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ML20079M6829 December 1983Memorandum in Opposition to Govt Accountability Project Deponent 831021 Appeal.Aslb Rulings Do Not Constitute Abuse of Discretion & Should Be Sustained.Deponents Should Be Ordered to Appear Per Subpoenas.Certificate of Svc Encl
ML20052B20328 April 1982Errata to Util 820405 Brief Opposing Intervenor Exceptions. Certificate of Svc Encl
ML20054C65015 April 1982Amicus Curiae Brief of Lawyers Committee Steering Group of Aif.Discusses Appropriate Std Re Expert Witnesses & Duty of Affirmative Disclosure of Info in Preparing Expert Witness Testimony.Certificate of Svc Encl
ML20050C1585 April 1982Brief Opposing Saginaw Valley Nuclear Study Group Exception to ASLB No Sanction Determination Re Util. Intervenor Failed to Preserve Appellate Rights.Notices of Appearance & Withdrawal & Certificate of Svc Encl
ML20041C66822 February 1982Brief in Support of Exceptions to ASLB 811222 Partial Initial Decision.Appropriate Sanctions Should Be Imposed on Util for Deliberate Withholding of Matl Info.Certificate of Svc Encl
ML20064G88128 November 1978Brief Submitted by CPC in Response to ASLB Order of 781113. CPC Asserts That 27 of Petitioner to Intervene M Sinclair'S Suppl Contentions Are Inadmissible & That Petition to Intervene of W Marshall Be Denied.Cert of Svc Encl
ML19331A72028 November 1978Brief Responding to ASLB 781113 Order Requesting Parties' Positions.Responds to MP Sinclair & WE Marshall Supplemental Contentions.Certificate of Svc Encl
ML20064E21631 October 1978Brief of Consumers Pwr Co in Support of Its Position That Wh Marshall'S Petition to Intervene Is Barred by Res Judicata.Urges Petition Be Denied.Cert of Svc & Supporting Matl EnclosedGrab sample
ML19331A81131 October 1978Brief Supporting CPC Position That Wh Marshall,Mapleton Intervenors' 780908 Petition to Intervene Is Barred by Res Judicata.Petition Does Not Meet 10CFR2.714(a)(2) Requirements.Certificate of Svc EnclGrab sample
ML19329D12813 March 1978Supplemental Brief in Response to Aslab 780112 Order, Discussing Relationship of Aslab 771230 Decision in Matter of CPC to Current Proceeding.Application of CPC Relief Instructions Could Be Ordered by Aslab W/O Adverse Findings
ML19329D13013 March 1978Supplemental Brief Discussing Relationship of Aslab 771230 Decision in Matter of CPC to Current Proceeding.Rationale of CPC Decision Requires Affirmance of Aslab Decision in Current Proceeding.Certificate of Svc Encl
ML19329D13313 March 1978Supplemental Brief Discussing Relationship of Aslab 771230 Decision in Matter of CPC to Current Proceeding.Cpc Decision Virtually Mandates Affirmance of Perry Decision.Certificate of Svc Encl
ML19344A14128 November 1977Addl Brief of Intervenors,Other than Dow Chemical Co,In Opposition to Util Assault on Findings of Fact in ASLB 770923 Decision Re CP Suspension,Pending Remanded Hearings. Urges That ASLB Not Be Intimidated by Money Argument
ML19344A21931 October 1977Intervenors' Brief in Support of Exceptions to ASLB 770923 Decision Refusing to Suspend Cp,Pending Completion of Remanded Hearings.Cost Should Not Interfere W/Regulatory Process.Urges Suspension of Cp.Ca Bartelman 770916 Ltr EnclStolen
ML19329E60514 July 1977Responsive Brief of CPC to CPC 770613 Brief.Addresses Legal Points Raised by Other Parties & Allegations Re Preparation of Jg Temple Testimony,Which Intervenors Have Sought to Interject Into Substantive Issues to Be Decided
ML19344A17630 June 1977Brief of Intervenors Other than Dow Chemical Co.Continued Const of Facility Should Not Be Authorized Pending Completion of Full Remanded Hearings on Merits.Amended Motions to Permit Late Filling & Addl Exhibit Motion Encl
ML19326D11413 June 1977Brief Setting Forth Position on Governing Legal Stds. Requests CPs Be Continued Pending Remanded Hearing Decision. Certificate of Svc Encl
ML19338C01629 September 1976Brief in Response to ASLB 760921 Order Directing Parties to File Briefs by 760929 Re CP Suspension Issue.Discusses Facts to Be Addressed & Procedural Context of Hearing.Rejects Suspension.Proposed Schedule & Certificate of Svc Encl
ML19331A9987 September 1976Brief of Util in Response to Board 760818 Order Directing Filing of Briefs on or Before 760907.Suspending Const Pending Adoption of Interim Fuel Cycle Rule Will Cause Substantial Addl Costs.Certificate of Svc Encl
ML19329E9372 March 1976Reply Brief Urging Conditioning of Licenses to Eliminate Inconsistencies W/Antitrust Laws.Certificate of Svc Encl
ML19329E83926 January 1976Brief,Part Ii,Discusses Affirmation of Board 750718 Initial Decision That Util Activities Under OL Will Not Create or Maintain Situation Inconsistent W/Antitrust Laws.Initial Decision Should Be Affirmed.Certificate of Svc Encl
ML19329E83026 January 1976Brief,Part I,Discusses Board 750718 Initial Decision That Util Activities Under OL Would Not Create or Maintain Situation Inconsistent W/Antitrust Laws.Board Correctly Held That No Conditions May Be Imposed on License
ML19331A25613 November 1975Brief on Exceptions of Mi Cities & Cooperatives.Urges Adoption & Ordering of Municipals & Cooperatives Proposed License Conditions
ML19329E73413 November 1975Brief Supporting DOJ Exceptions to Hearing Board Initial Decision.Requests Board Condition License to Remedy Inconsistent Antitrust Situation.Certificate of Svc Encl
ML19329F22825 November 1974Reply Brief Re Intervenors' Initial Brief Requesting Items of Relief Concerning Access to Midland,Transmission Svcs & Coordination.Certificate of Svc Encl
ML19329F24025 November 1974Reply Brief Clarifying Issues Raised in Applicant Brief. Requests That ASLB Adopt DOJ Proposed Findings of Fact & Conclusions of Law & Issue Relevant Order Re Parameters of Relief Appropriate to Remedy Existing Situation
ML19329F23225 November 1974Reply Brief to Doj,Aec & Intervenors' Briefs Re Antitrust Situation in Lower Mi.Regulation Not Only Factor Assuring Max Efficiency of CPC Operations.Supporting Matl & Certificate of Svc EnclCoatings
ML19329E6758 October 1974Brief on Proposed Findings of Mi Municipal & Cooperative Power Pool.Requests Proposed Licensing Conditions Be Ordered.Ra Jablon 741009 Ltr & Certificate of Svc & Exhibits Encl
ML19331A1278 October 1974Brief & Proposed Findings of Fact of DOJ Re Applicant Dominance & Control of Generation,Transmission & Distribution of Electrical Energy.Certificate of Svc Encl
ML19329E6898 October 1974Supports Proposed Findings of Facts & Conclusions of Law. DOJ Has Failed to Show Requisite Nexus Between Facility & Allegedly Inconsistent Antitrust Situation in Lower Mi
ML19338C1118 July 1974Util Pretrial Brief for Show Cause Proceeding.Evidence Presented by CPC Will Show That CPPR-81 & CPPR-82 Should Not Be Suspended,Revoked or Modified & Should Remain Effect Until Const Completion
ML19331A18720 November 1973Prehearing Brief for Applicant Re Activities Under OL Which Might Creat or Maintain Situation Inconsistent W/Antitrust Laws.Util Conduct in Retail & Bulk Power Markets within Limits of Section 2 of Sherman Act.Certificate of Svc Encl
ML19329E95620 November 1973Trial Brief & Statement of Position.Requests Access to Pooling & Transmission Arrangements on Equal Basis.Also Requests That Board Set Forth Factual Issues Which Parties Agree Upon in Their Testimony.Certificate of Svc Encl
ML19331A26120 November 1973Intervenors' Trial Brief & Statement of Position.Requests That Board Set Forth Issues Which All Parties Agreed Upon in Testimony or Are Matters of Public Record & Find Case Ripe for Summary Judgement.Certificate of Svc Encl
ML19329E73229 January 1973Brief of Util in Opposition to Exceptions Filed by Saginaw Intervenors to Initial Decision of Aslb.No Reason to Modify Cp.Exceptions Should Be Denied.Certificate of Svc EnclFatality
ML19329E7166 March 1972Brief Opposing Westinghouse Motion for Reconsideration of Order Denying Motion to Quash Subpoena.Certificate of Svc, Info Disclosure Agreement,Mm Cherry Affidavit & Portions of 720108 & 0301 Hearing Transcripts EnclCoatings
ML19329E20815 January 1972Brief Supporting Motion for Reconsideration of Order Denying Westinghouse Motion to Quash Subpoena.Ra Wieseman Affidavit EnclCoatings
ML19338C15921 May 1971Brief Submitted in Reply to Saginaw Intervenors' 710515 Brief Re Objections to Interrogatories to AEC & Acrs.Acrs Was Never Participant in Licensing Proceedings.Applicant Objections Should Be Sustained.Certificate of Svc Encl
ML19329E72119 April 1971Supports Objections to Interrogatories Addressed to AEC & Acrs.Urges Denial of Intervenors'Request for Order Requiring AEC to Answer Saginaw Valley Nuclear Study Group 710322 Proposed Interrogatories.Certificate of Svc Encl
ML19329F10022 March 1971Brief Amicus Curiae of Util.Adoption by AEC of Transition Period Ending 710304 Before Putting NEPA Procedures Into Effect Was Valid Exercise of Discretion.Brief Should Be Rejected & Portions of AEC App D 10CFR50 Sustained
ML19329E9864 March 1971Brief for Petitioners.Aec Violated NEPA by Refusing to Establish Procedures for Meaningful Consideration of Environ Effects of Facilities Now Under Const.Calvert Cliffs Memorandum Encl
ML19329E99915 December 1970Applicant Brief in Opposition to Intervenors' Motions Filed at Util 701201 Hearing Re Sufficiency & Adequacy of Proposed Hearing on Issuance of OL or Cp.Motions Should Be Denied
ML19331A20914 July 1970Brief Re Jurisdiction of AEC to Regulate Effects of Thermal Energy Per Atomic Energy Act.Requests Relief for Motions 1-5,App B, Brief of Intervenors Re NEPA & Water Quality Improvement Act.
ML19331A24411 January 1970Brief Re Illegality of Stds for Radiation Protection.Stds Do Not Take Account of Significant Factors Re Radiation. Requests That ASLB Enter Orders Consistent W/Intervenors' Requests for Relief