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Evaluation of Toshiba Dgcwp Starting Voltage
Person / Time
Site: Quad Cities  Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 04/20/1992
From: Schiavoni R
Shared Package
ML20058M143 List:
8913-73-19-3, 8913-73-19-3-R, 8913-73-19-3-R00, NUDOCS 9310040035
Download: ML20058M154 (37)


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Exn1322ns FOUNDED 189: 3g494}

55 EAST MON #0E STRECT C MiC AGO. illinois 60603 5780

( 362 ) t69-2 000 S&L Letter No..Q1463E +

J 't April 23, 1992

, Project No. 8913-73 Commonwealth Edison Company Quad Citi s Station - Unit 2 ,

Transmittal of " Evaluation of Toshiba DGCWP Star; ting' Voltage" Calculation

  • W. O. No.: N/A ---

Mod. No.: N/A System Codes: N/A Mr. M. L. Reed Electrical /I & C Design Superintendent Commonwealth Edison Company Nuclear Engineering Department 1400 Opus Place, Suite 400 Downers Grove, Illinois 60515 i

Dear Mr. Reed:

Enclosed is a copy of Design Input Transmittal (DIT) QC-EXT-0071 which transmits the following Sargent & Lundy calculation: ,

Calculation 8913-73-19-3, Revision 0, dated April.20, 1992,

" Evaluation of Toshiba DGCWP Starting Voltage." i The locations of the calculation purpose, methodology, assumptions, and any engineering judgements are referenced in the enclosed DIT.

Should you have any questions, please call me at (312) 269-6246.

Yours very truly,

,'( w 94 R. M. Schiavoni Senior Electrical Project Engineer RMS:mco ,

qdqc2689.ep -

In duplicate .  ;

Enclosure - Addressee Only ,

Copies: See page two


9310040035 930923 PDR ADDCE 95000254 39

.P PDR ll2


~ ENGlWCERS cmcaoo s Mr. M. L. Reed S&L Letter Q1463E Commonwealth Edison Company April 23, 1992 Page 2 of 2 Copies:; ,, ---

BWR Systems Design Superintendent (H. L. Massin) (1/1/0)

CHRON Systems (1/1/1)

Acting BWR Systems Design Supervisor (B. M. Wong) (1/1/0) ,

Site Engi (C. A. Moerke)

Assistan$ peering (1/1/0)

Supt. ofSupervisor Work Planning (W. McGaffigan) (1/0/0)

M. S. Tucker /M. Lesnet R. H. Jason (1/1/0)

T. J. Ryan (1/1/0)

E. Schumache/ File (1/0/0)

S. Z. Haddad (1/1/1)

(1/1/0) an


l. U 4 i ~C A 4


Page 1 of I  ;

CLIENT Commonwealth Edison Comnany l To RLM STATION Ouad Cities UNIT (S) 2 PROJECT Nb(S) 89' 13-73 SUBJECT Transmittal of Calculation 8913-73-19-3. Revision 0. Dated 4/20/92 " Evaluation of Toshihg DGCWP StaninrVoltace.

s i


' ' ln A--, 4/23/92 PREPARER (PLEASE PRINT NAME) DIVISION PREPARER'S SIGNATURE ISSUE DATE STARIS OF INIORMATION (This infonnation is approved for use. Design inforrnatiort, approved for use, that contains assumphona or is Preliminary or requires further venfication (review) shall be so identified.)

This information is approved for use.

This information is pmvided in accordance with the terms and conditions of the service agreement / contract between Sargent & Lundy (S&L) and its Client goveming the associated services. With respect to any third party use, S&L does not assume any obligation to said third party as to the accuracy, completeness, usefulness, or non-irifringing nature of such information.

IDENTTFICATION OF TIIE SITCIFIC DI31GN INFORMATION TRANSMITTED AND PURIOSE OF ISSUE (Ust any supponing dcruments attached to DIT by its title, revision and/or issue date, and total number of pages for each supporting document.)

Calculation 8913-73-19-3, Revision 0, Dated 4/20/92, " Evaluation of Toshiba DGCWP Staning Voltage.'

he purpose, methadology, and usumptions can be found in the following calculation sections and pages:

Purpose!$ cope: Section III, Page 4 Methodology: Section VD, Page 8 Assumptions and Engineenng Judgements: Section V, Page 6 Comparison of Results with Acceptan e Cntena: Sechon DC, Page 16 1

3a SOURCa, r OF INTORMAT)ON Cale. No. 8913-73-194 0 4/20/92 Recon No. NA


Rev. and/or date . Rev. and/or date '


  • DISTRIBtJTION See Imter Qi463E, Dated April 23,1992 "


i Form GQ-3.17.1 Rev. 2

I calc. For tvatuation of Tesnica oc:wn motor starting

. . . . - ~ _ . -

calc.'No. E913-73 19-3 l . ARGENT i. LUNDY vettage l

Rev. o Date Efe 92

-- - ENGINEERS _ l X Safety-Related Non-Safety-Related 20 Page 4 h' i

Client connorwealth Edison company Prepared by h ,., o .

'u _ , Date4[/8[9.C Project Quad Cities Unit 2, Division !! Reviewed by h hih Date fhf[

Proj. No.  : 8913 m7,3 Equip. No. Approved by 1 . ,{ *d ,_ e mb Date4ha 42 L. REVIS ON


and REVIEW METHOD A.' Revision Summarv

/ f Revision 0, First Issue, Page 1 through 20, Al through A4, B1 through B2, C1 through C3, and D1 through D5 l

i k


s e


  • W

Calc. For Evatustion cf Tosmica DGCWP Motor starting Cale. Na.- 8913-73 19 3 SARGENTi LUNDY vettage Rev. o Dato j ENGINEERS _ ~

X Safety-Related Non-Safety-Related Page 2 of 20 Client ccamaranealth Edison Cossany Prepared by Date

.I Project Quad Cities unit 2. Division !! Reviewed by Date Proj. No. Ja913-73 Equip. No. Approved by Date .,



and REVIEW METHOD (Continued)

[hkh'k1 \


/ '


TYPE OF CALCULATIO.] i 8 Hand-Prepared Design Calculation Only 0 Computer-Aided Design Calculation Only D Both hand-Prepared and Computer Aided Design Calculation ,


feheck the appropriate itemst feheck the approoriate items) 5 K Detailed review of the original D A review to determine if the engineering calculation. design and analysis computer program (s) used have been validated and documented D Review by an alternate, and that the calculation, regardless of simplified or approximate method the program used,contains all the of calculation. necessary documentation for reconstruction at a later date.

.O Review of a representative (MUST BE PERFORMED) sample of repetitive calculations. D A review to verify that the computer program is suitable to the problem being D~ Review of the calculation analyzed. (MUST BE PERFORMED) i against a similar calculation previously performed. O A review to determine if the input data as specified for program execution is consistent with the design input, correctly defines the problem for the computer program algorithm and is sufficiently accurate to produce results within any numerical limitation of the j program. (MUST BE PERFORMED)

O A review to verify that the results g obtained from the program are correct and .

within stated assumptions and limitations  !

of the program and are consistent with the input. (MUST BE PERFORMED)

O Validation documentation for temporary ,  ;

changes to listed programs or developmental programs or unique single application programs shall be reviewed to assure that methods used adequately validate the program for the intended  :

application. ' (WHERE APPLICABLE)

REVIEWER: e.- N h- Mb DATE 4h0 .L 4

cale. For tvaluation o+ tosMea ecce actor ste ties cele. No. c913 73 19-3 SARGENTi LUNDY vettage Rev. o Date ENGINEERS _

X Safety-Related Non-Safety-Related Page 3 of 20 Client Commonwealth Edison C w Prepared by Date

  • Project Quad Cities Unit 2, Division 11 Reviewed by Date Proj. No.J 8913-23 Equip. No. Approved by - Date II. TABLE OF CONTENTS


Sectionf /

f_ontents Pace No.




and REVIEW METHOD . . . . . . . . . . 1 II. TABLE OF CONTENTS

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 III. PURPOSE / SCOPE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

IV. INPUT DATA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 f V. ASSUMPTIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6  ;

VI. ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 .

VII. METHODOLOGY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 ,

VIII CALCULAT70NS and RESULTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 i

IX. COMPARISON of RESULTS with ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA . . . . 16 X. CONCLUSIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 i

5 XI. RECOMMENDATIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 i

XII. REFERENCES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19  !

t i

ATTACHMENTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 i T

s V

r '


'l l

E i j

l 1


cale. For tvaluation of toshiba ecce actor stertir; calc. No. 0913 73 19 3 SARGENT .; LUNDY vettage Rev. b Date l ENGNEERS _

X Safety-Related Non-Safety-Related Page 4 -of 20 client Commorwealth Edison Company


Prepared by Date Project Quad Cities Unit 2, Division 11 Reviewed by Dat'e Proj. No. 8913-73 Equip. No. Approved by Date III, PURPO5E/ SCOPE tk b kh41 i

e A, Purpos_e The purpose of th E calculation is to determine the minimum starting voltage requirement for the 460V Toshiba diesel generator cooling water pump (DGCWP) ,

motor for Quad Cities. Eventually, all DGCWPs will ,

have Toshiba motors.

.i B. Scone


The scope of this calculation covers the steps necessary to determine the accelerating time of the  ;

subject motors, minimum voltage, and the possibility of  ;

nuisance tripping during starting for Quad Cities.

b 4

k h

1 9

  1. I i


1 1

cale. For evetuation of Tesnica ecce motor starting Calc. No. 8913-73-19'3 SARGENTi LUNDY vott.g. Rev. o Date EfdGlNEERS _

X Safety-Related Non-Safety-Related Page 5 of 20 Client Cormnwealth Edison Company Prepared by Date  !

Project Quad Cities Unit 2, Division !! Reviewed by Date Proj, No. %s913-73< Equip. No. Approved by Date IL. INPUT DATA }$4g4{

l ,

e A.' The subject Toshiba motors with frame size 365TS have the following information listed in Reference XII-1:

1) a full-load torque of 148 lb-ft
2) a full-load speed of 3540 rpm
3) a synchronous speed of 3600 rpm .
4) a rotor inertia of 9.4 lb-ft2
5) a hot stall time of 11 seconds at 100% rated voltage.
6) a percent full load torque versus percent synchronous speed curve <
7) an allowable acceleration time of 4.7 seconds (NEMA Load)
8) a rated horsepower of 100 hp B. From Reference XII-2:

Inertia of the DGCWP assembly is 3 lb-ft2  ;

sa C. From Reference XII-6:

The breaker for the Toshiba DGCWP motor is set to have a long-time delay band of 1, which allows a minimum long-time delay trip time of 5.5 seconds.

- r

  • 4

I C31C. For Evaluation of Toshiba DGCWP Motor Starting Calc. Ms. 0913-73-19 3



X Safety-Related Non-Safety-Related, Page 6 ~~~ of 20 Client C - alth Edison company Prepared by Date Protect ound titles unit 2, Division !! Reviewed by Date 1

Proj. No. J 8913 13 Equip. No. Approved by Date y_,. ASSUMPTIONS s


1 h 4h'k 1 '


/ /


i 4

, t i

f I


is i

f i,

f l


I r

I g t 4



Calc. For Evaluation of icshiba DG0WP Motor starting Calc. No. B913 73 19-3 l SARGENTi.LUNDY vettage Rev. o Date ENGINEERS _

X Safety-Related Non-Safety-Related Page 7 of 20 Client Ccmenarmeealth Edison Comparry Prepared by Date Project Quad Cities Unit 2, Division !! Reviewed by Date Proj. No. 1 8913-73 Equip. No. Approved by Date VI. ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA A./ The minimum starting voltage should be _ able to provide a motor torque that is 25% over the required load torque during acceleration. This 25% margin is a conservative recommendation obtained from Reference '


B. The accelerating time for the motor with frame size 365TS should be less than or equal to 11 seconds.

(Reference XII-1)

C. The motor accelerating time should be less than the trip time of the DGCWP motor protective device.

(Reference XII-6)

I i

l l

5 l


, l


1 93 I

l O

l I


! l l

Wes= a w Calc. For Evaluation of Toshiba DC.CWD Meter Starting Calc. No. 6913 73 19-3 SARGENTE LUNDY vottsee Rev. o nats ENG.NEERS _

X Safety-Related Non-Safety-Related Page 8 of 20 Client Cossaarwalth Edison Company Prepared by Date Project cusd Cities Unit 2, Division !! Reviewed by Date Proj. No. J8913-73 Equip. No. Approved by Date VII, METHODOLOGY 18A94..S:

t L A. , The motor torque in lb-f t at rated voltage will be ,

/ / derived from the percent full-load torque versus percent synchronous speed curve in Reference XII-1.  ;

B. Following the fact that the motor torque is ,

proportional to the voltage squared, a starting voltage of 70% of the motor rated voltage is selected as a reasonable minimum motor starting voltage. The performance of the mot _r under this voltage will be <


C. To be conservative, the pump curve corresponding to the open discharge valve condition in Reference XII-3 will .

be selected to describe the speed versus torque l characteristic of the centrifugal pump.

D. The motor starting time will be calculated for the '

minimum voltage established in step B above. .

E. The criterion of 25% torque margin outlined in Acceptance Criteria VI-A will be verified.

F. Finally, the motor starting. time found in step D will be checked against the breaker settings for the Toshiba DGCWP motor developed in Reference XII-6 to ensure that a nuisance trip will not occur during starting.  ;

i 22 ,

[ k i

1 Calc. For Evatustion of Toshiba DGOWP mo tor Starting Calc. Ns. 0913-73-19-3 l 1

SARGENTE LUNDY votrage - Rev. O Date  ;

1 ENGWEER$ _ '

X Safety-Related Non-Safety-Related Page 9 of 20  !

l 1

Client Ccannorwealth Edison Company Prepared by Date l

Project Quad Cit 4s Unit 2, Division !! Reviewed by Date Proj. No. 38913-7a Equip. No. Approved by Date  ;


184941 l VJl.l CALCUL%TIONS and RESULTS l'

A. / MOTOR TOROUE AT 100% RATED VOLTAGE Given the percent full-load '.o.'ue versus percent synchronous speed curve, the notir torque at various.%

rated speed are listed in Table 1. _

Table 1 Derivation of the Motor Torque at 100% rated voltage i





O 0.0 0.0 244 361.12 r 5 4.917 5.0 236 349.28 337.44 10 9.833 10.0 228 15 14.750 15.0 220 325.60 20 19.667 19.5 215 318.20 s

25 24.583 24.5 208 307.84 30 29.500 30.0 202 298.96


35 34.417 34.5 196 290.08 40 39.333 39.5 192 284.16 _

45 44.250 44.5 188 278.24 .I 50 49.167 49.0 186 275.28 .

55 54.083 54.0 183 270.84 60 59.000 59.0 183 270.84 M 65 63.917 64.0 185 273.80 70 68.833 69.0 186 275.28 75 73.750 74.0 190 281.20 80 78.667 78.5 196 290.08 -

85 83.583 83.5 209 309.32 90 88.500 88.5 242 358.16 95 93.417 93.5 236 349.28 100 98.333 98.5 100 148.00 _

Calc. For Evaluation of Toshiba D;;wp Meter Starting Calc. No. E013-73-19-3 SARGENTi LUNDY vettage Rev. o Date~ '


X Safety-Related Non-Safety-Related Page 10 of 20 Client Casuorwealth Edison Comparry Prepared by- Date Project Quad Cities Unit 2. Division 11 Reviewed by Date Proj. No . J 8913-73 Equip. No. Approved by Date CALCULATIONS and RESULTS (continued) 1h4fd.[


/ The followings identify the columns given in Table 1:

Column No. 1 - speed in percent of full-load rpm Column No. 2 - percent synchronous speed calculated j with respect to the full-load speed t

j listed in Column No. 1.( Column No. 1

  • times the full-load speed divided by the i-synchronous speed) I t.

Column No. 3 - rounded percent synchronous speed to the  !

t nearest 0.5 unit I Column No. 4 -

read off percent full-load torque from j c

^ curve in Reference XII-1 4 Column No. 5 -

load torque at 100% rated voltage in lb- '

ft.( Column No. 4 times the full-load .

torque) I f

a h

43  !

i e

v i

d )

cale. For f valuation of f oshit>a DGNP wotor Starting. calc. No. 0913-73-19 3 SARGENT! LUNDY vettag, R.v. o Date ENGWEERS _ ,

X Safety-Related Non-Safety-Related Page 11 of 20 Client Ctummarwealth Edison conceny Prepared by Date Project Quad Cities Unit 2, Division it Reviewed by Date Proj. No. 4 8913-73 -Equip. No. Approved by Date ,


./ 184941 B. ACCELERATING TIME REOUIRED TO START THE MOTOR Using a starting voltage of 70% of 460 Volts, the accelerating time required to start the motor is 1.7536 seconds and the minimum accelerating torque is 43.527 lb-ft. These values are calculated using a spreadsheet given in Table 2.

The followings identify the columns in Table 2:

Column No.1 -

speed in percent of full-load rpm s

Column No.2 -

beginning of speed interval in rpm.

(Column No.1 times full-load speed, 3540 rpm) ,

Column No.3 -

end of speed interval in percent of full-load rpm 3 i

Column No.4 -

the magnitude of speed interval in rpm -  !

Column No.5 -

motor torque output in Ib-ft at rated voltage c',tained_ f rom Table 1. <

Column No.6 -

motor torque output in lb-ft at the motor. minimum starting voltage (Column "

No.5 times the squared ratio of the minimum starting voltage to the rated voltage) ,

i Column No.7 -

load torque (open discharge valve) in k percent of full-load torque read from Reference XII-3 i Column No.8 -

load torque in Ib-ft (Column No.7 times full-load torque of the motor) i Column No.9 -

net accelerating torque in lb-ft (Column No.6 minus Column No. 8)

Column No.10 -

time to accelerate through speed interval using the formula given in i Reference XII-4 l y

i i

4 lo

. @ "da e : .s +  !

Q V #f t&e 13 IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) b [ge Q",#fe (g

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c CalFA . For Ev;tuation if itshiba DGCWP rotor 5t rting '- Calc. No. 8913-73 19 3 p"_' ,~


" :-SARGENT.ELUNDY _ - voltage Rev. O Date u, ENGINEERS _

X Safety-Related Non-Safety-Related Page 12 of'20 e,

.s ,- . r

!;; # ' Client Commermsnatth Edican Casparty Prepared by Date ProJinR ouad cities unit 2. Division 11 Reviewed by Date L

~b FroJ. No'. 38913-73 Equip. No. Approved by P:.Ce -

CALCULATIONS and RESULTS (continued) -

{ g g, -

l . . _

,- p j' ' ~


( ARPM) * (WK ) .

t =

(308)*Tg where t = accelerating time in seconds ARPM = change-in rpm'(Column No.4) .

= net accelerating torque in lb-ft (Column No.9) .i l

T,2 WK = total inertia of motor and pump in lb-ft2 j L  ;

In this calculation, l ARPM = 177 rpm (Table 2, Column No.'4) ,

WK 2 = 9.4 + 3.0 = 1'2.4 lb-ft2 (Reference XII-1,2)

Column No.11 -

the cumulative time for the motor to



(.' accelerate at ~,0% rated voltage g.

]  :


3 f

t i

e t




? i C

e i 7 I .

ls 4

h I.


g-Calc. For Evaluation of Toshiba DGCWP Motor Starting calc . . No. 8913 T3 17-3 li SARGENT& LUNDY Voltage Rev. O Date.

m Jn ENGiNEtHS ^

X Safety-Related Non-Safety-Related Page 13 of 20 0:

Client Commonwealth Edison Company Prepared by v Date Project Quad Cities Unit 2, Division II Reviewed by 'N Date Proj. No. 8913-73 Equip. No. Approved by - Date Table 2 Cumulative Time to Accelerate at 70% Rated Voltage



i'UMUi3Y l EE "


(1) (2) (3) (4) (51 (6) (7) (8) (s) (10) (11) 0.000 0.000 177.000 177.000 361.120 176.949 15.000 22.200 154.749 0.0460 0.0460 5.000 177.000 354.000 177.000 349.280 171.147 9.500 14.060 157.087 0.0454 0.0914 10.000 354.000 531.000 177.000 337.440 165.346 6.700 9.916 155.430 0.0458 0.1373 15.000 531.000 708.000 177.000 325.600 159.544 5.000 -7.400 152.144 0.0468 0.1841 20.000 708.000 885.000 177.000 318.200 155.918 5.500 8.140 147.778 0.0482 0.2323 25.000 885.000 1062.000 177.000 307.840 150.842 7.000 10.360 140.482 0.0507 0.'2R30 30.000 1062.000 1239.000 177.000 298.960 146.490 9.500 14.060 132.430 0.0538 0.3369

> J5.000 1239.000 1416.000 177.000 290.080 142.139 12.500 18.500 123.639 0.0576 0.3945 40.000 1416.000 1593.000 177.000 284.160 139.238 16.000 23.680 115.558 0.06i7 0.4562 45.000 1593.000 1770.000 177.000 278.240 136.338 20.500 30.340 105.998 0.0672 0.5234~

$0.000 1770.000 1947.000 177.000 275.280 134.887 25.500 37.740 97.147 0.0734 0.5967 85.000 1947.000 2124.000 177.000 270.040 132.712 30.500 45.140 87.572 0.0814 0.6181 60.000 2124.000 2301.000 177.000 270.840 132.712 36.500 54.020 75.692 0.0906 0.7687 .

65.000 2301.000 2478.000 177.000 273.800 134.162 42.500 62.900 71.262 0.1000 0.868 I 0.984I ~


10.000 2478.000 2655.000 177.000 275.200 134.887 49.500 73.760 61.627 0.1156 75.000 2655.000 2032.000 177.000 281.200 137.788 56.500 83.620 54.168 0.1316 1.1158 80.000 2832.000 3009.000 177.000 290.000 142.139 64.500 95.460 46.679 0.1527 1.2685 PS.000 3009.000 3166.000 177.000 309.320 151.567 73.000 108.040 43.527 0.16J7 1.432 90.000 3186.000 3363.000 177.000 358.160 175.498 81.500 120.620 54.878 0.1299 1.562T "

95.000 3363.000 3540.000 177.000 349.280 171.147 90.500 133.940 37.207 0.1915 1.7516 ~~

100.000 3540.000 100.000 148.000 Q

b W

N s

Calc. For Evaluation of Toshiba DCCWP Motor Starting Calc. Ns. 6913-73 19 3

- m -

SARGENTE LUNDY voitage nav. o $15 4 9'4 1 ENGNEERS _

X Safety-Related Non-Safety-Related Page 14 of 20 Client Camerwealth Edison Company Prepared by Date Project Quad cities unit 2. Division 11 Reviewed by Date Proj. No. 8913-763, Equip. No. Approved by Date f


Table 3 demonstrates that a torque margin of at least 25%

/ over the load torque is maintained with 70% motor rated voltage (460 V) during starting.

Columns in Table 3 are identified as follows: ,

Column 1 through 9 -

same as in Table 2 Column 10 -

load torque in 1b-ft with 25%

margin (Column No. 8

  • 1.25)

Column 11 -

net accelerating torque in lb-ft with 25% margin (Column No. 6 minus Column No. 10)

Note that the point on the spreadsheet at 95% speed represents a point at which the motor is entering into steady-state operation after the accelerating period has been completed.

t-Y N l 1



m $

' : 1 N

Calc. For Evaluation of Toshiba DGCWP Motor Starting Calc. No. 8913-T3-19-3 SARGENT& LUNDY voltage no,, o o,to.


X Safety-Related Non-Safety-Related Page 15 of 20 Client Commonwealth Edison Company Prepared by

  • rs e Project Quad Cities Unit 2, Division II Reviewed by 'N i Date Proj. No. 8913-73 Equip. No. Approved by -

Date Table 3 Net Accelerating Torque With 25% Margin 4 0F INITIAL SPEED e srEE0 MOTOR TORUQE  % OF LOAD NET ACC.


FULL SPEED THE END OF INTERVAL IN ib-ft IN lb ft LOAD TORQUE IN TORQUE WITH 25% MARGIN W 17 54 251 MARGIN LOAD SPEED (RFM) INCREMENT (RPM) e 100t e 70% TORQUE lb-ft IN lb-ft IN lb-ft IN lb-ft (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (e) (9) (10) (11) 0.000 0.000 177.000 177.000 .41.120 176.949 15.000 20.200 154.749 27.7500 149.194 5.000 177.000 354.000 177.000 349.280 171.147 9.500 14.060 157.087 17.5750 153.572 10.000 J54.000 $31.000 177.000 337.440 165.346 6.700 9.916 155.430 12.3950 152.951 15.000 531.000 708.000 177.000 325.600 159.544 5.000 7.400 152.144 9.2500 150.294 ,

20.000 708.000 885.000 177.000 318.200 155.918 5.500 0.140 147.778 10.1750 145.743


25.000 885.000 1062.000 177.000 307.840 150.842 7.000 10.360 140.482 12.9500 137.092


30.000 1062.000 1239.000 177.000 298.960 146.490 9.500 14.060 132.430 17.5750 128.915 35.000 1239.000 1416.000 177.000 290.000 142.139 12.500 18.500 123.639 23.1250 119.014


40.000 1416.000 1593.000 177.000 284.160 139.238 16.000 23.680 115.558 29.6000 109.618 45.000 193.000 1770.000 177.000 278.240 136.338 20.500 30.340 105.998 )7.9250 98.413 50.000 1770.000 1947.000 177.000 275.200 134.887 25.500 37.740 97.147 47.1750 87.712 i

  • g 35 t000 1947.000 2124.000 177.000 270.G40 132.712 30.500 -45.140 87.572 56.4250 76.287


60.000 2124.000 2301.000 177.000 270.840 132.712 36.500 54.020 78.692 67.5250 65.187 ~

65.000 2301.000 2478.000 177.000 273.800 134.162 42.500 62.900 71.262 78.6250 55.537 t 70.000 2478.000 2655.000 177.000 275.280 134.887 49.500 73.260 61.627 91.5750 43,312 75.000 2655.000 2832.000 177.000 281.200 137.788 56.500 83.620 54.168 104.5250 33.263 t 80.000 2832.000 3009.000 177.000 290.080 142.129 64.500 95.460 46.679 119.3250 22.814 85.000 3009.000 3186.000 177.000 309.320 151.567 73.000 100.040 43.527 135.0500 16.517 90.000 3186.000 3363.000 177.000 358.160 175.498 -81.500 120.620 54.878 150.7750 24.723 95.000 3363.000 3540.000 177.000 349.280 171.147 90.500 133.940 37.207 167.4250 3.722 100.000 3540.000 100.000 148.000 185.0000

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- -- - - - - ~, .. - ,


Calc. For Evaluation of Toshiba DGCWP Motor Starting Calc. No. 8913 73-19-3  ;

SARGENTi LUNDY vettage Rev. o Date l ENGWEERS _

X Safety-Related Non-Safety-Related Page 16 of 20 I

Client comuorwealth Edison company Prepared by Date Project Quad Citips Unit 2, Division !! Reviewed by Date Proj. No. 8913-73 Equip. No. Approved by Date IX. COMPAh1 SON of RESULTS with ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA o

[ h 4((j 1  !

[ The net accelerating torque in Table 3 shows that with 70% l of rated motor terminal voltage, the 25% torque margin as ,

i outlined in Acceptance Criteria VI-A is satisfied during the acceleration.

From Table 2, the calcul_ ed accelerating time is 1.7536 seconds which is less than the 11 seconds hot stall time.

According to Reference XII-6, the breaker for the Toshiba  :

DGCWP motor has a minimum long-time delay trip time of 5.5

  • seconds. Since the calculated accelerating time for the i subject motor is only 1.7536 seconds, nuisance trips will not be a concern during starting.

i I;




o l


Calc. For Evaluation of Toshiba DGtWP Motor Starting Calc. No. 0913-73 19 3 SARGENTE LUNDY vottag, 3,y, o o,t, i j


X Safety-Related Non-Safety-Related Page 17 of 20  ;

Client Ccessarwealth Edison Company Prepared by Date i

Project Quad Cities Unit 2, Division 11 Reviewed by Date i Proj. No. J 8913 ~J 3 -Equip. No. Approved by Date L CONCLUSIONS 1 h 4hk 1 A f minimum starting voltage of 70% of 460 Volts has been i

established for the diesel generator cooling water pump (DGCWP). At this voltage, the Toshiba DGCWP motor is capable of maintaining a torque at 25% over the required load torque during acceleration without nuisance tripping of the protective device.  !

i l

l i

I e

o I


p Calc. For Evalustion of Toshiba DGCWP Motor Starting Calc. No. 8913-73 19 3  !

SARGENTF LUNDY voit g. g,,, o 33t, ENGINEERS _

X Safety-Related Non-Safety-Related Page 18-. of 20 Client casumanwealth Edison Ccapany Prepared by Date Project cuad Cities unit 2. Division 11 Reviewed by Date i Proj. No. 38913,7) Equip. No. Approved by Date EL. RECOMMENDATIONS


kbkh'k1 f No[iscalculation.

th applicable since it is not required for the scope of  ;

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__ ca2 c. For Ev.iuntion of tossina ect.> meter stortins cale. No. co13 73 19 3 1


X Safety-Related Non-Safety-Related Page 19 of 20 i

Client comunarmsealth Edison Company Prepared by Date .

Project cuad Cities Unit 2, Division 11 Reviewed by Date Proj. No. J 8913*7.3 Equip. No. Approved by Date x11. acerarNCrS 184941 i

1. Tglecopy transmittal from Mr. M. Lesnet of CECO. to Mr. G.

Bloethe of S&L, dated April 13, 1992.(Attachment A)

This reference provides the Toshiba motor curve, application data, characteristic data, and load performance information.

2. Memorandum of telephone conversation between Mr. S. Kiefer of ,

Ingersoll-Rand and J. Wisniewski of S&L, dated March 20, 1992. i (Attachment B)

This reference provides the data for the total inertia of the +

  • diesel generator cooling water pump. .  ;
3. Louis-Allis Curve No. 18296, dated November 6,1975. (Attachment  :


This referenc? provides a typical torque versus speed curve for '

a centrifugal pump.

4. Sargent & Lundy Standard ESC-307, Section 11, " Accelerating time and losses.%  :

This reference provides the method and formula to calculate the '

motor acceleration time.


5. Moore, R.C. "An Analytical Look at Squirrel Cage Induction Motor Startup," Power Encineerina, November, 1964 p.48-51.  !

(Attachment D) i This paper recommends that the motor torque should be.about 25% ,  !

over the required load torque during accelerating period.

6. S&L Calculation No. 8913-73-19-7, dated April 15, 1992. -

os This calculation provides the switchgear breaker settings for '

the 100 hp Toshiba DGCWP motor at Quad Cities Units 1 & 2.

d 0

d L

d cole. For Evstuation of toshiba DGCWP Motor Starting Calc. No. 0913-73-19-3 SARGENTF.LUNDY vottage Rev. O Dats ENGINEERS _

X Safety-Related Non-Safety-Related Page 20 of 20 .

i Client Conmawwealth Edison Company Prepared by Date ]

Project Quad cities unit 2, Division 11 Reviewed by Date Proj. No. 18913-93 Equip. No. Approved by Date ATTACHMENTS .

18 k 9'k ,f I c Attachment' A ~Toshiba Motor Curve and Data --

A1 - A4

' Attachment B Inertia'of DGCWP B1 - B2 I Attachment C Typical Centrifugal Pump Torque Versus C1 - C3 Speed Curve Attachment D Paper on Induction Motor Starting D1 - D5 I

i t

I 22 O

~ 4

Calc. For Evaluatidn of Teshiba DCCh* Metor Starting Calc. N3. 8913 73 19 3 lSARGENT&LUNDY!'l vettage Rev. O Date


X Safety-Related Non-safety-Related Page Al of A4 Client Commnwealth Edison Conpany Prepared by Date Project Quad Cities Unit 2. Division !! Reviewed by Date Proj. No. J 8913 J"A3 Equip. No. Approved by . Date 184941 l

1 (








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.................................................... CATION DATA 100 E.P. 230/460 VOLT 3 PHASE / 60 EZ SYN. RPM: 3600 FRAME: 865TS INCL: ODP FLAMPS: 230/115 F.L. RPM: 3540 FORM : VCII  ; S.P.: 1.15 NEKA DESIGN: B i, CLASS F INSUL.


) NEKA Std.: MG-1 L.S. BRO:6313C 20 DEL No. B 10.0 2 VL G 3 U M NOK. EFF.: 92.4% 0.S. BRC:6313C USABLE ON 208v NETWORKS at 250 AMPS 1849'41 USABLE ON 8757 NETWORKS at 88 EP and 82 AMPS


LOAD (t Rated) 115

  • 100 t 75
  • 50
  • NO-LOAD AMPS ( 480v ) 133.20 114.90 88.80 63.60 31.3 Amps
  • EFFICIENCY 82.52 93.52 93.72 93.5%

2 POWER FACTOR 2060 Natts 87.4% 87.22 84.7% 78.75 E SLIP 8.3

  • PF 1.92 1.63 1.It 0.7%

$ PEED ( RPM ) 3530 3544 3561 8574 TORQUE (Lb-Ft) 172.1 348.2 110.6 73.5 CMARACTERTSTIC DATA ***


( 4607 ) 722.0 A 243 2 250

  • E E M313 8 EAX. NF5: E .8 Eau DESIR 8 kit. l.RT: 165 % u k DEstem a RIK. 307: 280 %

L,V. CONNECTION: 2 Delta ACCELBRATION '?fME EAITNUM CAPACITOR' N.Y. CONNECTION: 1 Delta 4.7 Sec. ( NEMA LOAD ) 24.9 KVAR ROTOP INERTIA (WK2/0D2) lootv STALL TINE (Sec.) NO-LOAD N0fSE I 9.4 Lb-Ft2 1.59 Kg-M2 18 Cold 11 Bot 83 dBA Pressure ca 9.4  !




O O:

1) atTA DDR 15 T1?ICAL 4tND 4R 7tfT AYERnK3 CF RPICATI SEmts PER AEEI / IEEE Sbl.112-19N.
2) 58u WRIEAL EFFICIE7 8ETrulIlO PDt alRA 4E1-12.55 Ftor $2 ate 4713 0F LINEES'stlas LINEAR REstE3515 AAA1 0F finAY LDAMDBS PER CSA CP96-R1tt$ AED NEN 151-12.

E. E. DATA No.- 1D2100-0

~ . -

Calc. For ivaluation of Toshiba DGCWP Motor Starting Calc. No. 8913-73-19 3 .,

SARGENT& LUNDY v tta,a g,y, o 33g, ,


X Safety-Related Non-Safety-Related Page B1 of B2 Client Conssonwealth Edison Company Prepared by Date  ;

Project cuas cities Unit 2, civision 11 Reviewed by Date ,

Proj. No. ;8913,73 Equip. No. Approved by Date  ;

1849"41 1 m


d ,

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Xarch 20, 1992

""I)U$f" SMLQ2NT & LUEDY Mantorsadum of TelepBone Conversation ,

Bate 03 /20/92 Tina 10:45 a.m. '

Co=pany 708-668-3707 ,18494 1 l

l Incernell-Rand Person Called stavan Kiefer company . -

Barerent & Limdv (B&L)

Person callinef B.:Wisniewski Jan Project No.

Project E913-94 ound Cities Pump Diesel cooling Water l

' Subject Discussed:

9 semmy of Discussion, Decisions, and cmit**nts:

(5x9 ft SB)2, This is to confirs our ccnvarsation this morning that t as they Please note the informationnumber supplied was basis price book pumps Exact .

given was for reference.only.

would be sold,today. The numbers would have-to be deriv'ed and approved by Ingersoll-Rand Engineering.

Calc. No. ST13 /f ~]

Rev. 8 Date Page f } W b 2 Psol.No.$ff -73 ,




m .- -


W 'f/ _

~ V cc:

Files QA Calculation {, YGun is, M- Ib i J.' B. Wisniews)ti




i Calc. For Evatustion of Toshite DCCWP Motor starting Calc. No. 8913 73 19-3 l 1

voltage Rav. o Date j llI- SARGENT& LUNDY '

ENGINEERS U l X Safety-Related Non-Safety-Related Page C1'of C3 l 5

Client comanonwealth Edison conpany Prepared by Date-  ;

Project oued cities unit 2, Division 11 Reviewed by Date Proj. No . J 8913-J3 Equip. No. Approved by Date 184941  ?

l ,

I d


/  !

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CATE Nover.ber 6, 1975 1



LJ LOU!S ALUS r.e o m a. t. Nauer. _

8 L84941 Litton toiwaukee. wistonsin sarci 10 M. a. sucs=2


R. O. 3rotherhood/ ,


- J, L. 3reit'cachV R. Halfpap' .

Load chytracteristics fo,r' desi{p j

SUBJECT- . ec.. C. C. Cummins .

E. J. Michaels  !

J. F. Billings R. A. Smick l


I Here .'is the third curve, No.18296,. for. centrifugal pumps. It

- should be used to inform customers of our assumptions in the same way as. previous curves. . .

. .x .


All MD-70 standard motors have been designed to accelerate This has not NEiA neces-inertia (with load torque per. NBdA MGl-20.42).Also, in cost reduction sarily been true of the 440 frame, however. -

or in evaluating " tight" designs, we have recognized that 2 pole pump motors almost never see. load inertia anywhere near the NEMA -

' level.

So to b-ing 2 pole motor application closer to reality, and yet .

keep the assumptions simple, I have used 25% .of ND4A as the maximum * -

inertia assumed for 2 pole motors.

Please do not expect that a motor' redesign for lower cost will -

automatically be possible if actual load inertia*he onassumotions any job turns out to be less than the attachea assumptions.

were chosen to eliminate -any need for oversiced motors in the first However, if the application does. require a special design, place.

occause of the need to start at 50% voltage, for example, then it is possible that actual inertia less-than these assumed values would ,

permit a cneaper design. Again I must point out that for us to assume any load conditions is alway,s a poor substitute for finding - <

out what they really are.

- Qale. No. 89/3-73-W*i


pey. g Date ,

Page C}cr$C2 ,

  • Proi. No. 9 H 3 '7.3 g , v. .

R. L. Nailen~ -

Chief Electrical' Engineer, .

Large Motor Engineering i

g, RLN;fb .

C Atchm.

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                                                                                                                         % 0? FULL LOAD TO?.QUE Basis for motor design'utingithis curve:
1. "'otal load iScrtin ( .ncluding any couplings or gearing) not to excee d:

a. The TF.MA value for the moto'r rated horsepower, for i 1800 rpn h sicuer notors.

b. 2% nf the HDIA value, for 3600 rpn motors.
2. The 100% torcue point on the curvo corresponds equal toto. notor motor nameplate horsepower, and is therefore'* -.~- ,

rated torcuc. .

                                                                                                                                                                  .                                                                                                                                                             f I

Curves shown are not'applic'able to axial-flow, mixed-flow, 3 . piston, or screw pumps of any kind. Note: A notor de signed tble to to stcrt safelya accelerate lond having thea cbove different load speed-will p" n ti not

                              -        necosaarily torquo curve, beeven                                 though                         the                differenco                                 mcy                   appear                              slig.            t.

e $

                                                                                                                          /.pprvd. by alm f Mf-Curvo // 16296                                                     ,

l I

Cale. rcr Evaluation cf icshiba DCCWP Motor Starting Calc. No. E713 % 3 i gay. o Dato  ; SARGENT1 LUNDY vettage ENG!NEERS U D5 X Safety-Related Non-Safety-Related Page D1 of l Prepared by Date ) Client Commonwealth Edison Conpany  ! Reviewed by Date , PrWect Quau Cities Unit 2, Division !! l Approved by Date 1 Proj. No.J 8912;73 Equip. No. l


184941 , o I i i 1 - 1 i i f i-ATTACHMENT D PAPER ON INDUCTION MOTOR. STARTING j r I l t 1 s i t I t 5 i i I t t i t ki 1 '

                                                                                                                                        ! l M

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 , . . ~               _                                                                                                                                                                         .

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  ,* '.                                    -                                            hs - % %I.) 7T 5 l i. e.    (, f 39_.

18 4 9h,1

 ,k                                           .                                          1, 9 0 -)- d        4 os                     PRACTiOAL !CTHODS o( g ut n                               ,
  ;)                                                                                     OM             NJ   _3'    7$              a ~   squirrel cage induction motors :,r[                      ,

full voltage, reduced voltap,. .ag j is part winding. Of the thrn, ac

  ,'                                                                                                                                     voltage starting is the simpi.3t m,.:

l .) ,q

  • least expensive. j 1

Starting at full voluge, neu;,,,;  : 1 cage motors statr ftptfg 'g

                                                                                                                                       . c'IETier more times full _-1 pad,_g.,r.                   7 I

p IE rW_kva. Fenalties for larr.. . IGrtintcurr. rat.a. =_re_Ja.o r.  :,e.; . , R c'esG~~and possib!c -moment:.rv u #" *a wM .: Vu

                            ,           A Th P. A 3 %f"7"Il cN A 8                                                                       fEder voltage.

drops. Others in s-s se s- s u . a. 6 w s-s ~

      >                                                                                                                                  cTule~ light flicker and abnnrd AT SQU5RREf -CAGE                                                                                                  averation.or pr=tectice eewees :

intemipt other feeder-connts:..: I i' motors or services. Undesirr.1,!e i HNDUCDON MOTOR starting disturhances may de ..,. rected in certain applications t.. j tolerable values by reducing int t..r i STAR t !!NG . starting currems. now to do a;. depends on the characteristics nf the motor, the load it driver anil the motor starting used. . FULLVOt.TAGE STARTING from a  ; large capacity bcs may rern!t in j the motor drawi:g fulllocked ro:nr j

 ,e                                                                                                                                       current. The motur must be de-                              ;
 ;                                                                                                                                         signed to withstand this. Coupling.<                        t j                                                                                                             e                           and driven machines also murt 1-                             !

.p , able to withstand the resultim: +

 'I                                                                                                                                        high motor starting torque, :c-i                                                                                                                                      celeration, etc.,1,n_ general, condl.1                       i
    .                                  By R. c. MOORE. Allb.Chalmers Mfg. Co.                                                              full-voltage . starting where lig).                          !

i <- - s j r . I

                                  ..y        .w ... - -          .,. p. .. - ;,.-~. e. g .m :
                                                                                                  .r-~-,a~--..s-.v.--...--,.s.---~-                .                                                     y**

j Table 8-Calculations for Reactor Stzrting - - .. ij i


(M *i (E) (7) (e) (9) (2) (3) (4) (5) T F. .': (1) Z, I, = Z. 4 2, 16

  • Fig.3 waives divided by 100 *Z. _

R s _

 "                                                i          T                                                                                                 (5)z(2)    (B)'s (3) (5) 1..

Futt Full Power Z. = R. F. =E Ze=15)+(S) (7) 2 Reactor (7) _(2}' Speed Voltage voltage Factor i 3.17 JO JG 6.35 1.20 .23 1.55 = .36.,. ) 1.51 j1.60 3.12 = J6 413.11 - J*' $j 0 3.05 42 1.72 = .4 9 .L. I 125 l1.60 3.29 = .49 + l 3.25 JI*

                                                                            .28                                                                                                                            I}
                                    .50          5.75        1.54                                                                                                 2.88 '    .53 5.23        1.75                    128 = .65 + j 1.77         11.60          3.43 = .65 + ]3.37 70                                   . 34                                                                                    2.75      .64           5 {',            i 4.75        1.90        'J9         2.08 = .51 + ) 1.9 I . I1.63              3.60 = J1 + ) 3.51                                         6. .,             *      '
                                    .M                                                                                         3.75 = 1.00 + ! 3.61               2.63      J2            ',

4.40 . 2.01 44 2.44 = 1.00 + 12.01 11.60 ':

                                    .85                                                                                                                           2.53      .94 l                                              4.00        2.34            .54     2.47 = 1.33 + i 2.08        l 1.60        3.91 = 1.33 + l 3.63                                       7"*               *j
                                    .90                                                                                                                           2.26     1.36    ,
                                                                             .77     3.21 = 2.47 .:- i 2 A4      i1.60         4.40 = 2.47 + 13.64
                                    .97 3.08 1.90 2.55 2.10           .E5     5.20 = 4.42 - ) 2.74        l 1.60        6.21 = 4.42 + j 4.34               1.59     1.47          {                     3 I
  • Motor tiase ohms = 2300/ VTs 135 =9.E5 (3. phase moto,-

At *O* speld estunate 2,. and it necessary re'Y'

                                                                                                                                                                               , tsm e. =
c. . De. 3) , to get desired tu remembenng inst ..

Cornputations---pa,enthetical numbers refer to columns in the 2, once determmed. is ua:nanged for su spe'd

  • j (B) (9) Tt4se columns murtiptied by 100. t** P[

p ta ble. . .s (5) 2,, = Motor base ohms drvided by (2) $*- '* j - R. + jX. = (scatar wah,e of Z.) X current and torque values using reactrar. Da:a  ; in Ag. 4. *

                                                                                                                                                                                                           ' .S
  *                                                      ((4) 4 j V 2-(4)* )                                                 (30) PJtent of suDpty line voltsge et motor terne'**'*

(6)- Assume jX. = 2, (reactor resistance neglected) * ' t

_ _ - l

n, C lf3
              ;                                                                     x                                                     o s ar           oc             891 v

termes!s if voltage drops in tae


89/3-73 Ter3Dfsmai so.ation may be torque is required. A motor switched directly on a hnes, eu: are neglec:ed.  ; referred. low capacity bus rnay draw enough As the motor accelerntes frem current to cause appreciable volt. MATHEMATICAL SOLUTICN. Again, standstill, motor current, and, age drop through a supply trans- assume motcr reactance equals therefore. voltage drop through the _ former (Eig.1). To analyze stand- Inotor impedance because of low transformer decreases. Thus, the

 ~ still condifions, consider motor and         locked-rotor power factor.                                         voltage across the motor steadily transformer as pure reactantes.               An induction motor of 2500 kva                                 increases as the speed increases.

At standstill (locked rotor), input at full lead having a locked- Having traraformer data available, motor line amps vary with mater rotor current of 6.35 times full- the motor design engineer can i terminal voltIge. Such a variation load current has a locked impedance predict motor terminal voltage and, i for a particular squirrel cage motcr of 1005/6.35, or 15.8%. Bring hence, the motor speed-terque is shown in' Fig. 2. It may be used both motor and transformer im- curve. - to pr' edict the effect of voltage drop pedances (Z) to the same kva base For loads not requiring large through a supply transformer. (the 5000-kva transfor=er base): torques du-ing the starting period, reduced voltage starting methods  ! ANALYTICAL SOLUTION. Assume Motor 2. :soo ka tase = 15.2 % may be used for squirrel cage transformer primary voltage is "*',*[Z, '" " 3 5#% * "" motors. Practical and widely-used l constant. Because the transformer Transformer I. Socen t.ase = s% , methods are reactor and autotrans- i kva rating is twice the motor full- Mo* t'=aalvohase = for:ner starting. load kva, a locked-rotor current of rnoter 2 + transformer 2 REACTORS are voltage reducing de-00% at low power factor corres- 31.6 l ponds to 100% transformer cur- 31.6 + s

  • 100 = 782% vices placed in series with the l rent and causes an 8% voltage drop stator winding of a squirrel cage through the transformer'. This is The analytical solution used the  : noter. They may be shorted out at point A in Fig. 2. The reasoning actual motor locked-retor curve, a previously chosen speed, tim .

which deviates slightly from a or current' value, and the motor l may be extended for larger motor currents and results in the dashed linear voltage-current relationship. then operates at its normal full-line for transformer secondary due to motor rnagnetic saturation- voltage characteristics. It is pos-voltage. At the intersection of the In the mathematical solution, the sible to use two or even more short-

  ' dashed and solid line curves, motor       motor is assumed to have a linear                            ing steps during reactor starting.

and tranformer secondary voltages locked-voltage <urrer.t relationship. A disadvantage of the reactor are equal. The resultant voltage is The di!!erence in t'e results of the methed of starting is the kva con-80% of full voltage. This is the two methods is small For motors sumed in the reactor itself. Thus, l transformer voltage at the motor having a higher degree of satura- where minimum starting kva may pu m :u I i u:cr.: :r-

                                                                                                                                               .,, w t;:: re:
                                                                                                                                             -        a
                                                                                                          , w-o                               -n-a        - -- in. 2   rR$y$

i  ! l l-l' R R .% - i.

                                                                                     - Fig. E Motors M, and M. not run-ning." Motor M                                 3 is 3000 hp. 2500 kva full load, switched directly on bus (see Fig. 2.).



                                      ,3. u. sn o 9 -

be desired, meIFods of re-duced voltage start:ng may be W* t:me fer the mortie :o acce!ero


184941 su:c:rr.nst:>r .er mag- ew3g m.m 4 load. coupiing. !ctc Tk' rem Surpiy line kva in Fig. Icjgu'ais more faverable. standst:H to :::il speec. meter kva and is. therefoie. t e-  ; Reactor application can be shown duce .ns I '- V) With a re-t oy the foiiowing enmple. Data { DISCUSSION CF RESULTE. A 3:ngie. utor to prov:de the same vc!! age , 4 from Fig. 3 will be used. Objective: step reactor :s prefer:ce fer motuc  ; at the : cad, the supply line ' reduce motor locked rctor current. starting. Ecuever, the reseter must kva wcuid be reduced cnly as It to half the fulkoitage locked- be chosen so that the resuhing V u Y-L i rotor current lx with a series motor torqce exceeds the load Although the discussion and the  ! , reactor. torque through the entire speed elementary cireusts in Fig. 5 are i . Calculatiorts< in Table I provide range from standstill to full speed single-phase analyses. these cir- l ) a method of predicting the re- (Fig. 4). If an excess of motor cuits may be extended to three  ; acto r's effect in reducmg motor torque over lead tor ;ue is not ob. phase. For three-phase motors, the current and torque. In the table, tained with the chosen reactor circuits of Fig. 5 may be con-i obtain (urrent m amps for In ohmic value, the motor will not ae. sidered the customary single-phase l (colums 2), or for I t (column 8), equivalent circuits commonly used celerate the load to full speed. A by multiplying the values shown reactor must then be chosen to in three-phase calculations. Thus. 2by motor full-load current. Obtain f r three-phase applications, volt-albw more motor current. Creater 3 i torque in Ibs-ft (columns 3 or 9), motor current permits more motor ages in Fig. 5 are tenninal-to-l by multiplying the va!ues shown torque to be developed. During the neutral values. Multiplying any of , by motor full-load torque in Ibs ft. accelerating period, motoe torque the voltages by V3 gives line-to- i j Calculate full-load motor torque at any speed should be about 259;, line three phase voltage. For three-from the well-known equation: over required load torque. This phase motor problems, line supply j ' (1) percentage is debatable; some engi. kva is then V3 Vt Is..  ; neers may a!!ow a smaller value. Torque developed by a squirrel  ! Gn1ao e =s2s2 7,, , _ ""'* * =.:. Certain applications may require cage motor varies approximately { d more than one step of startin7 re- as the square of its terminal volt- t During acceleration of motor act u. . a suuatin may occur age. nus, y vohage apped to  ; I and connected load, the voltage when one step of reactor will pro the motor of Fsg. 3 gives the torque j ! e aq cunnt liyt and curve of Fig. 6. across the reactor decreases and  : ! across the motor Vu * *

  • U " #

increases. i pr vide adequate torgae at some former and reactor application to 1 This tends to maintain motor cur- l rent more nearly constant for a va e d sM duW accelera&n. W eyNe motu of N.3 as j large part of the accelerating Should the mota get hung-up shown m Fig. 7. An assumed re-

period. Current and torque of the ' # ""' "" I motor taken from columns 8 and 9 acc erau Mn, d may W M9 & a in w pmp, n abo sWn. j i of Table I are shown in Fig. 4. sible at that point to reduce re- Line kva demand for either type  ;

The torque curve of the deven act r onms in a second step to in, cf startilig may be obtained from i load depends on the load character- crease motor current and torque r ig. , by multiplyin,g the currents i 4 i istics. For example, the torque to accelerate to full speed. With in the figure bv V3 times line-to-

                                                                                                                                            -                          1

) " ' "*"* A "*0" ' WY? curve of an unloaded blower or "V i pump may have the shape shown bms, the additional motor current ' in Fig. 4. Other types of driven may n t cause total resultant cur- PARTEiNDING STARTING is little j ! loads may have different charac- rent to exceed standstill, or locked u.ted for large motors. A specially  ; ! teristics. At any speed, the differ- r t r current, which is assumed to designed motor may be started by l ence between the motor-developed be the maximum penmssible value. rennecting only a portion of the , i torque and the load-required torque The method of calculation for stator winding to the full-voltage l m re than one reactor step as the l represents torque available to ac- power supply. A common arrange.  ; ! celerate the inertia of all the to- same as utlined for the single step. ment is to wind the motor with two I i tating parts. Acceleration time may parallel circuits. i ! then be calculated from the for. Alf70 TRANSFORMER STARTING has At start, ful) voltage is impressed l mula : kva and current reduction ad- across one parallel only. Motor im- { l vantages over the reactor method. pedance is greater than for the j (2) i A motor supplied at full voltage is entire winding and both motor j i we : A rpm shown in Fig. 5. The same motor starting current and torque are l 0'= ace a t .. supplied through an autotrans- reduced. Motor curre st may be  ! A N tm interv.: in secones former to provide, say 50% of full from 60 to 70% or normal locked l 4 w = tos te of an rotating pans vo!tage, is shown in Fig. 5b. At .the rotor full winding value. The motor  ; j rpm = speed interval an revolutions per reduced voltage, motor kva is the torque curve may have pronounced 5 l 7,. = .verage torcue, rbs.ft for epm product of the reduced voitage and . cusps. Thus the motor may a t. I current, that is, kva is reduced to 'celerate its connected load only up  ! l From Equation (2). Table II (0.50)8 or 25% of the full-voltage - do the speed at which the cusp i ! may be constructed to show se value. Thus, load kva in Fig. 5b occurs. To reach full speed use the , quence of calculations to detennine varies as (VM /Vt.)- Neglecting full stator winding. END to rows tesomromc Nov :m ) i I ) i

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           ._,_..d.._._d.4.741 7                                         ,


                                                                                ;. . . _c. - - -u, . . .

5 h*[ -' -

                                                                                     ~ g e; p." , . "

3 % ,,

                                                                                      -                                   - - - -                                                                        90                                                                                             ,.                   .c 3 r                                       !

0 9hl

                                                              """=*,,**'W.                              ,1                            / 3'                                     .J c          go                                                /                         {' .                      -.' %

r l T M N!/C8N Dt R 'A M "-.%,,,,%, . to-l .7 . , , aw 60 c o*", . 7, g. /pcwER r:4 U.t -,y, ,;. .4g,,. , Q ,. , ad- .W  ;

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           .l./- e<          . .i                .                                                -~


                                                                                                                                             .- --...... . ce.o                                    63 ~l w                                                                          .a-                                      m.G :.c 7ll                            l

_Q:. . *-l e

                            " o.    ..
                                                ;, c %
                                                     .--     .4 .V d. . a @*2
                                                                                            ...   .&...,iR..;9-Y V &..%..g Y.u.m.,n LTDID rCIDR V.UAGE='


                                                                                                                                                                                                                     -Jj >

L: p. Jh-g I b;. '40- 5Jh b * ",CWRENT Cp g ' I , f] . I


jQ[ff Nj [

        $(mh,:,'fjf^ y[f dp,4;;*h.h..

g ff.ip. y j

        @pQs% ) M " 7 %,$,g 4 ,a 2C                                            ,,                                                                               p.                                                                    .
           ~                 c 200 e 300                            4oc --"co .*;600l: .ro .pj;.j', '.7t. c'. th 3' @5gMi$.'tF'e@        -

C.i$ u w a M m*wc= M so 4 SM R T Q e emvihqo q%gr '*vh~ -; 3 f

                             , . fwo
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              '"                                                  ,N=;-
        ;...                          . hor.oOF           - 607oR F'JLL tCt3 3.,"' .-M >'%. M v . s r: . KRcD6.N'fD                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              ,

I : '. 55 . rk; _. E

                                                                                                                                                                                                                               . i:
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      ,                                                                                     yg 0g.y2. Nartation                                       o ' f. locked-rotor; current                                                                                 lifviih,{.
                                                                                                                                                       . . voltage                  ~Eg.g3.,FuH-voltage 'curre                                                                                   ue                                                ctor<

Eof.a siuirrel ca'gRinductio'n

       ]for a' JMJJ                         1.g:

p 2.f,iM.R 3000-hp

                                                    ; .t- - (2500ikva, 5- r-
                                                                                                                                    -[m.nC ;e.5 , 2300jv                        full               load)                                 s,quirreFeage.~                                                        ~ase'j5W"g'.~;                      cle motor.$.yq i

moo- a r=**>L " S .. . - :-m y* - . . . - -y s, .& Sw


saa . -;

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      .a..,. :

m: y " rm _ r . . -

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q nl

w. - .gy.

y..s,**ty. ,g ,". ,

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      ..g. . eo_. ..;_,_
F . .<neR ToRouE
                                                                                                                                                                                          ~; . . . ~-                                                                                                                                             .. .9. ,

c - ..,,.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    ,..+.g               ,     ;    %.
       ;g yo_                                                                                tmE cmso<rtym< nte.                                               -

4: s . . w E U 60- -- v

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E SO- o A':: . - . .- ~ 3y.";.,N.#;;([' Qwf4.. '. V0l

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.- .%:w
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5:  :% ;,  : v

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        .y,M-ctscuMM                                    Mkca.#

c :::.b~?,l;G h; 2o- ~B-


lE , .s.7 Iw - '

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J ..~ ~ - ' ' ,

                                                                                                                                                        ~ ~~*                               '            '
7. L'-

11' *

     & 10-                                                                                                                                                                                             .j't '                                                                        [' gg".'g.'
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         -@'                                            h**                                                 l
   . .ht' :

i p ',*A REPRE5D(r5 K' 4.REE DOJE A.".4.1.BLI CNE R lo% .[-b u' .w:.p. -. - .

                                                                                                                                                                                           ~                                                                                     .

7 s;f.' M .s.p .l'i=T'/..,


cv' ' So '63 15 0 200 250 300 ' l McToR'J c! G .

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              - '...:~..       9 ( BR.             .". * ..

Y. OF FM110Ao TORJUE 8 -' oF hCTOR FULLLDt.o AMPS ' (kg he7 tor .

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     .          : >- ? :ot:' 6.4.c. -j
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     ,j .

Eg. 4. Motor torque and current. curves with series Eg. 5. (A) ' Motor ccnnected directty to' power'intpply.'*' , reactor to provide a locked retor current of 50% of (B) Motor suppned through autotransformer. ' - ~ 2 I locked rotor current without reactors. Lead- , s. .:  % 2/; . c"' . torque current is assumed. ,

                                                                                                                                                            ..               . ,              . - (. ;;                                   73 ,                                 .ijs.. , ..-;
  • j p igj .j . .; f f**]; ;!' ' f. * ~: ' -
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g 2; i,-- TRAN:F

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a 3einucE .7e ., 3:a : ..

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                                                                                                                                                           .MV y. , .' &I' ~'@'f..QAo
                                                                                                                                                                                          . =9 drb     .                                            TF
so- '. ".*'*'

k LtNE ' .- , ' e- :- -** 1 &.Y r,.? , , N @ c MO

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                                           -                 N^                                        ^ '
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O . . , 4 O+ -- -. .z soo .,  ::r4:So ar ==* 2DO .?- so - 100 - ISor  : a 200..

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      ,P Pr.R CDCOFfa.LLDAo
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              ~ .. ~

o ,

,og ; Qn- .am a F5>t corr rtu LcAo Tora;E ANa CURRENT . s, . .T #' '-)
                                                                                                                                                                                                   .>                                  ;b; .PUt i              ,. ,2 ~         N"0F.Ful   w:- LDA6 cur -:f-/,:1 Rg. 6. Motor. torque 'a'nd !ine-current curves with auto- i Dg. 7. Tcrque;and current for motor                                                                                                                                                                                                               ., &( ) A:sto-2 voltag                    W(magnet %i                                          rr ni' t :

l transformer Multiply gi, x 2oftoFig. 58 tomotor provide 50%(autotransformer. of fuH;vo!!aEe.. ..;'transformer on ;50% ieglected)


obtain current cf autotransfor5er.:r (B) c'a'ctor p'roirides' magnetiring-current neglected). ,.

                                                                                                                                                                                     - 50% rated voltage at locke'd; rotor.

o L. .

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              .$*~ *c-$                  es. f


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           .,'.v.h,-.:;            .  -   r.  -*.    ?.-*
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                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            . ' 'L3:~j N ov. 1964 POWER (NGINEERING 51
                                                                                         -                                  - . -                                                                    .                 -                        _ - . .                                                      ,-}}