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Application for Amends to Licenses NPF-4 & NPF-7,eliminating Turbine Governor Valve Freedom Testing During Plant Intermediate Power Ranges Required by Tech Spec Surveillance Requirement
Person / Time
Site: North Anna  Dominion icon.png
Issue date: 06/28/1990
From: Stewart W
Shared Package
ML20055C988 List:
90-382, NUDOCS 9007030046
Download: ML20055C987 (4)



VIHOINIA ELucTurc Axn Pownu Cown Awy Ricanoxo,Vinoixir uncon June 28,1990 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Serial No.:

90 382 Attention: Document Control Desk NL&P/JBL:jbl Washington, D.C. 20555 Docket Nos.: 50 338 50-339 License Nos.: NPF-4 NPF-7 Gentlemen:

VIRGINIA ELECTRIC AND POWER COMPANY NORTH ANNA POWER STATION UNITS 1 AND 2-PROPOSED TECHNICAL-SPECIFICATION CHANGE REQUEST ELIMINATE TURBINE GOVERNOR VALVE FREEDOM-TESTING DURING INTERMEDIATE POWER RANGES Pursuant to 10 CFR 50.90, Virginia Electric and Power Company requests amendments, in the form of changes to the Technical Specifications, to Operating License Numbers NPF-4 and NPF-7.for North Anna Power Station Units 1 and 2, respectively. These amendments will eliminate turbine governor valve freedom testing during plant intermediate power ranges currently required by Technical Specification Surveillance Requirement for both units.

The proposed Technical Specifications changes are presented in Attachments 1 and 2.

Surveillance Requirement requires that a turbine valve freedom test be performed every 31 days in order to demonstrate operability of the turbine overspeed protection system. This proposed Technical Specification change would permit a suspension of cycling-the turbine governor valves during end of-cycle power coastdown between 835 MWe (87% full power) and 386 MWe (40% full power). It is important to note that the turbine valve freedom test for the other turbine valves

~ (throttle, reheat stop, and reheat intercept valves) can be performed without consequence within the intermediate power range.

Westinghouse has recommended the governor valves not be cycled within this intermediate power range to preclude subjecting the first stage blades of the high pressure turbine to loadings which exceed design conditions. The other alternative of.

reducing turbine power to a level below the restricted range may induce a transient based on the effects of. xenon at this point in core life which could affect core stability.

A decision to perform the test at the lower power level would also result in an extended reduction in power in order to minimize the effects of any transient on the core and to ensure the secondary plant performance is controlled and monitored closely. Not only would the power reduction result in lost generation, but it would also subject the plant to increased risk of an unnecessary transient such as a reactor trip.

9007030046 900628 Sl POR ADOCK 03000338 b

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Relief from exercising the turbine governor valves through one complete cycle during coastdown is necessary in order to assure unit operation until the next scheduled i

refueling outage.

Further discussion of the proposed changes is provided in.

This proposed change was reviewed with respect to the proposed MERITS version of the North Anna Technical Specifications.

The MERITS submittal relocates the specification on turbine overspeed protection to Chapter 16 of the North Anna UFSAR and, therefore, is not affected by this submittal.

This request has been reviewed by the Station Nuclear Safety and Operating Committee. It has been determined that this request does not involve an unreviewed safety question as defined in 10 CFR 50.59 or a significant hazards consideration as defined in 10 CFR 50.92. The basis for our determination that this change does not involve a significant hazards consideration is presented in Attachment 4.

North Anna Unit 2 began its end of cycle power coastdown on June 24,1990 and is scheduled to begin its refueling outage on September 7,1990.

Based on the estimated rate of coastdown, Unit 2 will be at 835 MWe (87% full power) on July 6, 1990, it is our intent to perform the valve freedom testing on the governor valves just prior to reaching this intermediate power range. The next test would then be required by August 13,1990 (i.e.,31 days plus the ~7 days extension as allowed by Technical Specification 4.0.2). We request that the NRC expedite review of this proposed Technical Specification change request so that approval may be received prior to the August 13,1990 turbine governor valve freedom test. Should the NRC be unable to comply, it is our intent to use the discussion contained in this proposed change as the basis for a one-time request for waiver of compliance for the North Anna Unit 2

_ governor valve freedom test due by August 13,1990.

Should you have any questions or require additionalinformation, please comact us at your earliest convenience.

Very truly you O

W. L. S wart Senior Vice President - Nuclear Attachments 1.

Proposed Technical Specification Change for North Anna Unit 1 2.

Proposed Technical Specification Change for North Anna Unit 2 3.

Discussion of Proposed Changes 4.

Basis for 10 CFR 50.92 No Significant Hazards Consideration


U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Region ll 101 Marietta Street, N.W.

Suite 2900-Atlanta, Georgia 30323 Mr. M. S. Lesser NRC Senior Resident inspector North Anna Power Station

'l Commissioner l

Department of Health Room 400 l

109 Governor Street Richmond, Virginia 23219 1

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The foregoing document was acknowledged before me, in and for the

- County and Commonwealth aforesaid, today by E. W. Harrell, who is Vice President - Nuclear Operations, for W. L. Stewart, who is Senior Vice President - Nuclear, of Virginia Electric and Power Company.

He is duly authorized to execute and file the foregoing document in behalf of that Company, and the statements in the document are true to the best of his knowledge and belief.

Acknowledged before me this 28 day of


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My Commission Expires:


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