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Vol 2,Part 1 of TMI Rept to Commissioners & to Public
Person / Time
Site: Three Mile Island  Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 05/10/1982
From: Frampton G, Rogovin M
TASK-*, TASK-GB B&W-0658, B&W-658, ZAR-820510, NUDOCS 8307110745
Download: ML20024B900 (4)


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. '4 y..y%.> . r. A REPORT TO THE e;-l f ~ COMMISSIONERS :,c., AND TO THE ". Mid E V t


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. ;.r.,... ; ~ { ' s., MrrCHELL ROGOVIN Gj-- dirtCtor '.. --.....r.,.;'r.:'-;,.. g. 0 z. /,. -;...; g .j,;l. GEORGE T. FRAMPTON, JR./,'d j 3 - f{,. r,*j, deputy director.E5 [5l<{.J't;.i./ .......b..- g

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--4. f g 8, i 4 1 3/15/7 6 Extended outage to remove damaged Three Mile Island Unit 2 surveillance specimen holder tubes. The PRC issued an operating license for TMI-2 Duraton,720 hours. on February 8,1978. The license identrfied a 5/27/76 Reactor tnp due to operator error. number of preoperatonal tests, startuo tests and Duraten,7 hours. other items to be completed by Met Ed within spoo 11/ 5 / 7 6 Manual shutdown for scheduled repair of w f As a w d a mechancal failure decay heat valve and pipe in nverwater in one of the reactor coolant pumps, the irutial test-system. Duraten 683 hours. ng prp was pwformed with one pump out of savice for the penod March M through May 17 m t 977 Through December 37,1977 1978. The techncal specifications permitted three pumo operation, however, ard the inibal entcality The second refueling and maintenance outage was achieved on March 28,1978, approxrnately 2 took piace dunng 2 months bev-Esi March 18, montts sooner than if four pumps t.ed been used. 1977. Because the urut operated unctorrupted for 0 Frorn February 1978 to March 1979, TMI-2 ex-months, the urut availability factor increased to ponenced al least 20 reactor trips, approximately 80.9% and capacity factor increased to 76.2%. one-tlurd of which ongmated in the conder: sate and Date Event feedwater system. Ir, additen, four trar,sents 2/g/77 Power reducten to repair test ed in the actm of the ECCS nigh pressure tubing. Duraten 7 hours. injecten system. Table I-6 contains a chronology of 3/18/77 Refueling and mantenance Duraten, the TMi-2 operating history. 1,394 hours. The major outage for TMI-2 was necessary in 9/16/7 7 Irutal outage was by manual shutdown order to replace all of the main steam safety valves. to correct problems in the dommeralizer These valves were the first of a kind design and in order to reduce conductivity in the failed to reset after lifting. This outage lasted about 5 c.cE4.iy fluid systen. The outage 5 months, bogenmg in April 1978. The second was extended to repair reactor coolant longest outage resulted from rupture of the atmos-pump motor and generator ground. To-phenc dump valve bellows and lasted approximately tal outage,261 nours. 2 weeks dunng January 1979. 11/M/77 Reactor tnp due to falure of integrated control system. Compensons to Other Plants Table W presents a cornpenson 2 ome January 7,1978 Through December Ji,1978 plants by number of bconsee Event Reports (LERs) The tturd refueling and maintenance outage for flied with the PRC for the year of operation after the TMI-1 began March 18,1978, and lasted 2 months. license was issued. The table provides some cuali-The year reflected a good operating hetory, com-tatrve correlations between TMI-2 and other B&W pared to the prevous year, and resulted in slight in-plants and other two unit sites using equipment suo-creases m the percentages of unit avalabeirty to plied by other pressunzod-water-reactor vendors. 85.1% and capacity to 79.1%. h additen, a compenson of the LERs on PWRs nu-Date Event clear steam suppiers for 1975 through 1978 is pro-l l 3/8/78 Refueling. Duration,1,OS6 hours. vided in Table I-7. The compensons, although not 9/22/78 Manual shutdown to repair seal fracture definstrve with respect to undertying causes. indicate on reactor coolant pump. Duraton,2M that the p.4.nirers for TMI-2 and other B&W hours. plants is average for PWR vendors. The director of 1t/15/78 Power reducten to correct electncal E Regen i office consdered Met Ed's performance problems on turbme control system. as average w.T.;we with other licensees in he re-Duraton, M hours. gion 3 Dunng its year of operaten, TMI-2 had four events which resulted in actuation of the emwgency January f,1979 Thrcugh February 17,1979 core coolmg high pressure injecton system and the Full power operation was mamtamed until shut-injection of borated water into the pnmary coolant down for refueleg on February 17,1979. TMI-1 was system. The ACRS task force evaluatmg Ocensee on hot shutdown status at the time of the TMI-2 ac-Event Reports

  • reported 40 inadvertent ECCS ac-tuatens in PWRs frc+n 1976 through 1978. Actua-cdont.

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y TABLE l.6. Chronology of TMI.2 operating esperience Date Event j 2/8/78 Operatmg License issued. 3/14/78 Began three-pump operations. Lost one pump due to mechanical failure. f 3/28/78 initial criticality. i 3/29/78 Reactor trip. Pressurizer rehof vaive open. ECCS actuation. Shutdown tzero power) dura. tion. 57.8 hours. I U1/78 Reactor tno cue to instrument fatture moscating loss of second pump m coolant loop Duration.182.9 hours. 4/18/78 Reactor trip due to noise soike. Duration. 7.8 hours. 4/19/78 Reactor trio due to foss of feedwater due to personate' error oe* forming mantenance on isedwater pumps. Duration. 7.9 hours. 4/20/78 Reactor trip due to spurious high fium spike. Duration. 6.0 tiours. 4/23/78 Reactor trip caused by soi.rious signal. Five mair. steamline safety valves fail to clore. and the ECCS was actuated. Design error of the vatves necessifa'ed reosacement of all steamune safety valves. reouinng shutdown until Septemmer 17.1978 Metropolitan Ed:- son removed orifice rods and installed retainers on burnacle poison rods during this outage 9/18/78 TMI.2 generated power for the first time. 9'/19/78 Manual reactor trip. During test procedure of shutdown outside controt room. feedwater vatve closed and reactor did not tnp when tureir's tnoped. Duration. 6 hours. 9/20/78 Reactor tno due to loss of one mam feedwater pump. Duration,9.2 hours. 9/21/78 Reactor trip due to controt prootems with feedwater pump Duration. 8 hours. 9/22/78 Manual reactor shutdown for scheduled testing of main steam safety valves. Duration. 92 hours. 10/5/78 Estended outage due to Conas connector proelems on steam generator. Duration.181 hours. 10/13/78 Hot standDy for 4 hours to repair turtine generator. 10/14/78 Two reactor tnps due to feedwater pump probtems. Duration.13.7 hours. 10/17/78 Reduced power for total of 7.7 hours due to proetems in the mam generator relay, which 10/20/78 prohibited synchronization with power gnd. 10/21/78 I i 10/28/73 Manual reactor shutdown m order to repair turome. Duration 90.1 hours. j 10/29/78 Durmg reactor shutdown a rachet tno of Group 5 controt rods occurred. After trip, three rods were stuck at th,e 5'. withdrawn positions. 11/3/73 Reactor trip due to lbss of feedwater. Personnel error resulted in loss of pJwer to con. densate polishmg valve. 11/7/78 Reactor trip due to foss of ieedwater. Pressurizer level indicated below zero, and the ECCS was actuated. Feedwater system was found to be contammated with oil. Duration. 594.6 hours. 12/2/78 Reactor tnp due to foss of feedwater pump. Duration 1.7 hours. 110

g TABLE l 6. Chronology of TMI 2 operating esperience-Continued Event Cate 12/2((8 Reactor trip during recovery from foss of feedwater. Duration,4 8 hours. Reactor trip due to personnel error resulting in excessive feedwater resulted in ECCS 12/2/78 actuation. Duration. 28.3 nours. 12/16/78 Reactor trip due to mechanical failure in feedwater pump. Duration 146 hours. 12/28/78 Manual reactor shutdown to repair a number of steam leaks. Hot standDy for 3 hours to repair steam teak in tureine. Unit achieved 80*. power and 12/30/78 declared in commercial operation at 11:00 p m. Unit maintained 82* power af'er 6.30 a.m on Decemter 31,1978. i.ntil second heater drain pump could ce retumed to service 1/2/79 Tureine taken off line to repair hydraulic lean. Duration.11.5 hours. 1/5/79 Rod drops due to Otown fuse. Automatic power reduction and then power escalation. Reactor manual shutdrwn to recair leaking pressunzer instrumentaticn esciation valves. 1/14/79 During startup. reactor (noped due to loss of power to pressurizer. Outage extended to 1/15/79 reoair atmoschenc.1 ump bellows and a nun. Der of pressurizer instrumentation valves. Duration. 425 9 hours. 1/31/79 Un:t returned to service. 2/6/79 Feedwater pump tnos twice with automatic power runcack to 55*.. Reactor maintained at 13'. power cunng 13.2 hour outage to repair tureene leaks. 2/10/79 3/6/79 Turcine generator trip fottowed by reactor trip. Duratron.16.5 Pteurs. 3/7/79 Unit operated near 97*. power until foss of feedwater trro on March 28.1979. ~ tions reauired by depressunzacon and other tran-Aod Possfions-Rod Groups one through five were sients, wrnen were not riadvertent, were not ad-fully withdrawn, groups six and seven were 95% dressed. withdrawn, and group eight was 27% withdrawn. A request to the PER for '1formabon anowing a s compenson of the number of TMI-2's safety insec-Pressurizer-tion events to those of other operating plants re-229 h vealed that such informaton was not available and Spray 4 pray valve open that a two-man-month effort would be required to Heaters-Energized in manual control cetain such informaten. Consequent!y. no data Through one of the safety valves were provided, and the SIG was unable to make this p or RC-122) compenson. This lack of operatonal informaton is Header p190'F. significant, demonstrating that a major in l NRC activities is the lack of a structured, systemanc The leakage noted above could have been and coordinated process for couecton, review, and through pressunzer relief valve. The temperature t evaluation of operatonal data.s indication is on header from aR three valves. l Phmary Cooient Systems-TMl-2 Plant Status on Maren 28,1979s Loop A ang h Pressure-2165 psig The piant status pnor to A00 a.m. on March 28. Flow-68.484 MPF H (Minion Pounds 1979. was as fotows. per Hour) Temperature-Hot Leg--6067 Anwer Leve6-97.928% fut power (872 MWe). Cold Leg-5587 111 -}}