ML20006G232 | |
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Site: | Haddam Neck File:Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Co icon.png |
Issue date: | 04/30/1967 |
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WCAP-7036, NUDOCS 9003060246 | |
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{{#Wiki_filter:7 (. f. i l r. 1 o 1 7 A i q 1 ~ CONNECTICUT YANKEE REACTOR YESSEL RADIATION SURVEILLANCE PROGRAM C! I W S. E. Yanichko _j 1 .I i t i April 1967 ( 1 ^' Approved: I Edgar b derman f ( l l 1 l Westinghease Electric Corporation Atomic Power Division Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15230 6 %STMHOU9RPR0 HIE'BLRY MTA This do e co ins p prie ry to tio of e es etric o rat n( omic wer vis ns), at na tte to ou n de ce sc te .s y t be a t at, nd to e ret ed Don que us to oth r n e u ose parttoo%ers die os in ho or for v ch n it a vi ut prior vr tten e sei of he e g-bouse P t vis n. 9003060246 990216 b PDR ADOCK 05000213 iL L P FDC 9
i, i DISTRIBUTICM LIST R. J. - Al l i o..................... 1 W. 14s t e r...................... 1 g M. N. Andrews.................... 1 J. Locante..................... 1 S. M. Marshall................. 1 l
- 8. M. Axelson....................
1 K. M. Barry..................... 1 J. D. McAdoo................... 1 7 t S. Bartnoff..................... 1 T. J. Mitlo.................... 1 D. C. Beatty..................... 1 N. R. Nelson................... 1 E. S. Be ckj o rd................... 1 L. Forse....................... 1 C. Benton....................... 1 D. J. Pov ej s il................. 1 L. Chajson...................... 1 E. U. Powell................... 1 J. F. Chalupa.................... 1 J. R. Rangel................... 1 P. Cohen......................... 1 C. C. Roderick................. 1 A. R. Collier................... 1 H. L. Russo.................... 1 J. A. Corbett.................... 1 E. S. Schwartz................. 1 R. J. Creagan................... 1 A. A. Simmons.................. 1 f P. G. De H uf f..................... 1 J. R. Stadelman................ 1 S. N. Ehrenpreis................. 1 T. Stern....................... 1 C. H. Farbaan.................. 1 D. E. Thorn.................... 1 A. L. Fi e l d, J r......... '......... 1 H. J. von Hollen............... 1 R. J. French..................... 1 R. A. Wieseman................. 1 E. A. Goldsmith.................. 1 F. L. Wright................... 1 H. W. Grave s, J r................. 1 J. H. Wright................... 1 W. S. Baselton................... 1 W. E. Wright.................. 1 I' R. G. Robson..................... 1 J. M. Yadon.................... 1 D., Bunter........................ 1 S. E. Yanichko................ 25 L. R. Kats....................... 1 T. 1. C........................ 2 J. C. R. Kelly, J r............... 1 E. Landerman..................... 3 W. B. Lee........................ 1 D. E. Vandenburgh.............. 5 Connecticut Yankee Atomic I -11 Pow r Company
' i
- i h
Table of Contents e Pame'No. iv List of Tables vi List of Figures 1 Abstreet-2
l b I 1 5 l 5 List of Tables ? ) Table No, I,[tig, Pane No, 2 I, Specimen Identification and Location in 14 Connecticut Yankee Material Test Capsules T P' I. P II. Specimen Identification and Location in 15 Connecticut Yankee Material Test Capsules Type II. j III. Pre-Irradiation Charpy V-Notch Impact 16 Data for Connecticut Yankee Pressure Vessel Plate (W9807-2). IV. Pre-Irradiation Charpy V-Notch Impact Data 17 j for Connecticut Yankee Pressure Vessel Plate (W9807-4). V. Pre-Irradiation Charpy V-Notch Impact Data 18 for Connecticut Yankee Pressure Vessel Plate (W9807-7). VI. Pre-Irradiation Charpy V-Notch Impact Data 19 l for Connecticut Yankee Pressure Vessel Weld Metal. I VII. Pre-Irradiation Charpy V-Notch Impact Data 20 for Connecticut Yankee Pressure Vessel Weld Heat Affected Zone Material. VIII. Pre-Irradiation Charpy V-Notch Impact Date 21 l-for ASTM SA302B Correlation Monitor Material (Supplied by U. S. Steel), l l l iv
.,z. t i i 4 1 t I i Paae No. M T Table lio. l 22 IX. Pre-Irradiation Tensile Properties of Connecticut Yankee Pressure Vessel Plate (W9801-2). X. Pre-IrradiationTensile Properties of 23 Connecticut Yankee Pressure Vessel 1 Plate (W9807 k). 2h XI. Pre-Irradiation Tensile Properties of Connecticut Yankee Pressure Vessel Plate (W9807-7). i XII. Pre-Irradiation Tensile Properties of 25 i l Connecticut Yankee Pressure Vessel Weld Metal. 26 Pre-Irradiation Practure Toughness Prop-XIII. erties of Connecticut Yankee Pressure Vessel Plate Material Including Weld Metal. h ( i i i k Um
t L I y i I 4[ List of Piaures i i f Piaure No. El,e, Paae No. f f-1 Charpy VeNotch Impact Specimen 27 l l 1 28
- [
2 Tensile Specimen 3 Wedge Openina Loading Specimen 29 t k Type I Irradiation Capsule 30 5 Type II Irradiation Capsule 31 6 Dosimeter Block 32 7 Locatior. Reference Nur.bers for Connecticut 33 Yankee Reactor Surveillance Test Capsule Specimens 8 Pre-Irradiation Charpy V-Notch Impact Pro-3h perties of Connecticut Yankee Pressure 4 Vessel - Plate (W9807-2) 9 Pre-Irradiation Charpy V-Notch Impact Pro-35 l perties of Connecticut Yankee Pressure Vessel - Plate (W9807-k). 10 Pre-Irradiation Charpy V-Notch Impact Pro-36 perties of Connecticut Yankee Pressure Vessel - Plate (W980.' 7) l 11 Pre-Irradiation Charpy V-Notch Impact 37 Properties of Connecticut Yankee Prescure Vessel Weld Netal t 12 Pre-Irradiation Charpy V-Notch Impact Pro-38 perties of Connecticut Yankee Pressure Ves-sel Neat Affected tone Material 13 Pre-Irradiation Charpy V-Notch Impact Pro-39 perties of U.S. Steel SA3023 Correlation e Monitor Material ik ~ Pre-Irradiation Tensile Properties of Con-k0 necticut Yankee Pressure Vessel Plate (W9807-2) 15 Pre-Irradiation Tensile Properties of Con-k1 (~ necticut Yankee Pressure Vessel P14e (1ibsT-h) l -v!- l sumausummma
.o l V j i i i i l'? i 16 Pre-Irradiation Tensile Properties of Con-necticut Yankee Pressure Vessel - Plate 'l (W9807-7) i 17 Pre-Irradiation Tensile Properties of Con-43 i necticut Yankee Pressure Vessel Weld Metal l 18 Pre-Irradiation Fracture Toughness of Con-kk necticut Yankee Pressure Vessel Plate (W9807-2) 19 Pre-Irradiation Fracture Toughness of Con-kk necticut Yankee Pressure Vessel Plate (W9807 k) 20 Pre-Irradiation Fracture Toughness of Con-LS 't necticut Yankee Pressure Vessel Plate (W9807-7) 21 Pre-Irradiation Fracture Toughness of Con-h5 necticut Yankee Pressure Vessel Weld Metal u ) f b { i i 3 O -vn -
M $i Abstract 4 The purpose of this program is to obtain information on the ef'fects of radiation on the Connecticut Yanhec reactor vessel materials under + operating conditions. i Charpy V-notch ispect specimens, tensile specimens and Wedge Opening Loading specimens were machined from three 10-1/2 inch shell plates from the center shell course adjacent to the core region of the Con-necticut Yankee reactor vessel and weld metal from a weldsent joining The results of Charpy V-notch impact two upper shell course plates. tests, tensile tests and Wedge Opening Loading tests on unirradiated Connecticut Yankee reactor vessel material are given. Charpy impact, tensile and Wedge Opening Loading specimens will be in-sorted into eight material test capsules to be located between the thernal shield and the vessel vall and positioned opposite the center The identification of the specimens and their locations of the core. in the test capsules are given. Post-irradiation testing of the Charpy impact specimens will provide j j a guide for establishing pressure-temperature limits of the plant considering the presently used conservative margin for the nil-ducti-j lity-transition temperature (NDM) concepts. The post-irradiation test results on the Wedge Opening Loading specimens vill provide ap-The plied stress values considering defect sise and temperatures. knowledge of these parsneters could be used by design engineers to determine more specific limits for startup and operating procedures k for nuclear reactors than those obtained with KDW concepts. i .p I I. Purpose and Seone The purpose and scope of this program is to obtain information on the effect of radiation on the Connecticut Yankee reactor' veesel s anterials under actual operating conditions. It is kncvn that rj radiation can produce shifts to higher temperatures for +.he duc-tile-to-brittle " transition" temperature. M The transition temperature increase with service can be monitored by a surveil-lance program which consists of periodically checking of irradi-ated reactor vessel surveillance specimens.- The nil-ductility transition temperature (NDTT) is defined as the temperature at which a drop veight test specimen is broken in a series of tests in which duplicate no-break performance occurs at a temperature 10'F higher, (frca ASW E208; Drop Weight Test to Determine Nil-Ductility-Transition Temperature of Ferritic Steels). The NDTI has been correlated with Charpy V-notch impact test results; for SA302 Grade B steel, the charpy V-notch "fix" temperature which corresponds to the NDTT is the temperature at 30 ft-lbs.O This relationship has been listed in the PB Document 151987 and Section III of the ASME Code for Nuclear Vessels. I The surveillance program is based un AS W E185 (Recommended Prac-I tice for Surveillance Tests on Structural Materials in Nuclear 3 Deactors). In addition to the transition temperature approach, .l a fracture mechanics approach utilizing Wedge Opening Loading (WOL) specimens will be used to evaluate the effects of radiation on the fracture toughness of the Connecticut Yankee reactor ves-lh.3n sel materia 1L.' Post-irradiation testing of the Charpy impact specimens vill pro-vide a guide for determining pressure-temperature limits of the plant considering the presently used conservative margin of NDT temperature concepts. Charpy impact test data vill provide a
h ( I l D hf {' temperature shift of the NDT temperature with radiation exposure l These esta can then be reviewed to f at the plant temperatures. verify or establish new pressure-temperature limits of the ves-i sel during startyp and cooldown since the Charpy specimens are 4 r; most nearly indicative of the radiation exposure seen by the ves-y ] This will allow a check of the predicted shif t in the NDT f The post-irradiation test results on the WOL speci-sel. l temperature. ner.s will provide allowable stress values considering defect size: 1 and temperature and are expected to allow safe relaxation of sthtt-4 up and operating restrictions currently used to prevent brattle fracture of reactor pressure vessels. The present AS/2 Codes re- { quire specific allowable stresses in 1.he design of reactor pres-These allowable stresses are based on safety ft:- sure vessels. 3 tors of three or four depending on the code. In the case of de-signing against brittle fracture, the present transition tempera-ture approach does not have a specified safety factor in the con-l [ ventional sense based on stresses. The transition temperature } spproach provides a safety factor based on temperature differences. The fracture mechanics approach will provide an allovable stress I criterion with engineering safety factors. 1 s the Connecticut Eight materials test capsules vill be located Yankee reactor between the thermal shield and the vessel vall The test capsules posit.ioned opposite the center of the core. Tne will be contained in baskets attached to the thermal shield. capsules will contain SA302 Grade B reactor vessel steel from three 10-1/2 inch thick shell plates from the Connecticut Yardee reactor vessel center shell course adjacent to the core region The ther-and Siso veld metal and heat affected aone (HAZ) metal. mal history or heat treatment given these plates is. identical to 5 the thermal history of the Connecticut Yankee reactor vessel ma-terial with the exception of the stress relieving treatment which was perfomed by WAPD and simulates the stress relieving treatment..
f.- I l \\ received by the reactor vessel. In addition, correlation monitors ) I made frcan fully docuented specimens of SA302 Grade B material ob-g k tained through Subcosaittee II of ASTN Committee E10 on Radioiso-g This E topes and Radiation Effects vill be inserted in the capsules. 1
- l..
material was made available by the U. S. Steel Corporation. Data y E on the SA302 Grade B steel used for the correlation monitors have been summarised in a report on surveillance tests./;l F-1 i $(. The eight anterial test capsules will contain Charpy V-notch in-h pact specimens, tensile specimens and WOL specimens frce the three l h middle shell plates of the Connecticut Yankee reactor vessel and associated weld metal, and Charpy V-notch impact specimens of HAZ k. metal and the U.S. Steel correlation monitor material. Dosimeters e z 'd to measure the integrated neutron flux and thermal monitors to measure temperature vill miso be contained in each of the eight o i materiti test capsules. Jio aj II. Sample Preparation 1 ( A. Pressure Vessel Material M The SA302 Grade B Connecticut Yankee reactor vessel material was supplied by Combustion Engineering from the three middle shell plates (W9807-2; W9807 k and V9807-7). Data on the Connecticut Yankee pressure vessel plates are prese.nted in Appendix A. B. Correlation Monitor Material I I The SA302 Grade B material for the correlation monitors was supplied by the U.S. Steel Corporation from 6 inch thick plate. Data on the correlation monitor m.ateriti are present-ed in Appendix B. 4 f
F i l i f l f C. Nachinina i 4 Plate anterial was obtained from an end of each she1[ plate f h after the thermal heat treatment and prior to velding the l t three plates together to form the center shell course. All test specimens were machined from the 1/h thickness location f y S of the plate after stress relieving. The test specimen rep-- l 3 b resent material taken at least one plate thickness (10-1/2") ] i from the guenched edges of the plates. Specimens were machin-j ed from veld and heat affected sone metal from a stress re-lieved weldsent joining plates W9807-1 and W9807-B. 1. Charpy V-notch Isract Specimens. (Figure 1) t The' base line of the notch of the Charpy V-notch impact specimens was machined perpendicular to the major sur-faces of the plate. The longitudinal axis of the speci-men was parallel to the rolling direction of the plate. f j 2. Tensile Specimens. Iten 2. (Figure 2) All tensile specimens were machined with the rolling direc-4 tion of the plate parallel to the longitudinal axis of the ( specimen. J I 3 Wedge Openita Leadina Specimens. Item 2. (Figure 3) All WOh test specimens were machined with the simulated f crack of the specimen perpendicular to the rolling direc-i 4 tion and the major surfaces of the plate. D. Dosimeters Five Type I capsules shown in Figure k vill contain dosimeters of aluminua-cobalt (0.15% Co) vire (cadmium shielded and un-shielded) and copper. The test specimens vill serve as iron dosimeters._ Three Type II capsules shown in Figure 5 vill contain dosimeters of copper, pure nickel wire, aluminum-l 9
m . _ m.: .z....... L i e i f cobalt wire (cadmium shielded and unshielded), neptunium-237 ( i and uranium-238. The test specimens will miso serve as iron k dosimeters. The dosimeters will be used to measure the inte-grated flux at specific neutron energy levels. i L E. Thermal Monitors I The capsules will contain two low melting pio eutectic al-loys to define more accurately the temperature attained by ( i [ the test specimens during irradiation. The thermal monitors k vill be seal'ed in quarts tubes and then 2nserted in spacers E located as shown in Figures k and 5. The T.vo eutectic alloys j ) and their melting points are: l h Melting point $79'T f, 2.5 Ag, 97 5 Pb 1.75 Ag, 0.75 Sn, 97.5 pb Melting point 590*F h h, F. Capsule Loaotna h The five Type I and the three Type II capsules will be load-ed with test specimens as shown in Figures k and 5 respectively and vill be located in the reactor between the thermal shield L and the vessel vall. Each Type I capsule vill contain 32 Charpy V-notch specimenst 8 k 8 Charpy specimens machined from each of the three Connecticut 2 I Yankee vessel plates, the remaining B Charpy specimens vill 1 be machined from correlation monitor material. In addition, each Type I capsule vill contain 3 tensile specimens (one specimen from each of the three Connecticut Yankee pistes) and 6 WOL specimens (2 specimens from each of the three Connecticut Yankee plates). Dosimeters of copper, Al-Co and ce shielded Al-Co vill be secured in holes dril. led in spacers at the top, middle and bottom of each Type I capsule as shown in Figure k. -6 h w
i l l i { Each Type II capsule vill contain 32 Charpy Y-notch specimens; 8 specimens will be machined from one of the three Cosnecticut 1 t Yankee pistes, 8 specimens of weld metal, 8 specimens of EAZ j l* metal and the remaining 8 specimens will be correlation moni. { In addition, each Type II capsule vill k ten-l f tors. i sile specimens and k WOL specimens; two tensile specimens and two WOL specimens froc one of the three Connecticut Yankee l { [ pistes and the veld metal. Each Type II capsule vill contain f a dosimeter block shown in Figure 6 at the center of the cap-l sule. Two cadmium oxide shielded capsules, one containing each of the tvo isotopes [ and Np vill be contained in f 237 f, the dosimeter block along with vires of Co-Al (cadmium shield-ed and unshielded) sta nickel. The double containment afford-c e i ed by the dosimeter assembly prevents loss and contamination 3I 238 by the Np and U and their activation products. Each dosimeter block vill contain approximately. O milligrams of and W milligrams of 8 30 contained in a 3/8 inch long 37 Np by 1/h inch 0.D. sealed brass tube. Each tube vill be placed 3I l in a 1/2 inch diameter hole in the dosimeter block'(one Np andone[30 tube per block), and the space around the tube [ { will be filled with cadmium oxide. After placement of this material, each hole vill be biccked with two 1/16 inch alumi-l num spacers dice and an outer 1/8 inch steel cover discs which will be velded in place. The aluminum-cobalt and I nickel wires vill be inserted in their respective ho3es in l ti the blocks and will be held secure by peening the hole open-f ing closed. Dosineters of (, Ja cu ad OJ. M-J:.ill also be secured in holes drilled in spacers located at the top and bottom of each Type II capsule as shown in Figure 5 l The specimen numbering system and location in the Type I and J r Type II capsules is shown in Tables I and II respectively and j Figure 7 i 1 w
'"""4 _J., } 0. Specimen Cansule To prevent' corrosion of the surface of the specimeno during l radiation, the specimens will be seal velded into a square [. austenitic stainless steel capsule. The capsules will be hydrostatically' tested in domineralised water to collapse j the can on the specimens to provide optimum thermal conduc. ( The tivity between the specimens and the reactor coolant. 3 capsules will be helium leak tested as a final inspection f ( _ procedure. Fabrication details and testing procedures are 3 listed in Figures k and 5 7 Y III. Pre-Irradiation Testina Charpy V-notch impact tests were performed on each Connecti- ] A. cut Yankee plate at -BO'F, -kO'F, -10'F, +10'F, +60'F, +110'F. fI +160'F and +212'F to obtain a full Charpy V-notch transition k See Table III through Table V and Figures 8, 9 and 10.' curve. i Charpy V-notch impact tests were perfomed on Weld metal and ji HA7. metal at -80'F, 40'F, -10'F, +10'F, +60'F, +120'F, +160'F and +210'F and the data are reported in Table VI and VII and (i Figures 11 and 12 respectively. The Charpy V-notch impact data for the correlation monitor material are shown in Table VIII [ and Figure 13 B. Tensile Tests E Tensile tests were perfomed on each Connecticut Yankee plate and the veld metal at room temperature, 200'F, h00'F and 600'T and the data are shown in Tables IX through XII and Figures 14 through 17 C. Wedae Oneninz Loadina WOL tests were perfomed on each of the Connecticut Yankee plates and the veld metal at various temperature from -320'F l { 8 d .m
}-' = to -1fdr. The fracture toughness stress intensity factor (K,) versus temperature was detemined for each plate and 7 is shown in Table 7?TI sea hgur6. J.'.......:gh 21. IV. Post-Irradiation Testina Specimen capsules will be removed from the reactor only during normal refueling periods. The recommended schedule for removal j of capsules follows: Capsule Capsule Type Identification Exposure Tia_e II A (Replacement of 1st Region) [ I F (Replacement of 2nd Region) f II D (Replacement of hth Region) I I 'l 10 years I 3' II ^ Extra capsules for comple-Y I Q aentary testing or addi-I D"" I C,, { Each specimen capsule upon removal after radiation exposure vill ( be transferred to a post-irradiation test facility for disassembly It of the capsule and testing of all specimens, i ( A. Charpy V-notch Impact Tests i ~ The testing of the Charpy impact specimens from each of the three Connecticut Yankee vessel plates, the veld and RAZ aetal, I and the correlation monitor material in each capsule can be { done singularly making it possible to perform Charpy tapact tests at five different temperatures with three extra specimens ^ to provide an optimum curve for each plate. The initiki Charpy specimen frca the first capsule to be re-
...:.. :.--.... r...... i i \\ i l moved abould be tested at 110'F. The impact energy value for 5 t'his test temperature should be ecopared with pre-irradiation test data. The testing temperatures for the remaining speci-j y mens should then be appropriately raised or lowered. The test i Ej temperatures of specimens fra capsules exposed to longer ir-radiation periods should be determined by the test results for the previous espsule, s q B. Tensile Tests The two tensile specimens per plate from the Type II capsules h should be tested at rom temperature and the approximating [ operating temperature of the reactor (550'F). The one ten- [ sile specimen per plate fra the Type I capsule should be alternately tested at rom temperature and the approximate rr [ operating temperature of the reactor vessel shell (550*F). j a g C. Wedae Openiu Loadina Tests 1. The WOL specimens from each individual capsule should be tested at a temperature based on'the transition temperature i l shift obtained from the associated Charpy impact specimens. A mean temperature of -150'F plus the transition temperature l kl shift should be the initial test temperature. } t I 9 4 D. Post-Irradiation Test Ecufnaent 1. Milling machine or special cut-off wheel for opening 1 capsules and dosimeter blocks. 2. Bot-cell tensile testing machine with pin type adapter for pulling tensile tests s. b. clevis and extensoneter for pulling WOL specimens i 3. Bot-cell Charpy impact testing machine. k. BaI scintillation detector and pulse height analyser 6 for ganaa. counting of the specific activities of the i dosimeters.
percrenets: Porter, L. F., " Radiation Effects in Steel," STP $276, A81M, hterials 1. l in Ruelear Applications,1960. i Steele, L. E., and kwtbome, J. R., "New Information on peutron I 2. Babrittlement and Babrittlement Relief of Reactor Pressure Vessel Steels," BRL Report 6160, October 6,1964. 2 Pusak, P. P., and Pellini, W. S., "We Evaluation of the Significance of 3 3 Charpy Wats for Quenched and Tempered Steels," Welding Journal, Research [ Supplement, June 1956. Iandersnan, E., Yanichko, S. E., and Hazelton, W. S., "The Selection of 4. Pressure Vessel mterials moed Upon a Practure Mechanics Analysis," } Transactions ANS, Vol. 7, No.1, June 1964. Manjorne, M. J., "Blaxial Brittle Fracture Tests," ASME Journal of Basic 5 Engineering, June 1965
- Porse, L., " Reactor Vessel Design Considering Radiation Effects," ASME 6.
Journal of Basic Engineering, December 1964. 7 Johnson, R. E., " Fracture Mechanics: A Basis for Brittle Fracture Prevention," WAPD-%505, Bettis Atomic Power Imboratory, November 1965 B. Wessel, E. T. and Pryle, W. H., " Investigation of the Applicability of the Biaxial Brittle Fracture hat for Detemining Fracture 'Ibushness," WERL 88kk-11, Westinghouse Research laboratories, August 1965 Wilson, W. K., " Analytic Detemir.ation of Stress Intensity Factors for 9 the Manjoine Brittle Fracture Test Specimen," WERL-0029-3, Westinghouse Research laboratories, August 26, 1965 Johnson, R. E., and Pasierb, E. J., "Fzseture Toughness of Irradiated 10. A302-B Steel as Influenced by Microstructure," Trans. ANS, Vol. 9, a l October November,1966. Landersman, E., " Surveillance hsts on Structural Sterials in Nuclear h 11,. k Reactors," STP $3kl, AS'D4, Symposium on Radiation Effects on Metals and I k Neutron Dosimetry,1963, i i ~ ~
t 4 APPDIDIK A Connecticut Yankee Pressure Vessel Plates Combustion kgineering fumisboa sections fna three middle aben plates of SA302 Onde 3 rwactor vessel steel and a weldsent from 10-1/2" thick Connecticut Yankee reactor vessel aben plate. his plate was produced by the Inkens Steel Company. L a) Chemistry (Per Cent) Inkens Plate No. Beat No. C, g P 8 N_o g g W9807-2 A5892 0.20 1.42 0.010 0.014 0.47 0.26 0.10 W9607 4 A5877 0.20 1 37 0.010 0.021 0.47 0.19 0.12 W9807-7 A59n 0.20 1.k6 0.013 0.010 0.48 0.22 0.12 L I W9807 1 A5887 0.20 1.28 0.016 0.016 0.47 0.20 0.10 W9307-8 E716 0.20 1.29 0.012 0.017 0.47 0.17 0.n r b) Heat Treatment }I p he middle shell plates and weldment were beat treated by Combustion i I Engineering at 1I50-1600 F and he'16 at temperature for four bours h and dip quenched, tempered at 1225 F for four hours and furnace cooled. Sterial cut from the middle shell plates was then stress vr h relieved at 1150 F for 24 hours and furnace cooled at WAPD. De I weldment was stress relieved at Combustion Engineering at 1150 F for l 4; 30 hours and fumace cooled. s t
- I I
i l -12 1
l 1 wp t APPENDIX 5 U. S. Steel Corporation Correlation Monitor Material The correlation monitor material SA302 Orade B was furnished by the U.S. Steel Corporation through Subccanittee II of AS'DI Committee d E10 on Radioisotopes and Radiation Effects. The specimens were na- }, chined from a 96 inch vide by 72 inch long by 6 inch thich plate 6* vhich was melted using a fine-grain practice and a transverse to f longitudinal rolling ratio of 1:1. a) Chemistry (Per Cent) C Mn P g No Si O.24 1.3h 0.011 0.023 0.51 0.23 h b) Beat Treatment 3 The U.S. Steel material was heat treated at the U.'S. Steel Ecmestead District Works as follows: The six inch thick plate was charged into a furnace operating j at 1100*F, beated at a anximum rate of 63*F per hour to 1650'F, beld at temperature for four hours, and water guenched to 300'F. i The plate was then recharged into a furnace operating at 700 to s g 750'T and heated at a maximum rate of 63*F per hour to 1200*F [ f for 6 hours. 1 1 D l =
ll l ll l ~ m + c. l Table I Specimen Identification and location in Connecticut Yankee Reactor Irradiation Yest Capsules Yype I Specimen Capsula Capsula Capsule Capsule Capsule 4_ ant ion Twee B C F_ C M 30,41 Charpy C-8,Y-8 C-16,Y-16 C-24:Y-24 C-32,Y-32 C-40,Y-40 '36,39 W-8,R-8 W-16,R-16 W-24,R-24 W-32,R-32 W-40,R-40 31 Yensile C-1 C-2 C-3 C-4 C-5 35, 3 6 Charpy C-7,Y-7 C-15,Y-15 C-23,Y-23 C-31,Y-31 C-39,Y-39 33, 3 4 U-7,R-7 W-15,R-15 W-23,R-23 W-31,R-31 W-39,R-39 32 WOL C-2 C-4 C-6 C-8 C-10 - 31 WOL C-1 C-3 C-5 C-7 C-9 49,3 0 Charpy C-6,Y-6 C-14,Y-14 C-22,Y-22 C-30,Y-30 C-38,Y-38 9,28 W-6,R-6 W-14,R-14 W-22,R-22 W-30,R-30 W-38,R-38 26 WOL Y-2 Y-4 Y-6 Y-8 Y-10 25 WOL Y-1 Y-3 Y-5 Y-7 Y-9 3,24 Charpy C-5,Y-5 C-13,Y-13 C-21,Y-21 C-29,Y-29 C-37,Y-37 1,22 W-5,R-5 W-13,R-13 W-21.R-21 W-29,R-29 W-37,R-37 9,20 Charpy C-4,Y-4 C 12,Y-12 C-20,Y-20 C-28,Y-28 C-36,Y-36 7,18 W-4,R-4 W-12,R-12 W-20,R-20 W-28,R-28 W-36,R-36 -16 WOL W-2 W-4 W-6 W-8 W-10 l ,15 WOL W-1 W-3 W-5 W-7 W-9 3,14 Charpy C-3,Y-3 C-11,Y-11 C-19,Y-19 C-27,Y-27 C-35,Y-35 -1,12 W-3,R-3 W-11,R-11 W-19,R-19 W-27,R-27 W-35,R-35 10 Tensile Y-1,W-1 Y-2,W-2 Y-3,W-3 Y-4,W-4 Y-5,W-5 8 Charpy C-2,Y-2 C-10,Y-10 C-18,Y-18 C-26,Y-26 C-34,Y-34 I 6 W-2,R-2 W-10,R-10 W-18,R-18 W-26 R-26 W-34,R-34 A Charpy C-1,Y-1 C-9,Y-9 C-17,Y-17 C-25,Y-25 C-33,Y-33 2 W-1 R-1 W-9,R-9 W-17,R-17 W-25,R-25 W-33,R-33 Reisen Numberina Code Plate W9807-2 . Plate W9807-4 -Plate W9807-7 Plate (ASTM, Correlation Monitor) -1k-
hi? ..qw }'jyC ' 'i;p r -Table 11 Jg Specimen identification and Location in Connecticut Yankee [ Reactor Irradiation Test Capsules Type 11 Specimen Capsule Capsule Capsule Location Tree-A D E 40,41 Charpy C-48,R-48 Y-48,R-56 W-48,R-64 38,39 D-8,H-8 D-16,H-16 D-24,H-24 36,37 Charpy C-47,R-47 Y-47,R-55 W-47,R-63 34,35 D-7,H-7 D-15,H-15 D-23,H-23 32,33 Tensile C-6,C-7 Y-6,Y-7 W-6,W-7 31 WOL C-12 Y-12 W-12 29,30-Charpy C-46,R-46 Y-46,R-54 W-46,R-62 27,28 D-6,H-6 D-14,H-14 D-22,H-22 -26 WOL C-11 Y-11 W-11 r 24,25 Charpy C-45,R-45 Y-45,R-53 W-45,R-61 22,,23 D-5,H-5 D-13,H-13 D-21,H-21 21 Dosimeter 11 12 13 19,20 Charpy C-44,R-44 Y-44,R-52 W-44,F.-60 17,18 D-4,H-4 D-12,H-12 D-20,H-20 16 WOL D-2 D-4 D-6 14,15 Charpy C-43.R-43 Y-43,R-51 W-43 R-59 12,13 D-3,H-3 D-11,H-11 D-19,H-19 11 WOL D-1 D-3 D-5 9,10 Tensile D-1 D-2 D-3 D-4 D-5,D-6 7,8 Charpy C-42,R-42 Y-42,R-50 W-42,R-58 D-2,H-2 D-10,H-10 D-18,H-18 5,6 3,4 Charpy C-41,R-41 Y-41 R-49 W-41,R-57 D-1,H-1 D-9,H-9 D-17,H-17 1,2 e snecimen Numberina Code C - Plate W9807 Y - Plate W9807-4 W - Plate W9807 -7 R - Plate (ASTM Correlation Monitor) l D - Weld Metal H-Haz Metal Table III Pre-Irradiation Charpy V - Notch Impact Data for Connecticut Yankee Pressure Vessel Plate (W9807-2) Average ' Test Impact Impact Fracture Lateral Temp. Energy Energy Appearance Expansion M. (Tt-LBS) (PT-LBS) (% Shear) ~(Mile) -80 6.5 0 10 80 5.0-5.8 0 3 -80 6.0 0 4 40 30.5 10 25 -40 34.0 34.0 10 27 -40 37.5 10 30 -10. 37.5 10 32 --10 43.0 38.8 10 36 -10 36.0 10 30 +10' 43.5 10 36 +10 56.0 53.8 20 46 +10 62.0 20 52 +60-97.0 40 69 +60 84.0 87.0 30 59 +60 80.0 30 57 +110 ~ 132.0 - 100 70 +110 112.0 120.0 85 75 +110 116.0 85 86 +160 129.0 100 87 +160 129.0 131.2 100 90 +160 135.0 100 91 +212 137.0 100 93 +212. 127.0 134.7 100 86 (l +212 140.0 100 85 l t 9 m m
e- ? Table IV Pre-Irradiation Charpy V-Notch Impact Data for Connecticut Yankee Pressure vessel Plate (W9807-4) Average fast Impact lapact-- Fracture Lateral-Temp Energy energy Appearance Expansion.- (*F ) (PT-LBS ). &T-LBS) S Shear) (Mils) -80 3.5 0-2- -80 3.0 3.3 0 2 -80 3.5 0 2 -40 36.0 10 30 -40 25.5 24.2 10 22 -40 11.0 5 12 -10 18.5 5 16 -10 32.5 33.2 10 28 -10 41.5 10 34 -10 40.0 10 34 +10 57.0 15 46 +10 42.5 48.8 15 38 +10 47.0 15 38 +60 72.0 20 56 +60 78.0 74.7 20 62 + 60 74.0 20-54 +110 109.0 70 78 +110 98.0 103.3 50 77 +110 103.0 70 75 +160 120.0 100 90 +160 126.0 - 121.3 100 84 +160 118.0 99 84 +212 125.5 100 82 .+212 127.5 126.0 100 82 ) +212 125.0 100 86 e . y
- i Table V Pre-trradiation Charpy V-Notch lapact Data for Connecticut Yankee Pressure Vessel Plate (W9807-7) t Average test impact lapact Fracture Lateral Temp Energy Energy Appearance Expansion
.j 1 (Ft-Lbs) (Pt-Lbs) (! Shear ) (Mils) -80 4.0 0 2 -80 4.5 4.5 0-2 -80 5.0 0 2 ) -40 20.0 5 20-i t -40 27.5 30.0 5 27 i -40 46,0 5 39 -40 26.5 5 24 -10 47.0 10 38 -10 35.0 34.7-10 30 -10 22.0 10-21 +10 56.5 20 48 +10 56.5 52.7 20 48 ( +10 45.0 20 35 +60 95.0 40 72 +60 68.5 79.5 40 54- +60 75.0 40 62 +110-108.5 70 79 i +110 .116.0 116.5 100 84 l' +110 125.0 100 86 l.- +160 120.0 100 92 L +160 118.0 119.5 100 88 +160' 119.5 100 80 +212-118.0 100 91 +212 122.0 121.0 100 89 +212 123.0 100 93 l i-l
p c f Table VI Pre-Irradiation Charpy V-Notch Impact Data for Connecticut Yankee Pressure Vessel Weld Metal Average Test impact. Impact Fracture Lateral:
- 19
. Energy Energy _ Appearance Expansion - (*F i-(Pt-Lbs) (Ft-Lbs) ( 1 Shear) -(Mils) -80 22.0 10 23- -80 13.0 18.0 10 12 -80 19.0 10 16 20 32 l -40 36.5 -40 43.5 39.0 '30 39-30 34' -40 37.0 40 41 -10 46.0 -10 37.5 46.2 40 36 40 45 l -10 55.0 50 49 +10 53.0 +10 59.0 58.7 40-52 50 46 +10 64.0 80 74 +60 86.0 +60 90.0 89.0 90 77 70 81 +60 91.5 100 81 +120 96.0 +120 108.0 100.2 100 91 95 80 +120 96 5 100 81 +160 100.5 +160 105.0 104.8~ 100 87 g 100 87 li +160 108.0 L 100 87 +210 102.5 +210 112.5 105.7 100 87 100 87 +210 102.0 b l l ~19-
\\; Table VII Pre-Irradiation Charpy V-Notch Impact Data for Connecticut Yankee Pressure Vessel-Wald Beat Affected Eone Material Average Test Impact Impact Fracture ~ Lateral Temp Energy Energy-Appearance Espansion (Ft-Lbs)' (Pt-Lbs) (1 Shear) (Mils) M 0 1 -80 2.5 4.0 0 5 80 6.5 0 2 -80 3.0 10 6 ~40 6.0 -40 '21.0 13.5 20 17 10 22 -10 22.5 -10 31.5 26.7 30 -28 30 25 -10 26.0 10 27 10 29.0 10 33.0 31.0 30 30 60 53 60 65.5 I 60 42.0 53.8 40 39 90 59 120 67.5 1 120 56.0 61.8 90 54 100 79 160 99.5 160 85.0 88.0 100 71 100 69 160 79.5 E 4 pr. 1
...,u. 3 Table VIII Pre-Irradiation Charpy V-Notch Impact Data for ASTM SA302B Corralation Monitor Material (Supplied by_V.S. Steci) Test Impact Tracture 1.ateral Specimen Temp. Strength Appearance Expansion' ('F) (Ft-Lbs) (I Shear) Q411s ) No. 1- +100 62 85 58 2 +103 63 98 O f' 3 + 80 50 70 48 4 + 80 67 100 60 5 + 60 33 45 35 6 + 60 36 50 40 7 + 40 26 45 26 8- + 40 36 45-33 'l 9 + 20 23 35 23 j 10 + 20 29 35 28 11 0 18 25 18 12 0 22 30 22 13 - 20 13 15 14 14 - 20 14 15 14 ) 15 - 40 6 5 7 16 - 40 10 5 10 -l 17 - 40 12 10 - 14 18 - 60 6 3 6 19 - 60 8 3 6 20 - 80 4 2 6-21 - 80 4 2 6 7F ....c.......- 't t fable.II Pre-1rrediation Tensile Properties of Connecticut Yankee Pressure Vessel Piete (W9807-2) ~ Reduction Test 0.2% offset Tensile in Aree j Temp. Yield strength Strength Elongation i "F_ PSI PSI I I ' Room 62,550 83,400 30.2 68.2 goos 62.950 83.700 28.4 71.1 Average 62,750 83,550 29.3 69.6 200 59,450 79,250 27.7 68.7 200 59.450 78 910 26.6 65.2 2 Average 59,450 79,100 27.2 67.0 400 55,250 74,700 25.3 66.7. 400 53.900 76.800 27.2 66.4 Average 54,575 75,750 26.2 66.6 l 600 52,400 81,050 27.6 63.4 L L 600 52.500 78.900 30.0 62.3 l Average 52,450 79,975 28.8 62.8 l O.
Q ... r. .T....i:: ~~T~. .....~ 1 4 Ik "; Pre-irradiation Tensile Properties of -l . Connecticut Yankee Pressure Vessel Plate (W9807-4) Test 0.2% offset Tensile Reduction f.emp Yield Strength Strength Elongation-in Area 'F PSI PSI 1 1 goon 58,750. 81,850 29.6 71.0 teos 58.550 80.225 28.7 69.0 Average. 58,650 81,040 29.2 70.0 200 56,450-76,400 25.0' 68.6 200 56.450 76.400 24.7 68.6 Average 56,450 76,400 24.8 68.6 400 53,800 76,400 21.9 71.3 400 54.500 76.900 22.0 68.6 Average 54,150 76,650 22.0 70.0 600 50,800 76,700. 27.5 65.0 600 ,,,5_1. 2 00 71.5,10, 27,3 _65.O Average 51,100 74,125 27.4 65.0 t= i-l L f 1 - ( l
q,---. I d L 1 Table.11 1 L h' Pre-Irradiation Tensile Properties of Connecticut Yankee Wressure Vessel-Plate (W9807-7) ) L Test- ' O.2% offset Tensile Reduction' Temp Yield Strength Strength Elongation in Area 1 'F PSI PSI Room 61,920 81.610 25.9 69.6 -Room 61.530 81.190 28.5 75.4 Average 61,725 81,400 27.4 72.5 200 58,450 76,950 24.1 65.3 200 58.840 76.650 26.9 68.2 Average 58,645 76,800 25.5 66.8 400 53,090 74,140 22.1 72.9 400 53.270 74.270 22.1 66.1 Average 53,180 74,205 22.1 69.5-600 53,530 76,660 26.4 62.8 600 52,670 73,840 28.4 69.4 Average 53,100 75,250 27.4 66.1 l l 4 9 -2k-g
f Table III Pre-Irradiation Tensile Properties of Conneciicut Yankee Pressure Vessel Wald Metal-Reduction Tensile 0.2% offset Elongation in Area Strength Test Yield Strength PSI -Temp' PSI 1 70.0-27.7 81,800 70.8 69,600 83.350 - _ 30.4 33.2 _ 70.4 Room 69.950_ Room 82,575 69,775 70.1 Average 26.7 79,760 71.6 29.3 _ 67,200 78.550 _ __ 28.0 200 70.8 64.900 __ 79,155 200 66,050 68.8 Average 23.3 76,700 69.1 61,900 24.2 _77.850_ 69.0 400 400 _61.900 _ 77,275 23.8 61,900 62.4 Average 24.3 79,150 600 59,250 86.800__ _ _19. 2 __ _50.8_ 56.6 63.950 21.8 600 _ 61,600 82,975 Average V M
S. - w Tcble XIII Pre'-Irradiation Fracture Toughness Pr:perties cf. N Pressure Vessel Plate Materials included Wald Metal-g [ 'O Test-AC. - KIC: Plate ' Temp Load fN 2 'F lbs 1bs/in2 in-2bs/in kai Vin _'No. W9.807 -320 3,075 47,700-24.70 '28.55 3,425 60,300 '38.60-35.60 -250 3,300 47,420 26.75 29.70 3,900 62,460 44.90 38.50 -200 4,680 69,550 59.70 44.40 5,050 83,920 83.50 52.50 -150 6,600 96,330-127.00 64.60-4,500 79,210 71.40 48.50 W9807-4 -320 2,510 38,690 17.15 23.80 2,660 37,460 16,69 23.40 -200 2,925 52,510 29.25 31.05 3,300 49,055 28.60 30.70 -150 4,175 68,080 55.10 42.60 5,000 74,330 70.50 48.20 -100 6,625 93,400 125.80 64.40 5,625 83,620 95.20 56.00 W9807-7 -320 2,875 41,975 21.00 25.30 2,650 39,070 17.90 24.30 -200 5,725' 85,090 93.40 55.50 5,175 78,370 76.20 50.25 -150 5,350-79,460 79.00 51.00 5,700 80,320 81.30 51.80 -100 7,275 110,120 169.50 74.70 i 7,300 98,250 143.00 68.70 Weld Metal -320 2,540 63,890 28.55 30.60 4,200 72,570 57.30 44.60 -200 5,025 106,160 103.00 58.30 6,875 116,450 164.00 73.60 -150 5,825 115,580 135.00 66.80 6,925 129,300 187 50 78.60 Y i i -- =
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- ---~-wm__,,,,__
C m (. _w c m 30 I 20 !10 1 I I i 1 e -360 -800 -250 -200 -150 -100 -50 TEMPDtATURE ('F) PRE-lRRADIATION FRACTURE TOUGHNESS OF n,.
- , r.
CONNECTICUT YANKEE PRESSURE VESSEL d PLATE (W9807-2) I $M ~ 5 g 50 $a / h_E 80 R 20 gi0 t i I I I 0 'e 35o 300 -250 -200 -150 -100 -50 TEWERATUltE (#F) PRE-IRRADI ATION FRACTURE TOUGHNESS OF i nsure u-CONNECTICUT YANKEE PRESSURE VESSEL PLATE (W9807-4)
Ill lso I: n i fso 8 so ~ u lE so g to 5 10 I i l I i o '., so ~= .soo .nso -too -iso -ioo -so ,TEWERATURE('F) nc= 20 PRE-IRRADI ATlON FRACTURE TOUGHNESS OF CONNECTICUT YANKEE PRESSURE VESSEL PLATE (W9807-7) 4 5 M hn So I n, so E*# I to ) ', ' lo i I I I I I 35o -800 .tle -200 -Ilo 100 -lo TEWERATURE('F) PRE-IRRADIATION FRACTURE TOUGHNESS OF
I 1 c 1 i i ATTACHMENT 4 ) j l l CAPSULE REMOVAL HISTORY Capsule .lype Date EFPY fluence (n/cm' A II April 1970 2 2.07 x 10 ' 8 F I April 1971 3 4.04 x 10*' H I October 1977 9 1.79 x 10** D 11 September 1981 11 2.22 x 10 ' 3 SCHEDULE FOR FUTURE REMOVAL B I 25 C I Standby E II Standby G I Standby
i f The irradiation conditions and the irradiation-induced changes in mechanical properties of the Connecticut Yankee reactor pressure vessel [ have been determined from evaluation of specimens contained in the first surveillance capsule to be removed af ter 1.9 equivalent full-power years i of operation. The irradiation temperature was between 550 and 580 F. 18 nyt (> 1 Hev), The capsule obtained a fluence of 2.07 x 10 which is less, by more than a factor of five, than the predicted capsule exposure at the time of this first refueling. The projected first appre-ciable change in the mechanical propertiss of the reactor pressure-vessel wall will occur af ter approximately 5 full-power years of operation. The measured changes in nil ductility transition temperature [ (NDTT) for base metal, weld metal, and HAZ metal were consistent with [ i those observed for other surveillance programs involving similar mate-rials and irradiation conditions. A relatively well-defined trend band for change in NDTT with increasing exposure to fast neutron damage was determined from the results of this program and those for the other pro-I [ grams. The upper-bound curve of this trend band indicates the projected 30-year (and of life) change in NDT7 will be 145 F. Since this value is agreeably lower than the previously expected value of 260 F, consideration might be given to extension of the end-of-life period. The tensile and l [ yield strengths of the base metal and weld metal increased as expected, but according to current design considerations these changes will not affect operating pressures. Modified pressure-temperature relationships, based on the projections from the ANDTT results of this program, are presented, 8 t +
The irradiation. conditions and the irradiation-induced changes in mechanical properties of the Connecticut Yankee reactor pressure vessel (SA 302 i Grade B) have been determined from evaluation of specimens contained in the i second surveillance capsule, which was removed af ter 2.6 equivalent full-power j years of operation. The irradiation temperature was between approximately 550 I0 and 590 F, and the capsule obtained a fluence of 4.04 x 10 nyt (> 1 Hev). {. The measured changes in nil ductility transition temperature (NDTI) for the base-metal plates were consistent with those observed for other l surveillance programs involving similar materials and irradiation conditions. A relatively well defined trend band for change in NDTT with increasing exposure l= l to fast neutron damage was determined from the results of this program and those from the other programs. The upper-bound curve of this trend band indicates the ( projected 30-year (end of life) change in NDTT will be 225 F, which is in good agreement with the original predicted shif t of 260 F. The yield and ultimate I tensile strengths of the base metal increased as expected. The present inves-i i tigation shows that the Connecticut Yankee pressure vessel base-metal plate mechanical properties are changing with irradiation in a manner in agreement with the changes expected when the pressure vessel was designed and constructed. A considerable amount of supplementary data was obtained in this program. The results of these evaluations are presented in Part B of this report. This work included fracture-mechanics evaluations of base-metal WOL specimens, acoustic emission studies of the WOL specimens, and instrumented ir. pact test evaluation of the Charpy specimens. I i 1 1 t ,-,m .~.y
+ ..,e i i l i SECTION 1
OF RESULTS l ?, a aSsis of the reactor vessel material contained in surveillance capsule H from the j o.--eticut Yankee Power Plant reactor pressure vessel led to the following conclusions: ) 18 I The capsulefeceived an average fast fluence of 1.79 x 10 e neutrons /cm (E > 1 Mev). 18 n/cm2 (E > 1 Mev) resulted in a 45'F e The fast fluence of 1.79 x 10 increase in the 50 ft Ib reference nilductility transition temperature (RTNDT) of the intermediate pressure vessel shell plate W9807 2. Plate W9807 4 exhibited a 67'F shift in the 50 ft Ib nil ductility transition 1 temperature while plate W9807 7 exhibited a shift of 51*F. The transition temperature (30 ft Ib) increases for the plate material are e essentially the same as those obtained for the second capsule irradiated at 4.04 x 1018 neutrons /cm2, e Supplemental tests, performed on weld metal identical to that used to fabricate the intermediate to lower shell circumferential weld, showed an increase in the 50 ft lb reference nil ductility transition temperature of 140'F after receiving an average fast fluence of 1.40 x 10 W n/cm2, l Tests performed on the surveillance weld metal after irradiation in a test reactor to 3.0 x 1019 n/cm2 resulted in a 16rfF increase The irradiated upper shelf energy of the two welds was approximately 85 ft Ib showing an average decrease of 20 ft Ib. e The irradiated properties of.the plate and the weld metal are acceptable to provide for continued safe operation of the Connecticut Yankee Power Plant. [ i 11 ~ m:
OF RESULTS L The analysis of the reactor vessel material contained in the fourth reactor vessel material surveillance capsule which was removed from the Connecticut Yankee reactor pressure vessel after approximately 10.5 effective full power years of operation led to the following conclusions: a The capsule received an average fast neutron fluence (E > 1 Mev) of 2.22 x 10n/cm' compared to a calculated fluence of 2.39 x 10n/cm', a Irradiation of base metal plate materlal to 2.22 x 10n/cm' resulted in a 43*C increase in the 41-Joule transition temperature when compared with unirradiated values. This transition temperature increase, when compared with increases of 44 and 37'C obtained for earlier capsules ir' radiated to 0.471 and 1.58 x 105 n/cm' respectively indicates that the base material is experiencing a saturation of radiation damage. a Reactor vessel submerged arc weld metal irradiated to 2.22 x 10n/cm'showed a 41-Joule transition temperature increase of 61*C which was only 8'C higher than the increase obtained on weld metal irradiated at 0.239 x 10n/cm'. The small transition temperature increase for these two irradiation fluence levels indicate that saturation of radiation damage is occurring for the weld metal, a Comparisons of the 41-Joule transition temperature increases for the Con-necticut Yankee materials with Regulatory Guide 1.99 Revision 1 predictions show that the increases after irradiation to 2.22 x 10n/cm' are significantly less than predicted. a End-of-life projected maximum fast neutron fluences for the reactor vessel based on 27 effective full power years of operation at 1825 MWt are as follows: 1-1
4 Fast Neutron Fluence (n/cm')- -4" Vessel Location Calculated Measured a; ,. y Inner Surface 6.3 x 10$ 5.9 x 104 1/4 Thickness 2.9 x 104 2.7 x 10 [ 3/4 Thickness 4.1 x 10$ 3.8 x 108 ~ @ j,{'t, .-.t. ,h,[.! ?, ?; \\ l i[,,1 fif;.y_. ) b_ r "k. l 2 l 1 i ~ ) 1-2
.._. Z.~i.. ' T2.1 [ 'l I -1 1 p?' ) y = i I '8- ) 7 i-6 I 5 4 3 CAPSULE D 2 CAPSULE H I I 10" - 4 9 ,1 8 l E7 g6 w5 O CAPSULEF z4 i W3 a d3 = $ CAPSULE A &2 D f Z 104 - 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 10" i I 8 8 8 I I I i11 1 1 I a a e eaea1 1 2 3 4 5678910 2 3 4 5 678910 1 10 100 OPERATING TIME (EFPY) Figure 6-8. Comparison of measured and calculated Fast Neutron Fluence I (E > 1.0 Mev) within the surveillance capsules. I 6-39 l l
cy7--_,,-_,,._ i 1 h' k 1 l 4 { h } }. I it I ) -\\ 1! 4 ATTACHMENT 5 i 1 3 -s .N a e L t ,14 ( C t 'rt e ( 5 h t e f t c 1 g I { tt F 4 i f-er 4= m g iyc p } W"py n s
l IIADDAM NECK PIANT l TABER A ART VAR M (*F) sunFats f= FLUENCE (D 1 Nev)l0"m/,,2 SW FACE ART CBENICAL CONTENT INITIAL NARCIN ART SIF. SETE LOCATION Ut.K Cu Wt.1 Ni RT/,,, 922 EFFT G32 EFFT 922 EFFT 932 EFFT l ' Rosale l Cowese W9907-6 0.11 0.20 34 34 1.664 2.42 138.70 144.76 r, Intermed. Course W9907-7 0.12 0.20 -3 34 5.21 7.58 125.49 129.83 l Inver Course j W9907-3 0.12 0.20 20 34 2.6 3.78 138.15 144.04 'l
- l 59007-5 0.15 0.20 10 34 2.6 3.78 144.48 151.51 i
l Weld l (Lengtjud-l i . inal) 0.22 0.10 -56 56 4.3 6.26 143.34 150.91 ? ) l t 1 r a ? -y, ..m..+ .v,. .----4v. ~.----.m-- , - -.. + * - .. -. - ~ ~... -, -
y-f I E I t I* l l m. 3 1 I I J > i. i I' i ATTACHMENT 6 i 6 1 L 7 . h r I r L e t ? 6 s-a l e I e l ' I h l Y l l l P v 1 I L I l ---~ -^------ - m
CALCULATION OF FLUENCE 9 32 EFFT V/O THERMAL SHIELD i (X10*') (X10**) (X10*') LOCATION FLUENCE @ 16 EFPT + FLUENCE FOR NEXT 16 EFFT FLUENCE 9 32 EFFT = V9807-6 1.210 3.994 5.204 U9807-7 3.789 12.50 16.29 V9807-3 1.891 6.242 8.133 U9807-5 1.891 6.242 8.133 Veld 3.127 10.32 1.344 1. Fluence values are increased by a factor of three to conservatively account for impact of thermal shield removal per (V) recommendation. 2. Fluence values are also increased by 10% to conservatively account for impact of zircaloy clad core per B&W analysis, by S. O. King, dated December 22, 1989. DOCS 36.50 lbeb) i
%wf,, s t .a 4 ATTACHMDrr 7 1 f / __ a
y +m q C0tWECTICUT YANKEE PROJECTED ART VALUES (*F) e 32 EFPY VITH THERMAL SHIELD REMOVED (1) f= FLUENCE (E> 1 MeV)10" n/ 2 SURFACE 1/4 T-~ 3/4 T CHEMICAL CONTENT INITIAL MARGIN ART ART-ART LOCATION Vt.% Cu Ut.% Ni RL, SURFACE 1/4 T 3/4 T 932 EFPY 932 EFPY'- 932 EFFY Nozzle Course V9807-6 0.11 0.20 34 34 5.20 2.70 0.728 155.42 146.43 ~124.48 Intermed. Course V9807-7 0.12 0.20 -3 34 16.3 8.48 2.28 135.39 130. % 112.94 Lower Course V9807-3 0.12 0.20 20 34 8.13 4.23 1.14 153.56 145.66 123.41 V9807-5 0.15 0.20 10 34 8.13 4.23 1.14 162.88 153.44: 126.88 Veld (Longi inal)jud-0.22 0.10 -56 56 13.4 6.97 -1.88 161.35 152.78 122.58 g p (1) Calculated via f=f, (e ~#*'), where x = vall thickness @ CY, x = 10.78125, 1/4T - 2.7' DOCS 36.49 (beb) m.. ._,}}