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Emergency Petition to Void Illegal Action of Director of Regulation Under 731217 Re Order to Show Cause. Certification & Certificate of Svc Encl
Person / Time
Site: Midland
Issue date: 12/18/1973
From: Cherry M
CHERRY, M.M./CHERRY, FLYNN & KANTER, Saginaw Intervenor, Sierra Club
NUDOCS 8007250744
Download: ML19331B045 (9)



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. CONSUMERS POWER CO. ) In Re Construction

) Permit Nos. 81 and 82 (Midland Plant, Units 1 ) g gf[ ,o and 2) )


land, Michigan, and West Michigan Environmental Action Council, Lansing, Michigan (hereaf ter " petitioners") , make this emergency appeal to the Atomic Energy Commission to suspend and declare void, illegal action taken by the Director of Regulation under date of December 17, 1973 in connection with an order To show cause issued in connection with construction permits Nos. 81 and 82 (hereaf ter " order") . l l


  • Petitioners attempted to make this request by telephone yester- j day to the Chairman of the Atomic Energy Commission in light of l l

the emergency rnture of the request. Later in the day Marcus Rowden informed petitioners' counsel that the request should be set forth in writing.



. ~.

'In support of this emergency petition, petitione rs state as follows: ,

1. Petitioners are intervenors in connection with an adjudicatory proceeding before the Commission in Docket Nos.


50-329 and 50-330. Part of this proceeding is pending on judi-cial review before the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia;
2. Under date of December 3, 1973, the Director of i

Regulation issued an Order To Show Cause against Consumers Power ,

i 2

Company to determine whether all activities pursuant to construc- t tion permits 81 and 82 should be suspended because of continued flagrant violation of the AEC QA regulations. The Order To


Show Cause was prompted in part by a November 26, 1973 memoran-a dum of the Appeal Board to the Director of Regulation criticising i

f him for not taking " drastic action" against the flagrant viola-i tions by Consumers Power concerning QA. In fact, the Appeal Board memorandum and the entire question of QA performance had earlic' been raised by activities of these petitioners in Docket Nos. 50-329 and 50-330. See issuances of the Atomic Safety and Licensing Appeal Board, ALAB-106, ALAB-132, A LAB-l 147 and ALAB-152 ;

3. The Order T'o Show Cause (Part III) lists five charges, the majority of which deal with improper cadwelding 4

- * "" t-

in existence at the Consumers site. The Director of Regulation relied upon these c'harges as a primary ground for issuing the Order To Show Cause and within the body of the show cause order also ordered that no cadwelding operations shall be l'.

resumed: , .

. . . pending a further order and determination -

by the Director of Regulation."

The Director of Regulation in his order indicated that the sus-pension of activity was tantamount to a halt of construction

- and thus was in the nature of the issuance of a mandatory injunc-tion based upon good cause showing. In fact, the Director of Regulation found that:

. . . the public health, interest or safety requires continued suspension of the cadwelding activities."

This finding of the Director of Regulation was published in the Federal Register and operated as a finding in accordance with Commission procedures;

4. The Order To Show Cause provided that any party may make request for a hearing within twenty days from the date of the order or December 23, 1973. The order further provided that if a hearing is requested, the issues in such hearing shall be twofold: (1) whether the licensee is complying with Commiss ion regulations, and (2) whether there is reasonable assurance that such compliance will continue throughout the

construction process. The hearing issues as defined by the i Director of Regulation did not exclude issues of suspension of cadwelding and, accordingly, under operation of the order, any finding of cadwelding operations beingain compliance with

o QA regulatio rs or any finding that such compliance will, with i

reasonable assurance, continue throughout the construction process, could not be made in the absence of a public hearing, if a request for one were made within the proscribed period; S. On December 17; 1973 I was supplied with a copy of RO Inspection Report No. 051-329/7311 and also received a 3

telephone call from Mr. James Murray of the AEC informing me that without a public hearing and contrary to the show cause order, the Director of Regulation was unilaterally amending the show cause order to permit cadwelding operations. I was later in-formed that this accion was based in part upon a Director of Regulation " finding" as a result of a secret inspection held by Region'III compliance on December 6-7, 1973; i

6. None of petitioners were informed of this inspec-tion and, although I was in communication with the AEC during this period of time, I was not informed of this inspection prior to December 17, 1973; l ..

i 7, The action by the Director of Regulation was I

au '


illegal in that the show cause order provided that all issues be the subject of a public hearing if one were requested within the proscribed time period. The show cause order restricted the

. Director of' Regulation's freedom and he could'not act without a public hearing unless none were requested within the proscribed time period.

8. Moreover, the show cause order containbg findings concerning suspension was published in the Federal Register and, accordingly, could not'be changed'without notice and oppor-tunity for hearing. See Brooks v. AEC, Mo. 72-2177, U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Cc'" .aia Circuit, slip opinion at p.8, Mar. 8, 1973:
9. The Director of Regulation's activity must be voided or else petitioners will be deprived of their rights in connection with the safety finding underlying the show cause order. The action of the Director of Regulation .3 particularly outrageous because it deals with the very charges which were the reason for the shou cause order, and in executing his illegal a ction, he studiously avoided contacting or communicating with these petitioners who have been responsible for the airing of these issues.
  • t



. WHEREFORE, petitioners request that the Commission void the action of the Director of Regulation taken on December 17, 1973 in connection with construction permits Nos. 81 and 82 as contrary to the provisions of the Order To a

Show Cause itself, as well as the principles announced in Brooks v. AEC, suora.

Respectfully submitted, Ylf.'AALY. h!ldf) fh/$.0fd'b'.M Att'orney for thd above petitioners


i l

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CERTIFICATION I certify that an original and five copies of the foregoing were personally served on December 18, 1973 upon the Commission by leaving them at the office of the Public Pro-I ceedings Branch at 1717 H Strect, N.W., Washington, D.C., and 1 that a copy was both mailed and made available to Washington

- counsel for Consumers Power Company in Washington, D.C. on .

l 4

December 18, 1973.

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) 50-330 (Midland Plant, Units 1 and 2) )

CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certify that I have this day served the foregoing document upon each person designated on the official service lis e compiled by the Office of the Secretary of the Cc:mnission in this proceeding in accordance with the requirements of Section 2.712 of 10 CFR Part 2 - Rules of Practice, of the Atomic Energy Ccanaission's Rules and Regulations.

Dated at Washington, D. C.

this 18th day of December 1973,.

It J i >

Office fphe{Secretarfoithec m io ton l

J l


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1*NITED 87$T55}dF:AMRICA '


  • 1 i

q ,e In the Matter of J .


) Docket Nos. 50-329

,~,,.),- 50-330 '

(Midland Plant, Unita 1 and 2) ).- .3 ,

SERVICM %IST ArthurW. Murphy,Esq.,Chairait  !!arold P. Graves, Esq. .

Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Vice Prcoident and General ,

Columbia University School of Law Counsc1 435 West 116th Street, Dox 38 Consumers Power Company New York, Ucu York 10027 212 Ucot Michigan Avenue

,Jachoon, Michigan 49201 ,

Dr. Clark Goodman -

95 Antigua Court ,  ; , !!r. R. C. .Younsdahl

  • Coranodo, California 9213S ,",, Senior Vice Prcoident Consu= ara Power Company

.;. 212 Wese Michigan Avenus .

r Jackson, Michigan 49201 g Dr. David B. Itall  !!onorablo Frank' Olds, Chair =an Los Alamos Scientific Laborato'ry ', '

P. O. Box 1663 Midland County Board of .

Los Alamos, New Mexico 87544 . Supervisors " '

623 St. Charles Street Dr. Stuart G. Forbes ,' Midland, !!ichigan 48640 , ,

100 Tennessee Avenuc, Act. 37

Rediands, California 9'2373 ' -

l ki #

.'llenorable Jerome Mao cusAooistant Attorney G

. . t..

Thomas F. Engelhardt, Esq.

', ' Stato of !!ichigan -

David E. Karta11a, Esq. .;

Seven Story Office Building 525 Ucst ottawa Robert Newton, Esq. .O .

Regulatory Staff Counsel ,

, Lansing, Michigan 48913 ,

U. S. Atomic Energy Ce: mission ' -

!!anorable Curtis G. Bec!:

Washington, D. C. 20545 '

.) '.N

'S ' Assis, tant Attorney General ,

.1 -

  • liarold F. Reis, Esq. '.. State of Michigan '

Jerocc E. Sharfman, Esq. , l Seven Story Office Building '-

Newman. Reis and Axelrad

' 525 West ottawa ,

1025 Connecticut Avenue, N. U. . .! Lanoing, Michigan 46913 .

Uaohington, D. C. 20036 s.5 "J; Myron M. Cherry, Esq. o ( -

Richard G. Smith, Esq. 1 IDt! Plaza .

Smith & Brooker, P.C. ,,

Chicago, Illinoio 60611 , m 703 Waohington Avenuo .

Day City, Michigan 48706 e ,

  • A ,
  • i f , ,

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y, .

4 7 >. ., .. .

, . , . ,h 6 .,' '

p ga 4 s

Anthony Z. R;isa:an, Esq.,I .,$.9 Dortin, tir ..WerM f fir 11 !!. Marshall

~ .1712 N Street,'!T. W. ,,,' ' b ' 3erT "k.% '.0,'.Napict n -No.

-and Esas R?D


Waa'nington, D. C. .

  1. , d .' '.
  • 20036'.,Y,',5 k 'T. 'k ' Hidland,' Michigan 48640- '~

' *~

".'d [s' ..r . Irving Like, Esq.. " *-

Jamen A. Kendall, Esq.

Currie and Kendall ITi North Saginaw 4;oad N.'

p Peilly, I.ike and Schneider.

', da

, si

. "3


c M',' d" Babylon, 200 West Neul'ain YorkStreee Midland, Michigan 48640 9'

.i . . 11702 . "'

. . . ; . =>

Milton R. Ucasel, I:oq. ' + , W ' 1,p,;.s Jfonorablo filllia:s !!. tiard ,.

4 J. Richard Sinclair, Esq. .

% " , [ Asaistant Attorney' Cencra!

A1len l'ozobom, Eaq. .

' State of Kansas '

Kaye, Scholcr, Ficrt:an, !!aya ]' W*$ '

  • Topoka, 66612 Kanada i and llandict e a,, * -


425 Pcrk Avenue Ifovard J. VoEal, Esq.'

'./'gi,),*, , , ,

, C /,

Nou York, icu York 10022 ' ',, ,. . ' Knittle 6 Vogel ..


'c 814'Ficur Enchango Building

William A. Groenin .

James N. O'Connor, Enq.

g, Jr. , Esq,. .. M, Migneapolia, tfinneaota

' TS5415 The Don Chemical Company- ..7,}..JuddL.Dacon.Esq i

2030 Dow Conter N, . .

,. s," p,e ..

D. ..

  • J '

Midland, Michigan 48640 '

ec*" 4 y' 212 Ucot Michigan AvenueConsumbero l'o ,*

Jackson, !!ichigan 49201- , -

William J. Ginator, Eogo. e,.QHr r.. "'

r: S-Merrill Duilding, Suito 4 5

p# p l{, Mr. Karl Berg, Dirsctor .i ' , 1 ; * , ..%.

soninau, Michigan 48602 . ' 4.

.Grato Dou tM:ovin! Library ,, N. ..~

' "y ' ,4 0 ".. ,1710 ^ .[ b,,:,y,n' .; . ~

. " / 't Weas St. Ani! row noad 4 9 -

tiidland, Michigan 48640 . 'r

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