ML19322B495 | |
Person / Time | |
Site: | Oconee |
Issue date: | 08/06/1976 |
From: | Schwencer A Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation |
To: | |
Shared Package | |
ML19322B494 | List: |
References | |
NUDOCS 7912030365 | |
Download: ML19322B495 (20) | |
The Nuclear Regulatory Commission (the Consnission) has found that:
The application for amendment by Duke Power Company (the licensee) dated March 10, 1976, complies wfth the standards and requirements of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended (the Act), and the Commission's rules and regulations set forth in 10 CFR Chapter I; B.
The facility will operate in conformity with the application,
,the provisions of the Act, and the rules and regulations of Consnission; C.
There is reasonable assurance (1) that the activities authorized by this amendment can be conducted without endangering the health and cafety of the public, and (ii) that such activities will be conducted in compliance with the Commission's regulations; D.
The issuance of this amendment will not be inimical to the cmunon defense and security or to the health and safety of the public; and E.
An' environmental statement or negative declaration need not be prepared in connection with the issuance of this amendment.
Accordingly, the license is amended by a change to the Technical I
Specifications as indicated in the attachment to this license amendment.
This license amendment is effective as'of the date of its issuanet POR THE NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION t/
A. Schwencer, Chief Operating Reactors Branch #1
Division of Operating Reactors
Changes to the L
Technical Specifications g
Date of Issuance: August 6, 1976.
7912030 3
i 9
Remove Pa_ges, Insert Pages 3.3-1 3.3-1 3.3-2 3.3-2 3.3-4 3.3-4 3.8-2 3.8-2 4.4-10 3.8-3 4.4-11 3.15-1 4.5-10 3.16-1 4.5-11 4.4 10 4.14-1 4,4 11 4.5-10 4.5-11 4.14,1 4.14-2 79120303$8
t 3.3 EMERGENCY CORE COOLING, REACTOR BUILDING COOLING, AND REACTOR BUILDING SPRAY SYSTDiS Applicability Applies to the emergency core cooling, reactor building cooli reactor building spray systems.
ng, and Objective To define the conditions necessary to assure immediate avail bili emergency core cooling, a
reactor building cooling, ty of the and reactor building spray
_Sptcification 3.3.1 the reactor vessel and reactor coolant pressure is 350The s fuel in or reactor coolant temperature is 2500F or greater:
psig or greater (a) One reactor building spray pump and its associated s header.
pray nozzle.
(b) Two low pressure service water pumps for Units 1 and 2 low pressure service water pumps for Unit 3.
, and two discharge from the reactor building cooler (LPSW 108The valve in the and 3LPSW 108) shall be locked open.
, 2LPSW 108, (c) A and B Engineered Safety Feature low pressure injecti shall be operable.
on pumps (d) Two low pressure injection coolers shall be operable (e) Two BWST level instrument channels shall be operable (f) The borated water storage tank shall contain a minim boron at a temperature not less than 40 F.46 feet of water h um level of-0 m
shall be locked open.LP-28, on the discharge lina from the borated wate{
The manual valve, ank j
(g) The two reactor building emergency ' sump isolation valv be either manually or remote-manually operable es shall (h) Twv reactor building cooling fans and associated co li o ng units.
(i) The Engineered Safety Features valves associated l
above systems shall be operable.
with each of the peu
-3.3-1 Amendments Nos.'29, 29, 6 26 t
, ' - ~
3.3.2 In addition to 3.3.1 above, the following ECCS equipment shall be operable when the reactor coolant system is above 350 F and irradiated fuel is in the core:
(a) Two high pressure injection pumps shall be maintained operable to provide redundant and independent flow paths.
1 (b) Engineered Safety Feature valves and interlocks associated with 3.3.2a above shall be operable.
L 3.3.3 In addition to 3.3.1 and 3.3.2 above, the following ECCS equipment shall be operable when the reactor coolant system is above 800 psig:
(a) The two core flooding 3)anks shall each contain a minimum of 13 1.
i t
.44 ft. (1040 i 30 ft of borated water at 600 25 psig.
(b) Core flooding tank boron concentration shall not be less than 1,800 ppm boron.
r (c) The electrically-operated discharge valves from the core flood tanks shall be open and breakers locked open and tagged.
(d) One pressure instrument channel and one level instrument channel',
per core flood tank shall be operable.
3.3.4 The reactor shall not be made critica,1 unless the following equipment in addition to 3.3.1, 3.3.2, and 3.3.3 is operable.
(a) The other reactor building spray pump and its associated sp&ay.
nozzle header.
(b) The remaining reactor building cooling fan and associated cooling unit.
(c) Engineered Safety Feature valves and interlocks associated with' 3.3.4a and 3.3.4b shall be operable.
3.3.5 Except as noted in 3.3.6 below, tests or, maintenance shall be allowed during power operation on any component (s) in the high pressure injection, low pressure injection, low pressure service water, reactor building spray, reactor building cooling which will not remove more than one train of each system from service.
Components shall not be removed from service so that the affected system train is inoperable for more than 24 consecutive hours.
If the system is not restored to' meet the requirements of Specification 3.3.1, 3.3.2, 3.3.3, or 3.3.4, i
within 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />, the reactor shall be placed in a hot shutdown condition within 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br />. If the requirements of Specification.
3.3.1, 3.3.2, 3.3.3, or 3.3.4 are not met within an additional 48' hours, the reactor shall be placed in a condition below that reactor coolant'
' stem condition required in Specification 3.3.1, 3.3.2, 3.3.3, or 3.4 for the component degraded.
3.3-2 AgendgentsNgs.29,29,i26 1
i p:n:nts shall be based on the results of testing as required by Technical Sp2cification 4.5.
The maintenance period of up to 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> is acceptable if the operability of equipment redundant to that removed from service is demonstrated immediately prior to removal.
The basis of acceptability is a likelihood of failure within 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> following such demonstration.
Ithasgeenshownfortheworstdesignbasisloss-of-coolantaccident (a' 14.1 ft hot leg break) that the reactor building design pressure will not ba exceeded with one spray and two coolers operable. Therefore, a maintenance period of seven days is acceptable for one reactor building cooling fan and its associated cooling unit. (3)
In the event that the need for emergency core cooling should occur, functioning of one train (one high pressure injection pump, one low pressure injection pump, and both core flooding tanka) will protect the core and in the event of a main coolant loop severence, limit the peak cled temperature to less than 2,300 F and the metal-water reaction to thst representing less than 1 percent of the clad.
Three low pressure service water pumps serve Oconee Units 1 and 2 and two low pressure service water pumps serve Oconee Unit 3.
There is a manual cross-connection on the supply headers for Units 1, 2, and 3.
One low pressure service water pump per unit is required for normal operation Th2 normal operating requirements are greater than the emergency requirements following a loss-of-coolanc accident.
(1) FSAR, Section (2) FSAR, Section 9.5.2 (3) FSAR, Supplement 13 (4).FSAR, Section 6.4 4
9 3.3-4 Amendments Nos. 29, 29, 4 26
3.8.9 If any of the above specified limiting conditions for fuel loadi and refueling are not met, movement of fuel into the reactor core ng shall cease; action shall be initiated to correct the conditions so that the specified limits are met, and no operations which m increase the reactivity of the core shall be made.
ay 3.8.10 The reactor building purge system, including the radiation monitor R1A 45, which initiates purge isolation, shall be tested and verifi d to be operable immediately prior to refueling operations e
3.8.11 has been subcritical for at least 72 hours8.333333e-4 days <br />0.02 hours <br />1.190476e-4 weeks <br />2.7396e-5 months <br />. Irradiate 3.8.12 Two trains of spent fuel pool ventilation shall be operable with th following exceptions:
e With one train of spent fuel pool ventilation inoperable a.
movement within the storage pool or crane operation with loads
, fuel over the storage pool may proceed provided the operable spent through the Reactor Building purge filters. fuel pool ventilatio b.
With no spent fuel pool ventilation filter operable, suspend all operations involving movement of fuel within the storage pool or crane operations with loads over the storage pool until at one train of spent fuel pool ventilation is restored to operable least statuo.
B ses Thnse procedures, the above specifications, and the design personnel.
squipment as described in Section 9.7 of the FSAR incorporating built-in intere fu thd refueling operations that would result in a hazard to p
c ur.during ocfety.
If no change is being made in core geometry, one flux monitor is u
c health-and Eufficient.
This permits maintenance on the instrumentation.
toring of radiation levels and neutron flux provides immedi t Continuous'moni-un;afe condition.
a e indication of an The low pressure injection pump is used to maintain a uniform boron concentration.
will keep the core suberitical, even with all control rods withdrThe shutdown core.
(2) awn from the Although this concentration is sufficient to maintain the core kThe tha control rods were removed from the core, only a few co t
,gg < 0.99 if all rcmoved at any one time during fuel shuffling and replacementn rol rods will be all rods in the core and with refueling boron concentration is approx gg with The k
- 0. 9.,
Specification 3.8.5 allows the control room operator to inform th imately.
building personnel of any impending unsa*e condition detected fro e reac' tor centrol. board indicatora during fuel movement.
m the' main H
. Amendments Nos. 29, 29, 6 26 i
km t
M 4
__. ~
i Tha specification requiring testing of the Reactor Building purge isointion io to verify that these components will function as required should a fuel h:ndling accident occur which resulted in the release of significant fission pr: ducts.
Specification 3.8.11 is required, as the safety analysis for the fuel h ndling accident was based on the assumption that the reactor had been.
chutdown for 72 hours8.333333e-4 days <br />0.02 hours <br />1.190476e-4 weeks <br />2.7396e-5 months <br />.(3)
The off-site doses for the fuel handling accident are within the guidelin'es of 10 CFR 100; however, to further reduce the doses resulting from this cccident, it is required that the spent fuel pool ventilation system be operable whenever the possibility of a fuel handling accident could exist.
FSAR, Section 9.7 (2)
FSAR, Section (3)
FSAR, Section l
4 s
3.8-3 Amendaents Nos. 29, 29, 4 26
3.3 EMERGENCY CORE COOLING, REACTOR BUILDING COOLING, AND REACTOR BUILDING SPRAY SYSTCIS Applicability Applies to the emergency core cooling, reactor building cooling, and reactor building spray systems.
Objective To define the conditions necessary to assure immediate availability of the emergency core cooling, reactor building cooling, and reactor building spray syc'sas.
Specification 3.3.1 The following equipment shall be operable whenever there is fuel in the reactor vessel and reactor coolant pressure is 350 psig or greater or reactor coolant temperature is 2500F or greater:
(a) One reactor building spray pump and its associated spray nozzle header.
(b) Two low pressure service water pumps for Units 1 and 2, and two low pressure service water pumps for Unit 3.
The valve in the discharge from the reactor building cooler (LPSW 108, 2LPSW 108, and 3LPSW 108) shall be locked open.
(c) A and B Engineered Safety Feature low pressure injection pumps shall be cperable.
(d) Two low pressure injection coolers shall be operatie.
(e) Two BWST. level instrument channels shall be operable.
(f) The borated water storage tank shall contain a minimum level of 46 feet of.ater having a minimum concentration of 1,800 ppm boron at a temperature not less than 40 F.
The manual valve, LP-28, on the discharge line from the borated water storage tank shall be locked open.
(g) The two reactor building emergency sump isolation valves shall be either manually or remote-manually operable.
(h) Ivo reactor building cooling fans and associated cooling units.
(i) The Engineered Safety Features valves associated with each of the above systems shall be operable.
3.3-1 Amendments Nos. 29, 29, 6 26 6
1 i
t shall be In addition to 3.3.1 above, the following ECCS equ pmen b
350 F and operabic when the reactor coolant system is a ove 3.3.2 irradiat.ed fuel is in the core:
d operable (a) Two high pressure injection pumps shall be maintaine h
to provide redundant and independent flow pat s.
i ted with (b) Engineered Safety Teature valves and interlocks assoc a 3.3.2a above shall be operabic.
i ECCS equipment In addition to 3.3.1 and 3.3.2 above, the follow ngis above 800 psig:
shall be operable when the reactor coolant system 3.3.3 i
of 13 i (a) The two core flooding 3)anks shall each contain a min mum t
.44 ft. (1040 1 30 ft less than (b) Core flooding tank boron concentration shall not be 1,800 ppm boron.
e flood (c) The electrically-operated discharge valves from the cor nd tagged.
tanks shall be'open and breakers locked open a t channel (d) One pressure instrument channel and one Icvel instrumen per core flood tank shall be operabic.
following equipment The reactor shall not be nade critica,1 unless the3.3.1, 3.3.2, 3.3.4 in addition to i ted spray (a) The other reactor building spray pump ard its assoc a nozzle header.
i ted cooling (b) The remaining reactor' building cooling fan and assoc a unit.
i ted with (c) Engineered Safety Feature valves and interlocks assoc a
' be operable.
3.3.4a and 3.3.4b shal.
h ll be allowed Except as noted in 3.3.6 below, tests or maintenance s a h pressure during power operation on any component (s) in the hig ter, reactor '
3.3.5 injection, low pressure injection, low pressure service wa I
remove more building spray, reactor building cooling which will notComponents shall n than one train of each system from service. removed f i is inoperable 3.3.2, 3.3.3, or 3.3.4, for more than 24 consecutive hours.the requirements of Specifica hot shutdown within 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />, the reactor shall be placed in aof Specification meet If the requirements i
l 48 hours5.555556e-4 days <br />0.0133 hours <br />7.936508e-5 weeks <br />1.8264e-5 months <br />, condition within 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br />.3.3.1, 3.3.2, 3.3.3, or 3.3.4 are not met w the reactor shall be placed in a condition 1
3.3.2, 3.3.3, or system condition required in Specification 3.3.,
7 3.3.4 for the component degraded.
g,q Amendments.Nos. 29, 29, 6 26 3.3-2
i ponents shall be based on the results of testing as required by Technical Specification 4.5.
if the operability of equipment redundantThe maintenance period of up to 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> is cc demonstrated immediately prior to removal. to that removed from service is likelihood of failure within 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> following such demonstration.The basin of acceptauilit Ithasgeenshownfortheworstdesignbasisloss-of-coolantaccident 14.1 ft (a
hot leg break) that the reactor building design pressure will not be exceeded with one spray and two coolers operable.
Therefore, a maintenance period days is acceptable for one reactor building cooling fan and its associated cooling unit. (3)
In the event that the need for emergency core cooling should occur, functioning of one train (one high pressure injection pump, one low pressure injection pump, and both core flooding tanks) will protect core and in the event of a noin coolant the loop severence, limit the peak clad temperature to less than 2,300 F and the metal-water reaction to that representing less than 1 percent of the clad.
Three low pressure service water pumps serve Oconec Units I and 2 and two low pressure service water pumps serve Oconce Unit 3.
There is a manual cross-connection on the supply headers for Units 1, 2, and 3.
One low pressure service water pump per unit is required for normal operation.
The normal operating requirements are greater than the emergency requirements following a loss-of-coolant accident.
(1) FSAR, Section (2) FSAR,'Section 9.5.2 (3) FSAR, Supplement 13 (4).FSAR, Section 6.4 i
f 4
I l
G 3.3-4 Amendments os. 29, 29, 4 26 l
a l
3.8.9 If any of the above specified limiting conditions for f and refueling are not cet, movement o.
uel loading shall cease; action shall be initiated to corr. fuel into 11.e reactor core that the scecified limits are met, operm he conditions so Jncrease the reactivity of the core shall be ma.a is which may 3.8.10 R1A 45, which initiates porge isolation, shall be tThe re on monitor, to be operable immediately prior to refueling o ested and verified perations.
3.8.11 has been suberitical for at least 72 hours8.333333e-4 days <br />0.02 hours <br />1.190476e-4 weeks <br />2.7396e-5 months <br />. Irrad r until the unit 3.8.12 Two trains of spent following exceptions: fuel pool ventilation shall be operable with the With one train of spent a.
movement within the storage pool or crane operation with lo over the storage pool may proceed provided the operabl s
fuel pool ventilation train is in operation and dis h e spent through the Reactor Building purge filters c arging b.
With no spent involving movement of fuel within the storage operations crane operations with loads over the storage pool until or one train of spent fuel pool ventilation is restored to operable at least status.
Bases Detailed written procedures will be available for us These procedures, the above specifications, and the de by refueling personnel.
locks and safety features, provide assurance that no iequipme orating built-in inter-the refueling operations that would result in a haza dncident could occur during cafety.
If no change is being made in core geometry to public health and r
tering of radiation levels and neutron flux provideThis permits maintena Continuous moni-uncefe condition.
The low pressure injection pump is used to maintais immediate indicatio b:ron concentration.
(1) will keep the core suberiticalThe shutdown margin indicated in Specification 3 8 4 n a uniform The boron concenLracion will be maintained above 1 8 core.
Although this concentration is sufficient to maintai e
th2 control rods were removed from the coren the core keff y 0.99 if all tcmoved at any one time during fuel shuffling, only a few control rods,will be all roda in the core and with refueling boron concentration is app and replacement.
The kegg with 0.9.
S'pecification 3.8.5 allows the control room operator troximately building personnel of any impending unsafe condition det o inform the reactor c:ntrol board indicators during fuel movement, ected from the main 3.8-2 e
Amendments Nos. 29, 29,'4 26
' The rpeelfi.atJon ir, to ver il y t re pa t ring t ent inn of the Reactor P,uilding purge bandilug ne.ident einese torsponcutr. will function as required should a f ui+1 isointinn occur which resulted in the release of significant products.
fission handling accident was based on the assumption that the or the fuel shutdown for 72 hours8.333333e-4 days <br />0.02 hours <br />1.190476e-4 weeks <br />2.7396e-5 months <br />.(3) eactor had been of 10 CFR 100; however, to further reduce the doses res n the guidelines accident, it is required that ng from this operabic whenever the possibility of a fuel handling accidentthe spent fuel could exist.
FSAR, Section 9.7 (2)
FSAR, Section (3)
FSAR, Section l
M 3.8-3 Amendments Nos. 29, 29, 4 26 jjj a
e 4
3.15 PENETRATIION ROOM VENTILATION SYSTEMS Applicability Applies to the penettration room ventilation systems.
Objec tive To define the condi:tions necessary to assure immediate availability of the p ;n:tration room vemt11ation systems.
_Sp cification Two trains cuf the penetration room ventilation systems shall be operable and! manuil op~e' rat'ed ~ valves PR-12, PR-14 PR-16,
and PR-18 shaall be locked open at all times when containment integrity is:
12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br /> witih the following exception: required or the reactor shall be shutdown w If one of zwo trains of a penetration room ventilation system
is made or found to be inoperable for any reason, reactor operation ds Permissible only during the succeeding seven days provided tinat all active component,s of the other train of the penetratiam room ventilation syctem shall be demonstrated to be operable udthin 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> and daily thereafter.
Bano A cingle train of reactor building penetration room ventilation equipment rsteins full capacity to control and minimize the release of radioactive materials from the reactor building to the environment in post-accident crnditions.
i s
i i
.4 i
Amendments Nos. 29, 29, 4 26 H
3.15-1 h
~ - ' ' -
I e
t HYDROGEN PURGE SYSTEM 3.16 Applicahility Purge System.
Applies to the Reactor Building Hydrogen assure the availability of the Objective To define the conditions necessary to Rrtetor Building Hydrogen Purge System.
Specification System should become inoperable, t s within 7 days or the Oconee If the Reactor Building Hydrogen Purgeit shall be restered to Units shall be shutdown within 36 hours4.166667e-4 days <br />0.01 hours <br />5.952381e-5 weeks <br />1.3698e-5 months <br />.
f a portable purging station and Bases The purge system The hydrogen purge system is composed o ilation System.
l the the hydrogen concentration be ow-Building is tak a portion of the Penetration Room Vent i
is operated as necessary to mainta nThe purge discharge from the ReactorSy from one of the Penetration Room Ventilation A suction tr" be taken on the Reactor 6-5 of the control limit.
I discharged to the unit vent. Building via isolation valve PR-7 (Figure ctions.
existing vent and pressurization conne incremental doses at the site hfrom the Reactor Building The analysis to determine the effect on t e the purge be started at 460 hours0.00532 days <br />0.128 hours <br />7.60582e-4 weeks <br />1.7503e-4 months <br /> boundary, resulting from purging hydrogenen concentration to 4% by following a postulated LOCA, requires that j
d to be inoperable, the d
(19.2 days) following the LOCA to limit hy rogIf the Hydrog i
perable status within seven days requirement to restore the system to an of its availability in the eve volume.
will provide reasonable assurance o IDCA.
l 29,.~29, 5 26 m
Amendments Nos.
~ ~.
3.16-1 I
, f 1
4.4.3 IlYDROGEN PURGE SYSTEM Applicability Applies to the Rea*ctor Building Hydrogen Purge System.
Obj ective To verify that the Reactor Building Hydrogen Parge System is operable Specification An in-place system test shall be performed annually.
shall consist of a visual inspection, hook-up of the system to one This test of the three reactor buildings, a flow measurement using flow instruments in the portable purging station and pressure drop measurements across the filter banks.
that under simulated emergency conditions the system can be takThis test s from storage and placed into ' operation within 48 hours5.555556e-4 days <br />0.0133 hours <br />7.936508e-5 weeks <br />1.8264e-5 months <br /> en annual test shall insure the following:
The Pressure drop across the combined HEPA filters and charcoal design flow rate (t10%). absorber banks is less than six inches of wate Operability of the heater at rated power when tested in
accordance with ANSI N510-1975. Additional testing requirements that may be performed without hooking-up the system to one of the reactor buildings are as
Annually and after each complete or partial replacement of the i
HEPA filter bank or af ter any structural maintenance on the syste housing, a leakage test using cold DOP shall be performed on HEPA m
j Annually and af ter each complete or partial replacement of the' charcoal absorber bank or after any structural maintenance on the be performed on the charcoal filters. system housing, a leakage test usin The results of the in-place cold DOP and halogenated hydrocarbon shall show >99% DOP removal and 199% halogenated hyd removal when tested in accordance with ANSI N510-1975.
. ns Annually a laboratory analysis of a carbon sample from the hydrocarbon purge system carbon shall show 190% radioactive methyl iodide removal when tested in accordance with ANSI N510-1975 (130 C, 95% R.H.).
4.4-10 Amendments Nos. 29, 29, 4 26
1 The System sh all be operais.d with the heatern en at least ten honru every month.
Annually, it shall be dernanstrat ed t hat fanr operate within
,107 of design flou uber. tested in accordance with AI;Si
In addit. ion to the annual testinn requircraent, these tests and analyses shall be pcrformed follouing pa3nting, fire or chemical release in any ventilation zone communicating with the system. H2 Detector Test Hydrogen concentration instruments shall be calibrated annually with proper consideration to moisture effect.
Bases Pressure drop across the combined ilEPA fi11ers and c'mrena1 adsorbers of less than 6 inches of water at the systen desino flow rate vill indicate that the filters and cdsorbern are not clogged by e>:cessive amounts of foreis.o matter. A test frequency of once per year establishes system performance capability.
Iligh ef ficiency part iculat e air (l!E 'A ') filters are installed before the charcoal adsorbers to prevent cloggine, of t he lodine adso: bers.
The charcoal adsorbers aie installed to reduce the potential release of rad io lod i ne.
Sypass leakane s or t he charcoal adsorbers and part iculate renoval cificiency f or litl'A fil te~ are derern.irmd by halogenat ed hydrocarbon
- t and DOP respectively.
- l he laborators cas b. n sample t est resultu indicate a radioactive methyl iodide renaval ef ficiency f or expected accident conditions.
Operation o'f the fans nignliicantly different. fron the design flow will change t he renoval c! ficiency of the !! EPA f ilters and ch'rco71 adsorhers.
If the perfor~neces are au c;:cc.ifit,', the calculaicd deses would be less th in the guidelines stated in 10 CFR 100 for t he accident s analyzed.
The frequency of tests and sample analysis are necessary to show that the llEPA filters and charcoal adsorbers can perform as evaluated.
Replacement adsorbent should be qualifled accordinn to the guidelines of Regulatory Guide 1.52.
The charcoal adsorber efficiency test proccdures should allow for the removal of one adscrber tray, emptyint of one bed f rom the tray, mixing the adsorbent thoroughly and obtaining at least two samples.
Each sanple should be at least two inches in dian.dter and a length equal to the thickness of the bed, if the iodine removal efficiency test results are unacceptable, all adsorbent in the system should be replaced. Any llTPA filters found defective should be replaced with filters qualified pursuant to Regulatory Position C.3.d of Regulatory Guide 1.52.
Op ration of the system every month will demonstrate operability of the filters and adsorber system. Operation for ten hours is used to reduce the moisture built up on.the adsorbent.
If painting, fire or chemical release occurs during system operation such thrt the llEPA filter or charcoal adsorber cauld becor e contaminated f rom the fumes, chemicals or foreign materials, the same tests and sample analysis
chzuld be performed as required for operational use.
4.4-11 Amendments Nos. 29, 29, S 26
I 4.5.3 PENETRATION ROOM VENTILATION SYSTEM Applicability Applies to testing of the Penetration Room Ventilation System Obj ec tive To verify that the Penetration Room Ventilation System is o perable.
Specification Annually, the following conditions shall be demonstrated:
Pressure drop across the combined HEPA filters and charcoal a.
design flow rate (110%).adsorber banks is less than six inches of w b.
Automatic initiation of each branch of ecch penetration r ventilation system.
oom Manual operability of the bypass valve for filter cooling c. The following tests and analysis for the penetration room ventilation system shall also be performed.
Annually and af ter each complete or partial replacement of filter bank or after any structural maintenance on the sy t a HEPA housing, a leak test using cold DOP shall be performed on HEPA s em Annually and after each complete or partial replacement of units.
charcoal adsorber bank or after any structural maintenance o a
performed on the charcoal filters. system housing, a leak test using halo n the a
e i
The results of the in-place cold DOP and halogenated hyd tests at design flows on HEPA filters and charcoal ad rocarbon shall show >99% DOP removal and >99% halogenated hydrocarbon re sorber banks i
respectively when tested in accordance with ANSI N510-1975 moval 2
Annually a laboratory carbon sample from the penetration r I;!
when tested in accordance with ANSI N510-1975 (130 Cven oom
l moval
, 95% R.H.).
Annually, it shall be demonstrated that fans operate withi
design flow when tested in accordance with ANSI N510-1975 n 110%
Each train shall be operated at least 15 minutes every month.
In addition to the annual testing requirement, analyses shall be performed following painting, fire or chemical these tests and releases in any ventilation zone communicating with the syste after 720 hours0.00833 days <br />0.2 hours <br />0.00119 weeks <br />2.7396e-4 months <br /> of system operation.
m or 4.5-10 Amendments Nos. 29, 29, 6 26 1
1 I
Bases Pressure drop across the combined HEPA filters and charcoal ad less than six inches of water at the system design flow rate will i di sorbers of that the filters and adsorbers are not clogged by excessive n cate foreign matter.
nystem performance capability.A test frequency of once per operating cycle establishes amounts of charcoal adsorbers to prevent clogging of the iodine adsor e ore the charcoal adsorbers are installed to reduce the potential release of The radiciodine.
removal efficiency for HEPA filters are determined by halogena and DOP respectively.
radioactive methyl iodide removal efficiency for expected accidThe lab y rocarbon i
Operation of the fans significantly different from th ent conditions.
change the removal efficiency of the HEPA filters and charcoal e design flow will If the performances are as specified, the calculated dose adsorbers.
thsn the guidelines stated in 10 CFR 100 for the accid s would be less ents analyzed.
The frequency of tests and sample analysis are necessary t HEPA filters and charcoal adsorbers can perform as evaluat d o show that the adsorbent should be qualified according to the guidelines of R e.
Replacement 1
Guide 1.52.
for the removal of one adsorber tray, emptying of one bed frThe ch egulatory ow mixing the adsorbent thoroughly and obtaining at least two sample om the tray, j
cample should be replaced.
e s.
Each replaced with filters qualified pursuant to Regulatory Position C 3 dAny R:gulatory Guide 1.52.
of 4
Opsration of the system every month will demonstrate operabili filters and adsorber system.
ty of the oparability and minimizes the moisture build up during testingOperation that the HEPA filter or charcoal adsorber could bIf psinting, fire o
em operation such the fumes, chemicals or foreign materials 1
ecome contaminated from ennlysis should be performed as required for operational use, the same tests and samp j
i Demonstration of the automatic initiation capability is nec i
syatem performance capability.
essary to assure i
I i
.n 4.5-11 Amendments Nos. 29, 29, 6 26
t REXACTOR BUILDING PURGE FILTERS AND THE SPENT FUEL PO 4.14 VEENTILATION SYSTEM Applic Applicm - no tessting of the Reactor Building purge filters for Units 2 and 3
cnd thC F _ ~g ent fuel pool ventilation system, Obiacr W
- that; the Unit design function and that when used with the spe To V8
-heir parfo #M vent 1W' on syrstem will reduce the off-site dose due to a fuel handling ool acci Sprei:~5 #
Ster ;nny structural maintenanceand.after each complete or partial replace Annua btok shall be performed on the Reactor Building purge filteron the syste d DOP using und a:f ter each complete or partial replacement of a charcoal Annua tank er af ter any structural maintenance on the system housi abro
~g,st usiing halogenated hydrocubon shall be performed on the Reactor a 1C #
. purge filter.
Buil h the in-place cold D9P and halogenated hydrocarb The g-ules of o,c,ers amd charcoal absorber banks shall show >99% DOP remov l on tests on HEPA o,nenate:d hydrocarbon removal respectively when tested in accordance a and g:SI N510-1975.
th a labo ratory carbon sample from the Reactor Buildin y
Annwt -
how >90 shal' p.xs1 N510-1975 (130 C, 95% R.H. ).
with Annu\\ y, the spent fuel pool ventilation fans shall be shown to o tl i
with 10% design flow when tested in accordance with ANSI N510-1975.
perate Each train of the spent fuel pool ventilation shall be operated through the grsctor Building purge filters at least 15 minutes every month, in cddition to the annual testing requirement, chal1 be performed following painting, fire or chemical release in anythese test v:nttiation zone communicating with the system or after 720 hours0.00833 days <br />0.2 hours <br />0.00119 weeks <br />2.7396e-4 months <br /> of system opsration.
W ognon spent fuel pool for Units 1 and 22 Reactor Building purge filter is u Th9 it th9 m for filter is used in the thit 3 spent fuel pool ventilation system..The Unit 3 Reactor Build 15 C nstructed with a prefilter, an absolute filter and a charcoal filter in Each filter the charcoal adsorbers to prevent clogging of the iodin i
ssrie5-bf arcoal adsorbers are installed to reduce the potential release of r;dici0di"
4.14-1 Amendments Nos. 29, 29, 6 26
4 Bypass leakage for the charcoal adsorbers and particulate removal efficiency for HEPA filters are determined by halogenated hydrocarbon and DOP respectively.
The laboratory carbon sample test results indicate a radioactive methyl iodide removal efficiency for expected accident conditions. Operation of the fans significantly different from the design flow will change the removal efficiency of the HEPA filters and charcoal adsorbers.
If the performances cre as specified, the doses for a fuel handling accident would be minimized.
The frequency of tests and sample analysis are necessary to show that the HEPA filters and charcoal adsorbers can perform as evaluated. Replacement adsorbent should be qualified according to the guidelines of Regulatory Guide 1.52.
The charcoal adsorber efficiency test procedures should allow for the removal of one adsorber tray, emptying of one bed from the tray, nixing the adsorbent thoroughly and obtaining at least two samples.
Each semple should be replaced. Any HEPA filters found defective should be replaced with filters qualified pursuant to Regulatory Position C.3.d of Regulatory Guide 1.52.
Operation of the spent fuel pool ventilation system every month will demonstrate operability of the fans, filters and adsorber system.
If painting, fire or chemical release occurs during system operation such that the HEPA filter or charcoal adsorber could become contaminated from the fumes, chemicals or foreign materials, the same tests and sample analysis should be performed as required for operational use.
4.14-2 Amendments Nos. 29, 29, 4 26