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Application for Amends to Licenses NPF-4 & NPF-7,replacing Independent Operational Event Review Group W/Mgt Safety Review Committee as Organization Responsible for Offsite Review Function
Person / Time
Site: North Anna  Dominion icon.png
Issue date: 07/30/1990
From: Stewart W
Shared Package
ML20056A090 List:
90-038A, 90-38A, NUDOCS 9008030230
Download: ML20056A089 (2)



o VIHUINIA MLI CTHIC AND l'OWI!H COMI'ANY H i rei w o x u, V i n o i xir u n u n t July 30,1990 United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission Serial No.

90 038A Attention: Document Control Desk NL/ETS Washington, D. C. 20555 Docket Nos 50 338 50 339 License Nos. NPF 4 NPF 7 Gentlemen:

VIRGINIA ELECTRIC. AND POWER COMPANY MSTATION UNITS 1 AND 2 PROPOSED TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION SUPPLEMENTAL. INFORMATION In a letter dated February 1,1990, (Serial No. 90 38) Virginia Electric and Power Company requested amendments, in the form of changes to the Technical Specifications, to Operating License Nos. NPF 4 and NPF 7 for the North Anna Power Station Units 1 and 2 respectively.

This proposed change will replace the Independent / Operational Event Review Group with the Management Safety Review Committee (MSRC) as the organization responsible for the offsite review function.

During telephone conservations with your staff minor changes were requested to address the constitution of a quorum and the timeliness of the MSRC meeting minutes.

The requirement for a quorum is being changed from a minimum of four members to at least 50% of the members. The meeting minutes will be required to be prepared and distributed within 14 days of the meeting rather than prior to the next meeting. The revised Technical Specification pages are included in the attachment 1.

l These minor changes do not impact the results of our original safety analysis and the significant hazards consideration determination.

Please replace the appropriate pages in the February 1,1990 submittal with the attached Technical Specification pages (6 8 & 10 Unit 1 and 6 9 & 11 Unit 2). The basis of our significant hazards consideration determination provided in our February 1,1990 letter remains valid.


If you have any further questions or need additional information to process this j

l request, please call.

Very truly yours, k

k W. L. Stewart l-Senior Vice President - Nuclear Attachment g

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_ U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission.

Region 11 101 Marietta Street, N. W.

Suite 2900 L

Atlanta, Georgia 30323 i

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Mr. M. S. Lessor NRC Senior Resident inspector North Anna Power Station Commissioner Department of Health l

Room 400.

f 109 Governor Street l

Richmond, Virginia 23219 l

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