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Util Objections to Intervenors',Other than Dow Chemical Co, 770701 Motion to Admit Into Evidence Certain Documents Tendered Re Hearing Preparation Repts.Motion Should Be Denied.Certificate of Svc Encl.Related Correspondence
Person / Time
Site: Midland
Issue date: 07/22/1977
From: Renfrow R, Rosso D
Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel
NUDOCS 8008060415
Download: ML19344A140 (9)



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H4 Before the Atomic Safety and Licensing Boar D y

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In the Matter-Of )



) 50-330

-(Midland-Plant, Units 1 and 2) )


OBJECTIONS OF CONSUMERS POWER COMPANY TO THE ADMISSION INTO EVIDENCE OF CERTAIN DOCUMENTS TENDERED BY-ALL INTERVENORS OTHER THAN THE DOW CHEMICAL COMPANY Consumers Power Company (Licensee)-objects to the admission into evidence of certain documents tendered by All Intervenors Other than The Dow Chemical Company (Inter-venors) by their motion of July 1, 1977. Licensee has k'

general objections which pertain to all six documents men-tiened in. Intervenors' Motion and other objections which relate certain'of the proposed' exhibits.

Licensee's underlying objection to the admission


of Intervenors' six documents goes to the untimeliness of

-their introduction which thereby deprives Licensee of its right'to inquire into the foundation and relevancy of the
materials. Intervenors' attempt'to. introduce yet additional exhibits into the record'by a motion delivered'to Licensee on July 1, 1977, together with Intervenors' Proposed Findings 8008.0'60 g g- g



, m -

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of Factiand; Conclusions of Law,.and' fully seven weeks-after

!the conclusion of the hearings-in this. matter,* isLa gross violation of the: basic principles:ofScivil and' administrative procedure. These rulesfrequire a party to; identify the-documents tnat he: intends-to use inithe. presentation of his

. case-pri'or to the: time'the~ trial commences. ~See Licensee's

- June 18,."1977" Motion with r'egard to a - previous - attemp t by.

Intervenorsito introduce new exhibits at the conclusion.

Tof theLhearing.. (Intervenors' Exhibits 59-77) The bas'3 l of this rule is-to' prevent surprisefand allow:for'an orderly t

proceeding. 'While in~this proceeding, some latitude had to

' b'e permitted b'ecause of' continuing discovery during the

' hearings,Tthat-latitude-cannot be extended to the point of violating all'of the basic evidentiary rules by allowing..a party-to1 introduce documents at the conclusion of the hearing (and, now,seven'weeksLthereafter) without regard to the rules. '

of' foundation, relevancy, materiality. and hearsay. ** To

- allowpintroduction of these documents-at this-late date would' i; ,


We would noteEthat Intervenors.did not even trouble-to deliver- '

copies;ofJall of the!proposedLexhibits with.the Motion and that copiestof someiof theseLdocuments were not mailed-to parties  !

. .until thejfollowing week.


  • LWe'would-also:pointiout that-Intervenors have attempted to-do 1just thislduring theLhearings by-~ simply taking documents which

' - were _ produced in. discovery 'and L marking them 'as exhibits , without evershaving them? identified-by.a. witness.:. They.then have; t offer these documents into evidence without any '

, :inquirytas;tolproper; foundation, the-hears'ay nature'of the .j 1 documents, their' relevancy or: materiality, or the context in q

' .which.the? documents:were written.: :With a record l devoid of any i sucheinquiry,JIntervenors have!then: felt-free to: create their. 'l

- own1" context"uforq such documents Land to chracterize then Ein

' JwhateverJmariner'suitsi their own : ends.



.,_  ;~



eliminate'al'1 possibility of'a fair inquiry into their import


and would .also violate the basic policy. against surprise (we


twould point out1that some of these. documents are apparently.

offered ^in an~ attempt to raise lnew-issues which were not e ven' inquired into at the-hearing - and which are irrelevant to;the' purpose of these hearings - thus' offering a clear and extreme. example:of violation of the policy against-surprise).. In'short, to allow the introduction of these documents as exhibits at.this time would violate the underlying policy considerations of the hearsay rule and-would prejudice .the other parties by depriving them of = any opportunity to. respond.

r The only justification offered by Intervenors' counsel for the late offer of the documents was that certain l of ' the do'cuments: post-date the termination of the heering.

n j' Licensee does not' object,-in principle, to.the idea-that

newly discovered evidence can be introduced, and merely.

l-b points out that the Rules-of Evidence would still govern l

J such a! document's admissibility. However,.Intervenors' proposed' Exhibits 60A, 78 and 81 do.not post-date the hearing.

'Those documents which'are " newly discovered", proposed

' Exhibits 179,D90 and 82,'are objectionable on other grounds l i


SIntervenors Proposed Group Exhibit 60A This.; proposed exhibit, a volume prepared by l


The" Dos Chemical' Company'(Dow)Las an~ attachment to the Dow a 1

i c


/ + y 2 _ -



,  ? A:

4-I '

-Memor'andumlRegarding Hearing Preparation of. December 22, 1976,

. is the' companion volume to Intervenors' Exhibit 60. There-can' be no justification for submitting'-'this document af ter 4

the' completion of theLhearing. In addition,'the objections which Licensee made in its June 8, 1977 motion to-Intervenors'-

Exhibit:60~are equally applicable here. The. question of:

L the preparatioq of:the'Dow testimony is not an issue in this proceeding, and therefore, documents offered as to this question are irrelevant and should not-be admitted. This i

Board,-by its order-at Tr. 502-03 and Tr. 516, has removed ~

this :questi^ . from. the substantive questions to be decided

'in this proceeding,'and has indicated that it will be decided




'Intervenors'~ Proposed Exhibit 78 This document consists of certain pages of notes 1 taken by a representa*.ive of Dow of a February.24, 1976

, Dow-Licensee meeting, which.arecattached to this Board's June' 15, 1977 Memorandum concerning antitrust matters.

i-These notes certainly do not post-date the hearings; further-1 anore, antitrust is clearly not an issue in this. proceeding,.

which'has a very limited fosus, see Licensee's January 13, L1977-Motion and' June 13, 1977.Brief. Thus, this document is irrelevant andishouldLnot be admitted into evidence.

3" E



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'Intervenors'~ Proposed Exhibit'79-

.Intervenors' Proposed Exhibit.79'is:an~ article-5 from"the Midland Daily-News concerning the' repair of the liner plate in Midland-Unit 2.- Again, this relates to.a topic.which is.not an issue in this' proceeding and the t

documentLis therefore irrelevant and inadmissible. Further-

, ' more', - as .a newspaper ' article, '~this document must be objected

' ' ~ ~

to as blatant and unreliable hearsay. The article's 4

accuracy cannot be tested. A Licensing Board which

. previously considered the issue of . admissibility, of newspaper

articles found them to be-inadmissible hearsay, and not-entitled
to evidence to prove the facts

, asserted'within them.' Illinois Power Company (Clinton Power Station, Units 1 and 2)'LBP-75-59, NRCI-75/9, pp. 579-630

-(September 30,.11975). 'That Board. based-its rulingfon the

, tfact that there was insufficient assurance of the-truthful-p


ness of the facts' contained in the material, and cited much 1

I# judicialLauthoritylin. support of its finding,.Id. at 588.


.In the ' instant proceeding,- the Chairman has indicated that j I

'a' newspaper artidle is 'not evidence:of anything" and 1 1

, "obviously; hearsay" (Tr. 3284).- j g- _

Interven' ors' Proposed Exhibit 80

'This; document, an interim Report concerning the.

Midland Unit 2 liner _plateLb ulge, is'another example.of TIntervenors' attempts?to introduce new issues into this

[ cproceeding.-. Thefliner plate bulge'does.not' fall within Lthec scope- ofEthe climited ~ topics which the. Board may consider.

i _- . .K

  • 4 t

h , ,  ;., , , ._. ,_, , ,, _ . . _ .

i *

. v in:this-suspensicn hearing,-See Licensee's January 13, 1977 Motion and-June. 13, 1977.Brief. Thus, a document related to this.non-issue may admitted as evidence in~this proceeding.

- Intervenors' Proposed Exhibit 81 This: item, which does not' post-date the hearing, l is a. compilation ~made by Licensee of the relationship between: residential electricity-bills and personal income.

, Although:Intervenors offer no convincing explanation of-its l

probative value, this document does appear to relate to a-i- valid issue, demand forecasting, but it is objectionable on the ground that,'as it-was not identified by any witness at the hearing, there has been no foundation provided for the document.

Intervenors' Proposed Exhibit 82

,This document is an-NRC Staff Safety Evaluation >

concerning Licensee's Palisades Plant. . Despite the fact 1

that this report post-dates'the hearing, it cannot properly l -

, be-admitted into evidence without Licensee and'the other cparties having had an opportunity to question a sponsoring witness-as to its nature and preparation. Licensee's


objection:is reinforced 1by the-use to which this document was-put byiIntervenors in.their Findings, .for as Licensee has -described in its -Responsive : Findings - at Paragraph . 47, Intervenors quoted.the Safety Evaluation out of context, thus= leaving an~ incorrect impression as to the document's true import.-



For the-reasons set forth above, Licensee objects to the. admission into evidence of the six documents iden-tified:in:Intervenors_' July 1, 1977 Mot' ion.

Respectfully submitted, JM' - M,

~ 'Dav-iti J / Ros5o' i

fu%&cJ & ctM .

R. Rex Renfrow,/ III f

> < C4rna r_. - >ccc Martha E. Gibbs V v b . !w a.v[6ft.ut.s Cafyl A. Bartelman Attorneys for Consumers Power Company l


[ Isham, Lincoln:& Beale l

One First' National Plaza Suite 4200

-Chicago,' Illinois 60603 July 22, 1977 i

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'\4 , 8 Before~'the Atomic Safety and Licensing Boa ~ N'I'"


In the Matter.of )


CONSUMERS POWER _. COMPANY ) Docket Nos. 50-329

~)- 50-330 (Midland Plant, Units 1 and 2) )-



CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certify that copies of the attached


-INTO-EVIDENCE OF CERTAIN DOCUMENTS TENDERED BY-ALL i' INTERVENORS OTHER THAN THE DOW CHEMICAL COMPANY" in the I -above-captioned proceeding, have been served on the following by deposit'in the United States Mail, first-class postage l prepaid, this 22nd day of July, 1977:

l l

Frederic J. Coufal, Esquire Chairman Atomic Safety and Licensing Appeal Board Atomic Safety and Licensing U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Comm.

Board Panel- Washington, D.C. 20555 l U.S.' Nuclear Regulatory Comm.

l-Washington,-D.C. 20555 Mr. C. R. Stephens Chief, Docketing & Service Section Dr.'J.~Venn' Leeds, Jr., Esq.- Office of the Secretary

-10807 Atwell of the Commission Houston,ETexas 77096 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Comm. *

' Washington, D.C. 20555

_y c- w-m



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2 e
Dr..[Emmeth A.'Luebke Richard Hoefling, Esquire

- Atomic-Safety,and Licensing- Counsel for NRC' Staff Board Panel U.S., Nuclear Regulatory Comm..

- U.S. Nuclear ~ Regulatory Comm.. Washington, D.C. 20555

_ Washington, D.C. 20555 L '. F. Nute, Esquire ,

_ Myron M. Cherry, Esquire- Legal Department

- One IBM Plaza Dow Chemical U.S.A.~

' Suite'4501. Michigan Division

- Chicago,fIllinois .60611 Midland, Michigan 48640; Atomic'Safetyia'nd Licensing Board Panel

- U.S. Nuclear Rbgulatory Comm.

Washington' , D.C. .20555

$b N uu w Caryl A. Bartelman Counsel for

' Consumers Power Company Isham,-Lincoln:& Beale One First' National Plaza-Chicago,~ Illinois- 60603 312/786-7500 July 22, 1977 i

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