MONTHYEARML20153G8871998-09-25025 September 1998 Nonproprietary Figure 3-1 of WCAP-14425, Evaluation of AP600 Conformance to Inter-Sys LOCA Acceptance Criteria ML20153G5021998-09-22022 September 1998 Nonproprietary Errata Pages 3-15 & 3-16 to Vol 1,section 3, Rev 3 to WCAP-14407, Wgothic Application to AP600, Addressing Staff Request Re Numerical Representation of Differential Equations Used in Wgothic Clime Model ML20153F9181998-09-22022 September 1998 Nonproprietary Errata to AP600 Testing Program Rept,Page 3-5 Through 3-6 ML20153F4831998-09-22022 September 1998 Nonproprietary WCAP-13795, AP600 Uncertainty Analysis ML20151U4871998-09-0202 September 1998 AP600 Reactor Coolant Sys Mass Inventory:Function Based Task Analysis ML20237D3571998-08-31031 August 1998 Non-proprietary Rev 2 to WCAP-14953, AP600 Scaling & PIRT Closure Rept, Vols I & II ML20237D2851998-08-31031 August 1998 Non-proprietary,rev 2 to Final Rept for PCS Large-Scale Tests,Phase 2 & Phase 3 ML20195E9391998-08-31031 August 1998 Non-proprietary,rev 1 to AP600 Low-Pressure Integral Sys Test at or State Univ Final Data Rept ML20151Z1221998-08-13013 August 1998 Non-proprietary Version of Rev 5,in Form of Replacement Pages,To WCAP-14808, Notrump Final Validation Rept, Vols 1-3 ML20238F6261998-06-30030 June 1998 Non-proprietary Corrected Pages 4-28 Through 4-32 for Rev 2 WCAP-14953, AP600 Pxs Scaling & PIRT Closure Rept ML20236Q0371998-06-30030 June 1998 Non-proprietary Rev 1 to WCAP-13662, FMEA of Advanced Passive Plant Protection Sys ML20249B3201998-05-31031 May 1998 Non-proprietary Rev 2 to AP600 Accident Analysis - Evaluation Models ML20216B7871998-04-30030 April 1998 Non-proprietary AP600 Test Program ADS Phase B1 Test Analysis Rept ML20248J1021998-04-30030 April 1998 Rev 4 to WCAP-13054, AP600 Compliance W/Srp Acceptance Criteria ML20247J6921998-04-30030 April 1998 Non-proprietary Rev 2 to Wgothic Application to AP600 ML20217M2691998-04-30030 April 1998 Rev 2 to WCAP-14327, Experimental Basis for AP600 Containment Vessel Heat & Mass Transfer Correlations ML20247H2591998-04-30030 April 1998 Non-proprietary Rev 4 to WCAP-14777, Wcobra/Trac Osu Long- Term Cooling Final Validation Rept ML20247H2711998-04-30030 April 1998 Non-proprietary Rev 2 to WCAP-14172, Wcobra/Trac Applicability to AP600 Large-Break Loca ML20238F4671998-04-30030 April 1998 Non-proprietary Rev 2 to WCAP-14989, Accident Specification & Phenomena Evaluation for AP600 Passive Containment Cooling Sys ML20216B3121998-03-31031 March 1998 Rev 3 to WCAP-14837, AP600 Shutdown Evaluation Rept ML20249A0641998-03-31031 March 1998 Non-proprietary Version of Errata to Rev 3 of WCAP-14845, Scaling Analysis for AP600 Containment Pressure During Design Basis Accidents ML20153F7601998-03-31031 March 1998 Nonproprietary Version of Errata to Rev 3 of WCAP-14845, Scaling Analysis for AP600 Containment Pressure During Basis Accidents ML20217M5471998-03-31031 March 1998 Non-proprietary Version of Rev 3 to WCAP-14846, Scaling Analysis for AP600 Containment Pressure During Design Basis Accidents ML20217L7821998-03-25025 March 1998 Rev 2 to WCAP-13559, Operational Assessment for AP600 ML20217L7621998-03-24024 March 1998 Rev 3 to WCAP-13054, AP600 Compliance W/Srp Acceptance Criteria AP600 Doc Gw GL 001 Rev 2 ML20151Z1141998-02-28028 February 1998 Non-proprietary Version of Rev 4,in Form of Replacement Pages,To WCAP-14808, Notrump Final Validation Rept, Vols 1-3 ML20198Q9391998-01-16016 January 1998 AP600 Quality Assurance Program Plan, Rev 4 ML20198Q9901998-01-15015 January 1998 Rev 4 to Framework for AP600 Severe Accident Mgt Guidance ML20198G9861998-01-0505 January 1998 Rev 1 to WCAP-13856, AP600 Implementation of Regulatory Treatment of Nonsafety-Related Systems Process ML20207F2921997-12-31031 December 1997 Rev 2 to WCAP-14293, AP600 Low-Pressure Integral Sys Test at Oregon State Univ Test Analysis Rept ML20151Z1091997-11-30030 November 1997 Non-proprietary Rev 3,in Form of Change Pages,To WCAP-14808, Notrump Final Validation Rept ML20199K2311997-11-30030 November 1997 Rev 2 to WCAP-14837, AP600 Shutdown Evaluation Rept ML20199C0021997-11-30030 November 1997 Non-proprietary AP600 Multiple SG Tube Rupture Analysis Rept ML20198S7601997-11-0606 November 1997 Rev 2 to WCAP-14477, AP600 Adverse Sys Interactions Evaluation Rept ML20212F6441997-10-31031 October 1997 Non-proprietary,rev 2 to Scaling Analysis for AP600 Containment Pressure During Dbas ML20198N5031997-10-31031 October 1997 Non-proprietary Version of Section 12, Clime Noding Study of WCAP-14407,Rev 0 ML20211P6381997-10-31031 October 1997 Rev 2 to WCAP-13914, Framework for AP600 Severe Accident Mgt Guidance ML20198N5191997-10-31031 October 1997 Non-proprietary Version of Rev 1 to WCAP-14327, Experimental Basis for AP600 Containment Vessel Heat & Mass Transfer Correlations ML20212F8421997-10-31031 October 1997 Non-proprietary Wgothic Application to AP600 ML20212F7731997-10-31031 October 1997 Non-proprietary Assessment of Effects of Wgothic Solver Upgrade from Version 1.2 to 4.1 ML20153F6871997-10-31031 October 1997 Nonproprietary Rev 3 to WCAP-14776, Wcobra/Trac Osu Long- Term Cooling Final Validation Rept ML20212F7361997-10-31031 October 1997 Non-proprietary,rev 1 to Accident Specification & Phenomena Evaluation for AP600 Passive Containment Cooling Sys ML20211D5601997-09-30030 September 1997 Rev 1 to WCAP-14235, Loftran & LOFTTR2 AP600 Code Applicability Document ML20211D5791997-09-0505 September 1997 Rev 1 to WCAP-14308, AP600 LOFTRAN-AP & LOFTTR2-AP Final Verification & Validation Rept ML20249C6031997-08-31031 August 1997 Non-proprietary Rev 1 to WCAP-14271, Low-Pressure Integral Sys Test Facility Scaling Rept ML20217M9731997-08-15015 August 1997 Non-proprietary,Rev 1 to WCAP-14942, AP600 Accident Analyses - Evaluation Models ML20141C9341997-06-19019 June 1997 WCAP-14800, AP600 PRA Thermal/Hydraulic Uncertainty Evaluation for Passive Sys Reliability ML20148J0811997-06-0606 June 1997 Rev 1 to WCAP-14837, AP600 Shutdown Evaluation Rept ML20217Q9291997-05-31031 May 1997 Non-proprietay Version of Rev 2 to WCAP-14310, AP600 Design Certification Program SPES-2 Tests Final Data Rept ML20141K1791997-05-0707 May 1997 Rev 1 to WCAP-14701, Methodology & Results of Defining Evaluation Issues for AP600 Human Sys Interface Design Test Program 1998-09-25
[Table view] Category:TEXT-SAFETY REPORT
MONTHYEARML20216J0761999-09-22022 September 1999 Rev 3 to AP600 Design Control Document ML20206F7071999-03-31031 March 1999 Requests Commission Approval to Publish in Fr Attached Proposed Rule That Would Amend 10CFR52 to Certify AP600 Standard Plant Design ML20196K6341999-03-31031 March 1999 Rev 2 to AP600 Design Control Document. with Page Change Instructions ML20203C5601999-02-28028 February 1999 Rev 1 to AP600 Design Control Document ML20196G9821998-11-16016 November 1998 Requests Commission Approval to Proceed with Rulemaking for AP600 Standard Design Certification in Accordance with Attached Rulemaking Plan ML20153G8871998-09-25025 September 1998 Nonproprietary Figure 3-1 of WCAP-14425, Evaluation of AP600 Conformance to Inter-Sys LOCA Acceptance Criteria ML20153G5021998-09-22022 September 1998 Nonproprietary Errata Pages 3-15 & 3-16 to Vol 1,section 3, Rev 3 to WCAP-14407, Wgothic Application to AP600, Addressing Staff Request Re Numerical Representation of Differential Equations Used in Wgothic Clime Model ML20153F4831998-09-22022 September 1998 Nonproprietary WCAP-13795, AP600 Uncertainty Analysis ML20153F9181998-09-22022 September 1998 Nonproprietary Errata to AP600 Testing Program Rept,Page 3-5 Through 3-6 ML20151U4871998-09-0202 September 1998 AP600 Reactor Coolant Sys Mass Inventory:Function Based Task Analysis ML20237D2851998-08-31031 August 1998 Non-proprietary,rev 2 to Final Rept for PCS Large-Scale Tests,Phase 2 & Phase 3 ML20237D3571998-08-31031 August 1998 Non-proprietary Rev 2 to WCAP-14953, AP600 Scaling & PIRT Closure Rept, Vols I & II ML20195E9391998-08-31031 August 1998 Non-proprietary,rev 1 to AP600 Low-Pressure Integral Sys Test at or State Univ Final Data Rept ML20237C0741998-08-31031 August 1998 Rev 7 to Simplified Passive Advanced Light Water Reactor Plant Program AP600 Tier 1 Matl ML20237B0921998-08-13013 August 1998 Rev 13 to AP600 PRA for Simplified Passive Advanced LWR Plant Program ML20151Z1221998-08-13013 August 1998 Non-proprietary Version of Rev 5,in Form of Replacement Pages,To WCAP-14808, Notrump Final Validation Rept, Vols 1-3 ML20236Y1821998-07-24024 July 1998 Rev 6 to GW-GL-030, Simplified Passive Advanced Light Water Reactor Plant Program,AP600 Tier 1 Matl ML20236W5421998-07-23023 July 1998 Rev 12 to GWGLO22, AP600 Pra ML20236L4041998-07-0101 July 1998 Informs Commission of Staff Approach in Dealing W/Issues of Fire Protection & Spent Fuel Pool Cooling Sys as They Relate to Westinghouse Electric Co AP600 Passive Design ML20236Q0371998-06-30030 June 1998 Non-proprietary Rev 1 to WCAP-13662, FMEA of Advanced Passive Plant Protection Sys ML20238F6261998-06-30030 June 1998 Non-proprietary Corrected Pages 4-28 Through 4-32 for Rev 2 WCAP-14953, AP600 Pxs Scaling & PIRT Closure Rept ML20236S9681998-06-30030 June 1998 Evaluation of AP600 Containment THERMAL-HYDRAULIC Performance ML20249B3201998-05-31031 May 1998 Non-proprietary Rev 2 to AP600 Accident Analysis - Evaluation Models ML20247J7871998-05-0808 May 1998 Rev 5 to GL-GW-030, Simplified Passive Alwr Plant Program, AP600 Tier 1 Matl ML20216B7871998-04-30030 April 1998 Non-proprietary AP600 Test Program ADS Phase B1 Test Analysis Rept ML20238F4671998-04-30030 April 1998 Non-proprietary Rev 2 to WCAP-14989, Accident Specification & Phenomena Evaluation for AP600 Passive Containment Cooling Sys ML20247H2591998-04-30030 April 1998 Non-proprietary Rev 4 to WCAP-14777, Wcobra/Trac Osu Long- Term Cooling Final Validation Rept ML20247H2711998-04-30030 April 1998 Non-proprietary Rev 2 to WCAP-14172, Wcobra/Trac Applicability to AP600 Large-Break Loca ML20247J6921998-04-30030 April 1998 Non-proprietary Rev 2 to Wgothic Application to AP600 ML20248J1021998-04-30030 April 1998 Rev 4 to WCAP-13054, AP600 Compliance W/Srp Acceptance Criteria ML20217M2691998-04-30030 April 1998 Rev 2 to WCAP-14327, Experimental Basis for AP600 Containment Vessel Heat & Mass Transfer Correlations ML20216B4191998-04-0707 April 1998 Non-proprietary Hydrodynamic Loads on Vessel Head Support Column & ADS Piping Induced by ADS Blowndown. Page 35 of 57 of Incoming Submittal Not Included ML20216B5211998-04-0606 April 1998 Rev 4 to Simplified Passive Alwr Plant Program,AP600 Certified Design Matl ML20249A0641998-03-31031 March 1998 Non-proprietary Version of Errata to Rev 3 of WCAP-14845, Scaling Analysis for AP600 Containment Pressure During Design Basis Accidents ML20216B3121998-03-31031 March 1998 Rev 3 to WCAP-14837, AP600 Shutdown Evaluation Rept ML20217M5471998-03-31031 March 1998 Non-proprietary Version of Rev 3 to WCAP-14846, Scaling Analysis for AP600 Containment Pressure During Design Basis Accidents ML20153F7601998-03-31031 March 1998 Nonproprietary Version of Errata to Rev 3 of WCAP-14845, Scaling Analysis for AP600 Containment Pressure During Basis Accidents ML20237E8161998-03-30030 March 1998 Non-proprietary Version of W AP600 Design Assurance Review of AP600 Safety Analysis Documentation Pertaining to Chapter 15 & Containment Analysis Portion of Ssar ML20217L7821998-03-25025 March 1998 Rev 2 to WCAP-13559, Operational Assessment for AP600 ML20217L7621998-03-24024 March 1998 Rev 3 to WCAP-13054, AP600 Compliance W/Srp Acceptance Criteria AP600 Doc Gw GL 001 Rev 2 ML20216J3791998-03-10010 March 1998 Rev 11 to AP600 PRA Rept ML20151Z1141998-02-28028 February 1998 Non-proprietary Version of Rev 4,in Form of Replacement Pages,To WCAP-14808, Notrump Final Validation Rept, Vols 1-3 ML20203M6171998-02-27027 February 1998 Non-proprietary ADS Discharge Investigation & IRWST Hydrodynamic Global Analysis ML20198Q9391998-01-16016 January 1998 AP600 Quality Assurance Program Plan, Rev 4 ML20198Q9901998-01-15015 January 1998 Rev 4 to Framework for AP600 Severe Accident Mgt Guidance ML20198K1581998-01-0909 January 1998 Rev 19 to GW-GL-021, AP600 SSAR, Vols I-II ML20198G9861998-01-0505 January 1998 Rev 1 to WCAP-13856, AP600 Implementation of Regulatory Treatment of Nonsafety-Related Systems Process ML20207F2921997-12-31031 December 1997 Rev 2 to WCAP-14293, AP600 Low-Pressure Integral Sys Test at Oregon State Univ Test Analysis Rept ML20198S1421997-12-25025 December 1997 Vol 3,to Addenda to DOE/ID-10503,10504 ML20198K2911997-12-24024 December 1997 Provides Commission W/Revised Schedule for Staff Review of AP600 Design Certification Application 1999-09-22
[Table view] |
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P.O. Box 355 Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15230
@ 1993 Westinghouse' Electric Corporation 9308250230 930819 All Rights Reserved-PDR ADOCK 05200003 A_
WESTINGHOUSE CLASS 3 PHASE 3 PASSIVE CONTAINMENT COOLING SYSTEM WATER DISTRIBUTION TEST 1.0 PURPOSE The purpose of the Passive containment Cooling System (PCS) is to remove heat from the post accident environment through the containment shell, The PCS accomplishes its purpose by means of evaporation of water delivered to the top of the steel containment structure. The evaporation occurs as the water flows over the containment dome and sidewalls.
The PCS achieves maximum effectiveness when the cooling water is uniformly distributed so that maximum containment area is wetted.
The purpose of the Phase 3 Passive Containment Cooling System (PCS) Water Distribution Test is to provide a large-scale demonstration of the ability of the finalized weir design to distribute water on the outer surface of the steel containment dome and the top of the sidewall as part of the PCS function.
2.0 OBJECTIVES The objectives of the Phase 3 Passive containment Cooling System Water Distribution Test are to assess the effectiveness of the weir design to distribute water over the containment dome and top of the sidewall for the entire range of expected water flow rates and to provide a large scale visual demonstration of the water distribution over the containment dome.
The specific objectives of the test are:
Determine the flow off the sides and bottom of the model with weirs over the range of expected flow rates, Determine film thickness and volumetric flow rate at the springline of the model to adequately characterize the thin film flow for use in safety analysis.
3.1 WCAP-13296, "PCS Water Distribution Test Phase II Test Data Report,"
Westinghouse Proprietary Class 2 (AP600 Document Number PCS-T2R-007, Rev. 0).
3.2 WCAP-13292, " Construction / Test Plan for the Passive Containment Cooling System Test Articles," Rev. O, Westinghouse Proprietary Class 2 (AP600 Document Number PCS-TSP-001, Rev. 0).
" Weir Mechanical Design and Structural Verification," Rev. O, Ansaldo Document Number ADP-5312-TNIX-0004000.
4.0 TEST FACILITY REQUIREMENTS The Phase 3 test shall be performed on the existing Phase 2, 1/8th segment model located at Waltz Mill.
A description of the existing facility is found in References 1 and 2.
4.1 MODIFICATIONS TO THE TEST FACILITY Following completion of Test 8 (as described in Section 8.0, Test Operation and Data Requirements), a 5-foot collection gutter shall be attached to the Page 1 of 5 1
l existing model. The gutter shall be placed approximately 3 feet from the bottom of the model and be positioned such that it does not cross a simulated weld.
The position of the gutter shall be recorded.
The gutter shall be attached to the model such that no water shall pass under the gutter.
The gutter shall be divided into 3 inch collection troughs for the purpose of obtaining a volumetric flow rate of water on the model.
Each collection trough shall be equipped such that the water collected in the trough may be directed to a lower collection trough, a drain, or a graduated measuring device.
Following completion of test 14, simulated baffle support plates shall be attached to the model. The design and location of the support plates shall be provided later.
5.0 TEST ARTICLES The test articles shall consist of the weirs to be attached on the model surface. These test articles shall include:
The V-notch weir design (to be provided under a separate letter) shall be attached to the model surface.
The cognizant test engineer shall note, document, and evaluate local surface imperfections for acceptability following attachment of a weir.
In general, any surface imperfection resulting from attachment of the weirs shall not dominate the resulting flow distribution.
6.0 INSTRUMENTATION REQUIREMENTS The instrumentation for Phase 3 of the test shall be sufficient to provide the following data:
Measurement of the film thickness over the surface of the simulated containment dome section in each flow stream across the springline.
Measurement of the water which leaven the periphery of the model.
Measurement of the water which leavrs the model surface through the collection cups.
Measurement of initial water temperature
(+/- l'F)
Measurement of total water flow rate delivered to the test article
(+/- 2%).
Measurement of total time of each test.
7.0 DATA ACQUISITION AND PRESENTATION Test data shall include documentation of the weir positions.
In addition, data sheets shall be prepared for each test run.
Water temperature and total flow measurements shall be taken for each test and included on the data sheet.
Tests shall be divided into two series. The first series (tests 1 through 8) shall be used to determine the flow distribution on the model by recording the collection drum measurements. All tests shall be recorded on video. The second series of_ tests thickness at the(
(tests 9 g(a, rough 14)
Q shall be used to determine film m
j pproximately 6-inches above the upper collection gutter) and the springline (approximately 4 feet off floor), as well as volumetric flow rate at the spr:pgline. The filg thickness shall be 3*#Mh11 only be taken measured in each flow stream across the dnd the springline.
Note that the measurements taken at the[
]s Page 2 of 5 i
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across half of the model, above the upper collection gutter. The volumetric flow rate at the springline shall be taken by collecting water in the additional collection gutter and measuring the rate of water collection.
8.0 TEST OPERATION AND DATA REQUIREMENTS The proposed test matrix is provided in Table 8-1.
Several runs may be eliminated or modified during testing.
- 3,C, 9.0 TEST REPORTS AND DATA RETENTION A construction plan / facility description detailing model construction methods has been submitted and is documented Reference 2.
Additional information is provided in Reference 1.
A Test Operating Procedure shall be prepared in accordance with the applicable QA requirements of Section 10.0 and shall be submitted to the author of this j
specification for review and approval prior to the start of testing.
Separate procedures shall be prepared for measuring film thicknesses and volumetric flow rates and shall be submitted to the author of this specification for review and approval prior to the start of testing.
Data from the tests shall be provided following testing. Data shall include either the flow distribution to the collection buckets or film i
thickness / volumetric flowrate measurements. A video tape of each test shall be provided.
QUALITY ASSURANCE REQUIREMENTS Testing quality assurance shall conform to ANSI /ASME NQA-1-1986.
As this is a safety related test, the Code of Federal Regulations, Title 10, Part 21, (10CFR21) is also applicable. To incorporate the requirements of NQA-1, the Page 3 of 5
following measures shall be taken in the detailed test procedure:
Provisions for ensuring that those performing the tests are qualified and trained in the quality assurance requirements of the specification.
Provisions for ensuring that changes to the test procedure are reviewed and approved to the same extent as the originals.
Provisions for ensuring that the latest approved revision of the test procedure is used.
Provision for calibration of test equipment, traceable to recognized national standards.
If no such standard exists, a description of the calibration method shall be included.
Provisions for verification and configuration control of computer software (if any) used to collect or reduce data.
Provision for reporting and reconciling deviations from the approved test procedure.
l 7)
Provisions (such as a signed checklist) for ensuring that test l
prerequisites are met.
Test prerequisites include calibrated instrumentation, appropriate equipment, trained personnel, condition of l
test equipment and item (s) to be tested, suitable environmental
conditions, and provisions for data acquisition.
Provisions for ensuring that necessary monitoring is performed and that test conditions are maintained.
(A test log containing periodic signed entries that include any pertinent observations or information not captured elsewhere is recommended.)
Documented evaluation of test results by the test sponsor to ensure that test requirements were met.
Identification in the test records of items tested, date of test, instrumentation and data recorders, type of observation, results and acceptability, action taken in connection with noted deviations, and person who evaluated the test results.
The testing organization shall verify and document that the instrumentation calibrations have been performed prior to testing. This j
documentation must be submitted to the test sponsor.
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