ML20112E672 | |
Person / Time | |
Site: | Oyster Creek |
Issue date: | 12/31/1983 |
References | |
NUDOCS 8503270088 | |
Download: ML20112E672 (6) | |
BAf402002 Spent Fuel Pool Cooling Pumps Modification This mo'dification' allows for a complete core off load in a timely fashion (approximately 11 days after shutdown) to support the'. inspection and l
refueling activities during the refueling outages. The existing system does not permit smooth operation and is undesirable for operations since the re-strictions in flow requires operation of valves at other than design-para-meters. This was accomplished by replacing the existing augmented fuel pool cooling pumps with smaller capacity pumps and installing. additional plates in the AFPC heat exchanger. This allows for lower fuel pool flow rates and higher cooling capacity. This modification allows for parallel operation with the original fuel pool cooling system and improves system operability.
BA#402005 Fuel Pool Capacity Expansion Phase III To maintain the capability to off load the entire reactor core, the capacity of the spent fuel pool is being increased through the installation of new fuel racks. Phase III of this reracking increased the number of storage locations from 1400 to 1740.
BAf402012 ALARA Mods - Shielding' This modification provided shielding as necessary to lower radiation exposure levels in certain designated "High Radiation" areas. Radiological Engineers at Oyster Creek ident.ified areas which required shielding. Oyster Creek Project Engineers then designed the shielding to meet each individual l
need. This shielding was installed on such components as the reactor cavity drain line on the 75 ft. elevation and various other components as discussed in the referenced BA.
BA#402023 Torus Support Structure An analysis of the effects of hydrodynamic loads on the shell caused by j.
postulated LOCA accident phenomena was made at the request of the NRC. The~
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original design did not account for all the loads and therefore the follow-ing modifications were performed:
The mid-bay saddle support was installed for each of the 20 l
bays. The saddle support consists of two flanges and a web form-l ing an I-beam-type cross section, each piece being 1.5 inches thick. The saddle flange is welded continuously to the torus shell. Each saddle rests on, and is bolted to, two base plates which are covered with lubrite pads. Slotted bolt holes permit the saddle to slide (laterally) when the torus undergoes thermal expansion.
The lower half of the torus shell is reinforced by eight external straps on each bay. The straps are 1.25 inches thick and 16 inches wide and are welded continuously to the shell. Four of the straps in each bay extend several feet above the centerline on each side of the torus. As a result of the metered shape of each bay and the existing reinforcement at the outer support columns, the other four straps in each bay are partial straps extending from the metered joint to the support column attachment.I 8503270088 831231 DR ADOCK 050002 9 p y,
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-jacent1 bays. The ring girder consists of a one inch thick web
-and flange.-.Between bays 7 and 8, the Cleanup Demineralizer-i
'D Relief Valve. piping from two supports are welded to the' ring girder.. The two supports required reinforcement welds. The-tSafety Relief Valve Y-Quenchers at bays 8 and~13 have center =
C supports' assemblies that'also required reinforcement.
52 BAf402189 TBCCW' Surge-Tank, Relocation Construction of the new cable spreading room' necessitated the reloca-
. tion of the-TBCCW Surge Tank. -A platform was built in the northeast corner of the turbine that the center line of the tank-was approximate-ly 35 feet above the operating floor, about 8 feet higher than the tank was previously mounted. A new; remote level indicator and flow meter / totalizer 4
was installed. The drain and overflow were hard piped'to a mezzanine floor 1 drain going to sump 1_-1.
- 6.
BAf402192.New Cable Spreading Room
'The former Mechanical Equipment Room was converted into a second cable
spreading room due to the lack-of available-space and-penetrations, in' and-from, the old spreading room. Erection of the cable bridge tunnels; reloca-tion of. lighting, ventilation, office building chiller, and miscellaneous instruments; installation and new fire suppression and detection equipment-were all included in the modification.
BAf402225 R/W Evaporator Upgrade
The following modifications have been made to improve the operation of' the new radwaste evaporators.
- 1) Chemical waste system in line pH indica-tion upgrade; installation of pH. sensors in the evaporation process feed-line which are more accurate and reliable than their predecessors. 2) In-stallation of pH and density monitoring system (inline) in the evaporator bottom recirculation line. 3) ' Installation of flush water interlock system which insures the evaporator concentrates pump pressure transmitter line
'does-not plug up, and 4) Evaporator bottom sample system installation.
BA#402227 R/W FCV-013 Relocation Modification Five valves, formerly manually operated locally in the.old radwaste building used to recycle off-specification processed waste water back-through the processing system, were equipped'with electro-pneumatic operators for remote operation from the new radwaste building control panel
- RB-1" which houses the control switches and indicating lights. Three of the'five were formerly 4" gate valves which~were replaced by plug valves to avoid the use of 480V motor operators. Additionally, two valves, formally manually operated three way plug valves located in the old radwaste
- building, used to direct waste water from the Regeneration System Low
' Conductivity Compartment (HP-HV-103) and the Rx Building and Drywell Equipment Drain tanks to either waste col-lector tank HP-T-1A or HP-T-18, were equipped with electro-pneumatic opera-tors for remote meration from the new radwaste control panel which contains the control switches.and indicating lights.
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IBAf402256. Torus. Temperature Instrumentation-Thisimodification consisted of installing twenty temperature sensors in.
the torus for local and bulk temperature readings. The portion completed in-
1983 was the installation of the thermowells. The instrumentation and cabl-ing will beiadded during the next scheduled refueling outage.
110.-~BAf402295-Control.'of Heavy Loads Hardware changes to this modification included the fabrication of,a new
< Cavity" Shield Plug Lifting Beam, the reinforcement of-the Reactor head-c Strongback and Equipment Pool. Plug Lifting Beams,'and the load testing of the beams"~,The main fuel grapple was derated to 800 lbs. and the bridge frame trolley mounted' auxiliary hoists were derated to 750 lbs.
BAf402303' Oil' Spill Retention Facility 11.
A. permanent storage area to contain 55 gallon drums of waste oil / sol-vents was constructed. A containment tub for the fire pump diesel tanks was constructed. A containment: tub for the waste turbine oil tank was con-1structed.-
- 12. BAf402319 Torus Vent Header Columns This modification included replacement of the existing four-ihch Schedule 80 vent header support columns with five-inch solid round bar.
columns, and strengthening of the attachment fixtures for these columns.
- 13. BA#402320 Torus Vent Header Downcomer Reinforcement This modification consisted of adding a 1.0 inch thick reinforcement
-plate to the vent header;in the region around each of the 60 downcomer pairs.
- 14. BA#402393 Respirator Cleaning Facility A trailer was installed on site for the purpose of cleaning respirators and associated material for reuse within the plant. The trailer was in-
~ stalled by the NW corner of New Radwaste at the beginning of the 1983 outage.
- 15. BA N 02525 Service Water Valve Replacement The project included the replacement of 4 service water system valves used for isolation of~the RBCCW Heat Exchangers.
- 16. ;BAf402554 Fuel Oil Delivery Meter
. - A fuel oil delivery system was installed at the No. 2 fuel oil storage
~ tank. The modification included the following:. (1) a fuel oil metering ~
Esystem designed to. accurately totalize and record the quantity of fuel oil
' delivered per shipment, (2)' appropriate valving, piping and connections de-vices necessary to properly off load fuel oil, and (3) a containment pad at the fuel' oil valving / metering area and a concrete pad for the delivery truck
- in provide necessary containment of inadvertent oil spills.
- 17. BA#402557 Torus Downcomer~ Bracing Each section of each of the sixty pairs of downcomers was shortened to reduce its submergence under the water thus reducing possible LOCA loads.
The downcomer bracing was fitted with two clamps to each downcomer and a pipe section connecting the clamps so that each leg will vibrate in unison or dampen the others vibrations.
- 18. BAf402560 NRW Dry Active Waste Compactor Upgrade This modification consisted of replacing a 12-ton compactor with a 40 ton compactor. This will result in a packaging density increase, thereby reducing the volume of dry waste, thus decreasing burial and transportation Costs.
- 19. ET 83-77 Removal of Existing Water Trap This modification removed the existing Armstrong water trap on the 1-2 instrument air pre-filter and replaced it with a Zurn solid state timer auto-matic drain valve.
- 20..ET 82-016 Permanent Jumper Installation This modification installed permanent, jumpers on MCC 1AB2 units E04, B04 and B03 for V-14-36, V-14-37 and V-16-1.
In addition a change was made to the setting of the opening limit switch from 10% off the backseat to 2%.
- 21. ET 81-573 Inter and After Cooler Level Columns This modification replaced the worn out Tygon tubing level columns with new hard plastic. The lA,1B and 1C inter and after condensers were fitted with 3/8" tubing and isolation valves were installed on the inlet and outlet j
of the level columns..
- 22. ET 81-572 New Pressure Gauge and Sight Glass This modification installed a new pressure gauge and a sight glass on each inlet and outlet water box associated with condensers lA, 1B and IC.
In addition, temperature gauges and thermowells were added to the outlet water boxes and pressure gauges were added to existing pressure transmitters l
PT9, PTIO, PTil, PT12, PT13 and PT14. All of the pressure gauges have iso-lation valves and all of the new instrumentation use existing taps.
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f23; iET.83-557 Time Delay Increase.
w This Ihakge increased.the ~ tins dela'y of relay 52 VM'from 4 7
-seconds. Since this relay' arms the "47" undervoltage relay after diesel breaker. closure, this increased time, delay will allow greater time for gen-s
.erator voltage buildup to prescribed levels prior to arming:the protective
. tripfcircuit.-
- 24. ET 83-307.SGTS Heating Coil Power Supply This modification splits the power supply'to relays'K6 and K7 which i'
ta control heating' coils for SGTS trains I and II. Originally both relays were powered from a single power source.
-25. 'ET 82-402 Emergency Diesel Generator-Building Lighting This modification installed emergency lights. in the Emergency Diesel Generator Building.
~26. :ET 82-001 Installation of Test' Fuses.
'Per a revision to the technical specification, it is now required to test the Low Voltage ~ annunciator for.the main station and D/G batteries.
For the'"C" station batteries, there were no provisions to perform this test other than shutting down the system and lifting-leads. This modification j
. installed fuses which would be used to perform the required testing.
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j GPU Nuclear Corporation NUOIM7 100 lnterpace Parkway Parsippany, New Jersey 07054-1149 ;
TELEX 136-482 Writers Direct Dial Number:
I March 1, 1985 Dr. Thomas E. Murley, Administrator Region I U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 631 Park Avenue King of Prussia, Pa.
Dear Dr. Murley:
Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station Docket No. 50-219 10CFR50.59(b) Reporting Requirement Pursuant to 10CFR50.59(b) enclosed is a brief description of changes made to the Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station as authorized by 10CFR50.59(a)(2) for the calendar year 1983.
In each case, the safety evaluation summarized that there was no unreviewed safety question involved.
Should you have any questions concerning this submittal, please contact Mr.
Steve DeMerchant, BWR Licensing Engineer, at (201) 299-2254.
Very truly yours, a)
iedler Vice President and Director Oyster Creek 1r/0519e cc: Director of Inspection & Enforcement U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D. C.
20555 NRC Resident Inspector Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station Forked River, N. J.
08731 GPU Nuclear Corporation is a subsidiary of General Public Utilities Corporation