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Further Answers to Intervenors' 761227 Interrogatories Supplementing CPC 770207 Response.Affidavits & Certificate of Svc Encl
Person / Time
Site: Midland
Issue date: 02/18/1977
From: Bacon J
Shared Package
ML19331A526 List:
NUDOCS 8007180625
Download: ML19331A527 (47)



' ~



In the Matter of I


l CONSUMERS POWER COMPANY ) Docket Nos. 50-329 l ) 50-330

! (Midland Plant, 'Jnits 1 and 2) )


l )

l LICENSEE'S FURTHER ANSWERS TO INTERVENOR INTERROGATORIES DATED DECEMBER 27, 1976 On February 7, 1977, pursuant to rulings of' this Board entered in the transcript in this proceeding on January 31, 1977, Licensee filed its Further Answers to Interrogatories from All Intervenors Except Dow Chemical Company Dated December 27, 1976.

On February 10,_1977, the Board ruled (Tr. 3858) that the Further Answer to Interrogatory 3 was deficient in two respects. Licensee was directed to (1) list the assumptions t

referred to in the last paragraph on page 2 of the Further Answer to Interrogatory 1, and (2) set out the accounting changes that have been requested from the Michigan Public Service Commission and referred to in the Further Answer to Interrogatory 3. The additional information required by this Board, together with a supplement to the February 7 Further Answer to Interrogatory 3, is set forth in Attachment A.

8 0 07180 Q p

i N Page 2 On February 11, 1977, the Board appears to have ruled (Tr. 4106) that Licensee is to identify documents and individuals relied upon for all answers made by Licensee to the December 27, 1976 Interrogatories, including those answers filed January 12, 1977. Those identifications are likewise made in Attachment A, in further answers to Interrogatories 1(a) , 2, 5, 7, 10, 11 and 12.

Affidavits cer.tifying that.such further answers are true and correct to the best of affiants' knowledge are also attached.

Respectfully submitted, Judd,L.~ Bacon, Managing Attorney

, Consumers Power Company

{ 21)/I7 Michigan Avenue '

M ckson, Michigan 49201 February 18, 1977 r

l f


making a claim against Licensee for breach of contract en account of that slowdown is "a reglistic option" being considered at Dow (Tr. 2730). Licensee continues to regard this and like questions of contract compliance as irrelevant and immaterial to the issues in this proceeding, and by not answering further with respect to its own potential claims or defenses concerning its contracts and-relations with Dow is in no way waiving the same.

l l


. ,, , ,, , , _ , , , , v. - - . . - - - w -- . , 'v' r --1 ' ' ' ' " - * "' "" ' ' " '*

  • Interrocatory 1(a) : With respect to the negotiations between Licensee's and Dow's representatives concerning possible modifications to the Midland contracts, Licensee's answer in the first full paragraph on page 4 of its January 12, 1977 Further Answers is supplemented by reference to J. R. Burrough's 1/19/77 minutes of the January 12, 1977 meeting and J.L. Bacon's 1/13/77 minutes of the January 12, 1977 meeting.

On page 4 of Licensee's January 12 Further Answers, it was stated that Licensee advised Dow in October 1974 of a construction slowdown at Midland due to Licensee's inability at tnat time to finance its total construction program. This advice was given by Mr. S. H. Howell. Documents relied on for this answer are S. H. Howell's handwritten notes dated 10/30/74 of a meeting with Dow, and J. L. Eacon's 11/18/74 memorandum to H. P. Graves summarizing S. H. Howell's meetings and con-versations with Dow representatives concerning the construction i slowdown.

1 In Licensee's January 12, 1977 Answer-Objection to Interrogatory 1(a) , it was stated at page 5 that Mr. Temple l

l advised Mr. Howell on January 13, 1975 that Mr. Temple was not i f going to answer Mr. Youngdahl's January 3, 1975 letter pertain-1 ing to Dow's allegation of default by Licensee by virtue of the l

l 1974-75 construction slowdown, and that Dow was planning to let the matter rest. This information is set forth in S. H. Howell's 5/7/75 memorandum to J. L. Bacon transmitting S. H. Howell meeting i notes.

On cross-examination in this proceeding, Mr. Paul Orrefice, President of Dow-USA, has indicated that the possibility of Dow

. s Interrogatory 2: The third paragraph of Licensee's January 12, 1977 Answer-Objection to this interrogatory referred to a .

schedule for submittal of the FSAR and ER. The schedule is set forth in letters to Mr. Roger Boyd of the NRC Staff dated

'1/3/76 (FSAR pre'.iminary schedule) and 10/11/76 (FSAB and EB submittal dates).

The last paragraph of the Answer-Objection referred to the fact that the current construction schedule reflects regu-latory changes requiring design modifications. This statement is based on S. H. Howell's and G. S. Keeley's knowledge of the inputs to the schedule, including the fact that Bechtel Forecast #1 has factored into it design changes required in order to meet regulatory changes and ACRS concerns. Details on possible schedule effects resulting from ACPS concerns were provided in the Further Answer to Interrogatory 12 filed on February 7, 1977.


.,-,-,-.,,-e,.- , ,- -.- , - - , - , , . . , - - - ----,.n .,-.~g , -- r

Interrogatory 3: Pursuant to the Board's ruling of February 10, 1977, there are set forth in Exhibit 1 hereto the assumptions re-ferred to in the last paragraph on page 2 of Licensee's February 7, 1977 Further Answer to this interrogatory, togethe: with a descrip-tion of the accounting changes proposed by Licensee in its pending electric rate case. On page 1 of Exhibit 1 the financial assump-l tions are described. On page 2 of Exhibit 1 the rate assumptions are described, including a description of the requested accounting changes referred to in the February 7, 1977 Further Answer to


Interrogatory 3. On page 3 of Exhibit 1 the amount of the accounting changes assumed is shown. On pages 4 and 5 of Exhibit 1 the major assumptions used by Licensee's Energy Supply Department in supplying data for the cash flow projections are described.

Documents relied on for the assumptions are as fellows:

Author Addressee Date Yiubject Attachment J.A. Parker R.F.Brzezinski 11/18/76 1977 Elec- 11/3/76 letter,, tric Rate E.V.Denton to Case Escal- L.H. Frederick ation Rates 9/27/76 Exh.II-Main System Electric Sales Forecasts at Alternate Gzpwth Rates J.F.Firlit G.L.Heins, et.a1 11/11/76 1977 Rate Att.A: CP Summer Case- Peserve Summary:

Update (. Con- Rate Case Expan-struction sions, RLS, Expenditure Rev. 11/12/76 Forecnat Att.A.1: Same, with planned re-serve criteria at 15t,20%,251


Author Addressee Date Subject Attachment Att.A.2: C.s Rate Case: Summer Demand Predictions by case, FLS, 11/11/76 Att.B: Summary Sheet for Con-struction Expen-ditures Forecast for the years 1976-1986 (form)

Att.B.1: Nuclear Fuel Retirements (form) RJN, 11/11/76 Att.C: Major Assumptions in Rate Case 1977, RJN, 11/11/76 Att.D: Respon-sibilities by Proposed Expen-diturc Categories, RJN, 11/11/76 E.J. Snider R.J.Nicholson 10/8/76 Gas & Oil Oil & gas supply Supply Data etc.

For Elec- CPCo Peaker Gas tric Pate Price Projection Case Oil Price Esti-mates, EJS, 9/30/76 R.P. R.J.Nicholson 10/12/76 Coal Cost CPC Coal Supply Wilkinson Data for Scenario 7 Sun-Electric mary, KLB, 10/19/76 Rate Case Scenario 7 Scenario 8 C.E.Bayless.R.J.Nichcison 10/6/76 Assump- Tails Assay and tions Used Unrichrent in Nuclear Cost Table: base Fuel case, Pu Recycle Calculations 8/19/76 Nuclear Materials Management Cost Information Table:

base case, Pu Recycle 8/19/76

. 3 Author Addres ee Date Subject Attachrent Falisades Expo-sure Data.

Big Rock Point Exposure Data K.E. Spencer R.II. Strang 3/3/76 Availa- Generating Unit bility Availability Projections Projections Fossil Generating Plant Availability Projections (criteria)

Ten Year Sched-uled Periodic Maintenance Forcast [ sic]

-K.E. Spencer 2/20/76 Fossil Plant Availability in Percent 1971-75 Projected Avail-ability Assump-tions, Fossil Generating Units In the February 7, 1977 Further Answer, six Electric Cash Statements were included shouing the detailed source and I

application of funds for the years 1977 through 1982 on the

assumptions indicated in the Further Answer. The cases presented included cash statements both including and exc[uding credits for planned sales of generating capacity to certain electric cooperatives, for various authorized rates of return on common l

equity, and assuming that the accounting changes requested by Licensee and described in Exhibit I hereto would be granted.

Except in the 12.75% return case, it was stated that Licensee's construction program could be financed as planned even if the i

! . accounting. changes were not granted.

The first full paragraph on page 4 of the February 7 Further Answer to Interrogatory 3 stated that if the MPSC continues to authorize a rate of return of only 12.75%, and fails to approve the reque,sted accounting changes, Licensee would not be able to finance the entire construction program as planned. In that event, given the financing plan shown for the case with no credits from sales to cooperatives, interest coverage ratios ir. the years 1980 and 1981 would fall to 1.909 and 1.959, respectively, being below the required "two times" coverage. In each of these two years, the projected expenditures for Midland are 43% and 27%, respectively, of total electric expenditures. Thus, a deferral or elimination of some portion of planrede electric projects would still enable Licensee to proceed with the Midland project in those years.

IIowever , the cases described in the February 7 Further Answer did not assume issuance of unsecured debt or preference stock (the latter being junior to " straight" preferred stock).

Licensee has made use of both financing vehicles in the past, and its present capitalization includes approximately $86,000,000 of unsecured debt and approximately $87,000,000 of preference


stock. Interest on unsecured debt is not included in Licensee's indenture coverage calculation, and preference stock can be sold without restriction on earnings coverage.

Assuming the MPSC will act on Licensee's pending elec-tric rate application by the.end of 1977, but assuming the authorized rate of return on common equity is not increased from

  • 'n the present 12.75% level, assuming no credits from sales to coop-eratives, and assuming that all of Licensee'n requested accounting changes are rejected, an additional study made subsequent to the January 12, 1977 filing has shown that Licensee will still be able to finance its entire electric construction prografa using moderate amounts of unsecured debt and preference securities.

This financing plan is set forth on Exhibit 2 hereto. As shown c,n the exhibit, the levels of interest coverage in the years 1980 and 1981 would be 2.217 and 2.257, respectively, which is in excess of the minimum required "two times" coverage.

Furthermore, Licensee has short term bank credit i available to it in an amount in excess of $220,000,000, which provides flexibility in the timing of entry into the securities market.

f s

Exhibit 1, Page 1 Financial Assumptions Capitalization Cb.icetives knc Tom Debt Capitali stior. 537 Preferred end Preference Capitalization 125 Common Capitali:stion 35%

Interest and Dividend Rates As :ured on f*ew Securitic:

With Accounting Cherze: 1977- 1978 1979-19 2 '

kng Tem Debt Intere:t Rate ~ 9d 9$ 97 Preferred & Preference Dividend Rate 9$- 93 9%

Without Accountinc Chances +

kng Tem Debt Intere:t Rate 93 s

10% 10%

Preferred & Preference Dividend Rate ' 9M 10% 10%

(kver rate: cre a:cuned under the case in ::hich accounting chen;c: applied for are granted. 11e veuld anticipate an incrovenant in the rating' of cu:-

tecuritics due to the 1: proved internal ca:h gencr tien cnd cever:ce re.cultin-frem these acccunting ch:n c:. 1.*e project the ater:Ge r'.te on nett securities of our current qu,11ty to be 10% in the peried 1978 - 1932.)

Cer: .on Stock Price

. Common Stock price in 1977 1:~catinated to yield not precced: of $21.00 to the cenpany. The priec a:duned in 1973-1932 is baned on a yield con ictent tith the intere:t and dividend r:tc.= ace.te:cd. The underlyinc dividend rate in all caccc is cutlined belott.

1977 $2.12 1978 $2.20 1979 $2.28 1980 $2.36

.1981 $2.hh 9 1982 $252 Tax Ascumqtion:

1977-1902 '

Federal Corporate Incer.c Tax Rate h8%

. }tichigan Sincle Busine : Tax Rate 235%

Property 7,x Rate 1.737 - 2.35% (increase: appro:timately 3% per year)

City incer.c Tax $166,000 per year Other A r.umptionn Re:ults reflect only the Electric !*.ain Systen which excluder. the Pentiac Elcetric rusiness, p/)6/77


1 imhibit L, Page ?

I!cr.ulatory /.ncumpt.ionn Rato 7W aticnt 90% of Fuel for Cencratio t and Purchane and Interchanc,e Power Cont i: collected an incurred -

Rate increr.::es are co=tuted based on operating rerult: in the current' year with the rate increase included in the follcuing year's ratec.

Acccunting changes requested in pending clectric rate increase applicatica U5331 Deferred Tax - Indirect Con truction Coct:

Prc:cntly, current utility custe:crn receive the bencrit of a reduction in inecmc tax p2.m onta thich do not relate to cur-current utility cu:r tenn but rcJate to cur currant conet.ructicn '

prorrem an:1 are ec=urized of items cuch an interect, pencienn, prop:rty taxc and payroll-tcxes all of which are canitalized as part of constn:ction cost: on cur book: but are treated as expenses for incene tax purpo:cs. Under the current method of acccunting our custe cr cost of service (inec=c tax) c n be reduced or incresced as the construction tregram increases or decreane: in nac,nitude. Tne acccuntinc chance /nich we htve requented in the electric rate filinc prepcae: to charge current-custc=er: with the inec=0 tax attributable to cur current utility operations and to defer the tax reductien related to the conctruction items to the years in which the cost of thoce cen:tructica items are charged to current cperaticn as depreciation expen::c.

Pollution Ict Centrol Cperating Inec=c Facilitica - Exclucien of Ansceinted /JLutC frcm The Cc=cany prorocen that rollui, inn craixol ccnntructicn rork in pcTres:- be incluried in Eo Pc mny'- rete bone withcut inclualcn of the t. :cciate - c. c::ce A- fund: used during con:truction in net operating inccme.

Electric depreciation rate on producticn facilitics Reviciens to the current' authorized electbic deprecicticn retos (production facilitice) have been propened. These reviced raten larfely reficct inventmente in pollutien centrol fccilitice fcr which the added coct: must be recovered over the remaininr, life of the plant. The prcpened chance al:o rec 1cetc an increaca in the c tim'.ted coat of removal of nuclear plant facilition.


J s


Ar.ount of Accountin~ Chance Assuned 1076 1077 1079 197o 1080 1DF1J 1" 2 ,

. Increase in' Deferred Tax -

Indirect Construction Costs -- --

20,012 26,582- 26,585 -16,89h 6,331 .

t 6


. Decrease in Allowance For Funds ilsed Durine, Construction on -- ' -- 18,955 29,92' 214,763 1h,670 3.510 1

Pollution Control Facilities 1,

4 Increase in Book Depreciation 0, L l:8 9,89h ' 2 ,1140 17,Th7 2h,L15 i

tr x

1 3

71cetric' Rate Application U5331 uorkinr, Papers nu=bered UP ha and WP hb o e

ft V


13 G.


r- .

6 4

N o.a.. Au A w a, -

r ctg e 1

- F.7:t:te:7nf!TL lu:t 11AJtM h%: ~ m ::5 2f(7 e

~l')77 fir:cT;:Tr; tthit: <3::.. t yrt...prt.) j I. ~ AW:X: l.TEG 1he MUDC rate is fd for 1976, 0-1/2% for 17/7 and 1973, 0-3/h% for l'779 and 1%3, 9?, for l'/J1 cad 1902, 9-1/fri, for 1933 cnd 190!*, 9-1/2l,for 19d5 and 1986.

II. PRICE I:753 Infiction rate: of 6.0$ per.yesr for cencral rAterials, 6.55 n m yest for 1ctor or a co po:ite rate of 6.25% _over the period 1977-1993. c.eference JAFcrker ceco Iovember 18, 1976.t,I:

. III. CALES FC'!E0ACT -- **

Cales growth rate of 5.2% over the period 1WS '1966. Reference TL31ckel Exhibits September 27, 1976. C.)


, ler77 j o7p, try7,3 193o 1991 gegg irpa iq, ,

20,013 20,000 29,462 30, s 32, coy 34,302 30,W5 37, wa

. 19 % -1996 1907 19 % IM7 19'v] 1m1 39,9 3 42,012 44,19/ so,4N 40,913 51, @ 9 ,131

. A. 'me load factor 1: 671,.

B. The system efficiency is to be establi hed at the 91-927, level.

Ecfcrence EL0taffori Attachnent A.2 to JFFirlit como 27evc=ber 11,1976 ($)

. V. CETERf.TTf;i E7fA ;0IC:i TL*.!i C-1977 April; !!arn la in cervice; no third psrty psrticipation.

. Sept; Kr.rn 3 uprated; r.o third party participation.

Oummer; lurcha:e 253 l*.i at AEP Cavin unit.

, Palt:nies derated at approximstely 55 per year ur.til 1691, the beginnir.c of a two-year oute.,o for steam concrator repairs,

. 1980; Campbell 3 in service; third party particirstion of 60 K4 1981 Pa11:ades out of cera.-ice. .

. l' arch; !!idlmi 2 in crvice; *hird party participation of 174 !"4 Cooling tovers are added to Karn and Weadock f

1902 palieades out of :ervdec.

  • thrch; !!i.II.ri 1 in service: thir! psrty pnrticipation of 93 t 1, tuy back of 60101, 9.'s tt, 76 K4, 62 K4, LO I?I, 15 K4 from 1931 throuCh 1933, rc:pectively.


/ Pali:tv!c re:tored to 6C6 l'4 Winter; LuF n:, ton rgturn of 159 I;( of caps:ity.

Ou=.:cr; !brrow 1-2 retired.

1906- Cpring; Unas:icned 600 Itt, low-sulfur coal.

1907 Oprinc: l' nan:!6:ned 830 l'1, hi C h-sulfur coal. -

January 1; I:orrov 316 retired.

Campbell 2 turbine mdifications.

1939 Cpric6; Una: icned Oc0 K1, high-sulltr coal.

January 1; 5:cadock 1-2 retired.

1973 January 1; itendock 3 la retired. *

  • 1991 I'prin. ; 1*n r:: Inned CO3 !!!, hie.h-:ulfur cent.

, January 1; Wcndock 5-6. retired.

. Exhibit 1, Page 5 tr.rm nm -


in.ruit A. :airaTJea; .?/Tl 4

1rrr7 tr.o mtr* Mr rA",:.' (t er/ f.1@M Y. GCIRATIC! CT/J::ICil P!.*Ji (Cent'd) 1992 fprine,; Una::le.nnd 1150 !*.J. nuclear.

January 1; Cobb 1-3 retired.

19'A Opring; Unastir:ned 1150 IN, nuelcar.

Retire 134 !p hydro.

1975 Sprir.g; (Jens:icned 1150 !*.1, nuclesr.

1977 Ppring; 17nassir ned 800 !*J. for:11.

January 1; 1.hiting 13 retired.

VI. WEL CUFFLY A!!D PRICIO A. Karn ee=picx will have sufficient oil for the next 10 years.

B. Cac cn1 011 -

Reference EJCnider ceno Octcher 8,1776.g* *.

C. Coal -

Reference KBliinin:en ecmo October 12, 1776.

D. Ituelear -

Ib additional ucicar fuc1 les:es try:n1 the existin., level et te.

Palisaded a cu=cd. Reference CIS2yless teto October 6,1976.' *}


A. Ecsidust and ener.y :trents fuel: are burned nt the E :er.ille -

cite after 1977. Itere is no coal Easification for Ecrn 3.

B. The fluidized bed boiler 1: cded to the C=: bell 2 unit in 1903, as:uniec fintateing of 'A'.. I= proved coal at Cs pbell in 1977.

C. Increnced availability of r.enerntin; unit: renul t : fro i en increase in mintentuice. Ecfcrence r sintena.nce nM avn11nbility EE0penece docuent !'. arch 27, 1776. ['; } f D. ft.1:1 car generation forecast - !!illion: of h*-t.

- Irr77 - 1rr78 le,77 l e.PO 1981 le@ 1 ",'M I T"a 3,633 3,64 TU 4,30) 3, y>3 b 'A t '),740 10, 4 5 1935 IG3 1007 1080 143') Icm 1071 10,93 10,463 E. Low load is 150 !?! beginning in 1932.

F. 7.te fir:t pr.:-.ent for joint pirtictrstion by the rtr#s, U.ncing and F. illa:.d tin C . pt..:113 r.nd 1:idicai Plante) vill bc : nom startinc on January 1,1770.

f SeeJDe<fFir.wie') 1a.'15 *$ Eor. I

- C.d ;b .

I -

w/,Ani w/>

CA i 3

~02/08/77. 10.2$.23 ELECT 710 CA51 S T _7 d 'e ' ;)5 I Yet0'J% At:0 5 f'F 07LLAs 21 4 .

1976 1977 t . 7 ", 1079 1930 19D1 10.12 I ?.E T IllT Eff *4 Alt.Y GE.sERATEJ FUNDS t ,15' 19. ad227. 143736. 1576S9. 109740. Ir1042.

e 313166.

2 S ALE OF SECU4tT155 3  ?*Co f G 4r.E OF :: T 170221. 200035 190700. 190000. 200700. 215009. 125000 4 0 7. 'C 3 t.1." 1 TE .* 01:0T 16 f> M . 53718,. 5 J O C f' . '. 0 a'.sa. Sa r c . e. , q.

5 F /.r r f R P i. D Sir x 0. 5571's. c.v o 00 . r.bn09. 5 ;;riej o. O. c.

b PREFtNElsCE STOCA 44795. O. D. 500J7. 50009. 25CJ0. E.

7 Co. ::c 4 STocx 101147. 75007. 195000. 1509>n. 135000. 90000, c.

i TCitL 312956. 3'3a30'. 4*15000. 49J0Jo. Aa5000. 3?c030. 125700..

  • Q 5-4C A T T E R:'. c,04 R JN I ?:~,-N E T CHANG - ca71 T. 322h. 59012. -553. .1126. -53io. IL

. ___.______________..._________...._______.______.__._______..'e2. ._

/OTOTAL EXTdRf44L FU4 DING 266139. 430605., ,54401'2. 40?447.8 A fl 13 74 3 2 4 f> 10.  !?5529.

11 Sittsi?:c, FUitG At:0 07etFR . * ,

DEST R d T 14 t: O TS .

I,7. S!!.4*6G FU:13 FC4 DecT 10026.. 12204. 14124.. .

16024. I F ? 2' . IV373. 212$7.

/J PdFUNC OF DEST 4243e. 16 ') d 2 . 4 #, l O 9 fi. 40217. 2 *O d ** . 37027.

...________.______.._'s. __ .. . . ______ _.. ..... _______

( I4 T C I

  • L 533o4. 271U6. 14619. 17124 *100!41. 46732. " C 2 r, 4 . '

/R G:.> T MlC T ! CN C)r P E 101 T UR E S 323265. 4 r i t.<. '. . 673139. e,2 ,'7 J c . 4 ': ': <. 7 4 .

. 4 2 cs.17 0. 39A >1.

I', MIDL4ftD \I.L l'4tM EGW .H 4 (os . 475 HO. ,7cl.qco  !!$:*70 .3. 7*l .D j'lCCVER AGE .4 AT IDS . .

d !' CE!.TllkE Ci:VE't AGE AA TIO 2.57a 2 397 2 344 2 294 2 217 2 217 3 374

//CH ARis". COVER AGE R ATIO 1 689 2 1.u35 1 6rt5 1.7a3 1 775 1 4Y4 1.754 d)5EC COVERAGE RATIO 2 7f,4 2.715 2.700 2.790 2.'302 2 223- 3.C23 r.


. ,t.r tf ta ft

. 4 - -




s Interrogatory 5: Licensee's Further Answer of February 7, 1977 stated that cost estimates were being made, but had not yet been completed, for three cases described in the Further Answer.

The estimates have since been completed and are contained in handwritten studies by David D. France dated 2/4/77 and 2/8/77.

O f


Interrogatorv 7: Licensee's January 12, 1977 Inswer-Objection to this interrogatory referenced discussions with electric cooperative and municipal utility representatives. The reference to discussions with electric cooperatives was based upon a 7/6/76 working group proposal to nanage=ent entitled "Const=ers Power Cc=pany, Participation in Ovner-ship and Operation of Ca=pbell 3 and Midland 1 and 2 by Northern Michigan Electric Cooperative, Inc. ar.d Wolverine Electric Cooperative, Inc." The Sl.1 =illion fee centioned in the Answer-Objection, to be paid to Licensee, is the proposed fee for all three units. The amount of the fee allocable to Midland 1 and 2 only is approxi=ately S800,000.

Other documents relied upon as references to the discussiens with the electric cooperatives are:

Auther Addressee Date E.H. Kaiser J. Keen, 1/2/75 (Meeting minutes C. Johnson sent 1/21/75)

E.H. Kaiser R.C.Youngdahl, 1/31/75 W.J.Mosley R.L.Stafford R.C.Youngdahl, 6/13/75 (Meeting ninute:

W.J.Mosley sent 6/24/75)

W. Morris E.H. Kaiser 6/24/75 R.C.Youngdahl J. Keen, 7/22/75 C. Johnson, O.Regers E.H. Kaiser J. Keen, 11/7/75 C. Johnson R.C.Youngdahl John N. Keen 12/10/75

& Clyde L. Johr son R.L.Stafford CPCo attendees 2/ll/76(Meeting



e Author Addressee Date J.Chayavadhan- E.H. Kaiser 1/16/76 angkur E.H. Kaiser John N. Keen 4/19/76

& Clyde L. Johnson E.H. Kaiser John M. Keen 6/11/76

& Clyde L. Johnson J.N. Keen E.H. Kaiser 6/22/76 Licensee's discussions with Holland and Lansing representatives are described in the following documents:

Author Addressee Date Holland: R.L.Stafford W.J.Mosley, 4/1/75(Meeting minutes:

, G.L.Heins, sent 4/9/75)

& A.P.Wurmlinger R.C.Youngdahl R.Riemersma 8/28/75 R.H.Riedsma E.H. Kaiser 9/30/75 E.H. Kaiser R.Riemersma 10/10/75 F.D. Whitney E.H. Kaiser 12/9/75 R.C.Youngdahl F.C. Whitney 1/6/76 T.Morawski E.H. Kaiser 6/15/76 R.L.Stafford F.C. Whitney 6/17/76 F.C. Whitney R.C.Youngdahl 6/28/76 Lansing: R.C.Youngdahl E. Brush 8/28/75 E. Brush E.H. Kaiser 9/30/75 E.H. Kaiser E. Brush 10/10/75 R.L.Stafford J.Wolfe 11/25/75

, J.Wolfe E.H. Kaiser 11/26/75 l J.Wolfe .E.H. Kaiser 12/9/75 R.L.Stafford , 12/10/75(Meeting minutes)

R.L.Stafford J.Wolfe 12/12/75 J.Wolfe E.H. Kaiser 1/8/76 R.L.Stafford CP attendees 2/10/76 (Meeting (G.L.Heins, E.H. minutes)

Kaiser, A.C.Erikson, R.Calcaterra)

J.Wolfe E.H. Kaiser 2/16/76 E. Brush R.C.Youngdahl 6/25/76 L

In its. January 12, 1977 Answer-Objection, Licensee stated that "The municipalities would require special authori-zation to enter into such an arrangement." Such authorization is contained in Public Act No. 448, passed by the Michigan Legislature on December 15, 1976 and signed into the Governor, with immediate effect, on January 13, 1977.

The Answer-Objection relied upon information provided by Gordon L. Heins. This Further Answer relies upon information provided by Messrs. Gordon L. Heins, George F. Hill and Wayne A.



t 9

- . . - - - - , , - . - ,e,,_., , . , - . , ,, . _,

Interrogatory 10: The answer in subparagraph (a) on page 22 of Licensee's January 12, 1977 Answers relied upon the first para-graph of 59.4 of Licensee's Environmental Report Supplement (ERS) in this proceeding.

The answer in subparagraph (b) relied upon ERS Tables 9.4-2 an'd 9.4-3, and also upon a memorandum from J. F. Donnelley to G. L. Heins dated 11/19/76 concerning the lead time for a new fossil (coal) plant.

The answers in subparagraphs (c) and (d) on page 23 of the January 12, 1977 Answers also relied upon Mr. Donnelly's 11/19/76 memorandum to Mr. Heins.

The remainder of the answer on page 23 relied upon Exhibit 17 to G. S. Keeley's prepared testimony in this proceeding.


= ,

Interrocatory 11: The following persons were relied upon in the preparation of Licensee's January 12, 1977 Answer-Objection to this interrogatory:

K.L. Baker T.J. Goulish C.F. Belknap W.J. Jefferson P.L. Bickel R.F. Johnston M.E. Bills R.L. Paul R.L. Casey M.A. Shadley B.E. Deverman H.E. Spieler R.E. Gillette E.J. Thallman C.A. Gilzow D.W. West The following documents were relied 6pon in preparing the answer:

1. Measuring the Effects of Energy Conservation (Comparison of December 1973 through April 1974 with comparable period one year prior) (May 24, 1974)
2. Residential Air Conditioning Conservation (Comparison of summers of 1973 and 1974) (November 5,1974)
3. Measuring the Effect of Energy Conservation (June 1974 through September 1974 compared with comparable period one year prior)

(December 4, 1974)

4. Measuring the Effects of Energy Conservation (Calendar year 1974 compared with 1973) (February 11, 1975)
5. Energy Conservation (Compari: son of December 1974 through April 1975 with comparable period one year prior) (August 11, 1975)
6. Energy Conservation (Comparison of December 1975 through April 1976 with comparable period one year pnior) (August 19, 1976)
7. Energy Conservation Survey - University of Michigan (Summary of findings of National Science Foundatacn sponsored survey)

(January 30, 1975) 8.- National Opinion Research Center Report No. 126 (The Impact of the 1973-1974 Oil Embargo On The American Fousehold)

(March 6, 1975)

9. Historic Car Market Potential (January 15, 1974)
10. Electric Appliance Saturation Projections to 1990 (February 1972)
11. Report on 1975 Appliance Saturation survey (deternining speci-fic data requirenents for the upcoming 1975 Saturation Survey)

(February 11, 1976)

12. 1975 Appliance Saturation Survey
13. Load Forecasting Data. Rate Research Department (Review of data available for load forecasting purposes) (November 21, 1975)
14. Load Management Survey for Large Commercial and Industrial Customers (July 1976)
15. Discontinuation of Electric Sales Promotion and Advertising -

Memo from B.G. Campbell to Officers (October 28, 1970)

16. Discontinuation of Appliance Sales - Wire frcm B.G. Campbell to Division Managers (June 7, 1972)
17. Energy Conservation - Memo from E.J. Thallman to Division Managers, et. al. (February 19, 1973)
18. Company Buildings Energy Conservation - Meno from D.W. West to Division Managers, et. al. (November 9, 1973)
10. Company Buildings - Fnergy Conservation, Summer Cooling Load Policy Memo from E.J. Thallman to Division fianagers, ,

et. al. (April 14, 1974)

20. Consumers Power Company - Conservation of Energy-Advertising, 1973 through 1975 - Working Paper - Data Control Department

- D.E. Deverman (October 7, 1976)

21. Consumers Power Company - Energy Conservation Exposition, May.14 and 15, 1974. Objective and evaluation - M.E. Bills and R.E. Gillett2 (July 17, 1974)
22. High Pressure Sodium Streetlighting Rate - Application to Michigan Public Service Commission - U-5326 (January 21, 1977) f
23. Consumers Power Company - Energy Consulting Services (Monthly)

Energy Application Report - Compiled from Division Form 2709 (Home Service Programs) (December 1973 and July 1974 Reports) i l 24. Speakers Bureau Presentations - Energy Conservation / Utilization, H.E. Spieler (October 28, 1976)

25. Information in Response to Request by J.H. Climer In Connection with Midland Nuclear Plant Construction License Hearing, R.E. Gillette (Shift of industrial Loads from fossil fuel to electric) (October 12, 1976) l l
26. Consumers Power Company - Major Electric Furnace Installation to Feplace Kupolas for Metal Melting - R.E. Gillette (November 16, 1976)
27. Customers Receiving Load Control Pulses - (undated and unsigned),

R.E. Gillettee (Approximately November 4, 1976)

28. Inverted Rate Analysis - Rates Department (January 17, 1977)
29. Studies of Price Plasticity of Demand for Electricity:

Implications for Rate Designers - Louis A. Guth, Vice President, National Economic Research Association, Inc. (September 22, 1975)

30. Report to Michigan Public Service Commission on the Home Insulation Promotion and Financing Program by Joel A. Sharkey (May 18, 1976)
31. AEIC/EPRI National Heat Pump Load Study - Memo frcm J.H. Climer to W.J.-Jefferson regarding costs of study (June 17, 1975)
32. Page 3 from "The Utility Forecaster" Residential Price Elasticity - Summarized (Undated)
33. Booklets Distributed on Energy Conservation - ECS Department, D.W. Cross (September 29, 1976)
34. Association of Edison Illuminating Companies - Report of the Load Research Committee 1972-1973, pp. L-245 - L-256 concerning Frost-Free Refrigerator - Freezer Use Study
35. Residential "on-Farm Electric ater Heating Load Study -

12 Months ended June 30, 1975. Consumers Power Company


Interrogatory 12: References explaining in more detail I.icensee's views concerning ACRS items are contained in Licensee's Exhibit 33 in this proceeding'. Appended hereto as Exhibit 3 is a list of the references used for' individual exhibit items in the Further Answer to Interrogatory 12 filed on Feb;uary 7, 1977 l


l l

l l

l f

4 w w ,we, www --y_

, J, e Exhibit 3, page 1

. Re ference

1. December 1,1976. ACRS Supplement al -

Ex Sh-1, Ex 86-2,1;x S6-3, Report on Midland Units 1&2 Ex st:-A . I:x 8 6 '. , 1:x Sh-/

Ex S6-9, Ex S6-10 a & b, Ex S6-11 a & b

2. 1/17/68 TMI-1 ACRS Report -

Ex S6-1, Ex S6-3, Ex S6-4, CP Stage Ex S6-6, Ex S6-7 3, 2/5/68 AEC Staff Safety Evaluation -

Ex S6-1 of the TMI-1 Plant - CP Stage 4, 7/11/73 TMI-l AEC Staff Safety -

Ex S6-1, Ex S6-3, Ex S6B-6 Evaluation OL Stage

5. IEEE-279 1968 Edition -

Ex S6-1

6. 11/12/70 AEC Staf f Safety -

Ex S6-1, Ex S6-10a, Ex S6A-4, Evaluation of Midland Units 1,6 2 Exp6A-10,ExS6B-3,ExS6C-19 CP Stage

, t

7. IEEE-279 1971 Edition -

Ex S6-1 W

. .~ _ - _ . .


_ Exhibit 3, page 2 l 8 . AEC Ictter f rom Peter A :: orris -

Ex S6-2 Director, Division of Reactor Licensing, to Rol>ert 11 .Al1en, CPCo

. Senior'Vice-President dated September 26, 1969

9. Midland PSAR -

Ex 36-2, Ex S6A 4, Ex S6A-5, Evg S6C-20 10 April 24,1970 ACG ~ Subcommittee /

Ex S6-2,'Ex S6C-20 NRC Staff Meeting Notes of the ACRS

11. NRC Ictter to CPCo dated September 24, -

Ex S6-2, Ex 56i -1, E:.. Sr.C. 7 1976 related to Mechanical Ex S6C 'I. E: 86G 2?. Ez 'W 'i.

Engineering. Regulatory Guides Ex S6C .D , F.x m.i. '.

! 12. 2CRS 1/27/70 Report on' Palisades CP. -

Ex.S6-1, Er. 56-9,-Ex S68-2 i

! Stage 1-

13. Bl#-10010 Topical Report -

Exd .


l. 14. Rancho Seco Safety Evaluation -

Ex S-3 l Report - 6/8/73 i


- 15. TML-2 Safety Evaluation. Report -

Ex S6F-1 ismend_'43, 7/15/76

. Exhibit 3, pago 3

..16.- THI Safety Evaluation Report -

Ex S6-4, Ex S6-7, Ex S6B-4, (NUREG-0107) Septc=ber 1976 Ex S63-7, Ex 56C-15 & 16 Ex S6D-3, Ex S6D-8, Ex S6D-9 ,l

.. 17.  !!utchinson Islan'd ACRS Report -

Ex S6-5, Ex S6-10a 3/12/70 1

18. Regulatory Guide 1.13 - Ex S6-5 .

19." ACRS Ceneric Status Report -

Ex 56-5, Ex S6-9 December 18, 1972


20. Regulatory Guide 1.25 -

Ex S6-5 i l

l i

21.- NRC letter to CPCo 'rclated to -

Ex S6-5, Ex S6-10s, Ex 563-5, miscellaneous Regulatory Guides. Ex.56C-1, Ex S6C-6, Ex S6C-2'4, dated Septc=ber 29, 1976 Ex S6C 43 .I l

i 22 BS'J . Topical Report 10008 -

Ex S6-6, Ex S63-6


23. Rancho Seco June 1973 AEC Staff -- Ex S6-6, Ex S63-6 l Safety Evaluation

'I l

l 2 4.' 10 CFR 50.46 -

Ex SG-7 '

25, 10 CFR 50 Appendix K. -

Ex S6-7, Ex S6D-3 l


. Exhibit 3, pago 4

26. B&U Topical Report 10104 -

Ex S6-7

27. B&W Topical Report 10103 -

Ex S6-7

28. NRC letter to B&W on BAW-10103 dated -

Ex S6-7 2/4/76

29. B&W 1etter to NRC on BAW-10103 dated -

Ex S6-7 12/7/76

30. NRC Staff letter to B&W 12/2/76 on -

-Ex S6-7 BAN-10104

31. B&W " worst case" cladding temperature -

'Ex S6-7 analysis provided to NRC by letter 1/24/76

32. NRC ictter to Florida Power Corporation - Ex S6-7 1/28/76


33.' July 11, 1967 ACRS Report on.0conee -- Ex S6-8, Ex S6-11a, Ex S6-11b, Ex S6B-6, Ex S6B-7, Ex S6B-8, Ex S6B-9

34. Regulatory Guide 1.20 -

Ex S6-2


35. Regulatory Guide 1.2 -

Ex S6-8, Ex S6C-37 D


Exhibit 3, page 5

36. IRC letter to CPCo related to !!sturials - Ex SG-3, En SG-11a, Ex S6C-10 Regulatory Guides September 24, 1976 Ex S6C-23 '

37 B&W Topical Report BAW-10018 Ex S6-3

38. HSST Program -

Ex S6-3, Ex S6C-37 '

39. April 16, 1976 Generie Status Report -

Ex S6-9, Ex S6-10a, Ex 56-11a-of ACRS Ex S6C-1, E- .,6C-2, Ex S6C-3, i

Ex S6C-4, Ex S6C-5, Ex S6C-6, Ex S6C-7, Ex S6C-8, Ex S6C-9, Ex S6C-10, Ex S6C-II, Ex S6C-13, 1

Ex S6C-15 & 16, Ex S6C-17, Ex SEC-IS, Ex S6C-19, Ex S6C-20, Ex S6C-21, Ex S6C-22, Ex 56C-23, Ex S6C-24, Ex S6C-25, Ex S6C-27, Ex 3CC-23, Ex S6C-29, Ex S6C-30, Ex SGC-31, Ex S6C-32, Ex S6C-33, Ex S6C-35, Ex S6C-36, Ex S6C-37, i

Ex SGC-38, Ex S60-39, Ex 56C 40, Ex S6C 41, Ex S6C 43, Ex $6C-42,

Ex SF-4, Ex SF-5, Ex SF-6',

Ex SF-7 *

- r -+ , .- , . ., , ~

ry , - - .


Exhibit 3, page 6

'40. Regulatory Guide 1.40 -

Ex S6-9, Ex S6C-12 '

41. ' Regulatory Culde 1.63 -

Ex S6-9, Ex S6c-32

42. Regulatory Guide 1.73 -

Ex S6-9, Ex S6C-32 1

43. Regulatory Guide 1.89 -

Ex S6-9, Ex S6C-32


44 IEEE-382-1972 -

Ex S6-9, Ex S6C-32 i


45. IEEE-383-1974 - Ex 56-9, Ex S6C-32
46. IEEE-317-1972 -

Ex S6-9

47. IEEE-323-1974 -

Ex S6-9, Ex S6C-32

48. NRC Staff 1cteer to CPCo Related -

Ex S6-9, Ex S6C-2,.Ex S6C-4, i-to Elec. Instru=entation and Control


Ex S6C-26 Regulatory Guides September 29, 1976 i 49. Applicant's Testimony -

Ex S6-9~


50. Regulatory Guido.l.7 - - Ex S6-10a
51. March 24,.1970 Midland ACRS -

Ex S6-10b ,

~ Subcommittee Meeting Notes'

,.-y ,, - - , - - -

g - . ,p. ,. - . p ,- v- "-T~- *1 9 >e"*t*' TY "7" 'S = * * * '

Ey.hibit 3, page 7

52. AEC Staff Safety Evaluation of -

Ex S6-10b.

Hutchinson Island 11/8/70-

53. Supplement 1 to AEC Staff Safety -

Ex.S6-10b Evaluation of Hutchinson Island dated 1

5/9/75 54 ASME Section X1 -

Ex S6-lla, Ex S6B-10, Ex S6C-10 i


55. Regulatory Guide 1.65 -

Ex S6-lla, Ex S6C-10 s

56 10 CFR 50 Appendix A & H -

Ex S6-lla, Ex S6C-15 & 16 57 ASTM-E-185 -

Ex S6-lla, Ex S6C-15 & 16 l


58. NRC Staff letter to CPCo on QA Ex S6-lib, Ex S6B-2, Ex S6C-ll Regulatory Guides 11/26/76



59. CPCo QA Regulatory Guide Position l_

Ex S6-llb, Ex S6C-11 f

Submittal of 11/9/76 60 June 18, 1970 ACRS Report on Midland Ex S6A-1, Ex S6A-2, Ex S6A-3, j Units 1 & 2 Ex S6A-4, Ex S6A-5, Ex S6A-6, Ex S6A-7, Ex S6A-3, Ex S6A-9, Ex S6A-10, Ex S6A-ll, Ex S6A .2, Ex S6C-33 I

i r , ,. , _ .

e.- . , . - , y,y . _ ., , , . . __ r

. Exhibit 3,.page H

61. ~ Midland PSAR Ar.cndments 24 and 27 -

Ex St.A-l

62. 10 CFR Part 20  ; -

Ex S6A-1

~ 63. 10 CFR Part 30 ' -

Ex S6A-2

64. - ACRS Supplemental Report of Midland -

Ex S6A-2 September 23, L970

65. Dow Chemical Company letter to CPCo -

Ex S6A-3 May 22, 1970

66. Dow Chemical Company LetterEto CPCo -

Ex S6A-3 4

October 18, 1976

67. 122nd ACRS Meeting Notes for -

Ex S6A-3 June 11-13, 1970 i

) 68. Midland PSAR Amendments 22 and 26 -

Ex S6A-8

69. CPCo letter to NRC on Amendment 26 -

Ex S6A-H i

j Open Items Dated 12/9/74 s

70 Regulatory Guide 1.75 -

Ex S6A-8

71. tIRC letter to CPCo on P.cgulatory Guide -

1:x 36A-S 1.75 : October 20, 1976~

__ .___ - .. - _ . . . - _ _ .-.. _ . . . . . . ~,. . _ __ . - _ _ . _ , . , . _ , . . . _ - . ,

. Exhibit 3, page 9

72.  ::RC ictter to ACRS on Failed Ft.el -

i:x : f. \- 9 detectors July 7, 1976

73. 7, 1976 ACKS Subccmmittee/ -

Ex S6A-10, Ex S6F-2 flRC ' stat { !!ect int; on Cencric Ir. sues 74 LIASit 1270 t:RC Staf f Technical P.eport on - D: SGA-12, l' >. P. f. C - 3 3 ATilS, September 1973 7 :. .

. 1su.! Tes:hnical Report on ATils SAU-10099 -

Ex S6A-12

76. 12/75 I:RC Staff Detailed ATWS Criteria - Ex SGA-32
77. 12//6 Istti Ih:purt on ATUS Employin;, -

Ex S6A-12 ti . 12/75 lInc ATUS CEiteria

78. T111 Uni t 2 ACR3 Report of 7/17/69 -

Ex S61;-1 79 156'! Topical 1: Ati-10017 -

Ex S6ft-1


50. Regulatory Guide 1.54 -

Ex S6a-2

81. ACRS I:cport on 11. 11 . Robinc.on dated -

Ex S6B-3 2/17/67

32. AEC Staf f I.etter to CPCo dated 3/2B/69 - Ex 561,-3

, . -- ..- . . ~ . . .. - .

4 o g

.< = . 3 F.xhibit 3, page 10

83. Regulatory Cuide 1.48 -

Ex S6n-3 84 Appendix J of 10 CFR 50 -

Ex S68-3

85. 3/14/67 ACRS Report on Browns Ferry J -

Ex S6n-3

'86. Three Mile' Island Unie'2 -

Ex S6B-4, Ex SGL-7 FSAR

87. , B&*4 Topical BAW-10044 - -

Ex S6B-4

. ~

88. 9/10/69 ACRS Report on Dresden Unit 2 -


89. , Midland PSAR Amendment 31

.i Ex S63-5

90. Regulatory Guide 1.59 -

Ex S63-5

91. SRC Staff Letter to CPCo Ex 563-5 September 29, 1972 f
92. CPCo Response to 9/29/72 -

Ex S6B-5

, Staff Letter: 10/31/72

93. :NRC Staf f Meeting !!otes _ of 5/9/73 -

Ex S6B-5 MeetiKg *. ith CPCo as transmitted by

. Staff Letter of July 10, 1973

-+ . - , ,, , ..--nn- - - , , - - - - , , - ~ . - - - . . - .- ,,--

Exhibit 3, page 11

94. NRC Staf f Meeting Minutes transmitted -

Ex S6B-5, Ex S6D-5 by Staff Letter dated July 6,1976

95. NRC Staff Letter to B&W, Acceptance of -

Ex S6B-6 BNf-10008 September 28, 1972 1

96 TML-2 FSAR (Same as I/86) -

Ex S6B-4, Ex S68-7

97. Midland PSAR Amendment 23 -

Ex S6B-9 i

98 AEC Staff Letter of 1/8/74 accepting -

Ex S6B-9 Amendment 23

99. 8/17/72 ACRS Report on Zion -

Ex S6B-10 100. July 24,-1968 ACRS Report on Zion -

Ex S6B-10 101. Regulatory Guide 1.22, 1.52, 1.79, 1.68 - Ex S6B-10 102. Regulatory Guide 1.l' -

Ex %6C-1 103. Regulatory Guide 1.6, 1.9, 1.32 -

Ex S6C-2 104. .lEEE-303(1971) -

Ex S6C-2

.105. Regulatory Guide 1.11 -

Ex S6C-4

. ~. . . . ..

Exhibit 3, page 13 118. ACRS Pressure Vessel Report -

Ex S6C-15 6 16 119. Regulatory Guide 1.68 -

Ex S6C-18 120. June 15, 1970 ACRS Report on -

Ex S6C-20

.Monticello 121. Regulatory Guide 1.29 ,,

Ex S6C-22, Ex S6E-4 122. . Regulatory Guide 1.26

-- Ex S6C-23, Ex S6E-4 123. Regulatory Guide 1.27 -

Ex S6C-24 s

l 124. Regulatory Guide 1.18 -

Ex S6C-25 125. Regulatory Guide 1.43 -

Ex S6C-26 f 126. Regulatory Guide 1.44 -

Ex S6C-28 i

127. Regulatory Guide 1.46 -

'Ex ,S6C-29 l

l 128. ACRS April 18, 1973 letter to the -

Ex S6C-30 AEC Staff on Turbine Missiles

t. .

[ 129. UASH-1320 June 15, 1974 -

Ex S6C-33 F



.- Exhibit 3, page .14-


130. Appendix.1 to 10-CFR 50 -

lex'S6C-36 131. LCPCo letter to NRC Staf f --

Ex S6C-36


Junc 1, 1976 132. NRC Staff letter to CPCo Ex S6C-36 November 16, 1976 133. Rulemaking Docket RM-50-1 ~ ~

Ex S6C-41 12/28/73 134. Regulatory. Guide l.81 - . Ex S6C-43

- 135. NUREC-0085 -

Ex S6D-3 136. NRC Mechanical Engineering Branch -

Ex SD-5 Tech Position Paper (MEB 3-1) i 137. NRC Standard Review Plans -

Ex SD-5

' f 138. B6W Topical Report BAW-10040 -

Ex SD-6 139. Regulatory Guide 1.83 -

Ex SD-9 i

, . 140.- NRC St anch Technical Position Paper -

Ex SF-2 APCSB 9.5.1 4

~ , - n. , . - . , .n . . , - -,,n . , , , - , . , . - - n, ~ . -. , - - - , . , _ . . , , , - , . , - . . , . ,n-.- +


. Exhibit 3 page 12

t. ._

{- 106. Regulatory Guide 1.12 - -

Ex S6C-5 l

107. 'NRC Staf f Letter to CPCo on Civil -

Ex S6C-5, Ex 36C-25 Regulatory Guides 6/8/76 108. Regulatory Guide 1.13 -

Ex S6C-6 1

109. Regulatory Guide 1.14 ,,

Ex S6C-7 110. Regulatory Guide 1.17 -

Ex S6C-8 4

111. Regulatory Guide 1.20 -

Ex S6C-9 112. '10 CFR 50 Appendix B -

Ex S6C-ll 113. ASME Section III -

Ex S6C-11, Ex S6C-13 114. ANSI N-45.2 (1971) - Ex S6C-11

, 115. Regulatory Guides 1.28, 1.33, 1.64, -

Ex S6C-11 1

! 1.70.6, Proposed Standard ANS 3.2 l-116. ASME Section III - 1968 - Ex S6C-13 117. 10 CFR 50 Appendix C -

Ex S6C-15 6 16

. -a ,.-

  • * * * 2 '

'I'xhibi t 3, page.15 141. NRCi I.ct ter' to' CPCo on Fi re Protection, Ex SF-2 September-30, 1976 142.'NRC Staff Response to the Testimony -

Ex SF-5 of Bridenbaugh, Hubbard and Minor.on February 18, 1976- before.the Joint Committee on Atomic Energy ee e




COI:SCERS POWER COMPANY ) Docket nos. 50-329

) 50-330 (Midland Plant, Units 1 and 2) )

AFFIDAVIT OF STEPFEN H. HOWELL Stephen H. Howell, being first duly sworn, deposes and states:

that he is a Vice President of Consumers Power Company, Licensee herein, responsible for generating plant prc,iects; that the further answers to Interror;atories 1, 2, 5 and 10 were prepared by him or under his direction and supervision; and that the answers are true and correcs to the best of his~information and belief.

Dated this 17th day of February,1977.

- C u.

<L_.,.. 7-N. <-~..s..^


'M .

I .,\ Sterhen H. Howell

' Vice President Censumehs Power Company l

Subscribed and sworn to before ce this 17th day of February,1977.

1.  :\.: blba -(

Sylvia it. Ball, Hotary Public Jackson County,?tichigan My Cc= mission Expires April 13, 19S0



CONSUME".S POWER COMPANY ) Docket Nos. 50-329

) 50-330 '

(Midland Plant, Units 1 and 2) )

AFFIDAV'T_'F WALTER R. BORIS Walter R. Boris, being first duly sworn, deposes and states:

that he is an Executive Vice President of Consumers Power-Company, Licensee herein, responsible for finance; that the attached further answer to Inter-rogatory 3 was prepared by him or under his direction and supervision; and that the answer is true and correct to the best of his information and be-lief.

Dated this 17th day of February, 1977.


/ ., . T'

' / L /tT c." c c : /

N~[. r$~? r +

Walter R. Boris I Executive Vice President l Consuegrs Power Company Subscribed and sworn to before me this 17th day of February, 1977.

I 7

- i<

L ((. .

i - m .' % a . l (: r ,-

NotaryjPublic, v Jackson County, Michip,ati' My Commission Expires f.. t . J 4?

,/ J l





) 50-330 ,

(Midland Plant, Units i and 2) )

AFFIDAVIT OF GCRDON L. HEIUS Gordon L. Heins, being first duly sworn, deposes and states:

r, hat he is an Executive Manager of Consumers Power Company, Licensee herein, responsible for system planning; that the further answer to Interrogatory 7 was prep 1 red by him or under his direction and supervision; and that the ansuer is true and correct to the best of his information and belief.

l. ,

D1ted this 17th dy of Februar/, 1977. -

t ', N. .

-1, s r fs

,s ,-

, s.. - t; aardon L. Heins l Exec.utive Manager Consumers Power Company l

I f

Subscribed and sworn to before ce this 17th day of February,1977

> 3 l

, ,, f - . m , 1. i (

Sylvia 3. 3all, Notary Public Jackson County, Michigan My Cc= mission Expires April 13, 19&?

l 1

..-* s




) 50-330 (Midland Plant, Units 1 and 2) 2


AFFIDAVIT OF JAMES H. CLIMER James H. Climer, being first duly sworn, deposes and states:

that he is Director of Rates and' Rate Research of Consumers Power Company, Licensee herein; that the attached further answer to Interrogatory 11 was prepared by him or under his direction and supervision; and that the answer is true and correct to the best of his information and belief.

Dated this 17th day of February, 1977.



G' . 4 . , ') ,) *

-James H. Climer Digedtor of Rates and Rate Research Consumers Power Company

. f f Subscribed and ssorn to before me this 17th day of February, 1977.

l i

i ,L,  : ,. - '

Notary Public, ,

! Jackson County, Michigan

! My Commission Expires .-

I k

l l



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UNITED STATES OF A" ERICA NUCLEAR REGULATORY CO."JtISSION Defore the Atomic Safety and Licensinc Board


In the Matter of





) 50-330 (Midland Plant, Units 1 and 2) ) ,



CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certify .that copies of the attached " Licensee's Further Answers to Intervenor Interrogatories dated December 27, 1 976", dated February 18, 1977, have been served upon the following Py deposit in the U.S. mail, first class, postage prepaid, this 18th day of February, 1977:

Frederic J. Coufal, Esquire Atomic Safety and Licensing Chairman ' Appeal Board Atcmic Safety and Licensing U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Cennission Board Panel Washington, D.C. 20555 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C. 20555 Mr. C. R. Stephens Chief, Doaketing and Service Section Dr. Emmeth A. Luebke Office of the Secretary Atomic Safety and Licensing of the Ccrmission Board Panel U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Conrission U.7. Nuclear regulatory Cc= mission Washington, D.C. 20555 Washington, D.C. 20555 Lawrence Brenner, Esquire Dr. J. Venn Leeds, Jr., Esq. Counsel for NEC Staff 10807 Atwell U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Cct..ission Houston, Texas 77096 Washington, D.C. 20555 Atomic Safety and Licensing L. F. Nute, Esquire Board Panel Legal Department U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Dow Chemical U.S.A.

Washington, D.C. 20555 Michigan Division Midland, Michigan 48640 (cont'd.)

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Page 2 Myron M. Cherry, Esquire Suite 4501 One IBM Plaza Chicago, Illinois 60611

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Judd L. Bacon, Managing Attorney or mers Power Company.

Legal Department 212 W. f!ichigan Avenue Jackson, Michigan 49201 ,

February 18, 1977 f