NL-19-0726, Inservice Inspection Program Owner'S Activity Report for Outage 2R25

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Inservice Inspection Program Owner'S Activity Report for Outage 2R25
Person / Time
Site: Hatch Southern Nuclear icon.png
Issue date: 06/17/2019
From: Gayheart C
Southern Nuclear Operating Co
Document Control Desk, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Download: ML19168A195 (7)


.;., Southern Nuclear 3535 Colonnade Parkway Cheryl A. Gayheart Birmingham, AL 35243 Regulatory Affa1rs Director 205 992 5316 tel 205 992 7601 fax JUN 1 7 2019 cagayhea@ Docket No.: 50-366 NL-19-0726 U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission ATIN: Document Control Desk Washington, D. C. 20555-0001 Edwin I. Hatch Nuclear Plant - Unit 2 lnservice Inspection Program Owner's Activity Report for Outage 2R25 Ladies and Gentlemen:

Enclosed is the ASME Section XI Code Case N-532-5 OAR-1 Owner's Activity Report for the 2R25 Refueling Outage. Table 1, "Items with Flaws or Relevant Conditions that Required Evaluation for Continued Service," lists evaluations performed for continued service, and is provided as Enclosure 2. Table 2, "Abstract of Repairs, Replacement or Corrective Measures Required for Continued Service," lists repair/replacement activities, and is provided as .

This report is for the first and second periods of the 51h Interval lSI activities (Interval 5, Period 1, Outage 2 and Interval 5, Period 2, Outage 1).

This letter contains no NRC commitments. If you have any questions, please contact Jamie Coleman at 205.992.6611.

Respectfully submitted, Cheryl A a eart Regulatory Affairs Director CAG/DSP/scm


1. 2R25 Form OAR-1 Owner's Activity Report
2. 2R25 Form OAR-1 Owner's Activity Report, Table 1, Items with Flaws or Relevant Conditions that Required Evaluation for Continued Service
3. 2R25 Form OAR-1 Owner's Activity Report, Table 2, Abstract of Repairs, Replacement or Corrective Measures Required for Continued Service cc: Regional Administrator, Region II NRR Project Manager- Hatch Senior Resident Inspector- Hatch RTYPE: CHA02.004

Edwin I. Hatch Nuclear Plant - Unit 2 lnservice Inspection Program Owner's Activity Report for Outage 2R25 Enclosure 1 2R25 Form OAR-1 Owner's Activity Report to NL-19-0726 2R25 Form OAR-1 Owner's Activity Report Form OAR Owner's Activity Report Report Number 2-5-1-2 (Unit 2. 5111 Interval, 1'1 Period, 2na Report) and 2-5-2-1 (Unit 2, 5"' Interval, 2nd Period, 1'1 Report)

Plant Edwin I. Hatch Nuclear Plant-11028 Hatch Parkway North, Baxley, Georgia 31513 (Bin 63010)

Unit No. ---,(~=-a-ppli~~ca.....,..,.ble..,.)-- Commercial Service Date ---""09"-'-/-=-05"-'-/-'-19~7-=9__ Refueling Outage No 2R25 Applicable Inspection Interval 5"'

(1". 2"', 3'", 4... o1her)

Applicable Inspection Period 1'1 and 2na (1 01, 2"", 3'")

Edition and Addenda of Section XI Applicable to the Inspection Plans 2007 Edition through 2008 Addenda Volume 1-02/06/2019 (Version 3.0), Volume 2-02103/2017 (Version 1.0),

Volume 3-02/06/2019 (Version 2.0), Volume 4-06/04/2019 (Version 2.0),

Volume 5-02/09/2019 (Version 2.0), 2R25 Outage Plan- 01/31/2019 (Version 1.0),

2R25 Outage Plan Scope Change (SC-001)- 02/06/2019 (Version 1.0). and 2R25 Outage Date and Revision of Inspection Plans Plan Scope Change (SC-002)- 02/19/2019 (Version 1.0)

Edition and Addenda of Section XI Applicable to Repair/Replacement Activities (If different than the Inspection Plans) Same Code Cases Used for Inspection and Evaluation: N-513-3, N-532-5, N-586-1, N-613-2, N-648-1, N-702, N-716-1, N-747, and N-805 (W applicable)

CERTIFICATE OF CONFORMANCE I certify that (a) the statements made in this report are correct; (b) the examinations and tests meet the Inspection Plan as required by the ASME Code,Section XI; and (c) the repair/replacement activities and evaluations supporting the completion of 2R25 conform to the requirements of ASME Code,Section XI. tR*tu*ina Ouoago Nllfl'l>

    .0. . (")31\.) Examination Category Item Description Evaluation Description  ;:::;:-nz and Item Number -Q * .-ur ~ 1 The removal of RPV Head Stud #33 was  ::::J UlOco unsuccessful. As such , the NRC approved Relief :f:E6 Ql::::J-...j Request HNP-ISI-RR-05-02 (via ML19035A550) to ,....CDI\J leave Stud #33 in place through the END of the 5111  ::U'-m CD (J) ..0)> Interval (12/31/2025) based on Dominion Engineering , c 0 Reactor Pressure Vessel (RPV) Head Stud #33 Found -* ..... 8-G-1 (86.20) with a Flaw Indication (during 2R24) Inc. Calculation C-3944-00-01 (Revision 0) . The ro ~: a.-< Calculation was submitted to (ML17048A090) and approved by (ML17205A345) the NRC as part of m::u < CD HNP-ISI-RR-05-01 and showed that studs would Q!.-o c 0 continue to meet ASME Code Requirements for ~.?- 0--i primary loads with one _(1_l stud out of service.  ::::J Q) Through Wall Leak on 6" Plant Service Water Pipe ag: ..., CD Flaw was evaluated in accordance with Code Case (Between 2P41-FV046 (Upstream) and 2P41-~3056 (")__.. D-2 (D2.10) N-513-3 and the impacted piping was replaced under 0 - (Downstream) Outside the 2C Emergency D1esel ..........
    J-SNC948451 during 2R25. -
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    £ :E (J) 0 Page 1 of 1 Edwin I. Hatch Nuclear Plant - Unit 2 lnservice Inspection Program Owner's Activity Report for Outage 2R25 Enclosure 3 2R25 Form OAR-1 Owner's Activity Report, Table 2, Abstract of Repairs, Replacement or Corrective Measures Required for Continued Service
    <D ::0 :J Table 2 -Abstract of Repairs, Replacement or Corrective Measures Required for Continue Service "'0 I'V (") Q)OlQ (") ""T1 (/1 c: Edwin I. Hatch Nuclear Plant- Unit 2 (Cycle 25) <D 0 3..., m ro3w ~o o )> 0 Code Class Item Description Description of Work Date Com oleted R&R Work Order . . . ::oz a~r Replaced Leaking 6" Plant Service Water Pipe (Between I Q ~I 6" Plant Service  ::::o<O 3 2P41-FV046 (Upstream) and 2P41-F3056 (Downstream) 02/22/2019 SNC948451 Water Pipe (D :;: o:JO I Outside the 2C Emergency Diesel Generator Room)  !:!:<D~ Cii -d)~ s:::(/1 <D)> ruU (/1  ;::* c:::.: (j)'< C/1::0
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