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AP600 Passive Containment Cooling Sys Analysis Program, Presentation to NRC on 940927
Person / Time
Site: 05200003
Issue date: 09/27/1994
Shared Package
ML20024J360 List:
NUDOCS 9410140184
Download: ML20024J361 (76)


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>g- Agenda {g


83 RT

$$ 12:30

  • Introduction and Background J. Gresham 350 "8 12:45
  • PCS Analysis Program J. Woodcock 2:45
  • June 30 report summary J. Woodcock 1


  • PCS Open Items Discussion 4:30
  • Meeting Wrapup, Action items All l

l Westinghouse presentation to NRC on September 27,1994 Page 2 u:u401w.wpf:1b-092694

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J. Gresham, Manager Containment and Radiological Analysis Westinghouse presentation to NRC on September 27,1994 Page 3 u:\1401w.wpf.1b-092694

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I Purposes of Meeting h a Review PCS phenomena and validation approach for containment analysis tools 4

- Discuss the program that is in place, which addresses PCS analysis

- Address PCS Open items within this framework

- Obtain NRC agreement that this program will bring closure on PCS issues Westinghouse presentation to NRC on September 27,1994 Page 4 u:\1401w.wpf:1b-092694

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Design Features / Plant Transient PCS Design Details Requirements Conclusions Westinghouse presentation to NRC on September 27,1994 Page5 u:\;401w.wpf:1b-092694 1

ama aan neu amFamm uma ~ uma sus ~ som ame ~- seu ase ear amm sue sue uma sus .ams Passive Containment Cooling Design Features h

  • Passive containment cooling features natural circulation flow path gravity-driven external cooling water delivery
  • The only active system requirement is a one-time valve alignment to begin PCS water delivery
  • The number of safety-grade components has been significantly reduced
  • Safety of the plant has been enhanced system simplification -

minimum maintenance reduced operator actions -

reduced plant size and cost high reliability -

vessel material a increased safety factor l

l Westinghouse presentation to NRC on September 27,1994 Page 6 u:\1401w.wpf:1b-092694

h Comparison of AP600 to Standard Westinghouse 2-Loop Plant h Plant Feature AP600 Standard 2-Loop Plant NSSS Thermal Power Rating 1940 MWt 1880 MWt (power / volume) (1.14 kw/ft. ) (1.45 kw/ft. )

Containment Penetrations 40 93 l

Containment Diameter 130 ft. 109 ft.

l Containment Net Free Volume 1,700,000 ft. 1,300,000 ft.

Mass Available for Heat Sinks l Total internal concrete mass 14,734,000 lbm 14,343,000 lbm Total internal steel mass 7,754,000 lbm 1,930,000 lbm Long-Term Heat Removal Passive cooling Active systems Westinghouse presentation to NRC on September 27,1994 Page 7 u:\1401w.wpf 1b-092694

O MM~ M M M M M M 8 W M MM M 8 & 8.M' Containment Design Features $

PCS Water . . . . .

t i Storage Tank f,) '--

i -.

t t 1 g

! t Air p Air inlet  !

j f'~ ,C g+- Inlet

! I t t i ,1.

Steel i Concrete Containment Shield Vessel Building 3


Air Flow /i  % 3 Baffle

J -'

L AP600

  • rri -- - - - ~ ~ -

Ultimate Heat Sink i II =



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! i Westinghouse presentation to NkC on Septernber 27,1994 Page 8 u:\1401w.wpt:1b-092694

- sus- r uma ami sur uma a r-l gww t AP600 Containment DBA Response Can Be Divided into 3 Phases M 1

~ PCS Water Conservatively Delayed to 660 sec.

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Blowdown y Transition PCS Long-term Cooling (Free volurne) (Internal Heat Sinks) (PCS heat transfer) g , ,, , , ,1 , , ,, .I , , , ,,,,,i , , , , ,,,1 , , , , , , ,,

I to 100 1,000 10,000 100,000 Time ,


Westinghouse presentation to NRC on September 27,1994 Page 9 ud1401w.wpf:1b-092694

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AP600 Containment Blowdown Transient is Similar to Standard Plant I



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AP600 Current Operating Plant a

Westinghouse presentation to NRC on September 27,1994 Page 10 u:\1401w.wpf;1b-092694 I M

Containment Safety Evaluation Results E

  • Containment design basis analysis (DBA) criteria have been met (SSAR, l June 1992):

Pye,x s 45 psig (60 psia)

P 24 nours s 50% P peak AP so3compa,imen, s internal wall structural capability T(t)og3 s T(t) equipment quaiirication P min 2 minimum pressure capability

  • PCS analyses submitted in June 1994 have confirmed the original results Westinghouse presentation to NRC on September 27,1994 Page 11 u:11401w.wpf:1b-092694

1 Conclusions N ,

  • AP600 blowdown is similar to existing operating plants
  • Margin has been designed into the AP600 containment increased containment volume

- increased steel heat sink r

  • The original SSAR results have been confirmed s

Westinghouse presentation to NRC on September 27,1994 Page 12 u:\1401w.wpf:1b-092694

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l J. Woodcock, Principal Engineer Containment and Radiological Analysis Westinghouse presentation to NRC on September 27,1994 Page 13 f u:\1401w.wpf:1b-092694

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Westinghouse Strategy for Containment Analysis k l

Agenda 1


  • AP600 PCS test and analysis program
  • Schedule l
  • Conclusions l

l Westinghouse presentation to NRC on September 27,1994 Page 14 u:\1401w.wpf:1b-092694 l

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w - r-u-w ru mg AP600 PCS Test and Analysis Program __

1. Review AP600 Design Features
3. Select Analysis
2. Identify Key Phenomena o be R p se t ey l Phenomena


4. Compare to Existing Database j o
5. Identify and Obtain Needed Test Data o
6. Perform Code Verification o


7. Perform Plant Analysis Westinghouse presentation to NRC on September 27,1994 Page 15 u:\1401w.wpf:1b-092694


I 1


M M'-M~M W W -" l FW W W U M M'W M~M-AP600 PCS Test and Analysis Program h g m m,uxrm wg-

? 1. Review 6 -

l AP600 Design


g Features t 5+nnreaurwar er N l 2. Identify Key 3. Select Analysis I i

Tool to Best j ' Phenomena to be Modelled Represent Key Phenomena l \

l 4. Compare to Existing Database v

5. Identify and Obtain Needed Test Data m
6. Perform Code Verification v
7. Perform Plant Analysis ,

Westinghouse presentation to NRC on September 27,1994 Page 16 u:\1401w.wpf:1b-092694

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um nur i uma men uma men um - mus w sum uma wcum-l AP600 PCS Test and Analysis Program k

1. Review AP600 i Design Features i gem 2_. __a:me .-


'h E 3. Select Analysis

? 2. Identify Key ,[ Tool to Best Phenomena to be f4 i Represent Key 5:

Modelled j Phenomena 2.Enewzaummuum

4. Compare to Existing Database v
5. Identify and Obtain Needed Test Data o
6. Perform Code Verification v
7. Perform Plant Analysis Westinghouse presentation to NRC on September 27,1994 Page 17 u:\1401w.wpf:1b-092694

, 7 , , _ _


2. Identify Key Phenomena To Be Modeled $
  • Volume and momentum-related noncondensible distributions and stratification

- jets and buoyant plumes wall boundary layer entrainment

- wind effects on PCS flow friction and form losses in extemal flow path

- Surface-related

- liquid film heat transfer, coverage, and stability

- liquid film subcooling

- free and forced convective heat transfer l

- free and forced convective mass transfer with noncondensables

- radiation heat transfer

  • Transient conduction heat transfer Westinghouse presentation to NRC on September 27,1994 Page 18 u:\1401w.wpf:1b-092694

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r m n n ---s AP600 PCS Test and Analysis Program _


1. Review AP600 Design Features ~l f, -inuxs2a
2. Identify Key
3. Selat Analysis {

[ Tod to Best g Phenomena to be Represent Key MMelled h 9

, Phenomena 3

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4. Compare to Existing $

Database l o

5. Identify and Obtain Needed Test Data o
6. Perform Code Verification o
7. Perform Plant Analysis Westinghouse presentation to NRC on September 27,1994 Page 19 .


3. Select Analysis Tool To Best Represent Key Phenomena h GOTHIC was selected because of its:
  • State-of-the-art, two-phase flow modeling with noncondensible fields
  • Capability to model AP600 key phenomena

+ Qualification for. complex containment analysis

  • Modeling flexibility 1 Westinghouse presentation to NRC on September 27,1994 Page 20 u:\1401w.wpf-1b-092694

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3. Select Analysis Tool To Best Represent Key Phenomena h a Lumped parameter and finite difference (distributed parameter) modes provide flexibility to model complex phenomena Lumped parameter mode AP600 Evaluation Model 1

includes all important phenomena shows results for blowdown response that are equivalent to Standard Review Plan models provides accurate long-term cooling pressure results Finite differdnce mode check model provides capability of more detailed modeling aids in qu~antifying LST phenomena Westinghouse presentation to NRC on September 27,1994 Page 21 uS1401w-1.wpf 1b-092694 g .

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3. Select Analysis Tool To Best Represent Key Phenomena l.


  • Models were added to GOTHIC to accurately represent important PCS phenomena {

L Boundary layer heat and mass transfer models heat and mass transfer subroutines provide source terms that interface with existing GOTHIC governing equations all important effects are accounted for Liquid film tracking and energy transport models Radiant heat transfer coupling of surfaces in external flow path o

> Code provides accurate representation to understand design and  ;

performance i l

P ,

Westinghouse presentation to NRC on September 27,1994 Page 22 u:\1401w-1.wpf 1b492694


AP600 PCS Test and Analysis Program ik

1. Review AP600 Design Features b
3. Select Analysis
2. Identify Key I to Best Phenomena to be 9 Represent Key Modelled Phenomena N / -

giv.z % = - :l M y P:l 4. Compare to i k Existing )

[$ Database @ t

5. Identify and Obtain Needed Test Data v
6. Perform Code Verification e
7. Perform Plant Analysis Westinghouse presentation to NRC on September 27,1994 Page 23 u:\1401w-1.wpf:1b-092694

ama amm aun en mar sm E mm F au r um r ara r am amm em aus sum em as .ams

4. Compare To Existing Database AP600 Containment AP600-Specific Uniqueness Validation Validation Containment Process WRT W Plants Does it Exist Needed Comments Evaporative Liquid Film Yes No Yes Need PCS tests,1/8-scale tests, heated plate tests to develop Cooling data Condensation, with No Yes, not Yes CVTR, U. of Wisconsin, literature Noncondensables AP600-specific Air Cooling of Steel Shell Yes No Yes Need a large-scale test to simulate air passage Radiant Heat Transfer from No Yes Yes Need prototypic surfaces in tests of external cooling capability Steel Containment Vessel Internal Circulation Patterns No Yes, not Yes Need a large-scale test to simulate containment in Containment AP600-specific Effect of Hydrogen on No Yes, not Yes (severe Same as above Containment Heat Transfer AP600-specific accident)

Liquid Film Distribution on Yes No Yes Need film flow experiments to investigate the water distribution Containment . Flat plate tests

. Large-scale film flow tests Friction and Form Losses in Yes No Yes Need extemal flow path pressure drop tests Extemal Flow Path Effects of Buildings and Yes No Yes Need wind tunnel tests with building and site effects Wind Velocity on Air Flow Over Steel Shell l Westinghouse presentation to NRC on September 27,1994 Page 24 u:\140t w-1.wpf:1b-092694

W W-M'M M 7 C 7 R M EMD F 7 R U C AP600 PCS Test and Analysis Program h

1. Review AP600 Design Features


3. Select Analysis
2. Identify Key Phenome o be Rp sen ey Phenomena
4. Compare to Existing Database

= , wnmezumam

$ 5. Identify and 4 i Obtain Needed [

g na - Test Data..ww8 4

6. Perform Code Verification
7. Perform Plant Analysis Westinghouse presentation to NRC on September 27.190'+ Page 25 u:\1401w-1.wpf:t b492694
5. Identify and Obtain Needed Test Data k Basic research, separate effects, and integral tests are closely related Scaling I


> epamte ects > Integral Systems Basic Research Tests Component Tests Tests Data, Correlations, _

Models in Literature

  • Identify and capture
  • Examine phenomena on a Verify range of phenomena phenomena on smallscale larger scale, hardware, to be captured geometry more AP600 . Show applicability of tests specific to full scale
  • Develop boundary conditions for plant
  • Examine the analysis inter-relationship of different phenomena at different scales i

Westinghouse presentation to NRC on September 27,1994 Page 26 u:\1401w-1.wpf;1b-092694

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5. Identify and Obtain Needed Test Data E..i . .
  • Westinghouse and literature tests form a database that addresses the key phenomena needed for AP600 containment code validation Westinghouse tepts have been completed to fill the gaps in the existing database ,


  • Data from large-scale test (LST) will be used for phenomena evaluation, e.g., iinlet blockage, break location, and orientation
  • Scaling Pi groups developed to show that the range of phenomena for LST covers phenomena for AP600 ,

how the testjresults can be interpreted relative to AP600 Westinghouse presentation to NRC on September 27,1994 Page 27 u:i1401w-1.wpf;1b492694

AP600 PCS Test and Analysis Program W

1. Review AP600 Design Features


3. Select Analysis
2. Identify Key I to Best Phenomena to be Represent Key Modelled Phenomena


4. Compare to Existing {
Database j I o
5. Identify and Obtain Needed g

Test Data

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@ 6. Perform Code s Ve b* am.rificationp.ams.g _

7. Perform Plant Analysis Westinghouse presentation to NRC on September 27,1994 Page 28 u:\1401w-1.wpf:1t@92694

sus sus amm use em sur aus est aus sus uma aum se men man ama man ame .


6. Perform Code Verification R Code model validation leads to SSAR analysis
Literature Tests Basic Research Tests I

h _

Code Models and Correlations h

Separate EM_ Tests o

"<+ Y Integral Systerns Tests (SPES OSU, Containment)

N e) Y Confirm o SSAR Analysis Westinghouse presentation to NRC on September 27,1994 Page 29 u:\1401w-1.wpf;1b-092694

~ - m m w 1

6. Perform Code Verification k Basic Research Tests Literature Tests l
Heat & Mass Transfer Models for WGOTHIC A

WGOTHIC 1.2 Lumped Parameter I

Separate Effects Tests f


Integral Systems WGOTHIC Distributed Tests Parameter Check i

N y Y

Plant Analysis Westinghouse presentation to NRC on September 27,1994 Page 30 u:\1401w-1.wpf-1b492694

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6. Perform Code Verification h

- LST comparisons from several tests will be used to show how well the lumped parameter represents the phenomena

- Distributed parameter WGOTHIC will be performed for two LSTs to provide insight into governing phenomena and effects of code formulation

  • WGOTHIC code performance will be quantified based on the lumped parameter integral LST model and will be applied to AP600

- Blind test exercise will add confidence in the lumped parameter model

- Corresponding lumped paiameter " confirmatory Evaluation Model" for AP600 will be used to evaluate net effect of confirmatory PCS program model enhancements Westinghouse presentation to NRC on September 27,1994 Page 31 u:\1401w-1.wpf:1b-092694

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  1. e
6. Perform Code Verification "[ . ,7 .

- Building block approach has been used to identify phenomena identify models quantify model validity in integral setting

  • Process is in place to isolate and test models separately test the models in integral setting obtain bounding initial and boundary conditions (code input conservatism)

Wesiinghouse presentation to NRC on September 27,1994 Page 32 u:\1401w-1.wpl:1b-092694

- wannu neus mmann-m AP600 PCS Test and Analysis Program =

1. Review AP600 Design Features b
2. Identify Key 3. Select Analysis Tool to Best Phenomena to be Modelled Represent Key Phenomena
4. Compare to Existing Database v
5. Identify and Obtain Needed Test Data o
6. Perform Code Verification amamvae suan  ;


e 7. Perform Plant s l Analysis $

2: $

  • 2"fitC +tM4***Wii Westinghouse presentation to NRC on September 27,1994 Page 33 u:\1401w-1.wpf:1b492694 J

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7. Perform Plant Analysis $

Code Validation <

Engineering Tests for

, Boundary Conditions and Geometry

. Wind Tunnel

- Air Flow Path Pressure Drop EGOTHIC

  • Water Distribution P600 -> + Ouantify Ev An ysis ign +

Criteria Margin Model (DBA)

Bounding Mass and E Energy Releases

$e 1 2 l

8 8

, o l

Bounding Initial Conditions Westinghouse presentation to NRC on September 27,1994 Page 34 u:\1401w-1.wpf:1b492694

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7. Perform Plant Analysis h,l Development of confirmatory Evaluation Model

- WGOTHIC lumped parameter model has been validated with selected separate effects tests and integral tests

- Confirmatory AP600 lumped parameter WGOTHIC input has been established

- Effects of wind, aging, and missiles are considered l


  • Margin to design basis analysis (DBA) criteria exists Westinghouse presentation to NRC on September 27,1994 Page 35 u:\1401w-1.wpf;1b-092694

m n r rm r

7. Perform Plant Analysis $

- SSAR design basis analysis LOCA and net effect of WGOTHIC 1.2 on long-term cooling containment response SSAR June 30 Report WGOTHIC Version 1.0 WGOTHIC Version 1.2 39.5 psig 35.5 psig Notes:

Double-ended cold leg guillotine SSAR Rev. O model used for both cases

! Design limit = 45 psig


Westinghouse presentation to NRC on September 27,1994 Page 36 u:\1401w-1.wptib492694 l 1

- _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ - _ _________ _____ ___________ ______________-_______________________ ______ _____________ m

7. Perform Plant Analysis $

Overall containment integrity results, peak pressure comparison l

Parameter DECLG LOCA MSLB MSLB 102% Power 30% Power AP600 Design Pressure 45.0 psig 45.0 psig 45.0 psig SSAR Peak Pressure 39.5 psig 41.2 psig 41.4 psig WGOTHIC Version 1.2 Pressure 36.5 psig 34.4 psig 35.4 psig (Blowdown)

Realistic input Case Pressure 33.1 psig") 32.4 psig* 33.2 psig*


% Margin (SSAR to design) 12.2 % 8.4% 8.0%

% Margin (Ver.1.2 to design) 18.9 % 23.6 % ';1.3%

% Margin (realistic input case) (summary 26.4 %"3 28.0%" 26.2 %A results from June 30 report)

Noter (1) Realistic mass and energy and containment inputs (2) Realistic containment inputs only Westinghouse presentation to NRC on September 27,1994 Page 37 u:\1401 w-1.wpf:1b-092694

a AP600 Plant Sensitivity Studies t AP600 plant sensitivity studies presented at March 17,1994 meeting and in ,

l water coverage report supplement show no cliffs in the design Wetted fraction coverage PCS water flow rate  ;

Wetting initiation time Inlet air blockage, quadrants, and uniform blockage Outlet. air blockage Internal heat sink exposed area Chimray height Mass and energy, mass flow rate Air annulus loss coefficient Air baffle bypass leakage Internal containment mixing WGOTHIC version 1.0 1.2 Westinghouse presentation to NRC on September 27,1994 Page 38 u:\1401w-1.wpf:1b492694

- muuuuuuuu-m nmu urn

7. Perform Plant Analysis 1 AP600 PCS-test and analysis program addresses code models and capability to address phenomena specific AP600 design features '

Bounding initial and boundary conditions provide margin PCS design has no cliffs in its performance I

l Westinghouse presentation to NRC on September 27,1994 Page 39 u:\1401w-1.wpf:1b-092694 l

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-ium -iumwuul Ft_rt__f u u u u u x r w AP600 PCS Test and Analysis Program Schedule h

  • AP600 PCS test and analysis program is on schedule Schedule of PCS reports l

! Status PCS reports summary Westinghouse presentation to NRC on September 27,1994 Page 40 u:\1401w-1.wpf:1b-092694

1 - - -

AP600 PCS Test and Analysis Program Schedule h Schedule of PCS Reports Completed l

April 1994 - Radiation heat transfer through fog in the PCS air gap April 1994 - Liquid film heat transfer model validation j June 1994

  • Quantification of effects of wind and thermal inversion on potential for recirculation of PCS effluent ll June 1994 - AP600 PCS design basis analysis (DBA) model and margin assessment July 1994
  • PCS scaling iteration 1 report July 1994
  • Containment surface wetting basis with respect to SSAR and film stability August 1994 - Expediting of EPRI GOTHIC reports August 1994
  • V{ GOTHIC lumped parameter LST input definition and input deck August 1994 - Supplemental information on water coverage and margin August 1994 - Experimental basis for convective heat transfer correlations Westinghouse presentation to NRC on September 27,1994 Page 41 u:\1401w-1.wpf;1b-092694

- m -

AP600 PCS Test and Analysis Program Schedule h Schedule of PCS Reports (continued)

Future September 1994 - Final PCS scaling report October 1994

  • Experimental basis for the convective mass transfer correlations December 1994
  • Internal transient and stratification processes i

April 1995

  • WCAP: WGOTHIC blind test predictions May 1995
  • Preliminary containment DBA SSAR markups October 1995
  • Final containment DBA SSAR Westinghouse presentation to NRC on September 27,1994 Page 42 u:\1401w-1.wpf:1b-092694

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amm en aus sus au-sum ~ uma sum amm' mas as aus em aus sus en sua sus -um AP600 PCS Test and Analysis Program Schedule lh Significant progress on specific PCS issues has been attained

  • Ten reports due to date for 1994 have been completed on/or ahead of schedule
  • Ongoing dialogue with NRC has helped identify and clarify Open items NRC meetings ACRS meetings
  • Significant progress has been made in identifying specific PCS Open items a Schedule is current for resolving PCS Open items identified to date Westinghouse presentation to NRC on September 27,1994 Page 43 u:\1401w-1.wpf:1b492694



ISSUED JUNE 30,1994 l

by Joel Woodcock September 27,1994 Westinghouse presentation to NRC on September 27,1994 Page 44 u;\1401w-2.wpf:1b492594 L,_ _ _ , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ , _ , . _m __

Overview of Report Contents [


  • Passive containment cooling design overview
  • Modifications to the WGOTHIC code in version 1.2
    • AP600 plant sensitivity studies
  • Test basis for WGOTHIC design basis accident methodology


  • AP600 SSAR analysis methodology bases '
    • AP600 input margin assessment
  • Topics to be discussed Westinghouse presentation to NRC on September 27,1994 Page 45 l uT1401w-2.wpf:1b492594 i

--- _ -- -- -- _ ---- _ - - - - _ - - - -_ -- - - -- -- -- 1


AP600 Plant Sensitivity Studies , , , -

l AP600 plant sensitivity studies presented at March 17,1994 meeting and in water coverage report supplement show no cliffs in the design Wetted fraction coverage PCS water flow rate Wetting initiation time l

Inlet air blockage, quadrants, and uniform blockage Outlet air blockage Internal heat sink exposed area .

Chimney height  !

Mass and energy, flow rate Air annulus loss coefficient Air baffle bypass leakage l -

Internal containment mixing WGOTHIC version 1.0 1.2 l

l Westinghouse presentation to NRC on September 27,1994 Page 46 u:\1401w-2.wpf:1b-092594

, m r _ r t__ n rw n m r r m e c--n Perform Plant Analysis , , , _

Code Validation l 1

Engineering Tests for Boundary Conditions and Geometry

  • Wind Tunnel
  • Air Flow Path Pressure Drop WGOTHir, Plant Satisfy

= Water Distribution + Ana s + Design Quantify Bounding Mass and -

E Energy Releases f

i $


8 Bounding Initial Conditions Westinghouse presentation to NRC on September 27,1994 Page 47 u:u401w-2.wpf:1b-092594 L - - - - - - - - - - - --------- - _ ---- ----- - - - - - _ - - -

i ml r- w r7 FU U U UX fu 1 FN 1

AP600 LOCA and MSLB Analyses k SSAR transient reanalysis with WGOTHIC 1.2 - margin summary l

- LOCA peak pressure is bounded by SSAR value  ;


- Main steamline break pressures are bounded by SSAR values

- Substantial margin exists between the AP600 SSAR pressure results and the current PCS Evaluation Model l

l Westinghouse presentation to NRC on September 27,1994 Page 48 u:\1401 w-2.wpf.1b-092594

rn rua cu ma c't rm cua rm w


SSAR LOCA Reanalysis with WGOTHIC 1.2 Mf I

l YVALUE 1 0 0 $$AR Press (Ver 1.0)

. .YVALUE 1 0 0 SSAR Press (Ver 1.2) 60  : Design SSAR Remains Conservative Pressure 50 ^ '"'

l 7

r -

Version 1.0 40 a

I Version 1.2

\ j n 30 v

m -

c' _


l 20


i 10 6 1 2 3 4 5 10 10 to 10 10 10 Time (seconds)

Westinghouse presentation to NRC on September 27,1994 Page 49 u:\1401w-2.wpf:1b-092694 1

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SSAR MSLB Reanalysis with WGOTHIC 1.2 E i 102% Power. WCOTHtC Ver. 1.2

30% Power. WGOTHIC Ver. 12

~ ~ ~ 10 2 % Power. WGOTHIC Ver- 1.0

--- 30% Power. WCOTHiC Ver. 1.0 60  : Design SSAR Remains Conservative

,, _s Pressure

// s ' + - Version 1.0 O

,/ ',/

,; 5 0 / ,^ , .


/ / , ~, '

/ -

~ Version 1.2

/l l .



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. c 30 e 1 E j C i O

c 20 0

h 10 O 200 400 600 800 1000 Time (sec)

Westinghouse presentation to NRC on September 27,1994 Page 50 u:\1401w-2.wpf.1b492694

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AP600 Realistic Containment Analysis ,,,

Modified LOCA mass and energy release parameters

= initial RCS temperature - nominal versus +5 F

  • RCS volume - nominal versus +1.4%
  • Core power - licensed versus +2%
  • Core-stored energy - nominal versus +15%
  • Decay heat - 1979 w/p uncertainty, 800-day average burnup versus 2a uncertainty,3 years full-power operation

Westinghouse presentation to NRC on September 27,1994 Page 51 u:\1401w-2.wpf:1b-092594

1 m Mm rm rm Fm cUn cm UO3 m- a Fm rm T- w n F--'

AP600 Realistic Containment Analysis $

Modified containment parameters

  • initial outside air temperature - 70 F versus 115 F l
  • Initial containment temperature - 100 F versus 120 F
  • Initial containment pressure - 14.7 psia versus 15.7 psia

- Initial internal wall temperatures - 70 F versus 100 F

  • Passive containment gooling water temperature - 80 F versus ,


  • Material emissivities - 100% of value versus 90% of value 4

Westinghouse presentation to NRC on September 27,1994 Page 52 u:\140t w-2.wpf:1b-092594 l


1 O .m m O O T~~3 V T O O FW O O O O O. O O O 2

AP600 Realistic Containment Analysis Results hm:l YVALUE 1 0 0 SsAR Press (ver 1.0)

!  ; .YVALuc i o o RealisticInput 60 SSAR Remains Conservative

+ Design Pressure 50 ^



" 49 \. /

/ V \

O '

- Realistic input 3 -

30 O- .

20 l

10 0 1 2 3 4 5 10 10 10 10 10 10 Time (seconds)

Figure 13 AP600 LOCA Design initial vs. Nominal Initial Canditions. Pressure Westinghouse presentation to NRC on September 27,1994 Page 53 u:\1401w-2.wpf:1b492694 I 4 4 l



AP600 Realistic Containment Analysis Results Efttt+!

Overall containment integrity results, peak pressure comparison j Parameter DECLG LOCA MSLB MSLB 102% Power 30% Power AP600 Design Pressure 45.0 psig 45.0 psig 45.0 psig SSAR Peak Pressure 39.5 psig 41.2 psig 41.4 psig yfGOTHIC Version 1.2 Pressure 36.5 psig 34.4 psig 35.4 psig (Blowdown)

Realistic input Case Pressure 33.1 psig* 32.4 psig* 33.2 psig" l  % Margin (SSAR to design) 12.2 % 8.4% 8.0%


% Margin *(Ver.1.2 to design) 18.9 % 23.6 % 21.3 %

% Margin'(realistic input case) (summary 26.4%m 28.0%* 26.2%m results from . lune 30 report) l Notes:

(1) Realisyc mass and energy and containment inputs (2) Realistic containment inputs only.

t 1

Westingtmuse presentation to NRC on September 27,1994 Page 54 u:\1401w-2.wpf2 b-092694 l



  • Results of the reanalyses of AP600 SSAR LOCA and main steamline

, break transients with confirmatory WGOTHIC 1.2 are bounded by results presented in the SSAR ,


  • Margin to the SSAR and design values is quantified I


  • Margin resulting from use of bounding initial and boundary conditions is I quantified l

l SSAR Containment Analyses Are Conservative l

l Westinghouse presentation to NRC on September 27,1994 Page 55 u:\1401w-2.wpt:1b492594

mee au mai sua mas num um nur em uma sur um nas uma ses amm uma sus sum


AP600 PCS Test and Analysis Program Fina! Reports iR WGOTHIC Code Validation Report

. Summary of separate effects tests, models, and correlations SSAR Chapter 6.2 based on phenomena reports


. AP600 and test phenomena quantification

. t.ST data evaluations . Summary assumptions and addressing important resultsof safetyanalyses Phenomena . Scaling conc!usions based on

. WGOTHIC distributed issued reports parameter check . Methodology for applying

  • = WGOTHIC lumped parameter WGOTHIC lumped parameter a validation to AP600 I . Pressure uncertainty evaluation . Water distribution, coverage, and delay time bases

. Summary of margins in AP600 PCS Evaluation Model

. Demonstration that AP600 t WGOTHIC Blind Test margins are sufficient

i Evaluation Report h


. Pre- and post-test comparisons

. Evolution of LSTlumped parameter input deck

. Conclusions on code and methodology adequacy Westinghouse presentation to NRC on September 27,1994 Page 56 u:\1401w-2.wpf:1b492694

mas sua men sus ess was es, aus 4em nas ame me uma ame uns aan imme mer amu m a AP600 PCS Test and Analysis Program Conclusions t An integrated test and analysis program exists for the AP600 containment analysis the review of the AP600 design identifies differences and phenomena to be modeled a code has been selected that best represents the phenomena (WGOTHIC) the AP600 PCS test program that addresses the key phenomena was developed and completed a code validation process is being implemented for WGOTHIC the AP600 PCS Evaluation Modelincorporates the accurate phenomena representations of WGOTHIC and bounding initial and boundary conditions

  • The AP600 PCS Evaluation Model shows margin to the design limits Westinghouse presentation to NRC on September 27,1994 Page 57 u$1401w-2.wpf:1t492694

m -


J. Gresham, Manager '

Containment and Radiological Analysis Westinghouse presentation to NRC on September 27,1994 Page 58 u:\1401w-2.wpf:1b492594

-m -

Draft PCS Open items List lE Seq. Alt.


No. No.



1. 952.100


PCCS Scaling Analysis


Westinghouse to submit complete PCS scaling analysis Status: a. (W) 9/l/94 First iteration of PCS scaling analysis submitted 7/28/94

b. (W) 9/l/94 Final PCS scaling analysis to be submitted 9/30/94
c. (W) 9/1/94 Status of PCS scaling analysis (first iteration) presented at 7/26/94 meeting
d. (NRC) 7/26/94 PIRT chart presented at 7/25/94 meeting good start. Needs more work:  ;

- Rationale behind 11. M, or L choices j l - Close the loop... tie the PIRT to the scaling analysis )

- PIRT should be more than Dan Spencer product only I

- PIRT will have to be expanded to account for exterior of containment

c. (NRC) 7/26/94 Westinghouse should collapse the scaling equations into a single dP/dt equation. Would reduce the number of parameters. More understandable for review. We do not see the value of jet / plume, liquid film, containment atmosphere approach.
f. (NRC) 7/26/94 Insights from PIRT and Scaling could guide the WGOTillC review
g. (NRC) 7/26/94 Magnitude of pi groups --- Westinghouse presented some . . Ratio of pi groups (LST to AP600) ... not yet.
h. (NRC) 7/26/94 Scaling distortions in going from LST to AP600? List each, and describe impact of distortion.
i. (NRC) 7/26/94 A LST vs. AP600 distortion...for small facility the subcooling is important...for AP600 is not important since only a small area on the dome is subcooled.
j. (NRC) 7/27/94 Rational for flow paths (or lack thereof) in the LST vs AP600 What is the impact. Review RAI for area and volume rationale for LST vs AP600. NRC does not believe that RAI discusses liow paths.
k. (NRC) 7/27/94 Search out a test that is closer to the plant.
1. (NRC) 7/28/94 Westinghouse will present iteration 2 of the SASM scaling report for AP600 in the Sept-Oct time frame at an ALCS meeting. Paul Bochnert requested that the report be available for review at least 2 weeks before the meeting. NRC requested a NRC-Westinghouse meeting shortly before the ACRS meeting. j Westinghouse presentation to NRC on September 27,1994 Page 59 u:\1401w-2.wpf 1b492594

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Draft PCS Open items List h \

l l

Seq. Alt.



No. No.


l Status: '

2. 952.101


PCS Interior Velocities


Westinghouse to submit calculations of PCS interior velocities using the WGOTHIC ctxle Status: a. (NRC) 7/27/94 Two effects: Mixed Convection / velocities . vs. str.:tification and over-mixing. Two effects, how does one sort them out.

3. 952.102


PCS Air Flow in Annulus


Westinghouse to submit an analysis of air flow in the annulus (both wet and dry cases)

4. 952.103


Validity of cold water distribution tests to predict hot coverage on PCS


Westinghouse to submit an analysis demonstrating the validity of the (cold wall) water distribution tests to predict film covemge when the wall is hot.


Westinghouse presentation to NRC on September 27,1994 Page 60 u \1401w-2.wpf:1b-092594

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l Draft PCS Open items List N l

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5. 952.104


flow does water distribution model findings support the design basis accident analyses


Westinghouse to submit information on how the water distribution model findings support the design basis accident analyses Status: a. (NPsC) 7/26/94 Time Scales: Provide rationale for the 1I minute time. At iI minutes on a cold shell a steady 40-60-70 coverage may have been observed, however, if actual LOCA . steady 40-60-70 striping much later?

b. (NRC) 7/26/94 Coverage.. 30 year old model..

- Simple model may miss actual physical situation.

- Does film exhibit fingering?

- Need sensitivity on coverage.

- Scaling may tell us how important this is.

- Westinghouse may have data that better describes the film coverage and film flow behavior.

- One dimensional model useful on a 2 dimensional dome?

- Aging effect on surface . . rivulets????

- We wcuid like to see the results of an all dry case. -

c. (NRC) 7/28/94 NRC is particularly interested in further justification for the 11 minute time frame used in the AP600 SSAR, and further sensitivity calculations concerning how much water is really required on the dome. NRC would like to know what the required minimum coverage is. The results of a dry run would also be interesting.

Westinghouse presentation to NRC on September 27,1994 Page 61 u.\1401 w-2.wpf. I b-092594

Draft PCS Open items List k Seq. Alt.


No. No.


j Status:

l l 6.


WGOTillC calculation comparisons to tests l


Westinghouse to provide additional information on WGOTHIC calculation comparisons to tests l Status:

[ a. (NRC) 7/27/94 Vessel inside surface temperatures . . underpredicted on sidewalls, and overpredicted on the l

dome. Why?

j b. (NRC) 7/27/94 Evaporation on shell.. 821 (measured) vs. 990 (calculated). Overpredicting evaporation.

l Nonconservative calc. Very poor experimental data in this regard due to time lags and j fluctuations in city water supply.


c. (NRC) 7/27/94 20% error in evaporation rate. vs. temperatures. NRC recommends engineering evaluadon of l impact independent of code analysis.

I d. (NRC) 7/27/94 Tuning of hydraulic parameter, and tuning of heat flux in the dome to match or compensate for no subcooling model [in original SSAR Rev. O models].

c. (NRC) 7/27/94 Figure 22 (7/27/94 presentadon) Westinghouse blames Uchida as overconservative on heat sinks... therefore their predicted pressures are slightly high. Yet Wesdnghouse offers no " proof" that Uchida is the cause (such as a computer run in which a best estimate heat transfer correlation is used instead of Uchida).
d. (NRC) 7/27/94 Air partial pressure measured vs. predicted... good agreement. Stratification is well predicted it appears. However, NRC would like to have seen a plot of containment atmosphere temperatures along the axis of the containment from the operating deck level to the dome.

Also, some representation of the velocity fields calculated by W_GOTillC.

c. (NRC) 7/27/94 Worry that compensating errors may be hidden in global measures such as pressure. The limited wall temperature distributions presented are not overly encouraging since calculations and experiment do not match.
f. (NRC) 7/27/94 Stratification changes where the heat transfer takes place . Redistribution of noncondensibles changes where the heat transfer takes place. Possible competing effects.

j g. (NRC) 7/28/94 NRC would like to see more 3-D plots; velocity; stratification.

I Westinghouse presentation to NRC on September 27,1994 Page 62 1

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- 1 Draft PCS Open items List Seq. Alt.


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Bases for heat and mass transfer correlations


Westinghouse to provide additional information on bases and justification for PCS heat and mass transfer correlations Status: a. (NRC) 7/26/94 Use of McAdams correlation for flows driven by both temperature and concentration differences

b. (NRC)


Application of WGOTHIC to AP600 for SSAR evaluations


Westinghouse to provide bridge from LST to AP600 to justify applications of WGOTillC.

Status: a. (NRC) 7/27/94 Suppose excellent finite difference cales. Westinghouse will calculate same test lumped. Will be differences... Where is the bridge to the AP600. Westinghouse does not plan to run finite difference AP600.

b. (NRC) 7/27/94 Poor temperature predictions in wall (presented on 7/27/94). Equipment qualification implies temperatures are important.
c. (NRC) 7/28/94 Finite difference... No follow-through to the AP600. The NRC will never see a WGOTillC l finite difference calculation for the AP600. Incomplete package.

( d. (NRC) 7/28/94 NRC is unsure as to Westinghouse approach after they run finite difference LST and Lumped l LST. Where is the bridge to the AP600? Contrast this to Jack Tills' presentation... Tills:

l Systematic look at the data for a test; physical picture of what happened in the test.

l Westinghouse presentation to NRC on September 27,1994 Page 63 u:\1401w-2.wpf;1b-092694

amm aus inn uma em aus man amm sus amm aus sus amm man uma num um aus asm w

Draft PCS OPen items List _

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Maximize the value of the entire LST test database.


Westinghouse to demonstrate maximum appropriate use of LST database.

a. (NRC) 7/27/94 Milk the data. llave Tills type analysis performed on break orientation Phase 3 runs.
b. (NRC) 7/27/94 For each test that was run, what was the purpose... and what did they learn?
c. (NRC) 7/27/94 Milk data. Look at mixing. How important. If mixing is always good under all conditions, and if mixing good in plant.. in rauch better situation.
d. (NRC) 7/28/94 NRC is concerned because Westinghouse is not planning computer runs of 9 of 12 phase 2 tests, and 6 of 7 phase 3 tests. NRC needs Westinghouse rationale for doing so little computational analysis of the tests. Westinghouse did promise to look at the data from all tests, and to try to milk the data. Westinghouse only plans to run for phase 2/3 LST: 2 tests in WGOTillC finite difference mode, 3 tests (one of which is the blind test) in lumped parameter mode. For the Phase 1 (or baseline LST tests)... Westinghouse ran 5 or 6 out of the 17 tests using WGOTIIIC 1.0. Some of those tests were re-run using WGOTillC 1.2 for the June 30, 1994 report.
c. (NRC) 7/28/94 NRC concern is that the previous testing letter credited the closure of questions on non-condensibles affecting heat transfer, and questions on break release location and orientation based upon an understanding that Westinghouse would analyze the phase 3 LST tests that dealt with these items. His item may need to be revisited now that Westinghouse has stated that they will only analyze one of the seven phase 3 tests. NRC needs Westinghouse rationale for this approach.
f. (NRC) 7/26/94 We will see no WGOTIIIC calcs for phase 3 other than 1 (1 out of 7)


Path to resolution for PCS issues.


Westinghouse to provide a path to resolution for open PCS issues.

Status: a. (NRC) 7/28/94 NRC is unsure of Westinghouse path to resolution.

Westinghouse presentation to NRC on September 27,1994 Page 64 u:\1401w-2.wpf.1b-092594

Draft PCS Open Items List

  • Seq. Alt.


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WGOTillC blind test predictions


Westinghouse to provide actual WGOTillC lumped parameter input deck as addendum to the input deck definition presented at 7/28/94 meetings.

Status: a. (NRC) 7/28/94 Marcia: Blind test .. Input Definition Meeting Marcia presented a top level definition of the input necessary to run the WGOTHIC blind test. J lt was not detailed enough for an independent analyst to be able to set up a deck. NRC l requested transmittal of the blind test input deck. After some discussion, Westinghouse agreed .. providing that the intent of the NRC and its contractors is not to use the provided deck to "back out" another input deck. NRC agreed to this restriction. Jack Kudrick said that i transmittal of the blind test input deck will resolve the " frozen document issue." The code is i now frozen at.W_GOTillC version 1.2, and the blind test input will be frozen as soon as NRC receives it.


Document Revision Summary:

9/13/94 Westinghouse Butler / Woodcock Document Creation 9/27/94 Westinghouse Woodcock Details filled in on (1.)

i i

Westinghouse presentation to NRC on September 27,1994 Page 65 l

- m .a. , m e2ss.


Westinghouse Proposed Approach to PCS Open items Closure Lg l

l 1. PCS scaling analysis 4

  • A phenomena identification and ranking table (PIRT) is developed in conjunction with the PCS scaling analysis and will be updated in the final PCS scaling report
  • A method of solution of the pressure relations is included

- Pi groups will be established and compared for LST and AP600 and distortions will be identified and addressed l

  • The final PCS scaling report will be issued on September 30,1994.

1 Status: Open, Westinghouse Action Westinghouse presentation to NRC on September 27,1994 Page 66 u:u 401w-3.wpt1b492694 l

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Westinghouse Proposed Approach to PCS Open items Closure gg

2. PCS interior velocities

- Velocity predictions versus measurements were presented at the WGOTHIC Distributed Parameter Status Review meeting July 27,1994

  • Westinghouse will submit additional velocity information for the lumped parameter LST simulations to validate Evaluation Model methods based on distributed parameter WGOTHIC to further quantify physics .
  • Insight from scaling and code validation will be used to show how mixed convection, velocities, stratification, and overmixing will be resolved Status: Open, Westinghouse Action Westinghouse presentation to NRC on September 27,1994 Page 67 ud1401w-3.wpf:1b-092594

- - w


Westinghouse Proposed Approach to PCS Open items Closure E 1

3. PCS air flow in annulus
  • Westinghouse will include an evaluation of the relevant driving forces (density head driving forces relative to heated baffle surfaces) in the scaling analysis
  • This will show that it is acceptable to model the external annulus with a 1-D flow path.

Status: Open, Westinghouse Action [F e

l Westinghouse presentation to NRC on September 27,1994 Page 68 uS1401 w-3.wpf:1b492694



aun mme sum uma em aus aus nas tan "mus~ mum amm miss sus mas ass' ami sus Westinghouse Proposed Approach to PCS Open items Closure lg

4. Validity of cold water distribution tests to predict hot coverage

- Westinghouse issued the water distribution report and supplement

" Method for Determining Film Flow Coverage for the AP600 Passive Containment Cooling System," July 28,1994

" Supplemental Information on AP600 PCS Film Flow Coverage Methodology," August 31,1994 1

Status: Closed l

l Westinghouse presentation to NRC on September 27,1994 Page 69 u:\1401w-3.wpt1b-092694 l

aus uma amm uma amm en amm uma em uma amm. aus aus num aus mas sus aan sus Westinghouse Proposed Approach to PCS Open items Closure g

5. How do water distribution model findings support the DBA analysis

- Westinghouse issued the reports identified in item 4 shown prior to this Status: Closed Westinghouse presentation to NRC on September 27,1994 Page 70 u:\1401w-3.wpf-1b-092694

m - r-smur-Westinghouse Proposed Approach to PCS Open items Closure g


6. WGOTHIC calculations of LST phase 3 tests In addition to validation of WGOTHIC against selected LST phase 2 and 3 tests, Westinghouse plans to maximize the use of LST data as follows:

detail local data from applicable LST phase 2 and 3 tests will be used to validate heat and mass transfer relations in integral setting phenomena will be described and shown using data for each test based on the information or objectives it can support Examples: blockage of 1/2 inlet axial gradients in stratified fluid effects of initial atmosphere pressure break location and orientation l l

Westinghouse presentation to NRC on September 27,1994 Page 71 u:\1401w-3.wpf:1b-092694

m w r ,

cuuumuuw Westinghouse Proposed Approach to PCS Open items Closure !g

6. WGOTHIC calculations of LST phase 3 tests (continued)

Observations will be described based on LST data Examples: degree and location of mixing above/below deck jet / plume behavior ,

effects of asymmetry water coverage on warm / hot surfaces, how film behaves (complete) noncondensables effect on heat transfer Distributed parameter WGOTHIC will add quantification examine two, representative LSTs, at a minimum examine other LSTs where additional quantification would support objective address completeness of phenomena checklist assess potential for competing effects fill in blanks where measurements are limited bridge between LST test and lumped parameter models Status: Open, Westinghouse Action Westinghouse presentation to NRC on September 27,1994 Page 72 u:\1401w-3.wpf:1b-092694

Westinghouse Proposed Approach to PCS Open items Closure


7. WGOTHIC calculation comparisons to tests Westinghouse will provide additional comparisons to tests for lumped parameter and distributed parameter WGOTHIC Status: Open, Westinghouse Action 4

9 Westinghouse presentation to NRC on September 27,1994 Page 73 u:\1401w-3.wpf:1b492694

m m r w Westinghouse Proposed Approach to PCS Open items Closure g

8. Bases for heat and mass transfer correlations
  • Westinghouse has issued a report on the bases for convective heat transfer correlations

" Experimental Bases for the Convective Heat Transfer Correlations Selected for Modeling Heat Transfer from the AP600 Containment Vessel," August 31,1994

  • Westinghouse will issue a similar report on the bases for mass transfer

! correlations in October 1994

  • The LST local data from all relevant tests will be used to provide additional validation for the heat and mass transfer correlations in an integral setting, where the flows are driven by both temperature and concentration differences l

Status: Open, Westinghouse Action l Westinghouse presentation to NRC on September 27,1994 Page 74 u:\1401w-3.wpt1b-092694

m m r w r m m e Westinghouse Proposed Approach to PCS Open items Closure


9. Application of WGOTHIC to AP600 for SSAR evaluations Westinghouse will use the WGOTHIC lumped parameter model for plant analysis. Lumped parameter methodology will be validated with LST. For additional confirmation of the acceptability of this approach, a distributed parameter WGOTHIC analysis of the LST will be conducted and compared against the LST detailed instrumentation results. These will then be compared to lumped parameter model analyses for the same test, to show how lumped parameter represents phenomena. i Status: Open, Westinghouse Action Westinghouse presentation to NRC on September 27,1994 Page 75 ,



Westinghouse Proposed Approach to PCS Open items Closure kg l 10. Maximize the value of the entire LST test database

- Westinghouse will evaluate the phase 3 test data with various break locations and geometry to assess phenomena

- Following this data review, Westinghouse will run WGOTHIC for selected tests l

Status: Open, Westinghouse Action I

I l Westinghouse presentation to NRC on September 27,1994 Page 76 u:\1401w-3.wpf.1b-092694 L-----____-----_________________________.______________

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sus em uma num man' mui~ asa num um man am mm mim mme sus num am num um Westinghouse Proposed Approach to PCS Open items Closure lPg

11. Path to resolution for PCS issues

- As indicated in this meeting, the confirmatory PCS test and analysis program provides a means for resolving all PCS issues to date n

Status: Closed l

l Westinghouse presentation to NRC on September 27,1994 Page 77 u:\1401w-3.wpf:1b-092694

sus sum uns sum man muu sur smur m o et rm o ro o rm n Westinghouse Proposed Approach to PCS Open items Closure l Fg

12. WGOTHIC blind test predictions 1  :

l l


~. Westinghouse has issued the report that includes a complete input listing for the lumped parameter LST model and an in-depth discussion and definition for every input parameter used in the code "WGOTHIC Lumped Parameter input Definition for AP600 Large Scale Test," August 19,1994 Status: Closed Westinghouse presentation to NRC on September 27,1994 Page 78 u:0401 w-3.wpf:1b492694 I

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Conclusions ig:

- Significant progress on specific PCS issues has been attained

. The AP600 PCS Evaluation Model shows margin to the design limits

- Schedule is current for resolving PCS Open items identified to date .

l I

. An integrated test and analysis program exists for the AP600 j containment analysis l

i I

Westinghouse presentation to NRC on September 27,1994 Page 79 l u:\1401w-3,wpf;1b492694

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