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LER 81-004/03L-0:on 810115,high Residual Chlorine Levels Found in Circulating Water Sys Liquid Effluent Sample.Cause Unknown.Subsequent Samples Normal
Person / Time
Site: Fort Saint Vrain Xcel Energy icon.png
Issue date: 02/13/1981
From: Gahm J
Shared Package
ML19351G395 List:
LER-81-004-03L, LER-81-4-3L, NUDOCS 8102230660
Download: ML19351G419 (4)




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14 5 l o lUCENSE o l oNUMSEal o l o l - l o l o.5 !@l;6 c l uC&NSE

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CON'T I o i rl 37,"c[ Qlg l 3 lo lg to b I4 l7 @l 6ag l 691 l 1EVENT l 5 OATE l a l 1 @l n l - lAEPORT 74 75 7 l ,OATE l q l 330l@

3 6G 61 CCCNET NUMBER EVENT CESCRIPTICN AND P ACB ASLE CONSEOUENCES h lo!2) 1 During a maintenance shutdown oeriod. operations nerscnnel chlorinated the circu- I y a i3 l lating water system and collected the plant liauid effluent sanple as reautred. The l l ,3 j cj l sample indicated that the residual chlorine was in excess of the LCO NR 1.1 limit. I

ai[JlThisisreportableperFortSt. Vrain Technical Specification AC 7.3.2(b)2. No af- l l a j [] ] fect on public health or safety. No accompanying occurrence. 1 lC i ! I l l

l0isl l 80 7 a2 COYP.

SYSTEV CAUSE CAUSE V4 LV E COOE COCE SUSCOOE CCMPCNENT CCCE SLSCODE SUSCCOE 12t91 7 s la 17 l@ Ix l@ Lz_J@ I z i z i z i z i z l z i@ Iz l@ Iz l @

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' @ .fj.g; 18lil 1-1 Io!olal I/l in is I LLJ 1-1 loI

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! i i a l l Chlorine censumotion in the circulatine water syste, is a comlex crocess deoanden d 3 ii!1upon several variables. Af ter the high residual chlorine level in the clant licuid I

,,,; l effluent, the plant chemist checked the chlorination system and could not identifv i

, ,3; l any cause for the high chlorine level. Subsequent chlorination and samples did not l
i,2 ;  ; reveal a recurrence of the high chlorine level. l

' 30 3 3 F a citt Tv w VE*wCD CF stars $  % *CV.E A OTHER STATLS O!SCOVEPY DISCOVERY GESCA:PTION 34 lt iEII Gl h IoIoIolhl N/A l l A lhl coerator obsermtion l ACT!vi TY CO ENT agtgagg OF aELEASE AMOUNT OF ACTIVlW LCCATTON OF MELEASE N/A i liisiIzi@

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li la 3t 3lo lo lo l@l1: :r/A 11 go LCSS CF CA 3AMAGE ?C C ACIL:Tv Q TveE OESCRIPTICN N/

l1 l3l ?I/A go 7 4 9 'O tua' iSSLEs rei w DESCPIPTtON hlU 280 bGO i i i i i i i i iiiiii 68 59 7 3 9 to PHONE:

(303) 785-2224 30> h N A'.tE CF P AEP AR E a .
