Letter Sequence Other |
Other: A800004, Forwards ETS for Radiological Effluents & Offsite Dose Assessment Manual.Nrc Re Commitment to NUREG- 0473.Operation of Station within Present Tech Spec Limits Assures Compliance, ML19262C380, ML19270G328, ML19270G330, ML19270G333, ML20054H269, ML20054H273, ML20054H276, ML20054H277, ML20069G345, ML20077Q237, ML20077Q244, ML20077Q256, ML20081D161, ML20083K174, ML20105D380, ML20112H370, NLS8400199, Forwards Radiological Effluent Tech Spec Pages Clarifying Previous Submittals & Incorporating All Amends to OL Through 840601
MONTHYEARML19270G3301979-06-0606 June 1979 Offsite Dose Assessment Manual Project stage: Other ML19270G3281979-06-0606 June 1979 Proposed Radiological Effluent Tech Specs Project stage: Other ML19270G3331979-06-0606 June 1979 Radiological Environ Monitoring Manual Project stage: Other ML19262C3801980-01-21021 January 1980 Proposed Process Control Program Project stage: Other A800004, Forwards ETS for Radiological Effluents & Offsite Dose Assessment Manual.Nrc Re Commitment to NUREG- 0473.Operation of Station within Present Tech Spec Limits Assures Compliance1980-01-30030 January 1980 Forwards ETS for Radiological Effluents & Offsite Dose Assessment Manual.Nrc Re Commitment to NUREG- 0473.Operation of Station within Present Tech Spec Limits Assures Compliance Project stage: Other ML20054H2771982-06-0707 June 1982 Process Control Program Project stage: Other ML20054H2731982-06-0707 June 1982 Revised Proposed Radiological Effluent Tech Specs Project stage: Other ML20054H2761982-06-0909 June 1982 Offsite Dose Assessment Manual for Assessment of Gaseous & Liquid Effluents Project stage: Other ML20054H2691982-06-0909 June 1982 Forwards Revised Proposed Radiological Effluent Tech Specs, Offsite Dose Assessment Manual & Process Control Program. Tech Specs for Instrumentation Installed Under NUREG-0737, Item II.F.1 Forthcoming Project stage: Other ML20069G3451983-03-11011 March 1983 Notice of Issuance & Availability of Amend 81 to License DPR-46 Project stage: Other ML20024D8131983-08-0101 August 1983 Requests 30-day Extension for Submittal of Final Radiological Ets,Per Draft 7 of Rev 3 to NUREG-0482 Std Radiological Effluent Tech Specs for Pwrs. Delay Due to Current Extended Outage Project stage: Draft Other ML20077Q2441983-08-20020 August 1983 Proposed Revised Radiological Effluent Tech Specs Project stage: Other ML20077Q2561983-08-31031 August 1983 Offsite Dose Assessment Manual for Gaseous & Liquid Effluents Project stage: Other ML20077Q2371983-09-12012 September 1983 Forwards Revised Proposed Radiological Effluent Tech Specs (Rets),Revised Offsite Dose Assessment Manual & Response to Unresolved RETS Issues Project stage: Other ML20081D1611984-01-31031 January 1984 Offsite Dose Assessment Manual for Assessment of Gaseous & Liquid Effluents Project stage: Other NLS8400083, Application for Amend to License DPR-46,consisting of Proposed Change 7 to Radiological Effluent Tech Specs.W/ Offsite Dose Assessment Manual for Assessment of Gaseous & Liquid Effluents. No Fee Required1984-03-0707 March 1984 Application for Amend to License DPR-46,consisting of Proposed Change 7 to Radiological Effluent Tech Specs.W/ Offsite Dose Assessment Manual for Assessment of Gaseous & Liquid Effluents. No Fee Required Project stage: Request ML20081D1561984-03-0707 March 1984 Proposed Change 7 to Radiological Effluent Tech Specs Project stage: Request ML20083K1511984-04-10010 April 1984 Application for Amend to License DPR-46,consisting of Revised Pages to Proposed Radiological Effluent Tech Specs, Change 7 & Process Control Program Project stage: Request ML20083K1741984-04-10010 April 1984 Revised Pages to Proposed Radiological Effluent Tech Specs, Change 7 Re Automatic Containment Isolation Valves Project stage: Other ML20105D3801984-05-31031 May 1984 Radiological Effluent Tech Specs (RETS) Implementation- Cooper Nuclear Station Project stage: Other NLS8400199, Forwards Radiological Effluent Tech Spec Pages Clarifying Previous Submittals & Incorporating All Amends to OL Through 8406011984-07-19019 July 1984 Forwards Radiological Effluent Tech Spec Pages Clarifying Previous Submittals & Incorporating All Amends to OL Through 840601 Project stage: Other ML20112H3701984-12-24024 December 1984 Amend 89 to License DPR-46,revising Tech Specs to Incorporate Radiological Effluent Tech Specs Project stage: Other ML20112H3711984-12-24024 December 1984 Safety Evaluation Supporting Amend 89 to License DPR-46 Project stage: Approval 1983-08-20
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MONTHYEARML20217C7961999-10-0606 October 1999 Marked-up & Type Written Proposed TS Pages,Revising TSs 1.0, 3.6,Bases 3.0,Bases 3.6 & 5.5,to Adopt Implementation Requirements of 10CFR50,App J,Option B for Performance of Type A,B & C Containment Leakage Rate Testing ML20209A7351999-06-23023 June 1999 Proposed Tech Specs Pages 3.3-4 & 3.3-6,replacing Page 3.3-6 Re Recirculation Loop Flow Transmitters & Applicable SRs Associated with Function 2.b ML20196B4741999-06-17017 June 1999 Proposed Tech Specs Bases Changes Made at Plant Subsequent to Receipt of License Amend 178,dtd 980731,for Conversion to Its,Through 990610 ML20195E9101999-06-0808 June 1999 Proposed Tech Specs,Correcting Described Method by Which SGTS Heaters Are to Be Tested ML20207A0761999-05-14014 May 1999 Rev 3 to CNS Strategy for Achieving Engineering Excellence ML20206J2661999-04-22022 April 1999 CNS Offsite Dose Assessment Manual (Odam) ML20205H2891999-03-31031 March 1999 Proposed Tech Specs Modifying ACs for Unit Staff Qualifications for Shift Supervisor,Senior Operator,Licensed Operator,Shift Technical Advisor & Radiation Manager Positions ML20236W1141998-07-28028 July 1998 Proposed Tech Specs Re Implementation of BWR Thermal Hydraulic Stability Solution ML20151Q0621998-07-28028 July 1998 Final Version of Improved TS & Bases Re Proposed Change to Conversion to Improved Standard TS ML20236R9821998-07-16016 July 1998 Proposed Tech Specs Section 6.5.1,re Implementation of BWR Thermal Hydraulic Stability Solution ML20236Q0641998-07-13013 July 1998 Proposed Tech Specs Re Rev B to Conversion to Improved STS ML20206P9051998-07-0707 July 1998 Rev 2, Strategy for Achieving Engineering Excellence, for Cooper Nuclear Station ML20216H0571998-04-15015 April 1998 Proposed Tech Specs 4.2.C,exempting Neutron Detectors from Channel Calibr Requirements ML20216H0801998-04-15015 April 1998 Proposed Tech Specs Sections 2.1.A.1.d & 3.2.C,deleting Max Rated Power for APRM Rod Block Trip Setting ML20216D8971998-04-0808 April 1998 Rev 1 to Strategy for Achieving Engineering Excellence ML20216B4481998-04-0202 April 1998 Proposed Tech Specs 4.2.C,exempting Neutron Detectors from Channel Calibr Requirements ML20203G4271998-02-24024 February 1998 Rev 0 to First Ten-Year Interval Containment Insp Program for Cns ML20202H5311998-02-11011 February 1998 Strategy for Achieving Engineering Excellence ML20216G1571997-09-0505 September 1997 Rev 2.1 to Third 10-Yr Interval Inservice Insp Program ML20210H5641997-08-0707 August 1997 Rev 2 to NPPD CNS Third Interval Inservice Testing Program ML20148G3481997-05-30030 May 1997 Proposed Tech Specs,Changing Frequency of Testing RHR Cross Tie valve,RHR-MOV-MO20,position Indication from Once Per Month to Once Per Operating Cycle ML20148G8531997-05-0909 May 1997 Nebraska Public Power District Nuclear Power Group Phase 3 Performance Improvement Plan, Closure Rept ML20138J0751997-05-0505 May 1997 Proposed Tech Specs,Relocating Control of Standby Liquid Control Relief Valve Setpoint in TS 4.4.A.2.a & Associated Bases ML20148B0041997-05-0202 May 1997 Proposed Tech Specs,Deleting SLC Relief Valve Testing Described in TS Section 4.4.A.2.a & Associated Bases in Bases Section 3.4.A Since Testing Is Already Performed Under ISI Program ML20138H3861997-04-29029 April 1997 Rev 1.2 to CNS Third Interval IST Program ML20134K3771997-02-10010 February 1997 Proposed Tech Specs Re Requirements for Avoidance & Protection from Thermal Hydraulic Instabilities to Be Consistent w/NEDO-31960 & NEDO-31960,Suppl 1, BWR Owners Group Long-Term Stability Solutions.. ML20134E1091996-10-25025 October 1996 NPPD Cooper Nuclear Station Third Interval IST Program, Rev 1 ML20117K3291996-06-0606 June 1996 Proposed Tech Specs Revising Safety Limit MCPR from 1.06 to 1.07 for Dual Recirculation Loop Operation & from 1.07 to 1.08 for Single Recirculation Loop Operation ML20100R4431996-03-0505 March 1996 Proposed Tech Specs,Consisting of Change Request 142, Revising TS, DG Enhancements ML20101L8381995-12-31031 December 1995 Reactor Containment Bldg Integrated Leak Rate Test. W/ ML20113B0531995-12-29029 December 1995 Rev 4.1 to NPPD CNS Second Ten Yr Interval ISI Program for ASME Class 1,2 & 3 Components ML20093L1901995-10-18018 October 1995 Rev 0 to Third Ten-Yr Interval ISI Program for Cns ML20086H7341995-07-14014 July 1995 Rev 7 to CNS Second Ten Yr Interval IST Program ML20086K4421995-07-14014 July 1995 Revised Proposed Tech Specs Re DG Enhancements Reflecting More Conservative Approach to Enhancing DGs ML20086H7601995-06-30030 June 1995 Rev 4 to CNS Second Ten Yr Interval ISI Program for ASME Class 1,2 & 3 Components ML20086B7061995-06-28028 June 1995 Proposed Tech Specs Re Increasing Required RPV Boron Concentration & Modifying Surveillance Frequency for SLC Pump Operability Testing ML20085J2631995-06-15015 June 1995 Proposed Tech Specs Re Extension of Surveillance Intervals for Logic Sys Functional Testing for ECCS ML20098B0231995-06-12012 June 1995 Nuclear Power Group Phase 3 Performance Improvement Plan ML20083A7241995-05-0505 May 1995 Proposed Tech Specs Reflecting Changes to TSs & Associated Bases for License DPR-46 ML20083A1341995-05-0202 May 1995 Proposed Tech Specs Re Temporary Rev to SR to Extend Two Year LLRT Interval Requirement ML20098B0201995-01-31031 January 1995 Rev 3 to Cooper Nuclear Station Startup & Power Ascension Plan ML20083M0401995-01-20020 January 1995 Rev 1 to Restart Readiness Program ML20083M0901995-01-13013 January 1995 Rev 2 to Startup & Power Ascension Plan ML20149H8821994-12-27027 December 1994 Proposed Tech Specs Re Control Room Emergency Filter Sys ML20078S5711994-12-22022 December 1994 Proposed Tech Specs Re Definition of Lco,Per GL 87-09 ML20083M0141994-11-0909 November 1994 Rev 3 to Phase 1 Plan, ML20083M0321994-11-0808 November 1994 Rev 0 to Restart Readiness Program ML20073J2371994-09-26026 September 1994 Proposed TS LCOs 3.5.C.1 & 3.5.C.4,increasing Min Pressure at Which HPCI Sys Required to Be Operable from Greater than 113 Psig to Greater than 150 Psig ML20149F9921994-09-15015 September 1994 Rev 1 to CNS Startup Plan ML20098A9961994-08-25025 August 1994 Rev 0 to Cooper Nuclear Station Performance Improvement Plans Phase 1:Startup Planning Process 1999-06-08
MONTHYEARML20207A0761999-05-14014 May 1999 Rev 3 to CNS Strategy for Achieving Engineering Excellence ML20206J2661999-04-22022 April 1999 CNS Offsite Dose Assessment Manual (Odam) ML20206P9051998-07-0707 July 1998 Rev 2, Strategy for Achieving Engineering Excellence, for Cooper Nuclear Station ML20216D8971998-04-0808 April 1998 Rev 1 to Strategy for Achieving Engineering Excellence ML20203G4271998-02-24024 February 1998 Rev 0 to First Ten-Year Interval Containment Insp Program for Cns ML20202H5311998-02-11011 February 1998 Strategy for Achieving Engineering Excellence ML20216G1571997-09-0505 September 1997 Rev 2.1 to Third 10-Yr Interval Inservice Insp Program ML20210H5641997-08-0707 August 1997 Rev 2 to NPPD CNS Third Interval Inservice Testing Program ML20148G8531997-05-0909 May 1997 Nebraska Public Power District Nuclear Power Group Phase 3 Performance Improvement Plan, Closure Rept ML20138H3861997-04-29029 April 1997 Rev 1.2 to CNS Third Interval IST Program ML20134E1091996-10-25025 October 1996 NPPD Cooper Nuclear Station Third Interval IST Program, Rev 1 ML20113B0531995-12-29029 December 1995 Rev 4.1 to NPPD CNS Second Ten Yr Interval ISI Program for ASME Class 1,2 & 3 Components ML20093L1901995-10-18018 October 1995 Rev 0 to Third Ten-Yr Interval ISI Program for Cns ML20086H7341995-07-14014 July 1995 Rev 7 to CNS Second Ten Yr Interval IST Program ML20086H7601995-06-30030 June 1995 Rev 4 to CNS Second Ten Yr Interval ISI Program for ASME Class 1,2 & 3 Components ML20098B0231995-06-12012 June 1995 Nuclear Power Group Phase 3 Performance Improvement Plan ML20098B0201995-01-31031 January 1995 Rev 3 to Cooper Nuclear Station Startup & Power Ascension Plan ML20083M0401995-01-20020 January 1995 Rev 1 to Restart Readiness Program ML20083M0901995-01-13013 January 1995 Rev 2 to Startup & Power Ascension Plan ML20083M0141994-11-0909 November 1994 Rev 3 to Phase 1 Plan, ML20083M0321994-11-0808 November 1994 Rev 0 to Restart Readiness Program ML20149F9921994-09-15015 September 1994 Rev 1 to CNS Startup Plan ML20098A9961994-08-25025 August 1994 Rev 0 to Cooper Nuclear Station Performance Improvement Plans Phase 1:Startup Planning Process ML20071K9311994-07-27027 July 1994 Diagnostic Self Assessment (DSA) Implementation Plan ML20098A9921994-05-20020 May 1994 Near Term Integrated Enhancement Program ML20065H7481994-03-31031 March 1994 Near Term Integrated Enhancement Program, 940331 ML20098A9901994-02-10010 February 1994 Near Term Integrated Enhancement Program. Related Info Encl ML20063L2391994-01-31031 January 1994 Jan 1994 Addenda Cooper Nuclear Station IST Program for ASME Class 1,2 & 3 Components, Rev 6 ML20058C3331993-11-17017 November 1993 Rev 1 to Procedure MIUB-W812, Ultrasonic Insp of Pressure Retaining Bolting Two Inches or Greater in Diameter ML20058C3501993-11-15015 November 1993 Rev 0 to Procedure GE-UT-307, Procedure for Ultrasonic Exam of Reactor Pressure Vessel Closure Studs ML20034H1391993-01-31031 January 1993 Addenda to Rev 3 to Inservice Insp Program for ASME Class 1,2 & 3 Components ML20128P0451992-12-21021 December 1992 Dec 1992 Addenda to Rev 6 to Cooper Nuclear Station Inservice Testing Program for ASME Class 1,2 & 3 Components ML20098A9871992-07-31031 July 1992 1992 SALP Action Plan. Related Info Encl ML20118A6151992-07-31031 July 1992 Jul 1992 Addenda to Rev 6 to Inservice Testing Program for ASME Class 1,2, & 3 Components ML20091K1831991-12-17017 December 1991 Dec 1991 Addenda to Rev 3 to Cooper Nuclear Station Inservice Insp Program for ASME Class 1,2 & 3 Components ML20086E6161991-11-0808 November 1991 Revised Pages to Cooper Nuclear Station Inservice Insp Program ML20085G1841991-08-31031 August 1991 Aug 1991 Addenda to Cooper Nuclear Station Inservice Testing Program for ASME Class 1,2 & 3 Components (Rev 6) ML20082H6371991-08-0101 August 1991 Aug 1991 Addenda to Rev 3 to Cooper Nuclear Station, Inservice Insp Program for ASME Class 1,2 & 3 Components ML20043C7951990-05-25025 May 1990 Rev 6 to Inservice Testing Program for ASME Class 1,2 & 3 Components. ML19332C8181989-10-31031 October 1989 October 1989 Addenda to Rev 3 to Inservice Insp Program for ASME Class 1,2 & 3 Components ML20246J4271989-07-31031 July 1989 Jul 1989 Addenda to Inservice Insp Program for ASME Class 1,2 & 3 Components, Rev 3 ML20247K7591989-02-28028 February 1989 Addenda to Rev 3 to, Inservice Insp Program for ASME Class 1,2 & 3 Components ML20151U1551988-08-12012 August 1988 Long-Term Plan for Code Qualification of Seismic Class 1S Pipe Supports Cooper Nuclear Station ML20235U4221987-09-21021 September 1987 Reportability Analysis for 10CFR50.50 to Rev 5 to Engineering Procedure 3.3, Station Safety Evaluations. Related Info Encl ML20235U4091987-09-21021 September 1987 Temporary Mod Sheet to Rev 2 to Conduct of Operations Procedure 2.0.7, Plant Temporary Mod Control ML20235T2711987-08-20020 August 1987 1987 Annual Emergency Preparedness Exercise ML20153F0491987-06-0101 June 1987 Addenda to Rev 3 to Inservice Insp Program for ASME Class 1 2 & 3 Components ML20212D6301986-12-18018 December 1986 Fitness for Duty Policy ML20064A6961986-12-0202 December 1986 App I to PEI-TR-870200-01 Test Procedure for Steam Accident Test of Limitorque Control & Power Wiring & Okonite Tape Splices ML20211B4891986-09-30030 September 1986 Rev 4 to Offsite Emergency Plan Prompt Alert & Notification Sys Addendum for Cooper Nuclear Station 1999-05-14
[Table view] |
For Cooper ::uclear Station June 7, 1982 8206230183 820609 PDR ADOCK 0S000298 i
PROCESS CONTROL PROGRAM INTRODUCTION This Process Control Program outlines the solidification of radioactive waste from liquid systems at Cooper Nuclear Station.
It is not intended to be a substitute for station operating procedures, but to provide a general description of equipment, controls, and practices to be considered during waste solidification.
Station operating procedures will provide detailed instructions as to the actual operation during the solidification process.
CLASSIFICATION OF TERMS This Process Control Program Document describes the process used to solidify wet wastes. Wet wastes are those wastes produced frca the liquid radwaste treatment system.
These wastes may be typically described as' spent resins (bead and powdex), filter material, waste sludges, and evaporator concentrates.
The solidification of these wastes as defined is the conversion of radioactive wastes from liquid systems to a solid, which is as uninformly distributed as reasonably achievable, with definite volume and shape, bounded by a stable surface of distinct outline on all sides.
The solidification of the wastes mentioned above is achieved with equipment installed at CNS and this equipment operated in accordance with CNS operating procedures.
Those wastes which progress through the process system, fill, mix, and capping stations will normally meet the solidification criteria.
Those wastes that deviate from the normal operation, needing special technique, such as hand mixing, material injection by manipulator or hand, etc. will be as uninformly distributed as reasonably achievable.
Keeping exposures ALARA and physical makeup of the material to be solidified will be the governing considerations in determining what is reasonably achievable.
The radwaste solidification process will be operated on a batch basis.
A batch will consist of all the resulting continuous drums processed from the contents of a single source.
An example would be the sludge from a condensate phase separator solidified in a continuous dru= ming operation until the phase separator is empty or the batch is terminated.
Radioactive wastes from liquid systems processed on a batch basis.for solidi-fication will normally be, but not limited to, the condensate phase separators, reactor water cleanup phase separators, waste sludge tank, spent resin tank, or concentrated waste tank.
OPERATION Wastes to be solidfied will nor= ally be from the condensate or reactor water cleanup phase separators, waste sludge tank, or spent resin tank.
These wastes are routed through the centrifuge units.
After dewatering in the centrifuge, wastes then enter a storage hopper.
Wastes at this step will vary from a fairly dry granular consistency to a wet putty like consistency depending upon the source material; filtered sludges, filter material, resins, etc.
Department of Transportation 17H specification 55 gallon drums containing cement are then transferred under the hopper and filled with wastes.
The drum then progresses to the mixing station. <
J 5
1 The in-drum mixer mixes the cement and waste materials.
Water is then added to the mixture in quantities to ensure solidification.
Because of the varying l
degree of wetness from one batch to the next, periodic visual inspection of the first few drums is necessary to determine the correct amount of water needed.
After the amount of water to achieve solidification has been determined, it may be added automatically by the mixing program.
Af ter mixing has been achieved, radiation levels of each drum is taken.
The drum is then transferred to the drum storage lines, j
The dru= ming operation will be continuous, centrifuging, and dru= ming until the source, phase separators, or tanks are emptied or the batch terminated.
After at least 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> the drums are taken from the storage line to the l
capping station.
Here the drum is visually inspected for free-standing water.
If the material is solid and no free-standing water is present, the drum is capped.
If it is not solidified or free-standing water is present, cement may have to be added or the drum is put back on the storage line to cure.
After i
capping, the drum is washed to remove contamination.
The capped drum is then taken to the storage line.
Prior to shipment the dru=s will be taken to the i
smear station and checked for contamination levels.
The third or fourth drum of each batch will be sampled prior to the mixing station.
This sample is considered representative of that batch.
The sample is taken to the Radiochemistry Laboratory for analysis.
Two cubic feet of cement will be added to each 55 gallon 17H specification drum.
It has been demonstrated that this volume of cement with the remaining drum volume being powdex resins, powdex filter =aterial, sludges, etc. and water will achieve solidification.
After the material to be solidified has been added to the drum, a sample of this material, considered to be representative of that batch, will be taken.
This sample will be analyzed for pH.
It has been demonstrated that if the j
material to be solidified has a pH value within the range of 2 to 13, the j
solidification process will not be affected.
This sample is also isotopically analyzed to determine isotope distribution.
By comparing this isotopic distribution and radiation readings on each drum, the total concentration of the radionuclides present can be determined, also any carry-over from the previous batch or changes in the amount of solidified material may be taken into account.
Because of the variation in water content of the material after being centrifuged (dry to paste-like consistency), varying a=ounts of water will be added during i
the mixing stage.
The first few drums will provide a basis for determining the correct amount of water to be added to each drum of the batch.
This will l
be done visually and with mixer torque indications.
Once the amount of water l
needed for solidification has been determined, this amount of water will be added to each drum by the automatic mixing sequence controls.
4 l
l _ _ _ _ -
At least 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> after mixing and prior to capping each drum is visually inspected.
This provides assurance that no free-standing water is present and that the radwaste material has been solidified.
REPORTS The volume and curie content of wet wastes solidified at Cooper Nuclear Station will be documented in the Station Semi-annual Reports. This information will be in the format outlined in Regulatory Guide 1.21, Revision 1, Table 3.
l I (