0000 Status : E Load type : Induction HP HP HP HP HP *** Safety - Related *** 557 RHRS SW PMP 2C CLR FAN B 3.0 .0 2.7 2.7 2.7 85.0 80.0 625.0 1730 .0000 Status : E Load type : Irduction HP HP HP HP HP *** Safety - Related *** 558 RHR SW PMP 2C CLR FAN C 3.0 .0 2.7 2.7 2.7 85.0 80.0 625.0 1730 .0000 Status : E Load type : Induction HP HP HP HP HP *" Saf ety - Related *** 559 RHR SW PMP 2C CLR FAN D 3.0 .0 2.7 2.7 2.7 85.0 80.0 625.0 1730 .0000 Status : E Load type : Induction HP HP HP MP HP *** Safety - Related *** 562 RNR SW PMP 2D CLR FAN A 3.0 .0 2.7 2.7 2.7 85.0 80.0 625.0 1730 .0000-Status : E Load type : Induction HP HP HP MP HP *** Safety - Related *" ' , 563 RHR SW PMP 20 CLR FAN B 3.0 .0 2.7 2.7 2.7 85.0 80.0 625.0 1730' .0000 Status t E Load type : Induction HP HP HP MP HP *** Safety Related *** $64 RHR SW PMP 2D CLR FAN C 3.0 .0 2.7 2.7 2.7 85.0 80.0 625.0 1730 .0000 Status : E Load type : Induction HP HP HP HP HP

                                                                                                                             *** Safety - Related_***

565 RHR SW PMP 2D CLR FAN D 3.0 .0 2.7 2.7 2.7 85.0 80.0 625.0 1730 .0000 Status : E Load type : Irduction HP HP HP HP HP *** Safety

  • Related ***

M. 566 2 5707B RX FD PMP VENT FAN 28 60.0 54.0 54.0 54.0 54.0 85.0 90.0 625.0 1750 .0005 , Status : E Load type Induction HP HP HP HP HP [ 84 Bus name : LOAD 550 TERM 0. 6. 6. 6. Connection rating : 2000.0 ATs kVA kVA kVA kVA , CS Bus name : LCAD $52 TERM 0. 6. D. O.  ; Connection rating : 2000.0 A ms kVA kVA kVA kVA a- - - - e--t -

At Electrical Lord Monitoring System ver 2.20 Colc. No. M13-73-19-1 T. e v , 3 Oste : 04 13-92 Sargent & Lundy Engineers

                                                                                                                ;.,. c ,3 , e t nc, g313 73 Chicago, Ill.

Page 44,0 cf_ , Load Smry by Bus A vV Bus Name : 480V MCC 29 2 Utility

  • Sargent & Lundy Internal Use Proj. No. : 8913-73 Rated Voltage : 480.0 volts Station : QUAD CITIES FILE:23.DAT Unit 2 Source : 3, Equivalent Source J s, tosd Rated Max. Design hp/kW/kVA for. Condition or Bus hp/kW PF EFF LRC. Speed SCTC ho. Equip. No./ Load fame or Bus Name " kVA l 1 2 3 4 5l (%) (%) (%) RPM (sec) i 86 Bus name LOAD 551 4ERM --

84 84 84 84 ', Connectiori rating : 2000.0 Amps kVA kVA kVA kVA 87 Bus name

  • LOAD 553 TERM 36. 36. 36. 36.

Connection rating - 2000.0 Anps kVA kVA kVA kVA

  .88 Bus name : LOAD $60 TERM                                           2. 2.      2.       2.

Connection rating : 2000.0 Arrps kVA kVA kVA kVA 89 Bus name : LOAD 561 TERM 2. 2. 2. 2. Connection rating : 2000.0 Anps kVA kVA kVA kVA 90 Bus name : LOAD 567 TERM 0. O. O. D. Comection rating : 2000.0 Anps kVA kVA kVA kVA 91 Bus name : LOAD 556 TERM 0. J- 3. 3. Connection rating : 2000.0 Anps kVA kVA kVA kVA Total kVA input  : 192. 226. 221. 221. kW . 176. -206. 201. 201. kVAR . 76. 94 91. 91. t t

7 C 3. . .6. 8913-73-l b1 At Electrical Load Monitoring System Ver 2.20 R,y, LD:te : 04-13 92 O Sargent & Lundy Engineers g.r03ect No. 0913 ChiceBo, Itt. pape A*: of Load su,r.ary by Bus ***** jh f) Bus Name - 480V MCC 29 3 Utility : Sargent & Lundy Internal Use Proj. No. . 8913-73 - Rated Voltage : 480.0 volts Station : QUAD CITIES-FILE:Z3.DAT Unit .2 Source : 3, Equivalent source J i 4 Load Rated Max. Design hp/kW/kVA for Condition - or Bus hp/kW PF EFF LRC Speed 'SCTC > No. ** Equip. ko./ Load 1 me5 or Bus Name ** kVA ' l 1 2 3 4 5l (%) (%) (%) RPM (sec)


568 2 5620A TURB BEARING LIFT PMP 2A 10.0 .0 9.0 9.0 9.0 85.0 85.0 625.0 1800 .0000 Status : E Load type : Induction HP HP HP HP HP

 $69 2-56205          TURB BEARING LIFT PMP 2B            10.0            .0     9.0     9.0      9.0            85.0 85.0 625.0 1800         .0000 Status : E       Load type . Induction               HP        NP        HP     HP      HP L

570 2-5620C TURB BEARING LIFT PMP 20 10.0 .0 9.0 9.d 9.0 85.0 85.0 625.0 1800 .0000 Status : E Load type . Induction HP HP HP HP HP 571 2-56200 TURB BEARING LIFT PMP 2D 10.0 .0 9.0 9.0 9.0 85.0 85.0 625.0 1800 .0000 Status : E Load type : Induction HP HP HP HP HP 572 . 2 5620E TURB BEARING LIFT PMP 2E 10.0 .0 9.0 9.0 9.0 85.0 85.0 625.0 1300 .0000 Status E Load type Induction HP HP HP HP HP 5 73 2-5600 TURBINE TURNING GEAR 60.0 .0 60.0 60.0 60.0 85.0 90.0 625.0 1175 .0000 Status . E Load type Induction HP HP HP HP HP 574 2-5608 TURB TURNING CEAR OIL PMP 50.0 .0 45.0 45.0 45.0 85.0 v3.0 625.0 1760 .0000 Status : E Load type : Induct i on HP HP HP HP HP ' 575 2 5788E DRYWELL CLG BLR 2E 64.0 .0 .0 .0 .0 85.0 90.0 625.0 1800 '

                                                                                                                                             .0000 status : E      Load type : Inducti on               HP         HP       HP      MP      HP l

773 TURB TENG CEAR PGBC MOTOR 1.4 .0 1.3 1.3 1.3 60.0 85.0 625.0 450 .0000 l Status : M Load type Induction HP HP HP HP HP  ! l Total kVA input . O. 151. 151. 151. kW . D. 128. 128. 128. kVAR : D. 80. 80. 80, 33 i i I 0 4 jr l l I

          ~          ,

AC Electrical Lord Monitoring System Ver 2.20 Calc. f.o. M 12-72-19 .' g y, g

  ' D:te 's 04-13 92                                         Sargent & Luncy Engineers Chicagof Ill.                                                  Prcyect No. 6913-73 f ap fM of
                                                       ..... L ,ad   ,_a,, , ,_               -...

Bus Name : 480V MCC 29-4 184363 utility : Sargent & Lundy Internal Use Proj Na. : 8913 73 Rated voltage : 480.0 volts Station : QUAD CITIES-FILE:23.DAT Unit : 2 Source : 3, Equivalent Source J *4 Lo d Rated stan. Design hp/kW/kVA for. Condition, or Bus hp/kW

                                    ,                                                                                               PF    EFF LRC Speed SCTC ho. '**    Equip. No./ Load fame or Bus kame " kVA              l      1            2           3           4          5l      (%)     (%) (%)      RPM (sec) 576 2-5734

( ORYWEtt CLG BLR 2D 84.0 .0 .0 .0 .0 85.0 7 70.0 625.0 1800 I .0000 Status : E Load type : Induction HP MP HP HP HP 579 2-37V9 DW/ TORUS 0!FF PRESS COMP 2B 40.0 .0 .0 .0 .0 85.0 85.0 625.0 1765 .0000 Status : E Load type : Induction HP HP HP HP HP 5G3 2 1001 26B RHRS CONT SPRY SHTOF ISOVLV 1.6 .0 .0 .0 .0 80.0 75.0 638.0 1800- .0000 Status

  • E Load type : Induction HP HP HP HP HP *** Safety - Related ***

584 2-1001-23B RNRS BACKUP CONT SPRY VLV2B 1.6 .0 .0 .0 .0 80.0 75.0 638.0 1800- .0000 Status : E Load type : Induction HP HP HP HP HP *** Safety - Related *" 585 1001-348 RHR MN SHTOF TO SPRW CH VLV 4.0 .0 .0 .0 .0 85.0 80.0 543.0 1800 .0000 Status E Load type . Induction HP HP HP HP HP *** Safety - Related *** 586 2-1001-368 RNRS SPRN CH DMPLN VLV 28 .6 .0 .0 .0 .0 80.0 3 0 566.0 1800 .0000 Status . E Load type : Induction HP HP NP HP HP *** Safety - Related *** 587 2-1001 378 RHR$ SPRN CH SPRY HDR VLV2B .7 .0 .0 .0 .0 80.0 75.0 571.0 1800 .0000 Status : E Load type : Induction HP HP HP HP HP *" Saf ety Related "* 9 588 ?-1001-43C RHRS SMTDW CLC VLV 2C 1.0 .0 .0 .0 .0 80.0 75.0 571.0 1800 .0000 Status : E Load type : Induction HP HP HP HP HP *** Safety - Related *** 589 2 1001-430 RHR$ SHicN CLC VLV 20 1.0 .0 .0 .0 .0 80.0 75.0 714.0 1800 .0000 Status : E Load type : Induction HP HP HP HP HP *" Saf et y - Related *** i 590 2-1001 198 RHR$ CLG PMP CRS HDR VLV 2.6 .0 .0 .0 .0 85.0 80.0 302.0 1800 .0000 Status : E Load type : Induction HP HP HP HP HP *** Safety - Related *** 591 '2-1001 168 RHR$ HT EXCH 10038 SYPS VLV 5.3 .0 .0 .0 .0 85.0 80.0 536.0 1800 ~ .0000 Status : E Load type . Induction HP HP HP HP HP *** Safety - Related *** M 592 2 1001-7D RHR$ CLWT PMP SUCT HDR VLV 1.0 .0 .0 .0 .0 80.0 75.0 428.0 1800 .0000 Status : E Load type : Induction HP HP HP HP HP *" Safety - Related *** 593 2 1001 5B RNRS CONT CLNT SERV W1R VLV .6 .0 .0 .0 .0 80.0 75.0 571.0 1700 .0000 Status E Load type . Induction HP HP HP MP HP *** Saf ety - Related *** 594 2-1001 7C RHRS CLNT PMP SUCT HDR VLV 1.0 .0 .0 .0 .0 20.0 75.0 286.0 1800 .0000 Status : E toad type Induction NP HP HP HP HP , '" Saf ety Relatekf *"

                                                                                                                          ,                                           [


Calc. t.o. n12-72-19-: AC Electrical Load 8onitoring System Ver 2.20 RES- 0 ^ D:te : 04 13 92 Sargent & LLrdy Engineers Project No. 6313-73 Chicago, !!L.  ; age A43 of

                                                    ..... toad ,_,, ,, ,us      .....

184363 Bus Name : 4bOV MCC 29 4 tititity

  • Sargent & Lundy internal use Proj. ho. : 2913 73 Rated Voltage : 480.0 volts station QUAD CITIES-FILE:23.DAT unit : 2 Source : 3, Equivalent source -

J 6 4 - Lord Rated Max. Design hp/kW/kVA for condition or Bus , hp/kW PF EFF LRC 5 peed- SCTC No. ** Equip. No./ Lead h/me or Bus Name ** kVA l 1 2 3 4 5l (%) (%) (%) RPM (sec)

  '92 Bus name : LoAo 577 TERM                                    25.       25. 25. 25.

Connectionfating: 2000.0 Anps kVA kvA kVA kVA 93 Bus name : LOAD 578 TERM 21. 21. 21. 21. Connection rating . ~2000.0 Anos kVA kVA kVA kVA _

 -94 Bus name : LOAD 580 TERM                                       0.       O. D. O.

Connection rating : 2000.0 Acps kVA kVA kVA kVA 95 Bus name : LOAD $81 TERM 0. O. O. D. Connection rating : 2000.0 Anps kVA kVA kVA kVA 96 Bus name : toad 582 TERM 0. O. O. D. Connection rating : 2000.0 Anps kVA kVA kVA kVA Total kVA input : 45. 45. 45. 45. kW : 44, 44 44. 44


kVAR - 11. 11. 11. 11. M 8

                                                                                              .e       9

6sc. *C.

                                                                                                                                   . 4 % : ~ ; 1 - . ~* - ;

AC Electrical Lord Monitoring System ver 2.20 E' V- 0 Date : 04 13-92 Sargent & Lundy Engineers h o,1ect No. 6M243 Chicago, Ill. Dage f44 of l Lead Sunmary t>y Bus "*** Bus Hame : 480V MCC 28/29 5 184363 Villity : Sargent & Lundy Internal Use Proj. ko. : 8913-73 Rated voltage : 480.0 volts Station QUAD CITIES-FILE:Z3.0AT unit .2 Source : 3, Equivalent Source l J i 4 i I Lo:d Rated Max. Design hp/kW/kVA for Condition or But , hp/kW PF EFF LRC Speed SCTC , ho. ** Equip ho./ Load eme or Bus Name " kVA l 1 2 3 4 5l (%) (%) (%) RPM (sec) l l

  $95 2 202-6A       n WTR /RECIRC LP EDLG VLV2A       8.0                .0        .0        .0        .0 J

85.0 80.0 625.0 1800 .0000 Status E Load type : Induction HP _HP_ HP HP HP *** Safety - Related *** 596 2 202-4A RX WTR RECIRC PMP SUCT VLV 16.0 .0 .0 .0 .0 85.0 85.0 625.0 1800 .0000 Status : E Load type : Induction HP MP HP HP HP *** Safety - Related ***

 $97 2-202 5A        RX WTR RECIRC PMP DISCHGVLV      14.0                .0        .0       .0        .0          85.0 85.0 777.0 3420                .0000 Status : E     Load type : Induction           HP             HP        HP        HP        HP                 *** Safety - Related ***

598 2+1001-29A RHRS INBD SHTOF VLV 2A 20.6 .0 .0 .0 .0 85.0 85.0 759.0 3365 .0000 Status E Load type . Induction HP HP MP HP HP *** Safety - Related *** 599 2-1001 28A RNR$ OUTBD SHTOF VLV 2A 52.0 .0 .0 .0 .0 85.0 90.0 829.0 1800 .0000 Status : E Load type - Induction HP MP HP HP HP *** Safety - Related *** 600 2 202-9A RX WTR RECIRC LP EQU BPSVLV .0 .0 .0 .0 1 80.0 75.0 625.0 1800 .0000 Status : E Load type : Induction HP HP HP MP HP *** Safety - Related *** 601 2 202-6B RX WTR RECIRC LP EXLG VLV2B 8.0 -- .0 .0 .0 .0 85.0 80.0 827.0 1800 .0000 Status : E Load type . Induction HP HP HP HP HP *" Saf ety - Related "* v 602 2 202 4B RX WTR RECIRC PMP SUCT VLV 16.0 .0 .0 .0 .0 85.0 85.0 625.0 1800 .0000 Status : E Load type : Induction HP HP HP HP NP *** Safety - Related *** 603 2-202 5B RX WTR RECIRC PMP OISCH VLV 14.0 .0 .0 .0 .0 85.0 85.0 777.0 1800 .0000 Status : E Load type : Induction HP MP MP HP HP *** Safety

  • Related ***

604 2 1001-29B RHRS thBD SHTOF VLV 18 20.6 .0 .0 .0 .0 85.0 85.0 759.0 1800 .0000 Status : E Load type : Induction HP HP HP HP HP *** Safety - Related *** 605 -2 1001-28a RHR$ OUTBD SHtof VLV 1B 52.0 .0 .0 .0 .0 85.0 90.0 829.0 3530 .0000 Status : E Load type : Induction HP HP HP HP HP *" Saf ety - Related *** 32 606 2-202 98 RX VTR RECIRC LP EQL BPSVLV .1 .0 .0 .0 .0


80.0 75.0 625.0 1800 .0000 Status : E Load type . Induction HP HP HP HP MP *** Safety - Related *** Totat kvA input - 0. O. D. D. kW - _

0. D. O. D.  ;

kVAR : 0. D. O. O. e

                                                                                                               #                                                  i a

Calc.  ?, ; . s91 F 2 - l'?-1


AC Etsctrical Load conitoring Systen Ver 2.20 Rev. 0 D:te

  • 04-13 92 Sergent & Lundy Engineers project No. 6913-73 Chicago, 111.

C'eDe C44 5 o f Load Summary by Bus *****


Bus hame : 480V MCC 29-6 Utility : Sergent & Lundy Internal Use Proj. No. : 8913 73 Rated voltage : 480.0 votts Station . QUAD CITIES-FILE:Z3.DAT unit . 2 Source . 3, Eouivalent Source j i -___ toad Rated Max. Design hp/kW/kVA for Condition or Bus hp/kW

                                ,                                                                         PF    EFF LRC Speed SCTC
40. **

Equip. No./ Load h/me or Bus Name ** kVA l 1 2 3- 4 5l (%) (%) (%) RPM (sec) 1 607 2 5734G DRYWELL' CLG BLWR 2G S4.0 .0 .0 .0 .0 85.0 90.0 625.0 1800 .0000 Status : E koad type : Inducti on HP HP NP NP MP 608 2-5734C DRYWELL CLG BLWR 2C B4.0 .0 .0 .0 .0 85.0 90.0 625.0 1800 .0000 Status : E Load type Induction HP HP HP HP HP Total kVA input - 0. O. D. O. kW : D. O. D. O. kVAR 4 0. D. D. D. P B e 4 jr i

Zalc. No. 6913-73. 9_; j AC Electrical Load Monitoring system Var 2.20 S'Va 0 ' Date : 04-13 92 sargent & Lundy Engineers Croject No. 6913-72' Chicago, 111. age A46 of,. .

                                                    ""*       Load sumary by Bus    *""

Bus hame : LOAD 518 TERM  ! Utility : _ _Sargent & Lundy Internal Use Proj. No. : 8913 73 Rated Voltage . 480.0 volts I Station : QUAD CITIES FILE:Z3.DAT Unit : 2 Source : 3, Equivalent Source J i q Load Rated '

                                                                  ' Max. Design hp/kW/kVA for fondition ,

or Bus , hp/kW PF EFF LRC Speed SCTC to. Equip. No./ Load h/me or Bus Name ** kVA l 1 2 3 4 5l (%) (%) (%) RPM (sec)


518 2-5727 ,pc HVAC' SPLY FAN 2 - 50.0 .0 48.0 48.0 48.0 85.0 90.0 625.0 1150 .0000 Status : E ' Load type : Induction HP HP HP HP HP *** Safety - Related *** , Total kVA input : D. 47. 47. 47. kW 0. 40. 40. 40. kVAR -

0. 25, 25. 25.



I '42 1 I

  • i

1 __ l a. ~. c . ' t, c . SM 2 M-1 AC Electricat Lord Monitoring System ver 2.20 D:ta : 04-13-92 kev. (* Sargent & Lundy Engineers

                                                                                                                ';. ,. o y ,    p;n , g913 73 Chicago, !!!.

Pace A47 of

                                                     '"**     Load Strrury by Bus   "*"

Bus Name : LOAD 519 TERM Utility : Sargent & Lundy Internal Use Proj. ho. : 8913-73 - Rated Voltage

  • 480.0 volts Station : QUAD CITIES-FILE:23.DAT Unit : 2 Source : 3, Equivalent source ,
                            .)       a 4

Lord Rated' Max. Design hp/kW/kVA for Condition ' * ^ or Bus hp/kW PF EFF LRC speed SCTC  ! ko. Equip. No./ Load hme or Bus Name ** kVA l 1 2 3 4 5l (%) (%) (%) RPM (sec) I 519 2 5748B CORE $ PRAY TMERG ANU 2B 5.0 .0 5.0 5.0 I 5.0 85.0 80.0 625.0 1740 .0000 Status : E Load type : Induction NP MP HP NP HP - *** Safety - Related *** Total kvA input : D. $. 5. 5. kW : D. 5. 5. 5. kVAR : 0. 3. 3. 3. s l l l i I

                                                                                                     +                                                     l i





Cal:. *c.

                                                                                                                         . 3*?l3-73-19-1 AC Electricot Lord Monitoring System ver 2.20                   4,v, 3.

Date : 04-13-92 sargent & Lundy Engineers pet, lect io. 6913-73 Chicago, Ill. g g Load smmary by Bus "*** h Bus Name : LOAD 520 TERM Utility : Eargent & Lundy Internal Use Proj. No. : 8913 73 Rated voltage : 480.0 volts 5tstion : QUAD CIflES-FILE:Z3.DAT unit : 2 Source - 3, Equivalent source

                                .1     s 4

totd Rated Max. Design hp/kW/kVA for Condition , or Bus hp/kW PF EFF LRC speed SCTC

           **  Equip. ho./ Load NWme or Bus hame ** kvA Wo.

l 1 2 3 4 5l (%) (%) .(%) RPM (sec)

                                   /                                                                                                              '

520 2-5203 voRM FEED DG Ott. XFER PMP 2 3.0 .0 .0 2.7 2.7 85.0 -80.0 625.0 1755 .0000 Status : E [oad type . Induction HP HP HP HP HP *** Safety - Related *** Total kVA input - D. O. 3. 3. kW t 0. D. 3. 3. kVAR

  • 0, 0 2. 2.

2 w I l l i l l Sa l i i l J l

  • j e

l p l 1


I C61c. t. o . 8912-73-13-1 AC Electrical Lord Monitoring System ver 2.20 **v. O D:te : 04 13-92 Sargent & Lundy Engineers i'0 t ject t< o . 8913-73 Chicago, Ill. Tage A49 of

                                                  *****   Load Stsmary by Bus   ""*

Bus Name : LOAD 521 TERM h] utility : Sargent & Lundy Internat use Proj. he. - 8913-73 Rated voltage : 480.0 volts Station ; QUAD CITIES-FILE:Z3.DAT unit : 2 Source : 3. Equivalent Source J >4 Load Rated Max. Design hp/kW/kVA for Condition er Bus hp/lw PF EFF LRC Speed SCTC Wo. Equip. No./ Load )f ame or sus Name ** kvA l 1 2 3 4 5l (%) (%) (%) RPM (sec)

  $21 1-5203        < ALT FD'DG1 FULL O!L XFR PMP      3.0          .0      .0     .0      .0          85.0 80.0 625.0 1755           .0000 Status : E I Load type
  • Induction HP MP Mp HP HP *** Safety - Related ***

Total kVA input D. D. D. O. ' kW : 0. D. D. O. kVAR 0. D. O. O. 8 e

  • 9

{ _. _ a.:. m. auen_: AC Electrical Lord teonitoring System Ver 2.20 ~ Neb. O I D:te : 04-13 92 Sargent & Lundy Engineers Pr* 0 ,' e c t No[ 6313-72,  ! Chicago, it!. Pece A50 of


Load SLmary by Bus ***** 184363 j Bus home LOAD 523 TERM Utility : Sargent & Lundy Internal use Proj. o. 8913-73 Rated voltage . 480.0 volts

 $tstion : QUAD CITIES FILE:23.DAT                            Unit . 2                            Source        3. Equivalent source J        i 4

Load Rated Man. Design hp/kW/kVA for Condition - I or Bus j hp/kW ] PF EFF LRC Speed SCTC to. Equip. Wo./ Load home or Bus Name ** kvA


l 1 2 3 4 5l (%) (1) (%) RPM (sec) 523 2-11028 [tweny[QDCONTRLPMP28 50.0 .0 .0 .0 .0 85.0 90.0 625.0 1800 .0000 Status . E Load type Ird.rction HP H P' HP HP NP Total kVA input . D. O. D. D. kW 0. D. O. D. kVAR - O. D. O. D. 9 i i l l 1 < i l 4 1 i

I Caic. f.c . F 12-72-19--1 AC Electrical Lord Monitoring System ver 2.20 g g-D*;te : _04 13-92 Sargent & Lundy Engineers , g;3,~3 Chicago, 101.

                                                                                                               -age (-i51 of
                                                   *""        Load Sawnary by Bus   "*"

h Bus Name : LOAD 524 TERM

 ' Utility :        Sargent & Lundy Internal Use                Proj. ho. : 8913-73                  Rated Voltage :        480.0 volts Station : QUAD CITIES-FILE:23.DAT                             unit .2                              Source :       3, Eouivalent Source j       i,        -

Load Rated Max. Design hp/kW/kVA for Condition, or Bus , hp/kW FF EFF LRC Speed SCTC to. ** Equip. No./ Load [ame or Bus Name ** kvA l 1 2 3 4 5l (%) (%) (%) RPM (sec)


524 2-57468 /RHRS EEERG AHU 2B 7.5 .0 7.5 7.5 7.5 85.0 80.0 625.0 1740 0000 Status : E ' Load iype : Induction MP MP MP MP MP *** Safety Related *** Total kvA input -

0. B. 8. 8.

kW . O. 7. 7. 7. kvAR 0. 4. 4 4. j

AC Electrical Load Eonitoring system ver 2.20 Cale. Nc. 9913-72-19-1 n e v. O Date : 04-13 92 Sargent & LWy Engineers . Chicago, Itt. vrctett No. 691_:, .. .: 7 _ ___ .

                                                  *****    Load Sumnary by Bus *****

Bus hone : LOAD $29 TERM 184363 Utility : Sargent & Lundy Internal Use Proj. ho. - 8913-73 Rated voltage : 480.0 volts $tation : 00AD CITIES-FILE:23.DAT Unit : 2 source . 3, Equivalent source J *4 4 5 Lord Rated Max. Design hp/kW/kvA for Condition, or Bus . hp/kW PF EFF LRC Speed SCTC

      **  Equip. he./ toad s'ame or Bus Name ** kVA ho.                                                           ]    1       2       3        4        5l     (%)      (%) (%)      RPM (sec)


$29 2-2301-57     ,&PCI Ct'c wiR CLN SL"CONDPMP        25.0          .0      .0        .0     .0           85.0 85.0 625.0 3530          .0000    I status . E   ' Load type     Induction            HP        HP      HP      NP       HP                 *** Safety - Related ***

Total kvA input : 0. D. D. D. s kW - D. D. D. O. kVAR . D. D. D. D. f


e i

                                                                                                 -      4 s

At Electrical Load Monitoring system ver 2.20 _&lc. ; c. . $ ? i 3-71 1 D:ta : 04 13 92 Sergent 8 Lundy Engineers Mtv. O rrotect No, es '31,. _:-/; Chi c ago, 111. c. . g ,

                                                      *"**    Load Sissnary by Bus     * * * " -

it843oa A Bus kame : LCAD 530 TERM Utility : Sargent & 8. undy Internal Use Proj. ho. 8913-73 Rated voltage : 480.0 volts Station QUAD CITIES FILE:23. CAT unit 2 source . 3, Equivalent source J 6 4 Loid Rated Max. Design hp/kW/kVA for Condition. or Bus hp/kW


PF EFF LRC Speed SCTC Nc. " Equip. ho./ Load Wame or Bus kame " kvA


l 1 2 3 4 5l (%) (%) (%) RPM (sec) 530 1-5727  ; iti FD 'DG RM HVAC $ PLY F AN1 50.0 .0 .0 .0 .0 85.0 90.0 625.0 1150 .0000 Status E Load type . Induction HP HP HP NP HP "* Safety - Related "* Total kvA input O. O. D. D. kW

  • 0. O. D. D.

kvAR , D. O. D. D. 33 t 4 0

At Electrical Lord nonitoring system ver 2.20

                                                                                                            !alc. AC. 23 ' 3 M- -

q,y, p 0 te + 04 13 92 Sargent & Lundy Engineers  ; Chicago, Ill, p,'r o j e fic . 6313-73 ct g pej

                                                    "***      Load Senary by Bus     ""

Bus Name : LOAD 532 TERM Utility : Sargent & Lundy Internal Use Proj. No. 8913-73 Rated voltage : 480.0 volts  ? Station : QUAD CITIES-FILE:23.DAT Unit : 2 Source : 3, Equivalent $ource J i 4 -Lo0d Rated Max. Design hp/kW/kVA for Condition or Bus . hp/kW PF EFF LRC Speed SCTC , - to. ** Equip. No./ Load Wh or Bus kame " kvA l 1 2 3 4 5l (%) (%) (%) RPM (sec) 1

-532 2252-81A        P,0ST LOC'A H2 02 MON PMP 2B         1.0           .0      .9      .9      .9          80.0 75.D 625.0 1 770       .0000 Status : E    L'oad type Induction                HP         NP      HP      HP     HP                 *** $afety - Related ***

Total kvA input - O. 1. 1. 1. kW : D. 1. 1. 1. kVAR . D. 1. 1. 1. w. i e 6 0

  • 4 9


Calc. N:. 6912-73-19-1 AC Electrical to:d Monitoring System var 2.20 N e v. 0 Date + 04-13-92 Sargent & Lurxty Engineers Ef0)ect NL. 8913-72 Chicago, Ill. Page M5 of

                                                        *""       Load Strmary by Bus   *****

184363 Bus Name : LDAD 533 TERM Utility 3 Sargent & Luncly Internal Use Proj. ko. : 8913 73 Rated Voltage

  • 480.0 volts Station : QUAD CITIES-FILE:23.DAT Unit . 2 Source : 3, Equivalent Source J i 4

Lo*d Rated Max. Design hp/kW/kVA for Condition . or Bus . hp/kW Speed' SCTC


PF EFF LRC Wo. ** Equip. No./ Load Name or Bus Name " kVA l l 1 2 3 4 5l (%) (%) (%) RPM (sec) 533 2 57468 ,/L1 r0 $ HRS EMERG AHU 2B 7.5 .0 .0 .0 .0 85.0 80.0 625.0 1740 .0000 Status : E load type . Induction HP HP HP HP HP *** Safety - Related *** fotal kVA input : 0. O. D. O.


kW -

0. O. D. O.

kVAR : 0. O. 0. O. i i l d 1 I l l

4 mm . 5 l Calt. No. 69;2-73-19-1 i AC Electrical Load Monitoring System ver 2.20 Rev. 0 1 02ts : 04-13-92 Sergent 8 Lundy Engineers Project NOI 8913-73 f

                                                                - Chicago, Ill.

Espe 456 of

                                                     ~ *. L oad S_,y           ..   .....

Bus kame : LOAD 542 TERM 184363  : Utility . Sergent & Lurdy Internal use Proj. No. 8913- 73 Rated voltage : 480.0 volts Station : QUAD C171ES-FILE:23.DAT J >q unit : 2 Source _ 3, Equivalent Source l Lead Rated Pax. Design bp/kW/kVA f or Cordition .

  • or Bus ,


      **                          ,                                                                             PF     EFF LRC Speed SCTC          l Wo.          Equip. No./ Load Name or Bus Name ** kvA i

l 1 2 3 4 5l (%) (%) ( *. ) RPM (see! 'i 542 i ttPCI TK'HiR 9.0 .0 .0 .0 .0 100.0 100.0 .0 0

                                                                                                                                            .0000 Status : E        'oad L     type - Resistive            KW          KW - KW          KW      KW                *** Saf ety - Relat:af ***

i totat kVA input : 0. D. O. D. kW : D. O. O. O. kVAR : D. O. O. O. f 6 i N I v [ s 9 4 1 s

s; c. . f c. a911-73-;9-; AC Electrical Load Monitoring $ystem ver 2.20 kev. 0 Date : 04 13-92 Sargent & Luncy Engineers Cv o y et No. 6313-73 Chicago, Ill. Page 457 of Lead Suvrary by Bus "*" Bus Name - LOAD 5!.3 TERM Utility $ argent & Lun:ty Internal use Proj. No. : 8913-73 Rated voltage : 480.0 volts Station : QUAD CITIES FILE:23.DAT i unit : 2 source : 3, Equivalent Source J i 4 Load Rated Max. Design hp/kW/kVA for. Condition. or Bus , hp/kW ko. ** PF EFF LRC Speed SCTC Equip. No./ Load e('ame or Bus Name " kVA


l 1 2 3 4 5l (%) (%) (%) RPM (sec)

  $43 2-7503          AX BLDCfVWT-SBOT SUP DMPR           11.0         .0       .0      ,0     .0           85.0 85.0 279.0 1800       .0000 Status : E     ' Load type . Induction             HP        HP      HP      HP      HP                *** Safety - Related ***

t Total kvA input : 0. O. O. O. kw : D. D. O. D. kVAR : D. O. D. D. 5 b t 33 i i O 0 . 4 i

b Calc. No. 6913-73-13-1 AC Electrical Lord Monitoring system ver 2.20 h e. v . 0 Date : 04-13 92 5 argent & Lundy Engireers  ;*r o y ect ho. 8913-73 Chicago, lit.  ;&gE

                                                   *****   Load $Jmary by Bus     *****                              556Of--4363-18 Bus hame : LOAD 544 TERM Utility :        Sergent & Lundy Internal Use              Proj. No. : 8713-73                   Rated voltage :        480.0 volts Station 2 0'JAD CITIES FILE:23.DAT                         Unit : 2                              Source :      3, Equivalent source               ,

J *4 Lord Rated Max. Design hp/kW/kVA f or ConditioD or Bus hpfkW PF E'- LRC Speed SCTC No. ** Equip. No./ Loaddame or Bus Name ** kvA l 1 2 3 4 5l (%) (%) (1) RPM (sec) i 544 2 1103 /STANDBf LQD CONT TK HTR 60.0 48.4 48.4 48.4 48.4 100.0 100.0 .0 0 .0000 Status E ' Load type : Resistive KW KW KW KW KW Totat kvA input : 48. 48. 48. 48. ' kW : 48. 48. 48. 48. kvAR : 0, 0. D. O. F r 0 33

                                                                                                                                      .             t a

t 1

~ r; c 2 Calc. Nc. 5912-72 *?-: tC Electrict.1 Load l'onitoring System Ver 2.20 ~ p g. y , c' 0:t's e 04 13-92 sargent & Lundy Engineers Chicago, It t. project ts c. Sil3-E

                                                                                                              ; 3 g e f.n59 :.f

t oad Sunrnary by Bus "*" Bus Name : LOAD 516 TERM i84363 1

                                                                                                                                                  'I Utliity :           Sargent 1 Lundy Internat use                Proj. ho. : 8913 73 Rated Voltage -          480.0 volts 5t-tion : QUAD CITIE$-FILE:Z3.DAT                              unit . 2                           source :         3, Equivatent Source           ,

J s 4 toad Rated Max. Design hp/kW/kVA for Condition. ~ or Bus hp/kW PF EFF LRC Speed SCTC No. ' ** Equip. No./ Load h/me or sas hame a kva 1 l 1 2 3 4 5l (%) (%) (%) RPM (sec) 516 2-3903 PG CLG DTR PMP #2 100.0 90.0 90.0 90.0 90.0 66.0 100.0 615.0 .3550 .0000 Status . E ' Load type Induction 'HP HP MP HP HP *** Safety - Related *** total kvA input : 78. 78. 78. 78. kW : 67 67. 67 67 kvAR : 40. 40, 40. 40.


o e 4

. .c. m. sm-n-n-:

AC Electrical Lord Konitoring System V2r 2.20 f.e v. 3  ! D:te : 04 13 92 S*rgent & Lundy Engineers - Ero,1dtt Nc. 6913-U Chicago, lit. P6pe A60 Of Load Smry by Bus "*" '184363 Bus kame : LOAD 550 TERM Utility : . Sergent 3 Lundy Internal Use Proj. ho. - 8913-73 Rated Voltage : 480.0 volts Station : GUAD CIT!!S FILE:23.DAT unit . 2 Source 4 3, Fouivalent source J *4 Load Rated Man. Design hp/kW/kVA for Condition-or Bus , hpfkW *

                                                                                                                  - PF    EFF LRC Speed SCTC No.         Equip. No./ Load bame or Bus Name ** kVA I

l 1 2 3 4 5l (%) (%) (%) RPM (sec)

       . 550 2 52098        4c STARTIE AIR COMPR 2B            5.0           .0    5.0    5.0     5.0             85.0 80.0 625.0 1735       .0000 Status : E    ' Load type : Induction            HP       HP       HP     HP     HP                    *** $afety - Related ***

Total kVA input : 0. 5. 5. 5. kW 4 0. 5. 5. 5. kvAR 0. 3. 3. 3. w l 32 i I 1

                                                                                                               .                                       ]
  • 1

,,/' 8

                                                                                                      ?      4

~ Calt. No. 6312-73 9-1 AC Electrical toad Konitoring System ver 2.20 p.e v , 0 l D:te': 04-13-92 Sargent & Lunay Engineers proyect No. 6912-72

                                                                    . Chicago, 111.                             ? age A61 <
                                                         *""      Load Sumary by Bus    *""

Bus home . LcAD 552'IRM 84363 Utility : Sargent & Lundy Internal Use Proj, ho. : 8913 73 Rated Voltage : 480.0 volts Station QUA0 CITIES-FILE:Z3.DAT unit : 2 Source : 3, Equivalent source

                          )               i 4                                                        -

Lord Rated Max. Design hp/kW/kvA for-Condition. or Bus , hp/kW Speed' SCTC PF EFF LRC . No. ** Equip. No./ Load Wame or Bus Name ** kVA 1 l 1 2 3 4 5l (%) (%) (%) RPM (sec) 552 2-5209A bG STARTING AIR COMPR 2A 5.0 .0 5.0 .0 .0 85.0 80.0 625.0 1735 .0000 Status : E ' Load type . Induction HP MP HP HP HP *** Safety - Related *** Total kvA input : 0. 5. D. O. kW . O. 5. D. D. kVAR - D. 3. D. O. I J b e 4 1

C410. f. c . 6912--73-19 * - ' AC Electrical Lo d Monitoring system ver 2.20 sev, g Dc,te : 04 13 92 Sargent & Lundy Engineers '~ pec y,c+ rao, 99 3_73 Chicago, lit. page f43 of _;ad S m ry by Bus * * * " 184363 Bus kame . LOAD $51 TERM Utility idrgent & Lundy Internal Use Proj3o.: 8913-73 Rated Voltage r 480.0 volts Station ; QUAD CITIES FILE:Z3. CAT Unit : 2 ~ Source - 3, Equivalent Source i J s 4 L c~,d Rated Man. Desig i hp/kW/kvA f or Condition. ' er Bus . hp/kW PF EFF LRC Speed SCTC - co. ** Ecuip. ko./ Load /ame or sus kame ** i kVA l 1 2 3 4 5l (%) (%) (%) RPM (sec)

  $51         --

A50VDC '8ATTERY CHARGER #2 93.9 83.5 83.5 83.5 83.5 95.0 100.0 .0 0 .0000 5tatus . E ' Load type . Resistive KVA KVA - KVA KVA KVA *** Saf ety - Related *** s Total kVA input : 84. 84. 84. 84. kW  ? 79, 79. 79. 79. kVAR : 26. 26. 26. 26. i h

_ lA42. -L. 2 9 ' 3 19 ~;

                                                    -AC Electrical Loed Monitoring System ver 2.20                 A, y,  g D:te : D4 13 92                                         Sargent & Luntfr Engineers project M. G "113-7-c Chicago, Ill.

p;pp g3 g Load Sunary by sus ***" h]h , Utility : Sargent & Lundy Internat use Proj. No. : 8913-73 Rated Voltage : 480.0 volts Station : QUAD CITIES-F1LE:23.DAt Unit 4 2 Source : 3, Equivalent Source

                                  .)       .q    _.

Load Rated Max. Design hp/kW/kVA for Condition or Bus , hp/kW PF EFF LRC Speed SCTC to. ** Equip. No./ Load dme or sus Name ** kvA l 1 2 3 4 5j (%)  %) (%) RPM (sec) I 553 ,f25VDC BATTERY CHARGER #2 39.9 35.5 35.5 35.5 35.5 95.0 100.0 .0 0 .0000 Status . E ' Load type Resistive KVA KVA KVA KVA KVA *** Safety - Related *** Tctal kVA input . 36. 36. 36. 36. kW -

34. 34, 34, 34 kVAR : 11. 11, 11. 11.

l l 43 i n

  • 4 l

1 1 1 1

Ca;c. tw o . 6913-73-19-1 1 AC Electrical Load Monitoring system ver 2.20 apy, O Date : 04-13-92 Sargent & Lundy Engineers protect 14 0 . E913-73 Chicago, Ill. ape f+64 Of'~ "

                                                 *""       Load Surnary by Bus   *****

Bus hame : LOAD 560 TERM Utility . -- Sargent & Luey Internal use Proj. No. - 8913-73 Rated voltage 480.0 volts 5tstion - QUAP CITIES-FILE:23.DAT Unit 2 Source : 3, Equivalent Source j' 4 Lord Rated Nax. Design hp/kW/kVA for Condition or Bus . hp/kW PF EFF LRC Speed SCTC No. ** Equip. No./ Load [aine or Bus hame " i kVA l 1 2 3 4 5l (%) (%) (%) RPM (sec) , 560 1.5 1.4 1.4 [DG2CLbWTRPMPCLEFANA 1.4 1.4 80.0 75.0 625.0 1800 0000 Status : E Load type Induction HP NP NP MP HP *** Saf et y - Related *** Total kVA input i 2. 2. 2. 2. tw 1. 1. 1. 1. kVAR : 1. 1. 1. 1.


b l i 4 l 0

                                                                                                '      4 1


Cal;. .O. M .3 "2 ! ?- ; AC flectrical Lord Monitoring system var 2.20 7, g D:ta . 04 13 92 Sargent & Lurcy Engineers p.g gg, g-Chicago, !!(.  ;, . gr gg


Loac SJunary by Bus *"" 184363 Sus Name . LCAD $61 TERM Utility : Sargent & Lundy Internal Use Proj. ho. : 8913-73


Rated voltage : 489.0 volts Station : QUAD CITIES-FILE:Z3.DAt unit : 2 Source : 3, Equivalent source a a q Lord Rated Max. Design hp/kW/kVA for Condition - or Bus , hp/kW PF EFF LRC Speed SCTC N o. Equip. ho./ Load dame or Bus harne " kvA


l 1 2 3 4 5l (%) (%) (%) RPM (sec) 561

                    ;tG2 CL6 WIR PMP CLR FAN B          1.5         1.4     1.4      1.4      1.4          80.0 75.0 625.0 -1800      .0000 Status . E      Load type Induction              HP        HP      HP      HP       MP                *** Safety - Related ***

Total kvA input : 2. 2. 2. 2. kW : 1. 1, 1. 1. kVAR . 1. 1. 1. 1. L II L

ens . .Wah

                                                                                                                       .      7, 0 . d913-73-19-1 l

AC Electrical Locd Monitoring System ver 2.20  :. e g . c 02t* : 04-13-92 Sergent & Lundy Engineers  ;~ r c j e c t No. 3913-73 Chicago, ill.  ;'B C E E466 O!

                                                        "        Load Semary by Bus    ""

Bus Name : LOAD 567 TERM Utility . Sargent & Lundy Internal Use Proj. No. - 8913 73 Rated voltage : 480.0 volts

    $tstion : QUAD CITIES FILE:Z3.DAT                              Unit : 2                             Source :         3, Equivalent Source J        4, Load                                                 Rated        Max. Design hp/kW/kVA f or Condition, or Bus                           ,                   hp/kW                                                  . PF       EFF LRC Speed SCTC to.    **    Equip. No./ Load [ame or Bus Name " kVA           l    1       2       3       4        5l      (%)       (%) (%)      RPM (sec) 1 567 2-2501           ,ACAD ATR COMPR~~                  25.0           .0     .0      .0      .0           85.0 85.0 625.0 1760          .0000 Status : E      ' Load type : Induction            HP        HP      MP      HP      HP                 *** Safety - Related ***

Total kVA input : 0. D. D. D. kW . D. D. O. O. kvAR : D. O. O. D. h i O

  • 4

Cait. IJ o . 6912-72-19-1 AC Electr6 cal Lord Monitoring system ver 2.20 Re v. 0 Dste : 04-13-92 Sargent & Lundy Engineers Project No. 8913-73 Chicago, !!!. Dage A67 of

                                                                                                                              *****             Load S m ry by Bus                                    *****

Utility : sargent & Lundy internal Use Rated voltage - Proj. wo. : 8713-73 480.0 volts Station - QUAD CITIES-F1LE:Z3.DAT unit . 2 Source : 3, Equivalent Source

                                              .)                                 i,                                                                                                                                              -

Load Rated Max. Design hp/kW/kvA f or Condition or Bus , hp/kW PF EFF' LRC Speed SCTC ko. ** Equip. No./ Load /ame or sus Name ** kvA


l 1 2 3 4 5l (%) (%) (1) RPM (sec) 556 /RHR s'f. PMP 2C CLR FAN A 3.0 .0 2.7 2.7 2.7 85.0 80.0 625.0 1730 .0000 Status . E ' Load type Induction HP MP HP HP MP *** Safety - Related *** Totat kvA input : 0. 3. 3. 3. -. kW -

0. 3. 3. 3.

kVAR : 0. 2. 2. 2. l l j t 93 0 4 L _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ - - - - _ - - _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - - _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Calc. 'c.

                                                                                                                 . 6913-72-l'-;

AC Elsetrical Lord Monitoring system ver 2.20 REv. O D:te : 04 13-92 Sargent & Lundy Engineers C-cyect No$ 8913-73 Chicago, Ill. Eege fl66 of

                                               ***"    Load Siemuery by Bus   * * "
  • Bus Name : LOAD $77 TERM Utility : Sargent & Lundy Internal use Proj. No. . 8913-73 Rated voltage 480.0 volts station : OUAD CITIES-FILE:23.DAT unit : 2 Source : 3, Equivaler.? Source J $

4 Load Rated Man. Design hp/kW/kVA for Condition - or Bus ,' hp/kW PF EFF LRC Speed SCTC

20. Equip. No./ Load Name or Bus Name ** kVA I

l 1 2 3 4 5l (%) (%) (%) RPM (sec)

$77 1/2-7503A      SkiGTAliH1R$                    30.0        24.6    24.6    24.6      24.6         100.0 100.0      .0     0     .0000 Status : E    Load type Resistive             KW        TF       KW     KW         KW               *** Safety - Related ***

Total kVA input 25. 25. 25. 25. kW : 25. 25. 25. 25. kVAR : D. O. O. O. h

C6.C. '4 0 . 3 '.1 "2 '9-; } AC Electrical Lo:d Monitoring System ver 2.20 F e v. 0 0;ta 04 13-92 Sargent & Lundy Engineers O r~ o .1 e c t te o . 39;2-72 Chicago, lit. C'6pe A69 of i toad Su rnary by sus *"" Bus Name . LOAD $78 TERM 184363 Utility : Sargent & Lundy Internal Use Proj. No. 8913 73 Rated Voltage : 480.0 volts Station : QUA0 CITIES FILE:Z3.DAT unit + 2 Source : 3, Equivalent Source 3 . --__ Load Rated Max. Design hp/kW/kVA for Condition . or Bus , hp/kW PF EFF tRC Speed SCTC + - No. Equip. No./ Load Ngbe or Sus hace ** kVA


l 1 2 3 4 5l (%) (%) (%) RPM - (sec) 578 ' 1/2 5706A S8GT fad 20.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 85.0 85.0 625.0 1760 .0000 Status : E L'oad t ype . I nduc t i on HP HP HP HP NP *** Safety Related *** Total kVA input . 21. 21. 21. 21. kW : 18. 18. 18. 18. kVAR : 11. 11. 11. 11. i 1 33

l Lei: . Nc. Sill-73-19-1 At Electriest Lord Monitoring System ver 2.20 Rev. O D$te f 04-13-92 $ argent & Lundy Engineers crc)ECt TG. 6913-73 Chicago, Ill. Sqe A70 of -- Load surrnary by Bus ***** 184363 Bus name LOAD 580 TERM Utliity . __.sargent & turdr Internal use Proj. 4o. : 8913 7 Nated voltage : 480.0 volts Station t QUAD CITIES FILE:23.DAT unit .2 source : 3, Equivalent source J *g lo;,d R?ted Man. Design hp/kW/kvA for Condition-or Bus , hp/kW

20. ** Equip. ho./ Load [ame or Bus home ** kvt.



[ 1 2 3 4 5l (%) (%) (%) RPM (sec) 580 1/2-7504A ,tBG7 OtiTSD AIR SPLY DAMPER .1 .0 .0 .0 .0 80.0 75.0 625.0 1800 .0000 status . E ' Load type ; Inductit,n HP HP HP HP HP *** Safety - Related *** Total kvA input . D. O. O. O. kW -

0. O. O. D.

kvAR - 0. O. O. O.

                                                                                                                                              .a e

M $


I i AC Electrical Load Monitoring System ver 2.20

alc. Ac. 5912-72-19 '.

Rev. O D:te : 04 13 92 Serget & Lurcy Engireers Pr 0,1 e c t tu e . 0913-73 Chicago, Ill. Page A71 of Load Smrnary by Bus ""* I84363 Bus home : LOAD 581 TERM Utility ; Sargent & Lundy Internal Use Proj. No. : 8913-73 ' Rated Voltage : 480.0 volts Station : OJAD CltlES-FILE:Z3.0At Unit . 2 Source 3, Equivalent Source

                          .)       i 4

Lord Rated Max. Design hp/kW/kvA for Condition. ~ or Bus hp/kW PF EFF LRC Speed SCTC ko. Equip. No./ Load [ame or Bus kane ** kVA


l 1 2 3 4 5l (%) (%) (%) RPM (sec) 581 1/2-7507A ,rBCT FAN DISCH DAMPER 1/2A 2.7 .0 .0 .0 .0 85.0 80.0 625.0 1800 .0000 Status : E ' Load type Induction HP MP MP HP HP *" Saf ety - Related *** Total kvA input . D. O. O. O. kW . O. D. D. D. kvAR . O. D. D. D.


Calc. f ac. G9:2 73-Ic-;  ; AC Electrical Load Monitoring System ver 2.20 Rev. O Date . 04-13-92 Sargent & tmdy Engineers Project No. 6313-73 Chicago, Ill, s'6pe A72 of

                                                *"         Load Sonmary by Bus   ***

184363 - Bus kame : LOAD 582 TERM Utility : Sar0ent & Lundy internal Use Proj No. - 8913 73 Rated voltage : 480.0 volts Station

  • QUAD CITIES-FILE:23.DAT Unit . 2 Source : 3, Equivalent Source J e4 Load Rated Max. Design hp/kW/kVA for Conditior) or Bus hp/kW PF EFF LRC Speed SCTC to. Equip. No./ Load /ame or Bus Name ** kvA l 1 2 3 4 5l (%) (%) (%) RPM (ser) i

'582 1/2 7505A ./SBGT STS IN DAMPER 1/2A .7 .0 .0 .0 .0 80. M .0 521.0 1700 .0000 Status : E

  • Load type : Induction NP HP HP MP HP *** Safety - Related ***

i Total kvA input : 0. O. O. O. kW . O. D. C. O. kVAR : 0. C. D. O. 4 e t

AC Electrical Lead Monitoring System ver 2.20 Calc. Nc. 59;3-73-19-1

i. e v. O Date : 04-13-92 Sargent & Lundy Engineers Chicago, lit.

protect No. 8912 73 .

                                                                                                             ?eDE A73 Of                        ,

Load surrmary by Bus ***** Bus Name : LOAD 527 TERM Utility : Sargent & Lundy Internal Use Proj. No. . 8913-73 Rated voltage : 480.0 volts Station : QUAD CITIES-FILE:Z3.DAT unit : 2 source : 3, Equivalent source J 6 4 Lord Rated Max. Design hp/kW/kva for Cordition_, or Bus , hp/kW Eo. ** PF EFF LRC Speed SCTC Equip. ho./ Load [ame er Bus Name ** kvA 1 2 3 4 l 5l - (%)~ (%) (%) RPM (sec)- 1 527 2*5747 MPCI EMERG ANU #2 3.0 .0 3.0 3.0 3.0 P5.0 80.0 625.0 1755 .0000 Status . E ' toad type : Induction HP NP HP IfP HP *** Safety - Related *** Total kVA input : 0. 3 .' 3. 3. ~- 0. kW : 3. 3. 3. kVAR : 0. 2. 2. 2. 33 O a 4W

~ ~ . 184363 Catc. For Quad Cities 2/I1 Eafety-related Continuous i;a i c, No, 3912-/2-19-1 SARGENT& LUNDY  ; Re v. 0 ENG:NEERS Load Running / Start W voltages Project f* C . 0913-73 X Safety-Related kon-Safety-Related Client Comonweat th Edison Conpany Prtyaared by Date Project Quaddities(Jn'if2 geyjW by Date Proj No. 8913-73 Equip. No. goyed tFf Date



                                                                                          /                            l l

_ _ 184.363 cate. For cued Cities 2/11 safety-retsted continuous Cis i c . l .0. 6913-73-19-1 SARGENT& LUNDY R*v- 0 ggg3 _ toad Running / Starting Voltages proje . . . _ f 4 0. 6914~'4 safety-Related vage oc of I kort-$afety-Related Client Commonwealth Edison Company Prepard tY ' Date Project Quad k,ities Unkt 2 - Reviewed ty Date [ Prol. No. 8913-73 Equip. No. Amrowed ty Date l l

            /      /

Listed in the following order: Condition 1 Block Motor Starting, File: S1.DAT Load Tickets for R Type Loads, (Bus Data, Connection Data, and other loads remain unchanged from Z3.DAT) Motor Block Starting Printout , Condition 2 Block Motor Starting, File: S2.DAT Load Tickets for R Type Loads, (Bus Data, Connection Data, and other loads remain unchanged from Z3.DAT) Motor Block Starting Printout i 1 l l i I l I 9 l

q 184363

                      *** $2rgent & Lundy -- ELMS AC. Program ***                                 O'I'
  • bI ~ ~~**

Eew. O Utility : Sargent & Lundy Interrial Use Project No. ; 8913-73 hGjECt In O . 0511~71 Station QUAD CITIES FILE:51.DAT Unit No. 2 e'ege es of AC Load ficket Record Nunt)er *) 514 5 Equip No. / Load Name .. . Rx BLDG LIGHTING 2 St atus (E,W, or M) .. . .. . . E (Existing, hew, or Modified) , Source Bus hane ..d.... 480V SWOR 29 Motor Rated Volts L . . . . . . 480.0 Ratedhp,KW,orkVA.... -108.0 *** Load Brake Power *** Units (hp,'kW, or kVA) .... KVA Cond 1 . 80.8 KVA Load Type (1,$,G or R) ... R Cond 2 : 89.1 KVA Rated Efficiency (%) . .. 100.0 Cond 3 89.1 KVA Rated Power Factor (%) ... 90.0 Cond 4 89.1 KVA Locked Rotor Current (%) . O. Cond 5 : .0 KVA Starting Power Facto * (%) 20.0 Speed (RPM) .............. 0 S.C. Time Constant (sec) .0000 Mod or M/D Nuntjer . . . . . . . Cable Nu ter ............ System Code .. ... ....... Safety Related (Y/N) ..... No touting: nnents: 33 mared by: ,. . s' riewed by: roved by: ' # i

                       *** Sergent & Lurdy -- ELMS AC Program ***

184.363 a*C- *N G . 6Fli-'72-13 ; r e v. 0

 -Utility :          Sargent & Lundy Internet use                        Project No. : 8913-73 Station : QLMD CITIES FILE:51.DAT                                                                    WC)ect - lvo. 3313 73 Unit No. 2                    Ea9e he of AC Load Ticket Record mu eer k 522 *<

Equip. No. / Load Name ... 120/20$v XFMR FD 29-1-1 . Status (E,N, or M),....... E (Existing, New, or Modified) Source Bus home ./..... .. 480V MCC 29 1 Motor Roted Volti ........ 480.0 Rated hp/ kW, o/ kVA ..... 15.0 *** Load Brake Power *** Units (hp,kW, or kVA) .... KVA Cond 1 : 11.1 KVA L oe.d T ype (1,5, G or R ) . . . R Cond 2 : 12.1 KVA Rated Efficiency (%) ..... 100.0 cond 3 : 12.1 KVA Rated Power Factor (%) ... 75.0 Cord 4 : 12.1 KVA Locked Rotor Current (%) . O. Cord 5 . .0 KVA . Starting Power Factor (%) 20.0 Speed (RPM) .............. O S.C. Time Constant (sec) . .0000 Mod or N/D huter ........ Cabl e kute r . . . . . . . . . . . . . System Code .. . . ......

           $sfety Related (Y/N) ..... Yes Routing:

Comments: 12

  • repared by:
  • s' isviewed by: -

S .ppreved by: -



                       *** $2rgent & Lundy - ELMS AC Pr ogram ***                                      . .

184363 ya.c. c. c . 5913_73_39 1 Utility : Sargent & Lundy Internal use Project No. : 8913-73 #' St tion : QUAD CITIES-FILE:51.DAT unit No. 2 OW U* $513'73 Eage 65 cf l AC Lead Ticket l Record Ntsnber =) 544 i 4 icpip. No. / Load Nane .. 2-1103 STAND 8Y Loo CoWT TK HTR status (E,N, or M) ....... E (Existing, New, or Modified) Source sus Name ..a/....... LOAD 544 TERM Motor Rated Volts 4....... 480.0 Rated hp, KW, or kVA ..'..~ 60.0 *** Load Brake Power *** Units (hp,'kW, or kVA) .... KW Cond 1 : 44.4 KW Load Type (I,$,C or R) ... R Cond 2 2 48.4 KW Rated Efficiency (%) .... 100.0 cond 3 : 48.4 KW Reted Power Factor (%) ... 100.0 Cond 4 48.4 KW Locked Rotor Current (%) . O. Cond 5 : .0 KW Starting Power Factor (%) 20.0 Speed (RPM) .............. O S.C. Time Constant (sec) . .0000 Mod or M/D staber . . . . . . . . C abl e NLsnber . . . . . . . . . . . . . System Code .............. Saf ety Related (Y/N) ..... No touting: omments: 32 l 1 l sweed by:

  • Wiewed by: t

{ i { oroved by: ' ' f I I I

                          *** S:rge e & imsy -- ELCS AC Program ***                                   _                  184.363 yalc ' ha. g 3 3_7; _ ; e,, ;

Utility : Sergent & Lundy Internal Use Project No. : 8913 73 ""' 0

   .-Station    QUAD CITIES FILE:51. CAT                                     Unit no. 2                    'M  NO- N 13 .~ 2 e' age be of AC Load Ticket Record Number =, 551                  ,                                             -

Equip. No. / Load Name ... 250VDC BATTERY CHARGER #2 S tatus (E,N, or M) . . . . . . . E (Existing, hew, or Modified) source sus Name ..f...... LOAD 551 TERM Motor Rated Voitsf........ 480.0 R a t ed hp, k W, or kVA . . . . . 93.9 *" Load Brake Power *" Units (hp/kW,orkVA)....KVA Cond 1 : 79.5 KVA Load Type (1,$,G or R) ... R Cond 2 : 83.5 KVA Rated Efficiency (%) ..... 100.0 cond 3 : 83.5 KVA Rated Power Factor (%T.. 95.0 cond 4 : 83.5 KVA - Locked Rotor current (%) . D. Cond 5 : .0 KVA Starting Power Factor (%) 20.0 Speed (RPM) ... ......... 0 1.C. Time Constant (sec) . .0000 Mod or M/D Nurcer .. . . . . . . Cabl e thmiber . . . . . . . . . . . . . System Code .............. Safety Related (Y/N) ..... Yes Routing: lcretent s 95

 *epared by:
  • viewed by:

creved by: -


t _ _ ,.w_- "

3. , ., s .. , . . . - . .. 2 -_ - . . . . . .

3$ ut  : . ., , -

                                          *** $2reent 4.Ltaidy a- ELMS- AC Program ***


              -Utility g?       : Serpent & Lur4 Internal Use                                       Project No. : 8913                                                                                                                                    ga1c. tac. 69:262-;M          j HP V.      0-
            'Stetton QUAD CITIES-FILE:51.DATT                                                    - Unit No. 2 1
                                                                                                                                . EYoj ect No. 6312.-73.

E' age 57 of  ; AC Load Ticket .. i

                          ........ ..........**......................................                                                                          ')'

Record mmber d 553 -t 4 Equip. No.' / Load Name ... 125vDC BATTERT CHARGER #2 .

                         $ta'tus (E,N, or M) ....... E (Existing, New, or Modified)

Source Bus Name ../....... LOAD 553 TERM Motor Reted Voltst........ 480.0 Rated hp, kW, or'kVA .....

                                        ,                                  39.9' ~ *** Load Brake Power ***                                                         4 Units (hp,'kW, or kVA) .... KVA                               Cond 1 :

i 33.8 KYA Load Type (I,5,G or R) R- - Cond 2 : 35.5 KvA l Reted ffficiency (1) . .. M.0 cond 3 : 35.5 KvA Rated Power Factor (%) 'i 0 cond 4 35.5 KVA Locked Rotor Current (1) . D. Cond 5 : .0 KVA . Starting Power factor (1) 20.0  ! speed (RPM) .............. 0  ! S.C. Time Constant (sec) . .0000 , Mod or M/D Number ........ Cabl e Number . . . . . . . . . . . . . , System Code .............. Safety Related (Y/N) ..... Yes 4 i!

       . touting;                                                                                                                                                   8

t i _- a b r 2NURents!


t 2 , I epared by: ) 4 a v

       . Skewth h t' I
        . rowed ty:                                                                                                         -
                                                                                                                                         ./                          i I


                           *** Strgent & Lurxty - ELMS AC Program ***                                                   184363 aaC. Tv e. 4 d915-71-19 2   ..
   . Utility :           Sergent 8 Lurxty Internal Use                                                      d i ; QUAD CITIES
  • FILE:51.DAT Stat'on Project No. : 5913 73 f'**

unit ho. 2 #fC)*CI NO- 6913 Page BS of AC Load Ticket Record Nutber 4 577 s 4 Equip. No. / Load Name ... 1/2-7503A $8GT AIR HTRS Status (E,W, or M) ....... E (Existing, kew, or Modified) Source Sua h ome . . [. . . . . . . L OAD 577 TE RM Motor Rated Volts /........ 480.0 R at ed hp, kW, or 'kVA . . . . . 30.0 *** Load Brake Power *** Uni t s (hp,'kW, or kVA) . . . . KW cond 1 : 22.0 KW Load Type (I,$,C or R) ... R Cond 2 : 24.6 KW Rated Efficiency (%) ..... 100.0 cond 3 - 24.6 KW Rated Power Factor (%) ... 100.0 Cord 4 : 24.6 KW Locked Rotor current (%) . O. Cond 5 : .0 KW Starting Power Factor (%) 20.0 Speed (RPM) .............. O S.C. Time Constont (sec) . .0000 Mod or M/D Nurber . . . . . . . Cabl e Nuter . . . . .. . . . . . . . . System Code .............. Safety Related (Y/N) ..... Yes Routing:


13 epared by:

  • viewed by: ,

proved by: - f I

                                                                                                                 -g eic. *c.

184363 33'.2-73-19-1 he v. O SARGtNT & LUNDY ELMS AC ** MOTOR START VOLTAGE


** SOURCE 3 COND 1            ;,3yect ts c , 33*2-72 Co2or    Motor b&r                                                                                  Ogt, pg of kame                                                                      -
  $16       2 3903    DG CLG VTR PMc *2 534       2 1201 80  RwCU SYS RX BOILER ISOL VLV 560                 DG2 CLC WTR PMP CLR FAN A 561                 DG2 CLG WTR PMP CLR FAN B 5 78     1/2-57D6A  EbGT FAN *<

580 1/2-7504A SBGT DUTSD AIR SPLY DAMPER 501 1/2- 7507A SBGT FAN DISCH DAMPER 1/2A 5G2 1/2- 7505A SBGT SYS IN DAMPER 1/2A ' 598 2-1001-29A RHR$fiNBDSHlOFVLV2A G01 2-202-68 RX WTR RECIRC LP EXLG VLV2B 603 2-202-5B,' Rx VTR RECIRC PMP DISCH VLV t I

                                                                                       .ww 4
                                                                                                      ,             l e   p 1

l l


                  , f!) d o

[g [j/ f 8

                                                                                                                    <fdp o             'khk'd*                  IMAGE EVALUATION T6

\yff y $# TEST TARGET (MT-3) g vv 9k s%+ l.0 Ea M F: im aE Bs


C hwN l,l ll 1.8 ll== I.25 1.4

                                                        ==    l _i.6_

Ul 150mm 6" 4-3 %'+ , %g 4+ ss* sh> ,


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                ,     v.                                                                                    q.

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 \[g,f.       '   :.

9$# TEST TARGET (MT-3) f/ (f 4 /(g, spj @ k+7jj (f


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 \//g/77y'            q$$      TEST TARGET (MT-3)

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       #                                                                               k I.0          E#F m- su a    ,

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1 T ^ *_ f - 184363- .

                                                                                                                    'al . reo. 6512-72-M-1 I)'SARGEeT & LUNDY ELMS-Ac a MOTOR START YOLTAGE                                      3 COND


        " SOURCEbEV*'O:
      )!NTERNAL-'                                         SUS RUNNING  BUS RATED
                                                                                        % OF
                                                                                                                  - IT0]ect No. 8913-73 BUS NAME.         VOLTS .      VOLTS         RATED                      Dage B10 Of g 33 , SOURCE : Equival*Jit Source                            ~3820.2-                                                                        ';

4160.0 91.8-7 115( :4 6 SWGR 24-1 3820.0' 4160.0 91.8

        -' 1 28 }         ,          HIGN SIDE 0F XFMR 29      3819.0      4160.0         91.8         -

, ;;;j %[-1 480V SWGR 29' 415.1 ~ 480.0' 86.5

53 ' 480v Mcc 29 ', 412.8 480.0 - 86.0 s 54; 480V MCC 29 2 606.5 .480.0 84.7
           ' 5 5 -.

480V Mcc 29-3 415.1 480.0 86.5 -

              ' 56 ~              ~480V NCC 27-4 ,              410.6        480.0       85.5
              ,57 480vMcc28/2f-5              405.6-       480.0       84.5
. 58 480vMcc29-p 415.1 480.0 86.5 70 ' LOADr518 TERM - 412.8 480.0 86.0
              - 71 '               LOADI 519, TERM-             412.8       480.0        86.0 172;                 LOAD 520 TERM.              412.8 1                                                                         480.0        86.0 0;'           . 73 -                LOAD 521 TERM                                                                                              ;

412.8- 480.0 86.0 - 75 -LOAD 523 TERM 412.8 '480.0 86.0 < 175 LOAD 524 TERM 412.8 480.0 86.0 . 76 LOAD 529 TERM 412.5


480.0 86.0

  • 1 77: LOAD 530 TERM 412.8 480.0 86.0 78' .LDAD 532 TERM 412.8 480.0 86.0 '

79 - LOAD 533 TERM l 412.8 - 480.0 86.0 80' [ LOAD 542 TERM 412.8 480.0 86.0 81 LOAD 543 TERM 412.8 480.0 86.0

            ~ 82 -               ' LOAD 544 TERM               403.0        480.0       84.0
            ~ 83                . LOAD 516 TERM j

361.7 480.0 75.3

           ' 84                   LOAD 550 TERM               406.5'-      480.0        84.7 65                  LOAD 552 TERM -            '406.5        480.0        84.7 86 '                LOAD 551 TERM'              402.8        480.0        82.9 87:                 LOAD 553 TERM               404.3        480.0        84.2 88                  LOAD 560 TERM               356.3        480.0                                                             !

74.2 89 LOAD 561 TERM 356.3 480.0- 74.2 '

- 90 LOAD 567 TERM 406.5 480.0 84.7
          . 91 '-                LOAD 556 TERM                406.5        480.0        84.7 92                  LOAD 577 TERM                401.1        483.0        83.6
          ) 93                   LOAD 578 TERM                368.5        4BC 0        76.8 94               . LOAD 580 TERM                 409.4        480.0        85.3
           -95                  LDAP 581 TERM                 385.8        480.0        80.4 96-                LOAD 582 TERM                 399.P       480.0         83.3
97 LOAD 527 TERM 412.8 400.0 86.0



A , , f


184'363 i

                                                                                                                                        .: f
                                      *** Sergent & Lurt$f - ELMS-AC Program ***
       - ,-                                                                                                  fnat. fio . 6913-73.d.};      }

h e v. 6 l Utility : ,-$ argent & Lundy Internal Use' Project so. : 8913-73 , Avoject'r4o 69;3 73

      ,LSt2 tion:_0VAD tlTIES-FILE 52.DAT ;                                     tmit No. 2                   Page B1; of AC Load Ticket
 ~I 4


                        ' Record Nw6er.h 514 *<

Equip. No. / Load Name ... RX CLDG LIGHTING 2 Status (E,N, or M)........ E (Existing, New,~ or Modified)

                       . Source tus Name . /....... 480V SWGR 29 Motor Rated Voltsf ........        480.0 -

Ratedhp,fkW,or'kVA..... 108.0 *** Load Brake Pcwer *** Units (hp,kW, or kVA) .... KVA Cond 1 89.1 KVA

                      ' Load Type (1,$,G or R) ... R                    Cond 2 :     86.7 KVA Rated Ef ficiency (1) .... 100.0               cond 3 :     89.1 KVA Rated Power Factor (%) ... 90.0                rond 4 :     89.1 KVA Locked Rotor Current (%) .          O.         Cord 5 :         .0 CVA Starting Power Factor (%)        20.0 Speed (RPM) ..............          0 S.C. Time constant (sec) .        .0000                                                                         .l
                                                                                                                                         'j Mod or M/D Nw ber ........

Cable Number ............. i' System Code .............. Safety Related (Y/N) ..... No i

    ; Routing:

1 _ l 4 1 Comment.,; l 1:1. l i l repared by: *

   - ,        i *

' 3 viewed by: 4 i 1

[ .-

                         *** sargent & Lundy                                ELES-AC Program ***                                                                                                           wa a ;. 4.

184363 eM i-7J,-13-, t.e s . O

  ' Utility :          Sargent & Lunl# Internal Use                                                                                                           Project No. : 8913-73                      Eroject rm e 313- ;3        -{

St: tion QUAD CITIES-FILE:$2.DAT unit No. 2 vage bid of I AC Load Ticket i l Record Nweer sj 522 l i, { Ecpip. No. / Load Name ... 120/208v xFmP FD 29 1-1 Status (E,N, or M) .f..... E (Existing, hew, or Modified) Source Bus hame . . ./. . . . . 480V MCC 29- 1 Motor Rated Volts p....... 480.0 Rated hp, W, or kVA ... . . 15.0 *** Load Brake Power *** Units (hp,kW, or kVA) .... n A cond 1 : 12.1 n A Load Type (1,S,G or R) ... R  ; Cond 2 : 11.3 KVA Rated Efficiency (%) .... 100.0 cond 3 : 12.1 KVA ) Rated Power Factor (%) ... 75.0 Cond 4 : 12.1 KVA ~ { j Locked Rotor Current (%) . O. Cond 5 : .0 KVA i Starting Power Factor (%) 20.0 Speed (RPM) .............. O S.C. Time Constant (sec) . .0000 Kod or M/D Nunter . . . . . . . . Cable Nw ber ............. System Code ..... ........ I Safety Related (T/N) ..... Yes l l l Routing: onrnents: M epared ty: o viewed by: proved by: - f

                      *** E2rgent & Lundy -- ELK $ t.C Program ***

184363 w n. C. NO. s y . e-7 2-I y ,. j Utility : Sargent & Ltrdy Internal Use Project No. : 8913-73 heb* O StsMon : QUAD CITIES FlLE:52.DAT M,rO)tCt HO. 6 9 ; p ,,~. unit No. 2 . Page M3 g AC Load Ticket Record Warber =; 544 i 4 Equip. No. / Load Name .. 2-1103 STANDBY LQD CONT TK MTR Status (E,N, or M) 3...... E (Existing, New, or Modified) Sourc e Bus h ane . . /. . . . . . . LOAD 544 T E RM Motor Rated Voltsj........ 480.0 Rated hp, kW, or tvA .. ... 60.0 *** Load Brake Power *** Units thp,;kW, or kVA) .... KW Cond 1 - - 48.4 KW Load Type (I,S,G or R) ... R Cond 2 : 47.1 KW Rated Efficiency (%) ..... 100.0 Cond 3 : 48.4 KW Rated Power Factor (%) .. 100.0 Cond 4 : 48.. KW Locked Rotor Current (%) . D. Cord 5 : .0 KW Starting Power Factor (%) 20.0 Speed (RPN) .............. O j S.C. Tirse Constant (sec) . .0000 Mod or M/D kuntzer . . . . . . . . Cable Number ............. System Code .............. Safety Related (Y/N) ..... No j Rogting: i l I entrents: l I l i

  • epared by: -

o eviewed by:

4) roved by: - <
                        *** SNiient & Lundy -- ELZS AC Program ***

184363 Le4C. ,,c ey. ;, <g-19-1

' Utility':           Sergent & Lundy Internal t'se               Project ho. - 8713-73   A & v. @

Stction a QUAD CITIES-FILE:52.DAT ;YOJECT unit ho. 2 page B]4T.ofO . oh3-73 AC Load Ticket Record Nueer J 551 *< - Equip. No. / Load Name ... 250VDC BATTERY CHARGER #2 Status (E,N, or M) ....... E (Existing, bew, or Modified) SourceBusName../....... LOAD 551 TERM Motor Rated Vot*.sl........ 480.0 Rated hp,,tW, or'kVA ..... 93.9 Load Brake Power *** Units (hp',kW, or kVA) .... KVA Cond 1 : 83.3 KVA Load Type (1,S,G or R) ... R Cord 2 : 81.4 KVA Rated Ef ficiency (%) .... 100.0 Cond 3 . i3.5 KVA Rated Power Factor (%) ... 95.0 Cond 4 : 83.5 KVA Locked Rotor Current (1) . O. Cord 5 : .D KVA Starting Power Factor (%) 20.0 Speed (RPM) .............. 0 S.C. Time Constant (sec) . .0000 Mod or M/D Nunber . . . . . . . . Cab \e Na ber ............. System Code .............. Safety Related (Y/N) ..... Yes Routinga ansnents: O epared ty:

  • viewed by: .

pesved by: - f

                       *** S:rgent & Lundy - ELMS-AC Program ***


                                                                                                ,, git, n o ,- gg33_,,3_;g_l Utility :          Sergent & Lundy Internal use                                               ne v. O Project No. : 2913-73                                    t
                                                                                                *rojectJ o.

Page B15 c.f 6923-73 Station QUAD CITIES-FILE:52.DAT unit he. 2 AC Load Ticket Record Nunber 4 553 '<. Equip. No. / Load kame ... 125VDC EATTERY CHARGER #2 Status (E,N, or M) s...... E (Existing, New, or Modified)

                                      /                                                                                          ;

Source Bus Name .. J.. .. . .. LOAD 553 TERM Motor Rated Volts /........ 480.0 Ratedhp,[W,or'kVA..... '39.9 **. Load Brake Power *** Units (hp,kW, or kVA) .... KVA Cond 1 . 35.5 KVA Lead Type (1,$,G or R) ... R Cond 2 : 34.6 KVA Rated Efficiency (1) ..... 100.0 Cord 3 . 35.5 Kva Rated Power Factor (%) ... 95.0 cond 4 : 35.5 KvA Locked Rotor Current (%) . O. Cond 5 : .0 KVA Starting Power Factor (%) 20.0 Speed (RPM) .............. 0 S.C. Time Constant (sec) . .0000 Mod or M/D NJ1tzer . . . . . . . . Cable Ntaber . . . . . . . . . . . . . System Code .............. Safety Related (Y/N) ..... Yes Routing: m


l. j 1 1 epered Oy: ~ criewed by: croved by: - f l l I

            .           _.                                                                                                                                     ]
                            *** Szreent & Lundy -- EL"5-AC Program *** -

184363 1 - - Utility : . Sergent & Lundy Internal Use . [ Project No. :. 8913-73 ' I# *

  • D * '.' ' ' ' ' "A' h Station : QUAD CITIES-FILE:52.DAT unit ho. 2 "'#*'

s. I Project wc. e .13-.73 - AC Load Ticket *' N 1- ............................................................ - N Record her. a; 577 i g Equip. ho. / Load Name ... 1/2-7503A SBGT AIR NTRS -- Status (E,N, or M) .,...... E (Existing, New, or Modified) Source Bus Name ..d...... LOAD 577 TERM Motor Rated Voltsf........ 480.0 Rt.ted hp,,kW, or tVA...... 30.0; *** Load Brake Power ***' . _ , Units (hp,'kW, or kVA) .... KW . Cond 1 : 24.6 KW Load Type (1,S,G or R) ... R . Cond 2 : 23.7. KW Rated Efficiency (%) ..... 100.0 cond 3 : 24.6 KW Rated Power Factor (%) .. 100.0 Cond 4 : 24.6 KW Locked Rotor current (%) . D. Cond 5 : .0 KW . Starting Power Factor (%) . 20.0 Speed (RPM) .............. O S.C. Time Constant (sec) . .0000 Mod or N/D Ntaber . . . . . . . . Cable Ntaber'............. System Code .............. Safety Related (Y/N) ..... Yes Routing: omments: p repe' red try: 1eviewed by: 2 proved try: , f

         ~          -

184363 C&'c. %c , z i .' 3 ~ 72-l i-; Re s. 0



** SOURCE . 3 COND 2-                     _,      ,

Motor Motor vrOject No. esis, ,ts

 -Orcer      kame g,   ~ g    f 556                     RHR SW PMP 2C CLR FAN A                                                                    5
   '557                     RHRS SW F-MP 2C CLR F AN 8 550                    RHR SW PMP 2C rLR FAN C                                                                     ,


    $84       2-1001-238   RHRW BACKUP CONT SPRY VLV2B
 .585         1001-3t.B .' PHR'MN SHTOI TO SPRN CH VLV

586 2-1001 368 RHRS SPRN CH DMPLN VLV 2B h o 4 w

                                                                                    .+.:.    ..


                                                                                                . -; 2 .1 .       .


** S3URCE : 3 COND : 2 INTER 2AL                            Bus RUhWING BUS RATED   % OF                  DroJect rJc. 5912-73 BUS WUMBER              BUS NAME          VOLTS      VOLTS     RATED p;gp pyg gf gj         L 3 SOURCE Equivalent Source          3820.1    4160.0     91.8 15         4rv SwCR 24 1             3820.0    4160.0     91.8                                                ;

28 NIGH SIDE OF XFMR 29 3819.2 4160.0 91.8 29 480V SWCR 29 430.1 480.0 89.6 53 480V MCC;29-1 425.3 1

                                 ,4                   480.0    B8.6             _

54 480V MCC 29-2 416.3 4BO.0 86.7 55 480V MCC 29-3 423.9 480.0 BB.3 56 480V MO: 29-4, 427.0 480.0 89.0 57 480V MCC 28/29-5 430.1 480.0 89.6 58 480V MCC 2976 430.1 480.0 89.6 70 LDM4 518 TERM 394.5 480.0 82.2 71 LOA 6 519 TERM 410.9 480.0 85.6 72 LOAD 520 TERM 425.3 4B0.0 58.6 73 LOAD 521 TERM 425.3 480.0 88.6 74 LDAD 523 TERM ~~~ 425.3 480.0 BB.6 . - - 75 LOAD 524 TERM 406.0 480.0 B4.6 76 LDAD 529 TERM 425.3 480.0 SB.6 77 LDAD 530 TERM 425.3 480.0 88.6 78 LOAD 532 TERM 423.0 480.0 88.1 79 LOAD 533 TERM 425.3 480.0 88.6 CD LDAD 542 TERM 425.3 480.0 88.6 81 LDAD 5 *.3 TERM 425.3 480.0 BB.6 E2 LOAD 544 TERM 415.2 480.0 B6.5 83 LDAD 516 TERM 416.0 480.0 B6.7 B4 LOAD 550 TERM 410.8 480.0 85.6 85 LOAD 552 TERM 411.0 480.0 85.6 B6 LDAD 551 TERM 405.0 480.0 84.4 87 LDAD 553 TERM 414.1 480.0 86.3 88 LDAD 560 TERM 406.3 480.0 84.6 09 LOAD 561 TERM 4D6.3 480.0 84.6 90 LDAD 567 TERM 416.3 480.0 66.7 91 LDAD $56 TERM 394.7 480.0 B2.2 92 LDAD 577 TERM 417.2 480.0 86.9 93 LOAD 578 TERM 411.9 480.0 85.8 94 LDAD 580 TERM 427.0 480.0 89.0 95 LOAD $81 TERM 427.0 480.0 89.0 96 LDAD 582 TERM 427.0 480.0 89.0 97 LOAD $27 TERM 414.0 480.0 86.3 33 1

  • 4