ML20056B514 | |
Person / Time | |
Site: | Oyster Creek |
Issue date: | 08/20/1990 |
References | |
NUDOCS 9008290047 | |
Download: ML20056B514 (21) | |
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ju V' t GPU Nucles' Corporst6on
r Post Office Box 388 i
Route 9 South v, -
Forked River, New Jersey 08731-0388 ;
609 971-4000
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. Writer's Direct Dial Number:
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August 20, 1990 1
U.S.' Nuclear Regulatory Commission' y
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. Attn: Document Control Desk C
Wash!,ngton, Dic,,20555L R
- t Dear Sir
--:. f subjects' Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station Docket No. 50-219 i
-g 10CFR50.59(b) Reporting Requirements ly Pursuasit to provisions.of 10CFR50.59(b), enclosed is a brief description of changes
- j
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'made to the Oyster' Creek Nuclear Generating Station sta = authorized under.
.30CFR50.59(a)(2) for:the calendar year 1989. The report includes those
. modifications / changes'that were placed in service before the end-of 1989.
In each!
,: case, the. corresponding safety evaluation concluded that there were no unreviewed safety questions involved.
- Should you have any-questions concerning this submittal, please contact Mr. Georr;e
.Busch, Oyster ~ creek Licensing Manager at (609) 971-4643.
Very truly yours,
f E.E. Fitzp trick
Vice President and Director oyster: Creek u
L 10cfr5059 p
cci Mr. Thomas Martin, Administrator Region.1 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Comm:.ssion
'475LAllendale Road King of Pruosia, PA 19406
't NRC Resident Inspector Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station
Mr.' Alexander Dromorick, Project Manager U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Mail Statinn F1-137 j
s#-1 i 1 iWashingtori, DC 20555 M
E, 9008290047 900020 i
PDR ADOCK 05000219L
R PNV a;
r GPU Nuclear Corporation is a subsid ary of General Purke UtAties Corporation
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$3'- 328218 rodification E
Rio-frSent==ination of Torum Water with Evdroaan Peroxide ~
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.A weak solution of hydrogen peroxide.was used to decontaminate organisms.
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?(slime) from the (inside) surface of the Torus. ~The resultant solution was Tthen filtered:and disposed.
This modification has rur adverse impact on safety and does not : constitute an f
.unreviewed safety ques *, ion as defined-in 10CFR50.59.1 L
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- sE - 328184-018 Nodification' 9
Thermal Overload 'Brossa for Valve V-14-35
'Thefth'erma1' overload. bypass for valves V-14-33 and V-14-35 had test jacks' installed to' facilitate surveillance testing.
This modification has'no adverse impact on safety and does not constitute ati 3
'unreviewed safety question as defined in 10CFR50.59.
'st - 00532-001; Modification pperaency service Water. (EsW) Pine succort Uoorade
'The ESW supports SW-SN-40, SW-2-H24A,,and SW-SN-3 were modified to improve their design to fulfill'opecific requirements of IEB 79-02/79-14.
'This: modification hosino adverse impact on safety and does not ccnstitute an
. unreviewed isafety question as define ] in ' 10CFR50.59.
SE - 402892-001 Modification Installation of Transition Piece from LPRM Receptacles to SKA Connectors The,new'LPRM replacements were equipped with LEMO disconnects which required a transition piece to connect to the existing SMA connectors.
I This modification has no adverse impact on safety and does not constitute an unreviewed safety question as defit,cd in 10CFR50.59.
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l Id5 402871-021-Modification W
Reroute Boiler Blowdown to Radwmste Via Sumo 1-12'
The steam heat boiler blowdown line to Sump 1-12 to allow tho' blowdown to be cumped to'radwaste for treatment in the event the boiler is-contaminated.
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This modification har no adverse-impact on safety and does not constitute an unreviewed safety question as defined in 10CFR50.59.
35.402761-005 Modification
-Installation of Traversina In-Core Probe (TIP) Systee_Q9R2gter Interface t
.A central processing unit (CPU) was installed to control and monitor the TIP-system and provide-an, interface between the TIP system and the Plant Computer.
This modification has no adverse impact on safety and does not constitute an unreviewed safety question as defined in 10CFR50.59.
i SE 402634-001 Modification-Rod Worth Minimiser Replaceeent i
The older Rod. Worth Minimizer equipment was replaced wich new solid state,
- miniaturized circuitry.
The-previous equipment could no longer be serviced because the equipment longer supplies spare parts.
This modification has no adverse impact on safety and does not constitute an unreviewed safety question as defined in 10CFR50.59.
SE 328184-002' Modification Uporade ESW/CS Pueo Overioad Relsys The 49/50 Type Thermal Overload / Instantaneous relays on the ESW/CS pumps were replaced with newer design, more reliable type relays, because of the potential Icng-reset' time on the previous relays.
This. modification has no adverse impact on safety and does not. constitute an
.unreviewed safety question as defined in 10CFR50.59.
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$3 323545-003 Modification s<
- r-Ramoval_of CWP' Beal Meter Strai n r Hloh DP Alars 1
i seal Water'is provided to the circulating water pumps from the fire j
' protection system.
The seal water strainer differential pressure (information) alarm was removed as it was-not needed.
This modification has no adverse impact on safety and does not constitute an unreviewedisafety question as defined in 10CFR50.59.
r s
SE 000(22-005-1s?8fication Deletign_gf The'rmocouples TE-30 and TE-46 from the Drywell Unused thermocouples TE-30.and TE-46, located in the vicinity of reactor vessel, were. removed. The thermocouples were not being used and were therefore deleted.
This modification has no adverse impact on safoty and does not constitute an
.unreviewed safety question as defined in 10CFRb ).59.
SE 323476-001'
~ Modification Modification to the Emeraency Diesel Generator Fuel Oil Transfer System The Diesel Generator fuel oil transfer pump and motor were modified to
. eliminate excessive maintenance. -The motor was upgraded to a 3 phase from a-single phase motor-because of periodic failure of the motor centrifugal switches. The filtering system was also modified to allow each of the pumps to
'have a dedicated filter. Other minor improvements were made including a new i
- tank level switch.-
This modification has no adverse impact on. safety and does not constitute an.
unreviewed safety question as defined in 10CFR50.59.-
SE 000532-007 Modification EHali complina Welded to ESW Pipe to Effect Repairs An inspe-t.
of the ESW pipe revealed the need to weld a half coupling and the ESW pipe weepholes to repair the pipe.
pipe pits r2 This modi stion has no adverse impact on safety and does not constitute an y
l unreviewt_ safety question as defined in 10CFR50.59.
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- SE 402635 001 5
-Modifiv ties y_'
i' Modifications to Electrical Systems - Valee ' V-14-35 Appendir R Modification
Appendix R addresses the concern of the effects'that a strategic ~ fire would have.on those! systems associated with maintaining safe shutdown:conditiona.- An analysis of the Reactor Building revealed the need to install two,El ampere'.
- fumes in the. control circutt for IC-B' valves V-14-1 and V-14-19..These fuses were added _ to prevent a postulated short circuit' current from opening the upstream 6 ampere control fuse FU-2,owhich'would have rendered Valve V-14-35 t
This_ modification has no adverse' impact on safety and does not' constitute an
'l j unreviewed ' safety question ;as defined in 10CFR50.59.
SE 402631-001 Modification 5
s System and an ADS Inhibit-Installation of an Alternate Rod Iniection (ARI) circuit I
l To meet'the requirements of.10CFR50.62 an Alternate Rod Injection (ARI)
-system was installed.
Th.s modification also added two annunciator alarms,-one for each: ADS channel, whinh provide continuous indication when the associated ADS timer reset switch is placed in bypass, t
This' modification has no adverse impact on safety and does not constitute an-unreviewed safety. queotio'. as defined in 10CFR50.592 s
SE 328184-020 Modification _
j Installation of 'Drywell Video ' Cameras Drywell video' cameras were installed to facilitate operat'or inspect 1En of the drywell;during operation.
This' modification has no adverse impact on safety and does not constitute an-unreviewed safety question ao defined in 10CFR50.59.
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SE 328184-020-Modification 3
' Removal of Motor Driven Pond Pumps and Sosce 3 eaters froe Diesel Generator Loadina Durina a Loss of Offsite Powgr i
The "LX" relay was used in a new circuit installation to trip the motor
. driven pond pumps 1 & 2 and the pond house space heaters EHU 1 & 3 upon loss of offsite. power. This modification reduces diesel generator loading during a loss'of offsite power by approximately 26.5 KW.
y j
This modification has no' adverse impact on safety and does not constitute an-
- unreviewed safety question as defined in 10CFR50.59.
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'IEL323545-007L UT
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[1mata11ationofGroundinaStraosfromEachSRM/IRMChassistotheCom'trolRoom Jis ;
Ground _.Rus.
- Groundingistraps were!1nstalled between-each SRM/IRM chassis'and the control u
. Room grounding bus;to_ decrease the effect of noise on channel operation and to-1 l
(enhancetsystem performance.- This installation reduces the possibility of.
upscale trips previously experienced when the panel drawers were withdrawn.
This' modification adverse impact on safety and does not constitute an
.unreviewed safety. question:as. defined in 10CFR50.59.-
'i -
SR 403758-005 Modification
~ '
u Installation of Filters Xith Drains on Off-Gas'Samole~ Lines i
In' reduce moisture from'off-gas sample ~ lines, filters-with drains
'were_ installed,in.the.eampleilines<at RK-06 and-the off-gas' chemistry. sample station 1 (Panel!RN-43) located in_the Feed Pump Room. The drain from the tanks-was tied together_and then' the Radwaste floor Drain System.
This modification has no adverbe impact on safety and does not constitute an i
.unreviewed safety question =as defined in 10CFR50.59.
BE 000424-003 Modification (Installation of Flow Orifice in'New Radweste Condensate Transfer Line A' restricting' orifice was installed in the backwash and fill line going to-the Chemwaste (FUNDA)-filter A and B.
Previously the high flow, high pressure
-condensate was damaging the filter screens.
.Thim modification has,no adverse' impact on safety and does not constitute an i
L unreviewed' safety question as defined-in 10CFR50.59.-
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i i'i d5 402728-008 Modification
- Annendim R Deviations - Installation of ENRV.. Disable Control Switches and Readter Cleanup System Isolation Valy31 i
Normally closed key locked control switches were installed in the. control Room to allow reclosure of fire induced ~ spuriously. opened Electromatic Relief Valves.(EKRV) in.the event of a fire in the MC SET Room or Monitor and Control
. area.- An alarm was also provided in the Control Room to alarm whenever these control switches are placed in the " Disable" position..
Further, additional fusing was added to the position indicating recntrol circuits for the Reactor Water Cleanup System valves,V-16-2 and V 16-14 to 1
ensure the availability of these components during a postulated fire in the Contro1' Room or Lower Cable Spreading Room.
hl Emergency. portable lighting was added to Lighting Unit-#10 and ELU-762-020.
Emergency Lighting Unit ELU-762-043, along with remote fixture ELF-762-029 were also added to assist Emergency Lighting capability,. illuminating the access to Valve V-21-13.-
Emergency lighting also illuminates breaker operations at MCC IB21B and switch ER-622-080 in the B-480V Switchgear Room and breaker operations at MCC 1821.
This modification has no adverse impact on safety and does not constitute an-unreviewod safety question as 10CFR50.59.
SE 32559-002 Modificatio.D Installation of Drain Valve in Drvwell Chiller Units Drain valves were installed in-the drywell chiller units to facilitate draining for maintenance. Controlled drainage was previously difficult,
.becauselonly a plug was. installed.
This modification has no adverse impact on safoty and-does not constitute an i
unreviewed. safety question as defined in 10CFR50.59.
-SE 000826-005 Modification-Systee Uparedes for Control Rooo Habitability i
'The control Room Ventilation System was revised to provide two independent HVAC Systems.
Each system has four manual operating modes designated as normal, purge, partial'and full recirculation.
The new system, designated
> System B, includes a separate fan, dampers, and a refrigeration unit.
.cenerators 1 and 2 provide backup power to supply fano A and B via Unit substations lA2 and 103,' respectfully.
This modification has no adverse impact on safety and does not constitute an unreviewed safety question as defined in 10CFR50.59.
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dB 408759-0071 Modification 4
"H Ramlacement of'RD-05 do Transmitter 4
The Barton Transmitter for CRD cooling flow pressure vs reactor pressure was-replaced with a Rosemount type teansmitter because the Barton transmitters are 1
no longer available and the old transmitter ~needed to be replaced.
This modification has no adverse impact on safety and does not constitute an unreviewed safety question as defined in 10CFR50.59.-
FEL402748 - 002:
Modification New Radweste Bu11dino Ventilation System Vent Stack Isolation Dander
.A new bubble tight isolation damper was added to the common exhaust auct downstream of the booster f ans (the damper la interlocked to be closed when radwaste ventilation is secured) in order to prevent back flow of air from the Turbine / Reactor Building Ventilation system. The Turbine Building, heactor Building and New Radwaste Building exhaust fans all discharge into the plant
. vent stack.
This modificati9a has no adverse impact on safety and does not constitute an unreviewed safocy question as defined in 10CFR50.59.
sE 402124-001 Modification Roolacement of the Control Rod Drive Handlina System A new CRD handling mechanism was installed which has improved reliability, maintainability and speed of operation when exchanging ~ control rod drives. The
.new CRD handling system was designed and fabricated by NES Cofporation.
This modification has no adverse impaction safety and does not constitute an unreviewed safety-question as defined in 10CFR50.59.
SE 402857-002 Modification Replace and Relocate Service Water Radiction Monitor Flow Indicator The flow indicator for the Service Water Radiation Monitor was relocated and a new type flow meter installed. The new flow meter was installed tetween the
. tert tape and was provided with a vent and drain. The relocated new flow meter was installed to minimize the amount of maintenance and fouling which was excessive.
This. modification has no adverse impact on uafety and does not constitute an unroviewed safety question as defined in 10CFR50.56
E 4
dB 402256-003c Modification 1
Installation'of a New Bucerespion Pool Temperature Monitorina Systen f1BPTMS).
A new' Suppression Pool Temperature Monitoring, System was installed to provide the capability to measure and compute the torus bulk water temperature..The new instrumentation includes two separate channels with six. temperature sensors-in each channel.
Each channel indirstes an e"arage temperature on Panel-IF/2F.
-b 'This modification has no adverse impact on t
.t does not constitute an unreviewed safety question as defined in 10.
38 402181-002 Modification 3 "J Turbine Buildina Rad (nachive Oas Emissions'Monitorina System No. 2 (RAGEH11 A new Turbine-Building Radioactive Gas Emissions Monitoring System was installed. The new system meets the requirements of the plant Radiological Environmental Technical. Specifications (RETS).
This modification has no adverse impact on safety and does not constitute an
- unreviewed safety question as defined in 10CFR50.59.
5E 402180-002
_Modificati2B Stack Radiat.on Oas Emissions Monitorina System A new Stack Radiation Gas Emissions Monitoring System (RAGEMS) was
-installed. The new system meets the requirements of the plant Radiological Environmental Technical Specifications (RETS).
1 This' modification has no adverse impact on safety and does not constitute an unreviewed safety question as defined in 10CFR50.59.
SE 328192-001 Modification Modifications to Drywell Fan Rotors The.two bearing fan rotors on the Drywell fans were replaced with four bearing fan rotors to improve the motor support and maintain the rotor balance. The previous two bearing overhung design caused high vibration from being out of balance which resulted in a shorter rotor life.
This modification has no adverse impact on safety-and does not constitute an unreviewed safety question as defined in 10CFR50.59., vi:
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Modification 'of Electromechanical' Trio Devices on OE Tvom AK-2-480 volt circult1 Breakers.
- 4 2
iThe. problems"with frequent trip device.setpoint drift associated Nith GE AK-2 j
. breakers along with undesirable breaker trips was corrected by. installing GE-e,~
Micro-versa-trip'(MVTF solid state trip units.: A total of. forty-four circuits
' breakers were modified in tho' 480V Unit substations 1A1,f 1A2,-'1A3,,1B1,.182 and.
1 1
This modification has no adverse impact on safety and does not constitute an unreviewed-safety. question,as defined,in 10CFR50.59.
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~SE.323599-001 Modification 4
' Install Test "T" on Accumulator / Check Valves
^ Test Tees were installed on the control air accumulator /chech valves listed:
.l below. The test. tees 1 will, allow for a temporary pressure be installed' during testing to' measure accumulator pressure.
Following testing, thel fpressure gauge is removed and the "T"
is plugged.
. List of Valves V-11-34 V-27-1 V-11-36 V-27-2 i
V-26-16 V-27-3 V-26-18 V-27-4 4
1This modification has no adverse impact on cafety and does not constitute an
.unreviewed safety 'uestion as defined in 10CFR50.59.-
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SE1000621-003 Heiliication'
-Revision 1to Eiaht IRM Renae Switches i
Eight Ilut Range Switches were niodified to remove the threaded ball plunger
'and locking element and a' pull-to-lock switch handle was adaed to enable the
' operator entry-into range 10 after pulling on the switch handle. The operator is precluded from inadvertent entry into range in by this modification.
1" This modification has no adverse impact en safety and does not constitute an I\\
lunreviewed safety question as defined in 10CFR50.59.
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6 illB 312200-004 Modification Installation of a Purae Jsolation ADV on Air Drvers C and D This modification prevents release of control air to the atmosphere in the event of failure of an or purge exhaust valve.
Air Dryers C & D previously experienced switthing failures where the control air 6xhausted to the atmosphere thru the purgo exhaust line.
An air operated valve was installed that closes upon a switching failure of the inlet or purge exhaust valve.
Also, the exioting circuitry of the switching failure alarm in the Control Room was modified to include circuits to activate the installed purge isolation valve.
This modification has no adverse impact on safety and does not constitute an unreviewed safety question as defined in 10CFR50.59.
SE en8758-005 Modificatior Installation of Filters and Drains in Offuas Samole Lines The purpose of this design modification to the off-gas sample flow lines was to remove the excess moisture that was collecti.ig in the sample lines from the steam jet air ejectors. This excess moisture interfered with the sample flow transmitter and introduced moisture into the chemistry sample lines at the off-gas sample station.
To reduce the moisture in both lines, filters with drains were installed in the sample lines at RK-06 and the off-gas chemistry sample station (pansl RN-43; located in the Feed.' ump Room.
The moisture from these filters is collected by small storage tanks.
The drain from the tanks is tied togother and sent into the floor drain system in the Feed Pump Room just outside tne off-gas cample area.
Trin modification hac no adverse impact on safety and does not constitute an unroviewed safety question as defined in 10CFR50.59.
SE 402919-001 Modification Thermocouoles Added to the Isolation Condensers During August and September, 1988, the Oystur Creek plant Isolation Condensers experienced operating problems including the accumulation of water in the steam and vont piping system.
To detect the position of the vent line valves by temperature indication, thermocouples were installed on the exterior of the vent lines from each isolation condenser. These were connected to a temperature indicator to take temperature readings.
These thermocouples could also be used to detect a subcooled condition during heatup and standby conditions and during surveillance testing.
This modification has no adverse impact on safety and does not constitute an unreviewed safety question as defined in 10CFR50.59. l
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45: 402906-001r Modification
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" [1 ggghflow Prevention System for Service Air Systee To prevent cross contamination of the service' air system, backflow preventert
'and ajoociated isolation _ valves,. filters and piping were added to the servits air lines on the' clean-up filter sludge tank in the Reactor Build'ng and on the-
. service air lines _to:the spent resin tanks =in the New Radwaste' Building.:
This modification has no advecco. impact'on safety'andidoes not constitute en-n unreviewed safety-question as defined in 10CFR50.59.
SE'402903-001 Modification Modification of Core Scray Test v.1,..
V-20-26 and V-20 *7
.This modification slowed down the' opening time of the core Spray l Test Valves (CSTV) V-20-26 and V-20-27.
These valves are surveillance _ tested monthly.- The opening of these valves during testing was causing damage to pipe supports due to water hammering.
A speed controller was added to slow down the opening speed of the valve.- The new speed controller and-a new combination starter was-installed in series with the open contactor for both core spray test valves.
This modification has no alvorse impact on safety and does not constitute an unrev1wwed safety question av defined in 10CFR50.59.
.SE 402896-001-Modification gggetor Protection Systee - ConveJ3]SM of Pressure Switches to Analoo Loons s
The purpose of the RE03/RE15 Analog Conversion Modification was to convert
.RE03A, B,C,D and_RE15A,-B,C,D: pressure switches to analog loops.
REO3A,B,Ciand D pressure switches are part of the Reactor Protection System
.(RPS) and provide reactor vessel high pressure RPS trips.
RE15A,B,C and D pressure switches ara part of the Engineered Safeguards Actuation System and provide the reactor vessel high pressure isolation condenser (IC) initiation and. recirculation pump trip (RPT) signals.
rThis modification was undertaken because'of an increase in the frequency of F.E03 pressure switch spurious actuations caused by vibration, which led to an
-increase in the number of RPS half SCRAMS.
'This modification has no adverse impact on safety and does not constitute an unreviewed safety question as, defined in 10CFR50.59.
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g 8s 402885-002-Modification
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oitatirement of the condensate Domineraliser Recenaration Canabilities bG The Regeneration capabilities'of the' Condensate Domineraliter System and j
those portions ofLthe Protroatment and the Makeup Domineralizer System not.
~ required to support the new Pretreatment Domineralizar Mobile Trailer were.
retired"from operational ti, vice. -The ion exchange. resins:used for condensate domineralization are now replaced whenever they need' regeneration.
.This modification has no adverse impaction safety and'does not constitute an
unreviewed safety question as defined in 10CFR50.59.
3 L
. 8E 402873-001 Modification.
' Installation of a Primary Containment Vessel Cathodic Protection Shstem The. Primary containment Vessel (PCV) Cathodic Protection System _was installed
'as a means of arresting' corrosion of_the Drywell steel shell in'the sand bed 0
' region at Elevation 11'-0".'
H This modification adverse impact on' safety and does not constitute an unrevleued safety question as defined in 10CFR50.59.
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-C pJ N P M UCE 402870-001:
.Unerradina of cantrol..Br'A Recorders
!The recorders identifi..
.Jole 1'were; replaced or removed. 'This g
modification also ind w id sne physical-installation of the service water-Radiation recoroer AJ-31A on. Panel 10F.
In addition, as part of the Condensate'
-Domineraliser conductivity recorder upgrade, eighteen conductivity-
-analyzer / readout modules were replaced.
This modification has no adverse impact on safety and does not constitute an unreviewed safety question as defined--in 10CFR50.59.-
' Table 1 12R Control Room Recorder Uoarade List
. Control'Panti Recorder Service Descr8ction Action
. L..
3F Total Recirculation Flow / Core WP.(1A08)
Replaced 3F.
Drywell Unidentified Leakage (ULRM-1)
Replaced 3F 1 Reactor Head Temperature (1A14)
Replaced-3F Cleanup' Flow /Recirc PP-Suction
. Replaced
^ Press,(IJ-13).
Condensate Domineralizer Effluent Replaced Conductivity
. 5 F/ 6F.
Steam Flow / Steam Pressure (ID75)'
Replaced / Swap STM Press Input with FW c
Flow Input <FW ID-14 y-SF/6F Reactor Pressure / Turbine Pressure (!D77) ' Replaced' 5F/6F.
Feedwater' Temperature (ID101)
-6XR' Event Recorder (RE-01)
Removed /Maint-
ain Points to Plant Computer 7F Steam Flow to 2nd Reheater (7F61)
Replaced 77 Steam Flow to ist Rehea*.er (7/61)
Replaced a
~ Service Water Radiation (RN-31a)
Replaced 4 1 t
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i Modification n.
83,402856-001, Automatic Reactor Water Inval Setdown - (RLS) Procram and Feedwater Pa=~ Runout
-Protection Leale Revisions:
The Feedwater Control' System-(FCS)'was modified =to reduce the magnitude of' high water level transients following scrams'.
An automatic reactorJwater' level
setdown (RLS) program war added and fe.2dwater pump' runout protection logic was
. modified.- This modification was completed in order to minimize operator burdens and to prevent high water level' transients, previously-required for.
post; trip water level control..
=This modification:has-no adverse impact on safety and does not constitute an:
f unreviewed safety question as defined in 10CFR50.59.
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t 35 402840-001 Modification
~ systee 4
Hydrocen Water Cheeistry
.This modification installed a permanent Hydrogen-Water Chemistry.(HWC) Svstem to mitigate Intergranular~ Stress Corrosion Cracking (IGSCC) in.the_ Reactor Coolant. piping.
EIn ' addition,: a Generator. Cooling System (GCS) was supply h.ydrogen 4
from the main. header of'the.HWC' System to the gas control,pLping of the main generator. This; replaces'a hydrogen bottle facility which was located outside.
l the southwest-corner of the Turbine Building.
An air injection system was also:added to the Aoc system to support' l recombination of theLresultantLexcesc hydrogen in the offgas'.
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- This ' modification has < no adverse = impact on-safety and does not constitute an funreviewed/ safety question as defined in-10CFR50.59.
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'85 '402811-001 MedffJcation
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control Roon Consolidated Disclav OPUN committed to provide displays of key plant parameters,. including those which are: required for entry into the Emergency Operating Precedures (EOPS).
These displays allow Shift Technical Advisors (STA) and Group Shift Supervisors
- to collect data on plant variables-for both tormal and off-normal conditions.
In response to.this commitment,' indicators.for reactor pressure, reactor level, torus pressure and.drywell pressure were installed on'a consolidated display by.
a previous modification.
As a continuation of this effort, e is modification installed two digital displays for' the Torus Level Wide Range Indication (one for each Division).
Thie modification also replaced the existing Gross Megawatt Indicator with a digital display indicator.-
This modification has no adverse impact on safety and does not constitute an
'unreviewed safety question as defined in 10CFR50.59.
BE 402792-001 Modification Installation of Sodium Hypochlorite Storace and Fegd Systeg
'A modium.hypocha.*Le storage and feed system was installed'to replace the 11guld chlorine gas system. The primary purpose of the. system is to control biofouling on the heat transfer surfaces of equipment ecolod by the circulating, service, and' emergency service water systems.
-This modification has no adverse impact on eafety and does not.constituta an
.unreviewed safety question as defined in 10CFR50.59.
SE 402763-001-Modification Water Chemistry Monitorina System Installation A Water Chemistry Monitoring System was installed to upgrade plant capability to take liquid campics for laboratory and/or inaine water chemiatry analysis for; improved accuracy, reduced radiological exposure to chemistry personnel, and ease of taking the required samples.
This was accomplished by the addition of a Reactor Wator Sample Station
Inline monitors were added to supplement grab samples taken at the existing Feedwater Sample Sink (FF3S). An upgrade of the existing metals samplers at both the condensate Sample Sink (CSS) and FWSS was-also completed.
'This modification has no adverse impact on safety and does not constitute an unreviewed safety question as defined in 100FR50.59. l l
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,4 Modification N. ? 48 328206-001
n Elianination of PCB'a'from Transformers.
>six' transformers.were~found to contain insulating.and cooling fluid with y#
- unacceptable levels of'PCB's.1 The PCB fluids represented a potential health-
' hazard.1 PCB fluide from the six transformers were removed, the transformers were decontaminated-in place,.and the fill fluid was replaced with non PCB' fluids.' Two'of the transformers are now free of PCB,'while the remaining four require additional; fluid changes.
. Thi.s modification hac no adverse impact on safety and'does not constitute an
. unreviewed safety question as defined in 10CFR50.59.
- q.
SE 328144-001l Modification Installation of Test Jacks on the Isglation Condenser Loaic Panel h_
This modification provided easy accessible points to test the time delay L-trelays in the logic circuits of the isolation condenser system.- It consisted of two test point panels, terminal strips, and cable to. connect the panel with.'
isolation condenser logic relays, a
- This modification has no adverso impact on satety and does not constitute an g7 unreviewed safety question as defined in 10CFR50.59.
SE 328100-003 Modification Deletion of Thermocouples TE-10. TE-11; TE-12 and TE-13 froe Feedwater Mossles r
'Thermocoupl'e TE-10iand TE-11 were located on feedwater nozzle 4A azimuth 45'-
Lat' vessel _ elevation 35'-2".
Thermocouple TE-12 and TE-13 were located on feedwater nozzle 4C azimuth 225* at vessel elevation:3t
All four of these
[7 thermocouples'were removed.
!The. deletion of these thermocouples was necessary because the location of the J'
1 thermocouple pado interfered with the automatic search units used for remote ultrasonic; examination of the feedwater nozzle inner bore and bland radii, and
-shell to nozzle weld inspections.
Upon completion of the ultrasonic
examination, these pads and 7/C's were not reinstalled.
This' modification has no adverse impact on safety and does not constitute an unreviewed safety question as def Lied in 10CFR50.59.
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1 y 'xh o SE 323559-001E Nodification
Instatse Vent Else to:3/4 inch ~en Scrae Discharae Volume Valves V-15-136'and
The)1/4" tubingfbetween the.3-way air solenoid valvec for V-15-1361and-
V-15-137 was replaced with 3/4" brass, flexible hosing.
The' reason for this 3
. replacement was to decrease the blowdown time for.the actuator and piping
. associated with the air solenoid valves so that air
- pressure on V-15-136 and V-15-137 is relieved. fast enough to allow the valves to close within'the 30 pecond time limit.
This.modificaElon has no adverse impact on safety and does:not constitute _an unreviewed' safety question as defined in 10CFR50.59..
j a
'ss 323545-001, Modificating r-4 Installation of Test Jacks on Core Sorav System I
.This" modification eliminated the need for lifting leads and.for the.
Installation of jumpers used in simulating conditions during the performance'of
'the core Spray system I instrument channel test.' This modification allows the technicians to connect or disconnect the instruments used for surveillance
.without. disturbing the permanent circuit terminations.
.This modificatlan has no adverse impact on-safety and does not constitute an unreviewed si Nety question as defined. in 10CFR50.59.
Q SE 323545-006 Modification p.
.-Installation Of,Zrst Jacks on Core Sorav System II This' modification eliminated the need-for lifting leads and for the
installation of' jumpers used-for' simulating conditions during the performance L
Of the-core. Spray.. stem II, instrument channel test.
This modification allows l:
the technicians to connect or disconnect the instruments used for surveillance-i g
?without dicturbing the permanent circuit terminations.
L This modification has no: adverse impact on safety and does not constitute an l
.unreviewed-safety question as defined in 10CFR50.59.
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'55 323509-002, Modi}ication j
99 Modifications =to Radwaste Evaoorstor BanDIe SVstem e
~The system configuration for the evaporator concentrates allowed for:
? continuous in-line monitoringJof pH and density while the evaporator-was in' Lservice.1 After several years;of operating service, the instrument proved to be-unreliable and the' piping failed.-
(Repairs wore made to the failed concentratesisample piping,:the'in-line i
< instrument.was abandoned and a local samplo tapioff the discharge piping of concentrate pumps WC-P-SA(B)'was installed.
.This modification has no adverse impact on safety and does not constitute an:
.unreviewed safety question as defined in 10CFR50.59.-
4 l
8E?312200-005 gedification Kemoval of Dilutign-Plant - Vacuum Primine Pump 3
.The dilution plant' vacuumprimtag pump and motor and associated piping and
- valves'wereLpermanently removed.
These components were never used because they.
~ were.not. needed ft r normal operation of the dilution plantx systems.
lThis'modificattan has rua ' adverse impact on safety and does not constitute: an-unreviewed %efety question as defined in 10CFR50.59.
4 SE 402878-001 Modificatiga
' Vacuum Primina Valves Strainen g
iP1' eline strainers were it Talled upstream.of'the priming valves in the l
p circulation. water system t, trap foreign matter to help maintain continuous air-f venting / sealing functions.:
' a
- The circulating water system is equipped with vacuum priming valves to vent.
accumulated air from elevated locations within.the system-thereby enabling full-
condult flow for efficient condenser operation.
Sealing capability of the 4
priming valves was previously-reduced by the presence of debris which-obstructed the valve sealEarea allowing excessive liquid carryover to the l
. priming tank..
This:taodification has ru) adverse impact on safety and does not constitute an:
sunreviewed safety question as' defined in 10CFR50.59.
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!h w q oC5'402887-001' Nodification yo RPS Relav Power Supolv Nodification
on several occasions, when in the shut'own mode for refueling or maintenance,
.j d
offsite. electrical transients-on~the electrical power distribution system
caused automatic transfer switch "ACP-1 to switch from its normal source, 480V MCC1B2, to its alternate source 480V MCCIA2.
During this transfer, the normally energized relays associated with the Cont'ainment Isolation and Standby Cas Treatment Systems dropped.out, resulting in primary and secondary Containment Isolation and Standby Gas Treatment initiation.
The VACP-1 automatic tranr?
switch operating time was slower than the relay drop out time.- Thus, any ti e VACP-1 automatic transfer switch transferred the power to the alternate source, the Reactor Protection System (RPS) relays dropped out.resulting in Containment Isolation, initiating operation r,f the-Standby Oas Treatment System.
j This modification prevents offsite power disturbances from causing an auto K
transfer _ switch actuation resulting in Standby Gas Treatment System and Containment Isolation initiation while in the shutdown mode.
This modification, relocated.the power source for these relays from Vital AC' Power Panel VACP-1 to Continuous Power Instrument Panel CIP-3.
The primary source of power for CIP-3 is from a rotary inverter which is normally powered
'from 480V McClB2 with an alternate supply from 125V DC Distribution' Center B.
A= flywheel on the rotary-inverter filters out transients and permits it to coast through a transfer from the 480 volt AC source to the 125V DC source.
Thus, a' transient on the 400V AC power system while Oyster Creek Station is
' shutdown will not effect the power to Continuous Instrument Panel CIP-3 and as
.a result will not cause the RPS relays to drop out.
This modification has no adverse impact on safety and does not constitute an unreviewed safety' question as defined in 10CFR50.59.
j SE 402890-001 Modification Drvwell Permanent Scaffoldino This modification installed a permanent drywell scaffolding basic framework
.that can be left in the drywell during plant operation to eliminate the repeated work of erecting and dismantling scaffolding frames during each outage. The modification includes the design and installation of basic steel
. frames w,ich are assembled using steel tubing, joint couplers, base plates and concrete Tnchors.
'This modification has no adverse impact on safety and does not constitute an unreviewed safety question as defined in 10CFR50.59. a
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' vibration sensors Added to Recirculation Punos D&E' Vibration Monitoring, Sensors were installed on D&E recirculation' pumps.':The; Y;
= existing / spare cables'from.the MSIV monitoring system were connected to these.
sensorsiproviding a signal to the MSIV; vibration monitoringicabinet.-
This modification has no adverse impact on safetyfand does not; constitute an
'unroviewed safety question as defined in 10CFR50.59.
i 4
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Modification 1 c
Barton 580A do Switches.ndded'to RPS
.Three ITT Barton=500A dp twitches were. installed to determine.acceptabilityi
'for.use. switches, replaced switches LIS-RE18D (ADS -Lreactor vessel i
triple, low level) DPIS-RE22D (main steam high flow) PS RV46D (core spray -
s 9
.drywell high pressure)..
'This modification has no adverse impact on safety and does not-constitute an unreviewed safety question as defined in 10CFR50.59.
i SE402881-001, Modificatian
88 402881-002 Feedwater System Improvements-The followiag modifications to the feedwater system were installed with the
-objective to reduce operator b'urden during plant startups, scrams, trips and Lother feedwater transients:'
Staggered. time' delays were'added in the low suction pressure triy 1.
. circuit for the three condensate pumps.' Tripping was instantareoas
' prior to the modification.
-The common feedwater pump runout alarm was eliminated and indicating light was added instead to indicate pump-runout condition for each pump.
Feedwater-low flow control valves (startup valves) 1D12A and 1D12C.
e were replaced with low leakage, erosion resistant, large' capacity valves to improve the ability to control feedwater flow during low
power operation.
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