DCL-18-063, Emergency Plan Implementing Procedure Update

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Emergency Plan Implementing Procedure Update
Person / Time
Site: Diablo Canyon  Pacific Gas & Electric icon.png
Issue date: 08/23/2018
From: Ginn M
Pacific Gas & Electric Co
Document Control Desk, Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
DCL-18-063, DIL-18-010
Download: ML18235A619 (9)


Pacific Gas and Electric Company*

Michael A. Ginn Diablo Canyon Power Plant Manager P.O. Box 56 Emergency Planning Avila Beach, CA 93424 805.545.3446 Internal: 691 .3446 Fax: 805.545.6265 August 23, 2018 PG&E Letter DCL-18-063 PG&E Letter DIL-18-010 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 10 CFR 50.54, 10 CFR 72.32 ATTN: Document Control Desk Washington, DC 20555-0001 Docket No. 50-275, OL-DPR-80 Docket No. 50-323, OL-DPR-82 Diablo Canyon Units 1 and 2 Docket No. 72-26, Materials License No. SNM-2511 Diablo Canyon Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation Emergency Plan Implementing Procedure Update

Dear Commissioners and Staff:

In accordance with 10 CFR 50.54(q)(5) and the requirements of 10 CFR 72.32, Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E) is providing a summary of the analysis of changes to Emergency Plan (E-Plan) Implementing Procedures EP G-5, "Evacuation of Non-Essential Site Personnel" and EP RB-5, "Alternate Personnel Decontamination Facilities."

The associated enclosures are listed below:

  • Enclosure 2 - Summary of the Analysis of Changes to Emergency Plan Implementing Procedure EP G-5, Revision 15, "Evacuation of Non-Essential Site Personnel"
  • Enclosure 3 - Summary of the Analysis of Changes to Emergency Plan Implementing Procedure EP RB-5, Revision 9, "Alternate Personnel Decontamination Facilities" PG&E evaluated the changes for a reduction in effectiveness, as defined in 10 CFR 50.54(q), and concluded that the changes do not reduce the effectiveness of the E-Plan. The E-Plan continues to meet the requirements in Appendix E of A member of the STARS Alliance Callaway
  • Diablo Canyon
  • Palo Verde
  • Wolf Creek

Document Control Desk PG&E Letter DCL-18-063 August 23, 2018 PG&E Letter DI L-18-01 0 Page2 10 CFR 50 and the planning standards of 10 CFR 50.47(b). Therefore, prior NRC approval of the associated changes was not required.

This update does not contain any privacy and proprietary information in accordance with NRC Generic Letter 81-27, "Privacy and Proprietary Material in Emergency Plans."

PG&E makes no new or revised regulatory commitments (as defined by NEI 99-04) in this letter.

If there are questions regarding this update, please contact me at (805) 545-3446.


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~. ~inn Emergency Planning Manager armb/4743/50990958 and 50990959 Enclosures cc/enc: William C. Allen, NMSS Project Manager Kriss M. Kennedy, NRC Region IV Administrator Christopher W. Newport, NRC Senior Resident Inspector Balwant K. Singal, NRC Senior Project Manager Senior Emergency Preparedness Inspector (RGN-IV/DR)

A member of the STARS Alliance Callaway

  • Diablo Canyon
  • Palo Verde
  • Wolf Creek

Enclosure 1 PG&E Letter DCL-18-063 PG&E Letter DIL-18-010 DIABLO CANYON POWER PLANT EMERGENCY PLAN IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURES Revision Numbers for Emergency Plan Implementing Procedures

Enclosure 1 PG&E Letter DCL-18-063 PG&E Letter DIL-18-010 DIABLO CANYON POWER PLANT EMERGENCY PLAN IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURES Proc. No. Rev. Title OM10.ID1 18 Maintaining Emergency Preparedness OM10.DC1 9 Emergency Preparedness Drills and Exercises EP G-1 44 Emergency Classification and Emergency Plan Activation EP G-2 50 Interim Emergency Response Organization EP G-3 59 Emergency Notification of Off-Site Agencies EP G-4 30 Assembly and Accountability EP G-5 15* Evacuation of Non-Essential Site Personnel EP OR-3 10 Emergency Recovery EP RB-1 8 Personnel Dosimetry EP RB-2 8 Emergency Exposure Guides EP RB-3 7 Stable Iodine Thyroid Blocking EP RB-4 5 Access to and Establishment of Controlled Areas Under Emergency Conditions EP RB-5 9* Alternate Personnel Decontamination Facilities EP RB-8 29 Instructions for Field Monitoring Teams EP RB-9 15 Calculation of Release Rate EP RB-10 20 Protective Action Recommendations EP RB-12 12 Plant Vent Iodine and Particulate Sampling During Accident Conditions EP RB-14 10 Core Damage Assessment Procedure EP RB-14A 2 Initial Detection of Fuel Cladding Damage EP RB-15 15 Post Accident Sampling System EP RB-16 15 Operating Instructions for the EARS Computer Program EP R-2 35 Release of Airborne Radioactive Materials Initial Assessment EP R-3 9 Release of Radioactive Liquids EP R-7 17 Off-Site Transportation Accidents EP EF-1 53 Activation and Operation of the Technical Support Center EP EF-2 40 Activation and Operation of the Operational Support Center EP EF-3 45 Activation and Operation of the Emergency Operations Facility EP EF-4 21 Activation of the Off-Site Emergency Laboratory EP EF-9 12 Backup Emergency Response Facilities EP EF-10 17 Activation and Operation of the Joint Information Center EP EF-11 2 Alternate Emergency Response Facilities/ Incident Command Post (ICP)

  • Revised Document Page 1 of 1

Enclosure 2 PG&E Letter DCL-18-063 PG&E Letter DIL-18-010 Summary of the Analysis of Changes to Emergency Plan Implementing Procedure EP G-5, Revision 15, "Evacuation of Non-Essential Site Personnel"

Enclosure 2 PG&E Letter DCL-18-063 PG&E Letter DIL-18-010 Summarv of the Analvsis of Chanaes to Emeraencv Plan lmplementina Procedure EP G-5, Revision 15 Change j Original Content (Rev 14) Revised Content (Rev 15) Description of Change 1 11.3 NIA- content removed Removed content.

This procedure has been rewritten; therefore, no Step was removed as it is no longer applicable revision bars are included. since the proposed activity was not a rewrite of EP G-5.

This change does not affect how the current Emergency Plan (E-Plan) meets any planning standard functions, elements, or site-specific commitments. No additional evaluation required.

2 8.4 8.4 Modified existing content.

RCP 0-600, "Personnel Decontamination and RCP NISP-RP.06, "Personnel Contamination The decision to transition to the Nuclear Industry Evaluation" Monitoring" Standard Process (NISP) format resulted in the need to update procedure titles in EP G-5 to replace the old Diablo Canyon Power Plant (DCPP) procedure title with the new NISP title.

The scope of the NISP is the same as the scope of RCP D-600 which it replaces . Both procedures describe the process for monitoring personnel for skin and clothing contamination and proper decontamination methods.

The proposed activity updates these radiation control standards to the current industry acceptable methods and processes.

This change does not affect how the current E-Plan meets any planning standard functions, elements, or site-specific commitments. No additional evaluation required.

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Enclosure 2 PG&E Letter DCL-18-063 PG&E Letter DIL-18-010 s - f - - --- -- - - - - -- - -- - - -- - - -- - -- - - - - - - - - --- - -- - - -- - - - -- - -- - -

Change Original Content (Rev 14) Revised Content (Rev 15) Description of Change 3 Attachment 3, Step 1.b Attachment 3, Step 1.b Modified existing content.

Verify with the Shift Manager/ Site Emergency Check with the Shift Manager I Site Emergency This change does not affect how the current Coordinator that communications with offsite Coordinator that communications with offsite E-Plan meets any planning standard agencies (California Highway Patrol, Sheriffs agencies (California Highway Patrol, Sheriffs functions, elements, or site-specific Department etc.) have been made prior to Department etc.) have been made prior to commitments. No additional evaluation evacuating personnel from the site. evacuating personnel from the site. required.

4 Attachment 5, Step 1.b.6)a) Attachment 5, Step 1.b.6)a) Modified existing content.

Decontamination should be performed per RCP Decontamination should be performed per RCP The decision to transition to the NISP format D-600, "Personnel Decontamination and NISP-RP.06, "Personnel Contamination resulted in the need to update procedure titles in Evaluation." Monitoring." EP G-5 to replace the old DCPP procedure title with the new NISP title.

The scope of the NISP is the same as the scope of RCP D-600 which it replaces . Both procedures describe the process for monitoring personnel for skin and clothing contam ination and proper decontamination methods.

The proposed activity updates these radiation control standards to the current industry acceptable methods and processes.

This change does not affect how the current E-Plan meets any planning standard functions, elements, or site-specific commitments. No additional evaluation required .

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Enclosure 3 PG&E Letter DCL-18-063 PG&E Letter DIL-18-010 Summary of the Analysis of Changes to Emergency Plan Implementing Procedure EP RB-5, Revision 9, "Alternate Personnel Decontamination Facilities"

Enclosure 3 PG&E Letter DCL-18-063 PG&E Letter DIL-18-010 s ------- -- fthe A -- - - - fCh

- -- -- - --- to

- E--- - -- -Pl- --- -- -- - --- -- f --- -p - d-- -- - EP RB-5. R - - - -- 9 Change Original Content (Rev 8) Revised Content (Rev 9) Description of Change 1 6.4.1 d. 6.4.1d. Modified existing content.

Decontamination should be performed per RCP Decontamination should be performed per RCP The decision to transition to the NISP format D-600, "Personnel Contamination Events." NISP-RP.06, "Personnel Contamination resulted in the need to update procedure titles in Monitorinq." EP RB-5 to replace the old DCPP procedure title 2 6.4.2a.3 6.4.2a.3 with the new NISP title.

Decontamination should be performed per RCP Decontamination should be performed per RCP The scope of the NISP is the same as the scope D-600, "Personnel Contamination Events." NISP-RP.06, "Personnel Contamination of RCP D-600 which it replaces. Both procedures Monitorinq." describe the process for monitoring personnel for 3 6.4.2b.8. 6.4.2b.8. skin and clothing contamination and proper decontamination methods .

Decontamination should be performed in Decontamination should be performed per RCP accordance with RCP D-600, "Personnel NISP-RP.06, "Personnel Contamination The proposed activity updates these radiation Contamination Events" by RP engineers, foreman Monitoring" by RP engineers, foreman or control standards to the current industry or technicians. technicians acceptable methods and processes.

4 8.4 8.4 This change does not affect how the current E-Plan meets any planning standard RCP D-600, "Personnel Contamination Events" RCP NISP-RP.06, "Personnel Contamination functions, elements, or site-specific Monitoring." commitments. No additional evaluation required.

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