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Util Pretrial Brief for Show Cause Proceeding.Evidence Presented by CPC Will Show That CPPR-81 & CPPR-82 Should Not Be Suspended,Revoked or Modified & Should Remain Effect Until Const Completion
Person / Time
Site: Midland
Issue date: 07/08/1974
From: Mark Miller, Renfrow R
Shared Package
ML19338C109 List:
NUDOCS 8008050564
Download: ML19338C111 (12)



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L ) Construction Permits CONSUMERS POWER COMPANY )

) Nos. 81 and 82 (Midland Plant, Units 1 and 2) )


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Isham,. Lincoln &.Beale By: Michael I. Miller, Esq.

R. Rex Renfrow, III,~Esq.

j Scott M. Reznick, Esq. 1 i

One.First National Plaza Suite 4200 Chicago, Illinois- ~60670 (312) 786-7500-L l

? l Submitted: . July 8,~1974 L8008bsog[ . _

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. ._ . ) Nos. 81 and 82

-(Midland. Plant, Units 1 and 2 )

CONSUMERS POWER COMPANY PRE-TRIAL BRIEF r 'l . By--its Order to'Show Cause. dated _ December 3, 1973, the Atomic-Energy Commission ("AEC") , directed Consumers Power Company5 ("C.P.Co. ") to_ participate in a proceeding concerning

, - whether or not'the construction permits for its Midland Plant,

- Units 1 and-2' modified. The Commission specified two its December 3,--1973 Order to Show cause:

l A.- -Whether-thetlicenseesis implementing its Quality Assurance Program in compliance with Commission regulations:

B.- -Whether.there is reasonable assurance that

such~ implementation will continue throughout

. the~ construction process. -

C.P.Co'.fwillipresent' evidence on these issues.

27 'There:are three other' parties to_this proceeding Jin.'the' licensee,'C.P.Co'.- They-are the Regulatoryc


Staff,JBechtel1 Power Corp. and.Bechtel Associates Professional Corp. . -("Bechtel") ,, 's architect-construction for Midland, Land the1Sadinaw[ Group.. Bechtel opposes the_ entry of-anl order-

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-modifying,the construction permits and the Saginaw Group'sup- l 1

ports some unspecified modification of the construction permits. . ,

~ The L Regulatory- Staf f, although ' the . party . in the ordinary ~ situa--

. tion'who would support-a modification of the. construction per-

. mits'~ , has taken the position in this proceeding that no.modifica-tion isfappropriate or'necessary. .Thus,:the only proponent of an orderialtering!the construction permits is the Saginaw Group.

Neither Bechtel nor the Regulatory-Staff have identified any specific. factual issues which they wish to litigate. The-Saginaw-Group lhas' failed to. respond to discovery requests directed

.to determining what-specific factual matters it wishes to liti-

- gate.

I.- CONSUMERS POWER COMPANY DIRECT ~ CASE A. Whether the Licensee is Implementing Its Quality Assurance Program in^ Compliance-



.with Commission Regulations 3.- 'With respect to this issue, C.P.Co. Will present the testimony of Gilbert ~S. Keeley and Earl V..DeCarli and-the attached exhibits thereto--to showfthat the Quality Assurance Program for the-Midland Plant,. Units 1 and 2, is being imple-

- mented'in~accordance'with the rules and' regulations of the

< Commission, specifically the.18 criteria contained in 10 C.F.R.


Part 50, AppendixtB. Mr.JKc31ey is the Quality. Assurance-Director.-for.C.P.Co., andfas such he!is respontible for

the Quali ty Assurance actiii v t es of all of'C.P.Co.'s construction i

Lp -" 2



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projects from design throu'gh pre-operational l testing. His


testimony. presents a' chronology of C.P.Co.'s Quality Assurance

. Program for Midland from its'--inceptionlin 1969 to the present day. LIn addition,.he-will present,-in detail, the implementa-

. tion of C.P.Co.'s present Quality Assurance Program, including


an' example of the quality activities associated with aLcomponent


for the Midland plant, commencing with its design and.ending


with its installation'at the site. Mr. DeCarli is the' Quality Assurance Manager 1 for Babcock and Wilcox ("B&W") ,

the nuclear steam. supplier for the Midland project. In his capacity < as Quality- Assurance Manager, Mr. DeCarli'is-responsible for the Quality Assurance' Program for all of B&W's

-nuclear projects, in'cluding Midland. His. testimony will present a chronology.of B&W's Quality Assurance Program'for Midland

-and will discuss in detail:how that program is implemented at the present-time. Moreover, the prepared testimony filed by Bechtel~also demonstrates the manifold quality activities undertaken by that organization in implementing Appendix B.

C.P.Co. will present the following testimony and. exhibits in response tol this issue: The testimony of G.S. Keeley consisting of 62 pages and,the following exhibits:


K-1. .C.P.Co.-Midland' Quality Assurance Manual.

iK-2 . -C.P.Co. Quality Assurance Services. Procedures Manual.

X -3. C.P.Co. Field Quality Assurance Activities ?!.31d Audits per.Section 12.4 of Quality-Assurance' Services Procedures L


A 4

4 5


4 K-4.. . Midland Quality Assurance. Audit Schedule.


. K-5.- FSAR Appendix l-B - Quality Assurance Program.

K-6.. --FSAR Quality-Assurance Program. FSAR Amendments 4, 6-and 8.. -

K-7. Electric Plant, Projects Policies ~and Procedures' Manual.

K-8. MidlandfProject Procedures. Manual.

K-9. Letter from Kessler to Krout dated August 30, 1973,


Application of N.45.2 to Bechtel Procedures.

K-10. Swnmary;of Consumers Power Company Audits and Non-Con-formances.

K-ll. . Letter from Martinez to Embrey dated June 20, 1973 re:

Bechtel comments on B&W Spec 11.52.

K-12. 'American~ National-Standards for Reactor Plants and Their

' Maintenance -(Draf t 14) .

K-13. 'American National Standards for Reactor Plants and Their Maintenance (Draf t 15) .

K-14. Documentation of Consumers Power Company Activities on Liner. j Plate.

. LThe-testimony of E. DeCarli (B&W) consisting of 15 pages and the following exhibits:


-Exhibits' B&W-1.  : Chart of B&W-NPGD Quality Assurance. .

ProcessingL calculations NSS Contracts dated July l1,197.4.



B&W-3. t Contract. System Descriptions; Contract Equipment .

. Specifications dated 11/13/73.  !



B&W-4.- Specification. 09-1212000003-00. Revision for Quality-Assurance' Program requirements for nuclear equipment.

. Contract ~No. 620-0012: Consumers Power Company Midland Units 1 and 2.

lB&W-5. Quality Assurance' Review requirements - Matrix' dated

[ July 1, 1974. .

). B&W-6.  : Nuclear Power Generation Division Standard Safety

.Classific'a tion' System 3/28/74. '

B&W-7.- Requisition Form BD 21007 for equipment and services i procured through Lynchburg Purchasing 9/28/73.

B&W-8. Qualicy. Assurance Review of Procurement. Documents dated 7/1/74.

B&W-9.- Purchase Order--Form BDX-1795 dated 9/28/73.

- B&W-10. Preparation.and Assurance'of Restraint Order dated 7/1/74.

B&W-ll. -Quality Assurance audit' Program dated 7/1/74.

B&W-ll(a). Quality Assurance Supplier Status List (SSL) dated 4 . .


.B&W-12.. Quality Assurance Audit Record System dated 7/1/74.

'B&W-13.(a)'. Change Inquiry / Authorization dated 7/1/74.

L B&W-13 (a)'. ; LPurchasing Change ' Orders dated 9/28/73. .


B&W-14. cQuality Control Source.Surveillarce-Program dated



B&W-15. Preparation of' Source. Visitation Plan dated 7/1/74.

B&W-16. JProcedure:NPG-1705-03 Rev. 1; Quality l Assurance Docu -

sment File, Dated 57 /1/74.-

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-B&W-17... Policy; Title Instructions Procedures'a d Drawings.i

Issue Dated 2/11/74. a l' ,

UB&W-18.[ ' Disposition'lof Nonconforming,it' ems.- B&W Manufacturer .

- componentsj7/1/74.

B&W-19. - To 'R. Fb Hollander Component Management Unit Mt. ,

1Vernon from C. E. Mahaney Contract-#.'620-0012 Construc- .

- tion'and Plant' site Consumers' Power Company-equipment

name reactor.' vessel. ._


Contract Variation 4

CV-212-5 MTV.

t :B&W-20.. Letter from C. ' E. Mahaney L(B&W) to T. A. Martinez


(Bechtel Associates dated June 18, 1974.


B&W Contract. Variation Notice CZ-212-5 MTZ dated

-Decembero13,,1973: covering-the short incore instrumen-tation nozzle.


%  : 4; The evidence'willLshow:that C.P.Co;'s Quality

- Assurance:' Program;for the Midland' Plant, Units 1 and 2,~is being

'-: implemented in accordance with the Commission's rules and

- regulations and-that-C.P.Co..has taken the steps necessary to-

, meet lthe evolving requirementstof.10 C.F.R.'Part 50,.~ Appendix B and'its as'sociated regulatory guides.-


fB. . Whether Thereiis Reasonable' Assurance 1That

,Such. Implementation!will-Continue'Throughout

- tthe Construction ~' Process 2

-i. . .


5 .1 ' C.P. Cob will1 introduce'into evidence;.the testimony' of. Gilbert 1S.f;Keeley( S.teven H.-~Howell'and Russell'C. Youngdahl -

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< t candit hetexhibits attach'ed thereto, to support the proposition that'therefis reasonable assurance that implementation of a


Quality Assurance Program in compliance with the'AEC's regulations willicontinue throughout the'constructi~on of'the plant. Mr.

Keeley will testify as tc those measures which he is taking to


. assure lthat the Quality Assurance. Program for C.P.Co., its vendor, architect-engineer,,and' associated suppliers are continually upgraded:to' meet.the evolving standards of 10 C.F.R. Part 50, Appendix B rand its -associated regulatory guides. Mr..Howell, who is C.P.Co.'s Vice-President in charge of construction ac-tivities,~will. testify as to his, involvement in the-Quality Assurance Program and'the steps taken by himself to assure that' Midland Plant, Units 1 and 2, is now and will continue to~be con-structed in al quality manner. These steps include use of qualified consultants,.a committment to upgrading:the Midland-Quality Assurance 1 Program to meet more stringent criteria than those formed in Appendix B and management; attention to new develop--

ments in quality. assurance. Mr. R.C. Youngdahl, who is C.P.Co.'s Senior Vice-President in charge of. planning, c'onstruction, operation andidistribution of electric energy, will testify

asito. Senior' Management'sfattitude toward the implementation of the Quelity Assurance' Program for the construction of Midland
Station,rUnits 1 and 2. C.P.Co. will~present the following testimonyandexhibitsin'responsetothisissue:



The testimonyiof G.S..Keeley (Refer to Paragraph Three)  ;

.testimon'y~ofnS.H.=Howell' consisting'of-25 pages of testimony-

-and;the:following ' exhibits':


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T y E Thejtestimonyfof-S.jH. Howell. consisting of 25 pages._of. testimony Land the I following exhibits:

H .'. . . Letter from'S.-'H..Howell datedLMarch~7, 1973 J.



fDepartment Policies and Procedures.  ?

H-2. Memo)from C. Q. Hills to V.-'M.'Buttles-dat'd November'6, e 1972-


] Department Policies'and Procedures Review'of Draft 4 Section12.

H-3'. :L'etter from D. .L. Maxwell, NUS Consultant, to S. H. Howell. ,


dated-December 15, 1972~- ' Audit of. Quality Assurance Program.

H-- 4 . Memo from'S. H. Howell to R.~ C. Youngdahl dated' January _29,-.

'19.73- Subj ect': . Quality Assurance _ Organization.

H-5. Memo
from C. Q~. Hills to S'. H. Howell"and W. E. Kessler

' dated-- May- 2 1 , -l1 9 7 3 - -- Midland Plant R.-O. Inspection Report No.

050-329/73-02 R. O. Inspection Report No. 050-330/73-02~.

-H-6. ~ Letter from A. Schwencer (AEC);to.S.-H. Howell dated N'oveinberi9.',-~1973


' Docket No. 50-329 and 50-330-


Review'of Amendment ~22 to the application for construction.

.permitsfand..operatingLlicenses~for Units-liand 2 of the

~ Midland Plant.-

H s .; Memo;;from G.LS'.- Keel'ey to S.'H. Howell dated November 27, 119731 E Sub' j ect
- Analysis of. Cadweld Problems :at Midland.

H1 8.=LMemo-fromlS. H.'cHowell'to G. S. Keeley dated November'29, 1973 ~ Sub3ect: y ality. assurance problems at Midland.

H-9.. Letter!.;frem .Bechtel, Power Corporation (Alden P. Yates) 4: S to ! S.t H. Howell Subjecti . . Midland. Units l' and 2_ Quality Assurancc/Qualitiy Control.


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TH-10.1 LetterLffom NUS Corporation-(N.fJ. Norris) to S. H. Howell-dated. February 14, 1974'. Attachment to NUS Report on


-; Review-and EvaluationLof the Quality-Assurance. Program for


Midland Units;l and 2.


H-ll. Electric l Department-Quality Assurance Program.

-Thec testimony of.R. C. Youngdahlfconsisting of 7 pages of-t'estimony-and'the following:~ I exhibits:

Y-1.' Memo!from H. W. .Slager to G.S. Feeley dated June 7, 1974 Subjecti -Monthly Activities Report Quality Assurance-Midland

-Project - May 197.4.

L Y- 2 . - ElectricuDepartment Quality' Assurance Policy.

Y-3...Memoffrom'R. A.' Lamely to.R. L. Haueter, C. J. Hartman,-

R.fB.lDeWitt-Nuclear. Operations Staff' dated May715, 1974


Reporting =of Operation Information-Operating-Nuclear i Plants.:

6. .The evidence will~show that C.P.Co. has taken and willicon'tinue to take steps to-l assurethat its Quality _
Assurance ProgramJandLits: implementing procedures-are in con-formance withiandimeet the evolving-standards for Quality As-

+  :

I surance plans :as they are jdefined by 10 .C.F.R. Part 50.,.Ap- j


pendix:Btandfits associated l guide 1ines.



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~ II . ISSUES' RAISED IBY THE BOARD-17 . The only' issue raised by the Board is the

'" attitude'of Consumers 1 Power Company, 'and specifically of its

" senior management: personnel, :toward compliance with- the Com-mission's: regulations and license requirements,"= C.P.Co. will present the :testimonyT of Steven H. Howell, ' Vice-President of Consumers Power-Company in charge of construction activities, on involvement iniand compliance with AEC rules and regulations relating to his area of responsibility. Similarly, C.P.Co. will also present the~ testimony of. Russell C. Youngdahl, Senior Vice-President of Consumers Power Company with regard to?

the attitude of Senior Management Personnel to compliance with~

~AEC rules and regulations with. respect to both construction and~operatienLof nuclear power plants. C.P.Co. will present the lfollowing. test'imony and-exhibits in response to this issue:

S.H. Howell (Refer to Paragraph 5)'

R.C.-Youngdahl1(Refer to Paragraph 5) i.

8. The evidence will show that while Consumers

' Power-Compan'y has been cited.for violations of' Commission regula-l tEons"in?both:the construction'and operation of their nuclear-

' power plants, that these violations?are reviewed and responses-coordinated ~by?C.P.Co.Jmanagement,-and.that proper corrective action hassbeen:taken in response to each citation issued by; i

lthe Commission. LThe~ evidence will:also show that C.P.Co. does


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, not and willinot;tolerateicontinued violations of Commission-

' rules'and' regulations andIthat management responses to AEC

- citations.have.been organizational and pragmatic


chahgesttochelp' insure that violations do not recur.

III '.1 CONCLUSION 9.. Consumers Power Company will present testimony on-the' broad issues set forth in the Commission's Order to Show Cause of December 3,1973, and upon the issue -raised by the Board concerning Consumers. Power. Company's attitude'.toward violations of Commision rules'and regulations. This evidence will conclusively'show that the Construction Permits Nos. di and-82 for.the Midland Plant, Units 1 and 2, issued to C.P.Co..

should-not be suspended, revoked or modified and Lhat they

.should' remain in effect until such time as the construction of the plant'is completed.

Respectfully submitted, l (, uccg - .

Michae er

,  : A R .' Rex Renfrowp III



-Scott M. Reznick Isham, lincoln:& Beale

OnelFirst NationallPlaza Attorneys for Consumers Power Company

? Chicago ,,. -Illinois '60670.

786-7500 Submitted:- JulyJ8, 1974 m . . . __ .J