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Reactor Containment Bldg Integrated Leak Rate Test. W/871006 Ltr
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Issue date: 09/30/1987
From: Sorensen G
GO2-87-257, NUDOCS 8710130320
Download: ML17279A583 (280)




ISUTIOh(+il lu (RIDS) i ACCESSION NBR: 8710130320 DOC. DATE: 87/09/30 NOTAR ZED: NO DOCKET 0 FACIL: 50<~ Julich Testing Reactor" Broujn/Boveri Kr pp OlR)CCCR7 AUTH. NAME AUTHOR AFFILIATION SORENSENi Q. C..Washington Public Poeer Supply System REC IP. NAME REC IP IENT AFFILIATION


"Reactor Containment Bldg Integrated Leak Rate Test. "

W/871006 ltr.


TITLE: OR Submittal: Append J Containment Leak Rate Testing NOTES:XR-62 issued 7/28/66. Export %or Germany. 05000257 RECIPIENT COPIES RECIPIENT COPIES ID CODE/NAME LTTR ENCL ID CODE/NAME LTTR ENCL LA 1 0 PD 5 5 PM 1 INTERNAL: ARM/DAF/LFMB 0 /PSB 1 1 OGC .1 1 REQ FILE 01 1 1 RES DEPY GI 1 1 RDi J 1 1 RES/DE/SSEB 1 1 RES/DRA*/SAIB '1 RES/DRPS/RPSIB 1 1 EXTERNAL:" LPDR 1 1 NRC PDR



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Washington Public Power Supply System P.O. Box 968 3000 George Washington Way Richland, Washington 99352 (509) 372-5000 October 6, 1987 G02-87-257 Docket No. 50-397 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Attn: Document Control Desk Hashington, D.C. 20555 Gentlemen:




HNP-2 Final Safety Analysis Report, Hashington Public Power Supply System.

2) Primary Reactor Containment Leakage Testing for Hater Cooled Power Reactors, Code of Federal Regulations, Title 10, Part 50, Appendix J, January 1983
3) Leakage Rate Testing Containment Structures for Nuclear Reactors, American National Standards Institute, Inc., N.Y., NY; ANSI N45.4-1972
4) Letter, D. M. Cr utchfield (NRC) to G. C. Sorensen (SS),

Issuance of Exemption to a Provision of Appendix J and Amendment No. 41 to Facility Operating License No.

NPF-21 HPPSS Nuclear Project No. 2 (TAC No. 60740)",

dated April 29, 1987 In accordance with the reporting requirements stipulated in reference 2),

and in compliance with the testing commitments, regulations, and guidelines specified in r eferences 1), 2), 3), and 4), the Reactor Containment Building Integrated Leak Rate Test, September 1987 is submitted.

Very truly ours, G. C. Sorensen, Manager Regulatory Programs DAI/PJI/bk Attachment cc: JB Martin - NRC RV NS Reynolds BCP8R RB Samworth NRC DL Hilliams - BPA, 399 NRC Site Inspector - 901A


t 0


8710130320 87<>'Q<~>

PDR ADOCK 05000~~/


Washington Public Power Supply System Richland, Washington September, 1987



2.0 SUN1ARY 2.1 Type B & C Test 2;2 Type A Tests '

3.0 I SCUSSION 3.1 Type B & C Tests 3.1. Chronology and Methods 4 1

3. 1.2 Testing Categories,

'pecific 4"

Acceptance Criteria, and Results 3.2 Type A Test 3.2.1 Methods 3.2.2 Data Collection and Reduction 3.2.3 Plant Status During Tests 3.2.4 t'lajor Test Events 3.2.5 Acceptance Criteria and Results





PCILRT FINAL REPORT TABLE OF CONTENTS ATTACHMENTS PAGES LEAKAGE RATE CALCULATIONS 3 Pages A. Corrections to the PCILRT Calculated Result B. Correction to the LRVT Heasured Result C. LRVT Calculations I I. DATA SUHt1ARIES 18 Pages III. GRAPH OF PRC AIR t'tASS 1 Page Iv. GLOSSARY 1 Page 11

PCILRT FINAL REPORT List of Tables I. LLRT Results for Type BKC Testing performed since Pre-Operational PCILRT.

2. LLRT Results for Secondary Bypass Leakage Sources.
3. LLRT Results for the HSIVs
4. Valve Lineup Exceptions During the PCILRT and the LRVT
5. Tabulation of the PCILRT and LRVT Results with Corrections


This report documents the periodic Type A, B, and C testing performed on the Primary Reactor Containment of Washington Nuclear Plant Number Two (WNP-2) from February 1984 to June 1987. The plant consists of a GE BWR/5 NSSS System housed within a Hark II Over/ Under Containment.

Chronologically, the Preoperational Type A test, the "Preoperational Primary Contaminant Integrated Leak Rate Test" (PCILRT) (Ref. 5.11) was conducted from February 3, 1984 to February 16, 1984, various Type B8C tests were conducted, mostly occurring during the spring outages of 1985, 1986, and 1987, the second Type A Test was conducted from June 3, 1987 to June 17, 1987, then non-Type A tested penetration leak rates were summed with the calculated Type A test leak rate to arrive at the corrected "as-left" Type A test result.

This report is organized into three broad topics: SUMi'1ARY, DISCUSSION, and CONCLUSION. Each topic consists of an appropriate level of informa-tion pertaining to the Type B 8 C Tests and the Type A Test. Finally, supporting information is provided in the ATTACHNENTS in sufficient detail to justify the CONCLUSIONS and to comply with regulatory and plant requirements (Ref. 5.1, 5.2 and 5.3).

Acronyms used in this report are listed in Attachment IV.

tt 2.0


2.1 Type B&C local leak rate testing was performed during each of three annual spring outages since the pre-operational Integrated Leak Rate Test ( ILRT), with the last testing period occurring just prior to the 1987 ILRT. The leakage rates listed below represent, a sumation of as-left maximum pathway penetration leakages applying single failure criteria to active containment boundary valves. The allow-able leakage rate for the sum of each Type BIlC test sequence was 67,920 sccm (0.6La). The summation of the as-found maximum pathway leakage rates exceeded 0.6La. An analysis and interpretation of the as-found test results is included in a supplement to this report.

2.1.1 Spring 1985 Outage The measured leak rate for the sum of the as-left Type 88C tests was 54,859 sccm (0.485La).

2.1.2 Spring 1986 Outage The measured leak rate for the sum of the as-left Type 88C tests was 36,741 sccm (0.325La).

2.1.3 Spring 1987 Outage The measured leak rate for the sum of the as-left Type BKC tests was 21,616 sccm (0.191La).

2.2 T e A Test The plant systems were lined up consistent with the requirements of references 5.1 and 5.2. Emergency Core Cooling Systems (RHR, LPCS and HPCS) were filled and available to perform their safety func-tions, with RHR Loops A and B used to maintain Reactor Pressure Ves-sel temperature within Technical Specification (Ref. 5.1) limits.

SLC, RWCU, RFW, and the normally water filled portions of the PSR, RCIC, and FPC systems were also f il led and, as in the case of RHR, LPCS and HPCS, were vented to see Pa via the head vent. The RCC, RWCU, and CRD systems, as well as the RRC seal injection and sample lines were filled and operating; therefore, the CIYs in these systems were not exposed to Pa. The remaining systems were drained and vented to both the Primary Reactor Containment (PRC) Atmosphere as well as outside the outermost CIV to the Reactor Building atmosphere.

The 23-hour Primary Containment Integrated Leak Rate Test (PCILRT) quantified the Overall Integrated Leakage Rate (OILR) of the PRC.

The PCILRT was followed by the Leakage Rate Yerification Test (LRYT), which was a four hour and 40 minute supplemental test using a constant-rate superimposed leak.

The recorded 95'A Upper Confidence Level (UCL) leakage rate (LR) for the PCILRT was 0.2837 weight percent per day (w/o/day) (based on Total Time Calculated method) which was then corrected for valve lineup exceptions and drywell sumps water level increases to give 0.3241 w/o/day. Since 0.75 La is 0.375 w/o/day, the leakage rate is less than the acceptance criterion. For the LRYT, the corrected acceptance criterion, (based on a superimposed constant leakage rate of 0.4987 w/o/day, the measured Total Time PCILRT LR of 0.1615 w/o/day, 'and a correction factor), was 0. 6629 w/o/day + 0. 125 w/o/day. The Total Time Calculated Leakage Rate, corrected for valve 'lineup test exceptions, was 0.6924 w/o/day; thus, the LRVT substantiated the validity of the PCILRT results.

3.0 DISCUSSION 3.1 ~T 3.1. 1 Methods The penumatic Type B&C tests were performed utilizing the Pressure Decay and Makeup Flowrate methods. Hydrostatic Type C testing on water sealed valves was accomplished using the Makeup Flow Rate Method.

3.1.2 Specific Testing Categories, Acceptance Criteria, and Results The first category consists of air and nitrogen - tested Type B&C penetrations. The measured Type B&C Leakage rate summations are tablulated in Table 1.

Outage Al 1 owab 1 e

) Year NT eB 2T eC 5 B&C Limit 1985 5587 sccm 49,272 sccm 54,859 sccm 67,920 sccm 1986 411 sccm 36,330 sccm 36,741 sccm 67,920 sccm 19871 397 sccm 21,219 sccm 21,616 sccm 67,920 sccm TABLE 1 LLRT RESULTS FOR TYPE B&C TESTING PERFORMED SINCE PRE-OPERATIONAL ILRT NOTE: 1 During the 1987 outage, all Type B penetrations

,were local leak rate tested. Type C testing was performed as allowed by the Exemption to Appendix J Testing issued by the HRC with Amend-ment No. 41 to Facility Operating License HPF-21. This allowed testing of approximately half of the Type C penetrations at each shutdown for refueling. During the 1987 outage, 46 of 75 Type C penetrations were tested. For those not tested, the leakage rates from the 1986 outage were used to calculate the total Type C Leakage rate listed in Table I.

The second category is a subset of the above Type C tests, being the measured leakage rates on the secondary contain-ment bypass lines that must be included in the sum of the Type B&C tests. The allowable leakage rate from these secondary containment bypass sources is 349 .2 sccm. The measured leakage rates are tabulated in Table 2.


PENETRATION SERVICE 1985 1986 1987 X-14 RWCU from 1 6.24 98.8 98.8 RPV X-22 HS Drain 2. 14 13.0 133.4 X-77Aa RRC Sample 11.44 176. 7 81.2 X-92 Dl) Service 2.4 0.0 4.0 to Drywell TOTALS 32.22 288.5 317.4 TABLE 2 LLRT Results for Secondary Bypass Leakage Sources A special case of the above category makes up the third category and applies to the Main Steam Isolation Valves (HSIVs). They are similar to the second category in that any process line leakage passes directly from the PRC to the Turbine Building, thereby "bypassing" the SGT System.

The line leakage is not added to the sum of the Type C leakage rates because the Hain Steam Leakage Control System intercepts all leakage, past the inboard CIY up to the allowable limit (See Ref. 5.1). The allowable leakage rate is 5428 sccm per valve and the test results are tabu-lated in Table 4.3. Testing was performed at a test pressure of 25 psig (per Ref. 5.1).

LEAKAGE RATES (sccm) 1 s2 PENETRATION 1985 1986 1987 X -18A 3634 425 675 X-18B 1133 330 4932 X-18C 708 4955 589 X-18D 3964 142 411 TABLE 3 LLRT Results for the HSIV's NOTES: 1 Pressure decay test performed between the inboard HSIY and the outboard HSIV; therefore, the LRs assigned to the penetrations are conser-vative with respect to the acceptance criteria.

- 5'-

2 Measured Leakage rates shown are as-left values. As-found leakage rates in excess of 5428 sccm are discussed in the Supplemental Report.

The fourth and last category pertains to Containment Isolation Valves (CIV) sealed with fluid from a seal system (Ref. 5.2). Hydrostatic tests were performed on 64 valves sealed by water during an accident event requiring Primary Reactor Coolant integrity. Leak rate testing was performed at a pressure equal to 1.1 Pa using the make-up flowrate method with water. The maximum al lowabl e leakage rate per Reference 5.1 is 1.0 gpm per valve. The total measured leakage from all 64 valves was 0.069 gpm for the 1985 outage, 0.032 gpm for the 1986 outage, and 0.039 gpm for the 1987 outage. These values are not required to be included in the sum of the Type B8C leakage rates (see Refs. 5.1 and 5.2).

Methods The absolute method of pressure decay testing was used for the PCILRT and the LRYT.

Data Collection and Reduction The Data Acquisition System consisted of 17 drybulb tem-perature probes, 4 dew cells and 2 pressure sensors.

Reference 5. 13 indicated the location of each sensor and the volume of each containment subvolume. The only sig-nificant changes made to the sensors or their utilization since that documented in Ref. 5. 13 for the preoperational PCICRT were the programmatic deletion of the output from the installed wetwell drybulb sensor TE-17 (it failed just prior to the PCICRT, necessitating the ignoring of its output and rearrangement of Wetwell subvolume assignments) and the physical deletion of ME-5 5 6 (these Wetwell dew cells were not installed because the Suppression Chamber atmosphere is essentially saturated under equilibrium con-ditions; hence, the program below was tailored to process the drybulb data as if it were reading water-saturated to a Volumetrics Inte-air). The sensors were connected grated Leak Rate Monitoring System (ILRMS), model 14629LC (Ref. 5.4), which printed out the measured value of each drybulb sensor and dew cell every 15 minutes. The quartz crystal pressure transducer outputs were continuously dis-played on a digital readout panel and were likewise printed out every 15 minutes. The raw data were then automatica'ily transmitted to a computer located in the Hain Control Room for the plant into which the ILRT computer program (Ref. 5. 12) had been loaded.

The pressure data were individually corrected for calibra-tion inaccuracies by a subroutine in the program. The data were then accessed and the computer was directed to process same periodically by a terminal at the Test Center in the Reactor Building. The data printout tapes were simply a hard-copy backup of the data. Hardcopy printouts of the data and the attendant analyses were then obtained.

The computer program printouts consisted of individual sensor data, averaged sensor data, air partial pressure, calculated dry air mass and leakage rate. The program also allows determination of temperature stabilization based on Reference 5.6. The program allows the operator

, to examine and correct any data at any point in time.

Plots of average temperature, dew point, pressure and cal-"

culated air mass may be displayed on the terminal and can be printed at any time. The program was developed in-house and was verified against data and results accepted for a prior ILRT at another plant. The same basic program was used for the preoperational PCILRT.

Reference 5. 1 committed WHP-2 to using Reference 5.3 as the basic document for PRC leakage rate testing; there-fore,,there are two possible calculation methods that could be used for the reduction of the data for the PCILRT and the LRVT: The Total Time method and the Point to Point method. Of the two, the Total Time method has heen chosen as the basic method used at WHP-2. References 5.5 and 5.6 present the superior t1ass Point method, which was also used for data reduction, the results of which are included for information only.

Plant Status During Tests The systems were placed in the following four broad categories:

A. Systems filled with water and not vented to the Primary Reactor Containment atmosphere.

1. Reactor Closed Cooling (RCC)
2. Control Rod Drive (CRD)
3. Reactor Recirculation (RRC), Seal Injection

B. Systems fi'lied with water but vented to the Primary Reactor Containment atmosphere.

1. Residual Heat Removal (RHR)
2. High Pressure Core Spray (HPCS)
3. Low Pressure Core Spray (LPCS)
4. Standby Liquid Control (SLC)
5. Reactor Water Cleanup (RMCU) .
6. Reactor feed Mater (RFW)
7. Reactor Core Isolation Cooling (RCIC),

water-f i led portions 1

8. Post Accident Sampling (PSR), Water-filled Portions
9. Fuel Pool Cooling (FPC), Supply C. Systems On-Line 1
1. Control Rod Drive (CRD)
2. Reactor Recirculation (RRC), Seal Injection
3. Residual Heat Removal (RHR), A and B Loops
4. Reactor Water Cleanup (RMCU)
5. Containment Atmosphere Control (CAC)*
6. Sample Handling Equipment Hydrogen Oxygen Monitors
7. Reactor Closed Cooling (RCC)
  • CIV's open but air pumps not running D. All other systems penetrating the PRC were drained and vented to the PRC atmosphere as well as to the Reactor Building atmosphere.

In the above listing all of the CIVs and Boundary Valves were closed except those used for specific purposes (e.g.

X-53: dual series Boundary Valves opened to give a flow path during the LRVT).

Major Test Events This section discusses the testing, which and consisted of the following three major phases:

1. Temperature and Pressure Stabilization
2. 23 Hour PCILRT
3. 4+ Hour (Induced) LRVT Tem erature and Pressure Stabilization Pressurization of the containment began at 1532 on June 7, 1987. The ILRT test pressure, Pa, was r cached at about 2315 on June 7. Data were continuously collected from this time up to the conclusion of the ILRT testing sequence at 1244 on June 9. The stabilization period was started at 2334 on June 7 and was considered satisfac-torily completed at 0334 on June 8.

Primary Containment Inte rated Leaka e Rate Test The ILRT test was initiated at 0619 on June 8. The total containment pressure at this time was 50.459 psia (36.067 psig). Data were collected at 15 minute intervals for the next 23 hours2.662037e-4 days <br />0.00639 hours <br />3.80291e-5 weeks <br />8.7515e-6 months <br />.

Leaka e Rate Verification Test A four hour and 40 minute flow verification test was run immediately following the ILRT test. The verification test provides a method for assuring that systematic error or bias is given adequate consideration. This test con-sisted of superimposing a known leakage rate upon the existing leakage rate.

The verification test was started at 0804 on June 9 with an average superimposed LR of 3.94 scfm, which corresponds to a LR of 0.4987 w/o/day (see Attachment I.C). The data collection interval was reduced to ten minutes.

Acceptance Criteria and Results Tem erature Stabilization The acceptance criterion used for the PCILRT was:

(Tt - Tt4) - (Tt - Tt 1) w 0 5oF/hr where:

Tt = weighted average containment temperature at time, t Tt4 = weighted average containment temperature 4 hours4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br /> prior to time, t Ttl = containment temperature 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br /> prior to time, t This method requires that the absolute average temperature change per hour over the last 4 hours4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br /> minus the absolute average temperature change per hour over the last hour be less than 0.5'F. The result of using this analysis method, gleaned from Reference 5.6, is given in Attachment II, Table II.l, which presents the average dry bulb tem-perature, the 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br />, 4 hour4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br />, and 4 hour4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br /> minus 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br /> cal-culations for the time period of 2334 on June 7 to 0334 on June 8. As can be seen, the 4 hours4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br /> minus 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br /> differ-ential was only -0.0837'F, which meets the requirements of Ref. 5.14.

Primar Containment Inte rated Leaka e Rate Test The acceptance criteria for the PCILRT is that the calcu-lated 95 percent UCL leakage rate, Lm 955, be less than 75 percent of the maximum allowab'le Teakage rate, La.

La is 0.5 weight percent per day and 75 percent of La is 0.375 weight percent per day. Therefore, the 95 per-cent UCL leakage rate, Lam, 95/., must be less than 0.375 weight percent per day.

The average temperature, pressure and air mass for the 23 hour2.662037e-4 days <br />0.00639 hours <br />3.80291e-5 weeks <br />8.7515e-6 months <br /> ILRT are presented in Attachment II, Tables II.2 and II.3. Figure III presents the time history of the air mass in graphical form and is included for information only.

Attachment II, Table II.4 presents the summary of the leakage rate calculation based on the Total Time method.

The Total Time Lam, 955 for the 23 hour2.662037e-4 days <br />0.00639 hours <br />3.80291e-5 weeks <br />8.7515e-6 months <br /> test was 0.2837 percent per day, which is well below the acceptance criterion of 0.375 weight percent per day. The column labeled Calculated Leakage Rate is the calculated mean ,

leakage rate.

The leakage rate calculated by the mass point method is presented in Table II.5. Lam 95', based on the mass point method was 0.2080 weight percent per day, which is well below the acceptance criterion of 0.375 weight per-cent per day.

The PCILRT calculated result was corrected for the effects of improper valve lineup and water inventory changes, which are discussed below.

The effects caused by the improper valve lineup used dur-ing the PCILRT (and the LRVT) are tabulated in Table 4.

Penetration Valve Leakage Ratel Number Numbers Exce tion Discussion (SCCta)

X-5 Rcc-V-5 Hote 4 86. 1 RCC-V-104 X-14 RWCU-V-1 Note 4 49.4 RWCU-Y-4 I

X -17A/17B RF W-V-10A Note 5 193.5 RFW-V-10B I RFM-V-32A I RFW-V-32B I RFM-V-65A RFW-V-65B I

X-18B HS-V-22B MS-V-67B manual ly 89.0 HS-V-28B I blocked during PCILRT HS-V-67B and LRVT


HSLC-V-3B X-23 EDR-V-1 9 Note 5 18.0 EDR-V-20 X-24 FDR-V-3 Note 5 10. 8 i FDR-V-4 X-46 Rcc-V-40 Note 4 10. 1 Rcc-V-21 X-533 CSP-V-800-2 Used for LRVT flow path 3.2 CSP-V-800-24 X-662 P I-V-X66-1 sed for PI-1 tap 25 06 PI-V-X66-2 wetwell pressure)

X-77Aa RRC-Y-19 Note 4 6.3 RRC-V-20 X-93 SA-V-109 Pressurization path 0.0 Pipe Cap (pipe cap removed during PCILRT and LRVT)

Penetration Valve'umbers Leakage Ratel Number Exce tion Discussion (sect<)

X-95 )

NMR-V-125 Pressurization path 0.0 Pipe Cap (valve and cap removed; temporary valve and cap in place during PCILRT and LRVT)

TABLE 4 Valve Lineup Exceptions During the PCILRT and the LRVT NOTES: l. Obtained from LLRT Program.

2. Used in lieu of an instrument line.
3. Used only during the LRYT.
4. Line filled with. water and CIVs open during both the PCILRT and the LRYT.
5. Line filled with water and CIVs closed but acci-dent fluid is considered to be a gas.
6. These are small instrumentation test connections that are normally closed and capped and only tested during the PCILRT. The value given was simply assigned and was conservatively based on historic response of this type of valve to LLRTing.

Combining all of the factors of table 4 except for the LRVT-related penetration but adding an additonal factor for statiscial uncertainty adds 610.2 sccm to the PCILRT leakage rate, which is equivalent to 0.00272 w/o/day (see Attachment I.A). All of the factors were summed to add 614.2 sccm to the LRVT result (discussed later) . This is equivalent to 0.00274 w/o/day (see Attachment I.B).

Two other correction factors wer e applied to the PCILRT results:

1) The drywell floor sump collected 20 inches of water during the course of the PCILRT and LRVT, and
2) The equipment drain sump collected eight inches of water during the course of the tests.

These two events added the equivalent of 0.0376 w/o/day to the PCILRT leakage rate (see Attachment I.A). Thus, the correction factor that was applied to the 95% UCL PCILRT LR was 0.0404 w/o/day (see Attachment I.A), which resulted in a total time 9N UCL PCILRT LR of 0.3241 w/o/day.

Leaka e Rate Verification Test The acceptance criteria for the Leakage Rate Verification test is:

(Lo + Lam -o 25 La)- LC-(Lo + Lam + 0 25 La) where: Lo = Known superimposed leakage rate, w/o/day Lam = Previously measured leakage rate, w/o/day

= Maximum allowable leakage rate, w/o/day

= treasured composite leakage rate, w/o/day The superimposed leakage rate should be between 75 to 125 percent of La.

Data were collected at 10 minute intervals. Attachment II, Tables II.G and II.7 present the data suraaary for the test. Attachment II, Table II.8 presents the leakage rate calculation based on the Total Time method. The measured comPosite leakage rate, Lc, was 0.6897 weight percent per day. The leakage rate based on a t1ass Point calcula-tion is given, for information only, in Attachment II, Table II.9.

Correcting Lc for the valve lineup factor previously presented (614.2sccm, or 0.00274 w/o/day) gives 0.6924 w/o/day.

Based on corrected lower and upper band limits of 0.5379 w/o/day and 0.7879 w/o/day, respectively, it is apparent that the instrumentation accurately tracked actual PRC atmospheric parameters.

Therefore, the LRVT was successfully passed and the agree-ment between the expected and measured LRs indicates that systematic errors were not a factor in the performance of the PCILRT.

Cpm arison of Results with Acce tance Criteria W

The acceptance criteria and results for all tests are presented in Table 5.

Resul ts Corrected Acceptance Results Date Criteria Total Time Mass Point Corrections (Total Time)

Test Com leted (w/o/day) (w/o/day) (w/o/day) (w/o/day) (w/o/day)

PCILRT 6-09-87 0.3753 0.28371 0.20801 0.0404 0 32411 LRVT 6-09-87 0.6629 + 0.1254 0.68972 0.68972 0.0027 0.69242 TABLE 5 Tabulation of the PCILRT and LRVT Results with Corrections NOTES:

1. 954 UCL Value
2. Measured Value
3. Based on 0.75 La, where La = 0.5 w/o/day Based on an induced leakage rate of 0.4987 w/o/day, a measured Primary Containment Integrated Leakage Rate of 0. 1615 w/o/day, and a correction factor of 0.0027 w/o/day.


The as-left Type BRC tests performed since the completion of the Pre-Operational Type A test were in compliance with the acceptance'crite-rion (67,920 sccm). Specifically, the 1985 outage result was 54,859 sccm, the 1986 outage result was 36,741 sccm, and the 1987 outage result was 21,616 sccm; thus, the respective Type B&C test sequences are con-sidered to be successful.

The'ype A test performed for this Report was the first Operational PCILRT. It commenced on June 8, 1987 at 0619 and was successfully successful com-pleted on June 9, 1987 at 0519. This was followed by a LRYT on the same date between the hours of 0804 and 1244. guantitatively, the Total Time 955 UCL PCILRT LR was 0.2837 w/o/day, uncorrected, and 0.3241 w/o/day when corrected for valve alignment and other irregularities. The Total Time measured LRYT LR, uncorrected, was 0.6897 w/o/day, with an induced LR of 0.4987 w/o/day, and a corrected LR of 0.6924 w/o/day.

Since the acceptance criteria were 0.375 w/o/day and 0.6629 w/o/day

+0. 125 w/o/day, respect'ively, the former was considered successful and the latter adequately verified instrumentation and methodology veracity for the former.


5.1 WNP-2 Final Safet Anal sis Re ort, Washington Public Power Supply System.

5.2 Primar Reactor Containment Leaka e Testin for Water Cooled Power Reactors, Code of Federal Regulations, Title 10, Part 50, Appendix anuary 1983.

5.3 Leaka e Rate Testin of Containment Structures for Nuclear Reactors, erican Hatsona Stan ar s Institute, Inc., N.Y., N ; ANSI N45.4, 1972.

5.4 ILRT Console 0 eration, Volumetrics, Inc., for Hodel 14629-LC.

5.5 Co'ntainment S stem Leaka e Testin Re uirements, American Nuclear Society, LaGrange Par , IL; AH I AH - . - 98 .

5.6 Containment S stem Leaka e Testin Re uirements, American Nuclear oc1ety, La range Par , IL; N , Ora t No. 2, Revision 3, November 15, 1978.

5.7 1955.

ddk y.~hi I I 1,11 Illl d,ll 7 k, 5.8 R.C .

~di ld . 3 ddl I, Reid, J.H. Prauznitz and T.K. Sherwood, The Pro erties of 1377. 3 17111 k,d y.

Gas 5.9 J.H. Keenan, F.G. Keyes, P.C. Hill and J.G. tloore, Steam Tables, John Wiley 8 Sons, New York, 1969.

5.10 O.A. Hougen, K.H. Watson and R.A. Ragatz, Chemica't Process Prin-

~ci les, Part 1, 2nd Edition, McBraw Hill Boo Company, 956.

Primar Containment Inte rated Leak Rate Test, WNP-2

5. 11 Pre- peratsona Test um er P Change Notices, February 2, 1984.

. -, evasion 1, with Two Test 5.12 Inte rated Leak Rate Test Anal sis, Washington Public Power Supply System, February 198 .

5. 13 Reactor Containment Buildin Inte rated Leak Rate Test, WHP-2, Hay 1984.

5.14 Primar Containment Inte rated Leak Rate Test, WNP-2 Plant Procedure t1anual Number, Revision 0, with one Procedure Deviation, June 2, 1987.


1. LLRT Correction (Refer to Table 4)
a. 6 LR = 86.1 + 49.4 + 193.5 + 89.0 + 18.0 + 10.8

+ 10. 1 + 25.0 + 6.3 + 0. 0 + 0.0 + 122. 0 sccm (25'A of 488.2 included for statistical variance)

= 610.2 sccm

b. Conversion (610.2) (60) (24) ()00)(6U-.ZAC (30.48) (343,040)

(14.6963(76.948 +

STKZ9 459.69 )


= 0.002723 w/o/day

2. Floor Drain, Radioactive (FDR) Sump Level change correction.
a. Level change: + 20 inches (equivalent to 94.2 ft 3) 94.2
b. Correction = Ttr~ (100)

= 0.02746 w/o/day

3. Equipment Drain, Radioactive (EDR) sump level change correction.
a. Level change: +8 inches (equiva'lent to 34.9 ft3)

Correction = ~~0 34.9 (100)

b. 0

= 0.01017 w/o/day

4. Overal 1 correction Correction = 0.00272 + 0.02746 + 0.01017

= 0.04035 w/o/day NOTE: No correction performed for an observed Suppression Pool level decrease of 0.85 inches because it was an assumed loss out of ECCS loops to other systems via Boundary Yalves.

6, B. Correction to the LRVT measured result NOTE: Liquid level changes were wholly incorporated into the PCILRT correction, this Attachment, Section A; therefore, this correction shall deal only with penetration corrections.

1. LLRT Correction (Refer to Table 4 and Section A.l, this Attachment) a; 6'LR = 488.2 + 3.2 + 122.8 sccm

[25K of 491.4 included for statistical variance]

= 614.2 sccm

b. conversion

( 14.696'/76.405 + 459. 69 (614.21(61(24((14((2521/)i 66696 (30.48) (343,040)

= 0 002745 w/o/day C. LRVT CALCULATIONS The superimposed leakage was 3.94 scfm. The average containment tempe-rature and pressure were 76.405'F and 50.279 psia, respectively. The leakage rate, Lo was:

'("'9) 6.94 f

""~i(2 total containment volume was 343,040 ft3. Therefore the superimposed

~14.696 ( f16.4 5 459.59 2'I 343,040 Ft

'.5(249 I

= 0.49868 weight percent per day The following values are therefore used to demonstrate compliance with the acceptance criteria.

Lo = 0.4987 weight percent per day Lam = 0. 1615 weight percent per day (measured)

La = 0.5 weight percent per day Lc = 0.6897 weight percent per day (measured)

Using these values in the acceptance criteria equation:

(Lo + 'Lam - 25 La) LC (Lo + Lam + 25 La)

[0.4987 + 0.1615 - .25(.5) w 0.6897 M [0.4987 + 0.1615 + .25(.5)]

0.5352 ~ 0.6897 ~ 0.7852 Incorporating the LRVT correction factor (This Attachment, Section B.l.b) produces:

0.5379 w/o/d ~ 0.6924 w/o/d ~ 0.7879 w/o/d ATTACHMENT II DATA SUMMARIES Table of Contents Temperature Stabilization

2. PCILRT Averaged Measured Data
3. PCILRT Corrected Data Summary
4. PCILRT Total Time Leakage Rate
5. PCILRT Mass Point Leakage Rate
6. LRVT Averaged Measured Data
7. LRVT Corrected Data Summary
8. LRVT Total Time Leakage Rate
9. LRVT Mass Point Leakage Rate 20-




SET (HR) R 4-HR I-HR I 23. S7 "

S37. 1425 5 0. 57 536. 8621 I. 57 536. 8708 i3 2. S7 536. 8356 17 3. S7 536. 9640 0. 0446 0. 1283 -0. 083$ II



0 '

2 3

4 619 634 649' 704 lb. 913

76. 914
76. 918
76. 933 72.




933 889 791 776


Sa, 459 Sa. 458

'a. 458 455 5 719 76."928 72. 918 50. 456 6 734 76. 897 72. 981 50. 456 7 749'04 76. 896 72. 867- 50. 457 8 76. 935 72. 8'94 50. 457 819 76. 962 73. 028 50. 457 10 834 76. 954 73. 131 sa. 458 11 849'04 76. 969 73. 165 50. 459 12 76. 987 73. 216 sa. 4ss 13 919 76. 978 73. 095 sa. 45s 14 934 76. 969 73. 174 50. 459 15 949'004

77. 038 73. 236 50. 458 ih 77. 011 72.880 sa, 456 17 1019 76. 997 72. 965 453 'a.

18 1034 76. 955 73. 204 . sa. 450 19 1049 " 76. 954 73. 196 Sa. 448 20 iia4 76. 944 73. 217 50. $ 47 21 1119 76. 964 73. 2! 5 50. 446 22 1149 76. 959 73. 121 Sa. 440 23 1204 76. 948 72. 977 SO. 436 24 1219 76. 900 72. 973 50.-430 25 1234 76. 852 72. 773 Sa. '425 26 1249 76. 856 72. 630 50. 422 27 1304 76. 837 72. 663 Sa. 417 28 1319 76. 831 72. 631 Sa. 415

!334 76. 801 72. 648 50. 415 30 1349 76. 810 72. 615 50. 416



TEMP (F) 'F) 'PSJ).

DENPT PRESSURE 31 1404 76. 822 72. 742 50. 420 32 1419 76. 871 72. 725 50. 424 33 1434 76. 888 72. 755 50. 428 34 1449 76. 920 72. 795 50. 433 35 1504 76. 920 72. 993 50. 437 36 15.19 76. 987 73. 017 50. 441 37 1534 76. 981 73. 037 50. 444 38 1549 77.. 017 73. 051 50. 445 39 1604 77; 057 72. 955 50; 448 40 fei9 77. 090 73. 155 50. 452 41 1634 77. 132 73. 071 50. 452 1649 77. 132. 72. 795 50. 453 43 1704 .77. X66 73. 091 50. 451 44 1719 . 77. 179 73 288 50. 449 45'e 1734 77. 116 72; 951 50. 445

<749 77. X58 72. 198 50. 441 47.. 1804 77. 107 73. 101 50. 438 48 1819 77, 109 73. 039 50. 435 49 X834 77. 124 73. 184 50, 433 50 .1849'904

77. 088 72. 917 50. 429 51 77; 044 73. 140 SO. 426 52 1919'934
77. 052 73. 230 50. 423 SG 77. 1,02 73. 344 SQ. 420 54 i949 77. 037 73. I 10 50. 419 M 2004 -77. 090 73. 235 50. a17 2019 77. 051' 73. 42S 50. 41 5 ST 2034 77..027 73; 408 50. 413 58 2o'49" 77. 037 73. 421 .50. 412 59 '104
77. 039'. 73. 1'90 50. 410 60 2XX9 77. 021 73. 010 50. 409 0



(HR S (F) ' (F), PRESSURE (PSI )

bi 62 63 2i34 2149 2204


. '.77. 075.

77; 038

77. 047"

'3.-'- 7G.

338; Xi2.

73. 470

. 50. 408.

50. 407.

SO. 407 64 2219'234* 06i... 73. 4ii .. ~ 50. 406 '7.

77. 09i 73. 325 50. 404 2249 77. 073 73. 326. 50. 403

'304 77 057; ~

. 73. S43 50. 403 2319 77. 060 73. 297 50. 403 69 2334 77 077'23, 73. 264 50. 404.

70 2349 77. 73. 464 50. 404

?i 77: 090 77'. 078

73. 124 SQ. 404 72 19 73. 043 50. 403 73 34 77. 113 73. 077 50. 401 74 49'04
77. 103 73, 124 50. 400 75 77. 086 73. 067 50. 399 76 119 77. 085 73. 189 50. 397 77 134 77. 067 72. 913 50. 395 78 149 77. 041 72. 935 50. 391 79 204 j.

7 081 73. 024 50. 389 80 219 .77. 034 . 72. 968 50. 386 81 234 77. 003 72. 892 50. 383 82 249 76. 996 72. 741 50. 380 83 304 76. 954 72. 691 50. 376 84 319 76. 913 72. 531 50. 372 85 334 76. 18 72. 257 50. 368 86 349 76. 879 72. 372 SO. 364 87 404, 76. ass 72. 106 50. 359 88 419 76. 8,13 72. 334 50. 355 89 434 76. 7'a3 71. 729 SO, 351 90 449 76. 722 71. 736 50. 347 91 504 76. 723 71. 620 50, 343 519 76. 650 71. 537 50. 339.


619 76. 913 50. 0578 86361. 86 50. 4590 2 634 76. 914 50. 0577 86361. 55 50. 4583 3 649 76. 918 50. 0585 86362. 24 50. 4578 704 76. 933 50. 0562 86355. 86 . 50. 4553 5 719 76. 928 50. 0548 86354. 23 50. 45S8 6 734 76. 897 so. 0545 86358. 62 50. 4563 7 749 76. 896 50. 0565 86362. Zr 50. 4568 8 804 76. 935 50. 0562 86355. 40 50. 4568 819 76. 962 50. 0549 86348. 77 50. 4573 10 834 76. 954 os4s 86349. 47 50. 4583 11 849 76. 969 50. 0552 86348. 38 50. 4595 12 904 76. 987 So. 0535 86342. 47 50. 4585 13 919 76. 978 50. 0544 86345. 52 'o.

50. 4578 14 934 76. .969 50. 0544"'o.

86347. 80 50. 4593 15 949 77. 038 0530 86333. 53 50. 4583

'16 1004 77, 011 50. 0553 86341. 76 . 50. 4558 17 1019 76. 997 50. 0512 86336. 89 50. 4528 18 76. 955, 50. 0450 86332. 82 50. 4498 19 76. 954 50. 0430 .. 86329. 83 50. 4478 20 1104 76. 944 . 50. 0417'.-.- 86329. 20 50. 4468 21 1119 76. 964 50. 0408 86324. 28 4458 '0.

22. 1 149 76. 959 50. 0365 86317. 74 50. 4403 23 1204 76. 948 50. 0340 86315. 06 50. 43ST 24 1219 76. 900'52 50.'28S 86313. 48 50. 4302 25 !234 76. 50. 0262 86317. 10 50. 42S2 26- 1249 76. 856. SQ. O246.- 86313. 80- 50. 4217.-

27 1304 76. 83T 50. 0195 86307. 88. 50. 4170 28 1319 76. 831 50. 0184 86306. 96 Sd. 41SS 29- 1334 76. 801'- -. 50. 0177 86310. 64 50. 4150 86312. 03 4162




42:-...- .

1349 1404 1419

76. 810
76. 822. '.
76. 871
50. 0193
50. 0216-..



86312 08 ST.-




4202 4237- .'-::

33 1434 76. '88

.:. , S0..0295 86316. 9T -. SO. 4282 34-

  • 76. 920 . 50..0339 86319. 60 50. 4332 1449 '0:

35 . 1504 76. 920 .'Sa. 0348 86320. 92. 50. 4368 36.:. '. 1519 76. 987" 50. 0385 86316. ST- 50. 4408- -"

76. 981': ":: sa. 86322.'0

.3T -

39 .




77. 05 T S~ 0412 .=--

so. a463 25 868~

86318. 75

50. 4438=
50. 4478.
.-' =-

. 40 1619 77. 09 a 50. 0476 . 86315. 79 50. 4518 TABLE II.3 (CONT'0)


(HRS) (F) (PSI ) (LB) (PSI )

41 1634 77. 132 50. 0492, 1.

'631 89'9' SO. 4523

42. 1649 77. 132 50. 0535 86319. 50. 4528'0.

43 1704 77. fbb 50. 0482 86304. 57 4515 44 1719 77. 179 50. 0430 86293. 53 50. 4490 45 1734 77. 116 50. 0434 S6304. 29 50. 4448 46 1749 77. 158 50. 0497 86308. 42 50. 4410 47 1804 77. 107 50. 0346 86290. 56 5O. 438O 48 1819 77. 109 50. 0321 86286. 08 49 1834 77. 124 SO. 0282 86276. 73 50. 4327!'0.

50 f849 77. 088 50. 0278 86281. 82 4287/

5l 1904 77. 044 50. 0217 86278. 63 SO. 4257 52 1919 77. 052 50. 0175 86270. 04'0 50. 4227 53 1934 77. 102 50. 0135 86255. 50. 4202

'556 54 1949 2004 2019 77.



037 090 051 50.



0151 0119 0073 86268. 32 86254. 25 86252. 54 50.



4187 4172 4152 57 2034 77. 027 50. 0051 86252. 54 50. 4127 58 2049 77. 037 50. 0039 86248. 92 50. 4117 59 2104 77. 039 50. 0050 86250. 51 50. 4097 60 21 19 77. 021 50. 0065 86255. 89 50. 4087



61 2134 77. 078 80. 0010 86237. 84 50. 4077 62 2149 77. 038 80. 0036 86248. 21 80. 4072 63 2204 77. 047 49. 99S7 86238. 38 50. 4072 ba 2219 77. 061 49. 9980 86234. 92 80. 40ST bs 2234 77. 091 49. 9972 86228. 72 50. 4037


66 2249 77. 073 49. 9967 61 '6230.

50. 4032 67 2304 77. 057 49. 9937 86228. 08 50. 4032 68 2319 77. 060 49. 9971 86233. 42 80. 4032 69 2334 77. 077 49. 9980 86232. 37 50. 403T 70 2349'9 77. 123 49. 9958 86221. "10 so. a042 71 77. 090 50. 0004 86234. 47 So. 4042 72 77. OT8 ,50. 0005 86236. 56 SO.'4032 73 34 77. 113 49. 9981 86226. 69 So. 4012

'5 74 7'6 104 119 77.



103 086 085 49.


9964 9962 86225. 45 86227. 7S so. a002

80. 3992
49. 9925 8622k. 59. 3972 '0.

134 77. 067 49. 9942 86227. 48 50. 3981 78 ~

149 77. 041 86224. 18 50. 3911 79 204 77. 081 49. 9868. 86212. 39 50. 3892 80 219 77; 034 49. 9845 86215. 86 50. 3861 81 234. 77. 003.- 49. 9825 86217. 45 . 40. 383% .:


83 84 249

" '304; 319 76.


Th. 9.13 O9. 9811 49.'9782

49. 9T64 .

86216. 05 86217.93

'6221. 28

'0. '50.

3796 3761

50. 3721


'86 334 Te. 918 .. -49. 9755- . 86219. 00 '0.'3676 87 349, 404

., ,'6.

76. 879."

855'9. "... - A9. 9700 86215. 76 So. 3636 9690 862~788 419 76. 813 49. 9620 8621? 44 50. 355!

89 434 76. 783 49. 9659 86224. 15 . So .3511 90 449 76. 722 49. 9618. 86226. 83 50. 3471.

91 S04 76. 723 49. 9888 86221. SS 80. 3426 92 519 76. 680 49. 9859 86228. 17 So. 3386




TKNP PRESSURE LEAK RATK SET TINE AVQ NEASURED CAL'CULATED (HR ) (F) (PSIA) 2 0. 26 76. 9140 50. 0577 O. 03434 0. 14833 3 0. 51 76. 9184 50. OSSS -a. o2oso 0. 14604

0. 76 76. 9333 50. 0562 0. 22042 0. 14675
1. 01 76. 9283 50. 0548 0. 21078 0. 14747 6 1. 26 76. 8974 50. 0545 0. 07170 0. 14818 7 1. 51 76. 8964 so. ashs -0. 00742 0. f 488'P 8 1. 76 76. 9353 sa. os62 0. 10227 0. 14961 9 2. 01 76. 962S 80. 0549 0. 18134 0. 15032 10 2. 26 76. 9538 Sa'. OS45 a. 15260 0. 15103 ii 12 2.


Si 76 76.


9685 9870

80. 0582 Sa. 053S 0.

0, 14951 19848 0.

0, 15175 15246 f3 3. Oi 76. 9782 sa. as44 0. 15110 0. 18317 14 3. 26 76. 9686 80. 0849 0. 12001 0. 15389 15 3. Si 77. 0376 so. as3o 0. 22454 0. 15460 f6 3. 76 77. 0113 50. 0553 ~

0. 14872 0. 15531 f7 4. 01 76. 9971 50. 0512 0. 17324 0. 15603 18 4. 26 76. 9588 Sa; 0450 0. 18960 0. 15674"
4. Si 76. 9538 80. 0430 0. 19752 0. 1S745 20 4. 76 76. 9436 50. 0417 0. 19082 0. 15817
5. 01 76. 9638 50. 0408 0. 20S59 0. 15888 22 5. 51 76. 9591 50. 0365 0. 22266 0. 16031 23 5. 75 76. 9482 sa. o34o 0. 22621 0. 16100 24 6. Of 76. 8996 50. 02S5 a. 22384 0. 16173
6. 26 76. S524 50. 0262 0. 1988S 0. 16245 26 6. 51 76. SSS8 50. 0246 0. 20530 0. 16316 27 b. 76 76. 8372 50. 0195 0. 22203 0. 16387 28 - 7.01 76. 8314 50. 0184 O. 21778 O. 16459
7. 26 76. 8006 50. 0177 0. 19616 0. 16530 30 7. 51 76. 8099 50. 0193 0. 184S1 0. 16601


DATA ELAPSED TENP PRESSURE LEAK RATE SET TINE AVQ MEASURED CALCULATED (HR ) (F) (PSIA) 31 7. 76 76. 8219 50. 0216 0. 17122 0. 16673 32'3 8. 01 76. 8714 So. 02S4 0. 17109 0. 16744

8. 26 76. 8881 SO. 0295 0. 15111 0. 16815 34 8. 51 76. 919S 50. 0339 0. 13808 0. 16887 35 8. 76 76. 9203 50. 0348 0. 12995 0. 16958 36 9. 01 76. 9868 SO. O385 0. 13975 0. 17029 37 9. 26 7.'6. 9812 50. 0412 0. 11909 0. 17101 38 9. 51 77. 0174 50. 0425 0. 12632 O. 17172 39 9. 76 77. 057S 50. 0463 0. 12280 0. 17243 40 10. Oi 77. so.'476 0. 12797 0. 1731S I'0. 26 0899'7.

1317 50. 0492 13542 0. 17386

'1 0.

42 10. 5.1 77. 1317 50. 0535 0. 11288 0. 17457

. 43 76 .'0;

77. 1659 sa. oa82 0. 14803 0. 17529
11. 00 77. 1789 50. 0430 0. 17264 0. 17598 45- 11. 25 77. 1161 50. 0434 0. 14221 0.. 17669 46 IT. 50 77. IS76 50. 0497 0. 12914 0. 17741 47 ll. 75 77. 1068
50. 0346 0. 16863 0. T7812 48 12. Ol 77. 1088 50. 0321 0. 1754T 0. 17885 49 12. 26 77. 12aa 50. 0282 0. 19304 0: 17957 50 12. 51 77. 0884 50. 0278 0. 17787 0. 18028 Si 12. 75 77. 0435 50. 0217 0. 18140 0. 18098 0!75


13. 00 77. 0516 50. 0. 19628 0. 18169 53 13. 25 77. 1017 50. 0135 0. 2241i 0. 18240 S4 13. 50 77. 0369, 50. 0151 0. 19256 0. 18312

'. 21699.

'5 T3. 75 77. 0900 50. OT:T9 0. 21749 0. 18383.

56 14. 00 77. 0512 50. 0073 0. 18454 57 14. 25 77. 0269 50. OOSI O. 21319'.

0. 18526 58 14. 50 77..0368'7..0393
50. 0039 21645 0. 18597 - .

59 ia. 75 Sa. 0050 O. 20979 0. I8668 60 15. 00 77. 0212 50. 006S 0. 19632 0. 18740



DATA ELAPSE TEMP PRESSURE LEAK RATE SET TINE AUG NEiASURED'ALCULATED (HR) (F) 'PSIA) 61 '5. 25 77. 0748 So. oaio 0. 22599 0. 18811 62 15. 50 77. 0381 50. 0036 0. 20376 0. 18882 63 15. 75 77. 0468 49. 9987 0. 21787 0. 18954 64 16;00 77. 0608 49. 9980 a. 22o47 0. 1902S 6S lb. 25 77. 0905 49. 9972 0. 22768 O. 19096 66 lb. 50 77. 0733 49. 9967 0. 22106 0. 19168 67 lb. 75 77. 0571 49. 9937 '0. 22194 0. 19239 ha 17. oa 77. 0601 49. 9971 0. 20996 Q. 19310 69 17. 25 77. 0767 49. 9980 ~

o. 2oaha 0. f9382 70 17. 50 77. 1229 49. 9958 0. 22353 O. 19453 71 17. 75 77. 0897 So. 0004 0. 19944 0. 19524 72 18. 00 77. 0777 50. 0005 0. 19345 0. 19596" 73 18. 25 77. 1125 49. 9981 a. 2osa2 0. 19667 74 18. 50 77. 1026 49. 9964 0. 20491 0. 19738 .,

75 18. 75 77. 0859 49. 9962 0. 19877 0, 19810 76 19. 00 77. 0849 49. 9925 0. 20Slb a. 19881 77 '9. 25 77. 0667 49. 9942 0. 19400 0. 19952 78 19, 50 77. 0411 49. 9899 0. 19621 0. 20024 79 19. 75 77. 0806 49. 9868 0. 21031 0. 20095 ao 2o. oa 77. 0345 49. 9845 0, 20287 a. 2oihh 81 20. 25 77. 0032 49. 9825 0. 19817 0. 20238

20. 50 76. 9962 49. 9811 Q. 19766 0. 20309
20. 75 76. 9540 49. 9'782 a. 19276 0. 20380 84 21. 00 76. 9132 49. 9764 Q. 18603 0. 20452.

as 21. 2S 76. 9181 49. 9755 0. 18683 a. 20523 ab 21. 50 76. 8789 49. 9700 0. 18884 0. 20594 87 2f. 75 76. 8550 49. 9690 0. 18396 0. 20666 88 22. 00 76. 8135 49. 9620 0. 18874 a. 20737 89 22. 2S 76. 7831 49. 9659 0. 17199 0. 20808 90 22. 50 76. 7224 49. 9618 0. 16678 0. 20880 91 22. 7S 76. 7230 49. 9sea 0. 17139 0. 209S1 92 23. QQ 76. 6503 49. 95S9 a. fbi sf 0. 21Q22 TOTAL TIME LEAK RATE ~ O. 210222 ESTIMATE GF STANDARD DEUIATION ~ 0. 0433 9SX UPPER CONFIDENCE LIMIT LEAK RATE 0. 2837 .



0. 76 76. 9333 50. 0562 0. 22042 *
0. 19966 5 i. 01 76. 9283 . 50. 0548 0. 21078 0. 19966 6 1. 26 76. 8974 50. 0545 0. 07170 0. 19966 7 1. 51 76. 8964 50, 0565 -0. 00742 0. 19966 8 1. 76 76. 9353 50. 0562 0. 10227 0. 19966 9 2. 01 76. 9625 '50. OS49 0. 18134 0. 19966 10 2. 26 76. 9538 50. 0545 0. 15260 0. 19966 11 2. 51 76. 9685 50. 0552 '0. 14951 0. 19966 12 2. 76 76. 9870 50. 0535 .0. 19548,.... O. 19966 13 3. 01 76. 9782 50. 0544 0. 151.10 0. 19966 14 3. 26 76. 9686 SO. 0549 0. 12001 0. 19966 15 3. 51 77. 0376 50. 0530 0. 22454 0. 19966 16 3. 76 77. 0113 50. 0553 0. 14872 ,0. 19966 17 4. 01 76. 9971 50. 0512 0. 17324 a. 19966 18 4. 26 76. 9555 50. 0450 0. 18960 0. 19966 19 4. 51 76..9535 50. 0430 0. 19752 0. 19966 20 4. 76 76. 9436 50. 0417 0. 19082 . 0. 19966 21 5. 01 76. 9638 50. 0408 0. 20859 0. 19966 22 5. 51 76. 9591 50. 0365 0. 22266 0. 19966 23 S. 75 76. 9482 0340 22621 - 0. 19966 24 6; 01 76.:8996. SQ.SO: 0285' '-


0 02384...""0.-49966" 25 6. 26 76. 8524 50. 0262 0. 19885 0. 19966


ELAPSED TENP PRESSURE LEAK RATE TINE AVI NEASURED CALCULATED (HR) (F) (PSIA) 26 6. 51 76; 8558 50. 0246 0. 20530 . - 0. L9966 ..

27 h. 76 76. 8372 50. 0195 0. 22203 O. 19966 28 7. Of Th. 8314 50. olsa 0. 21778 0. 19966 29 7. 26 76. 8006, 50. 0177 0. 19616 0. 19966 30 "0. 18451.

~ 31 32 33

7. 51
7. 76 S. 01
8. 26 76.



8099 8219 8714 SSSI 50.




0193 0216 0254 0295

0. 17122 . 0. 19966
0. 171'09
0. 15111

'. 0. 19966'6.


0. 19966

.34 S. 51 76. 9195 . 'O. 0339 0. 13808 - 0. 19966

8. 76 76. 9203 50. 0348 0. 12995 0. 19966 36 9. 01 76. 9868 50. 0385 0. 13975 0. 19966 37 9. 26
9. 51
9. 76 76.



9812 0174 0575 SO.


. 50.

0412 0425'"


"'. 0. 11909 0. 19966 12632,'.:.::0; 19966:

'0. 12280" 0..19966 40 '10. 01 77.. 0899'0. '.

04T6 ..-.- 0..12797 -.. 0. 19966;,

41 42:

10, 26 IMI TT. 1317 50. 0492 77'317~9 0335.":~ 11388"-'Q. O~ 13542'. 19966'*




'.=-::;-.&3- -: 10.-74


-'lf, 77;,1659.; 80..0482,.-".;... 0. M803.- . 'O.,f 9966-=:";.


..50. 0430':=0:.17264

" 1 9966'- '77.'-1789 11; 25 TT 1161 50 0424 ' '14221 00'45.

- 0 19966

11. 50 -...-77,1876-, ...50: 0497.'. ';. 0; 129'14,,- '=.O..I9966: = . '-..

47': ll.

" 1'2: Ol

/5' 50.'0346 '.":0. 16863 19966.-- 'T-.-f068-48 77.='1088.=;"..%0. 0321.'.:.4: 1T54X~Q. 19966..=,:.

-77.': 1244.. '-'0. 0282-'="-"-'"Q. 19304:."':=.O. 19966:."

49, 50,

'1'2 26

.12; 41. 77. 0884

'7. ~ 50. 0278 .. ~7787

50. 021T: 0. 1,8140 51 52
12. 75
13. 00
13. 25 0435 77 0516
77. f017

'0. 0175 " 0. 19628 SO. 0135 0. 22411;


0. 19966
0. 19966'-,
0. 49966
13. 50 77. 0369 50. 0151 0. 19256 0. 19966 .

55 13. 75 77. 0900 . SO. 0119 0. 21'749 . 0.'9966 se -14.00 77. 0512 50. 0073 =-0. 21699 . 0. 19966-4


DATA ELAPSED TEMP PRESSURE LEAK RATE SET TIME AVG MEASURED CAt CULATED (HR) (F) (PSIA) 57 i4. 25 77. 0269 50. 005i 0. 2i319 0. i9966 58 14. 50 77. 0368 50. 0039 0. 21645 0. 19966 59 14. 75 77. 0393 So. 0050 0. 20979 0. i9966 60 15. 00 77. 0212 So. 006S 0. 19632 0. 19966 bf i5. 25 77. 0748 '50. 0010 0. 22599 0. 19966 62 i5. 50 77. 0381 50. 0036 0. 20376 0. 19966 63 15. 75 77. 0468 49. 9987 0. 21787 0. i9966 64 lb. 00 77. 0608 49. 9980 0. 22047 0. i9966 65 lb. 25 7T. 0905 49. 9972' 0. 22768 0. 19966 66 lb. 50 77. 0733 49. 996T 0. 22i06 0. 19966 67 i6. 75 77. OS71 49. 9937 0. 22194 0. i9966 68 17. 00 77. Oboi 49. 9971 0. 20996 0. 19966 69'0 1T. 25 77. 0767 49. 9980 0. 20860 0. 19966

17. So 77. i229 49. 9958 0. 22353 0. 19966 71 fT. 75 77. as97 50. 0004 0. 19944 a. 19966 72 is. ao 77. 0777 50, 0005 0. i9345 0. i9966 73 18. 25 77. 1125 49. 998i O. 20582 0. 19966 74 18. 50 77. 1026 49. 9964 0. 20491 0. 19966 75 18. 75 77. 0859 49. 9962 ~ 0. 1987T 0. 19966 76 19. 00 77. 0849 49. 9925 a. 20516 0. 19966 77 19. 2S 77. 0667'T.
49. 9942 0. 19400 0. 19966 78 19. 50 0411 49. 9S99 0. 19621 0. 19966 79 19. 75 77. 0806 49. 9868 0. 21031 0. 1996h aO 20. 00 77. 0345 49. 984S 0. 20287 O. 19966 81 20. 25 77. 0032 49. 9825 0. 19817 0. 19966 82 83
20. 50
20. 7S
76. 9962
76. 9540 49.


981 9782 i 0. '19766

0. 19276
0. 19966
0. f9966 84 2f. 00 76. 49. 9T64 a. 18603 0. '19966 2f. 25 9i81 9132'6.

85 49. 97SS 0. i8683 0. 19966 86 21. 50 76. 8789 49. 9700 O. i8884 0. i9966 87 21. 75 76. 8550 49. 9690 0. 18396 0. 19966 88 22. 00 76. 8135 49. 9620 0.'18874 0. 19966 89 22. 2S 76. 7831 49. 96S9 0. i7199 0. 19966 90 22. 50 76. 7224 49. 9618 0. f6678 0. 19966

'9f 92

22. 75
23. 00
76. 7230 6503 '6.


49; 9588 9SS9 0.


17139 16153 '.






2. 4210

-0. 3790 2080


2 814 76. 309 71. 181 50. 295 3 824 76. 327 71. 329 50. 293

. 4 834, 76, 303, 71. 339 " 50. 290 8 844 76. 316 71. 263 so..2a9 6 854 76. 277 71. 222 50. 288 7 9Q4 76. 325 71. 277 50. 287 8 914 76. 280 71. 135 sa. 284 9 924 76. 313 71. 338 50. 283

,10 934 76. 299 71. 260 Sa. 283 11 944 76. 304 71. 264 50. 282 12 954 76. 366 71. 493 50. 281 13 1OO4 76. 3S2 71. 572 50. 277 14 1014 76. 325 71. 678 j'50. 276 15 . 1024 76. 387 71. 390 80. 276 16 1034 76. 403 71. 533 50. 275 17 1044 76. 4Q4 71. 446 50. 275 18 1054, 76. 410 71. 585 50. 274 19 1104 . 76. 398 71. 431 50. 274 20 1114 76. 442 71. 707 sa. 274 21 1124 76. 479 71. 623 50. 273 22 1134 76, 464 71. ra9 50. 273 23 1144 76. 502 71. 717 50. 272 24 1154 76. 478 71. 944 50. 272 25 1204 76. 479 71. 728 50. 267 26 1214* 76. 482 71. 843 50. 267 27 29


1224 1234 1244

'6.76. 570

76. 804 S27 71.



932 797 042

~ 80. 267

80. 267
50. 267




i 804 76. 309 49. 9203 86221. 67 50. 2965 2 814 76. 309 49. 9174 86216. S3 50. 2955 3 824 76. 327 49. 9135 86206. 96 50. 2935 834 76. 303 49. 9103 86205. 36 50. 2905 5 844 76. 316 49. 9103 86203. 24 50. 2895 854 76. 277 49. 9099 86208. 71 50. Z885 7 904 76. 325 49. 9082 86198. 06 50. 2875 8 914 76. 280 49. 9065 86202. 41 50. 2840 924 76. 313 49. 9034 86191. 71 50. 2835 10 934 76 299 49. 9039 86194. 82 50. 2830 ll 12 944 954

76. 304
76. 366 49,. 9028
49. 8994 8619Z.


28 39 50.


2820 2815 29'IME 13 14 1004 1014 " ~

76. 352

- ---76. 325

49. 8943
49. 8919-86169.


76 10 50.


2774 2764'0.

LS 1024 76. 357'6.

49. 8952 86170. 52 2760 16 1034 403 49..8928 86159. 05 50. 2755 17 1044 76. 404 49. 893S 86160. 02 50. 2750 18 1054 76, 410 49. 8912 86155. 09 50. 2745 1104 76. 398 49. 8932 86160. 46 50; 2745

,20 1114 ib. 442 49. 8891 86146. 31 50,.g740'.

21 1 124 76. 479 49. 8897 86141. 44 50. 273S

. 22 1134 76. 464 49. 8886 86141. 50. 2735 23 1144 76. 502 49. 8875 94 89'6133.

50. 2725 24 1154 76. 478 49. 8845 86132. 68 50. 2725 25 1204 76. 479 49. 8817 86127.,72 . SO. 2669 26 1214 76. 482 49. 8802 86124. 59 50. 2669 27 1224 -76: 504 49. 8791 861'19; 16 ~ 50. 2669 28 1234 76. 527 49. 8808, 86118. 48 50.

1244 76. 570 49. 8776, 86106. 04 2669'0..2669

Ti.BLE II.8 ILRT, INDUCED LEAK vERIFICATroN 1987 TEST STARTED AT 804~ ON 6/ 9/87 TOTAL TIME LEAK RATE ELAPSED TlME ~ . 4. 67 DAT ELAPSED TEMP PRESSURE LEAK RATE SET T IME AVG MEASURED CALCULATED (HR) (F) (PSIA) 2 0. 17 76. 3095 49. 9174 0. a5783 0. 73597 3 0'. 33 76. 3272 49. 9135 1. 22819 0. 73103

0. 50 76. 3032 49. 9103 0. 90788 0. 72609 5 0. 67 76. 3162 49. 9103 0. 76937 0. 72115 6 0. 83 76. 2773 49. 9099 0. 43277 0. 71621 7 1. 00 76. 3252 49. 9082 0. 65706 0. 71128 8 1. 17 76. 2800 49. 9065 0. 45945 0. 70634 9 i. 33 76. 3132 49. 9034 . 0. 62S46 0. 70140 10 1.50 76. 2993 49. 9039 0. 49826, 0. 69646 ll 1. 67
1. 83
76. 3040 9028 '9.
0. 49085 0. 69152 12 76. 3657 49. a994 0. 68742 0. 68658 13 2. 00 76. 3S24 49. 8943 0. 72243 0. 68164 14 2. 17 76. 3249 49. 8919 0. 66256 0. 67670 15 2. 33 76. 3571 49. 8952 0. 61020 O. 67177 16 2. 50 76. 4033 49. 892a 0. $ 9719 o. bbha3 17 2. 67 76. 4040 49. 8935 O. 64348 0. 66189 18 2. 83 76. 4099 49. 8912 0. 65407 0. 65695 19 3. 00 76. 3980 49. 8932 0. 56796 0. 65201 20 3. 17 76. 4423 49. a891 0. 66241 O. 64707 21 3. 33 76. 4790 49. 8897 0. 67000 0. 64213 22 3. 50 76. 4641 49. Oaab 0. 63448 0. 63719 23 3. 67 76. 5020 49. 8875 0. 66601 0. 63226 24 3. 83 76. 4778 49. 8845 O.i 64617 0. 62732 25 O. Oo 76. 4791 49. 8817 0 65379 0. 62238 26 4. 17 76. oa24 49. 8802 0. hqaso 0. 61744 27 O. 33 76. SO37 49. 8791 0. 65849 0. 61250
4. 50 76. 5269 49. 8808 O. 63830 0. 60756 O. 67 76. 5698 49. 8776 0. 68967 O. 60262 T6TAL TIME LEAK RATE = 0. 602624 ESTIMATE QF STANDARD DEVIATION ~ 0. 1462 95/ UPPER CONFIDENCE LIMIT LEAK RATK ~ O. 8684 MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE LEAK RATE ~ O. 375



0 'HR) (F) ~ (PSIA) 3 . 0.33 76. 3272 49. 9135 1. 22819 0. 65634 0; 50 76. 3032 49. 9103 O. 90788=- 0. 65634 5 0. 67 76. 3162. 49. 9103 0; 76937 0. 6S634 6 O. 83 76. 2773 49. 9099 0. 43277 O. 65634 7 l. 00

"'. ij 76. 3252 49. 9082 0. 65706 0. 65634

0. 65634 8 . 76. 2800 49. 9065 0. 4S945 9 1. 33 76. 3132 49. 9034 0. 62546 0. 65634 0 49. 90 1.1 i. 67 76. 3040 49. 9028 0. 49085 0. 65634.

12 1. 83 76. 3657 49 8994"' 0. 68742 0. 65634

0. 65634


2. 00 76. 3524 49. 8943 72243


2. 17 .76 3249.- 49. 8919 0; 66256 0. 65634. ~
49. 8952 61020 0. 65634 '.

15'6 2. 33 76. 3571 Q.

2. 50 76. 4033'6.
49. 8928 0. 69719 0. 65634 17 2. 67 4040 49. a955 0. 64348 0. 65634 is 2. 83 76. 4099 49. 89@ 0. 65407 0. 65634 19 3. 00 76. 3980 49. 89/2 0. 56796 0. 65634 20 3. 17 , 76. 4423 49. 88/1 0. 66241 0. 6S634 21 3. 33 76. 4790 49. 889.7 a. 67000 0. 65634 22 3. Sa 76. 4h41 49. 8886 0. 63448 0.. 65634 23 3. 67 76. 5020 49. 887$ 0. 66601 0. 65634 24 3. 83 76. 4778 49. 8845 a. 64617 0. 65634 25 4. 00 76. 4791 49. 881Z 0. 65379 0. 6S634 26 4. 17 76. 4824 49. 8802'9.
0. 648S4 0. 65634 27 4. 33 76. 5037 8791 a. 65849 0. 65634 28 4. 50 76. 5269 49. 8808 0. 63830 Q. 65634 29 4. 67 76. 5698 49. 8776 0. 68967 0. 65634 I


ATTACHMENT IV GLOSSARY CIV- Containment Isolation Valve DAS- Data Acquisition System DF- Drywell Floor (horizontal concrete slab separating the Drywell from the Wetwell)

FVH- Flow Verification Honitor (part of ILRHS)

ILRHS - Integrated Leak Rate Monitoring System ILRT - Same as PCILRT ILRTA - Integrated leak Rate Test Analysis (Ref. 5. 12)

La- Maximum Allowable PRC LR, in w/o/d (=0.5 w/o/d for WNP-2)

Lam Measured PRC LR, in w/o/d Lc- Measured composite LR, in w/o/d (= value obtained by performance of the LRVT)

LLRT - Local Leakage Rate Test (Type B or C test)

LR- Leakage Rate LRVT- Leakage Rate Verification Test (the supplemental test performed" just af ter th e Typ e A test )

HSIV- Hain Steam Isolation Valve (CIVs in Hain Steam Lines)

OILR - Overall Integrated Leakage Rate Pa- Peak Accident Pressure (34.7 psig)

PCILRT - Primary Containment Integrated Leakage Rate Test (Type A Test)

Pd- PRC Design Pressure (45 psig)

PRC- Primary Reactor Containment RB- Reactor Building RPV- Reactor Pressure Vessel SCCH - Standard Cubic Centimeters per Minute UCL- Upper Confidence Limit w/o/d - Weight Percent Per Day X- PRC Penetration (Blank filled in with the specific identifying numeral)









REPORT LIST OF TABLES 1 . ~ 1985 Outage Isolation Val ves Repaired/Adjusted

2. 1986 Outage Isolation Valves Repaired/Adjusted
3. 1987 Outage Isolation Val ves Repaired/Adjusted
4. As-Found Leak Rates for HSI V '
5. Minimum Pathway Leak Rates for As-Found Type A Adjustment
6. Error Analysis Instrumentation Data
1. 0 INTRODUCTION During each annual spring outage in 1985, 1986 and 1987, Type B and C local leak rate testing was performed on Primary Containment Isolation Valves as prescribed by Appendix 3, MNP-2 FSAR and Plant Technical Specifications. Leak testing is initially performed with valves in their "as-found" condition, i.e., prior to any adjustments or repairs which would affect a valve's leakage characteristics. Each Type C penetration is analyzed for total leakage using single failure criteria to arrive at the 'maximum pathway'eakage rate total for that containment penetration. The total penetration leakage reported is the greatest leak rate calculated from considering all possible single failures of active isolation boundaries'he Primary Containment Integrated Leak Rate Test (PCILRT) was conducted at the end of the 1987 outage, after Type B 5 C testing was complete.

Several isolation valves were repaired prior to the PCILRT due to excessive leakage detected from LLRT's or due to scheduled maintenance on resilient seals. The ILRT results (as-left) are adjusted by the difference in minimum pathway leakage rates before and after repairs or maintenance activities to arrive at the Type A "as-found" value.

The totals for Type 8 5 C testing for the 1985, 1986 and 1987 outages yielded as-found values greater than 0.6 La. The deficiencies which led to the excessive leakages and the corrective actions taken to reduce the total leakage to below 0.6 La are included in the discussion section of this report.

The adjusted Type A As-Found leakage results, corrected for the differences in minimum pathway leakage rates before and after repairs on Type C valves, exceeded the maximum allowable rate of 0.75 La. The factors contributing to the as-found fai lure are detailed below in the discussion section of this report.

2.0 DISCUSSIOH 2.1 T e B 5 C Testin Ouring the 1985, 1986 and 1987 testing sequences, the total Type 8 &

C As-Found leakage rates exceed 0.6 La (67,920 sccm). Several valves had leakage rates in excess of the measuring capabilities of the testing instruments used or could not be pressurized to the required test pressure (Pa). For these valves, the as-found leakage rate is conservatively reported as greater than 0.6 La.

Ouring the 1987 outage testing sequence, significant efforts were made to establish the leakage quantity of each isolation valve in series when tested simultaneously by pressurizing between the two valves. In this way, the as-found minimum pathway leakage rate for a given penetration could be established for use in arriving at the As-Found Type A leakage rate.

Tables 1, 2 5 3 list the isolation valves repaired or otherwise adjusted due to excessive as-found leakage and includes a description of the deficiency which caused the excessive leakage and the corrective action taken to reduce the leakage, thus lowering the overall Type B and C leak rate below 0.6 La.

Penetration Valve Size Function As-Found As-Left Deficiency/Corrective Ho. Ho. SCCH SCCH Action X-5 RCC-V-107 3/4" Test Connection 327 4.2 Damaged Seat/Disassembled and Machined Seats X-5 RCC-V-5 10N Closed Cooling 10,313.5 8.8 Torque Switch Set Too Low/Reset Isolati on Tor ue Switch X-1 7A RFW-V-32A 24" Feedwater Check >0.6 La 176 Soft Seat Damaged/Replaced Seat Valve X-17A RFW-V-65A 24 4 Feedwater Manual) 25,066.3 5746 Def ect Unknown/Oi sas semb1 ed Remote Isolation and Cleaned X-1 7B RFW-Y-10B 24 N Feedwater Check P0.6 La Soft Seat Damaged/Replaced Seat Valve X-1 78 RFW-V-328 244 Feedwater Check )0.6 La 579 Soft Seat Damaged/Replaced Seat Valve X-22 HS-V-16 3U Hain Steam 170.6 2.14 Debris Under Seat/Flushed Drains Isolation and Stroked I

X-23 EOR-V-20 3N Equipment Drains ) 254 4.44 Debris on Seats/Flushed with Water Isolation X-24 FOR-V-3 3M Floor Drains l0.6 La 920 Debris on Seats/Disassembled Isolation and La ed X-24 FDR-V-4 3 II Floor Drains 548.4 521 Debri s on Seats/Di sassembled Isolation and La ed X-25A RHR-V-27A 6u Spray Header 2330 0.08 Debris under Seat/Disassembled Isolation and Cleaned X-25A RHR-V-130A 3 II Spray Header >0.6 La 2.9 Seat Damaged/Valve Locked Shut h Test Line Added Valve Downstream Isolation TABLE 1 1985 OUTAGE ISOLATION VALVES REPAIRED/ADJUSTED

Penetration Val ve Size Function ( As-Found As-Left Deficiency/Correcti ve Ho. Ho. SCCH SCCH Action X-258 RHR-V-278 6N Spray Header >0.6 La 4360 Debris under Seat/Flushed with Isolation Water X-46 RCC-V-21 10N Closed Cooling 3566 24.88 Damaged Seat/Disassembled and Isolation La ed X-49 HPCS-V-12 4N Hin Flow Line >0.6 La 2044 Torque Switch Malfunction/Replaced Isolation Tor ue Switch X-56 CIA-V-21 3/4" Instrument Air 1686.3 89.1 Debris under Seat/Flushed with Isolation air X-63 LPCS-V-57 3/4 N Test. Connection 117.8 14.34 Debris under Seat/Flushed with water X-64 RC IC-V-28 1 5N RCIC Vacuum 868 219.95 Damaged Seat/Disassembled Pum Return and La ed X-898 CIA-V-31A 1/2N Instrument Air 4385.9 64.06 Debri s under Seat/Di sassembl ed Isolation and Cleaned X-1 02 CAC-V-4 4N H2 Recombiner )0.6 La 1067.2 Torque Switch set too Low/Increased Isolation Switch Settin X-103 CAC-V-13 H2 Recombiner )0.6 La 492 Debris under Seat/Disassembled I so 1 ati on and Cleaned X-1 19 CSP-V-10 24N Containment '>0.6 La 25.5 ) Worn Seal/Replaced Seal Purge Isolation Vacuum Breaker X-119 CSP-V-9 24N Containment >0.6 La 25.5 ) Worn Seal Ring and Packing Pur e Isolation Leak/Re laced Seal Rin TABLE 1 (Cont'd) 1985 OUTAGE ISOLATION VALVES REPAIREO/ADJUSTED

Penetration Valve Size Function As-Found As-Left Def ici ency/Correcti ve No. No. SCCH SCCH Action X-3 CEP-V-800-2 3/4" Test Connection 1490 20 Seat Damage/Disassembled, Hachined and La ed RC I C-V-40 10u RCIC Turbine 10,360 188.9 Seat Damage/Disassembled and Exhaust Return La ed Seat X-1 1A RHR-V-154A 3/4" Test Connection 355 Debris Underseat/Disassembled Hachined and La ed X-21 RCIC-V-76 Hin. Flow Bypass) 13,970 Valve Packing Leak/Repacked Isolaton Valve Stem X-24 FDR-V-3 3N Floor Drains ) 0.6 La Debris on Seats/Disassembled, Isolation Cleaned La ed X-24 FDR-V-4 3 II Floor Drains )0.6 La 420 Debri s on Seats/Di sassembl ed, Isolation Clean La ed X-258 RHR-V-278 6Q Spray Header ) 0.6 La Damaged Seats/Disassembled Isolation and La ed X-49 HPCS-V-12 Hin. Flow Line ) 0.6 La 93.7 Seat Damage/Disassembled and Isolation La ed Seats X-49 HPCS-V-36 3/4 a Test Connection 588 302 Debris under Seat/Flushed with Water X-49 HPCS-V-72 3/4" Test Connection 70.6 La 0.7 Seat Damage/Disassembled La ed Seat X-56 CIA-V-21 3/4 II Instrument Air >0.6 La 378 Seat Damaged/Installed New Valve Isolation X-64 RCIC-V-28 1 5u RCIC Vacuum 679 447 Debris under Seat/Disassembled Pum Return and Cleaned .


i Penetration Valve Size Function As-Found As-Left Def i c i ency/Correcti ve Ho. Ho. SCCH SCCH Action X-77Aa RRC-V-19 1 N

Sample Line ~0.6 La 176.7 Seat Damage/Disassembled Isolation and La ed Seats X-77Aa RRC-V-20 1 N

Sample Line >0.6 La 35.9 Stem Binding and Morn 0-Rings/

Isolati on Disassembled, Straightened Stem and Re laced 0-Rin s X-898 CIA-V-31A 1/2N Instrument Air 1107 129 Debris under Seat/Flushed with Air Isolation X-98 CAC V 800 13I 3/4 N Test Connection 1130 Damaged Seat/Disassembled, Machined and La ed X-101 FPC-V-161 3/4N Test Connection 796 38.3 Damaged Seat/Disassembled, Hachined and La ed X-1 02 CAC-V-4 4N H2 Recombiner 00.6 La 1529 Deficiency Unknown/Valve Isolation Re laced with Hew Valve X-103 CAC-V-13 4N H2 Recombiner 859 149 Debris under Seat/Flushed Isolation with Air X-103 CAC-V-800-11 3/4N Test Connection 16 Debris under Seat/Flushed with Air 8260'800 I

X-103 CAC-V-800-12 3/4N Test Connection 377 Debris under Seat/Flushed with Air X-119 CSP-V-1 0 24N Containment >0.6 La 32 Limit Switch Holding Vacuum Purge Vacuum Breaker Open/Reset Limit Switch Breaker TABLE 2 (Cont'd)


0 Penetration Valve Size Function As-Found As-Left Def i c i ency/Correcti ve No. No. SCCH SCCH Action X-4 RCIC-V-68 10" RCIC Turbine 591 383 Closing Torque too High/Decreased Exhaust Tor ue Settin X-4 RCIC-V-1 22 3/4" Test Connection 509 2.7 Debris under Seat/Flushed with Air X-14 RWCU-V-612 3/4" RNCU Test 12,220 6.46 Distorted Seat/Lapped Seat Connection X-1 7A/8 RFM-V-65A/8 244 Feedwater 10,550 7439 Deficiency Unknown/Stroked Valves Isolation (Remote Hanual 0 eration X-24 FDR-V-3/4 3 II Floor Drains 27,000 16.5 Debris under Seat/Flushed Isolation Valves with lJater X-49 HPCS-V-23 12" Test Line 18.4 78.2 Torque Switch Setting too High/

Isolation Decreased Tor ue Settin X-49 HPCS-V-36 3/4 4 Test Connection 612 3.3 Scored Seats/La ed Seats X-56 CIA-V-21 3/4 II Instrument Air 7380 Debris under Seat/Disassembled, Isolation Cleaned and La ed X-65 RC I C-V-1 20 3/4 " Test Connection 556 0.1 Seat Dama e/La ed Seats X-66 CSP-V-7 24" Containment 3720 Debris on Seating Surface/Cleaned Purge Vacuum Seat Breaker X-67 CEP-V-3A 24" Containment >0.6 La 59.5 Replaced Resilient Seat Purge Exhaust Isolation TABLE 3 1987 OUTAGE ISOLATION VALVES REPAIRED/ADJUSTED

0 4

Penetration Valve Size Function As-Found As-Left Deficiency/Corrective No. No. SCCH SCCH Action X-67 CSP-V-8 24 ll Containment 00.6 La Debris on Seating Surface/Cleaned Purge Vacuum Seat Breaker X-77Aa RRC-V-20 RRC Sample Point) 859 81.2 Defective Resilient Seals/Replaced Isolation Valve X-91 CIA-V-31B 1/2N Instrument Air 1950 39.6 Debris under Seat/Cleaned Isolation and La ed X-101 FPC-V-156 6u Effluent Return 9820 20.4 De f i c i ency Unknown/Stroked Va 1 ve Line Isolation X-119 CSP-Y-9 244 Containment 3130 43.2 ) Morn Seat/Replaced Resilient Seat Pur e Isolation TABLE 3 (Cont'd) 1987 OUTAGE ISOLATION VALVES REPAIRED/ADJUSTED

2.2 Hain Steam Isolation Valves HSIV's)

The as-found leak rates for the MSIV's are shown in Table 4. These valves are tested ta 25 psig in accordance with Plant Technical Specifications and are not included in the sum of Type B and C testing. However, these isolation boundaries are subject to the Type A test and as such, their leak rates are reflected in the total Type A results. The allowable leak rate per Technical Speci f i cati ons i s,5427 sccm per va ve. 1 Penetration Valve As-Found Leakage Rates (SCCH)

No. No. 1985 1986 1987 18A HS-V-22A 12,4601 3631 675 HS-V-28A 895 188 HS-V-228 10,021 10,0881 397 HS-V-288 493 2 768 18C HS-V-22C 37,356 4,965 HS-V-28C } 697 2 568 18D HS-V-22D 14,158 3,957 411 HS-V-28D 1 488 Note 1. Valve repaired and subsequently retested.

TABLE 4 AS-FOUND LEAK RATES FOR HSIV's The as-left Type A test results were corrected to include the minimum pathway leak rate differential for Type B and C containment isolation boundaries which were repaired or otherwise adjusted during the refueling outage just prior to the 1987 PCILRT. This corrected value is referred to as the As-Found Type A leak rate. The containment boundaries which were repaired or adjusted during the 1987 outage and their as-found and as-left minimum pathway leak rates are listed in Table 5.

The total adjustment for repaired or adjusted Type 8 & C penetrations from Table 4 was 17,627.47 sccm. Adding 25" to this for statistical uncertainty yields a total correction of 0.0983 w/o/day (22,034.33 sccm).

Adding this figure to the as-left Type A leak rate (total time 95~ UCL value, per Ref. 6.1) of 0.3241 w/o/day, yields a total as-found Type A leak rate of 0.4224 w/o/day. This does not exceed the maximum allowable leakage rate (La) of 0.5 w/o/day (Ref. 6.2) but does exceed the As-Found acceptance criteria set forth in the NRC I.E., Information Notice 85-71 of 0.75 La.

The major contributing factor to the As Found correction value was, Penetration X-24 which is the floor drain line exiting containment. This penetration yielded a delta minimum pathway leak rate (As-Found vs.

as-left) of 13,491.75 sccm which constitutes 76M of the total delta leak rate. The isolation valves are 3" 9 air operated gate valves. Oue to the inherent characteristics of the floor drain water, debris is trapped on the seating surfaces of the valves upon closing. This is evident in that vigorous water flushing of the line corrected the as-found excessive leak rate measured during Type C testing of these isolation valves. This is a reoccurring problem as evidenced in Tables 1, 2, 3. NNP-2 Plant Staff is pursuing design changes to eliminate this source of excessive as-found leakage.

Consistent with the Type C Testing Program as outlined in Reference 6.3, penetration X-24 isolation valves along with all other isolation valves which exhibited excessive leak rates during the 1987 outage testing period will be leak tested yearly during the annual spring refueling outage.

This yearly testing will continue until such time that the isolation valves exhibit acceptable leak rates in the as-found condition.

Test Component Replaced/ As-Found Hin. As-Left Hin. &Hin. Pathway For As-Found 'enetration No. T e Re aired/Ad usted Pathwa SCCH Pathwa SCCH ILRT SCCH X-000 Containment llead 1527.07 11.6 1515.47 0-Rin s Re laced RCIC-V-68 Repaired 302.9 194.2 108.7 RCIC-V-122 Re aired X-1 3 SLC-V-4A Replaced 1.4 2.4 -1.0 Internals (Squib Valve X-1 4 RWCU-V-612 Re aired 98.8 49.4 49.4 X-15 E ui ment Hatch 1.49 1.17 .32 Note X-188 1 HS-V-228 Repaired 2768 2466 302 HS-V-678 Re aired Note X-18C 1 HS-V-22C Re aired 2568 294.5 2273.5 X-24 FOR-V-3 Adjusted 13,502.6 10.85 13491.5 FOR-V-4 Ad'usted X-2/F-1 TIP Purge Flange- 24.38 24.38 Re laced X-28 CRD Hatch Replaced) 4.67 4.67 0-Rin s X-51 8 ) tletwell Hatch- 6.33 4.15 2.18 Re laced 0-Rin s X-56 CIA-V-21 Re aired 24.9 4.4 20.5 TABLE 5 HINIHUH PATHWAY LEAK RATES FOR AS-FOUNO TYPE A AOJUSTHENT

Penetration Test Component Replaced/ As-Found Hin. As-Left Hin, ) W Hin. Pathway For As-Found No. T e Re aired/Ad usted Pathwa SCCH Pathwa SCCH ILRT SCCH X-66 CSP-V-5 Replaced 2099.7 391. 9 1707.8 Seat CSP-V-7 Ad usted X-67 CEP-V-3A Replaced 917.6 2878.5 -1 960. 9 Seat CEP-V-4A Replaced Seat CSP-V-6 Replaced Seat CSP-V-8 Ad usted X-91 CIA-V-318 64.1 39.6 24.5 X-101 FPC-V-156 Ad usted 20.4 20.4 X-119 CSP-V-9 Replaced 135.7 91.9 43.8 Seat Total Adjustment 17627.47 sccm NOTE 1 Hain Steam Isolation Valve (HSIV) testing per Technical Specifications. HISV s are tested at each refueling outage but the leak rate is not included in the sum of Type 8 8 C tests. MISV s are subject to Type A test pressure.

TABLE 5 (Cont'd)


3.0 ILRT LEAKAGE RATE CALCULATIONS A. PRESSURE DECAY ANALYSIS METHODS There are several methods available for analysis of contain'ment integrated leak rate data. The most comaonly used methods are:

l. Mass point analysis
2. Total time analysis
3. Point to point analysis A computer program was developed for the purpose of computing the containment leakage rate by all three methods (Ref. 6.9).

The mass point method consists of calculating the mass of air in the containment from the volume averaged temperature, dewpoint and pressure data by application of the perfect gas law. The test data consists of a time series of independent values of air mass.

Assuming the leak rate is constant with time, the data lends itself to analysis by the method of linear regression. The slope of the regression line represents the rate of change of air mass with time, or leak rate. Because of its independent nature, any error in a data set does not materially affect the test results. This is the most accurate method of analysis and is recommended in References 6.5 and 6.6.

The total time method is base on comparing the most recent data with the data taken at the start of the test. Thus each successive calculation is based on a longer time period. The leak in percent per day is determined by'pplying linear regression analysis to the leakage rate calculated at each time point (1).

The point to point method is similar to the total time method except that the leakage rate at each time point is determined using the most recent data and the data imediately preceeding. The leakage rate is determined for each data'ime interval and the overall leak rate is obtained by application of linear regression to the leakage rate at each time point.

This section presents the theoretical basis, justification and derivations of formulae used in the computer program. The MPPSS ILRT program can calculate the leakage rate by all three methods'his is one of the methods approved by Reference 6.4 and is the one chosen by MPPSS as the primary reporting methods.

1. Mass Point Method The individual temperature and dewpoint readings are volume averaged according to a volume fraction assigned to each sensor. This averaging process is the same for all three methods of "calculating leak rate.

The average containment drybulb temperature, Taj, at time j is:

0 where:

fi = Volume sensor fraction of containment associated drybulb i

Ti,j Drybulb sensor i reading at time j The average dewpoint temperature at time j, TDp j is:

J where: f; = Volume fraction of containment associated drybulb sensor i Ti t j = Oewpoint reading of sensor i at time j If two pressure sensors are used, the averaged pressure is simply: = . Total ~ A B~ where: PA and PB are the two pressure readings The mass of air is calculated from the ideal gas law. (1) PV = HRT where: P = air pressure, psia V = volume, ft3 M lb moles of air R = ideal gas law constant 10.731 Psi . Ft 3 lb mole - R T = absolute containment temperature ('R) Rearranging equation (1) gives: (2) N = PV RT The mass of air is simply the product of the number of lb moles and the molecular weight of air. (3) W = N (HW) PV (MW) RT R The molecular weight of air is 28.96 lb mass lb mole Therefore the weight of air at any time is: (4) M = ~PV 28.96 10.731 (T) It is important to note that P the partial pressure of air not the total containment pressure as measured by the pressure sensors. partial pressure of air is the total pressure minus the partial The pressure of water vapor, P "2's p.air =p Total - p H20 One of the widely used correlations for vapor pressure is the Antoine correction (Ref. 6.10) which is of the form: lnP=A- 8 T-C If C = 0, this equation reverts to the Clapeyron equation (Ref. 6.7). Rather than use published constants which cover a wide temperature range for water vapor in the Antoine equation, constants were determined to more accurately cover a narrow temperature range by utilizing data from Keenan 8 Keyes (Ref. 6.8). Two sets of constants were generated; one set for dew points less than 100 F and the second set for the temperature range of 100 to 120'F. The correlations agree with data in Keenan 8 Keyes to within 0.0001 psia. This functional form gives more accurate results than linear interpolation between the data points. 0 The correlations developed and used in the ILRTA computer program (Ref. 6.9) are: ln P = 14.940404 4144.18422 7-34.5 for 60<T<100 where T is in 'K and ln P = 14.643483 - 3984.9582 T-39.75 for 100< T <120 where T is in 'K P is in psia With the equations listed above, the mass of air can be calculated for each data set. Next, a linear regression of the air mass is performed to obtain an estimate of the leak rate. This is done to provide a criteria for obtaining the best fit of the data, assuming a linear relation between air mass and time (i.e. a constant leak rate). Linear regression or least mean square curve fit is given by: W=A+Bt Where the slope, B, and intercept, A, are given by: n(Z t,.W.) (Z W,.) n(Xt. ) -(Zt) and (Z W.) (Zt. ) (Zt.W.) (Z t.) A = n (Zt. (Zt. 'ach tq is the elapsed time between a clock time at which the initial reading is taken and the clock time at which the i th reading is taken. Thus tl = 0 for all the test durations and the t2 is the elapsed time before the next reading and so on. In most test applications the time intervals between collected data sets will be essentially constant, but the equations for the slope, B, and intercept, A, do not impose this as a limitation. The leakage rate for nuclear power plant containments is expressed as the ratio of the rate of change of air mass to the air mass in the containment at the beginning of the test. Since t; is expressed in hours and percentage daily leakage rates are desired, the mass point leakage rate is expressed as a positive number, as: Lam = -2400 8/A It should be noted that A, the best estimate of the initial air mass, not Ho, is used as the denominator of Lam. The units of Lam are percent per day. The uncertainty in the estimated value of Lam is assessed in terms of the standard deviations of A and B and thei r covariance followed by the computation of the 95th confidence level for Lam. The estimate of the common standard deviation of the air mass with respect to the regression line is given by: 1/2 K~M- W n 2 where: measured air mass at time t. M estimated air mass at time t. (i.e. M = A + Bti) The standard deviations of the slope and intercept are: SB = Knl/2 1/2 A = K(P t2) i where: K = Ln(Z t; ) (Z t;) ] and the covariance of the slope and intercept is: SBA K2 ( Z The above equations are presented in Reference 6.6 and can be found in most elementary statistical texts. The exact upper one-sided limit of a 95 percent confidence level for the leakage rate is given by: UCL (Lexact) = 2400 [b (b2 ac)l/2]/a - 17 where: a = A 2 - t2 g5 SA 2 2 b = AB 95 AB c=8 2 -t95SB 2 2 t o5 is the 95th percentile of the "student's t distribution", which is tabulated in Reference 6.6 and most texts on statistics as a function of the number of degrees of freedom. The number of degrees of freedom is (n 2) where n is the number of observations. If the number of degrees of freedom is equal to or greater than 5, the value of t calculated from the can be following equation: 1.654 + 1.576 ' n-2 '+ 2.4 (n-2) 57.6 (n-2) 3 The equations presented above for calculating the mass point leak rate and appropriate statistical treatment have been programmed into a flexible easy to use computer program.

2. Tota1 Time Hethod The mass point method of computing leak rate is the preferred method and is recommended by References 6.5 and 6.6. However, in the past, the total time and point to point leak rate analyses were used to calculate the containment leak rate and are the acceptable methods recognized by Reference 6.4, which is the basic document for this test. Therefore, these methods of computing leak rate were included in the computer program.

The equation for calculating the leak rate by the total time method is taken from Reference 6.4. The formula is: LR . = ni 2400 H. l T T. o (P.i P vi.) (P P ) where: "Rni = measured leak rate of time i, in weight percent per day H Elapsed time in hours at time i To Hean containment absolute temperature at start of test Hean containment absolute temperature at time i Po = Mean total pressure of containment atmosphere at start of test, psia pi Mean total pressure of containment atmosphere at time i, psia Pvo = Mean containment atmosphere water vapor pressure at start of test Pvl Mean containment atmosphere water vapor pressure at time i The calculated leak rate is obtained by performing a linear regression of 3 or more sets of measured leak rate. The regression line is given by: LRc = A + Bt The variance of the measured leak rate (LRm) from the calculated leak rate (LRi) is: 1/2 [LRni - (A + Bt-)] 2 0-2 where: n = the number of measured data sets The 95 percent upper confidence limit of the leak rate is: UCL LRc + 6T where: T = Student T distribution of n-2 degrees of freedom 1/2 (5= S 1 + + t t 2 n (ti - t) tp = Time after start of test or total elapsed time t = g t. n The above equations have been included in the program.

3. Point to Point Method The point to point method is essentially the same as the total time method, except rather than referencing the calculations to the values of pressure and temperature at the start of the test, the pressure and temperature at ~an time i, are referenced to time i 1. Thus, the measured leak rate equation is:

- 19 1 1(2 2 T2 (Pl Pvl) where: pi Mean absolute containment pressure, psia, at time i Tl Mean containment atmosphere absolute temperature at time i time interval between time i and i -1 The regression line, variance and 95 percent upper confidence level are in the same manner for the total time method. The equations for the point to point method have been incorporated in the program. 4.0 ILRT INSTRUMENT ERROR ANALYSIS Referenced 6.6 developes the following formulas: Overall Instrumentation System Error'("ISG") 2 1/2 2400 + t 2 + 2 + 2 where, 2 2) e p (E 1/2 (4 P Sensors) 1/2 (E v2+< 2) pv (g Dew Elements) e (E,E <,E)'" T = (g Drybulb Elements) where, (Refer to Instrumentation Data, Table 6) Ep = Pressure sensor error = 0.001 psia ~p = Pressure system error = 0.0005 psia Epv = vapor pressure sensor error = (0.5'F) (0.5073 sia 0.3632 sia) 0.007205 psia 80'F 70'F ~pv = vapor pressure system error ' 4 psis 6 pv = i0.01'F)( , , ) = 0.0001441 ~~= Drybulb 3ehper3%8uke sensor error = 0.036'F ~T = Drybulb temperature system error 0.01'F 20 thus: p = 0.0007906 psia pv = 0.003603 psia eT = 0.009062 R Resulting in: Overall Instrumentation System Error = +0;0111 w/o/day - 21 ERROR ANALYSIS TABLE 6 INSTRUHENTATION DATA Repeatability 2 or Gal Cal Sensitivity2 Resolution Instrument Hake Hodel Accurac Ran e Date E Q 3 Drybulb Tempi Rosemount 78-65-17 + 0.5 F 32-120'F 02-19-87 0.036'F 0.01'F Dewpointl Foxboro 2711AG + 2.0'F 35-90'F 05-04-87 0.5'F 0.01'F Pressure> Hensor 10100-001 + 0.0025 FS 0-100 PSI 04-01-87 0.001 PSIA 0.0005 PSIA + 0.010$ RDG Notes: 1. Primary sensors.

2. Instrumentation was-tested specifically for sensor sensitivity and readout repeatability.
3. Symbols defined for ISG formula (see this Attachment and Refs. 6.5 and 6.6).


The As-Found Type A Leak Rate for the 1987 ILRT was less than the allowable limit for containment leakage (La') but exceeded the as-found acceptance criteria clarified in I.E. Notice 85-71 of 0.75 La. The excessive as-found leak rate was not due to any structural deficiencies in the containment vessel but rather to the isolation valves in the floor drain (FDR) system. A design change is being pursued to correct the problem of trapping debris in these isolation valve upon closing.

The Type B and C isolation boundaries which exceeded their leakage limits thus contributing to the excessive as-found Type B 5 C leak rate will be leak tested yearly during each refueling outage until acceptable leak rates are obtained as outlined in Reference 6.3.


6.1 eactor Containment Buildin Inte rated Leak Rate Test, WNP-2, September 1987.

6.2 Primar Reactor Containment Leaka e Testin for Mater Coolin Power Reactors, Code of Federal Regulations, Title 10, Part 50, Appendix J, January 1983.

6.3 Exem tion to A endix J Testin , issued by the NRC with Amendment Ho. 41 to Facility Operating License NPF-2, dated April 29, 1987.

6.4 eaka e Rate Testin of Containment Structures for Nuclear Reactors, American National Standards Institute, Inc., H.Y., NY; ANSI N45.4, 1972.

6.5 Containment S stem Leaka e Testin Re uirements, American Nuclear Society, LaGrange Park, IL; ANSI/AHS-56.8-1981.

6.6 Containment S stem Leaka e Testin Re uirements, American Nuclear Society, LaGrange Park, IL: H274, Draft Ho. 2, Revision 3, November 15, 1978.

6.7 Daniels and Aberty, Ph sical Chemistr , John Wiley 8 Sons, New York, 1955.

6.8 J.H. Keenan, F.G. Keyes, P.C. Hill and J.G. Moore, Steam Tables, John Wiley 5, Sons, New York, 1969.

6.9 Inte rated Leak Rate Test Anal sis, Washington Public Power Supply System, February 1984.

6.10 R.C. Reid, J.H. Prauznitz and T.K. Sherwood, The Pro erties of Gas 3<E1I, I 7.

- 23

SUPPLEMENT ¹2 TYPE B 5 C TESTING PROGRAM CONTAINMENT PENETRATION TESTING SCHEDULE Washington Public Power Supply System Nuclear Plant No. 2 September 1987

On April 29, 1987, the NRC granted an exemption to a provision of Appen-dix J to WNP-2 (issued by the NRC with Ammendment No. 41 to Facility Operating License NPF-2). This exemption allowed containment isolation boundaries to be tested at a frequency of every 24 months rather than every refueling outage as required by Appendix J.

Certain conditions were agreed upon between the NRC and WNP-2 Plant Staff regarding the exceptions to the 24 month duration between leak rate tests. Of greatest significance is the requirement to establish leakage limits for each containment barrier. Barriers which exceed this leakage limit are required to be retested'uring the next refueling outage.

One of the conditions of the granted exemption is that the reporting re-quirements of Appendix J be augmented to include the information asso-ciated with the unique aspects of the WNP-2 Type B 5 C testing program.

In particular, a tabulation of leakage limits established for each barrier is required. This tabulation must also indicate those barriers which were tested during the 1987 outage, those which exceeded their leakage limits and must be retested during the 1988 outage, and those penetra-tions/valves not tested in 1987 and thus being scheduled for testing during the 1988 refueling outage.

The table that follows includes the information required under the con-ditions of the granted exemption to Appendix J.

TEST IO QJN3EA LEAKAGE TESTED IN 1987 TEST IN PEIKTAATION OESCAIPT ION LIMIT (sccm) YES NO PASSED FAILED 1908 NOTES Oryeell Head X-1A Inspection fbrt X-1B Inspection fbrt X-1C Inspection. fbrt 5D X-10 Inspection fbrt X-1E Inspection Port Inspection fbrt 50 X-1G Inspection Port X-1H Inspection fbrt X-15 Equfpment Hatch X-16 Personnel Airlock leakage from PPH X-27A-1 Tip Orive Flange and Bulkhead Union X-270-1 Tip Drive Flange and Bulkhead Union X-27C-1 Tip Orive Flange and Bulkhead lhion X-270-1 Tip Orive Flange and Bulkhead Union 50 X-27E-1 Ti Drive Flan and Bulkhead lhion

TEST IO NLN3ER LEAKAGE TESTED IN 1987 TEST IN PENETRATION DESCRIPTION LIMIT (sccm) YES 'NO PASSED FAILED 1988 NOTES X-27F-1 Tip Purge Flange X-28 CRO Removal Hatch X-51 Suppression Chamber Access Hatch X-100A Neutron Monitoring X-10(6 Neutron Monitoring 5D X-100C Neutron Monitoring X-108) Neutron Monitoring X-101A Control Rod Position Indicator X-101B Thertoocouple and RTO X-101C Thermocouple and ATO X-lOlD Thermocouple and ATO X-102A 'hermocouple and RTO 50 X-1020 Thennoco~le and ATO X-103A Medium Voltage Power X-1038 Mediun Voltage Power X-103C Medium Volta e Fbwer

TEST I0 tlUhSER LEAKAGE TESTED IN 1987 TEST IN PENETRATI0N 0E SCRIPTION LIMIT (sccm) YES PASSED FAILED 1988 NOTES X-1030 Hedhm Voltage Bower X-104A Low Voltage Power Low Voltage Power X-10'-104C Low Voltage Power X-1040 Low Voltage Power X-105A Control and Indication X-1050 Control and Indication X-105C Control and Indication 50 X-1050 Control and Indication X-106C Hide Range Neutron Honitoring System 50 X-1060 Hide Range Neutron Honitoring System X-107A Low Voltage Power and Control Indication X-1070 Low Voltage Power and Control 50 Indication


CEP-V-lA, CEP-V-10, CEP-V-2A, CEP-V-20 5660 x CEP-V-800-3 CEP-V-800-2 CEP-V-800-1 X-4 X-4-1 RCIC-Y-122 II0 X-4-2 RCIC-V-12l t(O X-4-3 l RCIC-V-41 rro X-4-4 RCIC V 601 y RCIC Y 68I RCIC-V-40 X-4-5 RCIC-V-124 tio X-5 X-5-1 RCC-V-95 IlO X-5-2 RCC-V-93 i [0 X-5-3 RCC-Y-107 X-5-4 RCC-V-5, RCC-V-104 l475

IPEW-TR ATION , TEST IO LEAKME TESTED IN 1987 TEST IN NUHOER NNOER OESMIPTIOhl LIHIT (sccm) YES PASSED FAILED 1988 NOTES X-1lA X-llA-1 RI A-V-17A, RI 8-V-16A X-llA-2 RIA-V-1548 X-llA-3 RHR-V-154 A 'I LO X-11A-4 RI 8-V-lOA I IO X>>1lB X-1lB-1 RIB-V-16B, Rl A-V-17B, RIIR-V-609 i4I5 X-110-2 RIB-V-1M X-13 X-D-1 SLC-V-7 2.2. I X-13-2 SLC-V-26, 606, 601, 602, 4A, 4B ZZI X-13-3 SLC-V-45 ))0 X-14 X-14-1 RNCU-V-l, RNCU-V-4, RHCU-V-607 X-14-2 I RMCU-V-612 iIO


X-17A-4 I RFH-V-32A ZI25 X-17A-5 RFH-V-66 Il 0 X-170 X-170-1 RFH-V-1O8 2l 26 X-170-2 RFH-V-328 Z,l 25 X-178-3 RFH-V-69 1(o NOTE: Some values associated with X-178 were tested in X-17A-2 X-21 X-21-1 RCIC-V-64, 63, 76, 36, 8, 602, l4-75 624, 625 X-21-2 RCIC-V-72 II 0


TR ATION TEST IO LEMAGE TESTED IN 1987 TEST IN eit3ER I NJt43ER OESCAIPTIOH LIMIT (sccm) YES NO'ASSED 'FAILED 1988 NOTES X-22 X-22-1 HS-V-16, HS-V-19, MS-V-17 ffZ X-22-2 I HS-V-604 I IO X-23 X-23-1 EDR V 625'DR V 61 8 i EDR V 20 X-23-2 I EDR-V-19 I

X-23-3 I EDR-V-619 I IO X-23-4 EDR-V-661 i)0 X-24 X-24-1 FOR-V-570 FOR-V-4 X-24-2 I FOR-V-3 X-24-3 FDR-V-614 1)0 X-24-4 I FDR-V-647 X-25A X-25A-1 NR-V-27A 885 X-25A-2 I RfA-V-175A IlO X-25A-3 "TEST DELETED" X-25A-4 I ma-V-241 II 0

0 PEI'E-TRATION TEST IO LEAKAGE TESTED IN 1987 TEST IN IuueXR NJNKR OLSNIPTIOH LIMIT (sccm) YES NO PASSED FAILED 1988 NOTES X>>25A-5 RllR-V-254 (io Flange between RlA-V-DOA X-25 A-6 Rl lR-V-241 X-250 X-250-1 Rl 8-V-13M X-250-2 Rl lR-V-242 X-250-3 Rl lR-V-278 X-250-4 Rl ll-V-1750 llO X-26 X-26-1 Rl lR FCV 64C i Rl lR V 1 95~ Rl lR V 196i Rl lR-V-197 X-26-2 Rl-B-V-145C ((0 X-26-3 BIB-V-2l, RIB-V-148 le&

X-26-4 Rl 8-V-194 BIO X-26-5 Rl 8-V-740 I IO X-27A X-27A-2 TIP-V-1 5a X-278 X-278-2 TIP-V-2

IPEm-I TRATIOH TEST IO LEAKAGE TESTED IN 1987 TEST IN IWeeCR NUNS R OE SCRIPTION LIMIT (sccm) YES NO PASSED FAILED 1988 NOTES X-27C X-27C-2 TIP-V-3 50 X X-27O I X-270-2 TIP-V-4 SQ X X-27E X-27E-2 TIP-V-5 50 X X-27F X-27F-2 TIP-V-15 and THREADED lNION l<S X-27F X-27F-3 TIP-Y-6 70 X X-27F X-27F-4 TIP-V<<13 74 X-29 X-29 a/c-1 I PI-VX-257 abc I X-29 a/c-2 I PI-VX-256 PI-VX-258 X-42d X-42d-1 PI-VX-42d PI-VX-216 X-42d-2 PI-VX-224 X-43A X-43A-1. RRC-V-13A LIO X-4M-2 I RRC-V-16A BIO I

X-43A-3 I RRC-V-87A 110


%It SEA OESCAIPTIOhl LIHIT (sccm) YES NO PASSED FAILED 1988 NOTES X-438 X-438-1 ARC-V-16B X-43B-2 RAC-V-87B X X-438-3 RRC-V-13B 110 .X X X-46 X-46-1 ACC-V-40, ACC-V-21 X X X-46-2 ACC-V-97 110 X X X-47 X-47-1 AttA-V-l34A .X X-47-2 Al8-V-178A 110 X X X-47-3 AtA-FCV-64Ai RtB V 192'tB V 190 X X X-47-4 t RHA-V-145A 110 x X X-47-5 RtA-V-191 )10 X X X-47-6 I RtA-V-121, AIN-V-120 885 X.

X-47-7 I At 8-V-147 1(0 X X X-47-8 t Al 8-V-146 110 X X-47-9 AIR-V-24A, AtA-V-llA X X X-47-10 I Rl tA-V-152A 1IO X X

ITAATIONI TEST IO LEAKAGE TESTED It( 1987 TEST IN-INUttBEA retlBEA DESCRIPTION LIHIT (sccm) YES NO PASSED FAILED 1900 NOTES X-47-11 At 8-V-73A 2.95 X X-47-12 I RtB-V-135A II 0 X X-47-13 t Al 8-V-180A II0 X X-47-14 RIR-V-181A 1lo X 3C-X-47-15 RIB-V-239 IIO X x X-48 X-48-1 At 8-V-1818 llD X X-48-2 Al 8-V-1008 II0 X X-48-3 Al 0-V-1458 I10 X-40-4 Atm-v-118, AtA-V-248 i&95 X-40-5 I Rtlt-v-202, At A-FCV-648 %4-2. x I

X-48-6 I Ate-v-048 X I

X-48-7 I RIB-V-1788 110 X I

X-48-8 I RtA-V-738 2.95 x I

X-48-9 I At8-Y-1358 I10 X I

X-48-10 I Rta-V-1528 110 X X

TRATION TEST 10 LEAKAGE TESTED IN 1987 TEST IN ejIWER I Ia+OER OESNIPTION LIMIT (sccm) YES NO PASSED FAILED 1988 NOTES X-49 X-49-1 If'CS-V-23 I IPCS-V-74 lOb2. x X-49-2 I IPCS-V-36 iso X-49-3 IPCS-V-12 IIPCS-V-72 590 X-49-4 I W'CS-V-83 LID X X I

X-,49-5 I IVCS-V-84 ll0 X X X-49-6 IIPCS-V-73 (iD x X X-49-'7 I IPCS-Y-7l X X X-49-8 I IS CS-V-63 X X X-53 X-53-1 CSP-V-96 X-53-2 CSP-V-97 X-53-3 CSP-V-600-2 X-53-4 CSP-Y-800-24 110 X X LEAI(AGE FROM PPH X x Vcr A I X-53-5., CSP-V-l, CSP-V-2 X-53-.6 CSP-V-800-3

IPEW-TRATION TEST IO LEAKAGE TESTED IN 1987 TEST IN NOR NNf3ER OESCRIPTION LIHIT (sccm) YES NO PASSED 'FAILED 1988 NOTES X-54Aa X-54Aa-1 I RCIC-V-184 RCIC-V>>740 X-54Aa-2 RCIC-V-185 ) I0 X-54Bf X-54Bf-1 PI-VX-54Bf PI-VX-218 X-548f-2 PI-VX-226 X-56 X-56-1 CIA-V-21 l(0 X-56-2 CIA-V-44 i(0 X-56-3 CIA-V-20 'i(0 X-61f X-6lf-1 PI-VX-219 PI-VX-61f 1%5 X X X-61f-2 PI-VX-227 i46 x x X-62f X-62f-1 PI-VX-62f PI-VX-220 t%$ X X-62f-2 I PI-VX-228 l4$ X

IPtHK-m ATION TEST IO LEANGE TESTED IN 1987 TEST IN NNRER NNOER OE SCRIPT ION LIMIT (sccm) YES NO PASSED FAILED 1988 NOTES X-63 X-63-1 LPCS-V-12 (042. X x X-63-2 LPCS-Y-58 1 ID X x X-63-3 LPCS-V-36 ltO X X-63-4 LPCS-V-57 LPCS-FCV-11 40.2. X X-63-5 LPCS-V-69 1(0 X-64 RCIC-V-69 RCIC-V-28 2,21 X X-64='-64-2 RCIC-V-55 i io x X-64-3 t RCIC-V-125 tlo X-65 X-65-1 RCIC-V-19 x X-65-2 RCIC-V-120 lio X X-66 X-66-1 CSP-V-98 X-66-2 I CSP-Y-93 IWS X-66-3 CSP-V-5 CSP-V-7 Z!2.9 x x I X-66-4 CSP-Y-800-17 )to X X

n IPex-l TBATIONI TEST IO LEAKAGE TESTED IN 1907 TEST IN Iwulrm DESCRIPTION LIMIT (sccm) YES NO'ASSED FAIl.ED 1900 NOTES X-66-5 I CSP-V-800-11 1 l0 X-66-6 CSP-V-800-23 tto X-66-7 TEST DELETED X-66-8 TEST DELETED CSP-Y-3, CSP-V-4 CSP-V-800-9 X-67-1 CSP-V-6 CSP-V-8 2iH X-67-2 CSP-V-800-22 tlO X-67-3 TEST DELETED X-67-4 TEST DELETED ) CEP-V-3A, 38, 4A, 4D, CEP-V-800-9 5440 Mm X-67-5 CEP-V-800-11 tlQ X-67-6 I CEP-V-800-12

tK-TRATIONI TEST 10 LEAKAGE TESTED IN 1987 TEST IN NUHQER NUMOER DESCRIPTION LIMIT (sccm) YES NO PASSED FAILED 1988 NOTES X-69c X-69c-1 PI-VX-69c PI-VX-221 X X X-69c-2 PI-VX-229 x X X-72f'-72f'-1 PI-VX-253 PI-VX-254 X-72/'-2 PI-EFCX-72f X-73e X-73e-1 PI-VX-259 PI-VX-260 X-73e-2 PI-EFCX-73e Lcg X-73K X-73t'-1 PSR-V-X 73-1 X-731'-2 PSR-V-X73-2 X-77Aa X-77Aa-1 RRC-V-20 X-77Aa>>2 I RRC-V-19 X-77Acl X-77Ac-1 PSR-V-X77A-1

'-77Ac-2 PSR-V-X77A-2

0 IPENE-j THRTION( TEST ID LEAKAGE TESTED IN 1987 TEST IN INUIOW i NMER DESCRIPTION LIMIT (sccm) YES PASSED FAILED 1988 NOTES X-77Rdl X-77Rd-I I PSR-V-X77A-3 l%8 X X-77Rd-2 PSR-V-X77A-4 t06 x X-/Gd I X-70d-1 I LPCS-V-66 LPCS-V-67 X-70d-2 LPCS-V-60 l(0 X-70e X-70e-1 I IIPCS-V-65 IIPCS-V-68 X-70e-2 )IPCS-V-69 llO X-00b I X-00b-l I PSR-V-XGO-1 l4$ X I

X-00b-2 I PSR-V-XGO-2 lAS X x X-02b I X-02b-1 TEST DELETED X-02b-2 TEST DELETED X-02d I X-02d-1 I PSR-V-X02-1 I

X-02d-2 I PSR-V-X02-2 PSR-V-10-3

IPEm-TRATIOt] TEST JO LEAKAGE TESTED IN 1907 TEST IN tmt GER twt ABER OESCRIPTIOH LIMIT (sccm) YES NO PASSED FAILED 1988 NOTES X-82d-3 PSR-V-10-2 tes X X-02d-4 PSR-V-10-1 i4.S x X-82e X-02e-1 CAS-VX-82e CAS-V-730 lfS x X-02e-2 CAS-V-455 'll0 x X-02K X-020-1 PSR-V-X 02-7 ikS X-82f'-2 PSR-V-143 110 X-02K-3 PSR-V-144 II 0 x X-82I'-4 PSR-V-24-1 PSR-V-X02-8 l'tS X X-03a X-03a-1 PSR-V-X03-1 X X-03a-2 PSR-V-146 IIO x X-03a-3 PSR-V-147 110 x X X-83a-4 PSR-V-X83-2 PSR-V-22-1 14K



X-84f-2 I PSR-V-149 IIO X I

X-84f-3 ) PSR-V-150 IiO x I

X-04f-4 I PSA-V-X84-2 PS(-V-23-1 lVS X X-85a/c X-05a/c-1 PI-VX-251 l'tl X-05a/c-2 I PI-VX-250 PI-V-252 f%a X-06A X-86A-1 TEST OELETEO X-86A-2 TEST OELETEO IX-a>A X-a7n-1 TEST OELETEO X-07A-2 TEST OELETEO

IPe-ITRATION TEST ID LEAKAGE TESTED IN 1987 TEST IN lw>wow NlWOER DESCRIPTION LIMIT (sccm) YES NO PASSED FAILED 1908 NOTES X-80 X-08-1 PSR-V-X80-1 X-80-2 PSR-V-4-1 11D x X-00-3 PSR-V-4-2 110 X-88-4 PSR-V-4-3 PSR-V-X 80-2 )%S X X-090-1 CIA-V-30A X-890-2 CIA-V-31A X-890-3 CIA-Y-47A X-91 X-91-1 CIA-V-3M 74 X-91-2 CIA-V-478 7+

X-91-3 CIA-V-310 7'F X-92 X-92-1 DH-V-156 DM-V-157 295 X-92-2 DH-V-158 t ID


ZTHATI TEST 10 LEAKAGE TESTED IN 1987 TEST IN NUtRER NlhSEA DESCRIPTION LIMIT (sccm) YES NO PASSED FAILED 1988 NOTES X-93 X-93-1 SA-V-109 and Pipe CAP X-93-2 SA-V-200 1'!0 X-94 X-94-1 I HHA-Y-124 110 X-94-2 X-94 Pipe Cap X-95-1 NN-V-125 tIO X-95-2 X-95 Pipe Cap X-96 X-96-1 CAC-V-2 CAC-FCV-2A X-96-2 CAC-V-600-39 110 X-96-3 CAC-V-600-37 X-96-4 CAC-V-800-38 lIO X-97 X-97-1 CAC-V-15 CAC-FCV-10 X-97-2 CAC-V-600-21 LlO

I TAATION TEST IO LEAKAGE TESTED IN 1987 TEST IN NOSER tent SEA SCAIPTION LIMIT (sccm) YES NO PASSED FAILED 1988 NOTES X-97-3 CAC-V-800-19 1(0-X-97-4 CAC-V-800-20 110 X-98 X-98-1 CAC-V-ll CAC-FCV-28 59O X-98-2 CAC-V-800-15 110 X-98-3 CRC-V-800-13 ~

X-98-4 CAC-V-800-14 110 X-99 X-99-1 CAC-V-6 CAC-FCV>>lA 690 X-99-2 CAC-V-800-45 llD X-99-3 CAC-V-800-44 X-99-4 CAC-V-800-43 \10 X-101 X-101-1 FPC-V-156 FPC-V-161 FPC-V-149 X-101-2 I FPC-V-182 110 I

X-103-3 I FPC-V-160 11D

I TAATIONI TEST "IO LEAKAGE TESTED IN 1987 TEST IN tWt tOER NUt43EA DESCRIPTION LIMIT (sccm) YES NO PASSED FAILED 1988 NOTES X-102 X-102-1 cnc-v-4 cnc-Fcv-4n 590 X-102-2 CAC-V-800-33 X X-102-3 CAC-V-800-35 110 X X-102-4 CAC-V-800-36 (10 X-103 X-103-1 CAC-V-13 CAC-fCV-48 s9o X-103-2 CAC-V-800-9 LLD X-103-3 CAC-V-800-ll 110 X-103-4 CAC-V-800-12 )10 X-104 X-104-1 cAc-v>>l7 cnc-Fcv-38 59D X-104-2 CAC-Y-800-5 LLO X-104-3 CAC-V-800-1 1ia X-104-4 CAC-V-800-2 X-105 X-105-1 CAC-V-8 CAC-FCV-3A 590 X-105-2 CAC-V-800-29 110

I I TRATION t TEST It) LEAKAGE TESTED IN 1987 TEST IN INuteER DESCRIPTION LIMIT (sccm) YES NO PASSED FAILED 1988 NOTES tmteER'-105-3 CAC-V-800-27 1(0 X-105-4 CAC-V-800-28 )io X X-116 X-116-1 RCIC-V-85 t to x X-116-2 RCIC-V-84 >>0 X X-116-3 RCIC-V-103 1to X-117 X-117-1 Rt B-V-124A Rt B>>V-1240 X-117-2 Rl B-V-139t3 >>o X-117-3 I RIB-Y-139A hhD X I

X-117-4 I R)B-V-6200 i(0 X.

X-110 X-110-1 Rt B-V-125A RlB-V-1258 x X X-118-2 Rl B-V-619C '1 tO x x X-110-3 Rt R-V-141t3 $ (O x X-118-4 I RlB-V-141A

r LEAKAGE TESTED IN 1987 TEST IN DESCRIPTION LIt1IT (sccm) YES PASSED FAILED 1988 NOTES X-119 CSP-V-9 CSP-V-10 2.le X CSP-V-ooo-la trO CSP-V-000-16 >io CSP-V-600-15 L(0 Notes: 1. Containment Purge butterfly valves; tested every 6 months per Plant Technical Specifications. Leakage limit defined by Tech-nical Specifications.

2. Airlock tested every 6 months per Plant Technical Specifications.

Leakage limit defined by Technical Specifications.

3. Hatch will be leak tested if opened during the 1988 outage.
4. Feedwater check valve with soft seat. Tested every refueling outage per conditions of granted exemption.
5. Test connection for excess flow check valve. Deleted from Type 6 testing per FSAR Table 6:2.6 Note 27.

0-q 3032~0 873 REACTOR CONTAINMENT BUILDING INTEGRATED LEAK RATE TEST Washington Nuclear Plant Number Two (WNP-2)

Washington Public Power Supply System Richland, Washington September, 1987



2.0 SUCnr~ARY 2.1 Type B 8 C Test 2 2.2 Type A Tests 2.

3.0 I D SCUS SION 3.1 Type B 5 C Tests 3.1. 1 Chronology and Hethods

3. 1.2 Specific Testing Categories, Acceptance Criteria, and Results 3.2 Type A Test 3.2. 1 Methods 3.2.2 Data Collection and Reduction 3.2.3 Plant Status During Tests 3.2.4 Hajor Test Events 3.2.5 Acceptance Criteria and Results




PCILRT FINAL REPORT TABLE OF CONTENTS ATTACHHENTS PAGES LEAKAGE RATE CALCULATIONS 3 Pages A. Corrections to the PCILRT Calculated Result B. Correction to the LRVT t'leasured Result C. LRVT Ca 1 cul ations I I. DATA SUt91ARI ES 16 Pages III. GRAPH OF PRC AIR MASS 1 Page IV. GLOSSARY 1 Page


1. LLRT Results for Type 88C Testing performed since Pre-Operational PCILRT.
2. LLRT Results for Secondary Bypass Leakage Sources.
3. LLRT Results for the MSIVs
4. Valve Lineup Exceptions During the PCILRT and the LRVT
5. Tabulation of the PCILRT and LRVT Results with Corrections


This report documents the periodic Type A, B, and C testing performed on the Primary Reactor Containment of Washington Nuclear Plant Number Two (WNP-2) from February 1984 to June 1987. The plant consists of a GE BWR/5 NSSS System housed within a Hark II Over/ Under Containment.

Chronologically, the Preoperational Type A test, the "Preoperational Primary Contaminant Integrated Leak Rate Test" (PCILRT) (Ref. 5.11) was conducted from February 3, 1984 to February 16, 1984, various Type BSC tests were conducted, mostly occurring during the spring outages of 1985, 1986, and 1987, the second Type A Test was conducted from June 3, 1987 to June 17, 1987, then non-Type A tested penetration leak rates were summed with the calculated Type A test leak rate to arrive at the corrected "as-left" Type A test result.

This report is organized into three broad topics: SUHHARY, DISCUSSION, and CONCLUSION. Each topic consists of an appropriate level of informa-tion pertaining to the Type 8 8 C Tests and the Type A Test. Finally, supporting information is provided in the ATTACHHENTS in sufficient detail to justify the CONCLUSIONS and to comply with regulatory and plant requirements (Ref. 5.1, 5.2 and 5.3)."

Acronyms used in this report are listed in Attachment IV.

I 2.0


2.1 T e B & C Tests Type B&C local leak rate testing was performed during each of three annual spring outages since the pre-operational Integrated Leak Rat~

Test ( ILRT), with the last testing period occurring just prior to the 1987 ILRT. The leakage rates listed below represent a suomation of as-left maximum pathway penetration leakages applying single failure criteria to active containment boundary valves. The a'llow-able leakage rate for the sum of each Type B&C test sequence was 67,920 sccm (0.6La). The summation of the as-found maximum pathway leakage rates exceeded 0.6La. An analysis and interpretation of the as-found test results is included in a supplement to this report.

2.1.1 Spring 1985 Outage The measured leak rate for the sum of the as-left Type B&C tests was 54,859 sccm (0.485La).

2.1.2 Spring 1986 Outage The measured leak rate for the sum of the as-left Type B&C tests was 36,741 sccm (0.325La).

2.1.3 Spr ing 1987 Outage The measured leak rate for the sum of the as-left Type B C tests was'1,616 sccm (0.191La).

.2 The plant systems were lined up consistent with the requirements of references 5.1 and 5.2. Emergency Core Cooling Systems (RHR, LPCS and HPCS) were filled and available to perform their safety func-tions, with RHR Loops A and B used to maintain Reactor Pressure Ves-sel temperature w'ithin Technical Specification (ref. 5.1) limits.

SLC, RWCU, RFW, and the normally water filled portions of the PSR, RCIC, and FPC systems were also filled and, as in the case of RHR, LPCS and HPCS, were vented t'o see Pa via the head vent. The RCC, RWCU, and CRD .systems, as well as the RRC seal injection and sample lines were filled and operating; therefore, the CIVs in these systems were not exposed to Pa. The remaining systems were drainEd and vented to both the Primary Reactor Containment (PRC) Atmosphere as well as outside the outermost CIV to the Reactor Building atmosphere.

The 23-hour Primary Containment Integrated Leak Rate Test (PCILPT) quantified the Overall Integrated Leakage Rate (OILR) of the PRC.

The PCILRT was followed by the Leakage Rate Verification Test (LRVT), whi'ch was a four hour and 40 minute supplemental test using a constant-rate superimposed leak.

The recorded 95/ Upper Confidence'Level (UCL) leakage rate (LR) for the PCILRT was 0.2837 weight percent per day (w/o/day) (based on Total Time Calculated method) which was then corrected for valve lineup exceptions and drywell sumps water level increases to give 0.3241 w/o/day. Since 0.75 La is 0.375 w/o/day, the leakage r ate is less than the acceptance criterion. For the LRVT, the corrected acceptance criterion, (based on a superimposed constant leakage rate of 0.4987 w/o/day, the measured Total Time PCILRT LR'of 0.1615 w/o/day, and a correction factor), was 0.6629 w/o/day + 0. 125 w/o/day. The Total Time Calculated Leakage Rate, corrected for valve lineup test exceptions, was 0.6924 w/o/day; thus, the LRVT substantiated the validity of the PCILRT results.

3.0 DISCUSSION 3.1. 1 Hethods The penumatic Type B8C tests were performed utilizing the Pressure Decay and Hakeup Flowrate methods. Hydrostatic Type C testing on water sealed valves was accomplished using the Hakeup Flow Rate Hethod.

3. 1.2 Specific Testing Categories, Acceptance Criteria, and Results The first category consists of air and nitrogen - tested Type BSC penetrations. The measured Type B&C Leakage rate summations are tablulated in Table 1.

Outage Al 1 owab 1 e

( Year NT eB 2T eC Limit 1985 5587 sccm 49,272 sccm 54,859 sccm 67,920 sccm 1986 411 sccm 36,330 sccm 36,741 sccm 67,920 sccm i 19871 397 sccm 21,219 sccm 21,616 sccm 67, 920 sccm )

TABLE 1 LLRT RESULTS FOR TYPE BSC TESTING PERFORHED SINCE PRE-OPERATIONAL ILRT NOTE: 1 During the 1987 outage, all Type B penetrations were local leak rate tested. Type' testing was performed as allowed by the Exemption to Appendix J Testing issued by the NRC with Amend-ment No. 41 to Facility Operating License NPF-21. This allowed testing of approximately half of the Type C penetrations at each shutdown for refueling. During the 1987 outage, 46 of 75 Type C penetrations were tested. For those not tested, the leakage rates from the 1986 outage were used to calculate, the total Type C Leakage rate listed in Table 1.

The second category is a subset of the above Type C tests, being the measured leakage rates on the secondary contain-ment bypass lines that must be included in the sum of the Type BSC tests. The allowable leakage rate from these secondary containment bypass sources is 349 .2 sccm. The measured leakage rates are tabulated in Table 2.


PENETRATION SERVICE 1985 1986 1987 X-14 RWCU from 1 6.24 98.8 98e8 RPV X-22 HS Drain 2. 14 13.0 133.4 X-77Aa RRC Sample 11.44 176. 7 81.2 X-92 DW Service 2.4 0.0 4.0 to Drywell TOTALS 32.22 288. 5 317.4 TABLE 2 LLRT Results for Secondary Bypass Leakage Sources A special case of the above category makes up the third category and applies to the Hain Steam Isolation Valves (HSIVs). They are similar to the second category in that any process line leakage passes directly from the PRC to the Turbine Building, thereby "bypassing" the SGT System.

The line leakage is not added to the sum of the Type C leakage rates because the Hain Steam Leakage Control System intercepts all leakage past the inboard CIV up to the allowable limit (See Ref. 5.1). The allowable leakage rate is 5428 sccm per valve and the test results are taou-lated in Table 4.3. Testing was performed at a test pressure of 25 psig (per Ref. 5.1).

LEAKAGE RATES (sccm) ls2 PENETRATION 1985 1986 1987 I

X -18A 3634 425 675 X-18B 1133 330 4932 X -18C 708 4955 589 X-18D 3964 142 411 TABLE 3 LLRT Results for the HSIV's NOTES: 1 Pressure decay test performed between the inboard HSIY and the outboard HSIV; therefore, the LRs assigned to the penetrations are conser-vative with respect to the acceptance criteria .

2 Measured Leakage rates shown are as-left values. As-found leakage rates in excess of 5428 sccm are discussed in the Supplemental Report.

The fourth and last category pertains to Containment Isolation Valves (CIV) sealed with fluid from a seal system (Ref. 5.2). Hydrostatic tests were performed on 64 valves sealed by water during an accident event requiring Primary Reactor Coolant integrity. Leak rate testing was performed at a pressure equal to 1.1 Pa using the make-up flowrate method with water. The maximum allowable leakage rate per Reference 5. 1 is 1.0 gpm per valve. The total measured leakage from all 64 valves was 0.069 gpm for the 1985 outage, 0.032 gpm for the 1986 outage, and 0.039 gpm for the 1987 outage. These values are not required to be included in the sum of the Type 88C leakage rates (see Ref s. 5. 1 and 5. 2) .

3.2. 1 Methods The absolute method of pressure decay testing was used for the PCILRT and the LRYT.

3.2.2 Data Collection and Reduction The Data Acquisition System consisted of 17 drybulb tem-perature probes, 4 dew cells and 2 pressure sensors.

Reference 5.13 indicated the location of each sensor and the volume of each containment subvolume. The only sig-nificant changes made to the sensors or their utilization since that documented in Ref. 5. 13 for the preoperational PCICRT were the programmatic deletion of the output from the installed wetwell drybulb sensor TE-17 (it failed just prior to the PCICRT, necessitating the ignoring of its output and rearrangement of Wetwell subvolume assignments) and the physical deletion of ME-5 5 6 (these Wetwell dew cells were not installed because the Suppression Chamber atmosphere is essentially saturated under equilibrium con-ditions; hence, the program below was tailored to process the drybulb data as if it were reading water-saturated air). The sensors were connected to a Volumetrics Inte-grated Leak Rate Monitoring System (ILRMS), model 14629LC (Ref. 5.4), which printed out the measured value of each drybulb sensor and dew cell every 15 minutes. The quartz crystal pressure transducer outputs were continuously dis-played on a digital readout panel and were likewise printed out every 15 minutes. The raw data were then automatically transmitted to a computer located in the Hain Control Room for the plant into which the ILRT computer program (Ref. 5. 12) had been loaded.

The pressure data were individually corrected for calibra-tion inaccuracies by a subroutine in the program. The data were then accessed and the computer was directed to process same periodically by a terminal at the Test Center in the Reactor Building. The data printout tapes were simply a hard-copy backup of the data. Hardcopy printouts of the data and the attendant analyses were then obtained.

The computer program printouts consisted of individual sensor data, averaged sensor data, air partial pressure, calculated dry air mass and leakage rate. The program also allows determination of temperature stabilization based on Reference 5. 6. The program allows the operator to examine and correct any data at any point in time.

Plots of average temperature, dew point, pressure and cal-culated air mass may be displayed on the terminal and can be printed at any time. The program was developed in-house and was verified against data and results accepted for a prior ILRT at another plant. The same basic program was used for the preoperational PCILRT.

Reference 5.1 committed MNP-2 to using Reference 5.3 as the basic document for PRC leakage rate testing; there-there are two possible calculation methods that 'ore, could be used for the reduction of the data for the PCILRT and the LRYT: The Total Time method and the Point to Point method. Of the two, the Total Time method has heen chosen as the basic method used at MNP-2. References 5.5 and 5.6 present the superior Hass Point method, which was also used for data reduction, the results of which are included for information only.

Plant Status During Tests The systems were placed in the following four broad categories:

A. Systems filled with water and not vented to the Primary Reactor Containment atmosphere.

1. Reactor Closed Cooling (RCC)
2. Control Rod Drive (CRD)
3. Reactor Recirculation (RRC), Seal Injection B. Systems filled with water but vented to the Primary Reactor Containment atmosphere.
1. Residual Heat Removal (RHR)
2. High Pressure Core Spray (HPCS)
3. Low Pressure Core Spray (LPCS)
4. Standby Liquid Control (SLC)
5. Reactor Water Cleanup (RMCU)
6. Reactor feed Water (RFM)
7. Reactor Core Isolation Cooling (RCIC),

water-f il led portions

8. 'Post Accident Sampling (PSR), Mater-filled Portions
9. Fuel Pool Cooling (FPC), Supply C. Systems On-Line
1. Control Rod Drive (CRD)
2. Reactor Recirculation (RRC), Seal Injection
3. Residual Heat Removal'(RHR), A and B Loops
4. Reactor Water Cleanup (RWCU)
5. Containment Atmosphere Control (CAC)*
6. Sample Handling Equipment Hydrogen Oxygen Honitors
7. Reactor Closed Cooling (RCC)
  • CIV's open but air pumps not running D. All other systems penetrating the PRC were drai ~ed and vented to the PRC atmosphere as well as to the Reactor Building atmosphere.

In the above listing all of the CIVs and Boundary Valves were closed except those used for specific purposes (e.g.

X-53: dual series Boundary Valves opened to give a flow path during the LRVT).

Hajor Test Events This section discusses the testing, which and consisted of the following three major phases:

1. Temperature and Pressure Stabilization
2. 23 Hour PCILRT
3. 4+ Hour (Induced) LRVT Tem erature and Pressure Stabilization Pressurization of the containment began at 1532 on June 7, 1987. The ILRT test pressure, Pa, was reached at about 2315 on June 7. Data were continuously collected from this time up to the conclusion of the ILRT testing sequence at 1244 on June 9. The stabilization period was started at 2334 on June 7 and was considered satisfac-torily completed at'0334 on June 8.

Primar Containment Inte rated Leaka e Rate Test The ILRT test was initiated at 0619 on June 8. The total containment pressure at this time was 50.459 psia (36.067 psig). Data were collected at 15 minute intervals for the next 23 hours.

Leaka e Rate Verification Test A four hour and 40 minute flow verification test was run immediately following the ILRT test. The verification test provides a method for assuring that systematic error or bias is given adequate consideration. This test con-sisted of superimposing a known leakage rate upon the existing leakage rate.

The verification test was started at 0804 on June 9 with an average superimposed LR of 3.94 scfm, which corresponds to a LR of 0.4987 w/o/day (see Attachment I.C). The data collection interval was reduced to ten minutes.

Acceptance Criteria and Results Tem erature Stabilization The acceptance criterion used for the PCILRT was:

(Ti - Tt4) - (Tt - Tt 1) a 0 5oF/hr


Tt = weighted average containment temperature at time, t Tt4 = weighted average containment temperature 4 hours prior to time, t Ttl = containment temperature 1 hour prior to time, t This method requires that the absolute average temperature change per hour over the last 4 hours4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br /> minus the absolute average temperature change per hour over the last hour be less than 0.5'F. The result of using this analysis method, gleaned from Reference 5.6, is given in Attachment II, Table II.1, which presents the averageminus dry bulb tem-1 hour cal-peratur'e, the 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br />, 4 hour4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br />, and 4 hour culations for the time period of 2334 on June 7 to 0334 on June 8. As can be seen, the 4 hours minus 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br /> differ-ential was only -0.0837'F, which meets the requirements of Ref. 5.14.

Primar Containment Inte rated Leaka e Rate Test The acceptance criteria for the PCILRT is that the calcu-lated 95 percent UCL leakage rate, Lm 95$ , be less than 75 percent of the maximum allowable leakage rate, La.

is 0.5 weight percent per day and 75 percent of La is 0.375 weight percent per day. Therefore, the 95 per-cent UCL leakage rate, Lam, 95~~, must be less than 0.375 weight percent per day.

The average temperature, pressure and air mass for the 23 hour2.662037e-4 days <br />0.00639 hours <br />3.80291e-5 weeks <br />8.7515e-6 months <br /> ILRT are presented in Attachment II, Tables II.2 and II.3. Figure III presents the time history of the air mass in graphical form and is included for information only.

Attachment II, Table II.4 presents the summary of the leakage rate calculation based on the Total Time method.

The Total Time Lam.95'A for the 23 hour2.662037e-4 days <br />0.00639 hours <br />3.80291e-5 weeks <br />8.7515e-6 months <br /> test was 0.2837 percent per day, which is well below the acceptance criterion of 0.375 weight percent per day. The column labeled Calculated Leakage Rate is the calculated mean leakage rate.

The leakage rate calculated by the mass point method is presented in Table II.5. Lam 95', based on the mass point method was 0.2080 weight percent per day, which is well below the acceptance criterion of 0.375 weight per-cent per day.

The PCILRT calculated result was corrected for the e,'fects of improper valve lineup and water inventory changes, which are discussed below.

The effects caused by the improper valve lineup used dur-ing the PCILRT (and the LRVT) are tabulated in Table ':.

Penetration Valve Leakage Ratel Number Numbers Exce tion Discussion (SCO<)

X-5 RCC-V-5 Note 4 86.1 RCC-Y-104 X-14 RWCU-Y-1 Note 4 49.4 RMCU-V-4 I

X -17A/17B RF W-V -10A Note 5 193.5 RFM-V-10B I RF M-V-32A I RFM-V-32B I RFM-V-65A I RFW-V-65B I I

X-18B HS-V-22B HS-V-67B manually I 89.0 HS-V-28B I blocked during PCILRT AS-Y-67B and LRVT


t1SLC-V-3B X-23 EDR-V-19 Note 5 18.0 EDR-V-20 X-24 FDR-V-3 Note 5 10.8 FDR-V-4 I

X-46 RCC-Y-40 Note 4 10.1 RCC-V-21 I I

X-533 CSP-V-800-2 Used for LRVT flow path 3.2 CSP-V-800-24 X-662 P I-V-X66-1 sed for PI-1 tap 25. 06 PI-V-X66-2 wetwell pressure)

X-77Aa RRC-Y-19 Note 4 6.3 RRC-Y-20 X-93 SA-V-'I09 Pressurization path 0.0 Pipe Cap (pipe cap removed during PCILRT and LRYT)

Penetration Valve Leakage Ratel Number Numbers Exce tion Discussion (sec~)

X-95 i t<WR-V-125 Pressurization path 0.0 Pipe Cap (valve and cap removed; temporary valve and cap in place during PCILRT and LRYT)

TABLE 4 Valve Lineup Exceptions During the PCILRT and the LRVT NOTES: 1. Obtained from LLRT Program.

2. Used in lieu of an instrument line.
3. Used only during the LRVT.
4. Line filled with. water and CIVs open during both the PCILRT and the LRVT.
5. Line filled with water and CIVs closed but acci-dent fluid is considered to be a gas.
6. These are small instrumentation test connections that are normally closed and capped and only tested during the PCILRT. The value given was simply assigned and was conservatively based on historic response of this type of valve to LLRTing.

Combining all of the factors of table 4 except foi the LRVT-related penetration but adding an additonal factor for statiscial uncertainty adds 610.2 sccm to the PCILRT leakage rate, which is equivalent to 0.00272 w/o/day (see Attachment I.A). All of the factors were summed to add 614.2 sccm to the LRVT result (discussed later). This is equivalent to 0.00274 w/o/day (see Attachment I.B).

Two other correction factors were applied to the PCILRT results:

1) The drywell floor sump collected 20 inches of water during the course of the PCILRT and LRVT, and
2) The equipment drain sump collected eight inches of water during the course of the tests.

These two events added the equivalent of 0.0376 w/o/day to the PCILRT leakage rate (see Attachment I.A). Thus, the correction factor that was applied to the 95% UCL PCILRT LR was 0.0404 w/o/day (see Attachment I.A), which resulted in a total time 95% UCL PCILRT LR of 0.3241 w/o/day.

Leaka e Rate Verification Test The acceptance criteria for the Leakage Rate Verification test is:

(Lo + Lam "0.25 La)- Lc+ (Lo + Lam + 0.25 La)

Lo = Known superimposed leakage rate, w/o/day Lam = Previously measured leakage rate, w/o/day

= Maximum allowable leakage rate, w/o/day

= treasured composite leakage rate, w/o/day The superimposed leakage rate should be between 75 to 125 percent of La.

Data were collected at 10 minute intervals. Attachment II, Tables II.6 and II.7 present the data summary for the test. Attachment II, Table II.8 presents the leakage rate calculation based on the Total Time method. The measured comPosite leakage rate, Lc, was 0.6897 weight percent per day. The leakage rate based on a tlass Point calcula-tion is given, for information only, in Attachment II, Tabl e I I.9.

Correcting Lc for the valve lineup factor previously presented (614.2sccm, or 0.00274 w/o/day) gives

0. 6924 w/o/day.

Based on corrected lower and upper band limits of 0.5379 w/o/day and 0.7879 w/o/day, respectively, it is apparent that the instrumentation accurately tracked actual PRC atmospheric parameters.

Therefore, the LRVT was successfully passed and the agree-ment between the expected and measured LRs indicates that systematic errors were not a factor in the performance of the PCILRT.

Com arison of Results with Acce tance Criteria The acceptance criteria and results for all tests are presented in Table 5.

Resul ts Corrected Acceptance Results Date Criteria Total Time Hass Point Corrections (Total Time)

Test Com leted (w/o/day) (w/o/day) (w/o/day) (w/o/day) (w/o/day)

PCILRT 6-09-87 0.3753 0.28371 0.20801 0.0404 0 32411 LRVT 6-09-87 0.6629 + 0.1254 0.68972 0.68972 0.0027 0.69242 TABLE 5 Tabulation of the PCILRT and LRVT Results with Corrections NOTES

l. 95/ UCL Value
2. Heasured Value
3. Based on 0.75 La, where La = 0.5 w/o/day
4. Based on an induced leakage rate of 0.4987 w/o/day, a measured Primary Containmenc Integrated Leakage Rate of 0.1615 w/o/day, and a correction factor of 0.0027 w/o/day.


The as-left Type B&C tests performed since the completion of the Pre-Operational Type A test were in compliance with the acceptance crite-rion (67,920 sccm). Specifically, the 1985 outage result was 54,859 sccm, the 1986 outage result was 36,741 sccm, and the 1987 outage result was 21,616 sccm; thus, the respective Type B&C test sequences are con-sidered to be successful.

The Type A test performed for this Report was the first Operational PCILRT. It commenced on June 8, 1987 at 0619 and followed was successfully successful com-pleted on June 9, 1987 at 0519. This was by a LRYT on the same date between the hours of 0804 and 1244. guantitatively, the Total Time 95/ UCL PCILRT LR was 0.2837 w/o/day, uncorrected, and 0.3241 w/o/day when corrected for valve alignment and other irregularities. The Total Time measured LRYT LR, uncorrected, was 0.6897 w/o/day, with an induced LR of 0.4987 w/o/day, and a corrected LR of 0.6924 w/o/day.

Since the acceptance criteria were 0.375 w/o/day and 0.6629 w/o/day

+0. 125 w/o/day, respectively, the former was considered successful and

=the latter adequately verified instrumentation and methodology veracity for the former.


5.1 WNP-2 Final Safety Analysis Re ort, Washington Public Power Supply System.

5.2 Primar Reactor Containment Leaka e Testin for Water Cooled Power Reactors, Code of Federal Regulations, Title 10, Part 50, Appendix anuary 1953.

5.3 Leaka e Rate Testin of Containment Structures for 'Nuclear Reactors, erican Hatsona Stan ar s Institute, Inc., N. , N ; ANSI H45.4, 1972.

5.4 ILRT Console 0 eration, Volumetrics, Inc., for tlodel 14629-LC.

5.5 Containment S stem Leaka e Testin Re uirements, American Nuclear Society, LaGrange Par , IL; AN I AN -5 .8- 9 5.6 Containment System Leaka e Testin Re uirements, American Nuclear ochre y, La range Par , IL; H , Dra t o. 2, Revision 3, November 15, 1978.

5.7 1955.

dhh 3 ~hi tdh 1, h hhydd .3 1 1, 5.8 R.C . Reid, Prauznitz and T.K. Sherwood, The Pro erties of Gas

~di 1, 3 d 331 1, 1911, 1911 3.

5.9 J.H. Keenan, F.G. Keyes, P.C. Hill and J.G. moore, Steam Tab'les, John Wiley 8 Sons, New York, 1969.

5.10 O.A. Hougen, K.H. Watson and R.A. Ragatz, Chemical Process Prin-

~ci les, Part 1, 2nd Edition, McGrau Hill Boo Company, 956.

Primar Containment Inte rated Leak Rate Test, WNP-2

5. 11 Pre- perat>ona Test um er PT Change Notices, February 2, 1984.

. -, evasion 1, with Two Test 5.12 Inte rated Leak Rate Test Anal sis, Washington Public Power Supply System, February 1984.

5. 13 Reactor Containment Buildin Inie rated Leak Rate Test, WNP-2, May 1984.

5.'l4 Primar Containment Inte rated Leak Rate Test, WNP-2 Plant Procedure Manual Number 7.4.6. 1.2.1, Revision 0, with one Procedure Deviation, June 2, 1987.


1. LLRT Correction (Refer to Table 4)
a. 6 LR = 86.1 + 49.4 + 193.5 + 89.0 + 18.0 + 10.8

+ 10. 1 + 25.0 + 6.3 + 0;0 + 0.0 + 122.0 sccm (25K of 488.2 included for statistical variance)

= 610.2 sccm

b. Conversion (14.696'(76.948 + 459.693 (61 .21(6 l(24(fl 6146(.4(2(i 26(66 (

(30.48) (343,040)

= 0.002723 w/o/day

2. Floor Drain, Radioactive (FDR) Sump Level change correction.

a Level change: + 20 inches


(equivalent to 94.2 ft 3)

b. Correction = ~~ 94.2 (100>

= 0.02746 w/o/day

3. Equipment Drain, Radioactive (EDR) sump level change correction.
a. Level change: +8 inches (equivalent to 34.9 ft3) 34.9 '100)
b. Correction =


= 0.01017 w/o/day

4. Overall correction Correction = 0.00272 + 0.02746 + 0.01017

= 0.04035 w/o/day NOTE: No correction performed for an observed Suppressor, Pool level decrease of 0.85 inches because it was an assumed loss out of ECCS loops to other systems via Boundary Valves.

B. Correction to the LRVT measured result NOTE: Liquid level changes were wholly incorporated into the PCILRT correction, this Attachment, Section A; therefore, this correction shall deal only with penetration corrections.

1. LLRT Correction (Refer to Table 4 and Section A.I, this Attachment) a 0 6 LR = 488.2 + 3.2 + 122.8 sccm

[25% of 491.4 included for statistical variance]

= 614.2 sccm

b. conversion

( 14.696 (76.405 + 459.69 1614.2116 IM45114 l(5i~ 5 fPJB (30.48) (343,040)

= 0.002745 w/o/day C. LRVT CALCULATIONS The superimposed leakage was 3.94 scfm. The average containment tempe-rature and pressure were 76.405'F, and 50.279 psia, respectively. The

4. -(1 6)

'. 4 /~14 696 1 ~

.fl'.(~25.,5411 total containment volume was 343,040 ft3. Therefore the superimposed leakage rate, Lo was:


343,040 Ft 45 .459.6

= 0.49868 weight percent per day The following values are therefore used to demonstrate compliance with the acceptance criteria.

Lo = 0.4987 weight percent per day Lam = 0. 1615 weight percent per day (measured)

La = 0.5 weight percent per day Lc = 0.6897 weight percent per day (measured)

Using these values in the acceptance criteria equation:

(Lo + Lam - 25 La) Lc (Lo + Lam + 25 La)

[0.4987 + 0. 1615 - .25( .5) ~ 0.6897 ~ [0.4987 + 0. 1615 + .25( .5)]

0.5352 ~ 0.6897 ~ 0.7852 0

Incorporating the LRYT correction factor (This Attachment, Section B. l.b) produces:

0.5379 w/o/d ~ 0.6924 w/o/d ~ 0.7879 w/o/d


1. Temperature Stabilization
2. PCILRT Averaged Measured Data
3. PCILRT Corrected Data Summary
4. PCILRT Total Time Leakage Rate
5. PCILRT Mass Point Leakage Rate
6. LRVT Averaged Measured Data
7. LRVT Corrected Data Summary
8. LRVT Total Time Leakage Rate


SET (HR) R 4-HR 1-HR k

1 537. 1425 5 536. 8621 536. 8708 13 536. 8356 536. 9640 0. 0446 0. 1283 -0. 083/

~ ~

<<tq 4g




1 619 76. 913 72. 933 50. 459.

2 634 76. 9'14 72. 889 50. 458 3 649'04

76. 918 72. 791 50. 458
76. 933 776 '2.
50. 455 5 719 76. 928 72. 918 SO. 456 6 76. 897 72. 981 50. 456 7 749 76. 896 72. 867 . 50. 457 8 804 76. 935 72. 894 50. 457 9'0 819 76. 962 73. 028 50. 457 834 76. 954 73. 131 50. 458 11 849 76. 969 73. 165 50. 459 12 904 76. 987 73. 216 50. 458 13 919 76. 978 73. 095 50. 458 14 934 76. 73. 174 50. 459 038 73. 236 50. 458 969'7.

15 949 16 1004 77. Oi 1 72. 880 50. 456 17 1019 76, 997 72. 965 453 '0.

18 1034 76. 955 73. 204 50. 450 19 1049- 76. 954 73. 196 448 'a.

20 iia4 76. 944 73. 217 50. $ 47 21 1119 76. 964 73. 215 50. 446 22 1 149 76. 73. 121 SO. 440

72. 977 50. 436 9S9'6.

23 1204 948 24 .1219 76. 900 72. 973 50.-430 25 1234 76. 852 72. 773 50; '425 26 1249 76. 856 72. 630 50. 422 27, 1304 76. 837 72. 663 50. 417 28 1319 76. 831 72. 631 50. 415 29 1334. 76. 801 72. 648 50. 415 30 1 349 76. Bia 72. 615 50. 416



31 1404 76. 822 72. 742 sc. 420 1419 76. 871 72. 725 SO. 424 1434 76. 888 72. 755 so. a28 34 1449 76. 920 72. 795 50. 433 35 3504 76. 920 72. 993 50. 437 36 1 5.19 76. 987 73. 017 50. 441 37 1534 76. 983 73. 037 SO. 444 38 1549 77.. Qf.7 73. 051 SO. 445 39 1604 77; 05T 72. 955 50.'48

,40 3639'634 77. 090 73. 155 50. 452 43 77. 132 73. OT1 SO. 452 1649 7T. 132, 72. 795 50. 453 43 1704 .77. 166 73. 091 50. 451 44 1719 . 77. 179 73 288 50. 449 1734 77. 116 72; 951 SC. 445 45'0 1749 '. 77. 158 72. 198 s0. 441 1804 77. 107 73. 101 SO. 438 183 9 77.. 109 73. 039 SO. 435 4834 77. 124 73. 184 50. 433 1849 77. OSS 72. 91T 50. 429 51 1904 77. 044 73. 140 50. 426 52 !919 77. 052 73. 230 50. 423 53 1934 77. 102 73. 344 50. 420 54 1949 77. 037 73. 110 SO. 4f9 M 2004 77. 090 . 73. 235 SO. 417 ah 2019 77. 051' 73. 425 50. 4'15 57'8 2034 77. 027 73.'08 50. 413 2049'" 77.'. 037 73. 421 .50. 412 2104 TT. 039'. 73. 1'90


50. 410

, 60 2! 19 77. 02i ,73. 010 50. 409




hl '2 2134 2149

.7T 075.

77.'38'3. ',

.73. 338 112

. s.o. 408

50. 407.

63 64 Em eb, 2204 2219 2234 2249

77. 04T
77. 061..
77. 091
77. 073-
73. 470
73. 411
73. 325
73. 326.

'0. 50. 407 50.

406 404 403


67'9 2304 057 73. 543 50. 403 2319 060 73. 297 50. 403 2334 77. 077

~ 73. 264 50. 404 70 2349 77. 123.. 73. 464 50. 404 7T 090 . 73. 124 SO. 404 72 19 77. 078 73. 043 50. 403 73 34 77. 113 73. 077 50. 401 74 49 77. 103 73. 124 So. 4oo 75 104 77. Q86 73. 067 50. 399 76 119 77. 085 73. 189 50. 397 77 134 77. Ohr 72. 913 50. 395 78 149 77. 041 72. 935 50. 391 79 204 77. 081 73. 024 Sa. 389 8O 219 77. 034, 72. 968 Sa. 386 81 234 77. 003 72. 892 50. 383 82 249 76. 996 72. 741 50. 380 83 304 76. 954 72. 691 50. 376 84 319 76. 913 72. 531 50. 372 85 334 76. 18 72. 257 So. 368 86 349 76. 879 72. 372 50. 364 87 404 . 76. 855 72. 106 50. 359 88 419 76. 8,13 72. 334 50. 355 89 434 "lb. 783 71. 729 Sa. 351 90 449 76. 722 71. 736 50. 347 91 504 76. 723 71. 620 50, 343 92 519 76. 650 71. 537 5Q. 339



TINK TEMP PRESSURE AIR PRESSURE SET AIR NASS TOTAL (HRS) (F) (PSI) (LB ) (PSI) 1 619 76. 913 50. 0578 86361. 86 50. 4590 2 634 T6. 914 50. 0577 86361. SS 50. 4583 3 649 76. 918 50. 0585 86362. 24 50. 4578 4 704 76. 933 50. OS62 86355. 86 50. 4553 5 719 76. 928 50. 0548 86354. 23 50. 4558 6 734 76. 897 50. 0545 86358. 62 50. 4563 7 749 76.'96 50. 0565 86362. 27 50. 4568 8 804 76. 935 50. 0562 86355. 40 50. 4568 9 819 76. 962 50. 0549 86348. 77 50. 4573 10 834 76. 9'54 So. 0545 86349, 47 50. 4583 11 849'04 76. 969 50. OSS2 86348. 38 50. 4595 12 76. 987 50. 0535 86342. 47 50. 4585 13 919 76. 978 50. 0544 86345. 52 50. 4578 14 934 76..969 50. 86347. 80 50. 4593

50. 4583 054k"'0.

15 949 77. 038 0530 86333. 53

'f.6 1004 77. 011 50. 0553 86341. 76 50. 4558 57 10.19 76. 997 50. 0512 86336. 89 50. 4528 18 76. 955 50. 04SO 86332. 82 50. 4498 19 1049 76. 954 50. 043O .. 86329. 83 50. 4478 20 . 1104 76. 944 50. 0417';.- 86329. 20 50. 4468 21, 1119 76. 964 'SO. O4OB 86324. 28 50. 44SB 22 1 149 76. 959 50. 0365 86317. 74 50. 4403 23 1204 'T6. 948 50. 0340 86315. 06 50. 435T 24 1219 76. SO. OZBS 86313. 48 50. 4302 SO. 0262 86317. 10 50. 4252 900'6.

25 1Z34 852 26:.'8 1249 76. 856. 50.'0246.- 86313. 80- 50. 4217--

1304 76. 837 50. Of.95 86307. 88 SOI. 4170 1319 76. 831 50. 0184 86306. 96 50. 4155 1334 76. 801-- 50. 86310. 64 50. 4150 4162 0177'0.

30, 1349 76. 810 0193 86312. 03 SO.

1404 76. 822 0216- 86314. 08 SO. 4202 33 14L9 1434

76. 871 888, '6.


50; 0254'-

50..0295 '

86312 86316.

~97- .

50. 4237..-::
50. 4282
34. 1449 =-
76. 920 50..0339 86319. 60 50. 4332 M. 1504 ,
76. 920 ';50. 0348 86320.


92. 50. 4368
50. 44OB, 3&:. 1519 76. 50. 0385 ST.

1534 . 981" 987.'h.

So. 0412" =: 86322.'0 ~ 4438=":- ':-'-


.37;-'9, 56 .94 53 ..

1604 77. 05T SO. 0463 86318. 75 50. 4478 1619 77. 090 50. 0476, 8631.5. 79 SO. 4518



(HRS) (F) (PSI ) (LB) (PSI )

41 1634 77. 132 50. 0492 '6311.

89 50. 4523 42 1649 77. 132 SO. 0535 86319. 19' SO. 4528 43 1704 77. 166 50. 0482 86304. 57 50. 4515 aa 1719 77. 179 50. 0430 86293. 53 50. 4490 1734 77. 116 50. 0434 86304. 29 50. 4448 1749 77. 158 50. 0497 86308. 42 50. 4410 47 1804 77. 107 50. 0346 86290. 56 SO. a380 a8 1819 77. 109 50. 0321 86286. 08 50. 4348 49 1834, 77. 124 SO. 0282 86276. 73 50. 4327 i 50 1849 77. 088 50. 0278 86281. 82 SO. 4287/

51 1904 77. 044 50. 0217 86278. 63 SO. 4257 52 1919 77. 052 50. 0175 86270. 04 50. 4227 S3 193a 77. 102 SO. 0135 86255. 00 50. 4202

'554 1949 2004



037 090

50. 0151
50. 0119
50. 0073 86268.



32 25 54

50. 4187 SO. 4172 SO. 4152 56 2019 77. 051 57 2034 77. 027 50. 0051 86252. 54 50. 4127 58 2049 77. 037 50. 0039 86248. 92 50. 4117 S9 2104 77. SO. 0050 86250. Si SC. 4097 2119 86255. SO. 4087 039'7.

60 021 50. 0065 8V


DATA TINE TENP PRESSURE AIR PRESSURE AIR NASS TOTAL (HRS) ( F) (PSI) (L3) (PSI) bi 2134 77. 075 50. 0010 86237. 84 50. 4077 62 2149 7T. 038 50. 0036 86248. 21 50. 4072 63 2204 77. 047 49. 9'F87 86238. 38 50. 4072 64 2219'234 061 49, 9'FSO 86234. 9'2 50. 4057 65 77. O'Fl O'. 9972 8622S. 72 50. 4037 66 224'F 77. 073 O'. 'F'F67 61 '6230.

50. 4032 6T 2304 77. 057 49'. 'F'F37 86228. 08 50. ao32 e8 2319 77. 060 O'. 'F971 86233. 42 50. 4032 6'F 233a 07T 49. 'F980 86232. 37 50. 403T 70 2349'4 77. '23 49'. 9'FSB 86221. 10 5o. aoa2 71 77." 090 50. 0004 86234. 47 50. 4042
77. 078 50. 0005 . 86236. 56 50. 4032 73 77. 113 O'. 9'FSi 86226. 69 50. 4012

'5 74 T6 49 ioa 119

77. 103
77. 086,
77. 085 O'. 'F'F64
49. 'F'F62 O'. 9'F25
  • 86225.


45 75 50.


4002 3'F'F2 86221. 59. 50. 3'F72 134 77. 067 49. 99'42 86227. 48 50. 39'5l

~  ! O' 7T. 041, O'. 'F899 86224. 18 50. 3911 204 77. 081 O'. 9'868 86212. 39 50. 3892 21'F 77; 034 9845 F.

86215. 86 50. 3861.

234, 003.. 49. 9S25 86217. 45 3831



82 S3 84 249

'304 '1 "76. 9"F6-.

76. 954
76. 'F 13
49. 981'1


49. 9T64





05 93 28 50.


3796 3761 3721

. 85 9'34

. ," 76. 'F 1.8 '- 49. 9755 86219. 00 50. 3676

'86 349 , 76. 879". ';49'. 9700 86215. 76 50. 3636 BT 404 76. 49. 96'FO 862~788 88 855'6.

419'34 813 49. 'F620 86212. 44 So. 3551 89' 76. 783 49. 'F65'F 86224. 15 . 50 35!i

'Fo 44'F 76. 722 49. 9eis. 86226. 83 50. 3471.

504 76. 723 49'. 'FSBS 86221. 55 50. 3426 5! 'F 76. 650 49'. 9559 86228. 17 50. 3386

TABLE II.4 ILRTi REFUKLINQ OUTAGE 1987 TEST STARTED AT 619 ON 6/. 8/87 TOTAL TINE LEAK RATE ELAPSED TINE ~ 23. 00 DATA ELAPSED TKNP PRESSURE LEAK RATE SET TINE AVQ NKASURED CALCULATED (HR ) (F) <PSIA) 2 0. 26 76. 9140 50. 0577 0. 03434 0, 14533 3 0. 51 76. 9184 50. 0585 ,0. 02050 0. 14604 0, 76 76. 9333 50. 0562 0, 22042 0. 1.4675 5 1. 01 76. 9283 50. 0548 0. 21078 0. 14747 6 1. 26 76. 8974 50. 0545 0. 07170 0. 14818 7 1. 51 76. 8964 50. 0565 -0. 00742 0. 1488'P 8 i. 76 76. 9353 50. Q562 0. 10227 0. 14961 9 2. 01 76. 9625 50. 0549 0. 18134 Q. 15032 10 2. 26 76. 9538 Sa'. 0545 O. 15260 0. 15103 ii 12 2.


51 76 76.


9685 9870 50.


0552 0535

0. 14951
0. 19548
0. 15175
0. 15246 13 3. Oi 76. 9782 50. 0544 0. 15110 O. 15317 14 3. 26 76. 9686 50. OS49 0. 12001 0. 15389 15 3. 51 77. 0376 50. 0530, 0. 22454 0. 15460 16 3. 76 77. 0113 50. 0553 0. 14872 0. 15531 17 4. Oi 76. 9971 SQ. 0512 0. 17324 0. 15603 18 4. 26 76. 9555 50: 0450 0. 18960 0.


19 4. Si 76. 9535 sa. o43o a. 19752 15745 20 4. 76 76. 9436 50. 0417 19082 O. 15817 21 5,01 76. 9638 50. 0408 0. 20859 0. 15888 22 S. 51 76. 9591 50. 0365 0. 22266 0. 16031 23 5. 75 76. 9482 50. 0340 0. 22621 0. 16100 24 h. 01 76. 8996 50. 0285 0. 22384 0. 16173 25 h. 26 76. 8524 50. 0262 0. 19885 O. 16245 26 6. 51 76. 8558 50. 0246 0. 20530 0. 16316 27 ~ 6. 76 76. 8372 50. 0195 0. 22203 0. 16387 28 - 7.01 76. 8314 sa. 0184 0. 21778 0. 16459 29 7. 26 76. 8006 50. 0177 0. 19616 O. 16530 30 7. 51 76. 8099 50. 0193 0. 18451 O. 16601


DATA ELAPSED TEMP PRESSURE LEAK RATE SET TINE AVG MEASURED CALCULATED (HR ) (F) (PSIA) 31 7. 76 76. 8219 50. 0216 0. 17122 0. 16673 32 8. 01 Th. 8714 50. 0254 0. 17109 0. 16T44 33 8. 26 76. 8881 50. 029'5 0. 15111 0. 16815 34 8. 51 76. 9195 SO. 0339 0. 13808 0. 16887 35 8. 76 76. 9203 SO. 0348 0. 12995 0. 16958 36 9. 01 76. 9868 50. 0385 0. 13975 0. 17029 37 9. 26 76. 9812 50. 0412 0. 11909 0. 17101 38 9. 51 7T. 0174 50. oa25 0. 12632 0. f,7172 39 9. 76 77. 0575 50. 0463 0. 12280 0. 17243 40 10. 01 77. 0899 50. 0476 0. 12797 0. 17315 41 10. 26 77. 1317 50, 0492 0. 13542 0. 17386 42 10. 5.1 ." 77. 1317 SO. 0535 0. 11288 0. 17457

. 43 10; 76 7T. 1659 50. 0482 0. 14803 0. 17529 fl. 00 77. 1789 50. 0430 0. 17264 0. 17598 1 i. 25 TT. 1161 50. 0434 0. 14221 0.. 1T669 46 11. 50 7T. 1576 . SO. 0497 0. 12914 0. 17741 47 lf. 75 77. 1068 50. 0346, O. 16863 0., 17812 48 12. Of 77. 1088 50. 032f O. 17541 O. 17885 49 12. 26 77. 1244 50. 0282 0. 19304 0; 17957 50 12. 51 77. 0884 SO. 0278 O. 17787 0. 18028.

51 12. 77. 0435 SO. 0217 0. 18140 0. f8098

0. f8169 75'3.

52 00 77. 0516 SO. 0175 ,0. 19628 53 13. 25 77. 1017 50. 0135 0. 2241 1 0. 18240

13. 50 77. 0369. SO. 0151 0. 19256 0. 18312
13. 75 77. 0900 50. Of:f9 0. 21749 O. 18383.
14. 00 77. 0512 50. 0073 0. 21 69'?. 0. 184S4 fa. 25 77. 0269 50. 0051 0. 21319 0. 18526
14. 50 ~ 7T..0368 50. 0039 0. 21645 0. 18597
14. T5 77..0393 50. 0050 0. 20979 0. f8668
15. 00 7T. 0212 50. 0065 0. 19632 0. 18740



'KNPAVQ PRESSURE LKAK RATE MEi'ASURED'ALCULATED (HR) (F) (PSIA) 61 15. 25 77. 0748 50. 0010 0. 22599 0. 18811 62 15. 50 77. 0381 50. 0036 0. 20376 0. 18882

15. 75 77. 0468 49. 9987 0. 21787 0. 18954 64 16.. 00 77. 0608 49. 9980 0. 22047 0. 19025 65 16. 25 77. 0905 49. 9972 a. 22768 0. 19096 66 16. 50 77. 0733 49. 9967 0. 22106 0. 19168 67 16. 75 77. 0571 49. 9937 0. 22194 0. 19239
17. OQ 77. 0601 49. 9971 0. 20996 0. 19310 69 17. 25 77, 0767 49. 9980 0. 20860 0. 19382 70 17. 50 77. 1229 49. 9958 0. 22353 O. 19453 71 17. 75 77. 0897 50. 0004 0. 19944'.
0. 19524 72 18. 00 77. 0777 50. 0005 19345 0. 19596'.

73 18. 25 77. 1125 49. 9981 0. 20582 19667 74 18. 50 77. 1026 49. 9964 0. 20491 0. 19738 75 18. 75 77. 0859 49. 9962 O. 19877 0. 19810 76 00 77. 0849 49. 9925 0. 20516 0. 19881 77 19. 25 77. 0667 49. 9942 0. 19400 0. 19952 78 19. 50 77. 0411 49. 9899 0. 19621 0. 20024 79 19. 75 77. 0806 49. 9868 0. 21031 0. 20095 80 20. 00 77. 0345 49. 9845 0. 20287 0. 20166 81 20. 25 77. 0032 49. 9825 0. 19817 0. 20238

20. 50 76. '9962 49, 9811 0. 19766 0. 20309 83 20. 75 76. 9540 49. 9782 0. 19276 Q. 20380 84 21. 00 76. 9132 49. 9764 0. 18603 0. 2Q452 85 21. 25 76. 9181 49. 9755 0. 18683 0. 2QS23 86 21. 50 76. 8789 49. 9700 0. 18884 0. 20594 87 21. 75 76. 8550 49. 9690 0. 18396 O. 20666 88 22. 00 76. 8135 49. 9620 0. 18874 0. 20737 89 22. 25 76. 7831 49. 9659 0. 17199 0. 20808 90 22. 50 76. 7224'6.
49. 9618 0. 16678 0. 20880 91 22. 75 7230 49. 9588 Q. 17139 0. 20951 92 23. 00 76. 6503 49. 9559 0. 1615$ 0. 21022 TOTAL TIME LEAK RATE ~ 0. 210222 ESTIMATE OF STANDARD DEVIATION ~ 0. 0433 95K. UPPER CONFIDENCE. LIMIT LEAK RATE MAXIMUM ALLONA8LE LEAK RATE ~ 0. 375

~,0. 2837.



4 5

0. 51
0. 76
i. 01
76. 9184
76. 9333
76. 9283 .

.50. 0585 50.


0562 0548

-0. 02050

0. 22042
0. 21078
0. 19966 0.

19966 19966 6 1. 26 76. 8974 50. 0545 0. 07170 0. 19966 7 1. 51 76. 8964 50. 0565 -0. 00742 0. 19966 8 l. 76 76. 9353 50. 0562 0. 10227 0. 19966 9 2. 01 76. 9625 50. 0549 0. 18134 0. 19966 10 2. 26 76. 9538 50. 0545 0. 1S260 0. 19966 11 2. Si 76. 9685 50. 0552 0. 14951 0. 19966 12 2. 76 76. 9870 50. 0535 .O. 19548,...0. 19966 13 3. 01 76. 9782 50. 0544 0. 151.f 0 0. 19966 14 3. 26 76. 9686 50. 0549 0. 12001 0. 19966 15 3. 51 77. 0376 50. 0530 0. 22454 0. 19966 f6 3. 76 77..0113 50. 0553 << 0. 14872 0. 19966 17 4. 01 76. 9971 50. 0512 0. 17324 0. 19966 18 4. 26 76. 9555 50. 0450 0. 18960 0. 19966 20 21 22

4. 51

,4. 76

5. 01
5. Si
76. 9535
76. 9436
76. 9638
  • 76. 9591






0430 0417 0408 0365 0.




19752 19082 20859 22266 0.



19966 19966 19966 19966 23 5. 75 76. 9482 0340 24 6: Ol '76.'8996. 50: 0285 Q. 22621

'-'-0 22384.

.- 0. 19966

-'.0.49966-2S 6. 26 76. 8524 50. 0262 Q. 19885 0. 19966

TABLE 17r5 (CONT't))


<HR) <F) <PSIA) 26 h. 51 76; 8558 50. 0246 0. 20530 . - 0. 19966

h. 76 76. 8372 50. 0195 0. 22203 O. 19966 28 7. 01 76. 8314 50. 0184 0. 21778 0. 19966 29 7. 26 Te. 8006 . SO. 0177 0. 19616 0. 19966 30 7. 51 76. 8099 50. 0193 18451

'. 0. 19966'

= 0.

.31 7. 76 76. 8219 50. 0216 0. 17122 . O. 19966 32 8. 01 76. 8714 SO. 0254 0. 17f09 19966

8. 26 , 76. 8881 50. 0295 0. 15111, . 0. 19966
8. 51 76. 9195 50. 0339. 0. 13808 - 0. 19966
8. 76 76. 9203 50. 0348 0. 12995 0. 19966 36 9. Ol 76. 9868 50. 0385 0. 13975 0. 19966 37 9. 26. 76. 9812 50. 0412 11909 19966 38 9. Sl 77.'; 174 '50. 0425":" O.0. 12632..':.:."0; 0.


9. 76 77. 0575 . 50. 0466 0. 12280 0..19966,-

40 '10. Of TT.. 0899'0. 04Th 0..12797 - ., 0. 1 9966.-.

41 10~ 26 77. 131T 50. 0492 0~ 13542 '0. 19966

.': 42: flPOf '77'317' 'SO. 0535:;~ '11288 --Q. X9966 '- .

..-43-=: 40.76.': TT;.1659-, '0..0482. --'=;;,'. 1~03.- . '0..19966 44 . fi,00

'45, 'l'. 25 77. 1161 50. 042% . '.

77 =1789'..5'0. 0430"-'.. N: 17264 -:




1 9966 -' .':

.. 'h-. I'. 19966=:

SO..." -77 .5876, . 50; 0497."';, ". 0; f2914 . - =0. 59966::;

47': 1 1-. 75' 10'68- 50.'0346. ";:=-.O. 16863 "'~. 19966."---- '7.

48 "12:01 77.='1088.= .".40. 032T,...C XT541 ~,.O 19966:=-.

'12. 26 50,12; 41.


". .77". 1244~-"-'O. 0282.:=---'"Q. 1 9304'~:=O.

>>7T. 0884 . '0. f9966:: ~-

02T8 51 12. 75 77. 0435 50. 021T 0.'18140 0. 19966 52 13. 00 77. OSf 6 50. 0175 " 0. 19628 ~

0. 19966' 53 f3. 25 77. 1017 SO. 0135 0. 224" f 0. l9966
54. 13. 50 77. 0369'0. 0151 0. 19256 0. 19966, 55 13. 75 77. 0900 . 50. 0119 0. 21 7 V9 0. 19966 Sb 14. OQ 77. 0512 50. 0073 0. 21699 . 0. 19966-32,-


ELAPSED TEMP PRESSURE LEAK RATE TIME AUG MEASURED CALCULATED (HR) (F) (PSIA) 57 14. 25 77. 0269 50. 0051 0. 21319 0. 19'Fhb 58 14. 50 77. 0368 50. 0039 0. 2164S 0. 19966 59'0 14. 75 77. 0393 50. 0050 0. 209'79 0. 19'F66

15. 00 77. 0212 50. 0065 0. I'F632 0. I'F'F66 61 15. 25 77. 0748 '50. 0010 0. 225'F'F 0. I'F'F66 62 15. 50 7T. 0381 50. 0036 0. 20376 0. f9966
15. 75 77. 0468 49. 9'F87 0. 21787 0. 19966 64 lb. 00 77. 0608 49. 9980 0. 22047 0. 19966 6S f6. 25 77. O'Fos 49. 9972 0. 22768 0. 19966 66 16. 50 77. 0733 O'. 'F967 0. 22106 0. I'F966 67 lb. 75 77. 0571 O'. 9'F37 0. 22194 0. 19'F66 68 17. 00 77. 0601 49. 'F'F71 0. 2099'6 0. 19/66 6'F 17. 25 77, 0767 O'. 9'FBO 0. 20860 0. I'F966 70 17. 50 77. 1229 O'. 99SS 0. 22353 0. 19966 71 17. 75 77. 08'F7 50. 0004 0. 19944 0. I'F966 72 18. 00 77. 077T 50. 0005 0. I'F345 0. I'F966 73 18. 25 77. 1125 O'. 9'FBI 0. 20582 0. 19966 74 18. 50 77. 1026 49. 9'F64 0. 20491 0. I'F'F66 TS 18. 75 77. 0859 O'. 'F962 0. I'FS77 O. I'F966 76 I'. 00 7T. 0849 O'. 9'F25 0. 20516 0. 19'Fbb 77 1,9. 25 77. O'. 9942 O. 194OO 0. 19'F66 i9.

0667'7; SO 0411 49. 98'F'F O. 19621 0. 19'F66 79 f'F. TS 77. 0806. O'. 9868 0. 21031 0. 1996JS 80 20. 00 77. 034S 49. 9845 0. 20287 0. I'F'F66 81 20. 2S 77. 0032 O'. 9825 0. 198!7 0. I'F966

  • 82 20. SO Tb. 9962 49. 9811 0. 19766 0. I'F966 .

83 20. 75 76. 9540 49. 9782 0. 19276 0. I'F966 84 2!. 00 76. 'F132 O'. 9T64 '0. 18603 0. I'F'F66 85 2i. 25 76. FISI O'. 97S5 0. 18683 O. I'F966 86 21. 50 76. 8789 49. 9700 0. ISS84 O. 19966 87 21. 75 76. 8550 O'. 9690.

0. 18396 0. I'F'Fhh 88 22. 00 76. 8135 'F620 0. 18874 0. 19966 8'F 22. 25 76. 7831 O'. 9659 O. 17199 O. 19966

'FO 22. 50 76. 7224 O'. 9618 0. 16678 O. 19'Fhb

.9f'2 22. 75 76. 7230 49. 9SBB 0. 17139 O. 19966



~, 181,



2 814 76. 309 71. 181 50. 295 3 824 76. 327 71. 329 50. 293 834 76, 303 71. 339 SO. 290 5 844 76. 316 71. 263 50..289 6 854 76. 277 71. 222 50. 288 7 9Q4 76. 325 71. 277 50. 287 8 914 76. 280 71. 135 50. 284 9 924 76. 313 71. 338 50. 283 10 934 76. 299 71. 260 50. 283 11 944 76. 304 71. 264 50. 282 12 954 76. 366 71. 493 50. 281 13 1004 76. 352 71. 572 50. 277 14 1014 76. 325 71. 678 y'50. 276 15 . 1024 76. 357 71. 390 . SO. 276 16 1034 76. 403 71. 533 50. 275 17 1044 76. 404 71. 446 50.'275 18 1054 76. 410 71. 585 50. 274

19. 1104 76. 398 71. 431 50. 274 2Q 1114 76. 442 71. 707 50. 274 21 1124 76. 479 71. 623 50. 273 22 1134 ~
76. 464 71. 709 50. 273 23 1144 76. 502 71. 7!7 50. 272 24 1154 76. 478 71. 944 50. 272 2S 1204 76. 479 71. 728 50. 267 26 1214'224 76. 482 71. 843 50. 267 27 '8
76. S04 71. 932 . 50. 267 1234 76. 527 71. 797 50. 267 29 1244 76. 570 72. 042 50. 267



804 76. 30'F 49. 9203 86221. 67 50. 2965 2 814 76. 309 O'. 9174 86216. 53 50. 2955 3 824 76. 327 O'. 9135 a6206. 96 50. 2935 834 '76. 303 O'. 91 03 86205. 36 50. 2'F05 5 844 76. 316 49. 'F103 86203. 24 50. 28'F5 6 854 76. 277 49. 'FO'F9 86208. 71 50. 2885 7 904 76. 325 49. 'F082 861'Fs. 06 50. 2875 8 'F14 76. 2SO 49. 9065 86202. 41 50. 2840 924 76. 313 49. 9034 861'Fl. 71 50. 2835 10 'F34 76. 299 O'. 9039 86194. 82 50. 2830 11 'F44 76. 304 O'. 902S 86192. 28 50. 2820 12 954 76. 366 49. 8994 86176. 50. 2815

- 29'INE 13 14 1004 1014 " -





49. 8943

'49.. 8919- 86170. 10 76 39'bfh'?.



2774 2764

$5 1024 76. 357'6.

O'. 8952 86170. 52 50. 2760 16 1034 403 49..S928 86159. 05 50. 2755 17 1044 76. 404 49. 8'F35 86160. 02 50. 2750 18 1054 76. 410 O'. 8'F12 86155. 09 50. 2745 1104 76. 398 49. 8932 86160. 46 50." 2745 20 1114 76. 442 49. SS91 ahf 46. 31 50,.$ 740 2f 1124 76. 47'F 49. 88'F7 . 86141. 44 50. 2735

. 22'3 1134 76. 464 O'. 8886 86141. 8'F 50. 2735 1144 76. 502 49. sa75 86133. 94 50. 2725 24 1154 76. 478 O'. 8845 86132. 68 50. 2725 25 1204 76. 479 49. 8817 86127. 72 .50. 2669 26 1214 76. 482 O'. 8802 86124. 59 50. 2/69 27 1224 -76: 504 O'. 8791 861'19; 16 50. 266'F 28 f234- 76. 527 49. BSOB, sbf ls. 48 50. 266'F f244 76. 570 49. 8776. 86106. 04 50..2669

F TE.BLE II.8 ILRT INDUCED LEAK VERIFICATION 1987 TEST STARTED AT 804: GN 6/ 9/87 TOTAL TIME LEAK RATE ELAPSED TIME ~ 4. 67 DATA ELAPSED TEMP PRESSURE LEAK RATE SET TIME AUG MEASURED CALCULATED (HR) (F) (PSIA) 2 0. 17 76. 3095 49. 9174 0. 85783 0. 73597 3 0. 33 76. 3272 49. 9135 1. 22819 0. 73103 O. 50 76. 3032 4'9. 9103 0. 90788 0. 7260'9 5 0. 67 76. 3162 49. 9103 0. 76937 0. 72115'.

6 0. 83 76. 2773 49. 9099 0. 43277 71621 7 i. 00 76. 3252 49. 9082 0. 6S706 0. 71128 8 1. 17 76. 2800 4'9. 9065 0. 45945 0. ?O634 9 i. 33 76. 3132 49. 9034, 0. 62546 0. 70140 10 i. 50 76. 2993 49. 9039 0. 49826 0. 69646 II 1. 67 76. 3040 9028 '9.

0. 4/085 0. 69152 12 i. 83 76. 3657 49. a994 O. 68742 0. 68658 13 2. 00 76. 3524 49. 8943 0. 72243 0. 68164 14 2. 17 76. 3249 49. 8919, 0. 66256 0. 67670 15 2. 33 76. 3571 49. 8952 0. 61020 0. 67177 16 2. 50 76. 4033 49. 8928 0. $ 9719'.
0. 66683 17 2. 67 76. 4040 49. a935 6/348 0. 66189 .

18 2. 83 76. 4099 49. 8912 0. 6S407 O. 6569S 19 3. 00 76. 3980 49. 8932 O. 56796 0. 65201 20 3. 17 76. 4423 49. 8891 0. 66241 0. 64707 21 3. 33 76. 4790 49. aa97 0. 67000 0. 64213 22 3. 50 76. 4641 49. 8886 0. 63448 0. 63719 23 3. 67 76. 5020 49. 887S 0. 66601 0. 63226 24 3. 83 76. 4778 O9. 8845 O.i 64617 0. 62732 O. 00 76. 4791 49. 8817 0 65379 0. 62238

4. 17 76. 4824 49. 8802 o. hqasO 0. 61744 O. 33 76. 5037 49. 8791 0. 65849 0. 612SO
4. 50 ?h. 5269 49. 8808 0. 63830 0. 60756 O. 67 76. 5698 49. 8776 O. 68967 0. 60262 TOTAL TIME LEAK RATE = 0. 602624 ESTIMATE OF STANDARD DEVIATION ~ 0. 1462 95/ UPPER CONFIDENCE LIMIT LEAK RATE ~ 0. 8684 MAXIMUM *LLGNABLE LEAK RATE ~ 0. 375





3 5

0.3 3 0.

50 67'3

76. 3272

'6. 3032 3162 '6.




9135 9103 9403 22819

0. 90788 0; 76937

. 0.



65634 65634 65634 6 0. 76. 2773 . 49. 9099 0. 43277 0. 65634

-7 1. 00 76. 3252 49. 9082 65706, 0. 65634

8. 1. 17 76. 2800 "
49. 9065 '.'59'45 O.
0. 65634

~56 9


1. 33
1. 67
76. 3132
76. 3040 49.



9034 9028 PO

0. 62546
0. 49085

. 0. 65634

0. 65634-12 1. 83 76. 3657 49:'8994"' 0. 68742 " 0. 65634 .

13 2. 00 76. 3524 49. 8943 0. 72243 0. 65634


2. 17 .76 '249.- 49. 89!9 0; 66256 .. 0. 65634 ..

15 2. 33 76. 3571'6.

49'. 8952 0. 61020 0. 65634 '.

..16 ~

2. 50 4033 49. 8928 0. 69719 0. 65634 17 2. 67 76. 4040 49. 8935 0. 64348 0. 65634 18 '2. 83 76. 4099 49. 89+ 0. 65407 O. 65634 19, 3. 00 76. 3980 z9. 89q2 0. 56796 0. 65634 20, 3. 17 76. 4423 49. 88/1 0. 66241 0. 65634 21 3. 33 76. 4790 49. 8897 0. 67000 0. 65634 22 3. 50 76. 4641 49. 8886 O. 63448 0..65634, 23 3. 67 76. 5020 49. 887$ O. 66601 O. 65634 24 3. 83 76. 4778 49. 8845 0. 64617 0. 65634 25 4. 00 76. 4791 49. 8817 O. 65379 0. 65634 26 4. 17 76. 4824 49: 8802'9.
0. 64854 0. 65634 27 4. 33 ,76. 5037 8791 O. 65849 0. 65634 28 4. 50 76. 5269 49. 8808 0. 63830 0. 65634 29 4. 67 76. 5698 49. 8776 0. 68967 0. 65634 MASS POINT LEAK RATE ESTIMATE QF STANDARD DEVIATION =




0. 656335

'. 4. 5042 600


P$ .37 II i


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~ r l2 I~

r I

~ ~ ~~

I I ljX.' ~ J I~

ATTACHMENT IV GLOSSARY CIV - Containment Isolation Valve DAS - Data Acquisition System DF- Drywell Floor (horizontal concrete slab separating the Drywell from the Wetwell)

FVM - Flow Verification Monitor (part of ILRMS)

ILRHS - Integrated Leak Rate Monitoring System ILRT - Same as PCILRT ILRTA - Integrated leak Rate Test Analysis (Ref. 5.12)

La - Maximum Allowable PRC LR, in w/o/d (=0.5 w/o/d for WNP-2)

Lam Measured PRC LR, in w/o/d Lc- Measured composite LR, in w/o/d (= value obtained by performance of'he LRVT)

LLRT - Local Leakage Rate Test (Type B or C test)

LR - Leakage Rate LRVT - Leakage Rate Verification Test (the supplemental test performed just af ter th e Typ e A test )

MSIV - Main Steam Isolation Valve (CIVs in Hain Steam Lines)

OILR - Overall Integrated Leakage Rate Pa - Peak Accident Pressure (34.7 psig)

PCILRT - Primary Containment Integrated Leakage Rate Test (Type A Test)

Pd- PRC Design Pressure (45 psig)

PRC - Primary Reactor Containment RB- Reactor Building RPV- Reactor Pressure Vessel SCCM - Standard Cubic Centimeters per Minute UCL- Upper Confidence Limit w/o/d - Weight Percent Per Day X- PRC Penetration (Blank filled in with the specific identifying numeral )














1. 1985 Outage Isolation Val ves Repaired/Adjusted
2. 1986 Outage Isolation Valves Repaired/Adjusted
3. 1987 Outage Isolation Valves Repaired/Adjusted
4. As-Found Leak Rates for HSIV '
5. Hinimum Pathway Leak Rates for As-Found Type A Adjustment
6. Error Analysis Instrumentation Data


During each annual spring outage in 1985, 1986 and 1987, Type 8 and C local leak rate testing was performed on Primary Containment'solation Valves as prescribed by Appendix 3, MNP-2 FSAR.and Plant Technical Specifications. Leak testing is initially performed with valves in their "as-found" condition, i.e., prior to any adjustments or repairs which would affect a valve's leakage characteristics. Each Type C penetration is analyzed for total leakage using single failure criteria to arrive at the 'maximum pathway'eakage rate total for that containment penetration. The total penetration leakage reported is the greatest leak rate calculated from considering all possible single failures of active isolation boundaries.

The Primary Containment Integrated Leak Rate Test (PCILRT) was conducted at the end of the 1987 outage, after Type B & C testing was complete.

Several isolation valves were repaired prior,to the PCILRT due to excessive leakage detected from LLRT's, or due to scheduled maintenance on resilient seals. The ILRT results (as-left) are adjusted by the difference in minimum pathway leakage rates before and after repairs or maintenance activities to arrive at the Type A "as-found" value.

The totals for Type B & C testing for the 1985, 1986 and 1987 outages yielded as-found values greater than 0.6 La. The deficiencies which led to the excessive leakages and the corrective actions taken to reduce the total leakage to below 0.6 La are included in the discussion section of this report.

The adjusted Type A As-Found leakage results, corrected for the differences in minimum pathway leakage rates before and after repai rs on Type C valves, exceeded the maximum allowable rate of 0.75 La. The factors contributing to the as-found failure are detailed below in the discussion section. of this report.

2.0 DISCUSSION 2.1 T e B & C Testin During the 1985, 1986 and 1987 testing sequences, the 'total Type,B &

C As-Found leakage rates exceed 0.6 La (67,920 sccm). Several valves had leakage rates in excess of the measuring capabi lities of the testing instruments used or could not be pressurized to the required test pressure (Pa). For these, valves, the as-found leakage rate is conservatively reported as greater than 0.6 La.

During the 1987 outage testing sequence, significant efforts were made to establish the leakage quantity of each isolation valve in series when tested simultaneously by pressurizing between the two valves. In this way, the as-found minimum pathway leakage rate for a given penetration could be established for use in arriving at the As-Found Type A leakage rate.

Tables 1, 2 5 3 list the isolation valves repaired or otherwise adjusted due to excessive as-found leakage and includes a description of the deficiency which caused the excessive leakage and the corrective action taken to reduce the leakage, thus lowering the overall Type B and C leak rate below 0.6 La.

Penetration Valve Size Function As-Found As-Left Def i c i ency/Correcti ve No. Ho. SCCM SCCM Action X-5 RCC-V-107 3/4 ll Test Connection 327 4.2 Damaged Seat/Disassembled and Machined Seats X-5 RCC-V-5 10" Closed Cooling 10,313.5 8.8 Torque Switch Set Too Low/Reset Isolation Tor ue Switch X-17A RFM-V-32A 24 II Feedwater Check >0.6 La 176 Soft Seat Damaged/Replaced Seat Valve X-17A RFW-V-65A 24u Feedwater Manual) 25,066.3 5746 Defect, Unknown/Disassembled Remote Isolation and Cleaned X-1 78 RFht-V-108 244 Feedwater Check P0.6 La Soft Seat Damaged/Replaced Seat Valve X-1 78 RFW-V-328 24' Feedwater Check )0.6 La 579 Soft Seat Damaged/Replaced Seat Valve X-22 MS-V-16 II Main Steam 170.6 2.14 Oebri s Under Seat/Flushed Drains Isolation and Stroked I

X-23 EDR-V-20 3 II Equipment Drains) 254 4.44 Debris on Seats/Flushed with Hater Isolation X-24 FDR-V-3 3N Floor Drains -)0.6 La 920 Debri s on Seats/Di sassembl ed Isolation and La ed X-24 FDR-V-4 3 II Floor Drains 548.4 521 Debris on Seats/Disassembled Isolation and La ed X-25A RHR-V-27A 6N Spray Header 2330 0.08 Debri s under Seat/Di sassembl ed Isolation and Cleaned X-25A RHR-V-130A 3N Spray Header >0.6 La 2.9 Seat Damaged/Valve Locked Shut 8 Test Line Added Valve Downstream Isolation TABLE 1 1985 OUTAGE ISOLATION VALVES REPAIRED/ADJUSTED

Penetration Valve Sire Function As-Found As-Left Deficiency/Corrective No. No. SCCH SCCH Action X-258 RHR-V-278 6M Spray Header >0.6 La 4360 Debris under Seat/Flushed with Isolation Water X-46 RCC-V-21 10N Closed Cooling 3566 24.88 Damaged Seat/Disassembled and Isolation La ed X-49 HPCS-V-12 Hin Flow Line >0.6 La 2044 Torque Switch Hal function/Replaced Isolation Tor ue Switch X-56 CIA-V-21 3/4 u Instrument Air 1686.3 89.1 Debris under Seat/Flushed with

'solation air X-63 LPCS-V-57 3/44 Test Connection 117.8 14.34 Debris under Seat/flushed with water X-64 RCIC-V-28 1 5u RCIC Vacuum 868 219. 95 Damaged Seat/Disassembled Pum Return and La ed X-898 CIA-V-31A 1/2" Instrument Air 4385.9 64.06 Debri s under Seat/Di sassembl ed Isolation and Cleaned X-102 CAC-V-4 H2 Recombiner >0.6 La 1067.2 Torque Switch set too Low/Increased Isolation Switch Settin

'2 X-103 CAC-V-13 Recombiner. ) 0.6 La 492 Debri s under Seat/Di sassembled Isolation and Cleaned X-119 CSP-V-10 24" Containment >0.6 La 25.5 ) Morn Seal/Replaced Seal Purge Isolation Vacuum Breaker X-119 CSP-V-9 24N Containment y0.6 La 25.5 ) Worn Seal Ring and Packing Pur e Isolation Leak/Re laced Seal Rin TABLE 1 (Cont'd) 1985 OUTAGE ISOLATION VALVES REPAIRED/ADJUSTED

Penetration Valve Size Function As-Found As-Left Def ici ency/Corrective No. Ho. SCCH SCCH Action X-3 CEP-V-800-2 3/4" Test Connection 1490 20 Seat Damage/Disassembled, Hachined and La ed RC I C-V-40 104 RCIC Turbine 10,360 188.9 Seat Damage/Disassembled and Exhaust Return La ed Seat X-11A RHR-V-154A 3/44 Test Connection 355 Debris Underseat/Disassembled Hachined and La ed 4

X-21 RCIC-V-76 1 Hin. Flow Bypass) 13,970 Valve Packing Leak/Repacked Isolaton Valve Stem X-24 FDR-V-3 34 Floor Drains )0.6 La Debris on Seats/Oi sassembl ed, Isolation Cl caned La ed X-24 FOR-V-4 34 Floor Drains )0.6 La 420 Debris on Seats/Disassembled, Isolation Clean La ed X-258 RHR-V-27B 6" Spray Header ')0.6 La Damaged Seats/Di sassembl ed Isolation and La ed X-49 HPCS-V-12 44 Hin. Flow Line )0.6 La 93.7 Seat Damage/Disassembled and Isolation La ed Seats X-49 HPCS-V-36 3/44 Test Connection 588 302 Debris under Seat/Flushed with Hater X-49 HPCS-V-72 3/4" Test Connection >0.6 La 0.7 Seat Damage/Disassembled La ed Seat X-56 CIA-V-21 3/4" Instrument Air >0.6 La 378 Seat Damaged/Installed New Valve Isolation X-64 RCIC-V-28 1.54 RCIC Vacuum 679 447 Deb ri s under Seat/Di sass embl ed Pum Return and Cleaned TABLE 2 1986 OUTAGE ISOLATION VALVES REPAIREO/AODUSTEO

0 Penetration Valve Size Function As-Found As-Left Deficiency/Corrective Ho. Ho. SCCM SCCM Action X-77Aa RRC-V-19 Sample Line ~0.6 La 176.7 Seat Damage/Disassembled Isolati on and La ed Seats X-77Aa RRC-V-20 1 N

Sample Line >0.6 La 35.9 Stem Binding and Worn 0-Rings/

Isolation Disassembled, Straightened Stem and Re laced 0-Rin s X-898 CIA-V-31A 1/2N Instrument Air 1107 129 Debris under Seat/Flushed with Air Isolation--

X-98 CAC-Y-800-13I 3/4 II 'Test Connection 1130 Damaged Seat/Disassembled, Machined and La ed X-1 01 FPC-V-161 3/4 II Test Connection 796 38.3 Damaged Seat/Disassembled, Machined and La ed X-102 CAC-V-4 4 il H2 Recombiner >0.6 La 1529 Deficiency Unknown/Valve Isolation Re laced with Hew Valve X-103 CAC-V-13 H2 Recombiner 859 149 Debris under Seat/Flushed Isolation with Air X-1 03 CAC-V-800-11 3/4" Test Connection 8260 16 Debris under Seat/Flushed with Air I

X-103 CAC-V-800-12 3/4" Test Connection 1800 377 Debris under Seat/Flushed with Air X-1 19 CSP-V-10 24N Containment )0.6 La 32 Limit Switch Holding Vacuum Purge Vacuum Breaker Open/Reset Limit Switch Breaker TABLE 2 (Cont'd) 1986 OUTAGE ISOLATION VALVES REPAIRED/ADJUSTED

Valve Size Function As-Found As-Left Def i c i ency/Correcti ve 'enetration No. No. SCCM SCCM Action X-4 RCIC-V-68 10" RCIC Turbine 591 Closing Torque too High/Decreased Exhaust Tor ue Settin X-4 RCIC-V-122 3/44 Test Connection 509 2.7 Debris under Seat/Flushed with Air X-1 4 RWCU-V-612 3/4" Rl<CU Test 12,220 6.46 Distorted Seat/Lapped Seat Connection X-17A/8 RFM-V-65A/8 24" Feedwater 10,550 7439 Deficiency Unknown/Stroked Valves Isolation (Remote Manual 0 eration X-24 FDR-V-3/4 3N Drains 27,000 16.5 Debris under Seat/Flushed 12'loor Isolation Valves I

with Mater X-49 HPCS-V-23 Test Line 18.4 78.2 Torque Switch Setting too High/


I Isolation Decreased Tor ue Settin X-49 3/4"'PCS-V-36 612 3.3 Scored Seats/La ed Seats X-56 CIA-V-21 Instrument Air 7380 4.4 Debris under Seat/Disassembled, Isolation Cleaned and La ed X-65 RCIC-V-1 20 3/4" Test Connection 0.1 Seat Dama e/La ed Seats X-66 CSP-V-7 24u Containment 3720 Debris on Seating Surface/Cleaned Purge Vacuum Seat Breaker X-67 CEP-Y-3A 24 II Containment >0.6 La 59. 5 Replaced Resilient Seat Purge Exhaust Isolation TABLE 3 1987 OUTAGE ISOLATION VALVES REPAIRED/ADOUSTED

Penetration Valve Size Function As-Found As-Left Deficiency/Corrective Ho. Ho. SCCH SCCH Action X-67 CSP-V-8 24" Containment >0.6 La Debris on Seating Surface/Cleaned Purge Vacuum Seat Breaker X-77ha RRC-V-20 1N RRC Sample Point) 859 81. 2 Defective Resilient Seals/Replaced Isolation Valve X-91 CIA-V-318 1/2" Instrument Air 1950 39.6 Debri s under Seat/Cl caned Isolation and La ed X-101 FPC-V-156 6N Effluent Return 9820 20.4 Deficiency Unknown/Stroked Valve Line Isolation X-119 CSP-V-9 24" Containment 3130 43.2 ) Worn Seat/Replaced Resilient Seat Pur e Isolation TABLE 3 (Cont'd) 1987 OUTAGE ISOLATION VALVES. REPAIRED/ADJUSTED

2.2 Hain Steam Isolation Valves HSIV's)

The as-found leak rates for the HSIV' are shown in Table 4. These valves are tested 8 25 psig in accordance with Plant Technical Specifications and are not included in the sum of Type 8 and C testing. However, these isolation boundaries are subject to the Type A test and as such, their leak rates are reflected in the total Type A results. The allowable leak rate per Technical Specifications is 5427 sccm per valve.

Penetration Valve As-Found Leakage Rates (SCCM)

No. No. 1985 1986 1987 18A HS-V-22A 12,460" 3631 675 HS-V-28A 895 188 HS-V-228 10,021 10 0881 HS-Y-28B 493 ) 557 2 768 18C HS-V-22C 37 3561 697 4,965 HS-V-28C 2 568 18D HS-V-22D 14,158 3,957 411 HS-V-28D 1 488 Note 1. Valve repaired and subsequently retested.

TABLE 4 AS-FOUND LEAK RATES FOR MSIV's The as-left Type A test results were corrected to include the minimum pathway leak rate differential for Type 8 and C containment isolation boundaries which were repaired or otherwise adjusted during the refueling outage just prior to the 1987 PCILRT. This corrected value is referred to as the As-Found Type A leak rate. The containment boundaries whit;h were repaired or adjusted during the 1987 outage and their as-found and as-left minimum pathway leak rates are listed in Table 5.

The total adjustment for repaired or adjusted Type 8 5 C penetrations from Table 4 was 17,627.47 sccm. Adding 255 to this for statistical uncertainty yields a total correction of 0.0983 w/o/day (22,034.33 sccm).

Adding this figure to the as-left Type A leak rate (total time 95>> UCL value, per Ref. 6.1) of 0.3241 w/o/day, yields a total as-found Type A leak rate of 0.4224 w/o/day. This does not exceed the maximum allowable leakage rate (La) of 0.5 w/o/day (Ref. 6.2) but does exceed the As-Found acceptance criteria set forth in the NRC I.E., Information Notice 85-71 of 0.75 La.

The major contributing factor to the As Found correction value was Penetration X-24 which is the floor drain line exiting containment. This penetration yielded a delta minimum pathway leak rate (As-Found vs.

as-left) of 13,491.75 sccm which constitutes 765 of the total delta leak rate. The isolation valves are 3" 9 air operated gate valves. Oue to the inherent characteristics of the floor drain water, debris is trapped on the seating surfaces of the valves upon closing. This is evident in that vigorous water flushing of the line corrected the as-found excessive leak rate measured during Type C testing of these isolation valves. This is a reoccur ring problem as evidenced in Tables,1, 2, 3. WNP-2 Plant Staff is pursuing design changes to eliminate this source of excessive as-found leakage.

Consistent with the Type C Testing Program as outlined in Reference 6.3, penetration X-24 isolation valves along with all other isolation valves which exhibited excessive leak rates during the 1987 outage testing period will be leak tested yearly during the annual spring refueling outage.

This yearly testing will continue until such time that the isolation valves exhibit acceptable leak rates in the as-found condition.

Penetration Test Component Replaced/ As-Found Hin. As-Left Hin. &Min. Pathway For As-Found No. T e Re aired/Ad usted Pathwa SCCH Pathwa SCCH ILRT SCCH X-000 Containment Head 1527.07 11.6 1515.47 0-Rin s Re laced RCIC-V-68 Repaired 302.9 194.2 108.7 RCIC-V-172 Re aired X-13 SLC-V-4A Replaced 1.4 2.4 -1.0 Internals (Squib Valve X-1 4 Rlt/CU-V-612 Re aired 98.8 49.4 49.4 X-15 E ui ment Natch 1.49 1.17 .32 Note X-188 1 HS-V-228 Repaired 2768 2466 302 HS-V-678 Re aired Note X-18C 1 HS-V-22C Re aired 2568 294.5 2273.5 X-24 FDR-V-3 Adjusted 13,502.6 10.85 13491.5 FDR-V-4 Ad usted X-2 /f-1 TIP Purge Flange- 24.38 24.38 Re laced X-28 CRD Hatch Replacedl 4.67 4.67 0-Rin s X-51 8 i Metwe1 1 Uatch- 6.33 4.15 2.18 Re laced 0-Rin s X-56 CIA-V-21 Re aired 24.9 20.5 TABLE 5 MINIMUH PAT)NAY LEAK RATES FOR AS-fOUND TYPE A ADJUSTMENT

4 Test Component Replaced/ As-Found Hin. As-Left Hin. ) M Hin. Pathway For As-Found

'enetration No. T e Re aired/Ad usted Pathwa SCCH Pathwa SCCH ILRT SCCH X-66 CSP-V-5 Replaced 2099.7 391.9 1707.8 Seat CSP-V-7 Ad usted X-67 CEP-V-3A Replaced 917.6 2878.5 -1960.9 Seat CEP-V-4A Replaced Seat CSP-V-6 Replaced Seat CSP-V-8 Ad usted X-91 CIA-V-318 64.1 39.6 24.5 X-] 01 FPC-V-156 Ad usted 20.4 20.4 X-1 19 CSP-V-9 Replaced 135.7 91.9 43.8 Seat Total Adjustment 17627.47 sccm NOTE 1 Hain Steam Isolation Valve (HSIV) testing per Technical Specifications. MISV s are tested at each refueling'utage but the leak rate is not included in the sum of Type B 8 C tests. HISV's are subject to Type A test pressure.

TABLE- 5 (Cont'd)


3.0 ILRT LEAKAGE RATE CALCULATIOHS A. PRESSURE DECAY AHALYSIS METHODS There are several methods available for analysis of containment integrated leak rate data. The most'con+only used methods are:

l. Mass point analysis
2. Total time analysis
3. Point to point analysis A computer program was developed for the purpose of computing the containment leakage rate by all three methods (Ref. 6.9).

The mass point method consists of calculating the mass of air in the containment from the volume averaged temperature, dewpoint and pressure data by application of the perfect gas law. The test data consists of a time series of independent values of air mass.

Assuming the leak rate is constant with time, the data lends itself to analysis by the method of linear regression. The slope of the regression line represents the rate of change of air mass with time, or leak rate. Because of its independent nature, any error in a data set does not materially affect the test results. This is the most accurate method of analysis and is recommended in References 6.5 and 6.6.

The total time method is base on comparing the most recent data with the data taken at the start of the test. Thus each successive calculation is based on a longer time period. The leak in percent per day is determined by applying linear regression analysis to the leakage rate calculated at each time point (1).

The point to point method is similar to the total time method except that the leakage rate at each time point is determined using the most recent data and the data im=diately preceeding. The leakage rate is determined for each data time interval and the overall leak rate is obtained by application of linear regression to the leakage rate at each time point.

This section presents the theoretical basis, justification and derivations of formulae used in the computer program. The MPPSS ILRT program can calculate the leakage rate by all three methods.

This is one of the methods approved by Reference 6.4 and is the one chosen by NPPSS as the primary reporting methods.


l. Mass Point Hethod The individual temperature and dewpoint readings are volume averaged according to a volume fraction assigned to each sensor. This averaging process is the same for all three methods of calculating leak rate.

The average containment drybulb temperature, Taj, at time j is:

n aj


>~1 i i'j where:

f; = Volume fraction of containment associated drybulb sensor i T; j = Drybulb sensor i reading at time j The average dewpoint temperature at time j, TDp j is:

>OP,J = Z ~i ~dp i.J where:

fi = Volume sensor i fraction of containment associated drybulb T.

f j = Dewpoint reading of sensor i at time j If two pressure sensors are used, the averaged pressure is simply:

PTotal = 0.5 (PA + PB) where:

PA and PB are the two pressure readings The mass of air is calculated from the ideal gas law.

(1) PV ~ NRT where:

P = air pressure, psia V = volume, ft3 H lb moles of air

- 14

R = ideal gas law constant Psi - Ft 3

10.731 lb mole 'R T = absolute containment temperature ('R)

Rearranging equation (1) gives:

(2) N = PV RT The mass of air is simply the product of the number of lb moles and the molecular weight of air.

(3) M = H (') RT,(')PV The molecular weight of air is 28.96 lb mass lb mole Therefore the weight of air at any time is:

(4) M = ~PV 28.96 10.731 (T)

It is important to note that P the partial pressure of air not the total containment pressure as measured by the pressure sensors.

The partial air is the total pressure minus the partial pressure pressure of water vapor, PH 0.

of "2's p . = p - p ai r Total H20 One of the widely used correlations for vapor pressure is the Antoine correction (Ref. 6.10) which is of the form:

lnP=A- 8 T-C If C = 0, this equation reverts to the Clapeyron equation (Ref.

6.7). Rather than use published constants which cover a wide temperature range for water vapor in the Antoine equation, constants were determined to more accurately cover a narrow temperature range by utilizing data from Keenan 8 Keyes (Ref. 6.8). Two sets of constants were generated; one set for dew points less than 100'F and the second set for the temperature range of 100 to 120'F. The correlations agree with data in Keenan I Keyes to within 0.0001 psia. This functional form gives more accurate results than linear interpolation between the data points.

The correlations developed and used in the ILRTA computer program (Ref. 6.9) are:

ln P = 14.940404 4144.18422 T-34.5 for 60<T<100 where T is in 'K and ln P = 14.643483 3984.9582 T-39.75 for 100< T <120 where T is in 'K P is in psia Mith the equations listed above, the mass of air can be calculated for each data set. Next, a linear regression of the air mass is performed to obtain an estimate of the leak rate. This is done to provide a criteria for obtainit 9 the best fit of the data, assuming a linear relation between air mass and time (i.e. a constant leak rate).

Linear regression or least mean square curve fit is given by:

Mhere M=A+Bt'nd the slope, 8, and intercept, A, are given by:

n(Z t.M.) ('ZM.) (g t.)

n (Xt,. ) (Zt )

('Z M.) (Zt. )

(Zt.M.,'~ ti) n (K t. )

(K t.)

Each tq is the elapsed time between a clock time at which the initial reading is taken and the clock time at which the i th reading is taken. Thus t1 = 0 for all the test durations and the t2 is the elapsed time before the next reading and so on. In most test applications the time intervals between collected data sets will be essentially constant, but the equations for the slope, 8, and intercept, A, do not impose this as a limitation.

The leakage rate for nuclear power plant containments is expressed as the ratio of the rate of change of air mass to the air mass in the containment at the beginning of the test. Since t; is expressed in hours and percentage daily leakage rates are desired, the mass point leakage rate is expressed as a positive number, as:

Lam = -2400 B/A It should be noted that A, the best estimate of the initial air mass. not No, is used as the denominator of Lam. The units of Lam are percent per day.

The uncertainty in the estimated value of Lam is assessed in terms of the standard deviations of A and 8 and their covariance followed by the computation of the 95th confidence level fo'r Lam.

The estimate of the cotaaon standard deviation of the air mass with respect to the regression line is given by:

1/2 n - 2 where: M. = measured air mass at time t; M estimated air mass at time t; (i.e. M A+St The standard deviations of the slope and intercept are:

SB ~ Knl/2 SA = K(Zt2) 1 where:

[n(Zt; )

(Zt;) ]

'nd the covariance of the slope and intercept is:

SBA K2 ( Zti)

The above equations are presented in Reference 6.6 and can be found in most elementary statistical texts.

The exact upper one-sided limit of a 95 percent confidence level for the leakage rate is given by:

UCL (Lexact) = 2400 [b (b2 ac)1/2]/a 0


2 a = A t 95 2

SA 2

2 b = AB t.

95 AB 2 2 c=B 2 -t95SB t g5 is the 95th percentile of the "student's t distribution",

which is tabulated in Reference 6.6 and most texts on statistics as a function of the number of degrees of freedom. The number of degrees of freedom is (n 2) where n is the number of observations. If the number of degrees of freedom is equal to or greater than 5, the value of t. calculated from the can be following equation:

1.654 + 1.576 n-2


2.4 (n-2) 57.6 (n-2)

The equations presented above for calculating the mass point leak rate and appropriate statistical treatment have been programmed into a flexible easy to use computer program.

2. Total Time Method The mass point method of computing leak rate is the preferred method and is recommended by References 6.5 and 6.6. However, in the past, the total time and point to point leak rate analyses were used to calculate the containment leak rate and are the acceptable methods recognized by Reference 6.4, which is the basic document for this test. Therefore, these methods of computing leak rate were included in the computer program.

The equation for calculating the leak rate by the total time method is taken from Reference 6.4. The formula is:

T (P. P .)


LRni = measured leak rate of time i, in weight percent per day Hi = Elapsed time in hours at time i To Mean containment absolute temperature at start of test Ti = Mean containment absolute temperature at time i

Po = Mean total pressure of containment atmosphere at start of test, psia pi = Hean total pressure of containment atmosphere at time i, psia Pvo = Mean containment atmosphere water vapor pressure at start of test Pvl Hean containment atmosphere water vapor pressure at time i The calculated leak rate is obtained by performing a linear regression of 3 or more sets of measured leak rate. The regression line is given by:

LRC = + i The variance of the measured leak rate (LRm) from the calculated leak rate (LR.) is:

1/2 (A + Bti)] 2

[LRni n-2 where:

n = the number of measured data sets The 95 percent upper confidence limit of the leak rate is:

UCL LRc + 6T where:

T = Student T distribution of n-2 degrees of freedom 1/2 (5'= S 1+ +

t - t 2 (ti t) tp = Time after start of test or total elapsed time t- g ti n

The above equations have been included in the program.

3. Point to Point Hethod The point to point method is essentially tiNe same as the total time method, except rather than referencing the calculations to the values of pressure and tempe>ature at the start of the test, the pressure and temperature at ~an time i, are referenced to time i 1. Thus, the measured leak rate equation is:

Tl (P2-P2) 1 2 1 vl where:

pi Hean absolute containment pressure, psia, at time i Ti Hean containment atmosphere absolute temperature at time i time interval between time i and i -1 The regression line, variance and 95 percent upper confidence level are in the same manner for the total time method. The equations for the point to point method have been incorporated in the program.

4.0 ILRT INSTRUHENT ERROR ANALYSIS Referenced 6.6 developes the following formulas:

Overall Instrumentation System Error'("ISG")

+-t2400 2

e M

p 2

+2~v+2 ev p


2 1/2 where, 2 2)


(E (4 P Sensors) pv (E v'< v2) 1/2 (4 Dew Elements) e (E 2 ~ 2)1/2 T

(g Drybulb Elements) where, (Refer to Instrumentation Data, Table 6)

Ep = Pressure sensor error = 0.001 psia

~p = Pressure system error = 0.0005 psia Epv = vapor pressure sensor error 5F)(0.5073 sia 0.3632 sia)0007205 (0 80'F 70'F

~pv vapor pressure system error


'Epv (0.01'F)(0.5073 sia 0.3632 sia) = 0.0001441 psia

<~= Drybulb kehperNufe sensor error = 0.036'F

~T = Drybulb temperature system error = 0.01'F 20


ep = 0.0007906 psia pv = 0.003603 psia eT = 0.009062 R, Resulting in:

Overall Instrumentation System Error = +0.0111 w/o/day 21

ERROR ANALYSIS TABLE 6 INSTRUHENTATION DATA Repeatability 2 or Cal Cal Sensitivity2 Resolution Instrument Hake Hodel Accurac Ran e Date Q 3 Drybulb Tempi Rosemount 78-65-17 +0 5'F 32-1200F 02-1 9-87 0 036oF 0.0loF Dewpointl Foxboro 2711AG + 2.0'F 35-90'F 05-04-87 0.5'F 0.01'F Pressure> Hensor 10100-001= + 0.002% FS 0-100 PSI 04-01-87 0.001 PSIA 0.0005 PSIA

+ 0.010$ RDG Notes: 1. Primary sensors.

2. Instrumentation was tested specifically for sensor sensitivity and readout repeatability.

I Kl 3. Symbols defined for ISG formula (see this Attachment and Refs. 6.5 and 6.6).



The As-Found Type A Leak Rate for the 1987 ILRT was less than the allowable limit for containment leakage (La) but exceeded the as-found acceptance criteria clarified in I.E. Notice 85-71 of 0.75 La. The excessive as-found leak rate was not due to any structural deficiencies in the containment vessel but rather to the isolation valves in the floor drain (FOR) system. A design change is being pursued to correct the problem of trapping debris in these isolation valve upon closing.

The Type B and C isolation boundaries which exceeded their leakage limits thus contributing to the excessive as-found Type B 5 C leak rate will be leak tested yearly during each refueling outage until acceptable leak rates are obtained as outlined in Reference 6.3.


6.1 Reactor Containment Buildin Inte rated Leak Rate Test, WNP-2, September 1987.

6.2 Primar Reactor Containment Leaka e Testin for Water Coolin Power Reactors, Code of Federal Regulations, Title 10, Part 50, Appendix J, January 1983.

6.3 Exem tion to A endix J Testin , issued by the NRC with Amendment Ho. 41 to Facility Operating License HPF-2, dated April 29, 1987.

6.4 Leaka e Rate Testin of Containment Structures for Nuclear Reactors, American National Standards Institute, Inc., H.Y., HY; ANSI N45.4, 1972.

6.5 Containment S stem Leaka e Testin Re uirements, American Nuclear Society, LaGrange Park, IL; ANSI/ANS-56.8-1981.

6.6 Containment S stem Leaka e Testin Re uirements, American Nuclear Society, LaGrange Park, IL: H274, Oraft No. 2, Revision 3, November 15, 1978.

6.7 Daniels and Aberty, Ph sical Chemistr , John Wiley 5 Sons, New York, 1955.

6.8 J.H. Keenan, F.G. Keyes, P.C. Hill and J.G. Hoore, Steam Tables, John Wiley 8 Sons, New York, 1969.

6.9 Inte rated Leak Rate Test Anal sis, Washington Public Power Supply System, February 1984.

6.10 R.C. Reid, J.H.-Prauznitz and T.K. Sherwood, The Pro erties of 3 d E Ih, i i7, Gas SUPPLEMENT 82 TYPE B 5 C TESTING PROGRAM CONTAINMENT PENETRATION TESTING SCHEDULE Washington Public Power Supply System Nuclear Plant No. 2 September 1987

On April 29, 1987, the NRC granted an exemption to a provision of Appen-dix J to WNP-2 (issued by the "RC with Ammendment No. 41 to Facility Operating License NPF-2). This exemption allowed containment isolation boundaries to. be tested at a frequency of every 24 months rather than every refueling outage as required by Appendix J.

Certain conditions were agreed upon between the NRC and WNP-2 Plant Staff regarding the exceptions to the 24 month duration between leak rate tests. Of greatest significance is the requirement to establish leakage limits for each containment barrier. Barriers which'xceed this leakage limit are required to be retested during the next refueling outage.

One of the conditions of the granted exemption is that the reporting re-quirements of Appendix J be augmented to include the information asso-ciated with the unique aspects of the WHP-2 Type B 5 C testing program.

In particular, a tabulation of leakage limits established for each barrier is required. This tabulation must also indicate those barriers which were tested during the 1987 outage, those which exceeded their leakage limits and must be retested during the 1988 outage, and those penetra-tions/valves not tested in 1987 and thus being scheduled for testing during the 1988 refueling outage.

The table that follows includes the information required under the con-ditions of the granted exempt;on to Appendix J.

'EST IO NJN3EA LEAKAGE TESTED IN 1987 TEST IN PE&MAT?ON OESNIPTION LIHIT (sccm) YES NO PASSED FAILED 1988 NOTES Orywell ibad X-lA Inspection Port 50 X-lB Inspection Port X-1C Inspection. Port 5Q Inspection Fbrt Inspection Bart Inspection Bart X-1G Inspection Bart X-1(I Inspection Port X-15 EqufpscAt Hatch 50 1

X-16 Personnel Airlock leakage t'rota PPH 7.4.6. 1.3.2 X-27A-1 Tip Drive Flange and Bulkhead Union X-27I3-1 Tip Orive Flange and Bulkhead Union X-27C-1 Tip Drive Flange and Bulkhead lhion X-270-1 Tip Drive Fle~e and Bulkhead lhion 5D X-27E-1 Ti Drive Flan and Bulkhead Union

'L TE'ST IO HQeER PENETRATION LEAKAGE TESTED IN 1987 TEST IN DESCRIPTION LIMIT (sccm) YES NO PASSED FAILED 1988 NOTES X-27F-1 Tip Purge Flange X-28 CRO Removal lhtch '3 X-51 Suppression Chamber Access flitch X-lOOA Neutron Monitoring X-lOM Neutron Monitoring 5D X-100C Neutron Monitoring X-109) Neutron Monitoring X-101A Control Rod Fbsition Indicator X-101B Thermocouple and RTD 50 X-101C Thermocouple and RTO X-1010 Thermocouple and RTD 50 X-102A Thermocouple and RTO 50 X-1020 Thermoco~le and RTO X-103A Medium Voltage Power X-1038 l Mediun Voltage Power I

X-103C Medium Volta e Fbwer

0 TEST ID NUMBER LEAKAGE TE STED IN 1987 TEST IN PENETRATION DESCRIPTION LIMIT (sccm) YES NO PASSED FAILED 1988 NOTES X-1030 Medium Voltage Power X-104A Low Voltage Power X-lOIQ Low Voltage Power X-104C Low Voltage Power 5D X-1040 Low Voltage Power X-105n Control and Indication 50 X-1058 Control and hldication X-105C Control and Xridication 50 X-l050 Control and Indication X-106C Wide Range Neutron Monitoring System 50 X-1060 Wide Range Neutron Monitoring System X-107A Low Voltage Power and Control Indication X-107I3 Low Voltage Power and Control Indication



CEP-V-lA, CEP-V-18, CEP-V-2A, CEP-V-20 CEP-V-800-3 CEP-V-800-2 CEP-V-800-1 X-4 X-4-1 RCIC-V-122 tf0 X-4-2 RCIC-V-121 lfo X-4-3 ) RCIC-V-41 fiO X-4-4 RCIC-V-60le RCIC-V-68<

RCIC-V-40 l475 X-4-5 RCIC-V-124 Ifo X-5 X-5-1 RCC-V-95 I<0 X-5-2 RCC-V-93 ffo X-5-3 RCC-V-107 X-5-4 RCC-V-5, RCC-V-104 I%75

0 I~PE TRATIOH . TEST IO LEAKAGE TESTED IN 1987 TEST IN NUt43ER hOWBER OESCRWrrpp LIHIT (sccm) YES NO PASSED FAILED 1908 NOTES X-llA X-llA-1 Rl R-V-17A, RlA-V-16A lh15 X-llA-2 RlA-V-1548 X-llA-3 RllR-V-154A 1LO X-11A-4 I Rim-V-10A IIO X-118 I X-118-1 RtQ-V-168, RlR-V-178, RlN-V-609 X-118-2 RlH-V-183 IlO X-13 X-D-1 SLC-V-7 22 I X-13-2 SLC-V-26, 606i 60lo 602> 4Ai 48 22(

X-13-3 SLC-V-45 t$ 0 X-14 X-14-1 RNCU-V-1, RNCU-V-4, RNCU-V-607 X-14-2 I RNCU-V-612 tio



X-17A-3 I RFe-V-3OA I10 I

X-17A-4 I RFe-V-32A A[25 X-17A-5 RFH-V-66 I I 0 X-176 X-170>>1 RA( Zl2B

-V-18'FH-V-328 X-170-2 1I 26 X-178-3 l AFW-V-69 llo NOTE: Some values associated with X-178 were tested in X-17A-2 X-21 X-21-1 RCIC V 64 i 63 j 76 j 36~ Si 602~ i%75 624, 625 X-21-2 RCIC-V-72 )10

1' lPE TR ATION TEST IO LEANGE TESTED IN 1987 TEST IN Njl43ER NJN3ER DCSMIPTIOH LIMIT (sccm) YES NO'ASSED 'FAILED 1988 NOTES X-22 X-22-1 I MS-V-16, HS-V-19, MS>>V-17 X>>22-2 MS-V-604 llo X-23 X-23-1 EOR-V-625, EDR-V-618, EDR-V-20 X-23-2 l EOR-V-19 I

X-23-3 l EOR-V-619 l(0 I

X-23-4 l EDR-V-661 (i0 X-24 X-24-1 FOR-V-570 FDR-V-4 X-24-2 FDR-V-3 X-24-3 FDR-V-614 1)0 X<<24-4 FDR-V-647 X-25A X-25A-'1 Rl8-V-27A X-25A-2 I RIB-V-175A 1 l0 X-25A-3 "TEST DELETED+

X-25A-4 I RIB-V-241 1I 0

)BK-TAATIQ) TEST 10 LEAKAGE TESTED IN 1987 TEST IN lv)j)mw NU))fKR DESCRIPTION LIHIT {sccm) YES NO PASSED FAILED 1988 NOTES X-25A-5 Al)R-V>>254 Flange t)etxeen RIB-V-130A X-25A-6 Al )R-V-241 X-250 X-250-1 A) ))7- Y-1383 X-250-2 R)-A-Y-242 X-250-3 Al )R-V-270 X-250-4 Al 0-V-1758 1(O X-26 X-26-1 A))R-FCV-64C, Al)R V 195) R))R V 196'l)R-V-197 X-26-2 Al 8-V-145C ))0 X-26-3 Al A-V-21, A) 0-V-148 lb95 X-26-4 Rl 8-V-194 110 X-26-5 Al 8-V-740 1)0 X-27A X-27A-2 TIP-V-1 5a X-278 X-270-2 TIP-V-2

I TAATION TEST In LEAKAGE TESTED IN 1987 TEST IN imam NUN3EA OESCAIPTIOH LIHIT (sccm) YES PASSED FAILED 1988 X-27C X-27C-2 TIP-V-3 50 x X-27D I X-270-2 TIP-V-4 ~0 X X X-27E X-27E-2 TIP-V-5 5D X X-27F X-27F-2 TIP-V-15 and TflKAOED LNION IWS X-27F X-27F-3 TIP-V-6 70 X-27F X-2"rF-4 TIP-V-13 74.

X-29 X-29 a/c-1 PI-VX-257 IOS X a A'c X-29 a/c-2 PI-VX-256 PI-VX-256 IWB X X-42d I X-42d-1 I PI-VX-42d PI-VX-216 tsS x X-42d-2 PI-VX-224 l4B K, X-43A X-43A-1 AAC-V-13A ll0 X-43A-2 ARC-V-16A Ilo X-4M-3 ARC-V-87A I lo

I TAATIm< TEST IO LEAKAGE TESTED IN 1987 TEST IN INNDEA NJMOEA 0ESCAr PnOV LIMIT (sccm) YES HO PASSED FAILED 1988 NOTES X-430 X-43B-1 RAC-V-168 X X-43B-2 RAC-V-878 tlo X X-43I3-3 RRC-V-13I3 X X X-46 X-46-1 RCC-V-40, ACC-V-21 X X X-46-2 ACC-V-97 BIO X X X-47 X-47-1 Rl IA-V-04A 295 X X-47-2 Al 8-V-178A ((0 X X X-47-3 I Al'AWCV 64 A i Rl 8 V 192 i BIB V 190 X X I

X-47-4 I eIA-V-145A 1(0 x X X-47-5 RIB-V-191 il0 X X X-47-6 RfA-V-121, RIB-V-120 885 X. x X-47-7 Bl 8-V-147 X X X-47-8 Al 0-V-146 i10 X. X X-47-9 I AIA-V-24A, AIA-V-11A X X I

X-47-10 I BI IA-V-152A lto X X

~ I 0

I ITAATreul TEST ID LEAKAGE TESTED IN 1907 TEST IN Iwvmm NUt SEA OESCAIPTION LIMIT (sccm) YES PASSED FAILED 1908 . NOTES X-47-11 At R-V-7M X X-47-12 RtR-V-135A tto X 3C X-47-13 Rt R-V-18OA )to X X-47-14 AI%-V<<101A llO X X-47-15 RIR-V-239 1)0 X X-48 X-48-1 At R-V-1818 ltD X x X-48-2 At R-V-1808 1(0 X X X-48-3 At R-V-1458 )C X-40-4 I AtR-V-118> AtR-V-248 l595 X I

X-48-5 i AtR-V-202, AtR-FCV<<648 %42 x I

X-48-6 I AttA-V-1348 X X I

X-40-7 I RIR-V-1708 1to X I

X-48-0 I AtR-V-738 x I

X-40-9 I AtR-V-1358 iso X I

X-48-10 I Rt R-0-1528 llo X X

lPE TAATIOW TEST IO LEAINGE TESTED IN 1987 TEST IN NNRER tltthDEA l OESCAIPT ION LIMIT (sccm) YES NO PASSED FAILED 1988 NOTES X-49 X-49-1 IPCS-V-23 IIPCS-V-74 !ObZ. X X-49-2 I IPCS-V-36 ('lo X-49-3 IIPCS-V-12 IN'CS-V-72 590 X-49-4 I IPCS-V-83 1lo X X X-49-5 IPCS-V-84 110 X X-49-6 III'CS-V-73 x x X-49-'7 I IPCS-V-7l X X X-49-& IIPCS-V-63 X X-53 X-53-1 CSP-V-96 X X-53-2 CSP-V-97 X-53-3 CSP-V-800-2 X-53-4 CSP-V-800-24 I I0 X X LEAI<AGE FAOH PPI) X X Tc7f AI X-53-5 CSP-V-l, CSP-V-2 X-53-6 CSP-V-800-3

IVEm-TRATION TEST IO LEAKAGE TESTED IN 1987 TEST IN t NEER NJt43ER DESCRIPTION LIMIT (sccm) YES NO PASSED 'FAILED 1988 NOTES X-54Aa X-54Aa-1 RCIC-V-184 RCIC-V-740 X X-54Aa-2 RCIC-V-185 il 0 X X-548 P X-518P-1 PI-VX-54BP PI-VX-218 X-548 P-2 PI-VX-226 X-56 X-56-1 CIA-V-21 X-56-2 CIA-V-44 Ito X-56-3 CIA-V-20 l(0 X-61P X-61P-1 PI-VX-219 PI-VX-61P X X-61P-2 PI-VX-227 X X-62P X-62P-1 PI-VX-62P PI-VX-220 X X-62P-2 I PI-VX-228 laS X

4 1 I 8'

mATIn~il TEST IO LEAKAGE TESTED 'IN 1987 TEST IN DESCRIPTION LIMIT (sccm) YES NO PASSED FAI LED 1988 X-63 X-63-1 LPCS-V-12 1042. X X X-63-2 LPCS-V-58 X x X-63-3 LPCS-V-36 (10 X-X-63-4 LPCS-V-57 LPCS-FCV-ll 40-2. X X-63-5 LPCS-V-69 l(0 X-64 RCIC-V-69 RCIC-V-28 2.Zl X X-64='-64-2 RCIC-V-55 1)0 X X-64-3 RCIC-V-125 tla X-65 X-65-1 RCIC-V-19 X,95 x X-65-2 RCIC-V-120 llO X X-66 X-66-1 CSP-V-98 X-66-2 C9'-V-93 106 X-66-3 CSP-V-5 C9'-V-7 Zi2.f x x X-66-4 CSP-V-000-17 tt0 X X


) NUt SEA NhGEA DESCRIPTION LIMIT (sccm) YES PASSED FAILED 1988 NOTES X-66-5 CSP-V-800-11 IIO X-66-6 CSP-V-800-23 I(0 X-66-7 TEST DELETED X-66-8 TEST DELETED CSP V 3~ CSP V4 CSP-V-000-9 X-67 X-67-1 CSP-V-6 CSP-V-8 2JH X-67-2 CSP-V-800-22 lio X-67-3 TEST DELETED X-67-4 TEST DELETED I CEP-V-3A, 3B, 4A, 4B, CEP-V-800-9 5440 vm X X-67-5 CEP-V-8$ )-ll [to X-67-6 CEP-V-800-12

I TRATIONI TEST ID LEAKAGE TESTED IN 1987 TEST IN NUt43ER NUhSER DESNIPTIOH LIMIT (sccm) YES PASSED FAILED 1988 NOTES X-69c X-69c-1 PI-VX-69c PI-VX-221 t+s X x X-69c-2 PI-VX-229 I'f6 X X X-72t'-72t'-1 PI-VX-253 PI-EFCX-72I'I-VX-254 X-72t'-2 X-73e X-73e-1 PI-VX-259 PI-VX-260 IWS X-73e-2 I PI-EFCX-73e !her X-73I'-73t'-1 PSR-V-X 73-1 X-73t'-2 PSA-V-X73-2 X-77Aa X-77Aa-1 RRC-V-20 X-77Aa-2 I RRC>>V-19 X-77Ac I X-77Ac-1 PSA-V-X77A-1 X-77Ac-2 PSR-V-X77A-2


LIMIT (sccm) YES NO PASSED FAILED 1988 X-77Adl X-77Ad-1 I PSR-V-X77A-3 i%8 X I

X-77nd-2 I Psn-v-x77A-a t06 x X-70d I X-78d-1 I LPcs-v-~ <<Pcs-v-67 X-70d-2 I LPcs-v-u X-70e X-70e-1 I tiPCS-v-u ives-v-60 X-70e-2 I I/Pcs-v-69 (10 X-GOb I X-GOb-1 I PSR-V-XGO-1 X, I

X-00b-2 I PSR-V-XGO-2 X X X-02b X-02b TEST DELETED X-82b-2 TEST DELETED X-02d X-02d-1 I PSR-V-X82-1 I

X-02d-2 I PSR-V-X82-2 PSR-V-10-3


'ENT-A ATIGN TEST IO LEAKAGE TESTED IN 1987 TEST IN NUM3ER QJWBEA DESCRIPTIOH LIMIT (sccm) YES PASSED FAILED 1988 NOTES X-02d-3 PSA-V-10-2 X-02d-4 PSA-V>>10-1 X-02e X-82e-1 CAS-VX-02e CAS-Y-730 l&S x X-62e-2 CAS-Y-455 )lQ x X-020 X-02t'-1 PSA-V-X82-7 lb-6 X-020-2 PSR-V-143 1I 0 X-02I'-3 PSR-V-144 IJO X-02I'-4 PSA-V-24-1 PSR-V-X02-8 l'fS X-83a X-83a-1 PSR-V-X 03-1 X-03a-2 PSA-Y-146 >lo X-03a-3 PSA-V-147 X-03a-4 PSR-V-X03-2 PSR-V-22-1


I X-04f-2 I PSA-V-149 I! 0 I

X-04f-3 I PSR-V-150 I10 x I

X-04 f-4 I PSR-V-X84-2 PS/-V-23-1 l%$ X I X-05a/c I X-05a/c-1 I PI-VX-251 Ikey I


IPE I TAATION TEST IO LEAKAGE TESTED IN 1987 TEST IN leven NNOEA OESCAIPTXOH LIMIT (sccm) YES NO PASSED FAILED 1988 NOTES X-06 X-08-1 PSR-V-X 88-1 X-80-2 PSA-V-4-1 I10 X X-00-3 PSR-V-4-2 1l 0 x X-88-4 PSA-V-4-3 PSA-V-X08-2 )AS X X-898-1 CIA-V-30A X-690-2 CIA-V-31A X-890-3 CIA-V-47A X-91 X-91-1 CIA-V-3M 7+

X-91-2 CIA-V-478 7+

X-91-3 CIA-Y-318 7f X-92 X-92-1 OW-V-156 OW-V-157 295 X-92-2 Oi<-V-158 t I0

IPEK-TRATION TEST ID LEAKAGE TESTED IN 1987 TEST IN NEER Njt SEA DESCRIPTION LIHIT (sccm) YES NO PASSED FAILED 1988 NOTES X-93 X-93-1 SA-V-109 and Pipe CAP X-93-2 l SA-V-200 llO X-94 X-94-1 l lNR-V-124 X-94-2 X-94 Pipe Cap X-95 X-95-1 HNR-V-125 l lO X-95-2 X-95 Pipe Cap X-96 X-96-1 CAC-V-2 CAC-FCV-2A 590 X-96-2 CAC-Y-800-39 'Ilo X-96-3 CAC-V-800-37 llO X-96-4 CAC-V-800-38 X-97 X-97-1 CAC-V-15 CAC-FCV-18 590 X-97-2 CAC-V-800-21 llD

I TAATION TEST IO LEAKAGE TESTED IN 1987 TEST IN NOSER HQ SEA SCRIPTION Lit<IT (sccm) YES 'NO PASSED FAILED 1988 NOTES X-97-3 CAC-V-800-19 'tio X-97-4 CAC-V-000-20 X-90 X-90-1 CAC-V-ll CAC-FCY-20 X-98-2 CAC-V-800-15 llD X-90-3 CAC-V-800-13 ~

X-90-4 CAC-V-000-14 i lO X-99 X-99-1 CAC-V-6 CAC-FCY-lh 690 X-99-2 CAC-V-000-45 IID X-99-3 CAC-V-000-44 X-99-4 CAC-V-800-43 1 l0 X-101 X-101-1 FPC-V-156 FPC-V-161 FPC-V-149 X-101-2 I FPC-V-102 l lO 1

X-103-3 I FPC-V-160 llD

TAATIWI TEST IO LEAKAGE TESTED IN 1987 TEST IN NUN3EA NJWOEA OESCAIPTION LIHIT (sccm) YES NO PASSED FAILED 1988 NOTES X-102 X-102-1 CAC-V-4 CAC-FCV-4A X-102-2 CAC-V-800-33 X-102-3 CAC-V-800-35 X-102-4 CAC-V-800-36 ilO X-103 X-103-1 CAC-V-13 CAC-FCV-48 X-103-2 CAC-V-800-9 llo X-103-3 CAC-V-800-11 1lo X-103-4 CAC-V-800-12 ll0 X-104 X-104-1 CAC-V-17 CAC-FCV-38 590 X-104-2 CAC-V-800-5 llO X-104-3 CAC-V-800-1 X-104-4 CAC-V-800-2 X-105 X-105-1 CAC-V-8 CAC-FCY-3A 590 X-105-2 CAC-V-800-29 itO

0 I'm== LEAKAGE TESTED IN 1987 TEST IN ITRATXOWI TEST ZO I NUN3ER NUN R OESCRIPTIOH LIHIT (sccm) YES PASSED FAILED 1908 NOTES X-105-3 CAC-V-800-27 )iD X-105-4 CAC-V-800-28 1Li 0 X-116 X-ll6-1 RCIC-V-65 X-J.16-2 RCIC-V-64 siO X-116-3 RCIC-V-183 110 X-117 X-117-1 RIB-V-124A IM-V-1240 X-117-2 Rta-V-Dm X-117-3 I RIB-V-139A iiQ X I

X-117-4 I R>8-V"6293 X X-118 X-116-1 I RH-V-125A fQB-V-1258 x X X-118-2 R>8-V-619C (10 X x X-116-3 RIB-Y-1410 $ (O X x X-118-4 I RfA-V-141A 410

IPElZ-I TBATIONI TEST IO LEAKAGE TESTED IN 1987 TEST IN INlhSER NUhSER DESCRIPTION LIMIT (sccm) YES NO PASSED FAILED 1988 NOTES X-119 X-119-1 CSP-V-9 CSP-V-10 X-119-2 CSP-V-800-14 IIO X-119-3 I CSP-Y-800-16 LiO X-119-4 CSP-V-800-15 $ (0 Notes: 1. Containment Purge butterfly valves; tested every 6 months per Plant Technical Specifications. Leakage limit defined by Tech-nical Specifications.

2~ Airlock tested every 6 months per Plant Technical Specifications.

Leakage limit defined by Technical Specifications.

3. Hatch will be leak tested if opened during the 1988 outage.
4. Feedwater check valve with soft seat. Tested every refueling outage per conditions of granted exemption.
5. Test connection for excess flow check valve. Deleted from Type 6 testing per FSAR Table 6.2.6 Note 27.