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Interrogatories on SER & Supplemental SER to Be Answered by Util & Nrc.Certificate of Svc Encl.Related Correspondence
Person / Time
Site: Byron  Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 05/20/1982
From: Chavez D
Download: ML20053D264 (7)


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. p Si'nnissippi Allianca for tha Envircnm.gnt 4

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326 North Avon Street i Rockford, Illinois 61103 - May 20, 1982  !

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In the Matter of ) *0')

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.) 4 Docket Nos. 50-454 OL g[g CMOhEAL'IH EDISO4 CIMPANY f c ,~1

)$a 50-455 OL .

) CCC ._~~ q'"_

^ " r Byron Station, Units 1 & 2 ) ,



DAARF/ SAFE requests, pursuant to 10 C.F.R. 2.740b and 2.741 a5xl the Licensing Board's Septcmber 9,1981 Order, that Camenwealth Edison and NRC Staff answer seperately and fully in writing each of '

_ ..c the following Interrogatories addressed to them, and produce the re-quested docurrents within the time period stipulated by the above Or-der, at: (SAFE) , 326 N. Avon St. , Rockford, Il. 61103.


1. As used in these Interrogatories, whenever appropriate, the term "and" and/or "or" shall be cord, trued either disjunctively or con-


junctively as neccessary to bring within the scope of these Interrcg-  ;


atories any information which might otherwise be construed to be out- -

a side their scope.


2. As used in these Interrogatories, the term " person" includes, I without limiting the generality of its meaning, every mature person,  !

l corporate entity, partnership, association, governrrental body or agency.


3. As used in these Interrogatories, the term " document", " list",

"stmny", or instruction "strrarize" or " provide" shall can all writ- ,

ten or recorded material of any kind or character known to Edison or NRC g5o'l 3 ,

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8206040243 e2052o PDR ADOCK 0500o454 -



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3. . Staff, their agents or consultants or in the possession, custody or m n-trol of either's agents or consultants, including; without limitation, P

letters, correspondence, telegrams, m moranda, notes, records, minutes, contracts, agrecrents, reoprds or notations of telephone or personal conversations or conferences, interoffic[e cations, microfilm, ,

' ~

bulletins, circulars, pamphlets, studies, notices, sumaries, reports, books, articles, treatises, teletype nessafes, invoices and tape record-ings. 'Ihe term " document" shall also include copies containing infor-nations in addition to that contained in or on the original and all the l

attachtrents, appendices, enclosures or docments referred to in any doc-

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urents produced pursuant to this Request.

14 When used with respect to any act, occurrence, transaction, statement, request, conduct, communication, in-

7. ".T stance, aspect-of any event, defect, or omission, " Identify" h.., _

means, without limitation, to describe in complete detail the event or events constituting 'such act; when used with respect to a document, " Identify" means without limitation, to state

  1. W its date, the type of document (e.g., letter, memorandum, telegram, chart, photograph, sound reproduction, et cetera),

the author and addressee, the present location and the custo-f dian, and a description of its contents.

5 If any of the information contained in the j

answers to these Interrogatories is not within the personal 1

1 _

knowledge of the person signine, the Interrogo. tory, so state and identify each person, document and communication on which he relies for the information contained in answers not solely bases on his personal knowledge.'

6. If you cannot answer any portion of the fol-lowing Interrogatories in full, after exercising diligence 1

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to sccure the infonration to do sp, so sthth and answer to the extent t

possible, 'specifyirg your inability to answer the renainder and statire whatever information or knculedge you have concerning the unanswered portions. .

7. If you claim privilege with respect to any information which is requested by these Interrogatories, specify the privilege claimed,

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the ccnnunication and/or answer as to which that claim is made, the

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parties to the ccumunication, the topic discussed in the ccmaunication g 3 ,,

and the basis for your claim.

8. Pursuant to the Licensing Board's "Mcmorandum and Order" of August 18, 1981, at page 11 paragraph 2 thereof, these Interrogatcries

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are continuing Interrogatories and require supplanental answers if Ccm-

. nonwealth Edison or NRC Staff, and their consultants, obtain further in-


____.. formation between the time the answers are served and the time of an in-itial decision in the proceedire.

INTERROGNIORIES NRC STAFF-wnat is the ccaposition of the thin " protective film" mentioned 1.

by NRC Staff in the SSER, section 12-1, which will inhibit "the deposition of radioactive corrosion products"? Please identify and describe the substance and method of application, and prov-ide the documentation by which NRC ascertained it's effectiveness.

Provide all documents related to testing and operational experience of the '! final passivation step" discussed in this section, includ-ing a listing of all nuclear facilities which have undergone the process, and an analysis sumary of each resultant decrease in


deposition rate observed.


In Section 3.6.1 (SER) Staff states Edison has not provided suf-2.

ficient information for Staff to verify the adequacy of plant de-sign protection for safety related canponents against the effects of piping f,ailves coincident with a single failure, to ensure safe shutdown. Identify the additional infornation Staff reqaires and has requested frcm Edison, and provide this infonration when available, hRC STAFF -

3. on page 3-14, section 3.6.1 of the Byron SER, the NRC staff states it is concerned with a postulated noderate-energy pipe crack in the

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safety related cnrponent cooling water systan discharge piping.

It states that a break in the discharge line of one cx2rponent g cooling water pump would cause draining of the entire systen and potential subsequent damage to all systme pmps. In gener-al, what does the Staff consider to be the mininun response nec-cessary for an adequate resolution of this issue. Identify. Id-entify also the acceptable quantitative level of draining of the system, arxl the measures adequate to provide it.


4. In SER, section Staff states Edison's steam generator tube inservice inspection program is not in accordance with STS.

Ide'ntify the program revisions Edison will have to inplenent to

. . ccrrply with STS provisions. -


5. on page C-9, Task A-3, of the Byron _SER f the NRC staff states

..P 4 _ there is no co,mmercial experience of_any duration with the Model

' ^;- D4/D5 steam generators at this time. It states that'by the fuel g ,L 1}$lkng'date, information may be available from other plants that T3 can be factored into the applicants procedures and controls. What


additional information from such other plants does the JRC consider to be necessary to complete its review of task A-3 with respect to the Byron SER7 To what extent will the NRC staff review and appraise information, from the Ring hals 3 plant'and the McQuire Unit one plant on tube degradation in Model D steam generators before resolving task A-37 Define the "special attention" tCt will b4 given d'uring preoper hd d ~

atT$nal testing to tube vibration and potential wear as ,a , result of

.e moveiiin~ti in the tube support sheets and antivibration bars?


6. On page C-15, Section A-43 of the Byron SER, NRC staff states that the loss of the ability to draw water from the containment emer-gency sump could significantly degrade long term core cooling capability. Identify the maximum credible accident analysis con-ducted by Edison to determine the worst possible single failur'e accident that could result in reaching the limiting condition of one-half of the sump screen surface area being blocked. How long will the emergency sump remain functional with the above lfmiting condition? Identify the results of all tests on the emergency sump to date, and identify all tests that will be done as part of the on-site inspection of Edisons pump and valve operability assur-

, ance program.


7. Under Task A-45 on pages C-17 through C-21 of the Byron SER, NRC staff states that the scope of the work required in relation to the DHR systems is complementary to Task A-44, Station Blackout.

t Will NRC staff resolve this issue prior or following the resolu-tion of Task A-44?


8. On pages C-17 through C-21 of the Byron SER, NRC staff states it is reviewing additional information related to Task A-43 with re-spect to Byron, and will report its findings in a supplement to this SER. Please identify this additional information.


9. Describe the methodology used by NRC staff to determine that Edison had met the intent of Regulatory Guide 5.19 by making certain im-provements in the Byron design to reduce occupational doses.

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10. Demonsi. rate _that the. man-rem saving for occupational exposure achieved.via the design improvements made by Edison', listed in P' Section 12 of the Byron FSAR and SER, equal or exceed the man-rem j savings , Edison would have achieved had it made appropriate & sign or operational changes based upon'ah assessment of the tasks in-volved in the operation of the plant, as required by NUREG- 0800.


,_f 11. .On page 3-6, Section of the~ Byron'SER, the NRC staff states that some question remains as to the confidence level as-sured by the applicants methodology for qualifying pumps and valves ,

as operable. NRC staff goes on to state that additional compon-  !

ent testing is being considered and the confidence level cannot  !

~ ~~ ~ -

Se established without an inspection'at the plant site, as part

[.[l[c[(9; of an on-site audit. What is the current schedule for this on-r_ . .

- - . - ~ - site audit? Describe in detail the methodology that .will be used

$ for the on-site audit and explain why the chosen methodology hy.Lk$$+1yyQ will effectively determine whether the applicants pump and valve y

  1. ,y operability assurance program is adequate or not.

_ JX%& ' ', NRC STAFF -

",2i*TlfE- 12 .- On page 3-6, Section of the Byron SSER # 1, the NRC staff ljjdj# states that the components to be included in its audit of the

y;j'jp;" applicants pump and valve operability assurance program will be  !


c~ ni=ar ' selected by the NRC staff based on information the applicant has

..ce"" .- _ been requested to provide. Identify all information Edison has TO??dttdf - been requested to provide with respect to this audit.

Q, Mj '- EDISON -

""~?~t'- 13. On page 6-11, Section of the Byron SER, the NRC staff states that Edison has agreed to provide a revised minimum containment pressure analysis for ECCS performance studies that m- corrects the problems regarding the RCFC heat removal capacity and initiation time addressed in Section of the Byron


f- SER. please provide this containment analysis.


. ?;- 14. In Section 4.2.2 of the Byron SER, the NRC staff states that

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the provision for rod worth tests does not apply at Byron be-

- - cause the plant will use nonleachable hafnium control rodse.Iden-i tify the chemical process or substance which makes the hafnium

~ ' " ~ " ' control rods nonleachable. Demonstrate the time period over which the hafnium control rods remain nonleachable, and identify


the tests used to determine this time period.


- _ 15. Under Section 4.2.1 of the Byron SER, NRC staff states that sur-veillance of the new hafnium control rods will not be required for Byron because of the first-use surveillance prograns that will


be performed at Commanche Peak and Callaway Unit 1. Identify L and describe in detail these surveillance programs.


16. Demonstrate that the following factors do not necessitate a sur-veillance program of the hafnium control rods at Byron: (1) the supplemental ECCS calculations described in Section 4.2.4 of the Byron SER (and resultant increase in peak cladding temperature identified in Section 4.2.4 of the SSER); (2) the need for a l\

year first cycle length at Byron rather than one year (Section 4.3.1); (3) the fact that the hafnium rods do not have an equiv-alent control worth to silver-indium-cadnium rods (Section .4.3.1).

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17. On page 1-2, Section 1.7 of the Byron SSER #1, the NRC staff states ,

that the resolution of 16 outstanding items will be discussed in l' t a future supplement to the SSER. Will all these issues be resolved in one supplement, or will a series of seperate supplen.ents be is- l sued as each item or groups of items are resolved?

18. To the extent that the resolution of DAARE/ SAFE's outstanding con-tentions may be cor.tingent upon the resolution of the sixteen out-standing items in Section 1.7 of the Byron SER, and-the unresolved safety issues in Appendix C of the SER, it is imperative that DAARE/ SAFE be made aware of all information considered by NRC staff in the decision making process with respect to DAARE/ SAFE conten-tions. Therefore, please provide the following:


(XTT All documents or relevant portions thereof released from this date on, and addressed to Cdison or its agents or NRC staff, in which alternatives for the resolution of certain outstanding items in Section 1.7 of the Byron SSER and unresolved safety issues in Appendix C of the Byron SER are discussed.


(B). In order to limit these documents tx) those which discuss only the outstanding items and unresolved s_afety issues relevant to DAARE/ SAFE contentions, please identify which outstanding items and unresolved safety issues, or parts thereof, which NRC staff in-terprets to be contained within the scope of DAARE/ SAFE contentions.

NRC STAFF - t CIT Yrovide the implementation timetable for the resolution of i each of the outstanding items and unresolved safety issues which NRC staff believes bears upon the outcome of DAARE/ SAFE conten-tions., i.e. Explain what data the applicant will have to make available to NRC staff, when-it will be necessary that the data be made available in order for NRC staff to come to an informed judgement n a timely manner, and the time period for resolution of each issue after NRC staff has received all necessary informa- 4 tion and data from the applicant.




.a I, the undersigned, a member of DAARE/ SAFE, do hereby certify that on this date, May 26, 1982, she served a copy of these Interrogatories to the Service ,

List by U.S. Regular Mail, Special Delivery, First Class Mnil, or by other means as appropriate. l f(t e.t -/

ig.tt7- (DAARE/ SAFE)

Diane Chavez Date: May 2k 1982 cc: Service List s