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Amended Emergency Plan 50.54(q)(3) for Revision 75
Person / Time
Site: Grand Gulf Entergy icon.png
Issue date: 09/27/2017
From: Neve D
Entergy Operations
Document Control Desk, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Download: ML17271A035 (8)


  • ~Entergy Entergy Operations, Inc.

P.O. Box 756 Port Gibson, Mississippi 39150 Douglas A. Neve Regulatory Assurance Manager Grand Gulf Nuclear Station Tel: 601-437-2103 GNR0-2017/00065 September 27, 2017 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission ATTN: Document Control Desk Washington, DC 20555-0001


Amended Emergency Plan 50.54(q) (3) for Revision 75 Grand Gulf Nuclear Station, Unit 1 Docket No. 50-416 License No. NPF-29


Entergy Letter to NRC; "Emergency Plan Revision 75," dated March 27, 2017 (GNR0-2017 /00015)

Dear Sir or Madam:

Entergy Operation Inc., (Entergy) submits its Emergency Plan and all subsequent changes to it in accordance with 10 CFR 50.54(q) (1) (ii). Grand Gulf Nuclear Station (GGNS) determined the 10 CFR 50.54(q) (3) Evaluation for Emergency Plan, Revision 75 (Reference) should be enhanced to add detail* to enable an independent reviewer to aid in independent review. This letter makes a correction to the Evaluation submitted on March 27, 2017.

This letter contains no new Regulatory Commitments. Should you have any questions concerning the content of this letter, please contact Douglas Neve, Regulatory Assurance Manager, at (601)-437-2103 .


~~*Douglas A. Neve Regulatory Assurance Manager Grand Gulf Nuclear Station DAN/sas


1OC CFR 50.54(q) (3) Evaluation for GGNS Emergency Plan, Revision 75

GNR0-2017/00065 Page 2 of 2 cc:

Mr. Scott Morris U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Regional Administrator (Acting), Region IV 1600 East Lamar Boulevard

,Arlington, TX 76011-4511 Mr. Siva Lingam U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Mail Stop OWFN 8 81 -

Rockville, MD 20852-2738 NRC Senior Resident Inspector Grand Gulf Nuclear Station Port Gibson, MS 39150 Dr. Mary Currier, M.D., M.P.H State Health Officer Mississippi Department of Health P.O. Box 1700 Jackson, MS 39215-1700 Email:

Attachment to GNR0-2017/00065 10CFR50.54(q)(3) Evaluation for GGNS Emergency Plan, Revision 75

  • ATTACHMENT.9.3 ....

. SHEET 1*0F5'**

  • Equipment/f"acUitylp~her:.<<;ran~*Gulf Nu~lear:Statlc>n**


Grand Gulf Nuclear Station Ern~rgency Plari

  • Part I~ l)escf'iptio~ *o( Propo~ed <:hang,:

Change: R~Vi~e theGGNSErraerger,tiyPJan toteword section 8~3.2.d,r, M~cUcal Emergency Drnl ** Page a..1***

arad elarifyJhatthe onsite portion of the drill may :be>s¢parc1te frorn ttiE? offsite pc,rticm of the .drilkThis is ;in ***

>response to CR*GGN-2017;.0311< * * * * * * * * * * * * *

  • c~ang~ From:
  • '# A drill. inv~lviog the First Aid Team arid lqcal $Up port hospitals is conducted Oil an ~nnual basis and.

' '. **includes simulate~ ~diotogica.l emetgericies.~*** ' ,,, ' ' ' ,,., ., .,,. ,, ,, ' ,.,,'

    • . To:
  • "A medical eme~gency drill,: involving a. sirri~lated contaminated individual, wi'lich contains provi~l~ns: for **.....

participc1tion by .local support service agencies (Le_., ambulance arid offsite medical treatment facHfty).* s.hall *****

. be conduct~dannually;Theoffsite port,io11ofthe*rnedicaldrill may b~ performed separately.ores part of an*:

exercise or other scheduled drill;~ ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' '

... Part II. Description *:*and Review of Licensing Basis. Affected by the Proposed'. Change:.

Perform.eel ~,~~tro:ni<: searc6 oHh~ GGNS. Emergency Plan section: s~i2 Prill arid Exercise Schedule, 7.a *

  • FirstAid eJnd. Medical Facilities~ 6,7.3 Medical Transportatior1. 6/74 MedicalTrea,tment,: 5.6 tocr;11 Service$ ****
  • Support, 5:6.1 *Medical. Supportt *Appendix *~D"* Letters of Agreerrie,:,t (River* ~eg.ior,. Healt~ Sys,em;:Claibom~
  • County*Hospital;:and*

Metro Ambulance Service~****

  • . Revisi~n
  • 1*of the. Ernergericy '.pr~n w~s *reviewed. ft,r the original approved text' used. to describe: the* Medic~!
  • Emergency DrilJ~ The description of section 8.3~2 d~ states:"A drill invol'ling the First Aid Team af'ld,local .

. *. support hospitals Will be ronducted Ori an annual. basis and *shall include simulated radiological:***** .* :.:***.* ....*. ***. : . *

  • emergencies;" The text was revised in *Revislcm 18 to:~ Adri.11 involving the First Aicl Team andiocal support

. hospit~ls is cond~cte~ °:" a.11 an~tJal a~d includes simulate~ radiolClQiC?al emetgencies{ > * ..* * .*. . *...... *.*. .

Revision 18 removed the words ."wilfbcii and shall" and replaced them with the verbs "is" and ~includes\:* .*


  • respectively; The commitment was* not changed with the .use of :the *new verlls~. Sect.ion* 8'.3;2.d of the: GGNS .

Emergency Plan revision* 18 has. rot .1

  • been changed. un'til this tevision (75)j *Revision of'. th~ .Plan approved:* ....
  • by the NRC,. establishe.d the licensing basis fo.r the <3G(\J$ EmergE!ncy Plan.* It** along :with the: changes in*:: *

.revisipr, 18~ and the chang~s in revisipn75 were.considered in their entirefy; > * ** * * * * * *****

. EN-EFL305 REV4***

. :ArtACHMENT'!t3 *. **-*. **10 CFR 5(Ui4(Q)(3) EVAlUATIO~ ***.

SHEET 2 OF 5 ' .

    • .. *proe~d1Jre1pocµrn,~t: Nµrnb~t: ** 1:rn~rg~ncy. Plan
  • Eqtd~mentJFa~iii~/Other:. Grand. $~If: t4tJcl,ar. Station Part Ul. llescribe How the Propos~d ~tu~ng~ ¢ompHes '.',Vith :R~l~va.nt Emerge~cy Prepa~~ci'1~~t;. ***

Regµfatlpn{s) and. PteviouE. Commltrreent(s) Made tt> the NRC: * . . . . . . . .. .

  • *:1b CFR *so.47 (b)(14)
  • Periddic ~x~rcises* are  :{win be): ~or,dLJ~t~d to ev~luate rnajQr portions of the eniergency::
  • response capabifities; periodic drills are (will be) conducted to deveJop*andmaintaln key skills, and* **

.deficie,ncie!S identifi~d as a result of ex~rcises or drms are (will be) corrected.: **

  • Sit~ Corripli~'ne~:. Through .im.plerri~ntaUon of this. revisk1n, *the* C.Pmrnitrnerit to.comply with the pfanni~g **. **.... __ . .
  • .standard~ prgvided in I10 CF_R 50A7 {b)( 14)remains, c1nd, ther requi_rement for an annu~t me~i¢al emf?rgen~y *:

dlill i~volving a. tSif1'1~1at~d ~9ntarninated in~ivid~cil an~: focal support :~~ryices ffi!rrlcJin~ ir, th, GGNS *** *. *.* * , . *

.Emergency fl Ian.. Even. though the hospUai. and arnbulance portion of the cf rill* or e> may. be hel~. at; .*. .* :

di~erent times~: both: the ambulance staff and: the hospit~I staff: will he* abler to deve.lop antJ. maintain.* key. skills *

  • in amanner $hnilat to drills c1nd. exercises held* sequentially;.Deficiencies during tf1ese .drills* and exercise~:*:

. wm contih iJE! to. ~e id~ritifi~(j and co.rre!cted. .. . . . . . . . . .. .

. ... irrA~~MEiJr.ii: ... * * . *10 cFRzo.~4(gH3) ~Y~W~T~?~I .*.

            • * *** *Stii:a3oi:5* .

. * . Proc~dure/Do~u111,ntf+luml>er: Emerg~~~y Pla11 * *

. .Equiprilentlfacility/C>ther:. <.;ra~cJ. ~ulf tiat1<<:f~1Jr Station:*.** .

.~a~ IV~ oe,<<:rlptlon of Emergency Planning Standards, Functi<>11~. and Program Elements **..

Affected .by the Propo~ed Change:**.* .... . . . . . ... . ... . ..

10 CFR 50.47(b)(14)- Drill *arid Exercise Program

. * *: A drilf and .~xercise program (ihcltiding .radiologi¢al, *medical; health physics,* a~d other program. areas) is:*

  • . established. .. ** . > : *. . * * * **. * *. ** * * . ****. ** **. *... * ** . *** . ***. *: *. * <**** *. ..* **

.* :* Orillsi exercises; c1nc:I training evolutions that provide performanc::e. opport~nities tQ develop~ main.tain~ ; .

. *and demonstrate key skills~* *are ass~ssed Via a formal Critlqu, pror;es~. in e>rder to identify Weal<neSSt:!S; * .

  • * .
  • Identified weaknesses are corrected; * * * * *

.. SeetiOns IV.F.1-2 of Appendix I: to 10 CFR 50. provides supporUn9 reciUlrernenfs; inrorm1l1g criteria appear .

  • in Section U.N of NUREG-065karid the licensee's emergency plan. *.. *. * * * ** * *
  • SHEi:T 4 Of 5
  • f'rocedure/Docume~t ~umber: E111ergenc:yPlan(
  • Revision:75 *

.Ec:g ufprnentlFacmty/Other:. Grand Gulf Nuclear Station *. :..

Title: Gra~d G~lf Nuclear Station E.merg~ncy Plan * . ..


Part 'J. Description *** *** of Impact** * ****of* *the: *** **** * *:change

    • **Proposed *** ******on* the
  • ** Effectiveness
The change .clarifies* the te.xt in *sectibn *8..3.2.d and* is more CQnsistent with the wording used by the rest .of
  • the Entergy Fleet.The secoridsentence in section 8.3.2.bfurther clarifies.that the onsite andoffsite portion** ..

.of the drill may b~ separateqf This is implied in the NUREG 0654: wording by referring to the offsite portion of t~e drm as being aUovied.. to b~ perforni~~ as* part of ~he required annual exetcise.* *** ... .... : . . . . ... . .

Additionally I: tile offslte portion of the drilJ Js composed Of two sub.portions: The ambulance sub-portion ..

Involves ambulance and potentiaUy site personnel.: The hospital sub~portion involves hospital and potentially site persorineLThese sub~portions drilled separately with drill objectives being exercised : * * ..

.indepetideritiy Witt, very little or no adt:fitlohal slmuratforL *Evoludo:ris will r;ontinue to .t>e performed that.

pro\liqe*perforrnance*opportunities:to develtjpi maintain, anddernonstrate key skills. The evolutionswill contir1 ue lo be assessed* in F formal. critique,. with* weaknesses identified: and corrected'..:. * *. * * .

  • . .. :.Asid~ *frorn th~ clarification about the :Ofl!iite and. offsite portfon e>f the medical drill, the drill. requirements**
    • remain the same. The driU Wiltco.nti11oe tq chall~nge ERO personnel arid tfiey continue to b.e pr9yided adequcite opportunities t<> practic~ the :use of proce!dutes and equipment assqciated wi~h the drHLThe *. .:..
  • periodicify pf the drill (anhuaUy) and the elements performed. during :the drill (first aid, contamination control;* .

. ¢ommUnicaticm;. surveys~ dosimetry)~ and the offsite support services and: facilities (ambulancei: hospital) are

  • nofaffected as a:result ofthe:change. . . . .. .. . . . .. . . .. .. .. ... . . . .... and.ambulance:wmnotchangeduring a separated.drill..For the offsite .

portion of the drm~ the site will still need to contactthe ambulance :service and provide the information *

  • required by proc.edur~; Upon arrival anhe sitei controllers wm providethe ambulance. staff Witit patient**
    • rn:edical and* radiological conditions; Conv~rsely~ for the Qnsite portion* ofthe drill;: site responders are . .

$xpected to provide medic$1 Md radiological conctitions to controllers:* * ** * ** * ** * *** * ** *

. Additie>~~lly, cJr11m~nibati9ns: b~twee~ the site ~~d the hospital will nbt change durihg separated drilL Fa~ a the offsite portion of the: dnt1. th~ site wm still contactthe hospftal and provide the intori11auon required by

  • pro~edur<9, .Cornmuni9ation. b~tween. the ambula11(:e service and. the hospital: will: .be no different during: a separated drill or a seqLJehtial drUL BoJh parties will be participating.*
      • * * * * ,: * . : *** : . * . * : 1 .*:  : * :,*** * *  :.: * * : * * * *** ** *

. Since the onsite an~ offsite portion: ofthe drill are allowed to be separated with no adverse .impact, and *the

drill objectives remain unchanged for the site~ hospital! and ambulance service.the clarification to section .:
    • a.a.i~bJs rlCJfco.n$i~E!~E!~if:I reducUon in eff~G~veness. * * *.. * . . ... ..* . ** . .

T-h~ proposed changes to the: GGNS en,ergency plan continue to meet the planning stclndards out11n~cfln 1p CFR 50.47(b)(14);Jhe effectiveness ofthE3 emergency plan is not reduced;: The emergency plan changes can be ir1c~rporated :without prior NRC)lpproval. * * * * *

  • EN~EP-305. REV 4

Does the pmprised changa malntafo the effecilveraess of thEU!~ergen,cy plan (t.e~. no .

  • raductltlr1 in eff~~Vi!ness)? : . . . . . .. . .. . . .

fislves Cl NQ

  • . *Qowstllet*propo!ied change*can~titutec1n emergency action fevel1chemechange?* DYES l!J No**
  • '. lfqm~sticir1es *t Of' 2 ~re M$Were'cf NO. or question 3 answered YES,. reject the proposed change, modify the ***
  • proposed chang~ and. perfornt a .fle!W ~va,luation .or obtain* pnc:,r N.RC approval uruier previsions *. of .10 .CFR.

50;90/ If quesUon5: 1 and 2 are aa,swered YESl and. .question 3 answered NO, fmplementapplft:Sble chang~ ****

proees~(es}. Refer to step 5.Sf8k * ** * * * * * ** * * * **

PJjpaier Name (Print)

  • Paul Sudnak EN-EP.~305 REV 4 *