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Notice of Receipt of 801028 Request for Action Under 10CFR2.206 by Huntsville Chapter of Safe Energy Alliance of Al.Requests Reconsideration of Certain Amends to Facility Ols,Permiting Temporary Storage of Low Level Radwaste
Person / Time
Site: Browns Ferry  Tennessee Valley Authority icon.png
Issue date: 03/06/1981
From: Harold Denton
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Shared Package
ML19350C114 List:
NUDOCS 8103300500
Download: ML19350C115 (1)




, REOUEST FOR ACTION UNDER 10 CFR 2.206 Notice is hereby given that by letter dated October 28,1980, the Huntsville Chapter of the Safe Energy Alliance of Alabama requested that the Director of Nuclear Reactor Regulation reconsider issuance of certain amendments to the facility operating licenses for the Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant Units 1, E and 3 which permitted temporary storage of low-level

- radioactive waste at the Browns Ferry site. The Alliance's letter is being treated as a ' request for action under 10 CFR 2.206 and, accordingly, a decision will be made within a reasonable time.

Copies of the Alliance's letter are available for public inspection -

in the Commission's public document room at 1717 H Street, N. W., Washington, D. C.

20555' and in the local public document room at the Athens Public

- Library, South ~and Forrest, Athens, Alabama -35611.


Dated at Bethesda, Maryland, this -

FOR'THE NUCLEAR. REGULATORY COMMISSION Harold.R. Denton, Director Office of Nuclear-Reactor' Regulation 4





....... n.s. 'r m0H Octob er 28, 1980

......-e Safe Energy Alliance of Alabara Huntsville Chapter

~ '. 2 #.

Suite h07. Teriy Hutchins 31vd.


102 Clinton Ave.

Huntsville, AL.


... q.

Mr. Ha-c1d R. Denten, Director Office of !iuclear Reactor Regulation U.S. Iiuelear Regulatcry Cctrission Xashington, D.C.


Dear Mr. Denton:

This letter is a request for reconsideration of the issuance, by the IGC, of amend:ents !io. 's.

60, 55 & 32 to Facility Licenses

ic 's. LFR-33, D?R-52, and DPR-68 for the 3rowns Terry Isuelear Plant, units No's.1, 2, & 3 dated March 17, 1980.

These amend:ents authorice the tet; srary s:crage of Icw-level radioactive waste in an existing covered pavilion situated on the site cf b?ti?.

This recuest for recensideration is notivated by the fact that the approved tenperary Lew Level Waste 5:crage (IIWS) pavilion is not designed to withstand ternado winds of over SO cph velocities.

3?!?? is located in an area of !?crth Alabana that has ccre tc-be kncwn as " Tornado Alley".

On April 3rd and 4th 197h a series cf ternadoes associated with a s:cr= that caused 315 deaths and scre than S600 million in damage passed within 2 miles of EFh?.

Fifty-eight (58) 500 :-:V line:ransmission towers carring power frc: 3FL? were snapped causing ever a sillion dollars worth of damage.

As a result of the loss of these power lines unit one

? 5?h? was fo,rced to shut down due to the sudden drop in demand

ne tornadoe s destructive act_4v_4ty hac-s.rought about.

De.epite this histcry of very rec ~ent sericus tornado activity, TVA,. in the application for an amendment to 3?h? 's operating license vhich would allow the Agency to Store llRW ensite, clearly states that the probability of a destructive tornado occuring at this facility was considered +o be so small as to be negligable.

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Mr. Harold R. Denton, Director Octeter 28, 1980 Edward Epstein the associate administrator for Environ = ental Monitoring & Fredication of National Oceanic & Atcospheric Administration en a field visit to North Alabama after the A:ril 197h tornadoes esticated that the rotational speed of such tor-


nadoes was between 200 and 250 =ph.

This dismisaal of the need to design LLRW structures capable of withstanding tornaco winds in an area that has recently suffered frc a devasting ;crnado puts TVA in direct ccnflict with the Oode of Federal Regulations Title 10 Chapter 1, Part 50, Appendix A.,

P. 361 Criterien 2 Desien Basis for Protection Acainst Natural

?hencnena which states:

Structures, systecs, and co:penents i portant to safety shall be designed to withstand the effects of natural phenc=ena such as earthquakes, tornadoes, hurricanes, fleeds, tsunari, and seiches without loss of capability to perfers the!-

safety functions.

The design bases for these structu: es, systers, and cc ponents shall reflects (1)

Apprcpriate censideration of the ses; severe of the natural phenecena that have been histcrically reported for the site and surrcund-ing ar. ea, with suf.ficient targin.for the limited accuracy, quantity, anc perloc o,

ine in wn_,cn nistcrica_, cata have been accumulated.

( 2) appropriate cc binations of the effects cf normal and accident conditions with the~ effects of he natural _ phencrena and (3) the importance of the safety functicns ;c be perforced.

Desrite later clains to have adhered to the C' R noted above, TVA in i s Flan for Temporary Onsite Sterage of Lcw-Level Radio-active Waste ? 3FNP Units 1, 2, 3 dated January 21, 1980 in Section b General Considerations Part G Sub 2. states:

"The l

probability of a tornado ' with maxinun wind speeds higher than the 95 cph value striking the plant in any one year is 7 x 10-E.

-Chis is considered to be s=all enough to be neglected."

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.j Mr. Harold R. Denton, Director October 28, 1980 6

,t i

i In effect TVA has chosen to neglect the possibility a

I tornado re-occurring in an area that has already suffered severe l

damage from a series ~ of tornados with wind velocities more than twice those that TVA has planned for.

TVA is gambling on the possibility that another severe stors will not strike EFN? or its envirens.

The pecple of Ncrth Alabana will suffer the censecuences of such negligence and it is fer this reason that we rec,ues the NRC to direct TVA to adhere to the CFR which calls on then te, be prepared for the "nost severe of the natural phenenena that have been historically repcrted for the site and surrounding area."

Sincerely yours, ILW

~ThcEs W. F aul VI



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The Safe Energy Alliance of Alabara, Huntsville Chapter n

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necember 9, 1ss0 P00R OR GINAL Safe Energy Alliance of Alabama Huntsville Chapter Suite 407 - Terry Hutchins Boulevard 102 Clinton Avenue Huntsvitie, Alabama 35501,

Ge nti s.en:

Your letter of October 25, 1930 expressed ccncerns about the temporary storage of low-level radioactive waste (LLRW) in an existing building at the Erewns Ferry fiuclear Plant.

The Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) is currently constructing four ab:ve-ground reinforced cen: rete storage

.r.:dules which they propese to use for the extended storage of LLRK.

A::Ording to TVA, the concrete moduies will be desicned as safety-re'.ated structures, constructed to withstand a design basis earthquake and severe environ ental loads such as a design basis wind.

'On fi:vember 17, 1980, TVA submitted an amended application requesting

.auth:rization to use the con: rete modules to store ensite LLRW centrated

y the. Er wns' Ferry facilities fer a maxitur period of five years.

Enciesed is an advance copy of the fictice which will be published in the

- r deral Recister on December 11, 1951 announ:ing that we have started a e

review of TVA'.s amended appli:ation cf tiove:ber 17, 1950.

Sincerely, n f f<

shomas/4 Ip?clito, Chief Operatin; Reactors Eranch (2 Licensing


Federal Register !;otice

-- D V PG OS.

1 71 ot D10