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Requests Revision of Certificate of Compliance 5450 to Include RCC-4 Shipping Package as Described in Encl Addendum
Person / Time
Site: 07105450
Issue date: 02/15/1979
From: Dipiazza R
To: Macdonald C
WRD-LS&S-673, NUDOCS 7903150256
Download: ML19282B506 (4)




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Westinghouse Water Reactor l

g Electile Corporation Divisions

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-L W \\\\ 45 February 15, 1979


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S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Office of, Nuclear. Material Safety & Safeguards Division of Fuel Cycle & Material Safety Washington, D. C.


Mr. Charles E. MacDonald, Chief Transportation Branch Gentlemen:


Application for Revision of Compliance No. 5450, Docket 71-5450 The Westinghouse Electric Corporation hereby requests the revision of Certificate of Compliance No. 5450, Docket 71-5450, to include an RCC-4 type shipping package in the series of packages authorized by the certificate.' The RCC-4 package is described in the attach-ment. 'Its distinguishing characteristic is the length of the packaging, which is =24" longer than,the RCC-3 packaging.

. Westinghouse requests that the following changes be made to the existing. revision (6) of Certificate of Compliance No. 5450:

f 1)

Item' 5 (a) (1) should be changed to read; "Model Nos.: RCC, RCC-1, RCC-2, RCC-3, and RCC-4."


, Item 5,(a) (3) should be revised to delete the word "and" after the word RCC-2.

The period after the word RCC-3 should be changed to a comma and add "and.1460E92, 1460E94, and 1460E96 for the RCC-4."


Item 5 (a) (4) should be changed to read " Fuel rod container reinforced 13 gage steel box constructed in accordance with Westinghouse Electric Corporation Drawing No. C56J0055."


Item 5 (b) (1) (ii) should be revised to include another column for 17 x 17 Zr clad:

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i 17 x 17 Zr Clad l

Pellet Diameter 0.308-0.3.22 (Nom), In


Rod Diameter 0.360-0.37'4 (Nom), In Maximum Fuel Length, In 168 Maximum Rods / Element 264*

Maximum Cross Section (Nom),.in.sq.



Maximwn U-235/ element, 19.0 i



Maximum U-235 enrichment, 3.5 W/O 5)

Item 5 (b) (1) (iii) should be revised to include an additional column for Zr clad:

Zr Clad Pellet Diameter (Nom), in 0.322 i

Rod Diameter (Nom), in 0.374 Fuel Length (Max), in 168 Maximum U-235 3.5 enrichment, w/o 6)

Item 5 (b) (2) (ii) should be revised to read "... not more than 80 kilograms..." instead of "... not more than 60 kilograms...".

Please note that previous transmittals indicated that the assem,i blies (12 ft., 17 x 17) were assumed to be of infinite length;

~ i.e., an axial buckling of zero was used.

Since the effective multiplcation factors for the various shipping container geometries for 17 x 17 fuel was calculated with zero axial leakage, the results previously transmitted may conservatively be applied to 14 feet, 17 x 17 (non optimized) fuel assemblies enriched with up to 3.5 w/o 235.

g The container internals and fuel cross section for the RCC-4 are identic'al'to the RCC-1 and RCC-2 packages.

The external shell will be at least as thick as on earlier designs.

The weight per unit length is approximately constant for 10, 12 and 14 foot fuel in the appropriate shipping container.

The crush configuration that follows the maximum credible accident (MCA) is therefore the same for the RCC-4 as for the earlier RCC-1 and RCC-3 designs.

The design will meet the requirements of 10 CFR 71.31 and 71.32.


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it is extremely important to receive ap_roval for this request prior to initiation of manufacture of the XL containers which is currently scheduled for the end of April 1979.

  • .'The drawings referenced in the proposed ch nge to the Certificate 9

are proprietary and will be transmitted sader separate correspon-dence.


Please find enclosed a check for $5500.00 p'ayable to the USNRC as required by 10CFR170.

Please send the revisic.4 to me at the'above address.

If you have any questions regarding this matter, please write to me at the above address or telephone me on (412) 373-4652.

Very truly yours, Ib e

onald P. DiPiazza, Manager NES License Administration

/slw Attachment m

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T.ddendum to Acclice. tion for Amendment of L3. cense Sj!M-1107 for.NFD Shipping Packages, dated July 13, 1973

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RCC-4 Packaging 14.1 Packaging Descriution

. Designation-RCC-4 Shipping Container Gross Weight-8400 pounds Fabrication - The design and fabrication details for

. shipping containers in the RCC-4 series are given in Equipment-Specification E-953511 and Westinghouse drawings: 1460: 1 and 1460E94,

- which are attached as Appendix to our application dated January

, 1979 on Docket 71-5450.

West-inghouse drawing 1460E96 is also included in that Appendix L to indicate the location of, and the method'of retaining poison plates in the packaging,

-when they are required.

Coolents - Not applicable


' Contents Descriution The descriptions and discussions given in Section 4.2 of reference 1 will be directly applicable in all respects if "and Appendix L" is added after " Appendix A" and drawing 1460E96 is substituted for " drawing 684JS80."

14.3 Compliance with Suboart C of 10CFR71 The descriptions and discussions given in Section l4.3 of reference 1 will be d2.rectly applicable in all respects if " Equipment Specification E-953511-is

. substituted for " Equipment Specification E-676200."

14.4 Limits and Controls The Fissile Class II Limit, Fissile Class III limit and the Procedural Controls presented in Sections 4.4,

4 5 and 4.6'of reference 1 respectively, wil'1 apply directly if " Equipment Specification E-953511" is substituted for " Equipment Specification E-676200."




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