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Application for Amend of Licenses DPR-38,DPR-47 & DPR-55, Revising Tech Specs Re Core Protection Safety Limits, Protective Sys Max Allowable Setpoints & Rod Position Limits.Replacement for Core Symmetry Test & Amend Fees Encl
Person / Time
Site: Oconee  Duke Energy icon.png
Issue date: 05/29/1981
From: Thies A
To: Harold Denton, Stolz J
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Shared Package
ML15223A731 List:
NUDOCS 8106030238
Download: ML15223A730 (9)



ACCESSION NBR:8106030238 DOC.DATE: 81/05/29 NOTARIZED: YES FACIL:50-269 Oconee Nuclear Station, Unit 1, Duke Power Co,

'50-270 Oconee Nuclear Station, Unit 2, Duke Power Co. 05000270 50.287 Oconee Nuclear Station, Unit 3, Duke Power Co. 05000287 AUTHNAME: AUTHOR AFFILIATION THIESA.C. Duke Power Co.

RECIPNAME RECIPIENT AFFILIATION DENTON,H.R. Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation, Director STOLZJF. Operating Reactors Branch 4


Application for amend of Licenses DPR-38,DPR-47 & DPR*55, revising Tech Specs re core protection safety limits, protective.sys max allowable setpoints.& rod.position limits.Replacement for core symmetry test & amend fees encl.S9C g; ~7 I{5 O(L 0 e, DISTRIBUTION CODE: A001S COPIES RECETVE:LTR ENCLf SZ: 7 TITLE: General Distribution for after Issuance of OperatingLicense NOTES:AEODOrnstein:icc., 05000269 AEODOrnstein:icc 05000270 AEOD,Ornstein:1cc 05000287 RECIPIENT COPIES RECIPIENT COPIES ID CODE/NAME LTTR ENCL ID CODE/NAME LTTR ENCL ACTION: ORB #4 BC 04 13 13 INTERNAL: D/DIRHUM FACO 1 1 DIRDIV OF LIC 1 1 I&E 06 2 2 NRCPDR 02' 1 1 OELD 11i 1 0 0R BR 10 1 0.


DUKE POWER COMPANY POWER BUILDING 422 SOuTH GucH STREET, CHARLOTTE, N. G. 28201 A. C. THIES P.O. Box 2178 SENIOR VICE PRESIDENT PRODUCTION AND TRANSMISSION May 29, 1981 Mr. Harold R. Denton, Director Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D. C. 20555 Attention: Mr. J. F. Stolz, Chief Operating Reactors Branch No. 4


Oconee Nuclear Station Units. 1, 2, and 3 Docket Nos. 50-269, -270, -287

Dear Sir:

Pursuant to 10CFR 50, §50.90, please find attached proposed changes to the Oconee Nuclear Station (ONS) Technical Specifications which are required to support the operation of Oconee Unit 1 at full rated power during Cycle 7.

This proposal contains changes which concern the following:

1. Core Protection Safety Limits of Specification 2.1;
2. Protective System Maximum Allowable Setpoints of Specification 2.3;
3. Rod Position Limits of Specification 3.5.2.

Also attached is Babcock and Wilcox Report BAW-1660, "Oconee Unit 1, Cycle 7 Reload Report." This report includes a summary of Cycle 7 operating parameters and contains the safety analyses supporting the operation of Oconee 1, Cycle 7 core at rated power in accordance with the Technical Specifications provided.

Startup testing of Oconee Unit 1, Cycle 7 will be performed in accordance with a modified version of the report entitled "Oconee Nuclear Station Generic Start up Physics Test Program," which was approved by the Staff by letter of March 23, 1981. The modification to the report involves a change to the Core Symmetry Test. Please find attached the revision to this section of the "Oconee Nuclear Station Generic Startup Physics Test Program" and a discussion justifying the change. This revision will be used for the Oconee 1 Cycle 7 reload and all subsequent reloads thereafter.

A 00 L~1U O3O~ is'/3,/00.0

Mr. Harold R. Denton, Director May 29, 1981 Page 2 Technical Specification 3.3.1 is being revised to reflect the present design of Oconee. All units have completed installation of.a high pressure injection cross-connect system which was approved by NRC letter dated December 13, 1978.

The specification was originally approved for Unit 3 by License Amendment 81, 81, 78, dated February 22, 1980 and is being revised to be applicable to all Oconee Units. This specification is also being revised to delete the change effected by Amendments 84, 84, 81.

This proposed revision to the.ONS Technical Specifications is considered to be one Class IV amendment for Unit 3 with two Class I amendments -for Units 1 and

2. Therefore, pursuant to 10CFR 170, §170.12, please find enclosed a check in the amount of $13,100 for all applicable licensing fees.

Very truly yours, A. C. Thies ACT:pw Attachment

6 0 Mr. Harold R. Denton, Director May 29, 1981 Page 3 A. C. THIES, being duly sworn, states that he is Senior Vice President of Duke Power Company; that he. is authorized on the part of said Company to sign and file with the Nuclear Regulatory Commission this request for amendment of the Oconee Nuclear Station Technical Specifications, Appendix A to Facility Operating Licenses DPR-38, DPR-47 and DPR-55; and that all statements and matters set forth therein are true and correct to the best of his knowledge.

A. C. Thies, Senior Vice President Subscribed and sworn to before me this 29th day of May, 1981.

Notarial Seal Notary Public My Commission Expires:

September 20, 1984

ATTACHMENT 1 Replacement For Core Symmetry Test Of The Oconee Generic Startup Physics Test Program


17% FP, .5800 F, 2155 psig, full reactor coolant flow.


Once the unit has attained 17% FP, the output of the plant process computer reactor calculations program is analyzed. This program processes the signals from fixed incore .detectors and provides a relative core power distribution as output.. The incore detector outputs are checked in order to identify malfunctioning detectors. After these have been eliminated, the results of the power tilt calculation are compared with the Error Adjusted Technical.Specifi cation limit for that cycle. The quadrant tilt is calculated by the follow ing method:

% Tilt = 100 (Power in any core quadrant Average power of all quadrants The averagel.quadrant power and average core power are calculated from the sixteen detectors which make up the inner and outer symmetric rings.

The results are reviewed by the Test Coordinator. If the reactor cal culations outputs appear normal and there is no indicated incore tilt of more than the Technical Specification limit (positive or negative), then the results are acceptable.


If the reactor calculations outputs appear normal indicated incore tilt of greater than the Technical Specification limit (positive or negative) exists, then.first try to determine the cause of the indicated tilt. If the tilt is due to identifiable reactor conditions (such as a delta T c other than zero caused by being on level control) correct per normal operating procedures and verify acceptable tilt. If cause cannot be identified, contact the Reactor Engineer to initiate a program of testing and evaluation before further power increase.

If the reactor calculations outputs appear abnormal, then evaluate the raw detector signals to determine if a significant core asymmetry, exists.

If no significant asymmetry.exists, then continue power escalation. If an asymmetry exists, contact the Reactor Engineer to initiate a program of testing and evaluation before further power escalation. In either case, also investigate the problem with the reactor calculations program and initiate corrective action while continuing escalation to 40% FP.

JUSTIFICATION FOR CORE SYMMETRY The change in the Core Symmetry Test portion of the Oconee Generic Startup Physics Test Program will produce a better check of core symmetry. This procedure currently exists in Oconee Technical Specifications and the Standard Technical Specifications, and would also provide more information of a useable nature,- such as uncorrected incore detector signals and a core power distri bution, to help determine and correct the cause of a core asymmetry. This information is not available during the zero power rod swap in the current startup test program. Finally, the time savings from not having to do the rod swap is considerable.

Duke Power Company proposes the subject change in the Oconee Generic Startup Physics Test Program for the following reasons:

I. Comparison of Zero Power Core Symmetry Test Results to At-power Results:

The attached table shows how symmetric rod swap data taken at zero power has been consistent with quadrant power tilts measured at power. In general, insignificant symmetric rod worth differences have corresponded to small tilts. Some correlation between the small differences in rod worths and the small tilts is apparent. In the one case in which a large core asymmetry existed (Oconee 1, Cycle 4), the correlation is stronger.

II. Additional Justification For Use of At-Power Test Only Operation at a low power level for the purpose of evaluating a core asymmetry has been an accepted practice for PWR's. This is reflected in Oconee Technical Specification, which states "Subsequent reactor operation (after shutting down due to a large tilt) is permitted for the purpose of measurement, testing, and corrective action .

In addition to this the following technical points apply:

1) Operation at a low power level (%17% FP by the Oconee procedure) assures that no core thermal limits would be approached even for a large core asymmetry.
2) Operation at power allows use of the incore detector system to determine the nature of any existing asymmetry.
3) Any diagnostic testing done at zero power (i.e., rod latch veri fications, etc.) can also be done at a low power level.

Previous tests in which Core Symmetry Test at Zero Power were performed:

Oconee 1 Cycle 4 Rod Swap Results @ Zero Power Tilt (%)

Quadrant Core Location Rod Worth (%AK/K) v15% FP* 40% FP WX D4 0.34 5.0 3.3 XY D12 0.39 1.3 1.1 YZ N12 0.24 -5.0 -4.7 zw N4 0.25 -1.4 0.5

  • data available ude to special report on tilt problem.

Oconee 1 Cycle 5 Rod Swap Results @ Zero Power Tilt (%)

Quadrant Core Location Rod Worth (%AK/K) 40% FP WX D4 0.63 0.89 KY D12 0.67 0.25 YZ N12 0.67 0.18 N4 0.66 -1.31 Oconee 1 Cycle 6 Rod Swap Results @ Zero Power Tilt (%)

Quadrant Core Location Rod Worth (%AK/K) 40% FP WX D4 0.45 1.52 KY D12 0.43 0.13 YZ N12 0.40 -1.17 ZW N4 0.40 -0.46 Oconee 2 Cycle 4 Rod Swap Results @ Zero Power Tilt (%)

Quadrant Core Location Rod Worth (%AK/K) 40% FP ITX D4 0.43 0.36 KY D12 0.43 1.24 YZ N12 0.47 0.52 ZW N4 0.39 -2.11

Oconee 2 Cycle 5 Rod Swap Results @ Zero Power Tilt (%)

Quadrant Core Location Rod Worth (%AK/K) 41% FP WX D4 0.50 -0.83 XY D12 0.60 0.45 YZ N12 0.47 0.35 ZW N4 0.48 0.03 Oconee 3 Cycle4 Rod Swap Results @ Zero Power Tilt (%)

Quadrant Core Location Rod Worth (%AK/K) 40% FP WX Rod swap data not 0.98%

. KY available, startup -0.66 YZ report states 0.44 ZW "No significant deviation" -0.76 Oconee 3 Cycle 5 Rod Swap Results @ Zero Power Tilt (%)

Quadrant Core Location Rod Worth (%AK/K) 40% FP WX G@ 0.47 1.03 KY C9 0.44 -0.15 YZ K13 0.46 -0.59 ZW 07 0.45 -0.28 Oconee 3 Cycle 6 (Core Symmetry Test at Power First Performed)

Rod Swap Results @ Zero Power . Tilt (%)

Quadrant Core Location Rod Worth (%AK/K) 17% FP 40% FP WX D4 0.30 1.67 0.21 KY D12 0.29 1.18 0.10 YZ N12 0.31 -1.82 -0.19 ZW N4 0.29 -1.02 -1.12 011