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Quad-Cities 1/II Safety-Related Continuous Load Running/ Starting Voltages
Person / Time
Site: Quad Cities Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 05/04/1992
From: Schiavoni R
Shared Package
ML20058M143 List:
8913-69-19-1, 8913-69-19-1-R, 8913-69-19-1-R00, NUDOCS 9310040038
Download: ML20058M158 (100)


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sinoxx2 a tex"r 1 5290 ENGINEERS rouweto .. SS CAST Mohnot STREET CHICAGO, ILLtNots sosos.57 eo (3621 249-2000 S&L Letter No. Q1469E May 4, 1992 Project No. 8913-69 Commonwealth Edison Company Q u a d C i t i rj's N u c l e a r S t a t i o n - U n i t 1 Trans'mittal of Degraded Voltage Calculation for Division II W. O. No.: N/A Mod. No.: N/A System Code: N/A Mr. M. L. Reed ' Electrical /I&C Design Superintendent Commonwealth Edison Company Nuclear Engineering Department 1400 Opus Place - Suite 400 Downers Grove, Illinois 60515

Dear Mr. Reed:

Enclosed is a copy of Design Input Transmittal (DIT) QC-EXT-0077 which transmits the following Sargent & Lundy calculation: P Calculation 8913-69-19-1, Revision 0, dated May 4, 1992,

          " Quad Cities 1/II Safety-Related Continuous Load Running / Starting Voltage" (including Reference Item A).

The locations of the calculation purpose, methodology, , assumptions, and any engineering judgements are referenced in the enclosed DIT. Should you have any questions, please call me at (312) 269-6246. Yours very truly,

  • / h R. M. Schiavoni Senior Electrical Project Engineer RMS:mco qdqc2724.op In duplicate Enclosure  !

Copies: (See page 2) , y 9310040038 930924 U PDR ADOCK 05000254  % P PDR jd

S ARGENT & LUNDV  ! ENG4WEERG C HIC AGO Mr. M. L. Reed S&L Letter No. Q1469E~ Commonwealth Edison Company


May 4, 1992 Page 2 J 't i e Copies: BWR Systems Design Superintendent (H. L. Massin) (1/1/0) r CHRON System (1/1/1) BWR Tecdnical Lead Engineer (M. S. Tucker) (1/1/0) Site Engineering Supervisor (C. A. Moerke) (1/1/0) Asst. Supt. of Work Planning (W. McGaffigan) (1/1/0) - Acting BWR Systems Design Supervisor (B. M. Wong) (1/1/0) R. H. Jason (1/1/0) T. J. Ryan (1/0/0) E. Schumacher/ File (1/1/1) S. Z. Haddad (1/1/1) i I l G2



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I 18ccno 0  ; i SARGENT & LUNDY I ENGINEERS EXTERNAL DESIGN INFORMATION TRANShETTAL ' X SAFETY-RELATED NON-SAFETY-RELATED DIT No, - OC-EXT-0077 Page 1 of 1 j CLIENT Commonwealth Edison Company  ; To M. L Reed STATION - Ouad Cities UNIT (S) 1 PROJECT NO(S) 8913-69 SUBJECT Transmittal of Calculation 8913-69-19-1. Revision O. Dated'5/4/92. "Ouad Cities 1/II Saferv-  ; Related Continu6us Load Runninc/Startinc Voltaces " t MODIFICATION OR DESIGN CHANGE NUMBER (S) N/A i R M. Schiavoni EPED /ty r-r /w - . 05-04-9' PREPARER (PLEASE PRINT NAME) DIVISION PREPARER'S SIGNATURE ISSUE DATE STATUS OF INFORMATION (This infonnation is appmved for use. Design information, appmved for use, that contains assurnp6ons or is i' prelirninary or requires further verification (review) shall bc .so idernified.) This infortnation is approved for ane. Several assumptions used in the calculation hated below require venfication. This inforrnanon is provided m accordance with the tenns and conditions of the service agreement / contract between Sargent & Lamdy (S&L) and its i Chent govenung the associated acrvices. With respect to any third party use, S&L does not assurne any obligation to said third pany as to the accuracy, ; completenen, usefulness, or non-infringing nature of such irfonnation. IDENTTFICATION OF THE SPECIFIC DESKA INFORMATION TRANSMTTTED AND PURPOSE OF ISSUE (List any supporting documenta attached to DTT by its title, revision and/or issue date, and total number of pares for each supporting document.) This DIT transmits to Corrunonwealth Edison Company the following calculation (includmg Reference hem A.): P Calculation 8913-69-19-1, Revision 0, dated May 4,1992,

  • Quad Cities 1/II Safery-Related Continuous Lead Running / Starting Vohages.* l 1hc purpose, methodology, and assumptions can be found in the following calculation section and pages: f Purpose; Section III, Page 3 Methodology: Section IX, Pages 13-15 (ELMS-AC \ ersion 2.2 is used.)

Assumptions and Engineenng Judrements: Section VII, Pages 9-!!


Section V, Pages 5-7 Companaon of Calculated Resuhs with Acceptance Cnteria: Section XI, Pages 25-26 I i i M f l SOURCE OF INFORMAT10N

  • Calc. No F01340-10-! 0 Os-04 02 Repon No N'A Rev ar@or date l Rev. and'or date i Other J

DISTRIBtTTION See Letter Q1469E, Dated May 4,1992. Form OQ-3.17.1 Rev. 2


                           - _ _ _ _ _ _ . . _ . _ . .                                                                     18529d             l SARGENT s LUNDY                                                                                                           ;

[ NCN.5ME*Y ELMED gj7 go,, Q{. E PE D -0489-Of  ; CLIENT CECO Page I of _ /[o __ STATION OUAD C l T i r:s UNIT!SI J /E To _W G Lnl:TH E - 2 ! f g PROJEdT NOTS 1' 89l3 - 69 n SUBJECT C3 L J A D (* f ~T f E R t > Ut T 1 5 DI \/ 'R L OA D 7'A 8 L G S F=6 R so,7 cN e e4 g M Amn MCc '.5


MODIFICArlON OR DESIGN CH ANGE NUMBERf S) K YI p EpGD Preparer [Picase coni names O'ivisio n LXAdN hfbka + 72 Pre'padr ![sigdature issue date l 3 1 STATUS OF INFORMATION ('This information is approved for use Design inforrnation, approved . that contains assumptions or is prenminary or reavires further verification (review) shall be so identif# THIS IN FORM A TlotV > is AgF.cVED FOR USE 1 3 i IDENTIFICATION OF THE SPECIFIC DESIGN INFORM ATION TR ANSMibED AN' . (List any supporting documents attached to DIT by .ts title, revision and/or issue date, and total number of pages for each supporting document ) i f ENCLD 5ED ARE THE L OA D TA BLES StGMED BY CE co . PL N E  ! USE THESE Fof; yovA B UJ vo t. 7H GE CA L C . , ALSO ENCLOSED /$ M , T u c K G R 's (CECO) 3-2.S-92 L E 77ER ON  ;

  }              L O AD SHED MOD /F/CA TIONS .                                 PI EAJ E f(Ew.sE THE l oAD IyuRS 1

FRO M THE 7A Gl ES To tN c on It A '7E THE unt/~T 1 D/WJto'vH LOAD .SHED M O DIFIC/17to WJ > E i

           -                                                                                                   /                              i 9                                                                                                                                  !

48 E ' k i o /  ! SOURCE OF INFORMATION E Calc. no. f Report no " Rev and/or date , Rev. and/or date Otner d E- C o C H RnN 19 2 Y 76 (3-23-9d,IO200 [32/'Y2) d DISTRIBUTION oRIGtVAd FILE I S.D L ScnJMhCHER/R SCHIAV0VL l FILE 80*10  ; T. E I S E M S A R "T - 7J 5 .AH/c8 -

2. /
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185290 l i RLB-92 '1T3 i 1 l March 25, 1992  !

             /    '

T0f M. L. Reed E/I & C Design Superintendent '


QUAD CITIES REVIEW OF LOAD TABLES AND ASSUMPTIONS (Reference CHRON #182866) The Load Tables and Assumptions provided in CHRON #182866 have been reviewed by Quad Cities Operating and Technical Staff personnel. i Hinor corrections to  ! the load Tables are noted on the affected pages. , If you have any questions or require any additional information please contact ' J. Hethington at Quad Cities Station on extension 2190. , 1 I I r l0 . t ( R. L. Bax .[ Station Manager - Quad Cities Station RLB/JH/rjb .e DlT No:&&Ef@-oM-#

                                                           ,   ?,0 JECT No: 015 - M          .

i p;sg 20? / k , .. j SThrog mi l


4. . ,
                                                                                                 .                         q y-            . :


                                                           .                                       .                            i
                                                                                          -March 21, 1990                      t l

In. Reply, Refer to ,

                                                                                          'CHRON #-

Subpet: Load Tables and Assumptions =l Degraded Voltage Analysis  ! Cuad Cities Station "

                              !                                                                                                +

1 1

        ~Mr. RiL. Bar                                _                                                                     q s

Calculatiensiare in progress under the direction of the I/I&C group of.NED for ' the degraded voltage analysis, A new-analysis is required by the recent EDSFI. i NRC inspection. This analysis requires a determination of the actual ' worst - l case loading conditions of-the 480 Volt Switchgear and Motor Control Centers'  ! for Quad Cities Station. To ast',st'in this effort, Quad cities perscnnel with' cperating experience have been providing-input to the load tabulations. The load tables have been revised to incorporate comments f rem . Qua'd _ Cities , _ provide better ref erences - and - to incorporate . " lessons -learned" from!-the 'l rscently completed Dresden degraded voltage analysis The revised tables and [ assumptions are attached. '; I The degraded voltage analysis must be completed for Unit 2 prior to restart. l To support this effort, it is requested that the load tables be reviewed and j signed by March 25, 1992.  ; r Please call Mike Tucker on extension 7648 at Downers Grove if you have any ' . 1; questions related to the load tables or to the degraded voltage analysis. i i i E4 I M.L. Reed  ? E/I&C Design Superintendent ,

 ~ 8E8                                                                                         _

quad loads \QCLTCVR. DOC  ;

I cc J.W. Wethington H.L. Massin (w/o att.) l M.L. Reed M.F. Pietraszewski (w/o att.) I - l
un.r .n2 0C-EDED-off9 6/ .

D.C. Bucknell C.H. Norton . , D.V. Lubbe R.E. Charneski f " , ,'. gjj g M.S. Tucker R.M. Schiavoni (S&L) , 4 i NEDCC [] ) y )



              ;.        ,,    ._        QUAD CITIES STATION
1. Load data, such as motor horsepower, power f actor and efficiency, is taken from tne preliminary ELMS input data sheets with the exception of the PCP batter / chargers (125 and 250 Volt Battery Chargers). The value given in the v9ndor manual is used. Altnough the ELMS run is oreliminary, the loac Mata as assumed to be correct.
2. The voltage droo between unit substation transformers and the 480 Volt switchgear has been neglected. The secondary of this transformer is airectly ccnnectec to an extension of the switchgear bus bar. The

impedance of tnis bus section is insignificant in comparison with the cable and transformer imoecance.

3. The loac c:rcinons are as shown in Accendix A. This infcrmation was suppilec by Cutc ;i-ies Ita: ion cers:nnel naving reactor cperating expe ri er.c e .

1 Motor operated valve (MOV) currents are neglected for running conditions. The operation of the MOVs may cause a temcorary (less than one minute) dip in voltage at the motor terminals to below 907, of rated voltage. This may result in heating of the motor windings. The short duration of this dip is unlikely to cause sudden ' failure of the motor. Heat rise is a c.; at . effect which is dependent on the insulation class and service factor of the motor. It is further assumed that the modest heat rise from this voltage dip from MOV operation causes a negligible reduction in motor , life. ' Under starting conditions for the Diesel Generator Cooling Water Pumo, there are three valves whir.h change state concurrent with the LOCA signal: the -ecirc. pump discharge valve (MOV 202-5A or 202-5B)and the LPCI  ! Inboard PCI valve (MOV 1001-28A or 1001-288). These two valves operate on a eactor pressure permissive of 900 psia signal (LPCI loop select logic), which may oc.Jr within a very brief time of the LOCA signal (2.5 pounds drywell , o re); therefore, the current from these 'iDVs is included in the st tin; ase. In general, other MOV motors do not start to operate for th IarP break LOCA until several seconds into the event, allowing the st.

  • 3 currents to decay to running current levels. For large break

" conditions, the MOVs of injection valves (LPCI and core spray) do not start to operate for approximately 35 seconds after the ECCS initiation signal. This is from an interlock on reactor pressure (350 psia). l Page 1 of a l g,j7 gig (.gppp.ggf.f/ a I

                                                                  " < c r.# '.>. . . i . ~. {(7 / 3 -l'/

l F:r.E 4 0F &

18 5?9g Marcn 21, 1992

5. The operation of the crywell coolers will be neglected for the running voltage analysis. The operation of the drywell coolers will be included in t,he starting voltage analysis.

The Quad Cities Emergency Operating Procedures instruct the operator to ' initiate drywell sprays at a containment pressure of greater than 9 psia.


Prior to the initiation of drywell sprays t he drywell coolers are tri pped'. It is estimated that, for large break LOCA, drywell sprays will be inj'tiated within 2 minutes of the ECCS initiation. The operation of the drywell coolers may cause a temporary dip in voltage at the motor terminals to below 90% of rated voltage. This may result in heating of the motor windings. The short duration of this dip is unlikely to cause sudden failure of the motor. Heat rise is a cumulative effect < which is dependent on the insulation class and service factor of the motor. The short duration of this voltage dip is assumed to have a negligib1e reduction in motor 1ife. Must verify this assumption for a small break LOCA, or design a plant modification to trip the drywell coolers on high drywell pressure / low-low reator water level logic.

6. The voltage dip from loads neglected under the previous assumptions will not cause the critical motor load under study to stall. Verification of ,

this assumption will require a review of the motor torque-speed characteristics with the pump load. Any available pump characteristics will need to be retrieved and evaluated when specific pumps are identified.

7. The neglected voltage dips will not cause the overload device to trip from the increased current. The setting of the overload must be reviewed to justify this assumption.
8. Other intermittent loads, such as sump pumps, drain tank pumps, and area cooling units, have an assumed duty cycle of 30%. The - number of intermittent loads varies for each load case and condition. 30% of the intermittent loads (rounded up to the nearest whole number) are considered to be on. The largest loads are considered for conservatism. For the winter load case, all area cooling units are assumed off and all heaters are assumed on (not intermittent). For the summer case, all area cooling units are considered on continuously.
9. LOCA causes normal reactor SCRAM (no ATWS considered). Therefore, Standby v' Liquid Control System is not actuated and load on Reactor Protection MG set drops from value given in BOP ELMS to 75% of value shown (22 BHP X 75%=16.5 BHP) Must verify this assumption.
10. EDG Starting Air Compressor is assumeo off under the starting voltage 1 condition and on under the running voltage condition.

i ) i Page 2 of 4 D!T No: 0NPEP14&ol i I (' $ i, S-N lM3 0F l(o i

4 lb529o Marcn 21, 1992  ! i i i

11. EDG Vent fan starts wnen EDG is at 800 rpm. The EDG Cooling Water Pump I starts from Relay SDR, which in turn is initiated from the fast start i I

relay (FS). It is assumed that there is approximately six seconds between pump and fan start. The pump starting current will have decayed to a value close to the running current by the start of the vent f an. Therefore, the vent fan is considered on only for the running condition.

12. ThedCADAirCompressorisassumedoff. This is used to force air into e

the' containment for dilution of hydrogen. Significant amounts of hydrogen are not expected until very late in the event, when many of the other motors would be secured Must verify this assumption. W

13. EDG Oil Transfer pump is assumed off for starting condition and on for renning condition.
14. The resistance of the overload heaters has beea neglected. The value of this resistance is small compared to the cable impedance. The critical loads appear to be larger motors; for smaller loads (less than 5 HP) this assumption would require verification. However, for the larger motors, the overall impedance is bounded by the accuracy of impedance of the cable based on the accuracy of the cable length. Therefore, neglecting the heater resistance has a negligible impact on calculational accuracy.
15. The internal impedance of switchgear 19 and the MCC's is negligible compared to the impedance of the cables and transformer 19.
16. Motors are assumed to be constant KVA loads over the voltage range of interest, as is the VPS Panel 902-63. All motors on switchgear 19 and associated MCC's are three phase induction motors.
17. All other loads are arsumed to be constant impedance loads. ,
18. The voltage rating of the Control Room Standby HVAC motors is 460 V per NUS (letter in file). All other voltage ratings taken from ELMS Input Data sheets.
19. To obtain values for total current, a terminal voltage of 414V is used for motors (90% of 460) and 412V for non-motor loads (90% of 480) independent i of actual equipment rated voltage.

P 9 S . L TOMjy M /1- p '

                                                     ,   ~.i. b 0F IN

28 5py( March 21, 1992

20. Under extremely degraded voltage conditions (less than 90% of rated voltage), heaters are assumed to cycle on more often or remain on for lonaer periods. Low voltage levels will not damage the heaters; rather, the heate/will simply not provide as much heat. The reduced heat output is assumed to be sufficient for the intended purpose. The exception to this is the Control Room Standby HVAC (Train B) Air Filter Unit Heater.

This b' eater requires a minimum of 438 Volts to provide the technical 1 speci,fication requirement on filter efficiency. Must verify this '

           , assumption.                                                   _.                   ,
21. The output voltage of the battery chargers will drop .' hen less than 90% of rated input voltage is available. This will result in a " Battery Low Voltage" alarm before the battery discharges to a point where there is insufficient energy available from the battery to supply the load profile.

h< i i l l l l en

                                                          , UT l.Y: 0C-EPED-0fff-cl   '


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fl Appendir A-Load Tcbl o (Pro-Mods) SLItlon: id Cities Units: 1 Preparer:S D -> CDncurTence: O Date: 3-1 ncurrence: DC6 7,2Ih Date: Load Center: MCC 19-2 1 Comnwnts - Equipment LOCA Time FViR SW CR Stdby Post LOCA Steady ' Fwmstke Dy Lead Name SR of NSR Number Zero init!ation FNAC State RECIRC MG SET VENT FAN 1A t-5701 ON ON ON ON '- 58L RX PROT M4 SET 1B NSR ON ON ON ON 00 STARTING AIR COMPR 1B OFF ON ON ON DROPS LOAD, SEE ASSUMPTION 9 -Es 1 STARTS SOON VTER LOCA SR 250VDC BATTERY CHARGER e f ON ON ON ON - SR DG STARTING AJR COMPR 1 A OFF ON ON ON STARTS SOON AFTER LOCA SR 125VDC BATTERY CHARGER # t ON ON ON ON SR TURB BLDG EMERG LOTS OFF OFF OFF OFF t NSR Sal ALT V &g CLA R p

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Pege 23 of 27 ' 3/20/92 W

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OCLOADS RS Page 20 of 27 L. - l3 n'c / b 3/20/92 t\3 W O _ _ . _ _ __ _m_ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

                                                                                                                                                                            n       u ecuos gree-mour; Station:       ad Cities - Units: 1                                                                            '-
                                                                        ~ Properer:M                                                     [s --Concurr:nc3:(! k                      Date: h2               oncurrence:          ig.9) 3'llh Y 2-                  Date:

Load Center: MCC 15-6 Comments Equipment LOCA Time FHRSW CR Stdby Post LOCA Steady


Dy toed Name ,Fh,marke SRorNSR Number Zero- Wdetion HVAC State S&L s g . l jj I; Ik

  • igh5DIItyngq I 1-5788C ON OFF SECURED BY OPERATOR Pf90R TQ . .

A OFF OFF sat p._. > - 4'9epp$&gg INITMitNG DW $ PRAY NSR t odI4EEE 1$. 2 i.sreso oN orF orF orr SECURED BY OPERATOR Pf90R TO armTiNo oRywEtt seRAv Nsn Y s ..

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March 23, 1992 In Reply, Refer ~to CHRON # Mr. C.A. Moerke Site Engineering Supervisor Quad Ci' ties



Load Shed Modifications Dggraded Voltage Analysis Station 4, Quad Cities i



Mr. Moerke: . E/I&C has performed additional degraded voltage analyses at the request of Quad Cities Station personnel. This was in an effort to avoid tripping the Drywell Cooling blowers and the unit RBCCW Pumps. This analysis has concluded that the trip of RBCCW is essential for resolution of the degraded voltage issue. Quad Cities has recommended tripping the Fuel Pool Cooling Pumps in addition to the loads presently included in the load shed modification. Fuel Pool Cooling will not function without RBCCW; therefore, there is L little need to retain this function. E/I&C concurs with this recommendation. Tripping the Fuel Pool Cooling Pumps on a LOCA signal will provide additional margin which may of f set cable replacements. An evaluation of the need for cable replacements when the Fuel Pool Cooling Pumps are tripped is in progress. The Fuel Pool Cooling Pumps should be added to the scope of the current load shed modifications and an additional ECN prepared to incorporate this new trip if the additional work scope does not jeopardize unit restart. A revised list of loads to be 'shed on a LOCA signal is attached. - If you have any questions. please call Mike Tucker on extension 7648 at Downers Grove. i Prepared; b S Date: 3 1 M.S. Tucker' Senior Engineer Approved: M/ > Date: 23 !f 3-M.L. Reed 3 E/IEC Design Superintendent DEGRDEDVLTS\ QUAD \PPCOOLPT. DOC cc: J.W. Wethington D.V. Lubbe ' DITNo: OC-Ep@-04Ti- d/ M.F. Pietraszewski M.L. Reed M.S. Tucker NEDCC PROJECTNo: 1915-d G a k..ft_.

 ~  -

18$290  !


Quad Cities O Degraded Voltage Analysis

                                                                                  , /,

Load Shed Modifications .r The following loads are to be tripped on a LOCA signal (High Dr' ywell'Pressore or Low Low Reactor Water Leve!, i.e., the same signal that starts the diesel generators) Drywell Cobler Blowers Blowdr I A, MCC 18-1 A Blower 2A, MCC 28-1 A

        / Blow'er IB, MCC 18-1B -                Blower 2B, MCC 28-1B '

Blower IC, MCC 19-6 Blower 2C, MCC 29-6 ' Blower 1D, MCC 19-4 ' Blower 2D, MCC 29-4 Blower IE, MCC 19-3 ' Blower 2E, MCC 29-3 ' Blower IF, MCC 18-1B .' Blower 2F, MCC 28-1B ' Blower IG, MCC 19 Blower 2G, MCC 29-6 RBCCW Pumps Pump 1A,480V Switchgear 18

  • Pump 2A, 480V Switchgear 28

Pump IB,480V Switchgear 19 - Pump 2B,480V Switchgear 29 ' Pump 1/2C,480V Switchgear 19 - Pump 1/2C,480V Switchgear 29 / Recire MG Set Vent Fans Fan 1 A, MCC 19-2 Fan 2A, MCC 29-2 ' Fan 1B, MCC 18-2 Fan 2B, MCC 28-2 Turbine Building Exhaust Fans Fan IC,480V Switchgear 19 Fan 2C,480V Switchgear 29 - Turbine Building Supply Fans Fan I A,480V Switchgear 18 Fan 2A,480V Switchgear 28 ' Fan IB,480V Switchgear 19 Fan 2B,480V Switchgear 29 Fuel Pool Cooling Pumps Pump 1A,480V Switchgear 18 ' Pump 2A,450V Switchgear 28 ' e Pump 1B,480V Switchgear 19 Pump 2B,480V Switchgear 29 - 1 D1TNo: Ac-en1>.o,ry- ol :


Ph0JECTNo:MI3- - . . 69, 3 Pt,GE_/(_0F_lh .


     ,                              ,    Calc. For Quad Cities 1/11 Safety-related Continuous               Calc. ko. 8913-69-19 1 l SARGENT& LUNDY l!

i ENGINEERS y a e /Stan ing Voltages _. RW. O - . . . _ .Date gg X Safety-Related Non-Saf ety-Related Page 1 of 27 Client Constonwealth Edison Conpany Prepared by ',7- -M Date [-J -72, Project QuadCktiesUnit1 9 Reviewed by no Date6ff,ffE Proj. No. 8913-69 Ecpip. No. Approved by Date J [!kA i I. ISSUE S,UMMARY J r - Revision 0, Initial Issue, Page 1 through 27, Al through A73, and B1 through B16. 93 e

                                                                                          "     4

185290 _ Calc. ror Quad Cities 1/!! Safety-related Contiraous Cate. No. 8913-69-19-1 SARGENT& LUNDY f ggg h Lead Running / Starting voltages Rev. O Date X Safety-Related han-Safety-Related Page 2 of 27 l Client Conrnonwealth Edison Conpany Prepared by Date Project QuadCktiesUnIt1 4 Reviewd by Date Proj. No. 8913-69 EgJip. No. Arproved tFf Date i II. METHOD OF REVIEW r OA CALCkJLAT' ION REVIEW CHECKLIST TYPE OF CALCULATION O Hand-Prepared Design Calculation Only 0 Computer-Aided Design Calculation Only M Both hand-Prepared and Computer Aided Design Calculation e FOR HAND-PREPARED DESIG1 CAIf FOR CINPUTER-AIDID DESIGi CAIC (check the arcropriate items) (check the avutwtlate items) [ Detailed review of the [ A review to determine if the ergineerirq design original calculation. and analysis ccrputer s ug mu(s) used have been validated and de-nted ard that the D Review by an alternate, calculation, regardless of the sugma simplified or approximate used,contains all the r-eary doctmentation method of calmlation. for reu.acitoction at a later dato. (MUST BE Pu<FdcED) D Review of a representative sample of repetitive [ A review to verify that the ccrputer gugma is calculations. suitable to the problem beiry analyzai. (MUST LE Pu<rucED) O Review of the calculation against a similar calculation { A review to determine if the input data as previously perfonned. specified for sugma execution is consistent with the design input, wmctly defines the problem for the camputer sugma algorithm ard is sufficiently accurate to produce results

       ,                                                    within any numerical limitation of the s ug ma.

(MUST BE Pu<fecED) u k A review to verify that the results ob'M-frun the sugma are wuect and within stated assu::ptions and limitations of the s u g ma ard are consistent with the input. (MUSP BE l Pu<rueED) l 4 0 Validation documentation for temporary charges  ! to listed sugmas or develognental sugarus or unique sirgle application s ugams shall be reviewed to assure that bethods used adequately validate the prcgram for' the interded application. (WHERE APPLICABLE) REVIEWER: oC DATE: 6[2[92

                              .- J


                                                                                                                    -.       I
                                                                                                       .18._2vt 0             !

Calc. For Quad Cities 1/II Safety-related Continuous Cate. No. 8913-69 19-1 L ad Running / Starting Voltages Rev. O Date ENGINEERS _


X Safety-Related kon-Safety-Related Pope 3 of 27 { l Client Conraonwealth Edison Coreany Prepared by Date i Project Guad Cities Un'if 1 Reviewed by Date Prof. ho. 8913-69 Etpip. ho. A p roved by Date i , III. PURPOSE [ The purpose of this calculation is to evaluate the terminal voltage of all safety-related services at Unit 1, Division II for the following operating cases: r Case A r With the 4.16 KV bus 14-1 voltage at 3845 V, the running voltage at terminals of continuous duty safety-related  : services for the four loading conditions as defined by Commonwealth Edison Company (CECO). Case B With the 4.16 KV bus 14-1 voltage at 3845 V, the terminal voltage of the safety related continuous duty motors during t block starting in condition 1 and 2 as identified by CECO in ' the Load Table (Reference V.A). , Evaluation of Motor Operated Valves, control circuits, and the ' effects of operation at low voltage on the protective device settings is not in the scope of this calculation. ' l l 1 i k d

185290 . Calc. For Quad Cities 1/II Safety-related Continuous Calc. No. 8913-69 19 1 SARGENT& LUNDY gg3 Load Running / Starting voltages Rev. O Date X Safety-Related Non-Safety-Related Page 4 of 27 i Client Commonwealth Edison Cong2any Prepared by Date Project QuadCktiesUnltl i Reviewed by Date Proj. No. 8913-69 EgJip. No. Approved by Date




Section Descripti_oD Paces I. ISSUE



                                                                                       -     9 i

3 emo i Calc. For Quad Cities 1/11 Safety-related Continuous Calc. mo. 8913-69 19-1 j SARGENT& LUNDY ggg ] Load Running /Sta rting voltages Rev. O Date X Safety-selated han-safety-setated Page 5 of 27 Client Commonwestth Edison Company Prepared ty Date ' , Project QuadbitiesUniti Eeviewed by Date Proj. No. 8913 60 EgJip. No. Approved by Date l V. REFERENCES 1 [ A .' Sargent & Lundy (S&L) Design Information Transmittal (DIT)  ; No. QC-EPED-0489;U1, dated 4-1-92. '

                               . Load Tables and Assumptions and Load Shedding List for                                 l Division II, Unit 1.

B. S&L DIT No. QC-EPED-0470-01, dated 4-16-92.  ; Safety Related Service Feed Cable Data C. S&L DIT No. QC-EPED-0549-00, dated 4-10-92. Motor Nameplate Walkdown Data D. S&L DIT No. QC-EPED-0540-00, dated 4-8-92. l Thermal overload heater catalog numbers E. S&L Calculation 4266/19AZ13, Revision 1, dated 10-31-91.

                             . Thermal overload heater temperature compensation and 85%

of motor rated start-up voltage requirement. F. Panafax Message from Scott Jacobs (GE) to G. J. Hinshaw  ; (S&L), Dated January 28, 1988 i

                             . GE Overload Heater Resistances G.       S&L Standard ESA-102 (June 28, 1991)

Low Voltage Cable Impedances Ohms /100 Feet (90*C) H. S&L Standard ESC-193 (November 28, 1989) , Consideration of overload Heater Resistance I. S&L DIT No. QC-EPED-0522-00, dated 3-6-92. ,

                           . Latest computer data file for QUAD CITIES Unit 1 ELMS-AC analysis to be used as base file for this calculation.

J. S&L Program ELMS-AC, Version 2.2, Computer Program - No. 03.7-043-2.2 L  : K. NEMA Standard MG 1-1987, Part 10, "Ra' tings-AC Small and Medium Motors", and Part 12, " Tests and," Performance - AC Small and Medium Motors" ' i I


 ~          -

Cate. For Quad Cities 1/11 Safety-related Continuous Catc. No. 8913-69-19-1 SARGENT& LUNDY ll ENGINEERS l L ad Running / Starting Voltages Rev. O Date X Safety-Related kon-Safety-Related Page 6 of 27 Cilent conmonwealth Edison Conpany Prepared by Date Project QuadC$tiesUnitii Reviewed by Date Proj. No. B913 69 Ecpip. No. A mro M by Date i V. REFERENCES (Continued)

               /               Running Voltage and Locked Rotor Torque Requirements for Motors L.       S&L DIT No. QC-EPED-0546-00, dated 4-9-92
                             . Cable Length and Size of Feeders from Switchgear 19 to downstream MCCs.

M. S&L DIT No. QC-EPED-0534-00, dated 3-27-92

                            . Battery Charger Data N.       Direct Current Transmission, by Edward W.                           Kimbark, Vol. 1 Wiley-Interscience, 1971
                            . Rectifier Performance O.       S&L DIT No. QC-EPED-0531-00, dated 3-26-92.
                            . Data for Turbine Turning Gear and Piggyback Motor used in ELMS-AC file P.       Telephone Memorandum, between J. Mitchell (Power                                                                   i Conversion) and J. B. Wisniewski (S&L), dated 1-7-92.
                           . Battery Charger Power Factor.                                                                                  '

Q. Letter from J. A. Mitchell (Westinghouse) to J. A. Clements


I (Bechtel), dated 4-15-86.

                           . Minimum Starting Voltage for SBGT Fan Motor.

i R. S&L DIT No. QC-EPED-0556-00, dated 4-16-92 M

                           . Field Walk-down Data for DG Cooling Water Pump Cooler Fans.

S. S&L DIT No. QC-EPED-0555-00, dated 4-16-92

                           . DGCWP Field Walk-down Data.

T. S&L Calculation 8913-73-19-2, Rev. O, " Evaluation of DG 2 Cooling Water Pump Cooler Fan A & B-Mini, mum Starting Voltage", dated 4-3-92 ,

  • 4

185290 Cele. for Quad Cities 1/18 1afety-related continuous Calc. ele. 8913-69-19-1 SARGENT& LUNDY


gg Load Running /itarting Voltages see, c 5te _ X Safety-nelated non-Safety-Related rege 7 of 27 Client Commonwealth Edison Company Propered by bete Project Oued Citles 1 s* unit I noviemedy mete Proj.Ilo. 8913-69 Egulp. Ilo. Approved by tote


V. REFERENCES (Continued)~ i U. S&L Specification R-2317, Revised date 4-13-67

                                       . Quad Cities Units 1 & 2 Specification for Miscellaneous Pumps.                                          '

i V. Telecopy (FAX)'from Dave Barton-(Moline District Office) to J.B.Wisniewski (S&L), dated 3-20-92. 4 Performance Data of Lincoln Electric DGCWP motor. [ W. S&L Calculation 8913-67-19-2, Rev. 0,-dated 4-15-92' Minimum Starting Voltage for DGCWP at Quad Cities 1/II -I X. S&L Calculation 8913-73-19-1, Rev. O, dated 4-15-92 Degraded Voltage Calculation for Quad' Cities 2/II  ! Y.


Letter from R. M. Schiavoni (S&L) to M. S.' Tucker (CECO), dated 4-30-92 i Justification for two overload heater resistances. 'I Z. S&L DIT No. QC-EPED-0571-00, dated 5-1-92 Correction on four valve load names in file 01A4.M05 ' I i I

                                                                                                                                                          'l i

3 i

                                                                                                              . 4                                           1

I 4 , , , - _ _ . _ . . . . . _ _ _ , _ _ , _ _ _ .- 1

r 185290

 ~        -

Calc. For Quad Cities 1/11 52fety-retsted Continuous Cate. No. 0913-69-19-1 SARGENT& LUNDY I l L ad Running / Starting Voltages Rev. O Date ENGINEERS - X Safety-Related hon-Safety-Aetated Page 8 of 27 e i Client Conrnonwealth Edison Cornpany i Prepared try Date i Project Quad Cities Urtit 1 Reviewd try Date 5i Pro). No. 8913-69 Ecpip. No. Amroved try Date

                        ,                                                                                           i VI.      INPUT DdTA i

1.l GE Heater Resistances (Reference V.F): GE Cataloc No. Heater Resistance (Ohm) I' CR123C1.84A 0.915 CR123C2.20A ^ 0.626

  • CR123C2.39A 0.518 ,

CR123C2.68A 0.428 CR123C3.01A 0.355 ' CR123C3.26A 0.294 CR123C5.26A O.065 CR123C5.92A 0.054 i

2. Cable Impedance in Ohms per 100 feet at 90 Degree C (Reference V.G):

Cable Size R X ,

                                #14 AWG                                      .328                  .00418
                                #10 AWG                                      .130                  .00365           :
                                #6 AWG                                       .0513                 .00341
                                #2 AWG                                       .0203                 .00306 1/0 AWG                                      .0128                 .00292 4/0 AWG                                      .00639                .00274 250 MCM                                      .00542                .00273 350 MCM                                      .00389                .00266 l

1 6 f J. s y f

185290 Calc. For Quad Cities 1/11 Safety related Continuous Cate. no.' 8913-69-19-1 SARGENT& LUNDY P ENGNEERS ad unn ng arting M tages Rn. O Date X Safety-Related han-Safety-Related Page 9 of 27 Client Conrnonwealth Edison Conpany Prepared by Date Project Quad dities Unit i Beviewed by Date Proj. No. 8913-69 EgJip. No. Approved by Date VII. ASSUMP IONS I A .f It' is issumed that the values of overload heater resistance (Reference V.F) provided by the heater manufacturer, General Electric (G.E.), are suitable for calculating the motor starting - and running voltages without requiring any adjustment for temperature. As discussed in Reference V.E, GE has stated that the heaters supplied to LaSalle Nuclear Station maintain essentially constant resistance for increases in heater temperature. Based on the GE response on the LaSalle GE heaters, it is reasonable to assume the GE overload heaters at  ; Quad Cities Station also maintain essentially constant resistance for increases in heater temperature. This assumption does not require verification. B. As discussed in S&L Standard ESC-193, motors 200 hp and smaller normally are 460 V motors specified to comply with NEMA MG-1, i which requires motors to start and run with 90% of motor rated voltage at the motor terminals. However, for most loads, these motors will start with 80% or 85% motor rated voltage at the motor terminals and ride through a dip to 75% rated voltage for 1 minute. The explanation of this capability is in NEMA Tables MG1-12.37 and MG1-12.38 which establish starting and breakdown torque requirements for these motors. Induction motors, depending on the size and speed, which can produce at. rated voltage a starting torque equal to 100% to 275% of running torque, will produce at 80% of rated voltage a starting torque equal to 64% to 176% of running torque. Most mechanical loads have a break away (starting) torque less than 35% of full load torque. Therefore, NEMA MG-1 motors will start these loads with an applied terminal voltage substantially less than 90% rated , voltage. This calculation is utilizing 85% of motor rated voltage as the minimum starting voltage requirement. This assumption does not require verification. C. Under degraded voltage conditions, the terminal voltages at C2 electric heaters will be less than the rated value. Heaters are assumed to cycle on more often or remain on for longer period. , The heat generated at reduced voltage is assumed to be sufficient for the intended purpose for all the heaters in Unit 1, Division II. This assumption needs verification by CECO. , D. For the set of loads that are indicated ' Tripped' at certain operating condition in CECO's Load Table, these loads would be disconnected before or at the same time as another set of loads that are marked ' Start' actually start on thd same operating condition. This means that both sets of loads will not be 1


  ~          ^-

1 Calc. For Quid Cities 1/!! Safety related Continuous Calc. No. 8913-69-19-1 ) l SARGENT& LUNDY u l Encinetas a "*d " "S * * * "8 * *8'S ""- "" I I X Safety-Related Non-Safety-Related Page 10 of 27 Client Comonwealth Edison Cormany Prepared tyr Date , l Project Quad C4 ties Unft41 Reviewed try Date Prol. No. 8913-69 Equip. ko. Approved try Date VII. ASSUMPIIONS_ (continued) o operating simultaneously during the period that the incoming motors are starting. This is confirmed by CECO (Reference V.X), therefore, no further verification is required. E. The AC input current to a rectifier, such as a battery charger is directly proportional to the output current, and since the DC system is operated in the steady state, the battery charger will be a constant current load. At high AC input voltage, the DC output is limited by delaying firing of the rectifiers or similar means. Under this condition, the AC power factor is low. However, with low input voltage, the firing of the rectifiers is not delayed in order to maintain a high DC output voltage. This results in a high power factor. Since the AC input voltage to the battery chargers will be low (MCC voltages), a high battery charger power factor (0.95) may be assumed. This assumption does not require verification. (References V.N & V.P). F. The SBGT OUTSIDE AIR SUPPLY DAMPER (0.1 h.p.) has GE overload heater model CO.36A. The resistance value for this heater is not available from the manufacturer's data sheet (Reference Since dampers are not considered as critical continuous V.F). loads in determining minimum 4.16 KV switchgear voltage requirements, the resistance of this overload heater will not affect the results of this calculation. Therefore the heater resistance is not included (assumed zero resistance) in the total feeder impedance for the subject damper. No verification is required for the purpose of this calculation only. G. Typical performance data have been assumed for the following loads (added to the ELMS-AC data file):

                        . Closed Cooling Water Header Isolation Valve
                        . Core Spray pump Suction Valve 1B
                        . Turbine Oil Centrifuge 93 The typical data for these loads are:                                                             j l

Rated Efficiency: 90% Rated Power Factor: 85% (Except 67% calculated for Turbine Oil Centrifuge) Locked Rotor Current: 625% (Except 648% calculated for Turbine Oil Centrifuge) ; j Starting P.F.: 20% l Based on CECO Load Table, these loads are OFF for all four conditions, therefore, the assumed values ha've no impact on the calculation, and no verification is required. 1 l

i 9_ c;m9 9 0 Calc. For Quad Cities 1/II safety-related Continuous Cate. mo. 8913-69-19-1 SARGENT& LUNDY ENGNEERS _ L ad Running / Starting voltages Rev. O Date X Safety-Related Non-Saf ety-Related Pepe 11 of 27 Client Commonwealth Edison Conpany Prepared by Date Project Quad CNties Unie.1 Reviewed by Date Proj. No. 8913-6f Ecpip. No. Approved by Date i VII. ASSUMPTIONS (continued) i H.' It is assumed that the TURBINE TURNING GEAR PIGGYBACK MOTOR has running power factormf 60% and efficiency of 85% which correspond to 1.4 hp rating based on 2.7A FLC. This motor has a comparatively short duty time and the rating of this motor is significantly smaller than its main service TURBINE TURNING GEAR MOTOR (60 hp). Therefore, possible variations in the values of power factor and efficiency will have a negligible effect on the calculation results. Conseguently, no verificatio.. is required for this assumption. s I i 92 O e

                                                                                                /                         i

185290 1 l Calc. For Cued Cities 1/II Safety-related Contin.mus Calc. 50. 8913-69-19-1 ] SARGENT& LUNDY ,

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to.d Runnins/sterting vottenes new. o note K Safety-Related man-Safety-Related Page 12 of 27 j 1 Client- Comonwealth Edison Cmny Prepared by Date  : i Project oued cities unit 1 - Revieund by Date f i ProJ. 5o. 8913-69 E pip. mo. Approved by Date l

                            .                                                                                                     i VIII.      ACCEPd'ANCE CRITERIA s

The minimum running voltage of the continuous duty motor is.90% of l the motor rated voltage. This requirement is in accordance with industrial standard outlined in NEMA MG-1, Part 12, Section 12.44.1 i (Reference V.K.). ,

                                                                                                                                .1 The minimum motor starting voltage for continuous duty motors is 85%                                               i of the motor rated voltage except as noted below, and the                                                          !

justification for this criterion is stated in Assumption VII.B. The l following motors have the indicated minimum starting voltage: 't

1. SBGT FAN - 75% of 460 V (Reference V.Q) e
2. DG CLG WATER PUMP 1 - 70% of 460 V (Reference V.W)  !
3. DG 1 CLG WATER PUMP COOLER (Reference V.T, see note) l FAN A & B - 75% of 460 V i I

note: Reference V.T establishes the minimum starting voltage for  ! Unit 2 DGCWP cooler fans. However, by comparing the field  ! walk-down data in Reference V.R with the Unit 2 DGCWP cooler ' fan walk-down data in Reference V.T, it is found that'both units use identical DGCWP cooler' fan motors. Therefore, the 75% minimum starting voltage also applies to' Unit 1 motors.  !

                                                                                                                              -t 1

i f l i 1 i

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an i

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I i


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185290  ! 1 Cate. For Quad Cities 1/13 Safety-related Contiruous Cate.' me. 8913-69-19 { SARGENT& LUNDY  ! L ad RunningMtarting Voltages Rw. D. Ate j ENGINEERS , I X Safety-Related Non-Safety-Related Page 13 of 27 { [ CliairR~ Conrnonwestth [dison Cormany Prepared by ~ Date -l Revleued by Date' Prsiect Quad Cities Unit,1 Prel. No. 8913-69 EeJip. No. Approved by Date -

                                       ,                                                                                                 -4 IX. METHODOL'OGY                                                                                                             l t                                                                                                       E t

Feed cable impedances are modeled for the safety-related services. If;the service is a motor and rated no more than 3 hp, per S&L i standard ESC-193, the overload heater resistance is also included in  ! the feeder impedance. If there are two overload relay heaters in  ! series, from_ Reference V.Y, heater resistance will be included for  ! motors no more than 10 HP. The calculation is performet by using Program ELMS-AC, Version 2.2. The Existing ELMS-AC Data File , Q1A4.M05 is modified for use in this calculation. The two cases as  ; mentioned in Section III will be run on the modified data file. { Modifications to the File Q1A4.M05 include: l Model the 480 V safety related service feeder impedances by  ; adding a terminal bus and using the feeder impedance as the i connection data between the MCC and the terminal bus.

                                                                                                                                         .i Disabl'e the existing two sources in the file for all operating                                            !

conditions. Add dummy source 3 connected to 4160 V switchgear -[i 14-1 valid for all four conditions in the file. Adjust the source 3 voltage such-that the voltage at 4.16 KV Switchgear 14-1 is kept at 3845 V for all runs. Change the existincJ four operating conditions in the ELMS-AC { file to the following four LOCA operating conditions as defined  ; 4 in the Load Table supplied by Commonwealth Edison Company l (CECO) (Reference V. A) :  ; Condition 1: LOCA Time Zero Condition 2: RHR SW Initiation i Condition 3: CR STANDBY HVAC Initiation , Condition 4: Post LOCA Steady State l I It should be noted that these new operating conditions only l apply to Division II loads that are listed in Ceco's Load Table. J Although loads outside this division still remain in the-data file, their values are not adjusted to the defined operating ,

  'es                           conditions. However, their values are irrelevant to this                                                    !

calculation.  ! Adjust loadings at different operating conditions to those  ; defined in the CECO Load Table and Load Shedding List (Reference j V.A), with the brake horsepower determined in the following -l order of preference: .  ! J , i , e

                                                                                                 -       g
                                                                                                        <                                :t
                                                                                                                                          'i j  ,


185290 Calc. For Gusd Cities 1/I! Ssfety-related Continuous Cele. to. 8913-69 19-1 SARGENT& LUNDY ' ENGINEERS [ a unn tarting W tages M.O Date X Safety-Related Non-Safety-Related Pope 14 of 27 l Client Conrnonwealth Edison Company Prepared by Date Project Quad Cltles Unit.1 Reviewed by Date Proj. mo. 8913-69 Egsip. No. Approved t, Date IX. METHODO OGY (Continued)

                /       I
1. Specified in Ceco Load Table Assumptions, or any other documents.
2. Existing file, condition 3.
3. Existing file, other conditions.
4. 90% of the nameplate rated brake horse power. ,

Change Diesel Generator Cooling Water Pump Data as indicated in References V.S, U, V. Change 125 V and 250 V Battery Charger KVA rating to the calculated value based on the nameplate data given in Reference V.M., and Power Factor as in Assumption VII.E. . Manually reduce resistive type loads (Type 'R') KVA or KW value according to the bus operating voltage such that they are being treated as constant impedance type loads in the current version of ELMS-AC (The program treats all loads as constant KVA). An exemption to this is the battery chargers. The battery chargers are marked as 'R' type loads but are being treated as constant current loads. Reenter the feed cable impedance from switchgear 19 to each down-stream MCC. Change the rated HP cf DG 1 Cooling Water Pump Cooler Fan A & B from 0.8 to 1.5 according to the field walk-down data (Reference V.R) Add the following loads to the ELMS-AC data file. TURBINE TURNING GEAR PIGGY BACK MOTOR (MCC 19-3) TURBINE OIL CENTRIFUGE (MCC 19-3) CLOSED COOLING WATER MEADER ISOL VALVE (MCC 19-1) u CORE SPRAY PUMP SUCTION VALVE IB (MCC 19-1) t 9 4 e

10 D c y (, calc. f or 0a-4 Cities 1/!! Saf ety-related Contirueus cate. mo. 8913-69 19-1 SARGENT& LUNDY l L ad Running /$terting Voltages Rev. O Date i ENGNEERS ] N Safety-Related Non-Saf ety-Related Page 15 of 27 Client Comonwealth Edison Conpany Prepared by Date Project Quad tities Umit 1 Reviewed ty Date Proj. No. 8913-69 EoJip. No. 4 proved by Date IX. METHODO20.g1 (Continued) i 3

                'The 'calctilations are performed at cable conductor 1emperature of 90 degrees Celsius for both running and starting cases.

There are eight identical RHR SW Pump Cooler Fans fed from MCC 19-2 through AWG #10 cable. They are block started on Condition 2 in CECO Load Table. To avoid redundancy, only the terminal bus for the motor.with longest feed cable length (in this case Pump 1C Cooler Fan A) is modeled in the program to represent the worst case voltage profile among these motors. The acceptance of runninc; and starting voltages of this motor also applies to the remaining seven motors. i Safety related electric heaters will not be used as limiting cases to determine the voltage requirements. This is based on the dssumption that heaters will generate sufficient heat at the degraded voltage condition (Assumption VII.C). For the block motor starting case study, the 4.16 KV Switchgear 14-1 voltage is set at 3845 V. The block motor starting feature in the ELMS-AC is used to simultaneously start multiple motors as marked ' Start' in CECO Load Table under conditions one and two respectively. Voltages at motor terminals of all four conditions are compared for the running case, and the worst case voltage is to be used as the result for Case A. c2 l

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                             -       Calc. For Quad Cities 1/II S2fety-related Continucus       Calc. No. 8913-69-19-1 SARGENT.* LUNDY L ad Running / Starting Voltages                           Rev. O     Date ENGINEERS X     Safety-Related               Non-Safety-Related      Pepe 16       of 27 Client    Comonwealth Edison Conpany                             Prepared by                       Date Project Quad Cities Untt41                                       Reviewed Ly                       Date Pre). No. 8913-69           f @ip. No.                          Approved by                       Date X. CALCULAT/ON i
1. ,' Battery Charaer Data.

Battery Charger AC Input Rating (Reference V.M) Voltage: 480V, current: 113A (250 V Charger); 48A(125 V Charger), Frequency: 60 Hz, 3 Phase. Input KVA = 1.732*480*113 = 94 KVA (250V Charger) Input KVA = 1.732*480*48 = 39.9 KVA (125V Charger) Since the input KVA is used in the ELMS-AC file, Efficiency is entered 100%. Running Power Factor: 95 % (Assumption VII.E)

2. Data for Diesel Generator Coolina Water Pump (DGCWP) 1.

From the field walk-down data (Reference V.S): Rated Voltage: 460 V Rated Speed: 3525 rpm Rated Horsepower: 100 hp NEMA Design Code: E From the purchase specification of DGCWP 1 (Reference V.U): Brake Power = 90 HP From Reference V.V: Full Load Current = 116 A Rated Efficiency = 88.5% Therefore, the rated power factor can be calculated as:

                                                                                       = 0. 912 PFraced =
                                                  /J       116     0.46      0.885 l

From Reference V.H, the typical starting power factor for 100 HP 2 pole induction motor is 37% - 0 l l l

e ._ m - t DD %0 Calc. For Quad Cit'*s 1/!! S2f ety-related Contirucus Calc. ho. 8913-69 19 1  !

        '                              L ad Rtrining/ Starting Voltages                                                                         Rev. O                             Date ENGNEER$;j X       Safety-Related              horr$afety-Related                                                   Page 17                               of 27 Client    Conrnonwealth Edison Ct uny                            Prepared by                                                                                           Date Project Quad cities Un'it i                                      Reviewed by                                                                                           Date Proj. No. B913-69         Ecpip. No.                          Am roved by                                                                                           Date X.         CALCUL7 ' ION (Continued)


                    ' From NEMA MG-1 (Reference V.K), for a NEMA design E motor, the upper limit of locked-rotor KVA par HP is 5.0, therefore, 5.0      100 100 LRC(%)      =                           = 541
                                                               /1     116 0.46 f
3. Calculation of MCC Feed Cable Impedances.

Based on Reference V.L, the feed cable impedance from Switchgear 19 to down-stream MCC's are calculated in the Table 1: f Table 1. Feeder Cable Impedances From Switchgear to MCC's From Bus To Bus Cable Cable Total Total l Size Length (ft) Resistance Reactance + SWGR 19 MCC 19-1 250 MCM 347 0.0188074 0.0094731 SWGR 19 MCC 19-2 250 MCM 156 0.0084552 0.0042588 , SWGR 19 MCC 19-3 250 MCM 392 0.0212464 0.0107016 SWGK 19 MCC 19-4 250 MCM 330 0.0178860 0.009009 SWGR 19 MCC 18/9-5 250 MCM 324 0.0175608 0.0088452 SWGR 19 HCC 19-6 350 MCM 350 0.013616 0.009310 33 b e f

                                                                                                         ?                                                                                          ,

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198990 Calc. For cued Cities 1/I1 Safety-related Continuous Calc. No. 8913-69-19-1 SARGENT&LUNDYl

                 ; ENGNEERS sI     Lead Running / Starting voltages                           Rev. O     Date X     Safety-Related               Non-Safety-Felsted      Page 18       of 27 Client Cormonwealth Edison Cornpany                             Prepared by                       Date Project Quad Oities urris 1 7                                   Reviewed by                       rate Proj. No. 8913-69            Ecpip. ho.                         Approved by                       Sete X.         CALCULAh10N (Continued)

4 .' Turbine Turning Gear Picavback Motor The data to be entered in the ELMS-AC file are as follows: From Reference V.0, Rated Voltage: 440V, ' Full Load Current:2.7A, Speed: 450 RPM. From Assumption VII.H, Power Factor: 60%, Efficiency: 85%, LRC: 625%, Starting Power Factor: 20% (typical values to be ' entered in the program, not used in this calculation). HP = 4 0.44 2.7 0.6 0.85 , y ,4 0.746

5. Turbine Oil Centrifuoe Motor From Reference V.C, Rated Power: 2 HP, FLC: 3.1 A, RPM: 1740 With 90% Efficiency (Assumption VII.G), the P.F. can be calculated as:
                                                             -   4       -

PFrated = = 0.67 8 3.1 0.46 0.9 i For NEMA code J (Reference V.C), the upper limit of Locked Rotor KVA per HP is 8.0 KVA/HP, therefore: L 8.0 2 100 LRC(%) = = 648 8 3.1 - 0.46 48 6. Calculation of Safety-related Service Feeder Innedance For the loads given in References V.B as the safety-related services in Division II, Unit 1, the load name, equipment number, rated horsepower from Reference V.I, overload heater i catalog number from References V.D, and cable data from References V.B are tabulated in Table 2, with total feeder . impedance calculated.  ; 5

185990  ;

                                  ;   Calc. Fcr Quad Cities 1/II Saf ety-related Continuous               Catc. No. 8913-69-19-1 SARGENT& LUNDY !!                                                                                                         !

ENGINEERS L ad Running / Starting voltages Rev. O Date X Safety-Related Non-Safety-Related Page 19 of 27 Client Congnonwealth Edison Company Prepered tyr Date Project Quad Cities Unit 41 Reviewed try Da te Prof. 50. 8913-69 Equip. ma. Amroved tyr Date X. CALCULAbON (Continued)


Table 2. Safety re *ed 10ad feeder impedances. SERVICE Load RATED! CABLE : CABLE HEATER TOTAL TOTAL

                                               . No          HP      ! SIZE ! LENGTH              MODEL  RESIS-         REAC-l         l           !
                                                                                ! (FT)                    TANCE        TANCE DG 1 CLG WATER PUMP 1                   i 586 1 100 l             4/O i       705    i*           O.0450       0.0193 HPCI EMERG AIR HLG UNIT 1               l 597 I        3      l AWG   14 i    520    iC526A       1.7706       0.0217 HPCI CLG WTR SEAL COND PMP ! 599                      25      l AWG   6       465    I*           0.2385       0.0159 RHRS EMERG AHU 1B                       ! 594 _ 7.5 iAWG 14                   268    j*           O.8790       0.0112 POST LOCA H2/02 MTR PMP 1B i 602 l                     1      iAWG 10         290    iC220A       1.0030       0.0106 STBY LQD CONT PUMP 1B                        593 i 50            AWG 2        428
  • O.0869 0.0131 NF DG OIL XFER PUMP 1 591 l 3 AWG 14 568 2*C268A 2.7190 0.0237 NF DG RM HVAC SUPPLY FAN 1 1 588 I 50 1/0 558
  • 0.0714 0.0163 CORE SPRAY EMERG AHU IB 589 i 5 AWG 14 298
  • 0.9774 0.0125 HPCI TANK HEATER 612 l 9KW AWG 10 454
  • O.5902 0.0166 AF DG OIL XFER PMP 2 i 590 i 3 AWG 14 856 C268A 3.2357 0.0358 AF RHR EMERG AHU 2B 1 603 I 7.5 AWG 10l 825
  • 1.0725 0.0301 AF RHR EMERG AHU 2B 603 i 7.5 iAWG 14j 97
  • O.3182 0.0041 AF DG RM HVAC SPLY FAN 2 600 50 1 1/0 j 863
  • O.1105 0.0252 DG STARTING AIR COMP 1A 618 5 iAWG 14 i 312
  • 1.0234 0.0130 DG STARTING AIR COMP IB ,

616 i 5 i AWG 14 1 317

  • 1.0398 0.0133 DG 1 CLG WTR PUMP CLR FAN BI 627 I 1.5 l AWG 14 453 iC326A 1.7798 0.0189 DG 1 CLG WTR PUMP CLR FAN Al 626 i 1.5 l AWG 14 455 C301A 1.8474 0.0190 RHRS WTR PMP ID CLR FAN A l 628 1 3 fAWG10 373 C526A O.5499 0.0136 RHRS WTR PMP 1D CLR FAN B 629 3 i AWG 10 l 368 CS26A O.5434 0.0134 RHRS WTR PMP ID CLR FAN C 630 3 AWG 10 370 C526A O.5460 0.0135 RHRS WTR PMP ID CLR FAN D l 631 3 AWG 10 374 c526A 0.5512 0.0137 RHRS WTR PMP IC CLR FAN A ! 622 3 AWG 10 407 C526A 0.5941 0.0149 RHRS WTR PMP IC CLR FAN B 623 i 3 AWG 10 403 CS26A O.5889 0.0147 RHRS WTR PMP IC CLR FAN C 624 i 3 AWG 10 403 C526A O.5889 0.0147 RHRS WTR PMP IC CLR FAN D 625 i 3 i AWG 10 407 C526A 0.5941 0.0149 250 V BATTERY CHARGER #1 1 617 i 94kVA 250 MCM 238 l* O.0129 0.0065 g3 125 V BATTERY CHARGER #1  ; 619 139. 9kVA AWG 2 126 -
  • 0.0256 0.0039 RX BLDG VENT TO STDGY GAS i 646 I 1 AWG 14 196 C239A 1.1609 0.0082 SBGT INLET DAMPER 1/2B l 649 I O.7 AWG 14 192 C184A 1.5448 0.0080 SBGT DISCHARGE DAMPER 648 1 2.7 AWG 14 243 C184A 1.7120 0.0102 SBGT OUTSIDE AIR SPLY DMPR 647 l 0.1 AWG 14 171 ICO36A O.5609 0.0071 ACAD AIR COMPRESSOR { 644 1 25 AWG 2 131 j* O.0266 0.0040 SBGT FAN I 643 ! 20 AWG 10 256 ja 0.3328 0.0093 SBGT AIR HEATER I 642 1 30 KW AWG 6 i 323 l* O.1657 0.0110' CONT RM RTRN AIR FAN 1/2 i 662 1 30 AWG 2 I 808 la
  • O.1640 0.0247


               -                                                                                                                   ~

185290 4 Catc. For Dusd Cities 1/II Safety-related Continuous Calc. No. 0913-69-19-1  : SARGENT& LUNDY .. ENGINEERS Load Running / Starting Voltages Rev. O Date ~ l l X Safety-Related man-Safety-Related Page 20 of 27 t Client Connonwealth Edison Conpany Prepared by Date Project Quad dities l#iit 1 Revieund by Date -j Proj. me. 8913-69 Essip. mo. A p roved by Date . X. CALCULAd' ION (Continued) 7 .' Co'mouter Runs for Case A  : The purpose of Case A 'is to determine the running voltacJe at the terminals of the safety related 480 V system loads in Division  ; II under the worst operating condition among the four defined in the CECO Load Table. - [ Computer Runs for Case A include the following considerations. ' i

n. From the ELM-AC running voltage summary, it is found that  ;

condition 4 is the worst loading scenario that requires the hic; hest 4.16 KV bus voltage. Therefore, condition 4 is  ! being considered in Case A. i

b. The existing (Version 2.1 and 2.2) ELMS-AC program performs l starting and voltage drop calculations assuming that all l loads are constant KVA loads. Since the majority of the s t loads ir 3 power plant are motors which have a constant KVA  :

charac$ ,1stic, this is a reasonable assumption. However,  ! this approach is conservative for those loads which have a  ; constant current or constant impedance characteristic running at below the load rated voltage. In order to eliminate this conservatism, the resistive 'R' type loads are manually reduced in KVA or KW rating for use i in Version 2.2 of ELMS-AC, where they are being treated as  ; constant KVA loads. The 125 V and 250 V battery chargers are manually adjusted- ~! in KVA value in order to represent their constant current .i characteristics. The adjustments use the following formula: f y 1 new " surming y on r ra ws where V is the actual MCC running voltage.  : K9h running is the brake KVA before adjustment. ,

                                                                                                                                      .t i

i a 8 .

185290 Calc. For Quad Cities 1/11 Safety-related Continuous calc. No. 8913-69-19 1 SARGENT& LUNDY l Load Running / Starting Voltages Rev. D Date i ENGINEERS y X Safety-Related Non-Safety-Related Page 21 of 27 Client Conrnonwealth Edison Company Prepared by Date Project Quad C4 ties Unit <1 Reviewed by Date Proj. No. 8913-69 Equip. No. A m roved by Date X. CALCULA ION (Continued)


The rest of the 'R' type loads are manually adjusted in KVA or KW value to represent their constant impedance characteristics. The adjustments use the following formula: f y \2 new ' running '

                                                                              \yrated; The running KVA before adjustment is determined by using the value in the base file for these 'R' type loads. The adjusted 'R' type load values are tabulated in Table 3.

It should be noted that feed cable impedance to all the 'R' type loads are neglected in the KVA adjustments, which is being conservative. The adjustment is based on Condition 4 _ running voltages and the adjusted values are entered into all conditions where the 'R' type loads are ON. However, the adjusted value should only be considered valid for condition 4 voltages.

c. The output voltage of the battery chargers will drop when less than 90 % of rated input voltage is available. This will result in a " Battery Low Voltage" alarm before the battery discharges to a point where there is insufficient energy available from the battery to supply the load profile. Therefore, the terminal voltages at the battery chargers are not to be evaluated by the running voltage criteria (Reference V.A).

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185290 Calc. For Quad Cities 1/II Safety related Continuous Calc. No. 8913-69-19-1 SARGENT& LUNDY L ad Running / Starting Voltages Rev. O Date EM6S a X Safety-Related Non-Safety-Related Page 22 of 27 Client Carmonwealth Edison Conpany Prepared by Date Project Quad Cities Unit 1 Reviewed by Date Pro). No. 8913-69 EgJip. ho. Approved by Date X. CALCULA ION (Continued)

               ,'    ' Table 3.        Adjustments of              'R'    Type Loads for Case A Load          ELMS-        Run-         Load       SWGR         MCC     New
                        ._ Name           Load        ning        Rated       /MCC       Volt. KVA No.         KVA         Volts        No RX Bldg Lighting          584           72         480         19       440.6    60.7 IB 120/208V Xfmr Feed          592            5        480        19-1       436.9     4.1 19-1-1 250 V Battery          617          94         480        19-2       435.8    85.3 Charoer#1 125 V Battery          619        39.9         480        19-2       435.8    36.2 Charcer#1 SBGT Air Heaters           642          30         480        19-4       438.6    25.0 43 O

6 0

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                                 ,   Calc. For Quad Cities 1/11 $sfety related Continuous           calc. No. 8913-69-19-1  .

SARGENT& LUNDY Load Running / Starting Voltages Rev. O Date i ENGINEERS X Safety-Related hon-Safety-Related Page 23 of 27 Client Conrnonwealth Edison Company Prepared by Date Project Quad Cities Unit,i Reviewed by Date Proj. No. 8913-69 Ecpip. No. 4 proved by Date X. CALCUIX ION (Continued) 1

8. / Computer Runs for Case B The purpose of this case is to determine whether the starting continuous duty motors have adequate terminal voltage when block starting a group of motors that are marked ' Start' at LOCA Time Zero condition or RHRS SW Initiation condition given in CECO's Load Table. The bus voltage at 14-1 is to be kept at 3845 V.

The computer runs for Case B include the following considerations.

a. At LOCA Time Zero condition (Condition 1), the block starting motors include:
b. At RHR SW Initiation condition (Condition 2), the block starting motors include:
1. RHR SW Pump 1C Cooler Fan A (@ MCC 19-2)
2. RHR SW Pump 1C Cooler Fan B (@ MCC 19-2)
3. RHR SW Pump 1C Cooler Fan C (@ MCC 19-2)
4. RHR SW Pump 1C Cooler Fan D (@ MCC 19-2)
5. RHR SW Pump 1D Cooler Fan A (@ MCC 19-2)
6. RHR SW Pump 1D Cooler Fan B (@ MCC 19-2) 42 7. RHR SW Pump 1D Cooler Fan C (@ MCC 19-2)
8. RHR SW Pump 1D Cooler Fan D (@ MCC 19-2)


  ~         -

Cate. For Quad Cities 1/I! Saf ety-related Continuous Calc. No. 8913-69-19-1 SARGENT& LUNDY om e ng terting voltages an. O Date ENGNEERS _ F Safety-Related Non-Safety-Related Page 24 of 27 Client Commonwealth Edison Company Prepared by Date Project Quad CNties Un%b 1 - Reviewed by Date Proj. No. 8913-69 Egalp. No. Apprtwed by Date X. CALCULA ION (Continued) 1

                         'Among the first eight identical motors, due to the feed cable length, the RHR SW Pump 1C Cooler Fan A has the worst starting voltage and therefore is evaluated.
c. The 'R' type loads are adjusted in the same way as in Case A, and the adjusted load values for Case B are tabulated in Table 4. The adjusted loading is entered to the corresponding load in each starting case ELMS-AC data file for the starting load condition only.

Table 4 Adjustment of 'R' type Loads for Case B Load ELMS- Run- Load SWGR Condition 1 Condition 2 Name Load ning Rated /MCC No. KVA Volts No MCC V KVA MCC V KVA Rx Bldg Lighting 584 72 480 19 418.4 54.7 434.6 59.0 in 120/208V Xfmr Feed 592 5 480 19-1 417.9 3.8 431.0 4.0 19-1-1 250 V Battery 617 94 480 19-2 413.9 81.1 427.4 83.7 Charger #1 125 V Battery 619 39.9 480 19-2 413.9 34.4 427.4 35.5 Charger #1 SBGT Air Heaters 642 30 480 19-4 412.5 22.2 430.5 24.1 33 O d


     ;                                Cole. For Quod Cities 1/11 Safety-related Continuous        Cole. No. 8913-60-19 1.

I l!SARGENT&LUNDYt' i' ENGINEERS { L ad Running / Starting voltages Rev. 0 .Date X Safety-Related kon-Saf ety-Related Pope 25 of 27 Client Comonwealth Edison Coppany Prepared by Date Project Quad Cities Unit,1 Reviewed by Date , Proj. No. 8913-69 Equip. No. Agproved by Date XI. COMPMRISON OF CALCULATED RESULTS WITH ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA I

1. Case-A computer printouts are included in Appendix A. The '

results are summarized in Table 5. i Table 5. Summary of Running Voltage Run - Case A Load / Bus Rated Motor / Bus Minimum Feed MCC , Name Voltage Running Acceptable MCC Voltage (V) (V) Voltage (V) (V) Bus 4160 3845.0 -- -- -- 14-1 DG OIL 460 420.4 414.0 19-1 436.9 r TRANSFER t PUMP 1 RHRS 460 422.1 414.0 19-1 436.9 EY2RG. AHU IB t DG STG 460 424.2 414.0 19-2 435.8 AIR COMP. IB DG STG 460 424.4 414.0 19-2 435.8 . AIR COMP. lA HPCI 460 425.1 414.0 19-1 436.9 EYERG. ' AHU It is noted that all safety related loads have running voltage above the acceptance criteria of 90% of 460 V. ra l l

                                                                                       .       4 l

l l l l l

185290 Catc. For Qu d Cities 1/11 Safety-related Contindous calc. No. C913-69-19-1 SARGENT& LUNDY !1 L ad Running / Starting Voltages Rev. D Date ENGINEERS ] X Safety-Related Non-Safety-Related Page 26 of 27 Client Commonwealth Edison Conpany Prepared by Date Project Quad Cities Unit 1 Reviewed by Date Proj. no. 8913-69 tcpip. bo. Approsed by Date XI COMPARIS N OF CALCULATED RESULTS WITH ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA (continued) o 2.' Case B computer printouts are included in Appendix B. The results are summarized in Table 6. Table 6. Summary of Starting Voltage Runs - Case B (3845.0 V at Switchgear 14-1) Limit ing Starting MCC Starting Voltage Motor Load Condition Voltage Name (MCC No) Terminal Accept. V DG Cooling LoCA Time 418.4 385.6 V 322 Water Pump Zero (19) (83.8%) (70%) 1 SBGT Fan LOCA Time 412.5 371.9 V 345 Zero (19-4) (80.8%) (75%) DG1 Clg LOCA Time 413.9 381.0 V 345 Wtr Pmp Zero (19-2) (32.8%) (75%) Clr Fan A RHRS SW RHR SW 427.4 410.5 V 391 Pump 1C Initiation (19-2) (89.2%) (85%) Clr Fan A It should be noted that at both conditions (LOCA time zero and RHR SW initiation), all startincJ continuous duty motors meet their respective acceptance criteria.

  • n e +



                                ,   Cate. For oa-d Cities 1/11 Safety-related Continuous     Cate. No. 8913-69-19 1 SARGENT& LUNDY             }

8 9 8 no vohages kn. O Dan

                   > ENGINEERS LJ X     Saf ety-Related              Non-Safety-Related    Page 27       of 27 Client Commonwealth Edison Conpany                              Prepared by                       Date Project Quad dities Unit 1                                      Reviewed by                       Date Proj. No. 8913 69          EoJip. No.                       4 proved by                       Date XII.              CON LUSIONS
                      'Thi5 calculation evaluates the motor terminal voltage during starting and running, with 3845 Volts at the 4.16 KV Switchgear 14-1, for the safety related 480 V system loads in Quad Cf. ties Unit 1, Division II for the LOCA loading conditions defined by CECO.

The calculation indicates that, with the identified assumptions in thd.s calculation, all startincJ motors as identified in the CECO Load Table for Condition 1 and 2

                    ~ meet their respective acceptance criteria, and all of the safety-related loads meet the 90% running voltage criteria.

XIII. RECOMMENDATIONS Not applicable due to the scope of this calculation. O

                                                                                          /                          j l


    ~     ~

18529.0-Calc. For Quod Cities 1/11 Safety-related Continuous


SARGENT& LUNDY l - g g Load Running / Starting Voltages.

  • X. Safety-telsted hen-$afety-helated "*n* ~~'*

Client Commonwealth Edison Company- Prepared by hate - PreJoct Qua$CitiesUAlt


I noviamed by - tote Proj. ho. 8913-69 Equip. he. Approved by tote



 .M i

i k i i l

                                                                                                #                                      3
                                                                                                                                      's i

C l' Calc. For Quad Cities 1/11 Safety-related Continuous . _ lSARGENT& LUNDY Running i h / Starting voltages ENGINEERS b .


X Safety-Related man-Safety-Related Client Connonwealth Edison Conpany Prepared ty Date-Project QuadiCities Unit 1 Reviewed ty Date Prof. No. 8913-69 Essip. ho. Approved ty Date o i Listed in the following order:  ; File: Z1.DAT , Bus Data, Connection Data, Load Data; Running Voltage Summary; } Load Summary by Bus. Note: In the base ELMS-AC file: Q1A4.M05, there are four Equipment Number - Load Name mismatches. In this calculation, the equipment number is used as the key to relate loads as appearing in Ceco Load Table and the ELMS-AC file. In the future revision of file Q1A4.M05, the mismatched Load Names will be corrected (Reference V.Z) . These four loads are: Equipment ELMS Mismatched Correct Number LOAD No Load Name Load Name 1-202-9A 668 RX WTR RECIRC RX WTR RECIRC LOOP EQUAL VLV LP EQ BYPASS VLV e 1-202-6B 669^ RX WTR RECIRC RX WTR RECIRC PMP SUCTION LP EQ VALVE IB 1-202-4B 670 RX WTR RECIRC RX WTR RECIRC PMP DISCH VLV PMP SUCTION VLV 1-202-9B 674 RX WTR RECIRC RX WTR RECIRC LP EQUAL VLV LP EQ BYPASS VLV u h s f



At Electrical Load Monitoring System Ver 2.20 0:te : 04 27-92 sargent & Lundy Engineers - I Chicago, lit. - _; k Utility : Sargent & Lundy Internal use Proj. No. : 8913-94 Station : QUA0 CITIES flLE:Z1.DAT unit : 1

                                                                *** Bus Data *"

J e 4

                                                                                                         ......... Source Data ---- -- -

Rec Bus Class Velid Swgr Maxinun K Inter. Trip Min Run Max SC SC Prefit I 8 Bus Name Voltage 1E SC Anps Sources MVA Volts Fact Cycles Del Volts MVA X/R V (PU) '


1 GE"ERATOR 1 f18000.0 N 500000. 15000. 18900.0 1.00 $ sym .0 17100.0 10479.0 72.0 1.050 This scurce is valid for condition (s) 2 345KV SWITCH YARD 345000.0 N 50000, 30000. 362000.0 1.00 5 Syn .0 349000.0 14000.0 10.0 1.050 This source is valid for condition (s) 3 EQUIVELANT SOURCE 3 4160.0 Y 99999. 5000, 4760.0 1.00 $ sym .0 3820.1 99999.0 25.0 1.000 This source is valid for cordition(s) 12 3 4 i 4 UAT 11 INTERNAL BUS 18000.0 N 500000. 1 15000. 18900.0 1.00 5 sym .0 5180KV DUMY BUS 180000.0 N 50000. 2 30000. 200000.0 1.00 5 sym .0 6 x WIN 0G IMGINRY BUS 4160.0 N 29000. 1 250. 4760.0 1.24 5 sym .0 ' 7 Y WINDG IMAGINRY BUS 4160.0 N 42474. 1 350. 4760.0 1.19 5 T C .0 i 8 Y UINDING BUS 8 4160.0 N 42474. 2 350. 4760.0 1.19 5 T C .0 l 9 X WINDING BUS 6 4160.0 N 29000. 2 250. 4760.0 1.24 5 syn .0 10 4KV SWGR 11 4160.0 W 42474. 1 2 350. 4760.0 1.19 5 T C .0 11 4KV SWCR 12 4160.0 N 42474. 1 2 350. 4760.0 1.19 5 7 C .0 12 4KV sW,R 13 4160.0 Y 29000. 1 2 250. 4760.0 1.24 5 sym .0 13 4KV SWGR 14 4160.0 Y 29000. 1 2 250. 4760.0 1.24 5 sym .0 14 4KV SWGR 13-1 4160.0 Y 20000. 1 2 250. 4760.0 1.24 5 sym .0 _ 15 4KV sica 14-1 4160.0 Y 29000. 3 250. 4760.0 1.24 5 syn .0 gg64KVSWGR31 4160.0 N 29000. 1 2 250. 4760.0 1.24 5 syn .0 17 DIESEL GENERATOR 1 4160.0 Y 29000. 1 2 250. 4760.0 1.24 5 syn .0 18 DIESEL GENERATOR 1/2 4160.0 Y 29000. 1 2 250. 4760.0 1.24 5 sym .0 1 19 HIGN $1DE OF XFMR 15 4160.0 N 29000. 1 2 250. 4760.0 1.24 5 sym .0 . o 20 480V SWGR 15 480.0 N 22000. 1 2 l 21 MIGH SIDE Or mrMR 10 4160.0 N 29000. 1 2 250. 4760.0 1.24 5 sym .0 7 l 22 480V MCC 10-1 480.0 N 14000. 1 2

185.29L0 AC Electrical Load Monitoring System Ver 2.20 1 Dste : 04 27-92 Sargent & Lundy Engineers Chicago, 111.


Utility . Sergent & Lmdy Internal use Proj. ho.

  • 8913-94 Station : QUAD ClflES-7!LE:21.DAT unit : 1
  • Bus Data
  • J i 4
                                                                                                            ......... Source Data ----- --

Rec Bus Class Valid Swgr K . Inter. Trip Min Run Max SC SC Prefit

  • Bus Name VoJtage 1E SC Amps Sources MVA Volts Fact Cycles Del Volts MVA X/R V (PU) ,

23 HIGH SIDE OF XFMR 16 / 4160.0 N 29000 1 2 250. 4760.0 1.24 5 Sym .0 1  ! 24 480V SWGR 16 480.0 N 22000. 1 2 25 HIGH SIDE OF XFMR 17 4160.0 N 29000. 1 2 250. 4760.0 1.24 5 Sym .0 26 480V SWGR 17 480.0 N 22000. 1 2 27 HIGH SIDE OF XFMR 18 4160.0 Y 29000. 1 2 250, 4760.0 1.24 5 Sym .0 28 480V SWCR 18 480.0 Y 22000. 1 2 29 HIGH SIDE OF XFMR 19 4160.0 Y 29000. 3 250. 4760.0 1.24 5 Sym .0 30 480V SWGR 19 480.0 Y 22000. 3 31 HICH SIDE OF XFMR 1A 4160.0 N 29000. 1 2 250. 4760.0 1.24 5 Sym .0 32 480V MCC 1A-1 480.0 N 25000. 1 2 33 MICH $1DE OF XFMR 31 4160.0 N 29000. 1 2 250. 4760.0 1.24 5 Sym .0 j 34 480V HCC 30 480.0 N 22000. 1 2 35 480V MCC 15-1 480.0 N 14000. 1 2 36 480v MCC 15-2 480.0 N 14000. 1 2 j 37 480V MCC 15-3 480.0 N 14000. 1 2 38 480V MCC 15-4 480.0 N 14000. 1 2 39 480V MCC 15-5 480.0 N 14000. 1 2 I 8EC3 40 480V HRSS BLDG MCC 480.0 N 14000. 1 2 i l 41 480V WAREHOUSE DISTR 480.0 N 18000. 1 2 42 480V MCC 16/26-1 480.0 N 14000. 1 2 l l 43 480V MCC 16-2 480.0 N 14000. 1 2 l 44 480V MCC 16-3 480.0 N 14000.

  • l 1 2 l


18n?90 AC Electrical Load nonitoring System ver 2.20 0:te : 04-27-92 sargent & Lundy Engineers _

                                                                                                                     ;s                          .

Chicago, Ill. 2: -- '- Utility : Sargent & Lundy Internal use Proj. No. : 8913-94 Station QUAD C171ES-FILE:21.DAT Unit : 1 t

                                                                   *** Bus Data ***

J a 4

                                                                                                            ........~ Source Data   **-**-~~

Ric Bus Class Valid $wgr Maximum K Inter. Trip Min Run Max EC $C Prefit

   #        Bus Name           Vol tage 1E SC Amps Sources               MVA     Volts fact Cycles Del       Volts        MVA     X/R V (PU)     !
                                    /                                                                                                            '

e 45 480V MCC 16/26-4 / 480.0 N 14000. 1 2 i A 46 480V MCC 16/26-5 480.0 N 14000. 1 2 47 480V MCC 16/26-6 480.0 N 14000. 1 2 48 480V MCC 16-7 480.0 N 14000. 1 2 49 480V MCC 16-8 480.0 N 14000. 1 2 50 480V MCC 17-1 480.0 N 14000. 1 2 51480V MCC 17-2 480.0 N 14000. 1 2 52 480V MCC 17/27-3 480.0 N 14000. 1 2 53 480V MCC 17/27-4 480.0 N 14000. 1 2 54 480V MCC 17-5 480.0 m 14000. 1 2 55 480V MCC 17-6 480.0 N 14000. 1 2 56 480V MCC 18-1A 4 80.0 Y 14000. 1 2 57 480V MCC 18-1B 480.0 Y 14000. 1 2 58 480V CCC 18 2 480.0 Y 14000. 1 2 59 480V MCC 18 3 480.0 N 14000. 1 2 60 480V MCC 18-4 480.0 N 14000. 1 2 I 61480V ECC 19-1 480.0 Y 14000, 3 %b5 ' 62 480V CCC 19 2 480.0 Y 14000. 3  ! l 63 480V MCC 19-3 480.0 N 14000. 3 , 64 480V MCC 19-4 480.0 Y 14000. 3 65 480V MCC 18/19-5 480.0 Y 14000. 3 , 66 480V MCC 19 6 480.0 N 14000. 3 i



AC Elt<trical Losd Monitorina System ver 2.20 . 185290 D:te : 04-27-92 sargent & Lundy Engineers Chicago, Ill. - Utility : Sargent & Lundy Internal Use Proj. he. 8913-94 Ststion : QUAD CITIES-FILE:21.DAT unit : 1

                                                                    *** Bus Da ta ***                                                         '

J '1

                                                                                                             ......... Source Data ---- ----

Rec Bus Class Valid Swgr Maximan K Inter. Trip Min Run Max SC SC Prefit 8 Bus hame Voltage 1E SC Amps Sources MVA Volts Fact Cyclas Del Volts MVA X/R V (PU)


67 4KV 3VGR 24-1 / 4160.0 Y 29000. 1 250. 4760.0 1.24 5 sym .0


4160.0 Y 68 4KV SWCR 24 29000. 1 250. 4760.0 1.24 5 sym .0 69 DIESEL GENERAfDR 2 4160.0 Y 29000. 1 250. 4760.0 1.24 5 sym .0 70 HIGH SIDE OF XFMR 29 4160.0 Y 29000. 1 250. 4760.0 1.24 5 sym .0 71480V $wGR 29 480.0 Y 22000. 1 72 480V MCC 29-1 - 480.0 Y 14000. 1 73 480V MCC 29-2 480.0 Y 14000. 1 74 480V MCC 29-3 480.0 N 14000. 1 75 480V MCC 29-4 480.0 Y 14000. 1 74 480V MCC 28/29-5 480.0 Y 14000. 1 77 480V MCC 29-6 480.0 N 14000. 1 78 HIGH $10E GATEHOUSE 4160.0 N 3D588. 1 2 250. 4760.01.23 5 i C .0 79 480V GATENouSE MCC 480.0 k 42000. 1 2 80 480V DIESEL BLDG MCC 480.0 300D0. 1 2 i 81 DG CLG WTR PUMP TERM 480.0 N 20, 3 82 HPCI AIR UNIT TERM 480.0 N 20. 3 83 HPCI CLC SEAL PMP TE 480.0 W 20. 3 El 84 RNRS AIR KDLC 1B TER 480.0 N 20. 3 85 POST LOCA H2/02 TERM 4B0.0 N 20. 3 86 $TBY LQD PMP TERM 480.0 N 20. 3 87 DG OIL XFER PMP TERM 480.0 k 20. 3 . 85 DG RM HVAC FAN TERM 480.0 N 20. 3

             .~           .

t At Elsetrical Load Ronitoring System Ver 2.20 f(h"(J D:te : Sargent & Lundy Engineers Chicago, Ill. 'a'

     . Utility :          Sargent & Lundy Interna! Use              Proj. ho.
  • 8913 94 Station : QUAD CITIES-FILE:Z1.DAT Unit : 1
                                                                     *** Bus Dat a ***

J i 4 -

                                                                                                            . . . . . .. . . S ource Dat a ----- - -*

Rec Bus Class valid Swgr Maximum K Inter. Trip Min Run Max SC SC Prefit

  • Bus kame Voltage 1E SC Amps Sources MVA Volts Fact Cycles Del Volts MVA X/R V (PU)

4 89 CORE SPRY A!R 1B TER / 480.0 N 29. 3 1 1 90 HPCI TANK HTR' TERM 480.0 N 20. 3 91 DG OIL XFER PMP 2 TE 480.0 N 20. 3

      . 92 RHR EMER AIR 28 TERM          480.0 N      20.             3 93 DG RM HVAC FAN 2 TER          480.0 N      20.             3 94 DG STG COMP 1A TERM           480.0 N     20.              3 95 DG STG COMP 1B TERM           480.0 N     20.              3 96 DG 1 CLR FAN A TERM           480.0 N     20.              3 97 DG 1 CLR FAN S TERM            480.0 N     20.             3 98 RHR PMP 1C FAN A TER           480.0 N     20.             3

99 250 V BTRT CHCR TERM 480.0 N 20, 3 100 125 Y BTRY CHGR TERM 480.0 N 20. 3 i l i 101 RK VENT TO SSGT TERM 480.0 N 20. 3 102 SBGT INLET DAMPER TE 480.0 N 20. 3 1 103 SBGT DISCH DAMPER TE 480.0 N 20. 3 J 1D4 SBGT DUT DAMPER TERM 480.0 N 20. 3 105 ACAD AIR COMP TERM 430.0 N 20, 3 42 1D6 SBGT FAN TERM 480.0 N 20, 3 i 107 SBGT AIR NTR TERM 480.0 N 20. 3 1DS CONT RM RTN FAN TERM 480.0 N 20. 3 4


AC Etsctrical Load i:onitoring System ver 2.20 18529.0 0 te ; 04 27-92 Sorgent & Lundy Engineers ~' Chicago, III. Utility : Sargent & Lundy Internal use Proj. No. . 8913 94 Ststion - QUAD CITIES-FILE:21.DAT unit _: 1

                                                          '" Connection Data ***
                            .1        i g

Cable  % 1 m % tmp X/R Top from To Rating R (ohms) X (ohms) OA Base Tol 0A kVA Ratio Ratio GE"ERATOR 1 UAT11[INTERNALBUS 1553.0 .0020369 .0407380

                                 /                  Ams

UAT 11 INTERNAL BU'S X WINDG IMAGINRY BUS 19000.0 16.336 00.0 27600.0 20.0 .950 kVA UAT 11 INTERNAL BUS Y WI C G IMAGINRY BUS 27000.0 12.352 00.0 27600.0 20.0 .950 kvA Y WINDG IMAGINRY BUS 4KV SWOR 12 4000,0 .0010000 .0000000 Amps Y WINDG IMAGINRY BUS 4KV SWGR 11 4000.0 .0010000 .0005220 A@s X L'INDG IMAGINRY bus 4KV SWGR 13 3000.0 .0010000 .0007938 Amps X WINDG IMAGINRY BUS 4KV SWGR 14 3000.0 .0010000 .0000000 A@s 345KV SWITCH YARD 180KV DUMMY BUS 46000.0 -1.250 00.0 27600.0 25.0 .975 kvA 180KV DUMMY BUS X VINDING BUS 6 19000.0 16.750 00.0 27600.0 25.0 .975 kVA 180KV DUMMY BUS Y WINDING BUS 8 2M)00.0 13.650 00.0 27600.0 25.0 .975 i: kVA X UINDING BUS 6 4KV SWOR 13 3000.0 .0010000 .0007938 Amp 6 X WINDIKG BUS 6 4KV SVGR 14 3000.0 .0010000 .0000000 843 Anos Y U!G ING BUS 8 4KV SVGR 11 4000.0 .0010000 .0005220 Anps Y Ul;'DI::G BUS 8 4KV SWOR 12 4000.0 .0010000 .0000000 Anos - 4KV SWGR 13 4KV SVGR 13-1 680.0 .0045792 .0096672 , Amps l 4KV SWGR 13-1 DIESEL GENERATOR 1/2 600.0 .0087500 .0155000 Amps

e Abbi' .j

                                  ~                                                                                                      - -

AC Ettetrical Load tonitoring System ver 2.20 02te : 04 27-92 Sargent & Lundy Engineers Chicago, 111. -

                                                                                                                                    ~ -.

i utility : San gent & Luncly In'ernal Us,e Proj. No. : 8913 94 Station : QUAD CITIES-FILE:21.DAT Unit : 1 '

                                                               *** Connection Data *"                                                            '

i Cable %1m %Im Frcn X/R Tap '. To Rating R (ohms) X (ohms) CA Base Tol CA kVA Ratio Ratio - 250.0 EQUlVELANT SOURCE 3 4KV S@R 141 .0000000 .0010000

                                    /                    A@s i       1 i

4KV SWGR 14 4KV SWGR 14-1 680.0 .0044496 .0093936 Ams

    'KV SWGR 14 1            DIESEL GEWERATOR 1         600.0      .0085750        .0151900                                                       '

Ams I (KV SWGR 14-1 4KV SWGR 31 115.0 .0768000 .0230400 Age 4KV SWGR 31 HIGH SIDE Of XFMR 31 83.0 .0081200 .0016960 Ams , 4KV SWGR 14 1 HIGH SIDE OF XFMR 19 390.0 .0064625 .0075435 I Ags l 4KV SWGR 13-1 HIGH $1DE OF XFMR 18 390.0 .0028600 .0033384 A95 4KV SWGR 13 HIGH SIDE OF XFMR 15 390.0 .0045925 .0053607 ' W , 4KV SVGR 13-1 HIGH SIDE OF XFMR 10 220.0 .0624303 .0349766 - t A98 4KV SWGR 14 HIGH SIDE OF XFMR 16 390.0 .0044825 .0052323 A95 4KV SWGR 14 HIGH $1DE OF XFMR 17 390.0 .0151800 .0177192 - Anps 4KY SWGR 13 HIGH SIDE OF XFMR 1A 230.0 .0479250 .0268500 S2 A98 HIGH SIPC OF XFMR 31 480V MCC 30 225.0 4.000 00.0 225.0 1.6 .975 1 kVA I I

                                                                                                                                               ,t HIGH $1DE OF XFMR 18 480V SWGR 18                   1680.0                                 12.020 00.0    1500.0   8.9  .975                    i kVA                                                                                  -    I WICH SIDE OF XFMR 19 480V SWGR 19                   1680.0 11.430 00.0  ,15.0.0    8.5  .975 kVA                                                                                       I p                                     ,

HIGH SIDE OF XFMR 10 480V MCC 10-1 500.0 4.700 00.0' 500.0 3.8 .975 I kVA I


I i

AC Etsctriest Load Monitoring System var 2.20 ' D:ts : 04-27-92 Sargent & Lundy Engineers Chicago, llt. . a .- .' -- ; Utility't Sargent & Ltawfy Internal Use Proj. No. : 8913-94 Station ? QUAD CITIES-FILE:21.DAT unit a 1

                                                          *** Connection Date ***

1 s 4 Cable 1 Imp %Im X/R Tap From To Rating R (oimes) X (ohms) GA Base Tol . 0A kVA Ratio Ratio HIGH SIDE OF XFMR 1A 480V M 1A-1 750.0 5.560 00.0 75 0.0 3.3 . 9 75

                                 /                    kVA 1        i            -

MICHSIDEOFXFMRk7480VSWGR17 1680.0 11.110 00.0 1500.0 8.2 .975 kVA HIGH $1DE OF XFMR 16 480V SwGR 16 1680.0 15.340 00.0 1500.0 8.4 .975 kvA MIGH SIDE OF XFMR 15 480V SWGR 15 1680.0 11.300 00.0 1500.0 8.4 .975 kVA 480V SWGR 15 480v MCC 15-1 198.0 .006078f. .0031668 A@s 480Y SWGR 15 480V MCC 15-2 220.0 .0124188 .0064701 A@s Ut0V SWGR 15 480v MCC 15-3 280.0 .0136928 .0093632 Amps 480v SWGR 15 480V MCC 15-4 280.0 .0136928 .0093632 A@s 480V SWGR 15 480v MCC 15-5 220.0 .0180780 .0094185 A@s 480Y SWGR 15 480v HRSS BLDG MCC 190.0 .0351450 .0150700 A95 480V SWGR 15 480V WARENCXJSE DISTR 220.0 .0063404 .0033033 Apps 480V SWGa 16 480V MCC 16/26-1 220.0 .0133096 .0069342 84 3 Amps 480Y SWGR 16 480V MCC 16-2 220.0 .0399812 .0208299 A@s 480V SWGR 16 480v MCC 16-3 220.0 .00"2224 .0048048 A@s

  • 480V SWGR 16 480V MCC 16/26-4 220.0 .0233704 .0121758 ,

Amps p 480V SWGR 16 480v MCC 16/26 5 220.0 .0215888 .0112476 Amps

AC Electricsl Load Monitoring system var 2.2D 18:5790J D:ta t 04-27-92 sergent & Lundy Engineers ' . Chicago, Ill. --- Utility : sargent & Lundy Internal U6e Proj. ho. . 8913-94 Stction : QUAD CITIES-FILE:21.DAT unit : 1

                                                         *" Connection Data ***

i s 4 Cable  % !sp % lep X/R Tep From to Rating R (ohms) X (ohms) CA Base Tol CA kv4 Ratio Ratio I 480V SWOR 16 480V IfCC 16/26-6 220.0 .0178684 .0093093

                                 /                 Anps
                       /       /

480V SWR 16 480V MCC 16-7 280.0 .0145875 .0099750 Anps 480v SWOR 16 480V MCC 16-8 280.0 .0145875 .0099750 Anos 480V swcR 17 480v MCC 17-1 220.0 .0138336 .0072072 Apps 480v swr 17 480v MCC 17-2 220.0 .0186020 .0096915 Anps 480V SwGR 17 480v MCC 17/27-3 220.0 .0160868 .0083811 Amps 480V SWOR 17 480V MCC 17/27-4 220.0 .0169776 .0088452 Apps 480V SWOR 17 480V MCC 17 5 280.0 .0292139 .0199766 Anps 48cv sw R 17 480v MCC 17-6 220.0 .0160868 .0083811 Amps 480V Sv;R 18 480v MCC 18-1A 220.0 .0161392 .0084084 Anpa 480v SWGR 18 480v MCC 18-1B 220.0 .0161392 .0084084 A8ps 480V Sw;R 18 480v MCC 18-2 220.0 .0164536 .0085722 43 Amps 480V SVGR 18 480v MCC 18-3 400.0 .0123750 .0116550 Anps 480v SVGR 18 480v MCC 18-4 400.0 .0206250 .0194250 Anos 480v sycR 19 480v MCC 19-1 220.0 .0188074 .0094731 , Anps


480v Sw;R 19 480V MCC 19-2 220.0 .0084552 .0042588 Aaps

        -        _                                                                                                     to D& y u' At E tsctrical Load tionitoring System var 2.20                      -

D te : 04-27 92 Sargent & Lundy Engineers Chicago, 111. .L  : -i Utility : Sargent & Lundy Internal Use Proj, ho. . 8913-94 Station QUAD CITIES

  • FILE:21.DAT unit : 1
                                                         * ** Connec t i on Da t a ***

J a, Cable  % I m 1 Inp X/R Tap From To Rating R (ohms) X (ohms) OA Base Tol OA kVA Ratic Ratio 480V SWR 19 480V M 19-3 220.0 .0212464 .0107016 i kys 480V TWGR 19 480V MCC 19-4 220.0 .0178860 .0090000 Anps 480V SWGR 19 480V MCC 18/19-5 220.0 .0175608 .0083452 Amps 480V S WR 19 480V MCC 19-6 280.0 .0136150 .0093100 Ams frv SWR 14-1 4rv SWCR 24-1 800.0 .0014626 .0098974 MPs frv SWGR 24-1 4rv SWGR 24 680.0 .0085680 .0180880 MsP 4KV SWGR 24 1 DIESEL CENERATOR 2 600.0 .0103250 .0182900 A"P" , 4rv SWR 24-1 HIGH SIDE OF XFMR 29 390.0 .0C21450 .0025038 Anps NIGH SIDE OF XFMR 29 480V S W R 29 1680.0 11.300 00.0 1500.0 8.4 .975 kVA 480V S W R 29 480V MCC 29-1 220.0 .0136764 .0071253 Anps 480V SWGR 29 480V MCC 29-2 220.0 .0151436 .0078897 Anps 480V SWOR 29 480V MCC 29-3 220.0 .0150388 .0078351 TO MPs 480V SWGR 29 480V MCC 29-4 220.0 .0131000 .0068250 Anps , 480V SVGR 29 480V MCC 28/29-5 220.0 .0149864 .0078078 Anps . 480V SVGR 29 480V MCC 29-6 280.0 .0126425 .0086450 Anps


EIGH SIDE GATEHOUSE 480V GATEHOUSE MCC 1000.0 5.440 00.0 750.0 5.0 .975 kVA

I : q' i O/ y, At Electrical Lo d Monitoring System Ver 2.20 ' Dste : 04 27 92 Sargent & Lundy Engineers  ; Chicago, Ill. -

                                                                                                                               . ;L ;-g      I utility :       Sargent & Lundy Internal use                Proj. No. : 8913-94 Station : QUAD CITIES FILE:21.DAT                           unit : 1                                                                     i i


                                                            *** Connection Data *"

J i 4 _ Cable 1Im %1m X/R Tap From to Rating R (ohms) X (ohms) CA Base Tot . 0A kVA Ratio Ratio 4KV SWGR 14-1 HIGH[lDEGATEHOUSE 220.0 .0345699 .0193678 I  ! 480VGATEHOUSEMdC 480V DIESEL BLDG MCC 400.0 .0027500 .0051800 Ams


480V SWGR 19 DG CLG WTR PUMP TERM 400.0 .0450000 .0193000 - 480V MCC 19-1 HPCI AIR UNIT TERM 400.0 1.7706000 .0217000 i Amps l l 480V CIC 19 1 HPCI CLG SEAL PMP TE 400.0 .2385000 .0159000 A@s l j! 480Y MCC 19-1 RHRS AIR HDLG 1B TER 400.0 .8790000 .0112000 i Ags 480V MCC 19-1' POST LOCA H2/02 TERM 400.0 1.0030000 .0106000 I Amps q i 1 480V MCC 19-1 STBY LQD PMP TERM 400.0 .0869000 .0131000 Ams 1 480V MCC 19-1 DG O!L XFER PMP TERN 400.0 2.7190000 .0237000 A@s  ! 480V MCC 19-1 DG RM HVAC FAN TERM 400.0 .0714000 .0163000 Ags 480V MCC 19-1 CDRE SPRY AIR 18 TER 400.0 .9774000 .0125000 A@s 480V MCC 19-1 HPCI 1ANK HTR TERM 4 00.0 .5.<2000 .0166000 92 A@s j 480V MCC 19-1 DG DIL XFER PMP 2 TE 400.0 3.2357000 .0358000 A@s . 480V MCC 19-1 RHR EMER AIR 28 TERM 4D0.0 1.3906600 .0341670 A@s

  • 480V MCC 19-1 DG RM HVAC FAN 2 TER 400.0 .1105000 .C252000 -



480V MCC 19 2 DG STG COMP 1A TERM 400.0 1.0234D00 .0130000 Amos , l i

                                  . _ _ _     -         ,    .               ,        -  -        - ~


                                                                                                                             .l At Electrical Lord f*onitoring System var 2.20                                   l Date :                                                 Sargent & Lundy Engineers                                   -

Chicago, Ill. _. c - Utility : Sargent & LuMy internal Use Proj. No, t 8913-94 Station t QUAD CITIES-F1LE:21.DAT unit . 1 l

                                                          *" Connection Data *"

J a 4 Cable  % !ap % Inp X/R Tap From to Rating R (ohms) X (ohms) OA Base Tol CA kVA Ratio Ratio l . , 480V t;CC 19-2 DG STC $0MP 1B TERM 400.0 1.0398000 .0133000  ; I Anps y i 480V RCC 19-2 DG 1 CLR FAN A TERM 400.0 1.8474000 .0190000 i Anps 480V 8:CC 19-2 DG 1 CLR FAN B TERM 400.0 1.7798000 .0189000 t Anps t 480V $0CC 19-2 RNR PMP 1C FAN A TER 400.0 .5941000 .0149000 t Anps 480V CCC 19-2 250 V BTRY CHGR TERM 400.0 .0129000 .0065000 Anos 480V MCC 19-2 125 V BTRY CHGR TERN 400.0 .0256000 .0039000 Anps 480V CCC 19-4 RX VENT TO SBGT TERM 400.0 1.1609000 .0082000 Anps 480V KCC 19-4 SSGT INLET DAMPER TE 400.0 1.5448000 .0080000 Anps 480V MCC 19-4 SBCT DISCH DAMPER TE 400.0 1.7120000 .0102000 W , l 480V MCC 19-4 SBOT CUT DAMPER TERM 400.0 .5608800 .0071000 Anps 480V MCC 19-4 ACAD AIR COMP TERM 400.0 .0266000 .0040000 Amps 480V MCC 19-4 SBCT FAN TERM 400.0 .3328000 .0093000 42 Anps 480V MCC 19-4 SBGT AIR HTR TERM 400.0 .1657000 .0110000 Aaps 480V MCC 18/19-5 CONT RM RTN FAN TERN 400.0 .1640000 .0247000 Amps , i a I l $

        ~.        _


                              -                                                                                                                           --   - . j AC Electrical Load Monitoring System ver 2.10 Cata -                                                            Sargent & Lundy Engineers

{g i Chicago, Ill. Utility : Sargent & Lundy internal Use Proj. No. B913-94 Station : QUAD CITIES-FILE:21.DAT Unit 1 I l

                                                                            *" Loar Data ***                                                                        I
                           .;           i,      - - - - -

i 1 Rec # 5 75 1/2-9400-100 CONil RM STNDBY AHU Status

  • E l Rated / Eff PF LRC St pf SC TC Modification 8 / Cable Source Bus Volts 8 Rating Type (%) (%) (%) (%) Speed (sec) Master Diagram # # .Sys 480V MCC 18-4 460! 50.0 HP 1 90.0 85.0 625, 38.0 1800 .0000 Running Load . CorEttion '1: .0 HP 2: .0 HP 3: .0 HP 4: .0 HP Rec # 576 120/208 XFMR Status : E Rated Eff FF LRC St pf SC TC Modification # / Cable Source Bus Volts Rating Type (%) (%) (%) (%) Speed (sec) Master Diagram # # Sys '

400V KCC 18-4 480. 15.0KVA R 100.0 75.0 0. 20.0 0 .0000 Running Load : Condition 1: 15.0 KVA 2: 15.0 KvA 3: 15.0 KvA 4: 15.0 KVA Rec # 577 1/2 9400 101 CONT RM AFU HTR Status

  • E Rated Eff PF LRC St pf SC TC Modification # / Cable Scurce Bus Volts Rating Type (%) (%) (%) (%) Speed (sec) Master Diagram # # Sys i 480V ECC 18-4 480. 9.0 KW R 100.0 100.0 0. 20.0 0 .0000 amning Load : Condition 1: 9.0 KW 2: 9.0 KW 3: 9.0 KW 4: 9.0 KW Ree # 578 1-19028 FUEL POOL CLG F R PMP 1B Status : E Rated Eff PF LRC St pf SC TC Modification # / Cable I Source Bus Volts Rating Type (%) (%) (%) (%) Speed (sec) Master Diagram # # Sys 480V SWGR 19 460. 100.0 HP I 90.0 85.0 625. 37.0 1800 .0000 i Rmning Load : Condition 1: .0 HP 2: .0 HP 3: .0 HP 4: .0 HP Rec # 579 1-37018 RX BLOG CLG W1R PMP is Status : E *** Safety - Related ***

Rated Eff PF LRC St pf SC TC Modification # / Cable Source Bus Volts Rating Type (%) (%) (%) (%) Speed (sec) Master Diagram # # Sys 480V SWGR 19 460. 125.0 HP I 90.0 85.0 625. 35.0 1800 .0000 Rmning Load : Condition 1: .0 HP 2: .0 HP 3: .0 HP 4: .0 HP Rec # 580 1-5704B RX BLDG EKH FAN 18 Status : E M Rated Eff PF LRC St pf SC TC Modification # / Cable Source Bus Volts Rating Type (%) (%) (%) (%) Speed (sec) Master Diagram # # Sys 480V SWGR 19 460. 100.0 HP 1 90.0 85.0 625. 37.0 1775 .0000 Running Load, a condition 1: .0 HP 2: .0 HP 3: .0 HP 4: .0 HP l Rec # 581 1-57D4C RX BLDG EXH FAN 1C Status . E

  • 4 Rated Eff PF LRC St pf SC TC Modification # / Cable .

Source Bus Volts Reting Type (%) (%) (%) (%) Speed (sec) Master Diggrani # # Sys 480V SWGR 19 460. 100.0 HP I 90.0 85.0 625. 37.0 1775 .0000 Rmning Load : Condition 1: .0 HP 2: .0 HP 3: .0 Ho 4: -

                                                                                                                    .0/ HP                                          !

i i e

At Electrical Lord Monitoring System ver 2.10 < .6, ' Date : Sargent & Lundy Engineers

                                                                                                                                                                                      ' };p s   ~O Chicago, 111.                                                            -

53 _ Utility - Sargent & Lundy Internal Use Proj. ho. . 8913-94  ! Station : QUAD Cli!ES-FILE:21.DAT unit

  • 1 f j
                                                                                              *** Load Data ***

J a, Rec # 582 1-5703A RX BLDG SPLY FAN 1A Status . E Rated . Eff PF LRC St pf SC TC Modification # / Cable Source Bus Volts [ Rating Type (%) (%) (%) (%) Speed (sec) Master Diagram # # Sys 480V SUGR 19 460./ 100.0 HP I 90.0 85.0 625. 37.0 1800 .0000 Running Load . tendition 1': .0 HP 2: .0 NP 3: .0 HP 4: .0 HP Rec # 583 1-5705C TURB BLDG EXH FAN IC Status . E Rated Eff PF LRC St pf SC TC Modification # / Cable Source Bus Volt: Rating Type (%) (%) (%) (%) Speed (sec) Master Diagram # # Sys 4BDV SWGR 19 460. 150.0 HP I 90.0 85.0 625. 33.0 1780 .0000 Running Load : Condition 1: .0 HP 2: .0 HP 3: .0 HP 4: .0 HP Rec # 5 64 RX BLDG LTGING 1B Status : E *** Safety - Related *** Rated Eff PF LRC St pf SC TC Modification # / Cable source Bus volts Rating Type (%) (1) (%) (1) Speed (sec) Master Diagram # # Sys 4 BOY SWGR 19 480. 72.0KVA R 100.0 90.0 0. 20.0 0 .0000 amning Lead : Cordition 1: 60.7 KVA 2: 60.7 KvA 3: 60.7 KVA 4: 60.7 KVA l l 4ec # 585

  • 57028 E. TURB BLDG SPLY FAN 1B Status : E Rated Ef? PF LRC St pf SC TC Modification # / Cable Sour. . Volts Rating Type (%) (%) (%) (%) Speed (sec) Master Diagram # # Sys

. iB0V SWGR 460. 100.0 HP 1 90.0 85.0 625. 37.0 1800 .0000 l ' tu1ning Load : Condition 1: .0 HP 2: .0 MP 3: .0 HP 4: .0 HP tec # 586 1-3903 DG CLG WTR PMP #1 Status : E *** Saf ety - Relat ed *** Rated Eff PF LRC St pf SC TC Modification # / Cable Source Bus volts Rating T ype (%) (%) (%) (%) Speed (sec) kaster Diagram # # Sys

   'C CLG VTR PUMP TERM 460.         100.0 HP                         1     88.5     91.2 541. 37.0 3525              .0000

{ unning Load : Condition 1: 90.0 HP 2: 90.0 HP 3: 90.0 HP 4: 90.0 HP se # 587 1/2 '701C RX BLDG CLG PMP 1/2C Status : E 33 Rated Eff PF LRC St pf SC TC Modification # / Cabie Source Bus Volts Rating Type (%) (1) (%) (%) Speed (sec) Master Diagram # # Sys 50V SWGR 19 460. 125.0 HP I 90.0 85.0 625. 35.0 1800 .D000 unning Load : Conditica 1: .0 HP 2: .0 HP 3: .0 HP 4: .0 HP ec # 558 1-5727 HVAC SPLY FAN #1 NORMAL FEED Status

  • E *** Safety - Related ***
  • Rated Eff PF LRC St pf SC TC Modification # / Cable Source Bus volts Rating Type (1) (%) (%) (%) Speed (sec) Master Diagram #. # Sys i RM MVAC FAN TERM 460. 50.0 HP I 90.0 85.0 625. 38.0 1800 .0000 si,ing Load : Cordition 1: .0 HP 2: 50.0 HP 3: 50.0 HP 4: -50.0 BP

AC Electrical Locd Monitoring Systen ver 2.10 cate sarge,t $ - ,En,ince,s l8529.0 Chicago, Ill. - Utility : Sargent & Lundy :nternal Use Proj. ho. r 8913 94

 $tation ? QUAD CITIES-FILE:Z1.DAt                                    Unit    1
                                                                       *" L oed Da t a *"

J *< r Rec # sB9 1-57488 CORESPRAY EMERG ANU 1B status . E "* Saf ety - Related.'" ' Rated - Eff PF LRC $t pf $C TC Modification # / Cable '


Source Bus volts # Rating Type (%) (%) (%) (%) Speed (sec) Master Diagram # # Sys > CC2E $ PRY AIR 18 TER 460) 5.0 HP 1 80.0 85.0 625. 58.0 1740 .0000 t Running Load : Condition I: .0 HP 2: 5.0 HP 3: 5.0 HP 4: 5.0 HP Rec # 590 5203-1 ALT FD DG#2 FUEL O!L XFRPMP Status E *** $6fety - Related *" Rated Eff PF LRC St pf SC TC Modification # / Cable Source Bus Volts Rating Type (%) (%) (%) (%) Speed (see) Master Diagram # # Sys DO OIL XFER PMP 2 TE 460. 3.0 HP I 80.0 85.0 625. 68.0 1755 .0000 Running Load : Condition 1: .0 HP 2: .0 HP 3: .0 HP 4: .0 HP Rec # 591 $203-1 DG FUEL CIL XFER PMP #1 status : E *" Safety - Related *" Rated Eff PF LRC St pf SC TC Modification # / Cable Source Bus Volts Rating Type (%) (%) (%) (M Spaad (sec) Master Diagram # # Sys DG OIL XFER PMP TERM 460. 3.0 HP I 80.0 85.0 625. 68.0 1755 .0000 Running Load : Condition 1: .0 HP 2: .0 HP 3: .0 HP 4: 2.7 HP Rec # 592 120/208V XFMR FD 19-1 1 Status : E *** Safety - Related *** Rated Eff PF LRC $t pf $C TC Modification # / Cable source Bus Volts Rating Type (%) (%) (%) (%) Speed (sec) Master Diagram # # Sys ' 480V t:CC 19-1 480. 15.ftVA R 100.0 75.0 0. 20.0 0 .0000 Running Load : Condition 1: 4.1 KVA 2: 4.1 KVA 3: 4.1 KVA 4: 4.1 KVA 5 Rec # 593 1-1102B STWDBY LQO CNTRL PMP 1B Status : E Rated Eff PF LRC St pf SC TC Modification # / Cable '

      $curce Bus      voiss       Rating Type (%)            (%)        (%)    (%) Speed (sec) Master Diagram #         # Sys STBY LQO PMP TERM        460.         50.0 HP     I    90.0     85.0 625. 38.0 1770            .0000 Running Load : Condition 1:                 .0 HP 2:                 .0    HP  3:           .0   HP 4:          .0   HP Rec # 594 1 57468             RNR EMEEG AHU 1B                          Status : E       *** Saf ety Related *"

11 Roted Eff PF LRC $t pf $c TC modification # / Cable Source sus Volts Rating Type (%) (%) (%) (%) Speed (sec) Master Diagram # # sys RHR$ AIR HOLG 1B TER 460. 7.5 HP I 80.0 85.0 C. 56.0 1800 .(,000 amning Load : Condition 1: .0 HP 2: 7.5 HP 3: 7.5 HP 4: 7.5 HP Rec # 595 1-1279 2B RK WTR CLNUP SYS FLTR HDPMP Status

  • E *" Saf ety Related ***
  • Rated Eff PF LRC St pf SC TC Modification #A/ Cable
     $curce Bus      Volts       Rating Type (%)            (%)        (%)    (%) Speed (sec) Master Diagram.'.#        # sys 480V 8:CC 19-1           460.          2.0 HP     I    80.0     85.0 625, 75.0 1800            .0000 R ening Load : Condition 1:                 .0 HP 2:               1.8 HP      3:        1.8 HP 4           -

1.8 ,4P

AC Electrical Lord Monitoring System Ver 2.10 - Date : Sargent E Lundy Engineers Chicago, Ill. ' hh t Utility t Sargent & Lunay Internat use Proj. ho. - 8913 94 Station

  • QUAD CITIES-FILE:21.DAT Unit : 1 6
                                                                                "* L oad Data *"
6 .

Rsc # 5% 1-5708 1B DRYWELL E TORUS PRG EXH FAN Status ' E *** Saf ety - Related. '" Rated . Eff PF LRC St pf SC TC Modification # / Cable Source Bus Volts / Rating Type (%) (%) (%) (1) Speed (sec) Master Diagram # # Sys 480V MCC 19-1 460.f 30.0 HP I 85.0 85.0 625. 42.0 1750 .0000 R e ing Load - Condition 1: .0 HP 2: .0 HP 3: .0 HP 4: .0 HP


E Rec # 507 1-5747 HPCI EMERG ANU Status : E *" Saf ety Related *** Rated Eff PF LRC St pf SC TC Modification # / Cable Scurce Bus Volts Rating Type (%) (%) (%) (%) Speed (sec) Master Diagram # # Sys  ; EPC1 AIR UNIT TERM 460. 3.0 HP 1 80.0 85.0 625. 68.0 1755 .0000 i Rmning Load : Condition 1: .0 HP 2: 3.0 HP 3: 3.0 HP 4: 3.0 HP Rec # 598 1-1279-116 RESIN FEED TNK AGITATOR Status : E Rated Eff PF LRC St pf SC TC Modification # / Cable Source Bus Volts Rating Type (%) (%) (%) (%) Speed (sec) Master Diagram # # Sys 480V MCC 19-1 460. .8 HP I 75.0 80.0 625. 83.0 1800 .0000 R mning Load : Condition 1: .0 HP 2: .0 HP 3: .0 HP 4: .0 HP Rec # 599 2301 57 HPCI CLC WTR CLN SL CONDPMP Status : E *" Safety - Related *** Rated Eff PF LRC St pf SC TC Modification # / Cable Source Bus Volts Rating Type (%) (%) (%) (%) Speed (sec) Master Diagram # # Sys HPCI CLG SEAL PMP TE 460. 25.0 HP I 85.0 85.0 625. 43.0 3530 .0000 Running Lead : Condition 1: .0 HP 2: .0 HP 3 .0 HP 4: .0 HP i Rec # 600 2-5727 ALT F0 DG RM HVAC SPLY F Ah2 Status . E kated Eff PF LRC St pf SC TC Modification # / Cable Scurce Bus -Volts Rating Type (%) (%) (%) (1) Speed (sec) Master Diagram # # Sys ' DG RM HYAC FAN 2 TER 460. 50.0 HP I 90.0 85.0 625, 38.0 1800 .0000 , Rurining Load t Condition 1: .0 HP 2: .0 HP 3: .0 HP 4: .0 HP i Esc # 601 1-12058 RX WTR CLNUP SYS RECIRC PMP Status : E g.3 Rated Eff PF LRC St pf SC TC Modification # / Cable , Source Bus Volts Rating Type (%) (1) (1) (1) Speed (sec) Master Diagram # # Sys 480V MCC 19-1 460. 50.0 HP I 90.0 85.0 625. 38.0 1800 .0000 ' Running Load : Condition 1: .0 HP 2: .0 HP 3: .0 HP 4: .0 HP Rec # 402 POST LOCA H2 C2 MON PMP Status : E "* Saf ety - Related ***

  • Rated Eff PF LRC St pf SC TC Modification W./ Cable Scurce Bus Volts Rating Type (%) (1) (%) (%) Speed (sec) Master. Diagram) # Sys POST LOCA H2/02 TERM 460. 1.0 HP 1 75.0 80.0 625, 79.0 1800 .0000 Running Load . Cordition 1: .0 MP 2: .9 HP 3: .9 HP 4: -
                                                                                                                        .9 flP L

At Electrical Load Monitoring Systern var 2.10 , Date7 Sargent & Lundy ingineers :a Chicago, 11t. 9lJ L utility : Sargent & Lundy Internal Use Proj. ho. . 8913-04 Stetion : QUA0 CITIES-FILE:21.DAT Unit 1

                                                                            '" Load Data "*

J , RIc #' 603 2-57468 ALT FD RNR$ EMERG ANU 2B Status : E Rated . Eff PF LRC St pf SC TC Modification # / Cable Source Bus Volts [ Rating Type (%) (%) (%) (%) Speed (sec) Master Diagram # # Sys RNR ENER AIR 2B TERM 460. / 7.5 HP I 80.0 85.0 625. 56.0 1800 .0000 Running Load : Condition 1': .0 HP 2: .0 HP 3: .0 HP 4: .0 HP Rec # 604 1-1201 80 Rx WTR_CLNUP SYS BOILER VLV Status : E *" Saf ety - Related *** Rated Eff PF LRC St pf SC TC Modification # / Cable ~~~ Source Bus Volts Rating Type (%) (%) (%) (%) Speed (sec) Master Diagram # # Sys 480V t'CC 19-1 460. 1.0 HP i 75.0 80.0 625. 79.0 1800 .0000 Running Load : Condition 1:

                                              .0 HP 2:                   .0    HP   3:         .0     HP    4:      .0      HP                                                                                                               ,

Rec # 605 1 2301-4 HPCI TURB STM SUPPLY VLV Status : E *" Safety Related *" Rated Eff PF LRC St pf SC TC Modificati;n # / Cable Source Bus Volts Rating Type (%) (%) (%) (%) Speed (sec) Master D'agram # # Sys 480V t:CC 19-1 460. 1.0 HP I 75.0 80.0 640. 79.0 1800 .0000 RLrining Load : Condition 1: .0 HP 2: .0 HP 3: .0 HP 4: .0 HP Rec # 606 1-1001-186B RHRS HX KEV INLET VLV Status : E *** Saf ety - Related *" Rated Eff PF LRC St pf SC TC kodification # / Cable Source Bus Volts Rating Type (%) (%) (%) (%) Speed (sec) Master Diagram # # Sys 480V MCC 19-1 460. 1.7 HP I 75.0 80.0 325. 75.0 1800 .0000 Running Lead : Condition 1: .0 HP 2: .0 HP 3: .0 HP 4: .0 HP Rec # 607 1 1402-24B CORE SPRAY OTBD ISOL VLV 1B Status : E "* Saf ety - Related *" Rated Eff PF LRC St pf SC TC Modification # / Cable Scorce Bus Volts Rating Type (%) (%) (%) (%) Speed (sec) Master Diagram # # Sys 480V MCC 19-1 460. 4.0 HP I 80.0 85.0 827 58.0 1800 .0000 Running Load : Condition 1: .0 HP 2: .0 HP 3: .0 HP 4: .0 HP tec # 608 1-1402 258 CORE SPRAY INBD !$0L VLV 1B Status : E *** Saf ety - Related *** 33 Rated Eff PF LRC St pf SC TC Modification 8 / Cable Source Bus Volts Rating Type (%) (%) (%) (%) Speed (sec) Master Diagram # # Sys

  .80V MCC 19-1           460.        8.0 HP      I      80.0 85.0 827 54.0 1800                   .0000                                                                                                                                     i tunning Load : Condition 1:               .0 HP 2:                   .0 HP 3:               .0 HP 4:             .0 HP                                                                              .

ec # 609 1-1402-4B CS TEST BYPASS VLV 1B Status : E *" Safety - Related ***

  • i Rated Eff PF LRC St pf SC TC Modification # / Cable Source Bus Volts Rating Type (1) (1) (%) (%) Speed (sec) Naster Diagram ( # Sys 80V 8:CC 19-1 460 1.6 HP I 75.0 80.0 256. 75.0 1800 .0000 l

mning Load : Condition 1: .0 HP 2: l

                                                                       .0     HP   3:        .0      HP    4:   -
                                                                                                                   .0  tfP                                                                                                                    ,

I _ _ _ _ , _ ._ _ _ _ _ - . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ' - - - ^ - - - - - - - - ~

1 t > .) uhI9OO s *e . , AC Electrical Load Monitoring System ver 2.10 Date :


SarSent & Lundy Engineers - 4 Chicago, lit. .; Utility . Sargent & Lundy internal use Proj. ho. : 8913 9!. Station : QUAD CITIES-FILE:21.DAT Unit .1

                                                                        "* Load Data *"

J *4  ! Rec # 610 1-1001-185B RHR$ hX WORM OLITLET VLV Status . E *" Saf:ty - Related.*** Rated . Eff PF LRC St pf SC TC Modification # / Cable Source Bus volts [ Rating Type (%) (%) (%) (%) Speed (sec) Haster Diagram # # Sys 430V n:C 19-1 460./ 1.7 HP 1 75.0 80.0 350. 75.0 *800 .0000 R mning Load Condition 1: .0 HP 2: .0 HP 3: .0 HP 4: .0 HP Rec # 611 1-1001-1878 RNRS MX REVERSE OUTLET VLV Status E "* Saf ety - Related *" Rated Eff PF LRC St pf SC TC Modification # / Cable Source Bus Volts Rating Type (%) (%) (%) (%) Speed (sec) Master Diagram *

  • Sys 480V MCC 19-1 460. 1.6 HP 1 75.0 80.0 300. 75.0 1800 .0000 ,

Running Load Condition 1: .0 HP 2: .0 HP 3: .0 HP 4: .0 HP , Rec # 612 MPCI TANK HEATER Status : E *" Safety - Related *" Rated Eff PF LRC St pf SC TC Modification # / Cable ' Source Bus Volts Rating Type (%) (%) (%) (%) Speed (sec) Master Diagram # # Sys HPCI TA2r HTR TERM 480. 9.0 rw R 100.0 100.0 0. 20.0 0 .0000 Rmning Load : Condition 1: .0 KW 2: .0 rw 3: .0 rw 4: .0 KW Rae # 613 1-1001-49 RNRS HX WORMAL INLET VLV Status : E *" Saf ety - Related *** Rated Eff PF - LRC St pf SC TC Modification # / Cable , Source 80 Volts Rating Type (%) (%) (%) (%) Speed (sec) Master Diagram # # Sys 480V MCC 19-1 460. 3.7 HP 1 80.0 85.0 $90. 58.0 1800 .0000 R e ing Load : Condition 1: .0 HP 2: .0 HP 3: .0 HP 4: .0 HP 5 Rec # 614 1-5701 RECIRC MG SET VENT FAN 1A Status : E "

  • Safety - Related ***

Rated Eff PF 'RC St pf SC TC Modification # / Cable Source Bus Volts Rating Type (%) T'" (%) (%) Speed (sec) Master Diagram # # Sys 480V MCC 19-2 460. 60.0 HP  ! 90.0 85.0 625. 38.0 1200 .0000 Raing Load : Condition 1: .0 HP 2: .0 HP 3: .0 HP 4: .0 HP b Rec # 615 RX PROT M-C SET 1B Status : E *" Saf ety - Related

  • 43 Rated Eff PF LRC St pf SC TC Modification # / Cable Source Bus Volts Rating Type (%) (%) (1) (%) Speed (sec) Master Diagram ;- # Sys 480V MCC 19-2 460. 25.0 HP I 85.0 85.0 625. 43.0 1787 .0000 R mning Load : Condition 1: 16.5 HP 2: 16.5 HP 3: 16.5 HP 4: 16.5 HP Rsc # 616 DG STARTING AIR CCMPR 1B Status : E
  • Safety - Related *"
  • Rated Eff PF -LRC St pf SC TC Modific'ation #,/ Cable Source Bus Volts Rating Type (%) (1) (%) (%) Speed (sec) Master Diagram f # Sys [

DG STC COMP 1B TERM 460. 5.0 HP 1 80.0 85.0 625. 58.0 1735 .0000 Runnirig Load : Condition 1: .0 HP 2: 5.0 HP 3: 5.0 HP 4: - 5.0 )(P

AC Electrical Load Monitoring System ver 2.10 cate sa,ge"' " ' '""'' Chicago, Ill. I85290 Proj. he. 8913-04 .it ilit y Sargent & Lundy Internal Use unit 1 Station . QUAD CITIES-FILE:Z1.DAT

                                                                                                           *" Load Dat a '"
                                                 ;              i, Status 1 E           *" Saf ety - Related **.*

tec # 617 250VDC BATTERY CHARGER #1 SC TC Mocification # / Cable Eff PF LRC $t pf # Sys Rated . (%) Speed (sec) Master Diagram # (%) source Bus Volts it$ ting Type (%) (%) 0 .0000 R 100.0 95.0 0. 20.0

                                                       / 94.0KVA                                                                                        85.3 KVA
 !50 V BTRT CHGR TERM 480.

2: 85.3 KVA 3: 85.3 KVA 4:

unning Load Condition 1: ' B5.3 KVA Status
  • E *" saf ety - Related *"

ec # 618 DG STARTlWG AIR COMPR 1A SC TC Modification # / Cable Eff PF LRC $t pf Rated # Sys (%) (%) Speed (sec) Master Diagram # volts Rating Type (%) (%) Source Bus .0000 5.0 HP I 80.0 85.0 625. 58.0 1735 G STG COMP 1A TERM 460. 3: 5.0 HP 4: 5.0 NP

                                                                   .0 HP 2:                              5.0 HP unning Load Condition 1:

Status E "* Saf ety - Related *" ec # 619 125VDC BATTERT CHARGER #1 SC TC Modification # / Cable Eff PF LRC $t pf Rated # Sys (1) (%) Speed (sec) Master Diagram # volts Rating Type (1) (%) source Bus 0. 20.0 0 .0000 39.9KVA R 100.0 95.0 25 V BTRT CMGR TERM 480. 36.2 KVA 4: 36.2 KVA 36.2 KVA 2: 36.2 KVA 3:

     .rining Load : Condition 1:

Status . E "* Saf ety - Related *" TURB 8tDG EMERG LGTS m# 620 Eff PF LRC St pf SC TC Modification # / Cable Rated # Sys (%) (1) Speed (sec) Master Diagram # Volts Rating Type (%) (%) Source Bus 0. 20.0 0 .0000 47.0 KW R 100.0 90.0 10V MCC 19-2 480. .0 KW 4: 0 KW

                                                                     .0 KW 2:                                 0 KV 3:                                                                         _

sviing Load : Condition 1: Status : E AF 002 CLG VTR PMP FAN ALB c# 621 Eff PF LRC 5t pf SC TC Modification * / Cable Rated # Sys (1) (%) Speed (sec) Master Diagram # Volts Rating Type (1) (%) source Bus 80.0 625, 83.0 1800 .0000 460. 3.0 HP 1 75.0 .0 HP OV MCC 19-2 .0 HP 3: .0 HP 4:

                                                                      .0     HP 2:

ming toad : Condition 1: Status . E

                                                                                                                                        "* Saf ety - Related "*

RHR SW PMP 1C CLR FAW A c# 622 Eff PF LRC 51 pf SC TC Modification # / Cable Rated # Sys g3 (%) (%) Speed (sec) Master Diagram # volts Rating Type (%) (%) Source Bus .0000 3.0 HP 80.0 85.0 625. 68.0 3600 t PMP 1C F AN A TER 460. 1 2.7 HP 4: 2.7 HP

                                                                       .0     HP             2:              2.7 HP 3:

viing Load : Corusition 1: status : E RHR sw PMP 1C CtR FAW e

               -#              623                                                                                   LRC St pf                 SC TC Modification # / J Cable Rated                                           Eff         PF
                                                                                                                                                                               # Sys

(%) (%) Speed (sec) Master Diegram # . volts Rating Type (%) (%) Source Bus 85.0 625. 68.0 3600 .0000 460. 3.0 HP I 80.0 IV MCC 19-2 2.7 HP 4: 2.7 .HPf

                                                                        .0       HP              2:            2.7 HP 3:

ining Load 4 Condition 1:

       - - - - __- _ - _ ____                                                 -'       ""'--%~_,                      _                                           %%m

AC Electrical Lo:d Monitoring System Ver 2.10 Dite - Sargent & Lundy Engineers Chicago, Ill. 40 3. 5290 Utility : Sargent & Lundy internal Use Proj. No. : 8913 94 Station - QUAD CITIES-FILE:21.DAT unit - 1

                                                                              *" Load Data "*

J i 4 R:c # 603 2-57468 ALT FD RHR$ EMERG AHU 28 Status . E _ Rated , Eff PF LRC St pf SC TC Modification # / Cable Source Bus Volts / Rating Type (%) (%) (%) (%) Speed (sec) Master Diagram # # Sys RNR EXER AIR 28 TERM 460./ 7.5 HP 1 80.0 85.0 625. 56.0 1800 .0000 Running Load : Condition 1': .0 HP 2: .0 HP 3: .0 HP 4: .0 HP RIc # 604 1-1201-80 Rx utR,CLNUP SYS BOILER VLV Status . E *" Safety - Related *** Rated Eff PF LRC St pf SC TC Modification # / Cable ' Source Bus Volts Rating Type (%) (%) (%) (%) Speed (sec) Master Diagram # # Sys 480V MCC 19-1 460. 1.0 HP I 75.0 80.0 625. 79.0 1800 .0000 Rmning Load : Condition 1: .0 HP 2: .0 3: HP .0 HP 4: .0 HP Rec # 605 1 2301-4 HPCI TURB STM SUPPLY VLV Status : E *" Saf ety - Related *" Rated Eff PF LRC St pf SC TC Modification # / Cable source Bus volts Rating Type (%) (%) (%) (%) Speed (sec) Master Diagram # # Sys 480V MCC 19-1 460. 1.0 HP 1 75.0 80.0 640. 79.0 1800 .0000 Rmning Load : Condition 1: .0 HP 2: .0 3: HP .0 HP 4: .0 HP Rec # 606 1-1001-1868 RHR$ HX REV INLET VLV Status : E *" Saf ety - Related *" Rated Eff PF LRC St pf SC TC Modification # / Cable Source Bus Volts Rating Type (%) (%) (%) (%) Speed (sec) Master Diagrarn # # Sys 480V MCC 19-1 460. 1.7 HP I 75.0 80.0 325. 75.0 1800 .0000 Running Load : Condition 1: .0 HP 2: .0 HP 3: .0 HP 4: .0 HP Rec # 607 1-1402-246 CORE SPRAY OTBD ISOL VLV 1B Status : E "* Saf ety Related *** Rated Eff PF LRC St pf SC TC Modification # / Cable Source Bus Volts Rating Type (%) (%) (%) (1) Speed (sec) Master Diagram # # Sys 480V MCC 19 1 460. 4.0 HP I 80.0 85.0 827. 58.0 1800 .0000 Running Load : Condition 1: .0 HP 2: .0 HP 3: .0 HP 4: .0 HP tec # 608 1-1402-25B CORE SPRAY lhBD ISOL VLV 1B Status : E *" Saf ety - Related ***  ; 33 Rated Eff PF LRC St pf SC TC Modification # / Cable Source Bus Volts Rating Type (%) (%) (%) (1) Speed (sec) Master Diagram * # Sys iSOV CCC 19-1 460 8.0 HP I 80.0 85.0 827. 54.0 1800 .0000 t hr: Ing Load : Condition 1: .0 HP 2: .0 HP 3: .0 HP 4: .0 HP

ce # 609 1 1402-48 CS TEST BYPASS VLV 1B Status : E *" Safety - Related ***
  • Rated Eff PF LRC St pf 50 TC Modification # / Cable Source Bus Volts Rating Type (%) (%) (1) (%) Speed (sec) Master Diagram ( # Sys '

80V MCC 19-1 460. 1.6 HP I 75.0 80.0 256. 75.0 1800 .0000 ur.1 ng toad : Condition 1 .0 HP 2: .0 HP 3: .0 HP 4: -

                                                                                                                     .0   HP

i AC Electrical Load Monitoring System ver 2.10 Date . Sergent & Lun:fy Engineers ~ I .$ L / I Chicago. Ill. , .: . Utility Sargent & Lundy Internal Use Proj. No. . 8913 94 { Station : QUAD CITIES-FILE:Z1.Da! Unit : 1

                                                                                    *" Load Dat e *"
                               )                 i, Rec # 624                     RNR SW PMP 1C CLR FAN C                             Status . E Rated
  • Eff PF LRC St pf SC TC Modification # / Cable

Scurce Bus volts 4 Rating Type (%) (%) (%) (%) Speed (sec) Master Diagram # # Sys 460V t:CC 19 2 4601 3.0 NP  ! 80.0 85.0 625. 68.0 3600 .0000 Running Load : ConIdi t i on '1: .0 ' HP 2: 2.7 HP 3: 2.7 HP 4: 2.7 HP Rec 8 625 RHR SW PMP 1C CLR FAN D Status . E Rated Eff PF LRC St pf SC TC Modification # / Cable Source Bus Volts Rating Type (%) (%) (%) (%) Speed (sec) Master Diagram # # Sys 460V MCC 19-2 460. 3.0 HP 1 80.0 85.0 625. 68.0 3600 .0000 Running Load : Condition 1: .0 HP 2: 2.7 HP 3: 2.7 HP 4: 2.7 HP Rec # 626 DG1 CLG WTR PMP CLR FAN A Status : E Rated Eff PF LRC St pf SC TC Modification # / Cable Source Bus Volts Rating Type (%) (%) (%) (%) Speed (sec) Master Diagram # # Sys DC 1 CLR FAN A TERM 460. 1.5 HP I 75.0 80.0 625. 83.0 1740 .0000 Ruming Load : Condition 1: 1.4 HP 2: 1.4 HP 3: 1.4 HP 4: 1.4 HP Rac # 627 DC1 CLG WTR PMP CLR FAN B Status : E Rated Eff PF LRC St pf SC TC Modification # / Cable Source Bus Volts Rating Type (1) (%) (%) (%) Speed (sec) Master Diagram # # Sys DG 1 CLR FAN B TERM 460. 1.5 HP I 75 .0 80.0 625. 83.0 1740 .0000 Ruming Load : Condition 1: 1.4 HP 2: 1.4 HP 3: 1.4 HP 4: 1.4 HP Rec # 628 RHR SW PMP 1D CLR FAN A Status : E "* Saf ety - Related *" Rated Eff PF LRC St pf SC TC Modification # / Cable Source Bus Volts Rating Type (%) (%) (%) (%) Speed (sec) Master Diagram # # Sys 480V MCC 19-2 460. 3.0 HP  ! 80.0 85.0 625. 68.0 3600 0000 R a ing Load : Condition 1: .0 HP 2: 2.7 HP 3: 2.7 HP 4: 2.7 MP Ree # 629 RHR SW PMP 10 CLR FAN 8 Status : E *** Safety - Related *" 33 Rated Eff PF LRC St pf SC TC Modification # / Cable source Bus Volts Rating Type (%) (%) (%) (%) Speed (sec) Master Diagram W # Sys 480V MCC 19-2 460. 3.0 HP 1 80.0 85.0 625. 68.0 3600 .0000 Running Load : Condition 1: .0 HP 2: 2.7 HP 3: 2.7 HP 4: 2.7 HP Rac # 630 RNR SV PMP 1D CLR fan C Status : E "* Saf ety - Related *" Rated Eff PF LRC St pf SC TC Modification #'/ Cable Source Bus Volts Rating Type (%) (%) (%) (%) Speed (sec) Master.Dinoram.# # Sys 400V MCC 19 2 460. 3.0 HP I 80.0 85.0 625. 68.0 36DC .0000 Ruming Load : Condition 1: .0 HP 2: 2.7 HP 3: 2.7 NP 4: ' 2.7/HP

AC Electrical Losd Monitoring System ver 2.10

                                                                                                                                  .       .- n:

Date : Sargent & Lundy Engineers 7( - Chicago, Ill. Utility : Sargent & tundy Internal use Proj. ho. : 8913 91. Station : QUAD CITIES FILE:Z1.DAT Unit 1

                                                                       *" Load Data ***

J i. Rec # 631 RNR SW PMP 1D CLR FAN D Status : E *" Saf ety - Related ?" ' Rated . Eff PF LRC St pf SC TC Modification # / Cable Source Bus volts / Rating Type (%) (%) (1) (%) Speed (sec) Master Diagram # # Sys 480V 8 CC 19-2 460./ 3.0 nP I 80.0 85.0 625. 68.0 3600 .0000 R mning Load : Condition 1: .0 HP 2: 2.7 HP 3: 2.7 HP 4: 2.7 HP Rec # 632 5707 RX FD PUMP VENT FAN 1B' Status E Rated Eff PF LRC St pf SC TC Modification # / Cable Source Bus Volts Rating Type (%) (%) (%) (%) Speed (sec) Master Diagram # # Sys 480V MCC 19-2 460. 50.0 HP I 90.0 85.0 625. 38.0 1800 .0000 Rmning Load : Condition 1: 45.0 HP 2: 45.0 HP 3: 45.0 HP 4: 45.0 HP Rec # 633 1-5620A TURB BEARINC LIFT PMP A Status : E *" Saf ety - Related *" Rated Eff PF LRC St pf SC TC Modification # / Cable Source Bus Volts Rating Type (%) (%) (%) (%) Speed (sec) Master Diagram # # Sys 480V KCC 19-3 460. 10.0 HP I 85.0 85.0 625. 54.0 1800 .0000 Rmning load : Condition 1: .0 HP 2: 9.0 HP 3: 9.0 HP 4: 9.0 HP Rec # 634 1-56208 TURB BEARING LIFT PMP B Status : E Rated Eff PF LRC St pf SC TC Modification # / Cable Source Bus volts Rating Type (%) (%) (%) (%) $5eed (sec) Master Diagram # # Sys 480V ECC 19-3 460. 10.0 HF I 85.0 85.0 625. 54.0 1800 .0000 Running Load : Condition 1: .0 HP 2: 9.0 HP 3: 9.0 HP 4: 9.0 HP Rec # 635 1-5620C TURB BEARING LIFT PMP C Status : E Rated Eff PF LRC St pf SC TC Modifiestion # / Cable Source Bus volts Rating Type (%) (%) (%) (%) Speed (sec) Master Diagram # # Sys 480Y MCC 19-3 460. 10.0 HP I 85.0 85.0 625. 54.0 1800 .0000 Ruming Load : Condition 1: .0 HP 2: 9.0 HP 3: 9.0 HP 4: 9.0 HP Rec # 636 1-56200 TURB BEARING LIFT PMP D Status : E 93 Rated Eff PF LRC St pf SC TC Modification # / Cable Source Bus volts Rating Type (%) (%) (%) (%) Speed (sec) Master Diagran # # Sys 480V MCC 19-3 460. 10.0 HP I 85.0 85.0 625. 54.0 1800 .0000 kmning Load : Cordition 1: .0 HP 2: 9.0 HP 3: 9.0 HP 4: 9.0 HP Rec # 637 1-5620E TURB BEARING LIFT PMP E Status E - Rated Eff PF LRC St pf SC TC Modification 8./ Cable Source Bus volts Rating Type (%) (%) (1) (%) Speed (sec) Master Diag, ram # # Sys 480V MCC 19 3 460. 10.0 HP 1 85.0 85.0 625. 54.0 1800 .0000 Emning Load Cordition 1: .0 HP 2: 9.0 HP 3: 9.0 HP 4: - 9.0 fP

AC Electrical Load Monitoring System Ver 2.10 Date : Sargent S Lundy Engineers ,f f Chicago Ill. .-- . . . Utility : Sargent & Lundy Internal use Proj. No. : 8013-94 Station . DUAD CITIES-FILE:21.DAT unit : 1 1

                                                                        *** Load Data ***                                                             [

i, t Rec # 638 i-5600 TUR8!NE TURNING CEAR Status : E Rated . Eff PF LRC St pf SC TC Modification # / Cable Source Bus volts [ Rating Type (%) (%) (%) (%) Speed (sec) Master Diagram # # S ys  ! 480V KCC 19-3 460.f 50.0 HP  ! 90.0 85.0 625. 38.0 1175 .0000 Running Load : Condition 1: .0 MP 2: 50.0 MP 3: 50.0 HD 4: 50.0 HP ---' Rec # 639 1-5608 TURB TURNING GEAR O!L PMP Status : E Rated Eff PF LRC St pf SC TC Modification # / Cable Source Bus Volts Rating Type (%) (%) (%) (%) Speed (sec) Master Diagram # # Sys 4COV HCC 19-3 460. 50.0 HP 1 90.0 85.0 625. 38.0 1760 .0000 Running Load : Condition 1: .0 HP 2: 45.0 HP 3: 45.0 HP 4: 45.0 HP Rec # 640 1-57B8E DRYWELL CLC BLR 1E Status : E Rated Eff PF LRC St pf SC TC Modification # / Cable Source Bus Volts Rating Type (%) (%) (%) (%) Speed (sec) Master Diagram # # Sys 4BOV MCC 19-3 460. 84.0 HP 1 90.0 85.0 625. 37.0 1800 .0000 Running Load . Condition 1: .0 HP 2: .0 HP 3: .0 HP 4: .0 HP Rec # 641 1-57&8 DRfWELL CLG BLR 1D Status : E *** Saf ety - Relat ed *** Rated Eff PF LRC St pf SC TC Modification # / Cable Source Bus Volts Rating Type (1) (%) (%) (%) Speed (sec) Master Diagram # # Sys 480V MCC 19 4 460. B4.0 HP 1 90.0 85.0 625. 37.0 1800 .0000 Running Load : Condition 1: .0 HP 2: .0 HP 3: .0 HP 4: .0 HP Rec # 642 1/2-7503B SBcf AIR HTRS Status : E *** Saf ety - Relat ed *** Rated Eff PF LRC St pf SC TC Modification # / Cable Source Bus Volts Rating Type (%) (%) (%) (%) Speed (sec) Master Diagram # # Sys SBCT AIR HTR TERM 4 80. 30.0 rW R 100.0 100.0 0. 20.0 0 .0000 Running Load

  • Condition 1: 25.0 rw 2: 25.0 rW 3: 25.0 rw 4: 25.0 rW .

Bec # 643 1/2-75D6B SBGT FAN Status : E *** Saf ety - Related *** gag Rated Eff PF LRC St pf SC TC Modification # / Cable Source Bus Volts Rating Type (%) (%) (%) (%) Speed (sec) Master Diagram # # Sys SBCT FAN TERM 4 60. 20.0 HP 1 85.0 85.0 625. 44.0 1760 .0000 Running toad : Condition 1: 20.0 HP 2: 20.0 HP 3: 20.0 HP 4: 20.0 HP Rec # 644 ACAD AIR COMPR Status . E *** Saf ety - Relat ed *** Roted Eff PF LRC St pf SC TC Modification #,/ Cable Source Bus Volts Rating Type (%) (%) (%) (%) Speed (sec) Master Diagram.# # Sys ACAD AIR COMP TERM 460. 25.0 HP 1 85.0 85.0 625. 43.0 1760 .0000 Running Load : Condition 1: .0 HP 2: .0 HP 3: .0 HP 4: -

                                                                                                                .0 ;eP

y l i-'-.~ _ l AC Electrical Load Monitoring System ver 2.10 m-c s', % l Date : Sargent & Lundy Engineers ' G) m e,I} l Chicago, Ill. Utility : Sargent & Lundy Internal Use Proj. No. : 8913 94 Station - QUAD CITIES-FILE:21.DAT unit : 1

                                                                          "* Load Data "*

i i, l Rec # '645 DRYWELL/70RUS DIFF PR COMPR status : E- "* Safety - Related *** i Rated . Eff PF L k '. St pf SC TC Modification # / Cable Source Bus Volts [ Ratig Type (%) (%) (%) (%) Speed (sec) Master Diagram # # Sys 480V MCC 19-4 460( 50.0 HP 1 90.0 85.0 625. 38.0 1725 .0000 Running Load : CoMition'1: 0 HP 2: .0 HP 3: .0 HP 4: .0 HP , Rec # 646 1-7503 RX BLDG VENT TO STANDBY CAS Status E Rated Eff PF LRC St pf SC TC Modification 8 / Cable Source Bus Volts Rating Type (%) - (1) (%) (%) Speed- (sec) Master Diagram # # Sys ' RX SBGT DAMPER 1 TER 460. 1.0 HP 1 75.0 80.0 625. 79.0 1800 .0000 Running Load : Condition 1: .0 HP 2: .0 HP 3: .0 HP 4: .0 HP Rec # 647 1/2-7504B $8GT CUTSIDE AIR SUPP DMPR Status : E *** Safety - Related *** Rated Eff PF LRC St pf SC TC Modification # / Cable Source Bus Volts Rating Type (%) (%) (%) (%) Speed (sec) Master Diagram # # Sys SBGT CUT DAMPER TERM 460. .1 HP I 75.0 80.0 625. 85.0 1800 .0000 Rmning Load : Condition 1: .0 ne 2: .0 HP 3: .0 HP 4: .0 HP i Rae # 648 1/2 7507B SBGT SYS FAN DISCH CAMPER Status : E *** Safety - Related *** I Rated Eff PF LRC St pf SC TC Modification # / Cable Source Bus Volts Rating Type (%) (%) (1) (%) Speed (sec) Master Diagram # # Sys SBGT DISCH DAMPER TE 460. 2.7 HP I 80.0 85.0 625. 68.0 1800 .0000 Running Load : Condition 1: .0 HP 2: .0 HP 3: .0 HP 4: .0 kp Rec # 649 1/2-75058 580T SYS INLET DAMPERS Status : E *" Saf ety - Related *** Rated Eff PF LRC St pf SC TC Modification # / Cable Source Bus Volts Rating Type (%) (%) (1) (1) Speed (sec) Master Diagree # # Sys SBGT INLET DAMPER TE 460. .7 HP 1 75.0 80.0 625. 83.0 1800 .0000 Running Load 4 Condition 1: .0 HP 2: .0 HP 3: .0 HP 4: .0 HP Rec # 650 1 1001 26B RHRS CONTAIN SPRAY ISOL VLV Status : E *** Safety - Related *** WI Rated Eff PF LRC St pf SC TC Modification # / Cable Scurce Bus volts Rating Type (%) (%) (%) (%) Speed (sec) Master Diagram # # Sys [ 480V MCC 19-4 460. 1.6 HP 1 75.0 80.0 638. 75.0 1800 .0000 Running Load : Condition 1: .0 HP 2: .0 HP 3: .0 HP ei .0 HP Rec # 651 1-1001-238 RHRS BACrup CONTAIN SPRAY Status - E *" Saf ety

  • Related *** -

Rated Eff PF LRC St pf SC TC Modification # / Cable Source tus volts Rating Type (%) (%) (1) (%) Speed (sec) Master Diagram # # Sys + 480V MCC 19-4 460. 1.6 HP 1 75.0 80.0 638. 75.0 1800 .0000 R mning Load : Condition 1: .0 HP 2: .0 HP 3: .0 HP 4: .0f MP I

AC Electrical Lord Monitoring System ver 2.10 Date : Sargent & Lundy Engineers Chicago, llt. 5290-Utility : Sargent & Lundy Internal Use Proj. ho. 8913 94 Station - QUAD CITIES-FILE:Z1.DAT Unit ._1 .

                                                                *** Load Data
  • i s 4

Rec # 652 1-1001-34B RHR$ MN SHUTOFF SUPP VLV 1B Status ? E

  • Safety - Related ***

Rated . Eff PF LRC St pf SC TC Modification # / Cable Source Bus volts [ Rating Type (%) (%) (%) (%) Speed (sec) Master Diagram # # Sys 430V MCC 19-4 460. / 4.0 HP  ! 80.0 85.0 4~ 54. 58.0 1800 .0000 R mning Load Condition 1! .0 HP 2: .0 HP 3: .0 HP 4: .0 HP scc # 653 1-1001 368 RNR$ SUPP CHAMBER DUMPLTNE Status E

  • Safety - Related ***

Rated Eff PF LRC St pf SC TC Modification # / Cable Source Bus Volts Rating Type (%) (%) (%) (%) Speed (rec) Master Diagram # # Sys 480V MCC 19-4 440. 2.6 HP L 80.0 85.0 477. 68.0 1800 .0000 Ruming Load Condition 1: .0 HP 2: .0 HP 3: .0 HP 4: .0 HP Rec # 654 1-1001 37B RHR$ SUPP CHAMBER SPRAY HDR Status : E *** Safety - Related

  • Rated Eff PF LRC St pf SC TC Modification # / Cable Source Bus volts Rating type (%) (%) (%) (t) Speed (sec) Master Diagram # # Ba, 480V MCC 19-4 460. 7 HP I 75.0 80.0 271. 83.0 1800 .0000 Running Load : Condition 1: .0 HP 2: .0 HP 3: .0 HP 4: .0 HP Rec # 655 1-1001-43C RHRS SHUTDWW C00L1hG VLV 1C Status : E *** Saf ety - Related
  • Rated Eff PF " LRC St pf SC TC kodification # / Cable Source Bus volts Rating Type (1) (%) (%) (%) Speed (sec) Master Diagram # # Sys 480V MCC 19-4 460. 1.0 HP I 75.0 80.0 357. 79.0 1800 .0000  ;

Rmning Load . Condition 1: .0 HP 2: .0 HP 3: .0 HP 4: .0 HP l Rec # 656 1-1001-430 RHRS SHUTDWW C00LikG VLV 1D Status : E

  • Safety - Related
  • Rated Eff PF LRC St pf SC TC Modification # / Cable l Source Bas Volts Rating Type (%) (1) (%) (%) Speed (sec) Master Diagram # # Sys 480V MCC 19-4 460. 1.0 HP i 75.0 80.0 257. 79.0 1800 .0000 Rmning Load : Condition 1: .0 HP 2: .0 HP 3: .0 HP 4: .0 HP Rec # 657 1-1001-19B RHRS COOLING PMP CROSS HOR Status : E
  • Safety - Related
  • M Rated Eff PF LRC St pf SC TC Modification # / Cable Source Bus Volts Rating Type (%) (%) (%) (%) Speed (sec) Master Diagram # # Sys 480Y CCC 19-4 460. 2.6 HP I 80.0 85.0 354. 68.0 1800 .0000 l Running Load : Condition 1: .0 NP 2: .0 HP 3: .0 HP 4: .0 HP 1 1

Rec # 658 1-1001-16B RNRS HX R10038 BYPASS VLV1B Status : E *** Saf ety - Related *** . Rated Eff PF 1RC St pf SC TC Modificistion # / Cable Source Bus Volts Pating Type (1) (%) (%) (%) Speed (sec) Master Diagram.# ,

                                                                                                                 # Sys 480V CCC 1V-4           460.       2.6 HP     1   80.0    85.0 476. 68.0 1800            .0000 Running Load : Condition 1:              .0 HP 2:             .0 HP     3:          .0 HP 4:              .0 ,8P i

AC Electrical Lord Monitoring System ver 2.10 Date . Sergent & Lundy Engineers Chicago, lit. fh 3 Utility : Sargent & Lundy Internal Use Proj. No. : 8913-94 Station : QUAD CITIES-FlLE:21.0AT Unit 1

                                                                   '" Load Data "*

1 ,, - Rec # 659 1-1001 7C RNRS C00LANT 1002C PMP SUCT Status : E *" Saf ety - Related *** Rated . Eff PF LRC St pf SC TC Modification # / Cable


Source Bus Volts [ Rating Type (%) (%) (%) (%) Speed (sec) Master Diagram # # Sys 480V KCC 19-4 4604 1.0 HP 1 75.0 80.0 357. 79.0 1800 .0000 Running Load : Cordition'1: .0 HP 2: .0 HP 3: .0 HP 4: .0 HP Rec # 660 1 1001-7D RMRS C00LANT 1002D PMP SUCT Status : E *" Saf ety - Related "* Rated Eff PF LRC St pf SC TC Modification # / Cable Source Bus Volts Rating Type (%) (%) (%) (%) Speed (sec) Master D'agram # # Sys 480V MCC 19-4 460. 1.0 HP 1 75.0 80.0 571. 79.0 1800 .000u Running Load : Condition 1: .0 HP 2: .0 NP 3: .0 HP 4: .0 HP Rac # 661 1-1001-5B RHRS CNMT COOLANT HX VLV 18 Status : E *** Saf ety - Related "*  ; Rated Eff PF LRC St pf SC TC Modification # / Cable , Scurce Bus Volts Rating Type (%) (%) (%) (%) Speed (sec) Master Diagram # # Sys 480V MCC 19-4 460. .6 HP I 75.0 80.0 5 71. 83.P 1800 .0000 Rurning Load : Condition 1: .D HP 2: .0 HP 3: .0 HP 4: .0 HP i Rec # 662 1/2 5795-30 CONTRL RM RTN AIR FAN 1/2 Status : E *" Safety Related *" l Rated Eff PF LRC St pf SC TC Modification # / Cable Scurce Bus Volts Rating Type (%) (%) (%) (%) Speed (sec) kaster Diagram # # Sys ' CONT RM RTN FAN TERM 460. 30.0 HP 1 85.0 85.0 625. 42.0 1750 .0000 Rm ning Load : Cordition 1: .0 HP 2: .0 HP 3: .0 HP 4: .0 HP Rsc # 663 1 202-6A RX WTR RECIRC LOOP EDUAL VL Status E "* Safety Related *" Rated Eff PF LRC St pf SC TC Modification # / Lebte Source Bus Volts Rating Type (1) (%) (%) (%) Speed (sec) Master Diagram # # Sys 480V MCC 18/19-5 460. 8.0 HP I 80.0 85.0 827. 54.0 1800 .0000 Rmning load : Condition 1: .0 HP 2: .0 HP 3: .0 HP 4: .0 HP Rec # 664 1-202-4A RX VTR RECIRC PMP SUCT VLV Status : E *" Saf ety - Related *** O Rated Eff PF LRC St pf SC TC Modification # / Cable l Source Bus Volts Rating Type (%) (%) (%) (%) Speed (sec) Master Diagram # # Sys 480V MCC 18/19-5 460. 16.0 HP  ! 85.0 85.0 625. 44.0 3500 .0000 Rmning Load : CoMition 1: .0 HP 2: .0 HP 3: .0 HP 4: .0 HP. I Rsc # 665 1-202 5A RX WTR RECIRC PMP DISCH VLV Status E *" Saf ety - Related "* . Rated Eff PF LRC St pf SC TC Modification f / Cable Scurce Bus Volts Rating Type (%) (%) (%) (%) Speed (sec) Master Diagram # # Sys 480V MCC 18/19 5 460. 14.0 HP 1 85.0 85.0 777. 49.0 3420 .0000 Amning Load : Condition 1: .0 HP 2: .0 HP 3: .0 HP 4: . .0 HP 7

Date : AC Electrical Lord Monitoring System ver 2.10 Sargent & Lundy Engineers ffffff f( Chicago, Ill. _.___. Utitity : Sargent & Lundy Irternal use Proj. No. . 8913-94 Station : QUAD CITIES-FILE:21.DAT Unit . 1

                                                                         *** Load Data ***

i a 4 Rec # 666 1-1001-29A RHRS INBOARD SHUT 0FF Vtv Status E *** Saf ety - Relat ed *** Rated . Eff PF LRC St pf SC TC Modification # / Cable Source Bus volts [ Rating Type (%) (%) (%) (%) Speed (sec) Master Diagram # # Sys 480V RCC 18/19 5 4 60.f 20.0 HP  ! 85.0 85.0 75 9. 44.0 3365 .0000 Running Load : Condition i: .0 HP 2: .0 HP 3: .0 HP 4: .0 HP Rec # 667 1-1001-2EA RMRS DUTBDARD SHUT 0FF VLV Status . E *** Safety - Related *** Rated Eff PF LRC St pf SC TC Modification # / Cable Source Bus Volts Rating Type (%) (%) (%) (%) Speed (sec) Master Diagram # # Sys 480V MCC 18/19 5 460. 52.0 HP I 90.0 85.0 771. 38.0 3530 .0000 Running Load : Condition 1: .0 HP 2: .0 HP 3: .0 HP 4: .0 HP Rec # 668 1 202-9A RX WTR RECIRC LOOP EQUAL VL Status : E *** Safety - Related *** Rated Eff PF LRC St pf SC TC Modification # / Cable Source Bus volts Rating Type (%) (%) (%) (%) Speed (sec) Master Diagram # # Sys 400v nCC 18/19 5 440. .1 HP 1 75.0 80.0 625. 85.0 1800 .0000 Running Load : Condition 1: .0 HP 2: .0 HP 3: .0 HP 4: .0 HP R ec # 669 1-202-6B RX WTR RECIRC PMP SUCTION Status . E *** Safety - kelsted *** Rated Eff PF LRC St pf SC TC Modification # / Cable Source Bus Volts Rating Type (%) (1) (1) (%) Speed (sec) Master Diagram # # Sys 450" MCC 18/19-5 440, 8.0 HP 1 80.0 85.0 827. 54.0 1500 .0000 Running Load : Condi tion 1: .0 HP 2: .0 HP 3: .0 HP 4: .0 HP Rec # 6 70 1-202-4B RX VTR RECIRC PMP DISCH VLV Status : E *** Safety - Related *** Rated Eff PF LRC St pf SC TC Modification # / Cable Source Bus Volts Rating T ype (%) (%) (1) (%) Speed (sec) Master Diagram # # Sys 480V MCC 18/19 5 460. 16.0 HP 1 85.0 85.0 625. 44.0 1800 .0000 Running Load : Condition 1: .0 HP 2: .0 HP 3: .0 HP 4: .0 HP Rec # 671 1-202-58 RX WTR RECIRC PMP DISCH VLV Stat us E *** Safety - Related *** EE) Rated Eff PF LRC St pf SC TC Modification # / Cable Source Bus Volts Rating Type (%) (%) (%) (%) Speed (sec) Master Diagram # # Sys 480V MCC 18/19-5 460. 14.0 HP 1 85.0 85.0 777. 49.0 5420 .0000 Running Loed : Condition 1: .0 HP 2: .0 HP 3: .0 HP 4: .0 HP Rec # 672 1 1001-29B RHRS IWBOARD SHUT 0FF VLV Status E *** Saf ety - Related ***

  • Rated Eff PF LRC St pf SC TC Modification #;/ Cable Source Bus Volts Rat ing Type (%) (%) (%) (%) Speed (sec) Master Diagram.,# # Sys 480V MCC 18/19 5 460, 20.0 HP 1 85.0 85.0 75 9. 44.0 3565 .0000 Running Load : Condition 1: .0 HP 2: .0 HP 3: .0 HP 4: .0 ,EP

AC Electrical Lord Monitoring System ver 2.10 Date :

                                                                                                                             ,   g,      ,

Sargent & Lundy Engineers Q, 6 y Chicage, ILL. - Utility : Sargent & Lundy Internal Use Proj. he. . 8913 94 Station : QUAD CITIES-FILE:21.DAT unit : 1

                                                                          '" Load Dat a ***
                            !          t ,

Rec # 673 1-1001-288 RHRS OUTBOARD SHUT 0FF VLV status : E *" Saf ety - Related, *" ' Rated . Eff PF LRC St pf SC TC Modification # / Cable Source Bus Volts / Rating Type (%) (%) (%) (%) Speed (sec) Master Diagram # # Sys 480V 8'CC 18/19-5 460./ 52.0 HP 1 90.0 85.0 943. 38.0 1800 .0000 Running Load : Condition 1: .0 HP 2: .0 HP 3: .0 HP 4: .0 HP 1 Rec # 674 1 202-98 RX WTR RECIRC LOOP EQUAL VL Status : E "* Saf ety - Related *** Rated Eff PF LRC St pf SC TC Modification # / Cable Source Bus Volts Rating Type (%) (%) (%) (%) Speed (sec) Master Diagram # # Sys 480V 8:CC 18/19-5 440. .1 HP I 75.0 80.0 625. 85.0 1800 .0000 Rmning Load : Condition 1: .0 HP 2: .0 HP 3: .0 HP 4: .0 HP Ric # 6 75 1-5788C DRYWELL CLG BLWR 1C Status 4 E Rated Eff PF LRC St pf SC TC Modification # / Cable source Bus Volts Rating Type (%) (%) (%) (%) Speed (sec) Master Diagram # # Sys 480V MCC 19-6 460. 84.0 PP 1 90.0 85.0 625. 37.0 1800 .0000 Rmning Load : Condition 1: .0 HP 2: .0 HP 3: .0 4: HP .0 HP R:e # 676 1-5788G ORYWELL CLG BLWR 1G Status : E Rated Eff PF LRC St pf SC TC Modification # / Cable ' Source Bus Volts Rating Type (%) (1) (%) (%) Speed (sec) Master Dip; ram # # Sys 480V *:CC 19-6 460. 84.0 HP 1 90.0 85.0 625. 37.0 1800 .0000 Rmnireg Load : Cordition 1: .0 HP 2: .0 HP 3: .0 HP 4: .0 HP Rec # 677 1/2-2901 06 THROTTLE TEST VALVE Status : E Rated Eff PF LRC St pf SC TC Mcdification # / Cable i Source Bus Volts Rating Type (%) (%) (%) (%) Speed (sec) Master Diagram # # Sys 480V MCC 30 460. .1 HP I 75.0 80.0 625. 85.0 1800 .0000 R mning Load : Condition 1: .0 HP 22 .0 HP 3: .0 HP 4: .0 HP Rec # 678 1/2-2901 07 THROTTLE TEST VLV Status : E g Rated Eff PF LRC St pf SC TC Modifiestion # / Cable Source Bus Volts Rating Type (%) (%) (%) (%) Speed (sec) Master Diagram # # Sys , 480V MCC 30 460. .3 HP I 75.0 80.0 625. 85.0 1800 .0000 Rmning Load : Condition 1: t

                                           .0 HP 2:                  .0     HP   3:        .0 HP 4:             .0   HP R$c # 679 1/2 5799           AIR COND UNIT                                 Status : E                                                   -

Rated Eff PF LRC St pf SC TC Modification #,/ Cable ] Source Bus Volts Rsting Type (%) (%) (%) (%) Speed (sec) Master Diagram.* # Sys 480V t;CC 30 460. 25.0KVA 1 85.0 85.0 625. 43.0 1800 .0000 Running Load : Condition 1: l 25.0 KVA 2: .0 KVA 3: 25.0 rVA 4: 25.0 KVA '

I AC Electrical Lord Monitoring System Ver 2.20 - Date : 04 27-92 Sergent & Lurufr Engineers Chicago, Ill.  ;- I f Utility : Sergent & Lundy Internal Use Proj. No. : 8913 94 Station : QUAD CITIES-FILE:21.DAT unit 1 l

                                                                             *" Load Data *"
a, Ric # 890 1 57140 RHR$W VAULTS EXHAUST FAN Status : M Rated . Eff PF LRC St pf SC TC Modification # / Cable Source Bus Volts / Rating Type (1) (%) (%) (%) Speed (sec) Master Diagram # # Sys 480V MCC 15 2 464 2.0 HP I 84.0 84.0 862. 75.0 1750 .0000 M04-1-91-011 68343 Rtrining Load : Condition'1: ~ 2.0 HP 2: 2.0 HP 3: .0 HP 4: 2.0 HP -

Rec 8 891 1-2399-40 HPCI IWBO ISOLN VLV Status

  • M Rated Eff PF LRC St pf SC TC Modification # / Cable Source Bus volts Rating Type (%) (%) (%) (%) Speed (sec) Master Diagram # # Sys 400V MCC 19-1 460. .3 HP I 75.0 80.0 602. 85.0 1800 .0000 M04 1-91 013B 68350 Running Load : Corrfition 1: .0 HP 2: .0 HP 3: .0 HP 4: .0 HP stre # 892 TURB TRNC GEAR PGBK MOTOR Status : E Rated Eff PF LRC St pf SC TC Modification 8 / Cable Source Bus Volts Rating Type (%) (%) (1) (%) Speed (sec) kaster Diagram # # Sys 480V MCC 19 3 440. 1.4 HP I 85.0 60.0 625. 20.0 450 .0000 RLrining Load : Condition 1: .0 HP 2: 1.3 HP 3: 1.3 HP 4: 1.3 HP

~ Rec # 893 1-3701 CLSD CLG WTR HD ISO VLV Status . E Rated Eff PF LRC St pf SC TC Modification 8 / Cable Source Bus Volts Rating Type (%) (%) (%) (%) Speed (sec) Master Diagram # # Sys 480V MCC 19-1 460. 2.3 HP 1 90.0 85.0 625. 20.0 1700 .0000 Rtrining Load : Condition 1: .0 HP 2: .0 HP 3: .0 HP 4: .0 HP Rec # 894 TURBINE OIL CENTRIFUCE Status : E Rated Eff PF LRC St pf SC TC kodification # / Cable Source Bus Volts Rating Type (%) (1) (%) (%) Speed (sec) Master Diagram # # Sys 480V MCC 19-3 460. 2.0 HP 1 90.0 67.0 648. 20.0 1740 .0000 RLrining Load : Condition 1: .0 HP 2: .0 HP 3: .0 HP 4: .0 HP Rec # 895 1-1402-38 CORE SPRY PLMP SUC VLV 1B Status : E ' q Rated Eff PF LRC St pf SC TC Modification # / Cable Source Bus Volts Rating Type (%) (%) (%) (%) Speed (sec) Master Diagrare # # Sys 480V UCC 19-1 460. 3.2 MP  ! 90.0 85.0 625. 20.0 1700 .0000 Rtrining Load : Condition 1: .0 HP 2: .0 HP 3: .0 HP 4: .0 HP 0


7: ,

                                                                                                                                  .. lI _!        ' -

AC Electrical Load Monitoring System ver 2.10

      .Date :                                             Sargent & Lundy Engineers                                       ~

fh}'QQQ* *~ Chicago, lit. ~

                                                                                                                       ~2          .M-Running Voltage Sununary Utility : Sargent & Lundy Internal Use                  Proj. No. . 8913-94                                  *
  • Source NLanber : 3 Ststion : QUAD C! TIES-FILE:21.DAT unit . 1 ************************

J *, - Bus Running Voltage and Per Cent of Bus Rated Volts Internal . Bus Rated Bus No. [ Volts

                                    /                                        Cond 1        Cond. 2       Cond. 3       Cond. 4          cond. 5
                           /      /

3 Source kOUIVELANTSOURCE3 4160.0 3845.1 3845.1 3845.1 3845.1 92.4 % 92.4 % 92.4 % 92.4 1 15 4KVSWGR1U 4160.0 3845.1 3845.0 3845.0 3845.0

                                                                                                                                            ~ - ~

92.4 % 92.4 % 92.4 % 92.4 % 29 HIGH SIDE OF XFMR 19 4160.0 3844.1 3843.4 3843.4 3843.4  ; 92.4 % 92.4 % 92.4 % 92.4 % 30 480V SWGR 19 480.0 447.4 440.7 440.7 440.6 93.2 % 91.8 % 91.8 % 91.8 % 61 480V MCC 19 1 480.0 447.2' 437.1 437.1 436.9 93.2 % 91.1 % 91.1 % 91.0 % 62 480V MCC 19 2 480.0 443.4 435.9 435.9 435.8 92.4 % 90.8 1 90.8 % 90.8 % 63 480V MCC 19 3 480.0 447.4 433.0 433.0 432.9 93.2 % 90.2 % 90.2 % 90.2 % 64 480V MCC 19-4 480.0 445.4 438.6 438.6 438.6 92.8 % 91.4 X' 91.4 1 91.4 %  ! 65 -) 480V MCC 18/19-5 480.0 447.4 440.7 440.7 440.6 I 93.2 1 91.8 % 91.8 % 91.8 % 66 480V MCC 19 6 480.0 I 447.4 440.7 440.7 440.6  ; 93.2 % 91.8 % 91.8 % 91.8 % 81 DG CLG WTR PUMP TERM 480.0 438.1 431.2 431.2 431.1 84ll 91.3 1 89.8 % 89.8 % 89.8 %

       $2               MPCI AIR UNIT TERM             480.0                   447.2         425.3         425.3           425.1                               !

93.2 % 88.6 % 88.6 % 88.6 % l 83 HPCI CLG SEAL PMP TE 480.0 447.2 437.1 437.1 436.9 93.2 % 91.1 % 91.1 % 91.0 % S4 RMRS AIR HDLC 1B TER 480.0 447.2 422.3, , 422.3 422.1 93.2 % 88.0 % 88.0 % 87.9 % 85 PO$f LOCA M2/02 TERM 480.0 447.2 435.0 435.0 434.8 93.2 % 90.6 % 90.6 % 90.6 %

AC Electrical Loe,d stonitoring System ver 2.10 D:ts : Sargent & Lundy Engineers -


Chicago, it1.  :. :r. -- 0 Running Voltage Smynary - *"** Utility : Sargent & Lundy Internal Use Proj. ho'. . 8913 94


Source km ber : 3

  • 5tation QUAD CITIES FILE:Z1.DAT unit i1 * " " * " " " * * * * " " " "

J i, Bus Running Voltage and Per Cent of Bus Rated Volts Internal , Bus Rated I Bus No. Volts


I / Cond. 1 Cond. 2 Cend. 3 l Cond. 4 Cond. 5 J f 86 SkBYLQDPMPTERM 480.0 - 447.2 437.1 437.1 436.9 93.2 % 91.1 % 91.1 % 91.0 % 87 DG OIL XFER PMP TERM ! 480.0 447.2 437.1 437.1 420.4 93.2 % 91.1 % 91.1 % 87.6 % BS DG RM HVAC F AN TERM 480.0 447.2 429.2 429.2 429.0 93.2 % 89.4 % 89.4 % 89.4 % 09 CORE SPRY AIR 1B TER 480.0 447.2 426.3 426.3 426.0 93.2 1 88.8 % 88.8 1 88.8 % i 90 HPCI TANC HTR TERM 480.0 - 447.2 437.1 437.1 436.9 93.2 % 91.1 % 91.1 1 91.0 % 91 DG OIL XFER PMP 2 TE 480.0 447.2 437.1 437.1 436.9 93.2 % 91.1 % 91.1 1 91.0 1 92 RHR EMER AIR 2B TERM 480.0 447.2 437.1 437.1 436.9 93.2 1 91.1 % 91.1 % 91.0 % 93 DG RM IfvAC FAN 2 TER 480.0 447.2 437.1 437.1 436.9 93.2 1 91.1 % 91.1 1 91.0 1 94 DG STG CCMP 1A TERM 480.0 443.4 424.5 424.5 424.4 92.4 % 85.4 1 86.4 1 88.4 % 95 DG STG COMP 18 TERM 480.0 443.4 424.3 424.3 424.2 92.4 % 88.4 1 88.4 % 88.4 1 96 DG 1 CLR FAN A TERM 480.0 437.5' 429.8 429.8 429.7 g3 91.1 1 89.5 1 89.5 1 89.5 % 97 DG 1 CLR FAN 8 TERf'. 480.0 437.7 430.1 430.1 430.0 91.2 % 89.6 % 89.6 % 89.6 1 98 RHR PMP 1C FAW A TEA 480.0 443.4 432.4 432.4 432.3 92.4 % 90.1 % 90.1 1 90.1 %

  • 99 250 V STRY CHGR TERM 480.0 440.6 433.1 ,433.1 433.0 91.8 % 90.2 % 90.2 1 90.2 %

100 p 125 V BTRY CHGR TERM 480.0 441.3 433.8 433.8 433.7 91.9 % 90.4 % 90.4 % 90.3 %

e. m
                                                                                                                                                             .i-At Electrical Load Monitoring Systse Ver 2.10                                g Dste :                                                               Sergent & Lundy Engineers                                    -
                                                                                                                                           ;i       hg         ft. '

d Chicago, lit. -

                                                                                                                                                      .   *x Running Voltage Stenary Utility : Sargent & Lundy Internal Use                                     Proj. No,
  • 8913 94
  • Source NLseer : 3
  • Station : QUAD CITIES-FILE:21.DAT unit : 1 " " * " * " * * * * * * "
                                     ,)               i 4

Bus Running Voltage and Per Cent of Bus Rated Volts Internal , Bus Rated Bus No. Volts [' f Cond. 1 Cond. 2 Cond. 3 Cond. 4 Cond. 5

                     /                         1 101             IXSBGTDAMPER1TER                                   480.0                  445.4        438.6        438.6           438.6 92.8 %       91.4 %         91.4 %         91.4 %

102 SBGT INLET DAMPER TE 480.0 445.4 438.6 438.6 438.6 92.8 % 91.4 % 91.4 % 91.4 % i 103 SBGT DISCH DAMPER TE 480.0 445.4 438.6 438.6 438.6 92.8 % 91.4 % 91.4 % 91.4 1 104 SBGT OUT DAMPER TERM 480.0 445.4 438.6 438.6 438.6 92.8 % 91.4 % 91.4 % 91.4 % 105 ACAD AIR COMP TERM 480.0 445.4 438.6 438.6 438.6 92.8 % 91.4 % 91.4 % 91.4 % 106 SBCT FAN TERM 480.0 431.5 424.6 424.6 424.5 89.9 % 88.5 % 88.5 % 88.4 % l 107 SBGT AIR HTR TERM 480.0 435.9 429.0 429.0 428.9 90.8 % 89.4 % 89.4 % 89.4 1 108 CONT RM RTN FAN TERM 480.0 447.4 440.7 440.7 440.6 93.2 % 91.8 % 91.8 % 91.8 % e e s

1 _- - I i i Date - At Electrical Lord Monitorino System Ver 2.10 Sargent & Lundy Engineers

0 Chicago, Ill. .
. .w -

l Load S# mary by Bus ***** Bus kame : 480V SWGR 19 utility

  • Sargent & Lundy Internal Use Proj. he. . 8913-94 Rated Voltage - 480.0 votts Station : QUA0 CITIES-FILE:Z1.DAT Unit 1 Source : 3, EQUIVELANT SOURCE 3
                                  )           *4 Load                                                      Rated          Max. Design hp/kW/kVA for Conditico or Bus                                 ,                  hp/kW                                                                     PF       EFF LRC Speed SCTC No.      **  Equip. No./ Load [hame or Bus hame ** kVA l     1            2          3          4 5l      (%)        (%) (%)            RPM (sec)


   $78 1-19028          #

FUEL POOL CLC WTR PMP 1B 100.0 .0 .0 .0 .0 85.0 90.0 625.0 1800 .0000 i Status E Load type : Induction HP HP MP HP HP 579 1-37018 RX BLDG CLC WTR PMP 1B 125.0 .0 .0 .0 .0 85.0 90.0 625.0 1800 .0000 l Status : E Load type : Irduction HP HP HP HP HP *** Safety - Related *** 580 1-57048 RX BLDG EXM FAN 18 100.0 .0 .0 .0 .0 85.0 90.0 625.0 1775 .0000 Status : E Load type . Induction HP HP HP HP MP 581 1-5704C RX BLDG EXH FAN 1C 100.0 .0 .0 .0 .0 85.0 90.0 625.0 1775 .0000 Status : E Load type : Induction HP HP MP HP MP 582 1 5703A RX BLDG SPLY FAN 1A 100.0 .0 .0 .0 .0 85.0 90.0 625.0 1800 .0000 Status : E Load type : Induction HP MP HP HP MP 583 1-5705C TURB BLDG EXH FAN 1C 150.0 .0 .0 .0 .0 85.0 90.0 625.0 1780 .0000 Status : E Load type : Induction HP HP HP HP HP 584 RX BLDG LTGING 18 72.0 60.7 60.7 60.7 60.7 90.0 100.0 .0 0 .0000 Status : E Load type : Resistive KVA KVA KVA KVA KVA *** Safety - Related

  • 585 1-57028 E. TURB BLDG SPLY FAN 1B 100.0 .0 .0 .0 .0 85.0 90.0 625.0 1800 .0000 Status : E Load type : IrW etion HP MP HP HP HP 5G7 1/2-3701C RX BLDG CLG PMP 1/2C 125.0 .0 .0 .0 .0 85.0 90.0 625.0 1800 .0000 Status : E Load type : tr& ction HP HP MP HP HP 61 Bus name : 480V MCC 19 1 4 75. 75. 78.

Connection rating : 220.0 Anps kVA kVA kVA kVA 62 Bus name : 480V MCC 19-2 187. 223. 223. 223. Connection rating : 220.0 Apps kVA kVA kVA kVA 93 63 But rame : 480V MCC 19-3 0. 143. 143. 143. Connection rating : 220.0 Anps kVA kVA kVA kVA 64 Bus name : 480V MCC 19-4 45. 45. 45. 45.


Comection rating : 220.0 Anps kVA kVA kVA kVA 65 Bus name . 480V MCC 18/19 5 0. O. O. O. , comection reting : 220.0 Anps kVA kVA kVA kVA , 7

                                                                                                                                               .i AC Electrical Losd Monitoring System Ver 2.10                 ~
 .Date :                                                Sargent & Lundy Engineers                                      ::

Chicago, it1. h *] 7- ['- f

7 *
                                                   *""     toad Strmary by Bus   "*"                                                            i Bus home : 480V SWGR 19                         5 Utility : Sargent & Lundy Internal Use                     Proj. ho. + 8913-94       -

Rated voltage : 480.0 volts  ; Station : QUAD CITIES-FILE:Z1.DAT unit : 1 Source : 3, EQUIVELANT SOURCE 3 l 5

                                   '4                                                                                                              ,

I t Load Rated Man. Design hp/kW/kVA for Condition or Bus , hp/kW PF EFF LRC Speed 'SCTC

         **                                                                                                                                     l' No.         Equip. ko./ Load [Name or Bus Name " kVA       l 1          2       3       4      5l    (%)         (%) (%)     RPM (sec)

I 66 Bus name : 480V MCC/19-6 0. O. D. D. ' Connection rating : 280.0 Anps kVA kVA kVA kVA 81 Bus name : DG CLG WTR FJMP TERM B5. 85. 85. 85. Connection rating : 400.0 Anps kVA kVA kVA kVA Totat kVA input : 381. 630. 630. 633. kW : 351. 564. 564. 567 kVAR : 148. 280. 280. 281. l t w i I L I l I N-l

                                                                                                                                             ^1 1




Date : AC Electrical Losd f:onitorino System Ver 2.20 Sargent & Lu dy Engineers -- 4

                                                                                                                                            }gg gg  -   7v Chicago, Ill.                                                   ,,
                                                      '""       Load $wnmary by Bus        * * "
  • Bus home : 480V MCC 19 1 Utility : Sergent & Lundy Internal Use Proj. ho. : 8913 69 Rated Voltage : 480.0 volts Station : QUA0 CITIES-FILE:21.DAT Unit : 1 Source
  • 3, EQUIVELANT SauRCE 3 J e, tom Rated Max. Design hp/kW/kVA for Condition -

or Bus , hp/kW PF EFF LRC Speed SCTC ho. ** Equip. No./ Load,/ Name or Bus Name ** kVA l 1 2 3 4 5j (%) (%) (%) RPM (sec) I 592 / 120/208V XFHa TD 19-1-1 15.0 4.1 4.1 4.1 4.1 75.0100.0 .0 0 .0000 Status : E ' Load type : Resistive KVA KVA KVA KVA KVA

  • Safety - Related *"

595 1-1279-28 RX WTR CLNUP SYS FLTR HDPMP 2.0 .0 1.8 1.8 1.8 85.0 80.0 625.0 1800 .0000 Status . E Load type : Induction HP HP MP HP HP *** Safety - Related ***

  $96 1 5708-1B           DRYWELL & TORUS PRG EXH FAN      30.0             .0        .0        .0        .0          85.0 85.0 625.0 1750          .0000 Status : E        Load type : Irdxti on            HP         HP        MP        MP        MP                 *** Saf ety Related *"

593 1-1279-116 RESIN FEED TNK AGITATOR .8 .0 .0 .0 .0 80.0 75.0 625.0 1800. .0000 Status : E Load t we : Inoxtion HP MP HP HP HP 601 1-1205B RX WTR CLNUP SYS RECIRC PNP 50.0 .0 .0 .0 .0 85.0 90.0 625.0 1800 .0000 Status : E Load type : Irdxtion HP HP HP HP MP 604 1-1201-80 RX WTR CLNUP SYS BOILER VLV 1.0 .0 .0 .0 .0 80.0 75.0 625.0 1800 .0000 Status : E Load type : Ird xtion HP HP HP HP HP *" Safety

  • Related ***

605 1-2301-4 HPCI TURB STM SUPPLY VLV 1.0 .0 .0 .0 .0 80.0 75.0 640.0 1800 .0000  ; Status : E Load twe : Irdaction HP HP HP HP HP *** Safety - Related *** 606 1-1001-1868 RHRS MX REV INLET VLV 1.7 .0 .0 .0 .0 80.0 75.0 325.0 1800 .0000 ' Status :~E Load type : Irdxtion HP HP MP HP HP *** Safety - Related

  • l 607 1-1402 243 CORE SPRAY OTBD ISOL VLV 1B 4.0 .0 .0 .0 .0 85.0 80.0 827.0 1800 .0000 Status : E Load type : Induction HP MP HP HP HP *** Saf ety - Related "*

608 1-1402-255 CORE SPRAY INBD ISOL VLV 18 8.0 .0 .0 .0 .0 85.0 80.0 827.0 1800 .0000 ) Ststus : E Load type : Irdztion HP HP HP MP MP *** Safety - Related *** 609 1-1402-4B C5 TEST BYPASS VLV 18 1.6 .0 .0 .0 .0 80.0 75.0 256.0 1800 .0000 Status : E Load type : IrdJetion HP MP MP HP HP *** Safety - Related *** 610 1 1001-1858 RHR$ MX WORM OUTLET VLV 1.7 .0 .0 .0 .0 80.0 75.0 350.0 1800 .0000 Status : E Load type : Irdxtion HP HP HP MP HP *** Safety - Related *** 611 1-1001-187B RHR$ HK REVERSE OUTLET VLV 1.6 .0 .0 .0 .0 80.0 75.0 300.0 1800 .0000 Status : E Load type.: Induction HP HP HP HP HP *** Safety - Related *** 613 1-1001-4B RHR$ HX NORMAL INLET Vtv 3.7 .0 .0 .0 .0-  ; 85.0 80.0 590.0 1800 .0000 Status : E Load type : Ird etion HP HP HP HP HP *** Safety - Related ***


f I



AC Electrical Load Monitoring System Ver 2.20 Date : Sargent 1 Lundy Engineers 8.. h*0 - Chicago, 111.  ;' -

                                                    *****    Load Sumnary by Bus    *****

Bus hame : 480V MCC 19 1 Utility : Sargent & Lundy Internal Use Proj. ho. : 8913 69 Rated Voltage : 480.0 volts 5tstion : QUAD CITIES-FILE:21.DAT unit : 1 Source : 3, EQUIVELANT ScuRCE 3 1 a 4 _ Load Rated Max. Design hp/kW/kVA f or Condition or Bus , hp/kW PF EFF LRC Speed $CTC i ho. ** Equip. ko./ Loa 4'Name or Bus home ** kVA l 1 2 3 4 5l (%) (%) (%) RPM (sec) j i 891 1-2399-40 / HPCI (WBD ISOLN VLV .3 .0 .0 .0 .0 80.0 75.0 602.0 1500 .0000 Status : M Load type : Induction HP HP MP HP HP 893 1-3701 CLSDCLGpgRHD150VLV 2.3 .0 .0 .0 .0 85.0 90.0 625.0 1700 .0000 status : E Load type : Inductimi MP HP HP MP NP - - - C95 1-1402-3B CORE SPRY PURP SUC VLV 28 3.2 .0 .0 .0 .0 85.0 90.0 625.0 1700 .0000 status : E Load type : Induction HP MP MP HP HP 82 Bus rose : HPCI AIR UNIT TERM 0, 3. 3. 3. t Comection rating : 400.0 Amps kVA kVA kVA kVA 83 Bus name : HPCI CLG SEAL PMP TE 0. D. D. D. Connection rating : 400.0 Anps kVA kVA kVA kVA 84 Bus name : RHR$ AIR HDLG 18 TER 0. 9. 9. 9. Connection rating . 400.0 Amps kVA kvA kvA kVA G5 Bus name : POST LOCA H2/02 TERM Q. 1. 1. 1. Connection rating :


400.0 Amps kVA kVA kVA kVA 86 Bus name : STBY LQD PMP TERM 0. O. D. O. Connection rating : 400.0 Amps kVA kVA kVA kVA 7 87 Bus name : DG OIL NFER PMP TERM 0. D. D. 3. Comection rating : 400.0 Apps kVA kVA kVA kVA S8 Bus none : DG RM HVAC FAN TERM 0. 50. 50. 50.  ! Connection rating : 400.0 Arps kVA kVA kVA kVA 89 Bus nane : CORE SPRY AIR 18 TER 0. 6. 6. 6. Connection rating : 4DO.0 Amps kVA kVA kVA kVA ELD i 90 Bus name : HPCI TANK HTR TERM 0. D. D. D. , Connection rating : 400.0 Aaps kVA kVA kVA kVA i 91 Bus name : DG O!L XFER PMP 2 TE 0. D. D. O. Connection rating : 400.0 Anps kVA kVA kvA kVA i 92 Bus name : RHR EMER AIR 28 TERM 0. D. O. D. , Connection rating : 400.0 Amps kVA kVA kVA kVA 4 1 l l

1 At Ettetrical Load conitoring System ver 2.20 - Dste : Sargent & Lundy Engineers -Y Chicago, Ill.


w .

                                                                *****     Load Sumary by Bus    *****

Bus kame : 480V MCC 19-1 i utility : Sargent & Luty Internal Use Proj. No. : 8913-69 Rated Voltage : 480.0 volts Station : QUAD CITIES F1LE:Z1.DAT unit : 1 Source : 3, EQUIVELANT S3JRCE 3 i

                                       .;      i I

4 Load Rated Max. Design hp/kW/kVA for Condition or Bus , hp/kW PF EFF LRC Speed SCTC , Ro. ** E@ip. No./ Load /Name or Bus Name ** kvA l 1 2 3 4 5l (%) (%) (1) RPM (sec)


93 Bus name : DG RM HVAC FAN 2 TER 0. D. D. D. Connectioh rating : 400.0 Anps - kVA kVA kVA kVA Total kVA irput : 4 74. 74 77. kW : 3. 63. 63. 66. kVAR : 3. 39. 39. 41. m b b t 3 e 4 m $

41 .-

t.C Ettetrical Load 5:onitoring System Ver 2.20 } g l Date : Sargent & Lundy Engineers Chicago, Ill.

                                                       ""*      Load Sanary by Bus    "*"

Eus Name : 480V MCC 19 2 litility : Sergent & Lundy Internal use Proj No. : 8913-69 Rated Voltage : 480.0 volts Station : QUAD CITIES-FILE Z1.DAT unit : 1 Source : 3, [QUIVELAWT SOURCE 3 3 , - LDad Rated Max. Design hp/kW/kVA for Condition i or Bus . hp/kW PF EFF LRC Speed SCTC Ro. " Equip. No./ Loa / Hame or Bus Name " kVA l 1 2 3 4 5l (%) (1) (%) RPM (sec)


614 1-5701 / RECIRC MG SET VENT FAN 1A 60.0 .0 .0 .0 .0 85.0 90.0 625.0 1200 .0000 Status ? E' Load type : Indxt ion HP HP HP MP HP *** Safety - Related *** 615 RX PROT M-G SET 18 25.0 16.5 16.5 16.5 16.5 85.0 85.0 625.0 1787 .0000 Status : E Load type : IndJction HP NP G HP *** Saf ety - Related "* 620 TUR8 BLDG EMERG LGTS 47.0 .0 .0 .0 .0 90.0 100.0 .0 0 .0000 Status : E Load type : Resistive W KW W KW W *" Saf ety - Related *** 621 AF DC2 CLG VTR PMP FAN Ata 3.0 .0 .0 .0 .0 80.0 75.0 625.0 1800 .0000 Status : E Load type : Induction HP HP hP HP HP 623 RHR SW PMP 1C CLR FAN 8 3.0 .0 2.7 2.7 2.7 85.0 80.0 625.0 3600 .0000 Status : E Load type : Indection HP MP HP HP HP 624 RHR SW PMP 1C CLR FAN C 3.0 .0 2.7 2.7 2.7 85.0 80.0 625.0 3600 .0000 Status : E Load type : Induction HP HP HP MP MP 625 RNR SW PMP 1C CLR FAN D 3.0 .0 2.7 2.7 2.7 85.0 80.0 625.0 3600 .0000 Status : E Load type : Induction HP HP HP MP HP 620 RNR SW PMP 10 CLR FAN A 3.0 .0 2.7 2.7 2.7 85.0 80.0 625.0 3600 .0000 Status : E Load type : Induction HP HP HP MP HP *** Safety - Related *** 629 RHR SW PHP 1D CLR FAN B 3.0 .0 2.7 2.7 2.7 85.0 80.0 625.0 3600 .0000  ; Status : E Load type : Induction HP HP HP HP HP *** Safety - Related *** 630 RHR SW PMP 1D CLR FAN C 3.0 - .0 2.7 2.7 2.7 85.0 80.0 625.0 3600 .0000 Status : E Load type : Induction HP HP HP MP HP *** Saf ety - Related *** 631 RHR SW PMP 1D CLR FAN D 3.0 .0 2.7 2.7 2.7 85.0 80.0 625.0 3600 .0000 Status : E Load type : trdJetion HP kP HP MP HP *** Safety - Related *** 4% 632 5707 Rx rD PUMP VENT FAN 18 50.0 45.0 45.0 45.0 45.0 85.0 90.0 625.0 1800 .0000 Status : E Load type : IndJction HP HP HP MP HP 94 Bus name : DG STG CDMP 1A TERM 0. 6. 6. 6. Connection rating : 400.0 Anps kVA kVA kVA kVA 95 Bus name : DG STG COMP 1B TERM 0. 6. 6. 6.  ; , Connection rating : 400.0 Anps kVA kVA kVA kVA f

AC Electrical Lord Monitoring System Ver 2.10 ' Date . Sargent & Lundy Engineers , l


Chicago, Ill.

                                                 *****   toad Sunpery L/ Bus    *****                                                          ~

Bus Name 480V MCC 19-2 j Utility : Sargent & Lundy Internal Use Proj. ho. : 8913 94 Rated Voltage : .460.0 volts i Station : QUAD CITIES-FILE:Z1.DAT Unit 1 Source : 3, EQUIVELANT SOURCE 3 J s 4 Load Rated Max. Design hp/kW/kVA f or Condit{ mi or Bus hp/kW PF EFF LRC Speed SCTC


ho. ** Equip. he./ Load Amme or Bus home ** kvA I j 1 2 .t A 5l (%) (%) (%) RPM (sec) 96 Bus name OG;'1 CLR FAN A TERM "~ 2. 2. 2. 2. Connecti >n rating : 400.0 Amps kVA kVA kVA kVA 97 Bus name : DG 1 CLR FAN B TERM 2. 2. 2. 2. Connection rating : 400.0 Amps kVA kVA kVA kVA 98 Bus name : RMR PMP 1C FAN A TER 0. 3. 3. 3. Connection rating : 400.0 Amps kVA kVA kVA kVA 99 Bus name : 250 V BTRY CMGR TERM 86. 86. 86, 86. Connection rating : 400.0 Amps kVA kvA kVA kVA 100 Bus name : 125 V BTRY CMGR TERM 36. 36. 36. 36. Connection rating : 400.0 Amps kVA kVA kVA kVA Totat kVA input : 185. 220. 220. 220. kW : 171. 201. 201. 201. kVAR . 72. 91. 91. 91.

  • 9

4 AC Electrical toad Monitoring System ver 2.20 D5te. Sargent & Ltrdy Engineers

                                                                                                                          ~                  g
                                                                                                                       ,                     /w Chicago, Ill.                                                    .-
                                                      '""      Load Summary by Bus  ""'

Bus kame : 480V MCC 19-3 Utility : Sargent & Ltrdy Internal Use Proj. No. : 8913 69 Rated Voltage : 480.0 volts Station QUAD CITIES-FILE:21.DAT unit : 1 Source : 3, EQUIVELANT SOURCE 3 J >g Load Rated Max. Design hp/kW/kVA for Conditio,t or Bus . hp/kW PF EFF LRC Speed' SCTC

20. ** Equip. ho./ Load Aame or sus home ** kVA l 1 2 3 4 5l (%) (1) (%) RPM (sec)

I 633 1 562DA ,/TURB B'EARIhG LIFT PMP A 10.0 .0 9.0 9.0 9.0 85.0 85.0 625.0 1800 .0000 Status : E Load type : Irduction HP HP MP HP HP *** Safety - Related *** 634 1-56208 TURB BEARING LIFT PMP B 10.0 .0 9.0 9.0 9.0 85.0 85.0 625.0 1800 .0000 Status : E Load type : Irduction HP HP MP HP HP 4 635 1 5620C TURB BEAtlWG LIFT PMP C 10.0 .0 9.0 9.0 9.0 85.0 85.0 625.0 1800 .0000 Status : E Load type : IrviJction HP HP HP MP HP 636 1-5620D TURB BEARING LIFT PMP D 10.0 .0 9.0 9.0 9.0 85.0 85.0 625.0 1800 .0000 Status : E Load type : Irduction HP HP HP HP MP 637 1-5620E TURB BEARING LIFT PMP E 10.0 .0 9.0 9.0 9.0 85.0 85,0 625.0 1800 .0000 Status : E Loed type : Ir:1Jetion MP HP HP MP HP 638 1-5600 TURBINE TURNING GEAR 50.0 .0 50.0 50.0 50.0 85.0 90.0 625.0 1175 .0000 Ststus : E Load type : Iru1Jction HP HP HP HP HP 639 1-5608 TURB TURNING GEAR O!L PMP 50.0 .0 45.0 45.0 45.0 85.0 90.0 625.0 1760 .0000 Status : E Load type : Irduction HP HP HP MP HP 640 1-5788E ORYWELL CLG BLR 1E 84.0 .0 .0 .0 .0 85.0 90.0 625.0 1800 .0000 Status E Load tme : Irduction HP HP HP HP HP 892 TURB TRNG CEAR PGBK M370R 1.4 .0 1.3 1.3 1.3 60.0 85.0 625.0 450 .0000 Status : E Load type Iratetion HP MP HP HP MP 894 TURBINE CIL CENTRIFUGE 2.0 .0 .0 .0 .0 67.0 90.0 648.0 1740 .0000 atstus : E Load type : Induction HP HP HP HP HP Total kVA input : 0. 141. 141. 141. da kW : O. 119. 119. 119. kVAR : 0. 75. 75. 75. k i

                                                                                                          ,e l


l AC Electricot Lord Monitoring System ver 2.20 . j

  -Dste :-                                                   Sergent & Lundy Engineers                                   - ..



C e a,o. m . - t

                                                        *""      Load Stsnary by Bus    * * * "                                                               '

Bus Name : 480V MCC 19-4 Utility 2 Sargent & Lundy Internal Use Proj. No.' 8913 69 Rated Voltage : 480.0 volts j Station QUAD CITIES-FILE:21.DAT. Unit 1 Source 3, EQUIVELANT SOURCE 3 ' l J '<  ! l Load Rated Max. Design hp/kW/kVA for Condition l or Bus

                                      /                  hp/kW                                                   PF           EFF LRC Speed       SCTC. j
 . No.         Equip. No./ Load *Name or But Weme ** kVA I

l 1 2 3 4 5l (%)' (1) (%) RPM (sec)


i 641 1 5788  ; DRYWELL CLG BLR 1D 84.0. .0 .0 .0 .0 85.0 90.0 625.0 1800 .0000 Status : E toad type : Indxtion HP MP MP HP HP *** Saf ety - Related "*

   ~ 645                   DRYWELL/ TORUS DIFF PR COMPR      50.0         .0      .0        .0.    .0          85.0 90.0 625.0 1725               .0000 Status : E       Load type : Induction             HP        HP     HP        HP      HP               *** Safety - Retsted ***

650 1 1001-268 PHR$ CONTAIN SPRAY ISOL VLV 1.6 .0 .0 .0 .0 80.0 75.0 638.0 '1800 .0000 Status : E Load type : Induction HP HP MP HP HP *** Safety - Related *** l 651 1-1001-23B RHRS BACKUP CONTAIN SPRAY 1.6 .0 .0 .0 .0 80.0 75.0 638.0 1000 .0000 -l Status : E Load type : Induction HP MP HP MP HP *** Safety - Related ***  ; [ 652 1-1001 348 RHR$ MN SHUT 0FF SUPP VLV 18 4.0 .0 .0 .0 .0 85.0 80.0 354.0 1800 .0000 l Status : E Load type : Incbetion HP HP HP HP MP *** Safety - Related ***

   '653 1-1001-368         RHRS SUPP CHAMBER DUMPLTNE         2.6         .0      .9        .0     .0           85.0 80.0 477.0 1800              .0000 Status : E        Load type : Irubetion             HP        HP     HP        HP      HP               *** Safety - Related ***

654 1 1001-37B RHR$ SUPP CHAMBER SPRAY HDR .7 .0 .0 .0 .0 80.0 75.0 271.0 1800 .0000 i Status : E Load type .: Irrbetion HP MP HP HP HP *** Saf ety - Related "* i 655 1-1001 43C RHR$ SHUTDWN C00 LING VLV 1C 1.0 .0 .0 .0 .0 80.0 75.0 357.0 1800 .0000 Status : E Load type : Induction HP MP MP MP MP *** Safety

  • Related ***

656 1-1001-430 RNR$ SHUTDWN COOLING VLV 10 1.0 .0 .0 .0 .0 80.0 75.0 257.0 1800 .0000 l Status : E Load type : Induction HP HP MP HP MP *** Saf ety - Related *** - ' 657' 1-1001-198 RHRS COOLING PMP CROSS HDR 2.6 .0 .0 .0 .0 85.0 80.0 354.0 1800' .0000 Status : E Load type : Inchet ion MP HP Ho HP HP *** Saf ety - Related *" ] I 658 1 1001 168 RHR$ HX R10038 BYPASS VLV1B 2.6 .0 .0 .0 .0 85.0 80.0 476.0 1800 .0000 Status : E_ Load type : Inchet ton HP HP HP HP HP *** Safety

  • Reteted ***

659 .1-1001 7C RHRS COOLANT 1002C PMP SUCT 1.0 .0 .0 .0 .0 80.0 75.0 357.0 1800 - .0000 Status : E toad type : Indetion HP HP HP MP MP *** Safety - Related ***. l 660'1-1001-7D RNRS COOLANT 1002D PMP SUCT 1.0 - .0 .0 .0 .0 80.0 75.0 571.0 1800 .0000 Status : E Load type : Incbction HP HP HP HP HP *** Safety - Related *** ~ 661 1-1001-59 RHRS CNMT COOLANT MX VLV 18 .6 .0 .0 .0 .0 i 80.0 75.0 571.0 1800 .0000 l Status : E Load type : Induction HP HP HP MP MP ,

                                                                                                                 *** Saf ety y Related "*                     j I





i .. ; AC Electrical Load Monitoring system Var 2.20 ,

      ..te .                                                                                       se,,eet n ., m n ineer-Chicago, !!1.                                     -
                                                                                                                                                                       - :185290  , .
                                                                                              '""     Lead Sunrnary by Bus    * * "
  • Bus home : 480V MCC 19-4 Utility : Serpent & Lundy Internal J e Proj. ho, : 8913-69 Rated Voltage : 480.0 votts station QUAD CITIFS-FILE:21.DAT unit : 1 Source : 3, EQUIVELANT SOURCE 3 J i 4 -

Load Rated Max. Deign hp/kW/kVA for Conditf ort or Bus , tn/kW PF EFF LRC Speed SCTC No. " Equip. No./ Load Aame or Bus hame " UA i l 1 2 3 4 5l (%) (%) (1) RPM (sec) 101BusnametRX;'SBGTOkMPER1TER a

0. O. D.

) Connection rating : 400.0 Apps kVA kVA kVA kVA 102 Bus name : $8GT IktET DAMPER TE 0. D. D. D. Connection rating : 400.0 Anps kVA kVA kVA kVA - 103 Bus name : sbCT DISCM DAMPER TE 0. O. O. D. Connection reting : 400.0 Amps kVA kVA kVA kVA 104 Bus name : SBGT GUT DAMPER TERM 0. O. D. O. Connection rating : 400.0 Anps kVA kVA kVA kVA 105 Bus name : ACAD AIR COMP TERM 0. O. O. D. Connection rating : 400.0 Apps kVA kVA kVA kVA 16 Bus name : SBGT FAN TERM 21. 21. 21. 21. Connection rating : 400.0 Angre kVA kVA kVA kVA 107 Bus name : SBGT AIR MTR TERM 26. 26. 26. 26. Connection rating : 400.0 Amps kVA kVA kVA kVA 1 l ( Total kVA trput : 45. 45. 45. 45. kW : 44. 44. 44 44 kVAR : 11, 11. 11. 11, 93 j - f . I . g

:.. ~ - . .

AC Etsctrical Load Monitoring System Ver 2.20 . . Dste : $ argent & Ltridy Engineers Chicago, Ill.

                                                                                                                                           )h  --


                                                           * " *
  • Load Sunmary by Bus **"*

j Bus home : 480V MCC 18/19 5 L Utility Sergent & Lundy Internal itse Proj[No.. 8913-69 Rated voltage : 480.0 volts l Station : QUAD CITIES FILE:21.DAT unit : 1 source 2 3, E00!VELANT Sa>RCE 3 J i 4 Load Rated Man. Design hp/kW/kVA for Concfition or Bus . hp/kW PF EFF LRC Speed SCTC  ! No. ** Equip. No./ Load [ Nome or Bus Name a kVA l 1 2 3 4 5l (1) (1) (1) RPM (see) 1 663 1 202-6A [RXWTR'RECIRCLOOPEQUALVL 8.0 .0 .0 .0 .0 85.0 80.0 827.0 1800 .0000 raatus : E Load type : Induction HP HP ~ HP HP MP *" Saf ety - Related *** 664 1-202-4A RX WTR RECIRC PMP suCT VLV 16.0 .0 .0 .0 .0 85.0 85.0 625.0 3500 .0000 Status : E Load type : InciJct ion HP MP HP MP HP *** Safety - Related *** , i 665 1-202-5A RX WTR RECIRC PMP OISCH VLV 14.0 .0 .0 .0 .C 85.0 85.0 777.0 3420 .0000 status : E Load type : Induction HP HP HP HP HP *" Saf ety

  • Related *"

666 1-1001 29A RNRS INBOARD $HUTOFF VLV 20.0 .0 .0 .0 .0 85.0 85.0 759.0 3365 .0000 status : E Load type : Incirtion HP MP HP MP HP *** Saf ety - Related "* 667 1-1001-28A RHRS QUTBOARD SHUT 0FF VLV $2.0 .0 .0 .0 .0 85.0 90.0 771.0 3530 .0000 I Status : E Load type : Inciaction HP HP HP HP HP *** Safety - Related *** 668 1-202-9A RX WTR RECIRC LOOP EQUAL VL .1 .0 .0 .0 .0 80.0 75.0 625.0 1800 .0000 Ststus : E Load type : truiJetion HP HP MP MP HP *** &afety - Related *** 669 1 202-6B RX WTR RECIRC PMP SUCTION 8.0 .0 .0 .0 .0 85.0 80.0 827.0 1800 .0000 Ststus : E Load type : Irviction HP HP HP hP HP *** Esfety

  • Related ***

670 1-202-48 RX WTR RECIRC PMP O!SCH VLV 16.0 .0 .0 .0 .0 85.0 85.0 625.0 1800 .0000 St:tus : E Load type : Induction HP HP HP HP HP *** Safety - Related *** j 671 1-202 5B RX WTR RECIRC PMP 0!$CH VLV 14.0 .0 .0 .0 .0 85.0 85.0 777.0 3420 .0000 stctus : E Load type : Inciaction HP MP MP HP MP *** Saf ety - Reisted *** P 672 1 1001-299 RHR$ IkBOARD $HUTOFF VLV 20.0 .0 .0 .0 .0 85.0 85.0 759.0 3365 .0000 Status : E Load type : Induction HP MP HP HP HP *** Safety - Related *** 673 1 1001-268 RHR$ OUTBOARD SHUTOFF VLV 52.0 .0 .0 .0 .0 85.0 90.0 943.0 1800 .0000 Ststus : E Load type : InciJction HP HP HP HP HP *** Saf ety - Related *** , 42 674 1-202-98 RX VIR RECIRC LOOP EQUAL VL .1 .0 .0 .0 .0 80.0 75.0 625.0 1800 .0000

         $t:tus : E       Load tyg : Induction                  MP          HP      HP     MP      HP                  *** Safety - Related ***

108 Bu2 name : CONT RM RTN FAN TERM 0. D. D. D. Connection rating : 400.0 Anps kVA kVA kVA kVA


Total kVA input : D. O. D. D. , kW : 0. C. O. D. - y kVAR : 0. D. D. D.

At Electriest Load F.onitoring System ver 2.20 02te : Sargent & Luncy Engineers Chicago, lit. - - - 185290

                                               * **      Load f.cmary by Bus   *****

Bus herre . 480V MCC 19-6 Utility : Sargent & Lundy Internal Use ProJ. No. : 8913 69 Rated Voltage : 480.0 volts Station : QUADCITIESFjlE:21.DAT unit . 1 Source : 3, EculVELANT SOURCE 3 1 Load Rated Max. DesiDn hp/kW/kvA f or Condition or Bus hp/kW PF EFF LRC Speed SCTC


ho. ** Equip. No./ Load

  • kame or Bus kame ** kvA l 1 2 3 4 5l (%) (%) (%) RPM (sec) 1  !

675 1-5788C  ; DRTWELL CLC BLVR 1C B4.0 .0 .0 .0 .0 85.0 90.0 625.0 1800 .0000 Status . E Load type : Induction HP HP HP HP HP 676 1-5788G ~DRYWELL CLG BLWR 1G 84.0 .0 .0 .0 .0 85.0 90.0 625.0 1800 .0000 Status + E Load type : Induction HP HP HP HP HP Total kVA input : 0. O. D. O. kW . O. D. D. D. kVAR : O. D. D. O. 0

  • f

AC Electriczt Load Monitoring System ver 2.20 ~ j ,{,* 'Date : I ]) Sar gent & Lurdy Engineers ,

                                                                                                                      * ~
  • Chicago, Itt.  :- - . .,
                                                *****    Load Swirrery by Bus  *****

Bus Name : DG CLC WTR PUMP T[RM Utility : Sargent & Lundy Internal Use Proj. No. : 8913-69 Rated Voltage : 480.0 volts Station : QUAD CITIES-FILE:21.DAT unit : 1 source : 3, EQUlvELANT SOURCE 3 J 4 4 Load Rated Max. Design hp/kW/kVA for Condition or Bus j hp/kW PF EFF LRC Speed $CTC

        ** Equip. ho./ Load kame or Bus Name ** kVA Wo.

l 1 2 3 4 5l (%) (%) (%) RPM (sec) 586 1-3903 [DGCLC'VTRPMP#1 ~ 100.0 90.0 90.0 90.0 90.0 91.2 88.5 541.0 3525 .0000

     $tstus : E     Load type ; Induction            HP       HP       HP      HP     HP                *** Safety - Related ***

t Totat kvA input : 83. 83. 83. 83. kW : 76. 76. 76. 76. kvAR : 34. 34. 34, 34 P h em. h 4 a O' 1 I l i

AC Electricot Lord $;onitoring System ver 2.20 D2te : Sargent & Lundy Engineers Chicago, lit. -

                                                                                                                             .-]     - ; 7.   - \ >
                                                      *****   Load Sumary by Bus    *****

Bus Name

  • HPCI AIR UNIT TERM Utility : ..rgent & Lundy Internal Use Proj. ho. . 8913-69 Rated Voltage
  • 480.0 volts I Station : QUAD CITIES FILE:21.DAT unit : 1 Source : 3, EQUIVELANT SOURCE 3
                              .)       3 4

load Rated Naa. Design hp/kW/kVA for Condition. or Bus . hp/kW PF EFF LRC Speed SCTC t No. ** Equip. No./ Load Name or But Name ** kVA l 1 2 3 4 5l (%) (%) (%) RPM (sec) I

    $97 1-5747           /HPCIEkERGAHU                     3.0         .0       3.0    3.0     3.0            85.0 80.0 625.0 1755       .0000 Status : E ' Load type : Induction              HP       HP        HP     HP     HP                  *** Safety - Related ***

Total kvA input : 0. 3. 3. 3. kW : 0. 3. 3. 3.  ! kvAR 4 0. 2. 2. 2.

  • t t

t t t i G3 9 p F I 1 e

                                                                                                   -        e

1 l

AC Electrical Load Monitoring System ver 2.20 Cate - Sargent & Lundy Engineers Chicago, Ill.

                                                                                                                                              ***"    Lead Smry by Bus      *****

Bus Name HPCI CLC SEAL PMP TE Utility - Sargent & Lurdy Internal Use Proj. bo. - 8913-69 Rated Voltage : 480.0 volts station : QUAD CITIES FILE:Z1.DAT Unit : 1 Source : 3, EQUIVELANT SOURCE 3 J i, Load Rated Max. Design bp/kW/kVA f or Cordition. or Bus j hp/kW PF EFF LRC Speed SCTC -' O. ** Eq;fp. ho./ Load kame or Bus home ** kvA l 1 2 3 4 5l (%) (%) (1) RPM (sec)


599 2301-57 ;HPCI CLG WTR CLN SL CONDPMP 25.0 .0 .0 .0 .0 85.D~85.0 625.0 3530 .0000 Status : E Load type . Induction HP HP HP HP HP *** Safety - Related *** Total kVA input : 0. O. D. O. kW : 0. D. D. D. kVAR : 0. D. O. O. e l 1 - l l l l

I AC Electriest Load f:onitoring System Ver 2.20 ~

                                                                                                                                 ' E *)    k 11 Dste :                                                  Sargent & Lundy Engineers                                                      '~ '

l Chicago, lit. -

                                                                                                                                  ,  y_
                                                 ***"     Load Swrnary by Bus   ""*

Bus kame : RHRS AIR MDLG 1B TER Utility : Sargent & Lundy Internal use Proj. No. : 8913 69 Rated Voltage : 480.0 volts Station : QUAD CITIES-FILE:21.DAT unit : 1 Source : 3, EQUIVELANT $3JRCE 3 i 4 . Load Rated Max. Design hp/kW/kVA for Condition or Bus j hp/kW PF EFF LRC Speed SCTC i ko. ** Equip. No./ Load kame or Bus kame ** kVA i l 1 2 3 4 5l (%) (%) (%) RPM (sec) 394 1-57468  ; RHR E'MERG ANU 1B 7.5 .0 7.5 7.5 7.5 85.0 80.0 625.0 1800 .0000 Status : E Load type : Induction HP HP HP HP MP *** Saf ety - Related "*

                                                                                                        *                        ~~

Total kVA input : O. 8. 8. 8. kW : D. 7. 7. 7. kVAR : b. 4. 4. 4 t F e 8


1 AC Electrical Load $:enitoring System ver 2.20  ! 1Dsts : Sargent & Lundy Ergineers . , . k Q ] Chicago, Ill. -

                                                                                                                              .          .5..           ,


                                                      *****   Load Stsunary by Bus   *****

Bus Name : PO$f LOCA H2/02 TERM Utility : Sargent & Lundy Internal Use Proj No. : 8913 69 Rated Voltage : 480.0 volts Station : QUAD CITIE5-FILE:21.DAT Unit : 1 source : 3, EQUIVELANT SOURCE 3 -!

                             )         i 4

Load Rated Max. Design hp/kW/kVA for Condition ., or Eus . hp/kW PF EFF'LRC Speed SCTC


ho. ** Equip No./ Load home or Bus home ** kVA l 1 2 3 4 5l (%) (%) (%) RPM (sec) ', 1  ! 602 Posi LotA H2 02 MON PMP 1.0 .0 .9 .9 .9 80.0 75.0 625.0 1800 .0000 Status . E Load type : Induction HP ~EP HP HP MP *** Safety - Related *** Total kvA input : 0. 1. 1. 1. kW : D. 1. 1. 1. kVAR : 0. 1. 1. 1. i t I i 43 e N , y

AC Electrical Lotd Monitoring System Ver 2.20 . Date : Sargent & Lundy Engineers Chicago, Ill.  !

                                                   *****   Load Summary by Bus    *****

Bus NaNe : STBY LQD PMP TERM , Utility . Sargent & Lundy Internal Use Proj. ho. . 8913 69 Rated Voltage : 480.0 volts Station : QUAD CITIES-FILE:21.DAT Unit : 1 Source : 3, EDUIVELANT SOURCE 3

                           )        i 4

L or:d Rated Max. Design hp/kW/kVA for Condition or Bus / hp/kW PF EFF LRC Speed SCTC No. ** Equip. No./ Load %sme or Bus Name ** kVA 1 2 3 4 5j (%) (%) (%) RPM (sec) l i

  • 593 1-1102B  ; StNDBY LQD CNTRL PMP 18 50.0 .0 .0 .0 .0 85.0 90.0 625.0 1770 .D000 Status : E Load type . Induction MP HP MP HP HP Total kVA input D. D. D. D.

kW : D. D. C. O. kVAR : 0. D. D. O.

                                                                                                                             .e-h O


t A; Electrical Load Monitoring System Ver 2.20 1852SO.  ! Date : Sergent E Lundy Engineers  : Chicago, lit. -- ;-- - ':

                                                *****    Load Sunnery by Bus   *****
  • Bus hane : DG OIL XFER PMP TERM Utility : Sargent & Lundy Internal Use Proj. ho. . 8913-69 Rated Voltage t 480.0 volts Station : QUAD CITIES-FILE:21.DAT Unit . 1 Source : 3, EQU1VELANT SOURCE 3 l J =4 I

I Max. Design hp/kW/kVA for Condition Load Rated or Bus j hp/kW PF EFF LRC Speed ' SCTC I ko. ** Equip. No./ Load *Name or Bus Name ** kVA l l 1 2 3 4 5l. (%) (%) (1) APN (sec) <


591 5203-1 [DGFUE'LO!LXFERPMP*1 3.0 .0 .0 .0 2.7 85.0 80.0 625.0 1755 .D000 i Status : E Load type a induction NP MP HP MP MP *** Saf ety - Related *** total kVA input : D. D. O. 3. kW 1. D. O. 3. kVAR : D. D. O. 2. I E l I l

. i jr l

AC Electrical Loid Monitoring System ver 2.20 . ' Date : Sargent & Lundy Engineers Chicago, lit. . ,

                                                 *****   Load Sununary by Bus    * * * "



utility : Sargent & Lundy Internal Use Proj. No. : 8913 4 9 Rated Voltage : 480.0 volts Station : QUAD CITIES-FILE:21.DAT unit .1 Source : 3, EQUIVELANT SOURCE 3  ; J i 4 i Max. Design hp/kW/kVA for Condition Lord Rated or Bus j hp/kW PF EFF LRC Speed SCTC No. ** Equip. ko./ Load hame or Bus Name a kVA


l 1 2 3 4 5l (%) (%) (%) RPM (sec) '


588 .1 5727 , HVAC 'SPLY FAN #1 NORMAL FEED 50.0 .0 50.0 50.0 50.0 85.0 90.0 625.0 1800 .0000 i Status E Load type Induction HP HP HP MP NP *** Saf ety - Related *" b Total kVA input : 0. 49. 49. 49.  ; kW - D. 41, 41. 41. kVAR : 0. 26. 26. 26. O 6


At Electrical toed Monitoring System ver 2.20  ! Date : $ argent & Lundy Engineers Chicago, 1iL, j g i Lead Sm nary by Bus ' Bus kame : CORE SPRY AIR 18 TER Utility : Sargent & Lundy Internal Use Proj. ho. : 8913-69 Rated voltage : 450.0 volts i Etation s OUAD CITIES-FILE:21.DAT

                            ,1      i unit : 1                           Source :      3, EQUIVELANT SOURCE 3 4

toad Rated Max. Design hp/kW/kvA for Condition or Bus hp/kW

                                 /                                                                          PF     EFF LRC $ peed      SCTC.

ho. ** Equip. No./ toad %ame or Bus Name " kvA


l 1 2 3 4 5l (1) (%) (%) RPM (sec)

  $89 1-57488        [CORESPRAY EMERG ANU 18             5.0          .0      5.0     5.0    5.0           85.0 80.0 625.0 1740        .0000 Status : E     Load type : IrriJct ion           HP        NP       HP     NP      HP                *" Esf ety - Related ***

Total kVA input : D. 5. 5. 5. kW . O. 5. 5. 5. kVAR : 0. 3. 3. 3.

                          -                                                                                                                  t i

l i M e ' e 1 4


7. Date . AC Electrical to:d Monitoring System ver 2.20 Sargent & Lundy Engineers l852~90 Chicago, Ill.  ! Load Survnary by Bus Bus Name . HPCI 1AWK HTR TERM tititity : Sargent & Lundy Interna! Use Proj. No. : 8913-69 Rated Voltage : 480.0 volts station : QUAD CITIES-FILE 21.DAT unit : 1 Source : 3, EQUIVELAWT SOURCE 3 J 6 q - Lord Rated Man. Design hp/kW/kVA for Condition of Sus hp/kW f' PF EFF LRC Speed SCTC No. Equip. No./ Load *Name or Bus kame ** kVA t l 1 2 3 4 $l (%) (%) (1) RPM (sec) 612 [HPCI[AhrNEATER 9.0 .0 .0 .0 .0 100.0 100.0 .0 0 .0000 ! Status E Load type : Resistive KW KW KW KW KW *** Safety - Related *** 0.


Total kVA input : D. D. D. kW D. D. O. O. kVAR : D. C. O. O. 33 l



                                                                                                        =      W i

AC Electrical Lot.d Monitoring System Ver 2,20 1m~mn  ? Date : Sargent & Lundy Engir.eers t Chicago, Ill. l i

                                               *****    Lead SJimary by Bus  *****                                                        -

Bus kame : DG OIL XTER PMP 2 TE Utility : Sargent & Lundy internal Use Prof No. : 8913-69 Rated Voltage : 480.0 volts , Station QUAD CITIE$ FILE:21.DAT unit : 1 Source : 3, EQUIVELANT SOURCE 3 J '4 7 Lord Rated Max. Design hp/kW/kvA for Condition or Sus + hp/kW PF EFF LRC Speed SCTC


No. ** Equip. No./ Load #Nane or Bus Name ** kvA l l 1 2 3 4 5l (1) (%) (%) RPM (see)-  ! 590 5203-1 .ALTFNDG#2FUELCILXFRPMP 3.0 .0 .0 .0 .0 85.0 80.0 625.0 1755 .0000 i Status : E Load type : Induction HP ~RF~ ~ HP HP MP *** Safety - Related ***  ; Total kVA input . O. D. O. O. kW : C. O. O. O. kvAR : 0. O. D. D.  ! t 1 e e e M

AC Electrical Load Monitoring System ver 2.20 cate - Sargent & tundy Engineers fhffh f Chicago, lit. Load SuPFary by Bus Bas Name RHR EMER AIR 2B TERM Utility : Sergent & Lundy Internal Use Proj. No.

  • 8913-69 Rated Voltage 480.0 volts Station : QUADCITIES-F]LE:21.DA,T - - - .

unit .1 Source . 3, EQUIVELANT SOURCE 3 Lord Rated Max. Design hp/kW/kVA for Condition-or Bus / hp/kW PF EFF LRC Speed SCTC to, ** Equip. No./ Load hame or Bus Name ** kvA 1 l 1 2 3 4 5l (%) (%) (%) RPM (sec) I  ! 603 2-5746B  ; ALT FD RHR$ EMERG ANU 2B 7.5 .0 .0 .0 .0 85.0 80.0 625.0 1800 .0000 Status

  • E Load type Induction HP HP NP HP HP Total kVA input : D. O. O. O.

kW *

0. O. D. D.

kvAR . O. O. D. D. l 4 l l 1 l e f l

         ~        ~

185290 AC Electriest Lord Monitoring system ver 2.20 , Da g e' Sergent & Lundy Engineers Chicago, 111. - . - - -

                                                    '""       Load Sumary by Bus    "*"

Bus hame DG RM HVAC FAN 2 TER Utility : Sargent & Lurdy Internal Use Proj. bo. . 8913-69 Rated Voltage : 480.0 volts Station : QUAD Clf!ES-FILE:21.DAT Unit 1 Source


Lo d Rated Max. Design hp/kW/kVA f or Cordition or Eus j hp/kW PF EFF LRC $ peed SCTC ho. ** Equip. No./ Load *Name or Bus Name " kvA 1 l 1 2 3 4 5l (%) (%) (%) RPM (sec) 600 2 5727 ;ALTFdDGRMHVACSPLYFAW2 50.0 .0 .0 .0 .0 85.0 90.0 625.0 1800 .0000 status E Load type Induction HP MP HP MP HP Total kVA input - D. D. D. D. kW : D. D. D. O. kVAR 0. D. D. D. h I e Y

AC Electriest Lead Monitoring System Ver 2.20 Date Sargent & Luncy Engineers Chicago, lit.

                                                  ""*     Load $mrnary by Bus   ""*

Bus kame : DG STG COMP 1A TERM


Utility : $ argent & Luncy Internal Use Proj. No. . 8913-69 Rated Voltage

  • 480.0 volts Station : QUAD CITIES-FILE:Z1.DAT Unit . 1 Source . 3, EQUIVELANT SOURCE 3 J i, Lord Rated Max. Design hp/kW/kVA for Condition or Bus j hp/kW PF EFF LRC speed SCTC ho. Equip. ho./ Load hame or Bus kame " kVA i

l 1 2 3 4 5l (%) (%) (%) RPM (sec) 618 ,' DG $ TART!kG AIR COMPR 1A 5.0 .0 5.0 5.0 5.0 85.0 80.0 625.0 1735 .0000 status : E Load type Induction HP HP HP HP HP *** $afety - Related *** Total kVA input t O. 5. 5. 5. kW - 0. 5. 5. 5. kVAR : D. 3. 3. 3. l i i 5 e r i 1 l l

AC Electrical Load Monitoring System ver 2.20 - Date - Sergent & Lundy Engineers (\ Chicago, Itt.

                                                                             '"**     Load Smry t>r Bus                                     * " "

Bus Weme : DG STG COMP 18 TERM Utility : Sargent & Lundy Internal Use Proj. ho. . 8913 69 Rated Voltage : 480.0 volts Station : QUAD CIf!ES F1LE:21.DAT unit . 1 Source : 3 EQUIVELANT SOURCE 3 J >g l l Load Rated Max. Design hp/kW/kVA f or Condition. l or Bus hp/kW PF EFF LRC Speed SCTC

          **  Equip. ho./ Load home or Bus kame " kVA ho.

1 l 1 2 3 4 5l (%) (%) (%) RPM (see) 616  ; DG STARTING AIR COMPR 18 5.0 .0 5.D 5.0 5.0 85.0~80.0 625.0 1735 .0000 Status E Load type : Induction HP NP HP HP MP *** Saf ety - Related "* Total kVA input : 0. 5. 5. 5. kW : 0. 5. 5. 5. kVAR : 0. 3. 3. 3. , l N


Date AC Electrical Lord stonitoring System ver 2.20 Sergent & Lvdy Engineers 529Q Chicago, !!L. . Load $mry by Bus Bus Name . DG 1 CLR FAN A TERM Utility . Sargent & Lundy Internal Use Proj. No. . 8913-69 Rated Voltage : 480.0 volts Station . QUAD CITIES F,ILE:21.DAt Unit : 1 Source - 3, EQUIVELANT SOURCE 3

                          ,                          a 4

Lord Rated Man. Design hp/kW/kva for Condition or Bus hp/kW PF EFF LRC Speed SCTC f

40. ** Equip. No./ Load *hame or Bus kame " kvA t

l 1 2 3 4

5) (%) (%) (%) RPM (sec) i i 626  ; DG1 CLG WTR PMP CtR FAN A 1.5 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.4 80.0 75.0 625.0 1740 .0000 Status
  • E Load type . Irduction hP HP MP HP HP Totat kvA input : 2. 2. 2. 2.

kW 1. 1. 1. 1. kvAR : 1. 1. 1. 1. l N O

  • f

AC Electrical Lord stonitoring System ver 2.20 - O ' Oate . Sergent & Lundy Engineers _ Chicago, lit. _

                                                                        *****     Load Sumary by Bus      *****
                                                                                           ' ~ '

Bus Name : DG 1 CLR FAN B TERM Utility : Sargeret & Lundy Internal Use Proj. No. . 8913-69 Rated Voltage 480.0 volts Station : QUAD CITIES-FILE:21.DAT unit : 1 Source : 3, EQU)VELANT SOURCE 3 J i g I l Lord Rated Max. Design hp/kW/kVA for. Condition, or Bus , hp/kW PF EFF LRC Speed SCTC No. ** Equip. No./ Load ame or Bus hame ** kVA l 1 2 3 4 5l (%) (%) (%) RPM (sec) \  ! 627 [DG1CLk,WTRPMPCLRFAN8 1.5 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.4 80.0 75.0 625.0 1740 .0000 Status E Load type : Induction HP P NP HP MP Total kVA input : 2. 2. 2. 2. kW : 1. 1. 1. 1. kVAR : 1. 1. 1. 1. h



AC Electrical Lord Monitoring System ver 2.20 - f Sargent & Lundy Engineers f hf( Dste - Chicago, !!!. _

                                                     *****   Load Summary by Bus    *****

Bus Name : RHR PMP it FAN A TER Utility Sargent & Lundy Internal Use Proj. ho. : 8913-69 Rated voltage : 4B0.0 volts Station : QUAD CITIES-FILE:21.DAT, unit : 1 Source : 3, EQUIVELANT SOURCE 3 j _ _ _ . . Lord Rated Max. Design hp/kW/kVA for Condition. or Bus j hp/kW PF EFF LRC Speed SCTC ho. ** Equip. No./ Load Name or sus Name ** kvA 1 l 1 2 3 4 5l (%) (%) (%) RPM (sec) 622 [RNRSWPMP1CCLRFANA 3.0 .0 2.7 2.7 2.7 85.0 83.0 625.0 3600 .0000 Status ? E Load type indset ion HP HP MP HP MP *** Saf ety Relat ed *** Total kvA input 2 0. 3. 3. 3. kW : D. 3. 3. 3. kvAR 0. 2. 2. 2. l

                                                                                                      .                                        \
l 1

l l

AC Electrical Locd Monitoring System ver 2.10 Date - Sargent & Lundy Engineers Chicago, Ill. - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Load Summary by Bus ***** Bus hame . 250 V BTRf CNCR TERM Utility : Sargent & Lundy Internal Use Proj. No. 8913 94 Rated Voltage : 480.0 volts Station : DUAD CITIES-FILE:21.DAT Unit . 1 Source : 3, EQUIVEL ANT $3RRCE 3 J >g load Rated Max. Design bp/kW/kVA for Condition-er Bus ho. **

                             /                   hp/kW Equip. No./ Load Name or Bus name ** kVA PF     EFF LRC Speed SCTC 1

l 1 2 3 4 5l (%) (%) (%) RPM (sec) 617 ;h50VDCBATTERYCHARGER#1 94.0 85.3 85.3 85.3 85.3 95.0 100.0 .0 0 .0000 Status : E Lead type Resistive KVA KVA KVA KVA KVA *** Safety - Related *** Total kVA i nput . 85. 85. 85. 85. kW - 81. 81, 81. 81. kVAR , 27. 27. 27. 27. i l l 1 l

                                                                                                    -                                      l

L I i

                                           ' AC Electrical Lead Monitoring System Ver 2.10                                          e Date :                                                 Sargent & Lunar Engineers Chicago, lit.
                                                                                                                                           -l b) h Lead summary by Bus    ****"

Bus Nane : 125 V BTRY CHGR TERM Utility : Sargent & Lundy Internal use Proj. No. 2913-94 Rated Voltage : 480.0 volts. Station : DUAD CITIES-FILE Z1.DAT unit : 1 Source : 3, EQU1VELANT SOURCE 3. J i 4 ' l'o:d Rated Max. Design hp/kW/kVA f or Condition or Bus . hp/kW PF EFF LRC Speed SCTC he. Equip. No./ Load hp'me or Bus hame ** kVA t l 1 2 3 4 $l (%) (%) (%) RPM (sec) 619 125VDC BATTERY CHARGER 81 39.9 36.2 36.2 36.2 36.2 95.0 100.0 .0 0 .0000 Status : E [cadtype: Resistive KVA KVA KVA KVA KVA *** Safety - Related *** Total kVA input -

36. 36, 36. 36. I kW : 34, 34 34. 34.

kVAR : 11. 11. 11. 11. i r f f N i ( h 4 Y i


AC Electrical Lord Monitoring System her 2.20 g Date

  • Sargent & Luncty Engineers A Chicago, Ill.

Load Smry by Bus ***** Bus Name : RN SEGT DAMPER 1 TER Utility : Sargent & Lundy Internal Use Proj. ho. : 8913 69 Rated Voltage t 480.0 volts Station : QUAD CITIES-FILE:21.DAT Unit . 1 Source : 3, EQUIVELANT SOURCE 3 J i, i Lord Rated Max. Design hp/kW/kVA for Condition or Bus , hp/kW PF EFF LRC Speed SCTC bo. Equip. No./ Load [ame or Bus Name ** kVA 1 l 1 2 3 4 5l (%) (%) (%) RPM (sec) 6i.6 1-7503 'RX BLDG VENT TO STANDBY CAS 1.0 .0 .0 .0 .0 80.D~75.0 625.0 1800 .0000 Status : E ' Load type : Induction HP HP HP HP MP Total kVA input - D. D. D. D. kW : 0. D. O. O. kVAR : D. O. D. O. e. l l u



AC Electrical Load 7.onitoring System Ver 2.20 - Date

  • Sargent & Lundy Engineers Chicago, Ill. . } { '${ f) [*; (

Load Summary by Bus Bus Name : SBGT INLET DAMPER TE Utility : Sargent & Luncy Internal Use Proj. No. . 8913 69 Rated Voltage : 480.0 volts Station : DJAD CITIES-FILE:Z1.DAT Unit : 1 Source : 3 EQUIVELANT SOURCE 3 J a, Load Rated Man. Design hp/kW/kVA for Condition ' or Eus , hp/kW PF EFF LRC Speed SCTC No. Equip. No./ Load /Wame or Bus Name ** k VA l 1 2 3 4 $j (%) (%) (%) RPM (sec) 1 64 9 1/2-7505B / SBGT SYS INLET DAMPERS .7 .0 .0 .0 .0 80.0 75.0 625.0 1800 .0000 Status E ' toad type Induction MP HP NP NP HP *** Saf ety

  • Related ***

Total kVA input : D. O. O. D. -- kW : 0. O. D. O. kVAR : O. D. O. D. i C 1 l l e J e e e JF l l l l



AC Electrical Load Monitorino System ver 2.20 - Date . Sargent & Lundy Engineers ~

                                                                                                                            ,-      p Chicago, Ill.                                                           - -

Load Summa *y by Bus Bus Name : SBGT DISCH DAMPER TE Utility : Sargent E Luridy Internal use prof.No.: 8913-69 Rated voltage : 480.0 volts

 $tstion : QUAD CITIES FILE:Z1.DAT                              Unit : 1                             Source :       3, EQUIVELANT SOURCE 3               +

J i 4 i Lord Rated Max. Design hp/kW/kVA f or Condition or Bus hp/kW PF EFF LRC Speed SCTC Wo. Equip. No./ Load /kane or Bus Name ** kvA l 1 2 3 4 5{ (%) (%) (%) RPM (sec) I , 648 1/2- 7507B / SBGT SYS FAN DisCH DAMPER 2.7 .0 .0 .0 .0 85.0 80.0 625.0 1800 .0000 Status : E ' Load type : Induct ion HP --#D-- HP NP MP *** Saf ety

  • Related ***

Totat kvA input : D. O. D. D. kW : 0. O. D. D. kVAR : 0. D. O. D. 1 I N i i I 1

  • I
                                                                                                  ~        #                                              i d

i i

AC Electrical Lead nonitorino System ver 2.20 Date . Sargent & Lundy Engineers 1 f fh f h Chicago, Itt.

                                                  ""*        Load 5tsmery by Bus   **"*

Bus Name : $BGT 007 D AMPER TERM Utility : Sargent & Lundy Internat Use Proj. No. : 8913-69 Rated Voltage : 480.0 volts Station : OUAD CITIES-FILE:21.DAT unit : 1 source : 3, EQUIVELANT SOURCE 3 Lord Rated Max. r:rign hp/kW/kVA for Condition or Bus , hp/kW PF EFF LRC Speed SCTC No. ** Equip. No./ Load kame or Bus home ** kVA l 1 2 3 4 5l (%) (%) (%) RPM (sec) 1 647 1/2-75D4B / SBGT ouTsIDE AIR SUPP DMPR .1 .0 .0 .0 .0 80.0 75.0 625.0 1800 .0000 Status : E' Load type : Induction HP HP HP HP NP *** Safety a Related *** Total kVA input : 0. D. O. D. kW . O. D. O. O. kVAR : D. O. D. O. k N N

AC Electrical Lo:d Monitoring System Vee 2.20

    -Oate :                                                   Sargent & Lundy Engineers Cnicago, Ill.

toad Summary by Bus Bus Nane : ACAD AIR COMP TERM Utility : Sargent & Lundy Internal Use l Proj. ko. 8913-69 Rated voltage : 480.0 volts Station . QUAD CITIES-FILE:21.DAT Unit 1 Source - 3, EQUIVELANT SOURCE 3 J i q Lord Rated Max. Design hp/kW/kVA for Condition i or Bus hp/kW PF EFF LRC Speed SCTC ko. ** Equip. ho./ Load,Same or Bus Name ** kVA j 1 2 3 4 5l (%) (%) (%) RPM (see) I 644 / ACAD AIR COMPR 25.0 .0 .0 .0 .0 85.0 85.0 625.0 1760 .0000 Status : E ' L oad t ype : I nduc t i on MP HP HP MP NP *** Safety - Relat ed *"' Total kVA input : D. D. D. D. kW + 0. D. O. D. kvAR - D. D. D. D. 1 I i l

 $3 d

I 4

AC Electrical Lord Monitoring $ystem var 2.20 e

 .Cate :                                                Sargent & Lundy Engineers                        -

Jrpg [-) j,g, w).p) Chicago, Itt. . Lear, iJunary by Bus ***** Bus hame : SBGT FAN TERM Utility : Sargent & Lundy internal Use Proj. No. . 8713-69 ' Rated Voltage : 480.0 volts Station : QUAD CITIES FILE:21.DAT Unit : 1 Source : 3, EQUIVELANT SOURCE 3 J iq Load Rated Max. Design hp/kW/kVA for Condition or Bus hp/kW PF EFF LRC Speed SCTC ko. Equip. No./ Load Wame

                               /     or Bus Wome ** kvA I

l 1 2 3 4 5l (%) (%) (%) RPM (sec) 643 1/2-75D6B i SDGT (AW 20.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 I 85.0 85.0 625.0 1760 .00D0 status : E toad t ype : InductlDn HP MP HP NP HP *** Safety - Related *** Total kVA input : 21. 21, 21. 21. kW : 18. 18, 18. 18, ' kVAR : 11, 11. 11, 11 i N 1 I e s



b AC Electrica Lotd Monitoring System Ver 2.20 p Date . Sargent & Lu'dy Engineers - Chicago, Itt. , ,; Load Summary by Bus Bus home : SBGT AIR NTR TERM Utility : Sargent & Lundy Internal Use Proj. ho. : 8913 69 Rated Voltage : 480.0 volts ' Station : DUAD CITIES-FILE:21.DAT Unit . 1 Source + 3, EQUlVELANT SOURCE 3

                             )      s 4

L osd Rated kam. Design hp/kW/kVA for- Condition, or Bus , hp/6W PF EEF LRC Speed SCTC to. ** Equip. No./ Lead /ame or Bus Name ** kvA l 1 2 3 4 5l (%) (1) (%) RPM (sec)


642 1/2-7503B /SBGTAIRHTRS~ 30.0 25.0 25.0 25.0 25.0 100.0~100.0 .0 0 .0000 Status : E Load type : Resistive KV KW KV KW KW *** Safety - Related ***  ; Total kvA input : 25. 25. 25. 25. kW : 25. 25. 25. 25. kVAR . D. D. D. O. h n 6 h 0 4

AC Electrical Lord Monitoring System ver 2.20 I Dste . Sargent E Lundy Engineers ' Chicago, 111. { {} "j (( {}(Ib Load Summary by Bus  ; Eus kane : CONT RM RTN FAN TERM Utility : Sargent & Lundy Internal Use Proj. No. - 8913-69 Rated voltage : 480.0 volts l Station : ouAD CITIES-FILE:21.DAT unit : 1 Source : 3, EDulvELAWT SOURCE 3 L J i q Load i Rated ham. Design hp/kW/kVA for ~ Condition. or Bus . hp/kW Wo. ** PF EFF LRC Speed SCTC Equip. ho./ Load [ame or Bus Wome ** kvA 1 l 1 2 3 4 5l (%) (%) (%) RPM (sec) 662 1/2-5795-30 ,towtRL'RM RTw AIR FAN 1/2 30.0 .0 .0 .0 .0 85.0 85.0 625.0 1750 .0300 Status : E ' Load type : Induction HP MP HP MP HP *** Saf ety - Related *** Total kVA input : D. D. 0. O.


kW - D. D. C. O. kVAR : 0. O. D. D. 5 k r h a T [ I s

                                                                                                                                                      'I 3
 > 13                                                                                                                                                    l i

I l d N l


Calc. f or Quad Cit ies 1/11 Saf ety-related Continuous


ll SARGENT& LUNDY , gs ___.y gg*g Load Running / Starting Voltages 1p(p3g_ / v X Safety-Related hon-Safety-Ralated "'E' Client Commonwealth Idison Company Prepared by Date 4 Project Quad Cities Unit I teviamed by Date Proj. ha. 8913-69 (quip. ho. Approved by Date



  • 4 i

185?90 q Caie. For oo.d Cities /ti s.vety-rei.ied Continaov. I{ SARGENT& LUNDY __ , g Load Running /Sterting Voltages X Safety-telated man-5a rety-talet ed "u" -" Client Commonwealth Edison Coeoany Prepared by Date

                   .4            i 4

Project Quad Cities Unit I neviewed by bate ProJ. No. 89i3 69 fquip. ho. Approwed by- Dete l


Listed in the following order: Conditio!. 1 Block Motor Starting, File: Sll.DAT Load Tickets for R Type Loads, (Bus Data, Connection Data, and other loads remain unchanged from Z1.DAT) Motor Block Starting Printout Condition 2 Block Motor Starting, File: S12.DAT Load Tickets for R Type Loads, (Bus Data, Connection Data, and other loads remain unchanged from Z1.DAT) Motor Block Starting Printout r 0


m= h

                         ***  Ssrgent & Lundy -- ELMS AC Progrsm ***
 - Utility : Sargent & Lunay Internal Use                                  Project No. 8913-69 185290
 ~ Station : QUAD CITIES-FILE:511.DAT                                      unit No. 1                    -

AC Lead Ticket i Record Nueeri= 5% i , E qui p. No. / Load N ame . . . RX BLOG LTGING 1B Status (E,N, or M1 ....... E (Existing, New, or Modified) Source Bus Name ,{....... 480V SWOR 19 Motor Rated Volts ....... 480.0 Rated hy, kW, or kVA . . .. . - 72.0 = Load Brake Power *** r Units (tip,kW, or kvA) .... KVA Cond 1 : 54.7 KVA Load Type (1,S,G or R) ... R Cond 2 : 60.7 KVA 5 Rated Ef ficiency (%) . .. 100.0 Cond 3 : 60.7 KVA Rated Power Factor (%) ... 90.0 Cond 4 60.7 KVA Locked Rotor Current (%) . O. Cond 5 : .0 KVA Starting Power Factor (%) 20.0 Speed (RPM) .............. O S.C. Time Constant (sec) . .0000 Mod or M/D NJfber . . . .. . . . Cabl e Ntreber . . . . . . . . . . . . . System Code .............. Saf ety Related (Y/N) ..... Yes Routing: I _ e s Coment s: ' b 5 ll p Prepared by:

  • l Reviewed by:

Approved by:

  • f


                         *** ssrpnt & Lundy - ELMS AC Program ***                                          ,

Utfilty Sargent & Lundy Internal Use Project he. 8913 69 85'990 1 3 Station . QUAD CITIES FILE:511.DAT unit ho. 1 ' AO Load Ticket Record WurnberJ. 592 i ,

  • Equip. No. / Load kame ... 120/208V XFMR FD 191-1
  • Status (E,N, or M),....... E (Existing, New, or Modified)

Source Bus Name ./.. ..... 480V MCC 19-1 i Motor Rated Volti . . .. . . .. 480.0 , Rated hp/ kW, of kVA ..... 15.0 *" Load Brake Power *** Units thp.kW, or kvA) ... KVA Cond 1 : 3.8 KVA Load Type (1,$,G or R) ... R Cond 2 . 4.1 KVA Rated Efficiency (%) ..... 100.0 Cond 3 : 4.1 KVA Rated Power Factor (%) ... 75.0 cond 4 : 4.1 KVA Locked Rotor current (%) . O. Cond 5 : .0 KVA Starting Power Factor (%) 20.0 i

              $ peed (RPM) ..............                0 S.C. Time Constant (sec) .                .0000 Mod or M/D kurter . . . . . . . .

Cabl e Wunber . . . . . . . . . . . . . System Code .............. Safety Related (Y/N) ..... Yes I Routing: Ccernents: s i Prepared by: - a teviewed by: a 5 a npproved tw: p c v

                        . Sa,,,nt            L - ,.. u wS.AC ,,0... ...                             I85290  :

Utility : Sargent & Lundy tr' use Project ho. . 8913-69 Station : QUAD CITIES Fit E:511. CAT unit ho. 1 AC Load Ticket Secord utrtierJ. 617 i, Equip. No. / Load Wome ... 250VDC BATTERY CHARCER 81 Status (E,W , or M), .. . . .. E (Existing, New, or Modified) Source Bus name ./....... 250 V BTRY CHCR TERM Motor Rated Volta ........ 480.0 Rated hpf hl, or kVA .T . 94.0 *" toad Brake Power *" - Uni t s (h'p, k W, or kVA) .... KVA Cond 1 - 81.1 KVA L oad T ype ( 1, S,G or R ) . . . R Cond 2 : 85.3 KVA Rated Efficiency (1) .... 100.0 Cord 3 . 25.3 KVA Rated Power factor (%) ... 95.0 cond 4 25.3 KVA Locked Rotor Current (%) . O. Cond 5 : .0 KVA Starting Power Factor (%) 20.0 Speed (RPM) .............. O S.C. Time Constant (sec) . .0000 Mod or M/D Ntsnber . . . . . . . . Cabl e utste r . . . . . . . . . . . . . S ys t em Code . . . . . . . . . . . . . Safety Related (Y/N) ..... Yes _ Routing: Comments: P Prepared by: - a Reviewed by: Approved by: - f


                       *** Sargrnt & Lundy -- ELMS- AC Progrsm ***                                                 " "
  • Utility Sergent & Lundy internal Use Project he. : 2913-69 Station . DUAD CiflES-FILE:511.0AT Unit he. 1 AC Load Ticket I

Record hurnberM 619 i 4 Equip. No. / Load kame . . 125VDC BATTERY CHARGER 81 Status (E,N, or M)..... .E (Esisting, New, or Modified) Source Bus kane ./.... .. 125 v BTRY CHGR TERM Motor R ated Vol ts . . . . . . 480.0 Rat ed hp/ kW, of kVA . . . . . 39.9 *** Load Brake Power *** Units (hp,kW, or kVA) .. . KVA Cond 1 . 34.4 KVA Load Type (1,$,G or R) ... R Cond 2 36.2 KVA Rated Ef ficiency (%)_.... 100.0 Cond 3 - 36.2 KVA Rated Power Factor (%) . 95.0 cond 4 . 36.2 KVA --- Locked Rotor Current (%) . O. Cond 5 - .0 KvA Starting Power Factor (%) 20.0 Speed ( RPM) . . . . . . . . . . . . . O S.C. Time Constant (sec) . .0000 Mod or M/D Nuncer . . . . . . . . Cable humber ............ S ys t em Code . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

           $sfety Related (Y/W) ..... tes Routing:

1 1 l 1 I Comments: M l 1 I Prepared byt - 1 o Reviewed by: Amroved by: -

                        *** Sargent & Lundy *- E WS-AC Progrte ".

185290; Utittty Sargent & Luncy Internal Use Project ho. 8913 69 Station . QUAD CITIES FILE:S11.DAT unit No. 1 AC Load Ticket


Record Ntsnber 4 642 6 Equip. No. / Load Name ... 1/2 7503B SBGT AIR HTRS Sta tus (E,N, or M) . . . . . . E (Existing, New, or Modified) Source Bus Name . .. . .. SBCT AIR HTR TERM Motor Roted Volts /...... . 480.0 Ratedhp,/kW,or'kVA ..... 30.0 *" Load Brake Power "* Units (hp',kW, or kVA) .... KW Cord 1 -22.2 KW L oad Type (I,$,G or R) ... R Cond 2 : 25.0 KW Rated Efficiency (%) ... 100.0 Cond 3 : 25.0 KW Rated Power Factor (%) ... 100.0 Cond 4 : 25.0 KW Locked Rotor Current (1) . O. Cond 5 . .0 KW Starting Power Factor (%) 20.0 Speed (RPM) ............ . O S.C. Time Constant (sec) . .0000 Mod or M/D Ntsnber . . . . . . . . Cable Nuntier ...... ..... System Code .............. Safety Related (Y/N) ..... Yes Routing: Centnents; i l I Prepared by:

  • Riviewed by: i
  • 1 i

Approved by: - # l i i l a

       ~       -



** SOURCE 3 CDAD 1 Cotor    Motor Chrter   hame SS6       1+3903      DG CLG WTR PMP 81 GD4      1-1201 80    RX WTR CLNUP SYS BOILER VLV 626                   DC1 CLG WTR PMP CLR FAN A 627                   DG1 CLG WTR PMP CLE FAN B 643      1/2-7506B J SBGT FM 4      -




  • 3 COND - 1 INTEDEAL BUS RUntlNG BUS RATED  % OF _ _ _ .

BUS NUMBER BUS NAME VotTS VOLTS RATED -- 3 SOURCE EQUIVELANT SOURCE 3 3845.2 4160.0 92.4 ' 15 4KV SWGR 14 1 3S45.0 4160.0 92.4 29 HIGH SIDE OF XFMR 19 3842.1 4160.0 92.4 30 480V SWGR 19 418.4 480.0 87.2 61 480V MCC 19 1 417.9

                                      +4                     480.0      87.1 62              480V MCC 19-2             413.9       480.0      86.2 63             480V MCC 19 3              418.4      480.0      87.2 64             480V MCC 19:4              412.5      480.0      85.9 65             480VMCC1//19-5             407.4      480.0      B4.9 66             480V MCC 79-6              418.4      480.0      87.2 81 OfCLGWTRPUMPTERM--         385.6      480.0      80.3 82             MACI AIR UNIT TERM         417.9      480.0      87.1 83              HPCI CLG SEAL PMP TE      417.9       4B0.0      87.1 04              RHRS AIR HDLG 18 TER      417.9       480.0      87.1 85              POST LDCA H2/02 TERM      417.9       450.0      87.1 86              ST3Y LOO PMP TERM         417.9       480.0. 87.1 87              DG OIL XTER PMP TERM      417.9       480.0      87.1 88             DG RM HVAC FAW TERM        417.9      480.0      87.1 89              CORE SPRY AIR 18 1ER      417.9      4B0.0      87.1 90              HPCI TAWK HTR TERM        417.9      480.0      87.1 91             DG OIL XFER PMP 2 TE       417.9      450.0      87.1 92             RHR EMER AIR 28 TERM       417.9      4 80.0     87.1 03              DG RM HVAC FAN 2 TER       417.9      480.0      87.1 94              DG STG COMP 1A TERM        413.9      480.0      86.2 95              DG STG COMP 1B TERM        413.9      480.0      S6.2 96              DG 1 CLR FAN A TERM        381.0      480.0      79.4 07              DG 1 CLR FAN B TERM       382.1       480.0      79.6 99              RHR PMP 1C FAN A TER      413.9       480.0      80.2 99              250 V BTRY CMGR TERM      411.1       480.0      85.7 100              125 y BTRY CMGR TERM      411.8       480.0      85.8 101             RX SBGT DAMPER 1 TER       412.5       480.0      85.9 102             SBGT INLET DAMPER TE       3 99.9      4B0.0      83.3 103              SBGT DISCH DAMPER TE       3 72.3      480.0      77.6 1 04             SBGT DUT DAMPER TERM       411.5       480.0      85.7 105              ACAO AIR COMP TERM         412.5       480.0      85.9 1D6              SBGT FAN TERM              371.9      480.0       77.5 107              SBCT AIR HTR TERM          403.4      450.0       84.0 108             COWT RM RTN FAW TERM        407.4      480.0       54.9 35 4


                                                                                 =   4


                       *** Sergsnt & Lundy -- ELMS AC Progrsm ***

p q .g Q Utility : Sargent & Lundy Internal use Project No. : 8913-69 Station : QUAD Cif1ES-FILE:512.DAT unit ko. 1 i AC Load Ticket t Record N w ber.k 584 i 4 EtNip. No. / Load Name ... RX BLDG LTGING 1B ' ' Status (E,N, or M), . . . .. . . E (Existing, New, or Modified) Source Bus Name ./.. ..... 480V SWGR 19 Motor Rated Volts ........ 480.0 Rated hp/ kW, of kVA ..... 72.0 *" Load Brake Power *** l Units (hp,kW, or kVA) .... KVA Cond 1 : 60.7 KVA Load Type (1,$,G or R) ... R Cond 2 . 59.0 KVA Rated Efficiency (%) .... 100.0 Cond 3 : 60.7 KVA Rated Power Factor (%) ... 90.0 Cond 4 : 60.7 KVA , Locked Rotor current (%) . O. Cond 5 : .0 KvA . Starting Power Factor (%) 20.0 Speed (RPM) .............. O S.C. Time Constant (sec) . .0000 , Mod or M/D Nurrber . . . . . . . . Cable Nx ber ............. System Code .............. Safety Related (Y/N) ..... Yes L Routing: Comments: i i Frgpared by:

  • Reviewed by:

Approved by: - f j

                        *** $2rgent & Lundy -- ELES- AC Program ***                                           - -   .

Utility : Sargent & Lundy Internal use Project ko. . 8913 69 Station CUAD CITIES-FILE:512.DAT unit No. 1 AC Load Ticket Record Number.> 592 i, Equip. ho. / Load kame ... 120/208V XFMR FD 19-1 1 Status (E N, or M),.. . .. E (Existing, New, or Modified) Source Bus home . /. . .... 480V MCC 19 1 Motor Wated Volts ....... 480.0 Rated hp/ kW, of kVA ...T. 15.0 *** Load Brake Power *** -~~- Units (hh,kW, or kVA) .... KVA Cond 1 : 4.1 KVA Load Type (!,$,G or R) ... R Cond 2 . 4.0 KVA R at ed E f f i c i ency (%) . . . . . 100.0 Cond 3 : 4.1 KvA Rated Power Facto ~ (%) ... 75.0 Cond 4 4.1 KVA Locked Rotor Current (%) 0. Cond 5 * .0 KVA Starting Power Factor (%) 20.0 Speed (RPM) .... ..... ... 0 S.C. Time Constant (sec) . .0000 Mod or M/D W e r .. . ... Cable Nurber ............. S ys t em Code . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Safety Related (T/N) ..... Tes Routing: Comments: l i 93 1 i i Prepared by: . i Reviewed by:  ; i 1 Approved by: , , I s l I

                                                                                                                           . eg #i
                                *** Ssrgent & Lundy -- ELMS AC Progrcm ***                                                 k Y k#

Utility : Sargent & Lundy Internal Use Project No. : 8913-69 Station : QUAD CITIES-FILE:512.DAT Unit No. 1 AC Load ficket Record Number E 617 '4 - Equip. No. / Load Name ... 250VDC BATTERY CHARGER #1 Status (E,N, or M) ....... E (Ezisting, New, or Modified)


Source Bus Name . 4....... 250 V BTRY CHCR TERM Motor Rated voltst........ 480.0 Rated hp,;'kW, or'kVA . ... 94.0 *** Load Brake Power *** Units (hp,kW, or kVA) .... KVA Cond 1

  • B5.3 KVA Load Type (1,$,G or R) ... R cond 2 : 83.7 KVA Rated Efficiency (%)_.. . 100.0 cond 3 : 85.3 KVA Rated Power Factor (%) ... 95.0 Cond 4 : 85.3 rVA --

Locked Rotor current (%) . D. Cond 5 . .0 KVA Starting Power Factor (%) 20.0 speed (RPM) .............. O S.C. Time constant (sec) . .D000 Mod or M/D Nw ber ........ Cabl e N unber . . . . . . . . . . . . . System Code ..............

                   $sfety Related (Y/N) ..... Yes Routing:

Corrments: 32 Prepared by: - i , Revicwed by: , Approved by: '

                                                                                                                /                  .
                         *** Sargrnt & Lundy -- ELMS- AC Program ***

! Utility : Sargent & Lundy Internal Use Project he. 2913-69 Station . QUAD CITIES-FILE:512.DAT Unit No.1 AC Load Ticket Record Number 4 619 i 4


Equip. No. / Load Nane ... 125VDC BATTERY CHARGER #1 Status (E,N, or M) , .. . ... E (Existing, New, or Modified) Source Bus Name ../...... 125 V BTRY CMGR TERM Motor Rated Volts /........ 480.0 Rat ed hp,fkW, or' kVA . . . . . 39.9 *** Load Brake Power *** Uni ts (hp',kW, or kVA) . . . . KVA Cond 1 -36.2 KVA Load Type (1,S,G or R) ... R Cond 2 . 35.5 KVA Rated Efficiency (%) .... 100.0 cond 3 : 36.2 KVA Rated Power Factor (%) ... 95.0 Cond 4 : 36.2 KVA Locked Rotor Current (%) . D. Cond 5 : .0 KVA Starting Power Factor (%) 20.0 Speed (RPM) .............. 0 S.C. Time Constant (sec) . .0000 Mod or M/D Nuter . . . . . . . Cable Nunber ............. System Code ... .......... Safety Felated (Y/N) ..... Yes i Routing: I I l i I Comments: l I 32 - 1 Prepared by: . l Arviewed by: Approved by: - y


                      *** Shemt & Lurdy
  • ELMS-AC Program
  • Utility : Sargent & Lundy Internal use Project he. : 8013 69 Station t CrJAD CITIES-FILE:512,DAT Unit No. 1 AC Load Ticket Record humber). 642 i 4 EoJip. No. / Load Wame ... 1/2-75038 SBGT AIR HTRS Status (E,W, or M). ....... E (Existing, New, or Modified)

Source Bus Name d........ SBGT AIR HTR TERM ' Motor Re ted Vol tA . . . .. . . 480.0 Rated hp] kW, or kVA ..... 30.0 *** Load Brake power = ' Units (h'p,kW, or kVA) .... KW cond 1 : 25.0 KW  ; Load Type (I,5,G or R) ... R Cond 2 . 24.1 KW Rated Efficiency (%) ..... 100.0 Cord 3 : 25.0 KW Rated Power Factor (%) P

                                             ... 100.0         cond 4 -     25.0 KW Locked Rotor current (%) .                   D.      Cond 5 :       .0 KW Starting Power Factor (%)               20.0 Speed (RPM) ..............                   O S.C. Time Constant (sec) .                 .0000 Mod or M/D Ntaber ........

Cabl e Wmber . . . . . . . . . . . . . System Code .............. Safety Related (Y/N) ..... Yes 1 Routing: '


Cortments: i I I I' i Prtpared by: - i Reviewed by: a b Approved by: ' y 1



** SDURCE 3 CokD 2 tetor      Motor                                                                          _ _ _ _ _ _


  • 4

SARGENT & LUNDT ELMS AC " MOTOR START ' VOLTAGE SUMMAAY 3 Cow 0 t" 2SOURCE : INTEQhAL BUS RUNNING BUS RATED  % OF 005 N'JMBER BUS KAME VOLT 5 VOLTS RATE 0 3 SOURCE EQUIVELANT SOURCE 3 3845.1 4160.0 92.4 15 4tv SWGR 14 1 3845.0 4160.0 92.4 20 MICM SIDE C1 x7MR 19 3842.9 4160.0 92.4

30. 480V ShcR 19 434.6 480.0 90.5 61 480V MCC 19-1 ' 1 431.0 480.0 89.8 62 480V MCC 19 2 427.4 480.0 80.0 63 480V MCC 19-3 426.8 480.0 88.9 64 480V MCC 19-4 430.5 480.0 89.7 65 480V MCC 1$/19-5 434.6 480.0 90.5 66 480V MCC h9-6 434.6 480.0 90.5 81 D/.CLGbhRPUMPTERM 425.0 480.0 88.6 82 N'PCI AIR UNIT TERM 419.0 480.0 87.3 83 HPCI CLG SEAL PMP TE 431.0 480.0 89.8 B4 RMRS AIR NOLC ;$ TER 416.0 480.0 86.7 G5 POST LOCA H2/02 TERM 428.9 480.0 89.4 86 ST8Y LCD PMP TERN 431.0 480.0 89.8
  • 87 DG OIL XFER PMP TERM 431.0 480.0 89.8 08 DG RM NVAC TAN TERM 423.0 480.0 88.1 99 CORE SPRT AIR 18 TER 420.0 480.0 87.5 90 MPCI TANK HTR TERM 431.0 480.0 89.8 91 DG OIL XFER PMP 2 TE 431.0 450.0 89.8 92 RNR EMER AIR 29 TERM 431.0 480.0 29.8 93 DG RM HVAC FAN 2 TER 431.0 480.0 89.8 94 DG STG COMP 1A TERM 415.8 480.0 86.6 95 DG STG COMP 1B TERM 415.6 480.0 86.6 CG DG 1 CLR FAN A TERM 421.2 480.0 87.8 97 DG 1 CLR FAN 8 TERM 421.4 480.0 87.8 98 RNR PMP 1C FAN A TER 410.5 480.0 85.5 99 250 V STRT CMGR TERM 424.6 480.0 88.5 100 t 125 V BTRT CNGR TERM 425.3 480.0 88.6 101 RX SBGT DAMPER 1 TER 430.5 480.0 89.7 102 SBGT INLET DAMPER TE 430.5 480.0 89.7 103 SSGT D!$CH DAMPER TE 430.5 480.0 89.7 104 SBGT 0U1 DAMPER TERM 430.5 480.0 89.7 105 ACAD AIR COMP TERM 430.5 480.0 89.7 106 SSGT FAN TERM  ?

416.1 480.0 86.7 107 SBGT AIR NTR TERM 421.0 4S0.0 87.7 108 CONT RM RTN FAN TERM 434.6 480.0 90.5




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