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Amend 69 to Application for Ol,Incorporating Listed Info Previously Supplied to NRC to Support Issuance of full-power OL
Person / Time
Site: North Anna Dominion icon.png
Issue date: 08/07/1980
From: Ferguson J
694, NUDOCS 8008150426
Download: ML19331C374 (4)



d VlaoIxrA EI.zctnIc Axn Powza CoxeAsv Rzcnxoxn. Vxnotxu 232e1 Jus H. Fme.ow August 7, 1980 z-enn v-r


Mr. Harold R. Denton, Director Serial No. 694 Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation LQA/ESG:rab U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Docket No. 50-339

' Washington, D.C.


Dear Mr. Denton:

AMENDMENT NO. 69 The Virginia Electric and Power Company hereby amenda its license application for the North A:ma Power Station, Unit No. 2, by incorporating by reference information concerning Unit No. 2 previously supplied to the NRC staff by letter to support the issuance of a full power operating license. The specific letters referenced are listed below:

Applicable Staff SER Section Subiect T.etter Date Serial No.

3.7 Multiple structure 7-11-30 616 ARS 7-22-80 647 7-25-80 661 7-30-80 673 3.10.3 NUREG-0588 review 6-20-80 152A 7-24-80 650 7-28-30 663 7-23-30 662 5.2.11 Pressure isolation 7-25-80 641 valve testing 5.4.3 RHR/ cold shutdown 3-20-80 252/030780 7-10-80 553/061880 7-14-80 620 7-18-80 638 6.3.6 Su=p debris 6-23-80 547 considerations p

j 6.5 Contain=ent pressure 7-30-80 672 S

boundarv fracture toughness'

/ /

8.3.2 Diesel generator 1-31-80 1161/121879 reliability h

b visoix 4 EucTasc amo Powra Coxnry To Mr. Harold R. Denton 2

Applicable Staff SER Section Subject Letter Date Serial No.

9.5.1 Fire Protection 6-30-80 354L/061478 7-25-80 655 7-31-80 674 I

10.7 Turbine disk inspece.

7-15-80 634 tion and data 7-25-80 656 6-24-80 549 15.1 Feed 11ne and Steam line 7-01-80 580 break analyses 17.0 QA - list '

7-02-80 567 7-22-80 567A 22.0 IMI Requirements (General) 6-30-80 560 7-07-80 536 7-25-80 651 7-31-80 674 I.C.1, I.C.7, Procedures 5-30-80 484 I.C.8 7-08-80 600 I.D.1 Control Room lamp 6-10-80 526 testing 6-17-80 532 I.G.1 Low power test results 7-17-80 633 7-22-80 648 II.3.1 RCS vents 7-10-80 606 7-17-80 628 II.3.2 Plant Shielding 4-01-80 306 7-17-80' 536 II.3.3 Post-Accident Sampling 7-14-80 619 II.3. 4 Degraded Core Training 6-27-80 576 7-24-80 653 II.E.1.1 Auxiliary feedwater 11-02-79 825/092379 Reliability 5-01-80 395 5-19-80 406 7-10-80 592 7-11-80 615 7-16-80 632 7-24-80 550 7-28-80 592A


' vinore:4 EtzeralC AND Powra Compwy to Mr. Harold R. Denton 3

Applicable Staff SER Section Subject.

Letter Date Serial No.

II.E.3.1 Pressurizer heaters 1-10-80 015 II.E.4.2

' Containment isolation 7-11-80 601 II.K.3 PORV challenges reporting 7-22-80 645 III.A.l.1 Emergency Planning 4-29-80 382 6-06-80 502 6-20-80 546 6-25-80 561 7-11-80 608 7-21-80 637 7-24-80 560A 7-24-80 652 III.D.l.1 Primary coolant leakage 1-10-80 015 2-08-80 015C 6-09-80 490 III.D.3.4 Control room habitability 2-25-80 155 3-17-80 155A 7-07-80 589 6-10-80 504 22.3

' Dated requirements 6-30-80 560 (general) 7-07-80 536 7-25-80 651 7-31-80 674 I.A.2.1 Operator training 6-27-80 573 I.A.2.3 Instructor qualifications 6-30-80 560 I.A.3.1 Operator requalification 6-27-80 572 7-15-80 631 LI.F.1 Accident monitoring 4-01-80 306 instrumentation 6-16-80 533 VIRGINIA ELECTRIC AhJ POWR COMPATE (N!

/' ~

J. H.'Ferguson t



s. s.



P Before me, a Notary Public, in and for the City and Cormon-wealth aforesaid, today personally appeared J. E. Fergucon, who being duly sworn, made oath and said (1) that he is Executive Vice President-Power of the Virginia Electric and Fower Company, (2) that he is duly authori:ed to execute and file the foregoing Amend =ent in behalf of that Company, and (3) that the statements in the A=endment are true to the best of his knowledge and belief.

Given under my hand and notarial seal this O D day of boud

, f_s U

My Coc=iission expires 30uGYu N,AB1 0

LU7 0i-4u h'MD


v Notary Public U.M 0GWW.Luitn Cd M 'hC(kg 0bi W'.J (SEAL) i r